What is the most effective teeth whitening? Gentle teeth whitening. Are modern professional teeth whitening methods safe?

A snow-white smile is the dream of many. Commercials and posters promote the absolute whiteness of teeth, dentistry offers many methods for whitening them, manufacturers of toothpastes and rinses promise stunning results in a week. What is the safest teeth whitening? Consider different methods and find the answer to this question.

Causes of enamel darkening

All causes of enamel discoloration are divided into external and internal. The former affect the outer layers, darkening is easily eliminated by bleaching. The second is due to changes in the state of the body. Let's briefly list both groups.

  1. The use of antibiotics, especially before the age of 8.
  2. hereditary factor.
  3. Age-related thinning of enamel.
  4. An excess of fluoride in the body.
  5. Dental diseases and injuries.

These factors must be dealt with in a complex manner, affecting the body from the inside. It is easier to get rid of plaque resulting from:

  1. The use of coloring drinks: lemonade, tea, coffee.
  2. The use of dyes in the composition of products.
  3. Inadequate brushing of teeth.
  4. smoking. Resinous smoke secretions leave yellow plaque, in heavy smokers it acquires a dark brown hue.

To get rid of the problem for a long time, it is necessary to identify the cause. FROM external factors can be fought by changing habits, strengthening oral hygiene. A specialist will help in working with internal risk factors.

Teeth whitening

AT last years dentistry has stepped forward so much that it can offer various whitening methods, ranging from the most gentle ones to ways to make teeth porcelain-white. In pursuit of fashion, do not forget about safety, some technologies have an aggressive effect on enamel.

The mechanism of its damage is simple: the whitening composition destroys not only the coloring pigment, but also the structure of the protective layer of the tooth. The result is increased sensitivity, the risk of caries, susceptibility to paints. It turns out that after such sessions you can not use colored products: wine, tea, coffee. Do not despair, safe whitening exists, although it is inferior in effectiveness.

Important! The period of enamel restoration varies depending on the age of the patient, his state of health.

Whitening and lightening: is there a difference?

The procedures are similar and often dental clients confuse concepts, in order to understand the difference, it is worth considering the principles of the methods.

During bleaching, chemical or photochemical reactions destroy the coloring pigments at different depths, discolor them (the depth indicator depends on the aggressiveness of the substance). Clarification involves the mechanical removal of plaque, tartar, all deposits that give the teeth an unpleasant color. The procedure is performed by various technologies, in general, the principle of operation is considered more gentle than whitening.

To choose the safest way to get a snow-white smile, you should understand potential risks, consider the principles of commonly encountered techniques.

Professional treatments

Some of the most common dental whitening treatments include:

  1. Professional cleaning. The session involves the cleansing of enamel from plaque and tartar. Mineral deposits are formed in the interdental spaces even with a full home care. Previously, cleaning was mechanical, so it severely injured the protective layer. Today good clinics use modern techniques. Ultrasound removes deposits, parallel to the water jet cools the teeth, which minimizes discomfort. At the second stage, the enamel is polished using abrasive pastes. Finally, the teeth are treated with a fluorine-containing composition that prevents the leaching of minerals. This technology is completely safe if you have no contraindications to it: arrhythmia, increased sensitivity of the teeth, enamel erosion, inflammation of the gums.
  2. Laser whitening It is one of the most expensive teeth whitening methods. A composition with active oxygen is applied to them, under the action of laser machine it penetrates into the inner layers, destroying deposits, removing colored areas. The technology will easily cope with persistent stains from coffee, cigarettes. The effect of one session remains for 2-3 years, average cost procedures 10000 rub. Experts assure that the technology is absolutely safe, but it is not recommended for pregnant, lactating women, adolescents.

Going to the dentist is expensive and time consuming. In the absence of these things, home whitening methods are suggested.

Home whitening products

This section discusses specially designed home remedies. Their use is preferably coordinated with a specialist.

Important! Self-whitening without consulting a doctor can lead to serious damage, thinning of the enamel.

  1. Whitening toothpastes. Products in this category vary in price and professionalism. The principle of their work is the content in the composition of soda, grinding enamel. This is a mechanical effect that can harm the protective properties of enamel.
  2. Mouthguards are considered by many dentists to be the safest home whitening method. A composition prepared by the manufacturer is placed in a plastic tank, then it is put on the jaw, the composition acts on the enamel, removing plaque. The tool is sold in pharmacies, has two options. Standard mouthguards are cheaper, but do not accept the features of the structure of the jaw. Thermoplastic caps are steamed and put on the teeth, taking their shape.
  3. Whitening pencil appeared a few years ago. It quickly gained popularity in European markets. A tube with a brush to apply the gel to the teeth. The active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide. Under the action of oxygen, it oxidizes, destroys plaque, but the structure of the enamel is also disturbed. The disadvantages of the method are the duration - a course of 2 weeks, the need to apply the gel 2 times a day. Without the supervision of a dentist, you run the risk of increasing the sensitivity of the enamel, provoking its destruction.

