Invisible energy protection of a person. Seven shells of man

The body of each of us is surrounded by an intangible invisible energy shell. Without special knowledge and preparation, it is impossible to realize, let alone feel it. In addition, with a hand on your heart, it should be recognized that most people cannot fully understand what an “energy shell” is. Some are not interested, others do not believe.

The problem is that the modern system of being, alas, instills in a person a materialistic way of thinking and existence, in which there is no place for managing human energy. The wise precepts of the ancestors are immersed in non-existence, spiritual principles are overwritten and forgotten, spiritual practices on the part of the current person are deprived of attention and pushed aside. As a result, a person perceives himself and the world around him exclusively through the prism of physical measures and laws. And this inglorious state of affairs needs to be corrected urgently!

In order to understand what the human energy shell is, it is necessary to step “behind the flags” in your mind and try to imagine it not within the framework of a school textbook on physics, but from the point of view of both physics and metaphysics.

From the point of view of physics, the human energy field is a kind of radiation emitted by the atoms and molecules of the matter of the body in the process of their interaction with the surrounding similar molecules and atoms of the outside world. Over the past hundred years, an incalculable number of experiments have been carried out to establish and study this interaction. The technological breakthrough of the last century made it possible to connect advanced complex electronic equipment to the study of the human energy field.

The results obtained with its help showed that a person has an energy field of a complex structure, which is very difficult to explain from a scientific point of view. On the one hand, it has known physical properties, on the other hand, the work of its mechanisms is supported by some inexplicable metaphysical factors that cannot be researched.

The research results, supplemented and refined by the centuries-old experience of Eastern philosophers, metaphysicians and alternative medicine specialists, show the following. The energy field is a dense invisible shell that pulsates in close proximity to the human body and completely envelops it. This is a single interconnected system of electric, magnetic and thermal fields, formed by the movements of small physical particles, the structure of which is supported by "certain metaphysical factors." It is this system of fields, like a cocoon, that envelops a person with its radiation, forming the energy frame of his body.

The general background of this energy frame is a direct real reflection of the state of the human physical body. Ancient religions and alternative medicine have been ahead of the rest of the world in understanding these processes for many centuries. It was they who were the first to establish a direct connection between the energy shell of a person and his well-being. And the modern world, gradually realizing the complete hopelessness of healing (or maintaining good health) with the help of only material tools of being (drug treatment, physiotherapy procedures), is forced to agree with ancient wise knowledge.

Everything in the world is interconnected. Man, "bathing" in the ocean of electromagnetic fields, is permeated through them. The energy frame of a healthy and cheerful person, fed from the outside by the external background of the planet and supported from the inside by the internal physiological processes of the body, radiates a dense energy glow. It is whole and evenly distributed over the entire surface of the body. It does not have "cracks", "failures", any "thickening" or distortions. The optimal color of the energy field of a healthy person is light yellow. But if a person becomes overtired, nervous, pours out dark energy, the energy sheath begins to vibrate, in some places turns dark, thickens, or, on the contrary, breaks through. In these places, foci of future diseases begin to form - the energy roots of the disease, which eventually manifest themselves on the physical body of a person.

The overall well-being of a person depends on the radiation density of the energy field of a person. If a person is in complete harmony with the people around him, open, friendly, sincere towards the world, towards the stars, towards the Universe, towards the Universe, towards God, the radiation of his energy field is powerful and whole. Solid radiation keeps the human energy shell from all sorts of "injuries": breaks, dips, blackouts. Negative emotions, negativity, dark aspirations, impure thoughts, like a sharp razor, can “injure” a person’s energy shell, provoking all kinds of ailments.

It is necessary not only to know, but to feel and understand the truth of ancient knowledge. It lies in the fact that the human energy shell not only exists, but is also the root cause field on which all the vital processes of the human body are born. Simply put, a healthy energy field is a healthy person, a distorted, darkened, torn field is an unhealthy person.

The roots of any disease are always in the field energy plane of a person and only then they manifest themselves in the body. You can use a ton of medications, drive the disease "underground", but it will not go away from this. A disease that has taken root at the energy level, no matter how modern and highly effective medical preparations are, will eventually manifest itself and provoke a relapse.

To cure the disease, it is necessary to “uproot” the roots of the disease at the field level. For this, there is a whole complex of reading prayers, mantras, oriental techniques for energy cleansing of the body, and special courses of therapeutic fasting. As a concomitant measure, complete forgiveness and repentance are also very effective. True forgiveness, true repentance! No wonder the famous healer and Vedas Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov, while healing his patients, first of all sent them to repent of their sins before the people around them. He perfectly understood the essence of diseases, and therefore he began the course of treatment precisely with the purification of the soul, the purification of the energy shell of patients, but not with lotions, powders and pills.

Changing your attitude towards people around you, towards yourself, towards your lifestyle, the emission of light, goodness, pure thoughts - only this is able to keep the energy shell of a person in order and be the starting point in the fight against the roots of the disease that has sown in the energy field of a person. But about this, dear friends, we will talk in more detail next time.

Our aura is such an interesting phenomenon that it strikes the imagination and makes you delve into its knowledge, because the human mind has always been interested in everything unknown and secret. So with the aura, not everything is simple - but the complexity lies in the fact that the human shell includes seven layers, each of which has an individual energy radiated into the universe. At the same time, a separate layer of the aura has its own name and purpose:

  • Etheric body (responsible for the health of the human body).
  • Psychic or mental layer (indicates problems or their absence in the human psyche).
  • The etheric layer or double (plays an important role, since when it is blocked, a feeling of alienation and isolation arises).
  • Casual body (this is a connection with the creator and indicates the energy of a person, the stronger and higher it is, the brighter the glow).

The color of the aura of each individual is a purely individual characteristic of a person, different from the rest. A wide variety of different colors can be mixed in the aura or only a few colors can be present, it all depends on the character, mood and state of health of the individual. Throughout life, the shades of the color of the aura can change, just as the human personality changes and develops. There are only seven primary colors, as well as layers: red, white, black, green, blue, orange and purple, but there can be an unlimited number of shades of each, ranging from light to dark. The most repulsive and undesirable aura color is black, which can indicate not only an angry and short-tempered character, but also great health problems, and even death.

