Do I need to give vitamin D to the baby in the summer. Vitamin D - biological functions, consumption rate, symptoms of deficiency and excess. Instructions for the use of vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble compound - cyclic unsaturated high molecular weight alcohol ergosterol, which has antirachitic activity. Often, vitamin D is simply referred to as an anti-rachitic factor, since this compound is necessary for proper growth and bone formation.

Since vitamin D is soluble in fats, it is able to accumulate in the human body in the cells of various organs. Nai large quantity vitamin D accumulates in the subcutaneous adipose tissue and liver. Due to the ability to accumulate in the human body, there is always a certain depot of vitamin D, from which this compound is consumed in case of insufficient intake with food. That is, against the background of insufficient intake with food, vitamin D deficiency develops rather through long span time until its stocks in the depot are used up.

The ability to dissolve in fats determines the possibility excess accumulation vitamin A when it enters the human body in large quantities. When accumulating high concentration Vitamin D in the blood and tissues of the body develops hypervitaminosis, which, like hypovitaminosis, leads to impaired functioning of various organs and tissues.

This means that vitamin D must be supplied to the body in strictly defined, optimal doses, since both its excess and deficiency are harmful. You can not take vitamin D in large quantities, as this will lead to hypervitaminosis. And also you can not consume a small amount of vitamin D, as this will provoke its deficiency or hypovitaminosis.

Vitamin D also prevents muscle weakness, enhances immunity , ensures normal blood clotting and optimal functioning of the thyroid gland . According to the data experimental studies calciferol helps repair nerve cells and nerve fibers thereby reducing the rate of progression of multiple sclerosis. In addition, vitamin D is involved in the regulation of blood pressure and heart rate.

With the external use of vitamin D preparations, the scaly skin in people suffering from psoriasis is reduced.

The norm of vitamin D for consumption and content in the body

Recommended daily dosage vitamin D for humans different ages next:
  • Adult women and men over 15 years old - 2.5 - 5.0 mcg (100 - 200 IU);
  • Pregnant women - 10 mcg (400 IU);
  • Nursing mothers - 10 mcg (400 IU);
  • Elderly people over 60 years old - 10 - 15 mcg (400 - 600 IU);
  • Infants under one year old - 7.5 - 10.0 mcg (300 - 400 IU);
  • Children 1 - 5 years old - 10 mcg (400 IU);
  • Children 5 - 13 years old - 2.5 mcg (100 IU).
Currently, micrograms (mcg) or international units (IU) are used to indicate the content of vitamin D in food. In this case, one international unit corresponds to 0.025 µg. Accordingly, 1 μg of vitamin D is equal to 40 IU. These ratios can be used to convert units of measurement to each other.

The list shows the optimal dosages daily use vitamin D, which replenish its reserves and are not able to provoke hypervitaminosis. Safe from the point of view of the development of hypervitaminosis is the use of no more than 15 micrograms of vitamin D per day. This means that the maximum allowable dosage of vitamin D, which will not lead to hypervitaminosis, is 15 micrograms per day.

Increase the dose above optimal values necessary for people who have an increased need for vitamin D, such as:

  • Accommodation in northern latitudes with a short duration daylight hours or polar night;
  • Living in regions with a highly polluted atmosphere;
  • Night shift work;
  • Bedridden patients who are not on the street;
  • People suffering chronic diseases intestines, liver, gallbladder and kidneys;
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers.
In the blood, the normal content of vitamin D 2 is 10 - 40 mcg / l and D 3 - also 10 - 40 mcg / l.

Symptoms of deficiency and excess of vitamin D

Due to the possibility of accumulation of vitamin D in the human body, both its deficiency and excess may appear. A lack of vitamin D is called hypovitaminosis or deficiency, and an overabundance is called hypervitaminosis or overdose. Both hypovitaminosis and hypervitaminosis D cause disruption of various tissue organs, provoking a number of diseases. Therefore, vitamin D should not be consumed in large quantities, so as not to provoke an overdose.

Vitamin D deficiency

Lack of vitamin D leads to a decrease in the absorption of calcium from food, as a result of which it is washed out of the bones and stimulates the production of parathyroid hormone. parathyroid glands. Against this background, hyperparathyroidism is formed, in which the leaching of calcium from the bones increases. Bones lose strength, bend, unable to withstand the load, and a person forms various violations normal skeletal structure, which are manifestations of rickets. That is, lack of vitamin D is manifested by rickets.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency (rickets) in children:

  • Delayed teething;
  • Delayed closure of fontanelles;
  • Softening of the bones of the skull, against which the flattening of the occipital lobes occurs with the simultaneous formation of bone growths in the region of the frontal and parietal tubercles. As a result of such processes, a person's head becomes square, which persists for life and is a sign of rickets suffered in childhood;
  • Deformation of the bones of the face, as a result of which a saddle nose and a high gothic sky can form;
  • Curvature of the legs according to the type of the letter "O" (popularly this condition is called "legs with a wheel");
  • Deformation of the pelvic bones;
  • Thickening of the ends of the tubular bones, as a result of which the knee, elbow, shoulder and ankle and finger joints become large and protruding. Such protruding joints are called rickety bracelets;
  • Thickening of the ends of the ribs, which leads to the formation of protruding large joints at the junction of the rib bones with the sternum and spine. These protruding junctions of the ribs with the sternum and spine are called rachitic rosaries;
  • Deformation chest(chicken breast);
  • Sleep disturbance;

After elimination of vitamin D deficiency, sleep disturbances, irritability and sweating disappear, bone strength is restored, and the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood gradually returns to normal. However, bone deformities (for example, saddle nose, chicken breast, curvature of the legs, square shape of the skull, etc.), which have already formed during the period of vitamin D deficiency, will not be corrected when the vitamin D deficiency is eliminated, but will remain for life and will be a sign rickets suffered in childhood.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency (rickets) in adults are:

  • The development of osteomalacia, that is, bone thinning, from which calcium salts are washed out, which give strength;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Burning sensation in the mouth and throat;
All disorders that have arisen in adults against the background of vitamin D deficiency completely disappear after the normalization of the intake of calciferol in the body.

