Nutrition for dementia. Eating disorders in dementia. Digital dementia virus - what is it

An acquired disease characterized by a decrease in intellectual and mental activity is dementia. This syndrome is also called dementia. Dementia is very common in older people. To date, experts recommend supporting the work of the brain with the help of certain medications. Also, proper nutrition plays an important role. After all, some foods can activate brain functions. Therefore, the treatment of dementia requires an integrated approach.

The main causes of dementia

Dementia is a severe disorder of nervous activity, which is caused by a physiological lesion of the brain. The main manifestation of dementia is a decrease in mental activity. From this it follows that the cause of dementia can be any disease that can provoke degeneration, death of brain cells. It should be noted that some types of dementia develop independently and are the leading processes of changing the state of the brain. In this case, the patient suffers from such diseases:

  • Pick's disease;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Brain lesions with Lewy bodies;
  • cerebrovascular disease.

These problems are very common in older people. In all other cases, dementia is a secondary disease, and therefore has some underlying cause. Very often, secondary dementia develops against the background of problems with blood vessels. The brain is affected due to atherosclerosis of blood vessels, hypertension.

Infectious diseases, head injuries, frequent intoxications of the body, and damage to the nervous tissue can provoke dementia. Alcoholism often leads to secondary dementia. With excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, in the first place, the brain suffers. There is a very fast death of brain cells, which are excreted from the body along with urine. After a while, an alcoholic simply loses his human appearance, becomes indifferent to society, and the intellectual activity of the brain completely disappears.

Mental impairment is observed in the presence of brain tumors. A little less often, dementia develops against the background of an infectious disease such as AIDS. Also, rare causes of dementia include encephalitis, neurosyphilis,. In addition, the following factors influence the development of this pathology:

  • Complication after hemodialysis;
  • severe liver or kidney failure;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Cushing's syndrome;
  • Dysfunction of the parathyroid glands;
  • Severe autoimmune diseases;
  • Violation of metabolic processes with malnutrition.

Symptoms and manifestations of dementia

Recognizing the symptoms of dementia is not difficult. The main ones are cognitive impairments. These symptoms are the most pronounced. Behavioral changes, disorders of the emotional background of the patient are no less pronounced. Dementia does not develop rapidly. Changes in the functioning of the brain occur gradually. Therefore, at an early stage, symptoms may not be noticeable.

Relatives may notice pathological changes in the patient's behavior when the usual environment and circle of friends change. Often, dementia manifests itself in the form of aggressive behavior. From the cognitive function, dementia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Memory loss. Both short-term and long-term memory are affected. The patient may have false memories. With an easy form of dementia, as a rule, the memory disorder belongs to a long time ago.
  • Scattered attention. In this case, there is a loss of the ability to quickly switch attention from one subject to another. Also, symptoms can be such as lack of reaction to several objects at the same time, inability to focus on anything for a long time.
  • Disorders of higher functions. The symptoms of these disorders are varied. Speech disorders (aphasia), inability to perform purposeful actions, loss of certain skills (apraxia), and perceptual disturbances (agnosia) are mainly observed.
  • Orientation disorder. Occurs early in the development of dementia.
  • Personality change. The person becomes restless, fussy, greedy. Egoism increases, responsiveness and a sense of empathy disappear. Some patients begin to drag home various unnecessary rubbish. Sometimes patients, on the contrary, become lethargic, passive, apathetic to everything around them. There is too much criticism.
  • Emotional disorders. The patient suffers from depressive conditions in combination with aggression, tearfulness, anxiety. Or there is a complete absence of all kinds of emotions. The mood can change instantly. The diet may be disrupted. Sometimes people with dementia have difficulty swallowing, which causes them to lose their appetite.

These symptoms are typical for any type of dementia. In the case of vascular dementia, other signs are added to everything else. So, the patient may complain of headaches, cardiac arrhythmia, pain in the heart. Often these patients experience strokes and heart attacks. Therefore, as soon as you notice some behavioral changes in your relative or close, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner. In addition to conservative treatment, the specialist must prescribe a diet that will saturate the brain.

