Interview for promotion. CEO Interview: An Overview of Tactics and Questions

An interview with a manager is one of the most important stages in employment for a particular position. It often happens that unprepared people fail the survey or behave not quite correctly, which is why they are not hired. So how should you behave correctly and what should you answer in an interview? Let's figure it out.

5 major mistakes

First of all, it’s worth starting with 5 main mistakes that almost all candidates make when they are with a leader. At first glance, these things may not seem so significant, but in the end they play a rather important role.

Calm, only calm

The first and most common mistake in any interview with a manager is excitement. In general, it is quite normal for a person to worry in certain situations, but not in this case. Anxiety is one of the most dangerous enemies in any job interview. Even if a completed application form and a rich resume are on the side of the applicant, then uncertainty, trembling in his voice, sweat, shifty eyes, etc., will obviously not play in favor of the candidate.

Here is a simple example of how to behave in an interview when applying for a job. The voice is clear and confident, the gaze is focused, the behavior is calm, the hands do not "dance" around, but the most important thing is the absence of fear. If you stick to this behavior, then there will be no excitement. As for the feeling of fear, then everything is simple. Do not be afraid that the person who accepts you at the interview occupies a leadership position, because, first of all, he is the same person as you. We do not have a feeling of fear in stores in front of sellers, in front of bank employees or in cafes in front of waiters, so why be afraid of a leader?

And one more rather important point. Before an interview, some people come up with a "terrific" thought, which is supposedly designed to help with excitement and experience - taking a sedative. Doing this is highly discouraged. The head and mind must be extremely clear in order to clearly receive all the information and competently answer questions, and sedatives do not allow this to be done in full.

I know everything, I can

The second most common mistake when interviewing a manager is overconfidence in yourself and your abilities. It would seem that this could be bad? Everything is simple. A candidate who is too self-confident, as a rule, makes slightly overstated demands, for example, a salary of not 30,000 rubles, but 60,000. Of course, there is nothing wrong with such a desire, but if we are talking about a specific vacancy with specific conditions, then demand more, especially at the stage of negotiations, it's just stupid.

In addition, such people often begin to list large lists of what they know and can do, even embellishing it all a little - for greater effect, so to speak. Naturally, the manager will have a completely logical question, they say, why is a person with such a track record and knowledge still out of work? The answer is known to both parties, but the employer will simply remain silent, not voicing it, and the applicant will say that until that time there were no interesting offers.

One way or another, you should not overestimate yourself too much and even more so lie, even a little. You should always be yourself and answer as openly as possible.

Everything suits me

The third most common mistake when interviewing a manager is completely agreeing with everything and even more. This refers to when the candidate agrees with everything that the employer says, and also slightly underestimates his requirements in the hope that this will play into the hands. The reason for all this is the well-established stereotype that leaders should always answer what they want to hear.

This is an extremely false statement, especially in the context of an interview. Agreeing with absolutely everything that the “chief” says and lowering his own requirements, the applicant shows his weakness and, as a result, is not focused on the result in his work in the future. Why, then, take this particular person for the position, if you can find another, more interested and with a "spark" in his eyes?

The conclusion here is simple: in no case should you underestimate your self-esteem, and even more so, seem ready for anything, malleable and spineless person.

Ex work

The fourth mistake that many people make when interviewing a director is the story of leaving their previous job. Not everyone tells the truth, as it really was, because sometimes it can not work for the better. It is one thing to say that the dismissal was voluntary, and another that the management fired. In both cases, the director at the interview will have a question, what caused such an act?

The answers here are always different, but usually it all comes down to the fact that there was a bad boss or the conditions did not suit, they paid little, there was no vacation, etc. Of course, few people believe the words, even if they are true, because if it were otherwise, it turns out that there are not so many honest leaders. Of course, information on leaving a previous job can be checked by the contact phone numbers of the former bosses, which are left in the questionnaire, but they do not always do this. In addition, if such numbers are not indicated, then this only exacerbates the situation.

Ideally, there is only one solution that will reflect favorably - a characteristic. It is the characteristic from the previous place of work that will be the best argument that the person left of his own free will or was fired for one reason or another. Getting a characterization is easy - the main thing is not to quarrel with your superiors when leaving work.


