Anasarka: treatment, symptoms, causes - Folk recipes! Diuretics for hypertension. Diseases of the excretory system


(Anasarka, Greek) - swelling of the skin. This painful condition is characterized by the fact that a fluid similar to blood serum collects under the skin on most of the body. Swelling of the skin is easily recognized as follows: if you press on the skin with your finger during swelling, then the impression that appears remains for some time and only slowly disappears, while with normal skin it disappears very quickly. With swelling of the skin, the whole body is somewhat swollen, the outer surfaces are cold, the skin is pale. The liquid collects the most lower parts bodies, eg. when the body is positioned on the back, the fluid is collected on bottom surface abdomen and lower extremities. Limited swelling of the skin is called oedema, water swelling. Swelling of the skin is only a symptom of some disease, especially kidney disease, organic heart disease, chronic lung suffering and severe cachexia. A cure can follow only when the liquid that has poured out is reabsorbed by the lymphatic vessels into the general blood mass and excreted from the body by the kidneys and sweat glands. In most cases, skin edema is an incurable disease, as it depends on severe underlying diseases (See Edema).

encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .


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    - (from Greek ana through, and sarx meat). General dropsy of cellular tissue, mainly subcutaneous, skin edema. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ANASARK from Greek. ana, through, and sarx, meat. General dropsy ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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- this is an extreme degree of edematous syndrome, characterized by a pronounced fluid retention in the tissues and cavities of the body:

    Legs, feet and thighs;

  • Sexual organs;

    upper limbs;

    face and neck;

    Lungs and pleural cavity;

    pericardial cavity;

    Abdominal cavity.

The term anasarca was introduced specifically to focus on critical condition an organism that needs urgent action. Diffuse swelling of peripheral tissues does not pose an immediate threat to the body. The accumulation of fluid in the cavities (polyserositis) is not so harmless, since a large amount of it disrupts the functioning of the internal organs caused by their compression. Especially dangerous in this regard is compression of the lungs and diaphragm with a decrease in respiratory excursion, which causes ventilation failure and increased hypoxia.

Anasarca is a natural consequence of decompensated pathology of the body. Retaining fluid in peripheral tissues, it tries to unload the heart from excessive loads as a kind of protective mechanism, signaling the presence of danger!

Causes of anasarca

The mechanisms of tissue impregnation with fluid from the vascular space can be associated with:

    Increased hydrostatic blood pressure on the vascular wall;

    Stagnation of blood in the vascular bed;

    Fragility and increased permeability of the vascular wall;

    Decreased oncotic and osmotic pressure plasma;

    Redistribution of the ionic composition of blood and intercellular fluid in the form of sodium retention in tissues.

The listed mechanisms can work in such diseases:

    Decompensated heart disease with severe congestion ( , different kinds cardiomyopathies, cardiac arrhythmias, etc.);

    kidney disease and excretory system, accompanied kidney failure or a violation of urodynamics and outflow of urine (nephrotic and nephritic syndromes with glomerulonephritis, kidneys);

    Endocrine pathology in the form of hypothyroidism. The critical form of this disease is called myxedema. It ends with a sharp decrease in the level of protein in the plasma, which causes fluid loss due to osmotic leakage into the tissue;

    Hyperaldosteronism. All diseases of the adrenal glands, accompanied by an increase in the synthesis of mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) cause electrolyte disturbances in the body in the form of sodium retention with its concentration in the intercellular space, which leads to an increase in osmotic pressure relative to plasma;

    Allergic reactions. They very rarely cause anasarca, which grows at lightning speed and is called Quincke's edema. Especially dangerous is the swelling of the airways (larynx).

The clinical picture of anasarca can develop gradually or progressively. In most cases, you have to deal with the first variant of the disease.

It notes:

    Edema syndrome. Consists of widespread severe swelling all segments of the body. First, the legs and feet swell. In people with renal pathology possible primary spread of edema from the face and upper limbs. Over time, the genitals and torso swell. You can confirm the presence of tissue swelling by pressing on them with your finger. The deeper the trace after this, the more pronounced the edematous syndrome;

    Dyspnea. With anasarca, it always occurs. It is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity (hydrothorax) and its stagnation in the pulmonary circulation. It does not manifest itself for a long time, occurring only with severe compression of both lungs. Patients should be alerted by symptoms in the form of a feeling of lack of air during exertion, which gradually decrease until shortness of breath at rest;

    Cardiomegaly. With anasarca of cardiac origin, a sharply enlarged heart is always recorded. This is a consequence of myocardial hypertrophy and fluid accumulation in the pericardial cavity.

Anasarca treatment

Opportunities and volumes medical measures with anasarca depend on the cause of its occurrence. In no case should you:

    flood the body;

    Take products containing sodium;

    Do not act in terms of assistance.

Treatment for anasarca should include:

    Dehydration of the body. It is achieved by intensive intravenous diuretic therapy with high doses of loop diuretics (trifas, lasix, furosemide). Appointed in all cases of anasarca, regardless of origin;

    cardioprotective therapy. With cardiac pathology, it is imperative to strengthen the heart muscle. Cardiac glycosides (digoxin, strophanthin, corglicon) and metabolic drugs (mildronate, metamax, ATP) can help with this;

    Plasma hemodialysis and ultrafiltration. Indicated in anasarca of renal origin. Such measures may be the only way out of the current situation;

    Glucocorticoids and antihistamines(dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, tavegil, suprastin). Shown in anasarca allergic origin. Hormones can be used as membrane stabilizers vascular walls and with other types of anasarca;

    Increased plasma oncotic pressure. Definitely required for myxedema. It is achieved by infusions of plasma and albumin. Subsequently, a substitute hormone therapy L-thyroxine.

Congestive heart failure is by far the most common cause of anasarca. Each patient with should monitor their condition in order to prevent its occurrence!

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Andrology" was obtained after completing residency at the Department of Endoscopic Urology of the RMAPO at the Urological Center of the Central Clinical Hospital No. 1 of Russian Railways (2007). Postgraduate studies were completed here in 2010.

Edema along with shortness of breath and cyanosis are the leading symptom of cardiac weakness. The patient with heart failure first notices swelling in the ankles, the area with the highest intravascular hydrostatic pressure. With mild decompensation, edema disappears overnight, to reappear during the day with increased physical activity.

Hidden edema is manifested by nocturia.

Generalized edema is characteristic of congestive heart failure of any nature.

When heart disease edema (with normal proteinemia) develops mainly in low-lying areas of the body. The photo shows a pronounced swelling of the subcutaneous tissue (anasarca) in an elderly patient with right ventricular failure. As a result of increasing decompensation, edema spread to the lower extremities and the skin of the abdomen and led to the development of ascites. The thin upper limbs contrast sharply with the ascitic abdomen and with swollen legs and feet.

