Karlovy Vary thermal springs. Mineral springs of Karlovy Vary

When planning a long-awaited vacation, many try to use it not only for relaxation, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body, and even to cure certain diseases. So, the holiday object should be a special place. There are many such places, but do they all correspond to the status of "2 in 1". How not to make a mistake in choosing, not to be deceived in hopes and not to regret the considerable amount spent? Undoubtedly, you need to choose from popular resorts that have been proven over the years. One of them is in the Czech Republic. For many decades, people from different parts of the world have been convinced that treatment and relaxation in Karlovy Vary always bring health benefits and good memories for the soul. The prices here are affordable, which makes this resort even more attractive for Russian citizens from all regions.

Photo: "The inscription with the name of the resort."

From the day of its foundation, the health resort immediately gained popularity among royal persons and simply wealthy citizens from all over the world. Kings, poets, writers, composers, actors, scientists - everyone has seen the streets of the resort town. Here, in Karlsbad, Alexander II calmly walked, Peter I and Prince Vyazemsky came to improve their health. On many houses you can see memorial plaques, indicating that the health resort was visited by Turgenv, Chekhov, Gogol. Some hotels bear the names of famous personalities who loved to relax here - for example, the Pushkin and Mozart hotels.

Photo: Central Street.

If earlier stay in Karlovy Vary was available only to high-ranking officials, the color of the nobility and representatives of bohemia, today the resort has become more accessible and democratic. At the same time, the sanatoriums of the city, both before and now, are famous for their high level of service, culture of service, attentive and polite staff.

Photo: Arbor in the forest.

For treatment, in order to get a real lasting result, it is better to come here purposefully and for at least 21 days. And just to get acquainted with the resort, admire its beauties, drink healing water, make a general impression, deciding to return here for a longer stay, it is quite possible to combine a trip to Prague with a visit to Karlovy Vary, because the famous resort is just a couple of hours drive from Czech capital, approximately 130 km.

Photo: Karlovy Vary City Theatre.

A magnificent view opens at the entrance to the resort. The town is located in a lowland, in the western part of the town of Bohemia, and the road to it passes through a hill. Therefore, from above you can see both city buildings and natural landscapes of indescribable beauty - a picturesque valley, surrounded by mountains and forests, dotted with veins of the Rolava, Ohře, Tepla rivers. The latter is not named so by chance. Warm springs flow in its depths, so even in cold winters the water does not freeze. The town itself is also very green. Here you can see chic flowering bushes of rhododendrons, which resemble trees in size, and unusual chestnuts with large pink candle flowers. A real aesthetic pleasure will be a walk along a small embankment, one side of which is very densely built up with bright colorful houses, each of which has its own architectural style. These are resorts and hotels. Even with a leisurely walk, the town can be bypassed in 3-4 hours. He is so well-groomed and comfortable. Healing air, shops at every step, cafes, shops - all this gives positive emotions and warms the soul.

Photo: "Sculpture by the pond".

That Karlovy Vary is primarily a medical resort, is evidenced by a large number of boarding houses, sanatoriums, special medical centers. Individual programs, selected by local doctors based on the results of preliminary examinations (or brought with them), are designed for people of any age - from children to pensioners of different age categories.

You can choose an institution based on your own budget. The most popular since Soviet times and still is sanatorium Termal. Its main "highlight" is an open-air thermal water pool, located on the top floor. Among the five-star hotels, the most popular are: Aqua Marina, Grandhotel Pupp (the venue of the famous film festival), Carlsbad Plaza. Among those with 4 * status are President, Imperial, Bristol Palace, Ruze. The Bristol Palace Hotel belongs to the famous director and actor Nikita Mikhalkov. He also owns the Pavlov House, where the famous Russian physiologist lived. Our enterprising compatriot transformed it into a four-star hotel Dom Pavlova. Those who do not like fuss can stay at the Richmond sanatorium, which is located a kilometer from the resort area and is surrounded by a large park area. There are a lot of budget resorts and boarding houses with a 3 * level - Jessenius, Esplanade & Elefant & Palacky, Lazenska Lecebna, Astoria, Praga, Concordia, etc.

Photo: "View of the canal and the city center."

Photo: “View of the canal and boarding house”.

