What are oil drops for the nose? Oil drops in the nose names Inexpensive oil drops in the nose

03.09.2016 6618

Among the methods of treatment of various kinds of sinusitis, including sinusitis, drug treatment should be singled out as one of the most effective and popular. It includes not only taking medications inside, but also instillation of the nose. the impact of drugs directly on the region of the maxillary sinuses, significantly reduce the intensity of symptoms and affect the etiological factors of the disease.

Since the cause is the penetration of bacteria into the maxillary sinus, the treatment of this disease is carried out with the help of antibiotics. Exception origin and disease caused by infection with viruses.

From sinusitis can be classified into the following types:

  • antibiotic-containing agents;
  • vasoconstrictor drops;
  • drops with a base of herbal preparations (oil drops in the nose);
  • antihistamines;
  • folk remedies.

Let's take a closer look at some of these types of drugs.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

This group of drugs is the basis for the symptomatic treatment of sinusitis. What is the effect of such drugs?

Drops for the treatment of sinusitis in adults narrow the vascular lumen, which leads to a decrease in edema of the mucous membrane lining the nasal sinuses, the patency of the nasal airways is restored.

The patient becomes much easier to breathe. There is also an improvement in the outflow of the contents of the maxillary sinuses. These effects are very important in the complex treatment of this disease.

Vasoconstrictors are represented by a variety of drugs that are produced by many pharmaceutical companies. of these funds is approximately the same: they include one of the following active ingredients, consider them.

  1. Nafazolin. The preparations containing this agent include Sanorin, Naphthyzin, Vibrocil. Their action is short-lived and they are generally suitable for use before any other manipulations, for example, instillation of antibiotics or washing the sinuses.
  2. Oxymetazoline. This active substance is the main one in the preparations Nazol, Rinazolin, Nazivin, Knoxprey. Unlike the previous group of drugs, these have a long-term effect, which allows them to be used twice a day. This is very convenient and, moreover, makes it impossible to overdose.
  3. Xylometazoline. Preparations with this active substance are prescribed very often. These drugs include nasal drops Meralis, Tizin, Xylo-Mefa, Otrivin, Evkazolin, Rinasal.
  4. Phenylephrine. The most famous drug with this active ingredient is Nazol.

There are drugs of a combined type, which, in addition to vasoconstrictors, may contain antihistamines or antibacterial drugs. If the patient has developed resistance to antibiotic-containing drugs and there is significant swelling, drugs without antibiotics are prescribed, but they have a strong effect. Rinofluimucil drops from sinusitis are among such drugs: they have an antioxidant effect and relieve swelling well.

Oil drops

Oil-based nose drops are used to avoid or reduce the drying of the nasal mucosa. They mainly contain preparations from medicinal plants, have a complex effect and have decongestant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Most of these drops are not addictive, so they are preferred by both specialists and patients. The name of oil drops in the nose, which almost everyone has heard, is Sinuforte, or Sinupret. They are based on ingredients of natural origin. The action of these drops is based on a healing effect: under its influence, irritation of the nerve endings in the nasal cavity occurs. The production of mucus increases and the contents of the sinuses come out faster.

These nasal drops for sinusitis have side effects: lacrimation is noted, increased salivation is possible, but such phenomena occur quite rarely. The preparation also contains other medicinal components: sorrel, verbena, elderberry. immunomodulatory agent and can also be used to treat allergic conditions, runny nose, sinusitis. Many patients say that this remedy is the most effective nasal drops for sinusitis.

Antiallergic drugs

The cause of the development of sinusitis can be allergic rhinitis - a condition that blocks the nasal passages and contributes to the accumulation of excreted in the maxillary sinuses. In this case, the basis of treatment should be an antihistamine. Without a doctor's prescription, you can purchase the following drugs: Cetirizine, Loratadine, Claritin, Chlorpheniramine. If you suffer from recurring allergies that lead to sinus problems, get a more detailed examination: you may have a skin allergy.

More effective treatment is provided by complex nasal drops. The essence of such a medicine is that it includes several components that act in different directions. The composition of complex nasal drops may include such components: antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids, antiseptics, any antihistamine drug.

Complex drops can be purchased at the pharmacy in finished form, or you can cook at home from separately purchased components.

In such drops, the components that make up the composition interact with each other and affect the thin mucous membrane of the nasal passages. The disadvantage of this tool is the lack of clinical trials, so it is impossible to say unequivocally whether complex nasal drops are safe: they try not to use them for children precisely because of this.

The complex effect of such drugs ensures the rapid achievement of a therapeutic effect. It completely depends on what ingredients are included in the composition. Another feature: complex drops for sinusitis cannot be abruptly stopped using: this must be done gradually.

Caution should be taken with vasoconstrictor and hormonal components - they most likely lead to side effects.

Decide which nose drops are best for sinusitis should be used by the doctor after a detailed examination. This unpleasant disease precludes self-treatment. A mistake in choosing the right tactics and the use of the wrong drugs leads to the development of resistance to the disease and prolonged treatment.

Oil drops for a runny nose are the most common remedies to help cope with rhinitis. They help to get rid of inflammatory processes in the nasal cavities, moisturize the mucous membrane and get rid of germs in the nostrils. Before using such drops, you need to familiarize yourself with their description in more detail.

Purpose of oils

First you need to figure out what preparations made from oil are used for. Most of them are created on the basis of herbal extracts. Such drugs are prescribed to patients with overdried mucous membranes to moisturize it.

Also, oil products have a complex effect:

  • decongestant;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Unlike vasoconstrictor drugs, such drugs have a milder therapeutic effect and do not cause addiction in patients. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the fact that the following oils can be included in the droplets:

  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • peach;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus.

Indications for use

Due to the fact that only natural ingredients are used in the manufacture of drops, some believe that they have no contraindications. However, this is not the case and oil medicines are used strictly according to indications. They should be instilled into the nasal passages for the following diseases:

  • rhinitis and other infectious lesions of the respiratory tract;
  • drying out of the nasal cavity;
  • irritation of the walls of the nostrils;
  • chronic dryness of the mucosa.

When using oil remedies for the treatment of such diseases, a thin film layer begins to appear on the surface of the mucosa, protecting the nasal cavity from infections and bacteria.

Pros and cons

All pharmaceuticals have advantages and disadvantages, and lipid-based products are no exception. Having become acquainted with the negative and positive sides of drugs, everyone will be able to draw a conclusion about the need for their use. The advantages of lipid droplets include:

  • the possibility of treating infants;
  • mild antiseptic and antibacterial action;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • rapid hydration of the mucosa.

Along with the advantages of oil-based medicines, there are also disadvantages that limit the use of drops in the treatment of congestion:

  • weak anti-edematous effect;
  • the possibility of an allergic reaction to plant elements from the composition;
  • the impossibility of treating the purulent form of sinusitis.

