A cold in a child - how to quickly cure: inhalation with a nebulizer, folk and drug treatment. Cold Medicines for Children: Medical Recommendations Main Signs and Symptoms

Therapy of a cold in a child under 1 year old has its own characteristics. At this time, he still can not use a number of medications. In addition, it is important to seek medical help immediately after the first symptoms of a cold have been detected. Only an experienced pediatrician will be able to prescribe adequate therapy and establish a diagnosis. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, because the body of the baby is still weakened and the use of ineffective drugs can only harm.


The duration of the incubation period of a viral infection ranges from a couple of hours to 3 days. Here everything is determined by the age of the crumbs and the characteristics of its immunity.

The first clinical picture of a cold is different for all patients. This is due to the fact that each organism can infect a certain virus. Since the common cold has a common origin and treatment with the flu, the symptoms of these two pathologies are similar.

Thus, you can recognize a cold by the following signs:

  • rhinitis;
  • redness and sore throat;
  • unproductive cough;
  • general malaise;
  • poor appetite;
  • rise in temperature;
  • aching muscles and joints.

The rise in temperature indicates that there was a failure in the heat exchange mechanisms of the body. This process is characteristic of the inflammatory process, when the body tries to fight the infection by producing protective antibodies. This process consumes a lot of energy.

Methods of therapy

The choice of a treatment regimen for a cold in an infant should be carried out by a pediatrician after he has examined and accurately established the diagnosis.


The choice of a suitable drug for colds in infants is divided according to the principle of the effect and the mechanism of preventing the reproduction of the pathological process.

Thus, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Vaccine. These are drugs that contain pathogens. When they are introduced into the baby's body, the production of antibodies by the immune system is stimulated. Vaccination is carried out in autumn and winter for prevention purposes. After all, it is better to prevent the development of the disease than to torment the child with long-term treatment. But if the child has symptoms of the disease or weak immunity, then this method of treatment should be abandoned.

    Administering the cold vaccine to a 1 year old child

  2. Antiviral medicines. Their action is aimed at suppressing the activity of viruses and blocking the possibility of reproduction. But it is often impossible to use such drugs, as this will lead to a decrease in the activity of the immune system. The next disadvantage of antiviral drugs is their recent appearance on the pharmaceutical market, so the effect of these drugs on the baby's body is not yet fully known.

    Antiviral medicines for colds

  3. Immunostimulants. These are synthetic drugs, the purpose of which is to stimulate the synthesis of interferon in the body. Interferon is a substance that suppresses viruses. Immunostimulants are used when the baby's body is weakened, and the body's defenses cannot cope with their work. At this age, it is best to use drugs in the form of suppositories based on interferon. They can be used by babies and not worry about side effects.

    Immunostimulants against colds in a child 1 year old

Medicines for sore throat

With the development of a cold in infants, the most common symptom is a sore throat. It occurs due to infection of the oropharyngeal mucosa. The medicines used for sore throat with a cold have a complex effect that allows you to destroy the infection, stop inflammation and soften the throat. Medicines can be used in spray format. They have a long therapeutic effect on the throat.

Baby Throat Spray

In addition to pharmaceutical preparations, home remedies will also help to eliminate a sore throat. You can give the baby to drink warm milk with diluted cocoa butter. This remedy has a soothing effect on the mucous membrane of the throat.


If the baby's temperature has risen to 38.5 degrees, then you should not bring it down. The fact is that the body is trying to overcome the infectious process itself. If there is an increase in indicators of at least one degree, then you have to give the baby an antipyretic.

antipyretic for children

Such drugs do not cure a cold, but only bring down the temperature. So it is not worth using medicines unnecessarily. Most often, small patients are prescribed Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Between doses, it is worth observing a time interval of 4 hours.

Nasal irrigation

With a catarrhal lesion, the baby may experience a runny nose, nasal congestion. It begins with intense secretions of mucus from one nasal passage. If catarrhal rhinitis occurs, then nasal rinses should be used. These include funds such as Aquador, Aquaaris and Miramistin.

Miramistin for the treatment of a cold in a child

For babies, it is best to use drugs in spray format. This will allow the smallest particles of moisture to leave the mucus as much as possible and eliminate infectious agents. With this treatment, the nasal mucosa will be restored, and the obstruction of the respiratory tract by mucous lumps can also be prevented.

