Stories. The medicines advertised on TV are useless. Who benefits from advertising dubious drugs on TV

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The Ministry of Health proposes to ban advertising of antimicrobial drugs. Even lollipops for sore throats can be included in the list of prohibited items. The agency plans to implement this amendment in 2019-2020. This was reported in RBC, referring to a document that the ministry sent for approval to 11 federal departments.

In October 2017, the Russian government approved a strategy for the prevention of microbial resistance. By 2030, the authorities are going to raise public awareness about the use of antibiotics and their replacement with analogues.

Push for self-healing

Prohibit advertising in the media antimicrobials The Ministry of Health wants by amending the federal law "On Advertising". Such measures are necessary to "implement a strategy to prevent the spread of antimicrobial resistance". Recently, people have developed resistance to certain drugs, in particular to antibiotics. The Ministry of Health is going to deal with this problem in the near future.

Photo Source: Pixabay

Antimicrobial action has a very wide range medicines: lozenges for sore throats, cold medicines, antibiotics. It also works for the treatment of dermatological and gynecological diseases.

Taking them without a doctor's prescription is dangerous. “Antibiotic resistance is on the rise because we consume antibiotics with meat, milk and other products. All unscrupulous manufacturers of milk and meat products use the same increased volumes of antibiotics to suppress the infection on their farm, in the incubator and somewhere else, ”Irina Bulygina, a leading pharmacist, told 360. Therefore, it is difficult for a person to understand how many antibiotics actually enter his body.

The pharmacist said that drug manufacturers by hook or by crook want their drugs to become OTC. Only then can they be legally advertised. However, in no case should you self-medicate, Bulygina believes. For each person is calculated certain norm otherwise the medicine becomes poison.

Irina Bulygina pharmacist.

The interlocutor of "360" also said that a lot of deaths due to incorrect dosage. For example, parents without consulting a doctor give children the wrong amount of paracetamol. Because of such self-treatment, children die, Bulygina warned.

Demand for advertising

According to a study by the analytical center of the NSC group, in 2017, 23% of all advertising time was spent on pharmaceutical companies. On television, their share is estimated at 28%. Moreover, the cost of advertising precisely antimicrobial drugs can result in fairly large amounts, due to the enormous demand for the product, experts say.

Photo source: RIA Novosti / Evgeny Odinokov

A one-minute video that will be shown five times a day for a month, not in prime time and not on a federal channel, costs from a million rubles, Bulygina noted. Excessive advertising activity medicines in the media can also lead to sales cuts. However, this situation, according to the commercial director of the pharmaceutical company "Polisan" Dmitry Borisov, will not last long: only about two months. People will not be able to stop buying them at all, the interlocutor of 360 is sure. Antibiotics and other products, especially in autumn-winter period, is an everyday product.

True, not all manufacturers can afford advertising on television. Aleksey Murazanov, member of the board of the Association of Branding Companies of Russia, told 360 about this. “Traditionally, there is a seasonality in advertising medical preparations over-the-counter. In the autumn, advertising for colds and flu medicines is a significant part of the budget of big brand owners who invest annually in advertising,” he said during the conversation. An analogue of advertising on television can be the Internet, as well as notification in places where products are sold.

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A strange paradox - advertising medicines stigmatized by almost everyone associated with the medical field. Doctors talk about the inadmissibility of self-treatment, scientists warn not to rush to buy new ones miracle cures, and only pharmacologists are timidly silent, preferring not to get involved in this discussion. Why is this happening? First of all, because it is the last representatives of the huge world market of medicines that are most interested in increasing profits from sales of their own products. And often they are of little interest in how the uncontrolled consumption of medicines can end.

For a better understanding of this problem, let's conditionally divide all medical advertising into several groups:

  1. drug advertising;
  2. advertising of dietary supplements;
  3. vitamin ads.


Something hurts - take a pill!

