Classification group of essential oils. Essential oils. classification, distribution, application. Part of the plant

thyme officinalis essential oil

Classification of essential oils

Terpenes are hydrocarbons that have general formula(С5Н8) n, and their oxygen-containing derivatives are called terpenoids. Terpenes and terpenoids belong to different classes of natural compounds, however, the structure of all these compounds is based on isoprene. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that the most suitable classification is based on the main valuable components that are carriers of the smell of this essential oil. According to this principle, essential oil raw materials and their essential oils can be divided into groups containing:

  • 1. acyclic monoterpenes
  • 2. monocyclic monoterpenes
  • 3. bicyclic monoterpenes
  • 4. sesquiterpenes
  • 1. Acyclic or Aliphatic monoterpenes - the simplest of the monoterpenoids, they can be considered as unsaturated fatty compounds with three double bonds.

They are the main, most valuable part of the essential oil of plants such as hops (myrcene), rose, geranium, eucalyptus (geraniol), lavender, jasmine, citrus fruits (citronellol). Essential oils have a subtle pleasant smell and are used in perfumery. The most common oxygen derivatives of aliphatic terpenes are: from alcohols - geraniol, linalool, and from aldehydes - citral.

Geraniol linalool citral

1. Monocyclic monoterpenes

menthan menthol menthon

Of the hydrocarbons in essential oils, the most common are limonene (turpentine, cumin oil, dill oil), phellandrene, terpinene, and of oxygen-containing ones: alcohols - terpineol, menthol, ketones - menthon, carvone, oxides - cineol.

terpinene type:

terpinene terpineol b-phellandrene c-phellandrene

limonene type:

limonene carvone

2. Bicyclic monoterpenes

Bicyclic monoterpenes are compounds with two fused non-aromatic rings and one ethylene bond.

Camphor -- main component essential oils of camphor laurel, camphor basil, some types of wormwood, etc. Borneol is usually found in the form of esters with acetic (fir), isovaleric (valerian) and other acids. Pinene is the main component of turpentine (pine), which has wide application in medicine. Pinene is used in organic synthesis and engineering. Thujone and thuyol are contained in the essential oil of wormwood, common tansy, sage officinalis, arborvitae and other plants.

Pinene type Sabinene type b - pinene c- pinene sabinene b - thuyene

Camphene type Karen type

camphene fenchen -3-karen 4-karen

Oxygen derivatives of bicyclic terpenes are very diverse. From alcohols are very common: thujol, sabinol, borneol, myrtenol, from ketones - camphor, fenchon, thujone.

Thujone thujol sabinol

Camphor borneol fenchon

Thymol is found in the essential oil of azhgon, thyme, thyme, oregano and other plants. Anethole is the main component of the essential oil of anise fruits, fennel. Eugenol is found in the essential oils of clove, eugenol basil, and eugenol camellia.

thymol anethol eugenol

3. Sesquiterpenes

Sesquiterpenes found in essential oils, like monoterpenes, can be acyclic or cyclic. Acyclic sesquiterpenes are unsaturated fatty compounds with 4 double bonds. The precursor of acyclic sesquiterpenes is geranyl pyrophosphate.

monocyclic sesquiterpenes. The precursors of cyclic sesquiterpenes are acyclic sesquiterpenes - the hydrocarbon farnesene and its oxygen derivatives - farnesol, nerolidol. Farnesol is part of the linden essential oil

Bicyclic sesquiterpenes:

  • 1) Betulenol type (found in birch leaf essential oil)
  • 2) Type of akoran (with the formation of 5 and 6-membered rings) Derivatives of akoran are contained in the essential oil of calamus. akoran akoron

Tricyclic sesquiterpenes

Compounds with 3 fused rings without ethylene bonds. Aromadendren (found in the essential oil of eucalyptus), ledol is isolated from the essential oil of wild rosemary. aromadendren ledol

physical properties. Essential oils are colorless or yellowish clear liquids, less often - dark brown (cinnamon oil), red (thyme oil), green from the presence of chlorophyll (bergamot oil) or blue, greenish-blue from the presence of azulene (oil of chamomile, yarrow, wormwood and citrus). The smell of oils is characteristic, fragrant. The taste is spicy, sharp, burning.

