What is better and safer for your child - Ergoferon or Anaferon. Anaferon and its analogues: what is the best way to replace the drug

In the article, we will consider the instructions and analogues for Anaferon.

It is a domestic homeopathic remedy. This drug was developed to activate antiviral immunity, which allows you to resist various respiratory infections.

Anaferon has quite a few analogues.

The composition of the medicinal product

The adult Anaferon is produced on the pharmaceutical market, and there is also a children's medication format. Both versions of the drugs are produced in the form of tablets intended for sublingual use. The composition of this medicinal product includes affinity purified bodies.

Indications for the appointment of "Anaferon"

The task of "Anaferon" is the prevention and treatment of any form of influenza, as well as respiratory and viral infections. "Anaferon" is indicated in patients with the following pathologies:

  • The presence of infectious diseases, the causative agent of which is the herpes virus.
  • With cytomegalovirus infection.
  • Against the background of immunodeficiency states.
  • For the treatment of infections caused by tick-borne encephalitis.
  • As part of complex treatment regimens for bacterial complications.

Contraindications to the use of "Anaferon"

During clinical trials, it was found that this drug very rarely causes side effects, since it is distinguished by its hypoallergenic composition. Therefore, the main contraindication is individual intolerance to the active ingredient.

In addition, this remedy is not used if negative symptoms in the form of allergic manifestations were previously observed against the background of its administration. Children's "Anaferon" is not assigned to babies in the first month of life, and an adult can only be used from the age of eighteen.

How to take the medicine correctly?

"Anaferon" and analogues are prescribed by a doctor who selects a specific treatment regimen for each patient. The appointment directly depends on the severity of the infection and the age of the person. The recommended doses given in the instructions are most often adjusted individually by specialists.

Cheap analogues of "Anaferon"

It is worth noting that "Anaferon" is one of the cheapest drugs (the drug costs around two hundred rubles), in this regard, it is extremely difficult to find even more budgetary medicines. Until recently, Grippferon was considered the only analogue cheaper than Anaferon. The drug "Grippferon" is a universal medication approved for use, starting from the infant period. Until recently, its cost was about ninety rubles, but now the drug has risen in price and will cost the consumer for the same price as Anaferon.

The rest of Anaferon's analogues are also similar in price or are much more expensive. For example, drugs in the form of "Viferon" and "Cycloferon" have the same price as the described drug. But the cost of funds in the form of "Remantadin", "Kagocel" and "Arbidol" reaches three hundred rubles.

"Anaferon" and "Aflubin"

"Anaferon" is a homeopathic remedy, and, therefore, to replace it, it is necessary to look for similar remedies. One of them is Aflubin. The composition of "Aflubin" includes plant components in the form of aconite, bryonia and gentian. Like "Anaferon", this drug is safe and therefore can be a good analogue in the treatment of a child. The prices for these drugs are the same.

"Anaferon" and "Kagocel" - what to choose?

"Kagocel" refers to antiviral, and at the same time to immunomodulatory agents. The indications for these drugs are completely the same. But directly in contraindications there are some differences. For example, Kagocel cannot be used against the background of lactase deficiency and lactose intolerance.

In addition, Kagocel is used only from the age of three. Kagocel has only one release form - and these are tablets. "Anaferon" is also produced in the form of drops. According to experts, allergic reactions when using these drugs are mainly observed in Kagocel. But there is evidence that Kagocel has a stronger antiviral effect, and, in addition, this analogue strengthens the immune system better. Anaferon, in turn, is cheaper.

"Anaferon" and "Ergoferon"

"Anaferon" in its composition has only one substance. As for "Ergoferon", this medication can boast of three active ingredients at once. A common property of both drug formulations is that all components of these drugs consist of antibodies that are aimed at increasing immunity.

The difference between this analogue and "Anaferon" is its anti-allergic activity due to the presence of antibodies to histamine in the composition. Against the background of various infections, Ergoferon easily eliminates any manifestations of allergic rhinitis, swelling in the nasopharynx and conjunctivitis.

"Anaferon" and "Grippferon"

"Grippferon" is produced in the form of drops, ointments and sprays. The active ingredient in this analogue is human interferon. This analogue is used exclusively for the treatment of otolaryngological diseases and influenza. Unlike Anaferon, this substitute can be used from birth.

