Wellness vacation. What is the quality of medicine in Cuba? What do they specialize in? Visa for the treatment of foreigners in Cuba

At the end of 2015, the first therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of CHB Heber Nasvac was certified in Cuba ( tradename, ABX203 - working title), created by Cuban scientists of the Center genetic engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB). Clinical Trials were carried out jointly with the French company AVIVAX for several years in 50 clinical centers around the world.

About chronic hepatitis B

Viral hepatitis B (HBV) - infection which is a major global health problem. chronic hepatitis B (CHB) causes or contributes to the development a wide range liver disease and early mortality.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 2 billion people worldwide are infected with the hepatitis B virus, and more than 350 million people, or 5% of the world's population, suffer from lifelong CHB infections. Viral hepatitis is established cause liver cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer. In 80% of cases, hepatitis B is the cause of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). About 1 to 1.5 million people die each year due to the effects of hepatitis B.

About Heber Nasvac Hepatitis B Therapeutic Vaccine Features and Benefits of the Vaccine

1. The vaccine is available as a nasal spray or subcutaneous solution;

2. The therapeutic vaccine consists of 2 recombinant hepatitis B virus (HBV) proteins: surface antigen (HBsAg), nucleocapsid (core) antigen (HBcAg);

3. The action of the vaccine is similar to that of PEG interferon alfa - 2a (PEG - IFN 2 alpha;), but the vaccine showed a unique sustained effect, which was achieved with a shorter duration of administration and better tolerability;

4. Application therapeutic vaccine allows patients to overcome the immune paralysis that is characteristic of chronic form hepatitis B;

5. The use of the Heber Nasvac vaccine will allow some patients to cure hepatitis B, and many patients who need daily, lifelong therapy, will be able to manage this devastating disease.

In the photo - Professor of Gastroenterology Dr. Pedro E. Velbes Marquetti .

About the developer and manufacturer of the therapeutic vaccine Heber Nasvac

The Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), a world leader in biotechnology, is based in Havana.

CIGB scientists collaborate with scientists from Ehime University, Japan, with colleagues from the Pasteur Institute in France; with the Venezuelan Institute scientific research and the University of Hannover in Germany. Over 20 scientific works related to the Heber Nasvac vaccine published by the development scientists.

The center has achievement list successful introductions on the market, which reflects the quality and level of its products

For example, their preventive vaccine against hepatitis B Heberbiovac HB, is registered in more than 50 countries worldwide, and more than 200 million doses have been administered to patients, which indicates the international reputation of the center.

With the advent of a vaccine Heberbiovac HB, A mass immunization campaign was carried out in Cuba. Since 1992, every newborn has been vaccinated with the vaccine, as well as healthcare workers, students and dialysis patients. Today, the Cuban Ministry of Health claims that, among those under 15 years of age, there has been no hepatitis for 24 years!

All Cubans under the age of 31 are vaccinated. This has reduced the number of cases of hepatitis by 99.09% compared to 1989. For example, last year only 21 cases of infection were recorded (all patients were over 30 years old).

A unique achievement of Cuban medicine!

Prevention and treatment viral hepatitis In Cuban vaccines - a real chance to protect yourself from the disease, and if necessary, quickly, efficiently and with minimal side effects cure this disease.

Public organization "Youth of the XXI century for good motherland" in connection with significant decline the level of medical care in Ukraine and other CIS countries comes up with a humanitarian initiative for the treatment of a number of social significant diseases in the village of Tarara (Cuba).

MONTHLY Hepatitis C treatment offered by the organization (Hepatitis C is currently treated FOR YEARS!!!) includes the complex oral interferon preparations and hepatoprotectors that deliver targeted active substances to affected areas of the liver. This allows you to significantly reduce the time of therapy, dosage of drugs, remove toxic and other side effects drugs to maximize the lifestyle of patients. Treatment is carried out with four drugs:

1. oral interferon. Vector delivery allows interferon to be brought directly to liver cells - hepatocytes and to treat their membranes with interferon. This method allows you to significantly reduce the dosage of administered interferon and increase its effectiveness.

