X-ray therapy of arthrosis. X-ray therapy for arthrosis What is X-ray therapy: treatment of joints with X-ray irradiation, contraindications

Heel spur radiotherapy is one of the modern methods of treatment, in fact, the method is a kind of radiation therapy (radiology) and is used in oncological practice. The ability of ionizing waves to have a detrimental effect on atypical cells has also found its application in the destruction of exostosis tissue (bone outgrowths). And the successful localization of the calcaneus, located far from the organs and life support systems, made the technology practically harmless.

It is known that the cells of the body under normal conditions have very different sensitivity to x-rays. Pathological tissues with increased metabolism, accelerated growth and reproduction of cellular elements show a higher sensitivity to ionizing influence than adjacent healthy ones. When exposed to low doses of radiation, pathogenic tissues lose their ability to multiply and die, and the growth of the osteophyte stops.

X-ray therapy is based on the selective suppression or complete destruction of pathological cells.

The result of the therapeutic effect is the blocking of nerve receptors in the periosteum and the cessation of pain. Against the background of local exposure, blood circulation improves, as capillaries expand and vascular permeability normalizes, trophism is gradually restored. Instead of dead tissues, new, healthy cells begin to appear.

For the treatment of inflammatory processes, the minimum wave strength is selected

In the treatment of diseases of non-oncological etiology, the dose of radiation is selected individually, but does not exceed 75-80 kV, which is an extremely low level of exposure. In the treatment of calcaneal fasciitis, this frequency of radiological waves is very effective and relieves pain in 80% of patients. At the same time, every third person has a noticeable improvement in their condition after 3 procedures.

The positive effect of therapy persists for several months. With a relapse of the pathology, a second course is prescribed, but only if the previous procedures have brought relief.

Advantages and disadvantages

Often, patients suffering from heel spurs refuse radiotherapy, believing that during the procedure they receive radiation that is hazardous to health. Of course, minimal radiation is present, otherwise there would be no therapeutic effect. But it is so small that it poses absolutely no threat to health. Thus, there are practically no drawbacks to the procedure.

The list of advantages of ray waves includes the following provisions:

  • X-ray therapy does not require the patient to be in the hospital and limit his performance;
  • treatment is completely painless and does not take much time;
  • to get a lasting result, it is enough to take a course of 8-10 sessions;
  • in addition to the analgesic effect, irradiation reduces inflammation and accelerates tissue repair:
  • the procedure helps to avoid surgery.

X-ray therapy of the heel spur is painless and is performed strictly locally.

Speaking about the advantages of the procedure, one cannot fail to note the clearly directed effect of ionizing radiation, which completely eliminates the adverse effect on other organs and systems.

Application Methods

X-ray radiation has a fairly wide range. For therapeutic purposes, waves with a length of 20 to 300 kV are used. Depending on the type of disease, two methods of treatment are used:

  1. Long-focus therapy (voltage 60-300 kV). It is carried out from a distance of 30-60 cm from the skin surface. The waves penetrate the cells 6 cm and deeper, reaching the bone tissue.
  2. Short-focus action (voltage 20-60 kV). A close-focus lens is placed 7 cm above the lesion, while the depth of entry of the rays does not exceed 5 cm. The therapeutic effect is on the skin, ligaments and muscle fibers.

The severity of the spur plays a major role in determining the optimal method of X-ray irradiation.

The choice of technique depends on the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, the degree of deformation of the periosteum and the severity of the growth of exostoses.

How is the procedure

Sessions are conducted on an outpatient basis. The patient at the appointed time is in the radiotherapy room and after 30 minutes leaves the hospital. The event does not require special preparation and is performed in comfortable conditions.

The radiologist asks the patient to take a horizontal position and fix the leg on a special roller. A radiation source is brought to the heel at a selected distance and voltage is applied.

In most cases, the procedure takes about 10 minutes. It is completely painless and does not cause discomfort.

The number of sessions and their frequency is selected by the doctor. In the usual manner, the patient is recommended to visit the X-ray room at least 10 times, coming for treatment every 3 days.

When the symptoms of the disease disappear, radiotherapy should not be interrupted. You must complete the entire course. Only in this case, the therapeutic effect will be persistent and long-lasting.


Despite the relative harmlessness of the procedure, there are a number of limitations that you need to be aware of.

X-ray therapy is not carried out in the following pathological conditions of the body:

  • blood diseases;
  • radiation damage;
  • the presence of pronounced infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • pneumonia;
  • sepsis;
  • peptic ulcer during exacerbation;
  • damage to the liver, kidneys, myocardium in the stage of decompensation.

Do not prescribe radiotherapy to women at any stage of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Even a small dose of radiation can adversely affect the body of the mother and child.

Side effects from treatment are often minimal. If the patient complains of nausea, general weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, the appearance of subcutaneous hemorrhages in the sole area, this indicates an incorrectly chosen procedure for the procedure. Therefore, you should visit the doctor again to prescribe an adjusted radiation regimen.

Answers on questions

Radiotherapy of the plantar fascia is of great interest and many questions.

Which doctor should I contact for treatment?

If you are concerned about pain in the heels, you need to visit a traumatologist or orthopedist. After collecting the analysis, examination and laboratory examination, the doctor will decide on the advisability of using radiation waves. Usually, medical and physiotherapeutic treatment of the disease is first used. If all methods of therapy were unsuccessful, before consulting a surgeon to decide on an operation, specialists prescribe a course of X-ray therapy.