Well, the last mistake that occurs at an interview for a position in a new place is a bluff. This means the following, when a candidate allegedly inadvertently, during an interview with the director or someone from the management, mentions that he has one or more offers for similar positions, and if he is hired today, then he refuses from negotiations with them.

This is done in order to show the importance of his person, they say, that's what I am, that's how many people offer me a job. In reality, however, it turns out differently. At best, such a candidate will be informed that they will call him back - a classic of the genre. At worst, they will immediately refuse with an offer to go to work in other companies, which, according to the applicant, offer him similar positions.

Here you need to remember the following - even if you have a couple of “fallback” options in mind, you should never talk about them at an interview, because no one will beg anyone to get a job in their company. This must be clearly understood. The best thing is to first get acquainted with all the conditions at two or three different places, and only then draw conclusions where to go. And there is no need to talk about the fact that someone offers a similar vacancy there, because if this were true, then such a person is unlikely to be sitting in the office for an interview at another company.

At the interview

Very often you can hear a lot of questions related to how the interview goes after all?

Usually the whole process is divided into 2 stages: a telephone conversation and a visit to the office. More details will be below. Otherwise, everything goes according to the classical scheme. First, a questionnaire is filled out, where the candidate indicates what position he is applying for, information about himself, his qualities, previous jobs, desired salary, etc.

After that, the questionnaire is handed over to the secretary, who takes it to the head. After usually 5 minutes, the second stage begins - an interview with the authorities, within which questions will be asked regarding some points of the questionnaire and additional ones. If everything went well, the candidate made a positive impression on the employer, then with a probability of 99% he will be offered a job. That, in fact, is all the information regarding the question: how is the interview going.


The questions in an interview with a manager are pretty standard and, in theory, should not cause any difficulties, but usually it is not so. In order to avoid misunderstandings, below will be offered a small list of the most common questions and answers to them, or rather, what should be answered.

Examples of interview answers:

  1. List strengths and qualities. In this case, you need to list all your strengths, for example, hard work, responsibility, quality of work, compliance with all deadlines, etc. Actually, nothing complicated.
  2. What is interesting about a vacant position for a candidate? Usually, this question is often asked to those who decide to change not only their place of work, but also their specialty. The simplest example. The man worked as a sales assistant, and in a new place he claims to be a freight forwarder. In this case, it is necessary to clearly and clearly explain what the decision is connected with. As experience shows, usually this is a simple desire to change the situation and learn a new profession.
  3. Why should you be hired for the position? Another one of the most frequently asked questions. When answering it, you should not say that you need money or that there is no other choice - it is repulsive. On the contrary, it is necessary to tell what attracts the profession (if it differs from the previous one), what experience you hope to get in it, what prospects you see, and everything in this style.

From the above examples, one conclusion can be drawn that it is necessary to answer the interview as honestly as possible and, most importantly, confidently, without trembling in your voice. In this case, you can guarantee a 25% success rate.

Now is the time to move on to the interview stages.

telephone interview

The first stage of employment for any job begins with a phone call. In other words, the first interview is over the phone. It is best to call before lunch, because very often it is possible to come to the office for an interview on the same day.

As for how to conduct a conversation, here is a minimal set of tips:

  • Clearly defined voice.
  • Lack of excitement.
  • Attentiveness.

Here are 3 basic rules to remember. Also, a big plus of a phone call is that you can immediately clarify some questions regarding the work schedule, wages and official employment.

Second phase

Now is the time to talk about what to do in the second stage - the interview with the manager. First of all, you need to prepare. There is such a Russian folk saying: "They meet according to their clothes, see them off according to their mind." So, the appearance must match, since the first impression is formed precisely by the way a person is dressed.

Clothing should be comfortable, clean and not wrinkled. The style can be chosen both business and casual, but you need to remember the following: if you are going to get a job, for example, a foreman, then you don’t need to wear trousers, a shirt with a tie and a jacket. Clothing is selected directly from the circumstances. And yet, in the summer, some often come to an interview in a T-shirt, shorts and flip-flops - this is wrong. You can leave the T-shirt, but it is better to change the shorts and flip-flops for jeans and sneakers.

It is also very important at the second stage to show your manners and punctuality, that is, to arrive at the place ahead of time, by 10-15 minutes, and politely say hello.

When the time comes to enter the manager's office for a personal conversation, be sure to first knock on the door, and only then open it. In this way, you can show your upbringing and make a positive first impression.

