How long can you stop bleeding? Uterine bleeding. Treatment of uterine bleeding

Probably, every person at least once in his life has encountered various cuts (if not in himself, then in someone around him: relatives or completely strangers). Quite a mentally disturbing picture. The first reaction - fear, shock at the unexpected sight of blood - is quickly replaced by the question: "What to do?". To start acting quickly, it is important to quickly assess the situation, determining its complexity. This will help you get it as soon as possible. necessary measures for self-help or to provide competent pre-medical support to the victim. What do you need to know and be able to do?

What are cuts, what are they

Cuts in everyday life are called incised wounds, different in their depth and size. They appear as:

  • scratches affecting the surface layers of the epithelium;
  • shallow cuts that damage the papillary layers of the skin or subcutaneous tissue, but do not reach the muscles and do not go deep into the underlying tissues and organs of a person;
  • deep cuts - most serious injuries, penetrating deeper than the subcutaneous layer, often affecting the nerves, tendons, organs located directly under the incision site.

Such injuries can occur both without complications (then the wound is called “clean”), and with complications (if pathogenic microorganisms, various chemical substances, allergens that worsen the condition and complicate treatment).

It should be borne in mind that most often people encounter cuts on the limbs:

  • on hands. This is especially true of the palms and phalanges of the fingers;
  • on foot. Feet can be damaged, especially the soles, as well as fingers (more often in places that come into contact with the ground when walking).

As a child, while swimming in a pond, I cut my big toe when I stepped on a freshwater bivalve mollusk buried vertically in the sand. Her friend was also unlucky: while picking a bouquet on the shore, she cut her fingers on her hand quite badly with sedge leaves. The cuts were thin and elongated, like blade marks. I remember a girl complaining that she stings a lot.

Sedge - a marsh plant, on the stems of which you can easily cut yourself

Nevertheless, cuts can appear on any part of the body: on the face and scalp, on the trunk, and even on the mucous membranes of the lips, eyes, genitals - wherever there are soft tissues.

Where do cuts come from?

Speaking briefly about the mechanism of occurrence, cuts appear as a result of strong contact of cutting objects with the skin. In this case, the onslaught during the movement of the "cutting tool" occurs tangentially along the surface of the body. This may happen:

  • as a domestic injury:
  • in case of intentional injury to another person, including with a knife, axe, blade, bottle (which is already qualified as a criminal act);
  • with self-damaging behavior (injuring oneself during demonstratively-blackmailing suicide attempts or a real intention to die; psychoses, during which, for example, an excited person breaks glass with his fist in a fit of aggression);

    The image of a blue whale on the forearm of a teenager participating in a dangerous quest of the same name was cut out by himself with a blade

  • those who have non-traditional hobbies: walking on glass or jumping on it, throwing knives and the like (the same applies to circus artists, representatives of show business, for whom these actions are part of their professional duties). The same can happen to untrained individuals attempting dangerous stunts;

    Glass shards are handled during body-oriented therapy sessions and can result in cuts to hands, feet, and even the face if conducted by non-professionals.

  • during sports (figure skating, hockey) - with a skate blade; during military operations or military service - with bayonet-knives, other types of edged weapons.

    Skaters can be injured by a partner's skate during pair skating, especially when performing high lifts.

The "culprits" of cuts can be not only accidents in everyday life, but also industrial injuries, accidents.

Rarely, but some people even manage to cut the tongue or the mucous membrane in the mouth, eating from a knife, putting light bulbs into the mouth, or with a fragment of a broken tooth with sharp edges.

The desire for "bread and circuses" often leads to injuries in the form of cuts, even among professionals

Signs of cuts of different types

It is possible to determine that the damage is precisely a cut, and not another type of injury, by the signs characteristic of it:

  • the length always exceeds the depth (if on the contrary, it will be a stabbing wound) - this is an important feature of the cut;
  • there is never a torn edge on the edges of the wound: they are even or with small notches and defects;
  • as a result of the cut, blood is always released (with scratches and shallow cuts, when the capillaries are damaged, bleeding can be very weak, but when cut more large vessels, it can be significant and may pose a threat to life);
  • dissection of tissues may be accompanied by:
    • swelling (swelling) and redness;
    • bruise;
    • throbbing pain;
    • itching;
    • unusual or purulent discharge;
    • rise in temperature.

    If four recent symptom are present and expressed very strongly, this indicates the development of an infection or an inflammatory process in the wound surface. Pathological processes can occur due to a reaction to chemical influences, the influence of allergens, pathological microflora penetrating the site of destruction of the skin (all this is typical for complicated cuts);

  • damage is accompanied by pain syndrome of varying intensity, and no matter how deep the incision is. This is because the skin is richly supplied nerve endings, and in the underlying layers of tissues they may be even less than on the skin.

It has been proven that shallow, but excessively long cuts can be even more painful than deep, but short ones.

First aid

The success of the treatment of cuts largely depends on the timely provision of first aid to the victim.

Cleaning the wound

First of all, you need to clean wound surface. It may contain:

  • dirt;
  • glass particles;
  • rust and other elements, depending on what damaged the skin.

If help was not provided immediately, for example, the person was unconscious, was not immediately found, there were no improvised means, stagnant and dried blood may accumulate in the wound.

