The cat has enlarged kidneys: possible causes, symptoms, treatment options, advice from veterinarians. Important rules on what to do if the cat has enlarged kidneys

hydronephrosis- a progressive pathology of the kidneys, in which there is a multiple increase in the renal pelvis as a result of prolonged filling with urine, which leads to an increase in pressure inside the kidney and the gradual death (atrophy) of the medulla and the cortex of the kidney. A number of factors lead to hydronephrosis of the kidneys, resulting in blockage of the lumen from the inside, or partial / complete compression of the ureter at any stage of its passage to the bladder. Hydronephrosis downstream is acute and chronic.

Rice. №1 The anatomical structure of the dog's kidney, changed during the course of hydronephrosis

For a clearer picture hydronephrosis, you need to remember a little the structure of the urinary system of dogs and cats. As you know, anatomically, two layers are distinguished in the kidney: cortical - outer and cerebral - inner layer, in which blood saturated with metabolic products is filtered and urine is formed. It continuously enters the renal pelvis, from where, in turn, the ureter exits, which connects the kidney to the bladder. Thus, in violation of the patency of the ureter, constantly formed urine accumulates in the pelvis, which leads to its significant expansion. At the same time, the lumen of the ureter also increases.

Rice. #2 An example of unilateral hydronephrosis in a dog (right kidney) with blockage of the proximal ureter (arrow)

The reasons

Let us dwell in more detail on the factors that lead the urinary system of dogs and cats to this pathological condition. There are congenital malformations and acquired causes of pathologies of the pyelocaliceal system and ureters. Congenital anomalies include: renal artery, ectopia of the ureter, ureterocele (hernial protrusion of the wall of the ureter due to narrowing of its mouth).

The second reasons include:

1. Urolithiasis and urological syndrome. With these pathologies, when an obstruction occurs in the ureters or underlying (distal) parts of the urinary system with a mineral calculus or mucous plug.

In this case, there is a gradation of the severity of the resulting obstruction. For example, if there is a blockage distal departments urinary tract and the flow of urine due to pressure in the overflowing bladder retrograde (in the opposite direction) through the ureters reaches the pelvis and leads to its expansion (pyeloectasia). In this case, emergency catheterization of the urethra or the formation of a perineal urethrostomy relieves the symptoms of obstruction and the outflow of urine from the renal pelvis resumes. In a different situation, when the localization of the calculus is detected directly in the lumen of the ureter, the symptoms of pyeloectasia and subsequent hydronephrosis increase much more rapidly.

2. Iatrogenic ligation of the ureter. Occurs as a complication after surgical operations on organs abdominal cavity. For example, when caesarean section, castration (ovariohysterectomy) in females, castration of cryptorchid or cystotomy. The imposition of a ligature on the ureter is facilitated by a change in the anatomical location of the urinary and genital organs during their inflammation, prolapse, tumor infiltration, in which the ureters are affected in the process. Therefore, an important role in the prevention of postoperative hydronephrosis is the experience of the operating surgeon and his knowledge of the topographic relationships of the abdominal organs in various pathological processes.

3. adhesive process or adhesive disease. Adhesions are connective tissue (cicatricial) adhesions that occur between closely spaced organs. The adhesive process is formed due to peritonitis, i.e. irritation and inflammation of the peritoneum - a specific membrane that covers the inner wall of the abdominal cavity and the surface internal organs. Thus, adhesions formed between the organs of the pelvic region can exert external compression on any part of the ureter and narrow or completely block its lumen.

4. K others, most rare reasons include spasm of the urethra, spasms of the ureters during pregnancy; tumors leading to kinks of the ureters, etc.


The mechanism of development of hydronephrotic degeneration of the kidney is the same in all cases, regardless of the cause that caused it. The changes that occur in the kidney have a certain sequence; at the first stage, the obstructed outflow of urine causes an increase in pressure in the cavity of the pelvis. Together with this, stretching of the renal calyces and compensation of functional ability occurs due to an active increase in the number of structural units of the kidney (stage II). At this stage, changes in the kidneys are reversible with timely intervention.

With a long preservation of obstruction, the decompensatory stage (III) gradually develops, in which thinning of the walls of the cups and a sharp expansion of the pelvis are observed. At this stage, the kidney is greatly enlarged, the cortical layer is sharply thinned, the function of the kidney is barely visible or absent. At the same time, there is hypotrophy of the working tissue of the kidney, a violation of urine filtration and blood circulation in the glomeruli, which leads to tissue hypoxia (ischemia) and, ultimately, to the death of the renal parenchyma (stage IV).

