Description of the Mulard ducks - an interspecific hybrid of the meat direction. Mulard duck breed: reviews, photos and recommendations for growing

Most farmers and breeders raise ducks mainly for tasty meat. That is why a good yield of the final product becomes the main goal. The most profitable is the breeding of such breeds of poultry, such as, for example, mulards - ducks are large and early.

In this article, we will consider the main characteristics of the breed and talk about the features of breeding, feeding and care.

Why is it called so?

The breed of ducks mulardy, sometimes also called mullardy, got its name due to the merger of two words of the English language: muscovy, meaning "musk", and mallard, in Russian - "mallard". Although this breed was bred by the French, after the Second World War the English name stuck and is widely used both in Europe and in the countries of North and South America, where mulards are very popular.

What breed?

This is not a breed, but, as biologists say, an interspecific hybrid. The mulardy duck breed was obtained by crossing musky drakes with poultry such as Peking white, Rouen, Orlington and white allier.

Due to complete sterility, mulards do not leave offspring. Their main purpose is meat, but they are also valued for fatty liver, which, like goose, is quite suitable for making the famous French foie gras. This breed is suitable for both industrial and home cultivation.


Moulards are ducks that have a rather attractive appearance and in the classic version have a white plumage color with a black spot on the head. Depending on what breeds of musky drakes were crossed with females, the color of their offspring can be very diverse. Outwardly, they look strong and well "knocked down", and also have good health.

Main characteristics

As already mentioned, mulards are ducks of the meat direction, allowing you to quickly get meat. They are hardy, have a good survival rate, easily adapt to new conditions, are resistant to various diseases, and are distinguished by high productivity of tasty and less fatty meat than other breeds of ducks.

So, under appropriate conditions of keeping and feeding in industrial conditions, in 9-10 weeks, birds increase their weight to 3.5-4, and by the time of puberty - up to 7 kg. Domestic mulard ducks, even with maximum efforts on the part of the owner, are unlikely to be able to achieve the same results. There is no particular difference in the weight of drakes and ducks among representatives of this breed. Of course, it happens, but it is no more than 500 g.

Where to get ducklings?

As mentioned above, mulards are incapable of reproduction and do not leave offspring. Females, although they carry eggs, are unfertilized. True, drakes, although quite rare, show sexual behavior and can even cover females.

It is possible to get chicks and start breeding mulard ducks in the following ways:

  1. Buy eggs for hatching ducklings in an incubator.
  2. Buy chicks or a grown bird.
  3. Acquire a musky duck drake and a few Peking females (or vice versa - take a Peking “boy” and two or three “girls” of a musky breed).

Home poultry breeding

If you decide to use the latter method and breed such birds at home, then remember that such “families” will have to be kept separately from the rest of the livestock, but as a result you will have your own hybrids of such a breed as mulards. Ducks are quite capable of hatching ducklings on their own. In the future, such young animals are actively growing and developing, and after a couple of months they are already surpassing their own parents in weight.

Features of growing young animals

In the event that you raise ducklings without a hen, using an incubator, then it is important:

1. Strictly control the ambient temperature.

2. Observe the light regime.

3. Correctly organize feeding.

Usually they sell daily or slightly grown chicks of the mulard (duck) breed. The average price for them is 220 rubles. When buying in bulk, it will be cheaper, but not every owner needs so many birds.

After the ducklings are delivered home, it is mandatory to drink them from a pipette with a light solution of potassium permanganate. They need to be placed in a warm room with a temperature not lower than + 20-22 ° C, but not higher than +30 ° C, next to a heat source. Prepare a thick, soft bedding of straw or hay for the chicks. During the first week of life, indoor lighting should be around the clock, and starting from the middle of the second week, it is reduced to 16 hours a day.

Mulardy ducks: feeding

Both newly hatched and day old ducklings do not know how to eat. You need to teach them this. You can use the special kits offered by veterinary pharmacies for feeding chicks, but this is quite expensive. There is a less expensive way: porridge made from crushed rice or millet is mixed with a hard-boiled and finely mashed chicken egg. This room temperature mixture can be sprinkled on ducklings to learn to grasp moving food, or sprinkled on a dark surface such as a sheet of cardboard. For 2-3 days, the chicks begin to eat on their own.

On the third or fourth day, finely chopped nettle greens or grass can be added to the feed. After a week and a half, it is already possible to introduce boiled and crushed potatoes. Throughout the first month, low-fat milk and cottage cheese can be introduced into the diet of ducklings.

How and what to feed an adult bird?

Feeding chicks under the age of one month is carried out three times a day, and in the future - two. Adult ducks are fed in the same way as representatives of other breeds: corn, wheat and compound feed. Mineral supplements such as shells, chalk, eggshells and limestone must be available to the birds at all times.

Fine gravel contributes to the normal digestive process in ducks. Birds need water to rinse their beaks and clean their nostrils clogged with food. It is better to place it in deep, but not very wide drinkers.

goose meat

Product calorie content

Goose Benefits and Side Effects of Eating Goose

How to choose the right goose

Poultry meat preparation

Goose farm. Goose meat.

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Reviews and comments

Goose meat is a popular farm product. With proper preparation, it can be used to prepare tasty and healthy dishes.


Goose meat has health benefits:

  • saturates the body with vitamins that are required by the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract for normal operation;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • contains nonessential and irreplaceable amino acids;
  • has a choleretic effect.

Regular consumption of goose meat is considered the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Goose fat does not lead to the development of atherosclerosis. Polyunsaturated acids in its composition contribute to maintaining health.

