Treatment of dropsy folk remedies. Types of the disease and its symptoms. Dropsy. Treatment of dropsy of the abdomen, testicles with folk remedies

Dropsy- fluid retention in any organs or parts of the human body due to diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, etc.

Ascites- fluid retention abdominal cavity.


Paleness and swelling of the face, eyelids and legs, an increase in the abdomen, a feeling of unusual heaviness, shortness of breath, often accompanied by a cough.

Treatment of ascites

Since ascites is not an independent disease, the primary cause of the disease is eliminated at the first stage of treatment. In addition, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • Diuretics - Veroshpiron, Lasix.
  • Potassium preparations - Kalipoz, Asparkam.
  • Carrying out correction of water-electrolyte metabolism with the use of saline solutions.
  • Normalization blood pressureACE inhibitors(enalapril, captopril).
  • Hepatoprotectors - preparations based on phospholipids (Essentiale) and milk thistle (Karsil). Vitamins of group B can be additionally used as hepatoprotectors.
  • Protein preparations intended for intravenous administration(Albumen).

The described groups of drugs in without fail should be combined with a salt-free diet and limited fluid intake.

With the development of complications, antibiotic therapy and measures aimed at eliminating bleeding and hepatic encephalopathy, as well as hepatorenal syndrome, may be required.

With resistance to drug treatment, a special procedure is required - the removal of fluid from the abdominal cavity. At severe course disease requires a liver transplant.

Folk remedies for dropsy

  • Black elderberry (root). It is recommended during the first stage of dropsy, especially because it relieves pains and cramps in the abdomen, obviously for the reason that the diuretic, purifying and strengthening forces act together and actively at the root. The root is used in decoction 20.0-200.0 for 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, as well as in the form of a tincture, which is prepared as follows: 1 part of the crushed root is poured with 10 parts of alcohol or vodka and settled for 8 days, the dose alcohol tincture- 25 drops, and vodka - 40 drops 3 times a day.
  • American agave. Its fresh juice, in combination with wormwood, is used in the beginning of dropsy, when improvement of disturbed digestion is required. 5 g, or 1 teaspoon of agave juice is combined with 1 g, or 20 drops of juice (and in winter period- tinctures) of wormwood and diluted with 1/2 liter boiled water, or the same amount of agave is combined with 1 tbsp. l. decoction of wormwood 5.0-300.0. Reception of this composition - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Garlic and radish applied together (in half) are not less than active means in the fight against dropsy; use them like this: juice of both 1/2 tsp, l. take at the same time with water, 2-3 times a day. For removing bad smell then chew parsley or calamus root from garlic. After 2 weeks dropsy passes.
  • Jaundice gray (grass and seeds). As an active core, it must be placed among the first, especially in dropsy of the heart. Folk ways its application (in the pre-medical period): decoction 10.0-200.0 1 tsp, and in the form of tincture (20.0) 10 drops 3-4 times a day. Do not exceed doses, as the remedy is sharp and the herb is poisonous! Do not keep medicinal raw materials for more than 6 months.
  • Rosemary officinalis (herb and seeds). It is recommended in the form of a liquor, which is sometimes on sale, when dropsy begins, especially from burning inside. Dose - 1 glass 2 times a day. It can also be taken as a tincture (25.0) 25 drops 3 times a day. AT last resort- decoction 20.0-200.0 for 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day 1/2 hour before meals,
  • Gorse dyeing (grass). As a diuretic, purgative and sedative, it is readily used by the people in the fight against dropsy that begins, and especially with dropsy of the abdomen. They are used most often in a simple decoction 10.0-200.0 for 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, but there is another use option: 15 g of dried grass is poured into 500 g of cold water and boiled, evaporating up to 1/3 of the liquid. Take 2 tbsp. spoons every 2 hours. If it is not easy to take, you can reduce the dose to 1 scoop 3 times a day.