Grippferon is inferior to Anaferon in terms of cost. Scientists and experts report the absolute uselessness of both drugs. But the opinions among patients are quite different, some speak in favor of Anaferon, while others prefer Grippferon. I must say that often when choosing these drugs, patients are guided primarily by the price.

Another analogue of the children's "Anaferon" is "Arbidol".

"Arbidol" and "Anaferon" - which is better?

Experts believe that it is not entirely advisable to compare Arbidol and Anaferon with each other, since the fundamentally different composition of these drugs functions in their own way. For example, "Anaferon" activates endogenous interferon, and "Arbidol", in turn, has a direct antiviral effect, affecting the hemagglutinin protein.

"Anaferon" is more of a prophylactic, and its analogue has a more active effect on the introduced virus during the period of illness. "Arbidol" is allowed for use only from the age of three, and "Anaferon" can be used from the second month of life. In addition, the children's form of "Anaferon" can be used in pregnant women. As for Arbidol, it is not desirable during this period.

Consider reviews of analogues of "Anaferon".

Viral infections very often take us by surprise, deprive us of our ability to work and unsettle us for a long time. That is why doctors vying with each other convince us to take antiviral drugs. What is the difference between them and what is the principle of action, we will consider today using the example of two drugs - Anaferon and Ergoferon.

Anaferon and Ergoferon

Anaferon refers to the category of immunomodulators intended for the prevention and treatment of acute viral infections. The manufacturer claims that this drug has a high antiviral activity and increases the overall resistance of the body.
Ergoferon- This is an immunomodulatory drug that has antiviral and antihistamine properties. It strengthens the immune system, recognizes and destroys viruses, eliminates nasal congestion, speeds up recovery and prevents the development of complications.

What is the difference between Anaferon and Ergoferon?

The action of Ergoferon is confirmed by experimental and clinical trials. The effectiveness of the use of components in some infectious diseases is a fairly high percentage. These include certain types of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, genital and herpes zoster, acute viral intestinal infections, rotaviruses, cronaviruses, meningococcal meningitis, hemorrhagic fever, tick-borne encephalitis and many other problems.
Ergoferon is used to treat bacterial and viral infections such as pseudotuberculosis, whooping cough and many others. The use of the drug in the post-vaccination period allows the body to provide non-specific prevention of influenza and SARS. The drug helps in restoring post-vaccination immunity, prevents the development of intercurrent diseases of the post-vaccination period. Ergoferon contains antibodies to human interferon, to histamines and to CD 4 as well as lactose.
Anaferon is a drug that activates antiviral immunity. It can be used for preventive and therapeutic purposes, since it has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect on the human body. Clinical and experimental tests have established that the effectiveness of the drug against certain viruses is a fairly high percentage. The drug stimulates the cellular and humoral immune response of the body, increases the production of antibodies, normalizes and activates the functions of T-hepplers and T-effectors. Anaferon increases the functional activity of natural cells and has an antigenic property. Anaferon contains human interferon, as well as three homeopathic components.

TheDifference.ru determined that the difference between Anaferon and Ergoferon is as follows:

Anaferon contains human interferon. Ergoferon contains antibodies to interferon and histamines.
Anaferon activates antiviral immunity, Ergoferon is used to treat bacterial and viral infections.

Ergoferon belongs to the group of immunomodulators with antiviral, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory activity and can be used in the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.

On the pharmacological market, Ergoferon is provided in the form of lozenges (20 per pack) and a solution in a 100 ml vial. Ergoferon has no age restrictions, therefore it can be used for children from birth and adults.

The good tolerance of the drug, the high efficiency of its use makes Ergoferon one of the best means to combat viral diseases.

Reviews about the drug are positive, but due to its cost, which exceeds 350 rubles for a pack of 20 tablets, patients are looking for cheaper analogues of Ergoferon with a similar effect.

Ergoferon is a complex preparation from the category of homeopathic remedies. The composition of the drug contains purified antibodies to human interferon gamma, which have a pronounced immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.

Taking the drug allows you to suppress the allergic reactions of the body, increase immune defense, and inhibit the vital activity of protozoa.

