Means of veterinary therapy. Small Animal Reproduction: Veterinary and Legal Aspects

AT practical work veterinarian regularly uses various means: mechanical, physical, chemical and biological.

Mechanical and physical include numerous natural (natural), as well as special physiotherapy: walks, dosed movements, massage, kneading organs, cold and heat, ultraviolet irradiation, galvanization, electrophoresis, inductothermy, ultrahigh-frequency therapy.

This also includes folk views therapy (for example, acupuncture, moxibustion, electropuncture, exposure to laser beams, magnetic field).

Chemical and biological agents include numerous drugs prepared on site or in a pharmacy, as well as drugs produced by the pharmaceutical and microbiological industries. More than 100 thousand drugs are used to treat people and animals, in our country -? more than 3 thousand. Their arsenal is constantly replenished. The obsolete ones are being replaced by new, more advanced, harmless and cheap ones, and most importantly, they have high economic and therapeutic efficiency.

With the development of biological sciences, pharmacology and biotechnology, bio

logically active dosage forms vegetable and animal origin: preparations obtained on the basis of microbiological synthesis, vitamins, vegetable, enzyme and hormonal agents, poly- and gamma-globulins, prostaglandins, interferons, etc. Such a division of therapeutic agents, based on the predominant route of action on the body, is conditional and accepted in order to facilitate the veterinarian's orientation in a large number of them, in a timely manner to choose more appropriate in specific conditions .

A veterinarian, using the means of therapy, must constantly remember that each drug, in addition to the therapeutic effect, as a rule, also has side effects, often unfavorable, which largely depends on the dosage and form of application. In this regard, each new drug, before entering into widespread practice, undergoes laboratory tests and production testing, first on small groups of animals, and then on a district or region scale. Only after that, the drug, approved by the pharmacological council and approved by the General Directorate of Veterinary Medicine, is allowed to be used in wide practice in accordance with the manual or methodological guidance.

More on the topic Veterinary Therapy:


O.A. Zeynalov, V.A. Andryushina, D.A. Avdanina,
Center "Bioengineering" RAS (Moscow)

Abbreviations: MT - body weight; PG - progesterone


Among the numerous medicines used in medicine and veterinary medicine, special meaning have progestins (gestagens). The range of their use is extremely wide. In medicine, the indications for their appointment are: insufficiency of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle and other progesterone-deficient conditions, endometrial hyperplasia, the threat of miscarriage, as well as hormone-dependent tumors. In veterinary medicine, gestagens are also often used, primarily with therapeutic purpose(for violations of the function of the ovaries, uterus, disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, to maintain pregnancy, prevent embryonic mortality, correct the timing of childbirth, etc.). In addition, with their help, they regulate individual stages of animal reproduction. In the latter case, the property of progestogens to inhibit estrus and ovulation is used, which allows farm animals to synchronize sexual cycles, and in dogs and cats to suppress estrus and estrus or to shift the timing of their onset. Due to the synchronization of sexual cycles by gestagens, it is possible to induce estrus in most cows within a 7-day period, achieve high fertility, significantly shorten the service period and, as a result, increase the yield of calves and milk production. Correction of the sexual function of domestic animals, in particular cats and dogs, remains an important veterinary problem. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate in animals the clinical manifestations of libido during the period of dogs' estrus and at the stage of estrus of cats, which indicate the readiness of animals for mating and cause a lot of trouble to their owners. During this period, animals become aggressive, eat poorly, make piercing cries, and often run away from home. False pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases cause a lot of trouble. There are two ways to solve these problems: hormonal correction or sterilization. In both cases, the body's metabolism changes. However, the advantage of hormonal exposure is its reversibility, while sterilization leads to an irreversible loss of reproductive function and negatively affects physiological processes until the end of life.

In world veterinary practice, the reproductive function of animals is regulated by synthetic derivatives of 17a-hydroxyprogesterone, for example, its capronate, megestrol acetate, medroxyprogesterone acetate, proligeston. These compounds, either alone or in combination with estrogens or prostaglandins, stimulate estrus in animals and increase the synchronism of its manifestation, normalize hyper- and hypofunction of the ovaries, and also reduce the sexual activity of individuals of both sexes, while the suppression of the sexual cycle is reversible. Currently, there are many drugs based on these compounds in different countries and at different times. Unfortunately, they are far from perfect. common dignity synthetic analogues is that they, as the simplest modifications of natural progestogens and their metabolites, are closely related to them, therefore they are quite harmless both in the presence of high activity and in the absence side effects can be used as medicines. A common drawback of most of these compounds is the short duration of action (except for proligeston) and the need for sufficiently large doses and a long course of use (5–10 days until the effect is obtained), which can cause side effects, including metropathies. For example, medroxyprogesterone acetate is given to animals at 2...3 mg/kg BW, and the dose of megestrol acetate in the regulation of estrus is 35...40 mg (5 mg for 7...8 days) for BW animals up to 5 kg. The use of one gestagen in such significant quantities is far from safe and can lead to hormonal disorders.

