How does senile insanity manifest itself in women. Emotional manifestations of dementia. How is the diagnosis carried out

This disease is quite common in old age, therefore, when communicating with patients, it is necessary to know everything about insanity in order to take into account the peculiarities of its manifestation and influence on a person’s character.

Marasmus is a specific condition characteristic of old age, which consists in a decline in psychophysical activity caused by exhaustion and destruction of the cerebral cortex.

Premature marasmus can be caused by early destruction of brain tissue as a result of past illnesses or injury.

Causes of insanity

Marasmus can develop in childhood due to poor feeding, acute infectious diseases with damage to the central nervous system, congenital syphilis, suppuration.

The causes of marasmus in the adult period of life are the same infectious diseases, injuries, mercury poisoning, complicated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by metabolic disorders.

At the same time, in our time there is such a reason as atrophic change cerebral cortex, which this moment remains poorly understood. It should not be forgotten that there genetic predisposition, and also that insanity in old age it is essentially a genetically programmed process.

Symptoms of insanity

The first signs of this disease can manifest themselves at the age of 40, and at 60 - it develops to the fullest. At the moment, it has been proven that the decline in mental and intellectual abilities in middle age is the beginning of the disease.

Outwardly, insanity manifests itself by weight loss, dry skin and a change in its shade to earthy gray. There comes a weakening of strength, "senility", the patient's appetite is disturbed and the work of the heart is pronouncedly weakened, which in some rare cases ends with his death. The patient suffers from blindness, deafness, hair tends to brittle and fall out.

The first symptoms of insanity are also noticeable in changes in the patient's judgments and an aggravation of his unwillingness to change. Old man adheres to a habitual way of life strictly defined for himself, reacts aggressively to any changes in it and to the appearance of dissidents in his environment, showing intolerance towards them.

Such patients are characterized by nostalgia for their past, even though it could be extremely pale and meager. The course of the disease itself is so slow and sluggish that for a long time remains unnoticed, but the symptoms are constantly growing.

Among clinical symptoms characterized by dementia, up to absolute. AT physical condition there is emaciation, high fragility of bones and dystrophy internal organs. Average duration the course of the disease is 5-8 years, while it can be weakened by the risk of infectious diseases, surgeries, weakening of the heart.

Signs of insanity also consist in the exacerbation of some personality traits character: sullenness, grouchiness, constant, prone to conflict and egocentrism appear. Characteristic is the tendency to lower desires - picking up unnecessary things, vagrancy, gluttony.

Gradually, patients have a decrease in the level of judgments and thinking, memory and vocabulary. Initially, the disease manifests itself as severe depression and depression, accompanied by a lack of desire and grouchiness. Later, a state of a kind of euphoria develops, with periods of complacency, carelessness and indifference.

About senile insanity

Nowadays, quite a lot is known about senile insanity. It has been found that the most common cause diseases are vascular disease problems, especially hypertension. Despite the fact that to this disease women are most often prone, obese men also have an increased risk.

Also one of the factors provoking further senility- this is . Do not forget about various intoxications, viral diseases, long-term use certain medicines, such as barbiturates or tranquilizers.

If we talk about the symptoms of directly stratic insanity, then it is worth noting the bright and pronounced changes in personality: if the patient was previously thrifty, then he becomes greedy, sociable turns into obsessive, energetic becomes fussy. Old people develop selfishness, resentment, excessive suspicion and distrust even of the family.

For the prevention of the development of senile marasmus, a decisive role is played by intellectual and physical development, which have a positive effect on metabolic and active processes in the cerebral cortex, prevent further atrophy. Vitamin therapy is also recommended. It is necessary to know everything about insanity, since in some cases patients retain part of their consciousness and can hide their disease, while normally the patient does not lose critical thinking about himself.

The treatment of senile insanity is based on psychosocial therapy and the use of some drug therapy. The support and assistance of the family is important to the patient, if possible, he should not be given to specialized hospitals, since a change of scenery can only aggravate the course of the disease.

Treatment of insanity

The possibility of using drug therapy in the case of insanity is very limited. The priority is the supervision and care of the sick, as they quickly lose the ability to household self-service.

In some cases, due to mental disinhibition, patients can pose a danger both to themselves and to others.