The recommended set of procedures may include: a drinking course, physical therapy, mineral baths, treatment with geyser salt and therapeutic mud, various types of massage, paraffin wrap, gas injections, magnetic and oxygen therapy, pearl baths, etc. All this, together with the regimen and fresh air energizes for a long time. Several procedures may already be included in the cost of living in some sanatoriums. Sanatoriums and pensions in Karlovy Vary are equipped with modern equipment and highly qualified staff.

Photo: “Walk in the city center”.

Surprisingly, the landlocked city is renowned as one of the world's best resorts. Those who previously preferred to rest in the Crimea, having visited this mineral capital of the world, admit that it is impossible to compare these two places. The cardinal difference is that Karlovy Vary resort is the center of thermal springs, the largest on the planet. Each source is designed to treat a specific disease. Here you can improve your health if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, metabolic disorders, gynecology. They say that there are cases of healing from infertility. But you need to drink medicinal water carefully. Best on doctor's advice. If you want to taste on your own, then no more than a couple of sips from each source. And be sure to buy a special mug with a narrow spout. You don’t have to look for one - they are sold everywhere, in various shapes and with different patterns, inexpensive and glamorous. Such a mug is not just a souvenir, but a useful thing that allows you to save tooth enamel.

Photo: "Souvenir - Porcelain Cup".

There are twelve active thermal springs. The most powerful is the Geyser. It originates at a depth of two kilometers and throws a column 12 meters high to the surface. In the colonnade where he is located, it is very warm, like in a steam room. This is the hottest spring, the water temperature of which is 72 degrees Celsius. Within a minute, the geyser produces about two thousand liters of water, which is used for bathing. The colonnade of this spring is a glass enclosure, and inside it is beautifully decorated with figurines and dishes made of Czech glass.

Photo: "Thermal spring number 2 of Charles the 4th".

Photo: "Thermal spring number 5".

Photo: "Snake spring number 15".

In general, each thermal spring is located in its own colonnade and has its own name and a certain water temperature. And each colonnade is a unique architectural creation. A composition with snakes adorns the Serpent Spring. The water temperature in it is 30 degrees and contains the least amount of minerals, but it has more carbon dioxide. Spring "Rocky" produces water with a temperature of 53 degrees, "Mlynsky" - 56 degrees, "Prince Vaclav I" - 65 degrees, "Prince Vaclav II" - 58 degrees, "Libushe" - 62 degrees, "Mermaid" - 60 degrees and etc. The location of all thermal springs can be found on the diagrams posted on information boards in different parts of the city.

Photo: "A small church in the shade of trees."

Photo: "Hatch on the road with the designation of the place - the name of the city."

Do not think that this thermal resort is reserved only for treatment. Rest in Karlovy Vary is quite diverse. At any time of the year, you can get aesthetic pleasure here, examining the old mansions, which smell of antiquity. In summer you can play golf or go horseback riding, visit the exhibition of sand figures. In winter, skiing and snowboarding. Fans of nightlife and shopping will also find something to do. You can ride a horse-drawn carriage through the streets of the town. You should definitely visit the museum of Becherovka - the famous Karlovy Vary tincture. You will recognize it by the large green bottle that adorns the facade. And next to the museum, in the company store, buy a few bottles as a gift to relatives or friends. The local population will tell you how to find a pub where Karl Marx, Hitler, Bismarck and Brezhnev tasted Becherovka. Many supermarkets and shops in the Czech Republic sell the equally famous Mattori mineral water. So, in Karlovy Vary there is a plant for its production. And if you happen to dine at the Elefant restaurant, then know that this is the very place where the silent and touching scene of Stirlitz's meeting with his wife took place in one of the episodes of the movie "Seventeen Moments of Spring".

Photo: "You can ride horses in the city center."

If you want to explore the surroundings in more detail, you can contact one of the tourist centers, where you will be given recommendations in Russian. There are interesting routes here called terenkours. In our opinion, this is walking along the trails. And there are many. You can choose for every taste and taking into account your physical capabilities.

This quiet cozy corner of the Czech Republic is the very place where you want to return again and again. The unique architectural appearance, the healing power of nature, mountain landscapes, lush greenery of parks, social entertainment and cultural recreation - all this combines surprisingly harmoniously here. Be sure to think about a trip to Karlovy Vary when you start planning a trip to the Czech Republic.

