Harmonic vibrations. General recommendations for working with frequencies and conducting sessions

According to psychologists, sound information forms about one-fifth of our perception of the world around us. But is it really so? Even if we do not take into account that people are divided into visuals and auditory people by type of perception (and for the latter, sound is literally half the kingdom), then even then this statement can be considered conditionally true.

So what is sound? Sound is elastic waves propagating in the medium with frequencies from 16 to 20,000 Hertz, affecting the human hearing aid. Everything seems to be correct and complete enough. However, sounds also exist outside the boundaries of this range: below 16 Hertz are infrasounds, and above 20,000 are ultrasounds. Moreover, someone already “does not hear” both 20 Hertz and 15,000 Hertz, but this does not mean that these vibrations do not exist, and that they do not affect his hearing aid. These fluctuations exist, moreover, they affect not only our hearing aid, but the whole organism as a whole. And, here's the most interesting thing, these sounds beyond our "conscious" perception are very often able to affect our consciousness more than a bolt from the blue in the literal and figurative sense of this expression.

Before delving into the jungle of "otherworldly" sounds, it is worth trampling a little on the threshold of this world and clarify for yourself one moment that unites them all and characterizes them equally. Namely: the strength of sound, or otherwise sound pressure. What is it, and what is it eaten with? Sound pressure - a variable overpressure that occurs in a medium during the passage of a sound wave (usually sound pressure is small compared to constant pressure in the environment). The special unit of sound intensity and energy is the decibel (dB). Zero decibel corresponds to a sound pressure of 2 x 10-5 Pa, and is the threshold of hearing. The value of 2 x 102 Pa is pain threshold. The range perceptible to the human ear includes the sound intensity from 0 to 140 dB. As you understand, 0 dB is complete silence, but 140 dB roughly corresponds to the roar of a jet engine in afterburner from a distance of 5 meters, although to evaluate this on your own eardrums only a masochist would voluntarily agree. Sound levels up to 60 dB are considered comfortable and safe. A sound between 60 and 90 dB can be considered potentially dangerous, as you will only begin to feel its negative effects after prolonged and continuous exposure, but its effects are reversible. If you find yourself in the zone of sound with a strength of 100 to 130 dB, then you are guaranteed a trip to the otolaryngologist, but 140-150 dB can send you straight to the morgue.

Well, let's cross the threshold of audibility and begin our journey through the frequency scale of sounds.

“... On the seventh day they walked around the city seven times. Jesus Novin said to the people, "Shout out, for the Lord has given you the city." And the people cried out, and the trumpets blew, and the city wall collapsed to the ground ... "

Like this in old testament the capture by the Israelites of the city of Jericho, a fortress surrounded by impregnable walls, is described. According to latest research, not the last role in the destruction of the fortress wall legendary city infrasound played, or rather, the resonance of the structure itself under its influence. Unfortunately, our organisms and psyche are even more vulnerable to these fluctuations. Infrasonic vibrations of even low intensity cause symptoms similar to concussion (nausea, tinnitus, visual disturbances). Fluctuations in average intensity can cause "non-food" diarrhea and brain dysfunction with the most unexpected consequences. High-intensity infrasound, resulting in resonance, disrupts the operation of almost all internal organs, death is possible due to cardiac arrest, or rupture of blood vessels.

Resonance frequencies of the human internal organs:

  • 20-30 Hz (head resonance);
  • 19 Hz and 40-100 Hz (eye resonance);
  • 0.5-13 Hz (resonance vestibular apparatus);
  • 4-6 Hz (heart resonance);
  • 2-3 Hz (stomach resonance);
  • 2-4 Hz (intestinal resonance);
  • 6-8 Hz (kidney resonance);
  • 2-5 Hz (hand resonance).

However, the Forbidden fruit, as you know, is sweet, and therefore the temptation to use it to achieve a certain effect is very great, and there are a great many examples of this. True, the result is always the same - expulsion from "paradise".

At the beginning of the 20th century, the director of one of the London theaters was concerned important point. A new play was about to be staged. One of the scenes took the audience to a distant, disturbing past. What technical means the best way to express this moment? The famous American physicist Robert Wood came to the aid of the director. He suggested that the director use very low, rumbling sounds: they would create in the auditorium an atmosphere of expectation of something unusual, frightening. To get the "disturbing" sound, Wood designed a special pipe that was attached to the organ. And the very first rehearsal frightened everyone. The trumpet did not make audible sounds, but when the organist pressed the key, the inexplicable happened in the theater: window panes rattled, crystal pendants of candelabra rang. Moreover, everyone who was present at that moment on the stage and in the auditorium felt causeless fear! People living near the theater later confirmed that they had experienced the same thing.

Despite such a "success", already in our century, Wood found successors, and in the same England. An employee of the National Physics Laboratory in England, Dr. Richard Lord, and professor of psychology Richard Wiseman from the University of Hertfordshire conducted a rather strange experiment on an audience of 750 people. With the help of a seven-meter pipe, they managed to add ultra-low frequencies to the sound of ordinary acoustic instruments at a classical music concert. After the concert, the audience was asked to describe their impressions. Subjects reported experiencing sudden mood swings, sadness, some goosebumps, some intense fear, and Wiseman stated: "Some scientists believe that subsonic frequencies may be present in places that , according to legend, haunted, and it is infrasound that causes strange impressions usually associated with ghosts - our study confirms these ideas.

More eloquent, so to speak, confirmation of ideas with "ghosts" was the experiment of engineer Vic Tandy from Coventry. He mystified colleagues with a ghost in his laboratory. Visions of gray flashes were accompanied by a feeling of awkwardness among Vic's guests. It turned out that this is the effect of an infrasonic emitter tuned to 18.9 hertz.

Scary, dangerous, deadly - this is how infrasound can be characterized, but a reasonable question immediately arises: “Does infrasound have positive influence? There is, but only in the "virtual".

If you listen to a recording of the sacred music of Tibetan monks or Gregorian chant, you can hear how the voices merge, forming one pulsating tone. This is one of the most interesting effects inherent in some musical instruments and a choir of people singing in approximately the same key - the formation of beats. When voices or instruments converge in unison, the beats slow down, and when they diverge, they speed up. Perhaps this effect would have remained in the sphere of interest only of musicians, if not for the researcher Robert Monroe. He realized that, despite the wide popularity in the scientific world of the effect of beats, no one had investigated their effect on the human condition when listening through stereo headphones. Monroe opened interesting point: when listening to sounds of a similar frequency on different channels (right and left), a person feels the so-called binaural beats, or binaural rhythms. For example, when one ear hears a pure tone with a frequency of 330 vibrations per second, and the other ear a pure tone with a frequency of 335 vibrations per second, the hemispheres of the brain begin to work together, and as a result, he "hears" beats with a frequency of 335 - 330 = 5 vibrations per second. second, but this is not a real external sound, but a "phantom". It is born in the human brain only with a combination of electromagnetic waves coming from two synchronously working hemispheres of the brain. The brain most easily follows stimuli in the frequency range of 8-25 Hz, but with training this interval can be extended to the entire range of the brain's natural frequencies.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish four main types of electrical oscillations in the human brain, each of which has its own frequency range and the state of consciousness in which it dominates.