Ergoferon is a product of a Russian pharmaceutical company. Clinical trials have shown that this remedy is capable of destroying not only ARVI pathogens, but also dangerous strains of influenza.

The active components of the drug are able to penetrate the cell membranes of viruses, destroy them from the inside, thereby preventing replication (multiplication) and spread.

Given that Ergoferon is homeopathy, patients question its effectiveness, but as medical practice shows, this is a good tool in the treatment of viral infections.

The composition of the drug is completely safe, so Ergoferon is allowed for children from 6 months old as a prophylactic agent for a fragile body.

The mechanism of action of the drug allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • inhibits the activity of protozoa (viruses);
  • improves the functionality of the immune system;
  • stimulates the production of interferon;
  • blocks H-histamine receptors, suppresses the secretion of histamine;
  • reduces the concentration of inflammatory mediators;
  • has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

Taking Ergoferon activates the body's defenses, which allows you to stop the symptoms of viral infections, speed up recovery or reduce the risk of morbidity when in contact with a sick person or seasonal colds.

Instructions for use informs that the medicine effectively copes with adenoviruses, coronaviruses, parainfluenza virus, as well as influenza A and B.

Among the main indications for the use of the drug are:

  • hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome;
  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • herpes virus;
  • acute intestinal infection;
  • pseudotuberculosis;
  • whooping cough;
  • flu;
  • SARS;
  • prevention of superinfections;
  • meningococcal and enteroviral meningitis.

You can take the drug for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It is known that Ergoferon shows the highest efficiency in the first days of the disease.

The drug is compatible with other drugs of systemic or symptomatic action, however, before using it, it is necessary to consult with a specialized doctor.

How to take the drug?

The antiviral drug Ergoferon is used both in the acute period of the disease and as a prophylactic.

The instructions provide standard doses of the drug, which should be followed unless otherwise directed by the doctor.


It is prescribed for adults and children from 3 years of age. During the reception, it is recommended to hold the solution in the mouth, which will enhance its therapeutic effect.

As a preventive measure take 1 teaspoon twice a day after meals. Children from 3 to 7 years old are prescribed half a teaspoon of the solution 2 times a day. The total duration of admission is from 1 to 6 months.

For treatment in the first days of illness, the dose is increased to 2 teaspoons. Children - 1 spoonful of the solution 2 times a day. Treatment should not exceed 8 weeks.


Ergoferon in the form of lozenges can be prescribed to children from 6 months.

For younger age groups, the drug should be dissolved in one tablespoon of water.

The daily dose for babies from 6 months to 2 years should not exceed 2 tablets.

Adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets for 2 hours every 30 minutes on the first day of treatment. In the following days, the dose is reduced and is 1 tablet three times a day. Duration of admission from a week to two.

In order to prevent the drug is used 1 - 2 twice a day, for 1 - 6 months.

Contraindications and side effects

Ergoferon in the form of a solution or tablets is well tolerated and rarely causes adverse reactions in the body.

Refuse to take the drug in the following conditions and diseases:

  • individual intolerance to the composition;
  • malabsorption of carbohydrates;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • children under 3 years (solution) or tablets (up to 6 months);
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

In rare cases, after taking the drug, an allergic reaction, discomfort, and abdominal pain may occur. No other side effects have been reported in practice.

List of inexpensive analogues

Ergoferon is a good antiviral drug, but the course of treatment will require several packages, and the price of each is 350 rubles. He has no generics.

Therefore, many are looking for an analogue cheaper than Ergoferon, which will be no less effective, but more affordable.

There are several similar drugs with antiviral activity that can replace the brand. Such funds are produced by domestic or foreign manufacturers in various pharmacological forms.

The list of cheap analogues of Ergoferon includes:

  • Alpizarin - 140-150 rubles.
  • Kagocel - 240 rubles.
  • Laripront - 250 rubles.
  • Amizon - 250 rubles.
  • Anaferon (adult and child) - 220 rubles.
  • Viferon (candles) - 220 rubles.
  • Remantadin - 218 rubles.
  • Antigrippin - 90 rubles.

Antigrippin dragees are considered the closest in composition., which also belong to homeopathy, can be used for children from birth, but their effect is weaker than Ergoferon, therefore they are prescribed only for prevention or for mild colds.

