Irish Setter breed quality and standard. Irish Red Setter: description and characteristics of the breed. Diseases, breed defects

The Irish Setter is a dog of medium height, proportional build with a pronounced high front. , the search for prey at a fast pace is also the standard of the breed. The appearance of the Irish Setter is closely related to his hunting behavior. The dog works energetically, with free, broad movements. The Setter has a characteristic high expressive stance, devoid of emphasized tension.

Setters are owners of a dry strong type of constitution. The stretch index (the ratio of body length and height) for males is 100-105, for females - 102-107. The standard height at the withers for males is 57-66 centimeters, for females - 54-63 centimeters.

The chest of the Irish Setter is deep, the transition from the chest line to the belly line is smooth, the ribs are arched. The groins are tucked up, the withers protrude sharply above the line of the back (especially in males). The back is straight and muscular, the croup is long, wide and sloping. The loin is convex, short, with well-developed muscles.

The forelimbs of the Irish Setter are straight, parallel, their elbows look strictly back. The angle of the humeroscapular articulation is slightly more than 100 degrees. The forearms are long, narrow pasterns with a slight inclination are of medium length.

Straight, parallel hind limbs set wide apart. Articulation angles are well defined. The lower legs are long, the metatarsus is slightly pulled back in a calm state.

The paws are small, tightly compressed into a ball, the claws are directed to the ground. The fingers on them are strong, closed, arched. The tail-feather continues the line of the croup, set low. The tail is saber-shaped or straight, thick at the base, becoming thinner towards the end. In females, the length of the tail reaches the hock, in males the tail is shorter by 2-3 cm. The Irish Setter carries its tail no higher than the line of the back.

The head of the Irish Setter is long and dry. The skull between the ears is oval, slightly narrowed in the back, with a nicely defined occiput. The superciliary arches are raised, forming a noticeable transition from the forehead to the muzzle, and the line of the skull runs parallel (somewhat higher) to the muzzle. The muzzle is long, slightly lowered, slightly tapering towards the end. The lips fit snugly with the gums to the gums, are pigmented in the tone of the nose, the edge of the upper lip is rounded. The back of the nose of the Irish Setter can be both straight and hump, and its lobe is dark brown, dark red or.

The color of the Irish Setter should be solid, chestnut with a red tint, dark or light red (like the color of polished mahogany). However, let's say a lighter color of elongated hair on the hind legs. Small white markings on the muzzle, crown, forehead, chest, throat, fingers are also acceptable.

The thick, soft coat is of medium length, straight and close fitting. The length of the coat varies: it is shorter on the head and front of the legs and longer on the body. The hair is longer and thicker than on the body, on the ears, under the chest, on the back of the legs from the elbows to the paws, and also from the tail to the hocks.

Oval brown or dark brown eyes set shallow, slightly oblique. Thin, soft, hanging ears of medium length, rounded at the ends, set at eye level. Teeth are white and strong. Priku scissor.

The main characteristics of the breed

  • Growth. Males at the withers - 58-56 centimeters, females - 55-63.
  • The weight. Males weigh about 32 kilograms, females - 27.
  • color monophonic, in the color of polished mahogany, chestnut with a dark or light red tint. There may be a lighter coloration on the hind legs, and small white markings may be allowed on the muzzle, chest, throat or legs.
  • Wool length uneven: on the body, ears, lower chest, from the tail to the hock of the legs - long, and on the head and front of the legs - short.
  • Lifespan- from 8 to 16 years old.
  • Breed advantages: assistant for a hunter, gets along with pets, energetic, smart.
  • The complexity of the breed. It needs a lot of movement and activity, careful grooming.
  • Price: Irish Setter puppies will cost you between $385 and $1200.

The history of the origin of the breed

The Irish Setter is one of the oldest hunting breeds. The breed originated in Ireland, where used for gun hunting. It is impossible to say exactly how this breed appeared, but scientists have found that several breeds took part in crossings: the Irish Water Spaniel, the Irish Terrier, the Pointer, several Gordon Setters.

The breed was officially recognized in 1876. A deep reddish-brown hue appeared in the 19th century and became a sign of good breed quality and excellent physical shape. Actively gaining popularity for a hundred years, the dog has earned a reputation as a tireless hunter in England. To date, the Red Irish Setter considered the most common setter breed in the world, and is already used not only for hunting, but also as a companion dog.