2. Highly effective hepatoprotector membrane action based on natural phosphatidylcholine. Targeted delivery of phosphatidylcholine to damaged hepatocytes allows almost instantaneous repair of damaged liver cell membranes. And succinic and thioctic acids, "planted" on phosphatidylcholine, are drawn into the inside of damaged cells and significantly improve intracellular metabolic processes. The drug begins to act 20 minutes after ingestion - truly an ambulance drug for any liver damage!

3. Hepatoprotector based on vitamin E . Targeted delivery of vitamin E to liver cells can effectively simulate cellular immunity.

4. Endogenous interferon inducer based on vegetable raw materials. The drug is highly effective in any virus attacks on the body is able to inhibit the virus-specific enzymes DNA polymerase and thymidine kinase in infected cells. This leads to a decrease or complete blocking of virus replication.

Organic food, unique natural conditions Cuba, and most importantly - the latest medical technology allow to successfully treat diseases that are not treated in Ukraine: vitiligo, psoriasis, alopecia, dermatitis, diabetic foot and etc.

New treatments offered by Cuban medicine:

  • Prevention with radioprotective drugs
  • Prevention for city dwellers
  • Vitiligo treatment
  • Treatment of psoriasis
  • Treatment of alopecia
  • Hepatitis treatment
  • Antiviral therapy for AIDS
  • Antiviral therapy for human papillomavirus infection (PVI)
  • Therapy for cervical dysplasia
  • Diabetic foot therapy
  • Therapy of difficult-to-heal wounds
  • Prevention of liver diseases (with alcoholism and drug addiction)
  • Rejuvenation
  • The fight against excess weight
  • Therapy for spinal problems
  • Therapy of joint and bone problems (fractures, injuries)

(Spanish) Tarara) is a small resort town in Cuba, 10 km east of Havana, on the way to Varadero. Located on Santa Maria beach. The beaches of Tarara are among the best in Cuba.

On the territory of Tarara there is a modern medical and health center, where you can not only get a qualified medical care, but also take a course of wellness and anti-stress massage.

Since 1990, 20,000 children from Ukraine who suffered from the Chernobyl accident have been treated and rehabilitated in the Tarara Health Center.

Treatment in Cuba has long been popular among medical tourists from different countries peace. The wonderful climate of this country, the many specialized clinics operating on its territory, the high quality of medical care and the effectiveness of treatment - these are the characteristics that made treatment in Cuba so popular.

Today, Cuba ranks second in the world in terms of the ratio of doctors to the total population, with one doctor for every 170 Cubans. In addition, there are unique techniques treatment various diseases There are no equals to such methods all over the world. Among the advantages is the rich experience and high qualifications of specialists who carry out therapy.

Dermatology, oncology, neurology and cardiology are among the most popular areas of medicine among tourists. In these areas in Cuba, the highest rates of treatment efficiency have long been achieved; unique diagnostic and therapeutic equipment, exclusive methods and procedures are used here.

Any course of therapy in Cuba begins with a comprehensive examination of the patient. The accuracy of diagnostics is ensured in the future high efficiency therapy, an individual program is created for each patient, which includes a number of necessary procedures. throughout the course of treatment, the patient is under constant medical supervision, if necessary, appointments are adjusted. The cost of treatment depends on a number of factors - on the specifics of the disease, clinic prices, complexity, intensity and number of necessary medical measures.


One of the most sought after areas of medicine in Cuba is dermatology. There are specialized clinics in which unique methods of treatment are used. dermatological diseases of any complexity, including such severe and intractable diseases as vitiligo and psoriasis.

A significant advantage for medical tourists are also democratic prices for the course of therapy. The cost of the course is determined depending on its duration, intensity and nature of the necessary procedures.

Approximate prices for the main procedures of the course of dermatological treatment in Cuba are as follows:

Doctor's examination, consultation - from 120 euros
Training in treatment - from 40 euros per session, usually there are three such sessions for each patient.

The drug Melgenin (used to treat vitiligo, is not available for free sale, is sold exclusively in specialized medical institutions) - 36 euro bottle. The number of vials required for a course of therapy is determined after examining the patient and is prescribed on an individual basis.


