Conditions for transporting animals across the border. Special requirements for the transport of animals. What vaccinations are needed

Decided to go to Europe four-legged friend leave with no one? Take it with you! How to prepare for traveling with a dog and avoid unnecessary hassle, as well as how to properly pack a suitcase, book a hotel and find a cozy place for lunch.

Times when mustaches, paws and tails were dog papers long gone. Now even our smaller brothers are serious, and even have their own identification chip.

To take a dog abroad, you must have a number of documents standard pattern, which are presented to the veterinary service at the border, as well as to customs officers:

  • veterinary passport with a chip.
  • veterinary certificate form N 5a
  • annex to it - EU veterinary certificate (Euro certificate);
  • customs declaration;
  • rabies antibody test results;
  • a copy of the pedigree (to prove that you are the owner of the dog).

Let's understand, in order:

First you need to get a veterinary passport international standard- this is important document on a pet. Usually it is drawn up by breeders and dog owners are only required to fill it out in a timely manner. If you plan to visit Europe, then you need to duplicate the entries on the first page of the veterinary passport in English.

Upon receipt, chip your pet. Veterinary officials of the European Union recognize microchips for dogs only according to the ISO 11784 standard. The chip must be checked before the trip so that the dog makes its way through the EuroPet database, and not the American AnimalID.

Remember to check that the chip number on the veterinary passport matches the chip number on the pedigree. And the chipping mark contained the number, place and date of the chipping, which must be less than the date of the last rabies vaccination. By the way, before the trip it is better to go and check the readability of the chip. It can move under the dog's skin and be difficult to recognize.

The following must be indicated in the passport:

10 days after chipping, vaccinate against rabies. To travel to Europe, it is necessary that 21 days pass after the rabies vaccine, and 30 days after vaccinations. In this case, vaccinations should not be expired.

If your route to Europe lies through Ukraine, then your animal needs to have a rabies antibody test. This test is done once in a lifetime, subject to the terms of revaccination.

In order for the test results to be recognized by other countries, it must be done in an internationally accredited laboratory. The test is done no earlier than 30 days after the first rabies vaccination. Some countries set their own time limits. The study is conducted within 3 weeks. Keep these dates in mind when planning your trips.

Must be received 5 days prior to departure veterinary certificate according to form No. 1 at the State Veterinary Station. Veterinary certificate form No. 1 is a document state sample confirming the absence of diseases in the pet. This certificate is required when transporting animals by all modes of transport.

A veterinary certificate should be issued with the animal and its veterinary passport 2-3 days before the trip. The validity of the veterinary certificate is 3 days, including the day of issue, until the moment of dispatch and throughout the entire journey. The document is certified by the signature of the doctor and the seal of the institution. The veterinary certificate is the main document certifying the "identity" of the animal at various checkpoints. Documents issued only by state veterinary clinics are recognized as valid.

To complete this document, you must meet a number of requirements:

  • For puppies under 2 months of age, test for helminths, laboratory research wool for trichophytosis and microsporia. Rabies vaccination is not required
  • For dogs older than 2 months, a rabies vaccine is required. Veterinary certificate form No. 1 can be issued 30 days after vaccination.

International veterinary certificate form N 5a. Form No. 1 must be submitted for passing veterinary control at the border and for its exchange for an international veterinary certificate of form No. 5a.

The main thing is that this certificate No. 5a is correctly filled out in English, and for Germany also in German. Certificate form N 5a is valid for 5 days from the date of registration and until the end of transportation.

For a trip to the EU countries, the so-called “Euro certificate” is additionally issued - a form veterinary certificate EU. The column "along the route" indicates the main points of travel: point of departure - point of destination - point of return (in the case of returning animals).

A certificate and a European certificate are issued at Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo airports and at the Kiev railway station (this is for the Tver, Moscow regions and Moscow) absolutely free of charge. Everywhere, certificates are also issued for those traveling by car. It is better to bring an itinerary with dates, places and a map - this will make it easier to complete. The certificate itself is written out for 30-40 minutes manually, all data is entered into a log.

If you have any questions at the airport, you can call Rosvetnadzor at the border by phone in Moscow: 975-17-48 and get advice. Specify the presence of veterinarians at the posts and the schedule of their work at customs, so as not to waste a lot of time on paperwork.

And lastly, fill right at the border customs declaration. Declare at departure any, and not only big dog, despite the assurances of customs officials that this is not necessary. If the declaration is completed, it must be kept for possible presentation at the return crossing of the border.

And yet it is better to carefully study the features of the transport of animals, depending on which country in Europe you are going to go to. For example, in England there is a six-month quarantine for all dogs arriving by sea or by plane, but there is no quarantine for dogs arriving by train from France through the Channel Tunnel.