The spread of edema in heart failure occurs from the bottom up through the genitals and buttocks to the upper parts of the body. The presence of edema is confirmed by the formation of a hole after pressing with a finger, this property is associated with the ease of movement of water in the tissues. The same property explains the displacement of edema in low-lying areas of the body after many hours of staying in a supine position.

A high degree of swelling can lead to the formation of stretch marks, trophic disorders of the skin and nails, even cracking of the skin and the release of fluid to the surface.

In severe cardiac patients, extravasation into the serous cavities is noted. Pleural transudates are observed mainly on the right. Large transudates significantly restrict breathing. Pleural transudates are observed in both right and left ventricular failure.

Ascites develops mainly with severe edema, mainly with tricuspid valve defects and constrictive pericarditis.

Decreased excretion of NaCl by the kidneys, hypoproteinemia (violation of hepatic synthesis) and proteinuria, characteristic of heart failure, contribute to a further increase in edema.

Right ventricular failure with edema can develop as a result of primary left ventricular failure, but also occur as a result of primary damage and decompensation of the right ventricle in pulmonary diseases, tricuspid valve defects and pulmonary valve.

Clinical picture high blood pressure and stagnation in venous system a large circle of blood circulation is caused by symptoms from the liver and kidneys, anasarca, ascites, etc.

It should be mentioned that such patients suffer from shortness of breath, prefer to be in bed in a semi-sitting position and have a pronounced cyanosis of the skin, lips and ears.


"Edema in heart failure" and other articles from the section Differential Diagnosis by outward appearance

What is an anasarca?

Lungs and pleural cavity;

pericardial cavity;

Abdominal cavity.

The term anasarca was introduced specifically to focus on the critical state of the body, requiring urgent action. Diffuse swelling of peripheral tissues does not pose an immediate threat to the body. The accumulation of fluid in the cavities (polyserositis) is not so harmless, since a large amount of it disrupts the functioning of the internal organs, caused by their compression. Especially dangerous in this regard is compression of the lungs and diaphragm with a decrease in respiratory excursion, which causes ventilation failure and increased hypoxia.

Causes of anasarca

Decreased oncotic and osmotic pressure of plasma;

Redistribution of the ionic composition of blood and intercellular fluid in the form of sodium retention in tissues.

The listed mechanisms can work in such diseases:

Decompensated heart disease with severe congestive heart failure (infarction, myocarditis, various types of cardiomyopathies, cardiac arrhythmias, and others);

kidney disease and the excretory system, accompanied by renal failure or impaired urodynamics and urine outflow (nephrotic and nephritic syndromes in glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, kidney amyloidosis);

Endocrine pathology in the form of hypothyroidism. The critical form of this disease is called myxedema. It ends with a sharp decrease in the level of protein in the plasma, which causes fluid loss due to osmotic leakage into the tissue;

Hyperaldosteronism . All diseases of the adrenal glands, accompanied by an increase in the synthesis of mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) cause electrolyte disturbances in the body in the form of sodium retention with its concentration in the intercellular space, which leads to an increase in osmotic pressure relative to plasma;

Allergic reactions. They very rarely cause anasarca, which grows at lightning speed and is called Quincke's edema. Especially dangerous is the swelling of the airways (larynx).

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Anasarca symptoms

The clinical picture of anasarca can develop gradually or progressively. In most cases, you have to deal with the first variant of the disease.

It notes:

Edema syndrome. It consists in widespread severe swelling of all segments of the body. First, the legs and feet swell. In people with renal pathology, the primary distribution of edema from the face and upper limbs is possible. Over time, the genitals and torso swell. You can confirm the presence of tissue swelling by pressing on them with your finger. The deeper the trace after this, the more pronounced the edematous syndrome;

Dyspnea. With anasarca, it always occurs. It is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity (hydrothorax) and its stagnation in the pulmonary circulation. It does not manifest itself for a long time, occurring only with severe compression of both lungs. Patients should be alerted by symptoms in the form of a feeling of lack of air during exertion, which gradually decrease until shortness of breath at rest;

Cardiomegaly. With anasarca of cardiac origin, a sharply enlarged heart is always recorded. This is a consequence of myocardial hypertrophy and fluid accumulation in the pericardial cavity.

Anasarca treatment

The possibilities and scope of therapeutic measures for anasarca depend on the cause of its occurrence. In no case should you:

flood the body;

Take products containing sodium;

Do not act in terms of assistance.

Treatment for anasarca should include:

Dehydration of the body. It is achieved by intensive intravenous diuretic therapy with high doses of loop diuretics (trifas, lasix, furosemide). Appointed in all cases of anasarca, regardless of origin;

cardioprotective therapy. With cardiac pathology, it is imperative to strengthen the heart muscle. Cardiac glycosides (digoxin, strophanthin, corglicon) and metabolic drugs (mildronate, metamax, ATP) can help with this;

Plasma hemodialysis and ultrafiltration. Indicated in anasarca of renal origin. Such measures may be the only way out of the current situation;

Glucocorticoids and antihistamines (dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, tavegil, suprastin). Indicated for anasarca of allergic origin. Hormones can be used as membrane stabilizers of vascular walls in other types of anasarca;

Increased plasma oncotic pressure. Definitely required for myxedema. It is achieved by infusions of plasma and albumin. In the future, hormone replacement therapy with L-thyroxine is prescribed.

Congestive heart failure is by far the most common cause of anasarca. Every patient with cardiac pathology should monitor their condition in order to prevent its occurrence!


Anasarka- this is a diffuse swelling of soft tissues with a predominant localization in the lower half of the body, which occurs as a result of other diseases and has a progressive course. An excess of the liquid component in anasarca is observed not only in the form of a subcutaneously localized fluid, but also an intracavitary accumulation of exudate with the development of ascites, pericarditis and pleurisy.

By establishing the conclusion of "anasarca", the doctors imply an extremely serious condition of the patient, requiring the immediate use of medical correction of this pathology.

Causes of anasarca

Pathogenetic mechanisms for the development of anasarca are the following changes:

- increased hydrostatic type of blood pressure circulating in the lumen of the vessel with a simultaneous decrease in oncotic plasma pressure;

- congestive changes in blood in the vessels of the venous bed;

- the appearance of increased permeability of the vessel wall and the ability to pass the liquid component of blood into extravascular interstitial tissues;

- redistribution of ions in the blood and an increase in the tendency to accumulate sodium, which retains water in all tissues.

Thus, all diseases accompanied by the above pathogenetic links can become background for the development of anasarca.

So, a large category of patients suffering from chronic pathology of cardiac dysfunction with subsequent decompensated heart failure. belong to the risk group for the occurrence of such complications as anasarca. Progressive ischemic damage to the myocardium, dilated type of cardiomyopathy and hypertension are immediate background diseases provoking anasarca in the absence of measures taken both on the part of the patient and the treating physician.

Anasarca in heart failure tends to progress slowly over several years and quickly resolve symptoms when using medication.