  • Buckthorn brittle (berries or bark). Berries (with preliminary three-year ventilation) are recommended in the form of a powder in a primitive dose “on the tip of a penknife”, or more precisely, 0.2-0.5 g 3 times a day. You can also take its bark (with the same three-year ventilation) in in the form of a decoction 20.0-200.0 1 tsp. to the dining room. If as a tincture (30.0), then 25-40 drops 3 times a day, both. There are also pharmacy extract liquid - 20-40 drops in the morning and evening. Observe the dosage!
  • May lily of the valley (color). It is not only a core, but also a diuretic (urination) enhancer and cleanser, and is therefore recommended in this case as a decoction of flowers 15.0-200.0 2 tsp. 3 times a day, or as a tincture (15.0) 15 drops 2-3 times a day, or finally in the form of fresh juice, which is preserved at 64% alcohol, and this will be more effective. Dose as in tincture. The plant is poisonous!
  • Horsetail (grass). As a cleansing agent it has the same benefit in dropsy. It is used in a decoction of 25.0-100.0, which is infused for 20 minutes and taken in 2-3 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Horsetail is contraindicated in nephritis and nephronephritis.
  • Wormwood, Chernobyl (root). As a cleansing and soothing agent, it is recommended for dropsy in a decoction of the root 20.0-200.0, preferably condensed to half, 1-2 tsp. 3 times a day.
  • Woolly panzeria, white-tomented motherwort (grass). Diuretic and sedative, used for dropsy (especially in Hungary) in decoction 10.0-200.0 1 tbsp. l. or in tincture (25.0) 30-40 drops; both 3 times a day.
  • Exciting and tonic, with painfully debilitating dropsy, it is used as an additive in the form of a decoction 15.0-300.0 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. In the form of tincture (25.0) - 30 drops each or fresh juice with the same dosage. Canned at 25-30% alcohol.
  • Blackberry gray (color and leaves). Cleansing and partly anti-inflammatory, is used by the people inside as a decoction 20.0-200.0 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.
  • Melilot officinalis (herb). A good softening and resolving agent, auxiliary to the main funds, with dropsy, and independently used as a decoction 20.0-200.0 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Oats (grain).
  • Budra ivy (grass). It is used independently as an expectorant and partly as an anti-inflammatory agent in a decoction of 5.0-200.0 for 2-3 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. A tincture (15.0) of 15 drops is also used. More effective juice(canned at 30-35% alcohol) 15-20 drops 3-4 times a day.
  • White birch (buds and leaves). See below - chronic abdominal dropsy (ascites) and renal.
  • Corn (columns with stigmas - “hair”). Soothing, anti-inflammatory and absorbing stones and sand good remedy. Decoction 10.0-200.0 1 tbsp. l. every 3 hours; pharmacy extract 20.0 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • Note. Stigmas - "hair" are usable if they have not been damp otherwise they lose their healing properties.
  • As a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, it is recommended for dropsy in decoction 10.0-200.0 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
  • Calamus marsh (rhizome). As a tonic, it is useful for dropsy and is used in a decoction of 15.0-200.0, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day; it is also possible in powder of 0.2-0.5 g, on the tip of a knife 3 times a day, but it is most convenient in the form of tincture (20.0) 20 drops 3 times a day before meals.
  • Scotch pine (buds). Freshly prepared decoction 10.0-200.0 inhale vapors for 15 minutes several times a day. It is a powerful diuretic.
  • cornflower. Infusion of cornflower flowers. Brew 1-2 teaspoons of flowers with a glass of boiling water, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.
  • Air. Boil 15 g of calamus roots for 15 minutes in 600 ml of water and take 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Or insist 50 g of roots in 0.5 liters of vodka. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Chicory. Take 50-70 ml 3 times a day decoction of 15 g of wild chicory in a glass of water. The decoction must be prepared fresh daily.
  • Melissa. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day, a decoction of 15 g of lemon balm in a glass of water. Apply a tincture of 25 g per glass of vodka, 15 drops 3 times a day.
  • Hawthorn. Take hawthorn tincture 15-20 drops in a glass of water 3 times a day after meals. The tincture is prepared from 1 part of hawthorn flowers and 10 parts of alcohol, insisting for a week.
  • Horseradish. It is recommended to take horseradish in the form of gruel with the addition of lemon juice twice a day, a teaspoon, on an empty stomach: a mixture of juice of two or three lemons and 150 grams of horseradish.

