Herpes on the lips from what it appears. Types of herpes viruses. Herpes: types, symptoms and causes - video

Occurs in childhood. Therefore, carriers of the virus are 95% of the world's population. The pathogen is transmitted quickly, mainly by airborne droplets. Herpes is incurable, so a repeated incident makes itself felt under favorable conditions. In people with strong immunity, enough antibodies are produced to suppress the activity of HSV in a natural way. Others develop recurrent herpes.

Herpes is an infection for life, which will disturb in case of weakened immunity.


Chronic herpes is an endogenous pathology characterized by periodic acute phases and a lull in symptoms. The causative agent of the disease is the herpes simplex virus. The virus is released at any age, regardless of gender. A feature of the virus is a manifestation in the form of a blistering rash with localization in the lips. In the pathogenesis of herpes relapses, the main causative factor is a decrease in immunity against the background of:

  • hypothermia;
  • frequent or complex SARS;
  • pneumonia;
  • stress and overwork;
  • severe forms of other pathologies (HIV, leukemia, cancer);
  • hormonal fluctuations (in women).

Chronic herpetic infection on the lips is also called labial herpes. When aggravated, it often spreads to the oral mucosa and throat, nose and its inner part.


The norm in terms of quantity is considered if labial herpes is repeated at 1-2 relapses per year, in particular, in the winter season, when there is a chance to freeze. In people with good immunity, herpes on the lips is accompanied by discomfort, itching and vesicles that quickly burst, crust and disappear in a week.

Frequent herpes on the lips is diagnosed when a recurrent ailment repeats 3-6 times a year. This number signals the development of serious disorders requiring medical intervention.

If labile herpes comes out more than 6 times a year, this indicates serious problems with internal organs and severe suppression of immunity. Table: The number of repetitions of recurrent herpes in various pathologies:

Herpes on the lip, recurring from 6 times a year, is an alarming signal of a severe pathology.

The reasons

Chronic recurrent herpes type 1 develops against a background of recurrent acute infection, which is usually contracted as children. The virus most of the time is in a dormant state and is activated only under favorable conditions for its life. If the state of immunity is not corrected in time, the disease becomes chronic and has frequent relapses. The virus makes pathological changes in the cells. Unpleasant symptoms and vesicular rash begin to appear. Sometimes herpes takes on a permanent form, when one rash has not gone away, but the second one is already appearing. This could go on for a month or more. The reason why the virus behaves this way is not fully understood.

The provoking factors are:

  • a sharp temperature drop, overheating in summer or hypothermia in winter;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies, protracted colds;
  • allergic reactions to food, flowering, etc.;
  • constant stress, overwork;
  • failure in metabolic processes;
  • beriberi, in particular, deficiency of vitamins A, C, E, which often occurs in children;
  • pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations before menstruation (in women).


Severe symptoms are observed only during the initial infection with the infection. Herpes on the lips, repeated several times a year, is characterized by a less intense clinical picture and blurred symptoms. The severity of the clinic is largely determined by the degree of weakened immunity. Typical symptoms when herpes recurs:

  • tingling and burning, turning into itching in places where a future rash will occur;
  • the formation of single papules, which gradually pour out on the skin of the lips and merge into groups, are filled with a transparent or cloudy liquid substrate.

If each repetition causes a cold, SARS, flu, accompanying symptoms appear:

Labile herpes often appears against the background of SARS and other colds.

  • general weakness;
  • enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes;
  • temperature.

In this case, the bubbles spread from the lips to the mouth, throat, tonsils, causing sore throat, redness, problems with swallowing, breathing.

The recurrence of the infection, manifested by itching, a rash at the red border of the lips or in the corners, an increase in the cervical lymph nodes, disappears in 2 weeks. After that, herpes chronicus recidivans passes into a dormant form.


If it rashes on the lips with bubbles, which are characteristic signs of an exacerbation of chronic herpes in a child or an adult, you should contact a therapist, a dermatologist, who will confirm the advisability of further examination by an immunologist, etc. Doctors will make a differential diagnosis of persistent herpes on the lips from:

  • activation of aphthous stomatitis;
  • allergic inflammation of the oral mucosa;
  • contagious infectious inflammation caused by streptococcus.


The diagnosis is based on the examination of the patient, assessment of the anamnesis and medical history. The features of the clinic of the disease are taken into account. It is mandatory to carry out laboratory tests based on a cytological analysis of samples of the contents of the vesicles and scrapings taken from the erosion zone (wounds formed after the opening of the blisters after 2-3 days during exacerbation). The result is considered positive if large polynuclear herpes cells are detected. As a confirming diagnosis, a virological study of the biomaterial is performed.