Severe diseases of the urinary system with concomitant nephrotic syndrome are the second most common pathology accompanied by massive anasarca. Unlike generalized edema observed in decompensated cardiac function, this type of anasarca has a malignant aggressive current and to eliminate it, it is necessary to use systemic hemodialysis. The mechanism of development of this type of anasarca is a violation of the excretory function of the kidneys and concomitant disorders of mineral metabolism.

Isolated lesion thyroid gland and prolonged hypothyroidism is accompanied by a rapid loss of albumin from the plasma and a sharp decrease in the oncotic type of pressure in the lumen of the vessels, resulting in a progressive accumulation of fluid in the cavities and soft tissues having the nosological name "myxedema".

Of great importance in the regulation of metabolic electrolyte processes is aldosterone produced by the adrenal cortex, and therefore, any endocrine pathology, accompanied by increased production of mineralocorticoids, becomes a provocateur for the development of anasarca.

The only pathological condition that provokes the development acute form anasarca, is Quincke's edema. observed under the influence of an allergic factor.

Anasarca symptoms

The clinical symptoms and intensity of anasarca progression directly depend on the underlying disease, of which it is a complication, but in most cases there is a slowly progressive course with a long latent period.

The debut of the anasarca is the appearance of a persistent edematous syndrome, which is initially limited and then generalized. Localization of edema in various pathologies has its own characteristics. So, if the patient complains of severe swelling of the eyelids and neck in the morning, one should assume the renal nature of anasarca, while cardiac pathology is accompanied by accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous tissue of the distal extremities in evening time days. Subsequently, soft tissue edema progressively increases and does not disappear without the use of medical correction.

During an objective examination of a patient with anasarca, first of all, it is necessary to determine the predominant localization of the edematous syndrome and the depth of its manifestation, for which a compression test is used.

In addition to visual changes in soft tissues, a patient with a long course of anasarca is concerned about progressive dyspnea, which is a consequence of fluid soaking into the interalveolar spaces and accumulation in the lower sections of the pleural cavities. Typically, hydrothorax this case is bilateral in nature and is accompanied by severe respiratory disorders due to compression of the main structures of the mediastinum. Thus, the appearance of symptoms of impaired ventilation of the lungs indicates a massive accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavities.

The terminal degree of anasarca is accompanied by severe hemodynamic disturbances due to impaired cardiac activity. In a situation where there is an excessive accumulation of exudate in the pericardial cavity, an extremely serious condition of the patient occurs, requiring urgent medical measures aimed at saving the patient's life.

Separate clinical form edematous syndrome is fetal anasarca, observed with a frequency of 1 case per 1000 episodes of childbirth. The appearance of this formidable disease in a child is due to immune and non-immune mechanisms (hemolytic disease of the newborn, severe intrauterine infection fetus, severe heart defects with severe violations cardiohemodynamics).

Diagnosis of this condition is not difficult, since immediately after birth, the child has pronounced visual changes in the form of total soft tissue edema. Due to the fact that anasarca in a newborn child has a fulminant course and is accompanied by severe respiratory disorders, the mortality rate in this category of patients is very high. Due to the fact that at present in medicine high technologies of instrumental visualization are used, which make it possible to diagnose at an early stage this pathology and start medical correction before the onset of childbirth, in pediatric practice, more cases of complete recovery of a child with anasarca began to occur.

Anasarca treatment

In a situation where moderate anasarca occurs, consisting in a slight swelling of the soft tissues of the extremities, no active drug therapy, but just a correction eating behavior with limited intake of salty foods, as well as the systematic use of compression stockings. If the fact of the renal nature of anasarca is laboratory excluded, it is recommended to introduce food containing a large percentage of proteins into the patient's diet.

If anasarca in a patient is a consequence of heart failure and its manifestations affect all organs and systems, the patient is indicated bed rest and the use of drugs from the group of cardiac glycosides (Digoxin at the maximum initial daily dose 0.0005 g, followed by a transition to a maintenance therapeutic dosage- 0.00015 g for life). In this case, it is expedient and pathogenetically justified to use drugs that have a dilating effect on the wall of venous vessels (Nitroglycerin in a single dose of 5 mg for a long course). In order to eliminate metabolic disorders in the heart muscle, the patient must be prescribed drugs from the group of cardiotropic metabolites (Mildronate at a daily dose of 500 mg intravenously in a course of 10 injections).

The most effective group of drugs in terms of stopping the signs of anasarca are diuretics, and when prescribing one or another medication, it is necessary to take into account underlying disease. So, anasarca at chronic pathology The heart responds well to treatment with a combination of Furosemide at a daily dose of 40 mg with Veroshpiron at a dosage of 0.025 mg under the obligatory control of the volume of daily diuresis, which should be 800 ml more than the amount of fluid consumed per day.

If the patient has a progressive course that cannot be treated with diuretics with accompanying signs respiratory failure, it is necessary to make a decision about surgical removal excess fluid from the pleural and abdominal cavities by thoraco- and thoracocentesis. These measures in this category of patients belong to the category of palliative interventions and in the future these measures should be supplemented with active diuretic therapy.

If anasarca occurs as a complication of severe hypothyroidism, the only pathogenetically justified method of treatment is replacement therapy with the use of L-thyroxine at a daily dose of 1.6 μg per 1 kg of the patient's weight, as well as infusion of plasma preparations.

If anasarca is of renal origin, often resort to the appointment of glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone 4 mg 2 times a day intramuscularly).

The term anasarca was introduced specifically to focus on the critical state of the body, requiring urgent action. Diffuse swelling of peripheral tissues does not pose a specific danger to the body. The accumulation of water in the cavities (polyserositis) is not so harmless, since a huge amount of it disrupts the functioning of the internal organs, caused by their compression. Especially unsafe here is compression of the lungs and diaphragm with a decrease in respiratory excursion, which becomes a prerequisite for ventilation deficiency and increased hypoxia.

Anasarca is a natural consequence of decompensated pathology of the body. Retaining fluid in peripheral tissues, he tries to unload the heart from extra loads like a typical defense mechanism, signaling the presence of a threat!

Anasarca Background

Mechanisms of impregnation of tissues with fluid from the vascular site can be associated with:

An increase in hydrostatic blood pressure on the vascular wall;

Stagnation of blood in the vascular bed;

Fragility and increased permeability of the vascular wall;

Decreased oncotic and osmotic pressure of plasma;

Redistribution of the ionic composition of blood and intercellular water in the form of sodium retention in tissues.

