Joints in dogs symptoms. Failure of the hind legs in dogs. Chondroprotectors for dogs of large breeds

Damage to the spine or joints of the extremities can be the result of acquired or congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Congenital diseases are irreversible, progress with age, aggravate the condition of the pet. This applies primarily to those dogs that are subjected to excessive physical exertion. Injuries with provoking the process of inflammation, degenerative processes in connective tissue- all these are sources of acquired diseases.

The most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system are osteoarthritis, arthrosis, hip dysplasia, damage to the intervertebral discs.

arthrosis is a degenerative joint disease that is characterized by the destruction of articular cartilage, proceeds chronically, most often observed in old animals. Over time, the disease spreads to other elements of the joint, and as a result, joint deformity with partial or total loss its functions. Due to damage to cartilage cells and a number of other reasons, cartilage loses its flexibility and elasticity, which leads to damage to the synovial membrane, and, in the end, there is a gradual destruction of all elements of the articular system.

Osteoarthritis occurs both as a result of natural aging processes, and after receiving various injuries such as dislocations or fractures. In addition, seemingly innocuous problems such as overweight or prolonged physical activity can also become the causes of this disease. With osteoarthritis, there is limited mobility, lameness, pain syndrome, various deformations of the tissues of the musculoskeletal system due to pathological changes articular cartilage and underlying bone. Modern drugs, containing hyaluronic acid, can relieve pain, improve the function of the affected joints, and also prevent or slow down the progression of this disease. The first thing to do is to ensure the rest of the diseased limb, consult a doctor about the method of treatment. veterinarian and provide your pet with a complete diet with enough vitamins and minerals.

Dysplasia skeletal system can cause deformation of different joints - shoulder, elbow and hip.

hip dysplasia- a hereditary disease in which an animal is born with an underdeveloped acetabulum and head femur, which is further manifested by violations of the musculoskeletal function of the pelvic limbs. Hip dysplasia is when the shape of the cup of the hip joint does not match articular head in addition, there is an incorrect angle of entry of the femoral neck.

The first symptoms of the disease are rapid fatigue, unsteady gait, difficulty climbing stairs. With the deterioration of the condition, lameness appears, the animal draws in the diseased limb and tries to transfer the load to other paws. Dogs with dysplasia are especially sensitive to changes in the weather, and the disease is exacerbated in cold, wet weather. If the joint becomes inoperable, there is a complete dislocation of the femoral head from the acetabulum, limb mobility is lost, this condition indicates a severe degree of the disease.

Many dog ​​owners exacerbate the disease by malnutrition. From excess weight for an animal with hip dysplasia, it actually sounds like a death sentence. Owners of large breeds of dogs believe that puppies should be fed high-calorie foods, rich in proteins. However, please note that many branded dry food for large breed puppies is less caloric than dry food for puppies. small breeds. The wrong high-calorie diet can lead to bone curvature and joint deformity. Do not worry that the puppy is in an almost half-starved state, body weight will easily gain at the age of one year, it is enough to follow the recommendations on the diet and amount of food given by the manufacturers of branded ready-made feeds.

Damage to intervertebral discs(narrowing and wear) leads to a decrease in the mobility of the spine. Overloading or injury can cause the disc to dislodge and compress nerve roots, which depart from the spinal cord, and sometimes itself spinal cord. The disease is manifested by pain syndrome, impaired sensitivity hind limbs, a feeling of weakness in them, uncontrolled urination and defecation, sometimes complete paralysis of the hind limbs occurs. This disease is most common among dogs of those breeds that have an elongated cylindrical body.

Hereditary anomalies of the musculoskeletal system.

A person is arranged in such a way that it is not enough for him to be content with the gifts of nature, he wants to change something, improve or remake something. Such a desire applies not only to inanimate objects, but also to completely living beings. Many breeds were crossed, modified, bred for specific purposes. The well-known Dachshund breed, with an unusually elongated body shape and short legs, was bred to hunt badgers so that the dog could easily get into the hole. This is quite convenient for a person, but is such a change good for the animal itself, will it not lead to the occurrence of diseases or the weakening of certain organs? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. The most affected by such experiments musculoskeletal system, but it may occur genetic predisposition to other diseases (diseases respiratory tract, eye, etc.).

We will immediately digress and reassure the owners of all the breeds listed below, a genetic predisposition does not mean at all that your pet will definitely have this or that disease. Most diseases are due to bad care and most importantly, because malnutrition or an unbalanced diet. But even if the pet is at risk hereditary disease and he was given a disappointing diagnosis, adherence to a special diet, compliance with the norms of physical activity, timely diagnosis of the disease, preventive measures before the period of exacerbation of the disease, periodic testing and X-ray diagnostics, as well as drug treatment, will help keep the disease under control and keep the pet alive for as long as possible.

Dachshunds, Pekingese, Bulldogs and Bassets are genetically predisposed to wrong development elbow joints. Due to the increased muscle mass of the front of the body in relation to the back, bone deformation occurs, as well as muscle numbness. As a result, lameness first appears, the muscles of the forelimbs atrophy.