It is necessary to try to set the patient to the most active regimen of the day, which will help prevent pulmonary pathology, weakening of the heart, loss of appetite and the appearance of bedsores. Insomnia is usually eliminated by normalizing the schedule of the day, walking on fresh air. Vitamin therapy is prescribed, sometimes nootropics that improve metabolic processes in the brain. The treatment of insanity can be improved by managing the symptoms of vascular disease.

The phrase "senile insanity" is familiar to everyone since childhood. Fortunately, this is not the reason great amount sick, and the comic use of this phrase. For many, the exclamation: "Yes, this is insanity!" - means only that something wrong is happening, not in accordance with common sense. Unfortunately, in reality, this disease is not at all like a joke, since a person suffering from it can qualitatively poison the life of himself and all the people around him. And what is especially unpleasant is that senile insanity can manifest itself at almost any age, and it is very difficult to notice its symptoms early enough.

origin of name

Not everyone understands why this disease received such a name. To make everything clear, one should turn to a dead language - to Latin. "Marasmos" is translated as "fading" and "exhaustion". The adjective denotes the age at which the problem most often occurs. Thus, senile insanity is a disease caused by the exhaustion of the mind and its gradual extinction, most often manifested in the elderly.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, it is necessary to know why it may arise. Unbalanced diet, smoking, alcoholism, low physical and mental activity- all these factors provoke the death of brain neurons, which causes senile insanity.


The earlier a disease is detected, the easier it is to treat. That is why it is so important to be able to recognize the first alarm bells and don't leave them unattended. So, you can not sit back when the following symptoms appear:

1. Exaggeration of character traits. The prudent and thrifty turns into a miser, cautious - into a coward.

2. Short-term memory is impaired - the patient may forget what he did yesterday.

3. Character changes into the worst side, in a person his worst features are clearly manifested.

4. The patient loses the adequacy of behavior and assessment of life situations, orientation in time is disturbed, the mind fades.

5. A person does not want to communicate with other people, society burdens him.

6. Conservatism - the patient believes that everything was good only before, suffers from nostalgia, refuses any changes.


A disease such as senile insanity has several stages. The first - the easiest - is manifested only by a decrease in social activity and unwillingness to communicate, as well as a loss of interest in the world and favorite activities. Stage moderate dementia characterized by the loss of most skills. The patient can "unlearn" to open doors, cook, turn on the TV. He becomes a heavy burden for his family. Well, if the patient is completely dependent on others, is not able to eat and maintain hygiene on his own, then this is already a severe and irreversible senile insanity.


Unfortunately, many people think that this problem incorrigible. In fact, getting rid of it is possible. The main thing is to start treatment on time. So, senile insanity recedes when taking vitamin B12, observing proper diet, gradual increase stress on the body and mind. The doctor may also prescribe anti-dementia and psychotropic drugs. A change of scenery can also have a good effect.

At birth, a person is endowed with the ability to think sensibly. Over time, gradually accumulates a huge mass of various information and memories. The only thing that is not thought out by nature is the aging of the individual. This stage is marked by various diseases and, as a result of many of them, senile insanity. It is impossible to prevent it. It is recommended to know the approaching age problem in order to pay maximum attention to a loved one.

Insanity - destructive process in the cerebral cortex. He provokes irreversible consequences leading to total loss and skills of the individual.

The disease is caused by a previous type of illness called senile dementia. Consequences Arising Due to Progression of Deterioration brain activity, lead to the complete destruction of the nucleus of the brain.

For relatives suffering from a disease, the condition of an elderly person is a difficult test and a great burden. Such old people cannot:

  • Respect loved ones
  • Share acquired wisdom
  • To give advice
  • Understand that their grandson or great-grandson is standing in front of them
  • Everyone skips possible events in your life or your family

These people need more care and attention. Every day and a certain action is associated with great difficulties for such. To help cope with the approaching ailment, knowledge should be guided. The latter make it possible to distinguish the natural involution of the organism's aging from pathological changes occurring in the brain.

During involution, deterioration in a person’s condition is revealed insignificant, not exerting great influence on the general well-being. While in senile insanity, the changes are spontaneous, completely turning the mind of an elderly person.

  • Up to 45 years old - mature years
  • After 45 - presenile period, presenile
  • After 60 years - senile

Exactly 60 years are Starting point personality degradation. Before this age threshold, the cause of the deterioration in brain activity that has occurred should be sought elsewhere (trauma, specific).

