Presentation on the topic "Medicinal plants of our region". Cold infusion wipe the skin

We are surrounded by plants everywhere: flowers, herbs, trees and shrubs. Without plants, there would be no life on earth. Plants help us breathe. And with their help, you can cure some diseases. You just need to know which plants are medicinal and use them correctly.

Each plant is created by nature for the good. People studied plants, passed on to another generation their knowledge of medicinal properties plants, were "Herbalists".

We have a pharmacy located almost under our feet. Children should see the beauty of the surrounding nature, understand the benefits of plants, flowers and herbs. We, adults, walk with children, go on excursions, to the park, forest, field, introduce them to our mother nature. In spring and summer, you can walk a lot and watch plants and insects. Children are interested in everything.

Let's tell children about medicinal plants . What plants are called medicinal, how to collect them correctly. Teach children to distinguish between medicinal herbs and cultivate respect for nature.

Medicinal plants with a description for children

And in the thickets of the forest,

In fields and meadows

Where everything is sweet for the heart,

Where clean air is so sweet to breathe.

Available in herbs and flowers

healing power,

For everyone who can

unravel their secret.

(Sun. Christmas)

When we are sick, it is not always necessary to run to the pharmacy for pills. We are surrounded by many plants that can be treated.

Plants that are used to treat various diseases are called medicinal. What plants are medicinal?

Many medicinal plants are known to children since childhood. These are: dandelion, chamomile, nettle, plantain, coltsfoot, lilies of the valley, linden.

Consider the most famous plants for children.

Stinging nettle

The word comes from the old Russian word "koprena" - silk. Nettles were used to obtain fiber and fabrics.

Previously, nettles were considered a means to exorcise evil spirits.

In difficult years, nettle helped people out a lot. It was eaten, prepared soups, salads. It has long been known as a medicinal plant. Folk wisdom says: One nettles will replace seven doctors.

Nettle is used for inflammation of the lungs, bleeding, gargle, used to strengthen hair.

Nettle stems and leaves are covered with stinging hairs. This feature of the plant is reflected in riddles and proverbs.

To mess around with him, to sit in nettles.

Though not fire, but it burns.

What herb does the blind recognize?

Grows like a green wall

She is bypassed

Prickly and evil diva,

What is the name of the grass?


pharmaceutical camomile

Sisters are standing in the field,

Yellow eyes look at the sun

Every sister has

white eyelashes


The name comes from the Latin "romona" - Roman, borrowed from the Polish language. In literature, her image is associated with the image of modest beauty and kindness.

Description of chamomile

Chamomile - annual herbaceous plant from the Compositae family.

The flowers are collected in a basket, which consists of white tongue-shaped petals and yellow tubular flowers. Chamomile blooms from May to September. It grows everywhere: in fields, along roads, near human dwellings.

Medicinal properties of chamomile.

Used as a sedative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic.

Gargle with a decoction of chamomile, use it as an anti-inflammatory agent for gastrointestinal diseases. Apply as cosmetic product, a decoction of chamomile gives blond hair a golden hue.

How is chamomile prepared?

Collect flowers in dry weather, dry in a room well warmed by the sun, scattering thin layer on fabric or paper.

Dandelion officinalis

This plant is familiar to children since childhood. Who doesn't like to collect yellow dandelions and make wreaths out of them? it perennial family of Compositae.

They bloom for a long time, forming many seeds per season.

When dandelions bloom, it seems that the children of the sun have descended to the earth and covered it with a beautiful carpet.

Dandelion is very similar to the sun.

Dandelion has been used for a long time medicinal purposes. It is called the "elixir of life" for good reason: all parts of the plant are useful. And roots, leaves, flowers.

Dandelion flowers are used to make jam similar to honey. Leaves can be used to prepare healthy salads in spring.

Dandelion Salad:

100 g of dandelion leaves;

90 g green onions;

25 g parsley;

15 g of vegetable oil;

1 boiled egg;

salt, pepper to taste.

Soak dandelion leaves in salt water for 30 minutes, chop, add herbs, butter, decorate with a boiled egg.

Dandelion has diaphoretic, antipyretic and expectorant properties.