Folk remedies for chronic dropsy

If dropsy is chronic abdominal (ascites) or renal, the following folk remedies are recommended:

  • The birch is white. In folk medicine, birch leaves and buds are considered the most radical means in the fight against dropsy, but also scientific medicine does not deny them. The leaves are more suitable for external use: fresh for the so-called "dry baths" - this, of course, is summer period. And dry leaves in a decoction of them (50 g per bucket of boiling water) for baths or body wraps at other times of the year. Van on the same “dry” consists in the fact that freshly picked young birch leaves are folded (more densely) into a large dish (bath or tub), tightly cover everything for an hour so that the contents in it mate from their vegetable warmth, and then the patient is immersed in these hot leaves, tightly covering themselves from above so that there is no access fresh air from the outside. In such a "bath" without water, the patient should stay an hour or an hour and a half, or how long he can withstand until some "numbness".
    Decoction bath- a common thing, the duration is up to 30 minutes, but wrapping from a decoction of birch leaves requires explanation. It is made full (from the armpits to the ankles of the legs) or torso (from the armpits to the knees) in this way: a four-folded sheet is moistened with a warm broth that has not yet cooled down and, having squeezed it out not dry, quickly wrap the patient, and then wrap the patient as quickly as possible with a dry sheet , then with a woolen cloth (thin blanket) and, having laid in bed, fix the edges of the wrapping with pins; leave in a wrap for an hour and a half, and if you fall asleep, then until you wake up. It is necessary to remove the wrapping (underwear) under the cover of a blanket, so that the patient's body is not cooled by an external influx of air. It is better to do this at night and no more than once a day, and after 6 days to take a rest - a break for 1-2 days.
    leaf decoction for this, usually in a proportion of 20.0-200.0, and for internal use with the addition of soda (purified) in the amount of 0.2 g per glass to dissolve the insoluble in the broth, i.e., betularetic acid found in the leaves. It is better to defend the boiled leaves for 6 hours, and then take 1/2 cup per day in two divided doses.
    kidneys, richer in chemical content, may be preferred to leaves, but they are contraindicated in inflammation of the kidneys. Their decoction - 2 tsp. on a glass of boiling water; dose of admission: 2-4 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Alcohol tincture (25.0) - 20 drops each; vodka tincture is done as follows: fill the bottle with kidneys up to half and pour vodka up to the neck, insist in a warm place for 1 month, take 40 drops 3 times a day.
    With simultaneous both internal and external treatment, a favorable result (increased urination) occurs after 2 hours. For greater cleansing, it is good to attach the 3rd part of the decoction of the bark from the Elm tree to the birch decoction (see below).
  • Elm smooth, koraich (bark). The bark from it (young) can be taken orally and alone for the same purpose and brewed in the same way as birch leaves, i.e. 4 tsp per glass of boiling water, 1/2 cup 2 times a day or 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day.
  • Spring adonis (grass). A strong tonic, diuresis-increasing and raising the tone of life remedy, which is especially recommended for renal dropsy, in a decoction - 1 tbsp. l. for 2 cups of boiling water, dose: 1 tbsp. l., but not more often than an hour later (this is the maximum!).
  • Burdock large (root). In terms of effectiveness in the treatment of dropsy, it is equal to birch and, in general, in folk practice, and even among doctors, it is recognized as a radical remedy, although it has not yet been introduced into the State Pharmacopoeia. Treatment should be both internal and external. For both, a decoction is made from its roots. For internal - 15.0-200.0 for 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day; for baths or compresses - 50 g per bucket of boiling water. Compresses - no more than 1 time per day, preferably at night. For details about them, see here in the description birches.
  • Common beans (pods). It is a strong diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent for dropsy (which is not denied by science) and is used in decoction: 30-40 g per 1 liter of boiling water, 1/2 cup 3 times a day. Bean pods are especially useful (like Adonis) in dropsy due to kidney diseases, they are best combined with the stigmas or "hairs" of corn (equally).
  • Soapweed officinalis (root). Valuable and very effective as a diuretic, especially in abdominal dropsy; only its use requires a lot of preparation: first, the roots are cut in fractions, soaked for 1/2 hour in water 5-6 times, each time draining the irritating foam. The roots soaked in this way are dried and only then do they make a decoction for use in this case. Decoction: 6.0 or 10.0 per 200.0 for 1 tbsp. l. 4-6 times a day.
  • Parsley garden (herb and root). In terms of efficiency, in this case it is almost equal to birch, but so far it is used only in folk practice, 2 tbsp. l. her in a glass of boiling water, take 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
    Another recipe: 1 g of roots and 250 g of parsley leaves are brewed in 5 cups of milk and evaporated to 3 cups and then take 2 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day.
  • Spoon grass, arctic spoon grass (grass). A fairly strong diuretic and cleansing folk remedy for dropsy, used internally as a decoction 20.0-200.0 and in combination with honey (to taste) 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, and as a tincture of alcohol (25.0) - 20 drops each; if on vodka, then in this amount of preparation: 8 parts of grass to 6 parts of vodka, take the same dose.
  • Lastoven officinalis (root). In terms of healing value, it is equal to spoon grass, but as a poisonous one, it requires a strict dosage in the treatment. Its decoction 10.0-200.0 should be taken in the amount of no more than 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, and if in the form of a tincture (20.0), then no more than 10 drops, also 3 times a day. Toxic!
  • Couch grass (root). It is used by the people in dropsy as a cleansing and diuretic in the form of a decoction 20.0-200.0 with a dose of 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
    Another recipe: decoction 90.0-800.0 or if without weighing, then 6 tbsp. l. root for 4-5 cups of boiling water, evaporate this decoction to 1 cup and take this condensed (like extract) inside 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day.