Video about what is senile insanity, symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

Types of disease and stages

There are several types of insanity:

  1. Alimentary (infant) - its appearance is due to a deficiency of protein-energy needs, the absence of minerals in the body and those necessary for normal development newborn. Usually affects infants under 12 months of age.
  2. Senile
  3. Physical insanity - can manifest itself not only in old age, but also in young years. It is extremely rare. It manifests itself in the form of the withering of man, depression and loss of activity. A person needs constant supervision and care. is not subject to

Thus, one must treat the senile with understanding. If even minor symptoms are found that indicate the onset of the disease, an elderly person should be urgently referred to. When detected on early stages therapy has more options than late stages progression.

Senile dementia is dementia that comes with age, characterized by the degradation of thinking, memory, behavior. Dementia in the elderly leads to a persistent decline in cognitive performance and the ability to care for oneself. Exist different kinds dementia, they will be discussed in the article.

Senile dementia: what is this disease

Presenile dementia is a whole group of dementia states progressing in the presenile years associated with atrophy of brain cells.

The most common forms of the disease are:

  • Alzheimer's and Pick's diseases;
  • Parkinson;
  • chorea of ​​Huntington.

Senile dementia in psychiatrists refers to the progressive degenerative fading of neurons, most often seen after the age of 80. are violated mental functions, memory, are lost: willpower, accumulated knowledge, routine skills.

This group includes senile insanity and age-related loss of cognitive functions. Unlike congenital dementia, incurable oligophrenia, senile dementia is ranked among the acquired mental degradations of mature individuals.

Stages of development and life expectancy

The stages of dementia proceed slowly, the deterioration of the condition develops gradually.

Are noted:

  • initial stage;
  • moderate;
  • final.

The early stage is very similar to the personality shifts of natural aging. Rare episodes of forgetfulness are noted, mental abilities are reduced. Some character traits: pedantry, stinginess, are aggravated, self-criticism is still preserved.

Moderate dementia of the brain is characterized by increasing intellectual impairment. Personality is destroyed individual characteristics are leveled, the behavior becomes the same type.

Memory lapses deepen, habitual skills are lost. The patient becomes sloppy, indifferent to his appearance and favorite activities. Elementary hygiene habits are still preserved. But the patient is able to injure himself by accident. Relatives should not leave a person unattended.

The prognosis of life expectancy depends on the severity of the course of the final stage of dementia. How many years do people live after being diagnosed with presenile dementia? From 6 to 14 years and more. With senile - up to 10, 15 years.

AT last years the patient has a deep amnesia, speech disorders. He forgets his name, skills, achievements. Treatment at home consists of full care and constant maintenance, including nutrition and hygiene.

It's important to know! An elderly patient needs the constant presence of a nurse or relatives. He can light a fire, flood an apartment, break expensive dishes, cut himself with fragments. Take care of your loved ones!

What to do with relatives

When a patient with such a diagnosis appears in the family, relatives should treat him with increased attention. So far, only minor symptoms and signs, a person combs his hair on his own, but forgets where the comb is, you need to tell him. If the patient is shown, reminded of how the usual action is done, he is still able to repeat the movement and take care of himself on his own.

Relatives must understand that when the patient can no longer take care of himself, the condition worsens. What to do when urinary incontinence starts? We need to hire a nurse, someone to take care of the sick. The patient will need diapers for adults, a diaper on the bed if a severe stage of the pathology has come.

AT last resort, the person is placed in a specialized medical institution. In case of severe dementia in the elderly, here they will be fed, washed, combed, and provided with full care.

Attention! A patient with advanced dementia may become aggressive, pugnacious, intolerant of criticism. No need to be offended by the person. He is not responsible for himself at this time. Relatives must be patient and loving. Forgive and understand.

Types of senile insanity

Senile insanity is not a mandatory sign of aging. Active longevity today captures the masses. At the age of 70-80, people live an interesting, eventful life, go in for sports, communicate in social networks, joke, laugh, look at life positively.

However, often the character, memory deteriorates in elderly people, anger and irritability appear. Some relatives, noticing loved one apathy, forgetfulness, untidiness attribute this to natural aging and don't go to the doctor.

As a result, brain atrophy occurs too quickly, the behavior of a degraded individual turns the life of the whole family into a real hell.

Vascular dementia

Vascular or vascular dementia occurs from a violation of blood circulation in the brain. If some cells do not get enough nutrition and oxygen, they begin to wither and eventually die.