The process of X-ray therapy takes place under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Is exposure dangerous?

Any radiation adversely affects the body. To reduce the negative impact to a minimum, the patient is carefully examined, the presence of contraindications is identified, and the location and size of the bone growth are clarified. Based on the data obtained during a comprehensive examination, the doctor selects the optimal treatment regimen, where the intensity of the waves does not exceed 80 kV. This is a completely safe indicator that does not harm human health.

How much does radiotherapy cost and where is it performed?

The price for irradiating a heel spur depends on the region of the country and the status of the clinic. On average in the Russian Federation, one session costs from 1,000 to 9,000 rubles. The highest tariffs are offered by regional medical centers equipped with modern equipment, where highly qualified specialists work. In offices at city hospitals and polyclinics, the cost of the service is much lower, but both the equipment and the training of personnel may be worse.

What is the opinion of those who have undergone the procedure?

It should be noted that reviews of X-ray treatment are rather contradictory. Many patients note a good therapeutic effect after 3-4 procedures, other people were not helped by a course of 10 sessions. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the chosen treatment regimen. In most cases, patients note the positive effect of x-rays: pain and inflammation disappear, fasciitis does not bother for many years.


When prescribing radiotherapy for heel spurs, the procedure should not be abandoned. Wave irradiation is optimally suited for the treatment of a local inflammatory process and allows you to forget about the disease for many years.

In order for the treatment of the knee joint to be effective, one cannot stop at one of the methods. The most common diseases of the knees are arthritis, arthrosis and gout, and it is possible to cure them or at least stop the development of the disease only with an integrated approach to treatment.

Medical treatment

If knee disease is accompanied by pain and extensive swelling, the first step to relief is the removal of pain. For this, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed: paracetamol, indomethacin, diclofenac, aceclofenac or others that the attending physician considers it necessary to prescribe. In difficult cases, when nonsteroidal drugs do not help, stronger drugs are prescribed. But these remedies do not cure the disease and cannot stop its development. Their only purpose is to relieve pain, relieve swelling and extinguish the inflammatory process in the knee joint, so you need to consider that if you take medicines on your own for a long time, their effect will smooth out the symptoms, while the disease will progress imperceptibly.

If the pain is accompanied by synovitis - inflammation of the joint, and the accumulation of excess fluid, corticosteroids - anti-inflammatory hormones are also prescribed. These drugs blockade the knee joint - the injection is made directly into the cavity of the knee, which allows you to quickly cope with inflammation and relieve pain. Simultaneously with drug preparations, topical agents are used in the form of gels, ointments and compresses.

To restore the cartilage tissue of the knee joint, chondroprotectors are used, which help the body synthesize new cartilage tissue. They improve the patient's condition and, in addition to their main purpose, relieve swelling. But this type of treatment is effective only in the initial stages of arthrosis, when cartilage tissues can still be restored, and at later stages their therapeutic effect is insignificant.

When starting treatment with chondroprotectors, be patient, as their effect does not appear immediately, and it may take several months before the result appears. But their use significantly improves the condition of the cartilage and, if not stopped, then slows down the progression of the disease.

Treatment with non-drug methods

By reinforcing the drug treatment with physiotherapy, it is possible to consolidate the results that appeared after the drug treatment and enhance their effect. Traditional methods in combination with magnetotherapy, X-ray therapy and laser therapy can reduce the doses of tablets, and at the same time achieve a more pronounced therapeutic effect in relieving pain, inflammation and increasing knee mobility.

It must be remembered that most physiotherapy procedures are carried out only after the exacerbation has been removed, when the stage of acute inflammation has passed and the swelling of the adjacent tissues has been eliminated.

Magnetic therapy against arthritis and arthrosis

Any pathological change in the human body affects the state of its electromagnetic field, which causes malfunctions in electrical functional processes. If the work of the magnetic field is normalized, positive results can be achieved in the treatment of a diseased joint. In arthrosis, a magnet is used to reduce inflammation and increase the patient's immunomodulatory and antibacterial capabilities.

Magnetic therapy can be used when there is a need to speed up metabolic processes in the body, activate the removal of toxins or increase the permeability of cell membranes. The impact of magnets accelerates the action of drugs and increases their effectiveness. But magnet treatment has its contraindications, like any most effective method of treatment.

Magnetotherapy is not used for:

  • Exacerbation of the disease;
  • Edema;
  • mental illness;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system and the presence of a pacemaker in the body;
  • Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases, especially in their acute course;
  • Heat;
  • Alcohol and drug intoxication;
  • Diseases of the blood.

In order not to harm yourself instead of the expected effect, magnetotherapy should be used only with the approval of the attending physiotherapist.

To undergo a session of magnetotherapy, the patient does not need special preparation, except for the fact that you need to remove all metal jewelry and other metal products from yourself. The procedure is completely painless and is not accompanied by discomfort. For the treatment of knee joints, devices of a low-frequency directional field of action are used, which can be used in an outpatient clinic, hospital and at home.

Although magnet treatment can be carried out at home, this does not classify it as self-treatment. Home treatment is especially relevant for the elderly, who, due to their state of health, are unable to attend procedures in an outpatient clinic.