Goose meat contains glutamic acid, which contributes to the rapid elimination of metabolic products. The use of this product helps to relieve the symptoms of heavy metal poisoning.

To increase hemoglobin with goose meat, it is not necessary to buy a whole bird. Offal is suitable for this - the heart and liver. They are successfully used for making soups.

A sufficient amount of amino acids helps to normalize metabolism and strengthen immunity. Goose meat is suitable for baby food. It is especially useful for weak and malnourished children.

Goose fat is used externally to treat eczema and burns. It is used in cosmetology for the healing of cracks in the lips and in the treatment of dermatitis.


Goose meat is a fairly fatty product, so it can cause problems with digestion and metabolism. To reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can remove the skin from the meat.

Harm to health can be caused if stored for a long time, cooked poorly or bought low-grade goose meat. Its benefits and harms to the body depend on the age of the bird, and on compliance with the cooking technology.


  • obesity
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • atherosclerosis.

This type of meat is not advised to eat in some forms of diabetes.

Can pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant women can eat goose meat without restrictions if it is well tolerated. The product saturates the body with minerals and vitamins, which are important for the normal development of the fetus. A high iron content raises hemoglobin levels.

Lactating women are not prohibited goose meat. It is recommended to choose cooking methods that leave less fat in the product. Excess fatty foods can cause digestive problems in a child.

Composition (vitamins and trace elements)

100 grams of goose meat contains approximately 160 kcal. The mineral content of this product is shown in the table.

Goose meat contains B vitamins and some others. All of them are shown in the table:

How to cook

Goose meat requires mandatory heat treatment. Cooking is completed only after complete readiness. Even a properly cooked goose will be tougher than chicken meat.

Goose meat can be:

  • cook;
  • put out;
  • bake;
  • use as a filling for pies;
  • fry;
  • steam and grill.

Goose fat can be rendered when processed at high temperatures. Its excess is usually removed from the finished dish.

The goose carcass is cooked whole or the meat is used to prepare other dishes - meatballs, cutlets. A whole bird requires a long heat treatment. To fully cook the meat, you need to pierce thick sections of the carcass with a knife or fork.


Goose meat can be stored in the freezer for 2 months. Frequent freezing and thawing degrades the taste of the product.

In the refrigerator, you can store a goose for no more than three days, if the temperature does not exceed 2 degrees Celsius.

How to choose

When choosing a goose carcass, you need to pay attention to several characteristics:

  • skin condition;
  • beak color;
  • meat density;
  • goose size;
  • the age of the individual;
  • fat color.

Goose skin should be:

  • without abscesses;
  • completely free of feathers;
  • not sticky to the touch;
  • yellow with a pinkish tint.

A pale beak and sunken eyes indicate that the product has been on the counter for a long time.

You should not buy a carcass of a small size. It will be dry and hard. The meat should be firm to the touch and recover when pressed with a finger.

Older geese have tougher meat than younger ones. Age can be determined by the color of the paws. Young geese have yellow feet that turn red with age. You can also check the age of the bird by the color of the fat. In older individuals, it has a yellow color.

What is combined with

Goose meat is combined with:

  • cereals;
  • vegetables - potatoes, cabbage;
  • mushrooms.

Among the spices used:

  • salt;
  • black and red pepper;
  • curry;
  • cardamom;
  • ginger;
  • any mixture of herbs for meat.

For marinating meat before cooking, well suited:

  • salty marinades;
  • a weak solution of vinegar;
  • soy sauce.

The goose is stuffed not only with vegetables and mushrooms, but also with fruits. Sour apples, citrus fruits and berries are suitable for this purpose. When stewing and stuffing, honey and herbs are often used. A weak solution of vinegar or lemon juice helps soften the meat.

It is better to cook a goose according to special recipes that are created for this bird. This meat requires more effort than chicken to make a delicious dish.

Goose is a healthy and tasty meat when cooked properly. Periodic use of this product will benefit health, if there are no personal contraindications.

goose meat

Tula fighting geese

Chinese goose

What is useful goose meat

Goose liver


Manganese 24 0.2/1 kg of body weight
Phosphorus 313 1000
Copper 305 1
Potassium 410 2000
Zinc 2,35 30
Iron 2,56 2
Sodium 88 2
Magnesium 25 400
Calcium 13 1000

The use of goose fat

Carcass plucking

How to pluck a goose

carcass cutting

How to butcher a goose?

Selection and storage rules

Frozen carcass

Application in cooking

The beneficial properties of goose meat attract not only breeders, but also everyone who follows a proper and balanced diet. And although it has a very high degree of fat content, it is still very much appreciated. Goose meat, benefits and harms, its features will be discussed in the article.

Goose meat has an unusual taste, and the content of a huge amount of vitamins makes it simply an indispensable delicacy on the table. Regular consumption of goose meat can improve your health and even prevent some diseases.

The benefits of goose meat

Why is goose meat so popular today? What necessary and useful substances are contained in it? It is worth noting that goose meat has a much higher cost than other poultry. And this is by no means accidental. For the preparation of goose meat, it is recommended to use the carcass of a young individual. After all, the meat of a middle-aged goose will certainly be very tough.

Fat is of great value in meat. After all, it contains virtually no cholesterol. It is generally accepted that it removes radionuclides harmful to humans. Goose meat is also a source of protein and iron. The abundance of vitamins and minerals make meat very popular. It has a fairly high calorie content, namely - 410 Kcal.

The benefits of goose meat are simply enormous. Healthy and beautiful skin, the digestive system in general and the nervous system are all possible thanks to the consumption of goose meat.

Goose meat is famous for the presence of amino acids. What is the benefit? The human body produces antibodies to fight dangerous bacteria and various viral infections. Eating it constantly in food, you can acquire disease-resistant immunity.