A special place in a row veterinary drugs occupies proligeston (delvosterone) - one of the best drugs to date. Due to the original structure of the active substance (the presence of 14a-, 17a-propylidene dioxy groups in its molecule), the drug is deposited in adipose tissue and has a persistent and prolonged (5-6 months) effect on the reproductive system. Proligeston quickly removes aggressiveness and hypersexuality, improves appetite and increases the animal's BW. It is used for the treatment and prevention of false pregnancy and dermatitis. However, this drug is difficult to synthesize and expensive. Its disadvantages include the need for use in the form of injections. Thus, the search for compounds with high activity, prolonged action and devoid of side effects remains an urgent task.

Rice. 1. Progesterone

Hormones are classified as “single action” substances: having shown their biological properties, they are deactivated in the body, turning into metabolites. Changing the molecular structure of a hormone can increase its metabolic time, during which the hormone will perform its function. In accordance with the known mechanism of action of progesterone, it is easy to determine the ways of modification, which will ensure the blockade of the main metabolic centers of the molecule and prolong its biological action in the body. The chemical protection of the hormone molecule by a methyl group or a halogen at C6 or the additional introduction of an A 6-double bond makes it difficult to metabolize it at the 6th position, and

Rice. 2. Esters of mepregeno-lacetate (amol)

the introduction of a substituent at the 17a position and the removal of oxygen at C3, for example, by adding an hydroxyacyl group, hinders metabolism at the 3rd and 17th positions of the steroid molecule. It was these changes that the progesterone molecule underwent when switching to mepregenol derivatives: all the main metabolic centers were blocked by the introduction of the A 6-double bond, the methyl group at C6, the hydroxyacyl group at C17, and the reduction of the keto group at C3. Due to structural modification, it becomes possible to find compounds in the series of mepregenol acetate derivatives that are superior in their pharmacological properties natural progesterone. Ways of modification of the progesterone molecule in accordance with the mechanism of its action are shown in Figure 1.

From the literature it is known that the prolongation of the action of steroid compounds can be achieved by using their esters containing hydroxyl groups, most often at C3, C17 and C21. Etherization steroid drugs slows down the release of the corresponding hormones in the body as their ester groups are hydrolyzed, which ensures the long-term existence of the basic substance in the body and its prolongation therapeutic effect. Therefore, esters of steroidal alcohols are widely used as long-acting drugs. For example, a single injection medicinal product tetrasterone, consisting of four of its constituent testosterone esters (propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate and capronate), has healing effect within a month. This is achieved by non-simultaneous hydrolysis of its constituent esters.

Purpose of the study

The aim of the study was to search for new highly active analogs in the series of mepregenol acetate esters for their further use in animals.

Materials and methods

The synthesis of mepregenol acetate esters from plant and animal sterols (phytosterols, cholesterol) developed by us has made them quite accessible. New compounds have been synthesized (Fig. 2, Table 1) with a normal and iso structure of the ester substituent at C3, as well as with substituents containing aromatic rings .

Then we studied their gestagenic and contraceptive activities.

The gestagenic activity of the obtained compounds and natural progesterone was compared by the Clauberg-McPhail method on immature female rabbits, and their contraceptive activity in combination with ethinyl estradiol was compared on mature white Wistar rats (studies were carried out at the D.O. Ott Research Institute, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, St. Petersburg ).

Female rabbits pre-treated with estrogen were administered the test preparations daily for 5 days in a defined dose range (5 doses; 5 rabbits per dose).

Progesterone was injected oil solution. Solutions of the tested compounds, prepared in vegetable oil, were administered to experimental animals daily in the morning through a tube into the stomach. The next day after the final injection of the drug, the rabbits were euthanized. At autopsy, a fragment of one uterine horn was taken for histological analysis. Thin sections of the organ (7 μm) were examined at the light-optical level at x12 magnification. Several sections were examined from each fragment of the uterus. The experimental results were processed by regression analysis. The regression was calculated by the formula

y = a + big x,

where y is the McPhail index; a and b are regression coefficients; x is the dose of progestogen in mg/kg BW.

The biological activity of the compounds was evaluated by ED50 corresponding to the McPhail index equal to 2.

The relative gestagenic activity was calculated taking the progesterone activity as a unit.

Contraceptive activity was studied standard method: administered drugs (gestagen in combination with estrogen in the ratio of 0.8 and 0.04 mg/kg BW, respectively) for 14 days. On the third day, the females were placed next to the males. Daily cytological method examined vaginal smears. The day of detection of sperm in the smear was considered the first day of pregnancy. Coated females were housed in individual cages and completed the 14-day course of administration of the test preparations. Swabs were continued for 20 days in covered females to determine whether the pregnancy was maintained or terminated. On the 20th...21st day after coating, all animals were euthanized. At autopsy, the presence of fetuses and implantation sites in the uterus was determined. Contraceptive activity (CA) was calculated by the formula, %:

KA (%) \u003d (1- Bo Ch Pk / By Ch Bk) Ch 100,

where Bo and Bk are the number of pregnant rats in the experiment and control, respectively; Po and PC - the number of coated rats in the experiment and control, respectively.

Two males per three females were used for coating (mated animals were kept together for 4 days).

Results and discussion

The average level of biological activity of new gestagenic preparations is shown in table 1.

