Bladder prolapse in men symptoms. Omission of the bladder in women. Bladder prolapse: surgery through vaginal access

excretory system human body may be subject to various diseases. One of these is the omission Bladder among women. The disease causes many inconveniences and contributes to the development comorbidities.

In medical terminology, bladder prolapse is also called a cystocele. It can be diagnosed in men, but in most cases it is detected in the fair sex. This is due to the anatomical features of the structure and the fact that women become pregnant, suffer difficult childbirth or physical stress.

How the disease is diagnosed

The cerebral cortex develops throughout life, so young children urinate uncontrollably. This skill is acquired only between the first and third years of life. Any uncontrolled mucus after this period is pathological symptom which must always be diagnosed. Simply put, the sympathetic system is responsible for filling the bladder and maintaining urine through it. contraction of the sphincter urethra. parasympathetic system has the function of "turning off" the sympathetic system, which will lead to a weakening of the sphincter, as well as a contraction of the detrusor muscle.

The occurrence of pathology contributes to the weakening of the muscles and ligaments in the pelvic region, which perform the function of maintaining the bladder in limbo. As a result of the fact that muscle tone begins to decline rapidly, the bladder changes its anatomical location in the downward direction. There is a prolapse of the organ, which causes significant inconvenience. In the case of progression of the disease, urinary incontinence may develop, which, when the walls of the bladder are strained, manifests itself even more.

Neurogenic Bladder - Treatment Methods

Both processes lead to conscious and controlled urination. Both of these systems act antagonistically to each other. peripheral nerves play important role in the regulation of mucus, such as the vulvar nerve. It penetrates the muscles of the external sphincter, which we can stretch or relax according to our will. Treatment for neurogenic bladder depends primarily on the disorder we are dealing with. Cholinergic drugs may be used to reduce pressure in the bladder.

Causes of pathology

Among possible causes along which the prolapse of the bladder occurs, the following are distinguished:

  1. Significant violations hormonal background that occur during the restructuring of the body, for example, during menopause. At this time, the level of estrogen in the blood decreases, as a result of which the muscles are significantly weakened.
  2. Weight lifting and excessive exercise.
  3. Pregnancy or difficult childbirth (natural), during which the muscles and ligaments of the vagina are stretched and deformed. C-section only in isolated cases can provoke the development of a cystocele.
  4. Rapid weight loss or rapid weight gain.
  5. genetic predisposition.
  6. Various surgical interventions gynecological plan.
  7. Diseases of organs gastrointestinal tract over a long period of time. In most cases, the cause may be frequent constipation accompanied by muscle tension during defecation.
  8. benign or malignant neoplasms in the small pelvis.

In addition, the rapid depletion of the body can also become the cause of the disease. Especially often this condition manifests itself after the age of 40, and if there is any concomitant factor, the risk increases exponentially.

If a pharmacological treatment ineffective, it is possible to inject the detrusor muscle, which will cause him to relax for about six months. Sometimes it is necessary to cut the muscles of the external urethral sphincter to relieve pressure in the urinary tract. Patients suffering from bladder dysfunction or bladder hypertrophy may urinate with abdominal press to help a weakened bladder. Weakened urethral sphincter muscles can be strengthened by cleansing with, for example, collagen.

If urine is still present in the bladder, the patient must be evacuated. Patient necrotization is the introduction of a patient into the bladder. It is much thinner than the popular Foley catheter, making this procedure possible for any patient at home. Repeat this operation five to seven times a day, preferably under sterile conditions. Please note that each catheter is for one use only.

Main symptoms

Cystocele is a fairly common disease that most often affects women in postpartum period. Pathology significantly worsens general well-being and negatively affects life in general.

Risk factors and causes

Patients with neurogenic bladder have 120 catheters per month, the rest must buy out of pocket. If the patient is different reasons cannot perform this procedure at home or has a severe recurrent infection urinary tract, a procedure for obtaining fistulas through which urine will be directed outward.