  • Volchnik ordinary, wolf's bast, wolfberry (bark). It is also recommended as a means of combating dropsy, but as a poisonous one it requires a strict dosage. A water extract is made from the bark: a decoction of 20.0-200.0 is evaporated to half, or in the form of tincture - 1 part of the bark per 64 Parts of alcohol or vodka. The dose of both is 0.2 g, or, in other words: 4-5 drops 3 times a day (for caution, it is better to first take 1-2 drops).
  • Common juniper (berries). A popular folk remedy, useful for dropsy, only contraindicated for inflammation of the kidneys. good to use fresh berries, they must be chewed, moreover, periodically, starting from 6 pieces to 15 and back. If available for sale juniper oil, take it 5-10 drops 3 times a day. In homeopathic pharmacies there is an essence from these berries. You can use decoction dried berries, preparing in the amount of 2 tsp. crushed berries in a glass of boiling water, 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. However, you can take a pharmacy diuretic collection No. 2, which includes the same berries.
  • Bearberry (leaves). As part of the diuretic collection No. 2, it can also be successfully used independently for dropsy as a decoction of 15.0-200.0 for 1 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day
  • Bedstraw real (grass). With dropsy: in the summer in the form of fresh juice, 2 tsp. 3 times a day, and in winter in a decoction of 40 g per liter of water, or, in other words, 2 tsp. on a glass of boiling water; 1 st. l. 3 times a day.
  • Hops wild (cones). It is recommended both on its own and as an assistant in the treatment of dropsy, which proceeds painfully and with inflammation of the kidneys, since it is not only a diuretic, but also a great pain reliever and sedative. If consumed on its own, then its decoction is 10.0-200.0 for 1-2 tbsp, l. 3 times a day, and if in combination with plants similar in action, then on a half basis. Instead of a decoction, you can also take the powder from the cones in an incomplete teaspoon 3 times a day with water.
  • Pharmacy lovage (leaves). It is used more in decoction 15.0-200.0 for 1 tbsp. l. 3 times or no dosage as tea. It can also be in the form of a powder from the root, on the tip of a table knife, more precisely - 0.5 g each.
  • Stinging nettle (leaves and roots). No less popular and active remedy in the fight against dropsy, and the roots act stronger than leaves. A decoction of one or the other: 15.0-200.0 for 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Wormwood (herb). A popular remedy in the form of a decoction 5.0-300.0 (1 tsp for 2 cups of boiling water), intake: 1/4 cup 3 times a day. Pharmacy tincture her (20.0) in this case, take 15-20 drops 3 times a day before meals.
  • Sea onion (bulb). Diuretic and cardiac (sedative) remedy, recommended for dropsy various forms. If a finished products from it is not in the pharmacy, then you can make an infusion yourself: take dried (in the sun) bulbs, 2 or 3 g per glass of cold water, insist 8 hours, take 0.3 g, or 6 drops, or 1/10 tsp 5 times a day. They are also taken in the form of a powder with sugar: take this onion (in powder) 0.06 g, combine with sugar (in powder) in the amount of 0.25 g. Divide the mixture into 12 equal parts and take this one powder 3-4 times a day. The plant is poisonous!
  • Saxifrage femur (root). An old, very effective and well-tested folk remedy. Usually taken in decoction 15.0-200.0. It is better to use it as a tincture, if on alcohol - 20 drops each, and if on vodka - then 2 parts by weight of the root per 5 parts of vodka. Dose: 30-40 drops 4-5 times a day.
  • Hemp seed (seed). It is used for dropsy in the form of tincture (25.0), 20 drops 3 times a day. It is also possible in the form of a decoction 20.0-200.0 for 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, but this will work weaker. The use of garden gourd is very suitable and helpful for this treatment (see below).
  • Pumpkin ordinary. Its pulp is eaten in the form of various cereals on rice, millet and even semolina with milk and sugar. It will be a dietary treatment. However, it is also possible as a drug in the form of fresh juice from the pulp of a pumpkin in the amount of 1/2 cup per day.
  • Elder herbaceous, smelly (root). As a more active effect on the body, it is popularly used for all types of dropsy: abdominal (ascites), cardiac and renal; especially useful at the beginning of the disease. It is better to use it in tincture (20.0) on alcohol, 15 drops, and if on vodka, then 30 fonts 3 times a day. In extreme cases - a decoction: 30 g of root per 1 liter of boiling water, take 1 cup 3 times a day. The decoction is often ignored due to its unpleasant smell. The plant is poisonous!
  • Cornflower blue, or field (color). Decoction: 1 tsp. in a glass of boiling water, taking 1/4 cup 3 times a day.
  • Camel thorn ordinary, camel hay (grass and root). Decoction 20.0-200.0 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Oats. As a decoction (with honey) 20.0-200.0 inside at all stages of dropsy, and its straw - externally as a compress or wrapping the abdomen (50 or 100 g per bucket) with abdominal dropsy (ascites).
  • Astragalus woolly-flowered (herb). Decoction 20.0-200.0, 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 times a day.
  • Gryzhnik smooth (grass). Broth 30-50 g per 1 liter of boiling water, 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.
  • Dog rose, dog rose (fruits). diuretic, anti-inflammatory and vitamin remedy recommended for dropsy. Rosehip decoction: the peel of the fruit (without seeds) or the whole fruit, but crushed in a mortar, in the amount of 10 g (2 teaspoons), pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Drink 1/2 or 1 glass 2 times a day before meals. Children are given 1/4-1/2 cup per reception. To improve the taste, sugar is added to the prescribed dose before use. Ready broth before use is better to keep a day in a dark and cool place.
  • Dymyanka officinalis (herb). In the form of a decoction 15.0-300.0 1 tbsp. l., 3 times a day or as a tincture (25.0), 30 drops.
  • Meadowsweet vyazolistnaya, meadowsweet vyazolistny (grass and roots). As a diuretic and tonic, it is recommended for dropsy in a decoction of 1 tsp. on a glass of boiling water, which must be drunk in three doses per day.
  • Horseradish (root). Grated and boiled in half with juniper berries on beer (and not on water) drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
  • Nightshade bittersweet. Decoction 20.0-200.0 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. The plant is poisonous!