There are one- and two-sided hydronephrotic lesions. With bilateral (bilateral) hydronephrosis, the animal requires emergency surgery, otherwise the animal may die within the first two days due to acute renal failure. Bilateral hydronephrosis is rarely caused by bilateral ureteral involvement. More often it occurs when there is a violation of the outflow of urine from the bladder. Monolateral (unilateral) hydronephrosis, unlike bilateral, in the initial stage is asymptomatic and imperceptible to the owners of the animal; often such an affected kidney is detected during routine ultrasound examination.

During the period of embryonic development, females have formed close anatomical connections between the urinary and genital organs, which leads to possible probability Iatrogenic injury of the bladder and ureters during obstetric and gynecological operations. Moreover, if the injury of the bladder, as a rule, is quite easy to recognize and take measures directly during the operation, it is difficult to establish the lesion of the ureters in a timely manner. In this regard, the restoration of the health of the animal may be delayed for long time, and treatment will require repeated surgical interventions. The outcome of these operations is predicted as cautious to unfavorable with a high probability of kidney loss.


Diagnosis of hydronephrosis without special visual research methods is very difficult, since there is not a single symptom that would tell us with 100% accuracy the presence of this disease, especially at an early stage. And even a laboratory analysis of blood and urine does not have specific deviations in their indicators in the preclinical stage. Therefore, the methods of choice in this case are ultrasound diagnostics, uro-contrast radiography, computed and magnetic resonance imaging. But to assess the comprehensive picture of the disease will help comprehensive examination animal. which takes into account visual and laboratory diagnostics, giving not only information about the morphological state of the kidneys, but also about the presence or absence of infection, as well as indirectly about the functional ability of the kidneys. The scope of the examination is determined in each case, depending on clinical picture. Is the kidney still working, is there any point in trying to save it, or is it necessary to remove it? All these questions can be answered by a number of the above studies. Only by analyzing all the information received, the doctor can take the right decision and develop a rational treatment plan.

Ultrasound is essential in the diagnosis of hydronephrosis. In most sick animals, hydronephrosis was first detected during a routine ultrasound or by chance during an examination with regards to various diseases. Ultrasound assesses the gradation of changes in the pyelocaliceal system, the size of the cortex and medulla of the kidney (Fig. No. 3, No. 4), as well as the condition of the second kidney.

Rice. №3 Ultrascanogram Stage III hydronephrosis in a dog, which clearly visualizes a sharp expansion of the pelvicalyceal system and ureter. Thinning of the cortical layer and atrophy of the medulla.

Rice. #4 Ultrascanogram chronic hydronephrosis, with significant atrophy of the renal medulla. Such deformation of the renal architecture is possible only with prolonged obstruction.

Radiography is the basis complex diagnostics hydronephrosis. This method, like ultrasound, is generally available financially, safe and highly informative. On survey x-rays visualization of an increase in the size of the kidneys is possible. excretory contrast urography makes it possible to assess the function of each kidney, the state of the pyelocaliceal system, and the patency of the ureter (Fig. No. 5).

Rice. No. 5 On the survey radiograph of the kidneys and urinary tract, intravenous urography revealed (arrows): a significant increase in the size right kidney, ectasia of the pyelocaliceal system; the ureter is highly convoluted and huge, contrasted almost throughout, so most likely the presence of distal obstruction.


Treatment of hydronephrosis begins with a thorough diagnosis - the search for the cause of the pathological condition. Providing a complete and reliable history by the owners of a sick animal has essential in the diagnosis and treatment of hydronephrosis! It is necessary to provide information about the presence of a history of urolithiasis, cystitis, and about operations on the abdominal organs. The decision to remove or preserve the affected organ depends on the stage of the course of the identified hydronephrosis and the presence of infection complications!

If the kidney has lost its function and has undergone chronic infection and also became a source arterial hypertension, then an emergency nephrectomy is required - complete removal kidneys.

specific drug treatment there is no ureteral injury. However, if there is any chance of preserving the kidney, then surgery hydronephrosis, in which the stricture of the ureter is eliminated.

Depending on the cause, type, duration of the course and the area of ​​obstruction surgical treatment may vary from the usual excision of the left ligature to the formation of a specific anastomosis.

If an accidentally left ligature of the ureter was discovered during the operation, then it should be removed immediately. If during the examination of the ureter its contractility is preserved, the damage is estimated to be minimal, then there are no indications for additional manipulations and the planned monitoring of the patient in the postoperative period should be limited.

