Useful St. va watermelon. side effects of eating watermelon. Benefits of watermelon seeds

Shortly before the first days of autumn, pyramids of watermelons, the favorite berries of the majority, begin to line up on the shelves of markets and at the edge of roads. Yes, yes, berries, and this is not a reservation. According to the conclusions of scientists, this fruit is what it is, it just differs from its counterparts in size. An amazing delicacy can quench your thirst, add bright colors and a unique taste to your diet. But few people think about the benefits and harms of watermelon, whether there are contraindications and whether it is possible to lose weight while on a melon diet. We learn about everything in order.

A bit of watermelon history

There is hardly a person who is not familiar with the taste, aroma and beautiful appearance of watermelon. The taste qualities of nature's gift begin to please us from July to October and November. Fortunately, the berry is perfectly stored at zero temperature and does not lose its properties. But where did it come from, who first bit through the tender flesh of the fruit?

Annual herbaceous plant belongs to the gourd family and is a creeper that creeps along the soil. The pedigree of the berry originates from tropical loaches of the African continent. Scientists have proven that the plant began to spread across the planet from the Namib and Kalahari deserts, and this is easy to see for those who traveled to Africa. Wild watermelons of stunning beauty still grow in these places. There is also another hypothesis - here such countries as Brazil and Paraguay entered into a dispute. Their representatives claim that the berries began their origin in these places.

But be that as it may, the ancient ancestor of the watermelon looked completely different from its modern descendants. It was a small fruit about the size of a grapefruit and tasted terribly bitter. In this form, the ancient Egyptians noticed the berry and began to cultivate the fruit. Thanks to their efforts, we can enjoy a delicious product and, moreover, benefit our own body.

Our Russian ancestors got the opportunity to enjoy the amazing taste of berries around the 9th-10th century. It was a period of lively trade relations with India, from where the culture was brought to Russia. The inhabitants of the Volga region were the first to try the watermelon, then the popularity began to diverge throughout the territory Kievan Rus. Initially grown in greenhouses, but then the fruits began to please the eye on open ground and gave a rich harvest to the joy of people.

Characteristics of watermelon

It should be noted right away that the gourd culture grows on almost all continents except Antarctica. It is difficult to calculate how many varieties are bred, but the approximate number is about 1200 varieties. Perhaps, few people are familiar with all of them, and the best ones with sweet and tender pulp are popular with us. The main suppliers of culture to world markets are the countries of North and Latin America, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, etc.

Outwardly, the watermelon resembles a shape, but today cylindrical, oval and even square varieties have been bred (the latter are grown in a box). The peel is dense, from 5 to 15 millimeters thick, most often green or dark green with light green stripes. The flesh is mostly red, there are varieties with white and yellow color. Weight can reach up to 20 kilograms. It is eaten fresh, raw, and there are also pickling and curing methods. Watermelon honey and candied fruits are produced on an industrial scale.

100 grams contains 38 kilocalories, therefore it belongs to the diet. The berry also contains proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, ash and a minimum of fat. An important component is the presence structured water that cleanses our body of toxins, fecal stones and slag.

AT chemical composition watermelon contains vitamin C, A, the entire group B, PP, folic acid. A number of macronutrients are magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and microelements - cobalt, iodine, manganese, zinc, copper, fluorine, iron, selenium, etc.

High content organic acids, pectin and coarse fibers, as well as a mass of micro and macro elements, vitamins, thanks to watermelon, you can get rid of many diseases. It is also important to consume gourds as a preventive measure.

Important: watermelon should be consumed in between meals as a separate product.

Can pregnant women drink watermelon

Any future mommy strive to replenish the body with such an amount useful substances and vitamins, so that she and the baby will have enough. Among the favorite fruits of a pregnant woman in without fail includes watermelon. But how useful is it and how much can you eat, are there any contraindications?

By itself, the berry, as we already know, is very useful for the human body. Most of the product consists of water - structured, removing toxins and toxins from the body.