Every person needs to know what the benefits of goose meat are. Important aspects include the following factors:

  • positive effect on the nervous system;
  • increase in hemoglobin;
  • reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthening immunity and other factors.

Harm of goose meat

There are almost no negative effects of goose meat on the human body. Unless diabetics are recommended to consume a small amount of goose meat, which is caused by a low cholesterol content. Goose meat can be harmful only if the rules for its storage and processing of goose as a whole have been violated.

If there are problems with the pancreas or liver, then it is worth limiting the intake of goose meat for food. After all, it takes a long time to be absorbed by the body.

As you can see, there are practically no contraindications to the use of this tasty and healthy meat. So do not limit yourself in "usefulness", as well as your loved ones. Bon appetit everyone! Continue reading on the website

Goose meat is a source of iron and protein. Poultry fat contains virtually no cholesterol. But, since this meat is not eaten as often as chicken and duck, the benefits and harms of this product are not known to everyone. People who eat goose know how valuable its meat is. Due to the fact that raising geese for meat is a rather painstaking process, the cost of a bird is much higher than that of a chicken we are used to.

Not everyone can decide to breed geese at home, as this is not always profitable, despite the fact that geese grow quite quickly for meat.

goose meat

Product calorie content

Is goose meat really that healthy? At first glance, it may seem that goose meat is quite fatty, but it is not, most of the fat is in the skin of the bird. By itself, the calorie content of goose meat is low, however, it is still considered fatty. If you separate the skin from the meat, then the calorie content will become noticeably lower. Unfortunately, goose meat is not recommended for people who are on a diet.

The fat content of the goose is due to the fact that it is a waterfowl, a layer of fat protects it from hypothermia. It is worth noting that its fat is very useful, but the fat of chickens that people love contains carcinogens, which is why it is not recommended to use it in its pure form. Goose fat, on the contrary, enriches the body with the necessary vitamins of group A, B, C and minerals, such as iron, zinc and calcium, cleanses the accumulated radionuclides and toxins. Most useful properties in a young bird.

Goose Benefits and Side Effects of Eating Goose

What are the benefits of goose meat? In addition to the above beneficial properties, goose meat also has medicinal properties, namely:

  • improves the human nervous system and has a positive effect on the digestive tract;
  • has an excellent choleretic effect, which is extremely important for urolithiasis;
  • slows down the development of cancer cells in the body;
  • increases and strengthens the immune system;
  • increases hemoglobin, therefore it is especially recommended for people suffering from anemia;
  • prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

No matter how wonderful goose meat may seem at first glance, it should also be understood that harm from goose meat is also possible: consuming it regularly, there is a risk of getting better quickly, which is not recommended for obese people. Goose meat is also contraindicated in cases of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the pancreas, as well as in atherosclerosis.

How to choose the right goose

If you decide to diversify the diet by introducing goose into it, you should understand how to choose the right goose. First, you should pay attention to the skin: it should be a characteristic yellowish hue with a pink undertone without damage. If the skin of the bird is sticky, you should refuse to purchase this carcass. Good meat, if you press it with your finger, will be quite dense and elastic, and will quickly acquire its former shape. It is best to buy a large carcass, as it is more tender and juicy compared to a small goose.

To determine the age of a bird, you need to look at the color of its paws: in young individuals they are yellow, and in adults they are red. Fat also deserves attention: in a young individual it is transparent and clean, but if it is yellow, then the bird is old, and therefore drier and tougher.

It is advisable to store the carcass in the refrigerator for no more than two months; purchasing a domestic goose will be a bargain.

How much should a bird weigh? A good goose weighs at least 4 kg or 4.5 kg. Young poultry meat will be softer when cooked.

Poultry meat preparation

After buying a goose, a quite reasonable question arises: what can be cooked from a carcass? The easiest way is to bake in the oven, stuffed with cabbage, apples or dried fruits beforehand. The dish is perfect for festive evenings. It is also important to cook it correctly so that it turns out tasty and juicy. On the Internet you can find many recipes for every taste. In order for the meat to have a special taste, it is recommended to rub the carcass with salt and spices, and then leave it overnight in a cool place. Can also be marinated.

In order for the goose to remain juicy after cooking, the breast and legs are pierced, as a result of which the fat released from the goose flows around the carcass, and it becomes juicy.

If there is little time for baking, but you still want to eat a goose, you can cook a delicious goose broth, and make cutlets from meat.

Yield of meat and offal from a goose carcass //Goose weight before and after slaughter//Lindovskie geese

Geese (price of 1 goose and quality of goose meat)

Is goose meat tasty in 70 days // Lindovskie geese

Goose farm. Goose meat.

The benefits of goose meat and its medicinal properties

Roast is also a great dish. To prepare it, you do not have to buy a whole goose, you can limit yourself to meat for roast. This dish is perfect for people who like to eat quickly and tasty. You only need to fry the meat with vegetables and spices - and the dish is ready. Potatoes are great for a side dish: fast, tasty, and unusual.

It is also a great idea to make poultry pate. When cooking, you can use not only the liver. Perfect for the heart and stomach. The beauty of this dish is that you don't have to use fresh offal. Pate will be much healthier and tastier than store-bought. Having bought a whole carcass, it will be possible to cook only one part, and freeze the rest.

Is unusual goose meat healthy? Definitely yes. Goose dishes always bring novelty not only to festive tables, but also to everyday food.