How to get there or features of road life.

Airplane flight.

When the documents are all drawn up, it is important to choose which transport you plan to travel on. If you are going to fly by plane, then keep in mind that each airline has its own rules for transporting dogs. You can view detailed rules and find out the cost of transporting animals on the websites of airlines.

Please note that some airlines require notification of the intention to bring a pet on board. In this connection, at least 24 hours before departure, you must contact by phone hotline airline or its representative office and report the ticket details, as well as the fact that you intend to transport the animal.

Dogs must be transported in special containers in a warm luggage compartment, separated from the rest of the luggage by a partition.

There are a number of requirements for aviation boxing:

  • in one box it is allowed to transport only one dog;
  • 10 cm of free space should remain above the dog's head inside the box;
  • the dog should be able to turn around freely, as well as lie down with its front legs extended;
  • the box must be equipped with access holes enough air;
  • inside there must be a drinking bowl with water, which, for greater convenience, is best fixed on the door so that it does not spill;
  • a dog put in a box must be wearing a comfortable collar, without a muzzle. The leash should not be fastened to the collar and lie nearby on the floor.
  • all information about the dog must be attached to the box: name, name, address, phone number of the owner in English, as well as copies of the veterinary certificate and insurance, if any.

Very small dogs weighing less than 8 kg can be carried in the cabin. But at the discretion of the airline, there can be no more than 2 such passengers in the entire cabin and also in special boxes. If you are flying in the cabin, then when buying a ticket, do not forget to reserve a seat for your pet. At the ticket office of the airline, you weigh the dog along with the container and an additional passenger will be paid as excess weight baggage.

Travel by car.

Traveling by car with a dog requires the same set of travel documents. This transport is more comfortable for transportation, but also has a number of rules that it is desirable to follow on the road. The main one is that the dogs in the car must be fastened or in carriers. To the already existing dog badge in Russian, it is not bad to make another one in English indicating the location of the chip and the owner's phone number.

On the way, do not forget about the eared-tailed passenger: lay time for periodic stops for “drink-pee-stretch your paws”.

We collect a suitcase for the dog on the road:

  • a dog bed for the back seat is a must;
  • soft harness and seat belt required condition for a trip to Europe with a four-legged friend);
  • three types of leashes - a short one, a long leash (it is very convenient to cling to trees and bushes) and a tape measure (10 meters);
  • soft muzzle (relevant if you are going to travel by public transport);
  • camping drinkers, large and small;
  • dry food and canned dog food;
  • some new toys and bones to chew on to keep you entertained on the go.
  • The most convenient thing for traveling is a folding plastic bowl with a lid.
  • water canister;
  • bags for "great deeds" (a mandatory thing for Europe).

It is important to prepare your pet for the move. Right before transportation, the dog does not need to be fed. It is important that she was walked and drunk. The bottom of the box is covered with disposable absorbent diapers. You can give a sedative if the pet does not tolerate the road.

We get used to the place: hotels, walks, prices.

Choose a roof over your head.

European residents are more disposed to the owners of furry friends. There is a friendly attitude everywhere, many shops even have special water bowls for four-legged animals. But elementary rules The hostel has not been cancelled.

  • The dog must be walked on a leash.
  • The dog should not be left alone in the car.
  • You can enter shops / restaurants / parks with a dog only if there is no prohibition sign at the entrance.
  • Clean up after the dog strictly in the urn intended for this. For convenience, there are special packages almost everywhere.

It is better to take care of a hotel room in advance, as a fee is charged for staying with a pet, which can vary from 50 rubles to 1000 rubles per night per dog. And in some hotels, it exceeds the cost of the accommodation itself (if booked at a discount or on a promotion, etc.). Look carefully at the information on the hotel website when booking. The hotel administration is urged not to leave animals alone. Especially if the pet has a sonorous voice, then be careful - you can get a fine.

Try to choose small family hotels. In them less likely that the dog will interfere with someone and there are more chances that you will be allowed to have a dog for breakfast.

When booking via the Internet, you need to tick the box “Accommodation with pets” in the “Conveniences” subsection and indicate the presence of a dog in the cover letter.

To make it convenient not only for the pet, but also for you - choose hotels with "walking". To do this, on the map you just need to find green areas within walking distance from the hotel you like.

We visit a restaurant.

The next important point is how to visit a restaurant with a dog? Most the best option for everyone - choose a cafe on the street. Try to find an establishment where there are no other dogs, as the dog will want to get to know them better, and breakfast will be hectic. If this fails, then find a place away from the neighbor's dog. For the convenience of the dog itself, it is better to choose tables in the front or back rows. And by no means in the aisle.