Magnetic therapy on the knee joint involves the effect of a magnet on both the joint itself and on the projection zones that fall under the action of a magnetic field. In addition, for greater effect, the radiation of the magnet is directed to the back of the upper leg and to the lumbar vertebrae, but more than two zones should not be affected at a time. The duration of the magnet treatment procedure is about 20 minutes, and the full course of treatment takes from 10 to 15 procedures.

Laser therapy

It is possible to use laser therapy in the treatment of knee joints both in a hospital and outpatient clinic, and at home, but always after an examination and as prescribed by the attending physician. This is a simple procedure, during which an artificial light flux, formed from light waves of the same length, is directed to the knee area.

Laser therapy is prescribed when necessary:

  • Remove swelling of the knee;
  • Remove inflammation;
  • Accelerate the wound healing process;
  • Stimulate blood flow in soft tissues and lymph outflow;
  • Relieve the injured joint.

The highest efficiency of laser therapy is observed in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, gout and osteoarthritis. The course of treatment is from 5 to 10 sessions lasting 10-15 minutes, but the effect of the laser on the knee is allowed no more than twice a week.

X-ray therapy

X-ray therapy in the treatment of diseases of non-tumor origin is used as a last resort, when the disease is so advanced that it is no longer possible to cure it with other methods. Significant indications for the appointment of X-ray therapy in the treatment of knee joints are progressive changes in tissues, accompanied by severe pain in such diseases:

  • Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the knee joint;
  • Running bursitis;
  • Severe arthrosis and arthritis.

Under the influence of X-ray irradiation, pain syndrome is removed and inflammation is reduced. Restoration of functional mobility in the knees occurs in approximately 85% of cases.

Sanatorium treatment and prevention

Since sanatorium treatment includes mud therapy, therapeutic baths and other physiotherapy, it is worth visiting such places after removing acute symptoms - inflammation and swelling of the knees and pain in them.

At exercise therapy sessions, specialists teach patients to redistribute excess load on muscles and ligaments when habitual movements change, releasing tension from joints. The systematic performance of exercises greatly improves the health of patients, due to which there are less relapses of the disease, manifested in pain and swelling of the joints.

Due to excess weight, the load on the joints increases, and, as a result, the ability of cartilage to recover is lost. Therefore, the main thing in the prevention of knee pain is to reduce weight through diet, feasible exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

Do not ignore traditional methods of treatment. Use poultices and compresses to help reduce pain and swelling, and then you will have to use less medicinal painkillers.

Whenever possible, try to reduce the load on the legs and knees. Don't stand for long periods of time, walk long distances, or do it with rest breaks. Change your lifestyle, make it more calm and measured, given the predisposition of the body to joint disease.

X-ray therapy of joints

X-ray therapy, or radiotherapy, is a method that allows you to treat some chronic inflammatory and degenerative pathologies.

A whole group of diseases affecting cartilage, bones, soft tissues and joints may respond poorly to long-term and intensive drug therapy, as a result, the patient is not able to lead a full life and is often limited in movement. Joint diseases are also treated with the help of special gymnastics, acupuncture methods, temporary fixation of the affected joints, and all these methods are usually very effective, but in some cases they have a limited effect and are not able to provide a long-term result.

When all possible therapeutic methods have been exhausted, a specialist may recommend X-ray therapy of the joints. Such treatment allows you to stimulate the area of ​​the damaged joint, in addition, it has a pronounced analgesic effect and helps restore joint function.

Therapeutic exposure to low doses has been studied by specialists for many years; both analgesic and restorative effect of radiotherapy has been confirmed by many years of practice.

What joint diseases can be treated with X-ray therapy?

This method has proven itself well in the treatment of gonarthrosis and coxarthrosis, periarthropathy of the shoulder joint, as well as in the so-called "tennis" elbow, epicondylitis of the shoulder, irritation of the Achilles tendon, heel spur and some other pathological conditions.

The pain-relieving effect of X-ray therapy has been proven and documented. Experts in their research provide data that speaks of eliminating pain and improving overall health. About 80 percent of patients with injuries of the soft tissues of the shoulder report a positive effect, here you can add the same number of patients with injuries of the elbow joint or the forearm zone. Similar figures are given for people with arthrosis of the hip joint.

A positive result was achieved in 60 percent of patients with arthrosis of the knee and shoulder joints. Also, about half of the patients with arthrosis of the thumb. It is important to clarify that all these patients were initially treated with conventional medicine, which proved to be ineffective.

Advantages of the X-ray method

This treatment tactic is not burdensome and, contrary to prejudices, does not carry any health risks. At the moment, there has not been a single case of acute or chronic reaction to this type of treatment. There was also no relationship between cancer and radiotherapy.

During X-ray therapy in low dose radiation which works better than surface irradiation. Within three weeks, the patient needs to receive approximately 6 radiation sessions, with one session lasting no longer than one minute. When the patient complains of residual effects, the therapy is repeated after 6 or 8 weeks.

During a session of x-ray therapy of the joints, the pain may worsen, but after the procedure is over, it disappears. As soon as the patient gets rid of pain, the mobility of the joints returns to him. In some cases, it may be partial, but most often we are talking about the complete restoration of all lost functions, which means that the patient can return to a full life without significant restrictions.

Is radiotherapy effective for osteoarthritis?

