Castor bean (castor seed) - Ricinus communis L. Euphorbiaceae family - Euphorbiaceae. Castor bean (Ricinus communis L.)

Common castor bean (Ricinus communis) is commonly called a monotypic genus of plants of the Euphorbiaceae family, which is represented by a single species. Depending on the locality of growth, castor bean can be called castor tree, northern palm, Turkish hemp, tree of paradise, etc. Researchers believe that the Russian name of the castor plant was due to the similarity of the shape and color of the seeds with mites.

The homeland of the plant is believed to be Ethiopia, where it is still found both in the wild and in semi-cultivated form. In the modern world, the plant is common in India, Brazil, Egypt, Argentina, China, Iran, and also in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine. In the tropics and subtropics, castor oil grows as an evergreen shrub, reaching a height of up to 10 m.

On the territory of countries with a temperate climate, it is found as an annual plant, the height of which does not exceed 2–3 m. The culture has a powerful cranked stem with a reddish tint and large palmately dissected leaves. Flowers are collected in large racemes. Fruits can be either bare or covered with thorns, spherical or elongated. Seeds with convex backs and variegated skin.

Harvesting and storage of castor oil

For pharmacology, the seeds of the plant are of interest. After processing by cold pressing followed by exposure to steam and hot water the output is the well-known castor oil. Castor oil contains such a toxic component as ricin. However, ricin, as a chemical substance, is not very stable in the external environment, therefore, when exposed to hot steam and undergoing hydrolysis, it decomposes. Castor oil cake is poisonous.

Castor oil is colorless to slightly yellow and is known for its unique properties. It has the highest viscosity and density among all oils of vegetable origin. It solidifies when the temperature reaches 18-20 degrees, resulting in a pasty mass of a whitish color. It is stored in a closed form, in a dark place for 2-3 years. Unlike other oils, castor oil is highly soluble in alcohol solutions and in pure alcohol.

Application in everyday life

Castor oil is known not only for its healing effect. Commercially produced technical oil is an excellent lubricant for aircraft maintenance. Castor bean oil is used in engine lubricants because it does not oxidize and is able to retain viscosity at high temperatures. Castor oil is an ingredient in premium varnishes and paints, printing inks, plastics, man-made fibers, rubber and insulation materials. It is used in the field of soap making, in the production of drying oil, for dressing animal skins. Despite its toxicity, Turkish hemp cake has found its way into nitrogen fertilizer and also into glue. In ancient times in Russia, boots were rubbed with castor oil, which made them waterproof. And now the natives of Africa lubricate the skin with this remedy, which protects them from the cold and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

The composition and medicinal properties of castor oil

  1. More than half of the weight of the seeds of Ricinus communis is non-drying fatty castor oil. This also includes the lipase enzyme and a number of acids, among which ricinolic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, dioxystearic and glycerin can be distinguished. The composition of the product is represented by protein substances (from 14% to 17%), alkaloids (from 0.1% to 1%), fiber (about 19%), as well as the poisonous substance ricin, which is present in all parts of the plant. Macroelements are represented by potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron; trace elements - manganese, copper, zinc, chromium, nickel, molybdenum, lead, selenium and beryllium.
  2. Castor oil is used to treat constipation. Enhances peristalsis of the small and large intestines.
  3. It is recommended for use by patients with chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract (with gastritis, colitis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer).
  4. It is used in case of poisoning as a cleansing agent.
  5. After taking this remedy, the contractile activity of the uterine muscles reflexively increases. Therefore, its reception (along with hormonal drugs) is justified in obstetric practice for the purpose of stimulation labor activity.
  6. On the basis of castor bean oil, many ointments, emulsions and pastes are made. Vishnevsky's liniment is widely known, one of the ingredients of which is precisely this remedy.
  7. ethnoscience recommends its use as a strong anthelmintic and diuretic.
  8. Due to the anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties of castor oil, external ulcers, burns are cured, manifestations of eczema are reduced, hemorrhoids and cervical erosion disappear.
  9. In cosmetology, it is used as an effective natural remedy for hair growth, improving the condition of eyelashes and eyebrows.
  10. The use of castor oil in folk medicine

    Castor bean oil for removing warts

    Traditional medicine advises to rub the remedy into the location of the wart, 2 times a day (morning and evening), for 20 minutes. By applying it to papillomas, moles and freckles, you can get rid of them for a month.

    Castor oil for eye problems

    Irritated and reddened mucous membranes of the eyes will help instillation with oil (1 drop 2 times a day). This method will relieve irritation and eliminate the symptoms of blepharitis.

    Castor bean oil for hair growth

    Rub the oil thoroughly into the scalp (especially into the roots of the hair) before going to bed, do not wash. Wear a linen hat or tie a light scarf. The course of treatment is 1 month, three times a week. A similar method is recommended to enhance the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes (lubricate with castor oil at night, rinse off in the morning warm water).

    Treatment of colds and bronchitis

    Mix 1 tablespoon of turpentine and 2 tablespoons of castor bean oil (first you need to warm up the castor oil a little, and then mix it with turpentine). Rub the chest with massaging movements with the addition of a warm mixture. The course of treatment is from 3 to 7 days, from once a day (at bedtime) to 3 times a day.

    With fatigue of the calf muscles

    Before going to bed, rub warm castor oil into the skin of the lower leg and foot, then put on cotton socks. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. The same recipe perfectly fights soft corns and corns.

    Castor oil for constipation

    Take a teaspoon of castor oil in half a glass of warm water, shake and drink quickly. Take in the evening or if you are at home.

    Castor oil for worms

    On an empty stomach in the morning, drink this mixture: shake 50 grams of cognac strongly with 50 grams of castor oil and drink immediately. Be at home. Repeat 3 days in a row. Not recommended for people suffering from alcoholism.

    Contraindications for use

    Given the high toxicity of all parts of castor beans, they are forbidden to use in any form, except for castor oil. Do not plant the plant where small children can get it.

    Symptoms of castor bean poisoning are stopped by inducing artificial vomiting, repeated gastric lavage, setting a high enema, taking a special suspension (activated charcoal and 2% solution drinking soda). Call a doctor immediately, death is possible!