To date, such results in the treatment of oncology, which have been achieved in Cuba, are not available all over the world. So, it was here that a unique vaccine against lung cancer was created. Also, in the clinics of Cuba, surgical operations are performed for oncology of any complexity, while in addition to high-quality treatment, excellent rehabilitation is also carried out here in the postoperative period.

Cuba also conducts chemotherapy courses, radiotherapy, the clinics of the country have the latest high-performance equipment designed for both accurate diagnosis, and for a productive impact on the disease itself.

Prices for treatment in Cuba oncological diseases vary in a wide range - it all depends on the complexity of therapy, the stage of the disease, its nature, the presence of complications, etc. On average, a course of treatment can cost from 8 to 20 thousand euros.


On the territory of Cuba, there are a number of specialized medical institutions that have reached high performance effectiveness in therapy neurological diseases. Such an example could be International Center restorative neurology, where a number of special programs are offered.

The first week is devoted to diagnosing, for which high-precision equipment is used and innovative methods. The cost of a week of diagnosis is 3616 euros, while the patient stays in the hospital for 7 days.

Based on the data obtained during the examination, one or another course of treatment is prescribed. The cost of the course depends on its intensity and duration, as well as on the nature and complexity of the procedures. For example, the multilateral neuro- rehabilitation therapy lasting 28 days costs 7400 euros, while the program can also produce surgical intervention. If an operation is performed, then it is necessary to add another 10 nights of rehabilitation therapy, as well as the cost of the operation itself - brain surgery can cost from 5,000 to 25,000 euros, spinal surgery - from 1,000 to 10,000 euros.


Another popular area in Cuban medicine is cardiology. In the clinics of the country, you can undergo a thorough examination, performed using unique high-tech equipment, which guarantees the maximum accuracy of the results.

There are several survey programs. For example, a comprehensive examination of cardio-vascular system, which costs $390. This survey includes not only consultation with a specialist, but also laboratory tests, radiology, cardiogram and other special cardiological tests.

In addition, there is a special screening program for those who suffer from increased blood pressure(hypertensive patients), the cost of such a program will be 400 US dollars, and within the framework of such an examination, a medical consultation will be provided, laboratory research, ultrasound procedure and radiology, as well as a range of cardiac tests performed with the most modern high-precision equipment.

Cuba boasts of its medical achievements and high level of service in medical institutions. Cuba received high praise from experts from the World Health Organization, who recommend the Cuban experience as a model for other countries.

Interesting fact: Cuba has 9 orthopedic doctors out of 10 recognized by WHO the best specialists in the world.

Leading clinics abroad

Leading specialists of clinics abroad

Cuban medicine

Cuban doctors have the opportunity to conduct research, study new methods and means of treatment, the equipment in the clinics is the most modern. Cuba ranks second in the world in terms of doctor to patient ratio.

One of the main merits of the Cuban government is the creation of a unified health care system. The country leads in life expectancy - the average Cuban lives for about 76 years.

Life expectancy in Cuba is 76 years!

The most famous medical institutions- the central clinic of Sira Garcia, where only foreign patients are treated, the Histoplacental Center in Havana.

The Cuban healthcare system includes:

  • More than 600 clinics,
  • 276 hospitals,
  • 466 other medical institutions.

Medical tourism is welcome in Cuba, it has become a good source of income for the state. Every year, 20,000 patients receive treatment and rehabilitation services from other countries. Special achievements - hematology, oncology, immunology. Great progress has been made in local research related to vaccines against various diseases. Nice results and others skin diseases.

Microsurgical, laparoscopic, plastic surgery, treatment of neurological and orthopedic diseases. is in great demand by patients from all over the world. Vacationers also respond well to resorts with SPA clubs.

Diagnostic check-up programs at Central Clinic Cira Garcia
The programs involve full comprehensive examinations patients, allowing the diagnosis of diseases on early stage thereby increasing the chances of a complete cure.
Check-up programs are designed for different categories clients and suggest different depth and scope of the survey. Anyone can choose the examination program that best suits him. Check-up types:

  • base;
  • full outpatient;
  • complete with one-day hospitalization;
  • prophylactic for the elderly;
  • gynecological;
  • for hypertensive patients;
  • pediatric for infants 0-2 years old;
  • pediatric for children 2-12 years old, etc.