In the synthesized esters, the gestagenic activity was higher than that of natural progesterone, and in combination with ethinyl estradiol, all esters showed a pronounced contraceptive effect. As can be seen from Table 1, both the gestagenic and contraceptive activities of the studied esters differ significantly. It can be concluded that the biological activity depends on the resistance of the ester bond to hydrolysis, which is determined by the nature of the substituent at C3. The slower it hydrolyzes ether group, the higher the gestagenic activity of the compound. In the series of mepregenol acetate esters, there is no direct relationship between gestagenic activity and contraceptive effect. On the contrary, many esters with high gestagenic activity have a low contraceptive effect, and vice versa. For example, the contraceptive effect of the most active gestagen, mepregenol diacetate (relative to

26) in combination with ethinylestradiol is 36.8%, while amol propionate and isonicotinate with low progestogenic activity (12.2 and 7.3, respectively) show a high contraceptive effect (89% and 83.3%, respectively). ). This may be due to the presence of concomitant activity in some compounds (for example, antigonadotropic or antiandrogenic), which can affect the magnitude of the contraceptive effect. The mismatch in steroid esters of high gestagenic activity with the magnitude of the contraceptive effect was previously noted in other derivatives of 17oc-hydroxyprogesterone. These authors suggested that the mechanism of action of such progestogens is determined not by the inhibition of ovulation, but by the influence on postovulatory processes. Such disunity biological properties gestagenic preparations of the studied series may allow the use of compounds with a high progestogen index as medicinal products in medicine and veterinary medicine, and others as highly active contraceptive drugs with a relatively low progestogenic effect.

In experiments on cats and dogs, it was found that under the influence of mepregenol esters, the physical condition of animals improves, sexual arousal and aggressiveness decrease. Against the background of the introduction of esters from the 1st to the 3rd day (depending on the species and MT of the animals), the signs of estrus quickly disappeared and calmness set in. The percentage of contraception in the animals that came into contact was high. The results of the experiments are shown in table 2.

Thus, the studied series of mepregenol acetate esters can be conventionally divided into two groups of compounds: with high gestagenic activity and high contraceptive activity. Both groups of compounds are of great interest as the basis for new generation drugs. The main advantages of the compounds of this series are their high activity during oral use (single dose ranges from 0.001 to 0.1 mg/kg BW of the animal), the absence of androgenic and estrogenic side effects characteristic of gestagens of the 19-norsteroid series, and complete absence both specific (allergenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity) and acute toxicity (LD25 significantly exceeds the dose of 2 thousand mg/kg BW).

Based on the results obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn.

1. Among the studied series of mepregenol acetate esters, highly active progestogens and compounds with a high contraceptive effect were found, which are of interest to medicine and veterinary medicine.

2. The results of our studies on the study of the biological activity of new gestagenic preparations indicate the prospects for their use in the field of veterinary medicine to solve a practically important problem - the regulation of animal reproduction.


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New Federal Law No. 61 "On the Circulation of Medicines" dated April 21, 2010, and everyone had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the provisions of this document. However, the entry into force on September 1, 2010 of the new law and the need to be guided by it in daily work, raised a number of questions from all specialists whose activities are related to the production, sale or use of medicines for animals. And the next federal law is on the way, this time “On Veterinary Medicine”. Although today this law is only at the draft stage, it has already aroused great interest from all participants in the veterinary community: manufacturers of veterinary drugs, wholesalers and retailers and, of course, practitioners. veterinarians. In order to clarify all the difficult aspects of the application of new laws in practice, the Union of Pet Business Enterprises held two round tables last fall, in which both representatives of the veterinary business and government officials took part.

New law, new rules.

The first of the events dedicated to the peculiarities of the work of companies producing or selling veterinary drugs, the round table "Peculiarities of the application of the Federal Law "On the Circulation of Medicines" in the field of circulation of medicines for animals" was held on October 11, 2010 as part of the Moscow exhibition " Golden Autumn-2010”.

The work of the round table began with a speech by Elena Saratseva, Head of the Department of State Regulation of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. She told the audience about the drafting process of the draft law, which subsequently formed the basis of the current Federal Law, and immediately outlined the main differences of the new law, mentioning problematic points that are still not clear. “The main difference between the current Federal Law and the previous Federal Law No. 86-FZ is that the very concept of medicines has been changed. Today, medicinal products include “substances or their combinations that come into contact with the human or animal body, penetrate the organs, tissues of the human or animal body”.

Thus, the concept of "drugs" was significantly narrowed.

But what does this mean in terms of practical application? According to the current legislation, only registered medicines are subject to circulation in the territory Russian Federation. However, if we say that a medicinal product is something that comes into contact with the human or animal body, then most diagnostics and disinfectants today fall out of this concept, and the question arises of the need for their registration on the territory of the Russian Federation. But the complete cancellation of the registration of these funds is a very responsible step, which can be taken only after weighing all the pros and cons. To date, this issue is still being discussed both in the Ministry of Agriculture and in the Rosselkhoznadzor, and there is no ready answer to it.

Another difference of the new Federal Law is its detailed specification. Elena Saratseva noted that earlier in the territory of the Russian Federation there were no laws describing the principles of registration and circulation of medicines in such detail. However, the Ministry of Health and Social Development had time to develop documents that would supplement the main provisions of the Federal Law, today the legal regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation that regulate the circulation of medicines for medical use have been prepared and published. But on the part of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation there are some difficulties. The fact is that before September 1, registration was carried out on a contractual basis, and now a state fee of 150 thousand rubles is being introduced. But in order to restructure the work of FGU VGNKI, which carries out registration, additional funding is needed. The issue of allocating budget allocations to FGU "VGNKI" is currently at the stage of approval.