Essential foods for dementia

Statistics show that Indians rarely suffer from a disease such as Alzheimer's disease. It all depends on the quality of the food. The fact is that in the daily diet of the inhabitants of this Asian country there are products such as curry and turmeric. These seasonings can prevent the occurrence of amyloid plaques in the brain. Some scientists have tested another seasoning - cinnamon. The experiment was carried out on rodents. They were fed this food product for 4 months. After this time, a significant slowdown in the accumulation of amyloid in the cerebral cortex was noticed.

Many people know that the process of aging and degeneration of neurons is affected by oxidative stress (oxidation process). This happens under the active influence of free radicals. Thus, proper nutrition in dementia should be aimed at neutralizing these free radicals in the body. Natural antioxidants are included in the daily diet. Antioxidants include the following elements: vitamins E, C, A, lycopene, beta-carotene, coenzyme Q10.

These components can be found in the following foods:

  • Sesame;
  • pistachios;
  • Citrus;
  • Vegetables;
  • Greens;
  • Seafood;
  • Boiled chicken eggs;
  • Strawberry.

Scientists have also found that the level of free radicals increases significantly with age. Accordingly, in people with dementia, the level of vitamin C and beta-carotene in the brain is rapidly decreasing. Cholesterol levels also play an important role. Atherosclerosis often leads to vascular dementia. With a high cholesterol content, plaques begin to form, which lead to blockage of blood vessels. The brain begins to experience oxygen starvation. Blood circulation worsens not only in the brain, but throughout the body. Cholesterol levels can be controlled through nutrition.

The diet for dementia should be saturated with foods that lower the amount of cholesterol in the body:

  • Dry red wine;
  • Avocado;
  • Almond;
  • Blueberry;
  • Lentils;
  • legumes;
  • Barley;
  • Vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, linseed).

Some experts claim that a diet that includes eating lots of seafood helps reduce the risk of developing dementia. The Mediterranean diet deserves special attention. This diet includes a large amount of vegetables, nuts and seeds. The daily diet must include fruits. This is especially true for the consumption of oranges. This citrus is rich in vitamins C and E.

The Mediterranean diet includes the use of multiple herbs and greens. The patient should try to add more olive oil to salads and other dishes. A prerequisite for the treatment of dementia is the use of a large amount of fish, other seafood (squid, shrimp, seaweed). But the consumption of meat should be reduced.

In addition, the following foods will help support the work of not only the brain, but the whole body:

  • Dairy products;
  • Dietary meats;
  • Sauerkraut;
  • Broccoli;
  • Swede;
  • Turmeric;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Curry;
  • Sage;
  • Saffron;
  • Melissa.

Caffeine contributes to the destruction of cholesterol plaques in the vessels of the brain. Therefore, patients with dementia are advised to drink a cup of natural ground coffee once a day. During the day, be sure to drink enough purified water. Freshly squeezed cranberry juice will bring benefits to the body. Healing properties are distinguished by a decoction of sage.

Dangerous foods for dementia

As a preventive measure for the development of dementia, it is worth refusing to eat certain foods. From the diet, food that increases the level of cholesterol in the body is completely excluded. So, the following foods are prohibited:

  • Animal fats (margarine, lard, lard);
  • Bird skin;
  • Egg yolk;
  • by-products;
  • Sour cream;
  • Milk;
  • Rich meat broth;
  • Mayonnaise.

Metabolism is disturbed by excessive consumption of confectionery. Therefore, when eating, it is worth excluding the use of muffins, pastries, chocolate, ice cream, cakes. In the case of dementia, the consumption of white bread and sugar is unacceptable. When cooking, use the minimum amount of salt. You need to cook food only for a couple, or boiled and baked. Small meals are welcome. Overeating and late dinner before bedtime are considered unacceptable.

Fried and fatty foods are very harmful. This is especially true for the elderly. During this period of life in the human body, metabolic processes slow down, the hormonal background changes. Quite often, vegetarians suffer from dementia. This is due to the fact that a large amount of plant foods are saturated with estrogen, which leads to hormonal imbalance in old age.