Abbreviations Used

  • 20.0-200.0 - means: 20 grams medicinal plant per 200 grams of water, 20 grams are equal to 1 tablespoon with top, 200 grams - 1 glass of water.
  • 15.0, or 15 grams, equals 1 tablespoon without top.
  • 10.0, or 10 grams, is equal to 1 dessert spoon or 2 teaspoons.
  • 5.0, or 5 grams, equals 1 teaspoon.
  • In tinctures: 25.0 means that 25 grams of the plant is taken per 100 grams of alcohol.
  • In dilutions: 1:10 means 1 part diluted to 10 parts of water, or 1 teaspoon of the first to 1/2 cup of water.
  • When preparing ointments: 1:4 means 1 part of medicinal raw materials to 4 parts of the base (fats).
  • Art. l. - tablespoon, tsp - tea spoon.


  • Radish sowing (root vegetable). It is recommended to take in advance Fresh Juice radish, mixed in half with honey. Take periodically, starting with 1/2 cup and working up to 2 cups per day.

Water callus can appear in anyone. It arises as a result strong pressure on any part of the skin. In summer, such problems appear with particular regularity, because the warm season is country work that provokes the appearance of corns on the hands. And the legs are “decorated” with dropsies after walking in new, beautiful and fashionable, but not very comfortable shoes.

This problem is very painful, so you can not ignore it in any way. Today we will look at ways on the arms and legs, the prevention of their occurrence.

What is dropsy and what causes it

Water callus is soft, practically transparent blister containing the liquid. Most often it can be found on the legs (on the fingers, between them, on the feet and heels), as well as on the fingers and palms of the hands. Although any other part of the body that has undergone prolonged friction can also be “decorated” with dropsy.

Probably, one should not say again that water callus can be caused by tight or wide (dangling on the foot) shoes. High heel also occasionally causes painful lesions. After all, the fingers and the sole near them in such shoes receive a special load, and if you add to this the feet that are wet on a hot day, the appearance of corns is almost inevitable.

How exactly does dropsy occur on the leg or arm

Initially, a slight redness appears on the mechanically affected area of ​​the skin, then it swells slightly, and mild soreness occurs.

If at this moment you can stop working, then in order to avoid, for example, dropsy on your hands, cover the damage with a plaster. Then, most likely, a blister will not arise, and no further treatment will not need.

And if you realized it only when the bubble had already formed, you will have to tinker with it. And although it will probably seem to you that such damage is not very serious, you should remember that the place where the dropsy was torn off quickly becomes infected, which means that it requires special attention.

How to pierce a large water callus

The first thing you want to do to anyone who finds dropsy on his arm or leg is to pierce it. However, this is exactly what you should not do, especially if water callus small. You just need to seal it with a bactericidal breathable patch and wait until it passes by itself. Do not forget to remove it periodically, thus providing air access. This will speed up the healing.

In cases where damage large sizes and delivers particular discomfort, it can be pierced. However, before you remove the corn, follow a number of mandatory rules.

Water corn: treatment with folk remedies

One of the simplest folk remedies that help treat water corns is a bath prepared from dissolved in warm water salt in the ratio of 1 tbsp. spoon of the product per 1 liter of water. Just do not take hot water, this can lead to the fact that the skin on the arms or legs will steam out, and the water callus will burst. salt bath done quickly (you can just rinse the limbs in it). In such cases, a pink solution of potassium permanganate is also suitable. And, of course, it’s a good idea to let the damaged surface rest for at least three days.

Aloe juice also helps a lot. This natural antiseptic applied as a small piece of leaf, which is cut lengthwise to expose the pulp. Overlaying aloe inside to the wound, fix it with a plaster and change every six hours until healing.

And plantain as remedy especially popular. It must be washed in cold water and, after wrinkling a little, until the juice appears, apply to the damage.

How do signs of infection appear?

Don't try to deal with these symptoms on your own! Go to the surgeon. If redness appears around your injury, and the skin is swollen, the pain in the wound has become constant, even if you do not touch it, the liquid in the blister seems cloudy, and yellow crusts appear around the opened callus - all these are signs of infection. Such phenomena may accompany an increase in temperature, both general and local, as well as purulent discharge from the wound.