The list of analogues is more expensive, but more effective

Ergoferon belongs to the middle price segment, since there are more expensive and stronger antiviral agents, which, despite the high price, require a lower dosage and frequency of administration.

Thus, treatment can be cheaper. However, this is not an axiom. It all depends on the age of the patient and the nature of the pathology, so the most advantageous option will vary in each individual case.

These drugs are produced by foreign pharmaceutical companies and are often prescribed by doctors for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes.

  • Bronchomunal - 470-500 rubles.
  • Viferon - 228-480 rubles (depending on the dosage).
  • Groprinosin - 600 - 1000 rubles.
  • Tamiflu - 800 - 1200 rubles.
  • Isoprinazine - 1300 - 1800 rubles.
  • Amiksin - 700 rubles.
  • Tsitovir-3 - 400 - 650 rubles.

The cost of any drug directly depends on the composition, country of manufacture and manufacturing technology.

All antiviral drugs have almost the same therapeutic activity, but some have a stronger effect, others are weaker.

Ergoferon belongs to homeopathy, so it cannot be called a drug with high activity.

How to replace the original for children?

Viral infections are most often exposed to children, whose immunity is not always able to fully fight them.

That is why antiviral drugs are more often used in pediatrics, both for the treatment and prevention of a number of ENT diseases.

In practice, two inexpensive analogues are most often used for children: Anaferon (20 tablets - from 240 rubles) and Viferon (10 candles - 228 rubles).

They are well tolerated, can be prescribed to infants at the first sign of a cold.

Anaferon is able to effectively eliminate the symptoms of the disease, while Viferon is active against pathogens.

The difference between the drugs is also in the form of release - Viferon is produced in the form of rectal suppositories, and Anaferon - lozenges.


Strong drug from the group of antiviral agents, dispensed by prescription. Children from 12 years old can use tablets, infants - powder.

It contains oseltamivir phosphate, which has the ability to suppress and destroy viral agents in the respiratory tract.

Taking the drug significantly reduces the risk of developing pneumonia, bronchitis, which can manifest as a complication after SARS or acute respiratory infections. Capsules will cost from 1200 rubles. 10 pcs., powder for suspension preparation - from 1900 rubles.

Cytovir 3

Antiviral agent based on alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan sodium (sodium thymogen), bendazole hydrochloride (dibazole), ascorbic acid.

It has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, relieves the inflammatory process, increases resistance to infections.

Children under the age of 1 are prescribed syrup (50 ml from 400 rubles). Starting from 6 years old, you can use tablets (from 180 rubles for 12 capsules).


prescription drug with high antiviral activity. The composition contains inosine pranobek, which inhibits the production of mRNA viruses.

Taking the drug in the first days of the disease allows you to activate the formation of interferon, accelerate the production of antiherpetic antibodies, shorten the recovery period, and increase the body's resistance to infections.

In pediatrics, the medicine can be used from the 1st year, the price is from 1240 rubles. for 50 tablets and 1000 rubles. for 150 ml. syrup.


A good competitor to Ergoferon, which has a similar effect on viruses and allows you to stimulate immune defenses.

It contains lysates of bacteria, which are most often the cause of respiratory diseases.

For children, the drug is available in a dose of 3.5 mg, and can be used from six months, and for adults 7 mg.

Bronchomunal is prescribed in complex therapy or as a prophylactic for children who often suffer from viral infections that affect the ENT organs and the respiratory system. The price of the medicine is higher: from 470 rubles. for 10 and 1300 rubles. for 30 tablets.

Kagocel or ergoferon - which is better?

A worthy analogue of Ergoferon will be Kagocel, which is cheaper and exhibits high antiviral activity in infectious diseases.

The drug can be used for children from 3 years of age and adults, but is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Kagocel in its composition contains the active ingredient of the same name Kagocel 12 mg, and Ergoferon contains antibodies to human gamma interferon and histamine.

Both drugs belong to different groups - Kagocel is an immunomodulatory agent with antiviral action, and Ergoferon is homeopathy.

Despite significant differences, both medications are used as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent for acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, herpes and other diseases of viral etiology.

Unlike analogue - Ergoferon has an antihistamine effect, reduces body temperature in the acute period. Kagocel has no such effect.