The main natural healing factor of Karlovy Vary is thermal sodium-carbon dioxide-sulfate springs containing compounds of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, lithium, bromine and other substances. Mineralization up to 7 g/l. According to the chemical composition of the water of all sources, they are approximately the same and differ mainly in temperature and, accordingly, in the content of carbon dioxide: from 0.37 to 0.75 g / l).

The mineral waters of Karlovy Vary are mainly used for drinking treatment, the water of the Mill spring is bottled, and the water of the Vrzhidlo spring is the basis for all balneotherapy procedures used in the resort (carbon dioxide, oxygen, radon, pearl and other baths, swimming in pools, washing the intestines, irrigation, rinsing, etc.). In addition, natural Karlovy Vary salt is obtained from mineral waters by evaporation, which contains 18% sodium chloride, 36% sodium bicarbonate, 44% sodium sulfate, about 2% potassium sulfate, as well as small amounts of calcium, magnesium, iron, lithium, fluorine, bromine and other elements.

What and how are treated in Karlovy Vary

The resort treats patients with diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and biliary tract, as well as metabolic disorders (diabetes, obesity, and others). There is a resort polyclinic, balneological clinics, a drinking gallery, pump rooms of individual springs, numerous hotels, boarding houses and sanatoriums. Physiotherapy exercises, various types of massage, electro- and phototherapy, heat therapy (including mud baths and applications) are widely used in medical institutions. For dosed walks, there is a health path - over 100 km of paths that pass through the most picturesque places in Karlovy Vary.

All doctors speak Russian and English.

In Karlovy Vary, programs are offered that include full medical care, their duration is 7, 14 or 21 days. The treatment course includes:

  • accommodation in a sanatorium or hotel (see also the list of all hotels and sanatoriums in Karlovy Vary)
  • initial physical examination and laboratory tests
  • meals (full board), diet according to doctor's recommendations
  • complex sanatorium treatment in accordance with the course of procedures prescribed by the doctor after examination and examination of analyzes (2-4 procedures per day)
  • appointment of a drinking course
  • final medical examination and laboratory tests

Based on the results of the examination, the spa doctor prescribes an individual treatment program for each patient, taking into account the state of health and diagnosis. For a faster selection of an individual course of treatment, it is recommended to take an extract from the medical history with you. The recommended duration of treatment is from 7 to 28 days, the maximum result is usually achieved in 21 days.

We devoted a separate article to the methods of spa treatment in Karlovy Vary, which, characteristically, is called: “Procedures in Karlovy Vary”.

Walk around Karlovy Vary

Healing springs of Karlovy Vary

There are as many as 79 springs in Karlovy Vary, 13 of them have been mastered and are used for drinking courses. The composition of mineral water from different sources is close, but due to different temperatures and carbon dioxide content, it has different effects. Colder springs usually have a mild laxative effect, while warmer springs have a softening effect, slowing down the secretion of bile and gastric juice.

