What is the name of the substance when a person sleeps. How is melatonin produced? Does melatonin cause lethargy and drowsiness in the morning

The regulation of sleep and wake cycles is controlled by the hormone melatonin, which is produced by the pineal gland.

Production of melatonin by the pineal gland

pineal gland is a pea-sized gland located just above the brain. During the day, the pineal gland is inactive. With the onset of night, the pineal gland is activated by the pituitary gland and begins to actively produce melatonin, which is released into the blood. This usually happens around 21 pm.

As a result, the level of melatonin in the blood increases dramatically, and we become less alert and sleepy.

It is important to note that strong artificial light has the ability to prevent the synthesis of melatonin, therefore, in order to fall asleep normally and improve the quality of sleep at night, it is desirable that the lighting in the room was as small as possible.

If for some reason you cannot take care of the increase natural production melatonin, the easiest way to compensate for its deficiency is by taking melatonin supplements.

Application of melatonin

In addition, melatonin is most commonly used to treat insomnia.

Melatonin is sometimes prescribed for people who suffer from:

  • fibromyalgia;
  • migraine;
  • cluster headache;

Melatonin is also used:

  • to regulate sleep/wake cycles in people who are blind;
  • in children, melatonin is used for insomnia associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;
  • in children with developmental disabilities, including cerebral palsy and mental disorders.

Other uses of melatonin:

An adjunct to smoking cessation by reducing the effects of withdrawal symptoms - that is, cravings for nicotine.

Reduce some of the side effects of chemotherapy, including weight loss, nerve pain, weakness.

The benefits of sleep hormone and long life

Melatonin has unique health benefits that some people don't even realize.

Melatonin is a substance that:

  • extremely beneficial effect on the immune system;
  • a powerful antioxidant that helps fight inflammation;
  • melatonin even plays a significant role in delaying the aging of brain cells and the body as a whole;
  • regulation and maintenance;
  • contributes to the prevention of obesity, diabetes and heart disorders;
  • reduces and regulates the level of the so-called bad.

Melatonin for cancer prevention

Melatonin is a powerful ally in cancer prevention. It has the ability to inhibit the proliferation of many types of tumor cells to induce apoptosis (self-destruction) cancer cells. The hormone also prevents the creation of new blood vessels that feed tumor cells (angiogenesis) and thereby prevent their growth.

Melatonin increases the effectiveness and reduces the toxicity of chemotherapy in the treatment of oncology. In these cases, the introduction of melatonin begins approximately 7 days before starting chemotherapy.

This hormone not only stimulates the self-destruction of cancer cells, but also increases the production of immune-boosting substances such as interleukin-2, which helps identify and attack mutated cells that lead to cancer.

On the this stage most studies have been on the effect of melatonin on the development of breast cancer. But it has also been observed that melatonin is able to protect against the development of precancerous ovarian, endometrial, testicular and prostate cancers.

The effect of melatonin on sleep

A typical dose (1 to 3 mg) can increase blood levels of melatonin from 1 to 20 times normal. This improves sleep quality and duration. Increasing the concentration of melatonin in the blood also helps to reduce the number of nocturnal awakenings.

The hormone is sold in tablets and liquid form. The dosage is determined depending on the specific condition of the person, concomitant diseases, body weight, age, etc., and is determined only by the attending physician.

It is advisable to use low doses of melatonin when taken for the first time.

It is necessary to take melatonin tablets immediately before bedtime or in preparation for sleep, but not earlier than 30 minutes. This product may affect your sleep-wake cycle for several days if you travel across different time zones.

If you are taking this product for other medical conditions that are not related to sleep, you should follow your healthcare professional's instructions on when and how to take melatonin.

If you missed a dose?

Because melatonin is only used when needed, you don't need to take it on a schedule unless otherwise directed. Never take a double dose to make up for a missed one.


Melatonin is stored at room temperature, insulated from moisture and direct heat sources. Keep blister packs out of the reach of children and pets.

Contraindications for use

Although it is available as a dietary supplement, melatonin is not suitable for everyone. It is advisable to consult your doctor before taking melatonin.

