Contactless massage. Health and beauty

Massage is one of the ancient healing methods. In addition to the classical, there are also non-traditional methods. They combine not only physical healing, but also spiritual. An approach non-traditional methods massage is based on the harmonization of the body and spirit, the restoration of vital energy flows.

Types of non-classical massage

Amma is a Chinese massage technique developed by blind doctors for whom it was the only way earnings. With this technique, the client does not need to lie down, he can sit or stand in clothes. Such a massage is based on the stimulation of points located on the energy flows of the body. Pressing, rubbing and stroking with fingers or palms of the hands are used. The main objectives of this methodology are:

  • General health improvement
  • Energy recovery
  • Improving the emotional state
  • Getting rid of depression

Shiatsu- Japanese massage technique using the fingers and palms of the hands. hallmark This technique is a combination of diagnosis and therapy. Shiatsu can be performed by anyone. Having studied this method, you can massage yourself. The process uses the same points that activate internal energy flows. These points are associated with functional bodies and systems. Impact on them will lead to healing effects:

  • elimination of fatigue, pain in the lower back, neck and headache
  • Disease prevention
  • Treatment of osteochondrosis, scoliosis, sciatica
  • Smoothing wrinkles on the face and neck
  • Endurance development
  • Mental calm
  • Stress resistance
  • Improving intimate life

Swedish massage - the main action is aimed at improving blood circulation, calming nervous system and the whole organism as a whole, relaxation muscular system, working with seals, stretching muscle tissue and neurovascular bundles. Swedish massage is indicated for:

  • recovery from injuries
  • recovery after operations
  • treatment mental state human, calming the nervous system after stress, normalization of sleep
  • joint pain

Stone massage- an ancient technique of massage with stones of different textures, heated to certain temperature. The heat of the stones penetrates the skin and improves blood circulation. For this massage basalt stones are used. The advantages of this procedure:

  • Acceleration of metabolism
  • Removal of pain
  • Elimination of headache, fatigue
  • Improving the functioning of the nervous system
  • Resilience to stress and depression

Cryo massage- a type of massage that is gaining great popularity. It is part of the cryotherapy procedure. Ice is used from a decoction of herbs, wrapped in bags. These bags are applied to problem areas and moved in a circular motion. Massage result:

  • Fight against cellulite
  • Increased skin elasticity
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Relieve pain and swelling
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes

Massage with bamboo sticks is a type of Creole massage. The masseur rolls bamboo sticks over problem areas. Sticks of different sizes are used for each zone. The process takes place under ethnic music. Medicinal properties:

  • Removal of fatigue
  • Performance improvement internal organs
  • Skin toning
  • Elimination of cellulite.

lomi lomi- an ancient Hawaiian type of massage, which was until recently the secret of selected healers. Executed using essential oils accompanied by Hawaiian dances and songs. The masseur works on the entire body of the patient, processes the subcutaneous fat, kneads the muscles and joints.
What helps:

  • Relief from stress
  • Normalization of pressure
  • Improving digestion
  • Improvement of blood circulation
  • Muscle relaxation

Sound massage– massage is carried out with the help of Tibetan bowls. Three bowls with different sound tones are used. The massage therapist puts bowls on the body and with the help of sticks causes the bowls to vibrate. Benefits of this massage:

  • Deep relaxation
  • Relief from stress
  • Getting rid of a headache

Catapateo– deep back massage with the help of the feet.

  • Relief of muscle tension
  • Provides lightness and flexibility
  • Relieve insomnia and migraines

There are several dozen non-classical types of massage. But, no matter what method you choose, massage is great way get away from all city worries, improve your health and relax well.

Everyone knows about the benefits of massage. With its help, we get rid of physical ailments, our mood improves, we stop noticing our age. But not everyone knows what types of massage exist. Let's talk about some of its varieties, namely about non-traditional types of massage.

Types of massage: non-traditional techniques

Massage with herbal bags.