Our state of thoughts (negative or positive predominate), lifestyle and even nutrition, that is, everything that relates to "physics", affects the state of the aura, its color and energy potential in individual centers, layers, and in general. As a rule, over time, the Aura weakens, holes, blocks, pollution appear in it - negative thoughts, stresses, judgments, resentments, create them the most. With a weakened aura, interest in life is lost, the situation is even more aggravated.

There is always a feedback between the aura and the body. Weak aura - illnesses, depressions, failures appear - a person with a weak aura will not be happy. From the state of the aura, the events of a person in physical reality, luck, and even well-being, money (specifically, well-being - from the Nabhi energy center located in the navel) depend. The aura, together with all its energy centers (the so-called chakras), which are responsible for one or another aspect of human life, is like a battery for an active and happy life of a person, and it is not reasonable to plant it. That is why the Aura needs to be protected and cleansed. Watch the ecology of your thoughts. Nourish and restore the aura, or other spiritual practices. To lead a way of life harmonious with nature - teaches this.

The aura is the most important component of a person and his life, on which the imprints of all important and significant events remain, it is able to transmit all diseases of the soul, both in this life and in past incarnations. This is a kind of personal code of a person, encrypted for the average layman, but the clue exists, and it can be read.

Any matter is forces and condensed energies with low vibration.

A person consists not only of a physical body, but also of mental and spiritual energy-informational bodies.

Awareness of these energy bodies will give a person the opportunity to follow a faster and better path of development and improvement.

1. Yave body - carnal (flesh) body, flesh .

This is the main instrument of our soul, it performs the functions of movement and reproduction.

It is a receptacle and binder of subtle bodies, consciousness, soul and spirit. Fully formed and matures by the first year of life.

Therefore, the ancestors, adhering to the tradition of Vedic Orthodoxy, conducted an age initiation for children during this period. “Postrizhiny”, the boys completely, and the girls cut their hair in a certain way, which symbolized the donation to Veles and the fact that from now on the soul in the body completely arrives in the material world of Reveal.

Unconsciously adhering to this custom, until now, in almost all Slavic lands, children are cut baldly in the field of the first year of life.

2. Fire body - a shell (etheric body) surrounding a living being .

It has the shape of a ball surrounding the human body with a multi-layered and complex "suit". It keeps a person's own energy inside, stores information about the body and what is happening around it.

A hot body protects from inharmonious energy flows and blocks. Therefore, its integrity is of great importance. When it is pierced, this breakdown is often called damage, the evil eye, etc. Clairvoyants fix this as blackouts in its matter.

The hot body is fully formed by the age of three, so children in Russia only after this period could be taken to crowded meetings.

3. Navier body - lepton matrix of Yavy body (astral body) .

In this body, the Navi enter the lower worlds. It is the vehicle of the senses. Everything that we feel, hear, experience is recorded in it. Unpleasant sensations are fixed in it as clots of energy, which often lead to diseases.

Knowledgeable people distinguish in it the dark part associated with passions, destructive emotions and psychopathic states, and the light part, which contributes to our higher feelings, a sense of joy, love, gratitude and grace as such.

It is fully formed in a person by the age of 7. According to the Slavic Vedic tradition, our ancestors conducted an age initiation for children during this period: for boys - "Girding", for girls - "Knotting". This contributed to the fact that the child from this period began to fully control his emotions.

4. Club body - the body of the mind and mind (mental body) .

It has the shape of a silver ball ("club") located inside the human skull. It begins to be actively structured at the age of seven and is fully formed by the age of 12-14, which is also marked by the corresponding dedications: for girls - "Lelnik", for boys - "Yarenie".

The club body is an instrument of materialization and formation of the life path. All our thoughts, even the most insignificant, using the energy of the club body, appear in space and materialize in the form of necessary situations. Moving in the spiritual field, the thought-form instantly reaches the object-object, person or Deity to which it relates, thus connecting ils with them and “attracting” their energy and appearance in our life. This is how we create our reality, “the world around us”.

Jarrier, Navier and clubbing of the body develop, grow and perish with the death of a real (physical) body. In this regard, the Slavic Vedic tradition sacredly honors 3, 9, 40 days and 1 year during funeral rituals. On the third day after death, the hot body dies, by the ninth - Navi, by the fortieth - the club. It is believed that the soul and all its parts completely leave this world after a year.

5. Causal body (causal body)

An energy shell that carries the entire karmic experience of the incarnation of the Soul, manifesting itself in the form of a character, as well as in the conditions of a person’s life. This shell is constantly connected with the soul and acts as a "drawing" according to which a new body is built.

The causal body is a storehouse of the Soul, a treasury in which all the experience of our life on Earth is collected, the abode of our consciousness, the bearer of our will. It transmits information to the next incarnations. Realizing the energy records that were formed on it in past lives, it is responsible for the place of incarnation, for the manifestation of innate talents or diseases, for the incarnation in a certain family, with whose members the Soul had connections in past lives, etc.

6. Kolob's body - the body of intuition and spiritual mind (budhic body) .

It has the shape of a golden ball of light ("kolob") and is located around the head of a person (nimbus of saints). Human consciousness is a part of the consciousness of the Supreme. Therefore, the body of a kolobye predetermines the course of events or the fate of people for a long time, forcing them to develop in accordance with the formed system of values. It gives a person the ability of insight, the ability to penetrate into the essence of things not through reasoning or logical thinking, but through instant insight and connection with the object.

Kolob's body is an intermediary for transmitting information to the club's body from higher divine worlds. When the soul is not yet self-conscious of itself (not developed), then a person cannot be in contact with his sixth body at all. In this case, it is in its infancy in people and is waiting for its development, which passes as the varna grows.

People striving for spiritual development and comprehension of higher realities consciously activate their kolobok body. They gain the ability to enter into telepathic communication with other people and the Higher powers.

7. Divya body - human soul (catheral, atmic body) .

Has the shape of a human body. Our spirit resides in this body, which is inextricably linked with the soul and acts as its basis. He connects us with the universal Spirit of the Most High. Thanks to him, a person feels one with the whole universe. His heart is filled with love for everything that exists, woven into a single, all-encompassing, living organism of the Creator.