Beta waves are the fastest. Their frequency varies according to classic version from 14 to 42Hz (and according to some modern sources - more than 100 Hertz). In the usual waking state, when we open eyes we observe the world around us or are focused on solving some current problems, these waves dominate in our brain mainly in the range from 14 to 40 Hertz. Beta waves are usually associated with wakefulness, awakening, focus, cognition, and, when they are in excess, with anxiety, fear, and panic. A lack of beta waves is associated with depression, poor selective attention, and memory problems.

Alpha waves occur when we close our eyes and begin to passively relax without thinking about anything. At the same time, bioelectrical oscillations in the brain slow down, and “bursts” of alpha waves appear, i.e. fluctuations in the range from 8 to 13 Hertz. If we continue to relax without focusing our thoughts, alpha waves will begin to dominate the entire brain, and we will fall into a state of pleasant tranquility, which is also called the “alpha state”. Studies have shown that brain stimulation in the alpha range is ideal for absorption new information, any material that should always be ready in your memory. On the electroencephalogram (EEG) of a healthy, not under the influence of stress person, there are always a lot of alpha waves. Lack of them can be a sign of stress, inability to adequate rest and effective learning, as well as evidence of brain disorders or illness. It's in alpha state. human brain produces more beta-endorphins and enkephalins - their own "drugs" responsible for joy, relaxation and pain reduction. Also, alpha waves are a kind of bridge between consciousness and the subconscious - they provide their connection.

Theta waves occur when a calm, peaceful wakefulness turns into sleepiness. The oscillations in the brain become slower and more rhythmic, ranging from 4 to 8 Hertz. This state is also called "twilight", because in it a person is between sleep and wakefulness. Often it is accompanied by a vision of unexpected, images, similar topics that are born in dreams. They are accompanied by vivid memories, especially childhood ones. The theta state allows access to the contents of the unconscious part of the mind, free associations, unexpected insights, creative ideas. On the other hand, the theta range (4-7 oscillations per second) is ideal for non-critical acceptance of external attitudes, since its rhythms reduce the action of the corresponding protective mental mechanisms and allow transforming information to penetrate deep into the subconscious. That is, in order for messages designed to change your behavior or attitude to others to penetrate the subconscious mind without being subjected to the critical evaluation inherent in the waking state, it is best to impose them on the rhythms of the theta range. This psycho-physiological state (similar to hypnotic states in the pattern of distribution and combination of electrical potentials brain) in 1848 Frenchman Mauri gave the name "hypnagogic" (from the Greek hipnos - sleep and agnogeus - guide, leader). Using theta brain stimulation, in just three weeks, you can learn to achieve creative states anytime, anywhere you want.

Delta waves begin to dominate when we fall asleep. They are even slower than theta waves because they have a frequency of less than 4 oscillations per second. Most of us, when delta waves dominate the brain, are either in a sleepy state or in another unconscious state. However, there is growing evidence that some people can be in a delta state, while being perfectly aware of what is happening around them. It is generally associated with deep trance or "non-physical" states. It is noteworthy that it is in this state that our brain secretes the largest amounts of growth hormone, and the processes of self-healing and self-healing are most intensive in the body.

Recent studies have established that once a person is genuinely interested in something, the power of the bio electrical activity brain in the delta range increases significantly (along with beta activity).

Modern methods of computer analysis of the electrical activity of the brain have made it possible to establish that in the state of wakefulness in the brain there are frequencies of absolutely all ranges, moreover, than more efficient work of the brain, the greater the coherence (synchronism) of oscillations is observed in all ranges in the symmetrical zones of both hemispheres of the brain. The use of binaural beats is a very simple and at the same time powerful means of influencing the bioelectrical activity of the brain. There have been a lot of studies that have proven their effectiveness for a number of applications, in particular for accelerated learning. For example, in a study by Richard Kennerly, it was shown that a soundtrack with superimposed binaural beats in the beta range (faster than 14 vibrations per second) caused a significant improvement in memory in students.

Everything is more or less clear with infrasound, but what about ultrasound? Paradoxically, it was thanks to ultrasound that people with hearing impairments were able to cross the threshold of silence and fill their lives with sounds in the same way as most of us. The theory states that the brain uses a holographic coding system so that it is able to multifacetedly encode sensory signals through all the senses. Therefore, any stimulus, like sound, for example, can be transmitted through any other sense organ, so that the brain can recognize the incoming signal as sound, using a type of signal code specific to sound.

It seems that, unwittingly, Patrick Flanagan made a significant contribution to confirming this theory. While still a teenager, he invented a device that allows any person (even completely deaf, even remotely surgically middle ear and, moreover, even with a completely atrophied auditory nerve) to hear through the skin. Patrick called his device "Neurophone".

The first Neurophone saw the light when Patrick was only 14 years old, in 1958. The device was tested on a man who became deaf as a result of meningitis spinal cord. The experiment turned out to be successful, and the next day an article was published about the neurophone as a potential hearing aid for the deaf. Patrick's fame grew every year. In 1962, he starred in Gary Moore's television program Ive got a Secret Show. Before the eyes of the whole of America, young Patrick attached the Neurophone electrodes to ... the charming ass of fashion model Bess Meyerson. As a result, the model was able to hear a poem recorded on tape by another guest of the TV show, Andy Griffith. During playback, his voice sounded as if inside Meyerson's head, but she did not understand what had been done to her.

Patrick Flanagan discovered the second ear canal in 1958. It conducts ultrasonic waves through the bones, biological fluids or through the skin to a newly discovered new organ of hearing. The instrument for the perception of ultrasonic vibrations is small organ in the brain, known as the labyrinth (organ of balance) - the most important part of the vestibular apparatus. This organ is about the size of a snowflake. The labyrinth is used by the body to perceive gravity. It is filled with fluid and has fine hairs that expand towards the base. When the position of the head changes, the movement of the fluid stimulates the hairs, telling us where we are leaning.

