Allergy to dust mites in a child. How to deal with house dust mite allergies

Many people living in their apartments and houses do not even realize that in the dust accumulating in various places they may be in danger.

Often, dust mite allergy comes to the attention of adults when a child appears in the family.

They are small and cannot be seen with the naked eye, but their photos posted online are simply amazing.

By themselves, they do not harm a person if they do not become too much, and the human body is not sensitive to allergens, which are found in large quantities in the waste products of ticks.

According to patients, allergic reactions to them are not so uncommon. This disease has unpleasant symptoms, and its treatment is not so simple as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, it is better to take care of the prevention of dust mite allergy in order to prevent the onset of the disease.

The cause of an allergy to a dust mite is their feces, which tend to accumulate during the life of the mites, rise into the air along with dust and settle on the nasopharyngeal mucosa of the person inhaling them. They are light and, having risen into the air, they can soar there for quite a long time, up to half an hour.

Getting on the mucous respiratory tract, feces dissolve and the substances contained in them enter the human body. As a result, they can cause an allergic reaction, as antibodies begin to be produced inside, with the release of histamine. Hence the possible reactions in the form of a runny nose, dermatitis or bronchial asthma.

Symptoms in children and adults with dust mite allergy are similar. The only difference is that at a young and old age, the human body is more sensitive to external stimuli due to physiological features, therefore, cases of the disease are more common, and it is more acute.

The main symptoms of a tick allergy are as follows:

  • Prolonged runny nose for no apparent reason, which is difficult to treat.
  • Redness of the eyes, pain and swelling of the eyelids.
  • Tickling in the nose and sneezing that occurs when inhaling polluted air.
  • Skin problems similar to dermatitis or eczema, accompanied by itching.
  • Frequent and prolonged cough, which can develop into bronchial asthma.
  • Swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, causing shortness of breath and suffocation.

The diagnosis is made by an allergist-immunologist, to whom you should contact if you suspect an allergy from a dust mite. He will ask in detail about living conditions, the presence of certain symptoms, as well as about pets, which can also be carriers of dust mites.

An allergist may perform a skin test and/or intradermal tests to check for an allergy to a particular protein. The appearance of a blister at the injection site indicates a positive test result. In some cases, a blood test may also be needed to confirm the diagnosis.

How to get rid of dust mites in the house

First, you need to take care to eliminate places of possible accumulation in the apartment, such as down pillows, old mattresses, carpets and woolen blankets. Thus, contact with the allergen is minimized.

Ventilation is available remedy from dust mites, and if it is combined with traditional wet cleaning of the room, then the amount of inhaled waste from their vital activity will decrease significantly. Be sure to consult a doctor on how to reduce the sensitivity of the body to their waste products.

If there is a pronounced symptomatology of the disease, the doctor will prescribe drugs with which it will be possible to remove the manifestation of allergies.

Allergies can be treated different ways that exist to fix this problem:

  • Medical method treatment can quickly help to cope with the symptoms of the disease and bring the patient's body back to normal. In addition to antihistamines, which will be prescribed by the attending physician, there is a desensitization technique. Its action lies in the fact that the dose of the allergen is introduced into the patient's body, which gradually increases. This causes the body to get used to it, and makes it less sensitive to the allergen.
  • Folk way treatment includes irrigation of the nasal cavity with a solution of salt and soda, which must be done every 3 hours. Effectively relieve swelling of inhalation with water vapor. People with this problem benefit from a visit to the bath with deep inhalation of vapors. You can use decoctions of medicinal plants, after making sure that there is no allergy to them, because they can aggravate the situation. If there is an air conditioner in the house, then air ionization, as one of its functions, will be very useful. Elimination will help bring the body back to normal harmful products from the diet, such as coffee and chocolate. Applying knowledge on how to get rid of dust mites will greatly speed up the solution of the problem.

Dust mite allergy prevention and control includes measures that will not only help alleviate the symptoms of the manifested disease, but also eliminate the causes of its occurrence.

To do this, you must perform the following steps:

Take these affordable measures into service if you are wondering how to get rid of dust mites. The cleanliness and safety of the living space will only benefit, even if none of the family members have allergies.

In most cases, ticks live next to a person without causing any disturbance. Under certain conditions, some people show signs of allergy to dust mites, but knowing how to minimize contact with them, while reducing their number to allowable norms, you can deal with this problem.

Do not ignore the problem just because microscopic mites are not visible, this does not mean that they are not there. Since your attention is directed to this problem, you can do everything for yourself and your family to make living conditions more comfortable. It is easier to keep the house clean and take preventive measures than to look for a remedy for dust mites when there are too many of them.

Among the diseases that occur for reasons beyond human control and poison life, one of the first places is an allergy to household dust. The disease can manifest itself in any season, and even in those who meticulously monitor the cleanliness of the house.

Because for a reaction to occur, it is not enough a large number dust containing microscopic dust mites. An allergic reaction is especially acute in children.

Therefore, cleaning in the apartment of people prone to allergic reactions should not only be thorough, it must be done with the help of special equipment that kill ticks and prevent them from multiplying and entering the human body.

Everyone suffering from this disease and all his relatives should be aware of how the presence of a dust mite in the house affects health and how to get rid of it. An important component of the fight against the disease is the possession of information about the methods of treatment.

Photo: View house dust under the microscope

What is house dust

The dust that is constantly present in the apartment consists of huge amount various microparticles that are formed as a result of the vital activity of people and domestic animals.

  1. hairs;
  2. wool;
  3. dead skin epithelium;
  4. particles from clothing fabrics;
  5. furniture upholstery;
  6. various chemical compounds.

Each of these components can become an allergen for a person, but most often there is an allergy to house dust mites.

The habitat of this tiny creature is the world around us, and the food is the product of exfoliation from the skin.

Thus, ticks can settle wherever people and animals live, but their favorite place is:

  1. bed;
  2. folds of upholstered furniture;
  3. pillows and other bedding.

What is the danger

In Latin, the genus of ticks is called Demodex.

The reaction caused by exposure to ticks is manifested:

  • runny nose;
  • sneezing
  • inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes, up to suffocation;
  • as well as pruritus and eczema.

Any of these phenomena is unpleasant in itself, but the consequences that an allergy brings are much more serious than the listed symptoms. This is due to the fact that dysfunctional changes occur in the body during allergies, which lead to systemic diseases.

For example, constant runny nose can become a condition for the development of polyps and other neoplasms in the nose, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract provokes asthma and makes the child sick for life.