Due to the structural features of the body (narrow spinal canal), Chow Chows, Dobermans and small breeds of dogs sometimes experience deformation of the cervical vertebrae. As a result of the disease, coordination of movements is disturbed, in the worst case, paralysis of the limbs occurs.

In many breeds, osteochondrosis is common, which is associated with a violation of the shape of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs. The degree of heritability of this disease is very high, almost more than 50%. Osteochondrosis is more common in fast-growing large breeds such as Rottweilers, Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Labradors. It is believed that this disease largely depends on the diet of the pet.

Dysplasia elbow joint- This is a congenital malformation of the elbow joint, as well as the tissues that surround it. The risk group for this hereditary anomaly includes the following breeds: German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Bloodhounds, Neapolitan Mastiffs, Golden Retrievers, St. Bernards and Bernese Mountain Dogs.

Among small breeds of dogs - Yorkshire Terrier, Pekingese, etc. sometimes there is such a pathology as a dislocation of the elbow or a displacement of the head radius. And breeds such as dachshunds, bulldogs and Pekingese sometimes suffer from polyarthrodysplasia. Wherein congenital disease the joints of the fore and hind limbs, which are located closest to the body, are affected.

In the first place among hereditary pathologies of the limbs is hip dysplasia. This anomaly was first described in 1935 by german shepherds, a little later, the disease was detected in most of the dogs of large breeds. Hip dysplasia occurs in Great Danes, Bulldogs, Chow Chows, Boxers, Rottweilers, Labradors, St. Bernards, and Newfoundlands. In small breeds, it is much less common. The breed that is not familiar with this disease is greyhounds. With dysplasia, all components of the hip joint are affected - the femoral head is hypoplastic, the same applies to the acetabulum, which, among other things, is also flattened, the ratio of collagen types in the ligaments is disturbed, and the articular capsule and neuromuscular apparatus in the joint area are affected. All this leads to arthritis.

It is not possible to determine the presence of hip dysplasia in puppies at an early stage; for fast-growing breeds, the disease can be detected a few weeks after birth, and for slow-growing breeds, almost a year later, when the bone growth process is completed.

In many countries - the USA, Germany, Finland, and recently in Russia, the issue of mandatory X-ray diagnostics for dogs especially prone to hip dysplasia is very acute, which is noted in the pedigree documents. Carriers of a hereditary anomaly should be culled from breeding in order to prevent the further spread of this severe disease for pets.

In small breeds of dogs - Pekingese, french bulldogs, schnauzers, pygmy poodles and spitz, the most common disease is Lagg-Kalv-Perthes. The anomaly manifests itself in puppies at the age of 6-7 months, when isolated foci of osteonecrosis appear in the head and neck of the femur. At gradual increase focus, the head of the bone is destroyed and the articular cavity is affected. The clinical picture resembles hip dysplasia. The mobility of the affected joint decreases, pain appears, then lameness, partial atrophy of the muscles and slight injury to the limbs. Sometimes the disease can also affect the shoulder joint. The disease proceeds for a long time, over time, the bone tissue is partially restored, and the functions of the joint improve.

Some small breed puppies between 4 and 10 months of age may develop genetic disease- aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, in which there is a violation of the blood supply, which through certain time leads to destruction of the hip joint. Symptoms of the disease are lameness, muscle atrophy on the diseased limb, limited movement in the joint, the animal does not step on the diseased limb, its shortening.

Natural chondroprotectors for the prevention of diseases of the joints and ligaments.

Connective tissue, tissues of ligaments and joints are exposed to internal and external influences. Changes in the connective tissue occur due to stress on the body, generalized diseases, inadequate diet, and metabolic disorders. Most of the structural substances of connective tissue elements are not able to be synthesized in the body or this ability is limited, so these substances must be supplied to the animal's body as part of the diet.

Glucosamine is a structural substance cartilage tissue, which contributes to its recovery and has anti-inflammatory properties. Glucosamine is used for osteoarthritis, bursitis and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. This substance is absorbed into gastrointestinal tract, and then delivered to cartilage and other tissues, being included in the synthesis of certain components, such as chondroitin sulfate.

Chondroitin sulfate is the main element of cartilage tissue. important function of this element is to retain water in cartilage tissues to ensure its elasticity and increase shock-absorbing properties. Chondroitin sulfate has very important properties - analgesic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and restorative.

For achievement best results in the process of treatment and prevention - glucosamine and chondroitin are used together. As a result, there is a rapid saturation of connective tissue elements with chondroprotectors.

Vitamins C, E and selenium are antioxidants that have a restorative effect on tissues. Zinc contributes to the stabilization of cell membranes. Manganese is part of the joint and bone tissues, providing the structural integrity of the cartilage in the joints.

Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids inhibit enzymes, causing inflammation tissues, protect the cartilage structure, anesthetize, and also have an antioxidant effect. Omega-3 fatty acids are indispensable for arthritis, arthrosis, cardiovascular diseases, as well as diseases of the nervous system.