The listed mechanisms can work in such diseases:

Decompensated pathology of the heart with severe congestive heart failure (infarction. myocarditis. different types cardiomyopathies, cardiac arrhythmias, etc.);

Diseases of the kidneys and excretory system, accompanied by renal deficiency or impaired urodynamics and outflow of urine (nephrotic and nephritic syndromes with glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, kidney amyloidosis);

Endocrine pathology in the form of hypothyroidism. The critical form of this disease is called myxedema. It ends with a sharp decrease in the level of protein in the plasma, which becomes a prerequisite for the loss of water due to osmotic leakage into the tissues;

Hyperaldosteronism. All diseases of the adrenal glands, accompanied by an increase in the synthesis of mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) cause electrolyte disturbances in the body in the form of sodium retention with its concentration in the intercellular space, which leads to an increase in osmotic pressure relative to plasma;

Allergic reactions. They very rarely become a prerequisite for anasarca, which builds up instantly and is called Quincke's edema. With all this, swelling of the respiratory tract (throat) becomes especially unsafe.

Anasarca symptoms

The clinical picture of anasarca is able to develop evenly or progressively. Almost always you have to deal with the first variant of the disease.

With all this, it is noted:

Edema syndrome. It consists in widespread severe swelling of all parts of the body. Initially, the legs and feet swell. In people with renal pathology, there may be a primary distribution of edema from the face and upper extremities. Over time, the genitals and torso swell. You can confirm the presence of tissue swelling by pressing on them with your finger. The deeper the trace after which, the more pronounced the edematous syndrome;

Dyspnea. When anasarca always appears. Justified by the accumulation of water in the pleural cavity (hydrothorax) and its stagnation in the pulmonary circulation. It does not manifest itself for a long time, occurring only with severe compression of both lungs. Patients should be alerted by symptoms in the form of a feeling of lack of air during exertion, which evenly decrease directly to shortness of breath at rest;

Cardiomegaly. With anasarca of cardiac origin, a sharply enlarged heart is always recorded. This is a consequence of myocardial hypertrophy and accumulation of water in the pericardial cavity.

Anasarca healing

The abilities and volumes of healing measures for anasarca depend on the prerequisite for its occurrence. Under no circumstances should you:

Take products containing sodium;

Do not act in terms of assistance.

Anasarca healing should include:

Dehydration of the body. Achieved by saturated intravenous diuretic therapy with loop diuretics in large doses(trifas, lasix, furosemide). Appointed in all cases of anasarca, regardless of origin;

cardioprotective therapy. With cardiac pathology, it is imperative to strengthen the heart muscle. This can help cardiac glycosides (digoxin, strophanthin, corglicon) and metabolic drugs (mildronate, metamax, ATP);

Plasma hemodialysis and ultrafiltration. Indicated in anasarca of renal origin. Such measures may be the only way out of the current situation;

Glucocorticoids and antihistamines (dexamethasone, methylprednisolone, tavegil, suprastin). Indicated for anasarca of allergic origin. Hormones can be used as membrane stabilizers of vascular walls and in other types of anasarca;

Increased plasma oncotic pressure. Definitely required for myxedema. Achieved by infusion of plasma and albumin. In the future, hormone replacement therapy with L-thyroxine is prescribed.

Congestive heart failure is by far the most common cause of anasarca. Every patient with cardiac pathology should look after his condition in order to prevent its occurrence!

Article creator: Vafaeva Yulia Valerievna, nephrologist

Edema is a fluid that accumulates in organs and tissues. By origin, they are renal and cardiac. When the heart is no longer able to withstand the load that is necessary to move blood, when the blood supply slows down, and the heart rate is weak and rapid, fluid retention occurs. Part of it passes through the walls of blood vessels into neighboring tissues and forms puffiness.

Gravitational forces move the edema downward, so leg swelling is the most common. Edema caused by kidney pathology and "hungry" puffiness are distributed evenly, within the subcutaneous tissue.

Cirrhosis of the liver manifests itself as swelling of the abdomen. In contrast, cardiac edema can be observed in the back and on the lower back (for recumbent cores) or on the lower leg and thighs (for all other hypertensive patients).

Edema of the lower extremities and face often indicate heart failure. They occur more often in old age as a natural reaction to changes in heart rate and reduced ejection. If the treatment is timely and adequate, it is possible to get rid of the symptoms of swelling.

The appearance and growth of cardiac edema is a difficult and lengthy process. AT general view The pathogenesis can be explained as follows: for many reasons (heart attack, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, inflammation, unstable tonsillitis), muscle fibers are damaged and slow down the contractile capacity of the heart.

The hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries increases, and the liquid seeps through the vessels into the nearest tissues. For example, for cardiac dropsy is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial area.

At the first stage of the disease, edema is localized in the lower extremities, later they can be observed in other places, most often under the eyes. On both legs, swelling develops evenly. At first it looks like cosmetic defect, which quickly disappears after a short rest.

If the pathology of the heart is strong, then the edema captures and abdominal cavity. The belly grows quickly, like a balloon. If the liquid is collected in respiratory tract wheezing, prolonged wet cough.

If the underlying disease is not treated, the symptoms worsen, and rest (including at night) no longer helps. In addition to the calf region, the hips are already swollen. If bedridden patient edema appeared in the lumbar and pelvic regions - this is a sure signal of a deterioration in his health.

Many cores skip First stage illnesses, and seek medical help much later. The reason for such forced carelessness is the fact that the first symptoms of the disease are mild, and the development of the disease may be inactive.

At first, swelling on the legs appears only in the evening or after a long load on the legs (standing work, etc.). If you change the position of the body, after a while the swelling disappears without causing any discomfort.


When compared with other types of edema (hepatic, renal), then the swelling caused by cardiac pathology will be ascending. At first, it can be observed on the soles and ankles.

With the development of the underlying disease, the zone of edema also grows. Now they move to the upper body - to the lower back, coccyx, arms, face, eyes. Even more serious is dropsy of the heart, which can only be treated in a hospital.

If, after pressing the skin in the region of the tibia, an indentation appears that does not disappear after a few seconds, one can think of cardiac edema. An unexpected and significant increase in body weight is also due to a violation of the water balance.

In addition to edema, doctors have the term "pastosity", which is a mild swelling of the legs. There are no marks after pressing. Pastosity does not need treatment.

Cardiac edema has additional signs:

  • swelling of the face;
  • Dyspnea;
  • Blue lips;
  • Pale cold skin;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Fast fatiguability.

To clarify the causes of edema in a certain part of the body and select the appropriate treatment regimen, use different ways diagnostics. The standard option includes:

Traditional medicine methods

Edema is not independent disease but only a symptom of heart disease. Therefore, to eliminate them, it is necessary to seriously deal with the treatment of the underlying ailment. With compensation for cardiac pathology, its symptoms will also disappear.

What should be done if edema appears? First, check the correctness of taking the medicines prescribed by the doctor. If all conditions are met, but swelling persists, you should consult a doctor. He will draw up an examination plan, which depends on the location of the edema.

Outpatient therapy

Cardiac edema of the legs ambulatory treatment. This type of edema suffers mainly from patients of mature age.

Leaving them unattended as a cosmetic defect is dangerous, as they will only add problems in the future. If it is established that edema is of cardiac origin, diuretics are prescribed (Furosemide, Hydrochlorothiazide, Lasix, Hypothiazide, etc.).