Neurogenic Bladder: Complications

For patients with neurogenic bladder, urinary incontinence is a serious problem, which is primarily a shameful problem of a social nature. In addition, chronic skin contact with the genital area can lead to dermatitis, spasms, sores that can become very painful ulcers. Urine is an ideal environment for bacteria to grow, so it's important to regulate it. Unfortunately, frequent catheterization also encourages the introduction of bacteria into the bladder, but the sterility of the procedure minimizes the risk.

Typical symptoms of bladder prolapse in women:

  • Incontinence, which is greatly aggravated by any attempt to tighten the walls of the press (laughing, sneezing, coughing, lifting weights).
  • stressful conditions.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, often radiating to the lumbar region; in addition, pain occurs during any sexual intercourse.
  • Problems with urination - frequent urges uncontrollable; the process itself occurs with some difficulties. Even after the patient visits the toilet, it still seems to her that the bladder is full.
  • Heaviness and discomfort in the genital area.
  • Development infectious pathologies urinary system.

If, when the first signs appear, the woman ignores them and does not apply for medical care, then over time, the pathology begins to worsen. It is characterized by:

Urinary tract infections can lead to urosepsis, a generalized infection of the body

Patients with neurogenic bladder who are "bed-prone" due to their illness cannot forget other dangers such as wounds or respiratory infections. Patients with a neurogenic bladder are most likely to show abnormalities on urinalysis indicating infection because it is not possible to remove all bacteria from the urinary tract in these patients. However, it is not recommended to use antibiotics for prophylaxis and should be reserved for symptomatic patients only.

  • increased pain syndrome;
  • protrusion of prolapse;
  • outlet of most of the bladder.

This condition causes pain in the abdomen and back. It is difficult for the patient to move and stay in sitting position. Rarely, but there are cases when the internal organ falls out completely, as evidenced by a sharp pain.

Why does pathology develop

A neurogenic bladder is difficult to treat because the cause is, unfortunately, in many cases irreversible. Currently, however, both pharmacological and therapeutic approaches are available that allow patients to function normally. Maintain hygiene of the urogenital areas and regular removal of the bladder, and this will protect the patient from harmful effects this state.

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In order to prevent the progression of bladder prolapse, a visit to a specialist is necessary, which will quickly solve the problem, since at an early stage the disease can be successfully treated with conservative methods.

Diagnostic procedures

It is important to medical checkup was carried out regularly, since it is possible to determine prolapse only when gynecological examination. In some cases, to confirm the diagnosis, consultations of other specialists (proctologist, surgeon, urologist) may be required.

Cystocele - bladder prolapse

Ovarian diseases pose a threat to the health and life of a woman, so she should not underestimate such ailments as ovarian pain. Pain in the ovary may indicate the presence of one of the many diseases or is due to physiological processes. Depending on the nature of the pain in the ovary and accompanying symptoms you can determine the cause of the pain.

An ugly vaginal odor may be a sign intestinal disease. characteristic symptom trichomoniasis is an acidic smell from the vagina, while yeast speaks when the smell of beer or bread is noticeable. Dyspareunia is a sexual dysfunction that manifests itself in pain during intercourse.

A significant role in the diagnosis of bladder prolapse is played by the anamnesis, the results of the examination and additional research. Usually prescribed:

  1. X-ray using contrast medium- allows you to determine the position of the urethra and bladder.
  2. Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging - help with examination internal organs and upon detection or exclusion of tumor formations.
  3. Urine and blood tests - necessary to identify possible inflammatory processes.
  4. Determination of the dynamics of urine outflow.
  5. Cystoscopy, to determine concomitant pathologies of the bladder.

Only after receiving the results of all the required examinations, the doctor prescribes a course of therapy.

Causes of pathology

A cyst is a closed cavity filled with fluid. The cyst is the most common type benign tumor. It can appear anywhere in the body. Regular visits to the gynecologist help to identify many serious women's ailments that women may not have known about. One of the conditions that occur in women of childbearing potential is uterine fibroids.