Hyaluronic acid is found in synovial fluid, providing protection of the articular surface from friction, which in turn increases the mobility of the joint.

Currently, synthetic analogues of chondroprotectors are being replaced by natural ones, which are considered the most effective and safe.

Shark cartilage contains collagen (a connective tissue protein). Shark cartilage is known for being highly regenerative, which means sharks heal faster than other animals. Medicines containing Shark cartilage have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

The New Zealand green-lipped mollusc Perna Canaliculus is the best digestible complex of glycosaminoglycans, amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins and trace elements. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. After the tests, it was proved that the New Zealand mollusk extract is a highly effective natural chondroprotector.

Most of the substances, such as chondroitin and glucosamine, are contained in ready-made dry food, which has a beneficial effect on animals with diseases of the joints and ligaments, alleviating their condition. However, for effective therapy not enough small amount of these substances, it is necessary A complex approach in treatment, taking drugs containing a complete quantitative and qualitative composition chondroprotectors.

The role of ready-made dry food in the treatment and prevention of joint diseases.

Energy and nutrients for the life of animals are extracted from food products. This is a complex biochemical process. Nutrition enriched with vitamins, minerals and other useful elements can prevent the occurrence of a number of diseases.

Hill's is one of the leaders in the innovative development of dietary foods for the treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs. Large breed pets older than five years of age are at risk for osteoarthritis. The main treatment is to relieve inflammation and relieve pain. Dietary food, in addition to these two main functions, has one more important property- limiting degradation and maintaining the health of articular cartilage.

Hill's Prescription Diet j / d is an advanced food that helps relieve joint pain in dogs and improve mobility as early as 21 days. One of the advantages of this food is the absence side effects. Eicosapentaenoic acid is an omega-3 fatty acid that penetrates and is selectively deposited in articular cartilage. Glucosamine and chondroitin contribute to the maintenance of healthy articular cartilage. To maintain muscle mass and against excess weight, the feed contains L-carnitine. When physical activity decreases, there may be muscular atrophy therefore, prevention is necessary, in which the muscular support of the joint is preserved. For supporting normal operation heart and kidneys in the medical feed is provided controlled level calcium, protein, sodium and phosphorus.

During treatment severe forms osteoarthritis and taking appropriate medications, Hill's Prescription Diet j / d diet food can reduce their use by 25%. It is not recommended to give this food to puppies, pregnant and lactating bitches, and cats.

Professional medicinal food for dogs with musculoskeletal disorders Purina Veterinary Diets® (JM) Joint Mobility Canine Formula helps reduce the levels of enzymes involved in cartilage breakdown.

The food is recommended to be given to pets with such diseases - joint dysplasia, osteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, lameness as a result of injury, and also as a prevention of joint diseases to dogs at risk of joint diseases.

Royal Canin Mobility MS25 therapeutic food is recommended by veterinarians as an addition to the main treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as as a preventive measure. It helps to improve joint mobility, and also supports the function of the joints in pets after injuries and after surgical interventions.

The feed contains flour from the pulp of the New Zealand green-lipped mollusk Perna Canaliculus (0.3%), hydrolyzate from crustacean shell (source of glucosamine), marigold extract (source of lutein), hydrolyzate from cartilage (source of chondroitin). All these substances help to improve joint mobility, relieve pain and inflammation in the joints. The food is contraindicated in lactating dogs and puppies under 6 months of age.

1st Choice Canadian dry dog ​​food is designed specifically for puppies and adult dogs, but all of them have in common the presence of substances that support healthy joints and cartilage - glucosamine, chondroitin, glycosaminoglycan and collagen peptides.

Dry food 1st Choice for puppies will be an excellent preventive measure for joint diseases and promotes their proper development.

Diamond Large Breed 60+ Adult Dog Formula and Diamond Naturals Extreme Athlete dry foods are high in glucosamine and chondroitin, as well as L-carnitine and omega-3, which promote healthy joints and cartilage.

The balance of the feed components helps to maintain the optimal weight of the pet, and vitamins and minerals will guarantee its health and excellent appearance.

Feed additives and vitamins to maintain healthy joints and cartilage.

Owners of pets with health problems of the musculoskeletal system know how difficult and long the treatment takes. It is impossible to look at our little pupils, limping, tightening their paws from pain, unable to just sit down and, worst of all, get up from a lying position. Grabbing our beloved child in an armful, we rush to veterinary clinic and we ask the doctors to help him, put him on his paws and eradicate the pain. Therefore, it is very important not to ignore the words of veterinarians, which relate primarily to the prevention of such diseases and the ability to keep incurable diseases under control.

If small pet diagnosed with joint dysplasia, if he crossed the 6-8-year threshold and there is a risk of developing arthrosis or osteoarthritis, you should not sit on the sidelines and wait for a miracle. Care must be taken to maintain his health as long as possible. In such cases, veterinarians recommend feeding pets with specially designed therapeutic dry food, introducing supplements and vitamins into the diet that contain components to maintain healthy joints and cartilage. Most often, it is very important to give supplements and vitamins before periods of exacerbation that occur in spring and autumn, since most joint diseases are exacerbated in wet and cold weather.

