During the next visit. What will happen for the untimely appearance of the patient for an appointment? Specializing in "Medicine"

During the next visit to the children's polyclinic, did the pediatrician hear a heart murmur in your child? The worst thing that parents can do in this case is to start panicking. With a fright, you can do a lot of stupid things, but in this situation you need to get together and act. At first, it is advisable to consult a pediatric cardiologist and understand not only the intricacies of terms that the baby’s card will be full of, but also try to figure out how to deal with this problem.

Heart murmurs in children: what you need to know

For the sake of reassurance for parents, it is worth saying that basically, heart murmurs in a child do not indicate any serious problems. Strictly speaking, they are divided into three main types: functional (they are also called "innocent"), acquired and congenital.

As for functional heart murmurs in children, their causes may be rheumatism or disruption of the heart muscle. This type of pathology occurs in many young children. As you grow older, the noises disappear, and by reaching adolescence, you can forget about them altogether. The diagnosis is made by a cardiologist for the sole purpose of: at subsequent examinations, the parents should inform the doctor that such disorders have already been detected before.

Functional noises do not lead to disruption of the circulatory system, therefore they do not have any effect on the heart and other organs. Most often, they indicate changes in the baby's body (and such noises are mainly found in newborns), and are the result of the adaptation of the cardiovascular system to life outside the womb. It happens all the same, but much less often, that such problems are also found in adults, but this is rather an exception to the rule. According to statistics, up to 50% of all diagnosed heart murmurs are of such a “safe” nature.

The cause of pathological noises is considered to be congenital anomalies of the heart, which lead to impaired blood circulation. Usually, the diagnosis is made very early (in the first months of a child’s life), because there are quite expressive symptoms on the face: cyanosis of the skin, shortness of breath, developmental delay, etc. But sometimes nothing but noises indicate deviations in the work of a small heart, and not only parents , but doctors themselves may lose sight of a rather dangerous violation. Worse, heart murmurs may not even be audible, but are detected only when the blood circulation has already been rebuilt in a certain way. If, over time, heart murmurs increase, this is a very unfavorable symptom.

With regard to acquired heart murmurs in a child, their causes are most often rheumatic attacks that provoke inflammation of the heart valves. As a result, scars remain on them, which negatively affect normal blood flow. The detection of murmurs in the heart that were not previously observed clearly indicates an active rheumatic process. But in this case, other signs will also appear in parallel: changes in blood counts, fever, etc. If these symptoms are not observed, it is possible that heart murmurs are provoked by old scars after a previous attack of rheumatism.

Congenital murmurs, as the name implies, are heard most often in the first months of a child's life (very rarely - after a few years). They signal heart disease that is not associated with the inflammatory process. In this case, it is not the noises themselves that should be disturbing, but how the congenital defect will affect the work of a small heart. In a child, the disease may be accompanied by growth retardation, cyanosis of the skin, and breathing problems. Children with congenital heart murmurs need constant monitoring by specialists, and in especially severe cases, they may need surgery. With congenital heart murmurs in a child, parents should try to protect him from the slightest infection. Even when visiting a dentist, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the illness of a small patient, since the risk of infection also exists during dental treatment.

Required Research

If a heart murmur is detected in a child, it would be advisable to conduct a series of additional studies in order to accurately determine the cause and develop the correct treatment strategy.

Ultrasound (echocardiography, or Echo-KG) is considered one of the main diagnostic methods. This is an absolutely safe and painless way to determine any disturbances in the work of the heart, which, moreover, is highly informative. Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to obtain an image of the heart in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional projections. In addition, the method allows you to learn about the speed of blood flow and pressure in certain parts of the vascular system. Making the correct diagnosis depends on the skill of the specialist who will interpret the results.

In addition to Echo-KG, problems in the work of the heart are diagnosed using computed or magnetic resonance imaging. Such research methods are very useful if it is necessary to simultaneously monitor the state of several body systems, for example, cardiovascular and respiratory. The complexity of these techniques lies in the fact that for their correct implementation, complete immobility of the patient is necessary, and it is quite difficult to achieve this from a small child. Therefore, if necessary, for the correct diagnosis, the study can be carried out under anesthesia. Not a very pleasant nuance can also be called the high cost of these procedures.

If it is necessary to determine the oxygen content and pressure in the cavities of the heart, the doctor may prescribe catheterization. In this case, a contrast agent is injected into the vein in order to visualize the cavities of the heart and blood vessels (angiocardiography). Such a study, due to the complexity of the conduct, may require the stay of a small patient in a hospital.

Text: Tatyana Okonevskaya

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During the next patronage visit to a 1-year-old child, the paramedic drew attention to the presence of a sharp pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. The mother reported that the child quickly gets tired, irritable, inactive, noted loss of appetite. When questioning the mother, it was possible to establish that the child's diet was monotonous, milk porridge twice a day. Prefers not to give fruits and vegetables, fearing indigestion. On such a diet, the child gains weight, which pleased the mother. They live in a hostel and rarely go out.

On examination: the condition of the baby is satisfactory. Severe pallor of the skin and secretion of mucous membranes, peripheral lymph nodes are not enlarged. From the side of the heart: a systolic murmur is heard. The abdomen is soft, the liver protrudes 2 cm from the hypochondrium. From the anamnesis it was found out that the child was born full-term, on mixed feeding from 1 month, often had ARVI.


2. Name additional symptoms to clarify the diagnosis, tell us about the method of their detection.

4. Diagnostic study plan.

5. Vegetable puree technique .

Sample answers

1. The child can be assumed to have mild iron deficiency anemia. The main symptoms of the disease are: pale skin, fatigue, irritability, loss of appetite, lethargy. A systolic murmur is heard in the child's heart, the liver is enlarged. Reasons: one-sided milk nutrition, frequent illnesses, poor care and poor living conditions.

5. Demonstrate the technique of intravenous administration of 10% calcium chloride solution. .

Sample answers

1. Diagnosis: gastric ulcer, complicated by bleeding.

The conclusion was given on the basis of complaints and an objective examination: vomiting "coffee grounds", dizziness, weakness, pallor of the skin, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, pain in the epigastric region.

2. First aid - lay the patient down, cold on the stomach area, swallow pieces of ice, urgent hospitalization in a hospital, consultation with a surgeon.

3. Diagnostic study plan in the hospital:

a) general analysis of blood, urine;

b) FEGDS - to determine the nature and localization of the ulcerative defect of the gastric mucosa.

Treatment: diet - table No. 1a, No. 1b, No. 1. Of the medicines, drugs are needed that suppress Helicobacter pylori infection: de-nol, de-nol + oxacillin, de-nol + trichopolum. Antisecretory agents: pepsin, cholinomimetics, atropine, platifillin, selective M1-cholinomimetics - gastrocetin, antacids and adsorbents: almagel. maalox, vikalin. Gastrocytoprotectors: cytotec, smecta, agents that normalize gastric motility: cerucal, no-shpa, papaverine. Sedatives: elenium, diazepam, valerian. Reparants: sea buckthorn oil, rosehip oil.

4. After discharge from the hospital, patients are registered with a gastroenterologist. The course of anti-relapse treatment includes diet therapy, drug treatment and physiotherapy. The diet is mechanically and chemically sparing: foods with coarse fiber, such as mushrooms, are excluded from the diet. To ensure chemical sparing, dishes that increase juice secretion (meat broth, fried foods) are excluded from the diet.

5. Technique for intravenous administration of calcium chloride solution according to the manipulation algorithm.

Task number 5. (pediatrics)

A mother with a 5-year-old girl came to the children's polyclinic. The child has weakness, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, in the evenings the temperature rises to 37.9 ° C. The mother noticed that the girl urinates often, the urine is cloudy. Tongue dry, covered with white coating. In the lungs, breathing is vesicular, heart sounds are muffled. The abdomen is soft and painless. The liver and spleen are not enlarged.


1. Formulate and justify the presumptive diagnosis.

2. Name additional symptoms to clarify the diagnosis and research methods for this disease.

3. Plan for a diagnostic study in a hospital.

4. Tell us about the principles of treating the disease.

5. Demonstrate the Zimnitsky urinalysis technique .

Sample answers

1. Acute primary pyelonephritis.

The diagnosis is substantiated by the data of the anamnesis and complaints: the child has weakness, abdominal pain, fever in the evenings, frequent urination, cloudy urine.

2. Additional symptoms of the disease are symptoms of intoxication: fatigue, loss of appetite, pallor of the skin, pain in the lumbar region, the presence of edema.

3. Diagnostic studies in the hospital: general urinalysis, urinalysis for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics, Nechiporenko urinalysis, Zimnitsky test, X-ray urological research methods, ultrasound of the kidneys.

4. The treatment of pyelonephritis is complex. The child is prescribed a regimen and diet appropriate to his condition, antibacterial and stimulant drugs. Strict bed rest during the acute period of the disease.