Initially, the breed was bred to help hunt game. It was assumed that the dog would work even before the shot in search of game for the hunter, and then bring the prey to the owner. Irish Setters have an excellent sense of smell, they find birds for many kilometers with the help of upper flair- by air, not by land. In search of a bird, they zigzag ahead of the hunter, checking the air from below and above, and show him where the bird may be.

Despite the fact that hunting instincts remain strong in dogs, they try to make salon dogs out of them, since the attractiveness of the exterior, the nobility, elegance and grace of external data look very aesthetically pleasing.

Now more and more often Irish setters are no longer used for hunting, but as companion dogs, and are pets. This is facilitated by the friendly and playful disposition of the Irish, their boundless devotion and love for the owners.As watchdogs are unsuitable, because they are very peaceful, kind and trusting.


This is a very friendly, cheerful and playful dog. He loves movement, some kind of work and physical activity. The dog is very affectionate, intelligent, full of dignity. It can make an excellent company for single people who like a fairly active lifestyle or long walks. The breed has a fairly high intelligence, ingenuity. Likes communication and attention, gets along well with other household animals, though sometimes for the sake of fun it can drive cats.

Aggressiveness is not characteristic of them, although there are also character differences and sometimes setters can behave recklessly, but in general they are complaisant dogs with a stable temperament.

Video review of the breed

The video perfectly presents all the main characteristics of the dog. You can learn the history of the breed, its character. Also here are the main diseases that the breed is susceptible to, and some of the difficulties in caring for it.

How to choose a puppy

Before getting a puppy it is worth asking a few questions:

  • whether it is planned to engage in exhibition activities in the future (if so, then the pedigree, character and price will be important parameters for choosing a puppy);
  • the dog is chosen for hunting or will be just a pet (the place of choice and the need to train the dog will depend on this);
  • what gender should the puppy be (females are more accommodating than males and can produce offspring, but if extra breeding efforts are not needed, then it may be better to take a male);
  • consider the conditions of keeping the dog, since it is taken for many years, and a lot will depend on good care.

Choose the best puppies for purchase, who are already socialized, usually this happens in 3-4 months. When choosing, you should observe the behavior of the puppy and pay attention to the following points:

  • whether the puppy makes contact: happily approaches, wagging its tail, or does not approach you at all;
  • how the puppy behaves, if you call him to you, will he follow you;
  • how the puppy behaves if you gently turn it over and, putting your hand on the chest, calmly keep it from turning over for half a minute (this will show the puppy’s readiness to obey or dominate);
  • you can check the puppy’s readiness to fetch (attract the puppy’s attention with some object, and then throw the thing aside);
  • Check your puppy's hearing and response to loud noises.

Breed standards:

  • Head small, elongated, with close-set eyes. Ears hanging, large, thin, rounded at the bottom (stretched ear to the nose does not reach 2-3 centimeters).
  • Neck muscular, slightly arched, moderately long.
  • Muzzle dry, tapering towards the end. The bridge of the nose may be hump.
  • Lips and nose dry, dark red or black.
  • Bite scissor-shaped, teeth strong, white.
  • Eyes medium-sized dark brown.
  • Croup muscular, hips slightly sloping.
  • Block: the oblique length of the body is equal to the distance at the withers.
  • Breast narrow when viewed from the front.
  • Tail middle length.
  • Wool dense, straight, but not particularly soft and without undercoat, the length is uneven, but generally long.
  • Feathers on the lower part of the body, paws, tail.
  • color chestnut, white spots are allowed.

Dogs with malocclusion, light eyes, black hair are disqualified from shows.

Red Irish Setters are unpretentious, but worth considering some features in their content:

  • since the dog is very active, in order to keep it in shape, you need to walk a couple of times a day for one and a half to two hours, then you can keep it in the apartment;
  • wool is combed every day;
  • bathe once every ten days;
  • a haircut is not needed, but sometimes the hair is cut between the fingers;
  • claws are trimmed once a month;
  • daily examine the eyes (you can wipe with a weak tea solution) and ears;
  • does not like loneliness, but is ready to endure it;
  • they feed twice a day (the average norm of meat for an adult setter is 550 g and porridge - 300 g).