If you decide to visit a closed restaurant, and not a cafe on fresh air, then it is best to find a place in the corner or against the wall.

Many travelers combine "business with pleasure" and take part in various exhibitions during their vacation trips. You can read the schedules of exhibitions in the cities along the route in advance and sign up for the one you like.

If you prepare everything in advance and take into account all the subtleties, then traveling with your beloved pet will become a pleasant and comfortable vacation for the whole family. Successful trips and smooth roads.

At least once every tourist who has pet thought about taking the dog on holiday. But, it rarely went beyond the idea, because bureaucratic problems immediately surfaced, which discouraged all desire to take a four-legged friend with you.

Problems with veterinary documents, the risk of quarantine are just two of the many things that can get in the way of such travelers. But are the problems really unsolvable, and such a luxury can only be afforded by powers of the world this?

Veterinary dog ​​passport

Consider the most important requirements for dog owners who are planning a joint trip or a trip to international exhibition.

And it all starts, like with people, with documents.

Required documents

The first document to be prepared is veterinary passport dogs. It can be bought at any veterinary clinic, but there will be difficulties with filling it. The main mark that should be there is information about rabies vaccination. It is also worth asking about other passport and vaccination requirements at the embassy of the country you plan to travel to. General rule- Vaccinations must be affixed no earlier than 6 months before leaving Russia.

The second important document international veterinary certificate. To get it, you must already have a completed passport, on the basis of which the document will be drawn up. This service is not provided by all clinics, and not in all clinics it is cheap. Indeed this is evidence only 3 days, so you need to draw it up immediately before the trip.

You will also need certificate of absence of breeding value in the animal. This document is issued by two organizations: the Russian Cynological Association or the Union Cynological Organizations Russia. The request is most often made by the club where you bought your dog. Help also valid only 3 days.

EU countries will require hallmarks or microchip at the dog. If everything has been clear with the stigma for a long time - almost all clubs still stigmatize puppies, then chipping an animal in our country has not yet taken such turns. The microchip is implanted near the pet's ear or neck absolutely painlessly and stays there until the dog's death.

IMPORTANT: A number of countries at the time of entry of a pet require mandatory quarantine - several days to two weeks. The animal is kept in a special center at the airport or train station in the maximum comfortable conditions receiving stable nutrition and care.

Veterinary certificate of international standard

Necessary things

After receiving the documents, you should make sure that you have taken everything you need for the trip.

Air travel with a dog

If you are planning to travel with your dog by plane, get ready for the harshest requirements that a tourist can have.

First, at the booking stage, you must notify your airline that you are flying with a dog. The policy of many carriers limits the number of dogs on board, so you need to be prepared at any time that you will not be allowed on the flight. But, as a rule, at this stage everything goes without trouble.

You do not need to buy a ticket for a dog, but you will have to weigh it and pay for the weight of the dog as excess baggage. Although, some airlines (for example, a number of German air carriers) have introduced a flat fee for a "dog" seat.

If your dog weighs over 8 kg, then they will not let her into the salon even in a carrying cage. For such animals, special carriers for the luggage compartments of the aircraft are sold at airports. An exception is a guide dog, which has a muzzle and a leash fixed on the owner's leg.

If your dog definitely flies in the luggage compartment, then you need to choose aircraft with heated compartment- This is the IL-86 or the latest models of Boeing. At any time, you can visit your pet by going down the stairs to the luggage compartment with the stewardess.

IMPORTANT: No airline will be responsible for the death or injury of a dog in flight, therefore, only you will have to take care of its comfort in the luggage compartment. Better to be inside the cage a warm blanket. It is also worth monitoring the availability of water and food.

Transportation of a dog by train

If you live close to the border and the journey is not that long, the train is a very good option for traveling with your dog. If all the formalities with the documents did not cause any complaints from the conductors, then there will be only a few nuances that, unlike the aircraft, are easy to solve.

First, you will most likely have to buy the whole compartment. You can’t ride in reserved seat cars with dogs (and in Europe there is no reserved seat at all). Otherwise, the dog will have to be kept in the vestibule, which is also not the best option.

Second, the passage of dogs on the train paid, and it costs like a 20 kg baggage ticket. If suddenly the pet weighs more, then you will have to buy a ticket for 40 kg of live "luggage".

Transportation of a dog by bus

Most often, this method is used by those who are taking their pet a short distance - to an exhibition or to a neighboring country on vacation. You won’t use standard bus routes here - you will have to order a special bus, fortunately - there are a lot of animal transportation services now.