Grows along roads. Its Russian names are "plantain", "fellow traveler". It is also called “cutter”, “rannik” - for its wound healing properties.

In medicine, the leaves are used to heal wounds and cuts. Also used for stings of bees, wasps and even snakes. Freshly crushed mass of plantain leaves prevents the appearance of edema.

Plantain is used for upper diseases respiratory tract, with gastritis, diseases of the stomach.

Plantain seeds are sticky, stick to human shoes, to the paws of animals and are carried over long distances.

You will meet him along the paths,

You will heal abrasions,

Pluck off the leaf carefully.

Who will heal us?



I'm not famous for flowers

And with ordinary sheets:

That hard, cold,

It's soft and dark.

The name of the plant was given by the structure of the leaf. From below they are white, fluffy, soft, like mother's hands. From above green, cold - like a stepmother.

A perennial plant of the Compositae family, with straight stems covered with brownish scaly leaves.

Yellow flowers on the stem.

The plant has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. Mother and stepmother is a honey plant. And these are the first spring flowers that delight us.

Coltsfoot flowers

Like lights of the sun.

Grow on the hillside

Straight from the snow - and bloom!

(L. Akinshina)


The top of the leaf is smooth

But with a flannelette lining


The plant uses both flowers and leaves. Used for coughing, to strengthen the immune system, as a diaphoretic.

Ivan tea or fireweed

In ancient times, ropes were twisted from its stems, they called it “wild flax”. Good honey plant.

It is brewed like tea. Used for kidney disease, as a sedative.

Shepherd's bag

This plant grows like a weed everywhere. The fruit is a triangular pod similar to a shepherd's bag.

The infusion is used for bleeding.

On the wastelands and on the roads

With an inflorescence a little white weed.

But having studied all its properties,

You may not see it that way.

The bleeding will stop

In China, he is a salad to the table.

The weed is tenacious: there are so many seeds

In a fruit that looks like a bag.

(Shepherd's bag)

What other medicinal plants are known to children?


Add it to tea. There is a lot in mint useful properties. Pleasant aroma, cooling taste. Mint tinctures are soothing.

Tasty tea and fragrant,

With her, he is light and pleasant:

The leaves are torn and dented.

What are you breathing in? - Smell…( mint)

Calendula or marigold

What strange flowers

Under the name of nails?

So similar to daisies -

All in orange shirts?


It has an expectorant, diuretic, diaphoretic. Gargle with calendula for stomatitis and sore throat.

Lily of the valley

Listed in the Red Book. Fragile, beautiful and fragrant flower. But be careful. Lily of the valley is poisonous.

Lily of the valley is a very useful plant. Heart and soothing drops. AT folk medicine lily of the valley is used, but you need to consult a doctor because it is not safe.

The forest turns black

warmly awakened,

Embraced by spring dampness.

And on the strings of pearls

Everyone trembles from the wind.

Carefully woven by nature,

Wrapped in a green leaf

A flower grows in the wilderness untouched

Cool, fragile and fragrant.

(May lily of the valley)

St. John's wort

This is a low perennial plant with a straight thin stem. On the leaves are light dots, similar to holes. The plant is called St. John's wort.

These cells store essential oils.

On the branches - inflorescences yellow flowers with a balsamic scent. St. John's wort blooms from June to August. It grows in meadows, fields, along the slopes of the coast.

Contains carotene and vitamin C. Plant useful for humans.

It is also called "God's grass", it treats 99 ailments. Why not 100? St. John's wort should not be used in patients with tumors.

Infusion of herbs is used for diseases of the stomach, for gargling, drink as tea.

If something hurts

Not even the beast can resist.

With what herb to drink infusion?

With miracle weed

(St. John's wort)


Unpretentious plant, grows everywhere. Just a wonderful weed. Children from its fruits mold figurines. Burdock is also called burdock.

In medicine, both burdock roots and leaves are used. They prepare decoctions, infusions, extracts and treat various diseases: gastritis, constipation, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, stomatitis.

Burdock leaves are applied to sore joints. A decoction of burdock strengthens hair.

How to collect medicinal herbs?