Royal and vaginal discharge are negative effect disorders of the genital organs resulting from an imbalance between the forces acting on the genitals and the mechanisms that support them correct location. Urinary tract infection mainly affects women. It is related to a specific anatomical structure female body.

Therapeutic measures

In some cases, if the pathology is not disturbing, there may be no need for treatment. Then it is enough to follow the recommendations of a specialist, for example, to limit the lifting of weights and high loads.

It is desirable that the diet does not contain fatty and spicy foods, semi-finished products and various spices. The foods used should be natural and rich in vitamins. This will strengthen immune system and improve digestion, thereby the healing process will be faster.

If bladder prolapse is detected, all patients are advised to wear a special bandage that holds the pelvic organs in the correct position, which will not allow pathological process progress. However, the use of such a device should not be too frequent, since the muscles do not experience the necessary load and may weaken even more.

Methods of conservative therapy

Medical treatment consists of taking hormonal drugs. It is recommended to use products containing estrogens. It can be tablets, creams or vaginal suppositories. If a urinary infection is present, antibiotics are given.

To strengthen the walls of the vagina, apply a special physical therapy. Kegel exercises are the most effective and popular. The muscles of the small pelvis tighten and retract. In this position, you need to hold out for 3 seconds, and then relax for the same time. Gradually tension and relaxation should reach 10 seconds. So that the result is not long in coming, the exercise is performed regularly: in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening up to 10-15 repetitions.
In addition to this method, restorative gymnastics is also recommended, due to which the pelvic muscles are strengthened, the condition improves, and the functioning of internal organs is normalized. Additionally, it promotes weight loss. Any type of exercise should be prescribed only by the attending physician, since with self-fulfillment some of them increase the risk of aggravation of the situation. In some cases, certain yoga postures are used to treat bladder prolapse. It takes off pain syndrome and promotes recovery.

The use of a pessary allows you to support the pelvic organs and prevents the development of pathology. It should be noted that this device may not be suitable for everyone and cause discomfort to the patient. Therefore, it must be used in conjunction with ointments containing estrogen, which protects the walls of the vagina from injury. This treatment option is an alternative to surgery, but before using it, you need to consult a specialist.


If the above methods of bladder prolapse therapy are ineffective and do not give positive result, then resort to surgical intervention. Its main tasks:

  1. Restore all functions of the urinary system as much as possible.
  2. Return the organs to their normal physiological position.
  3. Improve the quality of life, including sexual.
  4. Anticipate potential consequences.

In most cases, the operation is performed laparoscopically, which greatly simplifies the rehabilitation process. Some of the common procedures are:

  • Mesh sacrovaginopexy - with the help of an endoprosthesis, the vaginal dome and uterus are strengthened.
  • Promontofixation of a lightweight form - thanks to a synthetic material, the rectum, bladder and vagina are suspended from the sacral ledge.

At the same time, laparotomy can also be used, provided that the medical institution has the appropriate equipment.

Folk methods

At the beginning of the development of the disease, it is possible to use folk recipes in addition to the main treatment. So, to cope with the pathology will help:

  1. Quince - helps to increase muscle tone. Dried fruit must be poured boiled water in a ratio of 1:10 and steam for 20 minutes. After that, wrap the dishes with the broth and let it cool. The resulting infusion can be drunk at any time.
  2. Datura. Effective when using sitz baths with the addition of an infusion prepared on its basis. To do this, pour 20 grams of the plant into 5 liters of water and insist for half an hour in warmth. Strain the resulting mixture and add to the liquid.
  3. Take 1 part of crushed astragalus root and 10 parts of vodka. Mix everything and leave to infuse for 14 days in a dark place. Take a teaspoon before eating.

It is important to remember that any traditional medicine should be discussed with your doctor first.