8. Right body - Light, Light, Spiritual body of the Jiva (sattvic body) .

It is formed by the spiritual light of all living bodies of the jiva (spirit-soul), is outside of time and space. It provides the jiva with personality traits - the ability to own the experience of all the living things of his body.

9. Jiva (Slice of Alive)

An individual, self-luminous particle of the Primordial Light - the Kind of the Supreme, a manifestation of the Spirit of the Supreme in us. Is the true "I" of every creature - its Spirit, the source of life; is outside of time and space.

Jiva, Causal, Kolobye, Divya and Right of the body constitute a unity - the “Soul-Spirit” of a person , which does not disintegrate after death, but passes into the next incarnations in order to continue its evolution and gain new experience in mastering matter.

The seven leading planets of the solar system, the seven shells of man, the seven notes, the seven colors of the rainbow and the aura of man - this speaks
about many things, first of all about how we are interconnected with this system.

It was previously believed that the Earth has 6 shells: atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, pyrosphere and centrosphere. Now another shell is being added: the noosphere.
Match: man was created in the image and likeness. It is now known that a person has SEVEN BODY SHELLS AND AURA

Aura is the energy field of a person.
The energy fields of living beings (bio fields or psi fields) have a rather complex composition. They include a lot of fields known to modern science. These are magnetic, and electric, and, possibly, torsion fields. The energy field is an integral part of the energy field of the Earth and the entire outer space).

The essence is the body, the essence of man is the soul. Scientists have already proven the existence of the soul. The soul is the bioplasmic counterpart of a person. And it keeps the human body alive.

Man is a biological entity. The presence of fields around biological objects today is a scientifically proven fact. The human lepton field is one of the fields, which is a shaky shell that envelops a rigid bodily structure (soma).

Leptons are a series of light particles of matter that do not have a strong interaction: electrons, muons, neutrinos. Muons are unstable substances that have both a positive and a negative charge, with a mass 207 times the mass of an electron.

A coronary discharge that occurs around living matter is a discharge of electrons, the electronic component of the human biofield. Any living being has a potential difference and therefore continuously emits electrons.

At this time, the question of the multi-layered nature of the biofield is often raised.
The electronic field is only a part of the human aura. It can be called, as I believe, the spirit of man. In another way, it is the world mind that affects the person himself.
Now the best studied is the plasma image of a person. Plasma has an amazing penetrating power due to its fine structure. Kind of a phantom. I believe that this is the main external component of the human soul. And she, this plasma shell, even separated from a person during his sleep or death, has his own mind, is able to carry information and transfer it to others.

This explains all the extraordinary and inexplicable phenomena that humanity faces throughout its life. And this substance is immortal. It is plasma.

Plasma is a cold or hot gas, the atoms of which are devoid of their electron shells. This state of matter, so to speak, is the opposite of the electron cloud. Plasma has amazing penetrating power due to its fine structure. And this plasma is a materialized global mind, which is also in each of us.

Plasma is of two types: hot and cold. The plasma that exists in the world of space is hot, destroying all life. Plasma inherent in the Global world is cold, but life-giving.

But there is also a third level of the biofield, capable of generating electromagnetic waves, interacting with the external fields of the objects surrounding it. This is not only interaction between biological objects, but also interaction with the fields of objects located in the Universe - such as the planets of our solar system and even more - with those minds that we, in the old fashioned way, call the Lord God, Jesus Christ, Allah and the like.

This is our consciousness - the combination of two minds. This is what connects us with the system that gave birth to us and has a direct impact on us. And, at the same time, we are able to influence these (virtual) minds ourselves, since they are embodied in us, the material ones. With our consciousness and the energy we produce, we influence the space around us, in which these minds are located, not only in this solar system, but also outside it.

The electromagnetic shell of a person is an extended formation and envelops the generating field of a person. It can be different in length, depending on the level of consciousness of a person, his spiritual elevation and the breadth of the soul. The energy produced by a person carries a certain charge, depending on what a person undertakes in his life.

The planet, like man, also has several layers in its atmosphere. We are a little more complex than she is. "In the image and likeness." But there are many things that unite us with the planet as entities. We must understand that she is also alive, but in a different organization.

Now it would be worthwhile to carry out a projection on the objects surrounding us in the system in which we exist. Doesn't a person in terms of energy resemble the sun itself? It also radiates energy, like a person, and sends a stream of electrons into space. It is calculated that, in terms of body weight, a person releases more energy in his life than the Sun itself in a year.

The chemist, professor of the Bashkir State University Nazhip Valitov, in a strict language of formulas, proved "that any objects in the Universe interact with each other instantly, regardless of the distance between them."

Instantaneous transmission is a Thought in the Unified field, which does not have any obstacles. Another world, non-material, but really existing - The laws of which we have not yet comprehended to the end. But now we have the opportunity to learn everything through the ideas, hypotheses, given directions for research, revealed in the book Moment of Truth.

Scientist M. Sandulovich from the University. A. Kuzy conducted an experiment: he placed two electrodes in a chamber filled with cold plasma of inert argon gas, when a high voltage passed, lightning flashed between the electrodes, the plasma concentrated into two-layer spheres.

Electrons are on the outer layer, positively charged ions are on the inner layer, gas atoms are located between them. The spheres began to split in half and grow, feeding on neutral argon atoms, splitting them into ions and electrons. Emitting electromagnetic energy, they, vibrating with a certain frequency, transmitted information to each other.

This is a completely different, but also a living world. Is argon or gases similar to it the constituent of the soul? It is worth remembering the words of the Bible: “First, God created the Angels.” Doesn't this phenomenon confirm the words of the Bible? How much we still don't know, we don't understand.

"What if you gain the whole world, but harm your soul"... (Bible). Others, in pursuit of wealth or power, or fame, lose their souls, because they lose their conscience. Our souls are able to communicate, at the level of vibrations, we only react to their interpenetration. It is no coincidence that they say: I like this person.