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Reviews and comments

Goose meat is mistakenly considered heavy and fatty food, unworthy of use in the diet. Despite the fact that the goose belongs to the family of ducks, the total number of this poultry is significantly inferior in prevalence to ordinary ducks and chickens. This is due to the high cost of newborn goslings, the need for constant walking of the bird and the obligatory presence of a nearby reservoir.

goose meat

What are the properties of goose

Regular presence in the open air and "water procedures" affect the properties that goose meat has. Sufficiently dense pulp has a rich cherry color and practically does not contain fat. All the fat is concentrated in the thick skin and directly below it.

Interesting! The most valuable in terms of taste is the meat of the Vladimir, fighting Tula and Chinese breeds of goose.

Tula fighting geese

Chinese goose

Due to the solid muscle mass, the flesh is not particularly tender, unlike fatty chicken or turkey meat. However, if you use young poultry for cooking and choose the right way of cooking, then goose is able to satisfy the most demanding taste.

Young geese under the age of 6 months are suitable for consumption.

Of particular value is goose liver, from which the famous foie gras pate is made. Even the fat accumulated by the bird is distinguished by its undoubted benefits. Despite the high energy value, it has the ability to remove toxic substances and radionuclides from the human body.

Goose meat has a peculiar pleasant aroma and a pronounced taste. According to experts, the quality of meat is affected not only by the technology of preparing a certain dish, but also by compliance with the rules for slaughtering poultry. In order to preserve the juiciness and special taste of the pulp, it is recommended that geese be fed several days before slaughter with water with the addition of table salt. It is advisable not to disturb the bird immediately before slaughter, in order to avoid an excessive release of adrenaline, which can radically change the taste of the bird for the worse.

Goose meat contains many vitamins and minerals

What is useful goose meat

Periodic use of goose meat in cooking has invaluable benefits for human health. In France, where the breeding of this poultry is widespread, there has been a significant decrease in oncological diseases and pathologies of the cardiovascular system compared to other European countries. This fact is confirmed by studies conducted by American scientists in those provinces of France, where meat and goose liver dishes are traditionally present in the diet of consumers.

Goose liver

The pulp and offal of geese are not easily digestible, however, the systematic introduction of dishes from this meat into the menu contributes to the onset of a powerful healing effect and provides positive changes in human health:

  • dark meat and liver stimulates an increase in hemoglobin levels;
  • amino acids included in the chemical structure of the product work to improve the protective functions of the body;
  • increases stress resistance and minimizes the tendency to nervous overload and depression;
  • the work of the gallbladder and digestive organs is normalized;
  • the human skeletal system is strengthened;
  • the number of cholesterol deposits in the blood vessels is reduced, and the manifestations of atherosclerosis disappear;
  • blood sugar levels are regulated.


The lean pulp of goose meat is used in the nutrition of children, pregnant and lactating women. This meat product is a rich source of proteins, it is indispensable for exhaustion, frequent stress, during periods of increased mental stress, in old age. Its use helps to stimulate digestion, the removal of toxic substances.

Periodic eating of goose meat increases immunity and restores strength in case of illness

Good to know! Chinese doctors consider goose meat a panacea for many pathological processes in the human body and the best way to make up for the lack of vital energy.

When Goose Meat Is Banned

In certain cases, goose dishes can aggravate existing human diseases and harm the body. This mainly concerns the meat of overfed old poultry, in which the fat layer accumulates not only in the skin and directly under it, but is also located in the thickness of the pulp. Starting from the age of six months, the bird's meat loses its useful qualities, becomes tougher and drier, and its chemical composition is depleted, losing useful amino acids and vitamins.

If you have problems with being overweight, it is better to give up fatty goose meat.

Meat with a high fat content has a high energy value, so its immoderate consumption will contribute to exceeding the normal daily calorie intake. Such goose meat is not recommended for people with diagnosed obesity, as well as in the presence of the following diseases:

  • atherosclerotic changes in the vessels;
  • inflammatory processes in the pancreas;
  • elevated blood glucose index.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should refrain from eating goose

The presence of problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is the basis for limiting goose meat, and in case of exacerbation of stomach diseases, it is recommended to exclude goose meat from the daily menu.

Calorie content and chemical structure of goose meat

Goose meat has a unique chemical composition. The list of useful substances includes essential trace elements and amino acids, a rich complex of vitamins.

Manganese 24 0.2/1 kg of body weight
Phosphorus 313 1000
Copper 305 1
Potassium 410 2000
Zinc 2,35 30
Iron 2,56 2
Sodium 88 2
Magnesium 25 400
Calcium 13 1000

The calorie content of goose meat depends on which part of the carcass is used - the pulp freed from visible fat and skin contains only 160 kcal / 100 g, and the meat, together with the skin, from 415 kcal / 100 g.

The meat, together with the skin, contains more than 415 kcal / 100 g

Know! Goose meat and fat contribute to the intensive removal of toxins, therefore they are effective for any poisoning.

Goose meat is a source of almost all varieties of B vitamins, contains a considerable amount of vitamin C, A, PP. The combination of a rich set of vitamins and amino acids ensures the production of antibodies against known viruses and helps to get rid of toxins.

The use of goose fat

How to properly prepare goose

A goose purchased from a supermarket or a farm does not require additional processing. But when slaughtering a bird in your own backyard, considerable efforts should be made to free the goose carcass from the feather cover.

Carcass plucking

To make the plucking process easier, you need to remove the feathers immediately after slaughter - until the carcass has cooled down. Then the feather is pulled out relatively easily, it is only necessary to ensure that, in order to avoid damage to the goose skin, a small number of feathers are pulled out at the same time. After getting rid of the carcass from the feather, you should singe it over an open fire - this way you can remove the remaining fluff.