The use of drugs should be carried out under the supervision of veterinarians. The same applies to supplements, vitamins and feed. After the examination, the doctor will offer a treatment regimen and tell you how prevention is carried out. Most often, medicines, food, supplements and vitamins contain an approximate composition of chondroprotectors, only in different dosages. It is very important not to overdo it, but to provide the animal's body with exactly the amount of nutrients that will help restore the joint, relieve inflammation and pain. When taking supplements and vitamins, it is recommended to take breaks, the duration of which is determined by the veterinarian.

Canina supplements and vitamins for dogs are made from natural ingredients - seafood extracts, plant extracts, crushed algae, which makes it easy and quick to digest. beneficial substances in the body of pets. Veterinary preparations for dogs are designed taking into account the characteristics of animals - age, weight, breed and many others.

Canina Calcina Calcium Citrat for debilitated and aging dogs - feed additive with calcium, is designed to protect aging dogs from osteoporosis and maintain muscle tone due to lack of mobility.

Canina Dog Petvital GAG and Canhydrox GaG Glucosamine with Mussel Extract is a balanced, unique composition of many natural ingredients that provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. The drug has a stabilizing and strengthening effect on the articular cartilage, regulates water balance in the joint capsule, tendons and ligaments. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are regulators of inflammatory mediators. Sulfur-containing amino acids and crushed seaweed serve to maintain the balance of sulfur. Vitamin E and selenium are essential for protection against free radicals and harmful metabolic products.

Canina Petvital Arthro-Tabletten for joints is a supplement developed on the basis of medicinal plant collection - Euphorbia cyparissias, Symphytum and Salix, as well as additional trace elements - iron, copper and zinc and with the addition of vitamins E and B1. The supplement strengthens ligamentous apparatus, stimulates growth bone tissue and relieves inflammation in the ligaments and joints.
Petvital Arthro-tabs is recommended to accelerate the regeneration of animal bones after fractures, surgery, arthritis, arthrosis and growth disorders.

8in1 Excel Mobile Flex plus dog food supplement contains 25% New Zealand green mussels (Perna Canaliculus), omega-3, glucosamine, chondroitin, vitamins E and C, as well as trace elements - copper, zinc and manganese. All these components are indispensable for preventing inflammatory processes in the joints, slowing down or preventing the process of joint degradation, and stimulating the growth of cartilage tissue.

8in1 Excel Mobile Flex+ supplement is an excellent preventive measure for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Food supplements and preparations for dogs Dr. Clauder's (Dr. Clauders), designed to form and strengthen ligaments, cartilage and muscles:

Dr.Clauder's Mobil Fit (Mobile Fit) Joint Tabletten tablets to strengthen ligaments and joints;
- Dr. Clauder's Mobil Fit (Mobile Fit) tablets to strengthen the muscle-ligamentous apparatus;
- Dr.Clauder's Mineral Fit (Mineral Fit) Calcium Tabletten tablets to strengthen the bone structure;
- Dr. Clauder's Kalktabletten (Kalktableten) calcium tablets for dogs.

In the arsenal of vitamin-mineral complexes - Biofaktory (Biofactors) there are drugs aimed at maintaining the health of joints and cartilage:
Canvit Chondro,
Kanvit Chondro Maxi (Canvit Chondro Maxi), for large breeds of dogs,
Kanvit Chondro Super with MSM (Canvit Chondro Super - Kanvit Chondro Super).
All these drugs are aimed at the regeneration of joints, cartilage and ligaments. The main active ingredient is chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine sulfate and collagen hydrolyzate. They are prescribed for pets with diseases of the musculoskeletal and tendon-ligamentous apparatus, and are also recommended for animals during the recovery period after joint injuries.

Nutri Vet (Nutri-Vet) "Ligaments and Joints" chewable tablets contribute to the maintenance of healthy joints and connective tissues, which is very important for young and active dogs. The composition of the tablets includes glucosamine hydrochloride, which helps to restore damaged joints, relieves pain and inflammation; manganese, acting on the development and growth of connective tissues; zinc, which has an anti-inflammatory effect in the focus of the disease.

Veterinary drugs for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system of dogs.

In acute and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the most effective drug is Rimadyl (Rimadil), tablets of 20, 50 and 100 mg.

Rimadyl is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, prescribed in case of pain and to alleviate inflammatory processes, helps to reduce postoperative pain and swelling in dogs. The active substance of the drug is carprofen, which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.

Due to the possibility of side effects, as well as incompatibility with some other drugs, the medicine is used only as directed by a veterinarian. Do not exceed the prescribed dose, which is indicated in the instructions and established by the veterinarian, based on general condition dog health and well-being. The daily dose is usually divided into two equal parts, and after 7 days of taking the drug, the dose is usually reduced by 2 times. Usually, taking Rimadil is limited to 7 days, in extreme cases, the medicine is given up to 10 days.