The first danger that lies in the incessant advertising of medicines is the exaggeration of their effects on the human body. Smiling faces, usually in white coats, persistently convince that, in fact, the uncontrolled intake of various pills in the blink of an eye will save anyone from all sorts of problems and inconveniences. Sciatica bent in half - take a pill, appeared in the stomach sharp pains- take a pill, your head is splitting - take a pill. And now healthy and the same smiling faces, suffering from unbearable pain just a minute ago, join the honest assurances of television doctors about the benefits of this or that medical preparation.

What is really going on? Everything is simple. Symptoms, perhaps enough dangerous diseases, are smoothed out or even driven deep inside, and the problem itself continues to develop actively, sometimes without the “first bells” about impending disaster interfering with the usual course of life. It is self-willed, without special surveys medication allows the person in need medical care body to ignore and run negative state that has arisen in it. Of course, the huge lack of time and the ever-increasing pace of life, especially in cities, do not allow modern people consult a doctor for any problem that arises. Yes, and the level of the followers of Hippocrates sometimes raises doubts. However, you should definitely find time for a periodic serious examination and at least telephone communication With family doctor in case of such need. Believe me, your own health is priceless, and escape from simple problems with the help of advertised means will not lead to their disappearance, but to more serious consequences. Sometimes irreversible.

In addition, other aspects should not be discarded. Every drug is not safe in one way or another. Some of them have solid side effects, which are silent in the commercials. The list of these same contraindications is sometimes so impressive that taking a particular medication will not only not help, but will also do harm. Also, no less important, but for some reason of little interest, is inconspicuous information warning about compatibility. this medicine with other means. But the misuse of miraculous pills can lead to very sad results. Therefore, you should not play Russian roulette with drug advertising - only experienced doctor able to cure his patient by necessary research and prescribing the necessary medication.

dietary supplements

Popular biologically active additives, undoubtedly created for the benefit of humanity, which is languishing in a polluted technological age from a lack of vitamins, overweight and stress. It is in these three areas, without hesitation, that pharmacologists began to develop the production of dietary supplements. What are these supplements and what are they usually eaten with? Everything is extremely simple. According to the manufacturers of these products, dietary supplements contain exclusively natural ingredients. And with this begins the first lie of advertising brochures and television commercials. Modern society has somewhat forgotten what the real natural component of our diet means. Chamomile, plucked and brewed into tea, is natural, as well as healing currants collected in the country. But capsules bought at a pharmacy with an incomprehensible content are difficult to a priori attribute to natural ones.

In addition, the use of vitamins or microelements uncontrollably, which happens today in almost every home, is dangerous in itself. Thus, the accumulation of zinc will weaken bone tissue, excess nicotinic acid destroy the unfortunate liver, and an excess of magnesium can provoke depression and serious disorders nervous system. Advertising of this group of drugs traditionally does not talk about this, it is not accepted. However, our body does not cease to suffer from this less.


Perhaps, from early childhood, a person develops an opinion about incredible benefits, which is brought into the body by various trace elements and vitamin groups. It's hard to argue with this statement. However, in this direction of widespread advertising of medicines, there are some nuances similar to the problems of dietary supplements. Uncontrolled introduction to daily diet such, it would seem, important components can also seriously disrupt the operation human body. And this applies to absolutely all organs.

An overdose with vitamins and various essential micronutrients will result in:

  • indigestion and blood thinning (vitamin E);
  • exacerbation urolithiasis and diarrhea (vitamin C);
  • the development of anemia and some loss of sensitivity (vitamin B6);
  • kidney failure and depression (magnesium);
  • the appearance of diseases of the alimentary tract (iron).

You can list endlessly, because each of the vitamins or trace elements is capable of both having a healing effect on a suffering organism, and irreparably destroying it. That is why, before taking any complex, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Real, not cute smiling from TV screens and billboards.

Results and conclusions

Never trust blindly various kinds advertising of any medicinal products. Do not self-medicate. Use medicines only after they have been prescribed to you by your doctor. If possible, seek help from specialists who are familiar with international practice and read professional periodicals on English language. So you will be under supervision and you will be sure that nothing threatens your health.