Thus, an allergy is a springboard for the whole organism to malfunction. As a result of an allergy, a program of disorder of the entire health system is launched, so it should be treated immediately after the first signs appear.

The reasons

Allergies occur for many reasons. Among them are immunological, psychophysical and external, the latter include the very presence of dust in a person's home. The accumulation of dust pollution is typical for places where people rarely look.

It can be:


The human immune system is designed to protect the body from various diseases. Immunological causes of allergies is the weakening of the immune system. This happens when a person reduces the barriers to control over the activities of organs and systems of the body.

For example, in spring period due to vitamin deficiencies. In addition, flora begins to bloom in the spring and this provokes a reaction to plant pollen, the appearance of pollen allergy becomes a factor in weakening the immune system and, in parallel, a reaction to Demodex may occur.

In this case, it is first of all necessary to cure pollen allergy, as the immunological cause of the reaction to the Demodex mite.


The psychophysical state of a person is importance for the strength of resistance to any disease. Dust allergy is no exception. For the rest equal conditions An allergic person who has experienced stress has a harder time with a reaction, because his immune system is weakly in control of the situation. There are cases when a person has external manifestations and symptoms of an allergy to dust, when there is no and cannot be a tick in the room and in sight.

Similar outbreaks for no reason can occur against the background strong feelings or subconscious associations. For example, if you bring home a cleaned carpet that an allergic person has had negative memories of, they may have an allergy attack. These connections occur at the receptor level and are subject to treatment in this case CNS.


In addition to the main culprit of allergy to house dust - the waste products of the Demodex mite, other allergens contained in dust particles can cause this disease:

  1. hairs of domestic animals, including cats and dogs, hamsters and guinea pigs and so on;
  2. the remains of cockroaches and other beetle insects that are found in the house;
  3. bird down, from which pillows, blankets, feather beds are made;
  4. book dust - waste products of paper microorganisms;
  5. mold and other fungal growths that appear in damp rooms.


Different types of allergies have similar symptoms, so the diagnosis is complicated and requires special studies.

Dust allergy symptoms include:

  1. runny nose, while the phenomena of rhinitis are prolonged, accompanied by sneezing, accumulation of mucus in the nose;
  2. redness of the eyes, accompanied by lacrimation, and turning into conjunctivitis;
  3. inflammation of the respiratory tract, causing coughing;
  4. swelling of the mucous membranes of the larynx, bronchi, leading to shortness of breath and suffocation.


To make a diagnosis in very similar symptoms, a special study should be carried out. It consists in tests for an allergen. Before conducting them, the doctor collects an anamnesis and finds out when and under what circumstances signs of the disease appear.

Conclusions are made on the basis of a patient interview and test results. Only after that treatment is prescribed.

How to remove the allergen

Elimination of the allergen, which is the waste product of Demodex mites, is impossible. But you can remove other significant allergens.

For example, remove all down pillows and blankets, replace them with synthetic ones, get rid of fungus in the house, part with pets, cover bookcases with dust-tight glass. And, of course, you need to do impeccable cleaning in the premises.

House dust allergy treatment

There are several effective ways to treat an allergic reaction to dust. Among them, the use medicines, folk remedies and immunotherapy. The immunological method is based on the fact that an allergen is introduced into the body, starting with microscopic doses, and then increasing them.

This training is not in vain, getting used to small injections of the allergen, the body does not react so sharply to large doses.


In our body, histamine is responsible for the outbreak and the development of a reaction to an allergen, in order to block its action, antihistamines are administered.

But any drug in this group has significant side effects. They inhibit a person's reaction to the environment and cause drowsiness. Therefore, doctors, along with the use of medications, recommend using other methods.

Video: Features of allergy treatment

Folk methods

Among folk recipes treatment of allergy to dust is recommended to wash the nose with an aqueous solution with the addition of salt and soda. It is necessary to do irrigation of the nasal cavity often, optimally after three hours. Just a saline solution also helps, if you don’t have soda on hand.

Hot water steam inhalations also relieve the symptoms of a runny nose and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Deep inhalation of steam in the bath also helps.

Treatment folk remedies in the form of decoctions medicinal herbs should be used with caution, any medicinal plant in those prone to allergies, it can provoke an attack. Therefore, you first need to make sure that there is no reaction to a particular remedy.

A modern home treatment is air ionization with negatively charged ions. This can be done using an air conditioner with an ionization function.

Dieting and exclusion from food:

  • corn;
  • chocolate
  • coffee and other products, the harmfulness of which the doctor warns you about, will also help you avoid allergic provocations.

Proven ways

Among the verified medicinal fees against dust allergy, treatment with a seven-component solution of:

  1. centaury;
  2. hypericum;
  3. dandelion root;
  4. rose hips;
  5. field horsetail;
  6. pharmaceutical chamomile;
  7. corn stigmas combined in parts, for example, in tablespoons - 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1.

Mix the raw materials, after crushing the rose hips and dandelion roots, take five tablespoons and make an infusion on cold water(1 liter) at night. Leave all night, and in the morning heat until boiling, but do not boil. Then cool the infusion, and take 70 ml three times a day. The course lasts at least a month.


As preventive measures use well-known dust control methods:

  1. ventilation of rooms, especially bedrooms;
  2. cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth should be carried out at least every other day;
  3. frequent change of bed linen is necessary;
  4. you need to abandon carpets and carpeted floor coverings;
  5. getting rid of mold and fungal deposits should be a rule of hygiene in the house.


It is possible to fight ticks at home. To do this, subject problem areas and things heat treatment. For example, you can remove a tick from clothes by ironing on both sides. Pillows and mattresses should be given for special treatment for cleaning. If necessary, call for professional disinfectors.

The topical remedy for the Demodex mite is DEMODEX COMPLEX™. This is a set consisting of soap, tonic, Kang cream for morning use and Xinsheng cream for application at night.

These drugs are proven and are considered the most effective in the fight against the mite that lives in household dust. With the help of these products, you will protect your skin from re-infection. Washing with soap Demodex complex can be used as a prophylaxis against contact with ticks.

bed mites(sometimes called linen) are one of the important problems in any living space.

Insects that have microscopic dimensions (from 0.5 to 0.1 mm), whose life span lasts up to 80 days and leaves behind offspring in the form of up to 60 eggs, are called field mites.

They live in colonies: from 10 to 10 thousand insects per 1 gram. dust. Their numbers change with different time year, the number increases especially strongly in August-September.

