Karlovy Vary is a medical resort with a long history. Karlovy Vary - the best choice for treatment and relaxation

Warm water from Karlovy Vary springs has been used by people for treatment since the second half of the 14th century. Karlovy Vary, for 650 years of its existence, has become one of the most famous world resorts. Every year tens of thousands of people from all over the world come to Karlovy Vary for a unique drinking water treatment based on the use of thermal water from 12 springs. Modern spa treatment is the result of the work of several generations of famous doctors and scientists who lived and worked in Karlovy Vary.

It all started with Charles IV.

According to legend, the first thermal spring was discovered by the hunting squad of Charles IV. The king was inspired by this unusual natural phenomenon. From the very beginning, he attributed healing power to the water and allegedly bathed his wounded leg in it. When the wounds healed successfully, the king ordered the construction of a city in the vicinity of the spring.

Therapeutic bath

For approximately 200 years since the discovery of the first source, water has been used exclusively for therapeutic bathing. The methods of treatment of that time may seem to us somewhat cruel. To achieve the maximum effect, it was considered necessary that the diseased part of the body be immersed in water for several hours until the skin cracked. This, as if, helped to wash out all ailments from the body. Nowadays, it seems naive and redundant. Most water treatments today last 20 to 60 minutes. Baths are made using chilled water from the Vřídło spring. Other sources are used for drinking cure.

Wonderful drinking cure.

Since 1521, at the initiative of the physician Vaclav Payer, mineral water began to be used for drinking cure. Indications for spa treatment, already at that time, expanded from skin and joint ailments to diseases of the digestive tract and metabolic disorders. However, drinking treatment at the beginning was somewhat peculiar. It was recommended to drink about 3-5 liters of water from springs daily. Later, Dr. David Becher, based on his research and practical experience, revised these recommendations. It has been proven that approximately 1 liter of thermal water daily is optimal. This is true even today.

Additional procedures

As the science of balneology developed, sanatorium treatment in Karlovy Vary developed and improved. Although, as before, the main thing is the use of thermal water for drinking and water procedures, as well as other natural resources (mud, gas), various types of massage, wrapping, electrotherapy, etc. have begun to be widely used.

or what will the spa treatment in Karlovy Vary give us The uniqueness of treatment in Karlovy Vary

Everyone who is going to undergo a spa treatment in Karlovy Vary should know that it combines the effects of the healing powers of nature with modern medical methods. And that the results of the complex impact of various factors on the human body for a long time, are best proven by the positive results of treatment. Similar results, which are given by the unique methods of spa treatment in Karlovy Vary, cannot be achieved by a long walk to polyclinics, various physiotherapy, etc.

1. Indications for treatment in Karlovy Vary

Comprehensive spa treatment in Karlovy Vary is intended primarily for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • diseases of the digestive tract- peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, bowel disease, conditions after operations of the stomach, gallbladder, intestines, chronic diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas
  • metabolic diseases- diabetes mellitus, obesity, gout, lipid metabolism disorders
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system- degenerative disorders of the spine and large joints
  • oncological diseases- cancer of the stomach, large intestine, rectum, breast (after complex antitumor treatment, without signs of process activity)
  • diseases of the nervous system- Polyneuropathy, Radicular syndromes with irritative-fading syndrome, Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system, Multiple sclerosis in remission, neuromuscular diseases, Syringomyelia, Cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease

The combination of natural medicine (drinking therapy, baths, inhalations, etc.) with modern balneological methods, together with unique treatment methods many chronic diseases, gives better results than the "classical" therapy, i.e. medicinal, as evidenced by numerous scientific studies and, of course, the worldwide fame of the Karlovy Vary spa.

2. Thermal springs of Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary has unique natural conditions for sanatorium treatment in the form of numerous healing springs coming to the surface from a depth of 2500 meters in the area of ​​a geological fault. The springs have a temperature of 30 to 72 °C. For several centuries, 12 keys have been used for treatment.

3. Other natural healing resources of Karlovy Vary

Natural healing resources, in addition to mineral water, include gases, various types of mud (the so-called peloids). In our treatment rooms, peloids are used for wraps and, as an admixture, for baths. Peloid baths stimulate the body's thermoregulatory mechanisms, improve the cells' susceptibility to oxygen and other active substances, enhance immunity, soften the connective tissue and have a mild analgesic effect. The treatment is complemented by water procedures, classical, reflex and underwater massage, other types of physiotherapy using heat, light, sound, electrotherapy.

4. Other treatments in Karlovy Vary

As scientific knowledge in balneology expands, sanatorium treatment is supplemented by various modern types of therapy. Our doctors closely follow the latest in medicine and are ready to use them in treatment in combination with traditional, sometimes exotic methods of natural medicine.

5. Disease prevention

Balneotherapy based on Karlovy Vary healing springs has a pronounced preventive effect. Its importance has been proven in the prevention of the so-called diseases of civilization and diseases of older age. It helps, for example, to prevent the development of postoperative complications, inflammatory processes, in the prevention of atherosclerosis, exacerbation of peptic ulcer, etc.

6. Persistence of the effect of spa treatment

The positive impact of treatment on the body is not limited to the period of stay in the sanatorium. The result is not only a general "restructuring" of the body, but also the appearance of a feeling of lightness and overall freshness of the body. These changes have a positive effect on the course of chronic diseases, prevention of their exacerbation and persist for 5-6 months after treatment.

7. Diet food

The most important role in the treatment and prevention of many diseases is played by the nature of nutrition, the balance of its biological and energy characteristics. That is why we attach great importance to the use of modern dietary approaches, and our nutritionists and chefs will easily convince you that diet food can be very tasty.

8. The charm of the resort town

Undoubtedly, their cultural and architectural uniqueness belong to the irreplaceable health-improving facilities of Karlovy Vary. For centuries, the city has attracted and attracts famous artists and sculptors, writers and poets, actors and singers, composers and musicians, scientists and politicians from all over the world. The rich architectural heritage of Karlovy Vary, the beauty of the surrounding nature, its parks, theater and music scenes are waiting for you.

9. Treatment in Karlovy Vary at affordable prices

"Spa Resort Sanssouci" is a new resort complex. It originated in the vicinity of the spa area of ​​Karlovy Vary, thanks to the merger of 3 major spa establishments: the Švýcarský dvůr and Sanssouci hotels, as well as the Mercedes Villa.

"Spa Resort Sanssouci" offers its guests visiting Karlovy Vary comfort and unique spa treatments at a very reasonable price.

You can book spa treatment and other services using

Finding a completely healthy person today is quite difficult. There are many reasons for this: constantly deteriorating ecology, poor heredity, age, injuries, and so on. It is not surprising that, thinking about where it is better to spend their holidays, many people strive to combine business with pleasure: relax at the resort and improve their health. One of the most popular spa towns is Karlovy Vary.

In the place where the Rolava, Ohře and Tepla rivers merge, there is one of the most famous spa towns of Karlovy Vary (formerly Karlsbad). Founded by Charles IV at the healing springs, it is located 120 km from Prague, in the west of the Czech Republic.

Karlovy Vary is interesting for its rich history, unusual architecture, beautiful nature and, of course, healing springs. The population of the city is 49,864 people.

This place attracts tourists with its mild climate: the air temperature in winter ranges from 0 to 3 degrees Celsius, and in summer it does not rise above 20°C.

How to get there

Karlovy Vary has an international airport. A flight there from Moscow costs from 800 euros, but if you get from Prague, a ticket will cost about 500 euros. You can also get from Prague by bus (ticket - 4.5 euros; 5.21 euros if ordered in advance) or by train (about 10 euros). In addition, you can use the services of a taxi: a four-seater car from Prague to the resort will cost 104 euros.