Any viewer is immersed in the world of medicine from early morning. No, it's not about health programs. Just every 10-15 minutes, advertising with enviable regularity offers a variety of medicines, drugs and dietary supplements. As a result, the degree of awareness of the population about medicines goes through the roof, but the result of this knowledge is the opposite. Experts estimate that more than 60,000 Russians die each year from self-medication by taking advertised pills.

Today, any viewer is aware of drugs better than a doctor and a pharmacist. Thanks to advertising, everyone knows that phytolax is for constipation, novo-passit is for stress, teraflex is for joints, prostamol is for prostatitis, mezim is for improving digestion, and Essentiale forte is "protecting your liver for a long time."

Tablet "for everything"

Not so long ago, I filmed a program about heart disease in the 71st city clinical hospital. Half of the contingent of the department where they treat hypertension, consisted of patients who took drugs uncontrollably. One old woman who swallowed "only a handful" of pills was barely saved from cardiac arrest.

“How do we take pills in most cases? - was indignant chief physician 71st GKB Alexander Myasnikov. - Not according to the principle “the doctor prescribed it”, but “I heard it on TV, my neighbor also bought it, they suggested it at the pharmacy.” At the same time, few people think: advertising of medicines, their production is, first of all, a business. Taking a pill "for everything" is much easier than driving healthy lifestyle life, engage in prevention, go to the doctor, finally. At the same time, 80% of the drug turnover in the country is fake. Drugs that are advertised on television as improving the stomach flora, drugs that protect the liver, antiviral drugs that supposedly increase immunity - these are drugs whose effectiveness is sometimes questionable.

In addition, at first glance it may seem that the drugs that are advertised on TV are harmless, because when they are bought at a pharmacy, they do not require a prescription. However, every medicine has side effects. Take, for example, allergy medications. “First of all, a person should find out from the doctor what exactly causes him allergic reaction and how to cure it, - says the director of the Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums. I.I. Mechnikov Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Boris Semyonov. – You can’t convince people from the screen that one particular medicine will definitely help everyone. Allergy is very complex disease requiring medical advice and complex treatment. Only a specialist will indicate to the allergy sufferer exactly which means to use, find out which microorganisms he lacks, and then prescribe probiotics that can make up for their deficiency.

Why is the Ministry of Health silent?

Experts have the most questions about advertising antiviral drugs and cold remedies. The latter, by the way, is most aggressive with the onset of an influenza epidemic. And it goes mainly to morning time when an awakened person, feeling unwell, decides what to do - go to the doctor or to the pharmacy, buying a “magic pill” there. In fact, self-medication is advertised on TV with might and main, contrary to the position of the Ministry of Health. Comes to paradoxes. While all schools were closed for influenza quarantine in January-February, prime-time TV actively promoted remedies that relieve “all symptoms of flu and colds.” And in the intervals between these commercials, there was news in which the head of the federal Ministry of Health, Veronika Skvortsova, warned: during a seasonal flu epidemic, you should consult a doctor at the first symptoms and in no case self-medicate.

Polls show that today only 13-20% of Russians visit a doctor in case of illness, about 58% prefer self-treatment. main reason- Focus on advertising, intrusive and useless. According to WHO, self-medication ranks fifth in terms of mortality, second only to injuries, circulatory diseases, oncological and pulmonary diseases. There were cases when a person tried to remove headache a pill from an advertisement, and later learned about a brain tumor.

Consciously withdrawing a person from visiting a doctor (which, by the way, in the light of optimizing health care and reducing doctors, may be in the hands of the Ministry of Health) is only part of the problem. Advertising of drugs is often unreliable, which is often mentioned by State Duma deputies. It turns out that there are many drugs in advertising, the side effects of which are not fully understood. Here is what Alexander Myasnikov, chief physician of the City Clinical Hospital No. 71 of Moscow, says: “Advertising alcohol and cigarettes is child's play compared to advertising medicines. And in comparison with the money that is spinning there, and with lost lives and health of consumers of advertised drugs. Many people understand this. Everyone says that we need a law passed by the Duma. And the Duma once again rejects the draft law on the ban on drug advertising, and it will not pass in any way. It would seem, why? Yes, because business!