    Long-term use of castor oil reduces appetite and reduces the laxative effect.

    Sometimes the use of castor oil can cause nausea, so it is better to purchase the drug in the form of gelatin capsules.

My acquaintance with castor beans took place several years ago. A beautiful spreading shrub in red-green and brown attire, next to a private shop, immediately caught the eye.

It was distinguished by its bright large fruits in the form of prickly balls, and large leaves, deeply cut with uneven jagged edges, also attracted attention.

It was impossible to pass by such a beauty. But what is the name of this wild plant, very unusual for our area, no one could really explain. I had to raise the identification of plants and establish its name.

I wanted to know about healing properties castor beans and castor oil, which is made from its seeds. Prior to this, my knowledge of castor oil was very limited, I was aware of its laxative and emollient properties. We always have a bottle of castor oil in the house, with which I lubricate leather shoes before putting them in storage.

Description of the castor bean

It turned out that in the wild this shrub lives only in the tropics and subtropics and belongs to evergreens growing up to 10 m tall. In Russia, they consider him annual plant and depending on climatic conditions, it can grow from 2 to 3 meters. In Transbaikalia, I have not seen a bush higher than 1-1.5.

Castor oil, which is planted with us as an ornamental shrub, is also an oilseed and medicinal plant, although it is very poisonous. The shrub is monoecious, and the male and female inflorescences are on the same plant. And it looks especially decorative when both male and female inflorescences bloom, the fruit, in the form of prickly balls, simply attracts the eye.

Inside the fruit - boxes develop 3 large seeds, unilaterally convex, with a beautiful smooth, shiny shell, painted in different shades and a colorful mosaic. With their variegated color and bulge on one side, the seeds resemble a tick - nasty insect. Hence the name of the plant - castor bean.

Castor bean poisonous plant

This is how nature created that the castor bean plant is both useful and very dangerous at the same time. Its large seeds contain up to 60% oil, proteins up to 17% and a very toxic substance - ricin. In a smaller composition, there is another poisonous alkaloid - ricinin.

Poisonous substances are found not only in the seeds, they are contained in the whole plant: stems, leaves, inflorescences, roots. And the castor bean is one of the most poisonous plants among the seeds.

You can get poisoned when seeds, leaves enter the body, even inhalation of seed powder affects the lungs. Poisons ricin and ricinin, so strong that a little delay and untimely appeal to the doctor completely violate the water-electrolyte balance in the body, which leads to death in 5-6 days. And even those people who are lucky and they survive, they will not be able to restore their health completely.

This is the insidiousness of the protoplasmic poison - ricin, which leads to irreversible processes, destroying proteins at the level of ribosomes, in human tissues.

The toxins present in the greenery of the bush (leaves and stems) also inhibit the synthesis of proteins in the intestinal wall, and proteins are the building material - bricks, without which the intestinal walls disintegrate.

Signs of poisoning appear after a few hours: the skin turns yellow, pain and burning appear in the abdomen, with nausea and vomiting. Headaches, weakness, cramps, slow heart rate…

You can not hesitate even a minute, at the first signs of poisoning - run to the doctor or call an ambulance. While waiting for the doctor, the patient, if possible, should be given first aid - do a gastric lavage and put a warm heating pad on his stomach.

Medicinal properties of castor bean

Traditional medicine, despite the presence of strong poisons, uses castor oil to treat certain diseases.

To facilitate childbirth, castor bean infusion is used, which stimulates the muscles of the uterus, activating contractions. An infusion of the leaves is also used to treat inflammation of the uterus - endometritis.

For colds, steamed castor bean leaves are applied to the throat 3 times a day, for a week, or the chest is rubbed with an infusion of castor bean leaves. The infusion is also used as a laxative, for the treatment non-healing wounds and ulcers, healing of burns.

How to prepare an infusion of castor bean leaves. To prepare the infusion, 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Take an infusion of 1 tablespoon, three times a day.

Castor oil is grown mainly for its seeds, from which castor or castor oil is extracted, it is also sometimes called ricin, after the Latin name (Oleum Ricini).

Castor seeds, in addition to oil, protein and toxic substances, contain useful acids: linoleic, oleic, stearic, dioxystearic, as well as glycerin, alkaloids and fiber. The seeds contain trace elements: copper and manganese, nickel and chromium, molybdenum and zinc, selenium, beryllium and lead; and macronutrients: magnesium and calcium, potassium and iron.

properties of castor oil

During the production of castor oil from castor bean seeds, cold pressing, and then treatment with hot steam and hot water, the main part of the poison breaks down, and the rest of the poison remains in the cake (waste).

Castor oil is primarily composed of 90% ricinoleic acid, a monosaturated fatty acid. In addition, it contains palmitic and linoleic acids, oleic and stearic.

Castor oil is soluble in alcohol but insoluble in water. It has a slight odor and not a particularly pleasant taste. In air, the oil does not oxidize, but thickens and at temperatures below 15 degrees it can look like a jelly.

Application in medicine

☻ Chronic inflammation of the digestive organs (peptic ulcer and gastritis, gastroduodenitis and colitis, as well as in case of poisoning, in order to cleanse the intestines.

☻ Castor oil enhances intestinal peristalsis and is used as a treatment for constipation by taking 1-2 teaspoons of castor oil orally at night.

☻ Taking castor oil enhances the reflex contraction of the muscles of the uterus, so it is often used in obstetric practice to stimulate obstetric activity, along with hormonal drugs.

☻ The medical industry uses castor oil in the production of ointments, liniments, emulsions for external use. So the well-known balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky, which is popularly called Vishnevsky's ointment, consists of 95% castor oil + 3 g of birch tar.

Folk recipes for the use of castor oil

☻ Castor oil has anti-inflammatory, warming, wound healing, diuretic, anthelmintic and laxative, softening properties.

☻ Castor oil in folk medicine is recommended as an anthelmintic and diuretic. To expel worms, it is recommended to mix 50 g of castor oil with 50 g of cognac. Stir the mass and immediately drink on an empty stomach. Repeat for three days in a row.