Breed easy to learn with the right approach. Intelligent, quick-witted; lends itself to both basic training in basic commands and special training. Needs gentle but firm training, otherwise it can become self-willed, stubborn and disobedient. You need to train demandingly, consistently and constantly, but without rudeness. First training can begin as early as three months of age. A well-trained dog is excellent at looking for game, hardy, diligent and hardworking.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Everyone loves the red Irish setter for its beautiful appearance, grace of lines and habits, good disposition. He gets along wonderfully with pets and all household members, loves to play with children. Dog very mobile, energetic, cheerful, playful, smart. Its natural working qualities, with good training, can be of great help during the hunt.

In addition, the dog is unpretentious and does not require extra care or any special care. There are certain inconveniences in keeping this breed. The main one is the need for frequent and active walks(the dog definitely needs to run out) and careful grooming. Setters are prone to, so you should be careful about the diet and the use of wool washing products.

A dog is a devoted and affectionate friend. It's no wonder why so many people keep pets. However, before choosing a puppy, it is necessary to study in detail the characteristics of the breed. Representatives of certain species differ not only in appearance, but also in character. As a result, they require specific care.

For those who lead an active lifestyle, energetic dogs are suitable. This is exactly what the Irish Setter is. History, character, breed standard - this and not only will be discussed in this article.

Representatives of the species are distinguished by their majestic article. They look at their owners with intelligent eyes with a penetrating look. Surprisingly, the Irish Setter is able to win over a person who has not previously experienced a love for animals. The uniqueness of this breed lies in the character. It closely intertwines a cheerful disposition with independence. Outwardly, the dogs look elegant, and aristocracy is clearly visible in their posture.

Irish Red Setter History

The nature and behavior of the dogs corresponds to professional hunters. After all, this is considered their main purpose. For the first time the name of the breed was published in printed editions in the period 1570-1576. The scientist Caius in one of his books presented a detailed description of all British dog breeds. Setters got there too. The book "De Canibu Britannisi" is interesting because in it you can not only learn about the features of the appearance of animals, their character and habits, but also about the role they played in human life.

Setter is a kind of term that brings together a specific group of hunting dogs. They had to be able to perform certain tasks - to determine the place where the game is located and point it out to the owner.

There is no exact information about the progenitors of modern setters. Previously, the group included different species, so spaniels, pointers, wolfhounds, bloodhounds can be considered ancestors. Although it is not known for certain, it is most likely that by crossing these breeds a homogeneous type was obtained.

This species was isolated as an independent only in 1860, after the exhibition, which took place in Newcastle (1859). The first Irish Setter Club was formed in 1882, and the standard was approved three years later in Dublin.

It was most convenient to hunt with an Irish Red and White Setter. Individuals with this color were very popular in the 17th century. It was the white marks that made it easy to detect the animal in the thickets. However, according to the standard, representatives of this breed are also monophonic. And with such individuals it was difficult to hunt. The owners at a great distance could not see their pets and were afraid to confuse them, for example, with a fox. But a way out of this situation was found - a white scarf. It was tied around the animal's neck. It has become a characteristic mark and reference point for hunters.

branded stand

Before starting the description of the Irish Red Setter breed, it is necessary to talk about one feature. It lies in a branded rack. It is thanks to her that the setters look so impressive on the hunt. When an animal smells game in the bushes or tall grass, it freezes in tension, taking a characteristic pose - leaning forward a little.

However, setters did not always behave this way on the hunt. Previously, nets with weights were used to catch birds. Therefore, the dog, having found the game, had to lie down on the ground. This position saved her from being hit by weights.

Standard and description of the breed

The Irish Red Setter is a medium sized dog. Differs in a proportional physique. According to the constitution, individuals are strong with a high stance. Dogs have elongated graceful paws. The withers are much higher than the croup, the topline is smooth without any sharp bends.

By standards, the height of the Irish Red Setter (male) should be in the range of 57-66 cm. The stretch index is 100-105. As with other breeds, females are smaller in size. Their maximum height reaches 63 cm. As for the index, it is larger - 102-107. Weight norms: minimum - 27 kg, maximum - 32 kg. Breeders cull those individuals that have a deviation of more than two centimeters in growth.