But this is a symptomatic therapy, restore normal work hearts will be helped by beta-blockers. They reduce the load on cardiomyocytes, facilitate the work of the heart. Additionally prescribed drugs that thin the blood.

Cardiac glucosides are prescribed to enhance the contracting function of the heart, restore blood flow to prevent congestion.

When the pathology of the heart is expressed quite clearly, the treatment is carried out in a hospital. With cardiac edema, droppers are not used, since an extra volume of fluid loaded intravenously can only complicate the work of the heart. Such errors can provoke pulmonary edema, which will be eliminated already in intensive care.

Intravenous drug injection methods are used only after a significant reduction in swelling. Additionally, the doctor determines the presence of fluid in the lungs. Such patients are often prescribed a potassium-polarizing mixture that increases functionality hearts.

From diuretics, Furosemide is injected into a vein. The patient's blood pressure is measured first. At very low rates diuretics are cancelled. At long-term treatment Furosemide is prescribed in parallel with Aspartame, since the diuretic also removes useful minerals from the body.

If a hypertensive patient is already taking antihypertensive medications, the regimen can be adjusted. If necessary, increase the level of blood pressure using Prednisolone.

Treat cardiac edema different localization can and non-traditional methods. With fluid stagnation, infusions of medicinal herbs are effective.

In order not to miss the first symptoms of a dangerous disease, you should be attentive to your own health:

  • Observe the drinking regime (up to 1 liter of fluid per day);
  • Minimize salt intake
  • Change your diet aside fractional nutrition with an increase in the proportion of fruits and vegetables with a diuretic effect, as well as fermented milk products;
  • Between meals, you can drink a decoction of parsley seeds, flax, calendula tincture;
  • Follow all the doctor's recommendations for the treatment of the underlying disease.

These simple preventive measures will help prevent swelling or relieve symptoms of the disease without additional medications.

Diuretics have been used to treat hypertension and cardiovascular disease for over 50 years. These remedies help lower blood pressure by forcing the body to get rid of excess salt and water. Cleansing is carried out by the kidneys through urine. In heart failure, diuretics are also prescribed very widely. They improve the condition of patients by reducing the workload on the heart, which creates excess fluid in the body. If the patient has swelling due to problems with the heart, kidneys or liver, then diuretics help reduce them.

Different groups of drugs affect the kidneys differently, removing more or less water and salt from the body. You will learn more about this in the "Classification of diuretics" section. We have tried to provide readers up-to-date information about diuretics, which are now most often used, written in an accessible language. This material will help doctors who need to understand the classification of diuretics and the features of their use. It is also advisable for patients to read this article in order to understand the principles and mechanisms of treatment. If you have to take diuretic pills, then you can choose effective drug with moderate or minimal side effects. Even better, if you can abandon the "chemical" diuretics in favor of natural substances that have a diuretic effect.

Diuretics: An Important Caution for Patients

First of all, we want to warn patients against "craving" diuretics. On the net you can find a lot of information that these medicines make it easy to solve not only medical, but also “cosmetic” problems, and at the same time they are quite safe. Women often arbitrarily take diuretics for weight loss. Athletes use them to quickly lose weight before competition. Even bodybuilders induce artificial dehydration to make their muscles look more prominent.

But let's see what the risks are for those who take diuretic drugs without a doctor's prescription.

  • These drugs remove potassium from the body, increasing fatigue.
  • At the same time, they retain calcium, which can lead to the deposition of salts.
  • Also, diuretics increase the risk of diabetes, and because of them, the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood rises.
  • Due to frequent urination, sleep disturbances are possible.
  • In men, while taking diuretics, problems with potency are more likely to occur.

You can easily find out that the newest diuretics indapamide (arifon, arifon retard) and torasemide do not affect metabolism and are much better tolerated by patients than previous generation drugs. But they can also harm human health. It's just that their negative effects do not appear immediately, but later. After all, if you try to understand the mechanism of action of diuretic drugs, then you will find that all these drugs, both new and older ones, do the same thing. They "stimulate" the kidneys to work harder and remove more water and salt from the body.

But fluid retention in the body is only a symptom of a serious illness, and not its cause! Edema does not occur by itself, but due to serious problems in the work of the heart or kidneys, less often for other reasons. Thus, diuretics are only symptomatic drugs that do not remove the causes of the disease. In practice, this leads to the fact that diuretics only allow for some time to delay the sad ending for the patient. It could be weeks, months, or if you're really lucky, years. It turns out that if you want to influence the cause of the disease in order to really prolong life and improve health, then diuretics alone cannot be dispensed with.

Thus, you have received “information for reflection”, and we proceed directly to the use of diuretic drugs for hypertension and heart failure.

Order taurine - a natural diuretic - from the USA, the best quality in the world:

  • Taurine from Now Foods;
  • Taurine from Source Naturals;
  • Taurine from Jarrow Formulas.

How to order taurine from the USA - download instructions. Get a diuretic effect without the harm of chemical diuretics. Get rid of edema, bring your blood pressure back to normal, improve heart function. Read more about the technique in the article "Treatment of hypertension without drugs". Taurine is a powerful natural diuretic so safe that it is even prescribed to pregnant women (check with your doctor!).

Diuretics for hypertension

As for the treatment of hypertension with diuretics, in the 1990s, doctors found that these drugs helped patients well, even when prescribed in low doses. A reduced dose is the equivalent of no more than 25 mg of dichlothiazide (the “base” diuretic, see below) per day. Prior to this, patients often took drugs in high doses - 50 mg of dichlothiazide per day. At the same time, patients suffered greatly from his side effects. It turned out that reducing the dosages of diuretics in hypertension reduced their side effects several times, and therapeutic effect while decreasing slightly. Studies conducted in Europe in 1999, 2000 and 2003 showed that low-dose diuretics are as effective as newer classes of antihypertensive (lowering blood pressure) drugs - ACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists. This has led to a surge in the prescription of kidney-boosting drugs to treat hypertension. Previously, this was observed only in the 1960s and 1970s, because there were simply no other drugs that lowered blood pressure.

Diuretics are the drugs of choice for hypertension in the following situations:

  • in elderly patients (for more details, see the note “What drugs for hypertension are prescribed for elderly patients”);
  • with isolated systolic hypertension, i.e. when only the “upper” is elevated arterial pressure(read about this type of hypertension here);
  • in the presence of concomitant heart failure (see below);
  • with osteoporosis.

Numerous studies have proven that diuretic tablets reduce the incidence of complications in hypertensive patients:

  • myocardial infarction - by 14-16%;
  • stroke - by 38-42%.

Classification of diuretics. Groups of diuretic drugs and their use in hypertension

An ideal classification of diuretics would take into account all aspects of their action. But today it does not exist, because diuretic drugs have a fundamentally different chemical structure. Because of this, they differ too much from each other in terms of the mechanism and duration of action on the patient's body.