Most of essential oils It has relative density less than one, some (cinnamon, clove) are heavier than water. Essential oils are almost insoluble in water, but when shaken with water they form emulsions, the water acquires their smell and taste; almost all oils are soluble in alcohol, in fatty oils, in mineral oils ( Vaseline oil) and mixed in all proportions with chloroform, petroleum ether. The Sudan III reagent turns the oil orange.

The boiling point of essential oils is from 40 0C, and the monoterpene fraction boils at 150-190 0C, the sesquiterpene fraction at 230-300 0C. Essential oils are optically active. The reaction of oils is neutral or slightly acidic. Essential oils are distilled with water vapor, and monoterpenes are distilled well, sesquiterpenes - worse. When essential oils are cooled, some components crystallize (menthol, thymol, camphor). The solid part of the essential oil is called stearopten, the liquid part is called eleopten.

Chemical properties. Essential oils are complex mixtures of various organic compounds, among which the main group consists of substances with an isoprene structure. There are monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, less often - aromatic and aliphatic compounds. Terpenoids contained in essential oils are represented by aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, phonols, ethers, lactones, acids and other compounds. Components of essential oils easily enter into reactions of oxidation, isomerization, polymerization.

Easily subject to double bonds hydrogenation, hydration, halogenation, attach halogens, oxygen, sulfur. They give reactions characteristic of the incoming functional groups.

When stored in the light in the presence of atmospheric oxygen, essential oils oxidize, change color (darken) and smell. Some essential oils thicken after distillation or storage.

Aromatherapy relieves many problems. And its main means are essential oils. Aromas and mood will be lifted, and fatigue will be relieved, memory will be improved, and sleep will be strengthened.

Vegetable aromas are subject to the regulation of a considerable number of processes. And such treatment is pleasant to use, and the result is stable and positive. But, before starting treatment, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the effect of each oil.

Conventionally, essential oils are divided into several groups according to the nature of the impact.

To reduce sexual arousal use anaphrodisiac oils. This group includes marjoram.

Aphrodisiacs enhance sexual arousal. These are, neroli, clary sage, rose, patchouli, vetiver, sandalwood.

To fight infections- Antibiotic oils It's cajuput, nayoli, garlic, tea tree.

To slow down the growth or completely destroy viruses- antiviral esters. These include bergamot, garlic, lavender, eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil.

To combat or prevent the occurrence bacterial infection - antiseptic oils. These are bergamot, juniper, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, tea tree.

to the group of bactericidal bacteria-destroying oils include cajuput, bergamot, juniper, eucalyptus, nayoli, rosemary and lavender oils.

To lift mood and fight depression- antidepressants clary sage, ylang-ylang, bergamot, grapefruit, geranium, mandarin, lavender, jasmine, mimosa, lemon balm, neroli, petitgrain, orange, sandalwood, rose.

Reduce pain esters of chamomile, bergamot, rosemary, lavender and.

To seal tissues and reduce fluid loss - oil binders. These are cypress, Atlas cedar, juniper, cypress, frankincense, rose, myrrh, sandalwood.

Cleanse the body of toxins detoxifying esters help. These include garlic, sweet dill, rose, juniper, birch.

natural deodorants, reducing bad smell- clary sage, eucalyptus, bergamot, cypress, lavender, neroli, exotic verbena, petitgrain.

Sweating stimulation- a task for chamomile, basil, mint, juniper or tea tree.

To diuretics, enhancing the excretion of urine, oils of chamomile, birch, fennel, Atlas cedar, juniper, geranium are attributed.

