Dreams for the old new year. Dreams on the Christmas holidays and on the New Year: interpretation of prophetic dreams Dreams on the night of the old new

Christmas is truly a magical time. At all times, it was believed that God's grace descends to earth at Christmas time, and angels walk among people. Christmas time is a wonderful period for asking for forgiveness and forgiving, loving and being loved, making the most cherished wishes and believing that they will come true. Dreams at Christmas also have magical powers.
From hoary antiquity to the present day, there is a belief that on Christmas time the sky opens up for mere mortals a dense veil that separates the present from the future. It is for this reason that Christmas divination is so common. It is believed that the most ordinary objects at Christmas become magical due to the incredibly strong energy of this holiday. So, even ordinary combs, mirrors, water, bread and many other household items, clothing and food products can tell a person about his future.
At the same time, it also happens that heaven wants to reveal the secrets of the future even to those who do not ask what is prepared for him. Most often, heaven sends this kind of information when a person is most disposed to receive it - during sleep. The fact that dreams at Christmas are prophetic and always come true has long been noticed by our ancestors, who were especially serious about what they saw in dreams before Christmas.
The most significant dream books also confirm the expediency of such an attentive attitude.

Dreams for Christmas: interpretation of Miller's Dream Book

Miller paid special attention to dreams that occur on the eve of big holidays, especially before Christmas. Their correct and timely interpretation can give a complete picture of what awaits a person in the future.

  • To dream of a brightly burning candle on Christmas night means only one thing - excellent health and good mood, which will not leave the one who saw this dream all year.
  • The wine that you drink in a dream is also an excellent sign, promising you health and prosperity.
  • A dream in which you saw a picture of a fall from a height or on slippery ice, on the contrary, has a warning character, warning that, most likely, you will have to endure significant financial losses or say goodbye to your position and face the need to find a job.
  • If on the night before Christmas a sick person sees himself in his own house, in the bedroom or in the kitchen, he is destined for a speedy recovery and a fairly quick recovery of strength.
  • Seeing a disease in a dream is not good. Such a dream suggests that you have to go through a quarrel with family and friends.

Do dreams come true at Christmas? Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The great soothsayer claimed that on the night of Christmas, the world of the living is visited by the souls of their ancestors. They can predict what awaits their descendants, including coming to them in a dream.

  • The dream in which you had to measure shoes that do not fit is a warning. He warns of the coming trials that will fall to the lot of the one who had to do this kind of fitting.
  • A similar semantic load, according to the seer, is carried by dreams in which you saw yourself entering an open door or scattering small coins.
  • An imminent trouble is foreshadowed by a body of water seen on the night before Christmas: a lake, a pond, a pool. At the same time, if you sailed on a boat on it, this indicates that, according to fate, you are moving confidently, knowing what you want and how to achieve it. An unforeseen situation awaits you, but you will be able to keep it under your control. If ducks or swans swim on the pond, such a dream portends a quick wedding. It may also indicate a new outbreak of feelings that seemed to have faded long ago.

Dreams for Christmas: interpretation according to Freud's Dream Book

As for Freud, according to him, dreams are a projection of our subconscious, and from an objective point of view, the time when they visited you does not matter much. At the same time, the scientist makes a reservation, if a person sincerely believes in something, it will certainly come true, and if he waits for a prophetic dream on Christmas, he will, of course, see it. For us, it is of no fundamental importance what the predictive nature of dreams is connected with - with higher powers or a feature of the work of the human psyche.
According to Freud, Christmas dreams can be interpreted using an ordinary dream book. However:

  • The chimes heard in a dream, as well as the flight of a butterfly, indicate that you will soon have a wedding. Dreams have a similar meaning, where you saw a rainbow, firewood, small objects. The upcoming wedding is also indicated by the fact that you were drawing in a dream.
  • Beating your husband in a dream means that he loves you tenderly and faithfully.
  • If a woman, being married, sees herself eating sweets, this is a clear sign that you should pay special attention to family relationships.

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The night on the old New Year is famous for prophetic dreams, so in Rus' on New Year's Eve it was customary to tell fortunes about a dream.

Girls who want to join the old traditions can find out about their betrothed by building a bridge of twigs or matches under the pillow and saying the cherished words: “Betrothed-mummers, move across the bridge!”

You can take a thimble of salt, a thimble of water before going to bed, mix and eat. Then you should say: “My betrothed, mummers, give me a drink!” After that, you should quickly fall asleep in anticipation of the betrothed, who will appear in a dream and bring water.

On the night of the New Year, according to the old style, you can find out about everything that worries you, for this you just need to turn around three times in bed and say three times: “Dream!”

Those who dream of wealth and financial profits will certainly be lucky if they dream of kittens, a bear, a rake, nuts. It’s not bad if in a dream you had to suffer from hunger, wallow in the mud, completely grow hair and even kill lice on yourself - this means that in real life you will have monetary profit. Boiling laundry, pouring wine, eating fish soup in a dream promises a lot of money. And if you are lucky to see yourself sleeping in a New Year's dream, then this is a sure sign of future good luck in financial matters.