Skin has piezoelectric properties. If you apply vibration to it or rub it, it generates electrical signals and plane waves. When you use Neurophone, the skin vibrates at an amplitude modulated ultrasonic carrier frequency of 40 kHz and translates into sound electrical signals that go to the brain through numerous channels. Crystals, which have piezoelectric properties, contract and expand at a frequency equal to the frequency of the electric current flowing through their surface. Vibration from the crystals is mechanically transmitted to the skin at a carrier frequency of 40 kHz Neurophone. When Neurophone emitters are pressed against the skin, or when they are connected together, they vibrate in two modes. One is a normal sound, the second is ultrasound, which can only be heard by the skin or through bone conduction. When the "headphones" from Neurophone are brought into contact with the skin, the ultrasonic voice or music begins to be perceived by the labyrinth instead of the snail.

The choice in favor of ultrasound, apparently, is not accidental. Recent studies have established that, it turns out, we live in a world of ultrasonic vibrations. Even when a person is just walking on the grass, ultrasound is generated. Each tree is an ultrasound generator that it uses to pump water through capillaries from the roots to the top. And, finally, ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 28,000 Hertz were recorded from human palms. The key to understanding how Neurophone works lies in the stimulation nerve endings skin with discrete coded signals, which, according to the holographic model of the brain, have such phase relationships that they are recognized by any nerve in the body as sounds.

The described effect is also observed at other frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. The reality is that in the entire range of electromagnetic radiation there are so-called "windows" - the resonant frequencies of certain physiological circuits human body. At frequencies from the "windows" or their harmonics, similar effects are observed. At the same time, the higher the carrier frequency, the more information can be “uploaded” into it. For example, few people know an anecdotal incident that occurred in the United States during top-secret tests of stealth aircraft ("Stealth"). When the housewives of a small town located not far from a secret air base were washing clothes in enameled basins (which, by the way, looked like a parabolic antenna in shape and in some qualities), they began to hear in their heads the conversations of the pilots with the air base. The thing is that the carrier frequency of radio stations, for reasons of secrecy, was chosen non-standard and turned out to be equal to one of the resonant frequencies of the body.

At the risk of sowing gloomy suspicions in the reader, I note that all psychotronic weapons are based on the use of the “windows” effect. But not everything is so smooth with ultrasound. It is known that DNA is a complex structure with holographic properties, interacting with electromagnetic and acoustic waves, as well as emitting them. When specially irradiated with a laser, DNA molecules emit a specific ordered discrete radiation that carries information about the structure of the DNA itself. But this effect completely stopped if the preparations were exposed to ultrasound (25 kHz, power 6.6 W/cm) for 10-15 s at a distance of 1-2 cm from the source of the acoustic field. After that, the radio sound became monotonous and practically did not differ from the background.

During operations on cancerous tumors with ultrasonic scalpels, in 30-40% of cases, the perverted genetic information provided by oncogenes is “erased”, which leads to the interruption of metastases. This serves as the basis for the development of fundamentally new methodologies for "wave surgery" of oncological patients, and, more broadly, for "wave medicine".

But if harmful information is erased in this way, will the necessary information also be erased? Definitely difficult to say, and therefore it is worth adhering to the saying: "God protects the safe."

Material prepared by Mikhail Kitaev

  • Grouping the components of the mountain complex according to the constancy of human impact
  • Levels of adaptation to hypoxia
  • Chapter 6
  • Stages of functioning of neutrophils as cellular effectors of acute inflammation
  • Mediators of acute inflammation released in its focus by mast cells
  • Chapter 7
  • Chapter 8
  • The most common causes of extracellular fluid volume deficiency
  • Contents in liquids of sodium, potassium and chloride anions lost to the external environment
  • Chapter 9
  • Causes of hypokalemia and hypokalemia
  • Diseases and pathological conditions that cause diarrhea as a cause of hypokalemia
  • Pathological conditions and diseases associated with a high acting concentration of mineralocorticoids and hypokalemia (without extracellular fluid deficiency)
  • Electrocardiogram changes in potassium metabolism disorders
  • Elimination of hyperkalemia
  • Chapter 10
  • Normal values ​​of parameters of the acid-base state
  • Chapter 11
  • Chapter 12
  • Effects of proallergic cytokines
  • Chapter 13
  • Chapter 14
  • Upper limits of normal fluctuations hell
  • Classification of the severity of arterial hypertension depending on the level of diastolic blood pressure
  • Classification of the severity of arterial hypertension
  • The frequency of types of secondary arterial hypertension among all cases of hypertension in patients
  • Causes of obstruction-occlusion of the renal artery and renovascular artery
  • Chapter 15
  • Links of the antioxidant system and some of its factors
  • Chapter 16
  • Immune and serum tumor markers
  • Tumor immunomarkers
  • Section II. Private pathophysiology
  • Chapter 1. Pathogenesis of respiratory failure, arterial hypoxemia and respiratory diseases
  • Compensation for respiratory acidosis or hypercapnia
  • Elements of the therapy system for one
  • Effects of proallergic cytokines
  • Relationship of signs of status asthmaticus and exacerbation of bronchial asthma with the links of their pathogenesis
  • Stages of exacerbation of bronchial asthma and status asthmaticus
  • Chapter 2. Pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system
  • WHO classification of cardiomyopathies
  • Causes of Dilated Cardiomyopathy
  • Connections of pathological changes in heart cells in MI with changes in the electrocardiogram
  • Doses of fibrinolytic agents for thrombolysis in coronary artery thrombosis
  • The degree of restoration of the patency of the coronary artery obstructed by a thrombus under the action of thrombolytic agents
  • Pathogenetic classification of sympathicotonic postural arterial hypotension
  • Sympathicolytic arterial hypotension
  • Chapter 3. Pathophysiology of the digestive organs
  • Causes of acute pancreatitis
  • Ranson criteria (Ranson j.H., Rifkind k.M., Roses d.F. Et al., 1974)
  • Mortality in acute pancreatitis depending on the number of criteria
  • The most common causes of intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholestasis
  • cholestatic syndrome
  • The relationship of clinical signs of liver cirrhosis with the links of its pathogenesis
  • Etiology and pathomorphogenesis of liver cirrhosis
  • Disorders of higher nervous activity and consciousness in patients in hepatic coma
  • Etiopathogenetic classification of osmotic diarrhea
  • Chapter 4
  • Franco-American-British classification of acute lymphoid leukemia (acute lymphocytic leukemia)
  • Franco-American-British classification of acute myeloid leukemia
  • Relationship between symptoms and pathogenesis of chronic myeloid leukemia
  • Some mechanisms of development of coagulopathy associated with acute and chronic leukemia
  • Chapter 5. Pathophysiology of the kidneys
  • Negative consequences of oliguria
  • Differences between prerenal and renal acute renal failure
  • Mechanical obstruction to the outflow of urine outside the kidneys as a cause of obstructive uropathy
  • Therapeutic effects aimed at eliminating and preventing the action of factors of prerenal renal failure
  • Indications for hemodialysis
  • Pathogenetic therapy of hypokalemia in acute renal failure
  • Pathogenetic therapy of metabolic acidosis in acute renal failure
  • Pathogenetic therapy of pathological increase in the volume of extracellular fluid in acute renal failure
  • Chapter 6. Pathophysiology of endocrinopathies
  • Signs and links of the pathogenesis of hypothyroidism
  • Pathogenesis and symptoms of hyperthyroidism
  • Signs and pathogenesis of Addison's disease
  • Pathogenesis and signs of insufficient secretion of endogenous corticosteroids
  • Chapter 7. Pathophysiology of the nervous system
  • Principles for the prevention and treatment of pathological pain in severely wounded
  • Chapter 8
  • Congenital immunodeficiencies
  • Chapter 9. Pathophysiology of shock, coma, wound disease and multiple system organ failure
  • Glasgow Coma Scale
  • Causes of coma associated with local damage to brain structures
  • Causes of coma due to encephalopathies common throughout the brain
  • Elements of therapy for a patient in a coma
  • Signs of septic shock
  • Gram-negative bacteria
  • Section III. Pathophysiology of disorders of the functional systems of the body associated with military professional activity
  • Chapter 1. Changes in body functions under the influence of aviation and space flight factors
  • flight factors
  • Structural and functional changes that occur under the action of shock overloads
  • Resonance frequencies of the human body and its individual parts
  • Chapter 2
  • Influence of hyperbaria on the functional state of hyperbaria
  • Chapter 3. Psychogenic disorders in combat operations and emergency (extreme) situations
  • Resonance frequencies of the human body and its individual parts