With proper nutrition in dementia, it is strictly forbidden to drink any alcoholic beverages. In the case of this disease, alcohol is a real poison for the brain. This addiction provokes the development of alcoholism. Therefore, it is impossible for a person to avoid the development of dementia. But what about drinking red wine? Nutrition for dementia allows for one glass of high-quality red wine per day. Only in this amount of harm will not be observed.

Dementia (dementia) is an irreversible impairment and decay of the human intellect, resulting from damage to the brain. The disease is accompanied by a noticeable decrease in previously acquired skills and knowledge, as well as the impossibility of obtaining new ones. Over time, a person loses touch with reality, is not able to perceive many events taking place around him, all sorts of boundaries in behavior are erased. With dementia, complex treatment is prescribed, which includes courses of psychotherapy, the use of medications, self-massage, the use of vitamins, etc. Next, we will talk about what can and should be done to treat the disease and improve the quality of life of a sick person.

Dementia is an irreversible impairment and decay of the human intellect.

But first, it’s worth understanding what can be considered dementia. People suffering from this mental disorder are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • There is a weakening of previously acquired skills, including self-care, grooming, etc.
  • A person behaves inappropriately to the norms and rules established in society.
  • There is a violation of speech, and the person abruptly loses most of his vocabulary.
  • The patient is not able to concentrate on one thing, memory is greatly weakened.
  • Inability to remember or learn something new.
  • A person with dementia loses the feeling of attachment to family and friends.
  • Loss of touch with reality.

If you have one or more of the signs, you should immediately seek qualified medical help. If help is provided in a timely manner, there are still chances for recovery or at least an improvement in health.

Some preventive measures that prevent the onset of a severe disorder also help. This includes the use of various vitamins at a young age, the absence of brain injuries, the rejection of the daily use of digital technologies, the development and feeding of the brain from childhood.

With dementia, the patient behaves inappropriately, there are physical pathologies, speech is impaired, etc.

Does vitamin B12 help with dementia?

Vitamin B12 refers to cobalt-containing vitamins. The substances contained here help to improve the functions of the human nervous system, reduce irritability, enhance memory and concentration. Vitamins of this group prevent the development of anemia, sexual dysfunction, and also prevent the occurrence of dementia in older age.

Vitamin B12 is used very often for dementia, but it is even more important to start taking it from a young age to prevent the disease. When the symptoms of a mental disorder are clearly visible, there is little that can help to cope with the disease, but the use of a vitamin for prevention is the most ideal option.

Vitamin B12 performs the following functions in dementia:

  1. Restores hematopoiesis and increases blood flow to the brain.
  2. Eliminates irritability and aggression.
  3. Relieves chronic fatigue.
  4. Improves human memory and concentration.
  5. Removes neurological disorders.
  6. Prevents hallucinations and delusions.
  7. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain.
  8. Removes harmful substances and dangerous bacteria from the body.
  9. Compensates for the lack of many useful substances.
  10. Prevents premature aging of the body.

It should be noted that vitamin B12 can be found in foods such as: pork liver, chicken liver, cheese, cottage cheese, mackerel, sardine, beef heart, etc.

Vitamin B12 does not cure dementia, but increases blood circulation to the brain, relieves many of the symptoms of the disease.

Self-massage of the head

  • positive impact on human memory;
  • improvement of a person's mood, as a result - the absence of depression and other negative factors;
  • reduction of anxiety in people suffering from dementia;
  • improvement of brain function;
  • decrease in emotional arousal.

Naturally, you should know how to do such a massage correctly, because in some cases the procedure is contraindicated. You should not massage if there are skin lesions or skin infections on the head, open wounds, malignant tumors.

Self-massage of the head has a beneficial effect on human mental activity

Normalization of pressure

Scientists have found that too high blood pressure significantly increases the risk of dementia in old age. What is the connection between pressure and dementia? The conducted research has shown that the white matter of the brain is damaged in hypertension. Unfortunately, about 25% of all adults suffer from high blood pressure, and people often say that there is nothing terrible or negative about this. Many of them do not even realize that vascular dementia may occur in this case. Senile dementia due to hypertension is the second most common disease after Alzheimer's disease for the same reason.