In May 2014, the State Duma indeed once again rejected a bill banning drug advertising in non-specialized media. At the same time, it is known that all EU countries prohibit any advertising of medicines, including over-the-counter drugs. In Switzerland, any direct advertising of medicines is prohibited. Canada has banned drug advertising on TV and radio. In our country, the opinion of those who make money on drug advertising turns out to be more important - both medicine and common sense.

Samvel Grigoryan

Moscow city

Graduated with honors from the Pharmaceutical Faculty of the Moscow Medical Academy (now the First Moscow State Medical University) named after I.I. I. M. Sechenov. More than ten years of experience in the industry media.

"I'm not a chervonets to please everyone." Who did not like to repeat this phrase, including Ivan Bunin, Vladimir Mayakovsky and Faina Ranevskaya. Advertising - is also not a piece of gold. It can be different: successful and not very successful, unforgettable and quickly erased from memory, bright and inexpressive, witty and primitive. Advertising does not always evoke positive emotions in us, especially if it interrupts the viewing of an exciting movie.

The paradox is that advertising material that causes conflicting feelings can be perfectly remembered, thereby achieving the desired effect. For example, many with whom I had a chance to talk on this topic still have in their ears the heart-rending scream of a woman who opened the door of her apartment and found a ginger cat at the doorstep. As you remember, he stood on hind legs with a bouquet of flowers and a string bag of citrus fruits. However, something tells me that this masterful video is a successful video in the field of advertising antiallergic drugs. And, in my opinion, one of the most unforgettable.

You won't forget this

Our experts

Veronika Kazakevich

Director of the Civil Law Department of the law firm "Cliff" (Moscow

Andrey Kolebtsev

project manager at Ipsos Healthcare (Moscow)

Medicinal products are advertised in the media (including the Internet), in specialized publications intended for doctors and pharmacists / pharmacists, as well as directly in pharmacy premises. That is, drug advertising can be directed not only to the consumer, but also to medical and pharmaceutical workers prescribing or recommending these medicines. The object of advertising in federal, regional, local media and the Internet can also be pharmaceutical and pharmacy organizations, for example, drug manufacturers, pharmacy chains, individual pharmacies.

Recently, two opposite trends have been observed in this area.

What is better for society as a whole, the pharmaceutical industry, the pharmacy system: to implement one of these ideas or to keep the status quo?

Status quo: pharmaceutical advertising law

The theme of drug advertising and medical devices governed by article 24 federal law dated March 13, 2006 No. 38‑FZ “On Advertising”. Part 8 of this article states that advertising prescription drugs, as well as medical devices, the use of which requires special training, is allowed only in the venues of pharmaceutical and medical exhibitions, conferences, other similar events, as well as in professional pharmaceutical and medical publications. In other words, high-profile advertising of prescription drugs directed to the consumer is prohibited.

The next immutable requirement is that advertising of medicines and medical devices must be accompanied by a warning about the presence of contraindications to their use, the need to familiarize yourself with the instructions or obtain expert advice (part 7). If the advertisement reports the properties or characteristics of the drug, then this is allowed only within the limits of the indications contained in the instructions (part 6).

Part 1 Art. 24 also contains a number of restrictions. In particular, advertising should not guarantee positive action medicinal product, its efficacy, safety, lack of side effects(item 8). It is forbidden to claim that the safety and efficacy of a drug is guaranteed by its natural origin(item 10). It is impossible through advertising material to create the impression of the uselessness of going to the doctor (p. 7), to persuade healthy person to receive the advertised medicine (clause 6), unless it is a question of prophylactic, as well as suggest to the consumer of advertising that he is unwell, has a particular disease or disorder (paragraph 5).