  • garden colonnade
    • Serpent Spring, 30 °C. Opened in 2001, this spring contains fewer minerals than the rest of the resort's springs, but much more CO2. From the snake's mouth, it flows directly into the Garden Colonnade.
    • Garden spring, 47.4 °C. The source was discovered in the middle of the 19th century during the construction of the foundation for the Military sanatorium. It was originally called the "Imperial Spring". Comes to the surface on the territory of the Military sanatorium near the colonnade. Access to the source is open every day from 6:00 to 18:30.
    • Source Freedom, 60 °C. It was opened in the second half of the 19th century during the construction of Lazne III. It received its current name after World War II. Previously, it was called the Resort, then Franz Joseph I. The gazebo with the source is located between Lazne III and the Mill Colonnade.
  • Mill Colonnade (1871-1881, Joseph Zitek): under the 132-meter colonnade, supported by 124 Corinthian columns, there is an orchestra pit and five mineral springs.
    • Rock spring, 53 °C. Until 1845, it flowed into the Tepla River, but after the planning of the area, its water was brought to the current Mill Colonnade.
    • Libushi spring, 62 °C. Once called the source of the Elizabethan Roses, it was created by combining four smaller springs.
    • Spring of Prince Wenceslas I, 65 °C. The water from this spring was used to produce Karlovy Vary medicinal salt. They say that at the end of the 18th century, with its water content and strength, it could measure itself against Vrzhidl. Prince Wenceslas is brought to two vases.
    • Spring of Prince Wenceslas II, 58 °C. It flows out in front of the colonnade, opposite the orchestra pit.
    • Mill spring, 56 °C. Since the 16th century, it has been used for spa treatment, earlier - mainly for baths. Water from a popular spring could once be bought in almost all Czech pharmacies.
    • Spring Mermaid, 60 °C. From the 16th century until 1945 it was called the New Spring. The water flowing from it at one time was even more in demand than the water from the Mill Spring.
  • Market colonnade (1883, Felner and Helmer) - a wooden building, built in the Swiss style, according to the plan, it was supposed to cover the hot springs for only a few years. But after it had stood over the Rynochny and Charles IV springs for more than a hundred years, the city began its preservation and complete reconstruction.
    • Market source, 62 °C. Since the discovery (1838), the source has disappeared and reappeared several times. Several wells were made, thanks to which the water from the spring can still be prescribed by spa doctors today.
    • Spring of Charles IV, 64 °C. The healing properties of this spring may have influenced the decision of Charles IV to build his spa here. The discovery of Karlovy Vary is depicted on a relief above the spring.
  • The castle colonnade (1911-1913, Friedrich Ohmann) is located directly above the Market. It consists of two parts: the colonnade of the Upper Spring and the colonnade of the Lower Spring. In the inner spaces of the lower part there is a relief of the Spirit of the springs. For many years the colonnade was closed, but after a comprehensive reconstruction, since 2001 it has been open to the public again.
    • Lower castle spring (55 °C) and Upper castle spring (50 °C). In fact, we are talking about one source, the water from which is supplied to two vases. But due to the fact that the Upper Spring is located at a high altitude, its temperature and CO2 content are different. The lower castle spring for public use is brought to the market square. The spring in the Castle Colonnade is intended only for clients of the Castle Lane.
  • Vrzhidelni colonnade (1969-1975, prof. Votruba). Since the 16th century, many buildings covered the geyser of hot mineral water: a baroque building, an Empire colonnade, a cast-iron or temporary wooden colonnade. The next and so far the last building surrounding the hot spring dates back to the end of the 60s of the 20th century. In the old part of the dungeon of this colonnade, a tourist route will soon be opened, and an exposition of minerals is on display at the top.
    • Vřídło, 72 °C. The capacity of this geyser is approximately 2000 liters of mineral water per minute. Today it is the only source of bathing water. But Vrzhidlo is also used in drinking courses. In the colonnade there are a total of 5 tanks with spring water at temperatures of 72, 57 and 41 °C. Thanks to pressure, a column of water from the spring can rise to a height of 12 m. The pavilion is open from 6:00 to 19:00.

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Karlovy Vary drinking rules

It would be a big mistake to consider the water from Karlovy Vary springs as a simple “mineral water”, which you can drink whenever and as much as you like. In fact, this is a natural structure that contains salts, microelements and biologically active substances in its composition, not intended for permanent or unregulated use. And when using it, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water is recommended to be consumed after consulting a knowledgeable spa doctor.
  • To achieve the full therapeutic effect, Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water is recommended to be consumed directly from the source. This, of course, is not about the fact that it is necessary to choke on water directly in the pump room: it must be collected there, for example, in a pump room, so that later, for example, during a walk, slowly use it in the amount recommended by the doctor.
  • It is recommended to drink Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water exclusively from traditional porcelain or glass cups. However, the shape of the container can be unconventional, the main thing is that it should not be plastic.
  • The course of treatment is not recommended to be combined with alcohol or smoking. Even passive inhalation of tobacco smoke is harmful.
  • An important component of the drinking course is movement, so it is recommended to combine drinking water with slow walking.
  • The drinking course should take place in a state of peace of mind and relaxation, without haste.
  • The drinking course is recommended to be repeated at the intervals prescribed by the doctor.
  • Mineral water must not be used to water plants or pour it onto the floor of colonnaded spaces.
  • When collecting water from the source vase, for hygienic reasons, do not touch the source column or outlet tubes.

Indications for spa treatment

Due to the special properties of the Karlovy Vary mineral springs and the possibility of their almost universal use, patients with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders are successfully treated at the spa. Here are the main indications:

  • gastric and duodenal ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease
  • functional bowel disorders
  • acute and chronic gastritis
  • chronic gastric catarrh
  • recovery after operations on the gastrointestinal tract, including removal of the gallbladder, resection of the stomach and intestines
  • diseases of the pancreas
  • hyperlipoproteinemia
  • proctocolitis and Crohn's disease
  • liver disease
  • cholecystitis
  • diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract
  • type 2 diabetes
  • gout

As for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, despite a fairly common opinion, they cannot be called "profile" for Karlovy Vary. However, the resort can still alleviate the conditions caused by functional disorders of the spine with pain syndromes, osteoarthritis and arthritis. But such treatment will be by and large auxiliary.