Therefore, appropriate conclusions should be drawn, taking the necessary medications to normalize pressure at a young or middle age. It is highly recommended to seek medical advice, as many drugs for hypertension have contraindications and side effects.

stroke and dementia

Dementia after a stroke occurs in 10-40% of cases, so you need to be careful about your own health so as not to encounter a similar problem. The risk of dementia as a result of a stroke increases in the following situations:

  1. The presence of bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking).
  2. Stroke of the left side of the brain, responsible for logical operations, language abilities, etc.
  3. Low human intelligence.
  4. Problems with the brain for other reasons (disease, injury).

It is important to notice the symptoms at an early stage of the disease, then it will be possible to make life easier for the patient and at least reduce the manifestations of a mental disorder. As a diagnostic, the patient is examined, ultrasound, electroencephalography, tomography, etc. are performed. Psychostimulants, nootropics and various antidepressants are used for further treatment. At this stage, it is important to stop the development of dementia and avoid the severe consequences of a stroke.

In some cases, a stroke can lead to dementia.

Digital dementia virus - what is it?

Currently, the whole world is going crazy for all kinds of digital technologies: these are ultra-modern computers, tablets, phones, smartphones and other equipment. Moreover, the expression “the whole world is going crazy” is not figurative, but the most direct, because the digital dementia virus has already entered the world.

Every year, more and more people, especially younger ones, suffer from seemingly inexplicable memory loss, mental disorders, depression, loneliness and other troubles that actually arise due to the invention of more and more digital gadgets used by children.

This is a really serious problem that needs to be dealt with somehow. The risk of dementia increases many times, although it is hard to believe, but the symptoms of the disease appear already at an early age, and not in old age, as it happened before. Experts sound the alarm and insist that the human brain needs constant nutrition and development from childhood. Many digital technologies, unfortunately, do not contribute to this, but, on the contrary, do almost all the work for a person.

How does the digital dementia virus affect a child?

  • Children spend a lot of time at the computer, not getting the necessary life experience, not connecting important parts of the brain to solve certain problems.
  • The child is not able to make decisions on his own, does not know how to search for the information he needs, because the computer and search engines do it for him.
  • The line between reality and fantasy is blurred, especially often various computer games lead to this.

What can be done in such a situation to protect your child from dementia? First of all, limit the time of using gadgets, and not only computers, but also phones, tablets, etc. Secondly, you should educate your child, instill in him the necessary qualities of character, take care of him until he learns to live independently.

The digital dementia virus is a serious problem of our time.

Dementia is a serious disease that does not bring anything good to a person's life, but you can protect yourself from its occurrence by following simple preventive measures, or reduce its manifestations by using effective methods of treating the disease.

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General description of the disease

Dementia is a syndrome that is characterized by an acquired decrease in intelligence and a violation of the patient's social adaptation (a decrease in the ability for professional activities, self-service), which develops as a result of brain damage.

Decreased intelligence is manifested in such disorders as: a disorder of cognitive functions (attention, speech, memory, gnosis praxis), the ability to make decisions and plan, control actions. This disease is inherent in the elderly, since by this age the development of vascular and degenerative diseases is observed, age-related atrophic changes in the brain appear.

Prerequisites for the development of dementia:

Various diseases that provoke multifocal or diffuse lesions of the subcortical and cortical parts of the brain (cerebrovascular disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, vascular dementia, alcoholic dementia, brain tumors, Pick's disease (frontotemporal dementia), normotensive hydrocephalus, dysmetabolic encephalopathy, disease Alzheimer's, post-traumatic encephalopathy, stroke).

Often, the cause of dementia is an increase in the level of cholesterol in the vessels of the brain, which is provoked by overweight, smoking, lack of physical activity, overeating, consumption of saturated milk and animal fats, easily digestible carbohydrates.

Early signs of dementia:

Decreased initiative, physical, intellectual, social activity, weakening interest in the environment, the desire to shift responsibility for decision-making to others, increased dependence on others, increased drowsiness, decreased attention during conversations, increased anxiety, depressed mood, self-isolation, limited social circle.