As for the further conversation and how to answer at the interview, this was said earlier, so there is no point in repeating. The only thing, when going to an interview in the office, be sure to take with you a portfolio with the best work, a copy of your resume, a reference from a previous job (if any), a pen, a passport and a notebook, in case you need to write something down, for example, any important details such as work schedule, salary, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to talk about 5 very valuable tips. They will definitely help you pass the interview. So let's get started.

About myself

Most often, job seekers are put into a stupor by the simplest request - to tell about yourself. At first glance, there is nothing complicated about this, but for some reason very often people are simply lost. Here is a plan for how to write the right story about yourself in an interview. Example:

  • Tell about your education, what it is, indicate the name of the institute, faculty, profession.
  • Next, you need to remember about all additional training courses, if any.
  • List of previous jobs. Here it is desirable to mention periods, i.e. how many days, weeks, months or years you have worked in previous places.
  • If the future vacancy is related to a computer, then you should definitely tell about all the programs that you own, including even those that are not very well mastered (sometimes this is important).
  • And finally, we can say a few words about the knowledge of foreign languages.

It is worth remembering that it is worth talking about all this without any excitement and hesitation, as if you are talking with your friend or old friend.

But a bad example can be attributed to a meager enumeration of their capabilities, frequent hitches, interruptions, uncertainty, or much worse if the employer has to pull out information, as they say, with “pincers”.


The second tip is a smile and a good mood. It is very important to come to the interview in a good mood - it helps a lot when filling out the questionnaire and in a personal conversation with the manager. In addition, a cheerful and cheerful person disposes much more to himself than a gloomy or too concentrated one.

The phone is the enemy

Another rather useful tip is to turn off the sound on the phone during the interview. Thus, no one will be able to interfere with you, and if a call suddenly rings during a conversation with the authorities, then this will only play a minus. By the way, a competent manager at the interview also turns off the sound.

Do not chew

Some people prefer to chew gum during interviews to calm their nerves a bit. It is not worth doing this, since there will be no benefit from it, and besides, such behavior will indicate a "high" level of culture.


Well, the last tip - you should always pause during a conversation. Learning to speak clearly and clearly is one thing, but there will be zero sense if you do not make tactical pauses in the conversation. Everything just mixes into a mess.

That, in general, is all that concerns the interview. It is not difficult to pass it, the main thing is to remember some things and be confident in yourself!

The smartest thing you can do when going to an interview is to set yourself up right. You have nothing to lose, in the worst case, nothing to gain! It is with such an installation that one must go into battle! Although, of course, knowing some of the nuances also does not hurt.

Start. Establishing contact

In order to make the most positive impression on the interviewer, it is very important to establish an understanding with him as soon as possible. What should be done for this:

  • try to sit in an open position (hands should not be crossed in any case);
  • communicate in the same language: on the one hand, avoid complex technical terms (for example, if the interlocutor is HR), on the other hand, show that the market in which the company operates is familiar to you, so use words that are typical for the business you entered ;
  • Speak at the same pace, at about the same volume as the other person. It is this type of communication that will be most comfortable for the person conducting the interview;
  • it is important that your reaction speed be comparable to the interlocutor's reaction speed: a slower reaction is annoying, and you want to hurry up, and a faster one leads to the fact that a significant part of the information simply falls out.

Correct response to questions

The interviewer expects the candidate to provide the most specific, clear and concise answers to the questions posed. Therefore, the desire to avoid an answer or give a vague option will significantly reduce your scores. It happens that an experienced interviewer periodically refers to the same topic, trying to "catch on inconsistencies." Therefore, it is worth avoiding untruth, including in order not to get into an awkward position.

Sometimes interviews use provocative techniques. In such cases, one should try to correctly and clearly respond to situations and questions. Remember that it does not make sense to seem better than you are: the truth will come out anyway.

Typical troublesome questions:

- Reasons for changing jobs

When a candidate speaks badly of a previous employer, it almost always leaves a very unfavorable impression. Therefore, it is better to name the reason that corresponds to the truth as much as possible. But an even more painful impression is caused by an unmotivated change of job. In addition, “a small lie gives rise to a big mistrust,” so sincerity within reason and without emotion will only benefit.

