People in Chelyabinsk are mourning: the chairman of the regional UJR, Olga Davidenko, has passed away. Congratulations, Semyon Arkadyevich! Olga Davidenko became the chairman of the Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region. What personality traits are you proud of?

In the fight against the "officials from journalism" - the Filichkins and the oligarch Vaishtein - another oligarch Mitelman and the "young media body" won

Presidential elections ended without surprises Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region, accompanied, however, by the leaking of compromising evidence on candidates, black PR and other indispensable attributes of progressive journalism. A handful of delegates (42 people) chose between Dmitry Morgules, behind which the locals guessed media tycoons Filichkins who wish, with the help of their puppet, to crush the regional newspapers that have eluded them and Weinstein businessman, sponsor of "Morgules" projects, a classmate or classmate of a rather well-fed literally "Heavyweight" of small-town journalism- and beautiful young woman Olga Davidenko with long legs- Leading Internet TV site "Ural1", better known as mistress of the deputy of the Legislative Assembly, businessman Semyon Mitelman .

Details - in the material .

Both candidates had their supporters and opponents in the media, which is not surprising - the same journalists. For "heavyweight" most campaigned on the Internet sites media holding "Granada-press" , for "legs"- everyone else, first of all - "Cat of Morgules"- a cartoon character on behalf of which a blog is maintained on the topic of politics on Ural1.

At the same time, both candidates, which is also natural, spoke of such a rare chimera as "independent journalism." Since not everyone knew that Mr. Vaishtein participates in the sponsorship of Morgules' websites, the "real boar" all the time, as it were, hinted in his comments and interviews at the desire of the oligarchs to privatize the Union of Journalists. At the same time, it’s true, he declared that behind him, they say, is the power of the region, Granada, and almost Dubrovsky himself.

Pretty woman Olga Davidenko more and more stressed that the SJCHO needed some kind of “board of trustees”, that is, her “daddy Syoma” would give money that would be enough for all the booze of Chelyabinsk journalists at their first desire to pawn behind the collar.

The motives of the sponsors behind the candidates were clear. " Your own dummy» in the Union made it possible To dad and son media moguls take over the "districts". This topic was clearly pumped in her column UralPressInform editor Galina Ivanova :

“And now, according to some editors of the districts, intrigues are woven around the contenders for the post of head of the Union, although it would seem who cares whom our community will nominate, this is the business of the community itself, isn't it? Evil rumors on some resources fuel passions. Every now and then new names of applicants are thrown in. Now there are two names in the bottom line: the host of Internet television Ural1, the head of the press services club Olga Davidenko, and the editor-in-chief of the city socio-political newspaper Chelyabinsk Obzor, Dmitry Morgules.

The candidacy of Dmitry Morgules is being promoted by the administrative resource - officials from journalism, the main support of Olga Davidenko - the editor of district and city newspapers. A year ago, thanks to the actions of such officials, they almost joined a well-known holding against their will and defended their rights through the prosecutor's office. Now they are consolidated and represent a certain force.

I don’t want to particularly influence someone’s choice, but think about it, colleagues, that dirty campaign that is unleashed against Olga in some media, in social networks, doesn’t it indicate the weakness of the enemy? Why is the administrative resource so active? It is worth thinking about this question. And, of course, make your choice tomorrow, guided by conscience and common sense ... "

But in fact, of course - behind both candidates was the loot and, as is usually the case, among the progressive progressive intelligentsia - the desire to grab at least something from the "voting of wallets." If there were interests of regional newspapers in this “vanity fair”, and the position of the editors was best reflected by Olga Davidenko, then Semyon Arkadievich Mitelman correctly truncated the situation, gently laying under the priests of the editors not only bundles of banknotes, but also piles of sweet Jewish promises.

As a result, only 8 conference delegates voted for Morgules, and 33 for Davidenko. That is, not only Mitelman's money, Jewish ingenuity, but, above all, a beautiful young body with long legs won - all this lover of fatty and unhealthy food and alcohol was deprived of his will nature and immoderate bad habits.

You can buy your girlfriend not only a pink Aston Martin, but also a purely high-status public tsatsk. As always, not in the eyebrow, but in the eye, she commented on the victory of the homeowner in the FS Rosa Petrovna Mitelman :

“Well done grandfather Mitelman - the cohabitant will become like he loves a star, grandfather always wanted - a young media body, only the earrings are the same as he bought me, he gave it to his beloved - the old one did not forget about me, he hung my reminders on the new cohabitant".

In the comments on various sites and forums, Chelyabinsk residents, under messages about the victory, Olga Davidenko invariably congratulate not so much her as Semyon Arkadyevich. But Olga, of course, well done, because she could, having desired media status, choose the fate of Olga Buzova, but she liked the role of a “working girl” like Ksenia Sobchak more. Having hooked up a rich “daddy” (sorry, we don’t believe in feelings other than the financial motivation of a young woman to an old man burdened with sores) - you can go to Milan for sales, or you can work, and this desire of the girl commands respect.