When treating purulent sinusitis with oil drops, patients sometimes have serious complications.

Known lipid drugs

Today, a lot of oil drops are sold in pharmacies, and because of this, the choice of quality medicines becomes more complicated. To purchase effective medicines, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of the best lipid-based drops.


The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug Pinosol will help eliminate congestion. This drug stimulates the development of granulations, due to which new connective tissue is formed on the surface of the mucosa and wounds heal. The medicine is sold in the form of drops made from pine oil, thymol, eucalyptus oil and azulene.

Pinosol can not be used to treat infants under one year old, since the use of this nasal remedy will provoke a strong tingling and burning sensation in the nasal passages.

Before using Pinosol, you need to decide on the dosages of its use. The medicine is taken intranasally, 2-3 drops in each nostril. Pinosol is instilled daily three times a day.


With a runny nose, some use the nasal drug Vitaon. The drug is made from natural ingredients and oil extracts of pine buds, peppermint, bitter wormwood, cumin, thyme, fennel and chamomile. Vitaon is an effective drug that helps to increase the body's resistance to environmental influences. Also, this tool helps to cope with inflammation of the mucosa.

Vitaon can be used by all people, except for patients with intolerance to one of the components of the composition. After using Vitaon, they may have an allergic reaction to the drug.

In the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis, the medicine is applied twice a day. To get rid of the symptoms of congestion, the course of treatment should last at least ten days.


For the treatment of congestion and cleaning the nasal cavity from the formed hard crusts, it is recommended to use Ekteritsid. The difference between this drug and other oil products is that fish oil and fatty acids were used in its manufacture. The drug has an antibacterial property and clears the nasal passages from purulent accumulations that appeared during a runny nose.

Ectericide should be treated regularly for seven days. The drug is poured into the nasal cavity once daily.


For severe rhinitis with clogged nasal passages, it is recommended to use Eucacept. A product is made from eucalyptus oil, thymol, tocopherol and fir oil. Medicinal drops have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects that help restore the condition of the upper respiratory tract.

It is better for people with intolerance to some components not to be treated with Eucacept, as this will cause swelling, itching in the nose, redness of the skin and burning in the nostrils. Also, drops are contraindicated in children under two years of age and in patients with an allergic form of rhinitis.

To treat congestion, the medicine is instilled into each nasal passage of the patient. Adults should apply Evkasept three times a day, and children under six years old - once. Some do not pour droplets into the nose, but simply moisten cotton swabs and moisten the nasal cavity with them.

How to make drops yourself?

Some prefer not to use medicines from a pharmacy and prepare oil drops on their own. There are different recipes for making medicated drops to treat stuffy nostrils or a cold. Therefore, before creating medicines, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with such folk recipes.

With onion or garlic juice

To create an oil mixture from the juice of garlic or onions, 5-10 drops of juice are squeezed out of them, which is mixed with 10 ml of olive oil. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed, after which it is instilled into each nasal passage.

The medicine of garlic and onion moisturizes the nasal mucosa and prevents the appearance of hard crusts in the nostrils. This prescription should be used only in the treatment of adults, since this drug is contraindicated for children under ten years of age. In them, the use of drops can cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane and pain in the nose.

With celandine and wormwood

To prepare the medicine, you will need 10 grams of celandine and 15 grams of wormwood mixed with 40 grams of poplar buds and 20 grams of wild rosemary. Then the resulting mixture is added to a container with 150 ml of olive oil. The solution is infused for a month, after which it is filtered and poured into a new container. Oil drops in the nose from celandine and wormwood are instilled three times a day.


Nasal congestion with copious discharge worries many people. To get rid of them as soon as possible, some use droplets with oils. To select the most effective nasal drops, you should familiarize yourself with the list of the best lipid drugs.


Oil drops for the nose

The use of intranasal drops is one of the main methods of treating the common cold. They act directly in the focus of the inflammatory process. There are quite a lot of such funds, among them oil drops in the nose can be distinguished. Such drugs are made on an oil basis, and also differ in their purpose and pricing policy. The type of chemical in the formulation may differ depending on the purpose for which a product is indicated: moisturizing, healing, or simply relieving breath.

In the presence of rhinorrhea, the doctor may choose to prescribe oil-based nose drops. Most often, of course, they are used to moisturize the mucous membrane. This may be necessary in the following cases: after surgery, with prolonged infectious processes, after which the mucous membrane becomes dry and crusts form.

Features of oily drops

Most often, the composition of such funds includes an oily component and a decoction of medicinal herbs, which dilutes the first substance. In addition, both components are in harmony with each other and enhance the therapeutic effect of each other. Oily drops can be used as an additional aromatherapy.

I would like to highlight the following disadvantages of this group of drugs:

  • high risk of allergic reactions;
  • can not be used for inhalation procedures;
  • inability to use in the treatment of infants.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a doctor and pass tests to rule out the presence of an allergy.

Consider the main indications for the use of oil-based drops:

  • inhalation of dry air. The oil will contribute to the creation of a special protective film that will envelop and protect against damage;
  • dryness of the nasal cavity;
  • atrophic changes in the nasal mucosa;
  • irritation of the mucosa in the initial stages;
  • irritation of the nasopharynx;
  • the formation of crusts;
  • infectious processes in the nasal cavity.

Consider the basic foundations of these drugs:

  • pine;
  • fir;
  • mint;
  • almond;
  • peach;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • tea tree;
  • olive, etc.

Oil drops for the nose are used if there is no allergy to the components that make up their composition.

These basic foundations have pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, regenerating properties. Depending on the indications, the doctor can sometimes even prescribe pure oil. So, peach and almond oil - restore, soften and moisturize tissues. Sea buckthorn oil has wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties, and eucalyptus has bactericidal and antiviral properties.

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is best to drip your nose before going to bed. Thanks to this, you will moisturize the overdried mucous membrane all night and give the medicine the opportunity to do its job in the affected area.

Remember, the appointment of a drug, even intranasal drops, should be handled by a specialist. It is worth noting the fact that oily remedies for the common cold have not only positive aspects. One of the complex side effects is the development of lipoid pneumonia. This pathological process adversely affects the state of the respiratory tract. To avoid the development of this disease, you should not independently adjust the dosage of the drops. Be sure to consult a doctor, pass all the necessary tests and strictly follow all the instructions.

At one time, no more than two or three drops should be dripped into one nostril. This will ensure that the dosage is not too high and the medicinal substance does not enter the lungs.

Under no circumstances should oily drops be used in a nebulizer or ultrasonic inhaler. Drops should not be used more than four times a day, and oily solutions - no more than two times.