Vitamin D overdose

An overdose of vitamin D is very dangerous state, since in this case there is an intensive absorption of calcium from food, which is sent to all organs and tissues, being deposited in them in the form of solid salts. The deposition of salts causes calcification of organs and tissues that cease to function normally. In addition, excess calcium in the blood provokes severe disorders of the heart and nervous system, manifested by micronecrosis and arrhythmias. The clinical symptoms of vitamin D overdose depend on its degree. Currently, there are three degrees of vitamin D overdose, characterized by the following clinical manifestations:

I degree of hypervitaminosis Dmild poisoning without toxicosis:

  • sweating;
  • Irritability;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Delayed weight gain;
  • Thirst (polydipsia);
  • A large number of urine more than 2.5 liters per day (polyuria);
  • Pain in joints and muscles.
II degree of hypervitaminosis D- moderate poisoning with moderate toxicosis:
  • Anorexia;
  • Periodic vomiting;
  • Decrease in body weight;
  • Tachycardia (palpitations);
  • Muffled heart sounds;
  • systolic murmur;
  • Increased levels of calcium, phosphate, citrate, cholesterol and total protein in the blood (hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperproteinemia);
  • Decreased activity alkaline phosphatase in the blood (AP).
III degree of hypervitaminosis D- severe poisoning with severe toxicosis:
  • Persistent vomiting;
  • Severe weight loss;
  • Low muscle mass(hypotrophy);
  • lethargy;
  • Low mobility (hypodynamia);
  • Periods of marked anxiety;
  • Periodic convulsions;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Muffled heart sounds;
  • systolic murmur;
  • expansion of the heart;
  • Attacks of arrhythmia;
  • ECG abnormalities (widening of the QRS complex and shortening of the ST interval);
  • Pale skin and mucous membranes;
  • Cold hands and feet;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Pulsation of the vessels in the neck and in the region of the stomach;
  • Increased levels of calcium, phosphates, citrates, cholesterol and total protein in the blood (hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperproteinemia);
  • Decreased levels of magnesium in the blood (hypomagnesemia);
  • Decreased activity of alkaline phosphatase in the blood (AP);
  • Complications in the form bacterial infections(eg pneumonia, pyelonephritis, myocarditis, pancreatitis);
  • CNS depression up to coma.

Treatment of vitamin D overdose

If there are signs of an overdose of vitamin D, you should immediately begin to take measures to accelerate the removal of the substance from the body. The process of eliminating excess vitamin D is considered a treatment for hypervitaminosis D, which is as follows:
1. With a mild degree of poisoning, give the person inside Vaseline oil, which will reduce the absorption of vitamin D residues present in the intestines. To restore the normal structure of cells as soon as possible and reduce the penetration of calcium into tissues, a person is given vitamin E and A. In order to accelerated elimination excess calcium is used Furosemide, and to compensate for the loss of potassium and magnesium, Asparkam or Panangin is used;
2. At medium degree poisoning a person is given vaseline oil, vitamins E and A, Furosemide, Asparkam or Panangin. Verapamil is added to these drugs (eliminates excess calcium deposition in tissues), Etidronate (reduces calcium absorption from the intestine), Phenobarbital (accelerates the conversion of vitamin D into inactive forms);
3. In severe overdose of vitamin D, all drugs used to treat moderate poisoning are administered intravenously. In addition to these drugs, if necessary, glucocorticoids, saline, Calcitrin and Trisamine are administered.

In case of violations of the heart (arrhythmia, shortness of breath, palpitations, etc.) or the central nervous system (lethargy, coma, convulsions, etc.) against the background of an overdose of vitamin D, it is necessary to administer phosphate salt preparations, for example, In-fos, Hyper-phos-K, etc. .

Overdose and deficiency of vitamin D (rickets) in children: causes, symptoms, treatment, answers to questions - video

Vitamin D - indications for use

Vitamin D is indicated for therapeutic or prophylactic use. Prophylactic intake of vitamin D is to prevent rickets in children and vitamin deficiency in adults. Therapeutic intake of vitamin D is made in the composition complex therapy various diseases accompanied by a violation of the structure of bones and low levels of calcium in the blood. Preventive and medical reception vitamin D differs only in dosages, otherwise it is carried out according to the same rules. So, for prevention, calciferol preparations should be taken at 400-500 IU (10-12 mcg) per day, and for treatment at 5000-10000 IU (120-250 mcg) per day.

Vitamin D is indicated for use in following states and diseases:

  • Hypovitaminosis D (rickets) in children and adults;
  • broken bones;
  • Slow fusion of bones;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Low levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood;
  • Osteomyelitis (inflammation of the bone marrow);
  • Osteomalacia (softening of the bones);
  • Hypoparathyroidism or hyperparathyroidism (under or excess amount steam hormones thyroid gland);
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Chronic atrophic gastritis;
  • Chronic enteritis of any etiology, including celiac disease, Whipple's disease, Crohn's disease, radiation enteritis;
  • Chronic pancreatitis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Muscular tetany;
  • Menopausal syndrome in women.

Vitamin D for a newborn - should I give it?

Currently, the question of whether to give vitamin D to a newborn child is causing widespread debate in society. Someone thinks that this is necessary, referring to long experience mothers, grandmothers and "experienced" pediatricians who have been working for more than one year. And someone says that this is not necessary, because the child gets everything essential vitamins from milk. In fact, these are two radical, completely opposite positions, neither of which is correct. Consider when a child needs to be given vitamin D to prevent rickets.