Based on this, it can be concluded that Ergoferon is better for viral infections, can be used for young children, and also has a shorter list of contraindications and side effects.

Ergoferon or Anaferon

Close in composition to Ergoferon is Anaferon, which also belongs to interferon inducers, but has a different composition.

Both drugs are produced by domestic pharmacological companies, are well tolerated, non-toxic, and are often used in pediatrics.

Anaferon for children can be used from the 1st month of life, while Ergoferon with 6. The price of Anaferon is slightly lower, about 240 rubles per pack of 20 tablets.

A distinctive feature of the two drugs is the absence of an antiallergic effect in Anaferon, which makes it weaker.

Ergoferon quickly cope with the symptoms of a cold, help eliminate a runny nose and cough, and prevent the development of bronchospasm.

Anaferon does not possess such properties. It only suppresses the vital activity of viruses, making it impossible for them to spread and multiply.

Ergoferon or Arbidol

An analogue of Ergoferon with a similar effect are Arbidol tablets, which have antiviral activity and can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The composition of the two drugs is different. The basis of Arbidol is umifenovir, which belongs to immunostimulants with antiviral action.

Unlike Ergoferon, the substitute drug is cheaper, but its therapeutic properties are weaker. The fact is that Ergoferon has not only an antihistamine, but also an anti-inflammatory effect, which Arbidol does not have.

An analogue can be assigned to children from 3 years old. It is not recommended to use the drug for pregnant women, as well as for intolerance to the composition, in which case you can choose

Most doctors agree that Ergoferon is better. It quickly eliminates the symptoms of influenza and SARS, speeds up recovery, and minimizes the risk of complications.

Ingavirin or ergoferon

You can replace Ergoferon with Ingaverin, which also has antiviral and immunostimulating effects, but is more expensive.

The analogue shows high efficiency in the first days of the disease, reduces the severity of symptoms, and prevents the addition of a bacterial infection. The medicine is produced in the form of capsules at a dose of 30/60/90 mg.

The basis of the drug is imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid (vitaglutam), which is effective for influenza (type A and B), adenovirus infection, SARS.

The drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, and for children, admission is possible only from the age of 7 at a dose of 30 or 60 mg.

Unlike Ergoferon, the substitute is a narrowly targeted antiviral agent that does not have an antihistamine effect, has a completely different composition and is twice as expensive (700 rubles per pack). But in any case, you can choose.

Which is better - Ergoferon or Cycloferon?

Cycloferon is not a homeopathic remedy, but has a similar therapeutic effect.

In its composition, it contains 150 mg of meglumine acridone acetate, which stimulates the production of interferon and has a good antiviral effect.

Unlike Ergoferon, Cycloferon is a more powerful drug. It is used not only for viral infections, but also for HIV.

As a preventive measure for ARVI, Ergoferon would be better, and its analogue can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor who can choose the appropriate dose of medication.

Ergoferon or Amiksin

Amiksin is another analogue of Ergoferon with an antiviral effect. The composition of the drug includes tilorone, which belongs to low molecular weight synthetic interferon inducers.

It stimulates the production of interferons of types alpha, beta, gamma and lambda. Amiksin is used in the treatment and prevention of viral infections.

Can be prescribed to children from 7 years. Unlike Ergoferon, which must be applied several times a day, Amiksin is taken 1 time in 6 days.

Tablets speed up recovery, and also significantly reduce the risk of morbidity after contact with a sick person.

The price of Amiksin is higher, it is 700 - 800 rubles for a package of 1 or 3 tablets. There are 12 inexpensive analogues of the drug, you can familiarize yourself with them.

Ergoferon or viferon

In pediatrics, the drug Viferon is prescribed as a replacement for Ergoferon, which has high antiviral activity, can be used from birth and is cheaper.

The main difference between the drugs is their form of release. Viferon is provided in the form of rectal suppositories, and Ergoferon is lozenges.

Viferon is a safe and affordable drug that can be used not only for infants, but also for pregnant women.

The drug is a powerful immunostimulant, it can reduce the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, shorten the duration of the disease, and reduce the risk of complications.

Viferon is mainly used for medicinal purposes at the first symptoms of the disease, while Ergoferon is more often used as a prophylactic.