There have been attempts to classify diuretics according to which part of the kidney nephron they affect. But some diuretics not only stimulate the kidneys, but also have an effect on other body systems. Individual drugs, having penetrated into the kidneys with blood, they are active throughout the nephron. Therefore, there is no way to create a coherent system that would combine all the drugs that rid the body of excess fluid and sodium.

The classification of diuretics according to their mechanism of action seems to be the most appropriate. In practice, the following groups of diuretics are used: thiazide, loop (this includes furosemide) and potassium-sparing (aldosterone antagonists). Below is given detailed information about each of them below. The history of diuretics began with drugs based on mercury, as well as osmotic drugs, which removed only water from the body, but not salt. These groups have long been superseded by new classes of diuretic drugs that are more effective and safer.

Thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics With hypertension, they are prescribed more often than any other diuretic drugs. These pills act slowly and relatively weakly, but the side effects from taking them are moderate. This group includes drugs dichlorothiazide (Hypothiazide) and indapamide (Arifon Retard). The remaining thiazide and thiazide-like diuretics are now considered obsolete. Indapamide for hypertension is not used as a diuretic, but as a vasodilator. It stands out in that it does not impair metabolism, unlike most other diuretic drugs. It can be taken by the sick diabetes, gout, and the elderly.
Loop diuretics These are powerful drugs that stimulate the kidneys to produce more urine, get rid of water and salt. Unfortunately, along with excess fluid and salt, the body loses valuable minerals - potassium and magnesium. Loop diuretics are stronger than thiazide diuretics but cause more serious side effects. They are rarely prescribed for high blood pressure. As a rule, they are taken for edema caused by heart failure, kidney or liver disease. This group includes the drugs torasemide (Diuver, Britomar, Trigrim) and furosemide (Lasix). Bumetanide and ethacrynic acid are obsolete drugs.
Potassium-sparing diuretics They have a weak diuretic effect, but improve the results of treatment with basic diuretics. Reduce the risk of potassium deficiency in the body - a common side effect of loop and thiazide diuretic drugs. Many patients are helped with severe hypertension that does not respond to standard drugs. They also reduce mortality in heart failure. The main potassium-sparing diuretic is Veroshpiron (spironolactone). Unfortunately, this medicine can cause impotence and gynecomastia in men - breast growth. But at serious illnesses it is worth taking despite the risk of side effects.

Typically, a patient with hypertension is given the thiazide or thiazide-like diuretic Hypothiazide or Indapamide first, alone or in combination with a drug from another class of hypertension medications. See also note note "Combined drug treatment of hypertension".

If therapy with thiazide diuretics fails, then loop diuretics can be used to emergency care with a hypertensive crisis, against the background of renal or heart failure.

Treatment of hypertension with diuretics - useful information

Medicines that remove fluid and salt from the body hypertension usually prescribed in low doses. If this does not work, then increasing the dose of the drug, as a rule, does not help normalize blood pressure, but it dramatically increases the likelihood of side effects. Therefore, in case of hypertension, instead of increasing the dose of a diuretic drug, it is better to supplement it with a drug from another group or replace it. For more details, see the note "All groups of drugs for hypertension: a detailed overview".

Diuretic drugs (especially in high doses) contribute to the development of diabetes and increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, they try not to prescribe them to young patients, as well as to hypertensive patients with obesity and diabetes. However, the thiazide-like diuretic indapamide (arifon, arifon retard) and the loop diuretic drug torasemide are devoid of these adverse metabolic effects.

What are the disadvantages of treating hypertension with diuretic drugs:

  • “Fast” side effects: frequent urination, sleep disturbances, fatigue, decreased potency in men, increased blood cholesterol and others.
  • Possible dangerous long-term side effects in the form of accelerated "wear and tear" of the kidneys and heart.
  • After some time, the body “gets used” to diuretics, and therefore their effectiveness often decreases over time.
  • And most importantly: diuretics do not affect the cause of hypertension, but only “mute” its symptoms.

We want to offer you a treatment method that allows most patients to normalize blood pressure and get rid of edema without taking diuretics.

  1. The amino acid taurine is an excellent replacement for "traditional" diuretics. It not only removes excess fluid from the body and relieves swelling, but also relaxes blood vessels. Taurine acts no less effectively than "chemical" diuretic drugs. But it is a natural substance that is naturally found in the human body, and therefore does not cause any harm. On the contrary, taurine strengthens the kidneys and heart. In addition to normalizing blood pressure, it improves immunity and helps with visual impairment. Read more about how to treat hypertension and heart disease with taurine.
  2. With hypertension, it will be very useful for you to take magnesium preparations that are sold in a pharmacy (by the way, high-quality taurine is also there, so no dubious dietary supplements are needed). Magnesium does not diuretic action directly, but relaxes blood vessels and improves heart and kidney function. Magnesium is an important component an effective drug-free hypertension treatment program
  3. Vitamin B6, which you are likely to take in one tablet with magnesium, is itself a diuretic. It complements the action of taurine, and also has a beneficial effect on many other processes in the body.

Remember the formula “taurine + magnesium + vitamin B6”. For you, it means the victory over hypertension, the rejection of "chemical" diuretics and the extension of life. These natural substances act quickly, effectively and have no harmful side effects. They normalize blood pressure and remove excess fluid, acting on the cause of diseases. Read more on the links below.

  • The best way to cure hypertension (fast, easy, healthy, without "chemical" drugs and dietary supplements)
  • Hypertension - a folk way to recover from it at stages 1 and 2
  • Causes of hypertension and how to eliminate them. Tests for hypertension
  • Effective treatment of hypertension without drugs (here is a detailed description of how to take taurine, magnesium and vitamin B6)

Diuretics for heart failure

The consequence of heart failure is usually fluid retention in the body. It often leads to stagnation of blood in the lungs. Symptoms of moderately severe heart failure: edema, shortness of breath, cyanosis (bluish skin color), enlarged liver, rales in the heart. For more severe stages pulmonary edema may occur cardiogenic shock, hypotension (“upper” blood pressure below 90 mmHg).

Diuretics are recommended for all patients in whom heart failure has caused edema, as well as shortness of breath due to stagnation of fluid in the lungs. With the help of diuretics, doctors stimulate the removal of excess fluid and salt from the body, and thus improve the patient's condition. With heart failure adequate therapy relieves swelling with diuretics, increases exercise tolerance and, possibly, improves the prognosis for the patient - prolongs his life.

  • Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, medications and folk remedies from CH
  • Diuretic drugs for HF edema: details
  • Frequently asked questions about HF - fluid and salt restriction, shortness of breath, diet, alcohol, disability
  • Heart failure in the elderly: features of treatment

Watch also the video.

Diuretic drugs are only a symptomatic treatment for heart failure, they do not act on its causes. Therefore, they are prescribed only in combination with ACE inhibitors and/or beta blockers. The use of the last two groups of drugs for the treatment of heart failure is beyond the scope of our site.