It will also be interesting to learn about how to cure intestinal flu at home:

But what pills for colds without fever should be taken first of all, it is described in great detail in this

Remedies for nasal congestion

If the baby is hard to breathe, and the mucus is difficult to come out of the nasal passages, then you can suck it out with a special nasal aspirator. You can use another method - a douche. In this case, you can not enter the tip deep into the nose, as this can injure the nasal mucosa. If the secreted mucus is purulent, then nasal drops should be used, which have an antimicrobial and antiviral effect. Inhalations

With a cold in a baby at 1 year old, it is important to perform a comprehensive symptomatic treatment. Thanks to him, it is possible to stop an unpleasant clinical picture. To relieve symptoms, inhalations can be performed using eucalyptus tincture. Such activities are carried out 3-4 times a day for 5-10 minutes. For these purposes, you will have to use an inhaler. If there is no such device, then spray the tincture in a hot bath so that the baby is in the room for 10-15 minutes. But which ones will help to understand the content of this article.

Inhalation for a small child

Treatment of a cold in infants is a clearly drawn up plan of action that must be carried out clearly and correctly. Therapy should have an integrated approach, since it is important to eliminate the cause of the pathological process, as well as the attending symptoms. If after 5 days of treatment relief has not come, then you have to visit the doctor again. He will reconsider the principle of therapy and prescribe other drugs to prevent the development of complications. Listed at the link.

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 05/07/2019

The common cold is the most common illness among people of all ages. According to pediatricians, in children from birth to 3 years, up to 9 cases of colds per year are considered the norm. The body is able to independently cope with an acute respiratory viral infection in 5-7 days. But the disease can lead to complications or to a strong weakening of the immune system. Parents should help the baby cope with the disease, but this requires effective and safe means. Some mothers and fathers, when the baby is sick, begin to panic and buy drugs in the pharmacy that were previously seen in advertisements, or on the advice of a pharmacist, girlfriend, neighbor. If you treat a child with experimental methods, this can greatly undermine his health.

The difficulty in detecting the onset of a cold in newborns is that they cannot talk about what is bothering them. In addition, many diseases and even physiological changes in the body, which are the norm, have common symptoms. For example, teething can be confused with signs of a cold.

The most important thing is to surround the child with love and care. The warmth and comfort of mother's hands can soothe the baby, bring him relief.

The essence and causes of the appearance of a cold in children

All colds are caused by viruses. They have several varieties:

  1. Rhinovirus - is embedded in the cells of the nasal mucosa, causing a runny nose.
  2. Adenovirus - leads to the growth of tonsils and tonsils.
  3. Parainfluenza - affects the mucous membrane of the larynx, causing laryngitis.
  4. The RS virus causes bronchiolitis. As a rule, it infects children under one year old.

Regardless of the specific type of virus that has infected a person, doctors usually make one general diagnosis - SARS, which is simply called a cold.

Most often, colds overtake with the onset of the cold season. A cold strong north wind can blow a baby, he can wet his legs in snow or a puddle. You can also get infected from peers on playgrounds or in children's rooms. But to a greater extent, the cause of a cold lies in the failure of the immune system. This may be due to:

  1. General weakness of the immune system.
  2. During or after the transfer of diseases, the consequences of taking antibiotics.
  3. Lack of useful vitamins and minerals.
  4. Bad ecology environment.
  5. Inactive lifestyle.
  6. Unbalanced diet, overeating.
  7. Stressful situations (for example, frequent quarrels of parents, abrupt weaning).
  8. Unfavorable microclimate in the house (stuffiness, dry and hot air, rarely carried out wet cleaning and ventilation).
  9. Passive smoking (when someone in the household smokes with the baby).

Some parents, trying to protect their child from hypothermia by all means, dress him inappropriately for the weather, too warm, wrapping him in numerous layers of clothing. As a result, the child sweats, and at the moment of removing clothes, cooling occurs, and the baby can instantly catch a cold.

The first symptoms of a cold in children

Usually, babies get sick sharply, often at night the temperature rises. Overt manifestations of a cold in newborns are preceded by primary symptoms that may go unnoticed. They demonstrate the deterioration of the general condition of the child. The kid becomes capricious and restless, his appetite deteriorates, he begins to rub his eyes, get tired quickly, lose interest in his favorite toys, he experiences sudden mood swings. This is the incubation period.

