Eye drops for exotic cats. Why do the eyes of a Persian cat "cry"? When is it time to go to the vet

Many are afraid to buy Persians and Exotics due to "weeping" eyes, they are afraid of difficulties with leaving. Everything is not so scary, and far from EVERYONE's eyes are "flowing"!

In thoroughbred Persian and exotic cats, the nose is raised high, which is located between the large round eyes, in connection with this feature of the structure of the skull, the lacrimal canals are changed, which do not fully pass the tear.

Intensive head growth and the formation of tear ducts ends by about 9-11 months, until this time, kittens' eyes can leak more than adults and require some care. When a Persian kitten grows up, it is possible that his eyes will not “cry” at all.

Under the influence of the environment (dry air, central heating, dust, etc.), in some cats, the cornea of ​​​​the eye dries up and an excessive amount of tears is released, but due to the clamped lacrimal canal, the liquid does not wash the eye, but flows out. These excess tears, oxidized in air, stain the coat red-brown.

There is a wide range of eye care cosmetics for Persian and exotic cats on sale: all kinds of lotions, drops and powder.

Attention! All drugs and care products can cause an allergic reaction.

You need to pay attention to how cats react to this or that remedy during the use of the drug.

How often to treat the eyes?

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the animal and external factors. Sometimes you just need to collect tears with a cotton pad and the face will be clean and well-groomed. Someone needs care once a day, someone once a week, and someone almost never.

Tearing in a cat should always attract the attention of the owner. If you are not a happy owner of a British or Persian breed, who constantly have tears, and this symptom is allowed as a variant of the norm, then any non-standard state of the visual apparatus should alert you.

When tearing is considered a variant of the physiological norm

Only a veterinarian can say exactly what makes a cat's eyes watery and how dangerous it is. But do not immediately panic if it was noticed that they are in a pet "in a wet place."

Transparent tears should not disturb when the eyes:

Anatomically determined lacrimation

Such constant tearing is characteristic of some breeds.

  • In Scottish cats, tears constantly flow due to the short lacrimal canal.
  • In Persians, the lacrimal canal is curved, large bulging eyes and long hair contribute to constant irritation of the cornea and lacrimation.
  • In British cats, especially kittens, tears are a genetic feature, as they do not have anatomical nuances in the structure of the skull, like the Persians or the Scots.

Problem solution: regular eye hygiene procedures to avoid dust and dirt and additional infection - periodic washing with decoctions of herbs (calendula or chamomile) or 0.9% saline. No treatment is given. Continuous monitoring of changes in the state of tears (viscosity and transparency) is carried out.

morning tears

In the morning, it is sometimes possible to detect very slight accumulations of discharge in the corners of the eyes of cats - a whitish hue, with no visible signs of inflammation. After awakening for the purpose of self-purification, increased work of the lacrimal glands is noted. The release of tears should pass literally after the cleansing of these droplets and crusts.

Solution: after washing the animal on its own, minor crusts are also removed, and everything passes. You can help the cat clean its eyes with a cotton swab dipped in ordinary boiled water, saline or herbal decoction (chamomile, calendula).

Age-related lacrimation (tears in kittens)

In small kittens, during the first week after eruption of the eye, the so-called protective lacrimation is observed. In this case, there should be no signs of inflammation, and the tears should not be viscous, but liquid and transparent.

Solution: at first, the owner of the kittens should simply observe the cat's eyes, helping to remove the morning non-inflammatory dried crusts by washing, if the mother cat cannot cope with this. It is important not to miss inflammation, which often occurs against the background of weak immunity. "Pure" lacrimation should not last longer than a week after opening the eye.

allergic reactions

Allergic lacrimation occurs when a cat's eyes come into contact with airborne allergens, most commonly household chemicals and detergents/cleaners. There are practically no allergies to pollen, dust and fluff in cats. The eyes begin to water heavily and sneezing may occur - there should be no more general reactions, fever or cloudy discharge!

