MTS telephone support for corporate clients. MTS Bank Hotline

MTS has been known to Russians and residents of the CIS countries for many years - more than 107 million subscribers use the services of MTS - mobile communications, Internet access, cable digital television, prefer and consider MTS the leader in the telecommunications services market.

Caring for customers is the prerogative of the company's management, which is evidenced by constant innovations that simplify access to services, various promotions and bonus programs with the accumulation of points for using services. The customer support service has existed since the first day of the company's formation. Based on the study of work experience and the wishes of customers, this division today forms an integral part of the workforce, serving tens of thousands of customers every day. Even an experienced user may have questions, no one is immune from the loss or theft of a phone, and other situations that require an urgent solution.

And the first action is a call to the support service. To contact the subscriber service from a mobile phone connected to the MTS cellular network, you should dial 0890 - this is a free phone number for the help desk. Following the instructions of the autoinformer, you can select the desired section by pressing the desired phone button. If you could not get the information you need, contact the company representative by dialing the number 2, then 0. In order to improve the work, the conversation with the operator is recorded and evaluated at your discretion. Communication with the operator may take some time depending on the time of day and line load.

If your request involves obtaining personal information, please be prepared to provide personal information.

A call to the MTS support service can be made from any phone - landline or mobile, registered in Russia - to do this, dial the number 8 800 250 0890.

This call is free for you, as the call is paid for by MTS.

In order to contact the MTS support service from abroad, dial +7 495 766 0166 - the call is free for the company's subscribers. If you use the services of other operators, are in roaming or call from a foreign number, payment is made at the rates of a local operator. The customer support service provides free consultations on issues related to connecting to the company's services, using mobile communications, obtaining free technical support, providing information about current offers, services and packages, and service tariffs. The support service is the face of the company, which is why the selection of specialists is carried out in the most thorough manner.

The support service operator will help the client connect or disconnect the service, block his account in case of loss of the phone, etc. You can contact the Contact Center at any time of the day using a convenient way - call, send a request by e-mail or fax (8 495 766-00-58) .

All information about services and support from MTS on the official website of the company

Every day, thousands of MTS customers throughout Russia have questions about the work of a mobile operator. You can get answers to questions at service offices, but it is much easier to use the MTS help and call the hotline. Employees will promptly solve any problem or advise a way to solve it on their own.

What is MTS-help

MTS help is a variant of the MTS hotline. All major mobile operators in Russia have similar services. Operators who work in the technical support service can:

This is an incomplete list of questions, because MTS help operators are ready to answer any question related to the operation of mobile communications, the Internet and television, which are provided by the company.

Please note that problems due to incorrect operation of the equipment are resolved in the technical service of the manufacturer.

How to call the MTS help from a mobile

Most MTS subscribers know only one support service number, but there are several ways to call the operator:

  • 0890 is a single free number. Initially, there is a greeting from the autoinformer, who offers to listen to the necessary information or contact a live operator.
  • 08460 is another free hotline number. Works similarly to the previous one.
  • +74957660166 - inquiry service for calls in international roaming. On this phone, the appeal of the MTS subscriber is recorded, after which the service independently calls back. The call is not charged.
  • 84956360636 is a service number for subscribers who use home Internet or TV.
  • 88002500505 - help desk of the MTS online store.

You can call the help desk on all listed numbers free of charge and around the clock. Calls are not charged even in national roaming.

How to contact the help desk for free

You can contact the MTS help for free not only from your mobile phone, but also via the Internet. There is a feedback form on the link You can also find a feedback form if you go through the branches "Mobile communications" -> "Support" -> "Customer service" -> "Contact the company".

Feedback form.

For subscribers who use home Internet or TV services, there is another form of feedback - You can find it in the section "Home Internet and TV" -> "Support" -> "Customer Service". The link will be highlighted in the section.

Calling the reference MTS from the number of another operator

Save so you don't lose.

Subscribers of other mobile operators can also contact the MTS information line, calls from fixed phones are also available. To do this, call the number: 88002500890.

The call is free, including when you are in national roaming. To receive information on their own SIM card, MTS subscribers will have to confirm their identity by dictating the data of the passport to which the SIM card was registered.

Help MTS Ukraine

At the moment, MTS-Ukraine does not operate on the territory of Ukraine. Instead, services are provided by the cellular communication company Vodafone. All owners of MTS Ukraine SIM cards were previously automatically transferred to the services of this mobile operator.

You can call the Vodafon support service free of charge at the following numbers:

  • 111 - for network subscribers;
  • 0800400111 - from numbers of other mobile operators in Ukraine.

Users of MTS Russia in Ukraine must use a number in international roaming to communicate with the certificate.

There are situations in which you urgently need to communicate with the MTS operator. MTS serves subscribers in such countries as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Uzbekistan.

Each client of the company wants to quickly receive the information they need. There are specific situations that require "live" communication with the MTS operator.

There are several options for how to call the MTS operator. Any subscriber, even while in roaming, will be able to receive consulting assistance from the company's employees.