There are several diseases and conditions in which the administration of melatonin is contraindicated:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes – melatonin can lead to high content blood sugar in diabetics;
  • depression;
  • epilepsy - melatonin may increase the risk of seizures;
  • violations immune system;
  • liver disease;
  • kidney problems;

Reception of melatonin is absolutely contraindicated in the development of an allergy to it.

Features of the use of melatonin


There is no clear evidence that taking melatonin can harm fetal development. But, it's still best not to use melatonin without consulting your doctor.

It has been established that high doses of melatonin can affect ovulation, which leads to difficulties when trying to get pregnant, and a contraceptive effect is noticeable. If you are planning a pregnancy, it is best not to take melatonin.


To avoid negative consequences it is desirable to stop breast-feeding if necessary, take melatonin.


It is not advisable to give this supplement to children under the age of 16-18 without the advice of a physician. Taking melatonin in children and adolescents can lead to growth retardation due to its ability to influence the secretion of other hormones.

Precautionary measures

The safety of taking food supplements in long term unknown.

In order to prevent side effects follow all directions on the product label. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you suffer from any illness or are allergic to medicines.

Side effects

For most people, side effects are absent or occur early in therapy. Typically this is:

  • daytime sleepiness;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

Although more rare:

  • irritability;
  • short-term depressive thoughts;
  • stomach cramps;
  • decreased sex drive.

These side effects can occur when melatonin is taken in high concentrations.

If you notice any side effects and they do not disappear within 4-5 days, stop taking melatonin and consult your doctor.

Unfavorable combination of other drugs with melatonin

Combined with others pharmacological agents, which cause drowsiness, can significantly worsen this effect. These combinations should be avoided or consult your doctor:

  • opiates
  • narcotic painkillers,
  • muscle relaxers,
  • anxiety medications,
  • antidepressants,
  • during hormone replacement therapy,
  • drugs used to control seizures.

Due to the risk of decreasing therapeutic effect and creating the prerequisites for the occurrence of life-threatening conditions, it is advisable not to take melatonin in combination with:

  • immunosuppressants (eg, cyclosporine);
  • corticosteroids (such as prednisone)
  • vasodilator drugs such as nifedipine.

Other drugs may also have adverse interactions, including over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and herbal products.

Features of nutrition in the treatment of melatonin

It is advisable not to consume alcohol along with melatonin due to the risk of excessive drowsiness and disturbances in the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.

Alcohol can reduce the activity of melatonin. It is advisable to limit yourself to one glass of wine when taking melatonin.


Some food products have the ability to influence the absorption of certain drugs. In the case of melatonin, interactions have not been established, but it is possible.

Herbs and supplements with sedative properties

Taking melatonin with herbs that have sedative properties can increase the effects and side effects of melatonin. Some of these additives include hops, valerian and others.

Signs of an allergic reaction to melatonin

Allergic reactions to melatonin are rare, but still possible.

  • rash;
  • hives;
  • labored breathing;
  • chest tightness;
  • swelling of the oral cavity;
  • confusion;
  • depression;
  • fast heartbeat.

Although nutritional supplements are available and considered harmless, but their arbitrary consumption is not desirable. Talk to your doctor before taking melatonin.

Melatonin is the main hormone of the pineal gland ( pineal gland). It's biologically active substance affects all systems in the human body.

The pineal gland is a small part of the brain that plays a huge role in harmonizing metabolic processes and activities nervous system. It connects the visual perceiving apparatus (the retina of the eye) and every cell of the body.

Melatonin synthesis

The complex process of biological synthesis of melatonin occurs mainly in the pineal gland. The precursor of this hormone is the neurotransmitter serotonin.

Required trigger condition chemical reaction conversion of serotonin to melatonin - darkness.

Thus, the concentration of the hormone rises precisely after the completion of daylight hours. A particularly significant level of melatonin in the blood is recorded after midnight and before dawn. In winter, this interval is longer than in summer for natural reasons.

The production of the hormone melatonin is a chemical signal from the pineal gland to all body systems that night has come.

Melatonin and night rest

As the sun sets, the metabolism and activity of the central nervous system changes. In many ways, these changes occur due to the action of the pineal gland hormone melatonin.

Literally until the beginning of the previous century, the only normal option for sleep and wakefulness was the natural following of biological clocks. People got up at dawn, actively worked during the day, went to bed after sunset. Artificial lighting was used very limitedly. Wakefulness after midnight and even more so before dawn was an absolutely rare occurrence.