If the child is at least 0.5 - 1 hour a day on the street and is exposed to direct sunlight, while being completely breastfed, and the mother eats fully, then vitamin D is not necessary. In this case, the child will receive part of vitamin D from mother's milk, and the missing amount is synthesized in his skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. It should be remembered that under good nutrition A mother is defined as a diet in which she necessarily consumes vegetables and fruits every day, and meat, fish, eggs and dairy products at least one day a week. And a child’s walk means his stay on the street, under the sun, and not several hours spent in a closed stroller, walled up from the outside world.

If the child is mixed-fed, is regularly outside, and the mother eats well, then he also does not need to give vitamin D, since modern baby food contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals in the right amount.

If the child is completely artificially fed using modern mixtures, then he does not need to give vitamin D, under any circumstances, even if he practically does not walk. This is due to the fact that in modern mixtures there are all vitamins and microelements necessary for the growth and development of the child. enough.

If the child is breast-fed or mixed-fed, rarely goes outside without being exposed to solar radiation, and the mother is malnourished, then vitamin D should be given. You also need to give vitamin D if the child is artificially fed not with modern mixtures, but, for example, cow, goat or donor milk, etc.

Thus, vitamin D should be given to newborns only in the following cases:
1. The breastfeeding mother is malnourished.
2. Artificial feeding is carried out not with modern mixtures, but with donor milk of various origins.
3. The child is outside less than half an hour a day.

Basically, in modern conditions temperate climate the need for additional reception vitamin D in newborns under one year of age occurs very rarely, since the nutrition of nursing mothers and the availability of modern, enriched with various nutrients mixtures for baby food completely eliminated the problem of calciferol deficiency. It should be remembered that the mandatory intake of vitamin D by newborns for the prevention of rickets was introduced more than 40 years ago, when nursing mothers did not always eat fully, worked overtime in difficult conditions of factory workshops, and there were simply no infant formulas, and "artificial" mothers were fed with donor milk, which was necessarily boiled, which means that the vitamins in it turned out to be destroyed. Therefore, in the then existing conditions, vitamin D was a necessity for almost all newborns. Today, conditions have changed and all babies do not need the vitamin. Therefore, it should only be taken when needed.

Vitamin D for children

Vitamin D should be given to children if they are not in the sun for at least one hour a day, do not eat meat at least twice a week and do not eat animal products (butter, sour cream, milk, cheeses, etc.) daily. You can also give vitamin D if you notice that the child has an O- or X-shaped curvature of the legs and a saddle nose is forming. In all other cases, the child does not need vitamin D, with the exception of serious illnesses when prescribed by a doctor as part of complex therapy.

Vitamin D in summer

AT summer period time, if a person is in the sun and consumes animal products at least once a week, then you do not need to take vitamin D, regardless of age. At the same time, exposure to the sun means being outdoors in a small amount of clothing (open T-shirts, short shorts, skirts, dresses, swimwear, etc.) under direct sunlight. Such a stay on the street for half an hour in the summer is enough for the endogenous production of the required amount of vitamin D in the skin. Therefore, if a person is outside at least half an hour a day in the summer, then he does not need to take vitamin D.

If a person does not go outside in the summer, for some reason he is constantly indoors, or does not undress, leaving the most skin, then he needs to take vitamin D prophylactically.

Vitamin D in foods - where is it found?

Vitamin D is found in the following foods:
  • Sea fish liver;
  • Fatty fish, such as salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna, perch, etc.;
  • Liver beef, pork;
  • Fatty meats, such as pork, duck, etc.;
  • Fish caviar;
  • Eggs;
  • Milk cream;
  • Sour cream;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Seaweed;
  • Forest chanterelle mushrooms;
  • Yeast.

Vitamin D preparations

AT pharmacological preparations Vitamin D is used in the following forms:
  • Ergocalciferol - natural vitamin D 2 ;
  • Cholecalciferol - natural vitamin D 3;
  • Calcitriol - active form vitamin D 3, obtained from natural products;
  • Calcipotriol (Psorkutan) is a synthetic analogue of calcitriol;
  • Alfacalcidol (alpha D 3) is a synthetic analogue of vitamin D 2 (ergocalciferol);
  • Natural fish fat is a source of various forms of vitamin D.
All of these forms are highly active and can be used without any restrictions.

Pharmacological preparations can be single-component, that is, containing only forms of vitamin D, or multi-component, which include vitamin D and various minerals, most often calcium. Both types of drugs can be used to correct vitamin D deficiency. However multicomponent preparations are the best option, since at the same time they eliminate the deficiency of vitamin D and some other elements.

All forms of vitamin D

At present, the pharmaceutical market has the following drugs containing vitamin D:
  • Aquadetrim vitamin D 3 (cholecalciferol);
  • Alphabet "Our baby" (vitamins A, D, E, C, PP, B 1, B 2, B 12);
  • Alphabet "Kindergarten" (vitamins A, E, D, C, B 1);
  • Alfadol (alfacalcidol);
  • Alfadol-Ca (calcium carbonate, alfacalcidol);
  • Alpha-D 3 -Teva (alfacalcidol);
  • Van Alpha (alfacalcidol);
  • Vigantol (cholecalciferol);
  • Videhol (various forms and derivatives of vitamin D);
  • Vita bears (vitamins A, E, D, C, B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12);
  • Vitrum
  • Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D 3 (calcium carbonate, cholecalciferol);
  • Vittri (vitamins E, D 3 , A);
  • Calcemin Advance (calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, cholecalciferol, magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, copper oxide, manganese sulfate, borate);
  • Calcium D 3 Nycomed and Calcium D 3 Nycomed forte (calcium carbonate, cholecalciferol);
  • Complivit Calcium D 3 (calcium carbonate, cholecalciferol);
  • Multi-Tabs (vitamins A, E, D, C, B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12);
  • Natekal D 3 (calcium carbonate, cholecalciferol);
  • Oxidevit (alfacalcidol);
  • Osteotriol (calcitriol);
  • Pikovit (vitamins A, PP, D, C, B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12);
  • Polyvit (vitamins A, E, D, C, B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12);
  • Rocaltrol (calcitriol);
  • Sana-Sol (vitamins A, E, D, C, B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12);
  • Centrum (vitamins A, E, D, C, K, B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12);
  • Ergocalciferol (ergocalciferol);
  • Etalfa (alfacalcidol).