Solution: with allergies to the visual apparatus, serious treatment is not prescribed. The main help is the elimination of the action of the allergen - the symptom disappears on its own in 2-4 days (in the dynamics, a positive result is already visible within a day). In some cases, the manifestation of allergies is allowed to take antihistamines or corticosteroid drugs, but strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Why does a cat have watery eyes: pathological causes

Any causes of lacrimation associated with abnormalities in the cat's health should be eliminated under the supervision of a veterinarian. It is very difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish physiological lacrimation from possible pathologies.

When self-examining the eyes of the owner’s cat, in addition to unnatural lacrimation, absolutely everything should be alarming:

  • their dullness;
  • change in the color of the iris;
  • unnatural reactions of the pupil to light stimuli or its absence;
  • excessive bulge or hollowness of the eyeball;
  • asymmetry of the pupils or the eyeball itself;
  • any signs of inflammation (swelling of the eyelids, redness, swelling, purulent discharge, increased local or general temperature);
  • injuries: cuts, bruises, bleeding.

If your eyes water:

a lot and for a long time

the first step is to check the pet's immunization card. Missed vaccinations are an open gate for viral infections. Abundant and prolonged lacrimation is characteristic of many viral and fungal diseases: toxoplasmosis, calcivirosis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc.

and fester

a sign of the presence of an inflammatory process in the organ of vision, the exact location of which can only be determined by a doctor (conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, corneal ulcers, etc.)

and the cat squints and constantly rubs them

you need to examine the organ of vision for the presence of foreign objects that can cause discomfort, annoy and prevent it from being fully opened.

and irritated cornea

Examine your cat for droopy eyelids, especially if it is a Sphynx, Mei Coon, Persian, or any fold. Entropion (the scientific name for drooping of the eyelids) is quite common in cats, but in these breeds it is an individual feature. The eye may swell, and the discharge may change up to purulent - this is already an infection due to a decrease in local immunity of the irritated eye. Assistance is provided only by surgical and only by a veterinary specialist.

and covered with a cloudy film

this is one of the signs of keratitis (inflammation of the cornea). A red eye and tears are also the first signs of a developing disease.

and a smoky white lens

development of cataracts is possible. A complete cure is impossible, and only a veterinarian can slow down the process of vision loss.

and the cornea is covered with black spots

with such a clinic, it is most likely about corneal necrosis (death) and sequestration.

and the cat sneezes and snot is present

there is a high chance of catching a cold. It is important to consider that snot and lacrimation are also characteristic of other, more dangerous, pathological processes.

and the animal is lethargic, has a fever, vomits, has diarrhea, no appetite, and all this is accompanied by purulent discharge

there is a high probability that a mustachioed pet fell ill with panleukopenia (distemper of cats) - a very dangerous disease.

and painful, the cornea is clouded and the swelling of the eyelids is pronounced

possibly increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma).

and have swelling in the inner corners of the eye orbits

problems with the nasolacrimal duct and lacrimal sac may be suspected (curvature, blockage, inflammatory stenosis (narrowing).

and has visible changes in the form of wounds, scratches and bleeding

possible open injuries and injuries of the organ of vision (blows, cat fights, falls, etc.).

and is accompanied by purulent discharge, redness of the conjunctiva, soreness and photophobia

sufficient clinic for suspected conjunctivitis. But it is important to exclude other eye diseases, accompanied by reddening of the conjunctiva.

and there is swelling on only one side

the presence of helminths may be suspected. Swelling of the eye and lacrimation only on one side is characteristic, for example, of thelaziosis, toxoplasmosis or toxocariasis.

When is it time to go to the vet

Self-help cat owners can play a bad joke on them. Self-medication can not only harm the pet, but also significantly distort the clinical picture of the disease, which can become an obstacle in making the correct diagnosis by the doctor. The most correct solution in case of sudden detection of lacrimation in a pet is to immediately seek advice from a veterinarian (a telephone consultation will be enough to begin with).