Let's rejoice for the Chelyabinsk journalists - they made the right choice: they only need to milk Semyon Arkadyevich now more actively.

"Let's be honest: behind Olga's back there is the figure of Mitelman, who will not advise bad things and will always be able to help with administrative, organizational, and financial resources" - rejoices together with everyone, the former chairman of the UJSC Vladislav Pisanov .

Sasha Slavutina

Latest news of the Chelyabinsk region on the topic:
Congratulations, Semyon Arkadyevich! Olga Davidenko became the Chairman of the Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region

Congratulations, Semyon Arkadyevich! Olga Davidenko became the Chairman of the Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region- Chelyabinsk

Today Another oligarch Mitelman and the "young media body" won the fight against the "officials from journalism" - the Filichkins and the oligarch Vaishtein
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The Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region has a new chairman - Olga Davidenko- Chelyabinsk

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Well-known TV presenter Olga Davidenko headed the Union of Journalists of the Southern Urals. She left the profession for a long time. But time has not erased the image of a handsome, fragile crime reporter with his own unique manner of presenting material in the memory of viewers. Not so long ago, Olga again appeared on the air, becoming the TV presenter of the Internet TV Ural-1. True, now she has a completely different creative role.

The new chairman understands the problems of the journalistic community and is ready to do everything possible to restore the former glory of the Union and the prestige of the profession. There is a lot of work ahead. Lots of plans and tasks. But our conversation today is not only about the prospects that await the writing fraternity. Olga first spoke in the media about her personal life, which has long been fanned by numerous rumors.

So, you have gained a new status. Do you feel comfortable as chairman of the Union? Has the attitude of those around you changed?

Quite comfortable. You know, there are so many caring people! After the election, I am constantly “on the phone”, from morning to evening. Interest in my person has grown significantly. The schedule of life has become very tight.

That is, there was no such thing that someone was skeptical about you before - and suddenly began to speak with aspiration? ..

I'd be disingenuous if I said it wasn't. There were those who treated me somewhat condescendingly and even wrote about it in the media. Now the same people are writing good reviews, although I have not done anything yet, just presented my program. There are those who openly express their dissatisfaction with my election, criticize in social networks, without even knowing me. But there are very few of them. The absolute majority reacted quite positively to the fact that I headed the Union. Although the main thing is not even this, but the fact that colleagues are ready to work, they want changes for the better, they want the Union to be revived and become an authoritative organization again. It is necessary to bring modern aspects to his work. In autumn we will launch a new interactive website. Journalists in a closed Internet zone will be able to discuss their internal problems, personalities when choosing leaders of areas. It would be desirable that each person who has assumed a social burden should be authoritative in the eyes of colleagues.

Aren't you afraid that some personal moments will spill out into this discussion and ... injure vulnerable journalists?

You will need to register on the site. This will save you from anonymous flooding. In addition, there is a moderator who will not allow rudeness and insults.

Then the other extreme is possible - continuous praise.

- Each of us is always pleased to read good things about ourselves. But it is unlikely that journalists will be limited to this. If something is wrong, they will not be able to but make a remark. So without criticism, I think, will not do. The main thing is that it be constructive. The site will also have a section "labor exchange", we will find a place for pen tests. Young journalists will be able to present their materials to the judgment of readers and colleagues.

There is a lot of talk about the board of trustees that you intend to create. In your opinion, it will include businessmen "with an impeccable reputation." Are there any?

We are talking about people and organizations that have no connection with criminals and will not require any bonuses in the form of laudatory articles in return. A regulation on the Board of Trustees will be developed. There is no room for adventurers. Most likely, this structure will include those people who previously helped the Union free of charge. In principle, such a council has always existed, it just did not have an official name and status.

Let's talk about past TV life. Viewers remember your broadcasts, and it's worth a lot. They remember the surprisingly calm timbre of the voice, which, it would seem, is completely incompatible with the horror that the crime reporter had to voice ...

I have always tried not to stir up passions, not to depict a crime, but to state the facts, talk about the problem and how law enforcement agencies and ordinary people are fighting it. I understood that stories are always connected with grief and tried to be extremely tactful during the shooting with the victims, with the relatives of the victims, as well as with those who work at the crime scene. The latter were fulfilling their professional duty, and we were not supposed to interfere with them. I wanted to show in my work that not everything is so scary in this life. There is bad, but there is also good.

- Did this school harden you?

Undoubtedly! But there was a kind of overdose of negativity. By the way, I still can't read or watch crime news. There came a moment when I said to myself: “That's it! Enough!" I had to pass everything through myself. Emotionally detaching was very difficult, especially when it came to crimes against children. It so happened that I did not become the mouthpiece of law enforcement agencies. And she was not among the bandits in the criminal environment either. At the same time, both of them treated me well. And the sources of information were both there and there. I just tried to be objective. Even in the criminal, first of all, I wanted to see a person. It is not known how we would act in this or that situation ...