Help basics

Treatment of chronic herpes is carried out in a complex with the use of specific drugs at different stages of the pathology. Three-phase therapy is usually used in the form of:

  • etiotropic intervention directed directly at the DNA of the virus;
  • pathogenetic impact aimed at strengthening immunity;
  • symptomatic therapy to help reduce discomfort.

As an additional impact, a gentle but nutritious diet, a course of multivitamins, good rest and good sleep are prescribed.

The main rule for the elimination of labile herpes is the timeliness of therapy.

Frequent recurrence (more than 6 times a year) requires a course of antiviral chemotherapy drugs from the group of interferon and its inducers, as well as Deoxyribonuclease, Levamisole, depending on the severity of the disease. When the disease passes into remission, immunomodulators, Pyrogenal, and antiherpetic vaccination are used.

The maximum effectiveness of antiherpetic treatment is manifested at the initial stage, when redness and tingling in the lips have already occurred, but there are no vesicles yet. In this case, instead of lipstick and foundation, you need to lubricate the sore spot with anti-herpes ointment, for example, Gerpevir, Zovirax, Acyclovir, Famvir, Lavomax. You can also do this with vegetable gels - Panavir, Alpizarin, Khelepin.

The cold sore on the lips that many people know is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). The official name of this disease is labial (labial) herpes. The disease is characterized by a latent course and periods of exacerbation with vesicular rashes on the mucous membranes of the lips and / or skin of the nasolabial triangle. There may be rashes on other parts of the mucous membranes and skin, as well as systemic lesions involving internal organs and systems in the pathogenesis.

What is herpes?

Herpes is an ailment, popularly known as when small bubbling rashes appear in the nose or on the lips. Activation of herpes indicates that the immune system is weakened. And the frequent appearance of herpes - for example, 2-3 times a year - indicates a significant decline in protective forces. It is believed that this virus always lives in the human body, but the external symptoms occur only in the activation of herpes. The latter, in turn, is provoked by a decrease in the body's resistance. It can be severe hypothermia or overheating, a serious illness (for example,),.

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-I) and herpes virus type 2 (HSV-II) are combined into the group of herpes simplex. Virions (formed viruses) of the first and second types are morphologically indistinguishable. Symptoms of diseases are manifested by similar vesicular rashes. Differences in the localization of the rash, the severity of pathogenesis, the frequency of relapses and the antigenic species specificity of viruses.

Each type of herpes virus has its own localization of vesicular rashes on the mucous membranes and skin:

    HSV-I - on the lips and nasolabial triangle;

    HSV-II - on the anogenital part of the body (in the area of ​​the anus and genitals).

In some cases, the localization of rashes of type I and type II viruses may change. Therefore, in the diagnosis of labial herpes, species differentiation is carried out for specific IgM, more often IgG to HSV-I and HSV-II.

It has been proven that:

    A lesion on the lips caused by HSV-II is possible after direct contact of a susceptible person with an affected area of ​​​​the skin (mucous membranes) of the genitals of a patient with this type of herpes, for example, during oral sex;

    Type 2 virus causes a more aggressive cold sore on the lips, with frequent periods of flare-ups;

    Persons who have antibodies to the first type of herpes virus do not have them to the second type.

The latter is important when planning a pregnancy. Herpes simplex virus type II is characterized by severe pathogenesis with serious complications.

A person after initial contact with the herpes virus of the first type may not feel symptoms of the disease for a long time - this is an inapparent (asymptomatic) stage. The virus is invisible to a healthy person with a well-balanced immune system, but the disease always causes a state of unstable equilibrium. A distinctive feature of all herpes viruses, as well as pathogens of other sluggish viral infections, is the latent (latent or persistent) presence of the pathogen in the body.

Latent infection is when the virus is periodically in two states:

    Defective (DNA transcript) - remission;

    Active - manifestation of symptoms.

The stage of exacerbation of a latent infection occurs under the influence of other pathogens, as well as hypothermia, overheating, insolation, stress and other negative factors. A persistent infection is when traces of a virus (antibody) are found in the body in the absence of the pathogen itself. Such diseases are accompanied by immunological changes in the body. The clinic is absent, poorly expressed or disguised as another disease.

Inapparent (asymptomatic) course of infection is provided by:

    Localization of the pathogen in the tissues of the nervous system, inaccessible for action;

    Own adaptive mechanisms of the virus, developed in the process of evolution.

