The baby's upper teeth were the first to appear. The first teeth in a baby: when they erupt and how to relieve pain. What symptoms are considered normal

  • Nurofen
  • Gels
  • Any mother is looking forward to the first tooth of her little one, so it is interesting for almost all parents to know in what order the milk teeth will erupt. In addition, knowledge about how teeth climb is also important for assessing the correct development of a baby, because, having noticed some violations, dental problems can be prevented in time.

    Timely erupted teeth are one of the indicators proper development child

    Teething rules

    1. Babies' teeth usually come in pairs. When mom notices the baby has one new tooth, she needs to wait for his eponymous "brother" to appear soon. It happens that the crumbs cut 2 or 4 teeth at the same time.
    2. For most babies, teeth erupt first. mandible. For example, the lower central incisors appear first, and then the same teeth at the top. The same situation occurs with molars and canines, and only the lateral incisors climb differently (they first cut through at the top).
    3. The approximate number of teeth at a certain age is calculated on the basis of the following formula: "the age of the baby in months minus four." She suggests that on average, at 6 months, children have two teeth, and by 24 months of life - all twenty teeth.

    The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky about the first teeth and all the problems that arise due to their appearance, see the video:


    Although teething is physiological and natural process, it still loads the child's body, causing discomfort and such manifestations:

    • Increased secretion of saliva.
    • Decreased appetite up to complete failure from food.
    • The urge to pull miscellaneous items in the mouth and chew on them because of the itching in the gums.
    • The appearance of swelling, redness and swelling at the site of eruption.
    • Capriciousness and irritability due to pain and itching.
    • A disturbed dream.

    restless sleep- a sure sign that soon the first tooth will come out of the crumbs

    In some babies, other symptoms are added to such symptoms:

    • Increased body temperature (in most cases within + 37 + 37.5 ° C).
    • Runny nose and cough due to excess saliva.
    • Slight liquefaction of feces.
    • Skin irritations on the chin and chest.

    When teething, it can last for several days subfebrile temperature

    Which teeth appear first?

    The very first tooth that "pecks" in a baby is called an incisor. In most of the little ones, it appears on the lower jaw, after which another incisor is shown quite quickly nearby. Such teeth are distinguished by narrow crowns and are designed for biting off food. Most often they erupt at the age of 6-8 months, although in some toddlers the first incisor begins to knock on a spoon at 3-4 months, and some mothers have to wait until the first tooth appears only to one year old babies.

    In most cases, the first teeth look like this

    Eruption sequence

    Although the order of appearance of milk teeth is only approximate and may differ for each individual child, parents should focus on the following sequence:

    • The first teeth in most children, as we noted above, are central incisors, called "ones" for their position in the dentition.
    • They are then supplemented side cutters, which are called "doubles".
    • After the incisors comes the time of appearance first molars, which in the dentition go "fours".
    • The next step is eruption of canines between lateral incisors and first molars so they are called triplets.
    • The last among the milk teeth are the “five”, which dentists call second molars.

    The average time for the appearance of milk teeth in the table

    The process of eruption of each new baby tooth varies from child to child, however, if you look at the order and time of the appearance of the first teeth in most children, you can notice the average terms that parents and pediatricians are guided by. Here is a table that shows the average time for the appearance of teeth, taking into account the sequence of their eruption:

    In most children, the last milk teeth "hatch" by the age of 2-2.5 years.

    When do milk teeth fall out?

    The average terms of loss of milk teeth will be as follows:

    • The central incisors begin to wobble and fall out at 6-8 years of age.
    • Loss of lateral incisors is observed in children 7-8 years old.
    • The period of loss of the first molars is 9-11 years.
    • Canine teeth most often fall out between the ages of 9 and 12.
    • The second molars stagger and fall out at 10-12 years of age.

    An orthodontist, Ph.D. Svetlana Nikolaevna Vakhney:

    Eruption of permanent teeth

    First among permanent teeth“sixes” appear in the child, that is, teeth that are located in the dentition immediately after the second milk molars. They are called first molars, and milk molars are replaced by teeth called premolars. First permanent molars erupt in children aged 6-7 years, and this happens, as a rule, before the loss of the first milk teeth.