X-ray therapy for arthrosis is a relatively new treatment method that gives excellent results. For a very long time, X-ray radiation has occupied an important place in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. A picture taken using radiography is used to visualize and determine the location of pathological processes.

Particular attention is paid to X-ray therapy in the field of cancer treatment, however, as practice shows, irradiation with minimal doses of radiation can achieve a positive result in other (no less dangerous) diseases. The treatment of arthrosis with the help of radiation has been practiced relatively recently, since not in all cases such an effect gives a positive result. The thing is that this method of treatment has certain contraindications.

Features of the development of arthrosis

Arthrosis is a disease of the joints caused by insufficient supply of nutrients to the constituent elements of the joint. This disease can be caused by many factors. The most common causes of osteoarthritis include:

  • age-related wear of the articular surfaces;
  • traumatic damage to the joints;
  • increased physical activity;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • malnutrition and low content of nutrients in products;
  • microtrauma;
  • genetic predisposition.

It should be noted that approximately 20% of the world's population has arthrosis in varying degrees of development. The development of this disease causes significant damage to the entire joint, as all its elements are affected, including bones, cartilage, synovium, nerve fibers, blood vessels, ligaments and muscle fibers surrounding the joint chamber. With arthrosis, the production of intra-articular fluid almost stops, which contributes to the very rapid destruction of the joint. When diagnosing arthrosis, an x-ray immediately shows the narrowing of the joint space and other characteristic features of joint destruction.

The development of arthrosis is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms, including crunching, stiffness in the affected joints, pain, and in the later stages - a change in the structure of the joint due to the growth of bone growths, which in medical practice are called osteophytes. Modern methods of treating arthrosis do not always give good results, because over time, inflammation joins the natural processes of joint destruction. In this case, X-ray therapy may be prescribed.

In what cases is x-ray therapy for arthrosis justified?

Contrary to the general belief that X-ray therapy is used exclusively to eliminate cancerous tumors, in fact, different doses of radiation are used for a wider range of diseases. X-rays in small doses can spur recovery processes, reduce pain and have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

It has been proven that X-ray therapy has a significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect in arthrosis of the joints. In addition, this method of treatment is quite effective for any pathologies of the joints, so it can be used not only for arthrosis, but also for ankylosing spondylarthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Statistical data showed that in patients with arthrosis of the fingers, the effectiveness of irradiation was observed in approximately 50% of cases. Carrying out the procedure in people with arthrosis of the knee and shoulder joints improves the condition in about 60% of cases. In patients with obvious signs of arthrosis of the hip and elbow joints, the effect is observed in approximately 80% of cases. Thus, it was found that the maximum effect of radiation is observed in patients with obvious manifestations of arthrosis of large joints. Radiation therapy has many advantages over many other treatments for osteoarthritis, including:

  • eliminates signs of hypersensitivity of the tissues of the joints;
  • promotes the elimination of old cells and stimulates the appearance of new ones;
  • contributes to the suppression of inflammatory processes;
  • relieves pain.

During X-ray therapy, there is no need to hospitalize the patient. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts 10 sessions, each of which takes about 10 minutes.

Radiotherapy is not a generally accepted method of treating arthrosis, unlike, for example, knee replacement, which helps in 90% of cases and helps radically, people get rid of pain.

The thing is that one of the most dangerous side effects of such treatment is the development of leukemia. Most doctors try to prescribe shock-sound effects, which have a similar result, but at the same time have no contraindications and side effects.

The characteristic features of the treatment depend on the location of the inflammatory process, because the depth of exposure is selected individually. Among other things, to determine the method of exposure, the patient's age, general condition, and family history are taken into account. People with a family history of oncological diseases, X-ray therapy, as a rule, is not prescribed.

X-ray therapy of arthrosis

X-ray radiation has long established itself as an excellent diagnostic technique. X-rays are used to take pictures of the bones to identify problem areas, but the use of x-rays for the treatment of arthrosis has become relatively recent. However, the results shown by this method of treatment were very impressive.

It is important to note that X-ray in the treatment of arthrosis is not used in every case, because it is not always effective. In addition, the method has a number of contraindications that should be considered when prescribing this therapy.

Arthrosis begins to develop after a sufficient amount of nutrients ceases to flow into the joint. This is usually associated with age-related changes or with the presence of joint injuries (in the latter case, they speak of post-traumatic arthrosis). Sometimes the wear of cartilage and bone tissue is associated with increased loads or, conversely, with their complete absence. Unbalanced nutrition and genetic problems can also negatively affect.

According to studies, 2 out of 10 people have signs of arthrosis. In this case, all structures of the joint suffer: cartilage, bones, blood vessels, nerves, ligaments, muscles, synovial membrane. Due to insufficient quality or quantity intra-articular fluid joint wear becomes even more rapid. A person who develops arthrosis always experiences a whole range of unpleasant sensations: first of all, it is pain in the affected part of the body, stiffness, clicking when the joint is working.

In the later stages of arthrosis, movements begin to be hindered osteophytes or bone growths. It is important to understand that joint destruction is almost always associated with inflammation. To get rid of the inflammatory process, treatment with X-rays is recommended.