If the pet has health problems, especially diseases of the heart, liver or kidneys, the drug Rimadyl is prescribed with great care, and the animal is under the constant supervision of veterinarians. Puppies bitches taking the drug is strictly prohibited.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the drug is perfect in the form of a powder of 100 and 250 gr. firms "Tsamaks" - Zeokolin. The drug helps to normalize metabolism, stimulate the restoration of connective tissue, as well as activate the metabolism of articular cartilage. After taking the drug Zeokolin improves joint mobility, strengthens the muscles of the back, neck, ligaments and limbs.

Zeokolin is prescribed for primary osteoarthritis with damage to the knee and hip joints, for arthritis, osteochondrosis (without orthopedic complications and rheumatism), for bursitis, pathology of ligaments and tendons, and also as prophylactic to improve the mobility of joints and muscles.

All of the above foods, supplements, vitamins and preparations should be used only after consultation with a veterinarian. Many factors must be taken into account, and first of all, the state of health of the pet. The most important thing is DO NOT HARM your pet. Listen to the recommendations of veterinarians and carefully read the instructions and labels, which contain recommendations for use - dosages, contraindications, compatibility with other drugs, etc.

The dog's joints hurt, what and how to treat? Quite often, this question is asked by many pet owners, since joint pain is a common excruciating manifestation. various diseases musculoskeletal system of dogs. In order for the treatment to be much easier and more effective, it is very important to detect joint disease at an early stage of development and correctly determine the cause of its occurrence. Therefore, having noticed the first signs of deviations in the well-being of your pet, you should contact your veterinarian. The specialist will install accurate diagnosis and answer the question of how and how to treat this unpleasant disease.

There are many causes of joint pain. As a rule, they can be associated with wear and tear of cartilage tissue, or with the progression of inflammatory diseases. The most common joint diseases in dogs are:

  1. Osteoarthritis is a severe and intractable chronic joint disease caused by wear of intra-articular cartilage. Over time, in addition to cartilage, other components of the joint undergo changes. Quite often, arthrosis occurs due to the aging of cartilage tissue cells. The disease develops slowly, and obvious signs may not be noticed for a long time. Cause this disease there may be injuries different nature, excessive loads, big weight dogs and others.
  2. Arthritis can be one of the causes of joint pain. it inflammatory disease cartilage and joints. The course of this pathology can be acute and chronic. Not only older dogs are susceptible to arthritis, this pathology can also develop in the body of a young individual. There are several varieties of this disease, depending on the cause of their development, the age of the dog and the degree of involvement in the inflammatory process of the elements that form the joint. The main factors contributing to the onset of arthritis are: injuries of various origins, physical overload of the joint, genetic predisposition, the consequences of complex infections, a functional failure of the immune system, and others.
  3. Common diseases of the joints include osteochondrosis, which manifests itself in the ossification of cartilage with subsequent destruction of the joint. affects dogs regardless of age and breed, but large dogs or obese dogs are more susceptible to this disease. Nutrition and genetics play a significant role in the development of this pathology.

Characteristic symptoms

Quite often, the first symptoms of joint disease are so mild that even the most attentive owners may not notice them in a pet. They increase gradually and become more visible.

The main symptoms of joint damage in dogs are:

  • refusal to walk, play;
  • lethargy;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • step shortening;
  • lameness provoked by pain;
  • whining when lifting and starting to move;
  • squeals when touching a sore joint;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss.

Exist characteristic differences for each disease. For example, with arthritis, there may be an increase in body temperature, swelling, visible articular deformities.

As a rule, all symptoms are aggravated in cold, damp weather.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment of joints in pets should be started only after the cause has been determined. pain. In no case should you use the drugs yourself without consulting a veterinarian, since the choice of drugs and their dosage are selected exclusively individually. Incorrectly selected treatment can lead to sad consequences.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed to reduce pain. The most popular drug in this group are Rimadyl. It is available in the form of tablets and injections. The drug has analgesic and antipyretic properties. Active substance drug - a strong analgesic carprofen, capable of eliminating pain in an animal on long time(10-12 hours). Rimadyl is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating dogs, as well as those with individual intolerance to carprofen. With extreme caution, the drug is administered to animals with chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system, liver, kidneys.

An equally popular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug is Meloxidil. Produced in the form of a suspension. The drug can be used not only orally, but also mixed with food. A significant advantage of Meloxidil is that it has a minimum of side effects and is easy to use. Contraindicated in animals with high sensitivity to the main component of the drug meloxicam. Forbidden to dogs with diseases digestive system, renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Quite effectively reduce inflammation and significantly improve the condition of your beloved pet hormonal drugs (corticosteroids). The most commonly used in veterinary medicine are Prednisolone and Hydrocortisone. Corticosteroids have a suppressive effect on the immune system, blocking the production of substances that cause inflammatory responses.