    • At the age of 6 or 7 years, central incisors appear on the lower jaw.
    • At 7-8 years of age, the central incisors erupt in the child and on upper jaw.
    • The lower "twos" also erupt at the age of 7-8 years.
    • Lateral incisors at the top are cut at 8-9 years.
    • On the lower jaw, fangs grow at 9-10 years.
    • The upper fangs appear in children of 11-12 years of age.
    • The appearance of the first premolars in the upper jaw is observed on average at 10-11 years.
    • The period of eruption of the first lower premolars is 10-12 years.
    • The second premolars at the top are cut in children aged 10 to 12 years, and in the lower jaw - at 11-12 years of age.
    • The second molars come out at the bottom at 11-13 years.
    • The eruption of the second molars in the upper jaw is noted at the age of 12-13.
    • The third molars both at the top and on the lower jaw are cut at the age of over 17 years.

    Possible problems with eruption

    The main problems that occur during teething are violation of the timing of their appearance, as well as in the wrong sequence. In addition, since the appearance of new teeth lowers the immunity of the child, the crumbs may develop:

    • Pneumonia
    • Caries
    • Stomatitis
    • Abscess (pharyngeal)

    Why can eruption be delayed?

    If the baby has not yet had a single milk tooth by the age of one, it is worth showing the child to the doctor and find out the reasons for this situation. They may include:

    • Influence of a hereditary factor. If mom, dad or other close relatives teeth erupted later than average, then the situation will be the same for the crumbs.
    • calcium deficiency, which also provokes rickets.
    • Lack of hormones produced by the thyroid gland.
    • Problems with digestion and absorption of nutrients.
    • Absence of tooth buds.
    • Prematurity of the child.
    • Development of an infectious disease.

    Advice to parents on what to do and how to behave during teething is given by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia:

    Gaps between teeth

    Milk teeth appearing in a child under 3 years old can be asymmetrically located or with gaps between them. This is a variant of the norm, if the entire dentition has not yet erupted. As soon as it is fully formed, due to active chewing, all teeth will fall into place. Further, by the age of 6-7, when the change of milk teeth begins, gaps will again appear between the teeth, since the size of the permanent teeth is much larger. The appearance of such gaps should not bother parents.

    Teething is an important event in the life of babies and parents. As a rule, this process is accompanied by a lot of negative moments for the baby. This is pain and fever, impaired stool and worsening sleep, refusal to eat, crying and whims. However, the mother can help the child and soften disease state. Let's look at when the first teeth appear in babies and what to do to help the baby.

    When they appear

    As a rule, the first teeth appear in a child at six months. We offer an approximate table that shows when and in what order teeth erupt in babies:

    This order of appearance is typical for most babies. However, in some children, the first teeth appear already at 3-4 months, while in others - only after 7 months. This is not considered a deviation and does not indicate a violation of the health of the baby.

    There is a norm for the number of teeth that a child has by a particular age. To calculate age in months, subtract six. Thus, by the year, babies should have 6 teeth, and by two years - already 18.


    Be prepared that at the age of 6 months, the first teeth will begin to appear in the child. Carefully monitor the well-being of the baby. About offensive important event You will be told the following symptoms:

    • Strong crying and moodiness;
    • Increased salivation;
    • Excitability;
    • Bad sleep;
    • Refusal of food;
    • Slight increase in temperature;
    • Diarrhea.

    However, be careful, as the listed symptoms individually may indicate other problems. For example, diarrhea in a baby can indicate rejection of a product or poisoning, fever - a cold, etc. As a rule, when teeth erupt, there are several signs.

    Causes for concern

    In the process of teething, the child may experience health problems. These may be symptoms of a pathology in development or a serious illness. When to see a doctor:

    • Through chur before the appearance of teeth. Sometimes babies have teeth already at birth. This may indicate problems in the endocrine system;
    • A long delay in eruption indicates a violation of material metabolism, the development of rickets or infection;
    • The wrong order of appearance indicates an anomaly in development. In addition, this may be a consequence of the diseases that the woman suffered during pregnancy;
    • Non-standard in shape, size and position, the formation of teeth also indicates possible anomalies in the development of the child;
    • The temperature is 39-40 degrees. Please note that the temperature during the appearance of teeth rises slightly. High performance they talk about the presence of a disease and disorders in the functioning of the child's body.

    The above symptoms do not always indicate developmental disorders and diseases. After all, every baby is different. But to find out the reasons for such deviations in eruption, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    How to help a baby

    Every parent wants to help their child. Let's take a look at how to relieve teething pain. First of all, special teethers will come to the rescue. These are toys and rings with gel or liquid. Such devices relieve pain and swelling. Gel teethers are placed in the refrigerator for a while before use, but not in freezer! Cold effectively relieves pain, eliminates swelling and prevents inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes.