Small doses of X-rays can deal with a wide range of problems. They promote tissue regeneration and help to anesthetize a problem joint, therefore, in the treatment of arthrosis, X-ray therapy serves as an alternative to anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

This therapeutic treatment also helps patients who suffer from arthritis, spondylarthrosis and some other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. After the treatment, a significant improvement is noted by about half of the patients with arthrosis of the fingers. 6 out of 10 patients with arthrosis of the shoulder or knee joint reported a decrease in pain and stiffness. For those who have arthrosis of the hip and elbow joints, the effectiveness of treatment is approximately 80%.

In addition, X-ray therapy can reduce the hypersensitivity of tissues, it helps the cells of the body to recover. This method of treatment does not require a hospital stay. It is enough to conduct only 10 courses of 10 minutes to diagnose a significant improvement in the condition. However, the depth, as well as the strength of the impact, is set individually for each individual patient.

It is believed that high doses of X-rays can cause such a disease as leukemia. Therefore, shock-sound therapy is a safe alternative to radiotherapy.

If the patient's relatives suffered from cancer, then X-ray therapy is contraindicated for him. In addition, among the contraindications for this type of treatment, the presence of serious concomitant diseases and advanced age.

X-ray therapy in the treatment of joints


Faced with a wide range of diseases affecting the joints, a person can use a fairly wide range of methods and methods of treatment. Intensive drug therapy is not always able to solve the problems of joint diseases.

Treatment with the help of acupuncture methods, temporary fixation of the affected joints, special gymnastics are also widespread. These methods largely contribute to recovery, but have a limited effect. A long-term and effective result with their application is not always available.

When a patient has already used most of the possible medicines and has not received results, a rheumatologist may advise treatment of the joints with radiotherapy.

X-ray therapy or X-ray therapy is a modern method by which some joint pathologies are treated. The main areas of treatment of orthopedic diseases by this method are:

  • Chronic. Inflammatory processes of the joints (arthritis, polyarthritis);
  • Degenerative (osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, deforming spondylosis).

The main diseases of the joints, in which X-ray therapy is used

Many are accustomed to hearing that the method of X-ray therapy is characteristic in the treatment exclusively in the field of cancerous tumors, or rather, their elimination.

In practice, it has been proven that various doses of X-ray exposure can be used for a wide range of diseases.

With the help of low-dose x-rays, recovery processes occur, pain decreases, and a beneficial effect on the patient's body as a whole.

The method of X-ray therapy in the treatment of diseases of the joints has become widespread in such cases:

  • arthrosis of the knee and hip joints;
  • heel spur (plantar fasciitis);
  • shoulder epicondylitis;
  • periarthropathy of the shoulder joint;
  • elimination of ossification of soft tissues in the postoperative period;
  • wrinkling of the tendons in the arms and legs;
  • lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow);
  • Achilles tendinitis.

Types of X-ray therapy and the procedure for the treatment of joints

The method of X-ray therapy is based on treatment with the help of special X-rays. The degree of complexity of joint pathology determines the types of treatment given. There are the following types of radiotherapy:

  1. Long focus. In this case, X-rays pass to a depth of 30 to 60 cm. In this case, the radiation is 60-250 square meters.
  2. Short focus. Radiation in this case is not more than 60 square meters. Penetration of rays occurs to a depth of up to 7 cm.

Depending on the complexity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient's body, X-ray therapy sessions take an average of 1 to 9 minutes.

The required time and number of radiation procedures is prescribed by the doctor. The number of sessions should not exceed 7-9 times during the entire treatment period. The duration of therapy is three weeks.

Repeated treatment with this method, if necessary, the doctor can prescribe only after three to four months after the first session.

In certain cases, the restoration of motor functions of the affected areas may be partial. In most cases, the restoration of functions occurs completely. The patient's life changes in a positive way and has no significant limitations.

Efficacy and benefits of X-ray therapy

In medical practice, during the study and application of the method of X-ray therapy for diseases of the joints, a number of factors have been established that have a positive effect:

  • Anti-inflammatory. There is a quick and painless removal of inflammation;
  • Destructive. The effect of radiation is aimed at the destruction of diseased cells;
  • Analgesic. Pain reduction.

It should be noted that the positive effect of X-ray therapy is observed in cases of combination with a whole range of therapeutic measures prescribed by the attending physician.

Observations of experts in the field of treatment of diseases of the joints, based on patient feedback, allow us to highlight a number of advantages of X-ray therapy compared to other methods of treatment.

These benefits are presented in the following table:

What is X-ray therapy: treatment of joints with X-ray radiation, contraindications

X-ray therapy, treatment with X-ray radiation, is a method that is used today in the treatment of certain chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints.

It must be recognized that there are many diseases of the joints, which for a long time can practically not respond to traditional drug treatment. As a result, the patient cannot lead a full life, and problems and discomfort in the joints continue.

Of course, there are plenty of funds for the treatment of joints, and in addition to drug therapy, much attention is paid to gymnastics and physiotherapy exercises, joint fixation, and physiotherapy.

However, it is worth recognizing that most of these methods either affect only the symptoms without curing the cause of the problem, or have a short-term effect and cannot provide the patient with a favorable prognosis in the long term.

X-ray therapy works in a completely different way, which allows the patient to restore all the motor functions of the damaged joint, eliminating pain.

Characteristics of radiotherapy

And here it makes sense to turn to such a method as X-ray therapy. This method is characterized by:

  • Pronounced stimulation of the affected area of ​​the joint.
  • Bright and effective effect of anesthesia.
  • Enhanced joint recovery and accelerated tissue regeneration.