Chondroprotectors are one of the key veterinary drugs to combat joint damage in dogs. Thanks to glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates medicines slow down the destruction of cartilage tissue and contribute to its restoration. Also, the composition of the preparations includes vitamins, minerals, which favorably affect the musculoskeletal system of the animal. These funds include: Katrofen, Stride, Arthroplex, Chondroitin, Teraflex, Stopartrit and others.

Antibiotics are used to treat arthritis a wide range actions such as: Amoxicillin, Lincomycin, Cephalexin, Gentamicin and others.

Diet and physiotherapy

For more effective treatment of any joint disease in dogs, prescribe special diet. The diet should not contain dry food containing a large number of carbohydrates and starch. It is also necessary to exclude cereals and potatoes from the diet, since such products can provoke an exacerbation of an existing disease. It is important to diversify the dog's menu with cartilage, greens and oily fish. Do not feed a sick animal fatty varieties meat, including pork. It is better to give preference to beef and poultry.

In the fight against this disease, physiotherapy is widely used. For example, massage improves blood circulation in the affected limb, reduces pain, relaxes muscles, promotes the resorption of exudate in the joints.

Heating is used to stimulate regenerative processes in cartilage tissue. This procedure favorably affects the ligaments of the joints, thereby increasing their elasticity and improving mobility.

A joint is a structure that facilitates the movable connection of two or more bones. The joint forms the surface of the epiphyses of the bones. It is surrounded by a capsule, which is lined from the inside with a kind of synovial membrane, which contributes to the production of intra-articular fluid - synovia. Synovia is a colorless, viscous liquid that contains special elements, such as hyaluronic acid and mucopolysaccharides, which in turn contribute to the normal functioning and nutrition of the cartilage of the joint. Cartilage is not made up of blood vessels therefore, it receives nutrients through the synovial fluid.

Symptoms of joint disease in dogs

The most important and obvious sign of all joint diseases is lameness, which is often provoked by pain. If the dog is lame, then this is an occasion for an immediate visit to the veterinarian, while the diseased limb needs rest.

It is vital to provide the dog with maximum conditions for rest. It must be remembered that at this stage, any physical activity can cause the transformation of minor lameness into serious problems throughout life.

Find true reason lameness is quite difficult.

The most common joint diseases in dogs are:

Purulent arthritis

Purulent arthritis develops on the ingress and presence of staphylococci, streptococci and other pathogens in the joint purulent infection. Infectious carrier, entering the joint through a damaged joint capsule: through wounds, joint punctures, an unsuccessful operation, or through the blood.

The initial stage of the disease is characterized by damage to the synovial membrane. This stage is also known as purulent synovitis. If you do not turn to a specialist in a timely manner and do not carry out the necessary treatment, then the articular cartilage will collapse, and fibrin will be deposited in its cavity, which will provoke deforming fibrous arthrosis or ankylosis of the joint.

The main symptoms of purulent arthritis in dogs are:

  1. An increase in the volume of the affected joint: it becomes tense, hot to the touch;
  2. Severe pain: the dog is unable to use its limb;
  3. Elevated body temperature: above 39.5 ° C;
  4. Purulent synovia exuding from a joint wound.


Arthrosis is a chronic deforming process of joint inflammation; a disease that is accompanied by damage to the cartilage and synovial membrane. Osteoarthritis eventually spreads to adjacent parts of the joint and causes processes in it associated with its deformation, which subsequently leads to the loss of its functions.

As a rule, arthrosis appears as a result of violations of the mechanics of the joint, the cause of which is the numerical overload of certain areas of the cartilage, joint dysplasia.

Osteoarthritis first occurs in dogs between two and four years of age. Most often, large joints are affected: the elbow and shoulder on the front limb, the knee and hip on the back.

The clinical picture of this disease in dogs is formed gradually.

The main symptoms of osteoarthritis in dogs are:

  1. Lameness, aggravated by exercise;
  2. The proliferation of bones in the joint, which cause its poor mobility and deformation.
  3. Such changes are clearly visible on x-rays.

    Cut-off osteochondrosis

    Osteochondrosis is a disease of articular cartilage, which is characterized by lack of blood circulation, destruction of a small area of ​​the bone, cartilage exfoliation, segmentation and transformation into a cartilaginous plate. This disease affects strictly defined places of the limbs: shoulder, elbow, knee, hock joints.

    Large breed dogs suffer from this disease at the age of four to eight months. The cause of the disease is the reboot and rapid growth of cartilage and bones.

    The main symptoms of cut-off osteochondrosis in dogs are:

    1. Lameness;
    2. Shortening the step;
    3. Pain during strong bending of the joints.

    Such a diagnosis can be made and confirmed only with the help of x-rays.

    Osteochondropathy is considered a consequence of local vascular disorders that occur as a result of exposure to congenital factors.

    The main symptoms of aseptic necrosis in dogs are:

    1. Pain sensations;
    2. Lameness on the hind leg;
    3. Gradual suspension of the normal functionality of the diseased limb;
    4. Severe pain during flexion and extension of the hip joint.