Setters have a small head. Between the ears, the skull is oval in shape, towards the back it tapers slightly. A tubercle stands out clearly on the occipital part. The ears are large, hanging, soft to the touch. All head lines are symmetrical. The transition from the forehead to the nose with a sharp bend in the region of the superciliary arches. The latter are significantly raised, thanks to which such a characteristic shape has turned out. The muzzle is rather elongated, narrowing slightly towards the nose. Lips close to gums. The top has a beautiful rounding on the edge. If the mouth is closed, it hangs down, covering the bottom. The color of the lips is the same as the tone of the nose. The last one is quite wide. It can be pure black, dark red or dark hazel. If you look in profile, you can see a small hump on the back of the nose. However, there are also individuals in which it is absent. The eyes of the setters are expressive, close-set, the rear corners are slightly raised.

The coat of the animal is shiny. She is thick. Uneven in length. On the head, withers, back and upper outer parts of the paws, the hair is short. It lengthens considerably on the chest, belly and tail. Individuals of this breed do not have an undercoat, so there will be no special problems with combing. The color is dominated by red shades - light or dark, there are also chestnut representatives of the breed. Small white inserts are allowed by standard.

Character features

The red Irish Setter (solid or tan) is an affectionate creature. He has a cheerful disposition. Owners need to be prepared for the fact that even adults love to play. They are almost always energetic. For representatives of this breed, a person is the best friend. Most of all, dogs love children, because they are more active than adults.

Setters are not only fun and playful, they are very perceptive. They differ in intelligence and ingenuity, therefore, sometimes they can show a wayward character. But aggression is not to be expected. Pets are quite obedient and friendly. He quickly becomes attached to the owner, but at the same time he treats all household members with love.

On a walk, the setter will be very active. Constantly running around, showing curiosity to everything that comes his way. He loves to play very much, so you should immediately get balls, sticks, ropes. Dogs of this breed practically do not bark.

The sense of smell is developed in setters very well. Do not forget that this breed is primarily intended for hunting. Given the activity and playfulness, it is better to keep dogs in a country house so that they can run around. However, they will not be suitable for the role of a security guard, because due to their benevolent disposition and love for people, they will not be able to cope with the tasks.

Setters can also be kept in city apartments. But in such conditions, the owner must be prepared for frequent long walks without a leash. You will also need to regularly load the pet. Only in this case the dog will be able to fully develop. But for those people who are limited in time, often absent from home, it is better not to get dogs of this breed.

Hunting qualities

Do not forget that the Irish Red Setter was bred specifically for hunting game. Naturally, he already has hunting instincts at the genetic level. Moreover, they are pronounced even in individuals who have lived all their lives in apartments. First of all, it is manifested by energetic behavior. He searches only at a fast gallop. Unsurpassed flair and graceful plasticity help him to penetrate into any place and find game (the dog will be able to climb even through dense thickets). Water for setters is also not a problem. They dive with great pleasure, for example, after a duck.

The nuances of education

Breeders have long considered the Irish Red Setter to be very difficult to train. Some generally refused this idea, considering the representatives of the breed not suitable. However, the problem was not in the dogs, but in the wrong approach. If the training is made soft, but stubborn and regular, then it will be quite possible to achieve positive results. But we must understand that this work will be difficult not only for the owner, but also for the pet itself.

The first problem is superactivity. It is she who prevents the owner from listening and understanding what he requires. Sitting in one place for a long time for setters is a real test. In order to achieve results in training, you need to learn how to quickly and clearly formulate commands. You can’t hesitate, otherwise the pet will lose interest and stop listening. It is important not to yell at the dog, it is also worth avoiding aggressive notes in your voice. If the pet does not obey, then in no case should he be punished. Only perseverance can achieve results.

You need to start training with basic commands. The first setter must learn the "place", "not". Then you can move on to “sit”, “walk”, “lie down”, “to me”, “nearby”. As for the last two commands, they need to be perfected constantly, since the animal must run without a leash during a walk. Importantly, the training process must be consistent. That is, until one command is learned, the second cannot be started. Most of all, setters like to follow the instructions of the owner that are associated with running and speed, for example, “fetching”.


The Irish Red Setter is generally healthy. Individuals are strong, rarely get sick. However, there are also weaknesses: liver sensitivity to toxins, intestinal problems, ear diseases. Given these nuances, the owner must know how to provide first aid. In order to avoid intestinal obstruction, after eating the dog should not be loaded with physical activity. Therefore, the pet should eat after the walk, and not before it.