2-7 days after the virus enters the body in children, its first symptoms appear:

  1. Runny nose, redness and stuffy nose.
  2. Coughing, sneezing.
  3. Redness of the tonsils and mucous membrane of the larynx.
  4. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, neck, armpits.
  5. Temperature rise.
  6. The appearance of acne (herpes rash) in the area of ​​​​the lips.
  7. Shortness of breath, heavy breathing.
  8. Change in skin color.

In children under one year old, due to the virus, there may be diarrhea, increased gas formation. Newborns (up to 1 month old) usually do not have problems with colds: they have passive immunity received from their mother during pregnancy.

What to do at the first symptoms of a cold in children

You should not immediately grab onto medicines; in general, in relation to the baby, they should be used only really in necessary cases. It is possible to alleviate the well-being of the child by creating all the conditions necessary for recovery.

The house creates a quiet, calm atmosphere, without nerves, screams and stressful situations. If the mother starts to get nervous, then the baby feels it well and also shows concern.

It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the air in the baby's room: do wet cleaning every day, install air humidifiers. Some parents, afraid of drafts and hypothermia, do not ventilate the patient's room. This is wrong, because it is in a hot and stuffy room that microbes and viruses develop much faster. The room must have fresh air.

A sick child needs rest and bed rest. If the baby refuses to lie in the crib, then they play quiet and calm games with him: they read books, look at pictures in them, collect cubes, etc.

To prevent dehydration, you need to offer plenty of fluids. Depending on the age, the child is often offered breast milk, boiled or specially purified water, juices, teas, fruit drinks, compotes. If the child does not want to eat, you do not need to force feed him. But if he has an appetite, it is worth giving food with fermented milk products, which help get rid of viruses.

Aromatherapy with essential oils of rose, lavender, chamomile, eucalyptus, fir, bergamot, tea tree will be useful during the cold period. You can use a special aroma lamp or just containers with water. 1-2 drops of oil are dripped into them, then they are placed around the room.

If the baby has a stuffy nose, snot has appeared, it is important to moisten its mucous membrane and, if possible, clear it of secretions. To do this, you can prepare a saline solution yourself or buy drops in sea water at a pharmacy (for example, Aquamaris). Saline solution is also suitable (a couple of drops in each nostril). To cleanse the nose, an aspirator is purchased or a regular syringe is taken. The main thing is not to stick the tip deep so as not to damage anything.

If it is difficult for the baby to breathe due to nasal congestion, you can use vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin), but this is best done only in extreme cases so that the body does not get used to them, and the mucous membrane does not dry out.

In case of a cold in the crib, a pillow (rolled up towel) is placed under the child’s head or under the mattress so that during sleep the head is higher than the rest of the body and the snot does not flow into the throat, but flows out of the nose.

When the infant's immune system begins to actively fight microbes, the overall body temperature begins to rise. If it does not exceed 37.9 degrees, it is not shot down. If the thermometer shows a temperature above 38 degrees, you need to give an antipyretic, preferably in the form of rectal suppositories. It is worth knowing that a sharp change in temperature increases the load on the heart and blood vessels.

If the child does not have a high temperature, then you definitely need to walk with him on the street. Clean air is healing for him. It normalizes and deepens breathing. In addition, most newborns quickly fall asleep on the street.

To strengthen immunity in children, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs (Aflubin, Viferon, Grippferon) are sometimes prescribed.

Parents of children who are already 6 months old can treat their cough with syrups (Dr. Theiss, Dr. MOM, Bronchikul). These syrups are mucolytics, that is, they contribute to the thinning of sputum. In no case should these drugs be combined with drugs that suppress cough: mucus stagnation may occur, followed by complications.

Parents should be alerted if the temperature is 37.1-37.9 for more than three days. This may be a sign of the development of an inflammatory process - tonsillitis, otitis media, pneumonia, pyelonephritis. These symptoms can lead to a situation where you have to take antibiotics.

If the baby suddenly screamed sharply, turned pale, threw him into a cold sweat or lethargy appeared, the temperature dropped, a rash appeared, diarrhea more than 5 times a day, vomiting. Such symptoms require an immediate call for an ambulance.

To reduce the risk of a cold, it is required to complete all routine vaccinations, each of which should be done at least 5 days after full recovery and after a thorough examination by a pediatrician.