Karlovy Vary has no problems with public transport. The city has 5 special and 2 night routes, as well as 2 cable cars, which make it possible to get to any place in the resort.

Wellness and recreation

The basis of spa treatment in Karlovy Vary is the mineral springs. There are 132 of them registered, but only 13 of them are used for medicinal purposes. According to the chemical composition, the water contained in them is sodium-bicarbonate-sulfate acidic water with a pH of 6.9, its mineralization is 6450 mg/l. It also has a high proportion of dissolved carbon dioxide (560–580 mg/l), and its temperature ranges from 7.9–72°C.

One of the sights of the city is the Diana funicular. His route, laid in an arc, runs to the Imperial Hotel located on a hill, the Diana observation tower and a restaurant of the same name.

The cultural life in Karlovy Vary is very rich: every year in July the International Film Festival takes place here, in addition, tourists can attend concerts, theater performances and various exhibitions.

Fans of outdoor activities also do not get bored here, as they are offered:

  • Golf courses.
  • Lots of tennis courts.
  • Fitness centers.
  • Pools.
  • Bowling and billiards.
  • Opportunity to go horseback riding.

Supporters of hiking can take advantage of specially laid tourist routes, the most popular of which are the "Three Crosses", "Deer Jump", "Goethe Tower", "Friendship Road".

Spa Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary is one of the best places for both relaxation and treatment. Every year a huge number of people go here on health tours. The popularity of this resort is associated with a large number of sanatoriums and unique mineral springs. The local method of treatment is complex: it is aimed not only at getting rid of the disease, but also at preventing its recurrence.

It should not be forgotten that local boarding houses provide their guests with everything necessary and organize an individual course of treatment for each.

Directions of treatment

The Karlovy Vary spa specializes in the treatment of metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal diseases, which is due to the composition of the local mineral water, which is ideal for combating these diseases.

Therapy with thermal mineral water helps with the following diseases:

  • Intestinal diseases. Improves intestinal motility, normalizes its microflora, participates in the regulation of intestinal function of hormonal orientation.
  • Diseases of the stomach. Promotes the restoration of the gastric mucosa, increasing its resistance to factors that cause ulcers.
  • Diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder. Helps with the emptying of the gallbladder, simultaneously increasing the output of bile and having a general anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Diabetes. Creates conditions for an increase in insulin in the pancreas, while reducing blood sugar levels and improving metabolism.
  • Diseases of the liver. It causes an increase in an enzyme such as glycogen, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the liver, and also normalizes its activity in general.
  • Diseases of the pancreas. It leads to an increase in the ability to produce digestive enzymes. There is more digestive juice, its consistency and passage through the pancreatic ducts improves.

It also provides assistance for the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Periodontitis.
  • Depression, stress.

And besides this, preventive and health-improving and restorative courses of treatment are offered to the attention of visitors.


Treatment at the resort has a number of contraindications:

The duration of treatment ranges from 7 to 28 days, the optimal course is 21 days. The list of procedures is included in the cost of the tour, it includes the following items:

  • Doctor's examinations (primary, control, final).
  • Appointment of a drinking course.
  • Laboratory tests.
  • Diet food (full board).
  • Procedures (from 10 to 21 per week). There are 3-4 procedures per day, the main one is one of them, the rest are auxiliary.

The list of procedures depends on the resort.

Procedures and prices

Treatment in Karlovy Vary includes, in addition to taking mineral water, other procedures. They are of the following types.


It is a complex of water procedures, consisting of carbonic, pearl and mineral baths, Charcot's shower and so on. Their goal:

  • Relieve muscle spasms.
  • Reduce stiffness in the joints.
  • Reduce pain symptoms.
  • Improve blood circulation.
  • Improve the cardiovascular system.

Mud therapy

These are peat baths and applications. Their purpose:

  • Stimulation of recovery processes in the body.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Improving metabolism.
  • Removal of chronic pain spasms.
  • General anti-inflammatory action.

Mud therapy also includes the use of natural carbon dioxide in gas injections, which relieve pain in the spine for a long time, and in dry carbon dioxide baths, which affect the cardiovascular system.


Includes the following treatments:

  • Laser.
  • Light therapy.
  • Currents of variable frequency.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Diathermy.
  • Galvanic baths.
  • UHF and so on.

Electrotherapy is aimed at reducing pain and eliminating chronic inflammatory processes.


Includes the following areas:

  • Therapeutic exercise (including in the pool).
  • Massage of various types.
  • Ergotherapy.

The purpose of physiotherapy is to strengthen or unload any muscle group, develop inactive joints, and restore the motor functions of the musculoskeletal system.

The cost of procedures is usually included in the price of the tour, and for a fee (5-25 euros) you can use additional procedures:

  • Acupuncture.
  • Aromatherapy.
  • Myostimulation.
  • Herbal baths.
  • Lymphatic drainage.
  • Bowel lavage with mineral water.
  • Stretching of the spine.
  • Oxygen therapy (oxygen therapy).

The last three procedures are sometimes included in the cost of treatment.


Karlovy Vary offers its guests not only a spa treatment complex, but also a whole range of programs aimed at rejuvenating the face and body, this is the so-called wellness treatment.

The main difference between this direction and traditional treatment is that a person chooses it himself, focusing on his desires.

The following wellness programs are offered to the attention of tourists:

  • For beautiful skin.
  • For a slim figure.
  • Getting rid of cellulite.
  • Relaxation.
  • Sauna.
  • Jacuzzi.
  • Steam room.
  • Relaxing massage.
  • Warm wrap.
  • Underwater massage.
  • Beauty programs (face masks, peeling, and so on).

The SPA services offered at the resort help to achieve harmony of body and soul. Prices range from 12 to 26 euros depending on the procedure.

Hotels with treatment

There are many hotels in the city that provide their guests with a course of treatment:

  • Carlsbad Plaza 5*- the most luxurious hotel in the resort. The cost is from 2085 euros for 12 days, for a 2-week tour - from 2540 euros, for a 3-week tour - from 3600 euros. Offers a full range of medical procedures.
  • Savoy Westend Hotel 5*. Price of tours: 12 days - from 1744 euros, 2 weeks - from 2106 euros, 3 weeks - from 2698 euros. Equipped with a balneological center. Carries out any medical procedures.
  • Imperial 4*. Tours 12 days - from 1630 euros, 2 weeks - from 1836 euros, 3 weeks - from 2546 euros. It has its own source of mineral water. Provides comprehensive treatment.
  • Hotel complex Bristol Palace, Kralovska Villa, Georgy, House Bristol, Tereza. Price of tours: for 12 days - from 1296 euros, 2 weeks - from 1537 euros, 3 weeks - from 2097 euros. Carries out health-improving, medical, preventive procedures.
  • Dvorjak 4*. Cost of tours: for 12 days - from 1476 euros, 2 weeks - from 1765 euros, 3 weeks - from 2430 euros. It treats metabolic disorders, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the gastrointestinal tract.

Karlovy Vary is a wonderful place for relaxation and treatment. Many resorts offer their guests a flexible system of discounts, which allows people to visit them even with limited incomes or pensioners. Having been here, you can forget about health problems for a long time and get a charge of vivacity for a long time.

Taking into account your wishes and indications for treatment, our specialists will help you choose the right resort and sanatorium for you.

In the treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, such as arthrosis-arthritis, of various etiologies, balneological factors and healing mud are used. Thus, the treatment of joints in the Czech Republic (Podebrady), namely mud therapy, globally affects the metabolic functions of the body and inflammation processes, also normalizes blood circulation and normalizes the resorption of effusions.