How to prevent the appearance of corns

Everyone understands that any problems are easier to prevent than to solve the consequences of their own negligence. This directly applies to dropsy on the arms and legs. You should know a number of simple rules so that you do not have to treat painful injuries later:

  • Shoes should always be selected in size and without a hint of any inconvenience. Even if the shoes are wonderfully good, you should not buy them with the thought that they wear out over time. A too tight heel in a shoe can rub your heel very quickly, and you still have to change your model shoes to slippers so as not to disturb the soft callus torn to the blood.
  • Going on a hike or a long trip walking tour, you need to wear shoes specially designed for such a pastime. See if there are any rough seams or elementary holes on the socks that you put on in sports shoes, because dropsy on the leg can also appear for this reason.

  • To save your hands from calluses, you should not, having seized a shovel in the spring, ignore gloves.
  • By the way, wet skin it is much easier to rub, so use talcum powder, and periodically soak your hands with a dry cloth. Helps in such cases and vegetable oil applied to damaged areas.

And, of course, do not forget to carry a bactericidal patch with you, which will help keep your scuff from becoming a blister.

If there are quite a lot of watery blisters on your body and you cannot accurately determine the cause of their occurrence, be sure to go to the hospital. The specialist will conduct a thorough examination of the body and establish accurate diagnosis.

Treatment for dropsy will depend on the cause of the disease. Most often, doctors prescribe pills that help improve metabolism and blood microcirculation. To withdraw excess liquid from the body, diuretics can be used.

How to get rid of dropsy on the leg

When wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes water callus may form on the leg. This bubble is quite painful and can cause a lot of discomfort. It is formed as a result of friction, which violates correct location skin layers. Before asking the question "How to get rid of dropsy on the leg?" eliminate the cause of the development of pathology. First of all, change your shoes to more comfortable ones. The bubble should never be pierced. If you notice a problem in time, just lubricate dropsy vegetable oil, and after 2-3 days it will disappear by itself.

A damaged or burst bubble must be completely freed from the fluid accumulated inside. To do this, wash your hands thoroughly with disinfectant and gently press the loose skin. It's pretty nasty and painful procedure, but it is necessary if you want dropsy to pass quickly. Next, moisten a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide, treat the wound, apply any healing ointment and seal it with a bactericidal patch.

Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day, and at night it is better to leave dropsy without a patch so that it dries faster

Plantain leaves, aloe, Kalanchoe can be used as natural antiseptics. Grind the plant in a blender or grate. Apply the resulting slurry to dropsy. A small slice of lemon can also turn into a healing natural compress.

dropsy - unpleasant problem, but quite solvable by pharmacy or improvised means.

If the belly is like a "watermelon"! When dropsy prevents you from enjoying life "Aquarium" - in the stomach! What to do? Take a steam bath in the sauna, go on a diet, go to aerobics, download the press, lock the refrigerator, wear a belt? Millions of people today suffer from dropsy, but few of them have thought about why this happened, because such a stomach did not grow overnight! Even the wise Hippocrates said about this: The disease does not fall on a person's head like a bolt from the blue. It is the result of a constant violation of the laws of nature. Accumulating, these violations break through in the form of diseases.».

If the waist and the abdomen itself regularly increase, respectively, the weight increases, fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, breathing becomes difficult. All of these troubles can subsequently lead to weakness of the heart muscle and problems with the pericardium, the heart bag. For your information, dropsy is not independent disease, but rather the result of diseases of any internal organs e.g. heart, kidney or liver. And it is not the volume of the abdomen or swelling of the legs that should be eliminated - as many people think - but the root causes that caused such a reaction of the body. Oddly enough, but the disease can manifest itself only after a few years, and, as a rule, all this time we do not attach importance to the main signal of the body - the “beer” tummy, in which cancer can easily settle.

Folk remedies for dropsy

Treatment of dropsy with rosemary infusion. We've made a diagnosis and we're looking for a treatment. I propose to start the fight with the "aquarium" in the stomach with. He helped many to cope with dropsy, joint, spinal, muscle, headaches, migraine, depression, hundreds of people got back on their feet after a stroke and heart attack (good with Dioscorea). Rosemary perfectly stimulates bile secretion, promotes the dissolution of stones, normalizes bowel function, strengthens memory, improves coronary circulation, weakens the phenomenon of myocardial ischemia. Plus, it is indispensable for edema and dropsy. cardiac origin, sick liver!

Cooking medicinal infusion 50 g of rosemary pour 0.5 l of vodka, leave for 10 days. You can not filter. Take 25-30 drops with water 3 times a day before meals. Course - 2 months, break - 1 month. Conduct 3-4 courses per year. Contraindications to the use of pregnancy, epilepsy. To overcome fear or stress, I recommend smearing whiskey rosemary oil and always carry a few leaves of this wonderful plant with you.