Most the best treatment for small cuts and scratches - rinsing clean water with soap using a cotton or gauze swab

All this must be thoroughly cleaned using a swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide. If the incisions are heavily soiled, rinse with cold water. boiled water or running water with soap (it is better to use household or with an antibacterial effect). After using soap, make sure that the foam is well rinsed off to avoid chemical burns.

Please note that cotton wool for washing and processing can be used after wrapping it with gauze. Cotton fibers that have fallen into the wound are difficult to remove.


After washing the wound:

  1. The damaged area is dried with a napkin or a clean cloth.
  2. The edges of the wound are treated with an antiseptic (for example, 5% iodine solution, brilliant green).
  3. The cut is covered with a sterile drape and, if necessary, fixed with a bandage.
  4. If blood seeps out, another bandage is applied on top - pressure (tighter).

Before applying a bandage, make sure that the wound is clean, there are no foreign bodies in it.

If the limbs are damaged, it is important to monitor their condition. If the legs and arms swell, turn blue - perhaps the bandage is too tight and needs to be loosened.

When treating cuts, they use means to stop blood, anesthetize, heal wounds, relieve swelling and other painful symptoms.

Further treatment

After giving first aid, you should consult a doctor or continue treatment at home (for minor injuries).

Medicines for cuts

In case of cuts in home first aid kit you can have medical glue BF-6. It is applied thin layer on a cleaned and dried wound. The glue forms a transparent elastic film that protects the incision site from infections and promotes its rapid healing. If the film is damaged, the adhesive can be applied again - with an additional layer on the existing one.

Tip: in order for the medical adhesive to last longer and not peel off, its film must be made as thin as possible at the edges, carefully smearing the contents of the tube in the area around the wound.

Other remedies used in the treatment of cuts:

  • Levomekol (ointment) - disinfects, dries, promotes regeneration;
  • Solcoseryl (ointment) - improves blood circulation, restores;
  • Tetracycline ointment - softens, relieves inflammation, heals;
  • Ointment Vishnevsky - has a resolving effect, prevents suppuration and fights it;
  • Streptocide (in powder form) - has antimicrobial action, dries the fabric surface, prevents the occurrence of abscesses;
  • Chlorhexidine (liquid) - antiseptic for the treatment of wounds. It can be applied both to the wound surface itself, and to “water” the affected area through a closed bandage;
  • Miramistin is a drug that has an antimicrobial effect. Prevents infection of the wound;
  • Baneocin (ointment) - combined remedy, consisting of two antibiotics, has a pronounced antibacterial effect, prevents the development bacterial infection at the site of the cut;
  • Bepanten (cream) - promotes rapid scarring of wounds. It is used for microdamages;
  • Panthenol (spray, ointment) - acting as a vitamin, accelerates healing. It is convenient to apply to the wound in the form of a spray, without touching its surface.

For the prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes, the antibiotic Rifampicin is used (only as prescribed by a doctor).

And for anesthesia use:

  • Ketanov;
  • Nurofen;
  • Nise;
  • Anesthesia ointment (topically).

A bactericidal patch is glued to prevent contamination and dusting of the cut. But in case of minor scratches and small cuts, it is not necessary to apply it. With open access to air, healing occurs faster. You should also not wrap the patch, for example, around your finger - this will impede blood circulation.

Photo gallery: medicines for skin injuries

Levomekol has a powerful antibacterial effect Tetracycline ointment is antimicrobials Vishnevsky's ointment is an effective antiseptic used for tissue repair Chlorhexidine - antiseptic medicine for external use, used for the treatment and prevention of various infections Glue BF-6 has a wound healing and antiseptic effect
Panthenol - a remedy used to accelerate wound healing

Folk remedies

At home, medicinal plants are used to treat minor cuts:

  1. A clean leaf of aloe is applied with pulp to a cut, or the healing wound is lubricated with plant juice for better scarring. Thanks biologically active substances and B vitamins, aloe has an excellent wound healing effect.
  2. Washed and slightly mashed in the hand is applied to small cuts and scratches. fresh leaf plantain. The juice of this plant has long been used as a "pasture" to stop bleeding. The leaf can be fixed on the finger with a bandage, you can pinch the wound with it, holding it for 10–15 minutes until the capillary bleeding stops.
  3. Calendula flowers (marigolds) are brewed at the rate of 1 tsp. to a glass of boiling water. Wash the wound with this infusion for better skin fusion and its disinfection.

An excellent ability to stop bleeding has a decoction of yarrow herb. I tested this tool on myself by cutting the palm at the base of the thumb. The place is very painful, when moving the fingers, the cut constantly “spreads” and bleeds. I decided to experiment with yarrow and did not regret it.

To prepare it, 1 stalk of grass (this is about a teaspoon of the finished mixture), along with baskets of flowers, poured a glass of boiling water, boiled for 3–5 minutes, until the liquid acquired a greenish-brown hue and a tart aroma. Slightly cooled, but still warm, the composition was repeatedly applied to the wound with the help of a gauze napkin. Thus, the cut was simultaneously well washed and disinfected. My bleeding stopped very quickly. Having put a napkin with a decoction on the wound for a short time, I soon discovered that the incision site had “pulled together”. So now I recommend this method of providing first aid for cuts to my friends.