Collectors of medicinal plants harvest healing herbs. Thanks to the observation of people, folk wisdom, herbs are used to treat diseases. But the herbs still need to be properly harvested. Children need to be told:

  • In no case should you collect herbs near the roads, because. they absorb harmful traffic fumes and there will be no benefit from them, only harm.
  • Medicinal plants should be collected only in clear and dry weather.
  • Plants are not to be tasted.
  • Each type of plant is collected separately.
  • Wash hands with soap and water after picking plants.
  • Do not tear plants unnecessarily.

Plants grow everywhere and sometimes we simply do not notice them, although they are of great importance to humans.

Children need to be taught to take care of nature, because without a blade of grass, a flower, we will feel bad.

And here's another good one a poem about the benefits of plants.


It lists the main properties of plants

Mint treats neuralgia,

And beets - hypertension.

Strawberries drive salt

And sage - toothache.

Eat watermelon with niphrite,

And lingonberries - with arthritis,

To have more strength

Don't forget the elecampane

Cranberries cure cystitis,

Radish cough and bronchitis.

Headache - viburnum,

And a cold - tea with raspberries.

Treat the liver with mountain ash,

Heart - mint and viburnum

To avoid diabetes

Jerusalem artichoke eat all summer

Asthma cure with hysop

Bladder - dill.

Wounds, ulcers, hemorrhoids -

Wash with plantain

If you have swelling -

Field horsetail and flax seed.

Smear the corns with celandine.

And freckles - grated horseradish,

Don't forget St. John's wort

Let's take tea off and consume more often

Drink rosehip infusion

You will be cheerful, young.

Video for kids » The Tale of Medicinal Plants»


  1. Medicinal plants help people recover from diseases.
  2. Medicines are made from medicinal plants.
  3. Medicinal plants must be protected and not torn unnecessarily.

It is interesting and informative to tell children about useful medicinal plants that are often found. Read poems, guess riddles about medicinal plants. Children will remember them and treat them with care, knowing about the benefits that plants bring.

Write your comments. If the article was useful to you, share it with your friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks.

Sincerely, Olga.

For many years of its existence, mankind has learned to live in more or less tolerable harmony with the outside world. We receive from nature a huge amount of various substances we need, among which there are far from last place occupied by plants. Various plant cultures are used by us as food products, they are used in industry, cosmetology and medicine. The surrounding world is a concentration of a huge number useful gifts nature, which include cultural medicinal plants, which are a wonderful source of vitamins and other useful substances.

So, to eliminate beriberi, it is not at all necessary to go to the pharmacy for multivitamin preparations, or to buy early and, as you know, of little use vegetables on the market. On an ordinary wasteland, in forests and meadows, there is a huge amount of wild-growing edible plants. In addition, such representatives of the flora are actively cultivated by humans in medicinal purposes.

In principle, vitamins are present in all plants, but only those cultures that are able to selectively accumulate vitamins in a volume capable of exerting a pronounced effect are classified as vitamin-containing. pharmacological effects. Such a dose is usually five hundred, or even a thousand times more than in other plants.

Despite the fact that scientists are able to synthesize most vitamins synthetically, vitamin-containing plant cultures have retained their importance for mankind. Such plants are widely used, especially in the treatment of babies, the elderly, as well as patients prone to allergic ailments.

Scientists argue that vitamins from vegetable raw materials are extremely well combined with polysaccharides, as well as with saponins and flavonoids, respectively, they are easily absorbed by the body. In addition, such vitamin particles are much less likely to give allergic reactions compared to synthetic counterparts. Also, when consuming plant materials, the human body can easily protect itself from an overdose of vitamins, which is almost impossible when taking pharmaceuticals.

Medicinal crop plants that are concentrators of vitamins

Lion's amount of vitamin C or ascorbic acid contained in the fruits of blackcurrant, rose hips and mountain ash. In addition, the sources of such a useful substance are considered to be raspberry fruits, nettle leaves, and strawberry fruits and leaves.

Concentrators and sources of vitamin P are considered to be buds or fruits. Japanese Sophora, berries chokeberry and blackcurrant. In addition, the mass of such a substance is contained in tea leaves.