In the stage of latent infection, when HSV-I is found in the cells of the nervous tissue, they are resistant to:

    Medicinal (chemical) means;

    physical factors;

    Protective (protective) properties of the immune system.

Virus carrying continues throughout life, especially with repeated human contact with the virus. In the active phase of HSV-I, like any other viruses, they move from the cells of the nervous tissue into the cells of the blood, lymph, other biological fluids and tissues of the body, where they activate the mechanisms of pathogenesis.

The slow course of viral infections, including herpes, is due to the common properties of all viruses, which are fully characteristic of HSV-I:

    A short-term stay of active viruses outside the cell, for example, when infecting neighboring cells, is possible only under the protection of an envelope consisting of fragments of a cell damaged by a virus. The virus, devoid of a shell of cell fragments and located outside the host cell, resembles a biopolymer without signs of life;

    Herpes simplex viruses are resistant to sub-zero temperatures and unstable to positive temperatures. At temperatures up to -70 0 C, they are viable for up to ten years. And at a temperature of +50 0 C - it is inactivated after thirty minutes. On the skin, herpes viruses survive up to four hours;

    Antibiotics that are active in bacterial infections are useless in viral diseases, including herpes. The only group of direct-acting drugs that can suppress the replication of herpes viruses in the clinical course of the disease are acyclic nucleosides, chemically synthesized substances.

Antiviral protection of the body is formed due to:

    Nonspecific barriers (skin, mucous membranes, mucous membrane secretions). Interferon is the most powerful factor in nonspecific human immunity;

    Humoral barriers (complement, immunoglobulins of five classes and other components);

    Cellular immunity (phagocytes, T- and B-lymphocytes, their subpopulations).

A person's illness with herpes is not accompanied by the acquisition of complete immunity to re-infection. IgG antibodies detected in the blood of recovered people protect to some extent from re-infection, but do not provide total protective immunity.

The mechanism of activation of the virus is not fully understood, in some people herpes often manifests itself (more than six times a year), while in others who are virus carriers, herpes is rarely observed (1-3 per year) or does not occur at all. Probably, in addition to the state of immunity, the sensitivity of the organism to the development of herpetic pathogenesis is influenced by genetic factors and individual characteristics of the organism. It is also possible the influence of acquired factors to counteract the disease (active lifestyle, lack of bad habits, proper diet, etc.).

Briefly about the main symptoms

The main symptom of herpes is the appearance of blisters near the mouth, on the cheeks, lips and wings of the nose. Moreover, herpes is accompanied by low health, lack of appetite, irritability and poor sleep.

After the manifestation of primary herpes (the debut of herpes symptoms) has occurred, the external signs disappear, but the virus still remains in your body. It can be activated at any moment and cause characteristic symptoms again. Again there will be clusters of bubbles, turning further into ulcers, in the same places or nearby. Secondary symptoms are more easily tolerated and last less time than those observed during primary herpes. However, rashes always look like bubbles that itch a lot, burst, and crusts appear in their place.

Details about the symptoms of herpes on the lips

In accordance with the classification of herpes simplex, proposed in 1991 by V.A. Isakov and D.K. Ermolenko, the symptoms of HSV-I and HSV-II are not limited to rashes on the lips and genitals. Classical signs occur in relatively strong immune individuals who do not have a genetic predisposition to herpes. In people with weakened immune systems, the symptoms are characterized by a variety of manifestations.

I. Symptoms of herpes simplex in individuals with no history of immune system depression

Atypical forms of lesions caused by herpes simplex

Atypical lesions include:

    Edema, symptoms in the form of limited erythema (redness) and subcutaneous tissue. Papules and vesicles are absent, subjective sensations are burning, itching, pain at the site of localization (when pressing on it with a finger, the skin area with erythema does not turn pale, and with hyperemia in a similar situation, a pale area remains under the finger);

    Zosteriform herpes simplex (reminiscent of herpes Zoster - shingles) is marked by a small pain syndrome. Localization of vesicles - along the nerve trunks on the trunk, face, arms or legs;

    Decreased muscle tone.

Unlike herpes in adults, rashes in newborns are observed at the end of the disease. These symptoms are not always fully manifested. The signs of herpes in children with timely treatment are not bright, in more than fifty percent of cases the clinical picture is limited to rashes. Unfavorable symptoms indicating systemic lesions of the central nervous system are convulsions, liver - reduced muscle tone.