Photo Gallery: Natural Remedies for Cuts

Aloe - natural biostimulant Plantain - good for treating scratches Calendula flowers promote regeneration Yarrow is an excellent hemostatic agent

Prognosis and possible complications

The skin is a protective organ with good ability to regenerate (renewal), therefore, small scratches, shallow cuts in most cases heal quickly, without even leaving marks. Therefore, you can “cure” them yourself.

Attention: in patients diabetes, elderly people, as well as in immunodeficient states, cut healing is slower.

Deeper incised wounds take longer to heal, can leave aftermath cosmetic defects(smooth seams), as well as gross cicatricial changes that worsen the quality of life, including in some cases the viability of the organism.

Deep cuts even with proper treatment can leave serious cosmetic defects

When not to hesitate to see a doctor:

  • if the bleeding is heavy and the bandages get wet. This happens when the veins are damaged (when dark venous blood flows out) or arteries (the blood is scarlet and is in full swing). It is necessary to apply a tighter bandage above the wound, lift and fix the injury site higher and immediately deliver the victim to the nearest medical center, hospital, trauma department, or call an ambulance;
  • with deep wounds. In this case, as a rule, stitches need to be applied, and this should be done by a professional. And the sooner he does it, the better the healing will go, and Negative consequences- pass;
  • for cuts on the face and neck. The wound must be properly treated, and cosmetic sutures- imposed by the skillful hand of the surgeon (it will depend on appearance person in the future). It should also be borne in mind that there are many important vessels supplying blood to the brain and nerve endings on the neck;
  • if you suspect that internal organs, tendons or other tissues are affected;
  • in the case of combined injuries (when, simultaneously with cuts, a person received other injuries, for example, burns, stab wounds, lacerations, fractures, and so on);
  • in case of multiple cuts;
  • if the wound does not heal for 10–12 days, it bleeds periodically;
  • when the cut is festering. This usually happens when untimely appeal for medical help, when the wound has become infected, and the destruction of damaged tissues occurs, which has dangerous consequences for the body. Such situations require longer and more expensive treatment, a long recovery period.

Cuts should not be taken lightly.

The entry and spread of infection can cause:

  • the formation of abscesses, suppuration and even gangrenous processes with tissue death;
  • sepsis (blood poisoning), accompanied by fever up to 39-40 ° C, tachycardia, chills, sweating, weakness, lack of appetite, as well as an increase in the spleen and liver;
  • tetanus, in which there are dull pulling pains and tension in the area of ​​​​the cut, headache, irritation, yawning and insomnia, tension and convulsive twitching of the masticatory muscles.

These conditions are not only painful, but also life-threatening.


Cuts can be avoided by observing the rules of safe behavior in everyday life, when handling cutting objects, and also taking into account the properties of materials that have thin and sharp surfaces capable of dissecting tissues. To prevent injury:

Video: how to quickly stop the bleeding with minor wounds and cuts

Hello! My name is Lydia. Graduated from the faculties of natural sciences, practical psychology. I am interested in issues of maintaining human health and improving the quality of life. I work in the field of education.


With minor venous bleeding, attach your fingers to the vessel below the damage, since it is the venous that flows upward. Usually this is enough for a blood clot to form after a while, and the blood to stop on its own.

For venous bleeding, apply a pressure bandage from bottom to top below the injury site. Do each subsequent turn of the bandage with stronger tension, but not too tight. At correct overlay The limb bandages will retain their natural color. With tight bandaging, throbbing pain, cyanosis and swelling will appear. In this case, the bandage will need to be slightly loosened.

For severe bleeding from a vein, when finger pressure and pressure bandage become ineffective, use a tourniquet. Be sure to follow the technique of applying it, since in some cases it can be no less traumatic than the damage itself. Indeed, with strong squeezing, a complete violation of the blood supply and innervation of the limb is possible and, as a result, paralysis or gangrene.

Apply a tourniquet for venous bleeding below the wound, as in the case of finger pressure or a pressure bandage. If there is no ordinary tourniquet, replace it with a belt, sleeve, scarf. In order not to injure the skin and nerves, apply a tourniquet over clothing, make each subsequent turn stronger than the previous one, but not tight. Leave it in a conspicuous place and put a note with exact time(up to a minute) overlays. If transportation to the first-aid post takes 1 hour, pinch the vein with your fingers and remove the tourniquet, and after a few minutes, if the bleeding is still heavy, apply it again indicating the new time.

Regardless of the method of stopping the bleeding, create a fixed position for the damaged part of the body, for example, fix it with an impromptu splint or limit it with a roller.

If you managed to successfully cope with even minor bleeding, show the injured doctor. In some cases, it may be necessary to treat the wound with disinfectant solutions, and sometimes the introduction tetanus toxoid.

Stopping bleeding is a top priority when treating a wound. You need to act quickly, as a large blood loss can threaten the life of the patient. For the elderly and young children, even the slightest bleeding Therefore, it is necessary to have first aid skills.


Fold the gauze in several layers and press firmly against the bleeding wound.

Make sure the bandage does not get wet. If blood seeps through the bandage, the gauze is not tight enough. In this case, you need to increase the number of layers of gauze and bandage the wound even tighter.