Until a certain age, the body retains the ability to regenerate and restore neurons. But, if exhaustion already sets in, cell atrophy is inevitable. Then symptoms become noticeable, thinking, memory, speech, behavior are disturbed. The individual loses independence, becomes dependent on outside help.

Vascular dementia syndrome can appear unexpectedly, as a result of blockage blood vessel head with a blood clot or a large air plug. If the vessel breaks, many neurons die from the blood pouring into the brain. Also, slow dementia comes from blockage small vessels brain. This pathology can only be detected by MRI.

Heart failure, reduced blood flow from blockage of blood vessels by plaques bad cholesterol also become an impetus for the onset of neuronal atrophy.

Due to the differences in the causes of vascular dementia, there is no single way to treat this pathology. However, prevention and treatment affect the healing and cleansing of blood vessels. Restoration of impaired blood flow large arteries and capillaries. Doctors strive to normalize the pressure, to a value of 120/80. So that neurons do not experience oxygen starvation.

Frontotemporal dementia

Frontotemporal or frontotemporal dementia is a disease when the temporal and frontal lobes of the brain is even more pronounced than in Alzheimer's and Pick's disease. The death of gray matter cells is summed up with the accumulation of Pick bodies in them. In some cells, neurofibrillary fibers from tau protein are found.

Pathology is characterized by rapidly developing apathy, weakening of physical and psychological activity. Speech disorders progress, grasping and sucking reflex. A little later, disinhibition of behavior and euphoria begins. Treat, as in Alzheimer's syndrome, symptomatically, but not very effectively.

Alcoholic dementia

severe disorders of the central nervous system, violation normal activities always become the result of addiction, endless drinking. An eternally drunk person loses adequate thinking, perception, counting, speech, attention, memory.

The patient must be shown to a psychiatrist - narcologist. The doctor will assess the degree of degradation mental capacity with the help of tests and questionnaires, prescribe treatment.

Dementia in Schizophrenia

Schizophrenic dementia of the brain is characterized to a greater extent by emotional disturbances. Acquired knowledge and skills initially practically do not suffer, intelligence is preserved. However, patients cannot use knowledge.

Schizophrenia is a chronic disease. Therefore, if it is possible to stop the course of the disease itself, then the symptoms of dementia disappear. In other cases, an extremely unfavorable prognosis is possible.

Along with the growing apathy, slovenliness, speech and social disorders, delirium and hallucinations occur. But for life, the prognosis is positive, with successful treatment and possible rehabilitation.

Dementia of the Alzheimer's type

Dementia and Alzheimer's disease are synonyms. Pathology of this type is characterized by a primary degenerative phenomenon in the activity of brain cells. Without early and adequate treatment this dementia completely destroys the personality and brings death closer.

The first signs of Alzheimer's dementia are a slight weakening of memory, indifference to your favorite business. There is no known cure for this type of dementia. But many scientists are working on its development. Israeli doctors noted positive changes in new works.

However, drugs are known that slow down the deposition of pathological plaques and the development of winding fibers in the gray matter. An active life position significantly lengthens the life expectancy of patients. Constant exercise for the body and brain creates new neural circuits, makes the brain work and resist atrophy.

The last stage of dementia leads to personality degradation, memory loss, and complete helplessness. It occurs at the most respectable age, 10-15 years after the discovery of pathology. A person at this time needs care and attention.

Dementia after a stroke

Sudden destruction of blood vessels in the brain - a stroke, leads to partial paralysis of the lower or upper limbs weakening them, paralysis of one side of the body may occur. Subject has a sideways smile and is unable to move his tongue normally. After a stroke, walking is impaired. The man shuffles his feet, holds himself unsteadily, as if drunk.

A person has increased drowsiness, apathy, memories of recent events disappear. In a stroke, different parts of the brain atrophy. Depending on what function this portion of gray matter is responsible for, a loss of skills, thinking, and awareness of the surrounding reality is manifested.

In almost all patients, the regularity of urination is disturbed. Emotional disorders, an incomprehensible, helpless state, lead the patient to depression and pessimistic behavior.

Proper treatment and restoration of good blood supply brings the patient closer to a slow but sure recovery of cognitive functions, memory and mood of the patient. Patients live after the detection of vascular dementia up to 5 years or more.

Multi-infarct dementia

The loss of cognitive functions that appeared after many consecutive strokes was called multi-infarct dementia. Its manifestation depends on the extent of the affected area of ​​gray matter. It is noticed that dementia is more often manifested after damage to the left hemisphere.