Doctor's answers to questions about treatment in Karlovy Vary

The most burning questions about the features, "pitfalls" and other nuances of treatment and rehabilitation in Karlovy Vary are answered by a spa doctor, physiotherapist, candidate of medical sciences Elena Khorosheva:

  • Which spa hotels in Karlovy Vary specialize in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system
  • Which spa hotels in Karlovy Vary specialize in the treatment of liver
  • Which spa hotels in Karlovy Vary specialize in kidney treatment
  • Is it possible to go to Karlovy Vary for self-treatment

The best countries for treatment and health resorts

All articles about treatment and recovery on "Subtleties"

  • Hungary: Budapest, Heviz,
  • Germany (and Germany vs Switzerland): cancer treatment, cardiology and cardiac surgery, neurosurgery
  • Jordan (

Thermal and healing springs of Karlovy Vary: description, photo, video, traveler reviews. Useful properties, indications for treatment. Holy springs of Karlovy Vary.

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    Mill Colonnade in Karlovy Vary

    The Czech thermal spa Karlovy Vary has been known to people since ancient times, many of its springs have such a solid age that other cities cannot boast. So, for example, the first spring at the place where the majestic Mill Colonnade rises was discovered more than 400 years ago.

The resort of Karlovy Vary, unique in the composition of its medicinal waters, has been invariably popular for over two hundred years, or even more. People from all over the world come here for healing and find it. And all thanks to the rarest composition of minerals and trace elements of local healing water, which flows in abundance from 79 sources at once. And 12 of them are ideal for drinking treatment of the digestive system, gastrointestinal tract and other unpleasant diseases.

The best part is that you can drink Carlsbad water absolutely free of charge and almost around the clock. The only thing worth spending money on is a special cup with a straw, thanks to which highly mineralized water from springs does not damage tooth enamel.

The mill colonnade is one of the most popular in the city; five springs have been discovered here at once. These are "Mlynsky" (56 °C, the waters of this source are often sent in bottles around the world, as they do not lose their properties during transportation), "Mermaid" (60 °C), "Prince Vaclav I" (65/58 °C , was used for the production of Karlovy Vary salt), Libushi (62 °C) and Skalny (53 °C).

The garden colonnade appeared in Karlovy Vary at the end of the 19th century according to the design of the famous architects from Vienna, Felner and Helmer. Three springs spring to the surface here: "Freedom" (60 ° C, a gazebo from which water comes out, today it is one of the historical sites of the Czech Republic), "Garden" (47.4 ° C, available from 06:00 to 18:30 ) and "Snake" (30 ° C, the water of which contains less minerals than other sources, but it contains more carbon dioxide).

The market colonnade was also born thanks to the Viennese architects Felner and Helmer, its main difference is a beautiful gable roof on three sides and a front wall in the form of a columnar arcade. Decorated with wooden lace, it is distinguished by its exceptionally elegant appearance, but the bas-relief above the vase of the Charles IV spring, depicting the legend of the opening of the spa, is also interesting. There are two sources inside the colonnade: "Market" (61.6 °C) and "Karl IV" (64.5 °C, it was in it that King Charles IV treated his feet, hence the name of the source).

The castle colonnade was erected on the Castle Hill a long time ago - back in the early 19th century, the project of the colonnade belongs to another native of Vienna - the architect Oman. Consisting of two parts - the colonnade of the Upper source and the colonnade of the Lower source, the sources of the Castle Hill are not accessible to everyone. Everyone can go to the Upper Colonnade, but only clients of the Castle Hospital can enter the Lower Colonnade. The lower Zamkovy spring reaches 55 °C, the Upper Zamkovy spring reaches 50 °C.

The geyser colonnade is perhaps the most famous (address: Vřídelní 128/39), there is only one source, but one that is remembered for a long time by all tourists, it is even called the “pulsating heart of Karlovy Vary”. Spring "Geyser" (or "Vrzhidlo") temperature reaches +73.2 °C, and the content of CO2 in it is 400 mg/l. It is the only spring intended for baths, but its water is also prescribed for drinking cures. The famous mineral water fountain, gushing from underground, can reach a height of 12 meters. Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-17:00.