Material problems cannot be avoided by someone who scratched in a dream, shaved his beard, made a fire, dug a well, shopped, ate boiled beef or melon, put on clothes of the opposite sex, crushed bedbugs. A bad financial forecast for the next year is given by chickens seen in a dream, steel products, brushes. And a completely depressing financial situation awaits the one to whom the driven horse appears in a dream.

People who are hungry for success and career growth should not fear for their future if in a dream they drank clean well water, flew on wings, traveled to distant lands, climbed stairs, planted a tree, beat flies or washed their feet. Happiness will also be brought by those dreams in which I happened to see fried meat, flowering linden, white-trunked birch, snow-white teeth, warm gloves.

A dream on the night of January 13-14, in which a hunchback suddenly appears, is considered the happiest.

If anyone remembers (although it is unlikely, because so much time has passed), Old New Year 2012 coincided with Friday 13 ... More precisely, New Year's Eve (according to the old style) fell from Friday to Saturday, which for some turned out to be not a very good omen, in particular, for especially superstitious and believing that the number thirteen is a “bad number”.

They returned to the rumors about the imminent end of the world, which, according to Nostradamus' predictions, should come in December 2012. Is it because 2012 is followed by 2013? But, after all, the year 1913, nevertheless, passed, like all the previous ones, ending in the number 13 ... Russia is the only country in the world that celebrates the new year twice. This began to happen from the moment the Decree on the introduction of the Western European calendar in Russia was signed in 1918. It was prescribed that February 14 be considered the first day after January 31 ...

This is how time moved. And, although more than one century has passed since then (January 1, the New Year in Russia began to be celebrated by decree of Peter the Great, since 1700), Russia still celebrates the new year twice. According to the Julian calendar (the times of Peter the Great) and the Gregorian, still in force today.

According to old Russian customs, after Christmas, Christmas time came, and, accordingly, Christmas fortune-telling. It must be said that Christmas fortune-telling was not much different from Christmas fortune-telling. And most often young girls (and even married women) fortune-telled on mirrors. Young girls tried to see in the dark void the mirrors of their betrothed mummers, while women tried to find out if they could give birth to an heir ... especially if the young family was still childless, or only girls were born in the family.

It is now that science has proved that neither in childlessness, nor even more so, in the "formation of the sex" of the future baby, only a woman can be to blame. But, then, in those distant times, all the responsibility fell on the woman. Therefore, it is quite understandable that any fortune-telling of a married woman boiled down to whether she could give birth to a son. Often, her position in the family also depended on this, but I must say that families at that time were patriarchal, which speaks for itself. The woman was absolutely powerless.

But here is another (very uncomplicated) fortune-telling that girls resorted to without risking going crazy with fear, which sometimes happened when fortune-telling on mirrors.

On the night of January 13-14 (new year according to the old style), the girl had to put a comb under her pillow, and said three times: “Narrowed - dressed up, come to me dressed up, ask for a comb, and fix your hair” ... After saying these words, it was no longer possible to speak ... And if a girl saw her beloved in a dream, this meant that matchmakers should be expected.

Merry Christmas, dear ones! http://www.gifzona.ru/i/chris/02.gif
From the evening I read posts in SM about fortune-telling, did not enter into controversy, did not proceed to magical actions. She calmly drifted off to sleep. Approximately like this: And on this very Christmas night I dream, well, a miracle, what a good dream! Actions happen to me and to real people I know. Do you think the dream will come true? It seems, and my aunt is already an adult, but something like this Help me believe in a fairy tale or refute the myth You are welcome to the survey
P.S. I was puzzled. Here's what I found. Who is interested, you can read in full: http://subscribe.ru/archive/rest.esoteric.111/201112/21145302.html/
Prophetic dreams in the New Year, at Christmas, at Christmas time and at Epiphany

The New Year's time is approaching, so to speak, when we pay special attention to dreams. It seems to us that they have a sacred meaning, they carry information that applies to the entire coming year. We stare at vague images, get frightened or rejoice, try to interpret them. And, in general, we are doing the right thing. That's just not worth it to everyone, without exception, dreams to attach great importance. Yes, and in the interpretation of "holiday" dreams have their own nuances. That's what we'll talk about today.

When dreams come true

It is rightly believed that dreams on New Year's Eve, Christmas Eve, Christmas, Christmas time and Epiphany have a special meaning and are often prophetic. Only they come true in different ways, each dream has its own special period and its own “sphere of influence”.

New Year (from December 31 to January 1) - dreams refer to the coming year and come true, respectively, during the year.

Christmas Eve - focus on dreams in which there is a fulfillment of desires, this will be an indication of the time frame. That is, if you see in a dream that you, for example, received a promotion in the spring, then the dream will come true in the spring. And if you see yourself getting married, but at the same time you look a few years older, then, most likely, you should not expect a wedding in the coming year - it will “complete” in a few years.

Christmas - these dreams can determine fate, they carry a hint of what is best to do and what is best not to do. Pay special attention to these dreams - they most often turn out to be prophetic. Such dreams come true in a period of a week to five years.

Christmas time - dreams come true within six months. Such dreams also relate to our actions, to right and wrong actions, as well as to entertainment and emotions. But, unlike dreams at Christmas, they do not define some global things, but relate to everyday life.

Baptism - dreams are related to all life, to Fate and can come true even after 20 years.

Do dreams come true on Christmas Eve?

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