AT modern world sleep and wakefulness are further and further away from natural biological rhythms. Nighttime rest is reduced to a minimum. Many work schedules generally involve active wakefulness after midnight and sleep only during the morning and afternoon hours.

Unfortunately, such abnormal human body sleep and wake schedules, negatively affect general health and functions of the central nervous system.

Melatonin is practically not produced in the pineal gland during the day, even during sleep. Its lack of concentration prevents you from having a good rest both physically and psychologically.

A low level of melatonin disrupts the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, adversely affects the processes of memory and learning, metabolism.

Functions of melatonin

In the epiphysis with the onset of darkness, blood flow is activated. This gland assumes the role of leader in endocrine system at the time of rest. Its main hormone melatonin regulates all body processes during a night's sleep.

Hormone functions:

  • inhibition of excessive excitation in the central nervous system;
  • ensuring falling asleep and maintaining sleep;
  • activation of immunity;
  • decrease in the level of systemic arterial pressure;
  • hypoglycemic effect (lowering blood sugar);
  • hypolipidemic effect (lowering cholesterol in the blood);
  • increase in potassium concentration.

Melatonin is one of the sleep inducing substances. Its drugs are used to treat some forms of insomnia.

In addition, this hormone is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants. Its action at night contributes to the restoration of damaged cells and inhibition of the aging process of the body.

The function of lowering glycemia and blood cholesterol is necessary to prevent metabolic syndrome (combination diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis).

Melatonin prolongs life expectancy. Scientists suggest that high concentrations of the hormone may contribute to longevity and good health even after 60-70 years.

The hormone prevents the appearance and growth of malignant tumors. This function is performed by influencing the synthesis growth hormone, which in high concentrations contributes to the development of cancer.

Melatonin has been proven to be essential for normal functioning psychological processes. Lack of the hormone provokes depression and anxiety.

Measures to Normalize Melatonin Levels

most effective measure to increase melatonin in the blood is correct mode day. Recommended:

  • early rise;
  • going to bed before midnight;
  • night rest about 6-8 hours;
  • study in the first shift;
  • work without night shifts.

If circumstances permit, then it is preferable to increase the hormone in this way. Return to natural rhythm sleep and wakefulness will positively affect health and well-being in a few days.

You can increase melatonin with the help of a special diet. The diet should include foods containing essential amino acids(tryptophan). It is especially important to complement them with dinner.

Dishes that increase the concentration of melatonin:

  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • bird;
  • dairy.

In addition, the pharmaceutical industry now has means to increase melatonin. Some of these medicines are registered as medicines, while others are considered biologically active additives to food.

Pineal hormone preparations

Melatonin preparations are used to correct sleep disorders. For this purpose, they are prescribed in the evening hours for a course of up to several weeks.

In addition, melatonin is used for depression, low performance, decreased memory and intellectual functions. The most widely prescribed pills contain an artificial analogue of human melatonin.

Pineal hormones of animal origin have a similar effect. It is believed that such medicines have a strong immunostimulating effect.

Any preparations of pineal hormones are quite serious means. They should be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician (therapist, endocrinologist, neurologist). During treatment, it is necessary laboratory control basic body functions (blood tests for hormones, transaminases, lipids and glucose).

"Dream - the best medicine"," you need to sleep with grief "- these folk wisdom absolutely right. Lots of scientific research confirm: who sleeps a lot, he lives longer and get sick less.


It is at night that 70% of the daily amount of melatonin is produced - a hormone that protects us from stress and premature aging from colds and even cancer. It is he who regulates - helps to adapt to the change of day and night, sends animals into hibernation and drives us to bed after dark. Hormone production begins to rise at dusk, reaches a maximum from 0 to 4.00 in the morning and falls with dawn. We fall into sleep, and melatonin gets to work - restores, repairs, strengthens ... After all, it is one of the most powerful natural immunomodulators and antioxidants, the most powerful scavenger free radicals- unstable molecules that, by destroying DNA, cells and tissues, contribute to the development of cancer and heart disease.