In some cases, a vesicular rash with labial herpes is localized on the skin along the large nerve trunks - this is zosteriform localization. Most often, children from one to three years old suffer from herpetic stomatitis against the background of trauma to the mucous membrane of the jaw during teething. In severe cases, toxicosis, lymphadenitis of the submandibular and cervical nodes with symptoms are noted, multiple herpetic lesions are found in the oral cavity. Secondary symptoms - profuse salivation (salivation), bleeding. In a laboratory blood test, leukopenia (insufficient number of leukocytes) is detected - evidence of exhaustion of the immune system, leukocytosis (active stage of protective reactions) is less often recorded.

In children aged 5-16 years with a normal immune status with recurrent herpes labialis, symptoms are manifested by rashes on the lips, which disappear within 4-7 days and recur 1-3 times a year.

Is herpes permanent?

According to the WHO, today almost 90 million people are registered in the world infected with the herpes simplex virus. In fact, 9 out of 10 people are infected with it.

Most carriers of this disease have exacerbations infrequently - 1-2 times a year. However, the manifestations of herpes - those same vesicles on the lips, in intimate places and in other parts of the body where, due to our own carelessness, we can bring the virus - cause a lot of inconvenience due to location: this is a forced rejection of closeness with a loved one, and an unattractive external view, but nothing more. We are constantly intimidated, they say, pregnant women are recommended to have an abortion if antibodies to the herpes virus are detected. And patients "by eye", without a thorough preliminary examination, are prescribed immunomodulatory drugs and are assured that herpes causes severe damage to internal organs ... Due to the incompetence of individual doctors, a real herpesophobia develops in society. But in most cases, these fears are greatly exaggerated.

Treatment of herpes on the lips

It is not necessary to use drugs for herpes labialis in the following cases:

    Herpes appears less than three times a year;

    Symptoms are limited to a small area of ​​the lip;

    The illness lasts up to five days.

In such cases, it is advisable to use folk remedies, especially before the first sores appear, as soon as you feel the characteristic tingling, itching and swelling on the lips. The most affordable and repeatedly proven remedy is earwax. One or two lubrication of the itchy area with earwax often prevents the appearance of sores.

    Tea tree essential oil (,);

Herpesviruses are a huge group of DNA-containing microorganisms that can cause various kinds of infections. They differ in that they can stay in the human body for a long time, without showing themselves in any way, up to a certain point. During the period of a decrease in human immunity for any reason, the virus manifests itself as an acute infectious disease. An example is the appearance of herpes on the lip during a cold, there are also more complex causes of the manifestation of this disease - herpes on the genitals.

Causes of the herpes virus

Of almost a hundred types of pathogenic microorganisms, eight affect the human body. Herpes, the causes of which are little known, affects about 90 percent of the world's population, and the annual increase in infectious patients even outstrips the birth rate. Once in the body, the virus settles in it forever, and periodically causes relapses of diseases. They can occur without any symptoms or in an acute form with severe consequences, even death.

Herpes viruses have a spherical shape, in the center of which is DNA, surrounded by a shell of protein molecules. They have geometrically correct, exactly the same structures, perfectly fitted to each other to form an icosahedron. The virus is very easy to catch because it is highly contagious. A person can even be a carrier of several types of herpes at once.

Herpes causes: when it enters the human or animal body, the virus enters the cell nucleus and begins to multiply. It is carried with the flow of blood and lymph to various organs, settling mainly in the nerve endings. With hypothermia, stress or nervous overload, the virus appears in the form of bubbles filled with liquid. They are accompanied by a general deterioration in the condition, an increase in temperature. The place of localization of the rashes are the skin and mucous membranes.

The virus got its name "herpes" - "herpein" from Herodotus, translated from ancient Greek - to crawl or sneak. The virus moves freely and imperceptibly in the body and attacks.

Herpes lives in nerve cells, genetically invading the cells of the body. Penetrating into the nerve fibers, it can be passive for a long time. “Cold on the lips” is just an exacerbation of a viral disease. What are the causes of herpes?

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered one package. I noticed the changes within a week: the constant itching, poor sleep and mood swings that had tormented me for the last months receded, and after 2 weeks they disappeared completely. Try it and you, and if anyone is interested, then below is a link to the article.

Symptoms appear as a result of a weakened immune system or due to some other disease or stress. Therefore, the appearance of itchy blisters on the lips is associated with a cold. Various areas of the skin on the face or body are attacked, but most often these are the mucous membranes, eyes, internal organs, the central nervous system and the brain. Repeated cases of herpes are relapses of a "sleeping" virus.