Vitamin D oil solution

Vitamin D oil solution can be taken orally or administered intramuscularly and intravenously as needed. In the form of oil solutions of vitamin D, there are the following drugs:
  • Vigantol;
  • Vitamin D 3 oral solution in oil;
  • Videhol;
  • Oksidevit;
  • Ergocalciferol;
  • Etalfa.

Calcium with Vitamin D

Calcium with Vitamin D is a vitamin and mineral complex often used to prevent various diseases associated with bone destruction, such as osteoporosis, osteomalacia, bone tuberculosis, etc. Currently, there are the following preparations containing calcium with vitamin D at the same time:
  • Alfadol-Sa;
  • Vitrum Calcium + Vitamin D 3;
  • Calcemin Advance;
  • Calcium D 3 Nycomed and Calcium D 3 Nycomed forte;
  • Complivit Calcium D 3;
  • Natekal D 3 .

Ointment or cream with vitamin D

Vitamin D ointment or cream is used to treat psoriasis. Currently, the following ointments and creams containing vitamin D are available:
  • Glenriaz (calcipotriol);
  • Daivobet (calcipotriol);
  • Daivonex (calcipotriol);
  • Xamiol (calcitriol);
  • Curatoderm (tacalcitol);
  • Psorkutan (calcipotriol);
  • Silkis (calcitriol).

Vitamin D - which is better

In relation to any group of drugs, the term "best" is incorrect and incorrect in its essence, since in medical practice there is the concept of "optimal". This means that for each specific case, a strictly defined drug, which doctors call optimal, will be the best. This also applies to vitamin D supplements.

That is, complex vitamin-mineral complexes containing vitamins D are optimal for the prevention of osteoporosis, osteomalacia and other bone diseases. Vitamin D oil solutions are well suited for the prevention and treatment of rickets in children and adults, since they can be administered not only orally, but also intravenously or intramuscularly. And external creams and ointments with vitamin D are the best drugs for the treatment of psoriasis.

Thus, if a person just wants to drink a course of vitamin D for prevention, then complex vitamin-mineral complexes, for example, Vittri, Alfadol-Ca, etc., will be optimal for him. If it is necessary to prevent rickets in a child, then oil solutions of vitamin D are best suited for this purpose. To eliminate vitamin deficiency and treat various diseases, oil solutions of vitamin D are also the best form.

Vitamin D instructions for use - how to give drugs

Vitamin D is recommended to be used simultaneously with vitamins A, E, C, B 1, B 2 and B 6, as well as pantothenic acid and salts of calcium and magnesium, since these compounds improve the absorption of each other.

Tablets, drops and pills of vitamin D should be taken during or immediately after meals. The oil solution can be poured onto a small piece of black bread and eat it.

For the prevention of rickets, vitamin D is taken in the following dosages, depending on age:

  • Full-term newborns from 0 to 3 years old - take 500 - 1000 IU (12 - 25 mcg) per day;
  • Premature newborns from 0 to 3 years old - take 1000 - 1500 IU (25 - 37 mcg) per day;
  • Pregnant women - take 500 IU (12 mcg) per day during the entire period of bearing a child;
  • Nursing mothers - take 500 - 1000 IU (12 - 25 mcg) per day;
  • Women in menopause - take 500 - 1000 IU (12 - 25 mcg) per day;
  • Men reproductive age to improve the quality of sperm, vitamin D is taken at 500 - 1000 IU (12 - 25 mcg) per day.
Prophylactic use of vitamin D can be continued for several years, alternating 3 - 4 week courses with 1 - 2 monthly intervals between them.

For the treatment of rickets and other diseases skeletal system it is necessary to take vitamin D at 2000 - 5000 IU (50 - 125 mcg) for 4 - 6 weeks. Then you need to take a week break, after which you will repeat the course of taking vitamin D.

Vitamin D analysis

Currently, there is a laboratory analysis for the concentration of two forms of vitamin D in the blood - D 2 (ergocalciferol) and D 3 (cholecalciferol). This analysis allows you to accurately determine the presence of vitamin deficiency or hypervitaminosis, and, in accordance with its results, make the necessary decision to cancel or, on the contrary, take vitamin D preparations. The concentration of these two forms is determined in venous blood taken in the morning on an empty stomach. The normal concentration of both D 2 and D 3 is 10 - 40 µg / l each. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

“Actually, we constantly live in Italy, but we stopped in St. Petersburg to see relatives,” my mother, swarthy from birth, proudly informed me. Her last name ended in "yan".

I was looking around one year old baby He had a slight runny nose and a reddish throat. But it's not scary: there were no wheezing in the lungs, the ears are normal - just SARS. But what immediately caught my eye was the “square” head, due to a strong increase in the frontal, parietal and occipital protuberances. The boy's teeth have not yet appeared at the age of one. The chest looked expanded from below and outward, forming a transverse furrow.