Great amount carotenoids (provitamin A) is found in rose hips, sea buckthorn and mountain ash. In addition, it is rich in herbs of succession and marsh cudweed, as well as calendula flowers. A slightly smaller amount of this vitamin is present in parsley, raspberry leaves and pumpkin.

Known concentrators of vitamin K are considered to be nettle leaves, shepherd's purse grass and yarrow. Also, a significant amount of this substance is found in the bark of viburnum and corn silk.

Excellent sources of vitamin E, or as it is also called tocopherol, are sea buckthorn and rose hips, as well as oils based on these plants. In addition, a significant amount of this element is present in pumpkin and flax seeds, peanut and golden root.

As for the B vitamins, they are found in many medicinal crops. So thiamine is rich in cereal germs and cabbage, pyridoxine is present in peas, potatoes and heather, get folic acid can be from plantain, lettuce and broccoli.

Vitamins all year round

Of course, maximum amount vitamins are in fresh plants. However, you can replenish your body with the necessary set of vitamin substances all year round. For this, medicinal crops can be harvested for future use, in addition, they can be bought in pharmacies in the form of dried raw materials and in the form of various medicines- capsules, tablets, tinctures and dietary supplements.

To combat beriberi, you can collect fresh medicinal plants and use them for food. So, young nettles appear in the forests first of all, its sprouts can be found in thawed patches long before the snow has completely melted. Such a plant can be used in the preparation of salads, cabbage soup, and also added to pies. But already ten days after germination, the nettle becomes unfit for consumption.

Following the nettles, bluebells and dandelions appear in the fields. The former are used in the form of leaves, which are eaten by themselves or added to salads. And dandelions are used almost completely - the leaves are soaked and used in cooking, jam is made on the basis of flowers, and the root is used for therapeutic purposes.

At a later time, to saturate the body with vitamins, you can use the flowers of levkoy, leaves of primrose and krasnodnev. An excellent find will also be gout, wild onion and wild garlic. In addition, sorrel, bracken, and shepherd's purse are excellent edible sources of vitamins.


Of course our the world is multifaceted and many-sided, but its significant part is made up of cultivated plants. They feed us, they can still heal us from a variety of pathological conditions… And therefore, as you understand, it is important to understand their value for our life and protect them from getting into the Red Book… And we are on this page of the site www.! Plants are our very life.

Subject World around 4th grade

Lesson topic

Chapter"You and Your Health"


"Explanatory note"

Explanatory note

Teacher Melnikova Galina Alexandrovna

Subject The world around grade 4 (EMC "School of the XXI century")

Lesson topic

Chapter"You and Your Health"

Target: To acquaint with medicinal plants of the area;



    expanding the horizons of students


    education of respect for the nature of the native land

    cultivating respect for the opinion of comrades

    development of students' speech, horizons, cognitive interest

    development creativity junior schoolchildren

    formation of the ability to work with textual information, dictionaries, reference books

    the formation of the ability to work in a group of peers.

Educational institution: MBOU "Komsomolskaya secondary school No. 1" Chamzinsky district, Republic of Mordovia

Lesson type: lesson learning new .

Means of education: presentation, explanatory and spelling dictionaries, handouts for checking homework, self-assessment, herbarium "Medicinal plants", envelopes with assignments for group work, materials for design work

This lesson compiled for the 4th grade on the subject "World around" (EMC "School of the XXI century"), in the section "You and your health", after familiarizing students with various types diseases (flu, allergies) home first aid kit.

The amount of material involves the use of both one and several lessons, depending on the preparation of the class, the characteristics of the development of children, taking into account sanitary regulations and norms (7 - 10 min)

The organization of the work of children in groups allows you to develop the ability to work in a team, fostering respect for the opinions of comrades. The formation of groups is carried out by the teacher, attention is drawn to the ratio of groups according to intellectual and communicative abilities, interpersonal relations.

Checking homework in the form of a test allows you to check the material studied earlier, is aimed at developing the ability to work with test tasks, developing students' ability to check and evaluate their work.

Group work with the materials of the "Home Encyclopedia" is aimed at the search activity of students, independent study new material, the development of cognitive activity of students, the ability to work with a large amount of information.