After numerous ruptures of blood vessels, degradation increases in steps. Strokes are more common with high blood pressure diabetes, atherosclerosis. Several burst vessels can lead to death and complete paralysis. Normal blood circulation should be restored first of all, if the person does not die.

digital dementia

The pathology of the new generation is called digital dementia. Pupils and students, constantly relying on their gadgets, calculators, have forgotten how to count in our time.

AT South Korea, where electronic devices are ubiquitous, there has been a loss of intellect and mental disintegration of the personality in a large part of the population.

Such dementia is treated with mathematical exercises, mental counting, solving puzzles and puzzles. In old age digital dementia occurs in those who do not bother to solve problems, equations, do not teach lessons with children and grandchildren.

epileptic dementia

Epilepsy - chronic illness. It runs intermittently seizures and loss of consciousness. Depending on the length and depth of the attacks, there is a gradual atrophy of neurons and degradation of the personality.

Patients with high intelligence rarely suffer from dementia. Congenital epilepsy is incurable, post-traumatic is treated. Anyway, anticonvulsants lengthen the time between seizures and make them easier. Signs of dementia disappear, memory and all skills return.

Dementia in Parkinson's disease

Trembling paralysis is a disease associated with the death of neurons and the connections between them in the subcortical region of the brain. The cause of parkinsonism is vascular disease, the use of neuroleptic drugs, anti-asthma drugs, traumatic brain injuries, and infections. Family tremors similar to this type have also been noted.

In half the cases, parkinsonism does not provoke dementia. But sometimes this happens, and often there is a craving for suicide. Because a constant tremor is perceived by others as inadequacy. The person is very worried about this. start later.

Parkinsonism is treated with Cyclodol, Parkopan, Midantan and other means. The symptoms of dementia disappear with the healing of the tremor.

Lacunar dementia

Amnestic or lacunar vascular dementia occurs after a limited stroke. It is usually located in different parts brain. The severity of dementia depends on what function the affected area of ​​neurons controls.

Vascular treatment often leads to full recovery motor functions and intellect. Recovery is very slow.

Causes of the disease

Senile sclerosis, indifference to one's appearance, loss of skills and speech occur in old age, not only from respectable years. Progressive dementia is more common after age 80. The reason may be the unlimited use of alcohol or strong coffee.

Alcohol is a known dementia provocateur. Coffee increases blood pressure, which leads to stroke, the development of vascular dementia.

Congenital and post-traumatic epilepsy, if you do not take anticonvulsants and do not adhere to the regime, drinking strong drinks, leads to dementia and death.

Causes of digital dementia - excessive passion for the calculator. Thinking is useful.

Acquired dementia is more likely to affect people who, after high school they don’t read books, they don’t solve crossword puzzles, they don’t visit theaters, they don’t make their gray cells work.

A small percentage of diseases are genetic reasons and infectious. It is noticed that the herpes virus is able to kill neurons.

Organic dementia is of the primary type. It arises from mass death neurons, which is caused by vascular disease, Alzheimer's, Pick. Age-related dementia in almost 90% of cases occurs for this reason.

The remaining 10% are related to secondary dementia. The reasons in this case are:

  • a cancerous tumor in the head;
  • brain infection (meningitis);
  • metabolic disorders;
  • thyroid disease;
  • brain injury.

Symptoms of dementia

Symptoms of dementia in the elderly are general changes, which is a consequence of the destruction of the brain, under the influence of a number of diseases. More often these symptoms occur after 65 years, but experts do not consider dementia the norm for old age.

Age-related dementia is manifested by the loss of routine skills, indifference to those items that used to be expensive. Inability to navigate the terrain, unwillingness to learn new things. The patient can no longer adequately analyze what is happening, compare, confuse bitter and sweet. The old man begins to think Small child. No wonder there is an expression: falls into childhood.

Symptoms of dementia in older people are often accompanied by depression. A person feels lonely, useless in such a helpless state. Vulnerability, hypersensitivity and resentment is easily replaced by aggressiveness and crying.

Symptoms of dementia in old age are sometimes accompanied by hallucinations and delusions, complete degradation of the personality, and shifts in the psyche. For example, sleep disturbance, appetite is accompanied by a persistent desire to put a mug in one place. Such a patient categorically does not want to be rearranged.