Antibiotics are prescribed. Carry out phytotherapy. Lysozyme, prodigiosan, methyluracil, pentoxyl, sodium nucleinate are used as immunocorrective agents.

With an increase in blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed.

Medical nutrition is based on the principles of a dairy-vegetarian diet with a moderate amount of protein and salt. Fried foods, meat broths are not allowed. As the manifestations of pyelonephritis subside, the child is transferred to table No. 5. In the presence of metabolic disorders, the use of fish and meat is limited to 2 times a week, mainly in boiled, stewed form using a potato-cabbage diet. Plentiful drinking is shown.

5. The collection of urine analysis according to Zimnitsky is carried out according to the algorithm for performing manipulations.

Sample answers

1. Violated needs: breathe, sleep, rest, play, be healthy, communicate.

Patient problems


Ineffective airway clearance;

Sleep disturbance;

Concern about the outcome of the disease;


High risk of suffocation;

Deterioration of the patient's condition associated with the development of complications

2. The patient's priority problem is ineffective airway clearance.

Short-term goal: The patient will report improvement in sputum production by the end of the week.

Long-term goal: The patient will have no complaints of difficulty breathing by the time of discharge.

Plan Motivation
1. Immediately call a doctor. 1. For the provision of emergency medical care.
2. Provide the patient with bronchodilators as prescribed by the doctor. 2. For the expansion of the bronchi
3.  Provides monitoring of the patient's condition (respiratory rate, PS, blood pressure). 3. For early diagnosis, timely provision of emergency care in case of complications.
4. Give the patient a semi-sitting position. 4. For easier breathing.
5. Use a pocket inhaler. 5. For relief and prevention of asthma attacks.
6. Complete the doctor's prescription. 6. For effective treatment.
7. Conduct a conversation about the prevention of asthma attacks. 7. To prevent asthma attacks.

Evaluation: the patient will notice an improvement in the condition, elimination of suffocation, demonstrate knowledge about the prevention of suffocation attacks. Goals will be achieved.

Problem #59

Calling a paramedic to a 4-year-old child. Complaints of repeated vomiting and loose stools for 2 days. According to the mother, vomiting began after the child drank milk. Vomiting occurs up to 3 times a day. After each act of defecation - increasing weakness. Objectively: the mind is clear, the child is adynamic, the skin is pale and dry, the facial features are sharp. Subfebrile body temperature = 37.1º C, C, PS = 52 beats per minute. weak filling, A / D 78/40.

Medical diagnosis: KINE (intestinal infection of unclear form).


1. Violated needs: to be healthy, eat, drink, excrete, maintain body temperature.

Patient problems:


repeated vomiting,



Body temperature subfebrile;


The risk of developing a deterioration in the condition associated with the development of complications, heart failure, dehydration.

2. Priority problems: diarrhea, dehydration.

Short-term goals: to prevent the child from aspiration of vomit and further dehydration of the body, to stop diarrhea. Protect contacts from infection.

Long-term goals: The child will be healthy by the time of discharge.

Plan Motivation
Nurse: provide
1. Correct position: child (lying on his back, head turned to one side), using a functional bed. 1. To avoid aspiration of vomit.
2. Control over the volume of excreted feces and vomit. 2. For the prevention of exsicosis.
3.  Hygienic care for a child. Frequent change of linen. 3. To prevent diaper rash, skin irritation, purulent complications.
4. Constant monitoring of the child's condition (A / D, PS, t). 4. For early diagnosis and timely provision of emergency care in case of complications.
5. Fulfillment of the medical prescription of the doctor. 5. To ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.
6. In the outbreak, it will provide isolation of contacts, observation of contacts for 7 days, bacteriological examination. Preventive treatment of contacts. 6. To avoid the spread of infections.
7. Sanitary clearance. work on the prevention of intestinal and especially dangerous infections. 7. To avoid the spread of infections.
8. Giving an emergency notice to the SES. 8. To avoid the spread of infections.

Evaluation: the patient will note an improvement in the condition, the absence of diarrhea, vomiting. Goals will be achieved.

Problem #60

During the next visit to the clinic by a child of 1 year old, weighing 10700 grams, the nurse noticed a sharp pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. The mother reported that the child quickly gets tired, irritable, inactive, noted loss of appetite. When questioning the mother, it was possible to establish that the child's diet is monotonous: dairy food, dairy products. The mother prefers not to give fruits and vegetables for fear of indigestion. A child under 1 g had ARVI 3 times. Blood history: Hb-100 g/l, Er-3.0x10 12, c.p. - 0.8

Medical diagnosis: iron deficiency anemia.


1. Identify the needs, the satisfaction of which is violated; formulate and justify the patient's problems.

2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

A 14-day-old child was hospitalized in the thoracic department with a diagnosis of rhinitis.

Examination: the child was born at term with a body weight of 3.5 kg, a length of 55 cm, cried immediately, was attached to the breast on the 2nd day. Body temperature 36.8º C, the child has nasal congestion, mucous discharge from the nasal passages. The child is worried. The mother notes that the child has become worse at breastfeeding.


1. Find out what needs the child is unable to meet. Identify the patient's concerns and justify them.

3. Explain to the mother the need for inpatient treatment of the child.

4. Teach the mother how to care for the child's nasal cavity.

5. Demonstrate eye and nose drops to a child.

Sample answers

1. Violated satisfaction of needs: breathe, sleep, rest, eat.

Patient problems:


Ineffective airway clearance

bad sucking



Deterioration of the child's condition associated with the development of complications, lack of body weight due to poor sucking.

The priority problem is ineffective airway clearance.

2. Short term goal: improved airway clearance after one week.

Long-term goal: normalization of nasal breathing.



1. The nurse will clean the nasal passages before each feeding.

1. For easier breathing.

2. The nurse will follow the doctor's orders.

3. The nurse will talk to the mother about the prevention of this disease.

3. For the prevention of colds.

4. The nurse will provide access to fresh air, ventilating the ward, and apply UVR.

5. The nurse will calculate the respiratory rate, heart rate, measure body temperature.

5. Status monitoring.

6. The nurse will take a throat and nose swab.

6. Status control.

Evaluation: the child sucks actively due to the normalization of nasal breathing. The goal will be reached.

4. The student will demonstrate to the mother the right technique for the rules of nasal cavity care.

A 1-year-old child with a diagnosis of ARVI, stenosing laryngitis was hospitalized in the infectious department.

Examination: body temperature - 36.4º C, Ps - 130 per minute, NPV 40 per minute. The skin is pale, clean. Respiration is noisy, with labored inhalation. During inspiration, the intercostal spaces, supraclavicular regions, and jugular fossa are drawn in. The child has a dry barking cough. Harsh breathing in the lungs. Heart sounds are muffled. Physiological functions are normal.


1. Find out what needs the child is unable to meet. Determine the patient's problems, priorities.

2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

3. Explain to the mother the need for inpatient treatment.

4. Teach the mother how to count the respiratory rate and heart rate.

5. Demonstrate a hot footbath to a 1 year old.

Sample answers

1. Violated satisfaction of the need: to breathe.

Patient problems


Ineffective airway clearance (cough),

Labored breathing.


High risk of suffocation

Deterioration of the child's condition associated with complications.

The primary problem is difficulty breathing.

2. Short-term goal: the child will not have difficulty breathing

After 1-2 days.

Long-term goal: The mother will have no complaints of shortness of breath by the time of discharge.



1. The nurse will provide the child with a calm environment, a comfortable elevated position in bed.

1. For easier breathing.

2. The nurse will ensure that the doctor's orders are followed.

3. The nurse will provide oxygen inhalation.

3. For relief of hypoxia.

4. The nurse will supervise the outside.

View of the child, calculate the respiratory rate, heart rate.

4. For the purpose of condition monitoring

5. The nurse will talk to the child's mother (hot foot bath technique, SARS prevention.)

5. The provision of emergency care at home.

Evaluation: the child's breathing is normal. The goal will be reached.

3. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen level of communication with the mother, the ability to explain to her the need for inpatient treatment in an accessible, competent and reasoned manner.

4. The student will demonstrate to the mother the correct method for calculating the respiratory rate and heart rate.

5. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

Marina K., 8 years old, was hospitalized to the department with a diagnosis of rheumatic chorea. During a nursing examination, the nurse received the following data: objects began to fall out of the child's hands. Marina is irritable, often cries for no reason, gets tired from school, complains of a headache.

On examination, the movements of the girl are uncoordinated, violent. On the face, almost constantly, grimaces appear. The girl cries for no reason, then suddenly starts laughing. Sleep is disturbing, appetite is reduced. The skin is clean, pale. Pulse 100 per minute, respiratory rate 20 per minute. The heart sounds are sonorous, a systolic murmur is heard at the apex and in the so-called Botkin. Vesicular breathing in the lungs. Physiological functions are normal.