    Some parents give their child a piece of bread to chew on. But be careful and make sure that the baby does not begin to swallow the crust and choke. In addition, sharp crumbs can hurt delicate gums.

    Excessive salivation irritates the skin of the face and neck, causing rashes and other problems. To avoid this, wipe the saliva from the skin in a timely manner and put a bib on the baby, and during sleep put a napkin under the cheek. You can lightly massage the gums with a clean finger.

    When a child is in pain strong pain you can use medication. Suitable special anesthetic gels that relieve inflammation. You can not lubricate the gums alcohol solutions and apply pills to the inflamed places!

    Teething gels

    Teething gels characterize local action. Such drugs are safe for children, but they cannot provide long-term pain relief and last 30-60 minutes. However, some gels can help for more than two hours. Distinguishes such means of operational action. They relieve pain and soothe in 2-3 minutes after application. Such drugs are divided into three groups:

    1. Gels with analgesic effect contain lidocaine and provide a quick, but not long-lasting effect;
    2. Homeopathic gels provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. However, the medicines contain plant extracts that can cause allergies and irritation in a nursing baby;
    3. Gels based on anti-inflammatory and antiseptics include a strong composition and act more effectively.

    If you decide to use the gel, carefully study the composition of the medicine, contraindications and side effect as well as the terms of use. Please note that gels can not be used more than six times a day!

    Which gel to choose

    (10 g) Holisal Thanks special composition stays on the mucous membrane of the gums for a long time Reduces swelling and relieves pain, has an antibacterial effect, the effect lasts 3-8 hours! 280-300 rubles

    (10 g)DentinoxContains chamomile extract, which quickly calms the baby, but increases the risk of an allergic reactionRelieves pain and prevents inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa360-400 rubles

    (10 g) Camistad Contains lidocaine and chamomile. However, such a drug is not recommended for infants Heals wounds, quickly penetrates tissues, relieves pain and inflammation 220-250 rubles

    (10 g)Baby DoctorContains natural ingredients: Chamomile, calendula, plantain, marshmallow root Can also be used for the skin of a child's face with abundant salivation Relieves pain, has a restorative and wound-healing effect, prevents and eliminates swelling500 rubles (50 g)

    In the first year of a baby's life, his parents are waiting not only for joy, but also for serious trials that can cause them a lot of trouble and worries. One such test is the appearance of the first teeth.

    There are many unpleasant moments for the crumbs and parents associated with their appearance.

    At this time, it is important for mom and dad to be patient, to be prepared for the fact that many symptoms can appear in their baby in a severe form. The course of this process raises a large number of questions and doubts.

    When parents don't have to worry

    The process of teething in babies is accompanied by symptoms that relate to changes in his behavior and emotional state. It is absolutely normal when parents notice:

    All these signs have almost no effect on the behavior and condition of the crumbs, they disappear immediately after teething.

    Let's watch a short video with comments from a pediatrician who will tell you how to help a child in such a painful period of his life:

    What signs should be paid special attention to?

    The eruption of the first teeth is an important moment for parents and the baby. Often in time this period coincides with the process of the termination of the action of protection by the "mother's" antibodies of the child's body.

    At this time, he is not immune from the appearance various infections, diseases. Often their symptoms are mistaken for signs of teething.

    If any of the symptoms manifests itself longer than expected, is accompanied by a severe form, parents should immediately show the baby to specialists to rule out another disease.

    Often the appearance of the first teeth is accompanied by abrupt change the general condition of the child and his behavior:

    • Frequent crying, moodiness- may be present for several days, or the entire period of eruption.
    • Diarrhea- no more than 3 times a day, has a watery character. Its duration is normally up to 3 days. If in stool present bleeding, a liquid stool is present often, it is necessary to show the baby to a specialist. These signs may indicate the presence intestinal infection.
    • Constipation. A sign completely opposite to diarrhea should also alert.
    • Runny nose or constant congestion spout- are the result of increased formation and excretion of mucus. The discharge itself is transparent, fluid, and can remain in the baby for up to 5 days.

      To alleviate his condition, parents need to clean the nose, monitor the condition of the nasal passages. If whitish or greenish viscous nasal discharge appears, the baby must be shown to the doctor.