Important! Considering customer reviews, we conclude that the funds do not work as independent units, a comprehensive action is necessary.

Many prefer proven folk methods, so consider a few recipes.

Folk ways

The advantages of "grandmother's" recipes are accessibility and effectiveness. Are these methods safe? Let's consider each of the methods.

  1. Soda. The most famous way to whiten teeth. Add some baking soda to your toothpaste and brush your teeth as usual. The frequency of sessions should not exceed 1 time per week. Whiteness is achieved due to the abrasive properties of soda, but enamel particles are removed along with plaque, mechanical action damages it, thins it.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide is added to many pharmaceuticals for bleaching. It is impossible not to recognize its effectiveness. The result is noticeable after 14 days. Rinse your mouth with peroxide or wipe your teeth with a cotton pad soaked in it. Long-term use means leads to thinning of the enamel, increased sensitivity.
  3. Natural remedy - wood ash. Potassium hydroxide absorbs harmful substances, cleans teeth from plaque. Apply a small amount to your toothbrush and brush your teeth as you normally would. Do not use the product more than once a week. Activated charcoal can replace ash, it is available, sold in every pharmacy.
  4. Lemon juice is known for its bleaching properties. Put some juice on a cotton pad, wipe your teeth with it, leave the composition for a few minutes. Rinse your mouth warm water. High acidity does not allow the use of citrus for permanent use.
  5. The most delicious whitening agent is strawberry or strawberry puree. Mash ripe berries, apply the pulp on the teeth, wait a few minutes, rinse your mouth. The method gives a quick, but short-term effect.

Cons of folk remedies - duration. Depending on the condition of the teeth, the duration of the course stretches from 2 weeks to several months, evaluate in advance the possible risks to the enamel.

Summing up, the most safe ways teeth whitening - professional. The risks of damaging the enamel are minimized, while home methods are based on the aggressiveness of the product components or mechanical friction. Damaged enamel - fast track the appearance of caries, tooth sensitivity. Try to carry out good hygiene daily, once a year professional cleaning, then the smile will be snow-white.

Teeth whitening at home - video

Teeth whitening has become one of the most popular procedures in the world. aesthetic dentistry, at the same time it is considered one of the dangerous practices. Why? There are several reasons for this. Not wanting to take risks, many prefer safe teeth whitening. You will learn about what it is and how other methods can be dangerous in this article.

Why is teeth whitening dangerous?

Any teeth whitening, whether at home or in office, is based on just one chemical reaction. It is based on hydrogen peroxide or other substances with similar properties. Popularly, peroxide is better known as ordinary peroxide, which is very often used to disinfect wounds.
As part of the active whitening gel, this substance, upon contact with the enamel, begins to release free oxygen atoms. They penetrate the enamel and push out of it all the dirt and dyes that have accumulated there for years.
Actually, this is the basic principle of whitening. All other actions, whether it be holding under special lamps, laser treatment, etc., are necessary only in order to speed up the reaction and improve the effect.

The bleaching result depends on the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the bleaching gel. The more it is, the faster the teeth will become white, but here lies the first danger of such a procedure. If you choose the wrong concentration, there may be problems with the sensitivity of the teeth, the enamel will deteriorate, become more fragile and unprotected.
Before each procedure, the dentist first checks the condition of the teeth and decides what dosage will be safe for them. Even such precautions are useless if you repeat professional whitening based on a fairly large concentration of active gel regularly.
Problems can also arise due to the fact that the gel gets on the mucous membrane. To avoid this, a number of measures are taken, but to observe such precautions when home whitening just impossible. Very often, during such procedures, people get chemical burns. The gums are most often affected. With a burn, the damaged part of the gum dies, the tooth becomes exposed, becomes less protected. Suffering a lot appearance smiles.
It is believed that such dangers are associated only with home whitening, and office whitening cannot cause any harm to the patient or his teeth. Is it so? Is in-office teeth whitening safe?

Are modern professional teeth whitening methods safe?

There are a number of precautions for in-office whitening:
1) Before starting the procedure, the patient undergoes a thorough examination. In some cases, the dentist may even refuse to perform whitening due to the poor quality of the enamel.
2) The patient is put on a protective gown. This prevents active gel from getting on clothes and fading.
3) Points are given. They protect the eyes from the gel and the harmful effects of the light of a halogen lamp or laser.
4) A latch is inserted into the mouth. He keeps his mouth open and opens his lips. Thus, sudden closing of the mouth is prevented. It is easier for the patient to hold out the whole procedure. Closing the mouth during the procedure can be fraught with injury and poor results.
5) The gums are covered with a protective gel. Thus, the bleaching agent will definitely not get on them.
6) Appointed after some time additional reception. During it, the specialist will evaluate the result and re-check the condition of the enamel.