3. Explain to the mother the need to comply with the protective regimen.

4. Train the mother to communicate with the girl.

5. Demonstrate the technique of injecting 500,000 penicillin.

Sample answers

1. The child's needs are violated: to move, sleep, rest, eat, drink.

Child problems


Inability to independently eat, dress, undress, use the toilet due to uncoordinated violent movements.


Increased neuromuscular excitability.

Of these problems, the priority is the inability to eat,

Dress, undress, use the toilet.

2. Short term goal: Uncoordinated violent movements will decrease by the end of the week. The girl will calm down.

Long-term goal: by the time of discharge, uncoordinated violent movements will disappear, the girl will become calmer.



1. The nurse will place the child in a separate room.

1. To ensure a peaceful environment.

2. The nurse will feed the baby,

Dress up, undress.

2. To meet the needs of the child.

3. The nurse will ensure that the room is regularly ventilated.

3. To enrich the air with oxygen.

4. The nurse will talk to the girl in a calm, quiet voice.

4. To reduce the excitability of the child.

5. The nurse will fulfill all the doctor's prescriptions: inside she will give the child Voltaren, sedatives, intramuscularly she will inject penicillin for the first 2 weeks, then bicillin.

5. For the treatment of the underlying disease.

Evaluation: by the end of the week the girl will become calmer, uncoordinated violent movements will decrease. The goal will be reached.

3. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen level of communication with the mother, the ability to explain to her in an accessible, competent and reasoned manner the need to comply with the protective regime.

4. The student will demonstrate to the mother the right method for teaching communication with her daughter.

5. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

A child, 8 years old, was hospitalized in the department with a diagnosis of rheumatism I, active phase, endomyocarditis, polyarthritis. During the nursing examination, the nurse received the following data: complaints of pain in the right knee joint, weakness, shortness of breath and palpitations during exercise. Decreased appetite. On examination: T - 37.6 o C, Ps 120 per minute, NPV 20 per minute. The boy is pale, shadows under his eyes. The right knee joint is enlarged, hot to the touch, with the slightest movement pain appears in it. The heart sounds are muffled, a systolic murmur is heard at the apex and at the Botkin point. In the lungs, vesicular breathing, physiological functions are normal.


1. Find out what needs the child is unable to meet. Identify the problems with their rationale.

2. Set goals and create a nursing intervention plan with motivation.

3. Explain the need for bed rest.

4. Teach the mother how to organize the leisure time of the child who is on bed rest.

5. Demonstrate the technique of introducing bicillin 750 thousand.

Sample answers

1. The child's needs are violated: to move, maintain body temperature, eat, drink, be healthy.

Patient problems


Pain in the right knee joint due to the phenomena of polyarthritis,

Exercise intolerance due to endomyocarditis,


Decreased appetite.


Acquired heart disease

Repeated attacks of rheumatism.

2. Short-term goal: by the end of the week, body temperature returns to normal, the symptoms of polyarthritis will decrease.

Long-term goal: by the time of discharge, the child will not be disturbed by pain in the joint, with physical exertion there will be no shortness of breath and palpitations.



1. The nurse will provide the child with strict bed rest.

1. To reduce the risk of developing an acquired heart disease.

2. The nurse will give the right lower limb a physiological position.

2. To reduce joint pain.

3. The nurse will provide the child with a ship.

3. To comply with strict bed rest.

4. The nurse will recommend potassium-rich foods to the child.

4. To improve the conductivity and contractility of the myocardium.

5. The nurse will make sure that the child restricts salt and water in the diet.

5. To reduce inflammation in the myocardium, reduce the load on the heart.

6. The nurse will ensure regular ventilation of the ward (in 2 hours for 15-20 minutes).

6. To enrich the air with oxygen.

7. The nurse organizes the child's leisure time in bed.

7. To increase positive emotions.

8. As prescribed by the doctor, the nurse will administer: penicillin after 2 weeks, bicillin, prednisolone. Inside will give Voltaren, Panangin.

8. For the specific treatment of a disease.

Evaluation: after 7 days the child's condition will improve: pain in the right knee joint will disappear, body temperature will return to normal. Reduced shortness of breath on exertion. The goal will be reached.

3. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen level of communication with the mother, the ability to explain to her in an accessible, competent and reasoned manner the need for bed rest.

4. The student will demonstrate to the mother the right method for organizing the leisure time of the child who is on bed rest.

5. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

Child 9 months is in the clinic with a diagnosis of explicit spasmophilia (eclampsia). Rickets II, subacute course, period of convalescence. During a nursing examination, the nurse received the following data: the child had seizures suddenly while crying, while the child turned blue. The mother brought the child to the open window. Breathing was restored, the child regained consciousness, cyanosis and convulsions after 2-3 minutes. disappeared. The mother called an ambulance and the child was taken to the hospital. The child was born at term with a weight of 3300 g, a length of 52 cm. He was bottle-fed from 1 month. I received fruit juices from the age of 3 months. irregularly, porridge 3 times a day, vegetable puree rarely. At the age of 3 months. the child was diagnosed with rickets, but the treatment was not carried out. On examination, the nurse revealed symptoms of rickets, a period of convalescence, increased neuromuscular excitability, and disturbed sleep in the child. In the blood of a child, the level of calcium is reduced, phosphorus is increased.


1. Find out what needs the child is unable to meet. Identify the problems with their rationale.

2. Set goals and create a nursing intervention plan with motivation.

3. Explain to the mother the nutritional features of a child with spasmophilia.

4. Teach the mother how to make calcined curd.

5. Demonstrate the technique of intravenous administration of calcium gluconate to an infant.

Sample answers

1. The child's needs are violated: sleep, rest, eat.

Patient problems


Increased neuromuscular excitability

disturbing dream,

Irrational feeding.


Possible occurrence of repeated convulsions.

Delay in neuropsychic development with prolonged seizures.

Of these problems, the priority is increased neuromuscular excitability.

2. Short-term goal: by the end of the week, neuromuscular excitability will decrease, the seizure will not recur.

Long-term goal: By the time of discharge, the child will have no symptoms of spasmophilia.



1. The nurse will provide the child with a calm environment in the ward.

1. To prevent an attack of repeated convulsions.

2. The nurse will ensure constant monitoring of the child.

2. Due to the threat of repeated convulsions.

3. The nurse will limit procedures that are unpleasant for the child (injections, etc.) as much as possible.

3. To prevent the occurrence of repeated seizures.

4. The nurse will make sure that cow's milk in the child's diet is as limited as possible and the amount of vegetable complementary foods is increased.

4. To reduce the phosphate content in the diet.

5. The nurse will make sure that the first days

The mother and child were walking in the shade.

5. To prevent the occurrence of repeated seizures

6. A nurse on doctor's prescription will

Give your child calcium gluconate. body. After 3-4 days will give vitamin "D" ..

6. To replenish calcium deficiency in the body.

For the treatment of rickets

7. In case of seizures, the nurse will inject seduxen 0.5% solution 0.1 ml / kg.

7. For the relief of seizures

Evaluation: the mother will note that by the end of the week the child has become calmer, the convulsions have ceased to recur. The goal will be reached.

3. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen level of communication with the mother, the ability to explain to her the features of the child's nutrition with spasmophilia in an accessible, competent and reasoned manner.

4. The student will demonstrate to the mother the rules for making calcined cottage cheese.

5. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

A 3-year-old child was admitted to the infectious department with a diagnosis of a generalized form of meningococcal infection. Meningitis. During the nursing examination, the nurse received the following data: the child is sick for the first few hours. The disease began with an increase in body temperature up to 39.5 o C, headache, vomiting.

On examination: the temperature is 39.5 ° C, the skin is pale, clean. At the time of examination, the child is worried, he has an increased sensitivity to all kinds of stimuli. The child has severe stiff neck muscles, positive upper and lower Brudzinski's symptoms, Kernig's symptom. Heart sounds are muffled, vesicular breathing in the lungs. The abdomen is soft, there was no stool.


1. Find out what needs the child is unable to meet. Identify the problems with their rationale.

2. Set goals and create a nursing intervention plan with motivation.

3. Explain to the mother the need for a lumbar puncture.

4. Teach the mother how to care for her baby after a lumbar puncture.

5. Demonstrate the technique of injecting 400,000 penicillin.

Sample answers

1. The child's needs are violated: maintain body temperature, eat, excrete, be healthy, communicate.

Patient problems



Hypersensitivity to all kinds of stimuli,


Vomiting due to cerebral edema.


Delayed neuropsychic development, headaches due to late diagnosis and inadequate therapy.

Of these problems, the priority is headache.

2. Short-term goal: by the end of the week, headaches will become less disturbing, the child will stop fever at high numbers.

Long-term goal: by the time of discharge, body temperature will normalize, hypersensitivity to all types of irritants will disappear, and headaches will not bother.



1. The nurse will place the child in a separate box.

1. For the purpose of isolation.

2. The nurse will ensure a calm environment in the ward.

2. To reduce external irritants.

3. The nurse will help the child with vomiting.

3. To prevent aspiration of vomit.

4. The nurse will ventilate the room regularly.

4. To enrich the air with oxygen.

5. The nurse will fulfill all the doctor's prescriptions:

Inject / m 50% solution of analgin 0.3 ml.