    The initial mechanisms of action of vibration are determined mainly by the fact that it causes a stream of impulses from the extero- and interoceptive zones. The reflex arc can close like an axon reflex through the connecting branches of the sympathetic border trunk and cells of the lateral horns, as well as higher sections of the vegetative-vascular centers. The reticular formation, stem vegetative formations, the diencephalic region, cortical vegetative cells are involved in the development of changes. When exposed to vibration, foci of excitation appear in the spinal cord (excessive inhibition of "vibration centers"). Due to the laws of irradiation, excitation is transmitted to neighboring centers (vasomotor). There are spastic reactions of vessels. This creates the conditions for the emergence of a pathologically closed vicious circle in the reflex arc circuit. A new vibrational stimulation leads to increased excitation of the "vibrational centers" and to a deepening of the vascular reaction. During the post-flight examination of the flight personnel, a symptom of oral automatism, hyperesthesia of the distal parts of the arms and legs, and staggering during the sensitized Romberg test can be detected. Nystagmus is less common, more often - anisoreflexia of tendon and skin reflexes, decreased knee and Achilles reflexes. Transversely directed vibrations can cause pain in the lumbar region, since this causes a large load on the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the spine and, as a result, fatigue of the paravertebral muscles.

    The effect of weightlessness on the body

    Weightlessness is a biologically significant factor in space flight. The significance of weightlessness is due to the unusual nature of this state for a person. Weightlessness is such a physical state of the body when it seems to lose mass and is characterized by a decrease or complete disappearance of the mechanical stress of all its structures.

    In a real space flight, weightlessness occurs when a circular flight around the Earth is performed at a speed of 8 km/s. It is at this speed of flight in orbit that conditions are created when the centripetal acceleration is balanced by the forces of gravity.

    Weightlessness like specific factor habitability, has a direct and indirect effect on astronauts. The direct effect of weightlessness is understood as the adverse effect of the absence of terrestrial gravity, leading to the disappearance of body weight, deformation and tension of the structures of various organs and receptors of the body. The mediated influence of weightlessness is understood as functional changes occurring in the human CNS due to altered afferentation entering the cerebral cortex from receptors (vestibular, interoceptive, proprioceptive, tactile, etc.) and volume receptors, leading to a weakening of the regulatory role of the CNS and a violation of the functional systemic nature of the analyzers, involved in the analysis of spatial relationships.

    The direct influence of the absence of terrestrial gravity gives rise to three main causes of changes occurring in the human body under conditions of weightlessness: a change in afferentation in the central nervous system from mechano- and volumoreceptors; reduction to zero hydrostatic pressure of blood and other body fluids; no weight load on the musculoskeletal system. The change and weakening of afferentation from mechano- and volumoreceptors in the CNS is due to a loss of otolith mass, a decrease in the tension of the postural tonic muscles and muscle efforts when moving the body due to the lack of the need to overcome the forces of gravity, the absence of reflex reactions aimed at maintaining body balance, a decrease in the stretching of hollow smooth muscle organs and vessels, a decrease in the deformation of parenchymal organs due to the lack of mass of these organs and their contents, a decrease in the load on the osteoarticular apparatus, etc.

    These changes in afferentation under conditions of weightlessness lead to disruption of the habitual interaction of functional systems and the emergence of a sensory conflict. Deficiency of impulses from mechano- and volomoreceptors in the acute period of adaptation of the body to weightlessness may be accompanied by a decrease in the activity of the dorsal hypothalamus, hypothalamic-pituitary system and reticular formation with a weakening of its ascending and descending influence, which leads to the establishment of a new level of cortical-subcortical relationships in the form of a decrease in tone and reduce the inhibitory effect of the cortex on subcortical formations. In a real space flight, these changes lead to the appearance of illusory sensations in astronauts, an increase in the sensitivity of the receptors of the semicircular canals of the vestibular analyzer and rapidly onset motion sickness, as well as a violation of spatial orientation and coordination of movements.

    The decrease in weightlessness to zero hydrostatic pressure of blood and other body fluids leads to significant changes in the circulatory system and the water-salt balance of a person. These changes are based on the movement of blood and other body fluids in the cranial direction. This leads to an increase in blood volume and an increase in its pressure in the vessels of the head, stretching and stimulation of the mechanoreceptors of the atrium and vessels of the cardiopulmonary department, which in turn causes the inclusion of reflex and humoral mechanisms aimed at maintaining hemodynamic and water-salt homeostasis.