Another effective remedy for worms. In the evening, on an empty stomach, eat 100-200 g of pumpkin seeds, and drink a tablespoon of castor oil. The treatment should be carried out within one week.

☻ Due to the fact that castor oil has regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties, it is used to treat eczema, external ulcers, wounds, burns. Good for treatment hemorrhoids and cervical erosion.

☻ Castor oil is popularly used to treat bronchitis and colds. For this they prepare healing mixture from a tablespoon of turpentine and 2 tablespoons of castor oil. Castor oil is slightly heated and mixed with turpentine. Used for rubbing the chest before bedtime, can be used during the day.

☻ Warm castor oil is used to make compresses for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis, with inflammation female organs make compresses on the lower abdomen.

☻ Castor oil removes warts, for this, it is necessary to rub the oil 2 times a day into the formation on the skin, for 15 minutes.

☻ Long-term application of oil on freckles and age spots allows you to get rid of them completely, but this will take more than a month.

☻ When the calf muscles get tired and sore, rub with warm castor oil, then put on long socks or wrap your feet in a towel. treatment is carried out for 2 weeks.

☻ Warm castor oil is effective in the fight against corns and corns.

Benefits for colon cleansing and weight loss

Often, castor oil is used to cleanse the body, not only to cleanse the intestines, but also to preserve the figure. The cleansing procedure is based on the laxative properties of castor oil.

After taking the oil, bowel cleansing takes place after 1-6 hours. It all depends on individual characteristics body and the amount of oil drunk. To cleanse the intestines, only 1 teaspoon of oil is required, it is better to take it in the evening.

The field of oil intake is nothing, it is not forbidden to drink water, but only 1-2 after taking castor oil. If the indicated amount of oil does not weaken your body, then increase its dose.

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Oil contraindications

Given the extreme toxicity of castor bean greens, infusions should be taken with extreme caution. If there is no experience, it is better to replace the infusions with castor oil, which has no less healing properties.

The use of oil more than 100 ml per day is considered unacceptable. This can lead to irreversible diarrhea. Because the oil tastes bad, internal use It is better to use gelatin capsules.

Long-term use causes a decrease in appetite. Due to the habituation of the intestine to it, the laxative effect is reduced.

It is impossible to use castor bean infusions and castor oil for diseases of the stomach and intestines, allergic reactions, it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Keep small children away from this beautiful and very dangerous plant.

Be healthy, dear readers!

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The genus name comes from Latin word rikinos is a tick, which is associated with the shape of the seeds, reminiscent of the oriental tick. Or from the Greek zikaz - rounded; Latin communis - ordinary.

Other plant names:

dry bean, tick tree, marvelous tree, castor seed, Turkish hemp, paradise tree, paradise tree, ricin, ricin.

Brief Description of Castor Bean:

Castor bean (castor seed) - This is an annual herbaceous, strongly branched monoecious plant up to 3 m in height. The root system is taproot, with 3–6 large branches of the first order and numerous branches of subsequent orders, deeply penetrating into the soil.

The stem is hollow, cranked, as well as the branches, green or colored (solid or striped) in pink, red, purple or black. In some forms, they are covered with a wax coating.

The leaves are numerous, alternate (2 lower ones are opposite), with petioles 20–60 cm long. Leaf lobes ovate-oblong, toothed. Stipules falling early.

The flowers are unisexual, inconspicuous, collected in flower inflorescences-brushes located at the ends of the stem, lateral branches and in the axils of the leaves. Staminate flowers are usually located at the bottom of the inflorescence, pistillate - at the top. The perianth is simple, three-, five-parted, colored depending on the shape and variety. The stamens are numerous, connected in multiply branched bundles. The number of anthers in a flower can reach 1000. Pistil with a short tripartite column.

The fruit is a bare or spiked three-seeded, three-leaved, spherical or elongated capsule 1–3.5 cm in diameter. purple colors. Boxes are both cracked and non-cracked. Castor bean seeds are ovoid or round-elliptical with a smooth, shiny, variegated (mosaic) skin, convex on the dorsal side, flatter on the ventral side. The background color of the seeds is gray, bluish-gray, brown, light or dark red. The color of the mosaic is white, light gray, pink, light brown. Seed length 0.8–2.5 cm.

Castor oil lives up to 10 years, it does not tolerate frost at all. It grows very quickly, during the summer it reaches a height of 1.5–2 m.

Places of growth:

In Russia, it is cultivated in the southern regions as an oilseed crop. Almost everywhere it is found in the same way as a common weed in field crops. Like hemp, castor oil follows a person relentlessly, settling along roads, paths, near dwellings and in fields.

Castor bean preparation:

As a medicinal raw material, castor bean seeds are used, from which castor oil is obtained by cold pressing, followed by steam and hot water treatment. With this method of obtaining the poisonous substance ricin remains in the cake. To destroy the ricin, the oil is treated with hot steam; ricin is an unstable substance, easily destroyed by heating. Colorless viscous castor oil is inedible, but has a very important medicinal and economic value. It has completely unique properties. The oil does not dry out, is the most dense and viscous of all vegetable oils, and solidifies at a temperature of -18–22°C. It is soluble in alcohol and this also differs from other vegetable oils, but it does not dissolve in oil, gasoline, does not affect rubber, and does not leave any residue when burned.

The chemical composition of the castor bean:

Castor seeds contain 40–56% non-drying fatty oil(castor oil), consisting mainly of unsaturated ricinolic acid glyceride (80–85%), lipase enzyme. The oil also contains acids: stearic, oleic, linoleic, dioxystearic and glycerin.

The seeds contain: proteins(14–17%), represented mainly by globulin and albumin; alkaloids (0.1-1.0%), nitrogen-free substances (10-12%), fiber (18-19%), as well as a toxic protein substance - ricin. The alkaloid ricinin is found in all organs of the plant. When oil is obtained from castor seeds by cold pressing, followed by heating with steam and hot water (the toxicity of ricin residues is destroyed by high temperature), the main amount of this poison remains in the cake.