Using intranasal remedies for the common cold, you should not forget about such points:

  • ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning and maintain an optimal level of humidity;
  • drink enough natural water;
  • every half an hour to keep the nose well moistened, apply a saline solution.

Oil-based drops act gently and gently on the affected areas. With severe and protracted diseases, they will not work, but they can only stabilize the condition.

We must not forget that the body fights the disease on its own, and with the help of medicines we can either help it fight better, or we will simply stop this protection. Consider the specifics of oily drops:

  • an oily base can lead to sticking of hairs in the nasal cavity;
  • the active components of the drug are released slowly, therefore, accordingly, the effect will not be so fast;
  • if, after the start of treatment, abundant secretions of mucous secretion appear, then the drops do not suit you and you need to change the treatment.

In any case, you should not choose the drugs yourself. Even a seemingly harmless runny nose can lead to more serious pathological processes. It is important not easy to follow the specific rules for the use of drops, but also to observe the general regimen.

The pharmaceutical industry is replete with a wide selection of oil-based medicines, consider the list of effective and popular drugs:

Nose drops for children Sialor

  • Pinosol. It contains eucalyptus, mint, pine oils, as well as vitamin E and antibacterial components. This composition allows the use of Pinosol for various types of rhinitis. It is allowed during pregnancy, lactation, and is also used to treat children from two years old;
  • Pinovit. It contains eucalyptus, menthol, mountain pine oil, thymol and vitamin E. Pinovit is prescribed for acute and chronic rhinitis, and is also suitable for combating both the viral and bacterial nature of the common cold;
  • Vitaon. Contains oil of camphor, mint, fennel. In addition, Vitaon is distinguished by the presence of rosehip extract, chamomile, cumin, pine buds, thyme, and wormwood. Drops fight bacterial infections well and have shown their effectiveness in the presence of thick green snot;
  • Sinusan. Contains pure Japanese peppermint oil. Sinusan actively fights bacterial infectious processes;
  • oily solution of menthol. It fights well with the formed dry crusts, the indication is also the need to clear the nasopharynx;
  • Ectericide. Fish oil is the main component of the drug. Apply Ekteritsid with nasal congestion and bacterial infections;
  • Eucacept. It features a multicomponent composition, namely: thymol, vitamin E, mint, fir, eucalyptus oil. Ekvasept fights viral infections well;
  • solutions of vitamin A and E. In addition to the vitamins themselves, the composition of the solution includes palm and peach oil. The indication is the need to restore the damaged mucosa.
Fish oil bactericide can be used in young children

folk recipe

In alternative medicine, one of the most popular oils is vaseline, peach and olive. Consider a few oil-based recipes:

  • take vaseline and olive oil one to one. Add four drops of onion and garlic juice to the oily mixture. This mixture has antibacterial and moisturizing properties. You need to use such drops twice a day, three drops in each nostril;
  • we take all the same oils from olive and petroleum jelly, just mix them with aloe juice. The last component will give good hydration to the mucosa;
  • mix linseed oil with wild rosemary. The resulting mixture must be sent to the oven, but make sure that it does not boil. Use one drop twice a day.

So, a runny nose can and should be treated, and oily drops will help in this. For the treatment of rhinitis, both ready-made pharmaceutical products and those prepared at home on their own are used. Depending on the composition, the drops moisturize and restore the mucous membrane, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and this is not a complete list of the positive aspects of these drugs. Nevertheless, they can cause side effects, in order to avoid which the recommendations of a specialist should be strictly followed, especially for the treatment of young children.


When are oil drops in the nose prescribed?

Oil-based nose drops are used to combat the common cold, they improve the condition of the mucous membranes of the nose and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Oil nose drops are made from natural plant extracts.


Oil drops most often contain extracts of medicinal herbs. They are prescribed in cases where the patient needs additional moisturizing of the nasal mucosa. The action of the drug is usually complex:

  • decongestant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial effect.

These drugs have a mild effect, they coat the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and sinuses, reduce swelling and make breathing easier.

Such drops are usually not addictive. The following oils are used as an oil base:

  • eucalyptus;
  • mint;
  • peach;
  • sea ​​buckthorn.

Oil drops are an auxiliary medicine. Their action is more aimed at fighting infection.

With an acute cold, drops with oil will not always be able to quickly facilitate breathing through the nose.

most popular drops

The most popular oil-based drops include Pinosol, Eucacept and Tizin.


Pinosol is made exclusively from natural ingredients. It contains several oils:

  • pine oil;
  • peppermint oil;
  • eucalyptus oil extract.

Indications for the use of Pinosol are diseases such as:

  • viral or bacterial rhinitis;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • colds, accompanied by a runny nose,
  • surgical procedures in the nasal region.

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In most cases, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of the common cold in children. The drug is also safe for pregnant women. But you need to take it with caution, because this medicine can provoke allergic reactions. It is important to ensure that the child lies down a little after the procedure, and the drops do not leak out.


Tizin is an oil-based drug that has a vasoconstrictive effect. Thanks to the oils, the medicine stays longer on the nasal mucosa and does not cause dryness and burning. It can be used to treat both allergic and infectious rhinitis. The therapeutic effect of tizin is expressed as follows:

  • easier breathing through the nose;
  • reduction of discharge from the nose;
  • elimination of edema.

Tizin is prescribed for sinusitis, rhinitis, hay fever. For the treatment of dry rhinitis, the drug is not used.


Eucacept includes eucalyptus, pine and fir oils in its composition. Drops have an antimicrobial effect, reduce inflammation. With the help of Eucacept, you can significantly reduce the secretion of mucus and make it easier to breathe through the nose.

Like all oil-based medicines, this medicine is not suitable for children under two years of age.

Advantages and disadvantages

Oil nose drops have both strengths and weaknesses.

Among the advantages, the following positive factors can be noted:

  • mild action that does not dry out the mucous membrane;
  • do not provoke irritation on the mucous membrane;
  • have a natural composition;
  • do not cause unpleasant sensations in the form of burning, do not bitter.

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Such a medicine is successfully used to treat rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis of varying severity.

In addition, there are disadvantages that you need to familiarize yourself with before starting the use of the drug. The main disadvantage is that oil drops do not help to quickly relieve breathing. Nasal congestion does not go away quickly, as it happens, for example, when using Naphthyzinum. A lasting effect is achieved only two to three days after treatment. There are drugs of a mixed type that have a vasoconstrictive effect. With their use, along with treatment, you can quickly eliminate nasal congestion. These drugs include Pinosol and Tizin.

Individuals prone to allergies may experience reactions to one of the components that make up the drug. In this, the runny nose will only intensify, in addition, skin rashes are possible.