    • Ear pain. pain symptom may radiate into the ears. You can understand that a child’s ears hurt by his behavior: he constantly scratches them, pulls, pulls.
    • Elevated temperature. Its rise is associated with the appearance a large number active biological substances.

      A high temperature level should be present in the norm for no more than 2 days, not to exceed 39C. To lower it, children are given antipyretics in syrup.

      If a high value If the temperature persists for more than 2 days and its value exceeds 39.5 ° C, then it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

      Many doctors associate the rise in temperature not with teething, but with the development of a disease, for example, SARS.

    • Refusal of the child to eat. This symptom is not usually a concern for parents. But you need to be alert and show the baby to the doctor if he missed more than 2 meals.

    Most often such acute symptoms observed when the first teeth and incisors appear. During this period, the baby especially needs the support of parents.

    It is important to surround him with love, affection, carry more in your arms, hug, kiss. This support will help mitigate emotional condition child.

    If the manifestations of eruption are not expressed

    Photo: lower incisor cut through the gum

    It is not uncommon for a child's behavior and condition to remain almost unchanged during the appearance of teeth. He will constantly try to bite something hard, procrastinate any object in his mouth for a long time.

    Parents should take a closer look at his gums. If they are not swollen, then small whitish dots can be clearly seen on them - these are the first teeth that are visible.

    With absence severe symptoms it is this sign that will tell you about the beginning of the process of their eruption.

    Many parents are worried and upset that in the period from 3 to 7 months, the behavior, the condition of their baby has not changed, while other children have all of the listed symptoms.

    Doctors reassure them, explaining that the onset of teething does not have to coincide with this period.

    These options are not always suitable for all babies. Often the first tooth appears in the eighth month. There is nothing wrong with this.

    It is necessary to sound the alarm, it is necessary to worry if the child is a year old, and his teeth are completely missing. Parents should show it to the dentist.

    Often the scheme of appearance of teeth is violated. For example, by 9 months, the first incisors erupt, and only then all other teeth.

    Their eruption may not be single: 2-3 teeth can grow at the same time. For the crumbs and parents, this period becomes a big test.

    It is good when the time of formation of teeth and their order are not transferred to more late dates. Much worse when this process takes place later.

    With late eruption, the bite is disturbed. His correct formation coincides in time with the period of the appearance of teeth. In their absence, changes in the formation of the facial skull may occur.

    Teeth that appear in time, even with severe symptoms, are the key to the further health of the child.

    Important Features

    © falonkoontz / Fotolia

    Most parents, after talking with each other, reading various forums, prepare in advance for severe manifestations symptoms. They are especially worried about the constant whims of the child and nights without sleep.

    But all children are different, which means that the process of tooth development is different. There are features in the process of their appearance that are important for parents to remember:

    Every parent needs to remember these features. Then there will be much less cause for concern.

    What Dr. Komarovsky says about the first teeth - watch the video:

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    • Michael

      March 19, 2016 at 2:27 am

      Yeah. I remember our first tooth. And by the way, it will be said that we did not immediately discover it, just as it is written in the article. It is rightly said that the symptoms are different for everyone and each child is individual. In our case, everything went smoothly enough. There were, of course, whims and temperature, but this is natural. As they say, the main thing is to start, and then along the knurled one.)) So, don’t worry too much about anyone else who has their first tooth on the way, it will pass, and then it will be much easier.

    • Galina

      April 28, 2016 at 5:38 am

      My daughter has only one tooth so far. Here we are waiting for the second approach. I also noticed the first tooth only when a friend said that her daughter had already got out, and my daughter was a week younger. I got into my mouth, I feel that the tooth is erupted) Indeed, teething is very affected by sleep, I used to sleep for 2 hours in the afternoon, now 45 minutes, a maximum of an hour. And at night he often wakes up, tossing and turning. I don't know what to expect next. I read about the temperature, now I'm afraid. Has anyone used gels to reduce sensitivity? Are they harmless?

    • Alexandra

      June 14, 2016 at 06:02 pm

      I read that in America, gels to reduce sensitivity during teething, which contain lidocaine, are prohibited. Our pediatricians either do not pay attention to this and prescribe without looking at everyone. I approached the issue more seriously and do not give these gels. So far, we are trying to manage by other methods: cold teethers with water or herbal-based gels. At a temperature I give an antipyretic.