Pinch the wound with your fingers if there are no dressings on hand. This will temporarily stop bleeding and prevent deterioration of the patient's condition. If the bleeding is in a place inaccessible to the dressing (for example, on the neck), this measure will be the only one. She will help the victim to hold out until the arrival.

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If there is a person with bleeding next to you, and the specialists have not yet arrived, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim. To do this, it is important to determine the nature of bleeding, since for various injuries, measures first aid will differ.


Apply a clean bandage if the wound is small. As a rule, when minor damage soon without any extra effort. If you have it at hand, you can treat the wound with cotton wool soaked in it. Do not press or rub on the bleeding site, this will only increase the pain and prevent self-healing wounds.

Elevate the bleeding part of the body if blood does not stop on its own. This measure will slow down its circulation, and the blood loss will not be so great.

Use your finger to pinch the artery above the wound, if blood has a bright red color and beats from the place of damage with a pulsating jet. It . With it, rapid blood loss can take life in a few minutes. Apply a tourniquet over the bleeding site, after covering the skin with gauze. Get the victim to the hospital within two hours, otherwise the lack of flow to the injured limb will cause it to die.

Give the victim at least a glass of water to drink to replace the lost fluid.

Call an ambulance if the victim has a venous or arterial bleeding. If the bleeding is capillary, but the wound is very deep, you need to go to the hospital yourself. You may need stitches.

Dark red blood flowing profusely from a deep wound indicates damage to the vein. It is important to be able to provide first aid to the victim, otherwise a large blood loss can cost him his life.


Prepare dressings for dressing. It is better if it is sterile cotton wool, gauze and a bandage, but if it is not possible to get them, you can use a clean handkerchief. It is important that the pressure bandage be applied as quickly as possible, since with a large blood loss from venous bleeding, the victim may, and in especially severe cases even. In addition, you can earn air embolism if an air bubble enters through a damaged vessel. And this condition is also dangerous.

Bandage the bleeding area as tightly as possible. This will help to narrow the lumen of the damaged vein, as a result of which bleeding must stop. If blood continues to seep through the bandage, the bandage is not tight enough. You can apply an additional layer of gauze to the wound and bandage it with great effort.

If the victim is injured in vein in an open area where there is no way to get dressings, pinch the injury site with your fingers. Although this is a temporary measure, it will allow the victim to hold out until he is provided with full medical care. If a vein in the neck is damaged, then the imposition of a tight bandage is impossible for obvious reasons, so stop bleeding only this way will be possible.

Call an ambulance immediately. A patient with a damaged vein needs further observation. Treatment of the wound by specialists will help prevent its infection and other complications.

Traumatic occurs as a result of damage to blood vessels, capillaries or arteries and is one of the signs wounds. An incision, blow or injection breaks the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which blood begins to flow out of them. Strong bleeding can lead to loss of consciousness and even death. Therefore, you must know how to properly stop the bleeding in order to help the wounded before the doctors arrive.

You will need

  • - gauze;
  • - bandage;
  • - cotton wool;
  • - tourniquet.


capillary bleeding occurs only with superficial wounds, blood is released from the wound in drops. Since blood loss with such injured minor, the bleeding is easily stopped by applying a clean gauze bandage pre-treated with hydrogen peroxide. Put a layer of cotton wool on top of the gauze and tie it with a bandage. If you do not have a bandage and gauze on hand, bandage the bleeding area with a clean handkerchief. Do not use fleecy material, as this is fraught with infection of the wound (for the same reason, do not put cotton on open injury).

With deeper wounds (stab and cut), venous bleeding, while you can observe the abundant outflow of dark red. A dangerous moment with such injured- possible absorption of air into the vessels. If the air reaches , it may come. stop bleeding from a vein with a tight bandage. It is like a pressure factor that presses the damaged walls of blood vessels, and bleeding stops. If you did not have a first aid kit and a pressure bandage on hand, and bleeding from the wound is very strong, press the place of blood with your fingers. With the flow of blood from the vein of the upper limb, sometimes it is enough just to raise your hand up.

The most dangerous of all types is arterial, it occurs with deep stab and chopped wounds. arterial blood has a bright red color and spurts under a large one, as a result of which complete bleeding of the victim can occur. Stop blood flow to the wound by clamping the artery just above the injury. But this measure is temporary. Clamp the artery until you prepare and apply pressure bandage. In some cases, a tourniquet has to be applied.

If you don't have a tourniquet handy, you can use a scarf, tie, handkerchief, or suspenders. Apply a makeshift tourniquet immediately after injury just above the bleeding. Cover the place where the tourniquet is applied with a layer of gauze to prevent damage to the skin. A properly tied tourniquet will completely cut off blood flow to the injured limb, however, do not leave it on for more than two hours as death of the limb may occur.

When bleeding from the most important human artery - the carotid - immediately squeeze the wound with your fingers or even a fist. Then stuff the wound large quantity sterile gauze. This method of stopping is by tamponing. After dressing the bleeding places, wait for the ambulance to arrive or take the victim to a medical facility.

Gangrene is tissue necrosis that develops as a result of infection, circulatory disorders and physical or chemical exposure. Any organs and tissues can be affected, however, gangrene of the extremities is the most common.

You will need

  • - antibiotics;
  • - vitamins of group B;
  • - immunomodulators;
  • - Insulin (for diabetes).