It should not be forgotten that the company's consultants can answer any question regarding the services provided by the mobile operator. In addition, you can get information about your tariff, connected services, various promotions and special offers.

How to call the mts operator directly using a short free number

Subscribers of any served country can use a single free number 0890. In order to connect with an employee of the company, you must first use the voice menu. After connecting on the phone keypad, first you need to press the button 2, and then 0.

And then there will be a connection with a consultant who is free at that time. You can use other combinations in the menu by first pressing 5 and then 0 . There are several combinations, the main thing is that in the selected menu you end up pressing 0 on the keyboard.

How to call the mts operator from a landline number

Federal number 8 800 250 08 90 is available to private clients. It can be called both from a landline phone and from a mobile phone. In order to connect with a consultant employee, you must also use digital commands. Which are entered using the phone keypad.

You need to press the number 2, and then - 0. After that, the autoinformer should request an assessment of the services provided (press 0 or 1). Only after that it will be possible to wait for the answer of the MTS employee.

Corporate clients use the federal number 8 800 250 09 90 to communicate with the operator.

It is not necessary to listen to the entire conversation of the answering machine, its speech can be interrupted by pressing a button.

How to call an MTS operator from a mobile phone Roaming

If the subscriber is in roaming, then in order to communicate with the operator, it is enough to dial the number 8 495 766 01 66. The call is free, no matter where you are in the world.

When you are outside the Russian Federation, you need to remember that when dialing a phone number, you must use the international format, so you must indicate +7 at the beginning.

Other contact methods

If it was not possible to reach the operator, then you can use the site of the MTS operator. On the tab that opens, you can ask questions, which are designed in the form of feedback.

There is another option for contacting MTS employees. To do this, you need to visit the "Personal Account"

The easiest way to get information from MTS is to visit the company's office, only you need to have a passport with you, which will allow you to be identified as the owner of the SIM card.

The site also has a video that will help you understand the specifics of calls to a mobile operator consultant.

It is quite simple for MTS subscribers to call the operator, as there are several options. Also, in each country served, there are certain service numbers that will ultimately allow you to contact the operator.

This service is beneficial for customers, because absolutely free, wherever you are. MTS always takes care of its customers, providing them with quality services and consulting assistance.

Support centers are created by operators to provide the client with the most convenient assistance in case of communication problems. But center operators can solve almost any issue. Calls to them are made absolutely free and employees work around the clock.

Question: “How to call the MTS Russia operator?” may also arise in other cases, for example, when it is required detailed information about the tariff. A call to the operator is useful and, if necessary, connection of additional services or internet settings. After all, it is much faster to take advantage of the opportunity of MTS call the operator for free than to drive to the office for every action or look for commands on your own.

How to call an MTS operator for free

Usually clients there are no questions with how to call the MTS operator. You can find the support center number on all packages and documents attached to them. If for some reason SIM card paper were lost, then it is worth writing down how to call the MTS operator directly free of charge. For these purposes, the company has allocated a special number 0890 . Regardless of the region connection is the most convenient way to get through to the MTS operator.

Before the MTS operator answers, the phone number support center allows you to get acquainted with the menu, where you can find yourself lots of useful information. It is likely that it will be faster, since it will be possible to talk with the MTS operator only after a long wait.

Important! For MTS subscribers, a free call to the operator is available in any region of Russia. In addition, you can call a specialist even if the SIM card is blocked due to a low balance.

The most frequently asked questions are related to how to call quickly to the MTS operator, namely from mobile users. Them recommended to use single support number 0890 . Also call the MTS operator from mobile for free subscribers can use the phone 8-800-2508-250 . This number allows you to call the MTS operator for free from any home and mobile Russia.

Important! When you are in intranet roaming, it is better to use the number 0890 to communicate with the operator. This will help avoid billing errors.

Today, MTS services are very diverse. Among them are not only cellular, but also the Internet, and television and even banking. If the subscriber no possibility call from a mobile MTS, then he should dial the number 8800250-0890 .

When found outside Russia toll-free 800 series numbers will not be available. Nevertheless, a person may need to both call MTS and resolve urgent issues . In this case, federal MTS phones are available for communication with the operator +7-495-7660166 .

Important! Call by number+7-495-7660166 free only for MTS customers. In other cases, you will have to pay for the call according to the terms of the tariff plan.

Phones for communication with mobile operators of other operators

Short number available only to subscribers registered in the MTS network. The rest will have to for free communication dial the phone with the operator 8800250-0890 . This number is available from all cellular and landlines that are registered from Russian telecom operators , you will not be able to call him from other countries.

Center for processing client requests MTS

Service legal entities significantly different from the provision of services to private clients. They need to register their applications through a specialized service . Consider its main features:

  • Activation or deactivation additional options, services and so on is performed on the basis of requests within 1 day .
  • You can use the service only after submitting written statement to bind the organization's mail. It certified by a seal signed by the director of the company and on paper transferred to one of the nearest salons.
  • Applications can be made through corporate email address or by fax +7-495-7660058 . At the same time, papers no longer need to be certified by the head of the organization.