You should not postpone a visit to the veterinarian if:
  • always dry eyes began to water unexpectedly and water for longer than within one or two days;
  • tearing is accompanied by a general malaise of the pet: lethargy, lack of appetite, fever;
  • the animal squints from tears, especially in bright light;
  • transparent tears change their consistency to a more viscous and cloudy, including purulent;
  • if only one side is watering;
  • in the eyes, in parallel with lacrimation, there is pus, and after sleep, there may be a complete or partial gluing of the eyelids due to copious secretions;
  • lacrimation is due to a foreign object that cannot be washed by itself with a stream of boiled water or washing solution without additional intervention.
Immediately to the veterinarian if you find:
  • a pronounced injury to the eyeball with a violation of its integrity and bleeding;
  • prolapse of the eyeball;
  • semi-conscious or unconscious state of the animal after an injury to the organ of vision;
  • any foreign object with a penetrating location (protruding from the organ of vision);
  • lacrimation is accompanied by nasal discharge, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea and hyperthermia (jumps in body temperature) to rule out panleukopenia (a dangerous and severe viral disease of cats).

Important takeaways:

  • Normally, the eyes are constantly watery only in some breeds of cats;
  • temporary tearing is observed in kittens after opening the eye and sometimes in the morning in individuals of any age;
  • allergic lacrimation disappears within a few days after the elimination of the action of allergens;
  • lacrimation that suddenly appeared for no apparent reason, which does not last longer than 1-2 days, as well as any symptom additional to it, is already a serious reason to contact a veterinarian.

Sometimes the owners notice that the cat has a watery eye. When something hurts in an animal, it often tries to communicate this by its behavior, and its body itself signals the slightest malfunction with discharge from the eyes, fever, and some other factors. But there are situations when increased tearfulness in a cat is the norm and even a sign of improvement. To help your pet, you need to understand the causes of such a symptom and take the necessary measures.

Causes of tearfulness in cats

There are many reasons for the occurrence of tearfulness, but after sleep, cats almost always have watery eyes, and this is the norm. But if a pet has one or both eyes watery during the day, and purulent discharge is also present, then this indicates a disease. In this case, you must definitely go to the veterinarian. There are a number of reasons why a cat may have watery eyes:

Kittens up to a year still do not know how to properly care for themselves. Mom does everything for them. With a British kitten, everything goes even more complicated than with the Persians. The British have such features as an incorrect incision, trichiasis (inversion of the eyelid, itching, discomfort, eyelashes grow inward, surgery is necessary), eversion of the eyelid.

With helminthic invasion (penetration of worms), lacrimation can also be observed, it is necessary to treat systematically. If the bathroom was not securely closed, the cat had access to household chemicals, the medicine or food did not “fit”, the pet may have problems with the eyes, up to burns.

When a cat has one eye watering, and mechanical damage has occurred, this indicates healing. Even in this case, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian, otherwise visual impairment cannot be avoided. With rhinitis, in addition to lacrimation, a runny nose is observed. This is due to infection in the nasopharynx.

What should I do if my pet has watery eyes?

First of all, it is necessary to assess the condition of the animal: is there diarrhea, temperature, how is the appetite, is the eye reddened, how does the animal behave, is there discharge from the nose, does the animal squint its eyes, does it sneeze.

If the pet has not been injured and has not been poisoned by household chemicals, the next step is to wash the eye with a light solution of furacilin or a decoction of medicinal herbs. Be sure to take the cat to the vet. Only a specialist can prescribe an effective treatment and conduct additional research.

Basic Treatments

Proper treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian. All medicines are prescribed only to them. At home, you can do something only after examination and consultation with a specialist, and carelessness in the use of drugs can deprive a cat of vision. However, some general guidelines should be followed:

  • It is necessary to wash first a healthy, and then a sore eye. Even if there is only one problem, it is necessary to rinse both eyes with a solution of furacilin.
  • In the case of allergies, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence and remove what causes the reaction.
  • Eyes should be lubricated with medicinal ointments. If the discharge is purulent, antibiotics will be required. Use 2 times a day.
  • In case of infection, the veterinarian himself will prescribe the necessary drugs, but usually tetracycline ointment is applied and eyes are instilled with chloramphenicol.
  • With trichiasis and eversion of the eyelid, the clamp cannot be removed in the postoperative period.