How to use

During treatment, certain rules must be observed. In order not to harm the body, you need to pay attention to the recommendations of doctors:

  1. In order to prevent the penetration of oil into the lungs, no more than 2 - 3 drops are dripped into one nostril.
  2. Oil drops cannot be used for inhalation, they are not used in a nebulizer.
  3. It is not recommended to drip the medicine into the nose more than twice in one day.
  4. With an increased separation of mucus, it is better to refuse drops in oil.
  5. It is very important to stick to the treatment plan and not skip treatments.

The greatest effect can be achieved by instilling the drug before bedtime. In this case, the mucous membrane will be well moistened overnight.

The action of oils

The oil base, which is part of nasal medicines, has a different effect. For the manufacture of drops, the following oils are used:

  • almond and olive - moisturizes the mucous membranes;
  • mint and pine - destroys bacteria;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • eucalyptus oil fights viruses and bacteria.

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Knowing the therapeutic effect of oils, you can make them yourself. But first, you still need to consult with your doctor.

From the video you will learn about oil drops for the nose:

In order to achieve the maximum effect, it is important to correctly approach the use of the drug.

First you need to clear the nasal passages. To do this, you need to blow your nose well, separately for each nostril. After that, you can rinse your nose with special sea water.

It is important to ensure that after instillation the medicine does not flow out of the nose. To do this, hold your head in a tilted position for a while. Requires no more than 2 drops per dose. It is better not to swallow the medicine.


Oil drops for the nose

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Modern oil drops in the nose have a combined effect, which is aimed at restoring nasal breathing and eliminating infectious agents.

The issue of selecting such drugs is especially relevant in the autumn-winter period, when there is an outbreak of respiratory viral infection.

Most people who are faced with nasal congestion are in search of an effective and gentle remedy for the common cold. The varieties and properties of this group of pharmaceutical products will be detailed in this material.

The basis of these medicines, most often are natural essential oils, which have a softening and antiseptic effect.

Despite such harmless properties, nasal drops with eucalyptus and menthol are recommended to be used strictly according to indications. Lipid-based medicines are used for such diseases:

atrophic form of rhinitis; conditions in which irritation of the walls of the nasopharynx occurs; at low humidity in the room (in order to prevent drying of the mucous membrane); infectious lesions of the nasopharynx (sinusitis, rhinitis); syndrome of chronic dryness of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

Getting on the surface of the nasal mucosa, these products form a thin film that moisturizes, envelops and also creates the effect of a barrier to infection.

Like any pharmaceutical remedy, natural remedies for the common cold have a number of advantages and disadvantages, after analyzing which we can conclude that it is advisable to use them. The advantages of this group of drugs include:

elimination of dryness of the mucous membrane in a short time; decrease in the intensity of the inflammatory process; soft impact; antibacterial and antiseptic effect; possible use in the treatment of children.

Along with the advantages, this group of medicines has disadvantages that limit the use of drops for the treatment of nasopharyngeal diseases. These disadvantages include:

the impossibility of using for the purpose of treating a purulent-inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses (sinusitis); high risk of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug; low anti-edematous activity; the need for long-term therapy.

In some situations, the use of such medicines for a cold can lead to serious complications. We are talking about the treatment of sinusitis in adults and children.

With this disease, it is important to ensure timely cleansing of the sinuses and nasal passages from mucopurulent contents.

The oily film formed when using these drugs interferes with the natural drainage of the sinuses, causing congestion and inflammation.

The natural composition of these funds allows them to be used in pediatric practice, starting from 2 years.

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky holds a similar opinion.

The use of essential oils is not a guarantee of recovery, but it guarantees an improvement in the general condition of the child.

Most of these preparations contain natural extracts of mint, eucalyptus, peach, pine, fir, sea buckthorn, tea tree.

The anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect is often complemented by the content of vitamin E and A.

In pediatric practice, in children older than 2 years, pharmaceutical names with a lipid component are widely used. The most prominent representatives of this group of drugs include:

Pinovit. The composition of the drug includes vitamin E, menthol, as well as essential oils of pine and eucalyptus. Medicinal drops are prescribed for children over 3 years old for the treatment of viral and bacterial rhinitis.

Oil solution Chlorophyllipt.

It has powerful antiviral and antibacterial activity. Chlorophyllipt natural oil nose drops are used to treat adults and children over 2 years old.

Vitaon. The active components of nasal drops are herbal extracts of wild rose, cumin, chamomile, pine, wormwood, thyme. In pediatric medical practice, Vitaon is used to treat bacterial sinusitis.

Pinosol. The triad of essential oils (mint, pine, eucalyptus) determines the medicinal effect of this drug.

As a supplement, Pinosol Oily Nasal Spray contains vitamin E. Herbal nasal drops are used to treat viral and bacterial rhinitis in children over 2 years of age.

In everyday medical practice, in the treatment of childhood diseases, peach oil is widely used in the nose, as well as combinations of oil solutions of vitamin E and A.

The preparation of funds is carried out by mixing the base (peach or olive oil) and vitamin concentrates.

For the treatment of infants, nasal drops with a lipid base are very rarely used. The reason for this is the anatomical and physiological features of the body of the newborn.

The use of such medicines is advisable only for rhinitis, accompanied by drying of the mucous membrane with the formation of crusts.

With a runny nose in a newborn, the doctor may recommend Tizin nasal drops, which combine natural oils with a vasoconstrictor component.

The duration of use of this medication is no more than 3 days in a row.

In order for the use of this group of drugs not to lead to the development of side effects, it is recommended to follow the basic rules:

Use nose drops with essential oils in the complex therapy of rhinitis, accompanied by increased dryness of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages; Use nasal preparations no more than 4 times a day; Do not use these products to treat children under 2 years of age; In the event of the appearance of abundant mucous discharge from the nasal passages during therapy with oily agents, it is recommended to stop using the drug, and also contact a medical specialist. to content?

If you have the desire and time, you can independently make nose drops with oil and other components.

This will require a base (peach, olive or apricot oil), as well as a vitamin or antiseptic component.

There are the most popular alternative medicine recipes:

To obtain vegetable drops, it is recommended to take 1 tsp. dry flowers of calendula, chamomile flowers, wormwood and wild rosemary stems. The resulting mixture must be poured with 200 ml of peach or olive oil. It is recommended to insist the oil for 1 month.

In order to prepare nasal drops based on vitamins, you need to take 0.5 tsp. oil extracts of vitamins A and E, and mix with 50 ml of apricot or peach oil. The finished product can be used immediately after mixing.

As an alternative, oil-garlic drops are used. To prepare them, you need to mix 25 ml of peach or olive oil with 2-3 drops of freshly squeezed garlic juice.

When choosing herbal preparations for the treatment of the common cold, it is important to consider the allergic activity of these agents. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to get medical advice.

ratings, average:

For the use of oil-based medicines, certain indications are necessary, since drugs do not always have a positive effect. Oil drops in the nose are distinguished by their therapeutic specificity and pricing policy. Often, such solutions are prescribed to moisturize the nasal mucosa after surgery or infectious rhinitis.