Give the child fluid therapy

Will inject penicillin regularly (after 3 hours)

Will introduce lasix

Give a cleansing enema to the child.

to lower body temperature

To reduce the symptoms of intoxication

For the treatment of the underlying disease

To reduce cerebral edema

To cleanse the intestines from feces.

Evaluation: By the end of the week, the child's headaches will decrease, the fever will drop to subfebrile numbers. The goal will be reached.

3. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen level of communication with the mother, the ability to explain to her the need for a lumbar puncture in an accessible, competent and reasoned manner.

4. The student will demonstrate to the mother the rules for caring for a child after a lumbar puncture.

5. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

Tanya A., 8 years old, was admitted to the infectious diseases department with a diagnosis of diphtheria of the pharynx. During the nursing examination, the nurse received the following data: the girl is sick for the 2nd day. The disease began with a headache, sore throat when swallowing. On examination: a state of moderate severity, body temperature - 38.5 ° C, the skin is clean, pale. The pharynx is hyperemic, the tonsils are edematous, covered with a dirty gray coating. Submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged to the size of a bean, painful on palpation. There is a slight swelling of the neck. The heart sounds are muffled, the pulse is 110 per minute. In the lungs, vesicular breathing, the abdomen is soft, painless. Physiological functions are normal. Medical diagnosis: Diphtheria of the pharynx, subtoxic form.


1. Find out what needs the child is unable to meet. Identify the problems with their rationale.

2. Set goals and create a nursing intervention plan with motivation.

3. Explain to the mother the need to isolate the patient.

4. Teach your child to rinse the mouth.

5. Demonstrate the technique for administering DTP vaccine.

Sample answers

1. The child's needs are violated: to maintain body temperature, eat, drink, communicate, be healthy.

Patient problems



Pain in the throat when swallowing due to the inflammatory process,



Swallowing disorders, speech and vision disorders.

Of these problems, the priority is sore throat when swallowing.

2. Short-term goal: by the end of the week, the child will have less sore throat when swallowing, body temperature will normalize.

Long-term goal: By the time of discharge, the child will have a clinical recovery.



The nurse will place the child in a separate box.

1. For the purpose of isolation.

2. The nurse will provide the child with strict bed rest.

2. To prevent complications.

3. The nurse will serve the child in a mask, in boxing she will change into another gown.

3. For strict adherence to the sanitary and epidemiological regime.

4. The nurse will make sure that the child receives semi-liquid easily digestible food, plenty of fluids.

4. To reduce sore throat when swallowing.

To reduce the symptoms of intoxication.

5. A nurse will introduce you as prescribed by a doctor.

Antidiphtheria serum according to the Bezredka method.

5. For specific treatment.

6. Carry out infusion therapy as prescribed by the doctor: inject hemodez, 5% glucose solution.

6. To reduce the symptoms of intoxication.

7. The nurse will introduce you as prescribed by the doctor.

Prednisolone, ampicillin i / m.

7. For the treatment of infection.

8. The nurse will ensure that the ECG is taken regularly for the child.

8. For the purpose of early diagnosis of possible complications from the heart.

9. The nurse will regularly take urine for research.

9. Due to the possible development of nephritis.

10. The nurse will take regular check-ups.

Child smear from the pharynx and nose.

10. To control bacterial excretion.

11. The nurse organizes the child's leisure time.

11.To mitigate the negative impact of isolation mode.

Evaluation: by the end of the week the child's condition will improve: the body temperature will return to normal, the symptoms of intoxication will decrease, sore throat when swallowing. The goal will be reached.

4. The student will demonstrate to the mother the rules of rinsing the mouth.

5. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

A 3-year-old child was admitted to the thoracic department for inpatient treatment with a diagnosis of "Congenital heart disease, tetralogy of Fallot, NK I-II st." An attack of shortness of breath.

During a nursing examination, the nurse received the following data: while crying, the child's shortness of breath increased, cyanosis of the whole body appeared. After providing emergency care, the child was taken to the hospital. Congenital heart disease in a child was diagnosed from birth. With physical exertion, the child increases shortness of breath, cyanosis. The child has reduced appetite, poorly gaining weight.

On examination: NPV - 60 per minute, pulse 160 beats per minute, the child lags behind in physical development, the skin is pale, acrocyanosis is pronounced. Heart sounds are sonorous, a rough systolic murmur is heard over the entire region of the heart. Puerile breathing in the lungs, the abdomen is soft. Physiological functions are normal.


1. Find out what needs the child is unable to meet. Identify the problems with their rationale.

2. Set goals and create a nursing intervention plan with motivation.

3. Explain to the mother the need to limit physical activity.

4. Teach the mother how to count the respiratory rate and assess the color of the skin.

5. Demonstrate giving oxygen to a child from an oxygen bag.

Sample answers

1. The child's needs are violated: breathe, move, play, eat.

Patient problems



Exercise intolerance due to heart failure

decreased appetite,

O-breathing cyanotic attacks.


decompensated heart failure,

High risk of death during dyspnea-cyanotic attacks, a sharp lag in physical development.

Of these problems, the priority is exercise intolerance.

2. Short-term goal: Within a day, the child's dyspnea and cyanosis should improve.

Long-term goal: By the time of discharge, the child should have better exercise tolerance and an improved appetite.



1. The nurse will place the child in a spacious, bright room.

1. To provide fresh air.

2. The nurse will be every 2 hours at 20.

Min. ventilate the room.

2. To enrich the air with oxygen.

3. The nurse will raise the head of the bed.

3. To improve the efficiency of cardiac activity.

4. The nurse organizes care in such a way that the child has a long rest.

4. To reduce energy demands.

5. The nurse will recommend foods rich in potassium to the child.

5. To improve cardiac conduction and myocardial contractility.

6. The nurse will administer and terminate

The introduction of digoxin is only prescribed by a doctor.

6. To prevent drug overdose.

7. The nurse will strictly inject potassium.

As prescribed by the doctor, observing all the rules for the introduction of potassium:

When administered orally, will be mixed with juice to relieve irritation of the intestinal mucosa

When administered intravenously, dilute to prevent cardiac arrest.

7. For the treatment of infection.

to relieve irritation of the intestinal mucosa

to prevent cardiac arrest

8. The nurse will increase the liquid to the child.

8. To prevent blood clotting.

9. The nurse will evaluate regularly.

Activity of the child, breathing, pulse, blood pressure.

9. To monitor the child's condition.

10. The nurse will monitor the presence of edema, diuresis. body

10. To detect fluid retention in the body.

11. The nurse organizes the maximum stay of the child in the fresh air in the warm season.

11. To reduce the effects of hypoxia.
Appetite improvements.

12. The nurse will strictly feed the child by the hour.

Avoid sweets between feedings.

12. To improve appetite.

Evaluation: The child's shortness of breath and cyanosis will decrease during the day. He will become better able to tolerate physical activity, and his appetite will improve. The goal will be reached.

3. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen level of communication with the mother, the ability to explain to her in an accessible, competent and reasoned manner the need to limit the child's physical activity.

4. The student will demonstrate the correct method of teaching the mother and the rules for counting breath and assessing the color of the skin.

5. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

You are a nurse in a children's hospital. A 5-year-old child with a diagnosis of "Acute glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome" was admitted to your post.

During the nursing examination, the nurse received the following data: T body-38 o C, pronounced edema on the face, trunk, limbs. The child is lethargic, capricious. The skin is pale. Appetite is reduced. Pulse - 116 per minute, NPV - 24 per minute, BP-105/70 mm Hg. Urinating rarely, in small portions. Complains of back pain. Pasternatsky's symptom is positive on both sides. In the analysis of urine: protein - 3.3%, density - 1012, leuk. - 2-3 p / sp., er.-2-3 in p / sp., cylinders - 5-6 in p / sp.


2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

3. Explain to the mother how and why urine is collected according to Zimnitsky.

4. Teach the mother how to count fluids she has drunk and excreted.

5. Demonstrate the manipulation "Collecting urine from infants".

Sample answers

1. The child's needs are violated: to excrete, maintain body temperature,

Maintain state.

Patient problems




Back pain.


Deterioration of the child's condition associated with the development of complications.

Of these problems, the priority are edema and oliguria.

2. Short term goal: swelling will decrease and urination will increase in 2-3 days.

Long-term goal: swelling is eliminated and will not occur again during hospitalization.