Treatment should be supervised qualified specialist. The most common mistake is trying to fight necrosis. Someone makes a compress from chewed rye bread with salt, someone - coniferous lotions, and someone even such exotic methods as applying mutton liver to gangrene or marsh frogs cut into pieces. Such therapy will not only not help, but it can. Firstly, there is a high risk of infection, and secondly, until the patient realizes that the treatment is useless, gangrene will only progress, poisoning the body with decay products of necrotic tissues.

Many are afraid to see a doctor, because they believe that amputation of a limb with gangrene is inevitable. In fact, there are several methods to reduce the severity surgical intervention. Sometimes it is even possible to avoid an open one, although this is possible only if the treatment is started on

Most often, once in a slightly extreme situation, we are lost and do not know how to behave. Assistance to the victims in these cases is to call the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or an ambulance. Everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of others and loved ones must know how to stop the blood in case of injury. And the faster and better assistance is provided, the more the victims will have a chance for a favorable outcome.

With small wounds, the bleeding stops on its own, thanks to this. In addition, it helps to cleanse the wounds. Before stopping the bleeding, make sure that the blood loss is large enough. They must exceed two hundred and fifty milliliters. The pressure of the jet, as well as the duration of bleeding, are also taken into account. Small capillaries stop quickly and do not require any treatment. It is enough just to wipe the skin around with a piece of clean bandage, and attach an antibacterial patch on top. This will help tighten the edges of the wound and speed up healing. For longer than one centimeter, it is advisable to suture to avoid scarring.

It is important to know how to stop bleeding when they are considered the most dangerous. It is easy to recognize them by a strong pulsating jet of bright red color. Such bleeding does not stop on its own. If the vessel is damaged, it is necessary to apply a tight pressure bandage that tightly tightens the edges of the wound. Bandage as much as possible, and if blood comes out, put new bandages on top.

Stab wounds are very dangerous. Here, little blood comes through, but the damage is deep and the infection remains in the tissues. If you feel weakness, numbness and tingling in this area, then the nerves or tendons are damaged. Puncture wounds require the immediate administration of an antibiotic or tetanus toxoid.

It is equally important to know how to stop blood from large vessels. Here a tourniquet is required. In this capacity, you can use a piece of durable fabric, a belt, a rope, or any other suitable handy tool. The bandage is applied above the wound. To tighten a piece of fabric, you can use a stick, which is inserted into the loop of the tourniquet and scrolled. It is important to know that with long-term clamping of the limb, tissue necrosis may occur. In the summer, the tourniquet is kept for no more than two hours, in the colder one for only an hour. If the ambulance is late, remove the tourniquet, pinch the vessel with your finger and let the limb rest for fifteen minutes.

You can stop bleeding from the nose and other types with the help of ice. If this open wound, it must be washed and removed all foreign objects. Fragments located deep in the tissues should not be removed. It is enough to apply a pressure bandage on the limbs. It is strictly forbidden to stop by tilting the head back and thereby inhaling the blood back. Roll small balls of cotton wool, dip them in hydrogen peroxide, and then place them one by one in the nostrils. This procedure in combination with ice compresses is very effective.

Finally, let's find out how the operation to extract it takes place under the supervision of a specialist and always leads to some damage. Blood flows from the socket of the extracted tooth. A small gauze ball is applied here and after five minutes the wound stops bleeding. But sometimes this process takes a long time. How to stop the bleeding after tooth extraction in such cases? Unskilled work of the dentist or excessive trauma to the vessels, and sometimes too complex extraction manipulations lead to such consequences. Take a piece of gauze, make a tampon out of it, put it on the bleeding place and squeeze it well with your jaws. Keep the swab in this position for at least twenty minutes. The bleeding must stop.

Article publication date: 06/19/2017

Article last updated: 12/21/2018

From this article you will learn: how to stop it, when you can try to do it at home, and when it is absolutely impossible.

The nature of the menstrual cycle, the regularity and volume of blood loss have always been indicators of " women's health". Almost every woman in her life faced with the problem of uterine bleeding that arose for various reasons.

In some cases, such bleeding can be stopped at home, but sometimes they become massive and life-threatening. Without the help of a doctor, including inpatient treatment and surgical manipulations, it is impossible to stop heavy bleeding.

It is provided by an obstetrician-gynecologist of the antenatal clinic, who, having assessed the situation, can refer the woman to a gynecological hospital.

What are the features of stopping uterine bleeding?

The uterus is a completely unique organ, bleeding from which has a specific character. The spiral arteries supplying the uterus are almost completely devoid of a muscular layer, therefore they are not able to contract on their own. Instead of a muscular layer, the lumen of the arteries is clamped by a thick muscular layer of the uterus itself. Therefore, if the uterus is flabby and atonic for some reason, then the bleeding cannot be stopped without reducing agents.

endometrial arteries

The main source of bleeding in the uterus is its internal mucous membrane - the endometrium. This layer, shed every menstrual cycle, after pregnancy and childbirth, exposes the spiral arteries and causes them to bleed. The pathology of the endometrium itself or the hormonal background supporting it can cause extremely profuse bleeding, the stop of which will not do without hormonal drugs.