We are accustomed to perceive only one - the bodily hypostasis of a person, since we perceive it in the space-time dimension familiar to us. The soul was given to the mercy of religious fanaticism, the spirit of man was given to free will. But without the immutable moral laws of human coexistence, such a will creates many troubles, especially considering that knowledge of the world in which it is located has been taken away from mankind, even knowledge of itself. We are in a world hostile to us.

The human aura is not just energy that envelops the physical body. It is divided into special energy layers, so that each layer is responsible for its function and has its own color.

The first sheath (Sah) is his material body, the visible part of the human being. By the state and appearance of the body, the initiate could judge the state of the remaining shells of a person. Pure Sax of a healthy person is a consequence of his spiritual purity. The vices and ailments of Sakh were considered the result of impurity of the energy shells. The Egyptian initiates believed that the impurities in the spiritual shells eventually penetrate into the material body, where they manifest themselves in the form of physical ailments.

It was possible to purify Sakh by eating cleaner food and drink, performing ritual cleansing rites with water, visiting a bath with a broom, sodium salts, incense,
ointments, as well as the cleansing of spiritual shells with the help of prayers, spells, hymns, etc.

The second shell (Ka) represented his life energy, the ethereal body, the energy-double of a person. Ka - on the one hand, the totality of mental sensations of a living person, and on the other hand - Ka is inextricably linked with the personality, individuality of the deceased, his bodily and spiritual features. But in case of poor health, severe nervous shock or excitement, the etheric shell of Ka can partially leave the body of Sakh. As a result, the person falls into a semi-conscious state or trance.

The third shell (Ba) is the human being, what is called the “life force”, the soul is a manifestation, the shell of the subconscious or the astral body. Ba is formed from the totality of human feelings, desires, emotions. Ba with amazing speed changes its form under the influence of each impact of sensations, feelings, desires and thoughts. When Ba separates from Sah, the latter falls into a sleepy stupor. Ba forms the world of other souls and the world of dreams.

The fourth shell (Eb) is the soul - the heart, the receptacle of human consciousness, the mental body. Eb is formed by human thoughts and mental images. EB is extremely mobile, transparent and gentle. According to the feelings of the initiates, with progressive development, Eb acquires a radiant unearthly beauty. Eb is an immortal soul. Eb captures a record of a person's good and evil thoughts.

The fifth shell (also Eb) is the soul - the cause or the superconsciousness - the karmic body. She is responsible for the place and time of a person's birth, all his congenital bodily defects and diseases. It is the soul - the reason that allows a person to be born in a certain family, clan, tribe, people, partnership and state, with whose members she had connections in previous incarnations.

The sixth shell (also Eb) is the soul-meaning or awareness itself; according to Egyptian concepts, the soul that produces meaning. Thanks to it, a person can observe the course of his own thoughts, realize his existence, see his innermost meaning of life. If the soul of Eb (consciousness) is polluted by evil mental images, then they prevent the soul-sense from perceiving the infinity of consciousness, just as the clouds of darkness prevent the Sun (the eye of Ujat) from perceiving the surface of the Earth.

The seventh shell (Ah) is the spirit, part of the universal energy sub-foundation of the universe. In Egyptian, Ah literally means "light, enlightened, illuminated, blessed." Ah is immortal, boundless, it pervades absolutely everything, it is omnipresent. Ah, one for all.

Planet shells

The atmosphere is the outer gaseous shell of the Earth. Its lower boundary passes through the lithosphere and hydrosphere, and the upper one at an altitude of 1000 km. The atmosphere is divided into the troposphere (the moving layer), the stratosphere (the layer above the troposphere) and the ionosphere (the upper layer).

The average height of the troposphere is 10 km. Its mass is 75% of the total mass of the atmosphere. Air in the troposphere moves both horizontally and vertically.

The stratosphere rises 80 km above the troposphere. Its air, moving only in a horizontal direction, forms layers.
Even higher extends the ionosphere, which got its name due to the fact that its air is constantly ionized under the influence of ultraviolet and cosmic rays.

The hydrosphere covers 71% of the Earth's surface. Its average salinity is 35 g/l. The temperature of the ocean surface is from 3 to 32 ° C, the density is about 1. Sunlight penetrates to a depth of 200 m, and ultraviolet rays to a depth of 800 m.

The biosphere, or sphere of life, merges with the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Its upper boundary reaches the upper layers of the troposphere, while the lower one runs along the bottom of the ocean basins. The biosphere is subdivided into the sphere of plants (over 500,000 species) and the sphere of animals (over 1,000,000 species).

The lithosphere is the stone shell of the Earth, with a thickness of 40 to 100 km. It includes continents, islands and the bottom of the oceans. The average height of the continents above ocean level: Antarctica - 2200 m, Asia - 960 m, Africa - 750 m, North America - 720 m, South America - 590 m, Europe - 340 m, Australia - 340 m.

Under the lithosphere is the pyrosphere - the fiery shell of the Earth. Its temperature rises by about 1°C for every 33 m of depth. Rocks at considerable depths are probably in a molten state due to high temperatures and high pressure.

The centrosphere, or the core of the Earth, is located at a depth of not 1800 km. According to most scientists, it consists of iron and nickel. The pressure here reaches 300000000000 Pa (3000000 atmospheres), the temperature is several thousand degrees. The state of the core is still unknown.

The fiery sphere of the Earth continues to cool. The hard shell thickens, the fiery shell thickens. At one time, this led to the formation of solid stone blocks - continents. However, the influence of the fiery sphere on the life of the planet Earth is still very great. The outlines of the continents and oceans, the climate, and the composition of the atmosphere have repeatedly changed.

Exogenous and endogenous processes continuously change the solid surface of our planet, which, in turn, actively affects the Earth's biosphere.

Characteristics of the shells of the earth

Anthropogenic impact on nature is currently penetrating into all spheres of the planet Earth, so it is necessary to briefly consider the characteristics of the individual shells of the Earth.

The earth consists of the core, mantle, earth's crust, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. Due to the impact of living matter and human activity, two more shells arose - the biosphere and the noosphere, including the technosphere. Human activity extends to the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and noosphere. Let us briefly consider these shells and the nature of the impact of human activity on them.

