How and where to find a good doctor. How to find a good doctor? Seven simple tips. There are markers of poor quality medicine

Sooner or later, any person asks this, in fact, an urgent question. Who to turn to for advice and advice, where to find a rare doctor, which hospital to go to get tested or go for an examination? Considering the range of offers, as well as the low level of public awareness, it becomes clear that the process of finding a qualified medical care can drag on for weeks or even months. And in the case of health, you can’t delay, and every minute spent waiting can only aggravate the situation and delay treatment.

There is always a way out

Fortunately, not so long ago, a unique search service became available to users of the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet - DocDoc.Ru. This resource provides users with information about doctors and clinics available in each specific region. So far, the site works only with Moscow clinics, but in the very near future, the creators of the service plan to expand the geographical coverage. In the future, the project leaders plan to cooperate with doctors not only in the cities of the Russian Federation, but also throughout the CIS. It should be noted that in our time, such an online medical service is very popular in cities.

What does the doctor search service offer?

It is worth talking separately about the functionality of the site and its benefits. The developers paid the main attention to an intuitive and simple search system. The user simply needs to select the desired specialty of the doctor or the region where he lives, and the resource will issue up-to-date information about the available options. For those who do not want to search for medical specialists, diagnostic centers and laboratories on their own, it is proposed to select the most suitable candidates by DocDoc employees. It is enough to leave an application and it will be processed within fifteen minutes, as the project developers say. For those who are away from the computer and network connections, it is possible to contact consultants by phone. The portal remains free for all visitors and is paid directly from the budget of the clinics.

During the search process, the user is prompted to use various filters, with which you can find the specialist you need, based on various criteria. Please note that any doctor that appears in the search results - a general practitioner, surgeon, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, pediatrician and any other healthcare professional is evaluated using special system ratings. Such a rating is set by portal specialists based on education, work experience, doctoral degrees, additional courses, participation in medical forums/organizations. If necessary, experts will tell you which doctor you need to contact in each case.

The patient has the right to comfort

With the help of such online medical services, you can not only find a doctor and find out about his place of work, but also immediately sign up for an in-person consultation. Just imagine how much time, effort and nerves this will save you. No need to look for the addresses of one of the dozens of nearby hospitals and diagnostic centers, most of which you simply don’t know anything about, no need to stand in lines and communicate with registry workers. The visitor has the opportunity to choose a really trusted doctor and make an appointment with him within a few minutes without leaving home. In addition, do not lose sight of the possibility of calling a doctor at home.
Convenient and thoughtful search system gives real opportunity in the shortest possible time to find doctors of rare specializations. If you are interested, for example, in a qualified phlebologist or trichologist, which are not available in every hospital, you can not spend days looking for a suitable option. By using online service you will find the best doctor in all respects, who works in the nearest clinic. Do not get sick and be healthy!

Anastasia touched very interesting topic: "Eight signs of a good doctor or how to find your doctor."

Word of mouth is, of course, a proven way to determine which doctor is best, but perhaps the qualities listed by Anastasia will help you make your own right choice.

I have been incredibly lucky twice in my professional life. The first time I chose the pediatric faculty at the university. While studying, one of our senior colleagues often said that for a woman there is no better than the profession, how pediatrician. Now that I have become a mother, I can fully agree with him.

The second time, I was lucky to get into residency, and then to work at the Institute of Pediatric Hematology in Moscow (now it is called the D. Rogachev Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology). Lucky not because it's prestigious or they pay a lot, but because they teach to be good doctors.

There is almost no random people, there from the first day they show by their own example how to do this work, they bring up the desire to be better every day. Therefore, I will take the liberty of saying that I know what a good doctor should be like. Here are my eight signs by which it can be recognized.

Eight signs of a good doctor

Sign one

Politeness and upbringing. Everyone knows that the word heals. And it happens the other way around - it hurts. Therefore, a good doctor must first of all be well educated. He should meet with a smile, look in the face when talking, be polite. Do not show superiority over you in the field of medical knowledge. Be willing to explain what you don't understand in plain language(this immediately tells us that the doctor has a good command of the subject).

Of course, many will now remember the famous Dr. House, an excellent diagnostician, but at the same time an extremely unpleasant personality and drug addict. If you have watched the series carefully, you know that Dr. House rarely communicates with his patients directly, but receives information from his team (he probably understands that it is difficult with him :)

And you and I are looking for a doctor with whom we will see quite often, to discuss our health or our children's health. And if such a doctor is rude and arrogant with us, then we will not go to him again, despite the fact that he is seven spans in the forehead.