By ordering such a bus, you will definitely not regret it - traveling in the company of dog lovers will be doubly more fun, and the carriers themselves always treat animals with big love and care.

carrier cage

Transportation of a dog by car

The easiest way, which does not require cages and other unpleasant attributes from you, is a personal car. If there are no questions with the documents, then the only thing that customs can find fault with is the lack of a muzzle. However, this issue can be resolved in a matter of seconds before crossing the border.

Important information

Before planning your trip, make sure that the hotel you are visiting is pet friendly. It is worth warning the management several months in advance, indicating the breed of the dog, and assuring that there will be no problems with documents and vaccinations.

Also at the planning stage, you should take care of the insurance of your dog. Now a lot of companies are engaged in this, both in Russia and abroad. They insure their pets not only against an accident, but also in case of infection and other troubles.

Traveling abroad is troublesome. Documents, visas, permits… All this paperwork cannot be avoided if you decide to change your place of residence. The same is true with pets. Taking a dog abroad requires careful preparation. It is important to consider everything here, from the timing of vaccinations and the choice of vaccine, to correct design transportation documents.
The first thing you should take care of is the rabies vaccination. It must be done no later than a month, but not earlier than a year before crossing the border. And not every vaccine will be a pass for a dog to a foreign country. To avoid customs problems for sure, give preference to drugs such as Nobivac R, Biocan R or Hexadog R.

The rest of the vaccinations, although not mandatory, would be better if they were done at the same time as rabies.

Another one compulsory procedure before the trip - chipping. Without a chip, you can only take your baby to some CIS countries. Well, customs control in the EU states often begins with the scanning of the chip and ends with it.

What documents are needed to export a dog?

The export of a dog outside of Russia is carried out according to three mandatory documents:

1. International veterinary passport. It is better if it is filled in Russian and English. It must contain marks certified by the signature and seal of the veterinarian about chipping, vaccinations made for the dog, as well as the prevention of helminths, fleas and ticks. The rabies vaccination mark must also have a registration number, as well as be certified by the seal of the clinic. All entries in the veterinary passport must be legible, and seals and stamps must be clear, not smeared.

2. Veterinary certificate (certificate) form 1. It is issued immediately before departure. The validity of the document is only 5 days. Be sure to say that you need the form to take the dog abroad and ask the veterinarian to indicate in it the data on all vaccinations, as well as the full route of the animal.

3. Certificate that the animal is not of breeding value. It can be obtained at the nearest RKF or RFOS club. It doesn't matter if your dog has a pedigree or not. You still need to get a referral.

If in new house If a puppy under 3 months old is sent to another country, Form 1 is issued on the basis of the veterinary passport of him and his mother. And rabies vaccination is not required.

And of course, taking a dog abroad cannot do without travel documents. Most often, a ticket for an animal is a regular baggage receipt. However, check in the dog miniature breed most likely you won't have to. It will be enough to place it in a special box for transporting animals. But it is better to clarify all the conditions and nuances of transporting dogs at the representative office of the transport company.

What awaits you in another country?

The export of a dog abroad will take place without hassle and unwanted surprises only if its owner inquires in advance about the rules for importing and keeping animals in the country that will become the new home of his pet. Not always, the certificates that suit our customs officers are also good for their colleagues and veterinarians on the other side of the border.

So, you can bring a dog into Australia only with the special permission of the Australian Quarantine Inspectorate. Austria (like many EU countries) will only require you to provide a veterinary certificate (Form 1) and a chip.

Before traveling to Germany, be sure to have your rabies vaccination record translated into German. Also remember that puppies under 3 months old cannot be imported into Germany. And you simply will not be allowed into the UK if the rabies vaccination was carried out before the chipping. Only after it! Even if you instilled a baby a week before you put the chip, you have to do new vaccination. And only on the 23rd day after it to enter England.

In the US, an unvaccinated dog may also be allowed through. However, in this case, a Quarantine Agreement is drawn up with its owner, in which special conditions keeping a dog during quarantine.

The rules for importing animals into Japan are very strict. And here the owner (puppy seller) has little choice - to prepare the dog for a trip for 240 days, strictly following the instructions of the Japan Quarantine Service (information can be found on their website) or to go through 180 days of quarantine at a special point.

In China, despite the availability of all the necessary documents for the export of a dog abroad, it is still isolated for 30 days in a quarantine room. Plus, only one animal can be brought into the country by one person. Well, the import of dogs into Greenland and Malta is simply prohibited.

The nuances of the customs legislation can be in any state. But wherever you go with your pet, we wish you to quickly and easily settle all the formalities and enjoy new life in a new country.