General characteristics of the atmosphere

Earth's atmosphere is the outer gaseous shell of the Earth. The lower part of the atmosphere is in contact with the Earth's lithosphere or hydrosphere, while the upper part is in contact with interplanetary space. The atmosphere is made up of three parts:

1. The troposphere (lower part of the atmosphere) and its height above the surface is 15 km. The troposphere is made up of air, the density of which decreases with height. The upper part of the troposphere is in contact with the ozone screen - an ozone layer 7-8 km thick.

The ozone screen prevents hard ultraviolet radiation or high-energy cosmic radiation from reaching the Earth's surface (lithosphere, hydrosphere), which are detrimental to all living things.

The lower layers of the troposphere - up to 5 km above sea level - are an air habitat, while the most densely populated are the lowest layers of the atmosphere - up to 100 m from the surface of land or water. The greatest impact from human activity, which has the greatest ecological significance, is experienced by the troposphere and especially its lower layers.

2. Stratosphere - the middle layer of the atmosphere, the limit of which is a height of 100 km above sea level. The stratosphere is filled with rarefied gas (nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, etc.). It goes into the ionosphere.

3. Ionosphere - the upper layer of the atmosphere, passing into interplanetary space. The ionosphere is filled with particles arising from the decay of molecules - ions, electrons, etc. In the lower part of the ionosphere, the "northern lights" appear, which is observed in areas beyond the Arctic Circle.
In ecological terms, the troposphere is of the greatest importance.

Brief description of the lithosphere and hydrosphere

The surface of the Earth, located under the troposphere, is heterogeneous - part of it is occupied by water, which forms the hydrosphere, and part is land, which forms the lithosphere.

Lithosphere - the outer hard shell of the globe, formed by rocks (hence the name - "cast" - stone). It consists of two layers - the upper, formed by sedimentary rocks with granite, and the lower, formed by solid basalt rocks.

Part of the lithosphere is occupied by water (the World Ocean), and part is land, making up about 30% of the earth's surface. The topmost layer of land (for the most part) is covered with a thin layer of fertile surface - soil. The soil is one of the environments of life, and the lithosphere is the substrate on which various organisms live.

Hydrosphere - the water shell of the earth's surface, formed by the totality of all water bodies on Earth. The thickness of the hydrosphere is different in different areas, but the average depth of the ocean is 3.8 km, and in some depressions - up to 11 km.

The hydrosphere is a source of water for all organisms living on Earth, it is a powerful geological force that cycles water and other substances, the "cradle of life" and the habitat of aquatic organisms. The anthropogenic impact on the hydrosphere is also great and will be discussed below.

General characteristics of the biosphere and noosphere

Since the appearance of life on Earth, a new, specific shell has arisen - the biosphere. The term "biosphere" was introduced by E. Suess (1875).
The biosphere (sphere of life) is that part of the shells of the Earth in which various organisms live. The biosphere occupies part of the atmosphere (the lower part of the troposphere), the lithosphere (the upper part, including the soil) and permeates the entire hydrosphere and the upper part of the bottom surface.

The biosphere can also be defined as a geological shell inhabited by living organisms.

The boundaries of the biosphere are determined by the presence of conditions necessary for the normal functioning of organisms. The upper part of the biosphere is limited by the intensity of ultraviolet radiation, and the lower part by high temperature (up to 100°C). Bacterial spores are found at an altitude of 20 km above sea level, and anaerobic bacteria are found at a depth of up to 3 km from the earth's surface.

It is known that living organisms are formed by living matter. The density of the biosphere is characterized by the concentration of living matter. It has been established that the highest density of the biosphere is characteristic of the land and ocean surfaces at the interface between the lithosphere and hydrosphere and the atmosphere. The density of life in the soil is very high.

The mass of living matter is small compared to the mass of the earth's crust and hydrosphere, but living matter plays a huge role in the processes of change in the earth's crust.
The biosphere is the totality of all biogeocenoses on Earth, therefore it is considered the highest ecosystem of the Earth. Everything in the biosphere is interconnected and interdependent.

The gene pool of all organisms on the Earth ensures the relative stability and renewability of the biological resources of the planet, if there is no sharp interference in natural ecological processes by various forces of a geological or interplanetary nature. At present, as mentioned above, anthropogenic factors affecting the biosphere have taken on the character of a geological force, which must be taken into account by humanity if it wants to survive on Earth.

Since the appearance of man on Earth, anthropogenic factors have arisen in nature, the effect of which is intensifying with the development of civilization, and a new specific shell of the Earth has arisen - the noosphere (the sphere of intelligent life). The term "noosphere" was first introduced by E. Leroy and T. Ya. de Chardin (1927), and in Russia for the first time in his works was used by V. I. Vernadsky (30-40s of the XX century). In the interpretation of the term "noosphere" there are two approaches:

1. "The noosphere is that part of the biosphere where human economic activity is carried out." The author of this concept was LN Gumilyov (son of the poetess A. Akhmatova and the poet N. Gumilyov). This point of view is correct if it is necessary to single out human activity in the biosphere, to show its difference from the activity of other organisms. Such a concept characterizes the "narrow sense" of the essence of the noosphere as the shell of the Earth.

2. "The noosphere is the biosphere, the development of which is directed by the human mind." This concept is widely represented in the works of V. I. Vernadsky and is a concept in a broad understanding of the essence of the noosphere, since the influence of the human mind on the biosphere can be both positive and negative, the latter very often prevailing. The composition of the noosphere includes the technosphere - a part of the noosphere associated with the production activity of man.

At the present stage of the development of civilization and population, it is necessary to “reasonably” influence Nature, optimally influence it in order to bring minimal harm to natural ecological processes, restore destroyed or disturbed biogeocenoses, and even on human life as an integral part of the biosphere.

Human activity inevitably makes changes to the world around, but, given the possible consequences, anticipating possible negative impacts, it is necessary to make sure that these consequences are the least destructive.

Human energy anatomy

.."and be afraid of the day when the soul is nothing
will not make amends for another soul, and
intercession will not be accepted from her, and intercession will not be taken from her
balance, and they will not be given
"Quran", sura 2. "cow"

Human energy is subject to the general laws of the universe. And, above all, it is the "Law of Polarity" and the "Law of Conservation of Energy".