    Treatment of joint diseases in dogs

    For every disease there is a cure.

    Purulent arthritis

    If purulent inflamed processes in the joint are suspected, it is necessary, without wasting time, to carry out a timely operation, because conservative methods treatments won't help. The doctor opens the joint cavity, removes all fibrin clots in it, and then rinses the cavity with a special sterile solution. Antibiotic therapy is carried out with the help of massive doses of antibiotics. If necessary, re-wash. The wound heals under a bandage.


    Unfortunately, arthritis cannot be cured. Anti-inflammatory painkillers are used to reduce pain. Preparations containing hyaluronic acid and mucopolysaccharides contribute to a significant slowdown in the development of arthrosis, while improving clinical picture. At the same time, overloading the diseased joint is excluded, and in some cases only surgery, such as osteotomy, arthrodesis, prosthetics. Very often use physiotherapy treatment, namely:

    1. warming up;
    2. Massage.

    Prevention similar disease is timely, proper treatment joint damage.

    Cut-off osteochondrosis

    Here, the usual will also come to the rescue. surgical intervention in the form of an operation that must be performed immediately after the diagnosis is made in the child.

    Aseptic necrosis (osteochondropathy) of the femoral head

    The disease is treated by surgical removal affected femoral head.

    So, joint diseases can occur in dogs in the same way as in humans. All joint problems are very different, but they all have a common feature - a consequence in the form of lameness. Miscellaneous diseases, respectively, require different approaches to treatment.

Joint disease is quite common in dogs. Depending on the symptoms, they are divided into arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteoarthritis. Most often, joint diseases are observed in dogs of the older age group, which is associated with a violation of the properties and structure of cartilage tissue and concomitant changes in the joint itself, including bones and ligaments.

Large breed dogs as well as obese dogs are in the group increased risk. Joint disease in young dogs is usually associated with trauma, congenital or genetic pathologies joint development: for example, they can occur with hip or elbow dysplasia.

Main symptoms

In most cases, joint disease develops gradually, the first symptoms may be subtle and intermittent, so dog owners should pay attention to Special attention this problem. Early diagnosis and timely initiation of treatment usually allows you to successfully control the disease and maintain the pet's quality of life for a longer time. Obvious symptoms and severe pain usually indicate a severe stage of the disease.

    Reluctance to move, general decrease in activity. For example, the dog starts to get tired faster and sleep more, he is not as actively happy as before, when the owner returns from work, runs less on a walk and stops playing earlier or refuses his favorite game altogether. You may notice that the dog has difficulty climbing stairs, does not jump into the car the first time, or lies more on the floor, although he always preferred the sofa before.

    Irritability and aggressiveness. The dog may begin to react to normal manipulations and actions in a different way: for example, growl, "show teeth" or express displeasure if the owner sits on the sofa and forces the dog to change position or jump to the floor. In addition, the dog may begin to avoid interacting with children, although he always got along well with them before, or even suddenly show obvious aggression: for example, try to bite the owner when trying to put him in the bath.

    Enhanced licking of a specific area usually provoked by pain and discomfort. Dogs may often lick the skin at the affected joint or nibble at the area, as if catching fleas.

    Lameness may be severe or moderate, may occur after prolonged exertion or only in the morning, after sleep. For diseases of the joints spinal column drooping may be observed hind legs, uncoordinated gait or general stiffness when moving.

    Amyotrophy arises due to the fact that the dog “protects” one or another joint due to pain and changes the distribution of body weight on the limbs. As a result, over time muscle mass or individual muscles of the affected limb will appear smaller in volume compared to the opposite limb.

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Diagnosis and treatment

For general clinical and orthopedic examinations, x-ray examination. In case of suspicion of infectious causes arthritis requires special tests for infection, in some cases, joint puncture or arthroscopy is performed.

Treatment depends on the cause, and can range from antibiotics for infectious arthritis to surgery (eg, for injuries). Anti-inflammatory therapy, pain control, weight control or weight loss are used to successfully control the condition in degenerative joint diseases, and are recommended. nutritional supplements and special feed containing chondroprotectors. Ergonomically important environment and selection of adequate physical activity, including physical therapy or water treadmill training.

Arthritis in dogs develops not only in old age. Young animals, although much less often, still suffer due to this disease. Why does joint inflammation occur? How to recognize it in time and how to help your beloved pet recover?

Causes of Arthritis in Dogs

At the place of "connection" of the bones with each other, there is an articular capsule, and cartilage serves as a "layer" between them. It's a kind of pillow that doesn't give articular surfaces bones wear out when moving, deform and collapse. Inside the capsule is a fluid that allows the joint to perform its function freely, without pain. But why can an inflammatory process develop in the joint?

  1. Weakened immunity. Any infection that enters the body of an animal provokes the development of an inflammatory process.
  2. Injuries: dislocations, bruises, sprains and ruptures of ligaments, fractures. The dog may stumble, twist its paw while running or jumping (toddlers, old people and overweight dogs are especially prone to such falls).
  3. Rest on a hard and cold floor. If the dog lies on a hard surface for a long time, the joints often swell and harden, arthritis and arthrosis can develop.
  4. Constant stress.
  5. Inadequate nutrition. This is not the main reason, but rather a contributing one.