Any disturbances in the functioning of the body of a pet are manifested by certain symptoms, which the responsible owner must definitely pay attention to. Discharge from the eyes of a kitten or an adult is a fairly common phenomenon. There can be many reasons leading to lacrimation - from the simplest to quite serious. In any case, only a specialist can establish the exact cause of the discharge - self-therapy is fraught with complications.

Tearing from the eyes of a cat: possible causes

In the absence of other symptoms, watery eyes in a cat are not a cause for concern. If the behavior of the animal has not changed, the discharge is transparent and does not bring discomfort to the pet - it does not squint and does not rub its eyes, regular hygiene manipulations can become a solution to the problem. Caring procedures do not imply frequent washing with water - this can lead to a change in microflora and inflammation. Do not use cotton wool during the care process - its villi can get into the eyes. The best way to clean your eyes is with a soft cloth or paper towel.

Abundant lacrimation is considered the norm in cats of short-headed breeds - Persian, Exotic, British, Scottish. In such animals, the channels through which tears pass in the normal structure of the muzzle are deformed. Therefore, tears cannot normally pass through them and leave them in a timely manner.

Quite profuse lacrimation is characteristic of certain breeds of cats - "Persians", Exotics, "British" and "Scots"

So-called morning tears should not cause concern, when after a night's rest you can find slight whitish accumulations. Usually the pet gets rid of them on its own by washing in the morning.

Pathological causes of lacrimation and their symptoms

The main causes of a pathological nature, leading to copious discharge from the eyes, include:

Lachrymation that suddenly arises and does not pass within 1-2 days, accompanied by other symptoms - lethargy, fever, lack of appetite, fear of light, coughing and sneezing, the appearance of pus, an eye injury or the ingress of a foreign object - a reason for a visit to a specialist.

Therapy for pathological lacrimation in cats

Self-treatment of pathological lacrimation can harm the pet, as well as distort the clinical manifestations of the disease, which makes it difficult for a specialist to make a diagnosis. If for some reason it is not possible to quickly get to the veterinarian, you can try to alleviate the condition of the animal with the help of traditional medicine.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of lacrimation in a cat and prescribe therapy after examination

Folk remedies

Decoctions and infusions of plants can be used to wash the eye of a pet, including if the discharge is purulent:

  1. Decoction of three herbs. It is necessary to mix in tsp. St. John's wort, calendula and sage, pour a mixture of 200 ml of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes. Use the product warm.
  2. Chamomile decoction. Flowers in the amount of 2 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water and hold in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool and use as often as possible.
  3. Black tea. Brew black tea - 2 tsp. half a cup of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. The tool will relieve the animal of discomfort and relieve inflammation.

Pharmaceutical Therapy

If the cause of lacrimation was the ingress of a foreign object, then the specialist will remove it. Depending on the cause that caused the discharge from the eyes, drugs are prescribed to relieve inflammation, reduce swelling, and get rid of the infection. The treatment regimen usually includes washing, for example, with a solution of Furacilin, followed by the use of eye drops or the application of antibiotic ointments. Effective ophthalmic drops include:

  1. Iris. It is used for lacrimation caused by infectious pathologies, conjunctivitis - acute, purulent and chronic, eliminates the consequences of injuries. The basic element of the drug is gentamicin sulfate, which is effective against many types of bacteria and viruses. Buried in the amount of 1-3 drops in each eye for 7-10 days.
  2. Levomycetin. This antibiotic kills bacteria that are resistant to penicillin. The drug is effective in a humid environment - it is concentrated, providing a therapeutic effect on the cornea, vitreous body, iris. Does not penetrate into the lens. The agent is used for 5 days or more, instilling 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.
  3. Ophthalmosan. The composition of the brown preparation includes chlorhexidine, succinic acid and plant extracts - chamomile, calendula, eyebright. It has an antiseptic, bactericidal effect, eliminates inflammation and swelling. Its use helps to relieve pain, itching, redness. The agent is used for washing and subsequent instillation - 2-3 drops 1-3 times a day for 7-14 days.
  4. Diamond eyes. The drug of complex action contains chlorhexidine, taurine and succinic acid. Effective against most bacteria, prevents disturbances in the structure of the eye. Eliminates inflammation and relieves swelling. One drop of the drug twice a day is enough. The course of therapy can be from 5 to 14 days.
  5. Leopard. A universal remedy for washing, preventing and treating various eye pathologies. It contains furatsilin, levomycetin and auxiliary components. The tool relieves swelling, inflammation and has a bactericidal effect. Therapy requires instillation of 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day for 14 days.
  6. Tsiprovet. The main element of the drug is ciprofloxacin. It has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for many eye pathologies - one drop 3-4 times a day.

Photo gallery: drugs used to treat eye diseases

Leopard is a universal remedy for eye diseases of cats and dogs Diamond eyes contain chlorhexidine, taurine and succinic acid Iris is used for lacrimation caused by infectious pathologies and conjunctivitis
Levomycetin is suitable for both animals and humans. Oftalmosan has an antiseptic, bactericidal effect, eliminates inflammation and swelling
Ciprovet is used in many eye pathologies.

Tetracycline is often used as an ointment - the remedy helps to cope with inflammation and prevents the development of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. The ointment is placed under the lower eyelid after washing with folk remedies, Furacilin solution - 1 tablet per 100 ml or Medkinos and Lacrimin preparations.

In addition to rinsing and using drops and ointments, a specialist may prescribe injectable antibiotic therapy. Drugs such as Ciprovet, Erythromycin, Tetracycline are administered intramuscularly - the dosage is calculated according to the instructions in the instructions. For pain relief, you can use Novocaine or Lidocaine, but not more than 5 days.

Rules for washing the eyes and laying the ointment

When carrying out medical manipulations, first of all, it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the pet. It is more convenient to carry out the procedure together - one holds the animal on its side, and the other washes and lays the product. You can cope with the treatment and one - for this you need to swaddle the animal in a piece of cloth.

For washing, it is necessary to prepare a solution, ointment and cotton pads. Starting the procedure, the disk should be twisted and dipped in liquid, and then gently squeezed onto the eyeball. For each eye, be sure to use a new disk, richly moistened with medicine.

Lay the ointment after washing should be a special spatula. To do this, you need to pull the lower eyelid with one hand, and place the ointment with the other. After that, the eyelid can be released and let the animal blink. At the end of the procedure, you should close the cat's eyes and massage a little to distribute the drug.

How to properly bury your eyes

Preparation for the instillation procedure also consists in ensuring the complete immobility of the animal. Armed with a bottle of drops, you need to gently open the pet's eye, holding the upper and lower eyelids with two fingers. It is necessary to drip into the outer corner of the eye, when the agent drains to the inner corner, it is necessary to carefully move the eyelids to maximize the distribution of the drug.

Features of therapy for kittens and cats bearing offspring

Carrying out medical manipulations to alleviate the condition of kittens and pregnant cats with profuse lacrimation is not much different from the treatment of other animals. Injection therapy is contraindicated for pregnant females - they can wash their eyes with decoctions of herbs or tea, lay Tetracycline ointment. For kittens, it is permissible to use Bars drops - at the age of up to 10 days in the form of lotions, for older babies they practice instillation at a dosage of 2-3 drops. Anandin drops are approved for use by both fluffy babies and pregnant cats.

Preventive measures

To avoid problems with the eyes of cats, it is necessary to pay regular attention to their examination and hygiene. Do not neglect quarterly deworming and vaccination. To prevent the development of any pathologies, you should show your pet to a specialist every six months - as you know, the disease is easier to cure at an early stage.

At the slightest problem with the eyes of a cat, it is better to show the animal to a specialist - you should not experiment with the health of your pet. A favorable outcome of any disease largely depends on competent and timely therapy.