The entire Universe is permeated with energy down to the smallest particles. Energy is, as it were, the frame of the Universe, its base on which the entire material and spiritual world rests, it constantly circulates, transforming into different qualities in many forms.

Aura and chakras

Chakras are called lotuses in India because, like any living flower, they have peculiar petals capable of self-opening...

A person has a complex energy frame, which is in constant interaction with the Universe, that is, with the energies of the Cosmos and the Earth.

The people of the Ancient East believed that man is in constant interaction with the universe. If the harmony was disturbed a little, then the person fell ill. And if the energy imbalance was significant, it led to death.

Healers of antiquity, in order to control the energy of a person, had to know the energy anatomy of a person and its interaction with the Universe. Grains of this knowledge have come down to us. This is the doctrine of the human energy centers and the channels through which the divine energy circulates.

In the human body, they believed, there are seven energy centers that control 8,400,000 energy channels. Five energy centers are located along the spine on its inner side, and two centers are located in the head of a person, as can be seen in the figure.

All centers control both physiological and spiritual processes of the human body. Ancient healers believed that the three lower centers are more responsible for the material life of a person, and the three upper ones for the spiritual. The balance between these centers was provided by the fourth "heart" center. In India, energy centers are called chakras.

Each chakra performs two functions - internal and external, that is, it is responsible for a certain part of the body and provides a link between this area and the environment.

The first energy center - Muladhara Chakra - is located at the base of the spinal column. Mula means root, and Adhara means support, since this chakra is the birthplace and reservoir of Prana (life energy) of a person.

At the same time, the Muladhara Chakra is the root and support of the Sushumna - a cord-like energy channel (Nadi), which at one end rises along the spine to the brain, and at the other end descends to the coccyx region, where it forms a cone of the seat of KUNDALINI in the form of a serpentine ring.

The cone of the Muladhara-chakra, facing the top of the krizu, is depicted in the descriptions as a fiery four-petalled lotus located between the base of the genital organ and the anus. Earth, born from water, is the element of this chakra. The symbol is the planet Saturn.

The sense corresponding to this chakra in man is the sense of smell. Corresponds to the chakra color is golden yellow. The four petals directed in four directions contain four forms of happiness and bliss: Yogi Bliss, Supreme Bliss, Life Force Happiness, Natural Happiness.

The Muladhara Chakra, being the base of the body's energy reserves, together with the Sahasrara Chakra maintains a balance between all energy centers and energy channels. The Muladhara Chakra ensures the normal functioning of the energy of the human pelvic region - the genitourinary system and intestines, and together with the Sahasrara Chakra - the endocrine system.

The second energy center - Svadhisthana-chakra - a lotus with six petals is located at the base of the penis, above the Muladhara-chakra and two fingers below the navel. The element of this center is water born from fire. The symbol is the planet Jupiter. The corresponding feeling in a person is tact.

The color associated with the chakra is red. The six petals contain various states, qualities, functions, modifications or mental tendencies: naivety, suspicion, arrogance, delusion, untrue knowledge, implacability (cruelty).

Svadhisthana-chakra ensures the normal circulation of energy in the sacral section of the spinal column and, together with the first and third energy centers, governs the work of the genitals and intestines.

The third energy center - Manipuraka Chakra - is located above the navel and is a golden ten-petalled lotus. The name Manipura-chakra arose from the purification (Pura) of this center through the kidneys (Mani) at a certain time. The element of this chakra is fire. The symbol is the planet Mars. The corresponding sense in man is sight.

The color corresponding to the chakra is yellow. Ten petals of the color of a thundercloud contain such states as modesty, inconstancy, jealousy, desire, laziness, sadness, stupidity, ignorance, disgust, fear. The Manipuraka Chakra, together with other energy centers, controls the work of the genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract. The occurrence of pain in the lumbar region or "solar plexus" is the first sign of a violation of the circulation of energy in the Manipuraka Chakra.

The fourth energy center - Anahata-chakra - a large twelve-petalled lotus, is located in the center and is located on the chest between the nipples.

The element of the Anahata chakra is air born from ether. The symbol of the chakra is the planet Venus. The corresponding feeling of this chakra in a person is taste. Its color match is white. The twelve petals of cinnabar color are carriers of such states as attention, anxiety, effort or constancy, attachment to one's "I", arrogance or hypocrisy, lethargy or languor, individualism, cognition or speculative metaphysical construction, lust, duplicity, indecision, regret.

The god Ishvara, the patron of the Anahata chakra and the lord of the three previous chakras, has two hands, one of which, according to the ancients, creates happiness, and the other sows fear. The Anahata Chakra is responsible for the energy balance between the material and spiritual worlds of a person, for the normal circulation of energy between all chakras.

Anahata Chakra or the so-called "Heart Center" ensures the normal functioning of the heart and lungs, coordinates the cardio-pulmonary rhythm with the rhythm of the Universe.

The fifth energy center - Vishuddha-chakra or Bharatistana-chakra - is located in the lower part of the larynx, between the seventh cervical vertebra and the jugular fossa.
Vishuddha Chakra has the hue of fire, visible through a veil of smoke. The element of the chakra is ether, and its symbol is the planet Mercury. The corresponding feeling of this chakra in a person is hearing. The color corresponding to the chakra is black. Its sixteen red petals hide, according to the ancient sages, seven musical notes, as well as the nectar of immortality (Amrita). The middle of the Vishuddha Chakra is the area of ​​the Full Moon and Ether
Around the Vishuddha Chakra, at the base of the palate, is a secret chakra called Lalana. The Lalana Chakra, a red twelve-petalled lotus, contains such states as faith, contentment, a sense of delusion, self-control, anger, affection or love, sadness, excretion, purity, indifference, excitement, appetite or desire.

The fifth energy center is the immune center of the whole organism, it gives nourishment and vitality to the respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine and lymphatic systems.