According to paragraph 2 of part 1 of Art. 24 of the Law "On Advertising", in advertising of medicines it is forbidden to mention specific cases of curing from diseases, improving health as a result of the use of the advertised drug. Advertisements should also not contain an expression of gratitude to people due to the fact that they used this drug(item 3). Let us make a reservation that the requirements of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Part 1 of Art. 24 do not apply to advertisements addressed exclusively to pharmaceutical and medical workers(specialized publications, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, etc.).

It is also forbidden to create an impression about the benefits of the advertised drug by referring to the fact of conducting studies that are mandatory for state registration of the drug (clause 4). Of course, the advertising material should not contain references to minors (clause 1). We add that the requirements of paragraphs 1-8 also apply to advertising of medical devices.

Expert draws attention

Issues of advertising dietary supplements are regulated by article 25 of the same law. Veronika Kazakevich, director of the civil law department of the law firm Cliff, draws attention, in particular, to the following. If the advertisement will inform that the pharmacy can be purchased biological additive, which helps with any diseases, this will be qualified as a violation of clause 1. part 1 of this article, because the advertising of dietary supplements should not create the impression that they are medicines and have medicinal properties. For example, Veronika Kazakevich explains,

Veronika Kazakevich also notes that the advertising of pharmacies as such is subject to legislation special requirements does not present. However, since consumers are primarily interested not in the pharmacy organization itself, but in the goods that are sold in it, advertising of such an organization is often carried out by mentioning the goods sold. AT this case- Medicines and other pharmaceutical products.

Of course, when advertising pharmacies must comply General requirements on integrity and reliability (Article 5 of the Law "On Advertising"). “This means,” Veronika Kazakevich, director of the civil law department of the law firm “Cliff”, emphasizes, “that advertising should not mislead consumers, contain false information, incorrect comparisons with competitors, etc.”

Real or apparent violations of the norms of advertising legislation sometimes turn into claims from the control and supervisory authorities. Not only pharmaceutical specialists, but also the majority of residents of large cities are already familiar with the slogan “pharmacy of wholesale prices”. Veronika Kazakevich recalls that the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation initiated a number of cases in connection with its use in advertising, which, according to the FAS, misled consumers about the cost of medicines. “After all, in accordance with Art. 4 of the Federal Law of April 12, 2010 No. 61‑ФЗ “On the Circulation of Medicines”, a pharmacy organization is an organization that carries out retail medicines, and the wholesale price is the price of goods sold in large quantities (wholesale), which is lower than the retail price due to savings in retail trade costs,” Veronika Kazakevich comments on the arguments of the FAS. Accordingly, the misleading of consumers in this case consists in the fact that the price of a retail organization, no matter how small, is presented as wholesale.

From TV to plates of change

In many segments of the economy in 2015, there is a fall or stagnation of advertising budgets. The medicinal segment shows significant growth.

According to Vi, the largest operator of the Russian media advertising market, the share of the “medicine and pharmaceuticals” product category in the total budgets for federal placement of television advertising in Q1–Q3 2015 was 26% (1st place), having increased by 5% compared to the same period in 2014. In second place are food products (18%), in third place are perfumes and cosmetics (also, by the way, partly pharmacy assortment). According to the same company, the most actively advertised category in newspapers in January-June 2015 was also the category “Medicine, medicines and dietary supplements” (market share - 24%).

With regard to the industry press, there is a slightly different picture. Andrey Kolebtsev, project manager at Ipsos Healthcare, cites the following statistics: “Based on the results of three quarters of 2015, the market for pharmaceutical advertising placed in specialized print media decreased by 7% in terms of the cost of its placement (in rubles) and by 16% in terms of the number of advertising modules compared to the same period in 2014”. Andrey Kolebtsev also notes that significant decrease promotion indicators (advertising costs, number of advertising modules) for foreign companies; domestic ones show a slight increase in costs, without an increase in the number of modules.