Hydrosulphuric baths (Marianske Lazne) have a significant healing effect. Their effect is such that a change in blood circulation, an increase in metabolism and general metabolism, as well as a normalization of the acid-base balance are clearly visible. Tissue regeneration is greatly accelerated.

Treatment of the spine in the Czech Republic is carried out with the help of radon baths (Jáchymov). Radon is a gaseous chemical element that dissolves in water. At the end of the therapeutic bath, the decay products of this substance settle on the surface of the body and remain for two to three hours. Active plaque remains even after light rubbing.

Treatment of joints in Karlovy Vary involves such a procedure as gas injections of natural carbon dioxide. This volatile substance, by injection, is injected into the subcutaneous space in the region of the spine and affected joints. The result of the application of the course of gas injections is the improvement of the clinical picture and the speedy healing of wounds and their consequences.

Treatment of the spine in Karlovy Vary is carried out on the basis of the appointment of a whole range of procedures, built on the general effect of drug therapy and the healing effect of the spa's mineral water.

Unfortunately, disorders of the musculoskeletal system are one of the most common diseases on Earth. Problems with joints or back pain, in one form or another, sooner or later, concern each of us. A variety of medical procedures aimed at relieving pain, restoring damaged joints and ligaments, will help you learn to move again without pain and discomfort. To choose the optimal rehabilitation treatment program, please contact us and we will help you choose the one that suits you best from the variety of Czech health resorts.

Karlovy Vary is the most famous and popular spa resort in the Czech Republic. People come here to restore health and relax. There are 13 healing springs here. They say that at one time Bach, Beethoven, Paganini, Turgenev, Marx and Peter I were treated here. By the way, it was the Russian emperor who opened this resort for Russians, who still enjoy spending their holidays here. Let's move on to an overview of the best spa hotels in Karlovy Vary with treatment or wellness programs.

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Quisisana Palace

Karlovy Vary

Wellness center on the banks of the Tepla River


200 reviews

Booked 4 times today


Carlsbad Plaza 5*

In the very center of the spa and health zone of Karlovy Vary there is a sanatorium, which has been awarded five stars. Excellent conditions for treatment are combined with first-class service. All rooms have been recently refurbished with updated furniture. The medical and health-improving base includes a Jacuzzi with hydromassage, several indoor pools at once, which are designed for water gymnastics, prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It also treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, as well as other internal organs.

Carlsbad Plaza Medical Spa & Wellness hotel

Karlovy Vary

5 pools (1 with thermal water), 7 different saunas

Very well

50 reviews

Booked 1 time today

Bristol Georgy House

Karlovy Vary

250 meters from the Mill Colonnade

59 reviews

Booked 2 times today


Bristol Vila Tereza 4*

The hotel's elegant and comfortable rooms are housed in a late 19th-century building. The entire interior of the hotel is designed in a classic style. In walking distance of the main attractions of the city, a thermal spring. The resort's two restaurants offer a menu of international cuisine. You can order special diet meals.

In the wellness center there is a full range of balneological services, and in the SPA zone, the program of cosmetic procedures is selected individually for each patient. It offers a swimming pool, sauna, massages, body wraps and baths. Not far from the hotel there are golf and tennis fields, there is an opportunity to go horseback riding and other sports. Special walks in the park are also part of the treatment.

Bristol Vila Tereza

Karlovy Vary

Swimming pool, hot tub, Finnish/Turkish saunas

7 reviews

Booked 3 times today


Spa Hotel Schlosspark 4*

The hotel is located just a stone's throw from the Church of St. Mary Magdalene. It was converted from several residential buildings and retained the unique atmosphere of a traditional Czech dwelling. The rooms have everything you need for a comfortable stay, including tea and coffee making facilities. Meals in the restaurant can be chosen dietary or traditional European, Czech cuisine is often offered. Tables can be served on the outdoor terrace.

There is a lobby bar in the lobby, here during the day you can sit with a cup of coffee or a mug of traditional Czech beer. The hotel has a large SPA-center, which offers a wide range of rejuvenating and healing procedures. It offers massages, balneological treatments, body wraps, hot and aromatic baths, a sauna and a year-round indoor pool. There are separate sun terraces.

Spa Hotel Schlosspark

Karlovy Vary

Located in the spa area of ​​Karlovy Vary, indoor pool, fitness center

Very well

356 reviews

Booked 7 times today


Hotel Romance Puskin

The hotel with a name known to every Russian person in the name is located in a restored building of the late 19th century in the Art Nouveau style. Near the resort colonnade and hot geyser. The cozy hotel rooms make guests feel at home. It has everything to enjoy relaxation and treatment in one of the best European resort cities.

Czech cuisine and delicious coffee are served on the open summer terrace of the restaurant. Special diet meals are available upon request. Balneological treatment, all types of massages, cosmetic procedures are carried out in the SPA and wellness center of the hotel. There is a golf course not far from the hotel, and bikers can rent bicycles. The hotel accepts guests with pets. This must be notified to the property in advance when booking.

Hotel Romance Puskin

Karlovy Vary

Not far from the hot geyser spring


876 reviews

Booked 7 times today


Smetana VySehrad 4*

This hotel deserves its four stars for a reason. Tourists note good service and attentiveness from the staff. The complex includes a jacuzzi, saunas. Diet food will be happy to provide the chefs of the restaurant. It is from proper nutrition and the use of drinking mineral water that the effectiveness of the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract depends. It is possible to order food in the room. You will have to overcome a distance of 450-500 meters daily to the nearest thermal spring.

A visit to Lazensky VySehrad is indicated for patients with gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic disorders, musculoskeletal system disorders, and diabetes. Baths (pearl and carbonic, with additives), ECG, therapeutic mud procedures, gymnastics in the pool and hydromassage are used. There are special CO2 injections, inhalations and various types of massages.

Lazensky Hotel Smetana - Vysehrad

Karlovy Vary

Favorable combination price/quality

Very well

186 reviews

Booked 3 times today


Wellness Hotel Jean De Carro 4*

The first thing that a wonderful wellness hotel in the center of Karlovy Vary offers its guests is cozy and bright rooms with a panoramic view of the city. The hotel has 32 standard rooms with all amenities. The name speaks for itself. The feature of the Wellness Hotel Jean De Carro is a comprehensive vacation aimed at improving not only physical health, but also the psycho-emotional state.

The spa offers a wide range of treatments, from traditional to very unusual. These are various massages, a jacuzzi, rejuvenating and healing procedures, a sauna, a solarium. Guests can choose any type of food, including full board. The restaurant serves Czech and European cuisine. Several bars are always ready to offer guests a variety of soft drinks, cocktails and a variety of teas and coffees. Near the hotel you can play golf, go hiking.

Wellness Hotel Jean De Carro

Karlovy Vary

Buffet breakfast and free Wi-Fi

Very well

Booked 3 times today


Spa Resort Sanssouci 4*

Previously, it was three separate hotels, which were merged a few years ago. Now 360 rooms of different comfort levels are available for guests. The main advantage of the sanatorium is its own balneological center, which includes an indoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, saunas, a fitness center and a beauty salon.

Three restaurants, bars and cafes, as well as a night club are open to guests. The Spa Resort Sanssouci program includes various types of wellness baths, magnetotherapy and gymnastics. Experts say that positive dynamics will become noticeable in a week, but for a long-term effect, it is worth going through a wellness program designed for at least 21 days.

Spa Resort Sanssouci

Karlovy Vary

Indoor pool, 3 restaurants, free Wi-Fi. Diet food.