A person becomes infected with this infectious disease by contacting a patient who has exposed areas of the skin damaged by the virus. The infection, having settled in the skin cell, tends to multiply rapidly. If a person with a weakened immune system, then the disease worsens. The following factors also contribute to this:

  • stressful situations;
  • supercooled state of the body;
  • the presence of acute respiratory diseases;
  • having any of the infectious diseases that suppress the immune system;
  • frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • poisoning of the body of any nature.

The course of the disease depending on its varieties and causes

Depending on the manifestations, herpes is divided into eight types:

  1. The first type, HPI, often causes blisters on the lips.
  2. The second type - HSVII - manifests itself on the genitals.
  3. The third type is the symptoms of chickenpox, also known as shingles.
  4. The fourth type is infectious mononucleosis.
  5. The fifth type is called Cytomegalovirus.
  6. Herpes of the sixth, seventh and eighth types, presumably from chronic fatigue, the appearance of various rashes.

Scientists investigated the causes of herpes, revealing that the virus can be a stimulant for the onset of Alzheimer's disease: the DNA of the herpes simplex virus was found in the brain in approximately 70% of patients!

The most severe infection is shingles, in which the rash passes along the nerve trunk, although sometimes the disease can be asymptomatic. Severe pain and fever can be triggered by other diseases. If the diagnosis is incorrect, then the destruction of the nerve sheath and the development of chronic neuralgia are possible. It is characterized by intense pain, which is difficult to remove with the help of drugs.

Herpes simplex viruses can cause inflammatory processes in the oral mucosa or upper respiratory tract, manifested in the form of sores. Herpetic eye damage is fraught with clouding of the lens or even blindness.

The disease caused by herpetic lesions of the meninges of the brain is especially severe. It is accompanied by severe pain in the muscles and joints and photophobia. Without treatment, a third of patients die.

It is dangerous to become infected with ordinary chickenpox during pregnancy if the expectant mother did not have chickenpox in childhood. After it, a strong immunity is formed for life. Otherwise, vaccination is necessary five to six months before the conception of a child, otherwise he may be born with severe defects.

By external rashes, you can understand without diagnostics that it is herpes. Before the appearance of blisters, these places tingle, they itch, redden, fever, fever and various pains are possible, as with a general malaise. However, if everything is not so clear, you need to apply a laboratory test for the presence of a virus in the liquid from the blisters on the affected areas of the body. In the absence of lesions on the skin or genitals, do a blood test for the presence of antibodies. Atypical form of herpes - pain in the lower abdomen may appear.

Herpes treatment

The method of treatment depends on the causes and localization of the herpetic infection. It is better to start at the first signs - the characteristic sensations of itching before the rash. If this time is not missed, local therapy is used - ointments with acyclovir. No cauterization with alcohol or brilliant green has no effect on herpes viruses.

Acyclovir (zovirax) is a special antiviral drug, not the only one, but the most suitable for the role of "ambulance" in the treatment. A similar drug is Valaciclovir (Valtrex). For the treatment of various types of herpes, Famciclovir (Famvir), Panavir, Docosanol (Erazaban) are also used, and for herpes simplex - Proteflazid, Flavozid.

Mild forms of herpes infection are treated on an outpatient basis. In more complex cases, drug therapy is prescribed - antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as physiotherapy. During this period, vitamins are especially important, and drinking plenty of water will help to quickly remove the waste products of viruses from the body - toxic substances. If sores appear in the oral cavity, then it is difficult for the patient to swallow, so you need to cook food in a frayed form and according to the doctor's dietary recommendations. With complicated forms of infection, the patient must be treated in a hospital.

It is impossible to completely cure herpes, but it is possible to reduce the stage of exacerbation, “calm down” faster and bring it to a dormant state, the virus can.

Whatever the causes of the disease, it is better not to self-medicate, it is impossible to take potent drugs orally, this can contribute to the formation of more resistant types of infection, and immunity can also be suppressed.

If the herpes virus is a frequent visitor to your body, you should consult a doctor. He will individually prescribe the optimal treatment regimen for a particular case, taking into account the causes of the disease. Particular importance should be given to complex immunotherapy. If the situation is severe, vaccination may be necessary.