As with representatives of other breeds, puppies are vaccinated. This helps to avoid health problems.


An adult Irish Red Setter needs to be fed twice a day. It is allowed to increase up to three times. Everything will depend on the individual characteristics of the pet. But puppies should eat at least six times.

The diet can consist of both natural products and feed. If the owner prefers the latter option, then it is worth consulting with a veterinarian before choosing. It will help you choose the most balanced food.

As a natural food, vegetables and cereals are perfect. Be sure the dog must eat meat raw (scalded with boiling water) or boiled. The daily dose is not less than 550 g for an adult. Once a week, you can give sea fish, after clearing it of bones.

Setters are not whimsical in food. They will eat pasta with pleasure, they will not refuse cookies and other goodies. Due to digestive problems, the dog is forbidden to feed spicy, fried and fatty foods.

Before you buy Irish Red Setter puppies, you need to find out if they have been vaccinated. If not, then visit a veterinarian and consult with him. He will tell you at what age this or that vaccination is done. Owners will be required to comply exactly with the order.

It is also necessary to regularly examine the eyes and paws of the animal. If the claws are not erased during the walk, then they will need to be trimmed. This procedure is recommended to be performed once a month.

Ears are a weak point of individuals of this breed, therefore they need to be constantly examined. If there is dirt, then gently remove them with a damp cotton swab. The wool of the setters is very beautiful, but it will have to be looked after. Dogs are combed daily. There is no need for a haircut, but you can bathe your pet once every two weeks.

Red and white color

Do not think that if your pet has light tan, then it does not meet the FCI standard. An Irish Red and White Setter will be considered purebred if the markings are located on the chest, on the underside of the paws (toes). Also allowed are small white inserts on the head (crown and forehead) and, directly, on the muzzle itself.

Purchasing a puppy

Before deciding to buy an Irish Setter, it is important to weigh the pros and cons. On the one hand, this is a good-natured creature and a true friend, but on the other hand, it is an active gamer. It is the latter that can be a big problem. If the dog is not given proper attention, it will get sick.

In no case should you buy a puppy from random passers-by who are in the market. It is better to contact trusted breeders or a nursery. The Irish Red Setter is a purebred animal, so there are certain standards for selecting individuals. This criterion is important for those who plan to attend exhibitions or breed offspring.

Those who live in Moscow or the region are advised to contact the MOOiR Irish Setter dog training center. They have been breeding dogs for over 50 years. Individuals that are involved in breeding puppies are listed in the All-Russian Pedigree-Pedigree Book of Hunting Dogs (VPKOS). And animals with vices and mental disorders, in general, do not participate in breeding work. The price of an Irish Red Setter is, of course, rather big. Some puppies are asking for more than $1,000. However, they all have a pedigree, a veterinary passport, vaccinations and a brand.

The Irish Setter is a large, active and cheerful dog with a kind and peaceful disposition. Perfect for a young family leading a healthy lifestyle. For older people, such an active dog will become a burden.

As a companion dog, the Irishman scores 9 out of 10 points. Non-aggressive. Lives in a world where everyone is friends with each other and there is no hatred or malice. Attached to a person. He loves games and is great with children. 10 out of 10 cannot be chosen just because setters have character and some independence. It is impossible to achieve complete obedience, it always leaves the right to choose whether to agree to the requirements or not. At a certain age, the Irish Setter's hyperactivity leads to a mess in the house and theft of food. To prevent this from happening, give your pet the necessary attention, satisfy the need for movement with walks, love endlessly.

History of the breed

Ireland is considered the birthplace of dogs. In the 18th century, the breed was bred for the purpose of hunting in swampy and steppe areas. Over the years, they began to evaluate it according to external data and present it at various exhibitions. The color was different. Previously, representatives of the breed were allowed impurities or not quite pure color.

As an independent breed was determined in the middle of the XIX century. Originally used exclusively for hunting. For a long time it was not considered as a family dog ​​due to its naughty nature. Later, the breeders drew attention to the shortcoming and took up the adjustment. Today, the setter is devoid of aggressiveness.

In different countries, popularity is due to different reasons. In the United States, for example, the boom in the Irish Setter as the ideal family dog ​​began when two successive presidents, Truman and Nixon, were often shown in public with playful red-brown pets.