The birthplace of this massage is India and Thailand. This massage is carried out with warm bags of herbs. Have to take various herbs, for example, geranium, ginger or others of your choice, you can also add rice or sesame seeds, steam with boiling water or vegetable oil. As a result of this massage, the skin is saturated useful substances, becomes elastic, muscles are restored, metabolism improves, blood pressure normalizes.

Anti-aging stone massage.

It has always been believed that precious stones have the ability to correctly distribute the movement of energy in the body, and this contributes to its rejuvenation and self-healing. Anti-aging stone massage and is carried out just by various precious stones(sapphires, rubies and others).

Massage with sea shells.

This type of massage was brought from the Polynesian Islands. For this, empty flat shells are used. different size and molds that are slightly heated in sea ​​water with algae. That is why the skin is saturated large quantity macro- and microelements, more collagen is produced, which increases skin elasticity. In addition, such a massage relieves stress well, has a relaxing and healing effect.

Massage with bamboo sticks.

This massage is often called Creole, as it was brought to us from the shores of the Indian Ocean. It takes place, as a rule, to music using bamboo sticks. different lengths and diameter. Musical accompaniment allows the specialist to change the rhythm of movements and manipulations. Mostly this massage is indicated for those who work hard and get very tired. Bamboo massage improves the functioning of internal organs, helps to get rid of fat accumulations, cope with cellulite. In addition, as a result of such a massage, endorphins are produced - hormones of happiness.

Alpine ice massage.

Ice renders more strong impact than just cold water. Due to the fact that under the influence of cold blood vessels narrow for a short time, and then expand, there is an increased blood flow, which improves metabolism. So the fat is burned excess fluid leaves the tissues affected by cellulite. This type of massage is effective in the fight against cellulite. Due to the effect of lymphatic drainage in one procedure, it is possible to reduce the volume of problem areas up to 1 centimeter. It will not be difficult to do such a massage yourself at home. It is necessary to freeze the infusions of herbs and massage the problem area with ice cubes for no more than 2-3 minutes. You need to massage from the bottom up in a straight line, then in a circular (clockwise) and zigzag movements.

Shiatsu with lifting effect.

This massage is for the face. The technique was developed by the Japanese doctor Tokiuro Namikoshi. The principle of operation is based on motion correction vital energy along the so-called meridian and on the massage of certain points (organ projections). As a result, not only a healing effect is achieved, but also cosmetic effect. The skin becomes smooth and elastic, swelling decreases, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Honey detox.

This type of massage came to us from Tibet. Recommended for the fight against cellulite. Honey massage perfectly draws out toxins, smoothes wrinkles, evens out the skin texture. The method is very slow: apply honey to problem areas, press your palms to the body and immediately tear off sharply. At first, this process does not cause any difficulties, but as soon as a white mass begins to appear under the palms, it becomes more and more difficult to tear off the hands from the body. This white mass is nothing more than toxins pulled out. The method is a bit painful.

Yumeiho for posture.

After such a massage, you will get rid of back pain, get a perfect posture. Massage appeared about thirty years ago and is recommended for those who spend a lot of time sedentary work. The massage is based on working with the bones of the pelvis and spine specialist techniques are used during the session manual therapy, shiatsu, acupressure.

Watsu water massage.

Massage is done with hands warm water and recommended for work on problem areas. It works well for problems. muscle tension, in the program of getting rid of cellulite, with problems with the spine. In addition, watsu gives strength and has a strong anti-stress effect.

This is not all non-traditional types of massage techniques. There are a great many of them. And everyone wants to try. If you don’t have beauty salons in your city, get a massage at home. And then youth, beauty and health are your companions in life!

Attention, only TODAY!