It is better to pluck the bird immediately after slaughter - this way the feathers are removed easily and quickly

Birds processed by the dry plucking method are suitable for long-term storage in the refrigerator.

If the hostess had at her disposal an unplucked carcass that had already cooled down, then it is better to use the method of scalding with boiling water to get rid of feathers. Pouring hot water makes it possible to easily and quickly remove the feather, however, this processing method does not allow the carcass to be stored - it should be immediately sent to the culinary production.

Specialized defeathering mechanisms make it easier to pluck the goose

To facilitate the plucking process, there are special devices with which the feather is removed quickly, leaving no "stumps".

After carefully removing the feather and down cover, the bird must be examined for the presence of the remaining fragments - they are removed with tweezers. Singing with a blowtorch or open fire is the final stage in preparing the goose for butchering.

How to pluck a goose

This article describes in detail the method of plucking geese. How to carry out the procedure correctly and not cause pain to the animal. How to collect feathers from live geese? How to singe a carcass after plucking?

carcass cutting

Cutting the carcass begins with the removal of the head, the last phalanx of the wings and legs of the bird - these parts can be used to prepare jellied meat or rich broth. After that, you need to cut the body and remove the offal - the liver, heart, stomach. When pulling out the stomach and liver, it is necessary to act very carefully - a damaged gallbladder can irreparably spoil the taste of the future dish.

Goose carcass cutting is carried out depending on the method of further preparation

Further processing of the carcass consists in removing the internal fat - using a small knife, large fragments of goose fat concentrated in the abdominal cavity of the bird should be cut out. If the goose is used as a whole, then the cutting ends there. To divide the carcass into separate pieces, you need to cut off the wings and legs, separate the breast fillet. The bone skeleton of the bird is used for cooking first courses, and the carved flesh is ideal for baking or stewing in diet food.

A cut carcass with internal fat removed can be used to prepare low-calorie dishes

How to butcher a goose?

Farmers and villagers with their own farms are accustomed to slaughtering and processing the goose on their own. It is useful for novice farmers to learn the rules for slaughtering it and how to butcher a goose for cooking. In this article we will talk about the most popular ways to cut carcasses.

Selection and storage rules

When buying goose in the market or in a store, you should be careful about choosing the “right” carcass. Old goose is tough and dry meat, which is difficult to cook tasty, besides, there is little benefit from such goose. When choosing a bird, it is advisable to be guided by the following rules:

  • the skin has a pinkish-yellow color, there are no damages and remnants of feathers (“stumps” on it);
  • pallor of the beak, a feeling of stickiness on the skin, sunken eyes are signs that the bird has been slaughtered for a long time and is starting to deteriorate;
  • the carcass should be large (2.5-3.5 kg) - in smaller birds, the meat is dry and tasteless;
  • the pulp is elastic when pressed, has no signs of flabbiness;
  • goose fat - transparent, does not have a yellow tint;
  • the beak and paws of a young bird are bright yellow, if the paws are red, then the goose is more than 6-8 months old and its meat is not as tasty as a young one.

When choosing a carcass, it is imperative to feel the neck of the bird - a sufficient amount of meat should be felt there. If only bone and skin are felt during palpation, then in such a carcass there will be little pulp and a lot of fat.

Frozen carcass

Frozen carcass is more difficult to choose. Here attention should be paid to the general appearance birds - no damage, yellow fat, spots on the skin. Pink icicles indicate repeated freezing, which negatively affects the quality of the meat.

A whole goose carcass is used in baking, and offal can be put into a delicious pate or pie filling.

Application in cooking

For the preparation of goose, all types of culinary processing are used - from simple boiling to baking in the oven. For the most part, goose meat is used to prepare second courses, and the traditional stuffed fried / baked goose is a luxurious dish on the festive table. As a filling for a goose, you can use buckwheat porridge, dried fruits, sour berries, sauerkraut, apples.

Baked goose - a symbol of prosperity and well-being on the festive table

Ground meat, freed from fat, is used in the preparation of meatballs, meatballs, cutlets. With the steam method of processing, such dishes can be included in the diet of children and in dietary nutrition.

Know! Long-term exposure of the carcass grated with salt and spices in the air will give a ruddy and crispy skin when cooked.

To give special juiciness to goose meat, it is advisable to do the following manipulations before cooking:

  • place the carcass or its parts in an acidic marinade for several hours;
  • rub the goose with salt / soy sauce and your favorite spices, keep in a cold place for at least 7-8 hours. The longer the prepared carcass stays in such conditions, the tastier the final dish will be;
  • when baking, gently pierce the leg and breast of the bird - so the meat will cook faster, and excess fat will remain on the baking sheet.

Goose liver is indispensable for making pate; to give a more refined taste, nutmeg or other spices are added to the appetizer.

From goose you can cook fragrant jelly, useful for restoring bones and joints

Goose is cooked longer than the usual types of poultry meat - chicken or turkey. It will take at least 3.5-4 hours to bake a whole carcass, meat in individual pieces can be cooked in 1-1.5 hours.

Goose meat is a valuable and healthy product, which, if used correctly, can contribute to the formation of good immunity and getting rid of many diseases. The inclusion of goose meat in the diet will enrich the body with essential vitamins and amino acids, normalize the course of metabolic processes. A competent choice of a carcass and strict adherence to the recommendations for its preparation is a guarantee that a goose dish will be extremely tasty and healthy.

Video - How to cook a festive goose

The countries of Southeast Asia dominate the production and consumption of dark duck meat, the benefits of which are increasingly being discussed today. Residents of the "Celestial Empire" do not take vitamins in tablets, but regularly drink duck broth to maintain health. Koreans are confident in the body-cleansing properties of duck meat.