Among the leaders in terms of efficiency are also distributing informational materials for customers (23.8%), change plates with drug advertising (21.7%), promotional packaging (20.3%), information stands (18.7%), posters and posters (17.5%), shelf stickers (17.3%), advertising pens (16.4%). Since the first table and the cash register are the meeting place for the visitor and the first person, which “cannot be changed”, promotional plates with small change are, according to the same study, the most frequently used advertising material in pharmacies (54.9%).

promotional bike

When the wheel has already been invented, it is very important not to waste time and effort on reinventing it again. The current system of legislative regulation of drug advertising in the Russian Federation is close to the generally accepted one.

In almost all countries of the world - EU states, Australia, Canada, Israel, Switzerland, Japan, etc. - valid following diagram: advertising of over-the-counter drugs is allowed to be addressed to both pharmaceutical and medical professionals and consumers; Prescription -  only to specialists. Variations are possible: in particular, in Australia, advertising of a part of the names of the so-called “List 3” - drugs, which, although they are over-the-counter, are required in order to safe application professional advice a pharmacist or doctor -  should also not be addressed directly to consumers. The United States stands apart in this case. This country allows advertising of prescription drugs aimed at the consumer.

Abroad, unlike the CIS countries, professional discipline is strictly observed - it is impossible to purchase a prescription drug without a prescription. And if so, then what is the point of addressing the advertisement of prescription drugs to the consumer, because not he, but the doctor in this case makes a choice between one or another name.

The choice of a specific over-the-counter drug - for example, from a number of similar - can be done by the consumer himself within the framework of responsible self-treatment. In this case, it is logical that he himself could be the addressee of an advertisement that would offer him one of the options to choose from (of course, this does not at all exclude consultation with a pharmacist or doctor, but only complements it). After all we are talking not about dubious drugs, but about drugs that have state registration, with officially approved indications and proven efficacy. The benefit of advertising for the consumer lies in the offer of options for choosing one or another over-the-counter drug.

Well, in conclusion, let's return to the red cat mentioned at the beginning of the article. A particular advertising material may be liked or disliked, annoyed or even frightened, but if it is made in compliance with all legal requirements, there can be no claims against it. But our wishes as consumers of advertising are also of great importance. I will express mine. I am quite loyal to red cats, but not so much to heart-rending cries. I doubt that "shock" is our way.

Since 2013, Russia has been trying to pass a law against advertising of medicines on TV, but even by September 2016, the prospects for this in all respects right decision very ghostly. However, as well as the concerns of the authorities about the health of the nation.

Is the intestine comfortable?

Since the 1990s, the cult of the fast food consumer has been consciously, or not very, cultivated in Russia. And it doesn’t matter if “healing” is fast food or food, entertaining or educational.

“With “Hilak-forte, the intestines are comfortable!” - the well-wishers from the commercial are broadcasting in unison. Their creators do not care at all what is comfortable - not for everyone and not always, even as prescribed by a doctor. It is not for nothing that self-medication, according to WHO, has confidently ranked fifth among the causes of death after cardiovascular disease, oncology, respiratory and digestive diseases.

The fact that it is high time to ban the advertising of medicines on TV among practicing doctors was not said only by the lazy, or by the interested person who promotes medicines in a selfless tandem with pharmaceutical companies and their sales managers.

The same initiative was taken by deputies, including Vladimir Petrov, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region, and in 2013, and in 2014, and in 2016. The draft was endlessly corrected and finalized, and submitted to the State Duma. But, apparently, the resistance of the pharmacological lobby has so far turned out to be stronger than the arguments of reason and common sense, because advertising of various drugs and potions “for everything” is still heard from every iron. And yet let's look at the problem from the point of view of common sense and the health of the nation, and also - personal health those who are reading this.

- I used to plant a lot in the country, but now I have something sick. I can't bend! — an elderly "television worker" complains to the audience. - And I'll anoint myself with this! and a pensioner, instead of running to a cardiologist, neurologist, surgeon and for an x-ray, warning vertebral hernia, stroke, arthrosis and arthritis, demonstratively smeared with a warming ointment from a box with a bright label. After that, of course, he continues to plow cheerfully.