The life span is up to 2.5 months. During this time, they are able to lay several hundred eggs. Pests live where a person is: in bed, in slippers, in upholstered furniture.

Many people mistakenly believe that pests feed on blood - this is far from the case, they do not bite, red spots on the body are a sign of an allergy to insect waste products.

Why are bed mites dangerous?

Insects are dangerous to humans, being "scavengers", they feed on keratinized skin.


Pests of this species do not live on the body, therefore, they cannot bite it. The fact is that all the swelling, bumps and rashes that a person can find on his skin are the consequences of an allergy to insect feces.

They do not feed on blood, and red spots are complications from respiratory organs which are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • sneezing
  • cough;
  • asthma;
  • wheezing;
  • difficulty breathing.


  • Manifestation of conjunctivitis;
  • tearing;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • Inflammatory processes in the mucosa;
  • Temperature rise.

Bed bug bite symptoms

As mentioned above, ticks are of such size that you can see them without additional increase impossible.

It remains only to pay attention to the symptoms that may appear after their bites:

  • Itching on limbs and head after a night's sleep.
  • The occurrence of an allergic reaction or its subspecies (if allergic history not visible).
  • A person begins to sneeze and cough for no apparent reason, unrelated to colds or smoking. Such symptoms proceed, as a rule, for more than a crescent.
  • With a long stay at home, the occurrence of allergic rhinitis. It is noteworthy that after going outside, the symptoms disappear on their own. There is no need to take any medication for this.
  • Chronic skin diseases for no reason reach their peak.
  • Occurrence of the listed symptoms (or similar) in pets.

Treating bed bug bites at home

You can treat an ailment associated with allergic reactions at home using various plants and useful products:

  • Rinse your mouth well sea ​​salt, you can drip into the nose.
  • Before eating, take dill oil, mix it with sugar and slowly dissolve.
  • Taking a bath with the addition of clay - 4 tbsp. l. dissolve in 500 ml. pure water, will help relieve allergic itching.
  • A mummy solution will help perfectly, you can take it with honey. Beforehand, you should discuss with your doctor the dosage, which varies depending on the age of the patient.
  • An infusion is made from birch buds and applied in the form of compresses to damaged areas. To do this, take 100 gr. kidneys and insist in vodka for 10 days. You can make an aqueous solution: 1 tbsp. l. kidneys insist in a glass of boiling water for two hours.

These and other recipes help very well, you just need to determine the method of influencing allergic reactions and discuss this with your doctor.

How to get rid of bed mites?

In order to rid your home of the presence of these pests, the best and fast way there will be a call for pest control specialists.

With the help of special preparations, they will process the entire apartment, including upholstered furniture and bedding. This option is the most effective, but quite expensive.

Prevention of the appearance of bed mites

Preventive work against bed mites is the following:

As you know, bed pests are found in every apartment or house. It is necessary to create such conditions in the room under which there will be no massive increase in the number of ticks.

Dust in rooms can accumulate for years, and this is a great option for pests to feel great and leave behind huge offspring. You can’t consider the owners of the apartment to be sloppy and untidy, pests can appear wherever a person lives.

Causes of allergy to household ticks

The dust mite does not bite a person, it feeds on dead horny skin flakes. But these scales are too hard, so the animal, along with excrement, secretes special digestive enzymes, splitting scales and facilitating the process of digestion.

Enzymes are strong allergens, and when they enter the human body, they are captured by mast cells. Macrophages carry parts of these enzymes on their surface in the form of receptors. This is how sensitization occurs. Upon repeated contact with the excrement of a dust or bed mite, the allergen combines with a receptor on the surface of macrophages and massive cell destruction occurs with the release of a large amount of histamine. It is histamine that is the main component for triggering the cascade of allergic reactions.

Allergens get not only on the skin, small dust particles penetrate into bronchial tree causing asthma attacks. It is in the form of bronchial asthma that an allergy to a dust mite in a child manifests itself.

Dust mite allergy symptoms

Allergic reactions of any type have a number of characteristic features:

  1. Redness and itching of the skin. Itching skin appears at the moment of contact with the irritant or a few hours after it. He has different intensity, which depends on the individual characteristics of a person, often begins at the site of contact with tick enzymes.
  2. Rash, or hives. At the point of contact, small rashes appear, rising above the surface of the skin. The rash is prone to confluence and can form large foci. characteristic feature rashes is their complete reversibility on their own or after taking antihistamines.
  3. Conjunctivitis. Redness and foreign body sensation in the eyes appear when dust gets on the cornea or after rubbing the eyes with infected hands.
  4. Rhinitis. Due to the effect of feces on the nasal mucosa, the vessels begin to leak liquid part plasma into the intercellular space. The mucosa swells, the secretion of mucus increases - and this is manifested by nasal congestion and itching.
  5. Bronchial asthma. The most severe consequence of an allergy to dust or bed mites. There are regular attacks of suffocation, more often at night. The disease is exacerbated in spring or autumn, during the period of maximum antigenic load on the body.

Treatment and preventive measures

Treatment of house dust mite allergy consists in taking antihistamines (loratadine, diphenhydramine, suprastin and others). These agents block receptors that bind to histamine and trigger inflammation. With more severe course diseases are prescribed glucocorticosteroid drugs.

In bronchial asthma, a complex of bronchodilators is prescribed.

But drug treatment only relieves the symptoms, but does not act on the cause. How to get rid of dust mite allergy? It is possible to reduce the frequency of exacerbations of allergic reactions with the help of a complex preventive measures to reduce the amount of dust in the house:

  1. Regular wet cleaning and ventilation of premises. Cleaning with detergents and anti-mite preparations once a day will help to significantly reduce the number of dust mites in the house.
  2. Replacement of bedding with natural fillers (down) for pillows and blankets made of hypoallergenic synthetic materials.
  3. Regular change of bed linen, laundry high temperature with the addition of anti-mite drugs.
  4. Use of air purifiers with ultraviolet filter.
  5. Replacement of conventional vacuum cleaners with washing ones.

Preventive measures also include walks in the fresh air, normalization of nutrition and physical activity. Comprehensive measures will help reduce the number of allergic reactions to a minimum.

Who are dust mites

  1. Pyroglyphic dust mites are able to survive even in cold weather. They live in places where food is stored, on clothes, in upholstered furniture.
  2. Predatory individuals that eat representatives of the first group.
  3. Insects that accidentally get into the dust do not pose a danger to humans and do not breed in it.