- Tell me, do you give your child vitamin D? I asked.
- Why? Mom was surprised. - We live in Italy, and there is the sun.
- Understand. But why do you think the child has such a head? And the chest?
“Our Italian pediatrician says this is his specialty,” Mom explained.
Why are there still no teeth?
- This is also his feature. Our Italian pediatrician says that everyone's teeth appear at different times.
“That's true,” I agreed. - Teeth can appear later, much later - but this can be considered the norm only under one condition: if there is no lack of vitamin D and calcium.
“What do you think is wrong with my child?” Mom asked anxiously.
“In Russia we call it rickets,” I answered. But that's okay, you can still fix it.

Breast milk - protection against rickets?

Vitamin D is necessary for any person, but especially for the growing body of a child. With a lack of calcium, calcium is no longer absorbed in the intestines and bone formation is disrupted, which leads to symptoms of rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults, especially the elderly.

Vitamin D enters the body in two ways - through food or formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. At the same time, vitamin D is clearly not enough in food. For example, breast milk contains only 25 IU (international units) of vitamin per liter, despite daily requirement for children up to a year is 400 IU. After a year, the daily requirement for vitamin D is more - 600 IU, and in the elderly - even more: 800 IU per day.

Immediately after birth, the baby has a small supply of vitamin D, accumulated during the prenatal period, but by 2-3 weeks of life, it ends. Accordingly, starting from 2-3 weeks of life, we recommend starting to give breastfed babies a prophylactic dose of vitamin D. If the baby is bottle-fed, it should be borne in mind that the milk formula already contains 400 IU of vitamin per 1 liter.

Why vitamin D in the summer?

Vitamin D is naturally formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. It is clear that there is clearly little sun in the European part of Russia in winter. But many people think that in the summer a child gets enough vitamin D. However, the issue is debatable. There are a number of studies showing that even in adults who spend a lot of time in the sun, blood levels of the vitamin may be insufficient. This is due to a number of factors - geographical latitude, skin type, etc.

Many parents have a fear of any medication, chemicals, etc. Therefore, as soon as summer arrives, vitamin D is gleefully cancelled. At the same time, many modern parents have heard that and. And this is partly true - excess sun, especially between 12 and 16 o'clock in the afternoon, is really dangerous. Except sunburn Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer, melanoma.

So, to give vitamin D or not in the summer? First, not all summer days sunny. Secondly, despite the fact that summer is in the yard, vitamin D is not formed from the sun's rays that penetrated into the apartment through the glass of the window. Thirdly, the sun will not help if the baby is dressed or walking in a closed stroller. Sunscreens, as well as urban smog, also interfere with the formation of vitamin D.

Interestingly, the recommendation to give vitamin D exists not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Even in countries where winter looks about the same as our summer, rickets occurs. Indeed, nowadays children spend much less time on the street. Salochki and Cossack robbers have lost their positions to smartphones and tablets. Surprising but true: a scientific study was recently published on the topic of rickets in Nigerian children.

Be aware of dosage differences

What vitamin D to give children? In general, this is not essential. Conventional vitamin D preparations (Polish, German) sold in Russia contain 400-500 IU per drop. But our people love everything foreign, so they actively bring vitamin D from Finland. It should be borne in mind that most Finnish drugs contain only 100 IU per drop, which means that the prophylactic dose will not be one, but 4-5 drops per day.

I have repeatedly encountered cases when parents, after buying a Finnish product, bought vitamin D preparations in other countries and continued to give it 5 drops, as they used to. But you need to understand: in different countries there are the most different drugs With different concentrations vitamin D.

For example, German Vitamin D3 Ol contains 800 IU per drop. There are French and Italian preparations containing 1000 IU in one drop. Thus, if you simply switch from Finnish vitamin D to German without studying the instructions, you can get an excess usual dose 8 times at once!

But most of all I was struck by the preparation from sunny Florida Calson Super Daily with a content of 4000 IU in one drop. This concentrate was prescribed by a local pediatrician to the newborn son of my friends, 1 drop per day. Which they did for two weeks until they returned to Russia.

Nevertheless, they did not overdose (now they drink this miracle 1 drop every 5 days). In general, in life acute poisoning vitamin D is extremely rare. Chronic hypervitaminosis D is even rarer. But we still recommend reading the instructions.

In general, I hope you understand that vitamin D is an extremely necessary thing. Thanks to him, we grow up slender and even. There is not enough vitamin D in food, so it must be administered externally in the form of drops or syrup. And in the summer it is most often necessary to continue taking it. Even in Italy.


It is very important for a child, since its deficiency can lead to problems with the musculoskeletal system at an older age. Some mothers, having learned about this, rush to the pharmacy for another jar of an artificial drug with this organic compound. However, this is not necessary. Only a doctor can prescribe this vitamin, because sometimes the harm from it can be more than good. Today we will find out what consequences a lack of this element in the body can lead to, whether it can be given to all children and in what dosage. We will also determine in what forms of release the drug with this organic compound is sold, and up to what age it is advisable to give such funds.

Role in the body

Whether to give a child vitamin D, only the mother decides with the attending doctor. But everyone should know about the importance of this element. So, a sufficient amount of vitamin D guarantees:

Muscle and bone growth.

Strengthening the immune system.

Strength of teeth.

Prevention of the development of rickets.

Excellent work of the heart.

Fight against cancer cells.

Uninterrupted work of the thyroid gland.

Excellent blood clotting.

What can a lack of this organic compound lead to?

A lack of vitamin D in children can provoke the appearance of such negative consequences:

Slow growth of teeth.

Bone deformity.

Decreased calcium levels, resulting in rickets.

Increased excitability.

Anxiety, fearfulness.

Sleep disturbance.

Problems with internal organs.

The appearance of bald patches on the back of the head in an infant.

developmental delay.

Curvature of the legs.

Sour smell of sweat, ammoniac "aroma" of urine.

Fontanelle enlargement.