It must be said that X-ray irradiation as a means of treating diseases of the joints has been carried out for many years, and the positive effect of this therapy has been confirmed by numerous practical indications.

Indications for use

To begin with, we list those diseases of the joints that can be treated by X-ray therapy. These include:

  1. Gonarthrosis of the knee joint.
  2. Coxarthrosis.
  3. Periatropatia of the shoulder joint.
  4. Tennis elbow.
  5. Heel spur and many others.

Interestingly, more than 80% of patients after treatment with radiotherapy report a complete cessation or a significant reduction in pain. Moreover, such figures and reviews refer to any disease of the joints and soft tissues.

Positive results in therapy and in addition to the simple elimination of pain, were achieved in 60% of cases using the irradiation method.

All these indicators were registered after patients were treated with traditional medical methods, but did not receive proper relief.

X-ray therapy is effective in the treatment of arthrosis of the big toe and foot, arthrosis of the hip joint, damage to the elbow joint and knee.

Advantages of the method

This technique, contrary to popular belief, is not dangerous for the patient and does not pose any risk to health. Many people are intimidated by the term "radiation", but you need to understand that we are talking about low-dose radiation, which is used in x-ray therapy.

To date, not a single case of a negative reaction to this type of therapy has been recorded, and a direct relationship has not been identified between the development of oncological diseases and exposure to X-ray therapy.

Treatment is as follows:

  • Low-dose, safe radiation is used.
  • The course is designed for three weeks.
  • Irradiation is carried out 2 times a week.
  • The session lasts no more than 1 minute.
  • If there are residual effects, the procedure will be repeated after 6 weeks again.

It should be noted that during irradiation, some patients note an exacerbation of the pain syndrome, but then the pain stops.

After the pain completely disappears, all motor functions return to the joint, and in this position, recovery can be continued with the help of gymnastics and exercise therapy complexes, for example.

In our clinic in Moscow, an effective heel spur treatment- after 1-2 procedures (blockade) the pain completely disappears.

An integrated approach to treatment provides a lasting result.

Call and sign up! We will always be happy to help you!

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Heel spur is a collective term. Usually, pain in the heel area is put into it when walking or pressing.

Cost of treatment

Causes of a heel spur

In the area of ​​the calcaneal tubercle, the plantar aponeurosis is attached along the plantar surface - a powerful dense tissue, from the calcaneal tuber to the fingers, which "holds" the arch of the foot. With loads or incorrect installations of the foot, incl. with flat feet, micro-tears occur in the places of attachment of the aponeurosis to the calcaneus. When healed, they are saturated with calcium. With repeated tearing, the same thing happens - as a result, with repeated tears, a formation resembling a “thorn” is formed. Once formed, it remains forever. On the other hand, pain in a heel spur is caused not so much by the “thorn” itself, but by inflammation of the tissues surrounding it, incl. a small serous bag under the heel (the so-called subcalcaneal bursitis).

Clinical picture (manifestations) of a heel spur:

Usually the patient is concerned about pain on the plantar surface of the heel, when walking, there is an option when the pain is expressed at the first steps after rest (in the morning when getting out of bed). When a person "disperses", the pain stops or weakens. The x-ray reveals a characteristic "thorn" along the plantar surface of the heel, in some cases there are no changes on the x-ray.

In the photo - the heel "spur" - is shown by an arrow.

In the absence of treatment, as well as with concomitant rheumatological pathology, spurs can grow significantly (photo below)

Heel spur treatment in Moscow

The main task of treatment is to eliminate not the “spur” itself, but the inflammation of the surrounding tissues. It is difficult to remove the spur itself, this can be done through a complex large operation, as a result of which it is impossible to guarantee complete relief from pain and the recurrence of the "spur". Inflammation is eliminated by complex treatment, which includes:
  • orthopedic correction - depending on the situation, arch support, unloading thrust bearing, etc. are used.
  • anti-inflammatory systemic therapy - drugs of the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) inside (tablets, injections) and topically in the form of ointments - voltaren, nise, movalis, etc.
  • blockade with glucocorticoid hormones– diprospan, depo-medrol, kenalog and others - provide the best effect due to the powerful anti-inflammatory action.
  • physiotherapy - electrophoresis, phonophoresis with hydrocortisone, UHF, etc.
  • X-ray therapy - has a good effect, but is limited in use due to expensive and rare equipment.
  • shock wave therapy - a relatively new method, which consists in targeted wave action on the spur, in which it (according to some authors) can even “dissolve”. According to the latest data, the method of shock wave therapy for heel spurs does not bring a positive effect in all cases, and sometimes leads to an exacerbation of pain.
  • surgical method - removal of the spur, is used extremely rarely, with the ineffectiveness of all other methods.
  • kinesio taping - a relatively new method, used in combination with others. The essence of the method lies in the impact on the tissues surrounding the joint with the help of teips - specially made elastic adhesive tapes with a special structure and properties. By fixing tapes on different areas of the body, it is possible to achieve support for some muscles, relaxation (inhibition) of others, improve lymphatic drainage of the focus of inflammation, and thus stop pain, reduce inflammation and improve the function of affected target tissues (ligaments, muscles, tendons, swollen tissues). Kinesiotherapy is successfully combined with other methods of treating heel spurs. So, after the blockade, it is possible to apply teips in order to support the plantar fascia and reduce the load on the calcaneus in the “spur” area. Tapes are applied for several days, wearing them does not cause inconvenience, they are hypoallergenic, you can wash with them in the shower.
  • Below is a video showing a combination of blockade with kinesio taping.