As a hunting dog, the Setter is perfect for hunting on the water, in swampy areas. A fast, agile and hardy dog ​​takes part in hunting raids with great joy, drives and brings game.

breed standard

The Irish Setter is a harmoniously built dog of medium size with a dry, strong type of constitution.

The physique is narrow, dry, with a moderately developed muscular frame, the lines are smooth, curved. This applies to the abdomen, back, sternum, head parameters. The paws are even, long thin, the hind legs are set slightly wider than the front ones. The fingers are tightly set, wide, pronounced claws. The elbow bends of the front paws are directed backward. The ribs are rounded, evenly curved, the chest is deep, the groins are tucked up. The muscles are not as well developed as in dogs of other breeds with similar height and similar parameters.

Personality of the Irish Setter

The Setter has a peaceful, good-natured, slightly peculiar character. Energetic and active, creates a similar host. Deprived of aggression towards dogs, strangers, the Irish take everyone for a friend, not expecting a dirty trick. Despite the large size, it will not be possible to make a watchdog and a frightening guard out of an animal. Not suspicious of strangers. Quality is not in the genes.

Dogs of the breed are not distinguished by impeccable obedience, the owners speak of extraordinary intelligence and the ability to subtly respond to what is happening around. A smart, human, soft and kind look endows the Irish Setter with a kind of halo of tenderness.

The dog is good with children. Never allow you to accidentally push or frighten the baby. The setter gets along well with pets, especially if it grows up living together in the house.

The dog is fast, energetic, with an excellent reaction. Not aggressive, friendly, obedient, loyal. He gets along well with children, rarely shows aggression, but in the event of an attack he is able to show fighting qualities!

Irish Setter Care

The Irish Setter is an apartment dog. It is difficult to imagine a good-natured creature that loves family members with all its heart, in an aviary or on a leash. Gone are the days when hunting was considered the purpose of the breed. Today, the setter is a family dog, pleasing to the eye with activity and love of life.

You will have to take care of the long hair of the dog daily. It is enough to comb the dog to prevent the appearance of tangles, bathe as necessary. It is often impossible to bathe a dog, the wool is impregnated with a special fat that protects from the external environment, making it waterproof. With frequent bathing, the layer is broken, the coat becomes unhealthy.

Setter ears, like floppy-eared dogs, need special care to prevent inflammation. The veterinarian regularly checks the condition of the pet's ears. Ears often suffer from all sorts of infections. Once every 3 months, the dog should visit a doctor.

Dogs of the breed are distinguished by good health and high tone. We list a number of diseases characteristic of the breed:

  • Bloating (intestinal volvulus);
  • Allergic dermatitis;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Melanoma;
  • bone cancer;
  • Congenital idiopathic megaesophagus (dilation of the esophagus);
  • Otitis.

We emphasize the main rules of care:

  1. The dog is large, requires outdoor walks, active games, plenty of space and freedom of movement.
  2. Walk at least twice a day, giving you the opportunity to catch up to your heart's content. Excessive loads should not be given, especially after eating.
  3. Comb regularly, at least 2 times a week, otherwise tangled hairballs appear that interfere with the dog, worsening the appearance.
  4. Bathing is preferably regular, infrequent, as needed. Ideally, once every 2-3 weeks. The exception is rainy weather, dirt on the street - in the latter case, Irish setter puppies and adults require washing after each walk. So that the dog brings less dirt, does not freeze its paws, the hair between the fingers is periodically shortened. Otherwise, it does not need regular haircuts. Wool during molting does not cling, falls to the floor. Regular cleaning will minimize its amount in the room.
  5. In the context of the Irish Setter care topic, it is important to mention that these are clean dogs, you will need to keep the toilet, sleeping area and dishes clean.

How to properly vaccinate a dog, the veterinarian will advise, comment on the pet's need for pharmacy vitamins and mineral complexes.

What to feed

Dogs eat little, given their size, but the diet is not provided for the same type and ill-conceived. An adult dog eats cereals, vegetables, meat. In winter, a sufficient amount of fish oil is included in the diet. He loves meat, will not give up pasta.

If you want to give the dog fish, control the absence of bones that can injure the mouth, get stuck in the throat and cause suppuration.

Do not give the Irish Setter smoked meats, sausages, too spicy dishes. The ban applies to cakes and other store-bought sweets.