Ricin is a protoplasmic poison that inhibits protein biosynthesis at the level of ribosomes. It is found in all parts of the castor bean, obtained from the seed cake as a by-product in the production of castor oil. In the middle of the last century, a capsule containing several crystals of ricin was injected into the bloodstream with an umbrella prick to the dissident Bulgarian writer Markov, which led to his death.

All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of the castor bean (castor seed).

Pharmacological properties of castor bean ordinary:

Pharmacological properties castor beans are determined by its chemical composition.

Castor oil is used as a laxative and cleanser. Castor oil by itself does not have a laxative effect. But when it enters the duodenum, under the influence of pancreatic juice lipase, the oil breaks down to form glycerol and ricinolic acid, which have the ability to irritate the receptors of the intestinal mucosa and, as a result, cause a reflex increase in the peristalsis of the small intestines. Increased peristalsis reflexively occurs in the large intestine. Thus, unlike other herbal laxatives, after taking castor oil, peristalsis increases along the entire intestine. The laxative effect usually occurs after 5-6 hours.

The use of castor oil in medicine, castor bean treatment:

The ancient Greeks and Romans knew about the laxative properties of the oil, it was prescribed by the famous physician Galen. Oil was administered orally at 1.5 g per dose several times a day as a diuretic, to strengthen the nerves, with paralysis and curvature of the face, to expel long and flat worms, with mucous colic, to "replenish" the body.

In the old "Herbalism" it is said that castor bean seeds eaten after childbirth prevent conception for 9 months.

Avicenna advised applying plasters of crushed seeds to warts to remove them.

Due to the absence of irritating properties, castor oil is recommended for use in the following cases:

- When removing warts. In this case, carefully rub the oil into the wart for 20 minutes at night and in the morning, so that it is well absorbed into it. With it, you can also remove papillomas, moles, the so-called "liver spots" that appear with age on the face and hands. Oil was recommended to remove freckles from the face.

- In surgery, for the healing of wounds, ulcers and burns as part of ointments (for example, Vishnevsky).

– To lubricate the navel of a newborn (in case of poor healing).

- To lubricate the nipples of nursing mothers (in order to increase milk flow).

- With irritation and redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes. With blepharitis, 1 drop of oil is instilled into the eyes to reduce irritation.

- If young children have poor (or thin) hair growth, the oil is thoroughly rubbed into the scalp overnight. Wash your hair in the morning. This procedure is carried out twice a week until there is a noticeable improvement in the condition of the hair (in the future, maintain by using this method once every 2 weeks or 1 time per month).

- In cosmetics, in order for eyelashes to grow faster and become longer, oil is rubbed into the roots 3 times a week (also used for eyebrow growth).

- With a cold or bronchitis. The chest should be rubbed with a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. turpentine and 2 - castor oil. First, the oil is heated, then turpentine is added. The mixture is lightly rubbed into the chest, then wrapped warmly. Depending on the severity of the disease, rubbing is done either at night or three times a day.

- For cuts, abrasions, cutaneous leishmaniasis. It is necessary to lubricate the damaged areas with oil, dipping a bird's feather in it.

- To soften the mucosa and heal external hemorrhoids.

- From fatigue and pain in calf muscles. Twice a week it is useful to rub your legs with oil before going to bed and then put on cotton socks; in the morning the skin will become soft, velvety, pain will disappear completely. The oil can also be used (at night and in the morning) to soften calluses and corns. This is an excellent remedy for soft calluses.

- In case of toothache, rinse your mouth.

– For eczema, back pain, illness sciatic nerve in the form of compresses and rubbing - to soften dense tumors, soften the skin.

- For the treatment of ulcers, burns.

– In obstetric and gynecological practice, for stimulation contractile activity uterus (weak labor activity). Castor oil, when taken orally, causes a reflex contraction of the muscles of the uterus, so sometimes the oil is prescribed in combination with hormonal drugs - quinine, pachycarpic or pituitrin and other drugs in the amount of 40-50 g.

Locally it is used for diseases of the vagina and cervix.

Castor oil is also used as a reliable laxative, cleansing both the delicate and colon. The laxative effect occurs 5-6 hours after ingestion of the oil. In this case, the oil is prescribed orally for adults at a dose of 15-30 g, and for children (depending on age) - 5-10-15 g each. They are used for acute constipation, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and some poisonings.

Dosage forms, method of application and doses of castor bean preparations:

From the seeds and leaves of the castor bean, effective medications and forms used in the treatment of many diseases. Let's consider the main ones.

Infusion of castor bean leaves:

Infusion of castor bean leaves: brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tsp. dry crushed leaves, insist on a boiling water bath in a sealed container for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature 45 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals. At the same time, use an infusion for douching the uterus in inflammatory diseases.

castor bean leaves:

Hot castor bean leaves are applied to the throat for tumors, colds, 3 times a day, day and night, for a week.

Castor bean seed infusion:

Infusion of castor bean seeds: brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tsp. seeds, insist in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 40 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Castor oil:

Castor oil is classified as a mild laxative. In this capacity, it is used in a dose of 15-30 g, for children 5-15 g (for adults - 1 tablespoon, for children - 1 teaspoon or dessert spoon). After taking castor oil, a laxative effect occurs after 4-5 hours or earlier.

With weakness of labor activity, castor oil is prescribed 40–50 g per reception.

For external use, ointments, emulsions, and pastes are prepared.

Balsamic liniment according to A.V. Vishnevsky - Vishnevsky's ointment:

Balsamic liniment according to A.V. Vishnevsky - Vishnevsky's ointment: a mixture of 3 parts of tar, 3 parts of xeroform and 94 parts of castor oil. Used in the treatment of wounds, ulcers, bedsores, etc. It has antiseptic properties, has a weak irritating effect on tissue receptors, and helps to accelerate the recovery process.

Castor beans are said to ward off charm, spoilage, and fear.

Castor bean contraindications:

All parts of the castor bean, and especially the seeds, are highly poisonous.