If ureteral wall ischemia or violation of its integrity is detected during diagnostic laparotomy/scopy, then ureteral stenting is indicated. The stent is installed in the ureter and serves as the basis on which its regeneration takes place. The stent allows urine to be evacuated from the pelvis directly into the bladder. The stent is a support in which it is impossible to narrow its lumen, thereby eliminating the likelihood of developing a repeated stricture of the ureter.


A favorable outcome is possible in animals with unilateral hydronephrosis detected at the first and second stages, subject to timely surgical intervention; cautious and unfavorable, with hydronephrosis of both kidneys, complicated by infection and chronic renal failure.


  1. Denisenko, V.N. Diseases of the urinary system in dogs and cats: practical guide/ V.N. Denisenko, Yu.S. Kruglova, E.A. Caesarean. - M.: "Zoomedlit", 2009. - 236 p.
  2. Niesterok, C & Köhler, Claudia & Alef, Michaele & Kiefer, Ingmar. (2016). Causes of hydronephrosis in dogs and cats. Ultraschall in der Medizin - European Journal of Ultrasound
  3. Naber, KG & Madsen, PO (1974) Renal function in chronic hydronephrosis with and without infection and the role of lymphatics: an experimental study on dogs.
  4. Lanz OI, Waldron DR (2000) Renal and ureteral surgery in dogs. Clin Techniques Small Anim Pract 15:1-10.

Chronic renal failure (CRF) in cats is a common and incurable disease leading to exhaustion and death of the animal. The disease is divided into several types: chronic glomerulonephritis, amyloidosis of the kidneys, lipidosis of the kidneys, nephrosclerosis ("wrinkled kidney"), hydronephrosis, polycystic kidney disease. All these conditions lead to the death of the main functional units of the kidneys - nephrons, the gradual loss of efficiency of the kidney, the violation of the water, protein, salt balance of the body and the accumulation of the so-called nitrogenous slags - creatinine and urea. Let us briefly consider the causes and mechanisms of their occurrence.

1. Chronic glomerulonephritis- inflammation of the renal glomeruli (glomeruli) is usually of an autoimmune nature, i.e. the body, for unknown reasons, attacks the tissues of its own kidneys and destroys them. The impetus for development this disease there may be infectious diseases of the kidneys (pyelonephritis), sepsis (for example, with pyometra), poisoning with nephrotoxic poisons (ethylene glycol, plants), anaphylactic shock and other autoimmune diseases.

2. Amyloidosis of the kidneys is a degenerative disease of the kidneys, which is characterized by the deposition of amyloid protein in the walls of the glomeruli, renal arterioles and arteries, as a result of which the blood flow in the kidneys is disturbed, the excretion of primary urine, the phenomenon of portal renal hypertension, renal ischemia. There can be several reasons for amyloidosis - breed predisposition (Siamese, Abyssinian, Oriental cats), impaired protein metabolism ( malnutrition, endocrine diseases).

3. Kidney lipidosis is a degenerative kidney disease, which is characterized by the deposition of various lipids (fats) in the epithelium and basement membrane of the convoluted tubules, as a result of which the integrity of the basement membrane is violated and its permeability to blood plasma proteins increases, reabsorption is disturbed, polyuria and proteinuria occur (increase in the amount urine and the appearance of protein in it). The causes of lipidosis may be hereditary predisposition, improper feeding, obesity, disorder fat metabolism, cholesterolemia.

4. Nephrosclerosis ("wrinkled kidney") - an atrophic kidney disease, which is characterized by the death of the functional units of the kidneys and their replacement with connective tissue, sclerotic lesions of the renal arterioles, impaired urinary and excretory functions of the kidneys. It is mainly the end stage of other kidney diseases such as diffuse nephritis (kidney inflammation) or nephrosis (kidney degeneration). Can affect only one kidney.

5. Hydronephrosis - an obstructive (caused by blockage) kidney disease, manifested in a violation of the outflow of urine. Occurs when a narrowing or blockage of stones in the ureter. At the same time, the kidney parenchyma continues to secrete urine, which accumulates in the renal pelvis, it stretches and eventually begins to compress the renal parenchyma, which leads to its atrophy. Most often, only one kidney is affected.

6. Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease in which kidneys are formed in the parenchyma multiple cysts different size, which are constantly growing, squeezing functional fabric kidney, which leads to its atrophy and the development of renal failure. Persian cats are predisposed. The disease affects both kidneys.