The structure of the female reproductive system. Click on photo to enlarge

A large role in the occurrence of uterine bleeding is played by various inflammatory processes of the female genital organs. The inflammatory process triggers special mechanisms that reduce blood clotting and prevent uterine contractility.

Below we will try to highlight several blocks, in each of which we will talk about the possible cause of the problem and how to stop a particular view. uterine bleeding.

Abundant menstruation

In the life of every woman there is a month in which menstrual bleeding is more abundant and prolonged than usual. The reason for this may be stress, hypothermia, colds, taking certain medications, abrupt change time and temperature zones.

In medicine, heavy menstruation is called menometrorrhagia - the most common variant of uterine bleeding. This phenomenon is characterized by an increase in the duration of menstruation over 7 days and a blood loss of more than 200 ml, but the latter criterion is rather biased. More often, gynecologists use a more primitive criterion - the number of full pads per day. Five or more full pads used in a day may indicate menometrorrhagia.

How to stop heavy menstruation?

Menometrorrhagia can be stopped at home, but such attempts without medical supervision are highly undesirable and should not last more than 5 days. We list the main methods of how to stop uterine bleeding at home:

  1. Complete renunciation of sexual activity.
  2. Abstinence from a warm bath and any warming procedures such as heating pads on the lower abdomen or lower back.
  3. The prone position may reduce bleeding slightly, as the uterus contracts a little better in this position.
  4. Good choices for "home" bleeding control are the following: medical preparations- etamsylate or dicynone, water pepper extract, nettle and shepherd's purse decoction. The duration of their intake should not exceed 4-5 days. If it is seen that the blood flow does not stop, you should immediately contact a gynecologist to correct the treatment.

Disorders due to the use of hormonal drugs

It is also a fairly common cause of uterine bleeding, because certain hormonal preparations modern women are used more and more often. The cause of such dyshormonal disorders can be the stage of "addiction" to the drug, an incorrectly selected drug, its incorrect intake by the patient, or unauthorized cancellation. Bleeding of this kind can be both profuse - with scarlet blood, and long - brown and spotting.

What to do with "hormonal" bleeding?

The basic principle of stopping such bleeding is to try to take a "double" dose of the usual drug for 2-3 days. For example, a patient has bleeding while taking a combined oral contraceptive. You can try to take not one, but two pills from a pack with an interval of an hour or two, that is, the usual and the next numbered pill from the pack.

If the blood flow has not stopped, then the “double” dose should immediately be returned to the usual one, and the pack of tablets should be completed in the usual way - that is, up to 21 or 28 days. To do this, the missing tablets must be taken from the next pack. Further, the contraceptive should be canceled or continued according to the usual scheme - it is important to understand that there is a high probability of repeated menstrual bleeding in normal reception contraceptive pills. Such actions are permissible for no more than 3 days, otherwise it is dangerous to take an increased dose of hormones.

Uterine bleeding with intrauterine "spiral"

The intrauterine system, or contraceptive - IUD or IUD, called the "spiral" by patients, is the second most popular contraceptive, which is located in the uterine cavity and prevents the engraftment of a fertilized egg.

intrauterine system

How to help with bleeding on the background of the IUD?

The most common side effect of this contraceptive is more heavy menstruation, this phenomenon is reflected in official instructions to the remedy. However, sometimes this side effect exceeds acceptable expectations.

  • As a variant of "getting used" to the IUD during the first 2-3 months after the introduction, this variant can be considered conditionally normal. Treatment in this case is symptomatic - its scheme is similar to that for heavy periods.
  • However, with systemic bleeding, it is important to find out if the system is correctly introduced. This is easy to do with an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. If the IUD is incorrectly positioned in the uterus, it may appear pain syndrome and abnormal uterine bleeding. In this case, the "spiral" must be removed.

Uterine bleeding on the background of inflammatory diseases

Various kinds of inflammatory processes of the female genital area - adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis, endometritis, cervicitis - are often accompanied by various kinds and abundance of blood outflows. They can complicate both an acute process and an exacerbation of a chronic one.

Such bleeding can be heavy or spotting, often accompanied by lower abdominal and lower back pain, foul-smelling vaginal discharge, and menstrual blood, temperature increase, inflammatory changes in general analysis blood.


How to stop bleeding against the background of the inflammatory process?

  • The first step is to contact a gynecologist who will examine and establish the fact of the inflammatory process.
  • The first line remedy in this case will be antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs that will suppress the root cause of the problem. Specific drugs and the regimen will be advised by the doctor, taking into account the clinic, complaints and medical history of the patient.
  • Considering the impact inflammatory factors and the anti-inflammatory drugs themselves on the blood coagulation system, it would be useful to add to the treatment regimen drugs that affect the blood coagulation system - etamsylate and its analogues, tranexam, aminocaproic acid.
  • It is important to understand that with purulent processes (especially endometritis - inflammation of the uterine cavity) it is almost impossible to do without surgical procedures. Such interventions are necessary to empty purulent foci and remove the inflamed endometrium, which prevents the uterus from contracting. Gynecological manipulations are carried out in a hospital, under general anesthesia and take relatively little time.
  • At the recovery stage, physiotherapy procedures - magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, ultrasound - have a good effect.