Anyone can learn non-contact (or bioenergetic) massage, if desired, because the warmth of our palms carries a healing energy charge. You just need to know how to properly direct this energy and be attentive to your feelings. How does the person conducting the session feel? Holding your hand at a distance of 5-10 cm above the patient's head or slowly passing it along the body, try to feel the hand warm, and sometimes tingling in the fingertips. Over time, gaining experience, you will feel the difference in the radiation of the patient's body in various points and learn how to decipher the information sent human body into the surrounding space. But, of course, this skill does not come immediately.

At first, it is enough that the patient feels the warmth of your hand. Practice this (you can warm up your hands before the session by rubbing your palms together until you yourself feel warm). Keep your hands free, without tension, but do not relax. The palm should be open towards the patient's body, fingers slightly bent and directed with pads towards the body. Mentally focus on your fingertips and begin to smoothly move your hands along the patient's body. First from top to bottom (palms facing down), and then from bottom to top (palms facing up). Above the head, the palms almost join (the distance between them is 2-3 cm), and then turn and slide down.

Massage technique.

1. Linear power distribution.
Hands palms up from the level wrist joint slowly and smoothly rise up along the patient's arms, meet above the head, then, in a position with palms down, lower to the starting position. Above the head, the hands approach each other at a distance of 5-7 cm.

2. Cruciform movements.
Hands are shoulder-width above the patient's head, parallel to each other. Slowly and smoothly, the hands approach each other and go behind each other at a distance of 5-7 cm, then return to their original position, moving down to the pelvic organs. There should be 10-11 such movements down.

3. Press movements.
One hand is at the level of the small pelvis, palm up, the second is 5-6 cm above the head, palm down. Hands slowly and smoothly move towards each other up to a distance of 5-7 cm, meet at the level of the apex of the heart, then return to their original position without changing their position.

4. Pumping energy "Drop".
Hands at the level of the pelvic organs, at the same distance from the floor, palms down, fingers pointing towards the patient. Hands slowly and smoothly rise up to the chin, here they are clenched into a fist. Slightly move away from the body and with clenched fists go down to the starting position. Then the arms are opened and the movement is repeated.

5. "Saber".
Hands are at a distance of 3-5 cm, parallel to each other, fingers are directed to the organ of influence. Left hand directs energy and right hand commits circular motions counterclockwise with a diameter equal to the width of the palm.

6. Laying on of hands "Crabs".
Hands in a hemispherical shape (as if we are holding a tennis ball) are superimposed on a diseased organ or part of the body in such a way that only the fingertips, phalanx, come into contact with the body thumb and little finger. The palm should not touch the body. Hands are removed after the disappearance of the pulsation in the fingertips. It is performed both with one and two hands.

7. Distribution of energy overhead.
The hand parallel to the surface of the head moves alternately from the forehead to the back of the head and from the temple to the temple (an odd number of movements), then makes circular movements around the head, remaining all the time parallel to the surface of the head. From the base of the head rises in a spiral to the top of the head. This is where the fingertips meet.

8. block ending.
End the bioenergetic massage session with a good contact massage of the heart area. To do this, we place one hand in the region of the heart on the chest, the other - behind, on the back. Both hands, pressed to the body, make circular movements clockwise.

Then knead with your fingers collar area back. Then we draw the edge of the palm from one shoulder to the other and along the spine from top to bottom. With palms we remove energy from the patient's hands, guiding them from the shoulder and ending with the fingertips. Then - with lower extremities: with palms we draw along the buttocks, along the lateral surfaces of the thighs, in the area knee joint go to the back of the legs, draw along calf muscles before Achilles tendon and squeeze it a little.

The minimum duration of a treatment session is 7-10 minutes

maximum - 30-40 minutes.

Course of treatment: minimum - 7-14 days, maximum - 30-40 days. The break between sessions is normally 1-2 days, in severe cases- not less than three hours.

People have known about the benefits and miraculous properties of massage for a long time. However, massage is not always a massage table and a person conjuring over your body. Chiropractors sometimes they specifically work out individual points of any part of the body, achieving a specific goal, and not general health organism.