The alkaloid ricin, which is included in castor oil cake, even in an amount of 0.02 g, is deadly to human life. The amount of ricin in one seed is deadly for a child, in eight seeds - for an adult. It is not recommended to use castor oil for a long time, as this leads to loss of appetite and ceases to have a laxative effect. Allergic reactions occur even when wearing castor seed beads. Castor oil in some cases causes nausea, it is recommended to use it in gelatin capsules. Castor oil as a laxative is contraindicated in case of poisoning with fat-soluble substances (phosphorus, benzene, etc.), as well as male fern extract.

Poisoning with castor seeds causes malaise, nausea, vomiting, pain and burning in the esophagus and stomach, hyperemia of the pharynx, diarrhea due to developing gastroenteritis, headache, drowsiness, loss of orientation and consciousness. There is cyanosis, a violation of cardiac activity, frequent pulse weak filling. In severe poisoning - convulsions, anuria, hematuria. Protein and cylinders are found in the urine, there is an increase (or decrease) in body temperature, sometimes leukocytosis, a shift in the blood formula to the left, jaundice. Death occurs with the phenomena of collapse.

In case of poisoning, you should immediately induce artificial vomiting, carry out repeated gastric lavages and make high enemas. These activities should be combined with the appointment of water suspension activated carbon in a 2% solution of sodium bicarbonate, magnesium or sodium sulfate (25-30 g in 2-4 glasses of water or through a tube). Showing frequent appointments various mucous decoctions, in particular starch, fruit or milk jelly, jelly, etc. Complete rest, heating pads. It is also recommended to transfuse blood and blood substitutes, the introduction (according to indications) of a 20% solution of sodium caffeine benzoate or a 10% solution of corazol (1-2 ml subcutaneously). In case of violation of the functions of the cardiovascular system, a 0.2% solution of noradrenaline hydrotartrate is prescribed (0.5–1 ml in a 5% glucose solution intravenously). At pain syndrome shows the introduction of a 1% solution of morphine hydrochloride (1-2 ml subcutaneously), together with a 0.1% solution of atropine sulfate (1 ml). The body is alkalized (sodium bicarbonate - 5–15 g per day). Oxygen therapy.

The use of castor oil on the farm:

Castor oil has more than just medicinal value. It is considered the best technical lubricant. In addition to medical oil, the industry produces aviation and technical castor oil. It is used in lubricants for motors, as it does not oxidize and retains viscosity at high temperatures. It is also used for the production of high-quality varnishes and paints, printing inks, plastics, artificial fibers, rubber, and insulating materials. Technical grades of oil are used in soap making, for the preparation of drying oil, in the leather industry, as a hydraulic fluid. Cake in medical purposes not used due to its toxicity, but used as a nitrogen fertilizer and also to make glue. Africans used castor oil for fatliquoring hides and skins, for lighting, and even for cooking with it. In Russia, oil was used for lighting and for rubbing boots, which made them waterproof.

A bit of history

The homeland of the castor bean is Abyssinia (Ethiopia) in East Africa. She was known in ancient Egypt for 1700 years BC: archaeologists found her seeds in ancient Egyptian sarcophagi. During the XXVI dynasty (VII century BC), it was already cultivated as a cultivated plant along the banks of rivers and ponds, in the Nile Valley, its seeds were found in the tombs of the pharaohs belonging to this era. Her images adorned the walls of temples in Thebes, castor oil illuminated the temple in Elephantine.

The Egyptians and Greeks were well aware of the medicinal properties of the oil. The ancient physician Galen (131-200 AD) prescribed it to his patients. Castor oil was common in Africa. The natives rubbed their bodies with castor bean oil, which protected from the cold and gave people a fresh, cheerful and neat look.

In Italy, the castor beans were called "Christ's palm".

The first experiments on the cultivation of castor oil in Russia were undertaken in the middle of the 19th century. She came here from India through Persia. It has been cultivated since 1922 under the name "Turkish hemp" in the Caucasus, and then in Central Asia and in the southern regions of Ukraine.

In the East, castor beans were used for paralysis, headaches, toothaches, back pain, eczema, and to strengthen the nerves.

In Europe, it served to protect against damage.

Tired of searching effective remedy from rheumatism? dream to have perfect skin like on the cover of glossy magazines? Stop your choice on castor bean seeds ─ it is the best remedy, bestowed by nature, to solve such problems!

In botany, the castor bean is known under the name " Ricinus communis”, which was given to her by the ancient Romans because of the similarity of seeds with “satiated” insects. The homeland of the plant is East Africa, but it grows in abundance in India and the Mediterranean. Due to the increased demand for castor seeds, popularly known as " castor oil”, to date, many industrial productions in certain areas of the USA. The inhabitants of America even adapted the plant in their gardens and orchards, as it saves the crop from pests.

In addition to painful joints and problematic skin, castor bean seeds have a lot of healing properties that are effective in the treatment of other common diseases. Want to know more? Then let's look at 15 reasons why castor oil should be in every family's first aid kit.

Castor bean - 15 useful properties

  1. Helps fight rheumatism

    Castor seeds are rich various types fatty acids, including oleic, ricinic and linoleic, which are known to be extremely useful in the treatment of gout and rheumatism. The oil obtained from these seeds can bring immediate relief from pain when applied evenly to the affected areas. To enhance the effect, castor oil is mixed with other essential oils or herbs. And regular use will be the key to a successful result that will last for a long time.

  2. Castor bean is good for women's health

    Many women suffer from pain and cramps during menstruation, worry about churning and irregular cycle. These problems are most common among girls. adolescence and women in the period of impending menopause. Serious consequences from heavy bleeding can lead to depression and insomnia. The ricinic acid found in castor oil can relieve pain and cramps during menstruation, as well as reduce blood flow.

  3. Controls the birth rate

    Castor seeds contain a toxic protein known as ricin. The presence of this protein in castor oil is small, but you should be careful in using it, as an excessive dose can lead to termination of pregnancy. In the healthcare industry, ricin is used for birth control purposes. It is also effective as a bactericidal substance, so it is added to the composition of spermicidal gels, lotions and creams.