Dust or bed mites do not attack a person, but, on the contrary, try to avoid direct contact. For this reason, it is not necessary to talk about the bites of linen mites. Insects do not carry any diseases. Their excrement, as well as dead individuals, are mixed with house dust and often become the causative agents of severe allergies.

Allergy to dust mites

As a rule, particles of insects, as well as their excrement, which contain substances that provoke a negative reaction, are an allergen. human body. When inhaled, these elements enter the respiratory tract and cause an allergy to the bed mites.

Dust mite allergy is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • flow from the nose, nasal congestion, itching;
  • due to the inability to breathe normally, the brain suffers from a lack of oxygen, which causes severe headaches, deterioration of well-being, and reduced ability to work;
  • redness, eye irritation, profuse lacrimation;
  • bouts of dry cough, wheezing in the chest;
  • redness of the skin, itching and peeling;
  • shortness of breath and asthma attacks;
  • sleep disturbances caused by difficulty breathing;
  • Quincke's edema, characteristic of the most sensitive people. Sometimes swelling leads to death.

Allergy Diagnosis

The appearance of one or more symptoms may indicate sensitivity to bed mites. The most accurate diagnosis will be carried out by an immunologist special studies. Introduced into the body to detect disease a small amount of extract of the allergen, and then the reaction to it is monitored. Diagnosis will help determine what torments the patient, an allergy to a dust mite or something else.

To date, scientists have been able to identify about 23 allergens, which are carried by bed mites that exist in the home. Determining the exact causes helps to prescribe effective treatment for the patient.

Allergy treatment consists in observing the following rules:

  1. Maximum fast elimination contacts with the allergen, you also need to process all the places where linen mites can live. For this, it is worth using acaricidal preparations.
  2. To get rid of the symptoms of the disease should be with the help of medicines prescribed by the doctor.
  3. We must not forget about methods that help reduce the patient's sensitivity to the proteins that the feather mite secretes.

Treatment of allergy manifestations is carried out using drugs that can be purchased at pharmacies: Telfast, Suprastin, Lomilan, Edem and others. Many of them are suitable for children. Treatment is carried out strictly according to the attached instructions.

Methods for the destruction of dust mites

People try to learn how to get rid of dust mites, instead of just getting rid of dust, although there are many ways to do this:

But you need to know not only how to get rid of dust, but also how to deal with dust mites. The most popular product suitable for treating various surfaces is Allergoff dust mite spray. The aerosol is absolutely safe for people, therefore it is suitable for beds, toys, carpets and other items.

A modern way to get rid of linen mites is quartzization. UV lamp able to kill not only feather mites in pillows, but also various microbes.

Another effective remedy for dust mites is a quartz air purifier. The purchase of such a device will help to clean the living space from numerous harmful bacteria, mold, viruses. The complex device is equipped with a whole set of filters, convenient to use. The air purifier is absolutely safe for health.

You can also use as a remedy for bed mites - essential oils of clove, eucalyptus, tea tree. They are suitable for processing furniture, carpets, curtains. Ticks in bed quickly die if about 10 drops of oil are added to the powder during washing. Aqueous solutions prepared with essential oils - natural remedy from dust mites.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Where does the dust mite live?

Dust mites are considered an integral part of house dust and are always present where people live. It is impossible to see what a dust mite looks like without a microscope, but these insects definitely live in the following places:

  • dust collectors in vacuum cleaners;
  • upholstered furniture, toys;
  • bed linen, pillows, mattresses;
  • items of clothing;
  • carpets;
  • pet hair.

In addition, dust mites live on human skin and hair.

Do dust mites bite?

At what temperature do dust mites die?

It has already been said how to get rid of bed mites, but let's recall: washing should be done in water with a temperature of at least +60 degrees, since it is detrimental to such insects.

Does ultraviolet light kill dust mites?

Among allergens, mites (Acarids) occupy the same important place as pollen. You can often hear from people that they have an allergic reaction to dust. However, its culprits are not dust particles at all, but tiny creatures living in it - mites.

With the help of a microscope, it was possible to find out that the composition of house dust includes the smallest particles of plant and animal origin. The most dangerous of them are mites - microscopic creatures that feel great in the dust. If we add to this that chronic allergies cause the smallest particles of their excrement, the matter looks quite unpleasant.

We are greatly mistaken if we think that our house shines with cleanliness and that there is no place for dust in it. This is not at all the case; dust can only be partially eliminated. Most of us remove it with a rag or broom, but very soon it settles again on the floor, furniture, curtains and carpets.

Therefore, house ticks live with us everywhere. But they do best in warm, humid environments. If you ventilate your house often and use a vacuum cleaner with an anti-mite filter, then you have a chance to win the battle with these creatures.

Favorite habitats for ticks are soft toys, sofas, pillows and mattresses. All these are warm objects that, when in contact with the body, absorb moisture and substances that serve as food for them, since in fact they feed on fungi and particles of dead skin, some of which is exfoliated daily. Here is a curious fact: an adult loses an average of 1.5 g of skin daily, enough to feed a million mites.

Now let's talk about temperature. Ticks feel good at 15-30 °C. The optimal conditions for them are: a temperature of 25 ° C and an air humidity of 80%. Therefore, they feel great in the period from May to October. During the rest of the year, they are present indoors in the form of protozoan pupae and eggs, waiting for a more favorable time to return to active image life.

Allergy to mites is manifested by inhalation of their excrement, and in its life one dust mite emits them 200 times more than it weighs itself. With a decrease in humidity, as well as at extreme temperatures, most mites die, leaving behind their secretions. These particles are very small, but heavy enough to be airborne. Therefore, neither air conditioners nor air purifiers can clean the room from them. These particles enter the respiratory system directly from bed linen or soft toys with which children sleep. Related to this is the fact that allergy attacks occur, as a rule, when a person gets out of bed, goes to bed, or rolls over at night from side to side.

On this occasion, you should not be too upset, since ticks have been around since the beginning of the century and live everywhere. General cleaning, unfortunately, does not provide perfect cleanliness; ticks are again brought into the house on clothes and shoes. As sad as it is, you have to put up with it.

Dust mite allergy symptoms include nasal congestion or runny nose, continuous sneezing (especially in the morning), eye tingling and watery eyes, coughing and wheezing.

What are ticks?

Ticks are arthropods, arachnids, as they have eight legs, not six like insects. There are at least thirteen species of house dust mites, all of which are well adapted to indoor living conditions.