Very well

Booked 4 times today


Imperial 4*

One of the largest and most modern medical bases boasts a four-star sanatorium Imperial. It is located in a picturesque place, on a hill. The complex itself consists of two buildings - the main building (reminiscent of a medieval castle) and a spacious villa "Hoffman". Unfortunately, such a pleasant location has its drawbacks. In particular, you need to get to the nearest source by funicular or bus, overcoming a considerable distance.

You will not have to pay for the transfer, because all customers enjoy the right to free travel. The modern medical base allows us to talk about the high efficiency of treatment and preventive measures. In particular, there is a full-fledged balneological center that allows you to carry out primary diagnostics, make an accurate diagnosis, prescribe treatment and monitor your health and dynamics throughout the course.

Karlovy Vary

Indoor pool, show cooking in the restaurant

Very well

Booked 2 times today


Venus 4*

The Venus Hotel is located in the very center of Karlovy Vary, so no matter which room you stay in, the windows will always offer a magnificent view of the cozy quarters of the resort. In addition to excellent conditions and well-developed infrastructure, guests are offered a variety of programs aimed at treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system and many others.

For their implementation, the hotel has everything you need: competent specialists, high-quality equipment and, of course, natural resources. But even if you do not experience any health problems, Venus offers a variety of spa treatments in its own complex. There is also an indoor warm pool where you can relax with a glass of oxygen cocktail.

Karlovy Vary

Soft laser and oxygen therapy

Very well

163 reviews

Booked 2 times today


Villa Ritter 4*

Hotel Villa Ritter, located in a quiet green area of ​​Karlovy Vary, is one of the best places for those who are looking for peace, solitude and the opportunity to relax from the urban bustle. It offers a wonderful wellness and spa center, which offers not only courses aimed at treating diseases of various systems under the guidance of experienced professionals, but also beauty programs. Villa Ritter also has an indoor pool open all year round. A great bonus is the opportunity to relax on the nearby beach in the summer and ski in the beautiful forest in the winter.

Karlovy Vary

Sauna, pool and hot tub


102 reviews

Booked 1 time today


Iris 4*

Those who choose the ultra-modern sanatorium Iris 4 * can be sure not only of the high-quality treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and other diseases, but also of an interesting, full-fledged resort vacation. Many of the patients note the convenient location of the spa building on Sadovaya Street (in the very center of Karlovy Vary). In fifty meters there are popular drinking galleries - the Mill and Market colonnades, thermal water "Geyser" is brought directly to the treatment rooms.

Leading physician Yu. Onisko, who is also the director, makes every effort to create a highly efficient treatment process and a modern medical infrastructure. Iris 4* has a swimming pool cleansed with Mediterranean salt, which has a positive effect on the condition of the patients' skin. Here, great importance is attached to dietary nutrition, spa treatments, drinking regimen, and qualified service. The overall rating of the health resort is 9 points out of 10.

Karlovy Vary

Thermal mineral water from spring No. 1 Geyser


253 reviews

Booked 8 times today


Windsor 4*

The corner building with Gothic windows of the Windsor Spa Hotel, located near the Mill Colonnade, is an undoubted architectural gem of the quarter. The external respectability of the facade corresponds to the internal content of the sanatorium: high-quality renovated rooms, shining cleanliness of all premises, high-level household service, good medical care. Judging by the reviews of holidaymakers, there are no complaints about living conditions.

In the medical and health department, guests undergo various procedures (20 sessions per week), including balneological ones, thermal water for them is supplied from 6 sources. Baths, irrigation, inhalations, bathing in a thermal pool and other water procedures help patients get rid of ENT diseases, diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, joint ailments, etc. Peat mud is effectively used in the treatment program in the form of applications, body wraps, tampons.

All vacationers like the good location of the hotel, delicious breakfasts, service, treatment. Nearby are many interesting sights, including the Concert Hall. Dvořák, where concerts of the Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra take place. The downside is the lack of a swimming pool where you can do water gymnastics.

Karlovy Vary

Just 10 meters from the Mill Colonnade


356 reviews

Booked 7 times today



At the picturesque bank of the Tesla River, which flows through the city center, a grandiose architectural structure of the 19th century rises. - the building of the hotel of the sanatorium type "Colonnade". The rooms, furnished in English style, provide everything you need: comfortable furniture, TV, internet, household items. There are complaints about the quality of the pillows and the lack of air conditioning. Opposite the hotel is the famous Mill Colonnade, which greatly facilitates the intake of mineral water and compliance with the drinking regime.

The balneological center "Colonnades" offers 18 water procedures per week: various types of baths, hydromassage, healing showers, inhalations. There is a jacuzzi, sauna, nice swimming pool. Guests are satisfied with the location of the hotel, organization of excursions, plentiful, delicious breakfasts and lunches, dietary menu. However, the culture of service by waiters during meals leaves much to be desired: a long wait for an order, an unfriendly attitude, sloppy table setting (from reviews).

All these shortcomings are more than offset by the wonderful opportunity to drink healing mineral water that heals many diseases: gastritis, stomach ulcers, osteochondrosis, sciatica, skin problems and others. Prices for vouchers here are much lower than in neighboring sanatoriums. In general, the health resort leaves a good impression.

Karlovy Vary

Located in the center, opposite the Mill Colonnade


243 reviews

Booked 9 times today


Humboldt Park Hotel & Spa

Having settled in the sanatorium "Humbolt Park", you are transferred to the atmosphere of the aristocratic 19th century, created around not only the appearance of the old building, but also the classic interior decoration of the premises. Stairs with twisted openwork railings are covered with carpets, the design of the rooms includes fabric draperies, mahogany inserts, carpets on the floor. All this is combined with modern equipment a la modern bathroom, internet and TV.

Medical care here is at a good level: a qualified doctor, highly professional nurses and masseurs. The small b / n pool is kept in perfect cleanliness, it is especially pleasant to visit it after the sauna (there are 2 of them). All medical procedures are carried out free of charge: hydromassage and pearl baths, paraffin and mud wraps and applications, lymphatic drainage and various types of massages.

Breakfasts, lunches and dinners are served in the elegant and cozy setting of the local restaurant. A wide choice of Czech and European cuisine is offered, including a dietary menu. There are isolated complaints from patients about unscrupulous restaurant employees, about the quality of some dishes. Mostly reviews of holidaymakers contain positive ratings.

Humboldt Park Hotel & Spa

Karlovy Vary

220 meters from the springs "Garden" and "Snake"


Booked 5 times today



In the very center of Karlovy Vary stands a pretty building, very reminiscent of a medieval castle in a modern interpretation (2011), with Gothic turrets at the top. This romantic building is the Pavlov sanatorium, which arouses the invariable admiration of its patients with its excellent location: there are interesting historical and cultural sights, museums, drinking pump rooms of the Mill Colonnade nearby. At the same time, the surroundings are quiet and calm.

The internal content is quite consistent with the external surroundings: guests who receive the most gracious welcome feel like aristocrats here. Everything is up to the mark in the cozy comfortable rooms - beautiful interiors, good equipment, stunning views from the windows. Treatment programs are based on hydrotherapy (baths, drinking mineral water, irrigation, inhalation), acupuncture, massages of various types, visiting the sauna. Spa and wellness facilities are available at an additional cost.

Most guest reviews testify to the quality and variety of meals organized in the hotel restaurant. The breakfast menu includes cereals, fruits, juices, casseroles, cheese cuts, etc. (score 8.8 points). Visitors from Russia are satisfied with the presence of Russian-speaking employees who promptly solve all problems. Pavlov 4 * - a place where you want to return (from the reviews).