Arthritis classification

  • Traumatic. This type inflammation of the joint occurs due to an injury received by the animal (stretching or rupture of ligaments, dislocation, bruising, fracture or other violation of the intra-articular cartilage and bone).
  • Genetic. It is registered in those breeds that were bred artificially. Such animals have a tendency to damage cartilage tissue.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis in dogs is most commonly reported in miniature breeds. A kind of autoimmune disease, when the pet's immune system tries to destroy its own cartilage and bone cells, destroying them.
  • Metabolic. Inflammation develops due to metabolic disorders. Cartilage tissue is not updated properly, it becomes thinner. Especially often such inflammation is recorded in large breeds with excess body weight (cartilage is erased).
  • Idiopathic.
  • Purulent. Pus accumulates in the joint capsule. Most often, it begins to form there due to a deep penetrating wound (a pyogenic infection, for example, cocci, gets in).
  • Drug. It occurs as a reaction to the administered veterinary drug (vaccines, drugs). Kind allergic reaction for medicines.
  • Osteoarthritis. It develops due to a dislocation or other disease of the joint, hip dysplasia. The most common type of inflammatory process of the musculoskeletal system in dogs.

Symptoms of Arthritis in Dogs

What are the symptoms of arthritis in dogs?

  • The most obvious ones are an increase in volume (but such a sign can only be seen on the “visible” joints - on the limbs).
  • Immobility of the inflamed joint. due to swelling motor ability is violated.
  • Pain. Any movement in which the inflamed joint is involved causes the wildest pain to the animal.
  • The dog rests more, tries to lie on the healthy “side”. However, if the inflammation is bilateral, then the dog tries to take an unnatural position, so as not to disturb the sore joints.
  • Reluctance to walk, run, jump a lot. It is difficult for the dog to go down and up (including the stairs, he cannot jump on the sofa or go down).
  • The dog begins to gain weight, despite the fact that the appetite is reduced. This is due to the fact that the animal began to walk and move less. The less physical activity, the more mass the pet will gain.

Treatment of a dog with inflamed joints

If arthritis is suspected in dogs, if symptoms are noticed, treatment should be started as early as possible. However, the method of therapy should be selected only by a veterinarian, based on the results of the examination and the establishment of the causes of the inflammatory process. One animal is helped alternative methods while others are only conservative.

  1. If the disease is just beginning, no acute pain, serious complications, then with the permission of the veterinarian, you can resort to alternative treatment: herbs (for example, nettle, which is a good anti-inflammatory property), nonsteroidal drugs(however, you should be extremely careful with them, as they can lead to serious complications), compresses with oil (lavender and juniper in equal proportions with warm water).
  2. The diet is being revised: tomatoes, cereals, potatoes are necessarily excluded. But egg yolks, seeds, ginger, Exotic fruits(but be careful with them so that the animal does not develop an allergy). Remember that there must be a diet so that the animal does not gain excess weight, which will only provoke the destruction of cartilage.
  3. Drug treatment of arthritis in dogs includes the use of veterinary drugs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Good and chondroprotectors. In some cases, surgical intervention is necessary (most often with the traumatic nature of the inflammation).
  4. Improve your conditions. The pet bed should be warm and soft, away from drafts. Cover all slippery floors with carpets, secure, in general, so that the animal does not slip.
  5. Reduce walks in time, less stress on your beloved dog. Do not make him run, jump, only calm movement. But remember that Fresh air and the sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the health of the animal.
  6. Physiotherapy also has a great effect on recovery. Massage, phoresis, as well as swimming perfectly relieve soreness and swelling of the joints. But all this should be done only after a full-time consultation with a veterinarian. Just remember that with purulent arthritis, heating (even with ointments) and massage, rubbing and other procedures that can lead to the outflow of pus into the surrounding tissues are prohibited.

Arthritis Prevention in Dogs

  • Keep track of your pet's weight. if it exceeds the recommended limits, then your pet is in danger. And the point is not only in the high risk of developing arthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also in the fact that a metabolic disorder (metabolism) can develop. For example, obese dogs often develop pancreatitis, diabetes, digestive problems and others.
  • Be careful with loads. If they are too intense, then musculoskeletal system works "for wear". But you shouldn’t completely deprive the dog of jogging, otherwise the muscles will weaken, it will be worse to support muscle corset And yes, you will put on weight very quickly.
  • Watch your animal's diet. No forbidden foods, less carbohydrates (again, so that the mass does not gain quickly). Foods that help cartilage remain elastic are also good.
  • Make sure that the floors are not slippery (lay carpets). And the bedding of the pet should be soft, warm and comfortable. The animal should lie completely on it, no parts of the body should protrude beyond its limits, rub against the hard floor.
  • Animals over 6 years of age should be shown to the veterinarian at least once every six months.
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