All these measures make in-office whitening, whether laser or photo-procedure, the safest of all. When conducting it, they try to exclude all possible consequences. Safe whitening teeth in dentistry is very popular. However, no one is immune from mistakes.
The dentist may not pay attention to any dental disease or not take into account one of the factors. As a result, the patient will get a strong increase in tooth sensitivity.
Very often, problems arise due to the fact that the patient begins to constantly repeat the procedure. The initial result is no longer satisfactory. Most often, such fanatics of white teeth do not pay due attention to their smile and the only thing they do for its beauty is whitening. This approach is extremely dangerous. Already after three procedures, the enamel is greatly depleted, after the fifth it already loses its original strength. Gradually new problems begin to appear. The condition of the teeth is deteriorating.
Already after the first professional procedure, dentists recommend paying attention to home methods, which are mostly more gentle. But are they safe?

Is home whitening safe?

To begin with, we need to clarify a little what we mean by the concept of home whitening. It can be professional or non-professional.
Professional home whitening is mouthguards that are made individually for each patient and correspond to all the parameters of his dentition. Attached to the trays are several tubes of active gel with the necessary for good result the concentration of the active substance. Before such bleaching, as well as before office procedures, the patient undergoes full examination. Periodically, he will have to visit a dentist who monitors the effectiveness and correctness of the course in absentia. The course itself can last from several weeks to several months. The patient applies the gel every day in a cap and puts it on his teeth. It takes about 30 minutes to wear.

If you wonder what is the safest teeth whitening among home methods, then this question should be answered that it is professional. If you follow all the prescriptions of the doctor, it does not carry any harm. In addition, such procedures can be carried out even for patients with hypersensitivity, because in the active gel, as a rule, there is a very small concentration of hydrogen peroxide. The main effect is achieved by periodically repeating the procedure.
Non-professional whitening includes various pastes, strips, caps and folk remedies.
It is worth talking about non-professional methods in more detail. It cannot be said unequivocally that all of them are harmful and not suitable for anyone. Some remedies can actually give results, and without any consequences. I would like to note right away that before any such experiment, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Otherwise, the blame for the harm caused to you by such means lies only on your shoulders. All manufacturers indicate recommendations on the need for consultation on the packaging of their products, and in the most prominent places. Well, now in order.
Whitening strips from good trusted companies give great effect for a short time. If you follow the instructions correctly, they will not do any harm. Nevertheless, you need to carefully monitor that during the procedure the strip does not come into contact with the mucous membrane, otherwise the burn cannot be avoided.

toothpaste too excellent tool for bleaching. Of course, due to the low concentration of the active substance, they will not give a stunning result, but they are quite capable of lightening the enamel by a couple of tones. Regular use of such pastes can not be. Dentists recommend giving up this paste for at least a month after the course. Otherwise, the enamel may be depleted.
All other pharmacy and store-bought whitening products should be treated with extreme caution. Most of them give excellent results, but the concentration active substances often exceeds all limits of reason. Enamel cracks and burns are very common consequences of using such products.
Folk remedies for whitening are a complete mockery of the teeth. Abrasives, such as baking soda or activated charcoal, which are advised to periodically brush your teeth, are only suitable for people with very strong enamel, and these are extremely rare. In all other cases, it is better not to get carried away with such experiments. Enamel is very easily scratched and after that it can no longer fully protect the tooth.
You should completely forget about home teeth whitening based on hydrogen peroxide. Many, having learned that it is she who is the main substance of office and any other professional whitening, decide to pay more - this is stupid. Thus, various lotions, masks and brushing teeth with peroxide are invented. Just think, in professional methods, the concentration of the agent rarely exceeds 40%, and then this is already considered extremely dangerous and is used only under the supervision of a dentist. In professional home methods, the concentration of peroxide is usually about 20%. Pharmacies sell vials with 70% hydrogen peroxide, even when the drug is diluted with paste or water, the concentration is still critical. Putting such a mixture on your teeth is just a mockery. As a rule, immediately after such an experiment, you will find several fresh cracks on the enamel, and your teeth will start to hurt.

If you look, then any whitening can be dangerous, but isn't there one that does not harm absolutely anyone? In fact, there is such a technique. We will talk about it in the next section.

Which teeth whitening is the safest?