- You say, there was an overdose at that time ... What made you still return to the profession?

I was invited, and I decided to try myself in a new genre for me - an interview. Many years ago, on television, I realized all my professional desires: I was an announcer, presenter, correspondent, editor, head of a department. She mastered video filming, linear editing, tried herself as a director, created the author's program "Guardian". She achieved everything she aspired to at that time. I wanted something new - I went to work in the press service of the UFPS. And when it got a little boring, we organized a postal museum, opened our own newspaper, recreated the council of veterans, and revived a very interesting youth committee. The range of my duties as the head of the public relations department was constantly expanding, because the initiative is punishable (laughs). In addition, during this period I managed to create a club of press services. It has been working effectively for six years now. Since each of us organized and held many events and various actions, we just wanted to communicate and discuss professional issues in an informal setting. They held creative evenings, formed sports teams. Since I myself love skiing, I managed to involve many people in this sport. The ski team of the press services even won the regional winter sports media competitions held in Magnitogorsk. A very interesting and fulfilling life! Now I need to be re-elected, the club will be headed by someone else. The experience of organizational work will be of great help in the Union of Journalists.

From the media, you often got it for the fact that you are a “drama theater actor” by profession. Although, it would seem, what's wrong ... Does it help in the work?

This is one of the specializations. I graduated from the Altai State Institute of Culture, Faculty of Cultural and Educational Work, specializing in "director of an amateur theatrical group." Both of these are helpful at work. It is quite difficult to organize the filming process, directing gives these skills. And acting skills help to feel comfortable in front of the camera. But the main thing, I think, is to be sincere.

What personality traits are you proud of?

Oh, this thankless thing - to praise yourself ... Yes, I'm not proud of anything - what it is, it is. To be honest, I see more shortcomings in myself. I doubt myself too much, I make decisions for a long time. I need to weigh all the pros and cons, to predict the situation. It often happens that I write the pros and cons on a piece of paper, so that later it would not be excruciatingly painful. I always try to approach everything responsibly.

As chairman, you set yourself two main tasks: to rally journalists and build relationships with the authorities. What do you think would be more difficult to do?

Both tasks are quite difficult. There are so many different people working in journalism! Each media outlet has its own founder. But when there is a common goal, the union happens automatically. Many want to revive the Union, one can already feel the solidarity, the desire to work together. I hope that this is not just an impulse, but a vector that will allow you to confidently move forward and achieve results. As for partnership with the authorities... It is simply necessary to do this, otherwise there will be anarchy. You always need to find mutual interest. Journalists are intermediaries between the government and society. We must interact. Spectators, readers, listeners have the right to prompt reliable information. Without power structures, it is impossible to solve the issues of grants, increasing subsidies for small media outlets. You need to prove why this is necessary.

All media should take part in the work of the Union so that there is no division into insiders and outsiders. It's difficult, but possible. If we conduct a constructive dialogue with the authorities, we will gain more than we will lose. At the same time, the funds will be distributed objectively, and not according to the principle “whoever speaks better about me will get a big candy”. Professionalism must be proved by your work. We need to try to raise the credibility of the media. People begin to doubt the veracity of the journalistic word, especially in the Internet space. Meanwhile, there is a code of honor in journalism, and the Grand Jury will help resolve many controversial situations. What to hide - the level of professionalism of journalists is different. The goal is to constantly improve it. In this regard, there are also many ideas. Already three people have expressed a desire to lead the educational direction in the Union: interaction with media holdings, universities, inviting journalism stars. Maybe we will even create a commission. I had and have a principle in my work: if a person comes with a problem, I ask you to voice two or three ways to solve it. Options need to be discussed. This is the only way to choose the best one. You can't have one person decide everything.

Colleagues in Yekaterinburg are waiting for the opening of the House of Journalists. In Chelyabinsk, he had an unhappy fate. Governor Pyotr Sumin singled out an old mansion, under Yurevich it was taken away from the Union. Is there any hope left? Do journalists really need a home?

I remember that the idea of ​​improving the House of Journalists at that time also rallied many people ... Now we are accepting cases, when I see all the documents, I can say more precisely. If the building is on the balance sheet of the Union, we will try to return it. If not, we will look for other options. Domzhur, of course, would help to unite colleagues. In addition, you need a room for events, you need an office for the executive secretary. By the way, these duties are assigned to Alevtina Nikitina. And on the site there is feedback, you can write your suggestions, wishes, comments.

Everyone is interested in the personal life of Olga Davidenko. Isn't it time to open the veil of secrecy?

This is no longer a secret. For almost a year and a half, I have been living in a civil marriage with the deputy chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the region, Semyon Arkadyevich Mitelman. It so happened that at the time of our meeting, we accidentally found out that he had not lived with his ex-wife for six months and I had not lived with my ex-husband for about a year. Before the official divorces, in fact, we were free. Neither he nor I had a family. When they started dating, they quickly realized that they needed each other. We have been living together since February last year. And let dirty rumors remain on the conscience of the people who voice them.