1. The nurse will enforce bed rest.

1. In order to improve the blood circulation of the kidneys.

2. The nurse will ensure that a salt-free diet with limited animal protein and fluids is followed.

2. In order to improve water-salt metabolism.

3. The nurse will keep a "Diuresis Sheet".

3. To account for the drunk and excreted liquid.

4. The nurse will provide warming of the lower back and lower extremities.

4. To reduce pain.

5. The nurse will palpate edema daily and assess the child's condition.

5. For early diagnosis and timely provision of emergency care and the occurrence of complications.

6. The nurse will weigh the child daily.

6. In order to detect hidden edema.

7. The nurse will carry out a timely change of underwear and bed linen.

7. To ensure the comfort of the child.

8. The nurse will ventilate the room for 10-15 minutes. every 3 hours.

8. To improve aeration.

9. The nurse will follow the doctor's orders.

Evaluation: swelling will decrease, urination will become more frequent. The goal will be reached.

3. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen level of communication with the mother, the ability to explain to her the essence of the assigned examination in an accessible, competent and reasoned manner.

4. The student will demonstrate the correct method for teaching the mother to count the amount of fluid drunk and excreted. Provides training in accordance with the manipulation standard.

5. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

Nurse on patronage of a 5-year-old child with measles. The child is sick on the 6th day, the 2nd day of the rash.

Complains of an increase in body temperature up to 37.8-38 o C.; purulent discharge from the eyes, photophobia, dry cough, runny nose, rashes all over the body.

On examination: T-37.8 o C, heart rate-120 per minute, NPV - 28 per minute. On the skin of the face, the upper half of the body is a maculopapular rash located on a non-hyperemic background. The rash merges in places. The child has purulent conjunctivitis, photophobia, serous discharge from the nose. Internal organs without pathology. Physiological functions are normal.


1. Reveal the satisfaction of what needs is impaired in the child and the patient's problems with their justification.

2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

4. Teach the mother how to take care of her skin and mucous membranes.

5. Demonstrate measles vaccination.

Sample answers

1. The child's needs are violated: to be clean, maintain body temperature, breathe, be healthy, play, communicate.

Patient problems


Purulent conjunctivitis,

Dry cough, serous discharge from the nose,


maculopapular rash,





The risk of developing pneumonia


Of these problems, the priorities are photophobia, dry cough.

2. Short-term goal: The child's fever and catarrh will decrease in 2-3 days.

Long-term goal: catarrhal phenomena and rashes stop after a week.



1. The nurse will explain to the mother the need for isolation in a separate room for 5-10 days, explain to the mother the need for wet cleaning 2-3 times a day, frequent ventilation (fresh air), darkening the windows with curtains.

1. To prevent the spread of infection according to epidemic indications.

To reduce photophobia

2. The nurse will provide frequent, plentiful drinking of juices, fruit drinks, compotes. Easily digestible food in a semi-liquid warm form (cereals, mucous soups), vegetable puree.

2. For the purpose of detoxification.

3. The nurse will teach the mother the daily toilet of the skin, mucous membranes (washing, wiping, treating the oral mucosa, rinsing with a decoction of herbs, washing the eyes with furacillin solution, tea, chamomile decoction, instillation of drops as prescribed by the doctor), will teach the mother how to toilet the nasal cavity. Instillation of drops in the nose as prescribed by a doctor.

3. To meet the need to be clean.

To reduce inflammation in the nasal cavity and free nasal breathing.

4. The nurse will provide a decoction of expectorant herbs (violets, mint, thyme, marshmallow) as prescribed by the doctor, putting mustard plasters on the chest, and hot foot baths.

4. For softening, moisturizing cough.

5. The nurse organizes the child's leisure activities (reading books, board games).

5. To meet the need to play, chat

6. The nurse will talk to the mother about preventing complications.

6. To prevent the occurrence of new cases of the disease

7. The nurse will conduct an urgent registration of all contacts (in the apartment, in neighboring apartments) and monitor the outbreak for 21 days; immunization of non-vaccinated and not sick with measles ZhKV, and children with medical taps and children under one year old - the introduction of anti-measles gamma globulin.

7. To stop the spread of infection.

Evaluation: catarrhal phenomena are stopped, the rash will disappear, the child will be safe in 9 days. The goal will be reached.

3. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen level of communication with the mother, the ability to explain to her in an accessible, competent and reasoned manner the need to isolate the child.

4. The student will demonstrate the correct method of teaching the mother the rules of skin and mucous care.

5. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

You are a nurse in a polyclinic. Carry out patronage of a 10-year-old child with measles rubella, the 2nd day of the disease.

When collecting data, it was revealed: T-37.2 o C. The condition is satisfactory. Disturbed by a slight runny nose, coughing. On the whole body, more on the buttocks, extremities, itchy, small-spotted rash. Palpated enlarged lymph nodes up to 1.0 cm in diameter, b/b, mobile. Physiological functions are normal.


1. Reveal the satisfaction of what needs is impaired in the child and the patient's problems with their justification.

2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

3. Explain to the mother the need to isolate the baby.

4. Educate the mother on mucosal care

5. Demonstrate eye drops.

Sample answers

1. The child's needs are violated: to be clean, to maintain body temperature, to breathe, to be healthy, to study.

Patient problems


Runny nose,


small rash,


Of these problems, the priority is itching.

2. Short-term goal: itching will decrease within 1-2 days.

Long term goal: Baby will be healthy in 3 days.



1. The nurse will order the child to be isolated for 5 days. Submit an emergency notice to the SES

1. To prevent the spread of infection according to epidemic indications.

2. The nurse will monitor the wet cleaning 2 times a day, frequent ventilation.

2. To prevent the spread of infection according to epidemic indications.

3. The nurse will provide a complete diet rich in vitamins. Warm drink.

To improve immunity.

To relieve coughing.

4. The nurse will ensure that the mother, as prescribed by the doctor, gives:

Antihistamines (diphenhydramine, suprastin, etc.);

Nasal drops

4. To reduce itching, to relieve a runny nose.

5. The nurse will find out if there are any contact pregnant women in the first half (consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist).

5. To prevent disease and the development of various deformities in the fetus.

Evaluation: the rash will disappear in 2-3 days, the child will be healthy in 5 days. The goal will be reached.

3. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen level of communication with the mother, the ability to explain to her in an accessible, competent and reasoned manner the need to isolate the child.

4. The student will demonstrate the correct method for teaching the mother the rules of mucosal care.

5. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

A 4-year-old child attends a kindergarten. He fell ill a week ago, when the temperature was up to 37.5 ° C, runny nose, dry cough. They treated themselves, but there was no improvement. The cough became paroxysmal, up to vomiting, sometimes during an attack - urinary incontinence.

From the anamnesis: there is no quarantine in the kindergarten. The child was vaccinated by age, but was vaccinated with ADS-toxoid.

On examination: the child's condition is satisfactory, active, playing. During examination of the pharynx, a coughing attack developed, a series of coughing shocks, accompanied by deep whistling breaths. The child's face is hyperemic, with a cyanotic tint, swelling of the cervical veins, tongue protruding from the mouth. The attack ended with the discharge of a small amount of viscous sputum. The temperature is normal. The skin is clean. On organs and systems without pathology. Diagnosis: whooping cough, period of spasmodic cough.


1. Satisfaction of what needs is violated in the child and the patient's problems with their justification.

2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

3. Explain to the mother the need to create a calm environment in the family.

4. Teach your mother how to make mustard plasters.

5. Demonstrate the setting of mustard plasters.

Sample answers

1. The child's needs are violated: breathe, excrete, play, communicate.

Patient problems


paroxysmal cough,

Urinary incontinence,


The risk of complications: bronchitis, pneumonia, prolapse of the rectum, hernia, hemorrhages in the sclera, brain.

Of these problems, the priority is paroxysmal cough.

2. Short-term goal: cough will become milder, attacks shorter and less frequent within a week.

Long-term goal: the child will be healthy within 1 month. without complications.




1. Isolate the child for 30 days.

1. To prevent the spread of infection

2.  explain to the mother the need to comply with the protective regime (calm environment, distract the child with games, reading).

2. To reduce the provocation of seizures.

3. Explain the need for frequent airing, sleeping in the fresh air, walking in the fresh air away from children.

3. To reduce hypoxia.

4. Provides good nutrition in small portions after a coughing fit. When vomiting - will supplement.

4. For the correct development of the child.

5. She will make sure that the mother gives as prescribed by the doctor: antibiotics, sedative therapy, expectorants - herbs, etc.

5. As an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce the frequency of attacks to alleviate cough.

6. Provides sputum collection for bacterial examination (by the method of "cough plates" or a swab from the nasopharynx for the whooping cough pathogen.

6. To confirm the diagnosis and isolate the pathogen.

7. Provides the imposition of quarantine on the contact for 14 days.

7. To prevent the spread of the disease.

Evaluation: coughing fits will decrease in a week, the child will be healthy in 30 days without complications. The goal will be reached.

3. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen level of communication with the mother, the ability to explain to her in an accessible, competent and reasoned manner the need for a calm environment in the family.

4. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen method of teaching the mother the rules for setting mustard plasters.

5. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

Natasha R., 6 years old, fell ill acutely, she developed chills, repeated vomiting, her temperature rose to 39 ° C. A district doctor was called, who, after examining the girl, gave a referral to the hospital.