“If the pineal gland (the gland that produces this hormone) is likened to a biological clock, then melatonin is the pendulum that ensures their movement,” explains Professor Vladimir ANISIMOV, President of the Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences. “As you know, the smaller the amplitude of the pendulum, the sooner the clock mechanism will stop.” With age, the production of melatonin decreases, and this is a signal for all other body systems that it is time to give up, it’s time to grow old.

This, of course, is only one of the factors of aging, but a very significant one. Experiments on laboratory animals showed that when daylight hours lengthened, they began to age faster: menopause began earlier, free radical cell damage accumulated, insulin sensitivity decreased, obesity and cancer developed. The life expectancy also decreased by 20% in hamsters with an artificially disturbed rhythm of melatonin production.

With the introduction of melatonin to elderly mice, their lifespan increased by 25% - this was shown by studies conducted by a group of Italian scientists.

On humans, such experiments, of course, are not carried out. But compelling data from other large studies show that people who are forced to work regularly at night, which means they are chronically deficient in melatonin, have a 40-60% greater risk of developing coronary heart disease and metabolic syndrome - a combination of obesity, hypertension, diabetes and atherosclerosis. - in a word, a bouquet that shortens our lives.


Did you sit up long after midnight at the computer, read a book until the morning, or had fun at a party? In general, are you used to sleeping with a night lamp or under the light of the city lights at night through the curtains that are not drawn? Rest assured: the right amount you didn't get melatonin.

Scientists believe that it is excessive illumination that shortens the life of residents of large cities, and even introduced a special term “light pollution”.

Even worse is the case for residents of the northern regions. Too short white nights leave them practically no chance to get enough of an important hormone. While a person is young, this does not significantly affect health. But that's when the production of melatonin begins naturally decrease, it makes sense to take it additionally.

According to Vladimir Anisimov, such prevention is useful for all people over 35 years old. It is better to take melatonin in a course - in summer and autumn - 1-1.5 mg exclusively at night. How many times a week - it does not matter, you can 2-3 or more if you suffer from insomnia. After all, melatonin, not being a sleeping pill, facilitates falling asleep, reduces the number of nocturnal awakenings.

Do you have an emergency? Take melatonin even if you go to bed at 4 am. You will receive the required daily amount of the hormone, and you will fall asleep faster - after all, overwork causes, including insomnia.


With the help of melatonin, you can quickly translate your The biological clock after flying across multiple time zones. To adjust to a new daily regimen, having arrived at the place, take 1.5 g of melatonin at night. And you can fall asleep, and the whole next day you will be more cheerful. Do the same when you return home.

Americans have long appreciated the practical benefits of melatonin. In the US, many older people regularly take the drug to improve sleep and well-being.

"There are no side effects from seasonal intake in such small doses. No addiction develops, and the production of one's own hormone does not decrease," adds Semyon Rapoport, doctor medical sciences, Professor MMA them. I. M. Sechenova, Chairman of the Commission "Chronobiology and Chronomedicine" RAMS .

Melatonin is contraindicated in diabetics (it does not combine well with antidiabetic drugs), pregnant and lactating women, children under 16 years of age, those who are prone to depression, and also with autoimmune diseases and in rare cases allergies to melatonin.


But scientists are interested not only in the preventive effect of the sleep hormone. "Today, there is already convincing evidence to recommend melatonin for the treatment of coronary disease heart, hypertension, peptic ulcer. We introduced melatonin into the treatment regimens for hypertensive patients and heart patients, and this made it possible to reduce usual dose drugs, - says Semyon Rapoport. - I really hope that soon it will be included in a wide clinical practice". Apparently, this will happen after the completion of the next major study, which will soon be launched by scientists from the MMA. Sechenov, the Department of Embryology of Moscow State University and the Institute of Developmental Biology of the Academy of Sciences. In the course of it, it is planned to establish, among other things, a more accurate dependence of the quality of life on the production of melatonin.

The most promising effect of melatonin is in the fight against breast cancer, a tumor associated with increased level female hormones estrogen.

The fact is that the “hormone of the night” inhibits their production, which means that the less melatonin, the higher the risk of getting sick. Scientists even calculated the dependence of this risk on night habits:

Excessive night illumination harms everyone, but women are more affected than men. Large studies conducted in Denmark, Finland, and the USA have shown that long work night shift increases the risk of breast cancer in women 30-54 years of age.