The sixth energy center - Ajna Chakra - corresponds to the three main energy channels of the body: Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. The Ajna Chakra is a three-petalled lotus located in the center of the brain (Thalamus) and projecting into the base of the nose between the eyes. The element of the chakra is metal, and the symbol is the planet Moon. The corresponding feeling in man is intuition. Ruby color corresponds to the chakra. This energy center or the so-called "Third Eye" is responsible for all human brain activity, for his spiritual abilities: clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.

The seventh energy center - Sahasrara Chakra or Secret Lotus - has six petals containing the ability to hear, touch, see, smell, perceive taste sensations and be in a state of hibernation in the absence of these feelings. The element of the chakra is the Absolute, and the symbol is the planet Sun. The corresponding feeling of this chakra in a person is superconsciousness, and the color is golden-sunny, radiant.

Above, the Sahasrara Chakra is followed by another secret chakra, the so-called Soma Chakra. It is a lotus with sixteen petals, denoting states such as bondage, friendliness, patience, lack of passion, constancy, prosperity, a tendency to steal, humility, a tendency to reflect, peace of mind, sedateness or importance, enterprise or energy, lack of erudition, generosity, concentration. or concentration.

Sahasrara Chakra is the main antenna and the receptacle of the entire essence of the Universe in man. Yogis say that the Universe exists here in its potential state. Sahasrara-chakra, tuned to the Cosmos, is the main conductor of divine energy from the Universe to the spiritual world of man.
The Indians believed that each energy center is not only a source of a certain type of energy, but also creates an energy shell around a person, from "dense" to the most "thin".

These are the physical shell, the ethereal shell, the astral shell - the shell of desires, the mental shell - the shell of causality, the shell of the soul - Atman, and the shell of the particle of the divine mind - the Absolute Spirit.

Since the energy of the shells differs in quality from each other, they seem to permeate each other. The colors of the shells, as well as the energy centers, are the layout of the whitish energy field of a person into seven colors of the rainbow from red to purple.

Each energy shell has close contact with the cosmic energy corresponding to the level of these shells.

Red, orange and yellow shells refer to the material world. Blue, blue and violet - to the spiritual world, which cannot be seen with ordinary vision and fixed with devices. The green shell is the center of connection between the material and spiritual worlds. The base of this shell is the heart chakra - Anahata-chakra, through which love passes. And if the energy of this center is not disturbed, then love fills the whole person. This is love for the whole world, for God.

The whitish energy shell - the fusion of all shells - has its own energy center at the crown, also white and is called the Soma-chakra. Through this chakra, a person can come into contact with cosmic knowledge.
The red shell is the roughest. This is purely material energy of one-dimensional space. On it, a person performs rough physical work that does not require the work of the brain. Here a person lives only in the present without past and future.

The orange shell is a manifestation of sexual energy. This is where the idealization of material levels arises - a beautiful thing, a prestigious purchase, a sexual partner, etc.

The yellow shell has a three-dimensional space. The yellow level is the level of management, this is the sphere of chiefs, directors. Here there is a classification of people according to business qualities, other qualities of people are not taken into account, are not noticed.

The green shell is a manifestation of creative energy. People of art, doctors and teachers work here. Here are ideas and images outside of man. A creative person materializes the spiritual energy received from the Cosmos in works of art. Each work of art is permeated with the ideas of the invisible world. Brilliant creations carry the flow of divine energy.

The blue shell is a shell that carries the energy of sensually colored images. All people, when communicating, release emotional energy clots from themselves in the form of their own images, colored with love, fear, hatred, benevolence, envy. Each such image has a certain period of life, after which it disappears.

The blue shell is the energy level of images without sensual coloring, without a person's attitude to them.

The violet shell is the seventh energy level, where abstraction is the highest, forms disappear, only content remains.

The white shell is the world of nirvana, Buddha, a mirror image of the outside world.


In the image and likeness ... that's still to understand what's what. However, there is a mention of seven pillars (the pillar is perceived as a foundation, a fortress, on which everything is based). the number seven is unique: seven leading planets, seven colors of the rainbow, seven notes. our world that exists at the present time is focused on all this, SEVEN shells of a person (and why does science not focus on these issues?) - we are nothing more than a part of the system focused on this existence. question: by whom and how? Can we understand? Not an empty word: “Thus says the Lord, who gave the sun to shine by day, the ordinances to the moon to shine by night. did" (obviously, the universe is not delighted with the atrocities of the Jews). "Then I also admit that your right hand is able to save you"...". We, in fact, make ourselves "gods", and we ourselves suffer from this. But, I suspect, at the instigation from above (by whom and why? - by more highly developed civilizations. They have their own interest.). “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. And whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Do you understand how everything is related to our thoughts and choices? Do people understand their own power? Do they understand the power of their FAITH, even if this faith is wrong? we confirm blindly, we obey, but someone both above and below creates arbitrariness, creating our energy - the energy of suffering. The Mother of God said: Suffering FEEDS the forces of evil. And the victims are the people of the Light who are fighting for your life..." , from which, due to their bewilderment, people cannot escape in any way. And what will happen if they break out? People will be able to change even the entire system of the cosmos with their consciousness!!! Here are our potential opportunities! Few people understand this... what kind of world could they live in! And our descendants! no, they stupidly rummage through their wallets and minks... to look one step ahead - there is not enough intelligence, really. it's a shame even for this generation, the time in which we are. I'm not even sure that the next will understand something ... they were given computers, games - they have no time to see the present. And so, always, people begin to see clearly - they immediately find something that will distract them from the thought of the universe. Either wars, or gods I always resent this: gladiator fights before, footballs and others like them, gambling, "tanks" comp yuternye for this generation of young - all this clogs the brains of men, unthinking zombies (which is my husband, unfortunately). . so much time wasted... stupidity.. and what a stir flares up during these bacchanalia... Oh, really, it's sickening to see how a person can be humiliated by something like that... Fu-ki, well-ki, Allushka, forgive me generously. I responded to four smart lines like that. You please my soul, you see the main thing. Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

A curious thought - suffering feeds the forces of evil ...
and I would also like to understand why there is such a persecution of the Jews, that they are somehow different from other nations?
it’s also interesting why people are distracted by some forces with games, football, computers ... who needs it ...