- Is there enough space for personal relationships in the current busy schedule of life?

Everything is possible to combine. This year I worked in a fairly free mode and realized that it was necessary to match my man. This is such a bright personality, an unusually talented diversified person! He understands economics, jurisprudence, writes poetry, sings his songs, never sits idle, reads a lot. He has always studied excellently and is aimed at self-development. Semyon Arkadyevich is a very busy person, but, nevertheless, he always pays a lot of attention to me. I wouldn't want to be left behind. To be interesting to him, I also constantly try to develop, to fulfill myself. I think if you already got such happiness - a smart, kind and caring man - you should try to match him in everything.

Now I have the time and opportunity to do something really good for the Union of Journalists. I will try to ensure that those people who entrusted me with the chairmanship will not be disappointed and will never regret it. And that I myself will never regret it.

Farewell, bright and cheerful person

Chelyabinsk mourns: Olga Davidenko, chairman of the regional UJR, has passed away

On the night of Friday, April 13, Olga Davidenko, chairman of the Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region, suddenly died in an Israeli oncology clinic. For the authorities and the media community of the region, the information became shocking, Olga Vladimirovna was such an active and radiating person with health and vitality.

The course of Olga Davidenko's illness was very rapid. Until the last moment, she led an active life: she participated in sports events, dealt with the affairs of the Union of Journalists, and planned to become a member of the Public Chamber of the region. As Olga's relatives told the site, she went to Israel to treat a less dangerous disease. Already in the clinic, a terrible diagnosis was made, Olga died out in just two weeks. She was 51 years old.

The date of farewell is still unknown, it will take place next week, when the body is delivered to Chelyabinsk.

One of the first condolences was expressed by friends and relatives of Olga Davidenko. Dozens of posts appeared on Facebook by those who knew, respected and loved Olga.

Lyubov Davidenko, daughter:“Those whom we truly loved remain with us forever. It doesn't matter if the person is gone or dead. He will always be with us, will always be part of us. And no one can replace him, and it is not necessary - this is a useless thing. And if there was true love, there is no void that needs to be filled either. There is sadness and longing, but there is no emptiness. This is how we show loyalty to the departed person,” Freud wrote sadly and wisely. A person stays with us forever, for life. And inside our soul, he does not die and does not go away. So the child grieved for the loss of a kitten. He was very sad - he loved the kitten. And he himself became a kitten. He began to eat from a bowl of a kitten and lie on his bedding. Then everything passed, but the child was consoled - after all, the kitten remained, here it is! He lives in the soul! The loss must be accepted - in the full sense of the word. Only this will moderate the pain and anger after separation. The beloved person remained with us and in us, he will always be with us now. And we will always love and remember him, live with him, talk mentally ... But this is only if you really loved him, with all your heart and all your soul. This is loyalty and devotion. And loved ones do not disappear anywhere, they are always with us: grandparents, parents, lovers, friends. And they protect us and give advice - even King once mentioned that we hear their voices. And do not make efforts and forget, forget by force. Better to accept. It is better to understand that all the departed remain in our soul. And it gives hope for a meeting. We have not betrayed or forgotten them, we just live on. And we still love…”

Nail Fattakhov

Press Secretary of the Chelyabinsk Regional Court Evgenia Natsievskaya: “One of the most amazing women that I was lucky to know! The terrible news that came at night will probably never settle in our heads! Condolences to the family."

Head of the Orient Express TV channel, on which Olga Davidenko began her career on television, and also hosted her own program in recent years, Pavel Mikhailov: “Olga ... Thank you for being there. We will remember."

Assistant to State Duma Deputy Andrey Baryshev Oksana Khudyakova: “Our chairman left ... Olya Davidenko. Always open, friendly, pleasant in communication, very responsive and not indifferent. It's hard to believe that she is no more. Blessed memory of a bright man.

Benefactor Yulia Zhabotinskaya:“Light and sincere, always with a smile on her face. It is impossible to believe that Olenka is no more ... It hurts ... ".

Nail Fattakhov

ChelGU press secretary Anastasia Gusenkova:"Farewell, our star."

Rifat Abdrashitov:“I just can’t believe it ... The very love of life, charm, femininity, an alloy of tenderness and trust ... There is some kind of supreme injustice in this. Condolences to the families."

Anatoly Ganin, chief of staff of the Chelyabinsk branch of the LDPR, ex-press secretary of the Chelyabinsk police, with whom Olga Davidenko collaborated while working on television: “Shock! The nightly news that Olga Davidenko was gone completely drove away sleep and drove into a stupor. Until now, all this does not fit in my head ... I have known this person for a long time. We had a chance to work together, communicate with each other on a variety of topics. I always noted her love of life, a riot of life colors, her ability to play according to the situation, always remaining an interesting person. Do you remember Mironov's lines: "Freeze, angels, look: I'm playing!..."! It seems to be about her. In the morning, a thought came to my mind: otherwise she could not have left us! Only like this: a bright comet, on Cosmonautics Day, leaving behind the kindest memories. Olenka, I'm sorry if I have ever offended you in any way. Kingdom of heaven to you. Most sincere condolences to family and friends. Guys, hold on."