Symptoms. CRF manifests itself various symptoms depending on the severity and stage of the process, the type of disease and the state of the body. The first thing pet owners should pay attention to is the progressive weight loss of the animal. Also characteristic symptoms include depression, persistent vomiting, anorexia, dehydration, an increase or decrease in the amount of urine and fluid consumed, anemia. Uremic stomatitis and gastritis, diarrhea, edema, convulsions may occur. You can often hear that with kidney failure, the amount of urine necessarily changes. This statement is not true, since the main symptom of the disease is a change in the QUALITY of urine. Just as often, the owners do not attach importance to oliguria (urine in small quantities), or attribute it to the fact that the cat drinks little. IMPORTANT! Even if the animal does not drink at all, with intact kidneys, urine still continues to be excreted right up to the onset of terminal dehydration, that is, while metabolic processes are going on!

Diagnostics. If CRF is suspected, blood tests are necessary - general and biochemical. The main indicators of a general blood test are the content of erythrocytes in the blood (the norm is 5.5-8.5 million / μl) and the level of leukocytes (the norm is 6-17 thousand / μl). These indicators make it possible to determine the degree of anemia and immunosuppression, which are frequent complications with chronic renal failure. A biochemical blood test reveals the level of toxic metabolic products that are normally excreted by the kidneys - creatinine (norm - 40-130 μmol / l) and urea (norm 5-11 μmol / l). Their content in the blood makes it possible to diagnose both the fact itself and the degree of renal failure, as well as complications on other organs and systems. To determine the type of renal failure, studies such as general / biochemical analysis s urine and ultrasound examination of the kidneys (is the main one in the diagnosis of polycystic kidney disease and hydronephrosis). Sometimes a kidney biopsy is required to clarify the diagnosis.

Treatment. DOCTOR APPOINTS! Any type of kidney failure is potentially fatal disease, therefore, self-treatment or an insufficiently serious approach to treatment is unacceptable! Standard therapy for CKD includes:

  • infusion therapy;
  • the use of special urological agents;
  • the use of funds for the correction of electrolyte balance;
  • application symptomatic remedies: cardiac analeptics, antiemetics, hepatoprotectors, etc. as needed;

For some types of CKD, such as polycystic kidney disease and hydronephrosis, often best and sometimes the only way treatment is surgery.

Let's talk separately about diet therapy. Imagine an organism in the form of a bathtub, into which water flows from a tap, and it flows out, respectively, through a drain hole. Water is a toxic product of protein metabolism that enters the body with food. The drain is the kidneys that excrete these products. With CKD, the drain becomes clogged and water (toxins) begin to overflow our tub. When water flows through the top, the organism dies. We don’t have the opportunity to clean the drain, so we can only influence the water level in two ways - remove clogging particles from the water (so that the drain does not clog further) and screw on the tap. Metabolism in cats is such that the most dangerous substance for the affected kidneys, which inevitably comes with food, is phosphorus. He is our "contaminating particles". We can turn the faucet on by reducing the amount of protein in our food. Therefore, for cats suffering from CRF, a strict diet with low content easily digestible protein and phosphorus - A ESSENTIAL NEED! Best Option is feeding special kidney diets good brands feed: Royal Canine Renal, Hill's h/d, Pro Plan NF. In those rare cases when the animal satisfactorily eats none of the entire range of offered feeds, it is permissible to use specially balanced diet from natural products with the addition of the drug "Renaltsin", which binds phosphorus in food. IMPORTANT! The diet should be as strict as possible! Every bite of fish or sausage worsens your pet's prognosis!

Forecast. Depends on the degree of the disease. In the first and second stages of PN, the prognosis is favorable. After completing the course intensive care on a life-long diet, cats live for years and are generally not much less than healthy animals. In the third and fourth stages of PN, the prognosis is cautious - it depends on the characteristics of the organism and the presence of complications. In the fifth (terminal) stage of renal failure, the prognosis is unfavorable - such animals, as a rule, die within a few days. Unfortunately, CKD is an insidious disease, often the visit to the clinic and diagnosis is carried out at the stage when it is no longer possible to restore the body without dialysis and kidney transplantation. Same way CKD symptoms can disguise themselves as other diseases - blockage of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, poisoning, and even cancer.

Prevention. The basis for the prevention of CKD is balanced diet. Owners need to remember that proper feeding can only be called:

a) feeding with high quality commercial feeds;

b) feeding a balanced natural food, specially prepared taking into account the needs of the animal.

Feeding with economy-class food, food "from the table", as well as mixing food and "natural" food in the diet is UNACCEPTABLE!