    The resulting urgent compensatory-adaptive reactions are associated with inhibition of the secretion of the pituitary antidiuretic hormone, with a decrease in the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and inhibition of the vasomotor center. This leads to a partial loss of fluid and electrolytes by the body through increased diuresis, a decrease in blood plasma volume, reflex constriction of the pulmonary vessels, vasodilation great circle blood circulation, deposition of blood in the internal organs and limiting its flow to the cardiopulmonary region. In later periods of stay in weightlessness, adaptive reactions join them, manifesting themselves in a decrease in the total mass of erythrocytes and hemoglobin and leading to a further decrease in the volume of circulating blood.

    The absence of a load on the musculoskeletal system under weightless conditions, as well as a decrease in muscle efforts during static and dynamic work associated with overcoming gravity under Earth conditions, cause a general muscle underload, a lack of muscle activity and a decrease in the total volume of proprioceptive impulses. These changes lead to impaired coordination of movements and a weakening of the function of the neuromuscular apparatus, a decrease in the intensity of general metabolism, processes of structural and plastic metabolism in the musculoskeletal system, as well as a decrease in the role of the muscular system in the overall hemodynamics of the body.

    With a long stay in weightlessness, especially if you do not perform physical exercises, a further decrease in muscle performance will progress in the body, detraining of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems will develop, biological oxidation processes will be disrupted with uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. In a real space flight, the lack of load on the musculoskeletal system manifests itself in cosmonauts in a violation of the coordination of movements, a decrease in muscle effort, a slowdown in the performance of motor acts, and in violation of the proportionality of movements according to effort. Subsequently, functional atrophy of both striated and smooth muscles may appear, which will manifest itself in a decrease in the orthostatic stability of astronauts.

    In general, under conditions of prolonged weightlessness, cosmonauts, in addition to the listed deviations, have a decrease in metabolism, a decrease in body weight, inhibition of the functional activity of the neurohumoral and immune systems, which is accompanied by a general asthenia of the body and a decrease in its resistance to the adverse effects of the environment.

    The human body, as a complex biological system, from the first minutes of exposure to weightlessness, includes all innate and acquired mechanisms that provide optimal adaptation to an unusual environment of existence. At the same time, all components of adaptation are realized: regulatory, plastic, energy and non-specific.

    Adaptation of the astronauts' organism to weightlessness conditions includes 4 subsequent phases (stages): primary adaptive reactions lasting up to 2 days, initial adaptation lasting about a week, relatively stable adaptation lasting up to 4-6 weeks, stable adaptation.

    To answer this question, about why some feel quite comfortable in life, while others are in a "black streak" for a long period, one will have to turn to some physiological features work of our brain, thanks to which the events in our lives line up in a certain way.

    It is known that serotonin is a substance produced pineal gland from tryptophan.
    Serotonin often called the "hormone of happiness" because it is the transmitter of impulses between nerve cells brain and actively controls the emotional sphere of a person, causing certain desires that cannot be explained in a logical way.
    Produced by the pineal gland serotonin cannot accumulate in the body like fat.
    At the bioenergetic level, it must be spent in the form of pleasures experienced by a person.

    So produced serotonin must be spent in the emotional sphere. Whether you realize it or not, this process is constantly going on within you.
    Alone, this one hormone of pleasure spend in the fastest and least laborious way: overeating, addiction to sugary carbonated drinks, to alcohol in any form, smoking. Thanks to dozens of small pleasures that constantly occur to us in an incomprehensible way, our brain uses up the produced serotonin.
    Gradually, stable habits for serotonin expenditure are developed, which are extremely difficult to overcome. A typical example of this is addiction to alcohol, smoking, drugs.

    So why are luck and money "attracted" to certain people, like magnets?
    The essence of the phenomenon is that for these people the pleasure of enjoying constant success in society, getting more and more profit, has a stable psychophysiological character.
    Their brain spends the bulk of the produced serotonin on the materialization of situations leading to a new, even greater profit, since such a consumption of serotonin is a "channel for obtaining bright pleasure" for it.

    It is far from easy to reconfigure the energy flows of psychic energy in order to drastically change your life.
    This requires activation of the brain regions responsible for the expenditure of psychic energy in a certain direction. Our brain forms stable zones increased activity through which serotonin is depleted.

    A fact repeatedly verified by science suggests that the work brain frequencies are called low and ultra-low.
    For those who are not familiar with this, we briefly recall the publicly available data that the head brain a person has several types of activity corresponding to the biological and mental state of the organism.

    Delta rhythm. It consists of high-amplitude waves of the order of 500 μV, with a frequency of 1-4 Hz. It manifests itself in a state of deep sleep.

    Theta rhythm. Waves with a frequency of 4-7 Hz with an amplitude of 70 - 150 μV. Occurs during non-REM sleep.

    Alpha rhythm. Corresponds to the frequency band from 8 to 13 Hz, the average amplitude is 30-70 μV. It is observed in a state of calm wakefulness, with eyes closed.

    Beta rhythm. Range from 14 to 30 Hz with an amplitude of 5-30 µV. Corresponds to the state of active wakefulness.

    Gamma rhythm. Frequency range from 30 Hz to 50 Hz. This type of waves is characterized by a very low amplitude - less than 10 μV. This rhythm is observed in a state of maximum concentration, anxiety, during outbursts of anger.

    It is not difficult to see that with a decrease in the frequency of the waves of the head brain, their electric potential increases from 10 µV in the Gamma rhythm to 500 µV and higher in the Delta rhythm.
    From the foregoing, it is clear that in order to activate certain zones of the subconscious, a special kind of signal is needed, which should have a frequency from 0.01 to 7 Hz, corresponding to the state of slow sleep, since in order to achieve a state of meditation and higher perception, complete relaxation of the muscles of the body and detachment from emotions.
    However, our hearing aid perceives acoustic vibrations, the lower limit of which is 16 Hz. The ear does not perceive frequencies below this level.

    How, with the help of a sound file having frequencies of hundreds of hertz, to activate brain so that, in resonance with the perceived sound, it operates at a frequency that is at least two times lower than the threshold of audibility?

    A similar problem has long been solved, for example, in radio engineering. Any of you can easily record a voice or other sounds perceived by the ear on a tape recorder.
    This is done by a microphone - a device for converting air vibrations into an electrical signal. Regardless of the device, all microphones have the same element - a membrane that oscillates in time with sound vibrations.

    Is it possible to record air vibrations that the human ear does not perceive on a tape recorder?
    Yes, you can. But, for this you have to go to small technical tricks.
    The recorded low-frequency signal must be played back at a speed several times higher than normal. Then it becomes audible. By compressing a signal in time, we actually increase its frequency.
    Due to this, it is in the range of frequencies perceived by the ear.