A group of antipyretics are eucalyptus, tea tree, chamomile, bergamot, mint, lemon balm.

Cholagogue- mint, chamomile, lavender and rosemary esters.

For increase defensive forces organism- immunostimulating oils. The group included lavender, garlic, tea and rosewood.

Promoting menstruation, monthly- esters of chamomile, basil, clary sage, sweet dill, juniper, hyssop, mint, rose, marjoram, sage and rosemary.

To mucolytic agents, that is helps loosen mucus for colds, attributed myrrh oil.

to oils, cough relief, refer to the ether sandalwood, thyme, lavender.

Facilitate mucus expulsion bergamot, benzoin, myrrh, marjoram, eucalyptus, sandalwood.

For increase blood pressure use lemon balm, ylang-ylang, marjoram, lavender.

To reduce pressure use hyssop, rosemary or clary sage oil.

Reduce inflammation anti-inflammatory oils of lavender, bergamot, myrrh and chamomile will help.

For stimulation mental activity use grapefruit, thyme, rosemary, basil.

soothe nervous system bergamot, chamomile, clary sage, benzoin, lavender, frankincense, lemon balm, marjoram, mint, neroli, ylang-ylang help.

Strengthen the nervous system lavender, chamomile, marjoram, rosemary or lemon balm will help.

To dilate capillaries use marjoram oil, which has vasodilating action. And for narrowing - a rose, cypress or chamomile.

Remove or prevent spasms, especially spasms of the intestines or uterus, chamomile, clary sage, cardamom, marjoram, ginger, orange will help.

Improve cellular regeneration all essential oils can, but especially neroli, lavender, tea tree.

Stimulants that enhance the activity of the organism or certain body, consider black pepper, eucalyptus, mint, rosemary, geranium, basil.

There is still no universal classification of fragrances. But there are generally accepted rules that most perfumers rely on.

When describing a complex fragrance, perfume, they usually talk about notes: top note (loop note), middle note (heart note), bottom note (base). A fragrance note is a measure of the volatility of an essential oil, an indicator of the rate of evaporation. Some oils disappear almost immediately, others last for several days. This is not about the quality of the oil, but about its natural properties: each essential oil contains many components - ketones, aldehydes, ethers, aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, etc., and they all have their own volatility.

Top note essential oils

These oils are the first to be heard in the bouquet of the fragrance, but quickly evaporate. Top note oils: citrus fruits - lemon, orange, bergamot, as well as oils medicinal herbs: mint, lemon balm, rosemary, eucalyptus, thyme, etc.

Essential oils of the middle note

Are the basis (heart) aromatic compositions and appear when the top notes evaporate. These oils are obtained from flowers and herbaceous parts of plants. Middle note oils include: geranium, jasmine, rose, neroli, ylang ylang, lavender, sage, etc.

Essential oils of the bottom note

The most persistent, viscous, thick, able to hold on for several days. In a perfume composition, they are the base, they hold lighter components on themselves. Essential oils of this group have a thick structure, often darkly colored. Many of them are derived from the seeds, leaves, or bark of plants that are themselves used as spices. These include: patchouli, fennel, frankincense, clove, fir, basil, rosewood, myrrh, juniper, tea tree, etc.

Perfumers have gone further and developed a more complex classification system: it takes into account not only the lightness or heaviness of the fragrance, but also its origin and color, as well as the emotional associations that it evokes (see picture).

In 1990 French perfume society approved 7 main perfume "families":

1) citrus
2) floral
3) ferns
4) chypre
5) forest (tree)
6) oriental oriental (amber)
7) leather.

The German classification Haarmann & Reimer, Dragology 2000, La Parfumerie is more detailed, it has twice as many groups:

1. Floral.
2. Citrus.
3. Woody.
4. Oriental (classic oriental).
5. Leather.
6. Chypre.
7. Porcelain or fern.
8. Floral oriental.
9. Fruit.
10. Greens.
11. Aldehyde.
12. Ozone
13. Spicy
14. Amber.