Analyzing Ergoferon and similar drugs, we can conclude that there are many options, but in any case, the choice of a drug should always be agreed with a doctor.

Patients are skeptical about homeopathy and antivirals in general. This is explained by the fact that taking any immunomodulator is a direct intervention in the work of the immune system, which must independently cope with viral infections.

Despite this opinion, antiviral drugs are often used in practice, they have a good therapeutic and preventive effect, help the body cope with the disease faster.

The strongest effect from taking any antiviral agent is observed in the first 3 days from the moment the first signs of the disease appear.

Taking drugs on the 4th day may not have any therapeutic effect. Ergoferon, as well as its analogues, differ in composition, therefore, when choosing any drug, it is necessary to study the instructions, get a doctor's advice.

The cool season is always accompanied by massive colds. Children who do not go to kindergartens get sick, and, moreover, children who attend children's institutions catch a cold.

It will not be possible to protect yourself from ubiquitous viruses by 100%, but you can reduce the risks. For this, the pharmacological industry produces various antiviral drugs. These include Ergoferon and Anaferon - agents that are interferon inducers.

Main properties and characteristics

Both drugs are in high demand, since it is more cost-effective to strengthen the immune system in advance than, having missed this opportunity, to fight the viral disease itself.

The funds belong to the same group of drugs - they contain antibodies to interferon, but they have some differences.

It is advisable to take them from the moment the first symptoms of a cold ailment appear. During periods of seasonal epidemics, these drugs may be prescribed for prophylaxis. Let's try to find out what is better to choose for a child - Anaferon or Ergoferon?

Basic properties:

  • stimulation of immunity due to the production of interferon (in patients, recovery is noticeably accelerated);
  • suppression of viruses in the body (their reproduction and development slows down).

Main difference:

  • Anaferon has a classic composition (only antibodies to interferon are included);
  • Ergoferon additionally contains antibodies to histamine.

Accordingly, Anaferon is used only for viral infections (ARVI, encephalitis, herpes).

And Ergoferon is also prescribed as an antihistamine (diseases accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa, various bacterial infections). He manages:

  • with bronchial spasms (relaxes muscles);
  • with nasal congestion with rhinitis, including allergic nature;
  • with sneezing and persistent cough.

In addition, the drug is able to start the work of CD-4 cells responsible for antiviral protection. Its effectiveness as an immune stimulant will be higher.

Features of treatment

Ergoferon is a fairly new drug on the domestic drug market, rapidly gaining popularity. However, it can not be given to all children - there are age restrictions. You can take this drug from six months.

If it is necessary to conduct antiviral therapy for the smallest children, pediatricians prescribe Anaferon. He is discharged from the age of one month.

In terms of efficiency and safety, both tools have equal indicators.

But Anaferon allows you to help people prone to allergies. Babies have extremely sensitive mucous membranes of the larynx and nose. When viruses appear, severe edema and spasm are formed. The anti-allergic effect of the drug in such situations will be relevant - the active substances will not allow bronchospasm or mucosal edema in the respiratory tract.

General appointment rules:

  1. If prophylaxis is required, Anaferon is prescribed. They can also treat viral diseases. Reception begins from the first day of illness.
  2. If intensive care is required, doctors prescribe Ergoferon. Treatment is also prescribed when the body is highly prepared for an allergic reaction. You can take the medicine from any day of illness. It is also suitable for prevention.

What to give preference

As with any drug, it should not be taken without first consulting a pediatrician. This specialist will study the medical history, examine the child and prescribe reasonable treatment. A caring mother will not be able to do this, since she does not have sufficient experience in treating infections.

In terms of reliability, both Russian drugs do an excellent job. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. And Ergoferon additionally well eliminates the manifestations of allergies.

Both drugs are also prescribed as a preventive medicine. Ergoferon can be drunk from one to six months, Anaferon - from one to three months. Single dose: 1-2 tablets, unless otherwise instructed by the pediatrician (exact information can be seen in the instructions).

The cost is from 170 to 320 rubles per pack.

The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. It occurs quite rarely. In the case of such problems, parents should urgently contact the pediatrician who prescribed the treatment. Self-treatment of a child is strictly not recommended.

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