Symptoms of dementia:

Forgetfulness, problems with orientation, difficulty predicting and planning to perform normal activities, thinking disorders, changes in behavior and character traits, excessive agitation, restlessness at night, suspicion or aggressiveness, difficulty recognizing friends and relatives, difficulty in moving.

Useful foods for dementia

Foods that lower cholesterol levels: natural dry red wine (in small quantities and with meals), almonds, avocados, barley, legumes, lentils, blueberries, oats, vegetable oil (corn, sunflower, linseed). Some scientists believe that The Mediterranean diet significantly reduces the risk of dementia. Her diet includes: a small amount of meat products and meat, olive oil, a lot of vegetables, nuts, fruits and fish (tuna, salmon). Foods with low levels of "bad" cholesterol: fermented milk products (for example, kefir), lean meats, poultry, lean fish (zander, hake, cod, pike, perch), seafood (shrimp, squid, sea kale), sauerkraut, rutabaga, spices (curcumin, saffron, sage, cinnamon, lemon balm). According to the latest scientific studies, caffeine , also contributes to the "destruction" of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels of the brain.

Dishes should be steamed, boiled, baked or stewed with a minimum amount of salt. Food should be taken in small portions, without overeating at night. Drink plenty of clean water (at least 30 ml per kg of body weight).

Folk remedies for dementia

aromatherapy - lemon balm oil and lavender oil are used (for example, in aroma lamps or during massages); music therapy - classical music and "white noise" (the sound of rain, surf, sounds of nature); fresh cranberry juice; decoction of sage.

Dangerous and harmful foods for dementia

To prevent dementia and its development, you should avoid eating foods that contain cholesterol. These include: animal fats (bird skin, margarine, lard), egg yolk, animal entrails (kidneys, brains, liver), cheese, sour cream, milk, concentrated broths, bone broths, mayonnaise, muffin, cakes, white bread , sugar.

Features of nutrition in dementia For normal resistance to adverse environmental influences and internal problems, the body needs a balanced diet. Of course, not every person, even those who do not suffer from cognitive disorders, adheres to the norms of a healthy diet. However, in this case we are talking about a conscious choice and one's own responsibility for it. A dementia patient has no choice because of his inability to understand the problem. Therefore, it is up to his relatives to take care of the nutrition of the patient (as well as everything else). Catering Nutrition of the patient becomes a problem for various reasons. The automatisms of coordination in the use of cutlery that have been developed over the years are lost. Habitual taste preferences change. There are problems with chewing and swallowing. Because of the changes taking place in the patient, the focus is not on preparing gourmet treats (guessing what the patient will like will become more and more difficult over time), but on nutrition that will allow your loved one to regularly receive the necessary nutrients. Below are some tips for catering. Sit down at the table in a quiet environment, with the radio and TV turned off. Get rid of other sources of noise that may distract the patient. If he is excited or, on the contrary, depressed and refuses to eat, you should not try to force him. It is better to wait for the moment when his mood changes. Do not serve food or drinks too hot. In the advanced stages of dementia, people are unaware of the danger of injury and may burn themselves. Also, to reduce the risk of injury, it is better to cook food that can be eaten without a knife and fork. With the development of the disease, the patient loses the skills to use cutlery and may injure himself with piercing or cutting objects. The ideal option is food that you can eat with your hands. When serving food and drinks to the patient, remind him of their name. This will help to better remember them and facilitate communication in the future. Decreased Appetite and Weight Loss Eating problems and loss of appetite often lead to weight loss and worsening of the general condition of the patient. Among the causes of loss of appetite, the most common are: Emotional disorders. One of the typical causes of loss of appetite is depression. Depression can accompany the patient from the moment of an unfavorable diagnosis, starting with a feeling of helplessness in the face of impending changes, and only increase in the future. Since today there are many medications and other means that can effectively deal with depression, you should consult a doctor when the first signs appear. After getting out of depression, appetite is restored. Sedentary lifestyle. Due to the lack of habitual physical activity, older people may feel less hungry or less intense. The decrease in a person’s independence and the limited movement and actions associated with severe cognitive disorders only exacerbate the problem. A more active lifestyle will help to wake up your appetite: doing affordable housework, walking, exercising. The manifestation of diseases associated with the loss of the ability to recognize the offered dishes and drinks. Try to remind the patient of their names, tell how he loved them before. For the same reason, changes in preferences in the choice of food (for example, the appearance of a previously unusual addiction to sweets or spices) and in the time of its intake are possible. Be ready to respond to these changes and feed the patient whenever he feels hungry. Problems with chewing food. Elderly people have problems with the condition of their teeth, gums, and dentures. Oral diseases can make eating difficult. Unfortunately, at the advanced stage of the disease, a person is not able to explain what worries him. Therefore, if you refuse to eat, you can contact your dentist. Problems with swallowing food. Swallowing is a complex physiological process that includes a whole range of reflexes. With atrophy of some parts of the brain against the background of dementia syndrome, disorders can occur leading to swallowing problems (dysphagia). There is a dysfunction of the muscles that regulate the passage of food into the esophagus. Some disorders cause pain when swallowing. There may be problems associated with narrowing of the esophagus. If you notice that the patient has to make an effort when swallowing, consult a doctor. Constipation. This is a typical problem for people with dementia. Among the consequences of constipation is a feeling of nausea or bloating, which negatively affects appetite. The disease can be combated by increasing physical activity, including high-fiber foods and drinking plenty of fluids in the diet. If constipation gets worse, seek help from a therapist. The reasons listed above can lead to weight loss. This is especially noticeable when the patient remains highly active (regular walks, housework). In this case, care should be taken to include more high-calorie foods in the diet. Perhaps, with loss of appetite, the patient will eat more if the daily ration is divided into smaller portions and the number of meals is increased. If your loved one has begun to noticeably lose weight, contact your district doctor or dietitian.