Humboldt Park Hotel & Spa

Karlovy Vary

Just 140 meters from the colonnade


133 reviews

Booked 6 times today


Anglicky Dvur 3*

The sanatorium-hotel "Angliysky Dvor", which has undergone a grandiose reconstruction, is another great option for those who want to receive medical treatment in comfortable conditions. An old 2-level building of pompous architecture, accommodating 50 rooms of different categories, a balneological department, a spa with various types of baths, is located near the famous Vrzhidlo mineral spring, bus station, railway station and city center. For greater convenience of holidaymakers, the hotel has 2 elevators.

Modern high-tech equipment allows patients to undergo accurate diagnostics and receive wellness treatments. According to the persons taking the treatment, the quality of the procedures is not satisfactory: everything is clean, there are no queues, the medical staff is correct and attentive. Here, metabolic diseases are treated with the help of hydrotherapy: various baths, Finnish and Turkish baths; other methods: inhalations, massages, laser, etc.

The restaurant offers dietary dishes of Czech and European cuisine, a large selection of drinks and desserts is available in the local cafe. Guests can visit the swimming pools, golf course, fitness center, located next to the resort.

Karlovy Vary

200 meters from drinking thermal mineral springs


Booked 5 times today



The U-shaped buildings of the Krivan Sanatorium are located in close proximity to the main springs of Karlovy Vary, which is an attractive factor for those who want to receive optimal treatment. This sanatorium, according to experts, has the most versatile medical base, including many different wellness sessions. Only here is a highly effective procedure based on thermal water with the use of Dead Sea salts - "floating".

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs and the musculoskeletal system are treated here, and a special oncology program is in place. Thermal bath water is supplied directly to the balneological department, Krivan has its own salt cave. Guests are satisfied with the state of cozy rooms, their service, the attitude of employees, varied and healthy food. Many people like the large pool with 40% addition of thermal water, the professionalism of doctors.

Problems, unfortunately, arise in patients with limited motor abilities - to undergo a treatment session, they need to climb stairs.

Karlovy Vary

New treatment center, there is a pool with 40% thermal water


465 reviews

Booked 11 times today


Morava 3*

For lovers of a measuredly relaxing holiday in an atmosphere of home comfort against the backdrop of a picturesque forest, the Morava spa hotel is the most suitable place: you don’t have to go far to the springs, there are many attractions nearby, everything you need for a comfortable stay is in the sanatorium. A wonderful swimming pool, 2 saunas, a salt cave, a well-equipped health and wellness department, 4 elevators - everything is aimed at creating the most comfortable environment. The only disadvantage of the location of the Morava is that it is on a hill, where it will be difficult for people with sore legs to climb.

The staff of the sanatorium is constantly striving to improve therapeutic and preventive methods of healing, the infrastructure as a whole, and living conditions. There are no complaints from vacationers to medical care. Most patients are satisfied with the attitude of maids, waiters, administrators. In the recreation room there are billiard tables, you can play darts and board games. The restaurant menu has delicious, healthy food, a lot of vegetables, fruits, juices (from reviews).

Spa Hotel Morava

Karlovy Vary

300 meters to medicinal drinking springs


277 reviews

Booked 5 times today


Astoria 3*

To date, Astoria, which has 3 stars, is recognized as one of the best resorts for complex treatment and rehabilitation, as well as in terms of price / quality ratio. It is located in a picturesque place on the banks of the Tepla River, which is very close to the symbol of the city - the Mill Colonnade. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the recent renovation in all areas for the location and service of guests, as well as a wide range of procedures. Astoria specializes in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • metabolic disease
  • diseases of the gallbladder and its ducts
  • gastroenterological diseases
  • liver disorder
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system

Treatment includes taking thermal water, wellness treatments in the pool, therapeutic sessions. Additionally, guests will be offered to undergo procedures in the sauna, as well as in dry carbonic baths. There is also a hairdresser and beauty salon.

Buy a ticket without a flight:

Sanatorium Astoria

Karlovy Vary

The Mill Colonnade is 30 meters away.

Very well

183 reviews

Booked today 16 times


Cajkovskij Palace 4*

The beautiful Cajkovskij Palace Hotel is conveniently located in the center of Karlovy Vary, close to the colonnades with thermal springs. From its terrace you can enjoy beautiful views of the city streets. The same, in general, as from the rooms. It features a wellness center with an indoor pool, where you can take specialized wellness courses or simply book treatments to relax and enjoy - take a hot tub, Thai massage or warm up in the sauna. A wide range of beauty and spa treatments are also offered.

Cajkovsky Palace

Karlovy Vary

Wellness center with indoor pool. 300 m to springs

Very well

117 reviews

Booked 3 times today


Grandhotel AMBASSADOR 4*

On one of the central streets of the resort town, just a 10-minute walk from the healing springs, there is an “Ambassador”. Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • friendly Russian-speaking staff
  • the opportunity to visit the wellness center even on weekends (in many similar establishments this opportunity is not available)
  • the presence of a music hall in which entertainment events are held
  • modern medical and health facilities, as well as monitoring the effectiveness of treatment by experienced staff

Here you will be helped to cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, diabetes. Here they will help to return to a normal way of life after an injury, surgery. The cost of living, depending on the chosen room and treatment program, is 67-100 euros per day.

There is a swimming pool, jacuzzi and sauna, beauty and massage rooms. Regularly conduct blood tests, ECG. In addition to the standard set of services using mineral waters, thermal springs and mud, they will offer a course of individual physiotherapy, laser therapy, and ultrasound.

Grandhotel Ambassador Narodni Dum

Karlovy Vary

Swimming pool, sauna, hammam, fitness center


466 reviews

Booked 2 times today


SPA Hotel Ulrika

Complex "Ulrika" is located in the center of the resort town. Just a few minutes walk from the mineral drinking springs of the Garden Colonnade. The spacious rooms of different categories with exquisite furnishings, comfortable modern furniture have everything for a good rest. In its own balneological center, a complex of health-improving services is carried out: thermal, pearl, carbonic and other types of baths.

The center employs highly qualified doctors who develop a program for each client. The main profile is disorders of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, as well as the treatment of diabetes. In addition, patients with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, neurology and the musculoskeletal system are helped here to recover.

In addition to wellness, a complex of cosmetic procedures and massages, relaxing and hydromassage baths are offered. Relax in the large indoor pool, dry sauna and steam sauna. A solarium is available for sun lovers. Accommodation at the hotel involves several types of meals: with breakfast, half board and all inclusive. Fans of outdoor activities can use the services of a fitness center, rent a bike to explore the picturesque surroundings, play table tennis.

Karlovy Vary

Relaxing and healing treatments

Very well

20 reviews

Booked 1 time today



In the four-star Dvorjak Hotel with first-class service, guests will be offered an effective course of medical and rehabilitation procedures. It should be noted that the programs for treatment and recovery were developed in cooperation with the best European specialists. Nearby is a popular thermal spring - Vrjilo.

During treatment, the emphasis is on the comprehensive improvement of the body and its purification from harmful substances and toxins. Also, experts guarantee the effect in the fight against excess weight. For this, an individual diet is compiled. Pure oxygen inhalations help fight and prevent the manifestations of atherosclerosis among patients, stimulate blood circulation. For each, they develop a “treatment road map”, make up a diet and monitor the implementation of recommendations. Not only Czech doctors practice at the hotel, but also specialists from Austria.