Irish Setters are the pride of their country and a breed that has gained worldwide fame. Beautiful, efficient, smart - these qualities formed the basis of the popularity of these dogs. These beautiful dogs adorn billboards, they are filmed in commercials and films. But what are these star pets in life, and what awaits future owners?

The roots of the Irish go back to ancient times. Scientists managed to establish that almost all pointing breeds are descendants of "ash dogs". The younger progenitors of this breed are pointers, from which in the 16th century. The black and white English Setter was bred. And later, using the best representatives of hunting breeds, breeders managed to get an early Irish Red Setter.

Experts are sure that English setters, Irish water spaniels, Gordon setters and were used in breeding. The original goal pursued by the breeders was to obtain the ideal dog for bird hunting.

It is worth noting that for those times breeding and hunting were an integral part of the life of real aristocrats. Then the breeders competed to see who would get the best breed, and several lines of setters from Ireland appeared. From historical sources it was possible to find out that there were red and white dogs and red ones with a black mask.

Nevertheless, some commonality of goals existed, and the same requirements were imposed on representatives of the future breed:

  • performance;
  • lack of fear of water, shots and noise;
  • harmony of proportions and medium size;
  • excellent sense of smell and hearing;
  • thick coat.

And the breeding activity has borne fruit. Irish Setters appeared and immediately gained popularity.

At the end of the 50s of the 19th century. 6 dozens of dogs of this breed participated in the exhibition with competitions. But the lack of a single standard did not allow to evaluate dogs qualitatively, which led to conflicts between judges and breeders. However, the Irish continued to participate in such events, proving their qualities. The breed gained more and more fans and breeding work continued.

In 1873, the first breed club appeared in England, and after 5 years in Ireland. Since 1877, the breeding of Irish setters began in the United States. But there the dogs were divided into 2 types - representatives of the show class and working dogs. Moreover, later the first type became exclusively decorative, while the second one lagged far behind in the exterior.

In Russia, breeders sought to maintain the working qualities of dogs and eliminate the disadvantage - the difficulty in training. As a result, it was still possible to breed hunting dogs with a balanced character, which fully comply with international standards.

Description of the Irish Setter breed

The excellent external data of the representatives of the breed contributed to the fact that one of the well-known companies chose the Irish Setter as the face of the brand. And this, of course, added popularity to the colorful Irish all over the world. Dogs are distinguished by a long coat of rich red color, a strong, proportional physique, a good-natured look and the behavior of a true aristocrat. In modern characteristics, the Irish Setter is a passionate hunter, tireless, inquisitive, loyal and affectionate to family members.

The weight representatives of the breed varies in the range of 25-35 kg. Growth males at the withers is 58-67 cm, females - 55-62 kg. The harmony of height and weight is very important.

The main features in appearance that distinguish Irish Setters from other dogs are the following:

  • Head the Irish have a long, narrowed, with an oval voluminous forehead without bulges. On the back of the head there is a pronounced tubercle. The eye sockets are arranged in such a way that they give the dog a surprised and joyful look.
  • muzzle ending has a U-shape, with well-tucked lips, pigmented to match the color of the nose. The teeth are small, creating a tight row without gaps and a scissor bite. The nose is mobile, the nostrils are large, round, the color of the lobe depends on the color of the coat - it can be black, brown, red-brown.
  • Eyes small, almond-shaped, with dry eyelids. The color of the iris varies from hazel to deep brown.
  • Ears have a low, wide fit. At the base there is a hard cartilaginous tissue, and closer to the ends of the ears are thin and soft. During operation, the auricles turn forward. From 2 to 3 years of age, decorating hair grows on the ears of dogs.
  • torso the Irish Setters have an elongated, taut, with a graceful set. The whole look speaks of the strength and dexterity of the animal. The neck is of medium length, has a beautiful curve with developed muscles. The withers are not very pronounced, the sternum is of medium width, the ribs are arched.
  • limbs well developed, with pronounced veins and muscles. Paws are collected, have a rounded shape and small size.
  • Tail smooth, wide at the base, gradually narrowing. The dog carries it at the level of the spine. In older pets, decorating hair appears on it.
  • Undercoat the Irish have thick, but the hair itself is not thick. The outer coat varies in thickness and length. On the head it is short, the same in the area of ​​the muzzle and in front on the paws. On the body, the coat is of medium length, good density and softness. Behind the paws, on the auricles, tail and along the bottom line are feathers of long, smooth, silky hair.