    Have you heard what it sounds like sunny weather or the coming rain?

    In the normal state, we cannot hear it, because our ear does not perceive vibrations. atmospheric pressure that happen very slowly. However, there is a device that "hears" the weather.
    This device is a well-known barometer, a device for measuring atmospheric pressure. In essence, a barometer is a membrane that reacts to changes in air pressure and is similar to the one in a microphone.

    To "hear" the upcoming weather, you need at one end of the liquid tube barometer, which must be soldered, mount a sensitive microphone. At the sealed end of the tube, changes in atmospheric pressure will cause the microphone diaphragm to vibrate slowly. These oscillations cause a change in the induction in the microphone coil.

    If a few hours of such a recording is played at a speed several times higher than usual, then atmospheric pressure fluctuations become audible sounds that can hardly be called harmonic.
    A similar effect, but in a visual form, each of you has seen more than once on television in the form of accelerated shooting, for example, when a sprout is removed at intervals of several hours over a week or month. Reproducing the shooting, which took a month, in a few minutes, we kind of "compress time". What our eyes are unable to fix in the normal state becomes visible and understandable.

    Experimenting in this way, we accumulated a whole series of "compressed sounds", in the form of digital files, which corresponded various states weather.
    In such a "compressed" form, such recordings can be played on any consumer player.
    Compressing the wave envelope of the "weather sound" by 15 times and superimposing it on the harmonic audible sound in such a way that the envelope corresponded to the "border" of the audible frequency oscillations, we let completely strangers listen to the melodies.
    Everyone, without exception, was able to determine exactly what weather conditions each of the heard phonograms corresponds to.
    This indicates that the subconscious has the ability to directly perceive information, bypassing its analysis by consciousness.

    Unlike radio engineering, where a low-frequency signal for transmission to long distances"filled" with high-frequency oscillations of a fixed frequency, in our case harmonic oscillations based on "pink noise" are used.
    This type of sound wave is characterized by the fact that its spectral density decreases with decreasing frequency.
    Such a sound signal does not cause irritation during playback since it is a harmonic sequence of sounds that are pleasant to the ear.
    The feature of the modulated sound signal that activates the subconscious is that the "enveloping" wave is not perceived by consciousness, since it has a frequency below 16 Hz. It penetrates immediately into the subconscious and is deciphered there.
    The audible part of the signal perceived by consciousness is the filler, the role of which is similar to the functions of supports in a "roller coaster".

    Our hippocampus brain, responsible for "turning on" the areas of the subconscious responsible for intuition, during the period when a person is awake, is busy distributing information in the brain "to the input" that comes from the senses every second. In this state, it does not work in reverse output mode.
    The channel "to exit" information from the subconscious is activated during work brain at frequencies below 8 Hz, i.e. in a state of slow and deep sleep.
    When you are awake your intuition is off, when it is on you are asleep.
    If you activate the hippocampus with the help of audio files modulated by signals of 0.01 to 8 Hz in the waking state, then you can turn on intuition at a time when it is vital, at a time when you are active, alert and full of energy.
    Moreover, it is possible to send, using modulated audio signals, psychic energy in the right direction, allowing it to resonate with other species natural energy, including those with Schumann waves.

    By modulating sound with ultra-low frequency waves, you can “turn off” the “anxiety zones” in the subconscious, destroy fears, increase the feeling of happiness and pleasure from the process of life, activate the subconscious in such a way as to be attractive to other people, etc.

    Since ancient times, all musicians have tuned their instruments according to the Standard.
    In 1711, the court trumpeter of the English Queen Elizabeth John Shore invented the necessary for all musicians and tuners musical instruments a simple object that looks like a metal fork with two prongs.
    This "fork" was called a tuning fork. If you hit the tuning fork, its ends begin to oscillate freely and a sound is heard that serves as a standard for pitch when tuning musical instruments and in singing.
    The tuning fork, invented by Shor, gave 420 vibrations per second.
    It was decided to assign the sound emitted by the tuning fork to the note LA, and all other sounds were tuned from it.
    Today, a standard tuning fork produces a sound in la 1st octave with a frequency of 440 Hz.
    Many people know about the music of Raga, about the Singing Bowls of Tibet and that for many millennia they have been used as a “tuning fork” for chakra tuning, mind and heart healing and meditative HELP.
    The "tuning" system is simple and based on seven musical notes, each of which, like any electromagnetic wave, has its own "wave" and "frequency".
    Computerized humans have invented electronic "tuning forks" to tune the pillar of chakras and have called it the Solfeggio of Ascension Frequencies (similar to the octave of seven notes).

    The music of the Ascension Frequencies was rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Pouleo, who studied the ancient manuscripts of the Gregorian monks and discovered that their chants were powerful healers precisely because of the special arrangement of the six tones of the solfeggio.
    Solfeggio starts from the base note (corresponding to muladhara), rising up to the supreme note (Ajna - the head of Kundalini).
    Modern writers have added higher tones to the six Gregorian tones, which correspond to the Sahasrara and above.
    Each tone has its own frequency:

    The six solfeggio frequencies include:

    Up to 396 Hz - release from guilt and fear
    Re 417 Hz - Cancel situations and promote change
    Mi 528 hz - Transformation and Miracles (DNA repair)
    FA 639 Hz - Togetherness / Relationships
    Salt 741 Hz - Awakening intuition
    A 852 Hz - return to spiritual order

    For example, the third note, frequency 528, refers to the note Mi and comes from the word "MI-ra gestorum", which means "miracle" in Latin. It is stunning that these very frequencies are used by genetic biochemists to "repair" the broken DNA of the genetic program on which life is based.

    Binaural music is used to tune/re-tune our brain and to heal the brain from overwork.
    This healing music should be listened to with stereo headphones.
    It is important that the right one is on the right ear, and the left one is on the left.
    144 Hz (Root) - Pyramid of Healing

    The first three frequencies are associated with the subconscious (174-285-396 Hz)
    Effect: liberation from vibrations of fear, guilt and quantum initiation
    Healing Frequencies

    Harmonic frequencies, which were the basis of original music, were used in ancient Gregorian chant. This musical scale has been lost for centuries and has been replaced by the more modern musical scale. These notes are believed to have the ability to influence matter and consciousness. This scale can deepen the purpose of music and accelerate the process of healing and spiritual growth, unlock the secrets of sound and learn how to use music to develop consciousness.
    Light, matter and sound are made up of various levels vibrations and are also the result of the eighth octave which resonate. Through the vibrating images and sound in the receptor, activate the properties inherent in it. Frequencies have the ability to enhance the perception of spiritual awareness and bring the mind and body into resonance with them. Each frequency performs a specific function in accordance with the laws of the Universe.
    Healing and spiritual development needs to be corrected. We must change our point of view in order to align with universal laws rather than fight them. Music facilitates this integration. Its vibration makes us forget ourselves and gradually learn to vibrate in high tones of consciousness.
    You are offered visual meditations with music at different frequencies. This work includes sacred geometry and harmonic frequencies from 852 Hz and below in order to help reach the frequencies associated with unconditional love and promote a return to spiritual balance (Recommended to listen with headphones).
    These videos of audio recordings by Jandy (Jezebe lDecibel) contain tones intended for healing purposes. Dr. Horowitz, an award-winning researcher from Harvard, believes that the sounds of these frequencies can help us open our hearts to reach peace and speed up the healing of emotional wounds. The geometry of the video images that accompany this music serve the same purpose. The findings were reviewed and confirmed empirically before being made public.