These primitive organisms do not have a developed respiratory system or vision, and they spend their short life, moving, eating, reproducing their own kind and isolating waste. Life cycle The mite goes through several stages from egg to adult. Females can lay up to 100 eggs in their lifetime. It takes a tick two to five weeks to hatch and reach maturity, depending on the species, while adult ticks live two to four months.

The mites that interest us most from an allergy point of view are called Dermatophagoides (house dust mites). These mainly include the species Pteronyssinuss and Farinae.

How to clean your home from ticks

It is impossible to completely get rid of ticks, except, perhaps, in those cases when the dwelling is located in the desert or at the North or South Pole. But it is possible and necessary to effectively deal with ticks in order to improve your own well-being.

Even if the house at first glance seems clean, there will always be a shelter for these microscopic inhabitants. Their numbers can be significantly reduced with the help of some measures, which we will discuss below. Even if you do not get rid of ticks completely, you can reduce their numbers so much that allergic symptoms retreated.

Studies have shown that ticks like to settle in bedrooms, where they are most numerous. Therefore, we will begin with recommendations regarding effective measures to combat them in this particular room.

Ticks live mainly in bedding - mattresses, pillows, sheets, blankets and pillowcases. If you vacuum the mattress and pillows with an anti-mite or water filter, then only 5% of the mites can be destroyed, because they live inside them, as well as inside sofas, upholstered chairs and in any upholstered furniture, in upholstered walls and in carpets. Therefore, we advise you to abandon this furniture and decoration elements in the bedroom and, in general, to reduce them to a minimum in the house. As for chairs and sofas, it is better to choose wooden chairs unupholstered and leather sofas that won't harbor mites. It is also better to remove paintings and decorative posters from the room. It is desirable that the walls, in order to avoid dust, be smooth and painted with waterproof paint so that they can be washed.

If there is no intention to change the mattress, then the first thing to do is to put commercially available special anti-mite covers on mattresses and pillows. They are made of impermeable fabric with very small pores that prevent the penetration of mites and their waste products from the inside out. Cellophane covers are cheaper, but less convenient. If your children sleep in the same room, equip their sleeping places in the same way, but arrange a bed for a child with allergies, arrange higher, as ticks are not carried up through the air. If the child does not want to part with his favorite soft toy, it should be washed weekly in hot water and dry in the dryer, or, conversely, place in the freezer once a week for six hours. In any case, keep the number of soft toys to a minimum, if possible, because they often contain mites.

A favorite habitat for these pathogens are bedding. Sheets and pillowcases should be washed every three to four days in hot water of at least 60°C. If there is a clothes dryer, then you can wash in more cool water but dry at this temperature. Although natural materials are initially preferred, people with allergies should avoid wool blankets, cotton mattress covers, and down duvets. Ticks do not like to settle in synthetic materials, choosing natural ones.

These are urgent measures, which must be taken, since the main source of ticks is the bed. We also do not recommend having fur or rag toys in the children's room, do not lay carpets and rugs on the floor or hang them on the walls, either in the house or, especially, in the bedroom. Lightweight synthetic curtains are more suitable so that they can be washed once a week. If possible, try to keep pets out of your bedroom. They are real breeding grounds for ticks, the excrement of which scatters in all directions when the animal moves.

When cleaning your home, wear a mask to avoid getting the allergen into the respiratory tract, and even better if someone who is not allergic to mites is doing the cleaning.

It is better to completely refuse carpets or choose one that can be washed, with a short and thick pile (it collects less dust than a long and rare pile). Need to wash the carpet hot water, and even better to clean with a vacuum cleaner - this the only way get rid of ticks.

Another tool that can be used in the fight against ticks is anti-tick drugs that are commercially available. They are produced in the form of a powder or spray with an annotation on the method and frequency of use. As a rule, this substance is applied weekly with a spray gun on sofas, carpets, mattresses, etc., which after a while are well cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. In addition to anti-mite, they also have antifungal and antibacterial properties, which expands the range of their action. However, these products sometimes have a strong odor that can trigger an asthma attack or rhinitis. Try to choose something that is based on natural ingredients and does not have a strong odor.

Which vacuum cleaner to choose?

In a house where people who are allergic to pollen or mites live, it is necessary to have a vacuum cleaner. Experts categorically do not advise sweeping the floor. It is best to vacuum first and then mop the floor. Dust from furniture is washed with a soft (microfiber) cloth.

Not all vacuum cleaners are suitable for the destruction of ticks. Most of them do not hold particles smaller than 10-20 microns (which are the dimensions of mites and their excrement), because the dust bag is quite porous. Therefore, we advise you to use a vacuum cleaner with a special high-performance HEPA filter that retains microparticles, which does not let ticks trapped in the bag into the exhaust outlet. In addition, the vacuum cleaner must be powerful enough to suck up as much dust as possible.

Vacuum cleaners that, in addition to the HEPA filter, have a water filter are even more efficient, since in this case the mites do not get into the bag, but into the water inside the device. Such a vacuum cleaner is suitable for use by persons suffering from allergies, since after its operation it is enough to drain the contents of the container by rinsing it with water, and thus get rid of dead mites.

It is strictly contraindicated to use a high-temperature steam cleaner (typical steam room), as the released moisture (despite its small amount) remains in mattresses, sofas and carpets, creating optimal conditions for breeding dust mites.

Ventilate your home

Modern life forces us to isolate our home from the outside environment. To protect against overheating or hypothermia, windows and doors are tightly pretend. At the same time, we very often forget about ventilation - essential condition maintaining a good atmosphere.

We will not count the amount of steam that accumulates in a dwelling. If we do not take into account the steam that is formed in the kitchen and in the bathroom, and take into account only the one that is formed during breathing, then we get one liter of steam per day from each tenant of the house. And in a house where four people live, the amount of steam and moisture can reach up to one hundred liters per week.

In residential buildings, and especially where there are people who are allergic to mites and molds, the following problems are urgent: high level humidity and areas of moisture condensation contribute to the reproduction of mites and fungi.

First of all, in order to achieve a decrease in humidity, it is necessary to minimize sources of moisture, seal cracks and repair the roof to prevent leakage and water filtration.

In addition, when using the kitchen and bathroom, keep them closed and ventilate after cooking or bathing. It is desirable to have a hood in the kitchen, as well as in the bathroom if there is no window. Wet towels should not be left in the bathroom; it is recommended to dry the walls and the bathtub in order to avoid evaporation of moisture and an increase in air humidity.