Does everyone need to give

When asked if a child needs vitamin D, some pediatricians say no. AT Soviet times The kids were all given fish oil. Now medicine has changed, doctors began to think differently. Some doctors do not consider it necessary to specifically buy this vitamin from a pharmacy. Other pediatricians, on the contrary, prescribe it to prevent the occurrence of rickets. Therefore, there is no definite answer to the above question. Mothers should trust the pediatricians assigned to their children and discuss with their specialist the need for taking fish oil or another drug.

Your baby will need vitamin D if:

The family lives in the north.

The baby is on artificial feeding.

During walks, mother uses the children's sunscreen for your baby.

The newborn is swarthy. The point is that babies dark skin vitamin D is poorly produced.

They don’t walk the baby, they don’t go out with him.

The family lives in a large city with a polluted environment.

Reception of an organic compound for babies up to 12 months

Vitamin D for children under one year old is often prescribed by pediatricians. However, parents should not mindlessly run to the pharmacy for the drug. You can talk with the doctor, discuss with him your pastime with the baby. Tell that you walk daily with the baby on the street, breathe fresh air, do not close the face of your son or daughter from the sun. Also, be sure to inform the pediatrician if you often travel out of town with your baby, to the country, for example. After all, clean air will in no way interfere with the retention of sunlight and the synthesis of vitamin D.

And if the doctor listens to you and analyzes the situation, then, of course, he will not insist on artificially obtaining this element.

But if the mother really rarely goes outside with the baby, then it is advisable to prescribe vitamin D. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers parents a large selection of products with this element.

The expediency of using the supplement after 1 year

Pediatricians prescribe vitamin D to patients in different ways. Until what age to give this supplement to a child, only the doctor determines, based on many factors: living conditions, skin color, crumbs, etc. Many doctors recommend taking this vitamin up to 2 years. However, some experts believe that babies do not need to drink an artificial supplement after 1 year. After all, children at the age of 1 already walk, their mothers no longer hide them under hoods, so boys and girls receive the necessary dose of vitamin. In addition, if up to 1 year old the diet of newborns is monotonous and the crumbs that are bottle-fed do not receive this element, then after 12 months, children eat almost everything. Their food becomes varied, rich in various microelements, including such an organic compound as vitamin D. Children up to what age are usually given this element? Pediatricians try to prescribe it up to a maximum of 3 years. After that, the kids are prescribed other drugs - complex drugs.

Release form

So you've decided that additional vitamin D for the child will come in handy. When you go to the pharmacy, you will hear from the pharmacist the question of what form of release you need the drug. But you do not know anything about him, although you should inquire about it in advance. So, vitamin D for a child is produced in three forms:

  1. Alcohol solution.
  2. Dragee.
  3. Oil solution.


Premature babies - 8 thousand IU per day.

Healthy full-term babies - from 2 weeks to 500 IU per day.

If you need to cure rickets, then use an oil or alcohol solution. It is better to use the first form of the drug, since in the second case there is high probability occurrence of hypervitaminosis. In this case, you need to take 1 drop daily for a month.

It is prescribed for softening of the bones. The dosage in this case is 3 thousand IU for 1.5 months. It is also prescribed for insufficiency parathyroid glands, at bone diseases(up to 1 million IU per day).

And if you overdo it

Some people believe that a lack of vitamin D in a child is worse than an overabundance of it in the body. But it's not. Parents should be aware that uncontrolled intake of this element can adversely affect the health of the child. In case of an overdose, such negative manifestations are possible:

Brittleness of the bones.

Violation of the functions of the kidneys, heart, liver.

Loss of appetite.



General weakness.

The appearance of protein in the urine, leukocytes.

Increase in body temperature.

Irritability, nervousness.

If such symptoms are observed, then you need to stop feeding the baby with such an element as vitamin D. Only the doctor should decide how much to give the child this synthetic remedy. In no case should the mother set the dosage of the drug on her own.

Optimal release form

Many parents are at a loss and do not know which vitamin D to give their child: oil or water? If you buy a drug according to the type of the first option, then you can overdo it and give the crumbs too much. But the water medication often causes allergic reaction in babies, as well as inflammation in the intestines. But it is not always and not for everyone. There is no optimal form of release; for a single newborn, its own dosage and type of drug are suitable.

Pharmacy medicines: names

Some parents do not think about whether to give their child vitamin D - they go straight to the pharmacy for medicine. To their surprise, besides the Soviet fish oil, many other drugs are sold there. For example, popular means are Aquadetrim, Vigantol. Also, the pharmacist may recommend the drug "Colecalciferol". There are more expensive remedy- "D3 Devisol Drops". Some doctors believe that this is the best vitamin D for children. Although Dr. Komarovsky has other views on this topic. The famous pediatrician believes that the best vitamin D is the sun and a varied diet. And various synthetic drugs will never be better than natural methods of influencing the body.

Suitable for use in summer

If vitamin D is necessary for a child in winter due to the fact that the sun in the winter season no longer releases enough of this necessary element, and babies rarely go outside in the cold season, then drinking this organic compound in the heat is not right. If children walk outside in the summer, eat animal products, then they do not need an additional intake of this important element. It is enough to stay for half an hour on a children's or sports ground for the body to independently develop required amount vitamin D in the skin. However, if the child does not go out in the summer due to certain circumstances (he is in the hospital, does not get out of bed due to illness, etc.), then he needs to take this element for prevention.

There are several types of vitamin D, the most common being D2 and D3. In the first case, a person receives it with food, and in the second - with sunlight. D3 is a more powerful organic compound, it covers up to 95% of the body's needs for this element.