Complaints at admission: sore throat, headache, joint and muscle pain.

Objectively: the general condition is closer to severe. Correct physique, satisfactory nutrition. On a hyperemic background of the skin, there is a plentiful, punctate rash. Pulse 130 beats per minute, muffled heart sounds. The tip of the tongue is papillary. Tongue coated with thick white coating. In the pharynx there is a bright limited hyperemia, loose tonsils, purulent raids on them. Submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged, painful on palpation.

Diagnosis: scarlet fever, severe course.


1. Reveal the satisfaction of what needs is impaired in the child and the patient's problems with their justification.

2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

3. Explain to the mother the need for antibiotics for treatment.

4. Teach the mother how to collect urine from girls for general analysis.

5. Demonstrate throat and nose swabs on BL.

Sample answers

1. The child's needs are violated: to be healthy, maintain body temperature, excrete, be clean, play, communicate.

Patient problems


Sore throat,


Joint and muscle pain,


Purulent plaque on the tonsils,

Child isolation.


The risk of developing myocarditis, nephritis.

Of these problems, the priority is fever, pain (in the throat,

Articular, muscular, head).

2. Short-term goal: fever and pain will decrease within 2 days, vomiting will stop.

Long-term goal: The child will be healthy in 10 days without complications.




1. Provides isolation of the child in a separate box for 10 days + 12 days of home regimen. Submit an emergency notice to the SES.

1. To prevent the spread of the disease (according to epidemic indications).

2. Provides bed rest until the temperature disappears, severe symptoms of intoxication.

3. Provides complete fortified nutrition in a warm, liquid, semi-liquid form.

3. To reduce pain when eating.

4. Provides plenty of fluids (fruit drinks, juices) in the absence of vomiting.

4. For detoxification.

5. Provides rinsing of the throat with an antiseptic solution, herbs: furacillin, chamomile, calendula, etc.

5. To reduce sore throats and relieve plaque.

6.  Provide change of underwear, bed linen, skin treatment.

6.  To meet the need to be clean.

7.  Provides wet cleaning in the box with des. means, ventilation, processing of the patient's dishes using

Disinfectants, washing toys.

7.  To prevent the spread of disease.

8.  Will provide drop injection of hemodez, rheopolyglucin, glucose-salt solutions - parenterally as prescribed by a doctor.

8.  For detoxification.

9.  Provide symptomatic medications: antipyretic, cardiac, vitamins.

9.  To reduce temperature, improve myocardial contractility

10. Will keep records of diuresis, counting the pulse. NPV, collection of urine tests.

10. For the prevention of complications.

11.  Follow the doctor's orders:

He will introduce antibiotics of the penicillin series, desensitizing.

11. For action on streptococcus, destruction of the pathogen.

Evaluation: the symptoms of intoxication will decrease in 3-4 days, after 10 days the child will be discharged to the home regimen without complications. The goal will be reached.

3. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen level of communication with the mother, the ability to explain to her the need for taking antibiotics in an accessible, competent and reasoned manner.

4. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen method of teaching the mother the rules for collecting urine from girls for general analysis.

5. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

Nurse on patronage of a child with chickenpox. Nastya A., 3 years old, visits kindergarten “Spark”. Complains of a rise in temperature up to 38 ° C, a rash. She fell ill a day ago when she began to complain of a headache and refused to eat. A rash appeared in the evening.

Objectively: the condition is not severe, the temperature is 38.0 o C. A polymorphic rash is noted on the skin all over the body: papules, vesicles. The rash is also present on the scalp, on the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals. The rash is accompanied by itching. On the part of the internal organs without visible pathology. Physiological functions are normal.


2. Set goals and create a nursing intervention plan with motivation.

3. Explain to the mother the need for skin treatment.

4. Teach the mother how to wash the baby.

5. Demonstrate washing the baby.

Sample answers

1. Impaired satisfaction of needs: maintain body temperature, eat, be clean, be healthy, play,

Real Problems:


polymorphic rash,


refusal to eat,

^ Potential issue:

The risk of developing stomatitis, "chickenpox", pyoderma.

Priority problems: fever, polymorphic rash.

2. Short-term goal: temperature returns to normal in 3 days.

3. Long-term goal: the child will recover in 9 days without complications.




1.  Explain the need to isolate the child for 10 days (until the crusts fall off) in a separate room.

2. Submit an emergency message to the SES.

3. Will follow the wet cleaning and airing 2-3 times a day.

4. Provides plenty of fluids (fruit drinks, juices, compotes). Food should be complete, easily digestible, exclude spicy, salty, sour.


5. Explain to the mother the care of the skin and mucous membranes: treatment of the elements of the rash with a 1-2% solution, rinsing the mouth with a 2% soda solution, a decoction of herbs (chamomile, sage, etc.), washing with a weak solution, a solution of herbs (chamomile, sage)

4. To reduce pain due to rashes on mucous membranes

6. Will make sure that the mother, as prescribed by the doctor, gives: a / histamine (diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil, etc.) antipyretic (paracetamol, analgin)

To reduce itching.

To reduce fever.

7. Provides quarantine for contacts for 21 days

According to epidemic indications

Evaluation: the child will be healthy in 9 days without complications. The goal will be reached.

4. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen level of communication with the mother, the ability to explain to her the need for skin treatment in an accessible, competent and reasoned manner.

5. The student will demonstrate the correct method of teaching the mother the rules of washing.

6. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

The child is 4 years old, attends a kindergarten. He fell ill acutely, having come from the kindergarten he began to act up, complains of pain in the right ear. The next day, the pain intensified, swelling appeared in the area of ​​​​the right cheek.

Objectively: the general condition of the child is satisfactory, the temperature is 38 ° C, the correct physique, satisfactory nutrition, the skin is clean, without a rash. There is asymmetry of the face, swelling in the region of the right cheek of a pasty consistency, slightly painful on palpation.

There is slight hyperemia in the pharynx. On the part of other organs and systems, no visible pathology was detected. Diagnosis - epidemic parotitis.


1. Reveal the satisfaction of what needs is violated in the child and the problems of the child.

2. Set goals and create a nursing intervention plan with motivation.

3. Explain to the mother what “child isolation” means for an infectious disease.

4. Teach the mother how to take thermometry.

5. Demonstrate placing a warm compress on the child's ear.

Sample answers

1. Impaired satisfaction of needs: maintain body temperature, be healthy, be clean, play, communicate.

Real problems:


Pain and swelling in the parotid region on the right,

Throat hyperemia,

Capriciousness of the child.


The risk of developing serous meningitis, pancreatitis, purulent parotitis.

Priority problem: parotid pain and fever.

2. Short-term goal: right cheek pain and fever will decrease in 2-3 days.

The goal is long-term: the child will be healthy without complications in 9 days.




1. Explain the need to isolate the patient in a separate room for 9 days. Submit an emergency notice to the SES.

1. To prevent the spread of infection (according to epidemiological indications).

2. Will monitor wet cleaning 2-3 times a day, frequent airing, washing toys with soda solution daily; allocating separate dishes to the child.

2. To prevent the spread of infection (according to epidemiological indications).

3. Provides plentiful drink (fruit drinks, juices, compotes).
Food is taken in liquid, semi-liquid form.
Eliminate fatty foods, flour products (rolls, pasta, white bread).

3. For the purpose of detoxification.

To reduce pain when chewing

To reduce the load on the pancreas.

4. Teach the mother how to apply dry heat to the area of ​​the affected gland.

4. To reduce pain, rashes.

5. Explain to the mother the need to provide leisure time for the child: games, books.

5. To meet the need to play, communicate due to isolation.

6. She will make sure that the mother follows the doctor's orders: symptomatic remedies; antipyretics, painkillers: analgin, paracetamol, etc.

6. To relieve fever, reduce pain.

7. Conduct a conversation with the mother about the disease, the prevention of complications.

7. To satisfy the need to avoid danger

8. Provides the imposition of quarantine on contacts for 21 days (strict disengagement from 11 to 21 days), urgent immunization of those who have not been vaccinated and who have not been sick with an epidemic. mumps ZhPV, and children with honey. taps and up to 1 year - the introduction of immunoglobulin.

8. To prevent the onset of disease

Evaluation: the child will be healthy without complications in 9 days. The goal will be reached.

3. The student will demonstrate the correctly chosen level of communication with the mother, the ability to explain to her in an accessible, competent and reasoned manner the need to isolate the child.

4. The student will demonstrate the correct method of teaching the mother the rules of thermometry.

5. The student will demonstrate the manipulation on the model in accordance with the algorithm adopted in this educational institution.

A 5-year-old child was resting in the forest with his parents. There were many flowering trees around. Suddenly, the child developed a cough, a feeling of tightness behind the sternum, and difficulty exhaling. The temperature is normal, the skin is pale, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle is pronounced. Medical diagnosis: an attack of bronchial asthma.