How not to treat children

Some parents, after listening to the advice of grandmothers, neighbors and friends, try to treat their child with ineffective and even dangerous methods. This is facilitated by the fact that antibiotics and other heavy drugs are dispensed in pharmacies without prescriptions. In addition, a pharmacist interested in selling expensive products may recommend the wrong medicine. Not only is it so difficult for a baby’s body to fight a cold, it also has to deal with the consequences of such a “treatment”.

The most common parenting mistakes include:

  1. Knocking down a low temperature, which is evidence of the body's struggle with the disease. If it is reduced, the production of interferons, protective proteins, will slow down.
  2. Unreasonable use of antibiotics. This type of medicine copes only with infections, it is powerless against viruses. In addition, its use harms the microflora of the body.
  3. Hot baths at temperature. They only increase the load on the immune system.
  4. Instillation into the nose of the juices of onions, garlic, carrots and other vegetables. This is fraught with the occurrence of allergies or mucosal burns.

In order not to make unforgivable mistakes in the treatment that affect the development of the crumbs, at the first symptoms of a cold, you need to go to the doctor. A properly selected course will help to cure the disease at an early stage.

Read more:

In the autumn-winter period, a cold in a child is quite common. The kid becomes capricious and lethargic. With timely treatment, it can be avoided. Parents should not create panic, but should surround the baby with care and attention.

The common cold is commonly understood as an acute viral disease - ARI. It is usually caused by viral infections that enter the respiratory tract.

From the moment the virus enters the body and until the first signs appear, it is 2-7 days. starts suddenly. In young children, it is quite difficult to determine the onset of a cold, as the symptoms are blurred and it is not always possible to recognize the child's feelings.

When coughing in children, mucolytic and expectorant drugs are prescribed.

The drug from the nebulizer acts on the foci of inflammation for several minutes, and this greatly increases the therapeutic effect.

Medicines for the nebulizer must be prescribed by a doctor. You can use drugs to thin sputum, hormonal agents, etc. Only a doctor will help you choose the best remedy for a nebulizer.

In a pharmacy, you can purchase a ready-made suspension or prepare a solution yourself:

  • The simplest and most affordable remedy is soda or. To prepare, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of soda or salt in 0.5 liter of hot water. Then mix and place the solution in a nebulizer.
  • Very effective is inhalation based on onion juice. Add 3 drops of onion juice to saline solution. As a basis, you can take non-carbonated mineral water. Mix everything and use as directed. You can use garlic instead of onion juice.
  • Inhalations can be carried out using herbs such as fir, eucalyptus, juniper, sage, pine. Both the decoctions themselves and essential oils are added to the solution.

For an effective result, the procedure must be performed correctly. It is necessary to carry out inhalations after eating in 1-2 hours. It is not recommended to go outside after the procedure. It is important to observe the temperature regime (no more than 45 degrees). Inhalation should not be carried out at high temperatures.When treating a runny nose, you need to inhale the vapors through your nose, and for sore throat and sore throat - through your mouth.

To prevent the occurrence

A cold is a condition in which children feel unwell, have a fever, runny nose and cough. Before treating a child, you need to contact a pediatrician and undergo an examination in a children's clinic. At home, in critical cases, children can be given an antipyretic (rectal suppositories or syrup) on their own. During illness, the child should drink as much liquid as possible.

The common cold is the collective name for various infectious diseases of the respiratory system. The child's condition may worsen due to influenza or SARS. Then the disease can turn into rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. Various microorganisms affect the respiratory organs at different levels. Rhinoviruses settle in the nose, adenoviruses in the throat, respiratory syncytial virus in the bronchi.

Factors that provoke colds of the respiratory tract:

  • hypothermia;
  • decreased immunity;
  • viral or bacterial infection.

A child can catch a cold at home, or walking on the street, in contact with a sick person. Most often, a cold occurs during the cold season of the year. During a flu epidemic, children can catch the virus through toys or household items.

Disposing factors for diseases are a violation of the diet, a rare stay in the fresh air, a diet poor in vitamins, and an inactive lifestyle. You should always wear clothes according to the weather. You can not wrap the baby too much. It is necessary to ensure that he is not cold and his feet do not get wet.