    285 Hz, the achievement of new thought or knowledge.

    396 Hz release of emotional cartridges and release of fear.

    417 Hz - breaking the crystallization of emotional patrons, and transmutation.

    Transformation and the Miracle of Healing at the DNA Level

    528 Hz - consciousness

    639 Hz Commonality/relationship/relationships

    741 Hz Awakening of intuition

    All Hz Solfeggio MELODIA CHAKRA

    (852 Hz) Return of Spiritual Order. Hierarchy of Ne-Ba crowned with the Precious Head of Kundalini = Third Eye, where the path of the Serpent Power ends and the Painting in the Spirit begins

    852 Hz - balance, pure love

    (963 Hz) corresponds to Sahasrara (initiating the Head of Kundalini with cosmic vibrations descending on the Crown)

    Studied and found in adequate Russian on the site:http://reiki.worldgoo.com/t77-topic

    If there are errors or comments - please write! Very interesting - how it actually works!

    adenoma, prostatitis
    Session schema. General energy. Particular attention is paid to the normalization of the work of the first and second energy centers.
    contact with the prostate Firast+ “motor-well” (2-3 times), then an arc with frequencies Firast + Shaon. Add at the end of the course Tata + Sinlakh, contactless. Desirable work with water.
    Physical exercise, walking daily for at least half an hour for two months.
    It is desirable to massage the prostate, every three to four days, five to six sessions.
    During the course, anti-inflammatory and weak diuretic herbal infusions (decoctions) are desirable.

    Session schema. General energy, the focus is on the work of the fifth energy center. Add Frequencies Sury-Sanlay or St. Mohammed.
    For skin manifestations, work semi-contact, pay attention to the work of the kidneys, the immune system.
    Work with water, additional work with the patient outside the session is possible - according to a photo or mental image.
    Recommend the patient to establish relationships with parents, relatives.

    Sometimes it is possible to work with the Ninalis frequency.

    Bechterew's disease
    Session schema. General energy. Add Frequencies Golden Pyramid, Farun.
    At the beginning of the session, work with the Golden Pyramid frequency, then according to the session scheme.
    Possible "punching" frequency Farun.

    Session schema. General energy. Particular attention is paid to the normalization of the work of the fourth and fifth energy centers. Section of the energy field of the lungs.
    Contact on the bronchi Firast+ “motor-well” (2-3 times), then warming up and arcing with a frequency St. Moses or St. Jesus. If the patient is large - an arc for each lung. Possible "punching" of the bronchi with a frequency.
    Preferably expectorant herbs.
    Recommend to take daily for a month dairy products(kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.).
    Work every day, three or four days in a row.

    Vestibular disorders
    Session schema. Particular attention to the energy field of the head.
    Work on middle ear frequency Firast, contact, with the installation of the arc, as in the treatment of hearing loss.
    pay attention to the state cervical spine.

    Dropsy testis
    Make energy cuts. There is an outflow, the testicle falls.
    After treatment, recommend small regular physical exercise(exercises, walks).

    Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia)
    Session schema. General energy. Particular attention is paid to the normalization of the work of the fourth and fifth energy centers. Add frequency Ninalis. It is not advisable to open the well under the patient for a long time.
    Section of the energy field of the lungs.
    1. Contact on the lungs Firast+ "motor-well" (2-3 times).
    2. Or work frequency Agni+ "motor-well".
    3. Or frequency The Golden Pyramid, or Perun+ "motor-well".
    Then warming up and arc frequency St. Moses or Ural. If the patient is large - an arc for each lung.
    Preferably expectorant herbs and a vitamin course. Work with water.
    Recommend daily for a month to take fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.).
    Work every day. At the end of the course, completely restore the overall energy.

    Session schema. General energy, attention to the work of the first and fourth energy centers. Add frequency Sury-Sanlay.
    Work with the frequency of Sury-Sanlay semi-contact.
    It is advisable to work two to three times a day, daily.

    Hepatitis (including hepatitis C)
    Session schema. General energy, attention to the work of the first and third energy centers. Add Frequencies Craon or Gilius.
    Work with the liver and spleen in contact frequency Craon or Gilius, with the installation of the arc, do not make cuts in the energy field of the liver and spleen.
    Work at least every other day. Treatment is long (especially hepatitis B and C), treatment holidays are short, diet is necessary.
    At the end of treatment, it is necessary to completely restore the liver.
    Recommend daily for a month to take fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.).

    Children's Cerebral paralysis
    Good results are achieved in a child up to two, two and a half years. For those who are older, it is possible to speak only of an improvement in their condition. The older the patient, the more difficult the treatment and the more modest the results.
    Treatment of cerebral palsy requires a set of measures.
    1. Therapeutic session, according to the scheme. General energy. Regular cleansing of the energy field of the head. extra work frequencies Farun, St. Buddha, St. Jesus, Tata, Golden Pyramid, Agni-Hum.
    2. Massage with frequencies Farun, St. Buddha, Tata. elaboration nerve impulses, muscle possession, special exercises. Experience required.
    3 . Work on the development of speech, intelligence. Educational games. Work frequency Shiva.
    4. Swimming pool.
    5 . Regular communication with peers.
    The work is carried out in contact with parents, if necessary, specialists are involved: speech therapist, massage therapist, neuropathologist.
    Treatment is long, every other day.

    Bend of the gallbladder
    Operate frequency Shaon, contact, with the installation of an arc for softening. In severe cases, put an energy tourniquet with a frequency St. Buddha. Pay attention to the work of the third energy center.