Make and sell.

The next issue raised during the round table was the issue of compliance domestic productions international standards GMP. By law, Russian enterprises must completely switch to these standards by 2013, but how this will be implemented in practice is not yet clear. Unfortunately, the only comment that the round table participants were able to receive was a mention of an interview with Minister of Social Health Development Tatyana Golikova, in which she said that manufacturers should switch to GMP standards in advance, even before the entry into force of the norm.

Another question that actually remained unanswered was changes in the rules of wholesale and retail. The Law “On Circulation of Medicinal Products” repeats the word “rules” many times. At the same time, the article “Wholesale Trade Rules” mentions some “rules developed by the authorized body”, but no explanation is given as to which body should be considered authorized. According to Elena Saratseva, the authors of the law in this part spoke "not only about the retail and wholesale trade in medicines, but about a new approach to licensing pharmaceutical activities." The main change associated with the adoption of the new law is the inclusion in the concept of pharmaceutical activity also the storage of medicines. So, now a veterinary clinic that sells medicines must obtain a license for pharmaceutical activities. But, since the rules governing wholesale and retail trade are still under development, the checks that come to a particular veterinary clinic will, according to the head of the organizational and methodological work department of the Federal Service for Veterinary and phytosanitary supervision Maria Novikova, "to work according to the old scheme" and "we will get out of this situation by a compromise."

An exhaustive list of requirements for a retail veterinary pharmacy does not exist today, they will be created only after the Ministry of Agriculture receives permission to develop these documents. are carried out in accordance with the rules of "general logic", for example, if there are drugs on sale that must be stored at a temperature of + 3-5 ° C, the presence and serviceability of the refrigerator is checked.

Despite a number of difficulties associated with obtaining a license, it is still necessary to obtain it. During the round table, the question arose of the risk of an entrepreneur selling medicines without a license. Maria Novikova answered him this way: “The territorial bodies of the Rosselkhoznadzor, in connection with their provisions, have the right to hold wholesale and retail trade organizations of medicines and manufacturing organizations liable for the lack of a license,” and Tatyana Kolchanova, General Director of the Union of Animal Business Enterprises, reminded the audience on article 171 of the Criminal Code “On illegal business activities carried out without a license, if this species activity is licensed. That is, for this offense it is possible to bear both criminal and administrative responsibility.

Registration in a new way

The next report was made by the representative of FGU "VGNKI" Tatyana Panina. Regarding the new registration procedure, she said: “The new law clearly defines the procedure for registering medicines in stages and terms, which allows for transparency of the entire registration process. In addition, income from registration is transferred to the state budget in the form of a single state fee.

As you all know state registration original medicinal products, generic medicinal products, new combinations of previously registered medicinal products, medicinal products previously registered, but produced in other forms and new dosages are subject to this.

The registration procedure begins with the submission and consideration of an application, the formation of a registration dossier, the provision of a document confirming the payment of the state fee for the examination. The very same examination of medicinal products for animals is carried out in the specialized subdivisions of FGU "VGNKI" and includes: a specialized assessment of registration materials in order to draw up a reasoned conclusion about the effectiveness, safety and quality of a medicinal product or additive, examination of samples for compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for quality control, implementation of the proposed control methods. However, according to Tatyana Panina, “VGNKI FGU only recommends that the Rosselkhoznadzor register the medicinal product, suspend the registration, or justifiably refuse to register the medicinal product,” while the decision on registration is made by the Rosselkhoznadzor.

The registration certificate of a drug registered in Russia for the first time is issued for a period of five years, in all other cases the registration certificate does not expire and is issued indefinitely. Re-registration is not required, previously registered medicinal products are subject to inclusion in the State Register of Medicinal Products without going through the registration procedure. However, it will not be possible to automatically obtain an indefinite registration: you must first go through the procedure for confirming state registration.

Unfortunately, the procedure for confirming state registration today is also accompanied by some difficulties. Many companies are unable to renew their registration because it requires a completely new document called "security monitoring". According to the representative of Rosselkhoznadzor Maria Novikova: “This problem is widespread and many organizations do not have the opportunity to form a document called “security monitoring”. This issue is also under consideration, it is possible that the initial registration procedure will be carried out for these drugs.”

Similar problems arise for foreign companies that have security monitoring, but are not able to provide it in Russian, certified in the manner prescribed by law. In other words, it is not quite clear yet how exactly to certify the translation of security monitoring performed in a foreign language.

The law provides for two different security monitoring. One of them is produced by the manufacturing company, and its results are provided to confirm the state registration. Other drug safety monitoring is carried out by the authorized federal body executive power. No such entity has been identified so far.

According to Maria Novikova: “ Foreign companies there are no problems with the provision of security monitoring. There may be a problem with a number of Russian manufacturers in this regard, because we spoke with some large manufacturers, and they said that they conduct such studies on a voluntary basis and will be able to provide this data. But many small manufacturers have never asked this question.”