It is best to dry your clothes outside or use a dryer, as drying indoors increases the humidity.

It is very important every day in the morning for fifteen minutes to open the windows in all rooms, especially if there is no rain. In rainy weather, it is better to cut this time in half. When looking for a new home, try to choose one where the windows face opposite sides so that cross-ventilation is possible; in this case, the air circulation during daily ventilation will improve significantly.

An ideal bathroom is one in which only the necessary part of the walls near the bathroom is tiled, and the remaining surfaces are painted with matte waterproof paint. Shiny paint, tiles and washable wallpapers hold a lot of condensation on their surface. Carpets should not be kept in the bathroom, and windows should not have metal bindings, but only wood or PVC, because metal also condenses moisture. It is desirable that the window be double-glazed, as inside glass (which is always warmer) absorbs less moisture than single glazing.

If the house has just been built, then due to construction work, the humidity inside will be higher. Therefore, it must be well ventilated, especially in the first year.

Remember that moisture is the best ally of mites and fungi (also strong allergens).

  • mold allergy
  • Allergy to food

general information

Allergy medications can help prevent symptoms, but patients with more severe illness may need more serious medical attention. Getting treatment from an allergist and maintaining a hygienic home environment can help alleviate the suffering of allergy sufferers.

Linen mites are very small living organisms that belong to the spider family. They live in house dust and feed on dead skin cells that people regularly shed and call dandruff.

Ticks can survive in any household environment wherever a person can live. However, they thrive best in warm environments, preferring temperatures of 21°C and 70% relative humidity.

When a person inhales the waste products of linen mites, his immune system begins to actively produce antibodies against normally harmless substances. This powerful immune response causes allergy-related symptoms such as sneezing and a runny nose.

This type of allergy to house bed mites affects about 20 million people in Russia alone. In addition to the symptoms of allergic reactions, prolonged exposure allergens can lead to sinusitis and asthma.

Allergy development process

An allergic reaction of the immune system to an unknown substance usually does not develop normally. At healthy people there are substances in the blood that are literally on early stages suppress alien ones, preventing them from stimulating any signs of the disease. Allergy sufferers either do not have such substances, or they are in excess, as a result, the body actively responds to the invasion of foreign proteins.

These foreign proteins are called allergens. They may include certain products, pollen and linen mite products. In general, an allergy can develop to anything if the body has an imbalance of antibodies against such implants.

Bed bugs are quite unpretentious. In fact, the middle bedroom is enough for them to start breeding, as long as there is a person with his dandruff.

Over time, as the mite population increases, allergy sufferers often experience an increase in their allergy symptoms as the mite waste particles increase in the environment.

Symptoms of an allergy to ticks in bed

Symptoms of a mite allergy can range from mild to severe and may include the following:

  • Runny or itchy nose.
  • After nasal drops.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Depressed creature.
  • Pressure in the maxillary and frontal sinuses which can cause pain in the face.
  • Itching, tearing and red eyes.
  • Sore throat.
  • Cough.
  • Swollen, bluish skin under the eyes.
  • Sleep problems.

In addition, there may be additional symptoms if a person develops asthma. These symptoms may include:

  • Chest pain and shortness of breath.
  • Difficulty breathing, combined with shortness of breath.
  • Irresistible cough.
  • The patient has difficulty speaking.
  • Severe asthma attack.


An allergic person should definitely visit an allergist if symptoms worsen at home, especially when early morning or before bed. An allergist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats this kind of disease. Among other things, when carrying out certain diagnostic manipulations, it can be determined that it is bed mites that are the cause of the corresponding condition in the patient.

The doctor will apply various diagnostic tests to determine if there are appropriate symptoms for the microscopic mite. The most common type is the skin test prick. During this test, the allergist will inject areas of the skin with a small amount of the allergen extract.

After 15 minutes, it will be possible to see if there are any changes on the skin in the form of negative reactions at the specific injection site. If it shows positive reaction on the allergen of the bed mite, in the causes severe cough, sneezing and other symptoms. There will be no more doubt. There will be severe swelling around the injection site and the area may also become red and itchy.

A blood test is sometimes used instead of a skin test. Please note that a blood test can only show the presence of antibodies, so the results may not be as accurate.


The best treatment option is to limit exposure to dust mites. If that doesn't work, there are several over-the-counter or over-the-counter medications that can help relieve allergy symptoms.

However, it must be remembered that thoughtless self-medication can result in a serious condition, up to loss of consciousness, therefore, all drugs of this series are taken exclusively as directed by a doctor.

  • Antihistamines such as Allegra and Claritin. These remedies will help reduce sneezing, runny nose, and itching.
  • Nasal corticosteroids such as Flonase or Nasonex will reduce inflammation with fewer side effects than similar drugs that I take by mouth.
  • Decongestants such as Sudafed or Afrin reduce swelling of the mucous membranes in the nasal passages, making it easier to breathe.
  • Medicines that combine antihistamines and decongestants, such as Actifed or Claritin-D

Other treatments that may help include:

  • Cromolyn sodium.
  • Leukotriene modifiers, eg Singulair, Accolate, Zyflo.
  • Individualized immunotherapy.

Flushing your nasal passages with warm salt water on a daily basis is another effective way to remove allergens from your sinuses.

How to get rid of bed mites

In general, if you follow all the rules of personal hygiene and avoid cluttering up the living space, do not be zealous with an excess of upholstered furniture and take the drugs prescribed by the doctor on time, you can get rid of active signs of allergies, as well as the ticks themselves, forever. Especially. These microscopic living organisms do no harm - they do not bite, do not drink blood like bedbugs and spoil our products like cockroaches.

The food for mites is keratinized skin flakes, daily “lost” by a person: epidermis, dandruff, etc. In addition to protein enzymes, which act as the main allergen, the chitinous shell of dead animals also causes irritation of the respiratory mucosa, but to a much lesser extent. There are three types of allergies, the provocateur of which is the allergen: contact, respiratory, food. Thus, at hypersensitivity a whole bunch of diseases can develop to these microorganisms: from allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis to atopic dermatitis and angioedema.