Historians have calculated that people have been eating this poultry for more than 4 thousand years, since the reign of the Yuan Dynasty. It is this age that is attributed to the traditional oriental dish - Peking duck. In the villages, most families have their own duck ponds. Moreover, each individual province can boast of its unique recipes for preparing broths and second courses.

In Chinese traditional medicine, duck meat maintains the balance of "heat" and "cold" - "yin" and "yang".

In Asia, North America and parts of Europe, gourmet duck dishes have already become a tradition to include in the menu of expensive restaurants.

The nutritional value

Useful properties of certain products, as you know, depend on their composition. On the Japanese website of the Council for Science and Technology, the vitamin and mineral content (mg) of a 100-gram serving of duck is compared to other types of meat.

Beef (no fat) 2,7 0 0,09 0,22
Pork (no fat) 0,9 4 1,01 0,21
Chicken (no fat) 0,7 0,07 0,08 0,22
Duck (without fat) 4,3 1,5 0,4 0,69
  • Iron in any meat refers to the metals that are present in living organisms in the form of a compound - heme. If it is not enough in the body, little hemoglobin is formed, the nutrition of cells worsens. Weakness appears, anemia develops. Part of the oxygen transferred to the muscles is stored in reserve and used during a sharp increase in physical activity. Iron is also necessary for the proper absorption of B vitamins. A person needs about 20 mg of this mineral per day. Less than 1 mg and more than 200 mg are dangerous dosages. Women need 50% more iron due to regular blood loss during their periods. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the need for iron also increases.
  • Vitamin A protects the eyes, nose and ears from invading viral infections. For people of the 21st century, sitting at a computer and inhaling exhaust gases, this vitamin is extremely important for restoring the mucous membrane of the oral and nasal cavities.
  • Vitamin B1 deficiency can lead to loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia, and bad mood effects.
  • Vitamin B2 helps keep skin, nails and hair healthy and is involved in fat metabolism.

Duck meat contains 5.57% unsaturated fatty acids, the benefits of which we have written repeatedly. This indicator is higher than that of chicken, pork or beef meat. Unsaturated fatty acids have antioxidant properties and reduce blood cholesterol levels, neutralizing its harm in a timely manner.

Inadequate consumption of unsaturated fatty acids leads to diseases of the arteries, heart, brain, inhibits the development of intelligence in children and contributes to the appearance of dementia in the elderly.

duck fat

An important property is a low melting point. Duck fat melts at 14°C (the melting points of beef, pork and chicken are 45°C, 38°C and 37°C, respectively), which is much lower than human body temperature. Therefore, it is easily excreted from the body.

The content of monounsaturated (omega-3) and polyunsaturated (omega-6) fats is similar to olive oil. There is more linoleic acid in duck fat than in chicken or beef. It helps the body convert fat into energy, rather than store it in the subcutaneous depot, and also accelerates muscle growth with regular physical activity. Since the end of the last century, this substance has been consistently included in dietary supplements for weight loss.

Read more: Bear fat: medicinal properties and contraindications.


Duck soup has been cooked for centuries by residents of the Chinese province of Fujian. And each family claims that its recipe is the best. But there are also obligatory ingredients: these are ginger and sour Chinese plums, which only add health to the finished dish.

Modern housewives do not simmer this soup over low heat all night, as their great-grandmothers did, but use a pressure cooker.


  • 1 kg of duck meat;
  • salted Chinese mustard leaves;
  • 50 g chopped carrots;
  • 10 small dried mushrooms soaked in water;
  • 3 large cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g of tomatoes;
  • 2 slices of ginger;
  • 3 sour plums;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

Salted mustard leaves can be replaced with washed sauerkraut.

Cooking method:

  1. Layer vegetables and duck pieces into a pressure cooker.
  2. Add water.
  3. Cook for 30 minutes.
  4. After turning off, do not open the lid immediately, but let the broth brew.
  5. If you don't have a pressure cooker, simmer for 2-3 hours over low heat.
  6. 10 minutes before readiness, add chopped fresh tomatoes.

This soup is considered medicinal, but it is not advised to eat it too often.

Why is meat useful?

The key properties boil down to the following:

  • heals skin, hair and nails;
  • cleanses the body of harmful substances;
  • improves intercellular metabolism;
  • helps the thyroid gland;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • useful for women and expectant mothers;
  • increases hemoglobin.

But the duck is really a lot of fat, the excess of which can be harmful to your health. So remember: only moderate consumption!

Domestic or wild?

There is an alternative to domestic duck meat. These are wild ones. The calorie content of their meat is 2 times lower (120 kcal per 100 g), and the fat content is 6 times lower.

If you are a successful hunter, your family has a choice. The rest will have to limit the presence of healthy duck meat in the diet or train themselves to work off extra calories on the treadmill.

During the cooking process, poultry meat must be cooked for a long time until it becomes tender and soft. It is not only tasty, but also safe, especially for pregnant women and children.

Another interesting article: Why is nutria meat useful?

Crib for housewives

To feel the benefits of this product, you will have to learn the basics of its correct choice:

  1. Delicious and healthy ducks nest in the markets. You can test a frozen carcass from a supermarket for freshness only after it has been completely thawed.
  2. Consider the skin. If it is shiny and slightly yellowish, this is an absolute plus.
  3. Without disgust, touch the carcass with your finger. There is no stickiness, and the skin is elastic - two more pluses.
  4. Look inside. We write bright red meat as another argument in favor of the purchase.
  5. Don't go for big old duck unless you plan to heat up a lot of fat and you like its specific pungent smell. "Slim" may be too sinewy and tough. Choose a medium-sized carcass.
  6. Feel the beak and look at the legs. Soft beak, light fat and light yellow legs are characteristic of a young bird.
  7. We count the pros, choose, bargain and buy.