To answer this question, we need to understand why our teeth need whitening so often. From birth, each person, of course, is not perfect, but a rather white smile. It gets darker as it gets older. This is influenced various products food with dyes, especially sweet soda, poor ecology, various diseases oral cavity. In adulthood, smoking, alcohol, a large number of strong tea and coffee.
All these dyes accumulate on the enamel and gradually penetrate into it. In addition, plaque is formed, which also has a rather unpleasant yellowish tint. Actually, it is from these contaminants that our teeth lose their original color.
Professional whitening not only destroys these impurities, but also brightens the native pigment of the teeth, making them porcelain. This effect is not for everyone. It looks especially strange on people with very fair skin. Often too white teeth have a blue or pink tint, which is not at all characteristic of natural enamel. Ideally, the color of the teeth should match the color of the whites of the eyes. In most cases, from birth, we get just such a shade of enamel.
The question immediately arises, but it’s easier then just to clean all these coloring pollution. That is where we are heading. The safest method of bleaching does not apply to bleaching.
This procedure is called water-abrasive cleaning or AirFlow. It consists in applying a suspension of water and soda to the teeth with additional components. The composition is fed under fairly high pressure, and the apparatus makes several thousand rotations of the nozzle per second. As a result, the suspension gets even into the most hard-to-reach areas of the teeth. It cleans the enamel from all impurities and dyes, gradually returning it to its original appearance.

The procedure not only significantly brightens the teeth and is an excellent prevention of almost all diseases of the oral cavity.

How much will it cost to whiten teeth safely?

The average rates in Moscow are as follows:
Laser teeth whitening - from 17 to 25 thousand rubles.
Photo- or ZOOM-whitening - from 15 thousand rubles.
Home teeth whitening course - from 5 thousand rubles.
Teeth whitening strips - from 2 thousand rubles.
Whitening toothpaste - 300-500 rubles.
AirFlow - from 2.5 thousand rubles per jaw.

Is it worth it to lighten the enamel on your own or is it better to consult a doctor? What are the safest methods? We offer you to learn more about popular methods of teeth whitening, their effectiveness and consequences.

How safe is teeth whitening?

Impact on the enamel of aggressive chemical substances(acids, peroxides) destroys its structure and washes out calcium, making teeth vulnerable to various damages. In addition, if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, burns of the gums and oral mucosa are possible. Another negative consequence is the porosity of the enamel, which, when used with coloring products, leads to a rapid re-darkening of the teeth.

The safest teeth whitening methods in dentistry

Despite the possible side effects, many decide to resort to brightening the enamel. But first, you should learn more about the options. To determine the safest way to whiten teeth, we will review known tools and techniques.


The photobleaching procedure, which helps to lighten the enamel by 8-12 tones, is performed only in a clinic. The essence of the method is as follows - the patient's teeth are cleaned of plaque, a protective composition is applied to them, and then a special preparation containing hydrogen peroxide. Under the action of LED, halogen or ultraviolet lamp, the active substance releases a highly active form of oxygen, which whitens the enamel.

The session lasts 10-20 minutes and immediately gives a noticeable result. If the degree of lightening of the patient's enamel is not satisfactory, photobleaching can be repeated after a week, but total number procedures should not exceed seven.

Is teeth whitening safe with this method? Photobleaching has a minimum side effects, but nevertheless, when it is carried out, it is possible to increase the sensitivity of the teeth to irritants for several days after the procedure. In addition, individual intolerance to the active substance by the patient is not excluded. The procedure is not carried out if there is carious process in tooth tissues and tooth abrasion.

Laser teeth whitening

Another way to whiten teeth harm to enamel is the use of a laser. The procedure resembles photobleaching, but instead of lamps, a laser beam serves as a catalyst for the brightening gel. It takes 1-2 minutes to process each tooth.

Individual caps are more effective, as they provide direct contact of the clarifying gel with. With regard to the safety of the procedure, the use pharmacy kits, and even more so purchased in unverified places - not the safest way to whiten your teeth. There is a possibility of allergic reactions and damage to the oral mucosa by the active substance.

If the procedure is carried out under the supervision of a doctor and with the use of individual casts, its safety is increased. The dentist will clearly explain to the patient the rules for putting on a cap, conduct a test for intolerance to the whitening gel. Also, their tighter fit minimizes the contact of the active substance with the gums and oral mucosa.

Among side effects procedures - increased sensitivity of teeth during the whitening period, local allergic reactions, enamel damage if the rules of use are not followed. The use is contraindicated in diseases of the oral mucosa and gums, violation of the integrity of the enamel, piercing oral cavity, less than a month ago.

Teeth whitening strips and pencils

Pencils and designed for home use which is very convenient. But is it always possible to whiten teeth without harming the enamel with this method?

Lightening strips are small pieces of perforated polyethylene, on which a gel containing hydrogen peroxide is applied. They are applied to the front teeth and kept for the specified time, usually from 5 minutes to half an hour.

Procedures are carried out daily for 2 weeks. During this time, lightening by 4 tones is possible. The weak severity of the whitening effect is associated with a low concentration of the active substance. This is necessary so that the product is safe and does not cause significant harm to health when possible mistakes in application.

While whitening strips are potentially harmless, they can cause tooth sensitivity, gum irritation, and oral mucosal irritation. The risk increases if a person has inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and / or thinned enamel.