Alternative treatment options for heart failure

If you do not act on the cause of the disease, then it quickly leads to death or the need for a heart transplant. Even official medicine recognizes that diuretics are nothing more than symptomatic treatment heart failure. Beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors also only "muffle" the symptoms.

Advanced Western cardiologists have come to the conclusion that the causes that cause heart failure are:

  • Long-term deficiency in the body of nutrients important for the heart
  • Chronic "smoldering" inflammatory processes. For example, the spread of infection in carious teeth can cause overactivity immune system, which “at the same time” attacks the heart muscle.

What natural substances strengthen the heart and eliminate the causes of heart failure

Coenzyme (coenzyme) Q10


A substance that takes part in the production of energy in cells. Probably Q10 deficiency is one of the the most important reasons heart problems. Improves rehabilitation after surgeries coronary artery bypass grafting. For many patients, taking Q10 even allows them to refuse a heart transplant.
Regulates metabolism fatty acids, which provide 2/3 of the energy to the heart. It improves the condition of patients and the prognosis for cardiovascular diseases, as well as during rehabilitation after surgery, heart attack or stroke.
An essential mineral for heart health. Stabilizes heartbeat. Improves potassium balance. Increases the endurance of the heart muscle. Relieves spasm of blood vessels. Reduces blood clotting to prevent blood clots. Improves the balance of cholesterol in the blood.
A natural amino acid is a substitute for “chemical” diuretic drugs that is useful for the body. In addition to a powerful diuretic effect, it normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle. Recommended for congestive heart failure.
It is a precursor for the synthesis of "fuel" that nourishes the cells of the heart. Facilitates the condition of patients, increases energy and tolerance physical activity. However, it does not directly affect the causes of heart disease. This is a nutritional supplement.

A detailed discussion of the treatment of heart failure is beyond the scope of this site. Therefore, we are giving you links to two useful books for "heart patients".

These books are readily available electronically. If you know English, read them both. If not, at least check out Dr. Atkins' Bio Supplements.

Edema is a problem for many people. it early symptom adverse processes occurring in the body. Edema signals that it is time for a person to take care of his health, and there is nowhere to put it off. Moreover, the localization of edema has an important diagnostic value.

If the edema is caused by kidney disease (nephritis, etc.), then they can appear on the whole body, but are most clearly visible on the face, especially around the eyes. They are usually too clearly visible in the morning, after a night's sleep. "Kidney" edema is usually soft to the touch, the skin around them is pale. They form because unhealthy kidneys are less able to excrete salt and water. In the blood plasma, the concentration of proteins decreases, and the permeability of the walls of blood vessels increases. More a rare cause edema on the face can be various allergies, as well as endocrine disorders.

If you have swelling on your legs and mostly in the evenings after labor day they are probably caused by heart failure. The cause may also be problems with the blood vessels of the legs, with a healthy heart.

Diuretics for edema are prescribed only by a doctor. He also makes recommendations for diet food, identifies and treats the disease that is the root cause of edema. Please do not take diuretics for edema on your own, consult a doctor. Self-medication with diuretics is extremely dangerous. Edema is a formidable symptom that requires an immediate examination to determine their cause. Treatment should be prescribed only by a qualified doctor.

Diuretic drugs for swelling of the legs: is it always necessary to take them?

For swelling of the legs, as with other problems, do not take diuretic tablets for own initiative. Contact your doctor. He will probably send you through a thorough medical examination. But sometimes the diagnosis can be determined immediately by appearance swelling of the legs. If the cause of the disease was inflammation of the joint or damage to the ligaments, then the edema is formed at the place where the inflammatory process takes place under the skin. In kidney disease, swelling is usually seen on the back of the legs.

Do you always need to take diuretics for swelling of the legs? Of course not. If the cause of edema is not an internal pathology, then sometimes the problem can be eliminated without medication. After all, swelling of the legs often occurs due to difficulties at work and at home. Representatives of many professions (teachers, salesmen, etc.) spend the whole day on their feet, and they have to stand a lot, and not walk. Swelling of the legs can also occur due to sedentary image life, flat feet, and even due to the fact that a person sat cross-legged for a long time. To get rid of edema in all these situations, it is necessary not to swallow diuretic pills, but to drastically change the working and resting conditions.

Unfortunately, every third woman faces edema during pregnancy. As a rule, the problem of edema occurs in the third trimester of bearing a baby. If a diet with restriction or complete exclusion of salt is not enough to eliminate it, then you have to take certain diuretics. Diuretics for pregnant women are synthetic ( medications) and natural - various herbs, fruits and berries. Edema during pregnancy should not be ignored. They can be symptoms of formidable problems with the kidneys or heart, as well as preeclampsia (toxicosis) of pregnant women. When a woman informs the doctor about the appearance of edema, he immediately begins intensive treatment or, after at least, enhances its control over the course of pregnancy.

Unfortunately, the choice of options for the treatment of edema in pregnancy is very limited. Most women in our time, without further reminders, realize that diuretic drugs during pregnancy cannot be taken without permission. All groups of diuretics (thiazide, loop, potassium-sparing, and others), which we discussed above in this article, are strictly prohibited in the first half of pregnancy. In the second half, they are prescribed only in the most extreme cases, in a hospital setting. At the same time, doctors are aware that they are putting a pregnant woman and her fetus at great risk. Possible Complications for a child: hearing impairment, kidney problems, jaundice, deterioration of blood composition and others.

As for herbal diuretics, i.e., folk diuretics, things are not so simple with them either. Many pregnant women frivolously assume that diuretic teas are perfectly safe. Therefore, they arbitrarily brew and drink diuretic herbal preparations. Often the doctor is not even aware of this. In fact, diuretic teas during pregnancy are by no means harmless. If only because they remove potassium, magnesium, other macro- and microelements from the body, change the acidity of the blood and the water-salt balance.