  4. Increases lactation

    Castor seeds have a wonderful effect on the female nature ─ stimulate the secretion of milk. The fatty acids rich in castor oil ensure a regular flow of milk and an increase in quantity as the baby grows. However, be careful: use only cold-pressed oil and in very small quantities so as not to harm the child.

  5. Salvation for the skin

    The use of castor bean oil is nothing more than a salvation for the skin, which is constantly struggling with dryness, acne, stretch marks, negative environmental factors, etc. Castor oil is an ingredient in many stretch mark creams recommended for use during pregnancy and weight loss. In addition to treating common skin diseases, it eliminates fungal, yeast infections, and warts.

    How to apply correctly?

    Soak a cotton swab enough castor oil and put on the affected area. Wash off with warm water after an hour. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. For a quick result, it is better to apply lotions before going to bed. If the surface to be treated is small, you can use a bactericidal patch: moisten the existing cotton area in castor oil and stick it on the problem area.

    Important:do not use for rosacea and sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions.

  6. source of moisture

    Castor oil is an excellent moisturizer. The fatty acids in the composition are easily absorbed into the skin, helping to instantly eliminate dryness and heal heel cracks, corns, and calluses. A small amount of oil can be added to your favorite face masks to tone dehydrated and overly dry skin. In addition, it can slow down aging by 3-5 years! Castor oil is good to use during the massage.

    Possessing pleasant aroma, oil treatment will bring you only positive emotions. To keep your skin looking fresh, supple and revitalized every morning, use the oil regularly as a moisturizer: apply a few drops to your face with gentle movements and leave overnight.

  7. Natural remedy for arthritis

    Arthritis is an extremely painful chronic disease of bones and joints, which in severe cases leads to restrictions in the work of the musculoskeletal system. The excruciating pain caused by arthritis can be relieved by rubbing castor oil on the affected area. With anti-inflammatory properties, regular massage will relieve muscle and joint pain and reduce inflammation.

    Instructions for use: take a piece of flannel fabric and fold it 3-4 times to get a tight bandage. Pour into a deep container a small amount of castor oil and dip the prepared bandage there. Apply it on sore areas of muscles and joints, wrap with cling film. To increase the effect, apply a heating pad or a hot water bottle on top. Repeat the procedure every day for an hour.

    On a note: The bandage soaked in castor oil can be reused if stored in a plastic zip bag in the refrigerator.

  8. Eliminates ringworm

    Dermatomycosis (English ringworm) - skin infection, which is provoked by various types of pathogenic fungi. As is known, fungal infections require long-term treatment. Incorrectly selected medications can turn ringworm into a chronic form. Being in the composition of the seeds and leaves of castor beans, undecylenic acid actively fights all types of fungal diseases.

    Here is a simple and effective recipe in the fight against this unpleasant ailment: mix in equal proportions castor and Coconut oil then heat in a water bath. Apply the resulting mixture to the affected area and wrap with a cotton towel. Leave such a compress for an hour or all night, wrapping it tightly with plastic wrap. Continue the procedure until the infection is completely gone.

    Important: in some cases, redness may be observed. This suggests that it is necessary to stop using the drug.

  9. Remedy for wounds and bruises

    Even our ancestors used castor oil-soaked dressings to treat wounds, bruises and bruises. The compress is applied at least twice a day or left overnight, wrapped in cellophane and a towel. The result will not be long in coming: after the first procedure, even deep wounds heal, bruises and bruises disappear.

  10. Promotes hair and nail growth

    Castor seeds are used in various hair care products. They prevent splitting and brittleness, while providing the necessary degree of hydration and conditioning.

    Castor oil is saturated with Omega-6 essential fatty acids, which actively stimulate growth. To nourish your hair and make it thick, shiny and resistant to damage, massage warm castor oil into your scalp before every wash. This increases blood circulation and opens the pores of the hair follicles, thereby nourishing the hair from the roots. To achieve best effect Leave the oil on overnight with a cap on to keep your pillow clean and promote deep hydration. Rinse your hair with warm water the next day.

    Whatever is good for your hair is also good for your nails, as they have the same composition. Rub cuticle oil daily to prevent cuticles. rapid growth, make nails shiny and less brittle.

  11. Antimicrobial Properties

    First aid for scratches, cuts, itching, burns - castor oil, which also disinfects and relieves symptoms. Penetrating deep into the skin, it promotes the restoration of damaged cells, tightening the scars. The action is slow, but the result is obvious.

    Due to the antimicrobial properties of the oil, it actively fights bacteria that cause infections. The tool helps well with barley, if you lubricate the abscess 2-3 times a day.

  12. Thick eyebrow and eyelash treatment

    Nature has endowed not many people with thick and dark eyebrows. Given the latest fashion trends, women resort to various means to make eyebrows wider: cosmetics, dyes, microblading, etc. However, there is nothing better than the time-tested product - castor oil. It can also be used to restore eyelashes.

    To become the owner of luxurious eyebrows and lush eyelashes, follow the instructions: Apply warm castor oil to your eyebrows and eyelashes before bed. For even distribution, use a cosmetic brush. Repeat this procedure every evening for best results.

    Another beauty recipe: Gently massage your eyebrows and eyelashes with oil for a few minutes. Leave to soak for an hour, then rinse with cool water.

    Regularity of application is of paramount importance in achieving the desired result.

  13. Facilitates the removal of excess fluid from the body

    If you are suffering from excess fluid in the liver, castor oil may be able to alleviate your problem. During severe attacks resort to next method treatment: take a cotton towel and fold it into 3-4 layers. Soak it in warm castor oil and place it on your stomach. Cover the compress with oilcloth and a dry piece of cloth. Find a comfortable sleeping position, bend your knees and try to rest. In an hour you will feel much better.

  14. Effectively fights constipation

    Studies prove that castor oil works as an excellent laxative and good remedy against constipation, removing toxins from the body. It is able to resist fats that provoke weight gain. For smooth bowel movements in the morning, drink a teaspoon of oil before bed. Since it has a bitter taste, you can dilute it with cranberry, orange, ginger or plum juice. This treatment should not be carried out for more than 3 days, so as not to cause diarrhea.