Treatment of children

In Cuba, children are treated with special trepidation.. There are several programs for the treatment of foreign children on a completely free basis, for example, Cuba spent a lot of money on the treatment and rehabilitation of children affected by Chernobyl accident in Soviet Union. Particular success in the treatment of children in Cuba has been achieved in the following areas:

  • Endocrinology,
  • treatment of the digestive system,
  • Treatment of cardiovascular diseases,
  • Ophthalmology,
  • Otolaryngology.

In the treatment of children with cerebral palsy in Cuba, a technique known in other countries is used - animatherapy (treatment through communication with animals). One of the rehabilitation centers for children with cerebral palsy is located in the zoo of Ciego de Avila. The main rehabilitation procedure is communication with horses and horseback riding. In addition to cerebral palsy, children with various serious illnesses: Down syndrome, blindness, autism, deafness.

Diabetes treatment

Successes in the treatment of certain diseases are due to the drugs developed here. More recently, Cuban scientists have created a drug for the treatment of diabetes and its complications Heberprot-P. This drug has not yet passed all the necessary tests to be sold on the European market, but it is being successfully used in the treatment of diabetes in Cuba.

With the help of this tool, the quality of life of patients is significantly improved, as negative manifestations diabetes in organs and tissues.

Treatment of psoriasis

The treatment of psoriasis in Cuba is carried out with the help of Coriodermin, a drug developed here. It is used in the Center for Histoplacental Therapy. Treatment is outpatient.

In 78% of patients after treatment, recovery or long-term stable remission occurs. For the treatment of psoriasis, it is not necessary to pre-negotiate with the clinic, the appointment is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis.

Treatment Invitation
Getting an invitation to the clinic is not difficult, just call and write to e-mail to the clinic and send your extract from the medical history, translated into Spanish.
To which a counter form will be sent to fill out, which must also be completed in Spanish. Further, after reviewing your documents, an invitation will be issued.
All that remains is to buy tickets to Havana and do not forget to take with you an extract, tests, pictures, everything that you have for your illness (previously translated into Spanish).

Treatment of alopecia

Alopecia is also treated on an outpatient basis in Cuba. AT this case preparations containing placental tissues are used: piloactive lotion and shampoo. These drugs contain cellulotrophins, substances that restore the condition of the skin and hair follicles.

The patient undergoes an initial consultation, for which it is necessary to have the results of a scalp biopsy on hand. If they are not available, then the analysis can be performed on the spot, but this will take some time.

Before coming to Cuba for the treatment of alopecia, it is recommended to stop all types of baldness treatment no later than 45 days.

The cost of treatment in Cuba

Much more affordable prices for treatment than in the US and even in Europe, with highly qualified doctors and an excellent level of service, attract patients to Cuba. Most of them come from neighboring countries.

AT last years significantly increased the number of patients seeking help from Cuban medicine from the United States. Although it is recognized that in this country medicine is at its most high level in the world, but the cost of services is also the highest. In order to save money, Americans turn to Cuba, which is not far from them.

Psoriasis treatment in Cuba only $160!

Examples of prices for treatment in Cuba:

  • Psoriasis treatment - $120 per consultation and $40 per treatment session;
  • Alopecia - $180 per consultation with examination, $40 per treatment session;
  • Light-cured filling - $20-30;
  • Liposuction of the thighs - about 600 US dollars;
  • Arthroplasty - about 10.500 US dollars;
  • Surgery to remove prostate adenoma - about 4,500 US dollars.

Treatment in Israeli clinic

Oncogynecology in Israel

Cuba is a colorful country known for its resorts, attractions and low standard of living. However, paradoxically, it is here that an extremely efficient system healthcare, which is recognized as one of the best in the world. According to experts from the World Health Organization, medicine in Cuba has high quality standards and can serve as a benchmark for other countries in the world.

Cuban health system

Cuban medicine is under full control states. The Ministry of Health oversees each medical facility. Thanks to unified system health care life expectancy on Liberty Island is 76 years, one of the highest in the world.

The Cuban healthcare system covers:

  • about 600 polyclinics, including dental clinics;
  • 276 hospitals;
  • 466 other medical institutions.