Note that this system is not exhaustive: within each group, fragrances are divided into smaller subgroups. In order not to get confused at all when choosing, you should determine your main preferences - check which family your favorite perfume belongs to.


The choice of fragrance is influenced by the structure of our DNA.
- When meeting a new person, we subconsciously know by the aroma how compatible we are.
- The same perfume different people smells completely different.
- Hormonal changes organisms affect how the aroma "sits" on us.

Essential oils: universal classification of compatibility various types oils


LAVENDER- almost all EOs, especially floral, citrus, herbal.

GERMAN CHAMOMILE- floral, citrus, herbal EO, also - patchouli, petitgrain, benzoin.

ROMAN CHAMOMILE- floral, herbal, also - bergamot, incense, verbena, nutmeg.

GERANIUM- bergamot, lavender, rosemary, black pepper, rose, neroli, rosewood, juniper, lemon, patchouli, jasmine, orange.

Ylang Ylang- floral and citrus EOs, also verbena, nutmeg, rosewood, patchouli, vetiver, sandalwood.

ROSE FLOWER- floral, bergamot, clary sage, sandalwood, rosewood, lemon balm, frankincense, palmarosa, patchouli, myrrh, benzoin.

NEROLI- many EOs, especially lavender, lemon balm, jasmine, frankincense and bergamot.

JASMINE- citrus, clary sage, rose, sandalwood, rosewood, frankincense, neroli, cypress, verbena and lemon balm.

VIOLET- floral, also lemon, bergamot, cumin, basil and clary sage.


MARJORAM- many em, as well as - lavender, bergamot, cypress, chamomile, juniper and eucalyptus.

ROSEMARY- most spices, as well as lavender, bergamot, basil, frankincense, juniper, pine, verbena, lemon balm, cedar and petitgrain.

clary sage- citrus, lavender, coriander, cardamom, frankincense, jasmine, pine, geranium, cedar, palmarosa.

MELISSA- floral and citrus fruits, especially lavender, rose, geranium, myrtle.

BASIL- many herbal em, lavender, geranium, bergamot, lime, lmmon, frankincense, pine.

THYME- herbal, lavender, bergamot, lemon, pine, cypress, black pepper.

PEPPERMINT- lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, lemon.

FENNEL- geranium, lavender, black pepper, rosemary, sandalwood, verbena, lemon.

HYSSOP (HYSSOP)- many herbal and citrus fruits, lavender, myrtle, bay, geranium.

VERBENA- herbs and citruses, neroli, palmarosa, frankincense, jasmine, juniper, cedar, myrtle, geranium.


ANGELIC ROOT- citrus fruits, neroli, patchouli, frankincense, clary sage, vetiver, tsotsna, juniper.

INCENSE- floral, woody, citrus, spicy, patchouli, clary sage, rosemary, basil, vetiver.

MYRRH- other resins, patchouli, rose, sandalwood, thyme, geranium, mandarin, lavender, juniper, cypress, pine.

BENZOIN- other resins, most spicy, rose, sandalwood, jasmine, cypress, juniper, lemon, pine.


BERGAMOT- other citrus, floral, cypress, sandalwood, juniper, coriander, black pepper, ginger, clary sage, rosemary, frankincense.

SWEET ORANGE- other citrus fruits, spicy, sandalwood, neroli, clary sage, myrrh, geranium, palmarosa, frankincense.

MANDARIN, TANGERINE- other citrus, spicy, neroli, lavender, sandalwood, petitgrain, lemon balm, ylang-ylang, juniper, geranium, rosewood, cypress.

LEMON- other citrus, floral and many other em.

GRAPEFRUIT- other citrus, spicy, palmarosa, neroli, rosemary, cypress, juniper, lavender, jasmine, ylang-ylang.

LIME- citrus, neroli, lavender, geranium, ylang-ylang, rosemary, cypress, rosewood.