The potential role of melatonin in the fight against oncological diseases is now being actively studied. Has already positive results, but the effectiveness of the method has not yet been clinically confirmed, so one should not place unreasonable hopes on a new “cure for cancer”, scientists warn.


1. Draw blackout curtains at night.
2. Don't sleep with a night light or TV on.
3. When getting up at night, do not turn on the light. To illuminate the toilet, a dim night lamp that plugs into an outlet is enough.
4. If you stay up late, the lighting of the room should be dim and certainly not a fluorescent lamp.
5. Try to fall asleep no later than midnight: the maximum melatonin is produced from 0 to 4 in the morning.

In humans, animals, plants and microorganisms, the hormone melatonin is found - not every person knows what it is.

However, after reading the article, it will be known what melatonin is, how this hormone stimulates vital activity, what functions melatonin has and what awaits us with increased or lower scores levels of this hormone.

Melatonin: what is it

Melatonin is the main hormone of the pineal gland (pineal gland of the brain). The hormone melatonin in sufficient volume is required for the proper regulation of body functions. During sleep, 70% of melatonin is produced. regulates biological rhythms, which contributes to the normal functioning of the glands of the endocrine system.

It is interesting! International name melatonin - Melatoninum .

Moreover, melatonin, in addition to the hormone of sleep, is the hormone of youth, and such a definition of melatonin was not given by chance: the hormone, penetrating the cells, tones the body. Thanks to this effect of melatonin, the body is rejuvenated, the immune system is strengthened, skin covering, pass pain which has a beneficial effect on well-being.

Thus, it is important for a person to sleep at least 8 hours a day: after such good sleep melatonin is produced more intensively, and a man or woman feels an energy boost, depression disappears, which contributes to a feeling of satisfaction and Have a good mood- that is, the hormone is produced normally.

It's important to know! The production of melatonin is carried out at night, therefore, for a normal level of the hormone of the pineal gland, doctors recommend sleeping in the dark. If the work schedule falls at night, when you come back from your shift in the morning, close the curtains, put on a bandage for sleep, in general, create conditions for the full production of melatonin.

Also, experts recommend turning off bright lights as early as 19:00, that is, getting ready for bed - dim light favors the full production of melatonin. Most useful time for sleep, it starts at 9 pm, and the effect of melatonin lasts from 12 am to 4 am.

Therefore, it is pointless to tune in to sleep after 3 nights - melatonin synthesis will not take place, but you will spend the whole next day feeling tired, overwhelmed and drowsy.

Functions of melatonin, the sleep hormone

The first mention of melatonin was in 1958 - the hormone was discovered by Yale University dermatologist Professor Aaron Lerner - which is 23 years after the discovery male hormone testosterone. Food supplements and medicines containing synthetic melatonin went on the market in the early nineties. People who do not understand endocrinology assume that melatonin is exclusively a sleep hormone.

In addition to regulating biorhythms and promoting sleep, melatonin performs such functions as:

  • ability to withstand stress;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • stimulation of cells of the immune system;
  • blood pressure control;
  • maintaining the functions of the digestive system;
  • increased activity of the functions of the central nervous system;
  • assistance in losing weight, weight control;
  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • protection of body cells from harmful effects;
  • removal of free radicals from the body;
  • preventing the appearance of benign and malignant neoplasms.

These are not all the functions that melatonin has. The hormone and its effect on important human organs and systems are being researched to this day. A special connection in the study of the hormone of sleep and youth can be traced with such pathologies as cancer diseases scientists believe that a person with normal level melatonin will not suffer from oncology.

How is melatonin produced?

Recall that melatonin, produced by the pineal gland of the brain, is synthesized during sleep. More precisely, the pineal gland does not produce melatonin, but a substance such as serotonin, an alert hormone that dark time days through the amino acid tryptophan is converted into melatonin.

It is important! Doctors advise spending at least one hour on fresh air regardless weather conditions- this affects the production of serotonin - the precursor of melatonin. The more the hormone serotonin is produced in the body during the day, the more melatonin will be produced at night, but it is important that a person rests at least 8 hours.