It will be interesting:

  • visit the rubric in order to understand what to feed the setter;
  • under the rubric, warn the Irishman against disease;
  • Learn how to take care of your pet.

The color of the dogs varies from saturated red to no less saturated chestnut. The standard allows the presence of a small amount of white wool in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers, on the sternum, muzzle.

Considering that almost all setters are similar, the color of Irish setters is their calling card. If we talk about similar dogs, but with white hair and red spots, then they belong to a separate breed of the Irish Red and White Setter. And dogs with black hair and red tan marks are black Irish setters, this is, in fact, the Scottish Setter breed. Similar black and white dogs are also setters, but English.

Character and training of the Irish Setter

Modern Irish Setters are universal breeds that can be kept both in an apartment and in a private house. But they are not suitable for an aviary or street, since they do not have a particularly developed undercoat.

When choosing a representative of this breed as a pet, it should be noted that it will take a lot of time to educate and train him. The Irish have a tendency to run away, so they need to be adapted and trained from an early age until the dog learns "good manners".

The most difficult thing is to give the command “to me!”, as the dogs are very reckless and, carried away by the chase, may not respond to the owner’s appeal. In this case, you may need the help of professionals, and other commands are given to setters much easier.

It is always worth taking into account the highly developed hunting instincts of dogs. They are able to react to the slightest noise, and at any opportunity to pursue prey, they will do so. Therefore, until the end of training, the pet should not be let off the leash or released, but only in open areas. Free range in the forest, park zone is possible only with excellent assimilation of the “come to me” command.

During the “hunt”, the dog may show aggression, such attacks should not be encouraged, but punishment is not an option. Setters respond well to emotions, so if they are shamed or offended, they are able to repent of their deeds. In extreme cases, the pet can be patted on the croup with a rolled-up newspaper. But physical punishment will cause distrust of the pet and greatly complicate the learning process.

Dog breed Irish Setter photo

Irish Setters are excellent athletes, they are great for coursing, agility, frisbee, and they are also excellent swimmers. Dogs instinctively love to fetch balls or sticks, so fetching is one of their favorite games.

If you give your pet the necessary load and properly feed, then the dog becomes extremely loving and devoted. Setters get along well with all members of even a large family and are tolerant of children. For them, separation from the owner is a real test. Setters can get along with dogs and cats, but only if they are well educated. But the rest of the small animals will always be the object of hunting and no education will help here.

Read also:

Rules for maintenance and care

If the breed attracted with its beautiful appearance, then you should know that the dog will look like on the pages of glossy publications, only with careful care. Without exercise, proper nutrition and daily grooming, the dog will not look so brilliant.

A rich coat is the wool in the apartment, which you can get rid of through. If we are talking about representatives of the show class with elongated hair, then they will have to be combed every day. And during molting, this rule applies to all setters.

The Irish are often not recommended, as detergents and water remove the necessary lubrication from the skin. During slushy, muddy weather, it is recommended to dress your dog in special overalls to keep the coat and your own home clean.

For dogs that do not participate in exhibitions, it is permissible to trim the hair on the stomach, ears. For pets with an exhibition career, wool is cut only in the interdigital spaces.

The Irish are prone to, so you should regularly inspect the auricles and clean them of excess sulfur and dirt every 5-7 days. But do not clean them if there is no visible contamination. The eyes are also checked regularly and cleaned when necessary.

You can feed the dog with ready-made rations or regular food, but in the first case, the food must be of high quality, and in the second, a mandatory supplement in the form of vitamin supplements.

Photo of Irish Setter

Irish setter puppies pictured with mom

Irish Setter video

How much does an Irish Setter puppy cost?

The initial cost of a puppy of this breed is 10,000 rubles. But if there is a desire to purchase a pet for a further show career, then the price of an Irish setter will increase to 40,000-50,000 rubles. You can buy a pet from your hands, but the prices of responsible private breeders do not differ much from the cost in the nursery.

Irish Setters are demanding in everything - nutrition, care, training and attitude. Therefore, before acquiring such a handsome man, you should weigh your own strengths and the availability of free time.

Irish Setter Kennels

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