When kissing; if you use shared napkins or towels; share cutlery; to be promiscuous and in other ways. The first signs of the appearance herpes on are: tension in the lip, redness of the mucous membrane, throbbing pain and itching. Frequency of manifestation herpes impossible to calculate. Many factors influence this. For example, a general weakening of the body, a decrease in immunity, exposure to ultraviolet radiation (frequent sun exposure, use, photoepilation, etc.). The disease is also activated in the climate, a sharp cold snap. One of the causes of the manifestation of the disease is stress, general malaise, exhaustion of the body, and a sharp weakening of the immune system. Sometimes it occurs against the background of menstruation, during a time when the immune system is weakened. During natural infection of the fetus is possible. The baby can also get the virus in utero if the infection occurred during pregnancy is in the active stage and has not yet become chronic. Gently shave so as not to damage the skin. Lubricate chapped lips with hygienic lipstick. It also influences the manifestation of the infection. Follow the “right” diet, avoid fried, salty, fatty foods in the diet. Smoking and frequent coffee consumption also contribute to the appearance herpes. The situation is aggravated by the use of alcoholic beverages. Genital herpes occurs as a result of an indiscriminate change of partners and untreated infections. You should consult a doctor in time, regularly undergo preventive examinations and use a condom.

Surely you have come across in your life with unpleasant pimples on the lips, which after some time become covered with a crust. This ailment is popularly called the "cold". Herpes on the lips causes not only itching and discomfort, but also pain.

Why does the herpes virus occur and how is it transmitted?

In fact, there are more than two hundred different types of herpes, with which almost all life on the planet is infected (with the exception of some types of algae and fungi). But only eight species pose a threat to humanity. The first type of herpes on the face in the form of rashes, mainly on. It all starts with a slight irritation, which quickly turns into painful small vesicles filled with lymphatic fluid. The virus immediately migrates to . This type of herpes is the safest and most common.

The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, through direct contact, through personal hygiene items, from mother to fetus. The herpes virus penetrates through the mucous membrane and actively bypasses various protective barriers. Then it settles in the nerve cells, where it multiplies and inserts viral particles into the human genetic code. The body instantly reacts and activates the immune defenses. It all ends with the fact that herpes tends to retreat.

When the protective functions of a person weaken, it begins to reactivate and continues to reproduce. The virus appears in the form of itchy and painful blisters on the surface of the lips. A large number of people have a congenital form of infection.

Treatment and prevention of herpes

Unfortunately, there are no drugs that can completely destroy the herpes virus in the human body. But in pharmacies there is a group of antiviral agents that effectively suppress the reproduction of the virus. Herpes recurrences that affect the nasal mucosa or lips respond well to topical treatment with ointments or creams. In extreme cases, the doctor may prescribe

Pretty insidious disease. Its appearance is quite difficult to predict or predict, since the disease usually occurs without fever, and the rash appears unexpectedly. More about . Most often, people have a question, why does herpes appear on the lips and body.

It is worth noting that it has several forms of manifestation, which depend on the type that struck the human body. Microbiologists distinguish 8 types of the causative agent of the disease:

  • Type 1 - causes most often
  • Type 2 - causes genital herpes
  • Type 3 is the cause of childhood chickenpox infection or shingles, which affects adults.
  • Type 4 - Epstein-Barr virus, the cause of mononucleosis
  • Type 5 - CMV, causes human cytomegalovirus infection
  • Other types in the process of study and evidence of involvement in certain diseases in humans.

Let's try to figure out why herpes appears on the lips, genitals, etc.

from person to person?

The main reason for the onset of symptoms is. The causative agent is divided into type 1 (which causes rashes on the oral mucosa, on the border of the lips) and type 2 (this virus causes manifestations of the sexual form). A person can become infected in two ways:

  • Airborne or contact transmission.
  • sexual transmission
  1. Maintaining a high immune status. This is achieved by a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, etc.
  2. Use of barrier contraceptives

Statistics for readers

According to worldwide statistics, the herpes virus affects all races and peoples, age and its manifestations do not depend on gender. On average, the number of carriers of the virus ranges from 50-80% of the population of each of the countries in the world.

Who said that curing herpes is difficult?

  • Do you suffer from itching and burning in the places of rashes?
  • The sight of blisters does not at all add to your self-confidence ...
  • And somehow ashamed, especially if you suffer from genital herpes ...
  • And for some reason, ointments and medicines recommended by doctors are not effective in your case ...
  • In addition, constant relapses have already firmly entered your life ...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will help you get rid of herpes!
  • There is an effective remedy for herpes. and find out how Elena Makarenko cured herself of genital herpes in 3 days!

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