With the help of head massage, you can improve the state of the nervous system, relieve fatigue, stress, improve mood and general well-being person. it's the same excellent tool to improve regional blood supply and the condition of the scalp, and, therefore, to strengthen the hair and improve it appearance giving a healthy shine.

Head massage can be different. Usually it is divided into two main types: massage of the face or scalp (which we will talk about).

When massaging the scalp, it should be remembered that the skin of this area is quite dense, it easily gathers into folds; it also has a lot of sebaceous and sweat glands, and blood vessels form a dense network of arteries and veins.

This massage is used to improve hair growth, strengthen them, as well as for migraines, hypertension. For greater effect, you can divide the hair into partings during the procedure, but you can do without it.

The massage therapist's touches can be different: soft strokes, active rubbing or kneading and vibration. Massage lines on the head go from the crown down in all directions. The direction of the massage movements should correspond to the direction of hair growth, otherwise they cause discomfort and damage the hair roots.

Stroking is carried out in the longitudinal or transverse directions. In the longitudinal direction, to expose the skin with a comb, make a parting from the forehead to the back of the head. Then pads four fingers carry out light stroking in the direction from front to back, repeating several times, and then more intensively, also 3-4 times.

Massage, by the way, helps to cleanse the skin of horny scales -. AT recent times Special devices, which are called "anti-stress goosebumps", are widely used, because during the massage there is a feeling of pleasant goosebumps throughout the body, which lead to complete relaxation of a person. With the help of such a massager, everyone can give himself a massage. nerve endings scalp at any time.

Microcirculation accelerates, saturation of skin cells with active oxygen increases, muscles of the head, face, and neck relax. Directly superficial massage of the nerve endings located in the scalp is carried out.

The technique of such a massage came to us from the East, where it is believed that a surge of energy occurs through capillary channels, the main of which are located in the head.

Of the devices mentioned above, the most common model is made of steel rods with natural latex tips. There is a one- and two-wave massager (according to the number of rows of twigs and their location, shape), with magnetic or plastic tips.

There are also different techniques head massage with this massager. The classic version: the massager is smoothly introduced into the crown area, then slow up and down movements are made. The speed of movements is determined individually, according to sensations.

With a circular massage - rotational movements of the massager, also introduced into the crown area. It is desirable to cover the entire surface of the head. An active massage technique, when you need to quickly relieve tension, is called vibration massage. it classic version, just at a faster pace and no more than 3 minutes.

You can come up with something of your own, combine various options. The main thing is that the desired goal is achieved - health and harmony!

Ksenia Kochkina

Article provided women's magazine Superstyle

Comment on the article "Massage is the head of everything"

For massage, you do not need to use a cream or powder. Massage should be done gently and gently. Didn't find what you were looking for? See other discussions: Massage is the head of everything.

Facial massage - sensations??. Facial care. Fashion and beauty. Massage is everything. It is usually divided into two main types: massage of the face or scalp (about which ...


did many times. The feeling of flying is simple-)))) It should not hurt, especially on the face, otherwise you won’t get problems ... The impact on the face should be soft and very careful

You have a strange feeling))) After the massage, on the contrary, there should be a feeling of lightness, IMHO of course.

At the end of the massage, when he returned to the chest after a good “mess” of the hips, I already relaxed, I even felt pleasant. I ask those who have ever attended sessions...


Go to masseuses, and you will be happy ... No, really - well, why the hell to a man to drag himself behind an anti-cellulite massage? It would be fine if you need sports or medical, but then you obviously go to knead ... I don’t understand ((As, however, the passion of some ladies for male gynecologists ...

I can't tell you how hot it is. There was a similar case :)). At first, everything is so cute, with jokes, jokes, a lot of advice, compliments, and so on ... Then more and more bold movements are not quite in the field of massage (I complained about cervical region, by the way :))), in short, she ran away from him after trying to make me well, quite nice :))
So, follow the trend, if it grows, and this was not part of your plans, then it is better to look for another massage therapist ... IMHO

There is also a scheme of massages with a delay speech development, but it requires long-term massage of the arms and legs of the child, as well as general massage body. speech delay...