Every year, the state allocates a lot of funds not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases, as well as for various medical research(development of new medicines, vaccines, etc.). According to Deputy CEO World Health Organization, medical standards on Liberty Island are quite high, and Cuban medicine is the best in the world according to WHO.

It should be noted that there are 8 doctors for every 1,000 people. Every citizen of Cuba has his own family doctor which performs the primary medical service patient and, if necessary, refers him to a specialist or to a hospital.

The level of development of medicine in Cuba contrasts quite strongly with life on the island, which gives rise to a lot of speculation about its effectiveness.

So, medicine in Cuba: myths and reality:

  1. Free education and medicine is a reality. For residents of the Island of Freedom, any medical services– from a doctor’s consultation to a complex surgical operation- are free.
  2. There are no specialists in the country capable of conducting complex operation- a myth. There are quite a lot of highly qualified doctors in Cuba who have been trained in the profession for 9 years. At the same time, they are valued not only for their high degree of education, but also for Attentive attitude to every patient. It is not for nothing that cancer treatment in Cuba is so effective.
  3. For foreigners living in the country, medical services are free - this is a reality, but only in part. Medicine is free only for those people who live in Cuba long time. Those who simply regularly visit Liberty Island have to pay for medical services.
  4. The model of the medical system in Cuba is an invention of the USSR. This is true. Fidel Castro was able to realize the precepts of Che Guevara, a well-known political figure, a doctor by profession.
  5. Conditions in clinics for foreigners are better than in ordinary hospitals - this is a reality. Medical tourism is very developed in Cuba, so all medical institutions for foreigners are equipped with the latest equipment, which cannot be said about ordinary public hospitals for the indigenous people of the country.
  6. Much attention in Cuba is paid to disease prevention. The health care system is organized in such a way that diseases can be prevented before they enter the running stage and require surgery or other expensive treatment. Perhaps it is thanks to such serious preventive measures that medicine in Cuba is one of the best in the world.

    Diagnostic programs in Cuba

    Treatment and diagnostics on Liberty Island meet all the basic requirements for medical tourism. There are various diagnostic programs in Cuba. In particular, complex medical examination Check Up, which is carried out with the aim of:

  • prevention of various diseases;
  • diagnosing diseases at an early stage;
  • health monitoring;
  • identification of risk factors for the development of chronic diseases.

There are several types of Check Up: basic and narrowly focused (cardiological, oncological, gynecological, etc.).

It should be noted that in Cuba it is possible to diagnose the most various diseases– from identifying the causes of infertility in couples to organ transplantation. In addition, Liberty Island has a well-developed plastic surgery and dentistry.

Travel health insurance for Cuba

For all foreigners, including Russian citizens, medical services on Liberty Island are paid. Besides, prerequisite to enter the country is to obtain health insurance. Provided that the sum insured is sufficient for the treatment, the policy covers such standard risks as:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Inpatient and outpatient treatment.
  3. Urgent dental care.
  4. Reimbursement of the amount spent on medicines, etc.

The cost of health insurance depends on a number of factors:

  • length of stay in the country;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • the age of the foreigner;
  • having a franchise;
  • the amount of the sum insured;
  • additional services.

The migration rules of Cuba allow you to issue an insurance policy in any Russian insurance company. You can buy insurance in several ways:

  • on the website of the insurance company online;
  • visiting the office of the insurance company;
  • using the services of an insurance agent.

Visa for the treatment of foreigners in Cuba

Citizens of the CIS countries, if the purpose of their trip is tourism, a visa to visit the country can not be issued. In this case, the entry of citizens of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other Commonwealth countries into the territory of Cuba is carried out using a foreign passport, while the time of stay in the country should not exceed 30 days. If the purpose of the trip is treatment that lasts more than 30 days, for example, when you need treatment in Cuba for oncology and others serious illnesses a visa is a prerequisite.

To apply for a visa, you will need to prepare a package of documents (passport, plane tickets, migration card, proof of solvency, etc.). If you apply for a visa through the Cuban embassy, ​​and not upon arrival in the country, you will not need a migration card.