Entrepreneur Asiya Istleeva: “Unfortunately, the world is so arranged that from time to time it takes people who could still live a long time. Olga's departure is that case. Why she? Surprisingly unfair! So real, bright, alive. And so young and vibrant. How so? Eternal memory... No more words! Kingdom of heaven!"

press service of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region

« Governor and Government of the Chelyabinsk Region express their deep condolences to the family and friends in connection with the irreparable loss, - the press service of the head of the region reports. - The position of the head of the regional Union of Journalists was the result of many years of work and authority, which Olga Davidenko earned with her active position and high professionalism. For several years, she managed to rally the professional community, to make the organization an effective tool for protecting the rights and interests of South Ural journalists. The bright memory of Olga Vladimirovna Davidenko will forever remain in the history of the Chelyabinsk region.

Head of Chelyabinsk Evgeny Teftelev: “On behalf of the administration of the city of Chelyabinsk and on my own behalf, I express my deepest condolences to relatives and friends in connection with the sudden death of the chairman of the Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region, Olga Davidenko. This news shocked all of us. A professional with a capital letter, with unquestioning authority in the media community and power circles, and just a good person. It is impossible to assess the loss suffered by Chelyabinsk and the entire region. The memory of Olga Vladimirovna will forever remain in our hearts.

« Leadership of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region and deputies Express their condolences to the Deputy Chairman of the WSO Semyon Mitelman in connection with the untimely death of his wife Olga Davidenko, the press service of the WSO said. - It is hard and impossible to come to terms with the departure of a loved one, especially such a bright and cheerful person as Olga Vladimirovna was. Her strength and energy were enough for everyone: for family, work and social activities. For relatives, she was a beloved wife, mother, grandmother. For media representatives of the Chelyabinsk region - a reliable defender of their interests and rights. Bright, active, surprisingly kind and bright, Olga Davidenko will remain in our memory like that.

Condolences also expressed Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Chelyabinsk Region Oleg Dubrovin. “Olga Davidenko was an incredibly cheerful person and a very active social activist. It was under her leadership that the Union of Journalists reached a new qualitative level. For the Chelyabinsk region, this is a big loss. My deepest condolences to family and friends,” he said.

Recall that in March 2018, Olga Davidenko was included in the new composition of the chamber according to the lists of the ZSO. During the discussion of her candidacy, she told the deputies that she was going to the chamber to defend the purity of the media and fight information resources that are used for dubious purposes.

“The new composition of the chamber has not yet been formed,” said Oleg Dubrovin. “But she was our person, for all of us it is a shock and a shock.”

Nail Fattakhov

Department of Information and Public Relations of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Chelyabinsk Region: “We remember Olga Davidenko as a reliable colleague in joint work at the beginning of the formation of the Information and Public Relations Department of the Internal Affairs Department of the Chelyabinsk Region. And in the future, for many years, communication and interaction with her were not interrupted during Olga Vladimirovna's work on the TV channel as the host of the criminal news television program and work in the press service of the regional postal department. Reliability, purposefulness have always distinguished Olga Vladimirovna as a faithful partner, a kind, sensitive and sympathetic colleague. Olga Vladimirovna Davidenko will always remain in our memory. We express our sincere condolences to the family and relatives in connection with the irreparable loss of a loved one.

Photographer Andrey Popov:“This is really a shock! Davidenka (Olga Davidenko) is no more. But among ourselves, we called her by her last name and bowed her last name like a man's. Apparently, they felt the power. I remember how she came to the Orient Express, it seems, in 1992. Then everything was just beginning. And a new television and a new life. And for the last time, quite recently, on March 11, 2018, she got into my frame. And then she sent me a photo where we were both in the frame. How is that!?”

Olga Davidenko was born in Barnaul, and in 1988 she moved to live in Chelyabinsk, where her career was formed. In 1992 she worked as a TV presenter at the first commercial television channel in Chelyabinsk, Kanal-TV. In 1994, she moved to the press service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Chelyabinsk Region, then to the Vostochny Express shopping center, the Federal Postal Service. For several years she was a correspondent for the NTV channel. Member of the Union of Journalists since 1996. Since July 13, 2015, Davidenko has headed the NGO Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region. Last year, Olga was awarded the badge of honor of the Union of Journalists of Russia "For services to the professional community."

The site expresses condolences to Olga's family, friends and colleagues.

In short, the mistake of the Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Semyon Mitelman, is the craving for the use of "forbidden" legal methods. And Semyon Arkadyevich used these tricks against his ex-wife Rosa Petrovna Mitelman.

On the picture: Rosa Mitelman (left) and Semyon Mitelman (right)
Photo source:

The regional Internet publications of the Ural region wrote quite a lot about the family scandal of the Mitelman family.