- your shortcomings

Often, applicants answer this question in the spirit of a paradox - when the shortcomings are presented as a continuation of the merits. But when they explain to you in all seriousness: "I'm too purposeful", or "I'm too responsible", one wants to add: "And also damn handsome, smart and charming." It sounds funny. Therefore, it is worth naming really shortcomings, but which are not too significant for the job for which the candidate is applying. For example, a low degree of attention to detail is not fatal for a sales representative, and lack of communication skills is not fatal for an accountant.

— Virtues, achievements, success

It is very strange to hear in response something like “let others evaluate”, “it can be better”, etc. But it's also not worth presenting yourself as an ideal. After all, if a person has achieved everything, he has nothing more to strive for. Therefore, it makes sense to always clearly indicate your success, it is best to confirm it with specific figures and facts: this always causes the interviewer's disposition. It is also important to find a middle ground between the adequacy of self-esteem and the ability to present yourself from the best side. In addition, achievements and strengths must be truly significant for the job and position for which you are applying. Remember that achievements in personal and family life are of much less interest to a potential employer than official ones.

- Failures

When answering, you need to remember the main thing - everyone had failures. A person who claims that he did not have them is either lying or inadequate. Failures must be acknowledged. It is important that the candidate shows the ability to take responsibility for their mistakes, and the ability to correct them, learn from them, use these "lessons" in the future for a positive experience. At the same time, failures should not look fatal - just as part of a normal workflow.

— Your plans for the future

Such plans should be specific, there should be a logical connection between the current position of the candidate and the one he expects to achieve. Of course, it is better to talk about social and work, rather than purely personal plans.

- Expectations from the current place of work

Here it makes sense to talk about real things, given the specifics of the company's business and its corporate culture. For example, a person applying for a representative vacancy in another city reports how important it is for him to be constantly in a team and team. Frankly, with such expectations, he is unlikely to receive an interesting offer.

How to create your own expectations

Before you come to the interview, clearly formulate for yourself what is fundamentally important to you and what is not. Remember that you choose. It is important to clearly know what you want, because there is nothing worse than getting an option no better, or even worse than what it was. It is best to do the analysis according to this plan:

- which is fundamental and necessary for me,
- what is desirable and for what I can sacrifice some of these points,
— which is unacceptable.

Moreover, this analysis should be carried out in the following layers - the content of the work, working conditions, corporate culture, values, team and leader.

If you are asked to tell about yourself

Clearly determine which of your characteristics best fits the job. Speak, first of all, about business qualities. Always try to show how you can be useful and beneficial to the company you are applying for. A very favorable impression is made by people who are initially focused on what they can give, and only then ask what they will get for it. Avoid remarks that may reveal your over-qualification: this is also often a reason for rejection. Don't be too detailed, as well as show yourself too versatile: usually this does not inspire confidence. Show clearly that you know what you are striving for, understand where your strengths and weaknesses are. All decisions and career path should look as clear and justified as possible. Try to follow the logical sequence of the story, this will allow you to declare yourself as a systematic and structured person.

Examples from resume:
— Desired position — commercial director, head of sales department, sales manager, sales representative, assistant commercial director. (As you understand, such positioning is hardly conducive to taking the candidate seriously).
— Additional information: I have a personal car, driving license category B, wife, three children. (Here comments are superfluous).

How and what to ask the interviewer

Questions should be asked when prompted to do so. It is necessary to address them correctly (it makes no sense to ask the HR manager in detail about the details of professional activities). You can’t ask about what may contain confidential information, otherwise you will be suspected of a “mishandled Cossack”. Also remember that the nature of the questions may indicate your motivation: therefore, you should not be interested only in rewards and filling out the compensation package. In addition, the nature of the questions and their focus indirectly indicate the level of skill: therefore, try to prepare questions in advance that reveal your awareness of the specifics of the business and the market.

The main thing is to be yourself, believe in yourself and your star, and everything will be fine. The best interviewers are those who don't get too excited and don't bet too much on this one option.

There are a lot of vacancies for the head today. But there are even more people who want to get this position. How do you prepare to be at the forefront of this job race? Especially if you feel that being a manager is exactly your path in life?

The labor market in the modern world is similar to gladiator fights. And to get through this fight, you need significant advantages, will and a constant desire to achieve the maximum. In this article, we will cover the main points in preparing for an interview. What do you need to pay attention to, how to be confident and how to show your competence?