Cats at risk (Siamese, Oriental, Persian, Abyssinian, cats over 10 years old and those who have not eaten properly for a long time) for early detection CRF is recommended to take a biochemical blood test once a year. Persian breeding cats from catteries are recommended to take a one-time test for the carriage of the polycystic kidney disease gene.



Sadly, our pets get sick. Any veterinarian has repeatedly encountered in his practice with enlarged kidneys in a cat. And this happens not only with older cats, but can happen to very young ones. In the article we will talk about the causes and treatment of enlarged kidneys in a cat, how to determine what this problem exists in your furry. And also about how to prevent diseases and how to feed a pet in this case.

The kidneys are the weak link

According to statistics, cats are three times more likely than dogs to suffer from various pathologies of the urinary system. This is most likely due to their phylogenetic origin.

Our pets are descended from a wild steppe cat that lived on the territory of the Fertile Crescent (the territory of modern Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Israel and Lebanon). This is where 10,000 years ago wild cats were tamed by man. And although there are about 600 million domestic cats of 200 breeds in the world today, they have remained genetically close to their wild ancestor.

The peculiarity of wild felines is that they practically do not drink water. They get it from food. But for domestic cats, this recovery path water balance difficult.

In addition, the structural features of the urinary system of cats have a peculiarity - their urethra is long and narrow with three constrictions. In the wild, it is this structure that allows you to save and use all the water that enters the body. But in domesticated animals, this causes blockages, which often lead to a strong increase in the kidneys in a cat.

general information

In cats, as in all mammals, a pair of kidneys is located in the abdominal cavity in the area lumbar spine. These bean-shaped organs have a complex structure, the structural unit of which is the nephron. It is in these glomeruli, entangled in blood vessels, that the main function of the kidneys is carried out - filtering metabolic products.

Main, but not the only one. In addition, the kidneys play an important role in hormonal regulation body, regulate the acid and electrolyte composition of blood plasma, are involved in maintaining blood pressure. The cups of the kidneys collect urine, which flows through the paired ureters to the bladder. And it is already excreted from the body.

insidious organ

Any violation in ensuring normal metabolism and the removal of excess from the body leads to systemic pathologies. And here it is important to know that the kidneys, like no other organ, are a disposable item. The number of nephrons in a kitten's kidney is set from birth, and they can only die, but cannot regenerate.

Another feature of the structure of the kidneys is that they do not have nerve pain endings. That is why, when they begin to make themselves felt, this indicates an already mature pathology.

Here, 10% of nephrons died - the cat is healthy, 20% - no change. And 50% of the nephrons died, and the animal got sick. And with the death of more than 70% of kidney nephrons, the prognosis of the disease is very disappointing.

Etiology of kidney disease

Enlarged kidneys in cats can be due to many reasons.

  • hereditary diseases kidneys. Most common in cats certain breeds. For example, the Abyssinian and Somali breeds are characterized by an increase in the kidneys in cats due to deposits of protein-polysaccharide amyloids in the tissue (renal amyloidosis). But in the Persian, Himalayan and exotic breeds, the cause of an increase in the kidneys is polycystic (the formation of cysts in the tissue). Congenital malformations can be renal aplasia (absence of a kidney) and dysplasia (improper development).
  • Acute diseases kidneys. Their etiology is different - injuries, infections, poisonings. All of them occur suddenly, but with timely treatment the prognosis is usually favorable.
  • Chronic kidney disease. It is in this form that untreated acute diseases pass, and it is they that can lead to an increase in the kidneys in cats. To chronic lesions kidney lead and systemic diseases, for example, diabetes and obesity, as well as cancer.

Between acute course illness and chronic form the edge is very thin. After all, kidney disease is insidious. It often happens that until up to 50% of nephrons have died, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, and when obvious symptoms- everything is already quite serious.

Kidney disease in cats: symptoms

Remember, in 90% of cases, kidney pathologies are discovered either by accident, or when nothing can be done and the animal is half dead. Keep an eye on your pet and don't miss the onset of illness. Symptoms can be pronounced and vague. General signs that the cat has problems, the following:

The most common pathologies

In most cases, the cause of kidney pathologies is difficult to establish. The most common causes are infections, systemic diseases, trauma, poisoning, unbalanced diet. All cats older than 7 years are at risk.

The most common kidney diseases are nephritis - pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, hydronephritis. These are inflammatory processes. different localization and different bacterial nature.

Calculi (stones) can form in the renal ducts and block the ducts, which leads to urolithiasis and an enlarged kidney in a cat. The most typical this disease for age neutered cats who "for life" ate dry food and fish. Shifts of stones are painful and pass in the form of attacks, in the urine there are often traces of blood.