If the whitening strips were not manufactured with safety in mind and are too high concentration peroxide, tooth enamel can also be damaged. More often this happens when using non-certified Chinese-made products.

The same can be said about . They are tubes with gel and a built-in brush for its distribution. The composition is applied to the front teeth, after which you need a few more minutes (from 1 to 10, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations) to continue smiling. During this time, the hydrogen peroxide in the composition will have the necessary effect.

After the procedure, the mouth should be rinsed and refrain from eating for an hour. In total, up to 14 whitening procedures are carried out. To avoid damage to enamel and gums, it is better to give preference to American, Italian or Spanish-made products, avoiding Chinese fakes. Also, before buying, it is important to make sure that the concentration of peroxide in active substance does not exceed 12%.

Whitening toothpastes

Some people believe that the easiest way to whiten teeth without damaging the enamel is with a toothpaste. Is it so? To begin with, you need to consider that the term "whitening" in the case of toothpastes is not entirely accurate. Even specialized formulations clean the enamel rather than lighten it.

The effect is achieved due to the presence of the following components in the pastes:

  • potassium or sodium pyrophosphates, which make hard deposits on the surface of the enamel more pliable;
  • enzymes that destroy the protein matrix of plaque - papain, bromelain;
  • abrasive particles various shapes and origin.

The packaging of such pastes may indicate that they contain active oxygen (carbamide peroxide), but its concentration is so low that there is no need to talk about chemical bleaching. The low efficiency of the method allows you to make the enamel lighter by only 2-3 tones.

Is teeth whitening with toothpaste dangerous? Means with a low and medium level of abrasiveness are completely harmless. But highly abrasive toothpastes contribute to accelerated enamel abrasion and the appearance of hypersensitivity. For those who already suffer from tooth hypersensitivity, any cleaning compositions with hard particles are contraindicated.

Traditional medicine for teeth whitening

You can often hear the opinion that the most harmless teeth whitening is carried out by natural and home remedies. It is especially common among adherents of traditional medicine.

However, dentists do not share this view. To understand the dangers of teeth whitening at home, consider the principle of operation of popular folk methods enamel lightening.

Usually for this purpose it is suggested to use:

  1. Soda, salt, charcoal . These substances are highly abrasive and damage tooth enamel. In addition, careless use can damage the surface of the gums and provoke their inflammation.
  2. Lemon juice and zest. Fruit acids are natural, but not harmless. They have an aggressive effect on tooth enamel, contribute to its thinning.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide solution . Ordinary peroxide intended for disinfection, when applied to teeth, really whitens them, but can behave unpredictably, and irritation of the oral mucosa is almost guaranteed. In addition, this method more often than others leads to increased sensitivity of the teeth and thinning of the enamel.
But apart from dangerous methods, ethnoscience offers and relatively harmless. One of them is application. At correct use it removes well, has an antibacterial effect and improves the microflora of the oral cavity. Also, the use of gruel from strawberries and strawberries, which gently cleans the enamel, will not cause harm.

However, the effectiveness of these methods is low. Do not expect lightening by more than 1-2 tones.

What methods of teeth whitening are considered the safest and most effective

So which teeth whitening is the safest and most effective? It can be said with confidence that it is easier to get a snow-white smile without damaging the enamel under the supervision of a doctor. Only in-office whitening methods provide pronounced teeth whitening (up to 12 tones). During the procedure, the dentist controls the effect of the whitening gel, monitors the condition of the gums and oral mucosa.

The use of a bleaching composition without catalysts, as well as laser and photobleaching, are quite safe, although side effects are still possible. In any case, it must be remembered that teeth whitening is not completely harmless and the risks should be carefully weighed before it is carried out.

The right decision would be to first carry out a professional cleaning of the teeth from plaque and calculus. Sometimes the effect of this procedure is enough for the desired lightening of the enamel.

The safest and most gentle teeth whitening in dentistry is in-office whitening. When choosing a method, it is worth listening to the opinion of the doctor and not insisting on the procedure if contraindications are identified for it.

Chemical bleaching of teeth is far from harmless and should not be abused. If the enamel is prone to yellowing, in order to maintain the whitening result for a long time, it is necessary to monitor and avoid coloring products (coffee, wine, dark berries, colored carbonated drinks). Thanks to regular dental care and visiting the dentist for at least 1 time in 6 months, you will forget about plaque and its unpleasant consequences.

Useful video about teeth whitening

Each of us, who decides to "refresh" his own smile, involuntarily asks himself the question - is teeth whitening safe? A lot has been written and said about this procedure, and now it is no secret that most dentists, despite the potential profit, refuse to provide this service to their clients.

The fact is that only a small part of them wants to take responsibility for the patient's dental disease in the future. And even more so, a competent dentist will never recommend a person who turns to him to use the so-called "folk remedies" to create a Hollywood smile.