Many drugs for intranasal administration, such as vasoconstrictors, can lead to overdrying of the tissues of the nose. After the end of the treatment course, restoration of the mucosa is required, and oil drops are used for this.

In addition, they can be used for hygiene procedures. Before cleaning the nasal cavities, it is required to lubricate the inner surface of the nose with a small amount of the drug and wait a couple of minutes. During this time, dry crusts soften, which greatly facilitates cleansing and prevents tissue injury.

Among the disadvantages of oil drops, attention should be focused on:

increased risk of an allergic reaction. To avoid a sharp deterioration in the condition, you should study the composition of the drug and use the minimum dose at the beginning of therapy; the inability to apply in the first months of life; prohibition of use in a nebulizer; lack of therapeutic effect in allergic rhinitis.

The most common oil drops for the nose have the following names:

Pinosol; Pinovit.

They are assigned:

to moisturize the nasal mucosa, if a person has been in adverse environmental conditions for a long time. It can be dry, dusty air in the house or harmful professional factors (mining, paint and varnish, grain processing industry). With regular use of the medicinal solution, the nasopharyngeal mucosa is protected and becomes less sensitive to irritating environmental factors; with atrophic rhinitis. Its development may be due to prolonged use of vasoconstrictor nasal preparations, as well as unfavorable living and working conditions; to accelerate the healing of injured tissues in the nasal passages by activating regeneration processes.

The composition of the medicinal product may include:

peppermint; extract of fir, pine; peach; sea ​​buckthorn berries; tea tree; olive; almond.

Due to the specific composition of the drug, it is possible to moisturize the mucosa well, protect it from irritating factors, accelerate tissue repair, slow down the progression of the infectious process and reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes oil-based vitamins A or E without additional supplements.

To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, it is advisable to follow some recommendations:

the last instillation of the nose should be done before bedtime, which allows you to moisturize and protect the nasal mucosa during the night; before the introduction of oil, the nasal passages should be cleaned of allergens, dust particles and microbes with a saline solution. To do this, you can use solutions based on sea water in the form of aerosols or drops, for example, Aqua Maris, Morenazal, Dolphin; keep the humidity in the house at 55%. For this, special devices have been developed - humidifiers. In addition, you can put several containers with water in the room, for example, an aquarium or vases. It is especially important to control the humidity in the heating season and when using the air conditioner; drink enough liquid per day (2 liters). Of course, the amount drunk should be calculated taking into account concomitant diseases (heart, renal insufficiency) so as not to worsen a person's condition. To replenish fluid losses, you can drink non-carbonated mineral water, unsweetened juice, compote, fruit drink or herbal tea; regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

Here is a list of ready-to-use oil medicines:

Pinosol; menthol solution. Can be used for hygiene procedures, moisturizing and protecting the nasal mucosa; Ectericide based on fish oil. Among the indications, we single out a bacterial infection; Ekvasept. It is prescribed for a viral infection; vitamins A, E.

There are many medicines based on peach, vaseline and olive oil. Here are some proven recipes:

5 ml of vaseline, olive oil should be mixed, add 4 drops of onion or garlic juice. Drip three drops twice a day. Also, aloe juice can be added to the mixture of oils; 3 g of wild rosemary should be mixed with 15 ml of flax oil. Within two hours, it is necessary to warm the mixture in the oven. It should be instilled drop by drop twice a day.

The composition of the drug includes pine, eucalyptus, mint oil, thymol, as well as tocopherol acetate (otherwise vitamin E). It is available in the form of a solution for drip administration into the nasal cavities. The liquid has a greenish tint and a menthol flavor.

The components of Pinosol have an antimicrobial, regenerating effect. Among the indications should focus on:

acute diseases of the nasopharynx, the development of which is based on the inflammatory process of non-allergic origin; postoperative period - to accelerate tissue healing; chronic rhinitis, for example, atrophic form.

The drug can also be used for inhalation administration in inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

Oil-based nose drops are not prescribed for hypersensitivity, as well as an allergic type of rhinitis.

Do not allow the solution to get into the eyes. To avoid a sharp deterioration in the condition and the development of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the composition of the drops and conduct an allergy test before use.

To do this, it is enough to apply the solution to the back of the wrist and evaluate the test results after 30 minutes. If itching, burning, redness or swelling occurs, Pinosol should be discarded.

The advantage of Pinosol is the possibility of its use during pregnancy, as well as in the lactation period.

The drug does not affect consciousness, therefore it can be used in people whose profession requires concentration.

According to the instructions, the solution can be instilled three drops every hour (in the first 5 hours of the disease). Then the frequency of use is reduced to three times a day. A child from two years old is prescribed two drops three times a day.

For applications, you need Pinosol and a cotton swab. After applying the oil solution to a cotton swab, you need to enter it into the nasal passage. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

As for adverse reactions, they are extremely rare. They can be presented:

allergic reaction (skin rashes, redness, tissue swelling, itchy sensations in the nasal passages); bronchospasm; dryness of the nasopharyngeal mucosa; eye irritation; contact dermatitis.

The drug has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties. It is prescribed for therapeutic purposes in acute, chronic rhinitis.

Eucasept resembles Pinosol in composition. The difference is the presence of azulene in Eucaseptus, as well as its lower cost. We list the healing effects of the drug:

anesthesia, reduction of swelling of tissues - due to peppermint; antiviral property due to the presence of fir; antiseptic, anti-inflammatory action provides azulene (a component of chamomile essential oil); the strengthening of the antiseptic effect is due to thymol, or otherwise, the essential oil of thyme; antioxidant, protective, regenerating effect - due to vitamin E.

Evkasept is prescribed exclusively for external use. It can be instilled into the nasal passages or applied. Every day it is enough to drip two drops four times a day. If the treatment is carried out for a child, it is recommended drop by drop three times a day.

For applications, a cotton swab and a medicinal preparation are required. First, it should be applied to cotton wool and injected into the nasal passage for 15 minutes.

Usually the therapeutic course is 6 days, however, in agreement with the doctor, it can be extended.

Quite rarely, cases of adverse reactions after using Eucasept are recorded. Among them it is worth highlighting:

allergic reactions; mucosal hyperemia; itchy sensations in the nasopharynx; increased nasal congestion.

Contraindications include:

up to two years of age. A child under two years of age has a high risk of developing laryngospasm; hypersensitivity.

With caution, the drug is used in the postoperative period, when surgery was performed in the nasopharyngeal zone. Oil drops have positive feedback from both doctors and patients. All this is due to the mild healing effect and a small number of side effects.