Note from the editor: There are two well-known business families in the Chelyabinsk region, where father and son are deputies.

These are the Mitelman family and the Vidgof family. In the case of the Mitelmans: the father (Semyon Mitelman) is a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region and holds the position of vice-speaker, and the son (Ilya Mitelman) is a deputy in the Kurchatovsky district of Chelyabinsk and is delegated from the district to the Chelyabinsk City Duma.

Based on age and marital status, Semyon Mitelman is usually referred to as " Mitelman Senior", and Ilya Mitelman is called" Mitelman Jr.".

The essence of the scandal was that in 2014, after 42 years of family life, Semyon Arkadyevich Mitelman annulled his marriage to Rosa Petrovna Mitelman.

After a short period of time, Semyon Mitelman entered into a relationship again, but with Olga Davidenko, who is 15 years younger than her new husband.

On the picture: Olga Davidenko (left) and Semyon Mitelman (right)
Photo source: URA.RU

In big politics, this happens, but such cases are more an exception to the rule than a common practice.

Family divorces in politics are not welcome, and even public family scandals are under an unspoken ban.

Commenting on the situation with his divorce to the online publication, Semyon Mitelman said:

“I could sue her for defamation, but I won’t. I understand that she (Roza Petrovna Mitelman - ed.) is offended. Hopefully, over time, the insult will pass. I have no anger at her, only regret that this happened. ”

These words were spoken by Semyon Mitelman in 2014, but already in 2016 Semyon Mitelman presents it to the Central District Court. in Chelyabinsk, a civil suit for the recovery of 167 million rubles against his ex-wife Rosa Mitelman.

In July 2017, the court denied Semyon Mitelman satisfaction of his claims. Details on why Mitelman Sr. lost the court case are described in the material published on the Public Defender on line website.

At the same time, sources of the Information Agency "Deputy of Russia" in the regional parliament report that the vice-speaker is very pleased with the current situation and everything seems to be going according to his plan.

What's this? A good mine in a bad game, or is Semyon Mitelman's plan really

The goal of Mitelman Sr. was not to win the process, but to drag out this process, while arresting all the money of Rosa Mitelman on interim measures.

In civil proceedings, the court considers an application for interim measures on the day of its receipt.

In case of the Mitelman Sr. case the statement of claim itself and the application for interim measures were received on 10/27/2016 at 4:22 pm and the judge found it at 5:51 pm, that is, 9 minutes before the end of the working day.

At 20 h. 00 pm the same day, the judge of the Central District Court of Chelyabinsk Us A.The. accepts Semyon Mitelman's statement of claim for proceedings and satisfies his request to seize the property of Rosa Mitelman.

There are no complaints against the court at this time. Everything is done according to the letter of the law. Arrest on property imposed according to the rules of Art. 141 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, that is, on the day such an application is received by the court.

There is one peculiarity in the civil process. It is impossible to satisfy the requirements for interim measures without accepting the statement of claim for proceedings. The exception is the situation with preliminary interim measures aimed at protecting copyright and/or related rights.

According to Rosa Mitelman's defenders, evidence substantiating the claims was not attached to the claim. This situation should have led to the statement of claim of Mitelman Sr. should have remained without movement and as a result, until the shortcomings were eliminated, there could be no talk of arresting Rosa Mitelman's property.

In the case of the lawsuit of Semyon Mitelman, everything happened clearly.

The claim for proceedings was accepted immediately and, accordingly, the court issued a writ of execution for the arrest of Rosa Mitelman's property within the limits of the claim

There is one feature that is of particular importance in the situation regarding the arrest of Rosa Mitelman's property.

The plaintiff himself, that is, Semyon Mitelman, asked to seize only the funds on the defendant's current account.

There was no need for Mitelman Sr. to seize anything other than money, such as real estate. As it turns out later, the goal of the Deputy Speaker of the ZSO is extremely simple. It was necessary to deprive Rosa Petrovna Mitelman of "live" money.

“As you know, any war is a struggle of resources. And you can fight only if you have these resources.

And the legal war is the war of money. The kind of money that you can pay your defenders so that they can do everything to win the dispute.

Those who are familiar with the technology of corporate wars know that any war begins with the fact that one side must "bind" its opponent by interim measures. The party that has the money in the account arrested simply cannot spend it, be at least three times right in this dispute.

Today we have the fact that "Mitelman Senior" he lost the lawsuit to his ex-wife Rosa Mitelman, but the property of the winner in this case is still arrested.

Why did Semyon Mitelman need this.

In the case of the dispute of the Mitelman family, you can see the technologies that the "raiders" usually use to protect themselves from criminal prosecution in the future.

Everything is simple here. The fact is that Roza Petrovna Mitelman persistently demanded that the investigative committee bring Semyon Arkadyevich Mitelman to criminal liability. Confirmation of this can be found on the website of the Chelyabinsk Regional Court (Case No. 3-10-420/2016 in the Central District Court of Chelyabinsk).