Properly cooked duck is delicious and nutritious. But do not store a chilled carcass for too long - all its advantages will turn into cons at once.

Frozen poultry can be stored in the freezer for up to a year.

Now there is no consensus among scientists about the relationship between high blood cholesterol levels and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Moreover, some experts (Dr. Franny Modi from Los Angeles) consider duck one of the healthiest foods, despite its high concentration of animal fats. In the meantime, experts argue, this food may well become a healthy part of the meat diet.

Very rarely, a feast is complete without meat products. This is a nutritious product that satisfies the feeling of hunger well and saturates the body with protein. Each type of meat has its positive and even negative qualities. Poultry meat is present on our table most often. Chicken or turkey fillet is considered dietary.

Goose or duck are traditionally cooked on holidays, for large banquets. There is a difference between these birds, but not so significant. What is tastier goose or duck? We will discuss this issue in this article.

duck benefits

The main advantage is the presence of omega-3 fatty acids. They are necessary for the body for the good work of the heart and brain. Omega-3 makes the skin smooth and radiant. Duck meat has a very high content of vitamin D, so its use promotes the absorption of calcium, strengthens bones, muscles and improves immunity. This product also contains vitamins E and B and minerals. However, the fat content of the duck sometimes goes off scale, and the calorie content leaves much to be desired. Therefore, it must be used with caution.

The benefits of goose meat

To understand what is tastier than goose or duck, you also need to talk about the benefits of goose meat. This is a very valuable product. The meat has a slightly sweet taste and contains many vitamins and minerals: zinc, iron, calcium, etc. Goose meat is rich in fatty acids. It helps to normalize the work of the stomach, relieves toxins, diarrhea and heals the spleen. Both products have their positive qualities. Speaking about the benefits, it is impossible to determine how a goose differs from a duck. What is the difference in taste, consider further.

What to cook

Very often, the housewives are faced with the question of what to choose for a traditional festive dish - a goose or a duck. Everyone, of course, may have their own preferences. The famous Peking duck is considered a delicacy served in the best restaurants. The Chinese value this bird very much. They believe that duck fat is good for the human body.

Duck is cooked with vegetables, and the result is an amazing culinary masterpiece. Goose meat is very fatty. A good bird has up to 40 percent fat. But how to do without the traditional for Christmas? After baking, it impregnates fruits and gives them an incredible taste and aroma. Therefore, it is very difficult to choose what is tastier goose or duck.

How to make a choice

Duck meat is very flavorful. But for it to be truly tasty, you need to choose an adult. Only the meat of such a duck has a special taste and aroma. Goose meat is considered no less nutritious. Its taste is not worse than that of duck. It is better to take a carcass of 6-8 month old geese.

Ducks, turkeys, and all kinds of poultry are delicious when cooked properly. Therefore, the chosen recipe and cooking technology plays an important role here. It is also very important to choose high-quality meat. The carcass must be fresh or chilled. The skin should be dry, and the meat should not have a specific smell.

What are we frying

To understand what is tastier goose or duck, you need to try both of these products. We offer a recipe that is suitable for any bird. First we prepare the carcass. Peel apples from seeds and cut into slices. Grease the goose or duck with the necessary spices and sauces. We stuff the carcass with apples, and sew the belly with threads. Lay the bird on its back on a greased baking sheet. Add a little water to the bottom so that the carcass does not burn. We put the baking sheet in the oven, which we preheat.

Goose or duck are roasted for a long time, about 2-2.5 hours. In the process, fat will be rendered, which needs to be watered over the carcass. From this, the meat will become juicier and more aromatic. To make the bird cook faster, it can be baked in a special sleeve. When the meat is ready, it must be removed from the oven and the thread tying the abdomen removed. Then put the carcass on a dish whole or cut into pieces. We put baked apples around, which are very tasty. Duck meat is more juicy and fatty, but the goose has a sweetish aftertaste. To understand what is tastier roasted goose or duck, you need to try both cooking options. Everyone has their own opinion on this. The taste of meat also depends on the selected additional ingredients, which can give it new notes and a peculiar aroma. Cooking a goose or duck is not difficult, but it takes a long time, and there is not a lot of meat in these birds. Therefore, it is more of a festive dish than an everyday one.

Moulards are a new hybrid breed. Ducks were obtained by breeders by crossing musky and Peking species. Hybrids appeared in France. Breeders were able to achieve improved performance. In addition, this bird does not have the shortcomings characteristic of crossed varieties.

Hybrids are characterized by white plumage. There is a black spot on the head. However, you can see birds with a different combination of color. Feathers can be brown or even black. However, ducks, regardless of color, are capable of showing a high level of egg production.


You should be aware that domestic hybrids are not able to breed. For this reason, young animals can be obtained by crossing a drake with a musky bird, or vice versa. In order to get the best possible results during breeding, ducks will need to be kept separate from other birds. It is not recommended to grow a goose or chicken in one poultry house with Mulard.

Crossbreeding results in eggs. The mother hen is able to hatch about 80% out of a hundred. In the incubator, the percentage is reduced to 60. Ducklings will be characterized by excellent performance.

In two months, they will surpass their parents in terms of weight. Body weight during this period will reach 3.5 kilograms. After a month, the weight of ducks can double. However, to achieve such results, one should correctly approach the content and formation of the diet.

The barn must be built taking into account the fact that only three ducks can get along on one square meter. The yard for walking should be large: one square meter for each individual.