Caring for an animal (cat, horse or dog) is called "grooming". Routine, daily grooming is essential for all cat breeds. It consists in caring for the eyes, claws, ears and maintaining a healthy coat. The Persian needs a little more attention than other breeds, but believe me, it's worth it. Moreover, modern Persians and Exotics have a harmonious head structure, which saves them and us from many troubles of this breed. A too high stop pinches the lacrimal ducts (watery eyes), and the "open type", without furrows on the face, makes the face clean, easier to care for. The symmetrical, correct arrangement of the "facial features" makes the Persian and the exotic not only healthier (he does not sniffle, does not grunt, his eyes do not flow), but also more sweet, attractive (remember how they said about the first extreme people: "They have an evil facial expression!").

In order for a cat to always look beautiful, it needs to be given a balanced diet. With proper nutrition, the number of problems with hair and eyes is significantly reduced. If you feed cats with natural products, I advise you to add 2-3 drops of Trivitamin to their diet daily (this is a complex of vitamins A, B, E). Dry food, as a rule, contains a sufficient amount of these substances. It is necessary to accustom a kitten to grooming from the age of 1.5 months, and in the future you will be spared from his bites and scratches.

Cat Eye Care:

The eyes of Persians and Exotics (due to the structure of the skull) have a slightly convex shape and therefore the eyes need daily care so that inflammatory processes do not occur. To care for the eyes of a cat, you will need:
- a highly absorbent soft cloth or paper tissue for cleaning the eyes (cotton wool can irritate the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye); now there are special discs for eye treatment on sale (for example, Eye Envy)
- eye wash lotion (a lot of products are now on our market (for example, Chamomile Eye Lotion, Sage Eye Lotion, Eye Envy Eye Lotion, PandEcat), and you can also use boiled warm some water.
- eye powder (for example, firms such as Jerob, Eye Envy, Chilli, Marwin, PandEcat). I opted for Thai-made Chilli powder.
- a cotton swab or a special brush for applying powder.

Rinse the cat's eyes with lotion or warm boiled water. Then dry well with a napkin (places under the eyes). Take a special brush or cotton swab, dip it in a jar of eye powder and apply very gently on the area under the eye. Spread the powder all over the place under the eye, paying special attention to brown and yellow places. This applies especially to white, silver and cream colors or those cats that have white spots on the muzzle (bicolors and multicolors). If you use eye powder in courses of 10 days, then your pet and you will be relieved of unpleasant accumulations in the corners of the eyes, “tear tracts”, yellow and brown spots under the eyes, and these powders also reduce discharge from the eyes (in the composition these powders include an antibiotic). But don't be afraid of it! In general, the powders are very soft to use and do not contain any bleach, which is safe for your pet!

On the Internet, I accidentally stumbled upon the advice of one of the breeders of Persians and Exotics to wipe the area around the eyes with liquid for storing contact lenses, I tried it - very good; tear stains are quickly removed, odorless and no need to look in specialized stores.

But if your pet has bad festering discharge from the eyes, it is better not to self-medicate and seek the advice of a veterinarian. This could be due to an infection!

Haircut "brushes" on the ears and cutting the claws.

Notice the claws. A significant separation of the claws indicates malnutrition, and peeling at the base of the claw may be a sign of a fungal disease. I advise trimming nails once every two weeks with special nail clippers. Trim only the tip of the nail, as you can cut the part of the nail where the blood vessels and sensory nerves pass. Perform all these operations by petting the cat, talking to it. Violence is unacceptable here.