SANDAL- floral, resins, rosewood, carnation, black pepper, cypress, vetiver, patchouli, bergamot.

CEDAR ALTAI- woody, jasmine, black pepper, incense, vetiver, patchouli, rosemary, bergamot.

CEDAR (VARGINIA)- woody, rose, vetiver, patchouli, benzoin.

PETITGRAIN- floral, citrus, rosemary, clary sage, black pepper, benzoin, patchouli, palmarosa, cloves.

PINK TREE- many EMs.

Juniper- woody, citrus, frankincense, clary sage, lavender, geranium, rose, benzoin.

CYPRESS- woody, citrus, frankincense, clary sage, lavender, cardamom, marjoram, geranium, neroli, black pepper, benzoin.

EUCALYPTUS LEMON (Eucalyptus citriodora)- floral, citrus, some spicy.

EUCALYPTUS (Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus radiata, Eucalyptus smithi, i t.d.)- woody, herbal, lavender, lemon.

PINE NEEDLE- woody, herbal, lavender, lemon.


GINGER- citrus, neroli, geranium, ylang-ylang, rose, frankincense, sandalwood, vetiver, patchouli, rosewood.

BLACK PEPPER- other spices, floral, frankincense, sandalwood, marjoram, rosemary.

CARNATION- citrus, floral, clary sage, bay, lemongrass, sandalwood.

CORIANDER- other spices, citrus, frankincense, sandalwood, clary sage, jasmine, neroli, petitgrain, cypress, pine, lemon balm.

CARDAMOM- other spices, citrus, floral, frankincense, sandalwood, vetiver, patchouli, cedar, rosewood.

CINNAMON- frankincense, myrrh, orange, mandarin, benzoin, ylang-ylang.

NUTMEG- other spices, clary sage, bay, mandarin, orange, geranium, lavender, rosemary, lime, petitgrain.


PALMAROSA- most em.

LEMONGRASS(lemongrass) - citrus, floral, marjoram, black pepper, rosemary, angelica root, ginger.

CARROT SEEDS- citrus fruits, spices, cedar, geranium, patchouli, palmarosa.

IMMORTELLE- citrus, floral, cloves, clary sage.

ROCK ROSE(Cistus landaniferus)- neroli, lemon, bergamot, cedar, jasmine, pine, juniper, lavender, cypress, vetiver, sandalwood, patchouli, orange, Roman chamomile, clary sage.

Vetiver- orange, marjoram, sandalwood, verbena, neroli, cardamom, rose, jasmine, lavender, ylang-ylang, geranium, patchouli, clary sage.

TEA TREE- herbal, spicy, lavender, pine, eucalyptus.

PATCHOULI- lavender, sandalwood, vetiver, cedar, rose, neroli, jasmine, ylang-ylang, lemon, bergamot, geranium, clove, myrrh, frankincense, clary sage.

NAOLI- lavender, lemon, myrtle, orange, hyssop, eucalyptus

MYRTLE- spices, lavender, neroli, lime, bergamot, lemon, hyssop, bay, rosemary, clary sage, pine, cypress.

BAY- spices, citrus fruits, lavender, rosemary, geranium, ylang-ylang, cloves.

The use of essential oils is varied. Essential oils are used for the treatment and prevention of diseases, for maintaining and prolonging youth and beauty, in everyday life for caring for animals, aromatization and disinfection of premises. Due to their aromatic properties, essential oils are used to create perfumes and in the perfume industry. Using essential oils, perfumes can be made at home. Such natural perfumes will not only have pleasant aroma but also have medicinal properties.

To create perfumes with a harmonious aroma, you need to follow some rules.

1. Decide for yourself what kind of emotional effect from perfume you want to receive.

2. Before creating a perfume, you need to decide what type of fragrance suits you best.

3. Correctly combine essential oils according to fragrance notes.

4. Only 100% natural essential oils should be used to create perfumes.

5. When mixing perfume components, do not use metal objects.

6. When compiling a composition, it is better to write down which and how much essential oils you add.

Classification of perfumes by types

Perfumes are classified according to the type of aroma into 5 main types: coniferous, citrus, floral, chypre, oriental.