It is necessary to pay attention to such an indicator when breeding as time. The maximum economic benefit can be obtained as soon as the age of the ducks reaches 60 days. It is at this time that they can be sent for slaughter. If it was decided to keep ducks longer, then it should be noted that on the 70th day the bird will begin to shed. During this period, plucking hybrids will be much more difficult.

Features of growing young animals

Growing ducklings without hens implies the creation of all the necessary conditions. In a room where young hybrid ducks are kept, the temperature should be at 20 degrees. Near the heat source, it should be equal to 30 degrees. As soon as the first week passes, the temperature will need to be gradually reduced to 18 degrees. In the early days, the room should be illuminated around the clock, but before 11 days, the duration should be reduced to 16 hours.

Cultivation of young ducks should take place on the litter. In order to create it, you should use old straw, hay and wood shavings. All of the above materials should first be sprinkled with fluffy lime.

In the early days, it is better not to use sawdust. Ducks will tend to peck at them, which will cause serious health problems.

Important! If the chicks hatched during the warm period, they should be taught to walk in a few days.

After watching the video, you will see how ducklings grow up almost every day.


Young hybrid ducks are not aware of how to eat properly. This can lead to the death of the chicks. For this reason, it is recommended that babies be forced to drink pink potassium permanganate using a pipette. Then you can feed.

It is necessary to take a sheet of dark cardboard and place on it a boiled gruel and a crushed egg, previously boiled hard-boiled. You should also sprinkle the ducklings themselves with food. In the early days, they will try to peck at anything that moves. After a few days, the need for feeding will forcibly disappear.

It is required to start forming a diet with a wet, crumbly mixer. From day 3, greens can be added to the feed. From day 10, it is recommended to include boiled and crushed potatoes in the mash.

From the 14th day, young ducks are allowed to be taken to the pond. If there is no such possibility, it is recommended to find duckweed. It must be included in the diet. With the help of it, it will be possible to protect ducks from various diseases, contributing to active growth.

It is imperative to include substances such as limestone, shells, shells and chalk in the diet. They should be placed in a separate container and replenished if necessary.

We should not forget that the diet of ducks will not be considered complete if the need for sufficient water is not met. The feeding of the hybrid should be expanded gradually.

The bird will benefit if wheat bran, baker's yeast and meal are added to the feed. You can not feed the hybrid with yeast alone, as there will be problems associated with digestion.

Benefits of hybrids

The breed of hybrid ducks has received a lot of positive feedback. It is difficult to single out any individual advantages. However, many experts distinguish cleanliness in the bird. A similar characteristic of Mulardami was inherited from the Peking duck.

Moulards are rapidly gaining popularity among poultry farmers, their liver is no worse than goose in quality, it is used for foie gras. They are kept in private courtyards for the sake of tasty meat. But it is impossible to get offspring from this breed, because mulard ducks appear only as a result of crossbreeding of two species.

Widely popular in Russian farms, it was selected for breeding a new variety. Although the mulards are popularly called “duck-goose”, however, in order to get them, they cross the common mallard and the “mute” (musky breed). Parent pairs can change, so crosses have different colors, while maintaining the overall characteristics of the hybrid.

At home, getting young mulards is only possible experienced farmers. To do this, musk drakes and females of the meat direction (up to 7 pcs.) Are planted in one pen, Pekinese are also widely used. The eggs must be collected and hatch in an incubator, or put a good mother hen who will not reject them.

  • For the first acquaintance with the breed, you can purchase chicks from breeders, in the spring there is no shortage of offers.
  • It is worth choosing only moving ducklings, preferably not daily, but week-old or older. They must be given the necessary vaccinations.
  • It is necessary to prepare a paddock, a place for walking in advance, and purchase a feed mixture.

Gallery: mulard ducks (25 photos)

External features

duck goose got such a nickname thanks to a particularly long neck. People who are inexperienced in breeding a bird can really take it for a small goose. The description will help to recognize hybrids among other breeds:

  • The sizes of adult mulard ducks exceed Peking and musky.
  • The body is dense, strong.
  • Legs are yellow.
  • Color from pure white to completely dark.
  • Light beak, slightly elongated.
  • Like their mute ancestors, mulards are quiet, quacking only on rare occasions.


Growing mulard duck very similar to other breeds. True, in order for pets to reach their full potential, special attention should be paid to nutrition. Daily babies, as a rule, are easier for many to keep at home. They need to be fed every 3 hours. Mulards learn to eat on their own very quickly. Ducklings need light, heat, constant access to water. The temperature should be around 20 ° C. Be sure to change the bedding, avoid loud sounds so as not to scare the chicks.

I live in a private house, recently I decided to breed ducks in a barn. I took different breeds, but most of all I liked the mulards. They really put on a lot of weight. I liked the fact that the meat is not as fatty as other breeds. There is also no specific smell of duck. The children liked it, they completely replaced the purchased chicken with their own product last year.

Easy to care for - in the morning he poured food, poured water and calmly went to work. I bought ducklings right away, they say you can buy eggs to hatch in an incubator. In general, I am satisfied with the breed, the only pity is that it is impossible to breed.

Grow about three times faster than indo. I didn’t notice any differences in content, at first they sat in a brooder, in 2 weeks the ducklings got stronger, very active. They eat a lot of greens, feed. If you want a larger mass, you need to keep up to 9 months to end the molting period. By nature, they are not noisy, in this they look like a musky duck. But they grow much faster. The meat is similar in characteristics to goose meat, but the goose will have to be fattened much longer. The only inconvenience is the lack of offspring, but buying an incubator solves this problem.

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