Necessary documents for treatment in Cuban clinics

For the treatment of various diseases in Cuban clinics, a number of documents are required:

  • an invitation for treatment from the clinic of your choice;
  • proof of solvency bank card to pay for services with enough money for treatment or cash in pesos);
  • medical history compiled professional doctor with all the data (medical history, tests performed, treatment taken).

In order to receive an invitation from a clinic in Cuba, you must contact the selected institution in advance. To do this, you will need to provide the clinic with a medical history with the results of all examinations. These documents must be translated into Spanish. Along with the invitation, as a rule, comes detailed instructions your further action and information on the total cost of treatment, itemized.

Overview of popular medical resorts in Cuba

Cuba is a real island of health, so the sphere of medical tourism is developed here to the maximum. Many factors contribute to recovery, recovery and rehabilitation: favorable climate(sea and mountain), healing mineral and thermal springs and much more. In Cuba, there are many medical resorts where you can not only have a good rest, but also improve the body or exercise effective therapy already existing diseases.

TOP 5 the best resorts for treatment in Cuba:

  1. Havana - there are many clinics that treat various diseases. Main indications: treatment night blindness, diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive and endocrine systems. It should be noted that the treatment of skin diseases in Havana in most cases gives positive result through the use modern technologies and drugs.
  2. Varadero - held here effective treatment skin, orthopedic diseases, as well as diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Thanks to the favorable maritime climate, diseases can be cured here. respiratory tract and nervous system.
  3. Santiago de Cuba - This resort in the highlands is famous for the El Saltón Cedron mineral springs, which help treat allergies, skin diseases, rheumatism and respiratory tract.
  4. San Diego de los Baños (Pinar del Río Province) is the oldest health resort on the Island of Liberty. Thermal sulfated springs help in the treatment of gynecological, skin and musculoskeletal diseases. It is also shown to be here for people suffering from respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal and nervous diseases and stress.
  5. Villa Clara - mineral springs this resort is recognized as the best in Cuba. They allow you to get rid of neuralgia and skin diseases. Thermal waters improve well-being and relieve stress. This resort is recommended for people suffering from nervous and respiratory diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, as well as rheumatism.

Each resort has many hotels for every taste and budget. All medical resorts The Liberty Islands are located in protected areas of UNESCO with exotic flora and fauna.

Treatment of children on Liberty Island

Children in Cuba are especially reverent. There are several programs that allow foreign children to be treated free of charge. In particular, the Cuban government has allocated a lot of funds for the treatment and rehabilitation of children affected by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Cuban doctors have achieved significant success in the treatment of children in such areas as:

  • endocrinology;
  • otolaryngology;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • ophthalmology.

In the treatment of children with cerebral palsy, they use a well-known technique in other countries - animal therapy (treatment through communication with animals). One of these rehabilitation centers located in the zoo of the city of Ciego de Avila. The main rehabilitation procedure is communication with horses and riding them. In addition to cerebral palsy, they provide assistance to children with various serious diseases, such as autism, Down syndrome, deafness, blindness, etc.

The cost of treating various diseases in Cuba

In Cuba, you can get rid of a variety of diseases. Treatment on Liberty Island is quite different affordable prices, especially when compared to similar clinics in the USA, Switzerland, Germany and Israel. The cost of medical treatment in Cuba varies. depends on a number of factors: the type and stage of the disease, the complexity of therapy, the duration of rehabilitation, the need for surgery, etc.

The table shows the approximate prices for treatment:

DiseaseType of treatmentPrice
Oncology from 241,000 to 602,500 CUP ($241,577-$603,950)
NeurologyNerve Rehabilitation Therapy223 000 CUP ($223 534)
spinal surgeryfrom 30,124 to 301,250 CUP ($30,196-$301,972)
brain surgeryfrom 150,625 to 753,110 CUP ($150,986-$754,915)
Kidney transplant program (recipient and donor) 382 500 CUP ($383 416)

The presented prices for treatment in Cuba do not include the cost of flights, transfers, medical insurance, visas, as well as food and accommodation. On average, a daily stay in the clinic, including meals, will cost about 50 US dollars.

Cuban medicine is the best in the world according to WHO: Video

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