2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

Sample answers

1. Violated needs: breathe, sleep, rest, play, be healthy, communicate.

Patient problems


Ineffective airway clearance;

Sleep disturbance;

Concern about the outcome of the disease;


High risk of suffocation;

Deterioration of the patient's condition associated with the development of complications

2. The patient's priority problem is ineffective airway clearance.

Short-term goal: The patient will report improvement in sputum production by the end of the week.

Long-term goal: The patient will have no complaints of difficulty breathing by the time of discharge.




1. Immediately call a doctor.

1. For the provision of emergency medical care.

2. Provide the patient with bronchodilators as prescribed by the doctor.

2. For the expansion of the bronchi

3.  Provides monitoring of the patient's condition (respiratory rate, PS, blood pressure).

3. For early diagnosis, timely provision of emergency care in case of complications.

4. Give the patient a semi-sitting position.

4. For easier breathing.

5. Use a pocket inhaler.

5. For relief and prevention of asthma attacks.

6. Complete the doctor's prescription.

6. For effective treatment.

7. Conduct a conversation about the prevention of asthma attacks.

7. To prevent asthma attacks.

Evaluation: the patient will notice an improvement in the condition, elimination of suffocation, demonstrate knowledge about the prevention of suffocation attacks. Goals will be achieved.

Calling a paramedic to a 4-year-old child. Complaints of repeated vomiting and loose stools for 2 days. According to the mother, vomiting began after the child drank milk. Vomiting occurs up to 3 times a day. After each act of defecation - increasing weakness. Objectively: the mind is clear, the child is adynamic, the skin is pale and dry, the facial features are sharp. Subfebrile body temperature = 37.1º C, C, PS = 52 beats per minute. weak filling, A / D 78/40.

Medical diagnosis: KINE (intestinal infection of unclear form).


1. Identify the needs, the satisfaction of which is violated; formulate and justify the patient's problems.

2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

Sample answers

1. Violated needs: to be healthy, eat, drink, excrete, maintain body temperature.

Patient problems:



repeated vomiting,



Body temperature subfebrile;


The risk of developing a deterioration in the condition associated with the development of complications, heart failure, dehydration.

2. Priority problems: diarrhea, dehydration.

Short-term goals: to prevent the child from aspiration of vomit and further dehydration of the body, to stop diarrhea. Protect contacts from infection.

Long-term goals: The child will be healthy by the time of discharge.



Nurse: provide

1. Correct position: child (lying on his back, head turned to one side), using a functional bed.

1. To avoid aspiration of vomit.

2. Control over the volume of excreted feces and vomit.

2. For the prevention of exsicosis.

3.  Hygienic care for a child. Frequent change of linen.

3. To prevent diaper rash, skin irritation, purulent complications.

4. Constant monitoring of the child's condition (A / D, PS, t).

4. For early diagnosis and timely provision of emergency care in case of complications.

5. Fulfillment of the medical prescription of the doctor.

5. To ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.

6. In the outbreak, it will provide isolation of contacts, observation of contacts for 7 days, bacteriological examination. Preventive treatment of contacts.

6. To avoid the spread of infections.

7. Sanitary clearance. work on the prevention of intestinal and especially dangerous infections.

7. To avoid the spread of infections.

8. Giving an emergency notice to the SES.

8. To avoid the spread of infections.

Evaluation: the patient will note an improvement in the condition, the absence of diarrhea, vomiting. Goals will be achieved.

During the next visit to the clinic by a child of 1 year old, weighing 10700 grams, the nurse noticed a sharp pallor of the skin and mucous membranes. The mother reported that the child quickly gets tired, irritable, inactive, noted loss of appetite. When questioning the mother, it was possible to establish that the child's diet is monotonous: dairy food, dairy products. The mother prefers not to give fruits and vegetables for fear of indigestion. A child under 1 g had ARVI 3 times. Blood history: Hb-100 g/l, Er-3.0x10 12, c.p. - 0.8

Medical diagnosis: iron deficiency anemia.


1. Identify the needs, the satisfaction of which is violated; formulate and justify the patient's problems.

2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

Sample answers

1. Violation of the need: - eat, be healthy, rest, play.

Patient problems:


Anorexia errors in the diet,

Fast fatiguability,



Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes.


Risk of developing moderate to severe anemia

The main problem is anorexia.

1) short-term - the child's appetite will improve by the end of the first week

2) long-term - the child's parents will notice an improvement in the condition by the time of discharge, they will not complain about the child's lack of appetite, increased irritability of the child.




1. Provides mental and physical peace.

2. Organizes the correct daily routine and nutrition (iron-containing products).

2. To ensure the necessary content of protein, vitamins and microelements in the body.

3. He will feed the child in small portions in a warm form 5 times a day every 4 hours.

3. For better absorption of nutrients in the body.

4. Provides walks in the fresh air (at least 3 times a day in winter, all day in summer), ventilation of housing (5-10 minutes in winter, all day in summer).

4. For the prevention of secondary infectious diseases. For better aeration of the lungs, air enrichment with oxygen.

5. Conduct a conversation with parents about the need for good nutrition.

5. To compensate for the loss of protein, Fe, vitamins and increase the body's defenses.

6. Will observe the appearance and: the condition of the patient.

6. For early diagnosis of timely emergency care.

7. Carry out a set of hygiene measures.

7. To keep the skin and mucous membranes clean for the prevention of bedsores.

8. For the effectiveness of the treatment.

Evaluation: the patient will feel satisfactory, become active, sociable. Parents will demonstrate knowledge about the proper nutrition of the child. Goals will be achieved.

A 9-month-old boy, the district doctor visited at home, on call. Parents complain of an increase in T up to 39.2º C, convulsive twitches. Sick for 2 days, runny nose and dry cough. A child from the first pregnancy, which proceeded with preeclampsia in the second half. Childbirth is urgent, physiological. Birth weight - 2900 g, length - 49 cm. Breastfeeding up to 1 month. At 2 months, rickets was diagnosed, acute respiratory infections at the age of 5 months. Parents are healthy, there are no occupational hazards, higher education. Living conditions are satisfactory.

Objectively: a state of moderate severity. Consciousness is clear. The skin is clean, pale. Extremities are cold. The mucous membrane of the throat is hyperemic. Nasal breathing is difficult, serous discharge from the nasal passages. Micropolyadenia. Muscle tone is diffusely reduced. Large fontanel 2.0x1.5 cm, dense edges, no craniotabes. 2 teeth. The chest is compressed from the sides, deployed in the lower aperture, "rosary". "Bracelets" are palpated. Percussion and auscultation from the lungs without pathology. The borders of the heart are not expanded. The tones are loud, clear, rhythmic. The abdomen is soft and painless. The liver and spleen are not enlarged. Stool and urination are not disturbed. Meningeal symptoms were not detected.

In the presence of a doctor, an attack of convulsions occurred. The child noted twitching of the limbs, over-bending of the torso. The duration of the attack - 7 seconds, stopped on their own. The body temperature at that moment was 39.5º C. After the attack, consciousness was restored.

Medical diagnosis: Rickets. SARS.


1. Identify the needs, the satisfaction of which is violated; formulate and justify the patient's problems.

2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

Sample answers

1. Violated needs: to be healthy, breathe, eat, drink, be clean, play, rest, maintain body temperature.

Patient problems:


Runny nose,

Dry cough,





Threat of development of a lethal outcome owing to a hyperthermia.

2. The patient's priority problem is fever, convulsions.

Short-term - the patient will notice a decrease in body temperature, no seizures, no runny nose and cough after 2 days;

Long-term - the patient will note the absence of all symptoms of the disease by the time of discharge.



The nurse will provide:

1. Mental and physical rest.

1. To ensure the correct rhythm of the processes of higher nervous activity.

2. Plentiful warm drink.

2. To reduce intoxication and dehydration.

3. Strict bed rest.

3. For the prevention of complications;

4. Care for the skin and mucous membranes.

4. For the prevention of purulent complications.

5. Monitoring the patient's condition
(t, PS, AD, NPV).

5. For early diagnosis and timely assistance in case of complications.

6. Fulfillment of doctor's prescriptions.

7. Taking vitamins.

7. To increase immunity.

8. The use of physical methods of cooling the child.

. To reduce the temperature in a child.

9. Conversation with parents about the prevention of hyperthermia.

9. For the prevention of hyperthermia and seizures.

Evaluation: the patient will notice a significant improvement in his condition, the temperature will decrease, the convulsions will stop. Parents will demonstrate knowledge about the prevention of hyperthermia. The goal will be reached.