Coniferous (green) aromas. Perfumes of this type consist mainly of coniferous essential oils such as cedar, juniper, pine, to which citrus aromas or essential oils of sage and lavender are added. Such perfumes have a cooling and invigorating aroma that is popular with men.

Citrus aromas. Perfumes of this type have a light, fresh scent and consist of citrus oils, which are combined with aromas of spices or floral essential oils. This type of fragrance is popular among men, but is also suitable for women.

Floral armata. Perfumes of this type are created from floral essential oils such as rose, neroli, jasmine and ylang ylang. This type of fragrance is suitable for women.

Aromas like Chypre. Perfumes of this type are based on combinations of moss, woody and floral essential oils. Such perfumes have a deep warm aroma mixed with floral or citrus undertones. Often the smell of such aromas resembles the smell of the forest after rain. The composition of such perfumes, as a rule, includes the aroma of patchouli and oakmoss, which are often combined with essential oils of bergamot, sandalwood, jasmine and rose. Such perfumes can be both male and female.

Oriental fragrances. Perfumes of this type, as a rule, keep warmth and mystery. They are quite heavy and durable. Essential oils of vetiver, patchouli, sandalwood are often used in this type of perfume. Women's fragrances tend to have a sweet, heavy floral scent, while men's fragrances are less sweet and have more citrus and clary sage and lavender essential oils.

Once you have decided on the type of perfume you can start creating your scent. In order to make a balanced and harmonious mixture, it is necessary to take into account aromatic properties essential oils.

Note classification of essential oils

According to their aromatic qualities, all essential oils are divided into top, middle and base notes.

top notes(initial notes) - these are the smells of perfume that you feel first when you inhale the fragrance. They open and sound during the first 5-10 minutes. These are citrus, green notes of freshness.

Heart notes(middle notes) - these are the aromas that are revealed over the next 10-20 minutes and sound from 1.5 to 3 hours. These are floral, spicy, fruity, woody aromas.

base notes(end or plume notes) are those fragrances that open together with the heart notes after the disappearance of the top notes and reach their pronounced sound after 2 hours. For some perfumes, the sound of final notes can last up to 6-8 hours. These are musky, amber, heavy balms, resins, mosses.

Table of top, middle and base notes for creating perfumes

top notes

Middle notes (heart notes)

Base notes (end notes)










pink tree

carrot oil





black pepper


tea tree





oak moss

This table is not final, it happens that middle note aromas can turn into top note aromas and vice versa, it all depends on the overall composition.

To create a harmonious and balanced perfume, you need to use the aromas of all three notes. The main proportion of the combination of flavors in drops is 3:2:1. That is, 3 drops of top note oils, 2 drops of middle note oils, and 1 drop of base note oils. But other combinations are also acceptable, for example, 2 top notes and one middle note, or 2 top notes and one base note, etc. When combining fragrances, you should be guided not only by the rules, but also by your own own feelings.

How to make perfume with essential oils at home

Before you start creating your perfume, you need to decide what effect you want to get from the aroma: soothing, refreshing, romantic, invigorating or exciting.

Calming essential oils: cedarwood, chamomile, frankincense, geranium, lavender, patchouli, sage, neroli, vetiver, basil, jasmine. These essential oils have a significant calming effect and help to get rid of depression, stress and insomnia.

Refreshing essential oils: mint, pine, cypress, cedar, lemon, lime, lemon balm.

Romantic atmosphere can be created using floral scents: neroli, rose, jasmine, lavender.

cheer up essential oils of orange, tangerine, lemon, lime, bergamot, basil, grapefruit, petitgrain and orange will help.

To aphrodisiacs possessing exciting properties include essential oils of patchouli, ylang-ylang, neroli, sandalwood, jasmine.