Oil drops in the nose are specific in use. The modern market is full of drops that are recommended for use in the common cold. The main difference: funds on oil elements differ in price and policy and purpose. For individual purposes (moisturizing, healing, breathing relief), a certain type of medicinal substance is suitable.

Tip: do not self-medicate. Take only those medicines prescribed by your doctor.

Depending on the desired result, oil drops for the nose are moisturizing, healing, and easier to breathe.

In the presence of a runny nose, the doctor may prefer drops created on an oil element. Most often they are used to moisturize the nasal mucosa. For example, after surgery, a long-term infectious disease of the nasopharynx, the mucous tissues in the nose become dry, turn into a crust. In this case, it is recommended to use oil preparations. Most often, the oil component is diluted with a medicinal decoction. Both components enhance the effect of the previous one, which helps the patient to recover as soon as possible.

Disadvantages of the drug:

allergenicity. Before taking oil products, you should be examined by a doctor, take tests for allergies; it is forbidden to use for babies; it is impossible to use for inhalation.

The most famous oil medicines:

Pinosol; Pinovit.

Main indications for use:

dry air conditions, under which the mucous membranes require constant hydration (the oil will create a soft film that will envelop the tissue, protect it from drying out and damage); atrophic rhinitis; dry nose; the initial stages of irritation of the mucous tissues; irritation of the nasopharynx; the formation of a crust in places where the skin requires additional hydration; no allergy to the components that make up the substance; infectious diseases of the nasal passages (including a runny nose).

Receptions of these drugs can serve as an additional aromatherapy.

Remember: the remedy acts gradually, as easily and gently as possible on the affected areas.

For severe, protracted illnesses, such a drug is not suitable (it can only stabilize the condition). Basic bases for the drug:

fir; pine; peppermint; peach; almond; olive; petroleum jelly; sea buckthorn; tea tree; vitamins A, E.

The above components are combined, depending on how the tool should turn out. Each of them is responsible for a separate function: moisturizing / antiseptic effect / anti-inflammatory effect / mucosal regeneration (wound healing). In some cases, the doctor may recommend that you use pure oil, without additional medicinal components (this depends on your individual indicators and the need for a specific effect).

If you want to achieve the maximum effect and the fastest cure for a cold, instill the drug before bedtime. Thus, you will moisturize the mucosa all night and allow the substance to “work” on a specific problem.

Please note: One of the main side effects is lipoid pneumonia. The disease affects the respiratory tract. To avoid this, in no case do not adjust the dosage yourself. Consult with the doctor, take the necessary tests and strictly follow the instructions received.

Each nostril (following individual indications) should be instilled up to 3 times (drops) twice a day, most optimally in the morning and at bedtime. Things to remember when using these medicinal substances for a cold:

constantly ventilate the room to have access to humidified / fresh air; drink plenty of water; apply saline every 30 minutes to maintain the degree of mucosal hydration.

Following the above tips, you will save the mucous membranes from drying out.

Remember: your body can cope with the disease on its own. You use medications to help him, not to stop the actions of the body.

Pay attention to the specifics of oil drops:

the oil can stick together the hairs in the nose; the active substances that are in the oil are released slowly (this causes a gradual effect of the drug); abundant mucus secretions indicate that this type of drops is not suitable for you and you should immediately stop treatment.

Do not self-medicate! Taking any medicinal substance should be started only after consulting a doctor. Even a common cold can cause complications, and using a drug that does not suit your body will only exacerbate the problem and prolong treatment.

Strictly follow the instructions, do not violate the dosage and do not adjust the time frame of treatment on your own. Follow the general regimen, as with any other disease.

The modern market is represented by a variety of oil preparations. The list of the most famous and effective substances:

Pinosol. Main components: eucalyptus oil, peppermint, pine, antibacterial substances, vitamin E. Thanks to menthol and eucalyptus in the composition, this remedy can be used, regardless of the type of runny nose. The drug is allowed for pregnant women, lactation, children over the age of 2 years. Sinusan. Key Ingredients: Pure Japanese Mint Oil (lower concentration of menthol). Indications for use: bacterial inflammation. Pure oil solution of menthol. Indications for use: the formation of a crust in areas requiring additional moisture, the need to clear the nasopharynx. Ectericide. Main ingredients: fish oil. Indications for use: bacterial infections, nasal congestion.Ekvasept. Main components: mint oil, eucalyptus, fir, thymol, vitamin E. Indications for use: viral infections. Oil solutions of vitamin A and E. Main components: palm oil, peach oil and, accordingly, vitamins A, E. Indications for application: the need for regeneration of overdried areas of the mucosa, the restoration of its basic functions and properties.

The above remedies are contraindicated in young children in order to avoid the development of allergic reactions.

Treatment of diseases of the nasal cavity is not complete without various topical drugs. Often, oil solutions, including vitamin A, are prescribed as drops. What is its effect, how to use the drug in children and what you may encounter during treatment - you can read any information in the instructions or ask a doctor an exciting question.

Vitamin A (retinol) is in the preparation in the form of acetate. It is dissolved in sunflower oil. The medicine is available in glass or plastic bottles of 10 ml, the latter are equipped with a dropper nozzle. The solution is a yellowish oily liquid, without a specific smell and taste.


Retinol acetate is a fat soluble vitamin. It is extremely important for the normal functioning of the body, because it is involved in many parts of the metabolism. It is widely known that vitamin A is necessary for the growth and development of the body, it ensures the normal function of the organ of vision.

If we consider the local effect of retinol on the mucous membrane, then its main effects will be:

  • Ensuring differentiation of the epithelium.
  • Development of secretory glands.
  • Increase in regenerative potential.

Thus, under the influence of the vitamin, the healing of the damaged cover improves. It moisturizes and softens the nasal mucosa, eliminating its irritation and dryness, and helps to soften and expel crusts. In addition, retinol improves the trophism of damaged tissues.

It is also important that the drug improves immune protection at the local and systemic level. It affects the division of lymphocytes and macrophages, stimulates the synthesis of antibodies and non-specific factors (lysozyme, interferon). All this enhances the body's resistance to infectious agents and contributes to a faster recovery.

Vitamin A oil has a versatile effect on the body due to the properties of retinol.

Distribution in the body

When the solution is instilled into the nose, not exceeding the recommended doses, the active substance has a low systemic absorption. Vitamin is absorbed by the mucous membrane and exerts its effect at the local level. A small amount of retinol, absorbed into the blood, is included in various metabolic links and distributed throughout the body. The half-life is about 9 hours. Excretion is carried out by the kidneys and liver.


Many parents doubt whether it is possible to drip vitamin A into the nose. But do not worry - if the doctor made such an appointment, then it is necessary. Based on the properties of the oil solution of retinol, the obvious conclusion is that it can be used for rhinitis to eliminate dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane. This is just what is needed in the initial stage of an acute infectious rhinitis or during an atrophic process in the nasal cavity.