Tolya Ch., 5 months old. The mother went to the doctor complaining of the child's anxiety, poor sleep, itchy skin. These complaints appeared 4 days ago. A child from 1 pregnancy, which proceeded with toxicosis of the first half. Delivery urgent, weight at birth 3450 g, height 52 cm. He screamed immediately. In the maternity hospital, toxic erythema was noted. Discharged on the 6th day in a satisfactory condition. The late neonatal period proceeded without changes. He was breastfed for up to 3 months. From this age, he was transferred to mixed feeding due to maternal hypogalactia. From the age of 4 months, he was transferred to artificial feeding, he receives the "Baby" mixture. Five days ago, 5% semolina porridge in cow's milk was introduced into the diet. From the age of 2 months he receives freshly prepared apple juice, currently in the amount of 50 ml. He had ARVI at 3 months of age, and therefore was not vaccinated. Parents consider themselves healthy. Mother works in the chemical laboratory of the Tasma plant. My maternal grandfather suffers from bronchial asthma. My paternal grandmother has erosive gastritis. Father smokes.

Objectively: the child's condition is moderate, excited, scratching the skin during the examination. There are greasy crusts on the scalp and eyebrows. The skin of the cheeks is dry, flaky, brightly hyperemic. On the skin of the trunk and extremities there are a small number of smooth, shiny papules, traces of scratching. In the inguinal areas, the skin is eroded, moderate hyperemia. Micropolyadenia. In the lungs percutere lung sound, puerile breathing. The boundaries of the heart are not expanded, the tones are clear, the abdomen is painless. The spleen is not enlarged. The chair is unstable up to 4-5 times a day, semi-liquid, without pathological impurities.

Blood test: Er-4.0x10 12 / l, Hv-120 g / l, lake-10.2x10 9 / l, p-4%, s-26%, e-9%, l-56:, m- 5%, ESR-16 mm/h. Urinalysis - sp. weight - 1012, leuk-3-4 in the field of view, squamous epithelium - 1-3 in the field of view.

Medical diagnosis: Exudative diathesis.


1. Identify the needs, the satisfaction of which is violated; formulate and justify the patient's problems.

2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

Sample answers

1. Violated needs: to be healthy, to be clean, to sleep, to rest. Patient's problem: play, communicate, highlight.


Skin itching;

Sleep disturbance;

Unsteady stool;

Bad sleep;

The cheek skin is dry, flaky, brightly hyperemic, papular rash on the body and extremities, blood eosinophilia, micropolyadenia.


The threat of developing chronic diseases (eczema, bronchial asthma)

2. The patient's priority problems are skin itching, sleep disturbances.

Short-term: the child will notice a decrease in itching, improved sleep by the end of the first week;

Long-term: the child will note the absence of itching, rashes, sleep will become calm by the time of discharge.




1.  Will provide the child with complete mental and physical peace.

1. To ensure the correct rhythm of the processes of higher nervous activity.

2. Apply hygienic baths with: chamomile infusion, furacilin solution or ointment dressings.

2. To reduce and treat itching.

3. Provides care for the skin and mucous membranes;

3. For the prevention of purulent complications.

4. Ensure compliance with the daily regimen, a long stay in the fresh air.

4. To improve the condition of the child, to prevent complications, better aeration.

5. Provides ventilation of the premises.

5. To improve lung aeration.

6. Complete doctor's orders.

6. For the effectiveness of the treatment.

7. Talk to parents about allergy prevention and the need for a hypoallergenic diet.

7. For the prevention of allergic conditions.

Evaluation: the child will notice an improvement in the condition, the itching will pass, there will be no rash, the parents will demonstrate knowledge about the prevention of allergies in the child. Goals will be achieved.

A 13-year-old boy was admitted to the hospital with complaints of pain in the epigastric region. Before admission to the hospital there was vomiting "coffee grounds", after which the pain subsided, but there was weakness, palpitations, dizziness, tinnitus.

On examination: pallor of the skin, A/D reduced, PS 110 per minute, palpation muscle tension in the epigastric region.

Medical diagnosis: peptic ulcer of the stomach.

Stomach bleeding.


1. Identify the needs, the satisfaction of which is violated; formulate and justify the patient's problems.

2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

Sample answers

1. Violated needs: to be healthy, to eat, to excrete, to move, to be clean, to communicate, to study.

Patient problems:


Vomiting coffee grounds

Decreased A / D,

Decrease in circulating blood volume

Pain in the epigastric region




Noise in ears,

Paleness of the skin;


The risk of developing an acute decrease in circulating blood volume, hemorrhagic shock.

2. Patient's priority problem: vomiting coffee grounds.

Short-term: the patient will notice a decrease in weakness by the end of the day, there will be no vomiting on the 2nd day;

Long-term: the patient will note the disappearance of weakness and palpitations after 7 days, pain in the epigastric region will pass by 9-10 days.




1. Provides an urgent call to a doctor.

1. To provide emergency medical care

2. Gives the patient a horizontal position.

2. To prevent further complications.

3. Put a rubber balloon with ice on the epigastric region, first put a towel on the body

3. To reduce bleeding.

4. Will monitor PS, A/D, skin.

4. For early diagnosis of possible complications

5.  Will strictly follow the doctor's orders

5. To ensure effective treatment.

6. Will talk about the prevention of peptic ulcer, intestinal bleeding.

6. For the prevention of possible complications.

Evaluation: the patient will notice a significant improvement in his condition, there will be no vomiting of coffee grounds. The patient will demonstrate knowledge about the prevention of peptic ulcer disease, complications. The goal will be reached.

Serezha, 3 years old, fell ill acutely, the temperature rose to 38.8º C. There was a single vomiting, headache, pain when swallowing. By the end of the day, a rash appeared. On examination: a state of moderate severity, temperature 39.3º C. On the skin, there is an abundant small-point rash against a hyperemic background. White dermographism, tongue coated with white coating. Zev is brightly hyperemic, tonsils are hypertrophied, edematous. From the side of the heart tachycardia. The tones are loud, the abdomen is painless. Stool and diuresis are normal.

Medical diagnosis: scarlet fever.


1. Identify the needs, the satisfaction of which is violated; formulate and justify the patient's problems.

2. Set goals and plan nursing interventions with motivation.

Sample answers

1. Violated needs: eat, drink, be healthy, be clean, maintain body temperature, sleep, rest, play.

Patient problem:




Sore throat;


The risk of developing lymphadenitis, otitis media,

The risk of developing nephritis, rheumatic heart disease.

2. Priority problems: fever, headache, sore throat.

Short-term - the child will notice a decrease in itching, sore throat, improved sleep, by the 3rd day of the disease;

Long-term - the patient will note the disappearance of all symptoms of the disease.

By the 10th day - itching, sore throat will disappear, sleep will normalize.




1. Isolates the child in a separate room.

1. For the prevention of scarlet fever infection of other family members.

2. Provide bed rest for at least 7 days

2. To avoid heart and kidney complications.

3. Teach the child to gargle with a solution of furacilin and a solution of soda after meals.

3. To eliminate sore throat and prevent secondary infection.

4. Provides the child with plenty of fluids.

4. To eliminate intoxication.

5. Repeat urine and blood tests.

5. For early diagnosis of complications.

6. After recovery, she will give her mother: a referral to a rheumatologist, an ENT doctor, an ECG.

6. For early diagnosis of complications.

7. Will monitor the appearance and: and the condition of the patient, PS, NPV.

7. For early diagnosis and timely provision: emergency care in case of complications.

8. Will follow doctor's orders.

8. For effective treatment.

9. Conversation with the child's parents about the prevention of infectious diseases.

9. For the prevention of infectious diseases.

Assessment: the disappearance of all symptoms of the disease. Parents will demonstrate knowledge about the prevention of infectious diseases.

Goals will be achieved.

The patient's failure to appear without good reason at the appointed time for a medical examination is the basis for reducing the amount of disability benefits from the date of failure to appear. In addition, in certain cases, your absence from work can be regarded as absenteeism, the extreme measure of punishment for which is dismissal (paragraph “a”, paragraph 6 of part 1 of article 81, article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; paragraph 2 of part 1 , paragraph 1, part 2, article 8 of the Law of December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ).

1. A note about late attendance at a doctor's appointment

The fact of late attendance at the reception should be recorded by the attending physician in the disability certificate. To do this, in the line “Notes on violation of the regime”, he indicates the code for the type of violation (- untimely appearance for an appointment with a doctor), the date of untimely appearance and puts his signature.

2.2.2. Calculation of benefits if you came to the doctor late while still sick

If you missed the date of your appointment with the doctor and came to him later, continuing to get sick, you can extend the sick leave. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the extension of the disability certificate for the past time can be carried out in exceptional cases by decision of the medical commission when you apply to a medical organization or visit you by a medical worker at home (clause 14 of the Procedure).

Benefits for the period following the date you missed your appointment until your recovery date will be paid in full if you have good cause. If the reason for not attending a doctor's appointment is disrespectful, the allowance for these days can be calculated on the basis of the minimum wage (parts 1, 8, article 6, part 2, article 8 of Law N 255-FZ).

At the same time, judicial practice proceeds from the fact that the legislation does not contain a provision that failure to appear at the appointed time for a medical examination entails a reduction in the amount of benefits from the day of failure to appear for the entire period of disability. In addition, this measure must be proportionate to the violation (Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2012 N 14379/11).

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