The first signs of a cold in a child

The child himself cannot say that he has caught a cold. It is necessary to closely monitor his behavior and condition. If for no reason he is capricious, sleepy, does not want to play and eat, then this is a signal of an impending illness.

Symptoms of a cold in children that you need to pay attention to:

  • lethargy;
  • increased sweating;
  • respiratory failure;
  • eye redness;
  • cough;
  • nasal discharge;
  • heat;
  • liquid stool;
  • skin rash;
  • pallor of the skin.

It is not always possible to understand what the etiology of the disease is. With a viral infection, the body temperature rises sharply, and up to 39 degrees. With bacterial, on the contrary, it increases gradually. In this case, the temperature rises no higher than 38 degrees. It is possible to determine the type of disease only on the basis of tests. Depending on what caused the disease - a virus or a bacterium, the appropriate treatment is prescribed in this case.

With a cold, you need to put the patient to bed. During illness, it is forbidden to play outside with other children. The room where the baby is located must be ventilated. The temperature in the room must be at least +22°C. If it's cold, you can turn on the heater.

The air in the room should not be too dry. Moisturize it regularly with a moisture sprayer. You can do wet cleaning 2 times a day. Home clothes can be made of cotton, linen, but not synthetics. The baby can often sweat, so he will have to change clothes many times.

The patient should be given plenty of fluids to drink. You can boil milk, make herbal tea, compote from dried fruits or rose hips, juice from fresh berries and fruits. You need to drink the patient often, but little by little, it is better - 50 ml at a time. The liquid may be warm, but not cold or hot.

Children from 1 year old should be able to blow their nose into a handkerchief. Thus, they clear the nasal passages from the mucus accumulated there. Parents regularly clean the nose from sputum for a baby. For small children, snot is removed with an aspirator.

Before clearing the nose, one drop of breast milk or vegetable oil is instilled into the nasal passages to soften the dried contents. You can use saline or soda solution. In this case, 1 teaspoon of salt or soda is taken per liter of water. You can not bury your nose with a spray or pear for children under 3 years old, this method of treatment can lead to an inflammatory process, for example, otitis media. Washing the nasal passages can be done with the help of pharmaceutical products, such as Aqualor, Aquamaris.

To facilitate the secretion of mucus with a dry cough, the baby can be given tea from coltsfoot, chamomile and do a light massage first on the back and then on the chest. Small children should not be inhaled, this can cause the mucus to swell and block the airways.

If the child has the first signs of a cold, you need to call the pediatrician at home. The disease should not be left to chance. If the babies are not treated or do it incorrectly, thick mucus may soon accumulate in the respiratory organs. It can be difficult for young children to blow their nose or cough on their own. Subsequently, this can lead to bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory and heart failure, and even death.


A sick baby should be shown to the pediatrician as soon as possible. The doctor will auscultate the lungs, check the throat, nose, prescribe blood and urine tests. If necessary, the patient will do an x-ray, ultrasound, CT scan. In the laboratory, children will be given an antibiotic that can be used to treat a bacterial infection.

Medicines and dosage for colds for children are determined by the attending physician. Only a specialist can prescribe a course of therapy. Colds are treated with antipyretics, cough medicines, drops for the common cold, antibiotics for bacterial infections, and antivirals for influenza.

There are different approved medicines for every age. Babies should not be given medication to treat a three-year-old baby. If the medicine is safe for infants, then it can be used for an older child.

It is necessary to take medicines according to the instructions for use. It is included in every drug package. It is necessary to observe the mode of administration and dosage. It is necessary to pay attention to contraindications to the medication. If a child has an allergy to any component of the drug, you need to stop using it.

Cough syrups are not used for more than 7 days, and drops from a cold can be used for 3 to 5 days. If the treatment does not work, you need to go to the doctor again and undergo a second examination. Perhaps the child has complications. The doctor could misdiagnose and prescribe medications.

Safe children's cold medicines

  1. For newborns - Paracetamol (for fever), Viferon (antiviral), Nazivin (for the common cold), Lazolvan (for cough), IRS 19 (for raising immunity).
  2. For children from 1 to 2 years old - Panadol (for fever), Laferon, Tsitovir (antiviral), Broncho-munal (to boost immunity), Bromhexine (for cough).
  3. For children at 2 years old - Ibuprofen (for fever), Ingalipt (for sore throat), Xilin (for the common cold), Ambroxol (for cough), Tamiflu (antiviral), Immunal (for raising immunity).