We must not forget that even drops in the nose require a medical prescription. Without specialist advice and an appropriate examination, treatment is not carried out, especially in children. Therefore, before buying vitamin A in a pharmacy, you need to consult a doctor.

Method of administration

In ENT practice, an oily solution of retinol acetate is used in the form of nasal drops (for the nose) or applications on the mucous membrane. The dosage for adults and children is set by the doctor individually. As a rule, the baby is injected with the drug one drop 1-2 times a day or moistened with turunda oil, which is then inserted into the nostrils.

You can enhance the therapeutic effect of retinol if you add vitamin E (tocopherol) or other oil (sea buckthorn, peach) to it. The components are mixed in a 1:1 ratio, and the resulting solution is used in the same way. The course of treatment should be determined by the doctor on an individual basis. As a rule, it is 3-5 days.

Side effects

Long-term instillation of retinol acetate into the nose can lead to the phenomena of hypervitaminosis. It is accompanied by the following changes in the body:

  • Allergic (skin itching, rashes, orange spots, swelling, peeling).
  • Dyspeptic (decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting).
  • Hepatic (increased levels of transaminases and alkaline phosphatase).
  • Nerve-sensory (drowsiness, fatigue, headache, convulsions, blurred vision).
  • Urological (polyuria, frequent urination).
  • Hematological (hemolytic anemia).

The use of drops for more than 10 days is accompanied by an increase in the local inflammatory reaction in the nasal cavity. With an overdose of the vitamin, the above reactions become more pronounced, ulcerative defects on the mucous membrane, a widespread rash, headaches, fever, diarrhea, dry skin, and dehydration also appear.

When using vitamin A nose drops in a child, one should be aware of the risk of negative reactions, especially with long-term use and high doses.


In order for the treatment to be most effective and as safe as possible, all factors that limit the use of retinol acetate in the common cold should be taken into account. First of all, we are talking about the state of the patient's body, comorbidities and possible drug interactions.


Vitamin A is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and already identified hypervitaminosis. Particular care must be taken in the following situations:

  • Damage to the kidneys and liver (nephritis, hepatitis).
  • Gallstone disease and pancreatitis.
  • Obesity.
  • Sarcoidosis.
  • Coagulopathy.

Instillation of retinol into the nose during pregnancy should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor and after carefully weighing the benefit-risk ratio.


Retinol acetate oil should not be used in conjunction with other vitamin A derivatives. The drug is able to reduce the anti-inflammatory effect of corticosteroids, and the combination with tocopherol allows you to keep it in its active form. Concomitant use of anticoagulants may increase the risk of bleeding.

Vitamin A oil is often prescribed as nasal drops for rhinitis, including in pediatric patients. But parents should not worry about such doctor's prescriptions, because they are based on the therapeutic effects of retinol and long-term experience with its use. It is only necessary to follow all the recommendations of a specialist in the treatment process.

For the use of oil-based medicines, certain indications are necessary, since drugs do not always have a positive effect. Oil drops in the nose are distinguished by their therapeutic specificity and pricing policy. Often, such solutions are prescribed to moisturize the nasal mucosa after surgery or infectious rhinitis.

Many drugs for intranasal administration, such as vasoconstrictors, can lead to overdrying of the tissues of the nose. After the end of the treatment course, restoration of the mucosa is required, and oil drops are used for this.

In addition, they can be used for hygiene procedures. Before cleaning the nasal cavities, it is required to lubricate the inner surface of the nose with a small amount of the drug and wait a couple of minutes. During this time, dry crusts soften, which greatly facilitates cleansing and prevents tissue injury.

Application features

Among the disadvantages of oil drops, attention should be focused on:

  • increased risk of an allergic reaction. To avoid a sharp deterioration in the condition, you should study the composition of the drug and use the minimum dose at the beginning of therapy;
  • the inability to apply in the first months of life;
  • prohibition of use in a nebulizer;
  • lack of therapeutic effect in allergic rhinitis.


The most common oil drops for the nose have the following names:

  • Pinosol;
  • Pinovit.

They are assigned:

  1. to moisturize the nasal mucosa, if a person has been in adverse environmental conditions for a long time. It can be dry, dusty air in the house or harmful professional factors (mining, paint and varnish, grain processing industry). With regular use of the medicinal solution, the nasopharyngeal mucosa is protected and becomes less sensitive to irritating environmental factors;
  2. with atrophic rhinitis. Its development may be due to prolonged use of vasoconstrictor nasal preparations, as well as unfavorable living and working conditions;
  3. to accelerate the healing of injured tissues in the nasal passages by activating regeneration processes.

Therapeutic composition

The composition of the medicinal product may include:

  • peppermint;
  • extract of fir, pine;
  • peach;
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries;
  • tea tree;
  • olive;
  • almond.

Due to the specific composition of the drug, it is possible to moisturize the mucosa well, protect it from irritating factors, accelerate tissue repair, slow down the progression of the infectious process and reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes oil-based vitamins A or E without additional supplements.

To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, it is advisable to follow some recommendations:

  1. the last instillation of the nose should be done before bedtime, which allows you to moisturize and protect the nasal mucosa during the night;
  2. before the introduction of oil, the nasal passages should be cleaned of allergens, dust particles and microbes with a saline solution. To do this, you can use solutions based on sea water in the form of aerosols or drops, for example, Aqua Maris, Morenazal, Dolphin;
  3. keep the humidity in the house at 55%. For this, special devices have been developed - humidifiers. In addition, you can put several containers with water in the room, for example, an aquarium or vases. It is especially important to control the humidity in the heating season and when using the air conditioner;
  4. drink enough liquid per day (2 liters). Of course, the amount drunk should be calculated taking into account concomitant diseases (heart, renal insufficiency) so as not to worsen a person's condition. To replenish fluid losses, you can drink non-carbonated mineral water, unsweetened juice, compote, fruit drink or herbal tea;
  5. regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

home treatment with oil drops

Here is a list of ready-to-use oil medicines:

  • Pinosol;
  • menthol solution. Can be used for hygiene procedures, moisturizing and protecting the nasal mucosa;
  • Ectericide based on fish oil. Among the indications, we single out a bacterial infection;
  • Ekvasept. It is prescribed for a viral infection;
  • vitamins A, E.

There are many medicines based on peach, vaseline and olive oil. Here are some proven recipes:

  • 5 ml of vaseline, olive oil should be mixed, add 4 drops of onion or garlic juice. Drip three drops twice a day. Also, aloe juice can be added to the mixture of oils;
  • 3 g of wild rosemary should be mixed with 15 ml of flax oil. Within two hours, it is necessary to warm the mixture in the oven. It should be instilled drop by drop twice a day.