This document should provide data on identified adverse reactions, as well as on extensive research in different farms, up to specifying the list of counterparties to whom the medicinal product was sold.

A lively discussion was also caused by the issue of paying the state fee for registration (recall that according to the new law it is 150 thousand rubles and is paid regardless of the results of the examination at FGU VGNKI). If a foreign company applying for registration does not have a representative office in Russia, it is almost impossible to pay the state duty. Government agencies do not have foreign currency accounts to which funds can be transferred. Moreover, neither the Rosselkhoznadzor, nor the Ministry of Agriculture, nor FGU "VGNKI" have the right to exhibit them, and the document on payment of the state duty must be paid by the applicant. Thus, a significant layer of foreign companies that do not have representative offices in Russia, but wish to supply their products to the Russian market, is cut off. Only the Ministry of Finance can change this order, and Tatyana Kolchanova announced her intention to send a request to this ministry.

Another issue raised during the round table was the issue of changes in the labeling of veterinary drugs. If earlier these products were called “medicines for animals”, now, according to the new law, the instructions for drugs should include “medicines for veterinary use”. For making changes to the instructions, you must pay a state fee in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. However, drugs manufactured before September 1 can be sold with old instructions and old packaging labels until the expiration date, while the circulation of drugs manufactured after the new law came into force will be suspended.

The new Law on Licensing Medicines states that barcoding is required when a drug package is approved. But the authorities issuing barcodes for licensed veterinary products, request the number of the certificate of state registration of the drug, which, in turn, is not issued without approval of the package. This is just one of the problems that the veterinary community will have to solve.

In addition to making changes to the instructions for drugs, under the new law, manufacturers are required to submit a layout of primary and secondary packaging for approval. This applies to drugs new to the Russian market, and to those drugs that need only a registration confirmation procedure. Moreover, after changing the logo of the manufacturer or making any other changes to the packaging design, the approval procedure will have to be repeated.

In project.

November 18, 2010 in St. Petersburg, as part of the work International Exhibition"Zoosphere" another round table was held, this time, dedicated not only to the new law "On the Circulation of Medicines", but to all other features of the legal regulation in the field of zoo business.

Market participants have not yet had time to fully get used to the Federal Law “On the Circulation of Medicines” that has come into force, and a new Federal Law is on the way, which is directly related to all entrepreneurs whose activities are somehow related to domestic and farm animals. It's about, of course, about the draft law "On Veterinary Medicine". Initially, it was planned to amend the existing Federal Law, but today it was decided to create new law practically from scratch, using both the developments of independent experts and the proposals of the Rosselkhoznadzor.

The situation is somewhat more complicated with the list of medicines that do not require licensing, for example, anti-flea collars or drops. Since the circulation of medicines (including those intended for animals) is regulated by the Law on the Circulation of Medicines, in order to cancel licensing, it is necessary to make appropriate amendments to this law. To date, the issue is at the stage of coordination in the Ministry Agriculture, soon the relevant papers will be transferred to the Government of the Russian Federation.

If amendments to the law "On the Circulation of Medicines" are made in the form in which the Ministry of Agriculture proposes to do so, then the list of products whose retail sale does not require licensing will include insectoacaricidal and anthelmintic drugs for unproductive animals, with the exception of injectables or vaccines, antiseptics for external use, not containing hormones and antibiotics, adsorbents based on bentonite, ziolites and coal, as well as prebiotics and preparations based on medicinal plant extracts.

And again drugs.

The next issue discussed during the work of the round table, which took place on November 18, was the consequences of the introduction of the new law "On the Circulation of Medicines". Sergey Spirin, Chairman of the Board of the Union of Animal Business Enterprises, described the situation caused by the narrowing of the concept of “medicine” as follows: “As a result, a special competitive environment for diagnostic products has appeared.” Indeed, firms have entered the market that sell tools for the rapid diagnosis of canine distemper, leptospirosis, and other diseases. Unfortunately, in practice, many of these tools give errors in 90% of cases. It turns out that practitioners should determine the quality of a particular diagnostic drug, and this should be done in the course of experiments on animals belonging to the population.

But there is also positive points: the new law describes the registration procedure in great detail, its terms are determined, besides, the manufacturer no longer needs to conclude any contracts with the control institute, it is enough just to pay the state duty. In addition, it is expected that several control institutes will soon appear, which means that manufacturers will be able to conduct drug trials without leaving their region.

True, this works only in theory so far, in reality, there is not even an approved registration form for the registration of veterinary medicines. This is due to the fact that the Ministry of Agriculture is not authorized to regulate the circulation of medicines (which today include veterinary drugs), and until the Government makes the appropriate amendments, the situation will not be resolved.

The reproduction of small animals in domestic veterinary medicine is not a new direction, but is still, in fact, at the first stages of its development. Many pet owners understand reproduction as artificial insemination.

In fact, artificial insemination is only a special case in a large complex of research and therapeutic measures that become necessary if for some reason it is not possible to obtain offspring from a pair of breeding animals.

It so happened historically that the reproduction of small animals mainly concerns dogs, since cats physiologically have a number of features that make it difficult for third-party interference in the reproduction process. Therefore, further in the article we will talk about dogs. However, the research and treatment procedures that are used in canine reproduction also apply to cats.

What is it for?