Employers' requirements

But let's start with how employers look at candidates? Seeing the situation from their point of view, we can soberly evaluate ourselves. Adjust the direction of your personal growth. What do they require? It is important for employers that the employee is fully and unconditionally dedicated to the needs of their company. In most ads we find the following requirements:

  • Ability to build relationships and negotiate.
  • Efficiency of decision making.
  • Dedication to work, responsibility.
  • Self-organization and the ability to organize others.
  • Scrupulousness.
  • Self-development skills.
  • Ability to set goals and develop plans.
  • Orientation towards success.
  • The ability to manage your time.

All right. The company that has a comfortable moral and psychological climate works better. where employees are jointly responsible for the result of their work and are not afraid to take the initiative. To do this, the person who is at the head of all processes must be the undisputed leader. He must develop strategic thinking, have a high level of self-control, and also need to understand his motives and subordinates. After all, if a person does not have a motive for activity, it is impossible to “force” him to work. Working with people also involves a lot of responsibility.

The manager is responsible for all the work that subordinates do. And, if necessary, he must intervene and help solve the difficulties that have arisen. So, he needs to know thoroughly the whole process that he manages. You need to plan time according to the importance of tasks.

Based on the above qualities, we can draw a picture of the ideal manager. Now ask yourself, what is your motivation? Are you ready to approach this ideal step by step, achieve better results, climb the career ladder, and at the same time sacrifice the interests of your personality?

Create a "face". Secrets of the image of the head

We found out that someone who has leadership abilities and outstanding analytical thinking is more likely to get a job as a leader. Your task at the interview is to demonstrate all these qualities to the interviewer with all your appearance and behavior.

Show that you have your own view of the surrounding things, events. Show that you have formed as a person and you have your own image. But don't overdo it. Your behavior should be natural. Otherwise you will look funny. To create your image, you need to practice a little.

  1. Exude confidence. Work in front of a mirror with facial expressions and gestures. If facial expressions or posture betray stiffness, stiffness, then fortune may turn away from you. You can not fold your hands "lock". Also, do not cross your legs. The best posture is to sit straight with your hands on the table or on your knees. Watch your posture. While talking, make eye contact. Otherwise, the interlocutor may get the impression that you have a problem with contacts.
  2. Polish your speech. Leadership must be clear, concise and to the point. But at the same time, speech must be free. Don't let anxiety ruin your impression. Remember that communication skills are essential for a leader.
  3. Appearance. You will benefit if you dress presentably and tastefully. Think about what kind of shoes you will wear. Pick your accessories. Your view shows the internal state. Show that your creed is neatness and accuracy. Your hair, arms, cuffs, everything must look perfect. But by no means fancy.
  4. openness and optimism. It is important to show the interviewer that you are optimistic about the future: you have personal goals that you are striving for. If the interviewer sees that you are full of enthusiasm and ready to move mountains for the sake of the goal, you can safely count on success. But still, personal goals cannot contradict corporate ones. On the contrary, they need to be as close as possible.
  5. Bold, active stance and quick mind. You can show these qualities in conversation. To do this, find out everything about the company in advance and tell us what you think about its position in the market. Ask what priorities the director of the company puts before you. Find out if the owner plans to expand his business. All these questions will show your competence, maturity, and intelligence at the same time.

Types of interviews and principles of behavior

Since competition in the labor market is high, education and experience do not play a decisive role in choosing. So get ready for trials and anxieties. An interview may be arranged to test your knowledge, mental toughness, or other criteria. Everyone knows about the usual biographical interview. But let's talk about some types of interviews that go beyond a simple face-to-face conversation. And how to deal with them.

panel. During such an interview, two or three people can talk to you. Each of them evaluates a certain criterion. And then he delivers his verdict to the director who makes the decision.

The principle of behavior. Each interviewer has their own set of questions. Don't interrupt him. You will be able to ask prepared questions at the end of the interview. Don't make excuses. Be honest in your answers and be kind.

stress interview. It is carried out by one person or several at the same time. Their task is to take the applicant out of the comfort zone. That is, a person is deliberately pissed off: they can scream or, on the contrary, turn away and not listen at all. Try to be calm and natural. The candidate is deliberately angered to see how he copes with stressful loads.

The principle of behavior. Be courteous and answer questions with dignity. If you remain calm and act confident in dealing with a clearly inadequate interlocutor, you will successfully pass the selection.