How former employee neurology departments, I can testify: strong-willed summer residents endure almost any pain until the harvest, and in the fall they begin to attack polyclinics and hospitals. Of course, all the accumulated health problems are already in the acute stage! They enter neurology, traumatology and rheumatology, and hope that by spring they will certainly recover. And if something hurts during the suffering, they will again be smeared with another healing balm offered on TV.

The price of treating such patient patients, even with the most affordable medical care, is many times higher than the most fruitful years in the country. So is it worth the harvest of self-treatment, warmed up by competent advertising?

- the day before big holidays when people purposefully buy alcohol, they advertise "Essentiale Forte!" "Carefully restores liver cells!" doctors are outraged. - Drank, had a bite of "Essentiale", and walk on, is that how you understand them? And if a person has cirrhosis of the liver in last stage how will Essentiale help him? Of course, in the smallest print on the screen, competent lawyers write that there are contraindications. But this is just an excuse for the courts. Almost none of the consumers read the instructions. This is, by and large, the business of doctors.

If so, let's start with the compatibility of "Essentiale" and "holiday" alcohol, since the advertisement of the drug is exaggerated before all public holidays.

Here is what is written in the instructions: “During the treatment of the liver, under no circumstances should absolutely no alcohol-containing drinks be consumed, except medications, but even them - in a certain dosage according to the appropriate scheme. During treatment, it is necessary to adhere to a diet, consuming a minimum of junk food, and from healthy food should be preferred protein products and products rich in fatty acids and microelements.

And now about one more contraindication: “The use of Essentiale Forte during pregnancy. Essentiale forte is allowed to be taken during pregnancy on the recommendation of specialists. Solution for intravenous administration during pregnancy, it must be used with extreme caution, since the drug contains benzyl alcohol, which can cross the placenta. When using products that contained benzyl alcohol, newborns and premature babies developed a syndrome of shortness of breath, sometimes even fatal.

I haven't read it, but I do!

There is an "advertising" medal and the other side is the illusory simplicity of healing. It is needed so that the patient, preoccupied with solving more “serious” problems than his own recovery, swallows the bait. Moreover, the advertised medicines are not cheap, and the person is sure that he will be cured for the full amount. And he feels, giving money, like Lenya Golubkov, not "a freeloader, but a partner." At the same time, without straining for a healthy diet and lifestyle, as Lenya did not strain to earn up to "MMM".

As you know, there are only two ways to combat self-medication undertaken after advertising on TV. Either - to ban advertising altogether, or - to give it a green light, but most of the drugs sold strictly by prescription. This is exactly what is done in Western countries, and in Israel, where it is difficult to buy even a remedy for foot fungus without a prescription, not to mention more serious drugs.

But until the ban on advertising occurs, the desire of the population to fight the symptoms of diseases, completely ignoring the cause and doctors, prevails. A dozen different types of painkillers are now being advertised through the central channels. The main refrain: "10 minutes and nothing hurts!" "Forget about the pain when you have ...", - further substituted desired name. Means - quite effective, again - as prescribed by a doctor and after finding out the reasons.

- Pain is guard dog health! one of my acquaintances, pulmonologists, is indignant. “You need to pay attention to it, or you will regret it. Let me give you a recent example: the security guard of our polyclinic suffered from a toothache for a long time and instead of going to the doctor he drank Ketanov, a strong painkiller. As a result, brought to odontogenic (coming from the tooth - approx. Auth.) osteomyelitis mandible! Then without any lower teeth remained!