Blood flow against the background of gynecological diseases

In this section, we will focus on non-inflammatory diseases of the female genital area. These include pathological conditions of the uterine cavity and endometrium: endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial polyps, intracavitary myoma nodes, as well as other conditions of the uterus and cervix: uterine myoma, endometriosis, cervical polyps. These diseases can be manifested both by heavy menstruation and intermenstrual bleeding from the genital tract.

Varieties of uterine fibroids

How to stop this variant of uterine bleeding?

  1. It is important to understand the basic truth in this case - as long as there is an underlying cause, uterine bleeding is only a symptom. That is why the treatment at this stage is symptomatic, that is, temporary. All available methods can be used - herbal preparations(water pepper, nettle, shepherd's purse), etamsylate and its analogues, tranexam, uterine contracting agents such as oxytocin or methylergometrine.
  2. In some cases, hormonal preparations are extremely effective - combined oral contraceptives (COCs), pure estrogens, progesterone preparations (duphaston, norkolut). A specific remedy and the cycle of its administration can only be recommended by a doctor after examining and questioning the patient, as well as the results ultrasound research and hormonal panels.
  3. The most effective and radical treatment will be a specific cure for the primary disease - hormonal therapy, surgical treatment - manipulation - curettage of the uterine cavity, hysteroscopy or gynecological operation- removal of nodes, coagulation of endometriosis foci, and so on.

Post-abortion disorders

In this section, we will talk about abortions on early dates up to 12 weeks - both natural (miscarriage) and artificial (abortions, vacuum aspirations, medical abortion). Normally, after such interruptions of pregnancy, uterine bleeding is present - the uterine cavity is freed from the overgrown "pregnant" endometrium, blood clots, and remnants of fetal tissues. Usually this condition resembles the most abundant menstruation in duration and blood loss. If bloody issues after the procedure, they acquire a different character, this indicates the presence of a pathology of the post-abortion period.

The structure of the endometrium

How to stop uterine bleeding after a miscarriage?

  • The main principle of stopping is the maximum stimulation of uterine muscle contraction - so the uterus will contract more quickly, close the lumen of the arteries and empty the cavity from the remnants of pregnancy. For this, it is used special group funds - uterotonics. The simplest representative of them is water pepper extract. More complex drugs, dispensed only by prescription, are hormone-like substances - oxytocin, deaminooxytocin, methylergometrine.
  • Attempts to stop such bleeding should not take more than 5 days, as this is fraught with severe blood loss, accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity and inflammation of the uterine cavity.
  • In the absence of the effect of reducing therapy, it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and assess the condition of the uterine cavity. If there are remnants of fetal tissues in the cavity, placental polyps, blood clots - they must be removed surgically - without this, the uterus will not be able to contract.

Obstetric or postpartum hemorrhage

Postpartum hemorrhage is one of the most dangerous complications in medicine. by the most life threatening are early postpartum hemorrhage- they develop within two hours after the birth of a child against the background of a decrease in uterine contractility or placental remnants in the uterine cavity. Doctors of maternity hospitals are struggling with such problems.

After discharge from the maternity hospital according to the classic version, postpartum spotting - lochia - lasts about 42 days, decreasing every day. If at this stage something goes wrong, then the lochia becomes abundant, bright scarlet in color, clots appear in their composition or bad smell. Such postpartum uterine bleeding occurs for two reasons: infectious complications and delayed uterine contractility, which are closely interconnected and pass into each other.

How to stop postpartum bleeding?

  • Self-stop at home is possible with light bleeding, without clots, fever and unpleasant odor. Otherwise, a doctor's consultation and a special study are necessary.
  • The basis for stopping bleeding is uterine contraction, as after an abortion. It is important to know that it is in the postpartum period that nature itself comes to the aid of a woman - after all, when a child is attached to the breast and the act of sucking, the same oxytocin is produced, which reduces the uterus. Therefore, frequent application breast-feeding on demand - the key to a successful postpartum period.
  • As prescribed by the doctor, you can use uterotonics, herbal preparations, physiotherapy.
  • With inefficiency conservative treatment curettage of the uterine cavity is shown to stimulate its contractility and cleanse the cavity.

When do you need to urgently consult a doctor?

As we have already understood, sometimes you can try to solve the problem yourself, but there are a number of cases when you need to urgently get an appointment with a gynecologist:

  1. Profuse bleeding, requiring more than 5 full pads per day, and also with the presence of clots.
  2. Prolonged bleeding of any intensity lasting more than 7 days.
  3. Bleeding, accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, fever, unpleasant odor from the genital tract.
  4. Any bloody discharge from the genital tract in the presence of pregnancy of any period.
  5. Any bleeding that does not respond to self-treatment.

Bleeding appears when the integrity of the vessels is violated. It can be both external, when blood enters from the wound to the surface of the skin, and internal, when it flows into the body. The main reasons for this pathological condition- injuries, as well as diseases of various organs (, malignant tumor) or bleeding disorders ().

Types and causes

With rapid blood loss, the amount of blood circulating in the body decreases. At the same time, the supply of oxygen to tissues, especially the brain, kidneys and liver, suffers. If blood loss is not so significant, but continues for a long time (for example, during or heavy menstruation), a person occurs. The most dangerous blood loss in children and elderly people.