    • April 5, 2017 at 7:50 am

      My son is 3 months old. It seems to be too early to talk about teeth, BUT he drools in such quantity that you can probably collect a jar in a day. He puts his fingers in his mouth, all five! And even two fists can shove. I don't know how he does it. Sucks, chews these fingers. It feels like it scratches the gums in this way. Grandmothers unanimously say that it’s for sure that teeth will soon come out. Let's see if it's too early for us.

    • April 12, 2017 at 8:55 am

      Yeah, we also have a son from 3 months old who put his fingers in his mouth and everything that is possible ... saliva, whims, bad dream... and voila ... only at 8 months the first tooth came out :))))))

    In this article:

    Teething in a baby is both a great joy and a small tragedy in the life of parents and a baby. It was at this time that many young mothers for the first time must pass the test of strength and endurance. It is great if the child reacts calmly to the first teeth. But more often, teething symptoms bring babies a lot of weight. discomfort to which they respond violently.

    All children are unique, and the observations that have been made on children infancy, proved that the symptoms of eruption of the first teeth in infants vary widely and depend entirely on certain factors and individual characteristics of the body. The main thing is to carefully monitor the well-being of the child at this difficult moment for him and, if necessary, provide him with assistance.

    At what age does teething start?

    A child's teeth begin to develop long before he is born. The formation of the rudiments of milk teeth occurs at the 7th week of pregnancy in the womb. And the period when the first signs of teething in infants appear is quite individual. In different children, it varies in time, in addition, various factors influence the age and speed of teething.

    Among them it should be noted:

    • features of the course of pregnancy;
    • climatic conditions in which the child was born and lives;
    • heredity;
    • height and weight of the child;
    • fontanel closure time;
    • illnesses in the first weeks and months of a baby's life;
    • individual characteristics of the organism.

    Sometimes a newborn is born with one or more teeth already present. Of course, this is the exception to the rule. In most cases, the symptoms when the first teeth are cut appear much later. According to statistics, in many children the first tooth erupts at the age of 7 months.

    According to the average values, the teeth in infants appear in the following order:

    • lower incisors - in the period from 6 to 9 months;
    • upper incisors - 7-10 months;
    • upper fangs - 12-24 months;
    • lower fangs - 2 months later than the upper ones;
    • the first lower molar- 12-16 months;
    • the second lower molar - 20-25 months;
    • the first upper molar - 13-19 months;
    • the second upper molar - 20-25 months.

    It is immediately worth noting that these dates are rather approximate, the baby's teeth may appear a little earlier or later than these temporary values, only one thing coincides - they usually always appear one after another according to this schedule.

    AT rare cases the moment of the appearance of the first teeth can be delayed for an indefinite time, and the baby can meet his first birthday with a toothless smile. In any case, there is no need to panic: most likely, this idiosyncrasy child's body, and the teeth will definitely appear soon.

    teething signs

    The process of eruption of milk teeth in infants often occurs with concomitant ailments: increased excitability nervous system, disturbed sleep of the child, causeless crying and persistent lack of appetite. At the same time, the baby will try to put everything that gets in his way into his mouth - this is caused by severe itching and irritation of the gums. Symptoms that occur during teething are divided into general, local and controversial. Let's consider them in more detail.

    General signs

    General signs of teething in babies affect the functioning of the whole organism. At the same time, they can be characterized both as signs of imminent teething and as symptoms of the development of a disease, for example: colds, intestinal infections, poisoning, etc.

    To general symptoms eruption of upper and lower teeth in children include:

    • increased body temperature;
    • weakness, general violation well-being;
    • lack of appetite;
    • sleep disturbances, marked anxiety.

    If the listed signs appear unexpectedly and last for a long time, while the baby’s gums and his behavior are not typical for signs of the appearance of the first teeth, you should consult a doctor. Most likely, we are talking about some disease that has nothing to do with the baby's dental problems.

    local signs

    Local signs of teething in children first appear at the age of 5 months.

    These include:

    • increased secretion of saliva;
    • gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, frequent regurgitation, flatulence;
    • refusal to breastfeed;
    • swelling of the gums, redness;
    • nasal congestion, slight runny nose;
    • the child constantly keeps his fingers or fist in his mouth.

    A little later, when the teeth begin to approach the very surface of the gums, small whitish bumps form on it.

    In rare cases, as local reaction on the chin and cheeks of the child, you can notice a rash, which is also a reaction of the body in response to teething.