Imagine that a breeder purebred dogs for some reason cannot get offspring from a pair of breeding animals. Infertile matings can be caused by problems in both the bitch and the male. Moreover, these reasons are not always associated with problems. reproductive system. For example, with back pain or hind legs the male may not be able to do a normal cage. Therefore, finding out the cause of infertility is the main task when a person intervenes in the reproductive process.

There are other aspects as well. In breeding dog breeding, choosing a pair for mating is the most important task for a breeder. And sometimes it turns out that a suitable manufacturer is located not only in another city, but also in another country. Besides, modern technologies reproductions make it possible to preserve and use the genetic material of animals already withdrawn from breeding, or even dead.

The path to healthy offspring

Faced with the problem of infertile matings and deciding to see a doctor, the dog owner must understand that months can pass from the moment of treatment to a successful mating and pregnancy, which will have to be spent on the examination and treatment of the dog.

Most frequent internal causes infertility - chronic infections, hormonal problems, neoplasms in the uterus or on the ovaries in bitches, hyperplasia (growth) of the uterine endometrium and ovaries, the wrong time for mating. Males may have disorders in seed formation, a large number of pathological forms of spermatozoa in the seed and, conversely, a small number of normal ones, impaired sperm motility, etc.

Taking such a patient, the doctor assumes various reasons, based on the collected history. Therefore, the solution to the problem always begins with the appointment of research and analysis.

Females may be assigned an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries to establish the presence or absence of neoplasms, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and other pathologies directly of the organs of the reproductive system.

In addition, tests are prescribed: definition hormonal background, bacterial culture a vaginal swab to determine the presence of infections and the selection of treatment.

Males can also be tested for infections. In addition, males take sperm for research, make a spermogram, determining the number, mobility, number (in percent) of pathological spermatozoa.

According to the results of analyzes and studies, if necessary, treatment is prescribed.

Indications for artificial insemination

Artificial insemination of the bitch with fresh or chilled semen is recommended if the male for any reason mechanical reasons cannot knit. For example, with back injuries or hind limbs. Mating is difficult in giant breed dogs. In this case, a dose of semen is taken from the male and injected into the bitch's vagina using a special catheter or endoscope.

Naturally, the bitch is artificially inseminated without the presence of a male, with the help of chilled or frozen sperm. Moreover, when using cryopreserved semen, uterine fertilization is recommended, that is, the introduction of a sperm dose directly into the uterus in order to facilitate the process of moving sperm towards the egg. Semen is injected using a catheter, endoscope, or even laparoscopically directly into the uterus.

Before fertilization, the bitch determines the optimal period for mating. Conduct a number of studies, including hormonal, ovarian ultrasound and vaginal cytology.
Artificial insemination also serves as protection against genital infections. For males, the risk is generally eliminated, since there is no direct genital contact. For bitches, some risk remains, as seminal fluid, especially fresh, may contain bacterial bodies, but this risk is greatly reduced, again due to the lack of genital contact.

However, it should be borne in mind that "empty" matings are also possible with artificial insemination. A successful conception depends on a large number of factors, including the state of the uterine endometrium, sperm quality, etc. The possibility of anovulatory estrus, when for some reason the egg does not leave the ovary, cannot be ruled out, in this case, artificial insemination cannot help.

Sperm conservation

Freezing and subsequent storage of the seed of producers is a very important task in reproduction. Preserved sperm of promising sires, collected during their period of greatest potency, can inseminate bitches and produce offspring even after the sire has retired from breeding.

In addition, fertilization with stored sperm is practiced by breeders when, for some reason, it is not possible to take the bitch for mating.

When semen is collected, the male is stimulated with pheromones, sometimes a frozen swab of an estrus bitch, or even just an estrus bitch of any breed, is used for this. Caging is not allowed, and the semen is collected in a special container and frozen. After some time, the collected sperm is thawed and its viability is checked.

If it turns out that the seed died during freezing, they carry out additional examinations male, determining the causes of low viability of spermatozoa.

Legal issues

Since a dog, by law, is the movable property of its owners, they also own everything that the dog produces. Including the seed material of the dog. Storage of frozen sperm, which is handled by reproductive centers and veterinary clinics that have cryostorages is just a service that they provide to the owners of males under a special agreement.
Owners of breeding animals agree on the use of sperm. To conclude an agreement, they either visit the reproduction center together, or the owners of the dog must notify the employees of the center, and the owners of the bitch must present a mating agreement when ordering a sperm dose.

To exclude forgery and substitution of an animal, the dog must be microchipped, and the chip number is indicated in the documents. In the reproduction center, employees read the information from the chip, and this procedure confirms that this is exactly the animal that is intended for fertilization or taking seed material.

In Russian legislation, the issue of international transit of seed material of small animals does not yet have an unambiguous solution. But there is hope that in the near future the transit of sperm will be allowed and this will greatly simplify the breeding work of breeders and the operation of reproductive centers. There will be more work in this direction, since there are many good, sought-after manufacturers in Russia.

It has been found that 20% of dogs develop urinary incontinence during their lifetime. The causes of urinary incontinence in dogs are urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence (USMI), ectopic ureters, paradoxical urinary incontinence, detrusor overactivity, anomalies of the vaginal vestibule, and neurological disorders.