Plantar fasciitis is popularly called a heel spur, which accurately reflects the essence of the disease. The main symptom of the disease is severe pain in the calcaneus, which can be compared with the piercing of sharp spurs into soft tissues. Patients without appropriate treatment lose their ability to work over time, as they develop limitation of movement. Heel spur radiotherapy refers to physiotherapeutic methods of treatment that are successfully used in the complex therapy of the disease.

In general, X-ray therapy refers to methods of irradiation in which X-ray radiation (energy from 10 to 250 kV) is used for therapeutic purposes. Moreover, two types of X-ray radiation are used:

  • short-focus therapy, in which the energy used does not exceed 60 kV. This type of X-ray therapy is used to treat tumors, as well as other growths of body tissue, located shallow from the skin surface (6-7 cm);
  • long-focus therapy, when the penetration depth of the rays is from 30 to 60 cm, and the length of the rays is from 60 to 250 square meters.

Depending on the depth of exposure to the rays, two types of x-ray tubes are used. The mechanism of action and the effect of therapy are based on the suppression of cell growth processes, as well as the processes of destruction (destruction) of some cells. These processes are due to the absorption of rays by certain tissues (in the region of the focus of pathology).

The results of X-ray treatment depend on the age, general condition of the patient, dose, radiation rhythm, as well as on the stage of the disease and the severity of clinical symptoms.

The effect of radiotherapy

  • Anti-inflammatory effect. X-rays suppress inflammation well and relieve its symptoms.
  • destructive action. Old cells are destroyed and the process of cell renewal starts.
  • analgesic effect. Irradiation reduces pain sensitivity and relieves pain.
  • desensitizing effect. Eliminates signs of tissue hypersensitivity.

Treatment of heel spurs with X-rays is carried out as part of complex therapy and in most cases gives a positive effect. In patients, after several sessions, signs of inflammation are removed, bone growths are destroyed, and pain at the site of soft tissue injury decreases, and then completely disappears.

How is the treatment

The physiotherapeutic effect that is carried out during the treatment of heel spurs is very useful and gives good results. Before the advent of shock wave treatment, the X-ray method was almost the only method that gave good results in conservative treatment.

In the treatment of the disease, short-focus and long-focus therapy are used. With the help of short-focus exposure, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is treated, as well as the adjacent fascia and ligaments. Using long-focus radiation, bone tissue and the growths present on it are irradiated.

From the point of view of the convenience of exposure, the heel spur is located far from other organs and systems, therefore, with short-term irradiation of bone growths, no harm is done to other organs. How to get rid of a heel spur using x-ray treatment?

Carrying out the procedure

One procedure for the duration of exposure lasts only 8-10 minutes. The number of necessary procedures is determined only by an orthopedic doctor and depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the disease. The average number of sessions is 9-10.

X-rays are directed to the heel bone, which immediately block the nerve endings and reduce pain. Since in this disease the main symptom is pain, the effect of X-rays greatly facilitates the movement of patients and improves the quality of life.

But you need to know that X-ray treatment is not a panacea for the treatment of heel spurs. It is the complete unloading of the foot and the combination with other methods of treatment that will lead to relief of the condition. If you do not remove the main causes of the disease (uncomfortable narrow shoes, high heels, excess weight, and so on), then you will have to return to the need for treatment again and again.

It is impossible to carry out the method of X-ray therapy only during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. In other cases, the method has no contraindications.

Advantages of the method

If necessary or exacerbation of the disease, X-ray treatment can be repeated after 2-3 months. The method itself is inferior in effectiveness to shock wave therapy, and this is its minus. But, on the other hand, this is an extreme measure, which is resorted to in cases where all other methods of treatment have not had the desired effect. In practice, it turns out that an orthopedist can resort to such treatment before prescribing surgery.

A heel spur can be painless and asymptomatic. A person may not be aware of the presence of a heel spur. When symptoms appear, the patient is not to be envied. The treatment is long, and you want to get rid of the pain as soon as possible. There is no universal way in medicine today. Doctors don’t even name the exact cause of the occurrence - several factors affect. Some patients use folk methods, others turn to professionals who recommend X-ray therapy. What does this procedure imply, is it suitable for everyone suffering from a heel spur?

Medicine has stepped far forward, it uses various methods of treatment. In the treatment began to use x-rays. The dosage is regulated, it does not harm the body. However, stereotypes prevent turning to X-ray therapy. Patients believe that X-rays are irradiated, threatening with radiation sickness. It's a delusion.

X-ray therapy implies that an x-ray beam of the required power is directed to the heel area. Ionizing radiation affects damaged cells, strong healthy cells are not sensitive to radiation. Weak, unhealthy cells of ionization do not withstand. X-ray exposure has an anti-inflammatory effect and anesthetizes. X-ray therapy is often found in the practice of surgery. No one gets sick from radiation sickness from small doses.

How is the procedure given?