Treatment for the little ones

Starting from the age of one month, children can be given mucolytics, that is, substances that thin the sputum formed in the bronchi and contribute to its excretion. From a cough, a nursing baby is given Ambroxol, Ambrobene in the form of a syrup. The medicine is taken after meals, half a teaspoon twice a day for 5 days. From 6 months you can give Bronchicum and Lazolvan.

Infants are prescribed expectorants, for example, Gedelix, Linkas. From a cold, it is recommended to use Aquamaris, Nazoferon, Vibrocil, Laferon, Vitaon, Baby Doctor "Clean Nose". If nasal congestion is caused by a bacterial infection, Protargol drops are used. This effective remedy quickly eliminates the symptoms of a cold. Rectal suppositories will help to remove the temperature. From birth, you can use Viburkol, from 1 month - Cefekon D, from 3 months - Panadol and Nurofen.

If a cold is caused by a bacterial infection, then children under the age of 1 year and older can be treated with antibiotics. Such for children are prescribed for pneumonia, acute bronchitis. For treatment, you can use Penicillin, Amoxicillin, Cefalexin, Cefadroxil in the form of injections. An antibiotic is not prescribed for ARVI, but if the child's temperature does not drop for a long time, the cough only intensifies, and the snot has acquired a brownish color, these drugs can also be used. Antibacterial medicines are used if a bacterial infection has joined the viral infection.

How to treat a cold in a child at 2 years old

Children from 1 to 2 years old are prescribed Naphthyzin, Rinorus, Sanorin, Nazol Baby from a cold. These are vasoconstrictors, they can not be used for more than 3 days. Usually, children drip one drop into each nostril twice a day before feeding. Nasal congestion can be eliminated by oily remedies, for example, Pinosol. With a viral infection, Interferon, Grippferon are used. From a cough, the child is prescribed Mukaltin, Ambroxol, Bromhexine. Medicines are given in the form of syrups. It is not recommended to give tablets to children under 5 years old, babies have a narrow esophagus, and they can choke on them. From a high temperature, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol syrup is given.

In children from 2 years of age, it is carried out with the help of cough medicines such as Ambroxol, Bronholitin, Fluimucil. From this age, you can use new vasoconstrictors for nasal congestion - Tizin, Otrivin. In severe cases, from purulent rhinitis or sinusitis, antibacterial drops are used for the common cold, for example, Isofra, Polydex.

If a child has a cold, vitamin preparations are indispensable. With weakened immunity, Pikovit, AlfaVit, Multi-Tabs are prescribed. up to 3 years it is better to take in the form of syrups.

You can treat children for colds with the help of traditional medicine. Vinegar wipes are used from high temperatures. To do this, vinegar is diluted in half with water, a towel is moistened in the solution and the forehead, chest, back, arms, and legs of the child are wiped with it. You can wet a whole sheet and wrap it around your baby.

Raspberry has good diaphoretic properties. Leaves, twigs of a bush are brewed. Raspberry jam made from berries ground with sugar helps to remove toxins from the body.

With a cold, the patient can be given linden tea. Starting from the age of three months, the child is given a compote of Antonov apples with the addition of honey. Decoctions of various medicinal herbs help with coughing. Before using them, you need to find out if the patient is allergic to them.

Infusion recipe:

  1. sage (chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, plantain, coltsfoot, licorice root) - 1 teaspoon;
  2. water - 250 ml.

Boil water for a couple of minutes. Boiling water is poured over a crushed medicinal plant, to which the baby is not allergic. Insist 30 minutes, filter. The tincture is made in enameled or glassware. Give a sick child to drink 3 times a day, 80 ml.

You can prepare a remedy for colds based on honey for children. For example, honey cake. Soft dough is prepared from flour, vegetable oil, water and honey. Put it on the baby's chest for 10 minutes.

Cabbage leaf helps to “stir up” stagnant processes in the chest. It is slightly boiled. A softened warm leaf is smeared with honey and applied to the chest. On top of the compress under a tight-fitting T-shirt, you can put a towel. Before using bee products for treatment, you need to do an allergy test.

Cough helps warm milk with honey and butter. All ingredients are mixed in a glass and give the child a spoonful for severe attacks. In 200 ml of milk, you can add half a teaspoon of soda, thus preparing an alkaline drink. This tool helps to quickly thin the mucus in the bronchi and remove viscous sputum.