The price of drugs containing vitamin D can be different and depend on several factors: the form of release of the drug, the volume of the package, the number of tablets, the location of the pharmacy and its cheating. For example, for oil solution ml volume will have to pay about 130 rubles. If you buy vitamin D in capsules (60 pieces), then you need to pay about 900 rubles. By purchasing water solution(10 ml), you need to cook about 200 rubles.


You learned a lot from the article interesting information regarding such an organic compound as vitamin D: up to what age to give this element to a child, is it necessary to take it to babies under 3 years old, which is fraught with a lack of this vitamin in the body. We realized that doctors are ambiguous in their opinion that artificial preparations with this organic compound are so necessary for children. Some believe that it is quite enough to be on the street, bask in the warm sun and eat right. And then you do not need to additionally buy synthetic preparations with vitamin D.

Remember, in our Soviet and post-Soviet childhood there was no more offensive name-calling than the word "rickets", released with a fair amount of contempt? All thin, slender children, girls with twisted legs were called rickets, even if they had them from birth, as they say, "a wheel." And far from always these guys actually had rickets.

Now little has changed. In the usual sense, rickets is something terrible and nightmarish. Parents are shocked when they hear this diagnosis from a doctor. They do not understand what they did wrong, and how such a huge misfortune happened in their completely prosperous and well-fed family. A well-known pediatrician in Russia and the world is often asked about rickets and vitamin D the highest category Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky.

What is rickets?

Rickets is a disease that occurs when there is a pathological deficiency in the body of vitamin D. The disease affects children early age and babies. With a disease in a child, the formation of bone tissue is disrupted, there are not enough minerals in it.

The disease was first identified and studied by doctors in the 17th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, doctors found a direct relationship between cases of rickets and eating foods containing vitamin D. Then it became fashionable to give a child fish oil.

The disease is most susceptible to children who are rarely in the sun, receive insufficient nutrition, premature babies, crumbs with endogenous problems, if the process of absorption of vitamin D in the intestine is disturbed, as is the case with a number of diseases of the liver and kidneys, as well as black children.

Children who are breastfed by their mothers are less likely to develop rickets, as breast milk he assimilates about 70% of calcium, artificial people can absorb only 30%.

The development of the disease is very complex. As a result of metabolic disorders that are caused by hypovitaminosis D, the work of other systems also changes - the production of enzymes suffers, nervous system, but rickets still inflicts the most tangible blow on the condition of the bones of the child's musculoskeletal system.


notice rickets in initial stage can be when the child is 3-4 months old.

  • The first will be neurological manifestations - sleep disturbance (the baby does not fall asleep well, often wakes up, often acts up and cries without apparent reason), the baby becomes very shy, he is afraid of bright lights, loud sounds.
  • Almost simultaneously with neurology will appear eating disorders - appetite decreases, the baby sucks the breast sluggishly, reluctantly, throws it. He may have constipation.
  • sweating. Very often, parents sound the alarm when they notice that the baby often sweats. Sweating with rickets has its own individual "handwriting". It intensifies during sleep, the legs sweat especially strongly and hairy part heads. This process is accompanied by a rather severe itching, the baby rubs his head against the diaper, because of this, baldness of the back of the head occurs. The sweat of a rickets baby has a rather specific sour and pungent odor.
  • Decreased muscle tone. This symptom does not always occur.
  • Bone changes are observed not in the initial stage of the disease, but later, about a month after the onset of the disease. The strength of the bones of the chest, limbs decreases, the frontal and parietal tubercles of the skull strongly protrude. The bones of the skull soften, become thinner. Many of these changes will remain with the child even after recovery, even when he grows up and becomes an adult. In girls, narrowing of the pelvic bones is possible. This can then cause difficulties in bearing and giving birth to children naturally.
  • Bloating. Such a disproportion looks like a frog's tummy and is called, respectively, the association - "frog belly".
  • Decreased mental development and developmental delays.

In developed countries, rickets is found in no more than 10 children per million people. In Russia, such a diagnosis is made for about half of the children. Perhaps the reason is the insufficient quality of the approach to diagnosis. The fact is that our pediatricians in the old fashioned way make a conclusion based on the above symptoms. European doctors do not do this, they do not believe that rickets can be diagnosed if the child has one or two or even the entire list of characteristic signs.

The diagnosis of "rickets" will sound there only when the doctors' fears are confirmed by an x-ray and a blood test for the concentration of vitamin D and phosphorus. They also do an extended blood test for some hormones.

Role of Vitamin D

Ergocalciferol (this is the official medical name for vitamin D) regulates the balance of phosphorus and calcium, the process of their absorption in the intestine and subsequent deposition in bone tissue. It is produced in human skin under the influence of sunlight. Vitamin D deficiency often occurs in children who were born in winter, walk a little, constantly live in northern latitudes, where the sun is a rare guest.

There is another curious pattern. The lighter the skin of a person from birth, the more vitamin D he can get from the contact of sunlight with the skin. The darker the child, the less necessary ergocalciferol he will receive when in the sun.

Komarovsky about the problem

Rickets itself is not so terrible, according to Yevgeny Komarovsky, as our attitude towards it. Doctors can’t unlearn to make a diagnosis based on symptoms, and therefore they “record” sometimes completely healthy children in rickets, who simply excessive sweating or slow growth.

Evgeny Olegovich urges colleagues not to rush to conclusions, and parents not to panic and remember that therapeutic doses of vitamin D are more prophylactic. If they are given healthy child who was given misdiagnosis, then the consequences can be very, very serious: loss of appetite, convulsions, pronounced arrhythmia, nausea, vomiting, disturbance respiratory function, fatal outcome.

To your attention, the release of Dr. Komarovsky's program dedicated to rickets and vitamin D deficiency.

What to treat?

Today, there are two forms of ergocalciferol - an aqueous solution and an oily one. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers three main drugs - Aquadetrim, Ostetriol and Alpha D3. In pharmacies, you can buy special UV lamps that can be used for newborns in winter time if there is no opportunity to walk in the fresh air.