Sign two

Voice and speech. A calm, friendly tone and confidence in the voice are very important for a doctor. There are many psychologists among the members of the Mom Blogs community, perhaps they will confirm my words, there are special techniques that allow you to calm down (or calm another person) with the help of smooth, measured speech. But sometimes, very excited and frightened people come to the doctor's office (especially for children). And how the doctor speaks to them depends on their state of mind. So if you leave the doctor reassured and confident, then he is definitely a good psychologist.

Sign three

Ability to communicate with children of all ages. This is important, first of all, for children's doctors. What does this sign tell us?

  • Firstly, such a doctor is subject to the basics of child psychology, which means he is well educated.
  • Secondly, he will be able to examine the child in much more detail (it is almost impossible to examine a screaming and frightened child), which means that he will quickly and correctly establish the diagnosis.
  • Thirdly, he will be able to obtain information valuable for the diagnosis from communication with the child himself, especially with a teenager, who often hide it from their parents, fearing punishment.

By the way, if your child is a teenager (it doesn’t matter a girl or a boy) and he asks you to leave during the examination (or doesn’t ask, but you see that he is uncomfortable undressing or talking in front of you), show tact and let him talk to the doctor alone for a few minutes.

Once again, this can be very valuable for rapid diagnosis. Just do not interrogate the doctor later, if the child allows you to tell, the doctor will do it anyway, but if he tells without permission, he will lose the trust of his patient.

Sign four

Erudition. You can easily determine it by talking with your doctor for a while. A person well-versed in other areas of science, art or culture is likely to keep a close eye on the news of medicine. And for modern doctor it is very important to learn literally every day, because the knowledge of mankind in the field of health is constantly replenished.

Sign five

Willingness to accept the help of colleagues. Have you ever asked your doctor if you can get someone else's opinion on some health issue, and he takes it with hostility? And irritably tells you that everyone has become too smart and read the Internet? So, a good doctor will not refuse to discuss difficult issues with colleagues.

It often happens that in the process of examination and treatment, it becomes necessary to consult a specialist of a different profile, or senior colleagues. This does not need to be frightened and immediately think that the doctor does not understand anything himself. Just one head is good, but two or three is even better!

If the doctor is categorically against any advice and joint consultations, then he is either unsure of his own conclusions and is not ready to defend them, or he is too self-confident, which can also lead to a mistake.

Here I ask you not to confuse colleagues doctors and adherents non-traditional methods treatment, people's councils and others. By no means do I want to say that all this does not help. But medicine is a science, any drug or treatment, before you leave the laboratory for practical use, passes great amount tests for safety, efficacy, side effects.

These studies are the scientific basis for the decisions that a doctor makes when examining and treating a patient. In other words, he has confidence in them. When my patients ask if they can take shilajit for anemia, I honestly tell them that I don’t know, because large and reliable research respected medical literature on this topic no. I can’t forbid them anything, although of course I will try to convince them.

sign six

Healthy look. It's all about the positive here. Many diseases are the result malnutrition, sedentary image life or bad habits. The doctor's task, not least, is to teach his patient the rules healthy lifestyle life. And when a person with overweight, without a single sign of the presence of sports in his life - you will never believe him. After all, if he is not able to take care of himself, what can we say about you.

My personal opinion is that a doctor should be an example of a healthy lifestyle for society at any age. So if your doctor is seen jogging in the park or in the pool, pay attention to him.

Sign seven

Organization. This sign covers many things, from the order on your desktop to how you get appointments. The phrase: drink 2-3 times a day, written on a piece of paper will not work.

If the treatment involves several drugs and procedures that you will perform at home, they should be listed as possible. detailed recommendations(in what order, after how many hours, before or after meals). This plan indicates that the doctor is well acquainted with clinical pharmacology(the complex science of the interaction of drugs with each other and with our body). In addition, he is aware that you are not a doctor, and when you leave the office, you can forget everything you were told, which means that he understands the extent of his responsibility for your home treatment.

Why is external organization important? She suggests that in the head of our doctor, all processes are streamlined. He will better and faster analyze the incoming data (in the form of symptoms and complaints), ask the right questions and prescribe necessary tests. There is nothing worse than a huge list of all sorts of studies done for luck or just in case. Not only is it expensive, but it also takes a lot of time.

Sign eight

You trust him. I took up this topic after a conversation with one wonderful future mother. Its essence boiled down to the following: if two very good doctors have different opinion on the same issue, which of them to believe? My advice is to make a choice. If you have already decided that both doctors are good, choose the one you want to trust.

Trust between doctor and patient is incredibly important. If a patient believes in his doctor, he will not start rereading horror stories from the Internet, exacerbating their emotional condition, will not compare his treatment plan with the one given to his friend. Perhaps he will not even read the instructions for medicines, because he is sure that the doctor has told him everything he needs.