Red root in dropsy. The red root is another faithful assistant in the fight against dropsy (especially cardiac and renal). AT Tibetan medicine it is used in the treatment various diseases kidneys (with wrinkling, shrinkage), liver, urinary retention, edema, Bladder, cardiac asthma, uterine bleeding, prolapse of the uterus and rectum. And for men, according to experts, he is just a godsend!Pour 25 g of root pieces with 0.5 l of vodka, leave for 10 days. Take 1 teaspoon with water 3 times a day. The course is 2 months. Break - 2 weeks.Please note that the tincture made from the red root is compatible with rosemary, so take them for health at different times.

Flaxseed with dropsy. Linen - no less effective remedy in the treatment of dropsy. In addition, it is valued for its anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, laxative, analgesic effect. For those who suffer from constipation, pyelonephritis, cholecystitis, urolithiasis, renal edema, hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, prostatitis, toadflax - the best remedy. Cooking healing infusion 1 tsp pour a glass of boiling water over the flowers, leave in a thermos for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Course - 3 weeks, 2 weeks - break. When ordering flaxseed, I send recipes for ointments and infusions.

Drive out dropsy with agaric. Surely many have heard about agaric. But even some herbalists confuse it with larch tinder. I hasten to warn you that agaric is a white larch sponge, which is used for stomach cancer (like Belozor), duodenum, liver, kidneys, mammary glands, tongue, goiter, lungs. In addition, he is considered strong remedy from dropsy! This recipe may help you: 1 tbsp. agarica pour 300 ml of boiling water, put on a small fire for 30 minutes. Bring to the previous volume, that is, up to 300 ml, insist for 4 hours. Take 1 tbsp. before meals 3 times a day. Course -1 month, break - 2 weeks. By the way, according to the latest information, the sponge is very effective in ascitic tumors, lymphosarcomas, carcinomas, sarcomas.

Kirkazon from dropsy. In addition to the listed plants, the Siberian prince and kirkazon (Filiniki) are considered effective. The scope of the latter, by the way, is very wide: kirkazon is used for ovarian cysts, tuberculosis, gout,. With its internal and external use, blue swollen veins and pain in the legs completely disappear. In addition, kirkazon has a strong vasodilating action, antidepressant, sedative, it saves from insomnia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, and various neuroses. Plus, it normalizes the menstrual-ovulatory function of the ovaries, which contributes to regular painless menstruation, which every second woman dreams of today.

Amenable to him and such female diseases, like fibroids, cysts, polyps, endometritis, fibromyomas, . By the way, with such ailments, douching is also necessary.

Recipe for internal use kirkazon: 1 tsp Pour kirkazon with 2 cups of boiled water, preferably warm, insist in a thermos for 8 hours, strain. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day after meals. The course is 30-40 days. Break - 2 weeks. Take 3-4 courses.

Published: October 28, 2015 at 12:49 pm

Of course, you can try to diagnose ascites yourself at home, but alternative treatment helps only slightly alleviate the patient's condition. And this should not be forgotten. Today the treatment of ascites means traditional medicine actively used in complex therapy, along with drug treatment aimed at eliminating main reason contributing to the development of dropsy of the abdomen.

What is ascites? This is a collection in the abdomen a large number water. You can verify its presence yourself by tapping on the abdominal wall. If during this manipulation a thud occurs, it means that a rather large amount of transudate has accumulated inside the abdomen.

Another easy one diagnostic reception may indicate the presence of ascites. To use it, you need to put your hand on abdominal wall palm down, exactly in the middle of the abdomen, and with the other hand knock on the side. If there is liquid inside, the palm in the middle should feel vibrations similar to air wave. This effect is called fluctuation. It is he who speaks of the presence of ascites.

In order to understand how to treat ascites at home, it is important to know why it arose. It can be provoked by inflammation of the abdominal cavity, problems with lymph outflow, heart failure, carcinomatosis, thrombosis, the presence of tumors that compress the hepatic veins, an increase lymph nodes, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, bleeding in the peritoneum. In particularly difficult cases, it is not possible to identify the cause of dropsy, an increase in the volume of the abdomen can provoke a large ovarian cyst, acute expansion of the stomach, severe flatulence. In this case, only an experienced highly qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and advise the use of certain folk remedies for ascites.

What can a patient use from folk remedies to alleviate his condition? Well help with ascites herbs, hemp seeds, berry decoctions, and proper diet. When the described diagnosis is made, home treatment should begin with a change in diet. It is necessary to completely remove from it products that retain water in the body or provoke intense thirst. During treatment, you can not eat a lot of salt, its amount should be reduced as much as possible (allowable dose - no more than two grams per day). Daily rate consumed water should be no more than 700 ml. See sample menu, which is acceptable in the treatment of ascites at home, can be seen by looking through the diet "Table No. 10".

With dropsy of the abdomen, alternative treatment methods are used to remove excess water from the body and restore potassium reserves. The attending physician should supervise the intake of each drug.