If a man or woman is accompanied by such disorders like depression or insomnia, it is advisable to walk for at least 5 hours- after a walk, the body adjusts to sleep, which means that the hormone will be released in full, which contributes to normalization psycho-emotional state, that's why no need to take antidepressants sleeping pills and synthetic hormone.

Where is melatonin produced?

Scientists have established the fact that the hormone is produced not only in pineal gland brain. Melatonin is also synthesized in:

  • blood cells;
  • The cortical layer of the kidneys;
  • Endocrine-like cells of the digestive system.

In bright light, melatonin production is reduced, but if the hormone is produced in cells, light does not play a role. Additional levels of melatonin in cellular structure takes part in the functioning of brain cells, contributes to the regulation of biorhythms.

Experts believe that melatonin has a greater antioxidant effect, unlike vitamin E.

Deficiency of melatonin, the sleep hormone

After 8 pm, melatonin begins to be produced in large volumes, and the hormone reaches its maximum level by 3-4 am. It is at this time that it is recommended to sleep in complete darkness. The daily normal dose of melatonin in the human body is 30-35 micrograms.

But if such signs of a lack of melatonin are noticeable, you should contact a specialist:

  • sleep disorder;
  • frequent diseases of a viral and infectious nature;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • mental disorders;
  • prostration;
  • feeling of anxiety, anxiety;
  • negative effect of oxidants on the body.

These are the first symptoms in which the doctor will advise you to review the daily routine, adjust sleep, adhere to proper nutrition, because on the face of pineal gland dysfunction. For a reliable diagnosis, the endocrinologist will refer you to the delivery of the hormone.

It is interesting! Melatonin has no cumulative effect - such a hormone is produced and disappears, so it is wrong to think that one night healthy sleep will ensure the subsequent normal concentration of melatonin in the blood.

If the level of melatonin deviates downward, this entails such consequences as:

  • signs age-related changes - the formation of wrinkles, early aging skin, change in skin tone;
  • a sharp increase in body weight- such cases were recorded that the patient gained up to 10 kilograms in 6 months;
  • premature menopause in women- with a lack of melatonin, it happens that the menopausal period begins after 30 years;
  • scientifically confirmed that female representatives suffering from a lack of melatonin, exposed malignant tumors mammary gland.

Attention! Violation of the functions of the epiphysis entails an increase in the level of melatonin. In this case, due to an excess of the hormone, signs such as menopausal syndrome, a decrease or absence of libido appear, low level estrogen, delayed puberty.

Determination of the content of the sleep hormone in blood plasma

Deficiency or increase in the level of the hormone melatonin is determined by characteristic symptoms, but for the most reliable determination of the content of melatonin, the doctor will send you to the hospital. Only under these conditions, blood is taken from a vein, because an analysis for such a hormone is not taken on an outpatient basis.

The fact is that the elements of the hormone have a short time half-life is about 45 minutes, so the biomaterial for the study of the hormone is carried out repeatedly after short time intervals.

The norm of the hormone in people of different ages:

  • children - 325 pg / ml;
  • Patients reproductive age- at night 80-100 pg / ml, during the day no more than 10 pg / ml;
  • men and women of retirement age - a reduction of up to 20%.

It is interesting! The highest concentration of the hormone melatonin is seen in children under 3 years of age. From this age until puberty, the level of the hormone does not change. As a teenager grows hormonal production melatonin is reduced to 10-80 units. If a person has normal sleep, the level of the hormone does not decrease until the age of 45, and then less melatonin is produced.

If a child shows signs of autism, the synthetic hormone melatonin is prescribed to improve sleep, because autistic children are known to sleep poorly. In this case, the effect of the drug containing melatonin will be observed. They say that in this case the hormone will not produce on the child negative impact.

Instructions for use of melatonin

Melatonin is prescribed as a medicine for a shortage of the hormone in the body. The action of the drug is based on a synthetic hormone - an analogue of melatonin. Melatonin is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, because such medicines how hormones are a large number of contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • drug allergy, individual intolerance;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • leukemia, pathology of lymphatic tissue;
  • age category up to 18 years;
  • diabetes;
  • signs of epilepsy.

The mechanism of action of the drug based on melatonin

Preparations based on the synthetic hormone melatonin have a variety of effects on human life. The main distinguishing ability of the drug based on melatonin is normalization of biological rhythms. Also, the drug with the content of melatonin contributes to the neuroendocrine regulation of functions, strengthening, improving sleep.