« Is safe teeth whitening really a fantasy?? you will surely ask. Not really. Modern medicine does not stand still and is being improved literally every day, thanks to which the most gentle, gentle and delicate aesthetic procedures are being introduced into it.

However, some manipulations are still extremely harmful to health. And, oddly enough, it is they who are in the highest demand among consumers.

Is teeth whitening harmful?

Most of the “horror stories” about teeth whitening did not appear from scratch. This is evidenced by multiple negative reviews of people who have experienced these procedures. Among the most noticeable side effects, patients of dentists distinguish a significant increase in the sensitivity of tooth enamel.

Literally - it becomes simply impossible to drink hot or eat cold, so intense discomfort! Hypersensitivity of the teeth always occurs against the background of thinning of the enamel. And enamel, in turn, is a fundamental barrier to the inside of the tooth. The thinner and weaker it is, the more susceptible its owner is to rapidly progressive caries and pulpitis.

Besides, this problem often complicated by gum disease, up to excruciating gingivitis. Is it worth the risk just for the sake of an unnaturally snow-white smile - everyone decides for himself.

However, competent and honest dentists stand their ground - where is it better to carry out a professional sanitation of the oral cavity and return the “native” shade to the teeth, additionally cleaning them from plaque and stone, than applying laser methods literally destroying the enamel.

In this regard, whitening procedures carried out at home deserve special attention. AT recent times each of us daily faces a stream of unnecessary, useless, and sometimes even dangerous misinformation.

For example, many "female" sites are full of headlines that teeth can be easily whitened with conventional products, which can be found in almost every kitchen. The most inappropriate way to supposedly “safe” teeth whitening at home is to clean them with concentrated lemon juice.

You should understand well why doctors recommend taking acidic medicines and solutions through a straw or pouring directly into the throat - any acid, especially such a “vigorous" one as citric acid, destroys enamel almost instantly. What do you think happens to the surface of the tooth when you rub it with this very acid, and even add hard mechanical friction?

Relatively safe methods teeth whitening at home are brushing with baking soda and activated carbon. However, you must understand that they act solely due to the effect of tiny abrasive particles on the enamel, which means that they can only provide lightening to a natural tone. It is clearly not necessary to expect from these methods the effect of a smile of a Hollywood diva.

How can you whiten your teeth?

For those who crave a snow-white smile, qualified dentists often recommend soft remedies for bleaching. Among them are enamel, special adhesive strips, abrasive pastes.

All of them, again, are time bombs, however, if you do not use them very often, nothing bad will happen. In addition, it is important to act strictly according to the instructions or personal recommendations of a specialist.

Among the modern safe teeth whitening techniques in dentistry, it is worth highlighting:

  • Professional sanitation of the oral cavity followed by the application of a special calcined paste (polishing effect);
  • "Zoom" systems;
  • Ultrasonic whitening.

Most the right decision it's up to you to whiten your teeth at a reputable, trusted dentistry. If the reviews about her doctors are positive, you can be sure that they will not recommend you potentially harmful procedure. Competent doctors are now worth their weight in gold, so each of them values ​​\u200b\u200bhis reputation too much to put it at risk because of a dubious one-time benefit.

But new dental clinics that open almost weekly should be avoided. Here you will be met" with open arms” and will carry out any manipulations on demand, even if they go against all common sense.

The main goal of these establishments is ordinary profit, so you should be ready for anything when asking for help from their medical staff.

We also recommend that you beware of private clinics and offices full of promotions and discounts - quality drugs and instruments for dentistry are expensive even in cost, without taking into account the profit and work of the doctor.

Advice : turning to new clinic or dental office, do not hesitate to request licenses and documents authorizing medical practice. If you decide to whiten your teeth with a laser, the doctor must have a document confirming the successful completion of specialized training or advanced training. Also, do not be afraid to ask questions about the specific flow of patients and how many people have already had a chance to "make happy" a particular doctor during his practice.

Do not rush into the first clinic you come across - be sure to check the "testimony" of doctors with real reviews about their work on the Internet.

safe teeth whitening at home

Now on sale there are a lot of products that provide a whitening effect - from ordinary household pastes to professional enamels and polishes. All of them, as you might guess, are dispensed "without a prescription". But it is much better and more acceptable to use them than recipes for rinsing with iodine, cleaning with citric acid and soda compresses.

You should not skimp on quality products, otherwise you will have to pay much more money for treatment later.

What teeth whiteninghome is the safest?

  • Specialized pastes;
  • Enamels for teeth whitening;
  • Calcined polishes for daily use in a course;
  • Activated charcoal or soda (if used no more than once every six months);
  • Compresses based on tea tree oil.

Rinse your mouth with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide (2 tablespoons per glass of water). If the temptation to resort to the use of lemon is too great - use the zest: just wipe your teeth with it after brushing in the evening for 7-10 days.

What is safe teeth whitening?