The composition of the drug includes pine, eucalyptus, mint oil, thymol, as well as tocopherol acetate (otherwise vitamin E). It is available in the form of a solution for drip administration into the nasal cavities. The liquid has a greenish tint and a menthol flavor.

The components of Pinosol have an antimicrobial, regenerating effect. Among the indications should focus on:

  1. acute diseases of the nasopharynx, the development of which is based on the inflammatory process of non-allergic origin;
  2. postoperative period - to accelerate tissue healing;
  3. chronic rhinitis, for example, atrophic form.

The drug can also be used for inhalation administration in inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

Contraindications and possible complications

Oil-based nose drops are not prescribed for hypersensitivity, as well as an allergic type of rhinitis.

Do not allow the solution to get into the eyes. To avoid a sharp deterioration in the condition and the development of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the composition of the drops and conduct an allergy test before use.

To do this, it is enough to apply the solution to the back of the wrist and evaluate the test results after 30 minutes. If itching, burning, redness or swelling occurs, Pinosol should be discarded.

The advantage of Pinosol is the possibility of its use during pregnancy, as well as in the lactation period.

The drug does not affect consciousness, therefore it can be used in people whose profession requires concentration.


According to the instructions, the solution can be instilled three drops every hour (in the first 5 hours of the disease). Then the frequency of use is reduced to three times a day. A child from two years old is prescribed two drops three times a day.

For applications, you need Pinosol and a cotton swab. After applying the oil solution to a cotton swab, you need to enter it into the nasal passage. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

As for adverse reactions, they are extremely rare. They can be presented:

  1. allergic reaction (skin rashes, redness, tissue swelling, itchy sensations in the nasal passages);
  2. bronchospasm;
  3. dryness of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  4. eye irritation;
  5. contact dermatitis.

The drug has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties. It is prescribed for therapeutic purposes in acute, chronic rhinitis.

Eucasept resembles Pinosol in composition. The difference is the presence of azulene in Eucaseptus, as well as its lower cost. We list the healing effects of the drug:

  • anesthesia, reduction of swelling of tissues - due to peppermint;
  • antiviral property due to the presence of fir;
  • antiseptic, anti-inflammatory action provides azulene (a component of chamomile essential oil);
  • the strengthening of the antiseptic effect is due to thymol, or otherwise, the essential oil of thyme;
  • antioxidant, protective, regenerating effect - due to vitamin E.

Ways to use

Evkasept is prescribed exclusively for external use. It can be instilled into the nasal passages or applied. Every day it is enough to drip two drops four times a day. If the treatment is carried out for a child, it is recommended drop by drop three times a day.

For applications, a cotton swab and a medicinal preparation are required. First, it should be applied to cotton wool and injected into the nasal passage for 15 minutes.

Usually the therapeutic course is 6 days, however, in agreement with the doctor, it can be extended.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Quite rarely, cases of adverse reactions after using Eucasept are recorded. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  1. allergic reactions;
  2. mucosal hyperemia;
  3. itchy sensations in the nasopharynx;
  4. increased nasal congestion.

Contraindications include:

  • up to two years of age. A child under two years of age has a high risk of developing laryngospasm;
  • hypersensitivity.

With caution, the drug is used in the postoperative period, when surgery was performed in the nasopharyngeal zone. Oil drops have positive feedback from both doctors and patients. All this is due to the mild healing effect and a small number of side effects.

Happy to welcome everyone!

The cold season has come again, and with it the problems with the nose. This is not surprising. The rooms are heated, the air is dry. The nasal mucosa dries up, resists infection worse. And cold winds and slush do their job, throw up various viruses and infections. And now the nose is blocked, it is dripping, it is difficult to breathe, or the nose does not breathe at all.

There are many pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of a runny nose and nasal congestion, but you can find out about them at your nearest pharmacy. And today I will tell you how to use aromatherapy to treat a runny nose, or rather, how to make nose drops with essential oils at home.

Perhaps there is no person who would not face the problem of a stuffy nose or runny nose. People joke - if a runny nose is not treated, it goes away in seven days, and if treated, then in a week. But, if a runny nose is not treated, it can turn into a more complex disease - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis.

Therefore, we will prepare effective nasal drops from a runny nose with essential oils.

Attention! Essential oils in their pure form for instillation into the nose should never be used! They are used only in the form of oil mixtures, which we will do.

So, to begin with, we will prepare the necessary bottle. It should be made of dark glass, it is advisable to take a small container - 10-30 ml. Determine the volume according to your needs.

Used bottles of essential oils are optimally suited. Only they must first be angered with alcohol so that the remaining oil dissolves, and then rinsed with hot water and dried. You can also use bottles with droppers that are left over from pharmaceutical preparations.

Nose drops can be made with grape seed oil, olive oil, avocado oil. These will be base oils or base oils. Even ordinary sunflower oil is suitable as a base oil.

First, pour the required amount of base oil into the bottle, leaving room for the esters. Then add essential oils drop by drop and add the base oil to the desired volume.

Below I will give a few recipes for mixtures.

After the essential oils are added, close the bottle and shake well. It is better to use the mixture after some time, so that the esters mix well.

Drops should be instilled into each nostril, 1-2 drops 1-4 times a day.

To do this, you need to throw your head back and turn a little to the side. If we dig into the right nostril, we tilt our head to the left and vice versa. Massage the nose and sinuses a little.

Recipes for nose drops with essential oils:

  • At the first sign, when the nose just started to flow, at the beginning of a cold or virus:

for 10 ml of base oil, add 1 drop of tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus, basil, thyme oils.

If you cannot tolerate any of these oils, use any other from the recipe instead.

  • If the secret is thick, yellow-green

for 10 mol of base oil, 2 drops of sage, lavender and basil

  • If the nose is blocked and does not breathe or clear

For 10 ml. base add 2 drops of rosemary, 2 drops of juniper, 2 drops of geranium, 1 k. sage, 1 k. mint.

  • If, after a cold, the nose has lost the ability to smell, basil oil will help. It can restore the sense of smell.

Make a mixture for 10 ml of base 2 drops of basil, 2 drops of eucalyptus, 2 drops of tea tree.

A full description of essential oils and how to use them can be found in the section

Nose drops for children

  • Children from one to three

for 10 ml base 1 drop of lavender and 2 drops of tea tree

  • Children three to six

2 k. lavender, 2 drops of tea tree,

or 2 tea tree, 1 eucalyptus, 1 thyme (lavender).

These mixtures can be varied by adding or eliminating any component. You can make drops even from one component, just take it in larger quantities.

With a cold, in addition to drops in the nose, inhalations give a good effect. as well as other ways to treat colds. Read

I hope that such an aromatherapy method as homemade nose drops with essential oils will help you quickly overcome a runny nose and avoid serious consequences.

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