The exercise "We write competently" provides an interdisciplinary connection with the lessons of the Russian language, consolidates students' knowledge about writing words with the studied spelling.

The “Literary Page” introduces children to the works of Kuban poets, at this stage you can continue to develop the skill expressive reading to offer students creative work(come up with a poem, a fairy tale about medicinal plants.)

The quiz "Know the plant" allows the development to analyze, compare the studied material. At this stage of the lesson, the ability to classify plants into groups is formed: trees, shrubs, herbs.

Working with various types of dictionaries is aimed at developing students' ability to find necessary information in encyclopedias, dictionaries, working out the ability to work with electronic reference books, dictionaries. It is possible to use dictionaries and reference books on the Internet.

The "Test Yourself" slides can also be varied by applying various ways checks (self-check, mutual check, teacher control, etc.).

Entertaining material can be offered to be solved both in pairs and in groups of students, offered for independent solution in an extended day group.


Pyramids of Egypt

Ivan the Terrible

Peter 1




Rose hip



St. John's wort


Dictionary Ozhegov

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Portrait of Ozhegov

Portrait of Dahl








forest sounds

Slide 4 Flower

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"medicinal plants"

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Oak has been used as a medicinal plant for a very long time. Baths from oak bark help with general weakening of the body. Undiluted decoction is suitable for rinsing with stomatitis, to strengthen the gums.


Perennial herbaceous plant up to 60 cm high. Grows in meadows, field edges, along roads, among shrubs, on mountain slopes. Has a calming effect. Oregano grass is used as a seasoning instead of black pepper.


annual plant. Rarely found as a wild plant. It has an anti-inflammatory, soothing effect. Used for children's diathesis, dizziness, cough, burns, bruises, diseases of the oral cavity.


Perennial herbaceous plant up to 1 meter high. It grows like a weed in gardens, orchards, throughout the region. Celandine juice is used to remove warts, corns, freckles and treat various skin diseases.

Rose hip

Shrub 100-150 cm high, with red-brown shiny branches. An infusion of rose hips helps with colds, coughing

Rose hip.

At dawn, the ruddy dog ​​rose woke up.

He stretched every leaf towards the dawn.

And the dawn reached out to him in response,

Buds dyed in pink color.

And in each bud, just in the middle,

She put in a blue dewdrop.

If you accidentally hit a rosehip with your shoulder,

He will shower you with fragrant rain.

Tatiana Golub


Runs away hastily

nettles deep in the yard.

The wheatgrass is surprised:

Well, why in such a distance?


















































And nettle:

So that children

Do not sting inadvertently.

Vladimir Nesterenko


Rules for the collection of medicinal plants.

Plants are harvested in dry weather, when the dew has already disappeared. It is necessary to ensure that there is no dust and dirt on the plants.

You can not collect medicinal plants along the roads, on the streets of cities, in squares. These plants accumulate harmful substances that are thrown into the air by cars.

The flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering; leaves - before flowering or at the beginning of it; roots and rhizomes - in spring and autumn; bark - in the spring, at the beginning of sap flow, when it is well separated;

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"environment world 4 class medicinal plants"

Rose hip.

At dawn, the ruddy dog ​​rose woke up.

He stretched every leaf towards the dawn.

And the dawn reached out to him in response,

The buds are dyed pink.

And in each bud, just in the middle,

She put in a blue dewdrop.

If you accidentally hit a rosehip with your shoulder,

He will shower you with fragrant rain.

Tatiana Golub


A decoction of 1 teaspoon of chicory roots

boil for 500 ml of water for 10 minutes,

insist 2 hours, filter.

Used for warm rinses

with toothache.

Prepared from chicory roots

drinks, coffee.

Fresh nettle leaves are applied to wounds to heal them. Candied roots are used for coughs.

Salads and soups are prepared from young shoots and leaves. Delicate inflorescences are brewed as tea .

Dandelion leaf infusion

great remedy for freckles.

2 tablespoons boil for 10 minutes.