Competency interview. You are asked a series of questions that will be analyzed further. The questions will be about the content of your work. Or simulate a situation from which you must exit in a certain way. So the employer extracts the necessary information about the applicant and evaluates the level of his training. The problems of psychological compatibility of employees often fall on the shoulders of the manager. Perhaps the employer wants to know about your experience in solving such problems.

The principle of behavior. Try to imagine this situation and find at least some solution.

Knowing about all the pitfalls that can block your path to finding the desired position, you can better prepare. By working on yourself, you will certainly achieve your cherished goal. After all, luck favors the strongest.

Before you think about how to interview for a managerial position, you should carefully assess your capabilities and abilities. In order to become a leader, one must have leadership qualities, both innate and acquired. If you have bright leadership abilities, you can become a leader without leadership experience. And the presence of education, a high intellectual level, a suitable specialty and experience is only a necessary minimum for further progress.

What should be the leader?

There are some qualities that will help you get into a leadership position:

  • have a clear life position, a real goal and a desire to achieve it;
  • be positive in achieving success, look to the future with confidence;
  • be able to work in a team, build relationships with partners, managers;
  • make quick and accurate decisions in any situation;
  • discipline and organize oneself and the team;
  • be able to gain authority and respect from subordinates and managers;
  • be ready to use any innovations in work, be creative and modern;
  • have the desire and ability to engage in self-education and self-development;
  • optimal use of all available resources: human, material and others;
  • be responsible, hardworking, efficient.

If you have all these listed qualities, feel great potential and desire in yourself, you can safely write a resume and prepare for an interview. You have a chance to successfully pass it.

What to look for when preparing for an interview

You have all the necessary leadership abilities. Now the question arises how to show these abilities to the employer or interviewer at the interview. The fact that you are ready for a leadership position, he should not only hear from you, but also see in your appearance. It should be clear from you that you are a mature person with a well-defined position. Your appearance is proof that you have developed your own image, and it is combined with the position for which you are applying (since they are still met by clothes). And most importantly, in the race to outwardly demonstrate your readiness to be a leader, remember to make sure that everything looks natural and unobtrusive.

"Not!" excitement

Try to get rid of anxiety, as it breeds tightness, and this can prevent you from achieving success. On the contrary, you should look convincing and confident - do not forget that you are applying for a managerial position!

Choose the right pose

There is no need to cross your arms or legs - with these gestures you close yourself from the interlocutor, he can feel it, and many of the interviewers know sign language very well. The best position in this case is to put your hands on the table or just keep them on your knees. Don't forget to keep your posture. Calmly and directly look the interlocutor in the eye - this is an indicator of confidence and honesty.

Follow the speech

Of course, first of all, she must be literate, speak exclusively to the point, concisely, but at the same time, not dryly and unambiguously. The ability to communicate is one of the essential qualities of a leader.

Think carefully about your appearance

It must match the position you want to apply for. First of all, clothes, shoes and hair should be clean and tidy, accessories should be tastefully selected, hair and makeup should be natural, hands should be well-groomed. In a word, you must be perfect, but not pretentious.

Be positive and open

Such people attract others, and this is important for a leader. The interlocutor should feel the energy and desire to work, your mood for success and enthusiasm as a future leader.

Collect information about the company in advance

Prepare answers to questions that may be asked. When the interviewer tells you about the company, you can demonstrate your knowledge and even ask a few questions about it, for example, about the prospects for developing work in a bank, in a savings bank. Thus, you will show your competence, intelligence and readiness for leadership.

Types of non-traditional interviews

You should be aware that there are several types of interviews for applicants for a leadership position and it is not a fact that you will have a traditional conversation that you roughly imagine. Therefore, you must be prepared for some trials and surprises. So what are interviews like?

  1. Identification of competence. At such an interview, you will be offered any difficult situation that may arise at work. The goal is to test how you will behave. Or they will simply ask you to tell what difficult working moments you had, how you found a way out of it.
  2. Stressful interview - it can be done in different ways: yell at you, speak dismissively or completely ignore it. The goal is to try to throw the candidate off balance. Keep in mind that this is a test of stress tolerance and patience. In response, you should smile - it's better than angry.
  3. Panel interview - conducted by several people and each has its own criteria: one needs to find out about work experience in a managerial position, the second - to observe how you can get out of this or that situation, the third - to check psychological stability. Then everyone draws conclusions and provides them to the director.