Why should we try to prevent dementia, or as it is also called, dementia? Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia. According to medical statistics, 1 in 10 people over 65 suffer from Alzheimer's disease. Dementia is characterized by a gradual and progressive loss of memory, a decrease in the activity of thinking and mental abilities. Average life expectancy is increasing every year. But as we get older, our brains wear out and the likelihood of developing a neurodegenerative disease increases. In this article, we will share with you simple tips to help prevent dementia.

Omega-3 fatty acids also have a protective function for the brain against dementia. We can find omega-3 fatty acids in various types of fish.

According to a study published in the scientific journal Plos One, it was observed that vitamin B6(found in the following foods: liver, chicken, fish, milk, potatoes, fruits, …) reduces the progression of cognitive disorders. To this vitamin, you can add a few more vital ones: vitamin B9(folic acid) and AT 12. Some cases of dementia have been linked to vitamin B6 and B12 deficiencies.

2- Try to watch your weight and keep fit

A healthy and balanced diet has a direct impact on our weight. Thus, if we take care of our food, we take care of our weight and prevent diseases caused by being overweight, such as obesity and overweight, diabetes, hypertension, etc…

People suffering from any of these conditions are more likely to have poor circulation and heart function. Subsequently, this leads to a decrease in brain activity.

How to prevent dementia: if we can maintain our ideal weight (which is different for each person), it will reduce the risk of various diseases, including dementia.

3- Give up bad habits

We must be aware that our bad (toxic) habits negatively affect blood pressure and the heart.

It is very important to stop smoking because this habit causes blood vessels to constrict, which increases blood pressure. And thus there is an increased risk of developing vascular dementia and other cardiovascular diseases.

One form of dementia that is more likely to be prevented by quitting bad habits is vascular dementia. Vascular dementia is the second most common form of dementia (after Alzheimer's disease). It occurs due to impaired cerebral circulation, as well as damage to brain tissue (for example, as a result of a stroke).

How to prevent dementia: a healthy lifestyle without excesses and bad habits can save your brain from premature aging.

4- Move more! Exercise

There is no need to exercise every day to the point of exhaustion in order to achieve visible results.

There are various forms of physical activity, from walking to jogging. And each person can choose those exercises that suit him and best adapt to his physical form. It has been observed that in older people, even walking for an hour has a positive effect on the maintenance of cognitive functions and brain function. (So ​​it's never too late to be in shape!)

Prevention of dementia: exercise is essential e

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