To prevent the occurrence of such a disease as prolapse of the bladder in women, it is necessary to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • Get checked out by a gynecologist every year.
  • In the presence of a hereditary predisposition, minimize heavy physical exertion.
  • You need to lose weight gradually, as well as gain weight.
  • To avoid constipation, prunes, dried apricots and a large number of vegetables.
  • As a prophylaxis after childbirth, you can perform Kegel exercises.

When diagnosing bladder prolapse at an early stage of development, treatment is carried out using conservative and restorative methods. That's why timely appeal to a specialist will allow in the most short time get rid of the disease and prevent backfire that may require surgery.

A prolapse of the bladder (cystocele) occurs due to a weakening of the musculo-ligamentous complex that holds the bladder and vaginal walls in an anatomical position. It is worth saying that prolapse of the bladder in women can be observed more often than in men.

What is the cause of this pathology?

In the main risk group are women of a more respectable age and those who have had a difficult birth, during which the vagina was injured.

Regarding the first risk group, the explanation is as follows: in the postmenopausal period, hormonal level responsible for muscle tissue. As a result, the muscles lose their elasticity and firmness, which contributes to the appearance of pathology.

In addition to the above reasons, omission occurs due to the following factors:

  • strong overvoltage;
  • congenital or genetic pathologies muscles and organs that are in the area of ​​​​the bladder;
  • partial or complete uterine prolapse;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • persistent constipation;
  • long-term severe cough;
  • obesity;
  • multiple births (applies to female patients).

It is worth saying that women need to undergo examinations by a gynecologist, at least once every six months, since if there were loads on pelvic muscles, the prolapse of the bladder will not keep you waiting. The process can be long (several years) and asymptomatic. Therefore, you need to carefully listen to your feelings and as soon as the first symptoms begin to appear, contact medical institution for help, where treatment will be prescribed.


The main symptom that signals such a problem is a violation of the urinary tract. Those. a woman experiences a constant urge to urinate, which ends in failure or difficulty urinating. If you do not carry out treatment, then there are symptoms of inflammatory processes and even, in rare cases may be "prolapse of the urethra".

Initially, a small tubercle begins to grow in the vagina, which increases over time. When this tubercle becomes large, then the woman will begin to show the following symptoms- sensation of a foreign element in the vaginal area and discomfort when walking or sitting. Also, the prolapse of the urea is manifested in painful sensations during intercourse. The patient is also worried about pain in the abdominal and lumbar region.

When the disease reaches a critical point, then not just prolapse occurs, but prolapse of the bladder, as well as the vaginal wall. They fall out, which brings a woman very severe pain when she makes at least one movement.


If the prolapse of the bladder occurs, then the gynecologist can determine the presence of pathology during the initial examination during palpation. To confirm the diagnosis made by a gynecologist, the patient is consulted with a urologist. It is also necessary to undergo a series of tests to understand if there are complications that may accompany the prolapse. this body. This is essential for proper treatment.

How to deal with it? What do we have to do?

Once diagnosed with urinary tract prolapse, the treatment prescribed will depend on the extent of the disease. Early stage being treated conservative methods is a special recovery physiotherapy and Kegel exercises.

If complications arise in the form of inflammatory processes, then antibacterial and hormonal agents. If it happens complete prolapse bladder, then there is only one remedy - surgery.

The safest and most efficient way surgical intervention This is laparoscopic promontofixation. Thanks to the bioinert implant, the organ is fixed in its natural anatomical place. During such an operation, the stretched vaginal wall is also sutured.

Surgical treatment in women is also carried out using the plication method.

For each patient, a different method of surgical intervention is selected - it depends on her individual anatomical features, age and stage of the disease.

If a woman does not want to experience various urological and gynecological problems, then she needs to take care of her health, protect herself from hypothermia, not lift anything heavy and visit a gynecologist at least once every six months. In this case, the development of unpleasant pathological processes can be avoided.

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