The most severe pathology is a syndrome of violation of all kidney functions. Often it leads to which has poor prognosis. With such a pathology, the nephrons are replaced by connective tissue, and the cat's kidneys are enlarged. It can be cured, although it is very difficult. More often, it is only possible to stabilize the animal, conduct maintenance therapy and prolong life.

Diagnosis of the disease

So, you have noticed changes in your pet's behavior or that the cat has an enlarged kidney. What to do? Do not self-medicate. Kidneys are very serious problem. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis, conduct an examination. It is in the veterinary clinic that your pet will be examined and the method of palpation will determine whether the organ is in place and whether there is pain.

In the clinic, the cat's pressure will be measured with a special device that is put on the tail of the animal, and body temperature will be measured. For your information, at home, you can determine the temperature of the cat's body by the ears. With kidney problems, it is lowered, and the cat's ears are cold.

The following examinations will be ordered as needed:

Complex treatment

Therapy will depend on the causes that led to the pathology.

Used for congenital pathologies symptomatic therapy, with tumors - surgical intervention.

Pathologies of inflammatory etiology caused by bacteria will require antibiotic treatment.

To eliminate dehydration, a drip infusion of saline is used. Requires supportive therapy for relief accompanying symptoms- anemia, blood pressure, disorders in the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

But the main thing is a special diet and drinking regimen, which the veterinarian corrects. It is the diet that will reduce the load on the remaining working nephrons and save them.

General diet for a cat with kidney disease

The diet is selected by the doctor individually based on the specific etiology of the disease, but there are rules that all cat owners should follow:

Prevention is easier than cure

Regardless of how old your cat is, the following recommendations will help maintain his health and prolong a full life for your pet:

  • Follow right mode food and drink. Pure water freely available, healthy and balanced food, vitamins will prolong the joy of your communication. Feed your pet proven food and avoid mono-diets.
  • Provide Reception Restriction medicines. Remember, too much is not good. If your cat is on medication, follow the indicated dosages.
  • Control your cat's weight. Obesity is dangerous various pathologies not only for people, but also for cats.
  • Watch the thermal regime - overheating is just as harmful as hypothermia of the animal.
  • Visit the veterinarian regularly and follow the vaccination schedule.

If you ask anyone veterinarian name the weakest point in cats, the answer will be the same -. Probably, there are no cats that would not have any problems with this organ. For some, these problems are congenital, for others, they are acquired. One way or another, with age, structural changes in the kidneys and a violation in their work appear in every pet. It's just that for someone they are insignificant, but for someone, alas ...

Why is this a weak spot?

According to statistics, cats are much more likely to suffer from kidney disease than other animals, for example, three times more often than dogs. Why? It's hard to say for sure. Most likely, again because of its historical origin.

The ability to manage with a small amount of water obtained from time to time, domestic cats owe their ancestors - African desert cats. Hence the violation of the water balance (especially with the use of dry food and insufficient drinking).

Possibly plays a role anatomical structure urinary system in cats - a long and narrow urethra with three narrowings causes frequent blockages of the urethra, and not excreting urine puts a strain on the kidneys with all the ensuing consequences.

In general, all diseases genitourinary system cats - various jade,, etc. interconnected and provoke each other, and everything affects the kidneys. Therefore, all cat owners should have an idea about this organ and know what causes a failure in its work.

Why are kidneys needed?

The kidneys are paired organ(there are two of them in the body), which performs many different functions: hormonal, maintaining acid level and electrolyte composition of the blood, to regulate blood pressure. But the main task of the kidneys is to filter metabolic products. The kidneys constantly cleanse the body of toxins and maintain required amount water in the body. Detoxification is carried out by the formation and excretion of urine with harmful substances dissolved in it.

The kidney is bean shaped. Outside, it is covered with a dense capsule, inside there is a layer directly renal tissue. If you do not go into anatomical details, then conditionally the kidney can be divided into two functional parts: the renal tissue itself is responsible for filtering the blood with the formation of urine, and the pyelocaliceal system is responsible for the accumulation and excretion of this formed urine.

The kidneys are made up of small structural units called nephrons. It is in them that the process of urine formation takes place. Of course, one nephron filters the blood and produces urine in very small quantities, but if you consider that there are about 200,000 of them in each kidney, then liters are obtained as a result.

Now the most important thing: kidneys are incapable of regeneration! The number of nephrons in the body is laid down from birth, new ones do not "grow". And if the nephron died, then it is irrevocable.