Thanks to this medicinal product like melatonin, a person wakes up rested, full of energy - this means that working capacity increases, headaches disappear, mood improves.

If a person has been diagnosed with oncology, hormone therapy with melatonin is performed, while the hormone has a positive effect:

  • reduces cellular atrophy;
  • promotes the formation of antibodies;
  • inhibits the formation of metastases;
  • relieves pain.

It's important to know! The hormone protects the body from negative effects after chemotherapy, promotes the speedy healing of wounds after the removal of malignant neoplasms.

Please note that the hormone should not be taken without consulting your doctor.

Melatonin is available in capsules or tablets, the patient is prescribed to take the drug orally with large quantity water.

  • Children under 12 years of age should not take this drug.
  • Adolescents who have reached the age of 12 are prescribed 1 tablet of melatonin at bedtime.
  • Adults are prescribed 1-2 pills of the hormone half an hour before going to bed. According to the principles of dosage, it is indicated that daily dose melatonin should not exceed 6 tablets per day.

List of drugs based on melatonin

Medicines based on the sleep hormone melatonin can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered online. Melatonin is available in the form of tablets, solutions, capsules, sometimes even a patch with melatonin.

It is most convenient to choose melatonin on the Internet - this type of purchase involves familiarization with the sleep hormone in a synthetic form, the choice of generics hormonal drug considering the budget.

Online pharmacies offer the following selection of analogues of melatonin - the sleep hormone:

  • Melaxen- this is the most popular drug based on melatonin, such a drug is produced in America in the form of 3 mg tablets;
  • Melapur- sleep hormone in the form of tablets and capsules of 3 mg;
  • Apik-melatonin- this drug includes 3 mg of the hormone melatonin, 10 mg of pyridoxine;
  • Dorminorm- this drug is produced in the form of a dragee of 1 mg;
  • Natrol- This medicinal product serves as a dietary supplement in the USA containing 1, 3, 5, 10 mg of melatonin;
  • Circadin- this drug with melatonin has a prolonged effect, 2 mg;
  • Tasimelteon- the latest drug that improves sleep. This medicine passes clinical researches. Tasimelteon binds to melatonin receptors and activates them.

Melatonin: sports nutrition

people leading active image life, consume nutritional supplements with hormones, called sports nutrition. AT recent times sports nutrition includes the sleep hormone. Please note that melatonin is sports nutrition is much cheaper than the same hormone in the composition of pharmacological preparations.

Here are the most popular sports nutrition supplements:

Melatonin Optium Nutrilon

Now Foods Melatonin

Melatonin 4EverFit

Biochem Melatonin

Melatonin Natrol

Melatonin Scitec Nutrition

Melatonin Ultimate Nutrilon


Proved that modern generation Increasingly, they work late or stay up late, disrupting the biological clock, and this does not greatly affect the well-being of young people. However, with age, the production of melatonin decreases, which is expressed in a decrease immune functions, fatigue, chronic fatigue leading to stress and depressive disorders This is due to fluctuating sleep hormone levels.

To increase hormone levels in the body by artificial means, resort to such a drug as synthetic melatonin. Such preparations based on the organic substance melatonin help to improve sleep, normalize biorhythms, strengthen protective functions body, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, the aging process.

This is important to remember! Melatonin-based preparations cannot be treated on their own - only the doctor prescribes the dose of the hormone, based on individual features patient. The effect of synthetic melatonin is still not fully understood, and in some countries such a drug as melatonin is prohibited.

In this article, you will learn how to get melatonin, what foods contain this hormone, where it comes from, and why its level is reduced. It will also be interesting for you to read about its properties and features.

Melatonin is one of the pineal gland hormones responsible for regulating circadian rhythms in the human body. This substance was first discovered by dermatologist Lerner Aaron in 1958. At present, it is precisely determined that melatonin (the sleep hormone, as it is also called) is available in almost all living organisms. These include both protozoa and plants.

The process of hormone production

6. Normalizes the pressure in the arteries, thins the blood, which prevents the occurrence of blood clots.

7. Melatonin prevents the growth of cancer cells.

How to increase the level of melatonin? What should be avoided?