And most importantly, if something goes wrong, there are side effects, there is no improvement, he will come to his doctor and ask what to do next, without wasting sometimes precious time looking for a new specialist.

As you can see, age, gender and degrees don't mean that much. Someone wants to shine in scientific world and the natural consequence of these aspirations will be dissertations and high ranks. Someone works in a clinic or hospital, but at the same time writes articles in scientific journals and makes presentations at conferences, but all hands do not reach the defense, because people need to be treated. But both will be excellent doctors, combining a good education, experience, a scientific approach to the profession and something elusive, which is called a vocation.

It will seem to some that I demand too much from doctors, but this list contains nothing more than what the definition of the intelligentsia implies as “a social group of people with in a critical way thinking, a high degree of reflection, the ability to systematize knowledge and experience.

I know such doctors, I was lucky to learn from them. As people, they are completely different, I could not be friends with all of them, but they are all professionals, able to leave their own problems and experiences at the door, and do business, no matter what.

Of course, this does not always work out, because doctors are not machines, but still people. And any of the best doctors can sometimes afford to be overly harsh, or criticize a colleague. But just that sometimes, occasionally, in a moment of high emotional excitement. If rudeness, arrogance and indifference become the norm of behavior, such a doctor will not benefit his patients. It may be too ephemeral, but I believe that the doctor's indifference and positive emotions help to heal.

Let's seek and find only good doctors for ourselves, our children and parents. Then the bad ones, perhaps, will be transferred by themselves, as unnecessary. And if you have already found your doctor, share your experience! I'm sure there are good doctors not only in our hospital, they are everywhere.

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A good doctor is a doctor who not only knows how to correctly diagnose and prescribe best option treatment. A good doctor is not indifferent to the state of our health in general, and he knows how to detect signs of a potential disease in time and stop its development at the very beginning. This is a friend who you can completely trust and get maximum help from him at a critical moment. It is warm and calm with him, because a good doctor is reliable, like a strong wall.

We usually don't give much thought to how to find a good doctor. Meanwhile, this is an urgent issue - life is unpredictable, and we may need medical help at any time. And the appeal to completely to a stranger in a white coat can end in anything - some complications in diseases, stress due to his indifference, and even an irreparable tragedy due to improper treatment. Grief - healers in our time, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Therefore, you need to look for a good doctor in advance, while your health is still in order. After all, a seriously ill person simply does not have the strength or time to choose a doctor.

How is the best option for a doctor from quite a large number doctors? Initially, it is advisable to meet with a doctor who was either recommended by friends or was appointed by one or another medical institution. You can determine his attitude towards patients from the first minutes of the meeting. If he is tactful, observant and attentive, this speaks of respect for patients and indifference to them. A good doctor listens to the visitor without being distracted by something extraneous. He leads a heartfelt confidential dialogue with the patient about everything - about work, family, parents and children. Such a dialogue makes it possible to determine the state of human health and all the factors that threaten this health as accurately as possible. When talking with such a doctor, there is a feeling of optimism and confidence that any ailment will be defeated. Trust in the doctor is a guarantee successful treatment. If during the reception he inspired a feeling of guilt and shame, we are looking for another doctor.

An important side of the issue is the documents confirming the qualifications of a physician. If there are any doubts about the professionalism of the doctor, do not show excessive delicacy. You need to politely ask to see these documents - a good specialist will confirm his level with evidence of his knowledge and training. He will tell you which faculty and which higher institution he graduated from, where he worked earlier and whether he has any articles and dissertations.

A big role in choosing a doctor is played by his professionalism. It does not have to be based on age - there are many good doctors among gifted young doctors who are passionate about their profession. The level of professionalism can be seen at the first examination by this physician, watching how he studies the human body, measures blood pressure, asks questions. professional doctor will not make a diagnosis based on his own considerations - he will definitely prescribe some tests and examinations. Some doctors give referrals for examinations and tests that are traditionally prescribed for all patients. Therefore, you should ask the doctor why this or that analysis or examination is needed to make sure that they are needed in particular. this case for exact definition diagnosis. A good doctor will clearly explain why he was given certain appointments and answer any question related to treatment.

Such a doctor will definitely take an interest in the opinion of those doctors who observed the person before him, and will take into account previous examinations and analyzes. He will not immediately impose the reception of fashionable medicines and dietary supplements that have set the teeth on edge and will not insist that the medicine prescribed by him be purchased only in a particular pharmacy. A good doctor does not intimidate the patient with the fact that, if expensive treatment is not started immediately, the disease can lead to a fatal outcome. He is scrupulous in financial matters and does not take money himself, but makes him pay for services through the cash desk and indicates only the agreed amounts for payment.