  • Apply white paper to your teeth. If your enamel is yellow compared to it, the use of "folk" methods is acceptable: the benefits will balance the harm. If the enamel is gray, you should contact a specialist and do not take any unauthorized measures!;
  • Immediately stop the procedure if discomfort, hypersensitivity and soreness of the teeth appear;
  • Visit a specialist regularly preventive examinations. Do not be afraid to tell him what method you are using - if it is decidedly unacceptable for you, it is better to find out about it in time and from the lips of a professional;
  • Don't experiment on yourself. They can cost you dearly in the future. And the saddest thing is that you will obviously not pay in monetary terms;
  • And most importantly, keep in mind: “folk” is not always a synonym for “harmless”!

Are there safe ways to whiten teeth? As you can see, there is no single answer to this question. Dentists unanimously assure that any whitening is harmful, the only question is how soon and how much.

Modern beauty standards dictate their own conditions, which are often difficult to fulfill. flawless slim figure, well-groomed skin, luxurious hair, white teeth- all these are the components of success, a sign that a person takes no last place in society. Exercise and support healthy style nutrition is healthy and good habits to help you get the look you want. Cosmetic procedures contribute to the acquisition of a well-groomed appearance. The hardest part is the teeth. They do not want to become snow-white, like the heroes of advertising and show stars. But this little detail - not perfectly white teeth - can spoil the whole image created with such difficulty. Therefore, teeth whitening is one of the most popular procedures that many try to implement, using far from the most harmless methods for this.

Something about the natural whiteness of teeth

Everyone knows this - natural whiteness of teeth does not exist. This could be put an end to, if not for the amazing ability of the representatives of humanity to wishful thinking. The desire for a snow-white smile, of course, is a tribute to fashion. But almost everyone strives for it, although it does not exist by nature in anyone, except for small children during the eruption of milk teeth. "Sugar" - white teeth of show business stars, models and actors - is the result of a huge work of dentists. Teeth whitening is a whole industry that can be separated into a separate industry.

The color of a person's tooth enamel, depending on the race to which he belongs, his geographical place of residence, can be white with a yellowish, bluish, brownish or gray tint. The brightest teeth in the representatives of the Negroid race. But, if you look closely, they seem snow-white in contrast to the dark skin.

Russians are traditionally fair-skinned, and their original tooth color is rather yellowish, with a hint of baked milk. But the inhabitants of America have gray teeth, although the fashion for a Hollywood smile came to us from there.

By the way. The more natural the color of the enamel, the healthier and stronger teeth- they know it professional dentists, but patients do not want to recognize.

16 shades of white

The color of tooth enamel, already not distinguished by whiteness, constantly darkens during human life. The fight for a Hollywood smile is not a one-time event. Unnatural whiteness of the teeth, provided that it can be achieved at all, will have to be maintained in various ways.

By the way. Some people will not be able to whiten their teeth to the state of "sugar". Enamel color is a genetic trait that is inherited. If the parents and their parents have dark teeth, the child, as an adult, will also acquire a dark shade of enamel, along with permanent teeth.

Tooth enamel is constantly affected by factors that deprive it of whiteness and radiance, making teeth dull and dark.

  1. Smoking.
  2. The use of foods and drinks that stain the enamel.
  3. Insufficient hygiene.
  4. Damage to the dental tissue, causing it to darken.

Professional dentistry distinguishes today 16 shades of white teeth, which are the norm.

Table. Tooth whiteness gradation according to the Vita scale

Each tone has its own degree of intensity, which increases from one to four. So, the normal shade of the teeth of the average European is A3. That is yellowish brown. In this case, the teeth are considered healthy. Shades A1 and A2 indicate that the dental tissue is fragile, the enamel is thinned, and the teeth cannot be called strong and healthy.

That's why for someone to lighten their teeth to the "Hollywood" standard, whitening pastes are enough. And someone, having tried all the most radical means, comes to the conclusion that only artificial overlays can solve the problem.

But not all for whitening are treated in dental clinic. Basically, these are those who need a snow-white smile in their profession. Famous people, in which even the color of the teeth becomes public. Most citizens try to lighten the enamel on their own, at home, causing irreparable damage to the teeth and getting serious dental problems.

People are willing to do anything to make their teeth whiter. And modern dentistry, and traditional medicine provide a lot of opportunities for this. But if you really want to have not only snow-white, but also healthy teeth, it is worth choosing sparing from the numerous ways of whitening.

The higher the safety, the less the whitening effect. Many reason in this way, and resort to destructive, but, in their opinion, effective methods, combining soda with citric acid, adding hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, and rubbing this "explosive mixture" into tooth enamel.

Important! The short-term effect that is achieved after the use of aggressive abrasives or acids disappears again as soon as the teeth are covered with another portion of the inevitable plaque. Repeated applications lead to the destruction of the enamel layer and damage to the dental tissue.