Diagnosis of acquired dementia

To know how to treat senile dementia, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. In the early stage of pathology, the patient himself does not always notice changes in his behavior. Loving and attentive relatives, noticing that a person has become slow, confuses words and events, is closed, unreasonably rude, will take him to the doctor.

Disability in dementia and treatment are prescribed by a neurologist, therapist, ophthalmologist. In the laboratory, blood is examined:

  • for sugar;
  • lipids;
  • electrolytes;
  • creatinine;
  • liver tests;
  • thyroid hormones;
  • the content of trace elements;
  • syphilis;

The following hardware tests are carried out:

  • dopplerography of blood vessels;
  • gene test;

Dementia treatment

Neurologists and psychiatrists know how to treat senile dementia. Secondary dementia caused by metabolic disorders, infectious diseases, schizophrenia, epilepsy, head trauma, curable. When the symptoms of the disease that causes dementia pass, the signs of dementia also disappear.

Primary dementia is incurable. But all drugs, nutrition, diet and exercise prolong a person's life, improve the quality of life.


Cure for dementia:

  • Donepezil;
  • Galantomin;
  • Rivastigmine;
  • Memantine.

These drugs are taken daily. Periodic courses are prescribed neuroprotectors:

  • Semax;
  • citicoline;
  • Cerebrolysin;
  • Glycine;
  • Cortexin.
  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants;
  • sleeping pills.

Folk methods

Researchers at the Institute of Regenerative Medicine found that a compound found in grapes prevents age-related memory impairment. Restveratrol is good for of cardio-vascular system. It has a positive effect on the hippocampus, an area of ​​the brain associated with mood and learning, and helps with Alzheimer's disease. This medicine is an antioxidant that reduces the risk of neck and head cancer.

Therefore, grapes and a little red wine are good for those who suffer. senile dementia. With such a diagnosis, they live a very long time if they use folk remedies to maintain life and restore cognitive functions.

Symptoms and treatment of senile insanity are well known to folk healers.

They advise taking:

  • tincture of elecampane. Insist a large spoonful of roots on 500 ml of vodka whole month. Take a soup spoon three times a day half an hour before meals, shaking beforehand;
  • blueberries. A glass of freshly squeezed juice or compote per day restores blood microcirculation in the head, restores vision and memory;
  • honey and onion mixture. Mix the puree of the grated onion in equal amounts with honey. Twice a day, a tablespoon of the remedy reduces forgetfulness;
  • ginger tea with mint and lemon balm. Thirty grams of ginger cubes and a few mint leaves boil with boiling water. Drink tea several times a day. Normalizes brain function and strengthens the immune system.

Nutrition, diet

Symptoms, treatment and how long people live with senile dementia largely depend on proper nutrition and diets.

Food should be chosen according to your needs. For example, when high blood pressure don't drink strong coffee and even strong black tea, so as not to provoke another stroke.

Epileptics are contraindicated alcoholic drinks and strong coffee, then the attacks become less frequent and shorter.

If the vessels of the head are clogged with cholesterol plaques, it is necessary to exclude fatty and fried foods from the diet. Eat less flour and confectionery products.

Symptoms of dementia in women depend on hormonal background. The menu should include food that normalizes the necessary trace elements. Then the memory and bones will be stronger, the heart will beat rhythmically.

Fruits and vegetables, lean meats, cereals, olive oil useful for all older people. Ginseng tincture and juices will give strength, strengthen muscles.


How to avoid senile dementia without exercise? Feasible training is necessary not only for the body, but also for your gray cells. Doctors have noticed that dancing classes, the need to memorize complex movements, have a positive effect on a person’s memory and brain function.

It has long been known that a difficult sport improves the quality of intelligence.

How to prevent dementia or slow its progress while lying on the couch? No way! Active life position, keen interest in new information, learning unfamiliar languages, solving math problems, maintaining a personal blog, chatting in Odnoklassniki will make life more fun.

New connections formed in the brain, thanks to exercise, make gray matter cells work. Thus, a person is able to overcome dementia and prolong his active longevity.

Expanding one's horizons by walking in unfamiliar parks, reading interesting adventure books is useful for improving the quality and length of life of an elderly person.


Prevention of senile dementia is to observe healthy lifestyle life and optimism, diverse, lively interests.

If you spend your whole life on drinking and fighting, with inevitable head injuries, it is difficult to assume that in old age a person will have a bright mind and high intelligence. Many drunkards do not even live to old age.