    Controversial signs

    Controversial symptoms of teething in babies include the following:

    • violation of the stool against the background of swallowing a large amount of saliva with food: diarrhea appears, which can last up to 3 days;
    • itching covering the gums, cheeks, ears, nose, resulting from irritation of the mucous membranes and skin increased salivation;
    • single vomiting, which is quite rare, but this symptom should not be ruled out (if vomiting is repeated, and against its background the body temperature has increased, we are more likely to talk about the presence in the body viral infection and not symptoms of teething syndrome);
    • an increase in body temperature, which can be observed in almost 50% of babies: normally, the temperature can rise to 38 °, it should last no more than 3 days.

    If the symptoms of teething in infants resemble clinical picture SARS, perhaps you should think not about the new teeth of the child, but about visiting a doctor. Often in the circle of young parents you can hear the opinion that fever and diarrhea during teething is a commonplace phenomenon. This is true, but only on condition that the body temperature does not rise above 38 ° and does not last longer than 3 days. Otherwise, we are talking about the infectious process in the body, and not about the teeth. Of course, the body reacts with a rise in temperature to inflammatory phenomena in the gums, but this reaction cannot last long and be pronounced.

    Teething diarrhea also has its own characteristics, it has nothing to do with ordinary diarrhea. The child has loose stools up to 3 times a day due to the fact that he swallows too much saliva. If the diarrhea continues for more than 3 days, the child may have put something in his mouth that triggered an intestinal infection. You need to see a doctor.

    Features of teething

    Many mothers are interested in why some babies teeth erupt earlier, while others later. Dentists explain this by the rate of formation of the tooth root, namely the rate of division of its cells, since the roots of the teeth, like other organs in the human body, have a cellular structure.

    artificially affect this physiological process impossible. Therefore, it is not recommended to “help” the teeth to erupt from the gums, as some especially compassionate parents do, specifically cutting or damaging the child’s gums. Firstly, it is completely useless - the tooth will erupt only when its time comes. Secondly, it hurts, and thirdly, you can bring the infection into the resulting wound surface.

    There are cases when the teeth in children after eruption have their own characteristics, for example:

    • if the baby's teeth are yellow-brown, most likely, his mother, being pregnant, took antibiotics during the formation of the rudiments of teeth at the very beginning of pregnancy;
    • dark edging on the root neck of the tooth indicates that they were used iron-containing preparations or in the body of the child there is inflammation of a chronic nature;
    • the yellow-green tint of the teeth appears against the background of liver disease, bilirubin metabolism disorders and the death of red blood cells;
    • if the enamel has a red tint, then we can talk about congenital pathology the exchange of porphyria pigment or about the mother taking tetracycline drugs during pregnancy;
    • if the baby's teeth are not positioned correctly, the reasons may be the constitutional features of a particular person (usually a small jaw size), trauma, congenital disorder metabolism connective tissue, tumors of the jaw.

    If the baby's teeth grow correctly and in a timely manner, this indicates normal development child, since the process of teething is directly related to general condition his body.

    But there are situations when not everything is so smooth, and the problems that arose during the eruption of milk teeth indicate the presence of pathology:

    • abnormal tooth development (wrong color, size, shape) - the cause of this pathology should be diagnosed by a doctor;
    • teething with a slope from the common arch of the dentition indicates an incorrect localization of the axis of the tooth;
    • the appearance of milk teeth a few months earlier: possibly the result of endocrine pathologies in the body;
    • the first teeth appear with a delay from general schedule for 2 or more months: speaks in favor of chronic infectious process in the body, disruption digestive tract, pathologies of metabolism;
    • violation of the proper order of teething or the absence of any tooth also indicates potential problems in the body or is the result infectious diseases carried by the mother during pregnancy.

    How to relieve pain?

    Signs that the child will soon have the first teeth will be noticed immediately in the family. At this time, rare babies remain calm and do not cause trouble to their parents. Most children go through this difficult period in their lives, showing violent discontent. How to relieve pain and discomfort to a child?

    What can a young mother do?