Vienna House Dvorak Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary

Consists of 6 houses with Art Nouveau facades. Therapy according to the F.K. Myra

Very well

Booked 6 times today


Hotel Ambiente Wellness & Spa

Karlovy Vary

Thai massage, Nuvola baths, Scottish shower

69 reviews

Booked 4 times today


Karlovy Vary

A few minutes from healing springs


18 reviews

Booked 2 times today


Savoy West End Hotel

Karlovy Vary

25 meter swimming pool. Located in the most prestigious area


330 reviews

Booked 7 times today


Karlovy Vary

Relaxation pool, meditation bath. 5 minutes to thermal springs.


924 reviews

Booked 8 times today


Karlovy Vary

Wellness center with sauna and swimming pool with terrace. Dietitian working


205 reviews

Booked 4 times today


Karlovy Vary

Massages, inhalations, magnetic or oxygen therapies, gas injections and dry carbonic baths

Very well

176 reviews

Booked 2 times today


Karlovy Vary

5 minutes walk from the thermal spring

Very well

19 reviews

Booked 5 times today


Karlovy Vary

2 own springs and a pool with thermal mineral water


337 reviews

Booked 6 times today


Spa Hotel Panorama

Karlovy Vary

A set of spa treatments with exercises for rehabilitation

Very well

Booked 5 times today


Karlovy Vary

Spa treatments and activities

Very well

Booked 3 times today


Karlovy Vary

15 minutes walk from the Mill Colonnade

Booked 5 times today


Karlovy Vary

Indoor swimming pool with sauna, beauty treatments


Booked 6 times today


Spa Hotel Purkyne

Karlovy Vary

Spa, thermal bath and restaurant

Booked 2 times today


335 reviews

Booked 5 times today


How and what is treated

The main therapeutic direction of Karlovy Vary is 13 bicarbonate-chloride-sulfate-sodium mineral springs, which differ in temperature and carbon dioxide content - 0.37-0.75 g / l. The remaining components are contained in approximately the same amount. The composition of water includes:

  • magnesium
  • potassium
  • calcium
  • iron
  • lithium and other substances

Treatment with thermal mineral water

Drinking courses of Karlovy Vary thermal mineral waters are successfully used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The rich chemical composition of water, which is obtained from 13 sources, has a beneficial effect not only on the stomach and intestines, but also on the entire body as a whole.


External use of medicinal water or hydrotherapy for healing the body in Karlovy Vary is one of the most popular procedures. It is not only useful, but also pleasant - it relaxes the body and tones the skin. Often, patients are prescribed a Scottish shower or a Charcot shower - alternating hot and cold water. These procedures have a positive effect on the physical and psychological health of a person.

Aromatherapy and reflex massages

Popular methods aimed at obtaining relaxation and healing are aromatherapy and reflex (point) massages. To perform the first, various essential oils are used in proportions selected for each patient individually. Acupressure or reflex massage is aimed at activating reflexogenic points, due to which certain organs or tissues are affected, pain is reduced, and fatigue is relieved. If you combine 2 types of massage - reflex and aromatherapy, then you can achieve maximum efficiency from the procedure.

Heat therapy

Hydrotherapy procedures in Karlovy Vary are complemented by heat therapy. The technique of heat exposure on the human body helps to improve blood circulation, relieve pain in the joints, and relax. The most popular heat treatments in Karlovy Vary are dipping hands in heated paraffin, exposure to a biolamp, and mud compresses.


The method of influencing the patient's body with constant or low-frequency magnetic fields is called magnetotherapy. This technique improves the functioning of internal organs, speeds up blood flow, relieves pain, improves immunity, and calms the nervous system. The therapeutic effect becomes noticeable after 3 magnetotherapy procedures.

CO2 gas shots

Carboxytherapy is a type of mesotherapy in which carbon dioxide is injected under the skin of the patient. This procedure accelerates blood circulation, restores metabolic processes, improves skin condition, and also removes toxins from the body.


For inhalations in Karlovy Vary, local healing water is used in combination with medicinal herbal decoctions and additional medicines. Inhalation of such steam has a positive effect on the respiratory system, helps to relieve inflammation, expectoration of mucus. This procedure is prescribed for allergies and diseases of the respiratory organs.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage is carried out to remove lymph and other excess fluid from the intercellular space of the body, which accumulates due to disturbances in the functioning of the lymphatic system. Slowing down the movement of lymph in the body leads to general intoxication, accumulation of toxins, deterioration of the skin. Lymphatic drainage eliminates these problems - relieves swelling, reduces bags under the eyes and cellulite. This is a massage procedure, which is carried out under the supervision of a physician manually or using a special apparatus.

Therapeutic mineral baths and masks

Mineral baths are a therapeutic procedure aimed at improving blood circulation, kidney function and the cardiovascular system, restoring the body after protracted and chronic diseases. Water for this procedure is heated to a temperature of 35-40 degrees. Various medicines and herbal poisons, selected individually for the patient, are added to the healing mineral waters.
Masks with mineral water are famous for their excellent cosmetic effect: they moisturize, rejuvenate the skin, and even out the tone of the face. After this procedure, the skin becomes soft and supple.

Optimal timing of treatment

The optimal treatment time is 21 days or more. This is due to the need to adapt the patient's body to new climatic conditions. After the second week of stay at the resort, the patient receives the maximum benefit from spa treatments.

What to look for when choosing

In order for the rest to be not only useful, but also effective, each tourist must carefully study all the offers and choose the best one. Especially if a trip to the Czech Republic is planned for the first time from Moscow or any other city in Russia. Each boarding house or sanatorium specializes in various types of healing and strengthening procedures, so pay attention to this. The second important point is the level of comfort and service.

Prices for treatment in Karlovy Vary sanatoriums are affordable for many. The only thing is that you will need to get to the place on your own. Transfer from the airport to the hotel is not always included in the cost of treatment, so it is better to book this service in advance. We recommend the kiwitaxi service. You can pay in advance on the website online and no longer fuss at the airport and look for exchangers, which, as a rule, offer not the most favorable rate to pay for a taxi. Very convenient, comfortable and inexpensive.

Almost all offer tourists comfortable conditions. Experienced tourists are advised to give preference to those that have their own balneological center and have a convenient location in close proximity to the thermal spring. Do not forget about the contraindications and recommendations of doctors in the treatment of certain diseases.

Features of treatment

All recreational facilities of the Czech resort can be divided into two main groups:

  • sanatoriums with a medical base, experienced specialists and a large selection of programs with wellness, restorative and medical procedures
  • SPA hotels that specialize in providing only certain wellness and strengthening procedures, but offer more comfortable living conditions

An invariable rule for all these institutions is the construction of a medical and recreational program based on the use of the beneficial properties of thermal springs. By the way, there is no shortage of health facilities in Karlovy Vary. There are several dozen of them, among which there are five-star, four-star and three-star establishments. But even if you came to Karlovy Vary only for a day, keep in mind that healing water sources are available to everyone. The most important thing to remember is that hot water springs have a laxative effect.


Spa treatment in Karlovy Vary is primarily aimed at improving the functioning of the digestive tract, as well as stabilizing metabolic processes in the body.
Indications for treatment:

Diseases of the digestive tract:

  • chronic inflammation of the stomach lining (catarrh)
  • gastritis
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer
  • inflammatory and functional diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • proctocolitis
  • hepatitis
  • pancreatitis
  • mild cirrhosis of the liver
  • stearosis
  • diseases of the bile ducts
  • acute inflammation of the liver (after primary treatment)

Indications for sanitary-resort treatment are also violations of metabolic processes:

  • gout
  • lipid metabolism disorders
  • excessive body weight
  • increased levels of cholesterol in the blood
  • atherosclerosis
  • diabetes (types 1 and 2)

Also in Karlovy Vary, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are treated according to indications:

  • joint pain
  • back pain
  • cervical osteochondrosis
  • osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
  • dysfunction of the spine
  • changes in large joints of a degenerative-dystrophic nature
  • osteoarthritis of large joints
  • arthrosis of large joints

All wellness procedures and drinking courses must be carried out as prescribed by a doctor.