Those who are keenly interested in the latest in fashion, study healing herbs, philosophical teachings, doing yoga, science, before late years remain able to take care of themselves. A person who goes in for sports, collects paintings, attends fashion exhibitions, does not suffer from senile insanity.

Question answer

Is dementia hereditary?

Numerous studies show that dementia is inherited only in very rare cases. It's about about 15% of the patients.

Difference between dementia and Alzheimer's disease

Dementia can result from Alzheimer's disease or another disease such as Pick's. Dementia is not individual disease, but what neuronal atrophy that has arisen for one reason or another can lead to.

Difference between dementia and Pick's disease

Personality degradation in a patient with Pick's disease follows a slightly different scenario than with Alzheimer's syndrome. Neurons in both cases are affected differently.

Dementia is a consequence of atrophy of the frontal and temporal parts of the brain in Pick's disease. But dementia is not a separate pathology that should be compared with another.

Old age is not a joy, that's for sure. And it is not a joy not only for the aging person himself, but also for those who have this very old age coming before their eyes.

Unfortunately, in old age human brain often fails, opening the way for irreversible personality changes, called senile dementia, or insanity.

    ... Forty-year-old Nina, divorced, but still quite promising for marriage, a woman never invited anyone to her home.

    Yes, and myself she crossed the threshold of her apartment like a torture chamber: her mother, a vicious, grouchy old woman, immediately rushed at her with reproaches and insults.

    If Nina could not stand it and broke down, then a saucepan, a stool or any other object that the old woman came across flew into her.

    Nina endured stoically, sobbing into the pillow and remembering that a few years ago her mother was the closest and most understanding person for her ...

Senile dementia- the most real disease , it begins at the age of 65-75 years, and why - no one knows. It is only known that it affects women two to three times more often than men. And this is quite fair, since, according to statistics, women live to this age much more often.

The first symptoms of senile insanity, dementia

The first symptoms of insanity, dementia usually cause scandals in the family: children (also already beginning to grow old) note sharpening, exaggeration of the character traits of their parents.

So, neatness and love of order turn into into petty pedantry, thrift into stinginess, firmness into stupid obstinacy. Further - worse: there is a narrowing of interests, stereotyped views and statements appear, extreme selfishness, stinginess and callousness, suspicion, captiousness and tactlessness.

Worldly wisdom, which was previously resorted to by all family members, is transformed beyond recognition, and the old person becomes a tyrant of the whole family.

Gradually memory begins to deteriorate. The ill-fated sclerosis, which everyone from young to old complains about today, is being replaced by the decay of memory, which flows, as it were, from top to bottom, layer by layer.

Forget current events first and newly acquired knowledge, the past can be reproduced with amazing detail in all details.

This moment causes particular irritation among the uninitiated and even the accusation of simulation: "What was the name of your mathematics teacher in the gymnasium, do you remember, but where did you put the money, did you forget?"

If the kids don't understand, that in front of them is not an old man or an old woman with a bad temper, the purpose of which is to transfer others to the “soap”, but sick people, and did not turn to a specialist, then the process goes on.

The delirium of damage or theft begins, neatness is lost - in general, for others, the era of "life with an idiot" begins (and it can last for many years), the best way out from which the death of their deranged parent becomes.

What to do to prevent such a painful life for the household?

What to do with the first symptoms of senile insanity, dementia

Primarily, at the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor - senile dementia can be treated only in the early stages of the disease.

You may well refer the need to visit him due to bad sleep memory loss - old people always have a reason to visit a neuropsychiatrist (the word "psychiatrist" acts on irritable old people like a red rag on a bull).

You need to contact a psychiatrist since senile dementia is a mental illness rather than neurological ones.

Never make a scandal, don't argue don't prove the truth. Always be even and patient, tune in to such behavior and children.

Support any manifestations of interest, old people's hobbies, buy their favorite magazines and newspapers.

Stability plays a big role: you can’t change the situation in the room, throw away the things of your parents that seem old and unnecessary to you, you must follow their usual daily routine. At the same time, this routine should not be allowed to extend to other family members. Gradually transfer the old man to a separate, comfortable life for him.

Your duties also include caring for the elderly., concern for neatness. In other words, you need to forget forever that this person once taught you to walk and read, and become his own mother.

And at correct behavior your life will not look so tragic and hopeless like when you declare war on your helpless and sick parent.

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