Diuretic herbs for ascites

The main goal of folk treatment of ascites is to eliminate existing edema. Help make it as efficient as possible medicinal plants. There are mono-products, there are complex fees, such folk remedies and methods can be actively used, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

As monoproducts, parsley is actively used for ascites. She has unique healing properties Since ancient times, it has been used precisely as a powerful diuretic and diaphoretic.

  1. Recipe number 1. A medicine is prepared from ground seeds. Two heaped spoons are poured with 200 grams of boiling water, boiled over low heat for a quarter of an hour and filtered. A folk remedy is taken 20 drops four times a day.
  2. Recipe number 2. You can also cook a decoction from fresh parsley, but in this case, instead of water, you should take milk. In this case, the greens are cut into small fragments and poured with half a liter of milk, the product is boiled over low heat, filtered and washed 40 grams every hour, the treatment is carried out until the edema disappears.
  3. Recipe number 3. Bean pods have the same effect. The medicine is made from their husks. For a single serving, you need to take the husks of twelve pods, pour them with a liter of boiling water and boil on fire for fifteen minutes. It is not necessary to strain immediately after cooking, let the milk broth first cool completely and infuse well. Divide the medicine into five equal parts, and drink before each meal. Another fluid during the treatment of ascites with similar folk remedies you can't drink.
  4. Recipe number 4. lends itself well folk treatment dropsy of the abdomen with regular use of a special diuretic tea. To prepare it, you need a skier and bearberry. The ingredients are taken in equal amounts, for 100 grams of grass you need to take 250 ml of boiling water, brew tea in a thermos and hold it there for two hours. It is necessary to drink such a folk remedy on an empty stomach.
  5. Recipe number 5. What other diuretic herbs can be used for ascites? In addition to parsley and bearberry, it removes fluid from the body well. Linden blossom and coltsfoot. Such a collection has a diaphoretic property, with correct reception such a folk remedy for ascites, excess water comes out through the pores of the skin. The indicated herbs are taken in equal amounts and mixed to prepare daily dose you need to take 100 grams of the collection and pour 400 ml of boiling water over them, then put it all on fire and cook for ten minutes, stirring constantly. The resulting medicine is divided into four doses and drunk before meals, the treatment is effective only when paired with a diet.

Any diuretic herbs for ascites should be supported by folk remedies that help replenish potassium reserves. Apricot compote made from dried fruits. 200 grams of dried fruit must be poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled for fifteen minutes. You can drink up to 400 ml of compote per day. The remaining allowed 300 grams should be herbal diuretics.

Folk remedies in the treatment of dropsy of the abdomen

In addition to decoctions in home treatment ascites, you can use "dry" and "wet" birch baths and birch wraps. When answering the question of how to treat ascites with birch, it is important to note that it is best to use young foliage. It is she who needs to fill the bath, cover it with polyethylene and put it in the sun. Under the film, the leaves will begin to "sweat". When the first dew appears, the patient can be immersed in the bath. In it, he should lie down for an hour. "Dry" bath is taken twice a week. The course continues until complete recovery. The action of birch should cause slight numbness of the limbs. This is fine.

Young leaves can be collected only in spring, the rest of the time, replace the "dry" birch bath can be "wet". In this case, such a tool is preliminarily prepared. 50 grams of dry leaves, ground into powder, or 100 grams of fresh leaves are placed on a large enameled bucket. The water in the bucket must be boiled, insisted for 20 minutes and poured into the bathroom. The ratio of infusion and plain water should be 1x1. Given this, you will have to brew several buckets of birch broth. Take such a bath should not be more than half an hour. The course of treatment is a month.

What other folk remedies for dropsy of the abdomen can be prepared from birch? A birch wrap has a good diaphoretic effect. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to prepare a decoction again. The recipe is the same as when preparing a bath. Cotton sheets folded into fours are wetted in hot spicy water, the patient's body is wrapped around them from the armpits to the ankles. To folk method treatment proved to be effective, it is necessary to act very quickly. On top of the wet sheets, dry ones are applied, then a plastic film, and a warm woolen blanket over it. In such a cocoon, the patient needs to lie down for half an hour. Then it must be deployed so that the cold air does not touch the warm, steamed body.

When diuretics are not available plant origin, for the preparation of a remedy for ascites, it is allowed to use dry birch leaves and horsetail. The ingredients are taken in equal amounts, 40 grams of the collection are poured into a glass strongly hot water and insist thirty minutes. The drink is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, all at once, in one gulp. You need to drink such a folk remedy when there is a toilet nearby.

The article presents the most popular recipes, with the help of which ascites is most often treated with folk remedies. But it is important to remember that they are not a panacea, herbs, fees can be used at home, but only under the supervision of the attending physician and in combination with drug therapy aimed at destroying the root cause of the described complication. Knowing how to treat ascites, which method to use, you can try to get rid of the described complication on your own.

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