Kidney disease in cats and cats

Kidney disease can be acute or chronic, congenital or acquired.

Hereditary (genetic) kidney disease is common in certain breeds, for example, renal amyloidosis (violation protein-carbohydrate metabolism with deposition in the renal tissue of amyloid - a protein-polysaccharide compound) is found in cats of the Abyssinian and Somali breeds, and polycystic(kidney cysts appear and gradually increase) - in Persian, Himalayan and exotic cats.

Congenital anomalies can also include renal aplasia (one or both kidneys are missing at birth) and renal dysplasia (pathological development of the kidneys).

Acute diseases appear suddenly, for example, as a result of an abdominal injury, large blood loss or dehydration, blockage of the urethra, infection, poisoning (antifreeze is especially dangerous). Require intensive treatment both the organ itself and the cause of its defeat. If the disease is captured at the very beginning, then the prognosis is favorable.

Chronic diseases develop gradually and require constant maintenance therapy. Usually progress over time and eventually lead to a sad end.

There is a very thin line between these types of diseases. acute form can quickly become chronic!


(pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, hydronephritis) - kidney disease of an inflammatory and bacterial nature. Since the kidneys constantly filter the blood, any infection from it gets into the kidneys.

kidney failure

- a syndrome of violation of all kidney functions (!), leading to a disorder of water, electrolyte, nitrogen and other types of body metabolism. It is characterized by progressive damage to a significant part of the nephrons and their gradual replacement with connective tissue. Chronic renal failure (CRF) is already a sentence for an animal (although this sentence may have a good delay).

How insidious are kidney diseases:

  • Late detection Many kidney diseases can proceed in a latent or erased form for a long time and make themselves felt late, no, very late, and sometimes too late ... Kidney disorders do not cause pain in the animal (probably in vain!) and do not give themselves away, because the healthy part can easily withstand additional load. Until a certain point.

It often happens like this: 10% of nephrons died - nothing happens, 20% died - nothing happens, 40% - nothing again, 50% - the cat is a little "sad", ate a little badly, well, it happens, 60% - the cat is a few days sluggish, favorite food barely ate, vomited once, liquidish stool - perhaps you need to see a doctor. And the doctor finds out that only 30% of the kidneys work in the pet. And then a diagnosis of three letters can be announced - CRF - chronic renal failure.

Thus, kidney diseases often make themselves felt only when a significant part of them have already irretrievably died!

  • Blurred symptoms Symptoms of kidney disease are also characteristic of other diseases, which makes it difficult to diagnose.

Symptoms of kidney disease in cats and cats:

Increased thirst, copious urination, dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, weight loss, anemia (pale mucous membranes), dental problems(gum and tongue ulcers, tartar, dental disease), salivation, mouth odor (sometimes ammoniacal), coat deterioration, retinal detachment, high arterial pressure. With nephritis, there may be fever and soreness when palpated.

A little more detail:

Causes of kidney disease:

Often it is not possible to accurately determine the causes of the disease. The most typical are: age, genetic predisposition or congenital anomaly, ecology, infectious and systemic diseases (for example, diabetes), poisoning, injury, unbalanced diet.

All animals older than 7 years are at risk. They should have annual veterinary examinations, blood tests, urine tests, ultrasounds, and blood pressure measurements.


Kidney disease can be diagnosed with clinical analyzes. A urinalysis will show its concentration, the ability of the kidneys to remove waste products from the body, a blood test - the level of creatinine and urea (high values ​​\u200b\u200bindicate a loss of efficiency by the kidneys), an ultrasound scan - a change in the size of the kidneys.

High blood pressure, retinal detachment, dental problems, etc. along with diagnostic tests may be considered as symptoms of kidney disease.

Unfortunately, blood and urine tests may not show kidney damage until they have lost more than half normal function. For more early diagnosis you can use the ratio of creatinine in urine and in the blood - CFP (concentrating function of the kidneys). In healthy animals, CFP is greater than or equal to 100%.

In pyelonephritis, a urine culture is used to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to a particular antibiotic.


1. First of all, treatment is aimed at identification and elimination of the underlying disease, which caused renal disorder(if, of course, it is possible).

With genetic and congenital anomalies of the kidneys, only symptomatic therapy is carried out, aimed at maintaining a normal standard of living.

Kidney infections (such as pyelonephritis) are usually treated with a long course of antibiotics.

Glucocorticoids and cytostatics can be used to treat glomerulonephritis.