With X-ray therapy, a beam of ionizing rays is sent to the heel or to the Achilles tendon. One session is not enough. The dose, the number of sessions is prescribed by the doctor, a professional consultation is required. The minimum dose of radiation for effective treatment is selected individually, depending on the severity of the disease, symptoms.

Duration of radiotherapy

The course of radiotherapy lasts 3-5 weeks. For a month, the patient visits x-ray therapy every two days. This procedure does not take much time. The duration of the session is about 10 minutes (7-9), the time is determined individually. Appointed from 6 sessions. Less - ineffective, will not affect the progress of recovery.

X-ray therapy for heel spurs: short distance

Short-distance therapy is prescribed when resorption of the surrounding ligaments is required. The procedure is carried out from a short distance - 6-7 cm from the heel. The disadvantage of therapy is that it does not affect salt deposits (spike). Radiation does not affect bone formation. Short-focus beams pass to a shallow depth, so they are ineffective.

Remote radiotherapy treatment

To destroy the bone spike, a strong impact on the foot is required. Need more radiation. The voltage on the tube reaches 250 kV. Radiation is made from 30-50 cm from the heel or Achilles tendon. The therapy helps in the treatment of salt deposits in the heel - they will dissolve. Dose and correct technique are important. This type of X-ray therapy is done with care, carefully choosing the radiation power and the time of therapy. If the rules are taken into account, recovery occurs in the near future, the heel spur no longer bothers the patient. Side effects are rare.

Is radiotherapy effective in the treatment of heel spurs?

According to professionals in the field of radiotherapy, improvement in the condition of patients after treatment with radiotherapy occurs in 80-90% of cases. This is a high figure. If the patient chooses surgery, the chance of improvement is lower. Complications are possible after the operation. Not all patients are allowed anesthesia. In X-ray therapy, anesthesia is not needed.

People who turn to X-ray therapy are satisfied with the result. They are not worried about pain and discomfort, they do not have to use folk remedies, visit doctors, take pills.

Over time, the pain may return, radiotherapy is prescribed again. An x-ray is taken, then a doctor is visited to prescribe the dosage of radiation.

Important! After the last X-ray therapy, at least six months should pass.

Advantages of radiotherapy

Heel spur requires quality treatment, a guarantee that the disease does not occur again. Is this therapy suitable? What are its benefits?

  • The procedure is painless.
  • In the elderly, operations are poorly tolerated, radiotherapy is a good option for the treatment of heel spurs.
  • The speed of the procedure (no longer than 10 minutes).
  • More efficient than other methods.
  • No hospitalization needed. It is enough to come to the hospital or medical center at a convenient time. You can take time off from work, the procedure is fleeting.

The negative side of X-ray therapy is a psychological factor. After the procedures, people think about whether the body is at risk. Complete safety of X-ray therapy has not been proven. Patients will need to be monitored for several years. Therefore, safety is conditional.


X-ray therapy has contraindications, individually discussed with the doctor. Relative contraindication - age up to 40 years. Most often, a heel spur occurs after 35-40 years. If it occurs before 40, it is better to choose a different method of treatment.

There are a number of contraindications in which it is strictly forbidden to turn to X-ray therapy. Serious contraindications include:

  • low weight (ratio calculated),
  • the person was sick with radiation sickness or is sick now,
  • pregnancy (there is a high probability of miscarriage or the development of pathologies in the fetus),
  • general unsatisfactory condition,
  • heart disease, other organs (discussed at a consultation with a doctor),
  • anemia, other blood diseases.

Before X-ray therapy, the doctor prescribes a complete examination to the patient, identifying diseases. According to the results of examinations and analyzes, the doctor allows therapy, selects safe radiation, the number of sessions.

Radiation therapy has recently been used in the treatment of heel spurs. This is a disease that is difficult to treat. And patients want a speedy recovery. Not everyone agrees to X-ray therapy, fearing negative consequences. Those who agree are satisfied with the result - the thorn does not interfere with walking, does not hurt, does not abscess. You can return to normal life.


To avoid the inconvenience caused by a heel spur, think about prevention in advance. Then it will not affect you, saving your nerves, health, time and money. What to do for prevention?

  1. Proper nutrition. A balanced diet reduces the likelihood of heel spurs. It is important that the body mass index is within the normal range. Having excess weight, a person automatically falls into the risk group. Activity and nutrition are the main components of prevention.
  2. Shoes. Wear comfortable shoes, no high heels, no flats. A small heel is optimal.
  3. Flat feet. With flat feet, you need to knead, massage the feet. Plus orthopedic insoles. People with flat feet are at risk. Now many people have flat feet, but there is no need to run it.
  4. Timely treatment of diseases of the spine and joints. Visit doctors regularly, following their recommendations. Banal curvature of the spine should be observed, do exercises, and other exercises.

Radiation therapy is not often prescribed by rheumatologists and surgeons, so patients do not understand the effect of this therapy on the foot and on the body in general. Many are afraid of X-ray therapy, endure discomfort in the feet until it becomes unbearably painful. This is the wrong approach. Consult a doctor, he will select a treatment option. No one is forcing you to go for X-ray therapy or surgery. The choice remains with the patient.

The doctor will tell the patient about all aspects of the procedure used. The higher the degree of the disease, the more difficult and longer to treat. In the first stages, they are almost not expressed, therefore, once a year, a comprehensive examination is necessary to identify the disease.

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