  15. Other useful properties

    In addition to the above benefits, there are several other properties that are equally beneficial for your health. Castor bean oil has also been proven to be effective in the treatment of:

    multiple sclerosis;

    Parkinson's disease;

    cerebral palsy;

    irritable bowel syndrome (IBS);

    age spots;


Possible harm and contraindications

Although castor oil is effective in the treatment of many diseases, it should only be used after consultation with your healthcare professional to avoid incompatibilities with medications you are taking. The opinion of a specialist is especially important if you want to start using the oil in case of chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and menstrual irregularity.

When buying castor bean oil, make sure it is cold-pressed and free of any impurities. Improved versions of the drug may not be able to provide benefits pure composition and cause unwanted side effects.

What else is useful?

Sin .: bean dry, tick tree (castor tree), marvelous tree, castor seed, northern palm, Turkish hemp, paradise tree, paradise tree, ricin, ricin.

A large plant with palmate variegated leaves. Under culture conditions, an annual herbaceous plant, in a wild form - a tree-like form. A valuable technical and medicinal plant, seeds are a source of castor oil. The castor bean is very poisonous plant, but refined castor oil is not poisonous and is widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

The plant is poisonous!

Ask the experts

flower formula

Formula of the castor bean flower: ♂ *O0-5T1-∞P0; ♀* O0-5T0P(3).

In medicine

Castor oil obtained from castor seeds has long been used in medicine as a laxative for enterocolitis, acute constipation of various etiologies, proctitis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, poisoning (with the exception of poisoning with fat-soluble substances), food toxic infections, inflammatory conditions of the digestive tract, as well as for cleansing the intestines (thin and thick) before diagnostic procedures internal organs. Castor oil is also used in eye practice for squamous blepharitis. In gynecology, castor oil is used for diseases of the vagina and cervix, and in obstetric practice, it is prescribed to stimulate labor along with hormonal drugs (quinine, pachycarpine, etc.). Externally, castor oil in the composition of liniments (Camphocin), ointments (Vishnevsky ointment), which have antiseptic properties and the ability to accelerate tissue regeneration, is used to treat diaper rash, radiation injuries skin, burns, ulcers, cracks, skin softening, as well as in the form of balms - as a means to improve hair growth, with seborrhea and diffuse hair loss. Castor seed paste is recommended for the treatment of ulcers, cutaneous leishmaniasis.

Contraindications for use

Castor seeds, in addition to oil, contain highly toxic protein compounds, so the use of preparations from them is contraindicated in pregnancy, bleeding in the intestines and uterus, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, nephrosonephritis, poisoning with fat-soluble compounds (phenol, benzene, carbon tetrachloride and others) and male fern extract .

Side effects of poisoning with castor seeds: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, fever, abdominal pain, possible constipation after bowel movements. With repeated use of drugs, addiction, indigestion, enterocolitis, leukocytosis, disruption of the heart, anuria, often convulsions are possible, and even death can occur in case of severe poisoning.

In other areas

In the perfume industry, castor oil is used to make high quality soaps, cosmetics for hair (balm - Hummingbird), creams (Special, Paprin), lotion (Rezol), shampoos, eye shadows, mascara, lipsticks, nail polish removers.

Castor oil also has a technical purpose, it is used to lubricate machines, especially aircraft engines, because it has a high viscosity, does not dry out and does not freeze. In addition, castor oil is wide application in metallurgy, leather, textile and soap industries, in the manufacture of linoleum and many other synthetic products. The oil is also used as a fuel.

Castor bean - amazing ornamental plant, forms with variegated leaves are especially widely grown. Large, beautifully marbled castor bean seeds are used to make beads and other jewelry.


Common castor bean (lat. Ricinus communis) is a species of the castor bean genus (lat. Ricinus) of the spurge family (lat. Euphorbiaceae). The castor bean genus is monotypic, it contains a single species - common castor bean.

The generic name "Ricinus" comes from the Latin word "riсinos" - a tick, the species "communis" - an ordinary one.

Botanical description

Monoecious plant. In culture, an annual herbaceous plant, reaching 2 m in height, dies very quickly from autumn frosts. In tropical and subtropical countries, it is a perennial plant with a tree-like stem up to 10 m in height. Lives up to 10 years. The root is powerful, taproot, highly branched. The stem is hollow, cranked, branched, light green or pink, red, purple or almost black. Some forms have a waxy stem. Leaves with early falling stipules, alternate, two lower opposite, large, on long petioles (20-60 cm), glabrous, thyroid up to 80 cm wide, palmately dissected from 5-11 ovate-oblong dentate lobes. Flowers inconspicuous, same-sex (male and female). Perianth simple, cup-shaped, three to five-separate. Stamens numerous (more than 1000), many times branched in the upper part. Pistil with upper spherical-oval three-celled ovary. Inflorescences are brushes that are located at the ends of the stems and side branches, as well as in the axils of the leaves. Male flowers are located at the bottom of the inflorescence, female - at the top. Formula of the castor bean flower: ♂ *O0-5T1-∞P0; ♀* O0-5T0P( 3 ).

The fruit is a capsule, naked or covered with thorns, spherical or elongated, 1-3.5 cm in diameter, opening with three wings. Fruits are green, yellow, pink, red or purple when immature, turning brown when ripe. The seeds are large, up to 2.2 cm long, ovoid or round-elliptical, with a marble-shiny variegated seed coat (spermoderma). Each fruit contains 3 seeds. Blossoms in July - August, fruits ripen in September.


The homeland of wild-growing castor beans is tropical Africa and Asia, grows in Ethiopia. It is widely cultivated in all regions of the temperate zone of the globe as an annual crop. In Russia, it is cultivated mainly in the south of the European part - the North Caucasus, the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Rostov Region and the Lower Volga Region.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

As a medicinal raw material, castor bean seeds are used, from which castor oil is obtained by cold pressing, followed by treatment with steam and hot water, while ricin (a highly toxic substance) remains in the cake. Castor oil - colorless, transparent, viscous, has a thick consistency, inedible, has bad smell and taste, does not dry out, hardens at a temperature of 18-22°C, dissolves in alcohol, does not dissolve in oil, gasoline. It has valuable medicinal and economic value. Store castor oil closed in a dark place.