The blessed resort, famous for its mineral waters and therapeutic mud, unfortunately, is not suitable for everyone. There are a number of contraindications to treatment:

Treatment is not complete without the use of mineral thermal water. Local springs have amazing healing properties, but this does not mean that water from them can be drunk in any quantity. There are certain rules and recommendations that must be followed in order to benefit from drinking, and not harm.

Rules for the use of thermal mineral water:

  1. You need to drink water only as prescribed by a doctor, as it has a rich chemical composition. An excess of minerals can harm the body, especially if there are contraindications. The specialist should determine the dosage and the source from which the water is taken. Too much water can lead to malfunction of the internal organs, increased pressure, and other serious problems.
  2. The healing properties of mineral waters are lost during transportation, so you need to drink at the very source. In addition, the medicinal effect of drinking is preserved only if the temperature at which the liquid comes to the surface is not violated.
  3. Water from the springs is supplied to some hotels in Karlovy Vary, but it is not recommended to drink it all the time. Passing through the pipes, the liquid loses its medicinal characteristics, so you need to collect it directly from the source.

As a rule, people go to Karlovy Vary in order to strengthen the body, recover from diseases. Only those who carefully follow the doctor's prescriptions and adhere to the regime achieve this, so you should not miss visits to the source.

How Karlovy Vary mineral water affects the body

Warm mineral water, once in the stomach, contributes to its expansion, smoothing and washing out the folds. Mineral substances act on the mucous membranes of the organ, normalize the production of gastric juice, and, as a result, help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Karlovy Vary water also has a positive effect on:

  • function of the liver and gallbladder
  • intestinal microflora
  • pancreas
  • blood sugar and fat levels
  • metabolic processes

On the 8-12th day of treatment, patients experience a "resort reaction" to changes in the composition of water and climatic conditions. It is expressed by a general deterioration in well-being. May be observed:

  • fatigue
  • lack of appetite
  • bitterness in the mouth
  • vomit
  • diarrhea

On the 2-3rd day (about 14 days after the start of treatment), the person's condition returns to normal, the effect of drinking mineral water becomes noticeable. For this reason, the recovery period in Karlovy Vary should be 3 weeks or more. At the end of the course, the patient's immunity increases, the physical and psychological state of health improves. Usually this effect persists for 12-18 months after the end of recovery.

Resort Information

Karlovy Vary (formerly Carlsbad) has been famous as a famous resort for several centuries. Back in the 18th century, the healing power of local mineral springs was experienced by the Russian emperor Peter I, who opened the way here for his wealthy compatriots. It was under the impression of Karlsbad that Turgenev wrote the heartfelt story Asya, and Bach and Beethoven created the famous lyric sonatas.

13 springs with unique composition of waters, local therapeutic mud can work wonders with their life-giving properties. Fans of the Becherovka liqueur, popular throughout Europe, jokingly call it the 14th source. Here you can not only improve your health physiologically, curing many diseases of the body, but also find spiritual harmony.

The modern city has retained a special measuredly aristocratic atmosphere, where everyone begins to feel like a well-bred, cultured person who does not dare to throw a napkin or an ice cream wrapper on the sidewalk shining with cleanliness. Many interesting excursions, visits to exhibitions, musical performances, shopping make your stay here pleasant and rewarding. The exquisite architecture of historical buildings, the picturesque beauty of streets, green alleys of squares and parks leave deep aesthetic impressions.

Tatyana Solomatina

Karlovy Vary Czech Republic: resort for relaxation and treatment

Today, rest and treatment in Karlovy Vary is a great opportunity to get a big boost of energy for the year ahead! About where the resort is located, how you can get here, about the most popular hotels and approximate prices for them, about methods and methods of treatment, will be discussed in this article. Read on, perhaps this information will interest you.

The location of Karlovy Vary in itself contributes to relaxation and treatment. Clean air, mild climate, interesting architecture, the presence of rivers and proximity to Prague are the happy ingredients that make the resort so attractive.

And if you add healing water, comfortable sanatoriums, excellent service, excellent medicine to this seductive “cocktail”, season everything with a drop of Becherovka liquor, then it becomes clear that it’s simply impossible not to fall in love with the Karlovy Vary resort.

Karlovy Vary has a surprisingly calm, peaceful atmosphere. The city, immersed in greenery with numerous cafes, colonnades, souvenir shops, fountains and quiet squares, is conducive to relaxation. It is not boring here: the city is always full of tourists. The local energy works wonders from the first minutes: in Karlovy Vary you want to enjoy life without restraint.

Winter in Karlovy Vary is very comfortable, plus temperature. Tourists here prefer an active lifestyle even at this time of the year: they ride slides, carve ice sculptures and warm themselves near hot mineral springs.

How to get there?

The thermal spas of the Czech Republic on the map are located in the western part of the country. Geographically, the Karlovy Vary resort is located 120 km from Prague, in the western part of the Czech Republic, at the confluence of three rivers - Teplá, Ohře and Rolava. The population of the city is about 50 thousand people.

Where is it? Just two hours from Prague. Karlovy Vary itself has an international airport, so if you want to get to the resort right away, you can fly from Moscow directly to your destination. However, the cost of such a flight is high (800 euros).

You can see current airfare prices here.

The Czech Republic is a small country with a developed transport infrastructure. Therefore, you can come to the capital, calmly see the sights (and there is something to see there!) And easily get to Karlovy Vary. A ticket from Moscow to Prague will cost 500 euros (the difference is noticeable). As for the internal communication, the services of tourists are a taxi (about 104 euros), a railway (10 euros), a bus (4-5 euros).

There are no problems with transport in the town itself. Cable cars are stretched between sanatoriums and mineral springs. There is a map of the resort in every directory and on the Internet. Ground transport is represented by two night and five special routes.

Best hotels and clinics

Humboldt Park Hotel Spa

Reach from Humboldt Park Hotel Spa 4* to the nearest healing source is possible in just a few minutes. Nearby is a local attraction, and at the same time, concurrently, and the source of the cleanest air - Dvorak Gardens. The spacious designer rooms have new appliances and luxurious beds. Meals - buffet. The "chip" of the hotel is a spa complex with local mineral water.

Hotel Imperial 4*

What is this royal palace on the green hill? It's so beloved by our countrymen hotel "Imperial". Especially for those who do not want to climb the hills, a cable car has been laid, and a transport route also operates. The visiting card of the hotel is a powerful medical base. Six doctors of different specializations prescribe treatment taking into account the anamnesis and current condition of each patient. A nutritionist develops individual nutrition plans. We expect the result: the effectiveness of treatment in the "Imperial" is very high.

Hotel Bristol

Once, this hotel belonged to the Ministry of Health of the USSR. The "legacy" from the Soviet era left the medical base and specialists. Experienced doctors Hotel Bristol constantly improve their skills. Here, diagnostics of the respiratory, blood, and musculoskeletal systems are carried out. The hotel rooms meet modern requirements. Experienced tourists especially appreciate the local restaurant, which offers, in addition to the usual dishes, a vegetarian and dietary menu.