Cold infusion wipe the skin

2-3 times a day.

n __ d __ horn

c __ corium

cr __ beer

z __ r __ fight

road builder

c and kary

cup of beer

beast fight



  • Prepare a family recipe

using medicinal plants;

  • Write a story, a fairy tale, a poem about a medicinal plant.

Any living being can get sick. But if a person uses medicines, then animals are treated themselves in the forest thicket, by instinct finding plants that relieve him of illnesses.

Later written evidence of application medicinal plants preserved by the inhabitants of Babylon and ancient Assyria. In those days, it was already known about the healing properties of such plants as dope, licorice root. In ancient times, the power that was hidden in plants seemed to people because of the lack of magical knowledge. They hoped that there were such herbs that could show where the treasure was hidden, beat off the memory, force him to fall in love with a person he hated. Many legends have been compiled about the roots of ginseng and mandrake that look like little men. For everyone it seemed like a miracle that the ginseng infusion returned strength to tired people. Later, scientists were able to explain why this or that plant heals us, and wonderful fictions were swept aside.

Many plants are grown on plantations, such as mint, which everyone who brushes their teeth has come across. The freshness and aroma of toothpaste gives menthol, which is one of the main parts mint oil. The heart medicine Validol also includes mint. This plant improves appetite, soothes. AT Ancient Rome before the arrival of guests, it was customary to spray the rooms with mint infusion, as its aroma contributes to a cheerful mood.

When spring comes, you can see yellow flowers on scaly stems on the hillocks, which are also called early honey plants. The well-known coltsfoot is used for laryngitis, inflammation of the bronchi, throat, and lungs. Another plant, similar to coltsfoot, is often used as food, since dandelion leaves contain many vitamins, contain elements of iron, phosphorus and calcium. If you prepare the infusion from the roots correctly, then if you use it strictly according to the norm, you can cure the kidneys and increase your appetite.

Who doesn’t like to collect daisies and weave beautiful wreaths on their heads?! A beautiful bouquet will always delight us at home. However, in addition to its attractiveness, this plant has beneficial effect with inflammation of the throat, teeth. Decoction of chamomile wash the eyes from germs. And if you constantly wash your hair with a decoction, then they will acquire a golden color. BUT fragrant tea comfort in any situation.

AT emergency situations, with wounds and bruises, effective tool consider plantain. Even in ancient Rome, warriors applied rags to wounds soaked in the juice of this plant so that suppuration did not occur. In Russia, it was believed that plantain could restore strength to a tired person by putting leaves in shoes. For the collection of plants, it is desirable to choose dry, clear weather away from industrial facilities, railways and freeways. Grass and flowers should be collected at the time when they bloom, and the roots - in autumn, at the moment when the above-ground parts wither. Vegetable raw materials are dried in darkened ventilated rooms.

When collecting medicinal herbs, you must always leave some of them intact in order to preserve these valuable plants and for the future.

In nature, there are many various plants. Among them, there are plants that have healing properties. Such types of plants are called medicinal. They are used for the treatment, prevention various diseases person.

Since ancient times, people have used what nature gave them. Over time, they began to notice that some herbs, root crops have special properties: they soothe, relieve irritation and itching, and heal wounds. Knowledge about these medicinal plants has been accumulated over the centuries. To this day, people widely use and apply this knowledge.

Chamomile is the most widely used medicinal plant. This is an annual fragrant plant, no more than 60 cm high. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory, sedative, healing and antiseptic effect. It is used for diseases of the stomach, liver, diseases of the oral cavity, diseases of the external integument, problems with sleep.

Another popular plant in folk medicine is sage. In Southern Europe it is also called - " sacred grass». Sage- it's strong antiseptic, natural antibiotic also has pain relieving properties. Used for a number of diseases gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract.

One of the most ancient useful plants. The history of its use goes back to Ancient China 3000 years ago. Plantain strong wound healing agent, antipyretic, It can be used even with corneal injuries and conjunctivitis, kidney diseases.

Blueberry. Many people love it for its tasty, juicy berries, but it is not only a delicacy, but also a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-putrefactive agent. Blueberry infusion improves metabolism, lowers blood sugar, and useful material, which are part of the fetus, have a positive effect on vision.

2, 3, 4, 5, 6 grade, the world around

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