Treatment for chlamydia in dogs and cats

In the treatment of chlamydia, the leading role is given to etiotropic therapy, which is based on the sensitivity of chlamydia to chemotherapy drugs. sensitivity to chlamydia various antibiotics is not the same. Whole line antimicrobials does not affect the development and reproduction of chlamydia.

Treatment of chronic heart failure in dogs and cats

Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a syndrome that occurs in the presence of systolic and / or diastolic dysfunction, accompanied by prolonged hyperactivation of neurohormonal systems and clinically manifested by shortness of breath, weakness, tachycardia, increased heart tones, limitation of physical activity and pathological fluid retention in the body.

Ligfol is a new generation stress corrector

In nature, animals remain healthy without drugs. The experience of civilization, especially the last millennium, has shown that in order to obtain more and more meat, milk, fat, eggs, not just highly productive animals are needed. Without ensuring their health by using pharmacological agents, vaccines, disinfectants, even with a high level of feeding and maintenance technology, obtaining a given level of productivity is simply impossible.

Local specific therapy for chlamydial conjunctivitis in cats

Currently, in the treatment of patients with infectious processes the choice of method of therapy is of great importance. In the treatment of chlamydial conjunctivitis in cats, the current preference is given to the use of antibiotics: parenteral and in the form of eye ointments(3% tetracycline or 2% erythromycin), which are applied 3-6 times a day under the lower eyelid until the clinic of the disease is recorded and another week after the disappearance of conjunctivitis. In addition, the conjunctiva and nasal cavity of sick animals are washed with weak antiseptic solutions.

Luxation of the lens in dogs and cats

Luxation (synonyms: dislocation, displacement, dislocation) of the lens - severe eye pathology in dogs and cats, which is a displacement of the lens from the hyaloid fossa. Subluxation (synonyms: partial displacement, subluxation) include partial displacement of the lens from the hyaloid fossa.

Magnetic resonance imaging in veterinary medicine

Medicine is not an exact science. Everyone who is closely associated with her will agree with this statement. Each biological object - be it a person or a hatchery chicken - is individual, for every rule in nature there are thousands of exceptions ... The path to accurate diagnosis and cure disease is often tortuous and full of dead ends. Sometimes mathematically coherent diagnostic algorithms break down due to the individual characteristics of a particular patient, which cannot be taken into account...

Mastitis in dogs

Obtaining healthy and high quality breed characteristics offspring is impossible without feeding puppies in the first days of life with full-fledged milk. In lactating dogs, milk various reasons stagnates in the mammary gland, irritates its tissues, which contributes to the occurrence of mastitis.

Method for determining the timing of ovulation in bitches

Today, a competent, scientifically based approach to breeding dogs. High breeding value, the uniqueness of some individuals is a prerequisite for a thorough examination of the reproductive apparatus of dogs, not only to exclude infectious diseases, but also to identify the timing of ovulation. Such a survey is especially relevant for animals traveling for mating to other regions of the country and the world.

Animal Clinical Research Methods

The treatment of an animal should not cause him concern. Excitable animals should be accustomed to their presence for some time, since their excitement, especially carnivores, piglets, sheep, leads to an increase in heart rate, respiratory rate, etc., which does not allow obtaining objective clinical and physiological data. Contact with an animal should be built in accordance with the characteristics of its state of health and disposition.

Methods of treatment of purulent-necrotic dermatitis of extremities in dogs

Skin lesions distal extremities in dogs, according to our clinic, account for 29% of the primary referrals for skin pathology. This indicator is significantly higher than that in medical dermatological practice, which is associated not only with the different frequency of individual nosological forms, but also with the fact that many skin lesions often go unnoticed by the owners and, therefore, remain out of sight of veterinarians.

The mechanism of action of drugs against worms (anthelmintics)

In not so distant times, the mechanism of action of anthelmintics was evaluated by two criteria: "Vermicida" and "Vermifuga", in other words, the effect of drugs on helminths was regarded as "anthelmintic" and "anthelmintic". There were essentially no scientific approaches to the mechanism of action of anthelmintics, the situation is much better now.

Sexual cycle disorders in bitches

Violations of the sexual cycle in bitches are quite common and occur at the level of the hypothalamic-pituitary complex and ovaries, manifesting themselves in the form various symptoms, some of which may be pathognomonic signs of diseases of the genital and extragenital nature.

Sleep disorders in animals

Sleep disorders in animals are a group of diseases that recent times is supplemented by new nosologies previously known only in humans.
It is necessary to distinguish between different clinical manifestation groups of diseases caused by different pathophysiological mechanisms.

Non-carious lesions of the teeth

The article presents the main non-carious lesions of the teeth during the enamel laying and after their eruption. The method of treatment of non-carious lesions of enamel, used in case of violation of the integrity of the tooth crown, is described. The method of processing the defect of tooth enamel and filling it with such material as Ecusite-Composite (light-curing filling composite) is indicated.

Some features of the treatment of dogs with piroplasmosis

When conducting a retrospective analysis of the incidence of piroplasmosis (babesiosis) in dogs in various regions of the Russian Federation, it was found that its range is expanding annually. Increasingly, pathology is detected in Leningrad, Novgorod, Pskov and even Arkhangelsk regions. Experts attribute this to an increase in average annual temperatures, an increase in the number of imported and stray animals, and the spread of chronic diseases. systemic diseases. In addition, the habitat of ticks is expanding towards cities.