For reference : Statements on bringing to criminal responsibility Mitelman S.A. were filed on the facts of illegal alienation (under false powers of attorney on her behalf) of many real estate objects. Law enforcement agencies, represented by the Investigative Committee, constantly refuse to initiate criminal cases, and this despite the presence of at least three (!) Expertises indicating that she did not issue a power of attorney for transactions.

The opinion of the defenders of Rosa Mitelman

There is such a thing as force the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case”.

How it was implemented in the case of the Mitelman Sr. case.

In any way, it was necessary to obtain a decision refusing to initiate a criminal case against Mitelman Semyon Arkadyevich.

This decision was made on December 20, 2016. And then the representatives of Mitelman S.A., used a procedural trap.

Here is its mechanism:

the investigator issues what we believe to be a clearly unlawful decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case. After that, the lawyers of Mitelman SA, using far-fetched formal arguments, go to court in accordance with Art. 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, appealing against the decision of the investigator.

At the same time, their goal is not to cancel the decision, but to have the court “strengthen” this decision, that is, to recognize the arguments of their complaint as unfounded, and the investigator’s decision to be lawful and justified. At the same time, today the courts are deprived of the opportunity during such a procedure to evaluate the evidence collected during the verification, and base their judgments on the formal side.

What happened in our case. During the consideration of the complaint, the court did not examine any evidence, but only the submitted applications and the results of their consideration. However, in the future, the presence of such a court decision gives grounds for the Investigative Committee and the prosecutor's office, when further appealing against the illegal decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case, not to go into the essence of the arguments, but deliberately reject them with reference to the court decisions.

That's the whole plan of Semyon Mitelman.

This plan has only one purpose. To temporarily deprive Rosa Mitelman of resources and avoid criminal prosecution so that lawyers can no longer write statements and appeal against the decisions taken to refuse to initiate a criminal case.

The only thing that Mitelman Sr. did not take into account that the whole situation got out of control and leaked into the public plane. Even the status of Olga Davidenko as chairman of the Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region could not provide a complete "block on the negative" in the Mitelmanov case.

This was learned in Moscow and cold-bloodedly Mitelman Semyon Arkadyevich was put on a special list.

As they say in the capital:

He's not on that list." What this means is known only to those whose names are on this list.

In a word, if you are in politics, then get a quiet divorce. No scandals. And most importantly, without going out into the public plane.

Today it is already amusing to remember that two years ago one of my colleagues doubted whether it was right that Olga Davidenko, a former TV presenter and PR specialist, would now head the Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region. And will it work? After all, here every member is a self-sufficient person, behind each there are tens, if not hundreds of thousands of readers and viewers. And the Union itself at that time was a pitiful sight. It was seriously discussed - is it needed at all?

Chairman's dream

- Olga, why did you decide to engage in social activities?

Because social work is interesting and close to me. I don't even consider it a job, rather it's a way of life. Ever since school, I have always been interested in expanding the horizons of my main activity, learning something new, communicating and adopting the best experience from people who are close in spirit or profession. Therefore, from childhood, I either created it myself, or was a member of some public organizations: clubs, movements, circles. So in the club of the press services of the Chelyabinsk region, which I managed to create eight years ago with the support of like-minded people, life was seething with us! We helped each other and, in addition to the main work, organized competitions, seminars, trips, held competitions and many other interesting things.

- That is, the journalists envied the PR people and lured them away?

Well, maybe... But seriously, I have been a member of the Russian Union of Journalists since 1996, and the Union has helped me more than once in difficult situations. I want the Chelyabinsk regional branch of the UJR to once again become an authoritative and strong organization capable of solving the issues of the development of the media community, useful for journalists and their professional growth.

I received an offer to head the Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region two years ago from the chief editors of regional newspapers, Lyudmila Chebotina and Elena Vyatkina. At first, I took their words as a joke, but, feeling the support of my colleagues and the desire of many members of the Union of Journalists to change the Union for the better, I got the idea. Together we created a program for the development of the Chelyabinsk regional branch of the Union of Journalists of Russia, which we are now implementing together.

- Why do journalists need their own trade union?

So that the journalist had somewhere to go, as they say, both in sorrow and in joy. In fact, we have a creative union, not a trade union organization. After all, journalists do not have one enterprise where members of the trade union would transfer monthly contributions and receive various benefits, trips, gifts in return ... The Union of Journalists is necessary both to defend the interests of the media community as a whole and to protect the rights of individual media workers. The Union is needed to revive the prestige and high status of the journalistic profession, to create conditions for the professional and personal development of media workers.

- Each organization has goals, objectives, but does the chairman of the Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region have a dream?

There is a dream - to unite the journalistic community! While it seems utopian. Each media has its own information policy, its own rules and guidelines. Now, some colleagues have forgotten about journalistic solidarity and journalistic ethics and publicly “sling mud at each other” for the amusement of the public. The problems of most mass media are common, and it is better to solve them together.