A good doctor will never say that he can any disease and does not insist on an indispensable rest in expensive resorts. It shouldn't be limited narrow specialization, since many diseases go beyond one medical specialty. Therefore, a good doctor needs a fairly broad clinical outlook.

A good doctor, when prescribing some kind, be sure to leave his contacts to the patient so that he can be contacted as soon as necessary. In addition, such a physician agrees with the patient optimal time a visit to him and in the recipe always paints a detailed schedule of admission medicines. He expresses concern for the state of health of his patient until his full recovery.

And finally, a good doctor will not be indignant when he learns that his patient went to other doctors to make sure that the diagnosis was correct. Seeing the patient's hesitation, such a doctor himself appoints a council of independent specialists.

Of course, find a doctor- a highly qualified specialist who will be attentive and caring at the same time, is not so easy. However, you need to be patient and look. After all, we are talking about our health, and it is a priceless thing.

Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

We are talking about finding a good doctor, who has recently been in great shortage in our country.

How to act in this case an ordinary patient? There are different options.

Free features

If you have a corporate VHI policy, you usually have several medical institutions, in which specialists of any profile work: if you didn’t like one, please go to another.

What if you are a patient districts, because not every one of them has a phlebologist, gastroenterologist and other specialists? The local internist should give a referral to a specialist in another polyclinic or district diagnostic center. If he sees fit, of course. And if not, it remains only to turn to the services paid medicine. However, no one has canceled free medicine yet. And, by the way, there are a lot of great specialists working there. Have you heard about a good doctor and want to get an appointment with him? This is real.

On your compulsory medical insurance policy the phone number of the insurance company is dialed in small print, by calling which you can get real help and, in principle, get to any specialist, sometimes even in private clinic. But on the condition that it medical institution participates in the program of obligatory medical insurance (CHI).

Word of mouth

And yet, when there serious problems, as they say, we will not stand up for the price and are ready to pay for medical services. The most traditional and popular search method right doctor- word of mouth: we start asking acquaintances, colleagues, friends if they have a good gastroenterologist, neurologist, orthodontist, etc.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is long and laborious. In addition, to find in this way standing specialist a narrow profile, for example, on osteoporosis or an immunologist, is generally unrealistic: the patient is not able to assess the qualifications of a doctor.

A couple of years ago, like this, through a friend, I found, in her opinion, a good orthodontist. The doctor is courtesy itself, established ceramic crown on the anterior tooth. Three months later, it split and fell off. For the installation of a new crown, I was offered to pay for a new one. I had to look for another doctor.

Or maybe on the web?

A more productive search option is to throw a call to one of the social networks where you can get contacts the right specialists from friends in misfortune. And you can go to the site-forum, where the topic of interest to you is discussed medical problem- the coordinates of the desired doctor will be sent to you in a personal message. But in fact - this is the same as word of mouth.

There are other resources of the Network - for example, specialized intermediary portals that select the right doctor for your request. The service is free (due to which - a trade secret). At the same time, the prices for the medical services themselves, which are advertised there, often follow almost the usual tariffs.

How reliable is this type of search and how to choose a competent intermediary? Tells expert on medical services Maxim Beloborodov:

Firstly, on such a site, the telephone number of the Call Center must be indicated. The doctor on duty on the phone, and not the manager, should recommend a specialist to you. How to understand who is on the other end of the wire? The doctor will definitely ask you about what you are complaining about, where and how you were treated, in order to specifically recommend you the right specialist.

Secondly, a company providing services of this kind must have a catalog of medical institutions and a profile of each proposed doctor on its website, by opening which you can find out literally everything about the specialist you are interested in. Not just in in general terms(education, scientific degree, length of service, place of work), but also in more detail. For example, the same rheumatologist can specialize in the treatment of arthritis, an allergist - pollinosis ... In addition, on such a site, you can also read customer reviews about a particular specialist.

It is not uncommon for a company representative to call you back some time after you have contacted a recommended physician to ask for your opinion on his work. In general, there is a choice. And he is behind you.

Today n Finding a good doctor is not an easy task, even if you have the time and opportunity. In district clinics, you often don’t have to choose: where the therapist writes a referral, you have to go there. But if there is an opportunity to turn to a good specialist, it should not be missed. So where do you find good doctors?

Finding a good specialist who you can trust with your health is very difficult, because there are no reliable criteria for determining the quality of his work. Therefore, you can only rely on the reviews of people who have a problem similar to yours and they have already successfully got rid of it, or at least are in the process of treatment.