    Session schema. General energy. Pay attention to the work of 3, 4 and 5 energy centers. Work out the frequency firast, starting from the upper lobe of the lungs and ending with the lower jaw, within 10-12 minutes. Pull out using the "motor-well" method. Carry out contact cleansing of the energy field of the head using the “Motor-well” method. The duration of treatment depends on age. The older the patient, the more difficult it is to cure. If a boy is 15 years old and all this time he was called a stutterer, humiliated, then he has a complex (a subconscious program) and it is difficult for him to break himself.
    It is important to find the word-erik. It can be "EEE" and others. When the word-erik is found, tell the patient: "If you want to stop stuttering, you should never pronounce this word."

    Weight normalization
    Weight loss
    Before working on weight loss, you need to understand the cause of the problem. If these are metabolic disorders of any kind (including diabetes), then you first need to normalize the metabolism, and only after that work on weight loss. If these are problems nervous system or depressive syndromes, then you need to solve them first.
    Tata + Sinrah (Sinlakh).
    Open patient and well. Set up the work of the centers and necessary measures, close the patient and well, cover up the frequencies except Tata + Sinrah (Sinlakh).
    Strictly forbid the patient to eat later than 18 hours.
    Insist on daily walks for at least half an hour.
    If these conditions are not observed, work with the patient should be refused, even with positive results.
    Recommend sleeping one hour less.

    Weight set.
    Before working on weight gain, you need to understand the cause of the problem. If these are metabolic disorders of any kind (including dystrophy), then first you need to normalize the metabolism, and only after that work on weight gain. If these are problems of the nervous system or depressive syndromes, problems of puberty or a tribute to fashion, they need to be addressed.
    Session schema. General energy. Attention to the work of the first and third energy centers. Add Frequencies Tata + Sinrah (Sinlakh).
    Open only lotus. Carry out the adjustment of the work of the centers and the necessary measures, close the lotus, cover the frequencies with the exception of Tata + Sinrah (Sinlakh). Bring total time sessions up to 40 minutes.
    At the end of the session, give a frequency to the aura Tata.
    Insist on 4 meals a day (more often), daily walks for at least half an hour.
    Recommend sleeping one hour more.

    Heart attack (post-infarction state)
    Operate frequency Ninalis- contact on the heart for resorption of scars. You can leave the arc.

    Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that develop in muscle tissue walls of the uterus. The size of the tumor can be different: it can be the size of a pea, but it can also be the size of a grapefruit. It is believed that in the development of fibroids a large role belongs to the female sex hormones - estrogens. The influence of these hormones explains the fact that during pregnancy, the tumor tends to increase, and after the onset of menopause, it decreases in size.
    Symptoms. Abundant or irregular menstruation. Unusual pain during menstruation. Back pain or a sudden attack of them in the lower abdomen. Constipation, hemorrhoids. Frequent painful urination. Repeated miscarriages or infertility.
    Session schema. General energy. Particular attention is paid to the normalization of the work of the first and second energy centers. Add Frequencies St. Mohammed, Tata, Sinrah.
    Contact on the uterus Firast, then “motor-well” (so 2-3 times), then an arc with frequencies Firast + Shaon. Work at least twenty days in a row.
    You can recommend drinking a course of potassium iodide.
    Recommend the patient to establish a personal life.

    Outside the session schema. Operate frequency Farun Buddha, semi-contact.

    SARS, infectious angina.
    Session schema. General energy. The main focus is on the normalization of the work of the first, third and fifth energy centers. Add Craon or Gilius frequencies, in severe cases - Ninalis. It is not advisable to open the well under the patient for a long time.
    Contact to work out the lungs and throat with frequencies St. Moses, St. Jesus or Ural.
    Set arc frequency Craon or Gilius on the spleen and liver at the same time, without making cuts in the organs. Work three or four days in a row, daily. At the last session, completely restore the overall energy.
    Work with water.
    Advise the patient to drink more.
    Recommend daily for a month to take fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.).
    Recommend mild diuretic and anti-inflammatory herbs.

    According to the scheme of the session, the general energy.
    work with frequencies Firast + Shaon or only Shaon, contact, with the installation of the arc in place of the problem.

    AIDS ( HIV infection)
    AIDS(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a disease that is characterized by severe damage to the immune system. In this case, the body becomes vulnerable to certain infections and cancerous tumors which are usually fatal. AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
    Symptoms of HIV infection. Early in infection, flu-like symptoms, including fever, nausea, and fatigue, lasting less than 2 weeks. Persistent swollen lymph nodes, weight loss, fever, diarrhea, inflammatory skin lesions, yeast infections of the mouth (thrush) and vagina. Long asymptomatic periods.
    AIDS symptoms. The presence of certain malignant tumors(such as Kaposi's sarcoma or lymphoma) or certain infectious diseases (such as bacterial pneumonia or chronic herpes simplex). These diseases are extremely rare in people who do not have AIDS and are almost always mild.
    Treatment. Session schema. General energy. Attention to the first and third energy centers. The main focus is the restoration of the immune system.
    To work with frequencies for the treatment of kidneys, liver, blood, Sinrah (Sinlakh), Tata and Firast, Shaon. Contact, arcs. Work as often as possible.
    Recommend a vitamin course, organic immunostimulants (herbs).
    Recommend daily for a month to take fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.).
    An indicator of successful treatment is often a low (not higher than 37.4) temperature for 2-3 weeks, which should not be knocked down.
    The result is achieved from 1 to 3 months, but stable results are not less than 6 months later. This patient time needs to be monitored. Analyzes should be taken 3-4 times with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

    Work according to the session scheme, general energy, Special attention operation of the first, second, third and fifth energy centers.
    Work out the thyroid gland with a frequency firast, contact, then - “motor-well”, so two or three times. Set arc frequencies Tata + Sinrah (Sinlakh), if both are spoken. If not, then one. Don't forget the cuts. At the end of the session, give into the aura of frequency Tata and Sinrah (Sinlakh) or only Tata.
    Within one month, as a rule, half of the tumor goes away. Usually, in men, the tumor begins to go away from the inside, and in women - from the outside. Accordingly, they have different reaction for treatment. A man does not see the results, so he must be sent for an ultrasound scan, while in women it is the other way around - the tumor will go away from the outside, but it will remain inside. When working with thyroid gland it is necessary to warn the patient to visit you before complete cure. To cancel drug treatment very carefully, according to the results. With toxic manifestations from taking medications, work with blood, liver, kidneys.
    You can take patients after surgery, but they may have pain due to tissue displacement at the suture site.
    Treatment is usually long-term, at least three months. Work through the day. Work with water frequency Tata.
    In difficult cases in men, you can try to work with a frequency St. Mohammed, contact, with the installation of the arc.

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