The onset of a runny nose or cough when there is no fever can be treated with warm dry foot baths. To do this, 1 kg of salt is calcined in a pan, 50 grams of grated ginger are added and the mixture is poured into a basin. The baby is put on cotton socks and asked to walk on the warm "sand" for a couple of minutes.

You can warm your feet in a basin of hot water (60 degrees). A pinch of salt and a spoonful of mustard are added to the liquid. Soak your feet in the water for twenty minutes. Then they are wiped dry and put on warm socks.

From a cold, children older than a year can drip Kalanchoe juice into their noses. 2 drops in each nostril. Edema of the mucous well removes the solution with soda, salt and iodine. So, sea water is prepared at home. A teaspoon of soda and salt "plus" 1-2 drops of iodine is taken per glass of liquid.

Snot can be cured with fresh beet juice. It is mixed in equal proportions with warm water. Bury in the nose three times a day, one drop in each nostril. Instead of beets, you can take the juice of carrots, parsley and water in the same ratio. If the natural remedy in the nose bakes strongly, the concentration of the solution is changed. More pure water is added to the juice.

You can warm up your nose with warm cottage cheese. It is applied to the nose for a couple of minutes. You can mash boiled potatoes, and make a mask for the maxillary sinuses from mashed potatoes. So that the mass does not spread over the face, cottage cheese or potatoes are wrapped in a thin cloth.

If a sick baby has no appetite, he does not need to be force-fed. The main thing is that he drinks a lot of water. If he does not want to drink, you can inject him with a syringe without a needle on the inner surface of the cheek, 2 ml of water every 30 minutes, especially at night with a fever. In this case, it is not necessary to wrap the patient warmly.

You can take an onion or a couple of cloves of garlic and grate on a fine grater. Children should breathe over the pairs of these plants for a couple of minutes. The gruel can be spread out on saucers and placed in different corners of the room where the patient is located. From time to time, grated onions and garlic that have stood in the room should be replaced with fresh ones.

At high body temperature, do not do warm compresses or foot baths. These procedures can be performed after the patient's fever subsides. They try not to bring down the body temperature up to 38 degrees. If it is above this mark, rectal suppositories will help to quickly lower it. Fever can cause seizures. In order not to bring the child to such a state, the fever must be brought down with syrups or rectal suppositories.

In order for children to get sick less often and stay healthy longer, it is necessary to strengthen their immunity. To this end, it is necessary to regularly visit the fresh air, temper the baby with the help of water or air procedures. Before going to bed, you can teach your child to wash their feet in cold water. The bath strengthens the body well, but small children should not be in the steam room for more than 5 minutes. You need to bathe in the bath at least 2-3 times a week. You can add decoctions of medicinal herbs, oak leaves, black tea to the water.

Children should regularly get enough vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates from food for their growth and development. The diet should contain dairy products, meat, cereals, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables.

In winter or spring, you need to use pharmacy vitamin complexes. Honey, nuts, citrus fruits, dried fruits help to resist the disease. The kid needs to be taken outside every day in any weather, except for heavy rain and wind. In summer, it is recommended to relax near the reservoir, best of all - on the sea.

To avoid serious complications, you need to come for an examination to a doctor in a children's clinic. In a year, children can catch a cold 2-4 times. If kids get sick more often, then they have serious problems with immunity and, accordingly, with health. During a flu epidemic, you need to be less likely to be in crowded places and avoid contact with patients.

A cold is a condition in which a child begins to cough, sneeze, and his body temperature rises. Viruses and bacteria can cause disease. Hypothermia can provoke a crisis. Colds need to be treated. For this purpose, it is necessary to visit a doctor and undergo an examination. The pediatrician prescribes the child all the necessary medicines. During treatment, you need to drink plenty of fluids, rest more and follow the doctor's recommendations.

There is nothing sadder for a mother than the illness of a beloved child. Against the background of complete health, the baby suddenly begins to behave differently. He becomes capricious, lethargic, refuses to eat and play with his favorite toys. And then young mothers begin to worry and panic. But just at this moment, the panic of the parents is the main enemy for the baby.