Doctors can be psychologically classified as follows:

"District ordinary doctor."
He interacts most directly with patients, many of them seem to him the same. Perhaps he began to get tired and lose interest in people.

"Reluctant Doctor".
Perhaps this person did not really want to become a doctor and therefore now works clearly within the framework of his duties. He has a formal, if not indifferent approach to his patients. However, such a physician will not do anything extra for the patient! He assigns only what has been tested over the years. This doctor is especially convenient for those patients who suffer from something not very serious such as acute respiratory infections and who, first of all, need a certificate and a sick leave.

"Doctor Frankenstein"
Such doctors are very literate and experienced, stories that they devoted themselves entirely to medicine pass from mouth to mouth, to receive such doctors. doctor You won't get there quickly. However, this doctor is not interested in a person, but in the state of his body, so the doctor will not feel sorry for you and sometimes even be rude. However, don't take it personally! No extra talk. Clearly explain your problem to him - and he will begin to study and overcome the disease with interest.

"The doctor is a bright personality."
Everyone knows him. Articles, interviews on TV, books - all this creates the impression that you have a highly qualified specialist in front of you. However, after the consultation, twofold feelings may arise - on the one hand, a feeling of being chosen (I got to the famous doctor!), And on the other hand, bewilderment (after all, the local doctor in the district clinic said the same thing, and for free). However, a visit to such a doctor can be very useful for suspicious, anxious patients. famous doctor inspires them with much more confidence than "simple doctors", and faith in speedy recovery- still the key to success.

"Doctor like a miracle."
Attentive, sensitive ... He treats patients like family - he sympathizes, listens, reassures, advises. This is already getting easier! And all because this doctor knows how to apply psychological tricks in communication. It is ideal for older people and for children - they are the ones who need support that allows them to adequately treat both medicine in general and their health.

"The doctor is an unrecognized genius."
He diligently shows his high professionalism and the incompetence of others ("Who thought of advising you?", "And why did they appoint you this?", etc.). Such a doctor often speaks harshly, intolerantly, almost aggressively. He is sure of himself and that he deserves more. Driven by the desire to become a recognized genius, such a physician will deal with you seriously and comprehensively. The main thing is to show him how you appreciate and respect him, tell him: "You recently helped my friend so much! He still says how grateful you are ...". And the doctor will do almost everything for you.

In order to make it more convenient to find doctors, a specialized portal was created where everyone can not only find their doctor and make an appointment, but also read the reviews of other patients. If a doctor is praised by patients with a similar disease, then there is no doubt that you should go to this doctor. He can cure your ailment.

What qualities should he demonstrate to his patients already at the first appointment?
  • A good doctor is always friendly and polite. He must inspire confidence at first sight and inspire respect for himself as a person.
  • A good doctor constantly attends advanced training courses, conferences and scientific seminars related to medicine.
  • Good specialist the medical field is never shy to say that he is incompetent in some matters. He can invite his colleague for consultation or redirect the patient to a more narrow specialist.
  • good doctor thoroughly and carefully examines all indicators diagnostic tests of their patients, and not just looking at the final result of an x-ray, ultrasound or, for example, an ECG.
  • If possible, the doctor will find the causes of the disease, complex diagnostics and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.
  • Apart from drug treatment a good doctor will give advice on nutrition, physical activity and lifestyle of the child.
  • A good doctor will always take into account the financial situation of the baby's parents and openly discuss this issue when prescribing paid diagnostics or treatment.
  • A good pediatrician will never frighten a patient with his assumptions and prescribe unnecessary therapy.
  • Good medical specialist does not speak to the patient in exclusively dry terms, he communicates in a language understandable to the patient.

A good physician will never claim that he can cure any disease and does not insist on an indispensable rest in expensive resorts. It should not be limited to a narrow specialization, since many diseases fall outside the scope of one medical specialty. Therefore, a good doctor needs a fairly broad clinical outlook.

A good doctor, when prescribing some kind of treatment, always leaves his contacts to the patient so that he can be contacted as soon as necessary. In addition, such a doctor agrees with the patient on the optimal time for a visit to him and always writes a detailed schedule for taking medications in the prescription. He expresses concern for the state of health of his patient until his full recovery.

And finally, a good doctor will not be indignant when he learns that his patient went to other doctors to make sure that the diagnosis was correct. Seeing the patient's hesitation, such a doctor himself appoints a council of independent specialists.

Of course, find a doctor- a highly qualified specialist who will be attentive and caring at the same time, is not so easy. However, you need to be patient and look. After all, we are talking about our health, and it is a priceless thing.

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