Kidney tea during pregnancy, the doctor prescribes, if there are serious reasons for this. And mild edema without internal pathology can be tolerated without treatment. In addition, it is useful for pregnant women to know the list of herbal diuretics that are prohibited to them. It includes:

  • strawberries
  • juniper fruit
  • parsley root

What diuretics are allowed during pregnancy (only as prescribed by a doctor!):

  • Kanefron - combination medicine vegetable origin. It is prescribed for problems with the kidneys and urinary tract. It has not only a diuretic, but also an antiseptic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Allowed (with caution!) To be used at any stage of bearing a baby. Kanefron is in drops and in the form of dragees. Pregnant women are prescribed exactly the tablet form, because the drops contain ethanol(alcohol).
  • Phytolysin is another complex phytochemical drug for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. The experience of its use during pregnancy is positive, but before prescribing, the doctor should make sure that the woman does not have an acute inflammatory process in the kidneys.
  • Eufillin is a bronchodilator drug that additionally has a diuretic effect. When prescribing it during pregnancy and lactation, it is necessary to compare possible risk and potential benefits to the woman and fetus. It is not recommended to take it on an empty stomach, as it increases the risk of bowel problems, as well as headaches and dizziness. This drug is not suitable if you have low blood pressure, heart problems, or epileptic seizures.
  • Drug treatment of hypertension in pregnancy
  • Treatment of hypertension after childbirth and while breastfeeding
  • Preeclampsia, its prevention and treatment

Diuretics of plant origin. Diuretic teas and fees

Herbal diuretics have been used in folk medicine since time immemorial. They are weaker than modern synthetic diuretic drugs, but much less toxic. If you correctly select a herbal folk diuretic, then it can be used for a long time no side effects. Prescribe a diuretic tea or herbal collection should only qualified specialist: a doctor or a proven traditional healer. He will be able to do this, taking into account the cause of fluid retention in the patient's body, due to which edema occurs. For example, for heart failure, birch leaves are used, as well as berries and strawberry leaves. With inflammation of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis) - other folk remedies. Namely, tansy flowers, leaves and grass of shepherd's purse, berries and lingonberry leaves.

Popular folk diuretics for edema

Flax seeds

Birch leaves for compresses

Infusion of birch leaves for oral administration

Rosehip tea

Bearberry leaves (bear's eye)

lingonberry leaves

Leaves of orthosiphon staminate (cat's whisker)

One teaspoon of ground flax seeds is poured with 1 liter of boiling water and heated for 15 minutes. After that, let it brew for 1 hour in a closed saucepan. Ready infusion drink warm every 1.5-2 hours for? glass.
Help with swelling of the hands and feet. Finely chop 1 cup of birch leaves. Pour them with boiling water (1 l) and stir with table salt (1 tbsp. Spoon). Insist for 30-40 minutes. Compresses from the infusion can be done 5-6 times a day.
Recommended for edema of renal and cardiac origin. The infusion is prepared as follows: young spring birch leaves (100 gr.) warm water(0.5 l). The mixture is infused for 6-7 hours, then it should be filtered and squeezed. After this, the infusion should stand until a precipitate appears, which must be carefully filtered. Clear liquid without sediment is taken 3 times a day.
General tonic and diuretic. Recommended for swelling after surgery or taking a long course of antibiotics. For brewing a glass of boiling water, you need 2-3 teaspoons of wild rose. For best effect rose hips must first be crushed or ground. It is desirable to brew for a long time in a thermos. A glass of ready-made infusion is drunk during the day. The course of treatment with wild rose can be carried out for 10 days, then take a break for 7-10 days and repeat again.
Herbal diuretic, which is used to treat inflammatory diseases Bladder and urinary tract. Diuretic tea from the leaves of a bear's eye is brewed at the rate of 0.5-1 g of leaves for each dose, 3-5 times a day. This remedy is contraindicated in any kidney disease.
They have a weak diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, inhibit the development pathogenic bacteria. A decoction of lingonberry leaves is taken 3-4 times a day. It is brewed at the rate of 1-2 g of medicinal plant material per reception.
This is a traditional kidney tea. It is commonly prescribed for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. It has a weak diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Enhances the secretion of gastric juice. They drink it for a long time, for 4-6 months, taking monthly breaks for 5-6 days. Contraindications and side effects for long period no usage found. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation, as directed by a doctor.

Diuretic nutrition. What foods replace "chemical" diuretics.

Many foods are diuretic. As a rule, these products also saturate the body with vitamins and help maintain normal weight. These include:

  • watermelon
  • pumpkin
  • celery
  • parsley
  • dandelion leaf salad

A wonderful natural diuretic are ... fresh cucumbers. Try drinking cucumber juice instead plain water. He contains great amount potassium mineral, and therefore has a pronounced diuretic effect (and a laxative too).

Medicinal diuretics and kidneys: what is the danger

Suppose the patient has heart failure. This means that the heart has weakened for some reason, and its power is not enough to properly pump blood. Therefore, fluid retention, swelling, shortness of breath and other symptoms occur. And with hypertension, there is another problem: the clearance in blood vessels narrowed too much. Although the heart muscle contracts with normal power, this force is still not enough to pump enough blood through the vessels. In both of these situations, the load on the kidneys increases, and their nutrition (blood supply) worsens.

Imagine a horse carrying too much weight and having to climb a mountain. And then the owner begins to whip her with a whip to make her go faster. From pain, the horse will try to speed up the pace, but the owner is at great risk that, due to an unbearable load, it will fall and die right on the road. So, the horse is the patient's kidneys, and diuretics are the same whip. Sometimes kidney disease can be the direct cause of hypertension. In this case, the "horse" is not only overloaded, but also sick. It will be all the more dangerous to drive it with a “whip”.

We know from life experience that the stronger the load, the faster any mechanism wears out. Therefore, it would be logical to assume that diuretics accelerate the “wear and tear” of the kidneys. If this is true, then people who take diuretics for weight loss or athletic performance are paying for their “achievements” expensive price as a reduction in life expectancy. It should be pointed out here that no one has conducted studies of the possible long-term consequences of taking diuretic drugs, and they are unlikely to do so. After all, if such studies were organized, it would require significant funding and a period of several decades. Neither drug manufacturers nor doctors who do not want changes in their practice are interested in this.

Of course, before new drugs enter the market, studies are conducted on their possible side effects. But these studies are not carried out as carefully as they should. This also applies to diuretics. For example, earlier doctors a diuretic drug called ethacrynic acid was prescribed. And only recently it was finally anathematized, because in the West they noticed that in many patients this drug causes irreversible hearing loss. Prior to this, ethacrynic acid had been used for decades.

  • Self-measurement of blood pressure at home
  • Calming herbal teas for treating hypertension
  • The DASH Diet: An Effective Diet for Hypertension

Pressure in CHF

  • 1 What is heart failure?
    • 1.1 Forms of the disease
      • 1.1.1 Stages of CHF
  • 2 Causes of the disease
  • 3 Symptoms of the disease
  • 4 What happens to blood pressure in heart failure?
  • 5 Diagnosis of the disease and direction of treatment

The lack of timely treatment of most heart diseases contributes to the development of heart failure, against which blood pressure decreases. Cardiac cycle slows down and disrupts the pumping of a sufficient volume of blood. A change in the work of the heart contributes to the supply of an insufficient amount of oxygen to internal organs human body. The amount of blood ejected by the heart into the vessels decreases, blood pressure decreases. This process can lead to death.

What is the meaning of heart failure?

Heart failure is a disease of the human body due to a lack of blood in its circulation. The heart contracts slightly and blood enters the arteries in an amount insufficient for proper circulation. In this process, the heart chambers begin to stretch to increase blood circulation. The expansion of the chambers briefly maintains normal heart pressure, but an increase in the load on the organ greatly weakens its muscle.

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