The consequences of blood loss also depend on the size of the injured vessel. When small arteries and capillaries are injured, blood clots quickly form in them, and the outflow of blood stops on its own. When damaged major artery the blood stream is very strong, which within a few minutes can cause the death of the victim.

When different vessels are damaged, one of the forms of bleeding occurs:

  • capillary;
  • venous;
  • mixed;
  • arterial.

Capillary bleeding is not intense, blood is released over the entire surface of the injury. When venous, it forms a uniform stream of cherry color. An arterial wound is manifested by a strong rushing stream of scarlet blood, pulsing in accordance with the contractions of the heart. With mixed damage, signs of both arterial and venous blood loss are visible.

The discharge of blood from the mouth may accompany the following processes:

  • bleeding from the lungs with or tuberculosis (scarlet foaming blood);
  • gastric bleeding with an ulcer or or esophagus (vomiting blood or clots, often similar to coffee grounds).

Blood during urination is a sign of diseases of the urinary system.

Internal bleeding can be assumed based on the deterioration of the victim's well-being. With the accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity, frequent weak pulse, pallor, thirst, drowsiness, fainting. complements these signs with bleeding into the pleural cavity. When blood accumulates in cranium there are signs of brain compression - loss of consciousness, respiratory failure, and others.

First aid

If the bleeding from the wound does not stop, you should immediately consult a doctor. The same applies to cases of trauma to the abdomen, chest or head, when damage to organs inside the body is not ruled out.

external bleeding

For minor bleeding small wound on the limbs it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage of cotton wool and gauze in several layers. From above it should be well fixed with a bandage or adhesive plaster. However, care must be taken that the bandage does not pinch intact vessels, and the limb below the bandage does not turn blue.

With intense bleeding from an arterial vessel, the bandage will not be able to stop it. You need to try to find a point above the wound where the arterial pulse is felt, and press it with force with your fingers or fist. The flow of blood almost completely stops.

However, even the most strong man will not be able to squeeze the artery for more than 15 minutes. That is why immediately after pressing the vessel, you should look for other ways to help the victim. For this, a hemostatic tourniquet is used. It can be replaced with improvised means - a tie, a scarf, and so on, but not with wire. Such strips of fabric are tightened with some hard object, such as a stick, and the twist is strengthened with a separate bandage.

If the leg is damaged below the knee, the tourniquet is applied to the thigh, if the arm is injured below the elbow - at the level of the upper or lower part of the shoulder. A tourniquet is not applied to the middle of the shoulder, since nerves pass close under the skin here. They can be easily injured.

The limb is wrapped in a soft cloth or clothing without folds. The tourniquet is brought under the limb, taken by the end and middle and stretched, after which it is wrapped around the thigh or shoulder until the bleeding stops. Turnover should gradually weaken. They need to be done next to each other so that the fabric between them is not infringed. The harness should not be overtightened.

A note is placed under it, indicating the hour and minute when the tourniquet was applied. It can remain on the human body in a warm room for up to 2 hours, and in winter - no more than an hour and a half. If the victim has not yet been taken to the hospital, it is necessary to temporarily loosen the tension. The first assistant presses the artery above the injury site, and the second one slowly loosens the tourniquet for 5 minutes, after which it is again applied higher previous place but as close as possible to the source of blood loss.

To stop bleeding in case of injuries of the limbs is sometimes obtained with their increased flexion. When a hand or forearm is injured, a roller of cotton wool and gauze or fabric is placed in the elbow bend, the limb is bent and the shoulder and forearm are pulled together using a bandage or belt. If the shoulder is damaged in the upper part or the area under the collarbone, both hands are brought behind the back and pulled together by the elbows. In case of injuries of the foot and lower leg, the roller is placed under the knee, the limb is bent and the thigh and lower leg are pulled together. Finally, in case of damage to the thigh, the roller is placed in the groin area, the thigh is bent and pulled to the body.

The injured limb is lifted and urgently seek medical help.

Other types of bleeding

When blood appears from respiratory tract, vagina, oral cavity must be called immediately ambulance. These conditions can threaten the life of the sick person. First aid measures:

  • bleeding from the lungs and hemoptysis: seat the patient reclining, place a heating pad on the chest with cold water or ice, advise not to move or talk;
  • gastric bleeding: complete rest, cold on the abdomen;
  • : rest, drink plenty of water.
  • seat the patient reclining;
  • insert into the nostrils gauze swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide;
  • put a handkerchief moistened with water on the bridge of the nose;
  • if ineffective, you can apply cold to the back of the head.

You can’t tilt your head back, because in this case, blood can enter the throat, giving the impression of stopping the bleeding.

If home measures are ineffective, an ambulance should be called.

After stopping the discharge of blood from the nose, the sick person needs rest. He is not recommended to make sharp bends, eat hot food, blow his nose. In case of repeated bleeding, you should consult a doctor, as they are often accompanied by serious diseases of the internal organs or the blood system.

Which doctor to contact

With the development of bleeding, it is necessary to urgently contact the surgeon, since blood loss can be stopped only after the treatment and suturing of the wound or surgery on the internal organs. At prolonged bleeding You may need to consult a specialized specialist: pulmonologist, ENT doctor, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, proctologist, urologist or oncologist.

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky talks about emergency care for nosebleeds:

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