1. Boy. At the age of 3 he knew a lot of words, although he did not like to tell. He spoke clearly, at least for relatives, but with a strong "porridge in his mouth."
2. 3.5 years the same
3. Out of stupidity, they did not take any measures and listened to the garden speech therapist, who said that speech therapists do not work with children at all until the age of 5. At the age of 5 he was diagnosed with severe dysarthria. We started to study with a speech therapist + a course of pantogam.
4. Now 6.5, I don’t know about pantogam ( side effects- there was a pronounced tearfulness and excitability), and classes with a good speech therapist and speech therapy massage gave a lot. Now I entered a language school, the speech therapist in the commission did not even notice the erased dysarthria, which the speech therapist still puts. But this was the 3rd speech therapist we found and is really GOOD. Prior to this, classes with the other 2 were definitely wasted money, so you could do it at home with your mother.

1. Boy. At 3 years old, only a few words.
2. Started to build phrases that only parents understood
3. From 3 to 7 years old, they studied with a speech therapist. Went through a lot of doctors. Diagnosis - ZRR.
4. At 4 years old - already more adequate speech. The child could interact with stranger. Everything went very slowly, even too much. There were no leaps in development.
5. Now there are no problems with speech. The only thing I would still work on "r".

Moms, advise which speech therapist. exercises or massage to your child, mom can You can replace the syringe with a suitable head from a rubber toy, because ...


Girls, let me remind you again. We have a reduced tone, including the tongue, so basically our exercises are kneading and rubbing to increase the tone. These exercises were given to us in the center, they were from Novikova’s book, I copied them only for reduced tone. We are three years old, we don’t have babble at all, i.e. no vowels, no consonants, no sounds, except perhaps a cry. Recently I started to make some quiet sounds, i.e. volume as normal speech, so we are working for now. Be extremely careful! In order not to increase stronger tone at the spastics.

I talk here from time to time about our speech therapy exercise, so to speak "three in one", which was advised to us by a speech therapist from the EDKS - chewing a baby douche. First, its round part is given to bite, then gradually brought inside the mouth to the middle line of the douche. 10 bites in this position is enough. It is necessary to follow the breath through the nose, constantly reminding the child of this. If it works vomiting reflex, then immediately remove the syringe, close your mouth with your hand, trying to inhale through the nose. Effect: suppression of the gag reflex, the development of chewing movements, the work of the muscles of the cheeks and the removal of spasticity in oral cavity. This exercise really works, tested on own child. At first I did it in the bathroom while bathing, filling the enema bottle with water, with a bite, a trickle pours out and the child is more interesting. You can replace the syringe with a suitable-sized head from a rubber toy, because kids like to pull them into their mouths, and here it’s useful to slip them in, my little one likes that they squeak when they bite. In a word, the need for invention is cunning :)
You can also do a tongue massage before eating. reverse side(handle) from a spoon (with spasticity and for the development swallowing reflex): 5-10 pressures on the sides of the tongue, then on the tip (here the effect is pressed-swallowed). But still, ideally, consult a speech therapist, find out your speech therapy problems, so that new ones do not appear from the use of all exercises in a row.

Tell me, please, how much does a massage for legs only cost (you need to correct X). Who had such a problem, does massage really help?

Vojta + massage. Good afternoon! My girl has cerebral palsy. 1 month in hospital - 3 months at home. During these 3 months, the doctors forbade doing everything: massage, walking, standing up?


We were banned too. Massages due to the fact that Vojta is a very big load, if done correctly - 3-4 times a day, three exercises on each side. We combined Voight, only with swimming in the bath.
And we were also forbidden to get up, sit down, and so on. They answered the questions like this - until the child himself gets up and sits down and crawls - do not force .... It means that he has not yet matured either mentally or physically .... Although we were walking late.