The doctor focuses on the fact that the prevention of rickets does not cost a penny. You just need to walk with your child more often, even if the weather is far from ideal.

In winter, newborns are often prescribed vitamin D in the form of a liquid solution. Komarovsky does not object to such a prophylactic method, but calls for it to be done reasonably.

He emphasizes that it is advisable for nursing women to take this useful and important vitamin as part of a special vitamin complex for new mothers.

In the diet of women should be beef, raw egg yolks, butter, Cod liver. The baby will get the required amount of vitamin D from breast milk.

The crumbs on

The child especially needs to be given vitamin D (D) in the first months of development. The problem is that it is not always present in sufficient quantities in mother's milk. Whereas other food is not yet available to the baby. As a result, avitaminosis may occur.

children infancy, under one year old, with a lack of vitamin D, liquid medications in the form of oil drops. But best source- sunlight. Regular walks make up for the lack of this substance in the child's body, preventing vitamin deficiency from manifesting itself.

Vitamin D performs the following important for child's body features:

Vitamin D regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland, improves immunity, prevents the formation cancer cells. The condition of the skin depends on its amount in the body: a deficiency can provoke the development of psoriasis.

The sun and the newborn

At the time of birth, babies do not have their own reserves of vitamin D in the body. First, the baby receives it with mother's milk. A large amount of sunlight is contraindicated for an infant, so consider taking additional drops.

The most common vitamin D deficiency is seen in infants under the age of one year. This is dangerous, because the child may develop rickets.

As a result, violated metabolic processes in bones, nerve cells and muscles. Deviation from the norm entails hypotension, convulsions, excessive excitability, disorders of the musculoskeletal system and general developmental delay. To more severe manifestations, along with restless sleep, irritability and tearfulness, include changes in the skeleton, digestive disorders and the so-called "frog belly". Another sign of rickets is profuse sweating. This is why vitamin D is so important for children.

Oil drops give babies not only preventive purposes to prevent disease, but also to treat it. It is no secret that rickets to one degree or another manifests itself in almost every baby up to 1 year old. But most of the time it disappears without a trace.

It is impossible to give a child even small doses of the drug, relying only on one's own opinion. No matter how old the baby is, the doctor should prescribe the dosage, otherwise hypervitaminosis may develop. And from parents first of all it is required to be more often with the child on the street. After all, a lack of vitamin D in children who are regularly exposed to the sun is a rare phenomenon.

Optimal dosage

Not all mothers understand why give a healthy baby vitamin D. We answer: take vitamin drops necessary for prevention, especially in winter and in the off-season. It is not difficult to buy them - they are sold in any pharmacy. In summer, the baby gets enough sunlight, so extra help most often not required.

If a baby under one year old has the initial stage of rickets, a pediatrician prescribes oil drops. So the active substances are better absorbed by the child's body and do not cause negative reactions digestive system. Whereas tablets can damage the gastric mucosa.

The dosage calculation depends on various factors. One of them - artificial feeding or lure with cereals and mashed potatoes. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the content of vitamin D in foods and ready-made infant formulas that the child eats.

Children living in adverse conditions an increased dose is given. It can be up to 1500 IU per day and is calculated according to the age scale. It should be borne in mind that the younger the baby, the more vitamin D he needs. For children older than 3 years, the drug is prescribed only in rare cases.

In cold regions, especially in winter period Vitamin D deficiency is observed in almost every child. For children under one year old, this is fraught with serious health problems. Therefore, parents of babies should decide together with the pediatrician which drug to choose and how much to take.

It is desirable to give oil vitamins to the child in the morning, after the first meal. This will allow you to track the reaction of the body. To avoid overdose, you should drop the drug into a teaspoon and dilute with a small amount of boiled water.

What threatens an overdose

It is considered extremely dangerous to exceed the norm indicated in the prescription in order to speed up the healing of the child and negate the lack of an important vitamin. Overdose threatens negative consequences: calcium sedimentation on the walls of blood vessels, kidney disease and other unpleasant symptoms.

If your baby has problems with stools, vomiting, dehydration, or noticeable swelling, you should contact your pediatrician. The above symptoms may indicate possible overdose vitamin D.

Pharmacy preparations

  1. Most famous drug- fish fat. It is available as an oil for the smallest or in oval capsules that can be given to older children when they already have a well-developed swallowing reflex.
  2. Now in pharmacies it is easy to find and buy "Aquadetrim" and "Vigantol" - popular preparations containing vitamin D.
  3. You may also be advised "Colecalciferol" (Colecalciferol) or Finnish vitamins "D3 Devisol Drops" (D3 Devisol Drops). They are used to prevent rickets in the winter.

Vitamin D3 for children is prescribed in the form of an oily liquid. This tool has a higher activity compared to D2. You can give it as early as the second month of life. The dose in this case varies from 500 to 1000 IU per day.

The listed supplements are allowed to be taken, including at the age of up to a year. If the child has crossed the one-year mark, use vitamin preparations water based. According to parents, they taste better than oil forms.

Proper nutrition

Vitamin D is found in many foods: milk, fermented milk products, fish, beef liver etc. But you can feed them crumbs only after six months.

It is important to make the right diet:

  1. The child should eat animal protein.
  2. Buckwheat and oatmeal cereals are useful because they contain high doses of phosphorus and calcium - minerals needed for bone health.
  3. The baby also needs fats, so it is advisable to include butter in the menu, as well as unrefined sunflower and cold-pressed olive oil.

Of course, all of the listed products can be given to children only from a certain age - after the introduction of the first complementary foods, that is, from 6-8 months. But if rickets is detected, the pediatrician may advise you to start feeding the baby earlier than the standard time.

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