How really safe for health and without negative consequences gently whiten your teeth?

Top 10 Safe Teeth Whitening Products

This whitening method can be quite effective if you strictly follow the instructions for use and do not violate the permissible frequency of use. In this case, it will not harm the enamel, remove plaque and, due to cleaning, return the natural color to the teeth. If an abrasive is added to the paste, cleaning will be mechanical. If it contains acid, you can achieve lightening by one or two tones.

To achieve the whitening effect within a month, you can regularly (but not more often than the instructions prescribe) use whitening strips. They are coated with a brightener. The strips are applied to the dentition for a maximum of half an hour. You can lighten the enamel in this way up to three tones. The result will last for several months if you do not abuse products containing coloring pigment and do not smoke. The strips have a drawback - they do not whiten the interdental space, adhering only to the frontal plane of the tooth.

By the way. There are cheap whitening strips, and there are expensive ones that are not just applied to the dentition, but are securely fixed on it. With these strips, you can talk and do the usual household chores. The effect of their use can last up to six months.

3. Whitening gels

Use at home, after prior consultation with a dentist, whitening gels can be used. The simplest variety is a composition that has the consistency of a gel, which is applied with a brush to the surface that needs to be bleached. The gel remains on the enamel until it is washed away by saliva. This is not long, but during this time, the brightening components act on the enamel, simultaneously disinfecting the oral cavity and protecting the tooth surface from plaque. The gel can be lightened by 3-4 tones without harm to enamel and dentin, of course, following the instructions.

They differ from the gel, which is applied with a brush, its composition and method of application. The principle is the same - the clarifier is in contact with the tooth surface. But for caps, the mixture is much more potent. It is filled with a special plastic or latex construction, which is put on the dentition from above and below. This ensures close contact of the bleach with the enamel, and for a course of application, which is several weeks, you can lighten it by 5-6 tones.

5. Whitening pencil

This tool helps to cope well with fragmentary darkening of the enamel, for example, coffee stains, partial yellowing of teeth in smokers. Pencils with a whitening composition are available in two varieties - requiring rinsing and not requiring. The concentration of the clarifier in them is weaker than in the cap gel. They are designed not for total whitening, but for spot application.

6. Ultrasonic whitening

Rather, cleansing and, due to this, clarification. This procedure not only safe, but also absolutely necessary if you are looking after your dental health. Professional whitening with ultrasound in the clinic is the most common and popular mechanical way. In the process of cleaning the enamel, plaque and tartar are removed. In this case, the enamel is not only not damaged, but is also treated with special antimicrobial substances and polished. No matter how dark the natural pigmentation of your dentin is, it still needs to be cleaned of deposits, at least once a year. And if the teeth themselves are naturally light, after ultrasonic exposure they will become almost snow-white and shiny.

In world dentistry, this method is considered the most effective, safe and fast. The procedure is painless, maximum clarification, no harm to the enamel. In just an hour, including preparation and final processing, you will get the Hollywood smile of your dreams. Laser ray affects the enamel coating with a special gel composition applied. In this case, oxygen is released from the gel, the molecules of which penetrate shallowly into the enamel layer, removing dark spots. Even heavy smokers and coffee drinkers, with regular laser whitening every few years, can permanently have bright teeth.

8. Chemical bleaching

The procedure can be called sparing conditionally. In chemical bleaching, acids are used, which, penetrating into the enamel layer deeper than oxygen molecules, can achieve a greater effect and make even naturally dark teeth truly “sugar” (lightening is possible up to 10-12 tones). If this procedure is shown to you, it will not harm the enamel. But in the presence of even minor damage or defects in the enamel layer, microcracks, chips, open carious lesions, the doctor simply will not do chemical bleaching, offering an alternative, more gentle way.

9. Photobleaching

This method allows you to brighten even sensitive teeth having chips and even bare roots. Before the procedure, a special gel is applied to the gum tissue, which protects it from exposure to a photo lamp. Then, caps with gel are put on the dentition. A photo lamp is installed, which, with a light beam of a certain spectrum, acts on the light-active catalyst contained in the gel. After the procedure, remineralization is performed. For the greatest effect a minimum of three treatments are required. Teeth can be lightened by 5-8 tones.

10. Gentle folk ways

Of the whitening methods offered by traditional medicine, there are few safe ones. Most of them, such as soda, peroxide, carbon, citric acid, aggressively affect tooth enamel, leading to its deterioration and weakening, and can also cause gum burns.

The most gentle, but not very effective ways:

Who should not whiten their teeth

Give up the teeth whitening procedure and part with the dream of Hollywood smile costs the following categories of patients.

Video - Teeth Whitening

After bleaching

It is important to follow the rules for caring for your teeth after the whitening procedure. If you have achieved the desired result and become the owner of snow-white teeth, do not think that this is forever. After a few months, if the result is not maintained, they will again become covered with a dirty coating.

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