Cat Ear Care

Ear cleaning should be an integral part of grooming, as ear care is necessary so that inflammation does not appear in the ear canal. Inspection and cleaning should be carried out 1 time in 7-10 days, as well as always after bathing the animal (if you wash it less than 1 time in 10 days).
For this you will need:
- ear cleaning lotion (for example 8 IN 1, Chris Christensen, Gimpet, Canina and others)
- antiseptic powder for ear care (for example 8 IN 1, Zamax)
- cotton pads
Never use cotton swabs to clean your ears!!!
Everything is simple here. Take the lotion, soak a cotton pad in it, roll it into a tube and wipe the visible parts of the ear. Then wipe dry with another cotton pad. Then you take antiseptic powder and from a distance of 2-3 cm pour a little into the ear canal. Massage your ear. Powder will relieve your pet of pollution, an unpleasant smell and an itch and will help to get rid painlessly of hairs in an ear pass. In a healthy state, the sulfur from the ear canal should be light, odorless. The skin in the ear should be pink, without scratching.

And about the main thing - about wool.

Wool is the beauty and pride of the Persian and the main concern of his master. The main hair care is reduced to its constant combing and systematic washing. Some breeders advise brushing your cat daily and washing it once every 6 months. Others do not scratch the cat at all, but wash it once a week. It seems to me that each animal needs to select an individual washing regimen suitable for its type of coat. This will show you experience.

What do you need to have on hand to put the coat in order? You will need:

A metal comb with sparse teeth that do not scratch the skin (plastic ones are not suitable, as they strongly electrify wool);
- combined brush made of natural bristle and metal teeth with antistatic coating;
- a brush made of natural bristles (usually suitable for cleaning clothes);
- soft, well-absorbing cloth or paper towels for cleaning the eyes (cotton wool is not good, its fibers irritate the cornea);
- If possible, purchase a conditioner for forcing wool after shedding (spray) and wool conditioner with protein (spray). In the absence of these sprays, a weak solution of citric acid in a spray bottle will help.

1. We comb out the cheeks and collar towards the muzzle.
2. Chest - from the paws we rise to the chin.
3. We comb the back from the tail to the withers.
4. Paws. Lay the cat on your knees, belly up. We start combing from the hind legs; holding the paw, comb the "pants" from the heel to the tail.
5. Comb the belly and sides towards the tail.
6. Raising the front paws, comb out the armpits.
7. I do not advise you to touch the tail without the need. On it, the wool is very difficult to recover if it is accidentally torn out.
8. Let's turn the cat on its stomach and go through the wool with a brush. She will collect faded hairs that the comb missed. My advice: don't use slickers: wool is much easier to lose than to recover.
9. If you have prepared a spray, it's time to use it. I use a protein conditioner once a week: from a distance of 15-20 cm, you need to spray the conditioner and let it dry. Conditioner "after shedding" or a solution of citric acid are used daily: slightly dampened wool is tousled by hand and combed with a soft brush. This will give shine and a lively look to your pet's coat.

If you have enough patience, then soon the cat will get used to and will calmly endure these procedures and even fall in love with them. But wool will stop flying around the apartment and decorate carpets and furniture. If the cat is shedding, comb out everything that is combed out, do not regret it. The new coat will grow faster if it is left undisturbed.

Washing the cat.

Any domestic cat, even not participating in exhibitions, needs to be washed. If possible, never skimp on cat shampoo. A good shampoo is quite expensive, but it is very economical. Try to use only shampoo specially designed for cats (its coat is thinner and more delicate than human hair). In extreme cases, it can be a good quality, "no tears" baby shampoo. "Daily" washing is different from "show" washing, and this is natural. It has a completely different purpose. Here your goal is to improve the coat and skin of the cat. Washing helps to shed dead hair faster, improves skin condition, cleanses pores, which contributes to the growth of new healthy hair, of course, provided that the shampoo and conditioner you use are chosen correctly, taking into account the characteristics of your animal's coat.

For a scheduled wash, you need to have:

2-3 well absorbent towels;
- hair dryer (try to choose not very noisy, so as not to frighten the cat);
- a comb with rare teeth;
- powder (get special grooming powder at the pet store. Baby powders, even the most expensive ones, are not suitable: they are based on rice starch, which, after licking, will enter the stomach and can cause upset. Colored powders are categorically not suitable for our purpose);
- shampoo. Shampoos based on seaweed and medicinal herbs are good for everyday use. For light-colored cats, "Nizoral-shampoo" proved to be excellent. For black cats, use special tinted shampoos for the second wash, for example, "8 in 1" or "Ring".