Novocaine blockade of nerve trunks, nodes and plexuses

Novocaine blockade refers to pathogenetic therapy based on the application non-specific means, in particular, a solution of novocaine, for the prevention and treatment inflammatory processes various organs and tissues of the animal body.

A new approach to the analysis of x-ray images of animals

X-ray method of examination has long established itself as the most objective. It is based on different ability x-ray radiation pass through organs and tissues, creating an accurate image of many of them. The shadow pattern of the x-ray image is planar and summative, but in order to accurately localize pathological process, it is necessary to have a spatial, three-dimensional representation of it.

About external rod fixation of bones

The main task of structures for osteosynthesis in the treatment of fractures is to ensure a constant relative position of the two fracture surfaces under the action of various external loads on bone fragments for the period of consolidation. Natural external loads on the tubular bone are mainly represented by longitudinal compression and torque.

About Diagnosis and Treatment of Renal Failure in Dogs

The kidneys maintain a stable volume interstitial fluid, its ionic composition and osmotic pressure, providing optimal conditions for the life of the human and animal organism.

Rationale for surgical treatment of bone fractures in dogs

Reconstructive surgery for injuries of long tubular bones in animals is one of the actual problems veterinary traumatology. Its solution is of particular importance in connection with an increase in the intensity of life and further urbanization, which leads not only to an increase in the number of injuries, but also to their aggravation.

General Principles for Hip Fracture Surgery in Dogs

Reconstructive and restorative operations on musculoskeletal system are associated with significant difficulties and require a special approach from the surgeon.

One of the reasons for the development of dysplasia

Dysplasia hip joint(DTS) - a widespread disease of dogs, characteristic of a number of breeds, especially large and medium sizes, characterized by a violation of the conformity articular surfaces heads femur and acetabular fossa and leading to the occurrence of dislocations or arthrosis.

Cancers of the oral cavity in dogs

The increase in the life expectancy of dogs in the conditions of the city is due to several reasons, the main of which are the improvement in the quality veterinary care, the appearance on the veterinary market of new quality drugs, feed, hygiene products, etc. On the one hand, this circumstance is very pleasing. However, the increase in life expectancy of dogs leads to the fact that a number of diseases appear, which are most often recorded in older dogs, i.e. dogs over 10 years old.
A special place in diseases of the oral cavity in old dogs is occupied by oncological diseases both specific and non-specific.

Determination of indicators for early diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in dogs

Today, in the practice of a veterinarian, such a disease of pets as diabetes mellitus is increasingly diagnosed. They are sick dogs, less often cats, horses, pigs and other animals with a single-chamber stomach.

Tumors in the oral cavity of dogs and cats

Proliferative lesions of the oral cavity are observed in dogs and cats quite often. During the examination, it is necessary to carry out a complete medical checkup, imaging studies and histopathological examination of a sufficiently high-quality biopsy. Proliferative lesions are divided into reactive and neoplastic. Some of them may represent an epulis - a tumor-like growth on the gum. The most common reactive gum disease is gum hyperplasia.

Complications and management in the treatment of diabetes mellitus in dogs and cats

Diabetes mellitus can occur at any age as a result of processes that impair insulin production, transport, or tissue sensitivity to insulin. Most dogs and cats in initial stage the disease is latent. Therefore, the detection of this pathology on early stages improves the quality of treatment and prognosis.

Highlights in the prevention of certain viral diseases of cats

Problem viral diseases cats is very relevant for both their owners and veterinarians. It takes on a special scale in the conditions of keeping cats in large breeding catteries. Despite the fact that, on Russian market there are vaccines against major feline viruses, the culture of keeping domestic cats is still at a low level. A certain part of the animals are kept free-range and in contact with homeless animals, which contributes to the constant maintenance of a high level of virus carriage in feline populations.

Basic modes and sensors in the ultrasound scanner. Principles of setting up an ultrasound machine

The main scanning modes on modern ultrasound diagnostic scanners: B-mode, color Doppler mapping, power Doppler mapping, pulsed wave Doppler mode, continuous wave Doppler mode (only for cardiac studies). All these modes are implemented on three main types of sensors: convex, linear, sector phased. Knowledge of the basics of the physics of diagnostic ultrasound, the principles of setting the scanning parameters in the main modes, the use of information technologies implemented in modern equipment, allows you to get the maximum diagnostic efficiency in ultrasound examinations.

The main symptoms of respiratory diseases in animals

Characteristic (pathognomonic) for the disease respiratory system symptoms are profuse nasal discharge, shortness of breath, cough, respiratory asymmetry.

Stop bleeding

Bleeding (Haemorragia) - an outpouring of blood from damaged blood vessels in tissues, body cavities or in the external environment. It is the most dangerous companion of many injuries, wounds and postoperative complications associated with damage to large blood vessels. However, injuries to small arterial vessels or veins cannot be considered indifferent to the body and, under a number of circumstances, are often the cause of acute anemia and even death of the animal. Therefore, stopping bleeding is urgent. surgical care, which every doctor must be able to and provide, regardless of his specialization.

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