    1. Control body temperature. If the child does not sleep well, refuses to breast or bottle, is naughty, and all this happens against the background of elevated temperature- it must be knocked down. At first, you can try to bring down the temperature without medicines: undress the baby, remove the diaper from him, put the naked one under one sheet, offer water - these simple ways can reduce the body temperature to normal values. If this does not happen, you should give the child antipyretic drug based on Paracetamol.
    2. Relief of discomfort in the gum area. To solve this problem, you will need chilled teethers, a hard dummy, and a gel with an anesthetic effect. Since each child is unique, the remedy for relieving itching and pain in the gums must be selected individually for him. Someone likes teethers, and someone cannot do without anesthetic gels.
    3. Often, to relieve discomfort in the gums, young mothers use a decoction of chamomile, which is gently rubbed into the gums and irritations on the baby's cheeks and chin. Honey has the same effect.
    4. As soon as the teeth begin to cut, the baby is offered solid food- Apple, fresh cucumber. If the baby persistently refuses the usual food, you can temporarily replace it with cool baby foods, such as fruit puree or yogurt. It is also important to avoid dehydration, because along with increased excretion saliva, the child's body loses a lot of fluid.

    What signs are common to all children during teething? It must be remembered that their appearance is a purely individual process. Feelings during teething, the speed of the process and the child's tolerance for pain - it all depends on the particular baby. Fortunately, this picture concerns the appearance of only the first milk teeth.

    Useful video about the appearance of the first teeth in a baby

    From this article you will learn:

    • signs of teething in children
    • terms of eruption of milk teeth, permanent teeth,
    • teething in infants: photo.

    Teething in children has a certain sequence, and should also be paired, i.e. identical teeth must erupt at the same time, for example, a pair of central incisors, a pair of lateral incisors or a pair of canines. Below in the diagrams you will find the timing and sequence of teething in children.

    However, if you suddenly saw that your baby's teething time does not coincide with the average values, then you should not immediately panic about this. Approximately 50% of modern children have a shift in the timing of eruption of milk and permanent teeth. This happens for certain reasons, which we will also discuss below.

    What teething looks like: photo

    Teething in infants, infants and older children is fundamentally no different. What teething looks like in children - you can see in the photo 1-9. Below we will also list in detail all the symptoms of teething in children.

    Gums during teething: photo

    In some cases, 2-3 weeks before the eruption of the milk or permanent tooth a lump may appear on the gum, filled with a clear or bluish liquid (Fig. 6-7). This is not a pathology and is not associated with inflammation. No intervention (other than periodic inspection) is required. Only in the case when the bump becomes large enough - you can make a small incision and, thus, release the accumulated bloody fluid.

    Terms and order of teething in a child -

    As we said above: teeth should erupt in pairs, in a certain sequence, as well as on average terms (indicated in the tables below). However, in modern children, it is increasingly possible to observe premature or delayed teething. Premature or late eruption is considered to be a deviation from the average time of 2-3 months for milk teeth, as well as 2-4 years for permanent teeth.

    1. The order of eruption of milk teeth -

    A newborn baby has 20 rudiments inside the upper and lower jaws. temporary teeth(10 follicles per jaw). As for the rudiments of permanent teeth, there are only 16 of them at the time of the birth of a child. But the remaining 16 rudiments of permanent teeth are formed in the jaws after the birth of a child. As a rule, the central incisors on the lower jaw erupt first.

    Table / Scheme of eruption of milk teeth:

    Causes of violation of the terms of eruption of milk teeth -

    Studies show that the proportion of children with normal teething times (shown in the table) is only about 42% overall. The delay in the timing of eruption was observed in approximately 48% of children, and in 10% of all children, early eruption of milk teeth is observed. This is especially dependent on the type of feeding of the child, as well as past illnesses pregnant woman and the child in the first year of life.

    • Feeding in the first year of life
      research results clearly show the dependence of the timing of eruption of milk teeth on the type of feeding. Research has shown that children in artificial feeding delayed eruption occurs 1.5 times more often - compared with children on breastfeeding, and 2.2 times more often - compared with mixed-fed children.

      In addition, early teething in the group of children on artificial feeding was observed 1.8 times more often than in children on breastfeeding, and was completely absent in the group of children on mixed feeding.

      Researchers also provide following results: in mixed-fed children, the eruption terms were normal in 71.4% of cases, in breast-fed children, such terms were observed in 53.7% of cases, and with artificial feeding, normal eruption terms occurred only in 28% of children.

    Other causes of violations of the eruption of milk teeth
    can affect the timing of teething the following diseases pregnant woman...

    • toxicosis of the 1st-2nd half of pregnancy,
    • kidney disease,
    • transferred pneumonia or acute respiratory infections with high fever,
    • herpetic infection, rubella, toxoplasmosis,
    • constant chronic or short-term severe stress.