Types of massage: non-traditional techniques.

Massage with herbal bags.

The birthplace of this massage is India and Thailand. This massage is carried out with warm bags of herbs. You need to take various herbs, for example, geranium, ginger or others of your choice, you can also add rice or sesame seeds, steam with boiling water or vegetable oil. As a result of such a massage, the skin is saturated with useful substances, becomes elastic, muscles are restored, metabolism improves, and blood pressure normalizes.

Anti-aging stone massage.

It has always been believed that precious stones have the ability to correctly distribute the movement of energy in the body, and this contributes to its rejuvenation and self-healing. Anti-aging stone massage is carried out with various precious stones (sapphires, rubies and others).

Massage with sea shells.

This type of massage was brought from the Polynesian Islands. For this, empty flat shells of various sizes and shapes are used, which are slightly heated in sea water with algae. That is why the skin is saturated with a large number of macro- and microelements, more collagen is produced, which increases skin elasticity. In addition, such a massage relieves stress well, has a relaxing and healing effect.

Massage with bamboo sticks.

This massage is often called Creole, as it was brought to us from the shores of the Indian Ocean. It takes place, as a rule, to the music using bamboo sticks of different lengths and diameters. Musical accompaniment allows the specialist to change the rhythm of movements and manipulations. Mostly this massage is indicated for those who work hard and get very tired. Bamboo massage improves the functioning of internal organs, helps to get rid of fat accumulations, cope with cellulite. In addition, as a result of such a massage, endorphins are produced - hormones of happiness.

Alpine ice massage.

Ice has a stronger effect than just cold water. Due to the fact that under the influence of cold blood vessels narrow for a short time and then expand, there is an increased blood flow, which improves metabolism. Therefore, fat burns, and excess fluid leaves the tissues affected by cellulite. This type of massage is effective in the fight against cellulite. Due to the effect of lymphatic drainage in one procedure, it is possible to reduce the volume of problem areas up to 1 centimeter. It will not be difficult to do such a massage yourself at home. It is necessary to freeze the infusions of herbs and massage the problem area with ice cubes for no more than 2-3 minutes. You need to massage from the bottom up in a straight line, then in a circular (clockwise) and zigzag movements.

Shiatsu with lifting effect.

This massage is for the face. The technique was developed by the Japanese doctor Tokiuro Namikoshi. The principle of action is based on the correction of the movement of vital energy along the so-called meridian and on the massage of certain points (organ projections). As a result of this, not only a healing effect is achieved, but also a cosmetic effect. The skin becomes smooth and elastic, swelling decreases, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Honey detox.

This type of massage came to us from Tibet. Recommended for the fight against cellulite. Honey massage perfectly draws out toxins, smoothes wrinkles, evens out the skin texture. The method is very slow: apply honey to problem areas, press your palms to the body and immediately tear off sharply. At first, this process does not cause any difficulties, but as soon as a white mass begins to appear under the palms, it becomes more and more difficult to tear off the hands from the body. This white mass is nothing more than toxins pulled out. The method is a bit painful.

Yumeiho for posture.

After such a massage, you will get rid of back pain, get a perfect posture. Massage appeared about thirty years ago and is recommended for those who spend a lot of time in sedentary work. The massage is based on working with the pelvic bones and spine; a specialist during the session uses manual therapy, shiatsu, acupressure.

Watsu water massage.

Massage is carried out with hands in warm water and is recommended for working on problem areas. It works well for problems with muscle tension, in the program of getting rid of cellulite, with problems with the spine. In addition, watsu gives strength and has a strong anti-stress effect.

This is not all non-traditional types of massage techniques. There are a great many of them. And everyone wants to try. If you don’t have beauty salons in your city, get a massage at home. And then youth, beauty and health are your companions in life!

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