Perfume can be oil, alcohol and wax based. Perfume on oil based well suited for aromatization of the room, they can also be added to shampoos, balms and creams. Perfume on alcohol based best applied directly to the body. Wax-based perfumes have a solid texture and have a persistent aroma.

Both oily and solid perfumes should be applied carefully, in small amounts behind the ears, in the crook of the elbows. Otherwise, these types of perfumes can leave a greasy residue on the skin and stain clothes.

How to make oil based perfume

As a base for creating oil perfumes is best suitable oil jojoba. It does not have a pronounced smell, so it will not interrupt the main aroma of essential oils. This oil is also highly permeable, absorbs well and does not leave a greasy residue on the skin. Perfumes made on the basis of jojoba oil are stored for up to 6 months.

To create an oil-based perfume, take a dark glass bottle and fill it with 10 ml of jojoba oil. Next, add 15 to 20 drops of essential oils to the base oil. First add the base note oils, slowly drop by drop. Then add the middle note oils drop by drop, stir each time and inhale the fragrance to feel how the scent changes. Finally, add the oils of the top notes and mix everything well. Label the bottle and hide it in a dark, cool place for 1-2 weeks for the perfume to mature.

You can increase or decrease the amount of essential oils, depending on the intensity of the scent you want.

How to make alcohol based perfume

To create oil-based perfumes, it is better to use pure ethanol, but in last resort You can also take vodka. If you decide to use vodka is worth choosing quality product which is odorless.

Perfume about 12-20% essential oils in 70% alcohol.

Eau de parfum 7-12% essential oils in 70% alcohol.

Eau de Toilette 4-7% essential oils in 70% alcohol.

Cologne 2-5% essential oils in 70% alcohol.

For example, if you take 60 drops of essential oil and a base of 100 ml (100 ml x 20 = 2000 drops).

It is necessary to find what percentage in the mixture will be 60 drops. Let's use the knowledge from the school curriculum:

2000 drops - 100%

60 drops - x%;

So, to get a light cologne, we need to mix 60 drops (or 3 ml) of essential oil and 100 ml (or 2000 drops) of the base substance.

After you have decided on the concentration of the perfume, mix the essential oils with alcohol in a glass bottle. Adding essential oils is the same drop by drop, as in the manufacture of oil perfumes. At the same time, evaluate the aroma each time. When the perfume is ready, close the bottle with a lid and leave it to “ripen” in a dark, cool place for 15-30 days.

How to make solid perfume

For solid perfumes, it is used as the basis beeswax and base oils. As base oils for solid perfumes, you can use, and. Classic Ratio base oil and wax is 1:1.

Mix 2 teaspoons of base oil and 40-45 drops of essential oil blend. In this case, the aroma will turn out with a rich smell, but you must take into account that the resulting mixture will be further diluted with wax.

Then melt 2 teaspoons of wax on steam bath. Once all the beeswax has melted, add the oil mixture and mix well. Do not keep the mixture on fire for too long, as heated essential oils evaporate quickly. Remove the bowl from the heat and stir again. Until the mass has hardened, pour it into the prepared container. As a container for solid perfume, you can use a small jar with a plastic or glass lid.

Creating your own perfume is a creative process and you must first of all focus on your own feelings. Experiment and create your own fragrance that suits you. Here are some ready-made perfume recipes that you can make at home using essential oils.

Essential Oil Perfume Recipes

Recipe number 1 "Eau de Cologne" (Cologne water) or cologne.

Of course real recipe Cologne water is kept secret, but this version of the cologne is quite similar to the original.

15 drops petitgrain essential oil

10 ml distilled water

230 ml 70% alcohol.

In a glass container, mix alcohol and essential oils. Let the resulting mixture brew for 4 days, and then add distilled water and leave to ripen for another 2-3 weeks.

This fragrance is best for men.