- The attitude of the population to taking medicines reminds me of the era of the early 90s, - says pharmacist Elena E. - Then pharmacies appeared in small pavilions in the subway and tents nearby. At the same time, it was not necessary to translate the names of foreign drugs into Russian, and it would be nice if the drug was in English, German or French. And if - in Danish, Chinese or Indian? And then there were many such drugs, and it was impossible to read the contraindications. So people came to buy a pill "from the head" and "from the stomach", where the instruction consisted of hieroglyphs. Now, the people, enlightened by advertising, will not read instructions in Russian either! An equally disturbing picture is observed with the advertising of drugs relating to the intimate sphere. For example, we are advertised numerous remedies for prostatitis. They show how a man gets up many times a night to go to the toilet, and his wife is only tormented by the question of why he is not sleeping. Finally, he took a pill and life got better! Intimate, including. The wife rejoices. However, instead of this, the wife needs to drag her husband to the doctor! What if he doesn't have prostatitis anymore, but prostate adenoma? If time is lost and cancer begins to develop, then millions of rubles are spent on a cure, and the forces of all relatives are spent on knocking out quotas for medicines, and time is lost! Even the instructions say: take it as directed by a doctor, but the vacation is over-the-counter!

We have repeatedly written about how many complications can be obtained by taking advertised drugs from erectile dysfunction. Doctors have also issued warnings, but the drugs continue to be advertised by people's favorites - TV presenters, rock and pop stars. To replace one "Viagra-like" drugs come others - no less dangerous for men.

“Sometimes it’s enough for a man to get enough sleep and go to the pool for a week, and no Viagra is needed anymore,” andrologists are indignant.

Some people claim that competitors are trying to ban advertising of these drugs on TV. However, it is proposed to impose a ban on all advertising for getting rid of erectile dysfunction. After all, only doctors should prescribe them after the examination. And the business of selling them should by no means go underground! It just needs to be sorted out for a long time.

The queue to the doctor will increase and decrease ... to the morgue

As many government officials say, the mandatory issuance of prescriptions for any reason will create kilometer-long queues at polyclinics. Of course, after the massive layoffs of the medical staff, it will be impossible to interrupt at least one doctor in order to write out prescriptions at the request of the workers.

It is equally clear that at first most of The waiting list for prescriptions, as usual, will consist of citizens who have received television medical education and who have prescribed treatment for themselves. And therefore, conflicts with doctors, complaints, debriefings are possible. "Angry" doctors with a real medical education, for sure, will argue with such patients and, what good will they send for examination and make them pass the medical examination!

Spontaneous, but profitable consumption of drugs after such an "injustice" may be reduced. Like the queues for what was advertised on TV. But the health of the nation will obviously go uphill, because self-medication will no longer be as easy as before.

Unlike Soviet times, when prevention was the basis of the healthcare system, now people are used to being treated "after the fact", when it is no longer possible not to take sick leave. However, in the new economic conditions sick leave is an extremely unfavorable document. After an illness, a person receives mere pennies, although more is spent on treatment than on staying in healthy condition. Therefore, patients often come to work not too healthy, with SARS, having swallowed a variety of antiviral and immune-boosting drugs.

- It is well known that antibiotics do not act on viruses that cause symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, - pharmacist Elena E. comments on this situation. Antibiotics are treated bacterial infection. However, the population continues to attack pharmacies in search of healing. But after all, even from the herpes virus, they have not yet come up with a medicine that will allow him to finally defeat it, not to mention less serious illnesses. And what is the cost of advertising "from the thrush"? After all, even ice cream can cause it!

However, someone will not think about the reasons, and from a thrush of any origin he will take the “Flucostat” recommended on TV, or any other remedy that “makes you forget” and “save forever”. Even if the “telepatient” treats the effect of ice cream and sweets with Flucostat, instead of simply stopping eating them. Note that in advertising about contraindications to Flucostat, it is mentioned only in passing.

So, we read the contraindications:

Hypersensitivity to Flucostat (including history of other azole antifungal drugs).

With caution. Hepatic and/or kidney failure, simultaneous reception potentially hepatotoxic drugs, alcoholism, pregnancy, lactation, childhood(up to 6 months - the safety and efficacy of Flucostat have not been established).

If you think about it, even if you are not pregnant and do not suffer chronic alcoholism use this drug with all caution. It is enough just to take the same antibiotics in parallel, which can have a harmful effect on the liver (through which they are excreted from the body), or on the kidneys.

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