It is better to wash cats in the sink with a shower. The water temperature is 38-40 "C. Turn on the water and switch to the shower in advance so as not to frighten the animal. Holding the cat with one hand by the shoulders, moisten the coat and apply shampoo to the withers, back, chest, stomach and tail. Achieve abundant foam and rinse well "You need to be careful not to get soap and water in the ears and nose. When lathering, pay attention to the front paws, chin, and in adult cats, to the tail. If the soil is very dirty, "Bingo with Lemon" dishwashing liquid can help. But this the substance has a bleaching effect, so I do not recommend washing black and tortoiseshell cats with it.

If you washed the cat twice and rinsed it well, first with clean water and then with a weak solution of vinegar, take a towel and wrap the animal sitting in the sink with it (if you immediately lift the cat, depriving it of support, it may begin to break out). Move the cat to the table. Turn on the hair dryer in advance so that the animal gets used to its noise. We wipe the hair dry and, without opening it completely, dry it with a hair dryer in the same sequence as when combing. If the cat is very afraid of the hair dryer, start drying and combing from the back, and only then move on to the collar. It is advised to apply powder on wet hair. It will absorb excess moisture and give the fur coat a silkiness. Do not leave the cat's hair wet: tangles may form. Do not be lazy, dry and comb dry. A few hours after washing, treat the coat with a protein spray.

Washing try to coincide with veterinary events. It is advisable to wash the cat in a day and after giving anthelmintic drugs. After vaccination, you can wash the cat no earlier than two weeks later.

If you perform these simple procedures, your pet will always have a healthy beautiful coat, clear eyes and trust in a person.

Source magazine "Friend" (cats)

Caring for exotic breed cats is slightly different from caring for Persians, but much easier. With daily care, the hair of exotic cats is washed and treated with the same means as Persian cats, only less often - once every 2-4 months. After washing, they comb "against the hair", excluding the sides and stomach, which are combed "along the wool" with a metal comb. Although the wool of exotics does not roll into tangles, it is very dense, and it is difficult for animals to get rid of dying wool, so you need to comb exotics 3-4 times a week. They stimulate the growth of hair, remove the effects of lacrimation and carry out trimming in the same way as for the Persians.

For busy people who love sweet Persian faces but don't have time for daily care, EXOTS - a real dream. They are true Persians with one exception: the coat has a thick, short, dense, chic texture. The exotic coat is unique and gives them a soft, rounded, plush look. Because of their simple grooming, Exotics are sometimes affectionately referred to as "Lazy Persians".

Persian haircut

Why is a cat haircut sometimes absolutely necessary?

1. First of all, hygienic grooming of cats is necessary when the cat's hair falls into tangles. The mats prevent the skin from "breathing", and various microorganisms develop under them, which cause inflammation of the skin, pain and discomfort in the animal. Therefore, cutting the tangles is absolutely necessary.
2. The cat sheds heavily and leaves hair all over the apartment, even if it is regularly combed out. When a cat is cut with an electric professional clipper, its coat becomes short and the falling hairs do not get tangled, they can be combed out and the cat will not leave so much hair on your furniture and carpets.
Things to remember about grooming cats:
- not all cats are favorable to this;
- you can not cut cats with tipping and colorpoints, as the new hair on the belly and back darkens;
- a cat should not have its head cut (hair in the ears, whiskers on the muzzle and cheeks);
The tail must not be completely clipped. The length of the left brush should be at least a third of the length of the tail, otherwise the cat can chase the tail and gnaw it, up to injury (it is extremely difficult to treat the tail - try bandaging it);
- and last but not least. Never laugh at a shorn animal. It will be offended. It's not a joke. Cats are very sensitive to their appearance and your attitude. Be prudent.

Show grooming is a special topic, there is a lot of information on the Internet.

I suggest you watch my video about creative grooming of cats. You can watch in full screen, you can go to You Tube and see many of my other videos

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