A trip abroad is invariably associated with the preparation of documents. The departure of animals abroad is also accompanied by the collection of certificates and certificates. Documents are needed for Russian side, and for the state in which the animal gets. How to organize a trip with an animal abroad, what is the procedure for collecting documents and when it is required - will be discussed below.

Rules for crossing the border with animals: legal framework

Departure with animals in the Russian Federation is regulated by three regulatory legal acts. Trips to neighboring countries (countries of the Customs Commonwealth) are regulated by the Decision of the Commission CU No. 317 (dated 18.06.10)

Also, permits for the export and import of animals from the Russian Federation are determined by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 404. And the procedure for issuing accompanying documentation is regulated by order No. 589 of the Ministry Agriculture.

Additional documents are issued when transporting animals by air or rail.

Documents for the departure of animals across the border: the procedure for registration

Registration of documents is carried out exclusively upon presentation to the controlling authorities of the animal. Those. they will not issue certificates and other papers without examining the animals. Accordingly, before collecting references, you should make sure that proper condition animal health, so that visits to inspection services are not a burden for him.

The procedure for issuing documents for an animal to enter another country:

Step 1: We receive an international veterinary passport. It is an analogue of a veterinary certificate and serves to identify the animal. It reflects the following data:

  • Information about the animal;
  • Owner data;
  • Information about the vaccinations carried out, the procedure for vaccination against rabies and other diseases;
  • A seal confirming the chipping of the animal, a certificate of the absence of helminths.

Important: According to the above decision of the commission of the Customs Union No. 317, the vaccination must be done within last year but not later than 20 days before the trip.

A veterinary passport can be obtained at the first vaccination in a veterinary clinic or in a store where the pet was sold.

Step 2: We issue a veterinary certificate. The document is received by the owner of the pet not earlier than 5 days before the trip. The manager of the document is the state veterinary station. The issuance of the document is based on the veterinary passport and is regulated Veterinary regulations(clause 13), approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (order No. 589). Those. without passing the previous paragraph, it is impossible to obtain a veterinary certificate.

Step 3: We receive an international veterinary certificate. Transportation of animals is accompanied by customs veterinary control. According to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 589, when customs control takes place, the certificate is replaced by an international certificate.

Important: According to the order of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation (order No. 35, clause 4), an international certificate is not required if the trip is made within the borders of the CIS using a railway message.

The countries of the European Union have their own sample veterinary certificate. The procedure for obtaining it is the same as in the case of international certificates.

Additional documents for transporting animals abroad

Depending on the method of transportation and the breed of the animal, additional documents may be required.

When exporting more than two animals. According to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 35, item 4, when transporting more than two animals by rail across the border, a permit is required from the Department of the Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

When transporting animals that can carry breeding value. If the pet belongs to thoroughbred animals, it can potentially carry breeding value. In practice, there are very few animals that carry breeding value. However, in order to avoid difficulties at the border, the Russian Cynological Federation can issue a certificate that confirms for sure that your animal does not carry such value.

Important: An additional package of documents may be required by the receiving party. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with the requirements for the import of animals at the local visa center in advance. In particular, the European Union prohibits the import of animals that are less than 3 months old. In a number of EU countries there is a requirement to quarantine animals upon entry. nation state a number of countries prohibit the import fighting dogs, in different states The EU also has different restrictions for cats according to their age.

Travel insurance for pets abroad

Russian law does not require compulsory insurance pets upon departure. Depending on national legislation, such a document may be required by the receiving party.

However, it will not be superfluous to take out travel insurance. This service is common in a number of insurance companies in Russia and involves compensation for tickets, hotel reservations and other costs if a person has not passed customs control. Animals increase the risk of not leaving, so travel insurance can save your nerves and protect yourself from unnecessary costs.

Transportation of an animal by plane and train abroad

Transportation of an animal in the cabin of an airliner is at the discretion of the carrier. Those. this issue must be settled with the airline in advance. After all, according to the Aviation Rules of the Russian Federation (clause 143), animals should be transported in the luggage compartment in a container or cage, if we are talking about the bird.

When preparing an air flight, paperwork for the export of animals abroad should be carried out in advance, because. the carrier is entitled to demand full package papers on the animal, before considering the issue of its transportation in the cabin.

Important: When deciding to carry a pet in the cabin, the carrier is guided by the principle of antagonism. Those. if a person with a cat turned to the carrier before you, your dog may be denied travel in the cabin due to a potential conflict.

Transportation by railway allowed only in those areas where there are checkpoints. Those. if the checkpoint through which the train will travel is not equipped with such a veterinary station, it will not be possible to take the animal out and you will have to choose another route. This rule is regulated by clause 4 of Order No. 35 of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation.

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