Hotel Anglicky Dvur

Distinctive feature Hotel Anglicky Dvur(English court) - its central location next to the mineral springs. We can say that this is a hotel "for the lazy." The resort has recently been completely renovated. Now the guests are offered modern rooms with technological equipment and comfortable furniture. The doctors of the sanatorium have developed a special program for diabetics, which includes diagnostic measures and dietary nutrition.

Hotel-sanatorium Vienna House Dvorak Karlovy Vary 4* is located next to the popular Vrjilo thermal spring. The hotel's medical staff includes Czech and Austrian specialists.

Doctors help to successfully fight excess weight, atherosclerosis, circulatory diseases, by cleansing toxins and comprehensive recovery. The individual “treatment road map” includes oxygen inhalations, dietary recommendations, and unique treatment procedures.

Parkhotel Richmond 4*

Like other boarding houses, the Richmond sanatorium offers to combine rest with treatment. The building is located in the middle of the park, in a quiet place remote from the main tourist routes. It is the own park that distinguishes the clinic Parkhotel Richmond 4* from other resorts. Doctors say that after taking thermal water, you need to take a walk and breathe clean air. Richmond is an island of health, a place where the body recovers in the shortest possible time.

Hotel Iris 4*

Sanatorium Iris- one of the central hotels of the resort. In 2016, the sanatorium with thermal pools underwent a complete reconstruction. For medical procedures and drinking, "own" thermal water, carried to the hotel from spring No. 1, began to be used. The director of the clinic is a well-known Czech doctor. Under his vigilant control, guests are provided with unusually comfortable conditions.

Spa Hotel Thermal 4*

The highest in Karlovy Vary sanatorium "Termal" famous for having an outdoor swimming pool on its roof. Water enters the pool directly from the warm water faucet. To get to the pool, you will have to climb the hill along the path or use the elevator. Guests of the resort use the swimming pool free of charge.

Both guests of the hotel and everyone can swim for their own pleasure in the pool for a fee. A single visit costs 4.5 euros (one hour). By paying a two-hour visit (9 euros), you will receive the opportunity to visit the sauna as a gift. A weekly subscription costs 20 euros.

Spa Resort Sanssouci 4*

posh spa complex Resort Sanssouci 4* has everything necessary for rest and treatment. At the guests' disposal is a balneological center: a thermal pool, saunas, a jacuzzi, a beauty salon, a fitness center. The official website of the sanatorium contains information about the treatment program, which includes magnetotherapy, gymnastics, wellness baths. The optimal length of stay in the clinic is 21 days.

Hotel Venus 4*

Sanatorium Venus located in the middle of the resort area. It is intended for those who do not like to move far from urban infrastructure. However, on the territory of the complex there is everything you need for recreation: an excellent medical base, qualified doctors, unique natural resources, a spa complex, an indoor pool with mineral water.

What is treated in Karlovy Vary?

The main "highlight" of the Karlovy Vary resort is the unique thermal mineral water, the temperature of which varies between 34-72 degrees. For centuries, people have been going to this wonderful Czech town “to the waters” to be cured of various ailments. Local doctors have at their disposal a hundred years of experience of their predecessors, modern technologies and excellent equipment.

Many diseases are successfully treated in Karlovy Vary:

  • gastritis
  • inflammation of the liver
  • peptic ulcer
  • cholecystitis
  • pancreatitis
  • cholelithiasis
  • atherosclerosis
  • osteochondrosis
  • obesity (get rid of excess weight)
  • immune diseases
  • asthma

Wellness procedures have a beneficial effect on the psychological state, relieve stress, and contribute to recovery in the postoperative period.

Experts strongly recommend taking a medical card with you. Acquaintance with the anamnesis helps to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. The course of treatment can be 7-28 days. The optimal duration of treatment is 21 days.

I hasten to please: all doctors in Karlovy Vary speak English and Russian. This is a huge plus for domestic tourists. The absence of a language barrier helps the doctor and the patient to understand each other thoroughly.

If the guest does not bring a medical card, the diagnosis is established on the spot. Sanatoriums and clinics in Karlovy Vary have all the necessary equipment. A course of procedures is prescribed, and a scheme for the intake of mineral waters is developed.

Types of treatment


Sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary with a swimming pool offer to combine business with pleasure. Treatment of joints takes place right in the water, under the guidance of specialists. Hydrotherapy also includes a visit to the Charcot shower, mineral water, carbonic and mineral baths.


Massage parlors offer a huge range of services:

  1. Honey massage is a relaxation procedure with an anti-cellulite effect.
  2. Bank massage is a “good old” procedure that helps to normalize the work of blood vessels.
  3. Aromatic massage - perfectly relieves stress, relieves depression.
  4. Classic massage - helps to lose weight and relieve tension from the muscles.

Mud therapy

Mud therapy is a surprisingly effective procedure. Includes applications, peat baths, gas injections, carbonic baths. The procedures help launch the body's self-healing system, strengthen the immune system, relieve spasms, and improve metabolism.


Spa programs and wellness programs are aimed at rejuvenation and restoration of beauty.

A distinctive feature of cosmetology as a direction of spa treatment is that a person chooses the procedures here himself. At the service of beautiful ladies and no less beautiful gentlemen, a whole range of events:

  • Jacuzzi
  • Saunas
  • Thermal water pools
  • Conventional and underwater massage
  • weight loss programs
  • Cellulite Control Programs
  • Wraps and spa treatments

Physiotherapy treatment

The effectiveness of physical therapy cannot be underestimated. The sanatorium is exactly the place from which you cannot escape. Whether you like it or not, you will overcome your laziness and go to physiotherapy exercises, massage or acupuncture. And soon (oh miracle!) You will feel that simple, at first glance, procedures lead to stunning results.

Physiotherapy in Karlovy Vary is:

  • Acupuncture is the stimulation of vital points. Relieves chronic pain, relieves fatigue, increases resistance.
  • Treatment with diadynamic currents. Eliminates inflammation, helps heal old wounds, improves blood circulation, relieves neuralgia.
  • Therapeutic exercise in the pool. Removes stress from muscles and joints, helps to get rid of excess weight, restores the functions of the spine.

Prices in Karlovy Vary please Russian (and even more so European) tourists. For example, accommodation at the Richmond Hotel (4 stars) starts from 44 euros per day. The "plank" of the Imperial Hotel is higher - from 77 euros. Sanatorium Iris is approximately at the same level - 71 euros. I clarify: the cost of living includes accommodation, meals and treatment according to the program. Additional services and procedures are paid separately (5-25 euros).

Buses in Karlovy Vary run strictly according to the schedule. Therefore, it makes sense to buy a ticket for 40 minutes of travel in different modes of transport with transfers. This ticket costs 1 euro. A day pass costs 4 euros.

If you get tired of resort splendor, you can go to Prague. The bus ride costs 12 euros. Want to visit Germany? A trip to Dresden will cost about 20 euros one way.

Rest and treatment in Karlovy Vary is a great opportunity to return home full of energy! Comfort and European service are provided to you. At the same time, the final cost of the trip will be comparable to spending a holiday in a popular resort in Europe, given that three meals a day are usually included in the ticket.

Perhaps you have been to Karlovy Vary, share your experience with readers, write a review about the rest, I will definitely post a story in the “Readers' Travels” section. Read more about this. About rest and treatment at the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody resort, you can read in the section "KMV". For example, in an article about published prices for vouchers in 2017 in the most popular resorts. By the way, spa treatment in Russia has its own characteristics, there is also a separate material about this, see.

If the article was interesting to you, tell your friends about it on social networks, let them learn more about the famous resort. Subscribe to blog updates, there are many more useful materials ahead.

On this I say goodbye to you, have a good rest!
Tatyana Solomatina

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