The decrease in the level of sleep hormone concentration in the human body is facilitated by:

1. Work at night. At this time, melatonin is produced in smaller quantities.

2. Excessive bedroom lighting. If rays from a street lamp penetrate the room, if the computer monitor or TV is active, if the lamp in the room is very bright, then melatonin is produced more slowly.

3. "White Nights".

4. A number of medicines:

  • "Fluoxetine";
  • "Piracetam";
  • "Dexamethasone";
  • "Reserpine";
  • anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs;
  • beta-blockers;
  • large amounts of vitamin B12.

Based on the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself: in order to normalize the level of melatonin, you need to sleep at night (and not work), turn off all appliances and devices in the bedroom, close the windows tightly and do not use the aforementioned medicines before bedtime.

How to replenish the body with natural melatonin?

Is melatonin found in foods? It is produced from tryptophan, and therefore, the food that contains this amino acid either contains a hormone or contributes to its synthesis in the human body.

Here is a list of foods you need to boost your melatonin levels:

Sweet cherry. These berries are natural source sleep hormone.

Bananas. These fruits do not contain melatonin, but actively stimulate its production.

Almonds, bread, made from whole wheat varieties, and cedar nuts. These products occupy a leading position in the list of those that contain the sleep hormone.

What other foods can contain the sleep hormone?

Oatmeal cooked in natural milk . Due to the enhanced effect on the process of melatonin synthesis, porridge is able to calm the body, satisfy hunger, and improve mood.

Baked potato. The product does not contain the sleep hormone, but has the ability to adsorb

vat acids that prevent its production.

Chamomile. Not in vain medicinal plant used as a sedative. Chamomile will not only help to overcome insomnia, but will also be an excellent natural relaxing remedy for the body and soul.

The sleep hormone stimulates the immune system and increases the protective properties of the body. It is for this reason that after good night in the case of a viral infection, the patient's well-being improves significantly, sometimes the disease completely recedes.

Naturally, melatonin is not contained in products with the presence of alcohol, in coffee and tobacco. Under their influence on the body, the production of the sleep hormone stops. I also negatively affect the functions of the pineal gland in the brain and stressful situations.

The body does not have the ability to accumulate melatonin for future use. Fasting well stimulates the production of the hormone - it is enough to refuse food one day during each week. At times, the production of melatonin increases after one hour of sports exercises.

Use of artificial melatonin

With the modern rhythm of life, melatonin deficiency, unfortunately, is not uncommon. AT young age a person may not yet feel his lack, but after 35 years his lack is clearly reflected in general well-being. For this reason, many doctors recommend supplementing the sleep hormone. Taking drugs based on melatonin contributes to:

Side effects and contraindications

No cases recorded adverse reaction on the part of the human body in cases where the sleep hormone was used. It should be remembered that our body is able to independently produce this substance, and excessive use of drugs containing it can adversely affect health. Artificially synthesized melatonin is not recommended in some cases:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding (the effect of the hormone on children who have not yet been born and on infants has not been studied);
  • with cancerous tumors;
  • when allergic reactions in severe form and with autoimmune diseases;
  • with diabetes;
  • people who are susceptible depressive states observed for a long period.

Even if there is none of the above contraindications, you should not self-medicate and use melatonin without first consulting a doctor.

Scientific research

What did scientists find out when they investigated the hormone melatonin? Its functions include, among other things, an increase in life expectancy by about 20%.

Without a doubt, the hormone has antitumor property, but it cannot be considered a panacea for oncological diseases. The main thing that every person needs to do is to provide his body with enough melatonin. Many of his beneficial features vital for normal functioning most of our systems and organs.

Medicines with melatonin

Preparations containing melatonin exist. But there are only four of them: Melaksen, Melapur, Melaton, Yukalin. Below you can find their description.

All of these drugs have international name Melatonin. Medicines are produced in the form of coated tablets or capsules. The preparations have pharmachologic effect, similar to the main functions of natural melatonin: hypnotic, adaptogenic and sedative.

Indications for taking these funds are:

  • desynchronosis (violation of normal daily rhythms, for example, when moving around countries located in different time zones of our planet);
  • fast fatiguability(including in elderly patients);
  • depressive states.
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