2. Because with kidney disease a significant number of nephrons are damaged, extremely important deal with the consequences of their failure.

To eliminate dehydration and electrolyte disturbances, to relieve intoxication (poisoning with toxic metabolic products), intravenous and subcutaneous infusions (droppers) are used.

You also need ongoing supportive therapy to relieve concomitant symptoms: anemia, high blood pressure, gastritis phenomena, urinary tract infections, acidosis, anorexia, increased blood potassium (hence muscle weakness and violations heart rate), disorders of the liver, cardiac activity, etc.

3. Required reduce the load on the rest of the nephrons. Here leading role play diet therapy and fluid control.

Increased load give proteins to the kidneys. The diet for kidney failure should be low in protein, phosphorus and sodium, while being balanced good nutrition. Of course, the easiest way is to use ready-made veterinary diets.

Forecast: All kidney diseases untimely treatment and relapses eventually become chronic kidney failure- syndrome leading to death. BUT! Proper maintenance therapy significantly slows down the progression of the disease, ensures a good quality and longevity of the animal.

Kidneys - this is very serious! Therefore, with any suspicion of a disease of this organ, we do not hope that everything will “resolve” by itself, we do not self-medicate, but immediately run to the veterinary clinic. If the pet is older than seven years, then once a year (and preferably two) we visit a veterinarian for a comprehensive preventive examination.

P.S. My cat Kuzya (16 years old) is a HePeeNschik with two years of experience. Kidney problems were discovered by chance when they came to brush their teeth and passed tests for admission and anesthesia. Prior to this, the disease was not even suspected. A little more and everything would be quite sad. Be sure to regularly diagnose older animals !!!

Today passed another full examination. All organs are in good condition, except for the kidneys. One kidney has a change in size and shape, the second is better. Both have a significant thickening of the upper cortex, low blood flow. According to blood tests - increased values ​​of urea and creatinine. Very high blood pressure.

They prescribed: to lower the pressure - amlodipine + vasotope, to make up for protein deficiency - ketosteril (Kuzya has been on the Renal diet for two years). All drugs - according to the scheme and a long course, possibly for life.

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The kidneys are the most vulnerable organ in cats, and with age, pathologies associated with the urinary system are very common. Furthermore, healthy kidneys in an animal over the age of 8 years - a very rare occurrence.

Unfortunately, diseases of this area in the early stages practically do not have a pronounced clinical picture, therefore, pets are treated when the disease takes a chronic form.

Causes of an enlarged kidney in a cat

In a cat, the kidneys can be enlarged not only in old age due to long and uninterrupted work, but also due to genetic predisposition or a rare anomaly that has been observed in an animal since birth. If the increase is due to congenital pathology, but at the same time the cat does not have health problems, then there is no reason for concern. Another thing is if the kidneys are enlarged due to diseases of the excretory system.

As veterinary practice shows, domestic cats, unlike dogs, are much more likely to suffer from kidney ailments. This is due to the peculiarity of their urinary system and nutritional habits. To the reasons disease-causing and organ enlargement include:

  1. Violation of the water balance, the use of low-quality water.
  2. Unbalanced diet. Feeding the animal only fish or meat products provokes acidification of urine and the development of various diseases.
  3. Obesity, low mobility violate the outflow of urine.
  4. Poor quality dry food or food "from your table."
  5. Poor care, keeping the pet in a damp or damp room, overheating of the animal.

Veterinarians note the relationship between kidney disease and the sex of the animal. So, in cats it is observed much more often than in cats due to the structure of the excretory system.

If the cat is castrated, the risk of diseases in this area increases. In particular, he may develop urolithiasis, which in turn will provoke an increase in the kidneys.

What does kidney enlargement mean in cats?

If a pet has an increase in the organ, this may be the result of some disease of the urinary system:

  1. Urolithiasis disease. It develops against the background of inflammatory processes of surrounding tissues caused by the formation of stones.
  2. Pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Inflammatory process infectious or non-infectious pathology leading to edema and an increase in the volume of organ tissues.
  3. Polycystic. Cavities develop in tissues that replace healthy tissue. Due to the formation of cysts, organs increase in volume. The most susceptible to the disease are British, Egyptian cats.
  4. Hydronephrosis. Violation of the blood supply to the kidneys contributes to the expansion of the renal pelvis and an increase in the organ in size.
  5. Amyloidosis and other genetic and congenital disorders accompanied by an increase in the body.
  6. Malignant and benign neoplasms.
  7. Chronic (CKD). characteristic feature is swelling of the hind or front paws.
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