Main symptoms

An allergy to dust mites in an adult manifests itself in the following signs:

  • Nasal congestion. Swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa leads to the fact that a person begins to breathe through the mouth. As a result, the brain does not receive enough oxygen, and this, in turn, is fraught with headaches, decreased performance and deterioration in general well-being.
  • Profuse discharge from the nose of a clear color, sneezing. Persistent runny nose accompanied severe itching and burning inside the nasopharynx. The outer edges of the nostrils become inflamed from constant rubbing with a handkerchief and hands, swell and peel off.
  • Dry choking cough , accompanied by a sore throat and not passing after taking standard "profile" remedies (Gerbion, lozenges, rinses).
  • Wheezing in chest , hoarseness.
  • Eye redness and tearing, itching. Due to the constant rubbing with hands, the contrast of vision is lost, the eyelids swell, the mucous membrane becomes even more irritated and inflamed.
  • Dyspnea. Against the background of persistent nasal congestion, difficulty breathing appears, especially during a night's sleep. The inability to take a full breath leads to frequent waking up and bouts of suffocation.
  • Skin rashes. A rash may appear on the skin, visually resembling hives. Burning, itching and itching are felt in the affected areas.
  • Conjunctivitis. There is a sensation of a foreign body in the eye, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, which leads to purulent secretions, sticking of eyelashes, hyperemia.

Features of the manifestation of allergies in children

Children are most vulnerable to allergic reactions due to their immature immune system, as well as constant contact with allergens (soft toys, carpets, bedding). The appearance of a runny nose, shortness of breath and tearing in a child makes it difficult to feed, makes him irritable, tearful, discourages appetite and provokes insomnia.

A number of secondary signs are added to the general clinical picture, indicating the "work" of the dust mite. In particular:

  • Dermatitis. Eruptions in the armpits, genitals, elbows and knee joints, neck, head, face. The rash causes unbearable itching, scabies.
  • Paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath, wheezing. When coughing, there is a discharge of sputum of a transparent color and a viscous consistency.
  • Poor tolerance to bright artificial and daylight.

Important: according to medical statistics, almost 2/3 of children suffering from bronchial asthma acquired the disease due to an allergy to dust mites.

You should also pay attention to the change in the well-being of the baby under the influence of a number of third-party factors. For example:

  • Seasonal relapses. The period from August to October is considered optimum time for the reproduction of ticks, so the sensitivity of babies to allergens increases.
  • When leaving the house, the child's well-being improves, when returning, the symptoms begin to appear again.
  • There are signs of cross-allergy (, seafood).
  • The intensity of the allergic reaction in case of non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards (airing the room), as well as during cleaning and night sleep due to an increased concentration of ticks in the living space.


The provocateurs of an allergic reaction are the Der p 1 and Der p 2 proteins secreted during the digestion of dust mites. To diagnose the disease as such, as well as to determine the degree of its severity, a number of provocative tests. Molecules of a possible allergen are injected subcutaneously into the patient different concentration, and then observe how the body responds to a foreign substance: positively or negatively. Today modern medicine is capable of isolating 23 allergens, the carriers of which are field ticks.

In parallel with skin tests, a number of other studies may be prescribed. For example, a detailed immunogram to detect violations of cellular activity, microbiological analysis blood, checking IgE levels in blood serum, etc. Thus, the complex diagnostic techniques allows you to determine the range of allergens that are most dangerous to human health, and choose the right treatment therapy.


The nature of the treatment depends on the form in which the allergy develops (dermatitis, asthmatic manifestations, rhinitis). All medications, used to combat dust mites, are divided into several main groups:

  • Antihistamines. They block the release of histamine into the blood, are available in the form of tablets, syrups, injections. Relieve skin inflammation, reduce itching, scabies. Effectively show themselves in practice: Telfast, Agistam, Eden, Lomilan, Claritin, Semprex.
  • Vasoconstrictor sprays. They relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, restore normal breathing, remove the symptoms of rhinitis. These include: Aquamaris, Atomer Propolis, Nazivin, Knoxprey, Histimet, Sanorin.

Important: long-term use of nasal sprays is contraindicated due to the likelihood of addiction.

  • Eye drops. They are prescribed for conjunctivitis, they remove tearing and swelling. The most affordable: Allergodil, Octilia, Vizin.
  • Vitamin therapy. The intake of vitamin complexes increases the protective functions of the body, compensates for the lack of trace elements and other useful substances.
  • local procedures. In particular, compresses, lotions, baths from decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot).

Method of specific immunotherapy

It is based on the fact that dust mite allergens are injected subcutaneously in microdoses to a sick person. Gradually, the number of injections is increased, and the body begins to get used to the irritant, stopping to react violently to its entry into the body. respiratory system. The frequency and severity of relapses decreases, the patient feels better and can lead a normal life.

The desensitization procedure (ASIT) is carried out only during the period of remission and after appropriate tests and studies have been carried out. First, injections are given daily, and then according to the scheme: every other day, once a week, once every 2-3 weeks, once every one to several months. If necessary, the course is repeated. As a result, the source of the allergy ceases to be an aggressor in relation to the body, and the symptoms of the disease eventually disappear.


Along with taking medications, it is necessary to ensure proper sanitary and hygienic care of the living quarters, which will reduce the concentration of field ticks and, as a result, alleviate the condition of the allergic person. The list of preventive measures is as follows:

  • Carry out wet cleaning of the house at least 2 times a week. Thoroughly wipe skirting boards, doors, furniture, windows with a cloth soaked in saline solution (5 tablespoons of salt per 10 liters of water).
  • Remove carpets, rugs, rugs and carpets made from natural wool. If it is impossible to completely abandon the use of floor coverings, then try to change them to products made of synthetic materials. In the artificial environment, ticks live in much smaller numbers.
  • Eliminate soft toys from everyday use, as well as decorative pillows from their fur, sofa bedspreads, covers for chairs and armchairs sewn from fabrics with a high pile or woolen yarn.
  • Ensure frequent change of bed linen and sleepwear (nightgowns, pajamas, T-shirts and other home textiles). Washing temperature should not be less than 60°C.
  • If possible, change ordinary bed linen for special kits for allergy sufferers. Also use anti-allergenic mattress covers, pillows with synthetic filler.
  • It is better to replace upholstered furniture with fabric upholstery with leather or leatherette. Alternatively, cover it with covers from the above materials.
  • Closets for clothes should be as airtight as possible to prevent dust from entering inside. When cleaning wet, do not forget to wipe the internal surfaces (shelves, doors, panels) as well.
  • Pay attention to the fact that less dust settles on metal surfaces than on wooden ones. So, it makes sense to gradually replace furniture made from natural wood with forged or plastic ones.
  • Ventilate living quarters daily, even in winter.
  • Provide a certain home temperature regime(not less than 22°С) and humidity level (not more than 55%). If necessary, maintain optimal performance with the appropriate household appliances(humidifiers, heaters)
  • Use special means to combat dust mites: additives for washing, sprays for processing furniture, clothing and interior items, air diffusers.
  • Replace curtains and curtains with plastic and metal blinds.
  • Dishes, books, household items, clothes and shoes should be stored only in closed cabinets.
  • Feather pillows, mattresses, feather beds, duvets should be regularly aired on outdoors and dry in the sun.
  • Install air purifiers equipped with ozone generators and ultraviolet lamps in bedrooms
  • Do not smoke in the house, limit exposure to enclosed spaces cigarette smoke.