Chemical composition

Castor bean seeds contain up to 60% fatty oil (castor oil), consisting mainly of unsaturated ricinolic (ricinoleic) acid glyceride, the content of which reaches up to 80-85%. The oil also contains stearic, oleic, linoleic, dioxystearic acids and glycerin. In addition to oil, the seeds contain protein substances (14-17%), including toxalbumin, alkaloids (0.1-1.0%), nitrogen-free substances (10-12%), fiber (18-19%), and also extremely toxic protein substance - ricin. A pyridine alkaloid, ricinin, was found in all castor bean organs. Ricinin belongs to the group of alkaloids with a rare combination of substituents, the presence of a cyano group is especially characteristic in it. This alkaloid has been called "one of the most potent toxins known." This substance, obtained from castor beans (the so-called castor bean fruit), is many times more toxic than potassium cyanide, sarin gas, and cobra venom. Of the macronutrients in castor beans, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron were found; from trace elements - manganese, copper, zinc, chromium nickel, molybdenum, lead, selenium, beryllium.

Pharmacological properties

Castor oil has a laxative and cleansing effect. Upon entering the duodenum, the oil, under the influence of pancreatic juice lipase, is broken down to form glycerol and ricinolic acid, which have the ability to irritate the receptors of the intestinal mucosa and, as a result, cause a reflex increase in the peristalsis of the small intestines, and then the large intestines.

Under the influence of castor oil, the volume of intestinal contents increases, intestinal motility increases, and its emptying is accelerated. The oil remaining in the intestine facilitates the passage stool along the large intestine. The laxative effect develops 2-6 hours after taking the oil and weakens after a bowel movement.

Castor oil also causes a reflex contraction of the uterus (myometrium).

Application Features:

Pregnancy and lactation. The use of castor oil is contraindicated during pregnancy due to the possibility of its early termination. Application in III trimester pregnancy is only possible vital indications. If necessary, use during lactation should be discontinued. breast-feeding for the entire duration of treatment.

Use in pediatrics. The use of castor oil in children under 12 years of age is not recommended due to high sensitivity intestines of children to irritants and the risk of dehydration.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms. While taking castor oil, it is not recommended to drive a motor vehicle, you should refrain from other operator activities due to a possible violation of concentration during the onset of the effect.

Caution when using. It is not recommended to use castor oil as a laxative for more than 3 days, since digestion may be disturbed, as well as the absorption of vitamins A and D, with the development of corresponding hypovitaminosis. It is unacceptable to use castor oil in the treatment of drugs obtained from the male fern, because. at the same time, their systemic absorption and the development of a neurotoxic effect are possible.

Interaction with other drugs:

With simultaneous use reduces absorption fat soluble vitamins A, D and K. In doses up to 4 g / day, it increases the absorption of fat-soluble drugs - male fern extract, mebendazole, griseofulvin, probucol.

With simultaneous use with saline laxatives, a sharp increase in the laxative effect is possible.

M-anticholinergic agents (atropine sulfate, platifilin, pirenzepine), antispasmodics (papaverine, drotaverine) weaken the effect of castor oil.

Anticholinesterase agents (neostigmine, pyridostigmine, rivastigmine) and glycerin enhance the laxative effect of castor oil.

Enhances the effect of agents that stimulate the contractile activity of the myometrium (methylergometrine, ergometrine, oxytocin, prostaglandins) up to the threat of uterine rupture during childbirth.

At topical application increases transdermal absorption medicines applied together with it on the skin.


Chronic constipation;

Acute inflammatory diseases intestines (including appendicitis);

Mechanical intestinal obstruction;

Pain in the abdomen of unknown origin;

Intestinal and uterine bleeding;

Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis;

Tubulointerstitial nephritis;

Poisoning with fat-soluble poisons (including gasoline, carbon tetrachloride, male fern extract);


lactation period;

Children's age (up to 12 years).

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, castor oil is used as a laxative, a strong anthelmintic and diuretic, as well as in ointments for the treatment of burns, ulcers, skin softening and for rubbing into skin as a hair growth enhancer. Castor oil is used in home cosmetics for dry skin and hair care. Traditional medicine recommends castor oil for strengthening hair, for hair loss and baldness, against dandruff, as well as for strengthening nails, eyebrows and eyelashes. Bulgarian cosmetologists use castor oil mixed with essential oil plants to treat patchy baldness.

History reference

There is information about the healing properties of castor beans already in Egyptian papyri. The Egyptians and Greeks knew about the medicinal properties of castor oil, since ancient times the oil has been known as a good laxative. The ancient physician Galen (131-200 AD) prescribed it to his patients. Castor seeds have been found in the sarcophagi of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Images of castor beans adorned the walls of temples in Thebes, castor oil illuminated the temple in Elephantine. The ancient Egyptians in the 7th century BC castor beans were cultivated as a cultivated plant along the banks of rivers and ponds, in the Nile Valley. In Ethiopia and East Africa, castor beans were introduced into culture 4000 years ago, and brought to Russia in the 20th century.


1. Atlas of medicinal plants of the USSR / Ch. ed. N. V. Tsitsin. - M.: Medgiz. 1962. 702 p.

2. Biological encyclopedic dictionary (under the editorship of M.S. Gilyarov). M. 1986. 820 p.

3. Plant life. In 6 volumes / Ed. A.L. Takhtadzhyana M.: Enlightenment. 1981. V. 5. Part 2. S. 88-95.

4. Elenevsky A.G., M.P. Solovyova, V.N. Tikhomirov // Botany. Systematics of higher or land plants. M. 2004. 420 p.

5. Kleshchevina // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). SPb., 1890-1907.

6. Muravieva D. A. Tropical and subtropical medicinal plants: M.; The medicine. 1983. p. 56.

7. Peshkova G.I., Shreter A.I. Plants in home cosmetics and dermatology. M. 2001. S. 206-210.

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