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1. Etheric shell.

This shell governs the shape of the human body. Its management is based on the principle that any subtle energy, of which it consists, is stronger than the coarser material energy. The ethereal shell is created from such types of energy, which are obliged to regulate the form of coarser matter, to exercise control over it. If this control is not done, then the material cells will begin to divide without limitation and a disproportion will arise. The ethereal shell is connected by the sign of the horoscope with a certain type of people, the signs of which are laid down in the program. The stars activate this program in action, manifesting the traits of a person. Any program is not rigid, but subject to change.

With his desires, a person can correct the program of the etheric shell through the astral shell, and it will already affect the body, changing its shape.

The ethereal shell is the material for the processing of the physical body, they are interconnected. But the formation of the ethereal shell is carried out on the basis of a program that is recorded in the causal body.

In a child, the ethereal shell begins to form together with the material one even in the womb.

Each shell is designed for a certain range of frequencies, and each retains coarser energies in relation to the next one in the direction from the physical body to the spiritual one. Violations in the body lead to changes in the etheric body. In obese people, there is an additional increase in body weight due to the energy that should have been spent on the formation of the ethereal shell. It will not receive additional energy replenishment due to the fact that it is intercepted by the physical one. For thin people, there is a more intense return of energy to the ethereal shell, i.e., the body gives out more than it keeps for itself. But there is always a certain limit beyond which no shell can go.

2. Astral shell.

The etheric shell is followed by the astral shell, which is formed in a more complex way. The child is already born with it, and then the shell develops. This shell is also formed by the causal, or body of causes. This shell is made up of energies that correspond to those desires that a person had in past lives. Posthumous experience is necessarily taken into account in a new life, because there, beyond the line of being, there is a rethinking of what has been done and personal desires. Therefore, the program of the future life includes past desires, but already partially processed and rethought in the subtle world.

Each desire corresponds to a certain frequency. From the causal body, a set of desires is sent to the shell, planned according to the program. When a person sees a temptation, exactly those frequencies resonate in his mind that correspond to the energy level of the temptation. The resonance strengthens the impulse of temptation, the conscience manifests reciprocal vibrations, the struggle of doubts begins. There is a processing of the energies of this desire.

For example: to eat or not to eat, to drink or not to drink

As a result of the struggle, the energy of this desire is processed: either it is suppressed, and then high frequencies are recruited into the shells (any suppression of a low desire is a rise upwards), or the individual succumbs to desire, choosing an easy path, and this is a set of low frequencies.

There are lofty desires: protection of the weak, rendering assistance... The suppression of such desires means a transition to low frequencies.

Each action or inaction, caused by certain desires, saturates the shell with low or high frequencies, shaping it in quality and color. Shells in which low desires predominate are colored in coarse colors and saturated with low frequencies, and if the desires are elevated, then the shell is painted in delicate colors and saturated with high energies. It happens that the desire is extinguished completely. If it was a low desire, then the gross energy stops flowing into the shell, and, consequently, into the next ones, they become thinner, brighter, filled with more subtle vibrations. Neutralization of desire always goes through struggle, refusal, mental anguish.

When all desires are eliminated in the astral shell, and it is filled with neutral energies, a person loses interest in life and is transferred to a new energy state that is different from the material one.

Mental shell.

This shell is formed on the basis of human mental activity. If a person reworked volumes of compositions, rethought deeply life, was seriously engaged in science, creativity, then this means the accumulation of mental energies that are higher than astral ones, the saturation of the mental sheath with them. The higher the mental activity, the higher the level of development of the mental shell.

The program of the future life includes the total degree of development of a person achieved in all past incarnations, plus the posthumous experience of the last life due to rethinking of his past actions and gaining new knowledge about the subtle world into which he has fallen. Therefore, one is born smart, the other is not. Everything depends on the past work of the soul.

The mental sheath includes three types of intelligent mental activity of a person: intuition, consciousness and subconsciousness.

Scientists, poets, writers, architects often work on the basis of intellectual intuition… All new knowledge, laws are revealed thanks to intuition, the ability to contact the Higher worlds. A person receives completely new information from them and translates it into the language of modernity, trying to state everything as clearly and clearly as possible for contemporaries. Intuition is a person's connection with the future.

Consciousness, mind include the usual mental activity of a person at the present time.

The subconscious is a connection with a person's past, his past experience accumulated over all previous incarnations. I.

It conveys information, creative, craftsmanship, embedded in the baggage of past knowledge. The ability to connect to the memory of past knowledge gives a person an impetus to new mental activity. Thus, mental activity connects a person through intuition with the future, through consciousness - with the present and through the subconscious - with the past.

Causal shell.

The causal shell manages and controls all the underlying shells: material, ethereal, astral and mental, since it contains a program for the development of each of them. It stores the energy of action. In accordance with this, it contains a program for the development of each shell at the time of birth, and it contains the time for switching on one or another instinct, desire, activity. Each program must develop within a certain time frame. All transition processes are programmed here: infancy to childhood, childhood to youth, youth to maturity, maturity to old age. It also stores information about all past lives. All actions of a person, because of which you can subsequently earn karma, are recorded in this shell.

Spiritual shell.

The spiritual shell has a special design for the accumulation of high-frequency energies. This is something for the sake of which the soul is perfected, a person is tormented and reincarnated. This energy is deposited in this shell in each life. A person does not always accumulate spiritual energy, sometimes he gets into such situations that he cannot cope with them and commits acts, after which he degrades, and at the same time spiritual energy decreases.

There are reincarnations in which spiritual energy is not accumulated, but already acquired is spent. This can happen up to a certain level, until it reaches a limit below which it is no longer possible to fall. In these cases, the soul is reincarnated back into an animal, which happens extremely rarely, or decoded, i.e., the personality ceases to exist. Based on the analysis of the accumulated spiritual energy, a program is drawn up for the coming life, which includes such events that should fill the spiritual shell.

Soul core.

The core of the soul is a matrix, that on the basis of which a person feels himself an individual Tew that "he" is "he" and no one else. It contains the Divine essence and a great secret, which will be revealed to the individual himself only when he reaches a certain stages of development.

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