MTS support for organizations

The company service center is ready at any time to help clients, legal entities. persons. Through it, you can following operations :

  • Transferring money and options between accounts, as well as their union.
  • Order and receive financial documentation, including a variety of reports in paper or electronic form.
  • Ordering new numbers and services, as well as turning them off.
  • Tariff changes and rooms, as well as setting and removing locks.

Legal Support persons by fixed numbers

Organizations also can around the clock contact support. They have access to information, including on fixed-line services. Support center operators will answer all questions for the services offered, tell you about long-distance communication services, help you connect or disconnect additional options, and also accept an application for a contract.

Call MTS Help Desk and get an answer to your questions! Support is available through several toll free and 24/7 numbers. But before you start calling, we recommend that you use online self-service to the system from the official website of the operator. So, MTS has several support numbers at once, each designed for a specific purpose:

Chief among them is the short number 0890 , and universal 8 800 250 0890 . There are also separate numbers for calls to MTS support if you are in another country (in roaming), a separate reference for corporate clients, and other highly specialized numbers. You will learn about all of them below in the article.

What issues can be resolved in the MTS support help desk

By calling the MTS contact center, with the help of a support specialist, you can get both advice and certain services.

MTS call center services (only for individuals):

  • phone lock for a certain time
  • change without changing the number
  • issuance of pin code and pack code
  • changing your phone number
  • activation or deactivation of certain services of Mobile TeleSystems
  • technical support for other MTS services - the Internet, television and others.

Specialists of the reference MTS will give you advice on the following issues:

  • details of tariff plans, including your
  • payment methods for services
  • get a detailed summary of your conversations
  • disconnect or connect numbers
  • about debiting funds (money) from your MTS account
  • on the division or merging of your personal accounts

Reference MTS from mobile for free

It is best to call the MTS help desk from a mobile phone to the short number 0890 . This support phone is 24/7 and free of charge for MTS subscribers. The algorithm for contacting technical support is simple - dial a number, make a call, then listen to the answering machine tone menu, press button 2, and then button 0 (zero). After that, wait for a connection with a consultant.

MTS: support phone for calls from a landline number and numbers of other telecom operators

If you do not have the opportunity to call the MTS help from your phone (perhaps something happened to it), then for this there is a universal all-Russian MTS support number - 8-800-250-0890 .Its main feature is that you can call this support number from any phone in Russia, and it's absolutely free!

Useful: Fast

Free MTS support numbers

Many users are concerned about the cost of a call to the MTS help desk. We dare to reassure - calls to the support service of Mobile Tele Systems are usually free. Why "usually"? Because there are still certain cases where a fee may be charged. For example, calls to a support phone from another country NOT from an MTS SIM card. But calling in Russia (as well as Belarus and Kazakhstan) to numbers 0890 and universal 8-800-250-0890, you will be served free of charge.

This is useful: Correct

MTS reference number Russia abroad

If you are in another country (except Kazakhstan and Belarus), and you need to contact the MTS help desk (and free of charge), then there is no better option than calling the MTS support service at +7 495 76 601 66. The algorithm for dialing to a consultant is the same as on other phones - press 2 in the answering machine, and then zero.

Also note: calls will be free only if you call in roaming with an MTS SIM card. Otherwise, the payment will go according to the terms of your tariff plan.

What to do if the MTS support service does not respond

If this is not the first time you have called the MTS help desk, then you probably know that it is not always possible to get through, plus sometimes the waiting time for a connection with technical support takes too long. What to do in this case? Of course, first of all, you need to try calling Help a few more times - at a different time. Read about it directly. Maybe then the line will not be so busy. You can also use alternative ways to contact support.

Alternative ways to contact MTS support

Feedback on the official website of MTS.. Go to address, and then following the menu write appeals to the company

MTS personal account. Log in to the online service system and solve your questions without contacting ! This is both convenient and fast - after all, you can enter your Personal Account at any time of the day.

MTS email. You can also write a request to MTS by e-mail:

[email protected]

Go to the service center. One of the most reliable ways to get the support you need is to contact the MTS branch in your city directly. If you don’t know exactly where it is, send an SMS with the text “MTS” (without brackets) to 6677.

FAQ - private customer questions about MTS support services

What is the number of MTS Reference for calls from a mobile

Reference number MTS No. 1 - 0890

Reference MTS No. 2 - 8-800-250-0890

How to call the MTS Help Desk for free

Free MTS support number - 0890, 8-800-250-0890. Also know - all numbers that start with 8 800 are free.

How to call the MTS support service abroad for free

Abroad, you can call the MTS help desk from the number +7 495 76 601 66 . However, the call will be free only if you call from an MTS SIM card.

How to call the MTS help desk from a city, landline number

Reference MTS from a landline number is available by a single free phone number 8-800-250-0890

How to call MTS support from another Russian operator number(Beeline, Megafon or other)

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