Whichever of these tests awaits you, first of all, do not lose your calmness and goodwill, be thoughtful. Listen to all questions until the end, do not interrupt and, if necessary, ask again. If you are mentally prepared for all these tests at the interview, then do not doubt that you will pass it successfully.

Work is the main aspect of every person's life. All people want to achieve more, move up the career ladder and occupy leadership positions. But there are few people who are aware of how to interview for a managerial position. An interview for a managerial position is a more complex process than hiring a simple employee. The manager should perform at the interview as well as possible. It is necessary to demonstrate all the skills inherent in a true leader.

A leadership position is a big responsibility. The leader must not only be the most knowledgeable and productive person in his field, but also be a real leader. What are leadership qualities? After reading the article, you will understand what qualities of character should be inherent in a leader, and how to show them in an interview.

An ordinary person will not be accepted to a leadership position. The person who applies for this position must be the best.

However, do not forget that during the interview, not only you are chosen, but also you.

It’s worth starting with observing simple rules of etiquette and behavior that will distinguish a real leader from an ordinary person.

  • Politeness. Talk to the person who is conducting your interview politely, but not as if your fate depends on him. Speak openly and honestly. Give the impression of a serious person.

  • self-confidence. Remember that you, too, choose where you work. Analyze everything you see and ask yourself if this job is right for you.

  • Awareness. Before you go to the interview, try to find out as much information as possible about the company you want to get a job. Be sure to check out their recent activities. Thanks to this, you can easily answer the question of why you chose this organization.

  • Deep knowledge in your field. Don't be afraid to show off your knowledge. At the interview, you need to prove that you are well versed in your field, and not superficial.

Components of a Leader

And now it is worth paying attention to the qualities of character that a real leader should have. These components include:

  • Proactivity.
  • The ability to see the end goal.
  • The ability to manage time and use it wisely.
  • A type of thinking tuned to a mutually beneficial relationship between employees and the manager.
  • Ability to work in a team and lead people.

Now, let's look at each quality separately.


Many people have never heard of this word and do not understand its meaning.

Proactivity is the ability of a person to see and solve problems where no one sees him. Such a person does not pay attention to distractions on the way to his goal.

It is very important to show at the interview that you are a goal-oriented person who is able to see solutions to complex problems.

A proactive person takes the initiative rather than waiting for someone else to do it for them. Demonstrate at the interview that you are able to take matters into your own hands.

Ability to see the end goal

What is the difference between an ordinary person and a leader? An ordinary person does something without realizing where it will lead him. The leader knows why he is doing his job and where it will lead him.

The task of the leader is to lead the team to the final goal, without going astray and without being distracted by extraneous factors. Show at the interview that you can do it. Offer a solution to some problem as a goal for your work in this company. State what you think needs to be done to solve the problem.

Ability to manage time and use it wisely

The list of powers and responsibilities of the manager is greater than that of a simple employee, which means that during the day he must have time to do more.

A real leader should be able to build his day in such a way that he has enough time for everything.

No one will take on a managerial position of a person who does not know how to manage his time, because this means that he will be late for meetings and meetings, do not turn in work on time, and thereby reduce the productivity of the company.

The type of thinking aimed at mutually beneficial relations between employees and the manager

An ordinary employee thinks at work about his own benefit: how not to fly out of work and get a bonus. A true leader should think not only about his own benefit, but also about the benefit of his employees.

Think before the interview how you could improve the atmosphere within the team, rally it and increase the effectiveness of teamwork. You can offer to hold trainings, joint games and meetings where everyone can express what they are dissatisfied with.

So, the person who hires you will see that you are concerned not only with yourself, but also with the people who work in this organization.

Ability to work in a team and lead people

Every company wants to see a leader who can rally the team and lead it. One person cannot do all the work, great projects are the result of the work of the whole team. That is why the leader must respect each person in his team.

Also, the leader must have public speaking skills. Times are tough in every organization. A person who can convince people not to despair and work for the sake of the company is worth a lot. Demonstrate your public speaking skills and you will gain more respect in the eyes of a future employer.

Thus, it is not difficult to pass an interview if you have leadership skills and understand why you need this job.

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