When a journalist is threatened...

- What was the most difficult part of your job for you?

To organize the daily and stable work of the office of the Union of Journalists. Two years ago, the regional Union did not even have an office, not to mention furniture, computers and other elementary conditions for work. The second point is that it was difficult to unite representatives of various influence groups of the regional media community on the board of the Union of Journalists and convince them to work together for a common goal.

- And it worked!

Our board really works, each of its members performs a specific task. We meet once a quarter and discuss what was planned and what was not, what still needs to be worked on and what resources are needed to achieve the goal.

- Is there any case in the history of the Union, after which you realized that you were not doing your job in vain?

There is - when we provide real assistance to media workers. There are already many such cases. I will give just a few examples. The Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region provided free consulting assistance to the leading lawyers of the region to the newspaper Stalnaya Iskra, and the editors won the court case. The Union of Journalists issued an official statement, appealed to the governor and law enforcement agencies, and, with the help of the regional media, provided information support to the Domashny (Orient Express) TV channel when its film crew was attacked. As a result, the defendant was prosecuted. Legal and informational support was provided to a journalist of the Krasnoye Znamya newspaper - a woman, while performing an editorial task, received threats from a resident of the city of Kasli, well-known in criminal circles. Members of the board of the Union of Journalists then promptly left for Kasli, filmed the testimonies of the participants in the events, personally addressed the head of the local police and the head of the city with a request to protect the rights of the journalist. The result - the accused apologized to the correspondent. The UJEC promptly responded to the resonant "toy scandal", as a result of which two employees of the ITV were threatened with dismissal. The Board and the Grand Jury of the Regional Union of Journalists at a joint meeting supported the right of ITV journalists to professional activities, declared that they should not be persecuted for a sharp story.

I'm sick of props

- The Union of Journalists, like other public organizations, are building blocks of civil society. What, in your opinion, hinders the development of civil society in Russia and the region and what contributes?

It is necessary to create conditions for the development of civil society. Public organizations should not be sham, creating the appearance of social activity. Excuse me, this makes me sick, so I usually refuse to participate in the "work" of various public councils, expert groups and similar gatherings. I think that everyone in their place should talk less and do more, that is, work hard and represent the interests of their professional community or group.

- Criticality and constructive dialogue in relations with the authorities - how to find the right balance? And what cannot be compromised?

The secret is simple - the parties should not put pressure on each other, but honestly do their job. The journalist is personally responsible for his publications and is obliged to check the information. Information racketeering for the sake of obtaining contracts for information services or achieving any other goals is unacceptable. The reproaches of representatives of the authorities against journalists for their unwillingness to form a positive image for them are also unjustified. A journalist is obliged to disseminate information, and not to care about the image of those in power. What definitely cannot be put up with is the establishment of censorship and restriction of freedom of speech!

We have everything real!

- The Chelyabinsk region is an industrial region, and what, besides industry, can we be proud of?

We have a lot of achievements in the field of culture, art, sports. For example, our Chelyabinsk Regional Historical Museum is not just a temple of history, but a real modern cultural center! The list can be long. Our theatres, exhibition venues and sports arenas host interesting performances, festivals, competitions known far beyond the region and Russia.

- Olga, how do you see Chelyabinsk and the region in 10, 20, 50 years?

I am an optimist and believe in the good. The power of the Southern Urals cannot be broken! Of this I am sure. I really love our region, I think that in 10 and 20 years it will be industrialized and at the same time attractive for tourists, athletes and residents of the region. We live in a unique place on the planet: in the Chelyabinsk region there are mountains, forests, steppe, rivers, lakes. We have real cold winters and real hot summers! Nevertheless, the richest natural resources of the Southern Urals must be protected, and this requires large material investments. I would like to believe that the Year of Ecology will be the beginning of targeted financing of environmental programs.

Curriculum vitae:

Davidenko Olga Vladimirovna was born in Barnaul. In 1988 she graduated from the Altai State Institute of Culture and Arts. Immediately after graduation, she got married and moved to live in Chelyabinsk.

In 1992, she worked as a TV presenter at the first commercial television in Chelyabinsk, Kanal-TV. In 1994, she moved to work in the press service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Chelyabinsk Region. From 1995 to 2004, she worked at the Vostochny Express shopping center as a correspondent, editor, head of a department. For several years she was the own correspondent of the NTV channel.

In 2004 - 2014 she worked at the Department of the Federal Postal Service of the Chelyabinsk Region as the head of the public relations department.

During her work on television, she repeatedly won regional creative competitions.

Member of the Union of Journalists since 1996. Since July 13, 2015, he has been the head of the NGO “Union of Journalists of the Chelyabinsk Region.

In 2017, Olga Davidenko was awarded the badge of honor of the Union of Journalists of Russia "For services to the professional community" and the Certificate of Honor of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region.

He is fond of sports (fitness, skiing).

Lives in a civil marriage. There is an adult daughter and a grandson.

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