Take a close look at your baby, and if you notice the first signs of a cold in a child, immediately start treating him. You may not need to see a doctor, because the common cold goes away very quickly, in just 4-5 days, if unwanted complications are not connected to it. But they will never happen if parents are attentive and immediately take all measures to ensure that their child becomes healthy, cheerful and active again, as it was before.

Before continuing reading: If you are looking for an effective way to get rid of constant colds and diseases of the nose, throat, lungs, then be sure to look into section of the site "Book" after reading this article. This information is based on the personal experience of the author and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. NOT advertising! So, now back to the article.

In no case should you be negligent about the cold itself and its treatment, hoping that everything will pass, as always, as before. When there are frequent colds in children, many parents get used to it, as it does not sound strange, their vigilance is dulled. But with its seeming banality, a cold is an insidious disease, because it is quite possible to miss the moment when dangerous complications join it.

What is a "cold" really?

Few parents think about the nature of the occurrence of a cold in a child. But it has an infectious origin, or rather, a viral one. Doctors call this disease ARI (acute respiratory disease) or SARS (acute respiratory viral infection). It is very difficult to fight viruses with drugs, because the nature of these microorganisms is strange and complex. And their prevalence explains the frequency of occurrence of colds.

So, SARS are caused by viral infections, for which the upper respiratory tract - the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea - is a favorite place for penetration and damage. This group of viruses, which includes several dozen "cold" pathogens, includes rhinovirus, adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, RS-virus and influenza virus. It is these insidious pathogens that selectively affect some parts of the respiratory tract of children whose immune system is still imperfect, and it is difficult for them to effectively resist the infection.

Rhinovirus "loves" to damage the nasal mucosa, so the main symptoms of a cold in a child will be nasal congestion, rhinorrhea. The parainfluenza virus usually infects the larynx, resulting in laryngitis. Adenovirus infection "settles" in the lymphoid tissue, which is quite developed in children in the form of adenoids and tonsils. And if the disease begins with fever, conjunctivitis and pharyngitis, then we can speak with a 100% guarantee of infection with adenovirus infection.

And when a cold in a child under one year old immediately manifests with bronchiolitis, then an experienced doctor will immediately determine the RS-viral nature of this disease. But there are exceptions, because there is a high probability of the occurrence of combined infections that give such a bunch of signs of a cold in children that sometimes you can get confused. That is why doctors usually do not single out the name of the disease separately by the type of virus, but talk about SARS, especially since the treatment of a cold in children has one scheme and tactics. They differ only in relation to the location of the focus of the development of the pathological process - whether it is rhinitis, or laryngitis, or pharyngitis, or tracheitis, etc.

It is not particularly correct to speak of ARVI as a cold. This concept is more popular than medical. But the explanatory dictionary interprets a cold as a disease that arose after hypothermia. We will continue to use this concept in order to make it easier to understand the essence of the treatment of colds in children.

There is no need to talk about the influenza virus in this article, because the flu is rarely tolerated quickly, often complicated and has a severe course and its own treatment characteristics, although this is also essentially a cold disease to one degree or another, only with its characteristic course and a high probability of occurrence many complications, sometimes very serious and dangerous.

Under what conditions and why can a child catch a cold?

A little higher it was already said that a cold in a child is a viral disease that occurs after hypothermia. It is this factor that is most often decisive in starting pathological processes. It is enough for a child to get cold, as his immune system fails, ceases to effectively resist an external aggressive factor - respiratory viruses. And it is absolutely not necessary that the entire body of the child is supercooled.

It is enough just that for some time the feet or hands of our babies experience a cooling factor, and a response immediately occurs - a reflex contraction of blood vessels. This leads to impaired blood circulation in the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, larynx. Viruses that are able to quickly penetrate the mucous membrane will not fail to take advantage of this state of the mucous membranes. At this point, her resistance decreases, but her sensitivity to microorganisms and viruses increases significantly.

Here it is the main cause of a cold, and now parents understand how to prevent the disease, and what should be the prevention of a cold in children !!! The child should not be supercooled, even partially, not only at the peak of the seasonal incidence of SARS, but also in summer. Remember how often you can see children with colds in the midst of the summer heat.

But even those children whom mothers and grandmothers constantly protect from hypothermia, drafts, have a cold no less than others. This is due to the fact that parents and grandparents do not take into account the fact that their pets will run around during a walk, sweat in warm clothes and thereby expose their body to the risk of a cold.

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