Treatment of allergy to dust mites is a long and laborious process, however, with correct diagnosis and therapy, the prognosis for recovery is very favorable.

Many people are increasingly faced with the problem of allergies, the number of allergy sufferers is steadily increasing, as well as substances that cause an allergic reaction. Medicinal and food allergy, allergies to cats and dogs, allergies to flowering and house dust - the danger can lie in wait for an allergic person everywhere, even in their own home.

Allergy to house dust mites - what is it?

House dust for allergy sufferers worst enemy from which it is impossible to get rid of. This type of allergy is typical for children from one year old and adults, due to the fact that in infancy almost ideal conditions in terms of sanitation and allergy to dust, it is not yet formed, it has not yet been formed.

Later, meeting with dust and living with it side by side haunts a person all his life. It accumulates almost everywhere: on sofas and armchairs, soft toys, curtains and curtains, carpets and bedding.

Narrow and inaccessible spaces behind cabinets, under a sofa and a refrigerator, kitchen furniture - there it has been accumulating for years and getting it out of there is not so easy either with a rag or a vacuum cleaner. Another constant source of dust in the house is wallpaper, from which particles of paint and paper get into the air imperceptibly.

On the bookshelves it gathers in such numbers and represents serious problem for health, that even when testing for allergies, tests for library dust were singled out in a separate category.

The composition of house dust includes a rich set of allergens:

  1. Particles of skin, wool, animal and human hair.
  2. Plant pollen, pieces of wood.
  3. Fragments of cockroaches, mold spores.
  4. Pieces of paper, plastics, fabrics.
  5. House dust mites.

Causes of house dust mite allergy

House dust mites are the main source of allergic reactions. They feed on the epidermis of animals and humans, are extremely prolific. Their habitat is carpets, pillows, blankets, upholstered furniture, bed sheets. The waste products of ticks are of a protein nature and are the strongest allergen. One gram of dust contains about 2500 ticks. They are so small that they can only be seen with a microscope. But it is better not to do this - nature has created them so ugly that the sight is not pleasant.

In addition, ticks are very tenacious - the temperature environment from - 18 to + 40 degrees Celsius is suitable for survival for them. If outside these temperature limits it is possible to destroy them (freeze, heat treat), then there will be no less problems. A dead tick is even more of an allergen than a live one. There is not just a problem of getting rid of dust, but the task of removing a dead tick, which is much more difficult to implement.

Allergy symptoms

The manifestation of an allergic reaction to dust mites is quite common in its symptoms and affects the skin and respiratory organs:

  • Redness of the skin, itching, irritation in the form of a rash.
  • Nasal congestion, copious discharge, frequent paroxysmal repeated sneezing.
  • Sore throat, hoarseness, dry obsessive cough.
  • Difficulty in breathing.

In rare cases, inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the eyes occur, which manifest themselves unpleasant sensations, rezyu, purulent discharge.

All of the listed symptoms of an allergy to house dust mites, already at the first manifestations, require appropriate medical treatment. Otherwise, they get worse and develop into chronic diseases- allergic rhinitis, urticaria, eczema, bronchial asthma.

What to do?

If you are allergic to house dust mites, you should:

  • Seek advice from an allergist-immunologist. According to the clinical picture of the disease, the specialist will prescribe an examination, which will determine the cause of the allergy, give necessary recommendations prescribe medication.
  • If necessary, to clarify the diagnosis, conduct an examination using the method of specific tests - skin tests . The conditions for such an examination are the absence of taking antihistamines 10-14 days before the allergy test.
  • If allergy to dust and mites is confirmed, it is necessary to reduce the degree of influence of the allergen on the patient, namely, to minimize the amount of dust. For this you need:
  1. Remove all carpets and rugs. Wet cleaning should be carried out every day, you can not use a conventional vacuum cleaner, because the reverse air flow in it raises more dust than it sucks. You can use washing vacuum cleaners that are specially designed for wet cleaning of the room.
  2. Replace old upholstered furniture and do not use new upholstered furniture for more than 5 years, because dust accumulates in it, which is difficult to get rid of. If this is not possible, then tighten the furniture with polyethylene covers, in which case it will be easy to remove dust.
  3. Replace heavy curtains with lighter ones that are comfortable for frequent washing.
  4. Pillows and blankets should be with artificial filler (synthetic winterizer, holofiber, bamboo), they do not accumulate dust and are easy to wash.
  5. Books should be stored in closed bookcases and shelves.
  6. Use air purifiers, especially in bedrooms.

Allergy treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist with coursework of antihistamines (Zyrtec, Zodak, Suprastin). At skin manifestations creams and ointments are used: bepanthen, panthenol, radevit, advantan, elocom, which are applied to the affected areas once or twice a day.

For the destruction of ticks, there are special means of processing upholstered furniture and mattresses. In this case, there is a need for additional cleaning with preparations to remove particles of the shell of dead mites and their metabolic products.

Features of an allergic reaction in children

The manifestation of this type of allergy in children occurs after the first year of life, when the allergen accumulates and the disease makes itself felt. Diagnosis by skin tests in early age for children under one year old is not performed, and it is possible to conduct it on close relatives - mother or father, but the results are uninformative.

At the age of two or three years, when according to the clinic and blood test for immunoglobulin E allergy to a tick is confirmed, it is necessary to create a hypoallergenic life for the child and start treatment antihistamines. For such children, the number of soft toys should be reduced to a minimum, and those that are available should be washed once a week or frozen in the cold.

Modern medicine uses the so-called "allergy shots" when, according to a special scheme, an allergen is introduced into the body in small doses for several years. This is done in order to get used to the allergen, when there is no way to completely avoid contact with it. The results of such treatments are successfully used by allergists and in some cases give positive results.

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