  • Where to stay: the most popular Czech spa Karlovy Vary specializes in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the musculoskeletal system. For those who suffer from diseases of the respiratory tract and the musculoskeletal system, resorts are ideal

Initially, the centuries-old tradition of Karlovy Vary spa treatment is based on the healing properties of mineral water. It is impossible not to admire the outward simplicity of the natural mechanism that transforms atmospheric precipitation into fountains of life-giving water. For three and a half million years, in the green bowl of the valley of the Teplá River, from a depth of two thousand meters, now fading, now bursting out with an enthusiastic bubbling, from the bowels of the earth comes out, warmed by the inner warmth of our planet, the life-giving Karlovy Vary Water, now famous all over the world.

And when you bend down to the source with a drinking bowl and fill it with this water, you feel the living warmth that warms the bowl and hand, this is the living warmth of the Earth, and we, people, are created from the chemical elements of the Earth. Only now, when people were able to conduct a chemical analysis of the composition of Karlovy Vary water, it became known that it is carbon dioxide-sulfate-sodium and chloride-sodium water with compounds of calcium, potassium, iron, lithium and bromine. And that more than 50 substances and microelements are dissolved in it, which are an integral part of many enzymatic systems of our body. And then, 600 years ago, during the emergence of the Karlovy Vary spa business, our ancestors, rather intuitively listening and obeying their inner feelings, went to the water and received healing from it.

The most powerful mineral spring - "Vrzhidlo" water flows from a depth of about 2000 meters, it is distinguished by absolute ecological cleanliness. The geyser fountain has a jet height of 12 meters.

It was in this spring, according to legend, that Emperor Charles IV first washed his feet with healing water in the 14th century. Above the spring there is a carved painting "The Discovery of Karlovy Vary" by the German architect Zerkler.

Found in 1769, and ten years later brought to the surface 14 meters higher than Vrzhidlo. It is named after the hunting lodge of Emperor Charles IV.

The spring is located in the semicircular brick apse of the Třni colonnade. Discovered in 1838. Recently, a new well was drilled to a depth of 38 meters. This allowed the source vase to be installed at floor level, whereas previously patients had to descend a spiral staircase to reach it.

It is this water that is bottled by Mattoni, sold in the Czech Republic and exported to dozens of countries around the world.

A pavilion was built over this spring in 1792, which was soon replaced by a colonnade, which became the first building of this type in Karlovy Vary. Since the beginning of the 19th century, it was here that the guests of the resort most often met and communicated with each other.

It was discovered in 1784 at the foot of the rock on which stood the statue of St. Bernard. A mighty jet hit to a height of 4 meters, and in terms of power the source was comparable to Vrzhidlo. The rock was later demolished, as it rested on the Tepla River and interfered with the passage along the left bank. This is the only source that has two vases. One of them is located in the middle of the Mlynskaya colonnade, and the second, since 1964, on the very bank of the Tepla River.

The existence of a spring, which, in terms of its location and parameters, corresponded to the current Libuše spring, was first mentioned in the Karlovy Vary city chronicle of the 18th century. But then it was not used. Upon completion of the construction of the Mlynskaya colonnade (1871-81), four of its springs were brought into a vase under its vaults.

The spring was discovered during the laying of the sanatorium Lazne III in 1865 and brought to the wooden pavilion. It has had its current name since 1946. An arbor was built over the source of Freedom, which today is one of the historical objects protected by the state.

The source was discovered during the construction of the Military resort sanatorium in 1851. Since the outlet of the source was located directly under one of the bearing walls of the building, it had to be brought to the surface using a trough from a hollow linden trunk. For many decades, the structure has retained all its qualities, and the tree has remained absolutely healthy. Due to the high content of carbon dioxide, this source is especially popular with patients.

It was recognized as suitable for drinking treatment only in 1998. The spring, over which an antique-style white pavilion is built, comes to the surface at the Richmond Parkhotel, not far from the Japanese Garden. Today it is known that other reserves of mineral water are hidden around it, which will gradually be brought to the surface and become available to holidaymakers.

All resources are free to use. Most sources work around the clock.

Location of Karlovy Vary springs on the map of Karlovy Vary.

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Link code: Karlovy Vary (website)

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