Recipe number 2. Perfume "All alive".

This perfume is a variant of Cologne water for women.

4 drops sweet orange essential oil

10 drops of lemon essential oil

8 drops frankincense essential oil

1 drop myrrh essential oil

10 ml alcohol or 20 ml jojoba oil for oil-based perfumes.

Mix all the ingredients in a glass container and let it brew for 2 weeks.

Recipe number 3. Perfume for women "Sensual aroma".

These perfumes make a woman more sexy and desirable to the opposite sex.

5 drops coriander essential oil

6 drops of bergamot essential oil

4 drops neroli essential oil

10 ml of jojoba or alcohol.

Pour jojoba oil or alcohol into a glass jar, then add essential oils in the order listed, stir. Close the bottle with a cap and leave to infuse for 7-14 days.

Recipe number 4. A sensual cologne for men.

This perfume plays the role of an aphrodisiac. The aroma of this cologne will attract more attention of the fairer sex.

20 drops of coriander essential oil

23 drops of cedar essential oil

5 drops frankincense essential oil

100 ml of alcohol.

Mix alcohol and essential oils in a glass bottle and leave to infuse for 2-3 weeks.

Recipe number 6. Perfume water "Forest Fairy".

40 drops of orange essential oil

20 drops of cedar essential oil

40 ml of alcohol.

Mix all the ingredients and leave to infuse for 2-3 weeks.

Recipe number 7. "Flower garden".

This fragrance will give you a romantic mood.

5 drops of lavender essential oil

10 drops of cedar essential oil

5 drops of bergamot essential oil.

Mix all the ingredients in a glass bottle and leave to "ripen" for 1-2 weeks. The aroma of these perfumes will help you relax and calm down after stressful situations.

Recipe number 8. Oil perfume "Dumny forest"

This fragrance has the smell of the forest, which sets you up for meditation and gives peace.

2 drops fir essential oil

2 drops of cedar essential oil

1 drop vetiver essential oil

1 drop bergamot essential oil

5 ml of jojoba oil.

Mix all ingredients in a glass bottle and let steep for 1-2 weeks.

Recipe number 9. Oil perfume "Summer dream".

This mixture pleasantly warms and relaxes on cold winter days. Thanks to its floral aroma, it reminds of summer.

10 drops of lavender essential oil

5 drops of chamomile essential oil

4 drops cardamom essential oil

1 drop cedarwood essential oil

10 ml of jojoba oil.

Add essential oils to a glass jar, then dilute them with jojoba oil and mix well.

This fragrance is especially suitable for relieving stress, anxiety, irritability and depression.

Recipe number 10. Oil perfume "Youth"

This fragrance has a rejuvenating, invigorating effect, awakens mental clarity and increases concentration.

13 drops of peppermint oil

13 drops rosemary essential oil

5 drops lemon essential oil

5 drops of clary sage essential oil

30 ml of jojoba oil.

Mix all the oils in a glass bottle and leave to infuse for 1-2 weeks.

Recipe number 11. Solid perfume "Freshness"

14 drops ginger essential oil

10 drops vetiver essential oil

Recipe number 12. Solid perfume "Romance".

25 drops of rose essential oil

10 drops lime essential oil

10 drops of vetiver essential oil

3 teaspoons beeswax

3 teaspoons of any carrier oil (jojoba, almond, grape seeds, olive).

Recipe number 13. Solid perfume "Deep feelings".

20 drops of orange essential oil

15 drops of ylang ylang essential oil

10 drops cedarwood or sandalwood essential oil

2 teaspoons beeswax

2 teaspoons of any base oil (jojoba, almond, grape seed, olive).

Recipe number 14. Solid perfume "Citrus Paradise".

10 drops patchouli essential oil

5 drops of mandarin essential oil

5 drops of lemon essential oil

5 drops neroli essential oil

2 teaspoons beeswax

2 teaspoons of any base oil (jojoba, almond, grape seed, olive).

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