    But the timing of eruption can be affected not only by the diseases of a pregnant woman, but also by diseases and conditions in the first year of the child's life -

    • sepsis of the newborn
    • transferred pneumonia, frequent acute respiratory infections,
    • convulsive states,
    • intestinal toxicosis,
    • prematurity and postmaturity,
    • rhesus conflict.

    2. Terms of eruption of permanent teeth -

    You can see the sequence and timing of teething in children in Scheme No. 2. Of the permanent teeth, the 6th teeth (1st molars) erupt first. These are the most important teeth in the entire dento-jaw system, which, unfortunately, are often immediately affected by caries. Therefore, immediately after their eruption, pediatric dentists always recommend making these teeth.

    Graph / Scheme of teething in children:

    Causes of violation of the terms of eruption of permanent teeth -

    If in milk teeth a deviation from the average eruption time of 2-3 months is recognized as premature or late eruption, then for permanent teeth this figure is 2-4 years. Among the main reasons for the delay in the eruption of permanent teeth, it is especially worth highlighting the inflammatory processes that preceded this in the area of ​​​​the roots of milk teeth, as well as early removal milk molars.

    • Purulent inflammation at the roots of milk teeth
      if your child has (this may look like swelling or a bump on the gum), either painful biting on one of the teeth, or a fistula with purulent discharge may appear on the gum - this means that the tops of the root of the milk tooth have developed purulent inflammation. Most often, this disease is the result of untreated caries (you can see on the causative tooth carious cavity or filling), or is a consequence of trauma to the teeth, for example, as a result of a bruise.

      If we were talking about a permanent tooth, then the treatment would consist in removing the nerve from the tooth and filling the root canals. But due to the peculiarities of the structure of milk teeth, they cannot be subjected to such treatment. Such teeth, according to all textbooks on dentistry, should only be removed, because. a purulent process in the area of ​​the roots of a milk tooth is separated by only a few mm of bone from the germ of a permanent tooth. Many not very competent doctors do not recommend removing such teeth, citing the fact that it can affect the eruption of permanent teeth.

      Such doctors do not remove such teeth and leave children with a purulent infection in the mouth. However, studies have shown that pus and toxins from the area of ​​inflammation affect the rudiments of permanent teeth, leading not only to the same violations of the timing of eruption, but sometimes even to the death of the rudiment of a permanent tooth. Not to mention that purulent infection affects the entire growing body, increasing the risk of developing allergies, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and tonsillitis.

    Other causes of delayed eruption of permanent teeth

    • underdevelopment of the jaw bones,
    • including - premature removal of milk molars,
    • incorrect position of the buds,
    • various diseases in childhood ...

    Which permanent teeth are most likely to experience delayed eruption?

    • one of the canines of the upper jaw - occurs in 43.64% of children,
    • 2 canines of the upper jaw at once - in 25.65%,
    • the second premolar of the lower jaw - in 12.84%,
    • immediately 2 canines of the upper jaw and second premolars of the lower jaw - in 10.34%,
    • both second premolars of the lower jaw - in 5.11%,
    • both lateral incisors of the upper jaw - in 2.61%.

    Teething: symptoms

    Signs of teething in infants usually begin 3-5 days before eruption. The symptoms of teething in a child continue exactly until the moment when the teeth appear through the mucous membrane of the gums.

    1. The main symptoms of teething in infants -

    • swelling, swelling of the gums at the site of eruption,
    • irritability,
    • bad dream,
    • poor appetite, malnutrition,
    • the child tries to bite everything that is necessary, trying to relieve the itching in the gums,
    • increased salivation,
    • rash and irritation around the mouth and chin, as well as on the chest
      (due to drooling from the mouth).

    2. Additional signs of eruption of the first teeth -

    • Teething: temperature -
      The temperature in a child during teething should not normally rise. Heat during teething is most likely the result of some concomitant inflammatory process not associated with teething, for example, SARS or herpetic viral stomatitis.

      Carefully examine the oral mucosa of the child for the presence of -
      → small bubbles filled with a clear or cloudy liquid,
      → small erosions surrounded by an inflamed bright red mucous membrane,
      → bright red inflamed gums.

      How to take care of baby teeth

      Oral hygiene should begin before the first teeth erupt. Usually cleaning the gums of babies is carried out twice a day. It is done either with the help of a special fabric fingertip, or a clean bandage wound around a finger and moistened with boiled water. When the teeth erupt, they are already needed special means hygiene

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