  1. Watermelon, which has a powerful diuretic effect, relieves swelling, which is extremely important for expectant mothers.
  2. The folic acid of the culture forms the central nervous system infant and excludes the development of pathologies.

Vitamin A, C, B, PP, D, micro and macro elements:

  • cleans from harmful metals and salts;
  • improve the work of the digestive tract and metabolism;
  • protect against constipation, etc.

Other useful substances - zinc, magnesium, potassium and others have a calming effect on the body, improve sleep, relieve insomnia, irritability, tearfulness, etc.

Important: you need to buy watermelons only in the season of their ripening - from the beginning of August to the end of October. Imported fruits may contain nitrates, pesticides that can cause serious poisoning.

Is it possible for children to have watermelon

Tender, juicy and amazing in taste, the pulp does not leave anyone indifferent, including children. And, of course, every loving parent wants to treat their beloved child with a piece of watermelon. Let's find out from what age and give a child a watermelon and is it possible to feed him with a sweet fruit at all?

Yes, children can also use gourds, but you need to do it right. The advantages of including watermelon in the children's diet include:

  1. The presence of magnesium, potassium soothe the nervous system, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, stimulate the heart.
  2. Eliminates constipation and is a soft "brush".
  3. As a diuretic, it removes toxins, slags.
  4. Reduces weight in children with obesity, is the prevention of diabetes.
  5. Satisfies thirst, hunger, for a long time creates a feeling of satiety.

At what age can a child be given watermelon

Before you treat your baby, you should carefully read the recommendations of pediatricians and listen to their strict instructions.

  1. First of all, fruits stuffed with chemicals are often sold on the shelves. They cause serious poisoning, even death.
  2. The melon berry is a powerful diuretic that causes the active work of the kidneys.

This is an unbearable and heavy burden on the child's body. To avoid all this, adhere to the following rules:

  • give the child a watermelon only on the execution of the year;
  • give 50 grams of the product up to 2 years;
  • from 2 to 3 years - no more than 100 grams;
  • then you can increase the dose by another 50 grams.

Important: you can not give watermelons to children with kidney disease and genitourinary system.

Golden Rules for Parents

Depending on the state of health of the baby, the usefulness of the product will also depend. The main thing after the first "treat" is to carefully monitor the reaction of the child's body. If redness of the skin, rash, swelling occur, the child is naughty, bloating, colic occurs - stop taking it and consult a doctor.

To avoid problems:

  1. Feed watermelon only in season - starting from mid-August.
  2. Never buy fruits near the road, near the highways and from dubious sellers in spontaneous markets.
  3. Rinse the berries thoroughly under running water.
  4. Give the child a berry with a peeled skin cut into small cubes.

Important: before giving a child a watermelon, try it yourself and wait up to 2 hours. If not backlash, treat the baby.

What is useful watermelon for men

The record holder in terms of size and popularity of watermelon cannot bypass male attention. And here we are talking not only about taste, but also useful composition. According to multiple studies, American scientists called the product " best friend men" and here's why.

It's no secret that for the strong half of humanity, the main thing is his " male power". Thanks to the unique substances stored in the pulp of the culture, the genitourinary system and the berry are cleansed - natural "Viagra", stimulates spermatogenesis, and prevents the development of oncological and inflammatory processes.

  1. The berry contains citrulline and lycopene, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood flow in smallest capillaries with blood-forming and cleansing abilities.
  2. true enemy male potency are fat deposits in the abdomen. They call it stagnant processes in prostate and other organs and form all the conditions for adenoma, cancer, etc. With the constant consumption of watermelon, the "melon" diet allows you to lose excess visceral fat, pectins remove decay products healthy cells and free radicals.
  3. Watermelon also helps a lot. urolithiasis, diseases of the liver, kidneys, lungs, joints.

Important: watermelon juice perfectly restores strength and is recommended after long physical activities and loads.

How to choose and store watermelon

Even if purchased during the ripening period, you can easily “run into” a toxic product. Therefore, you need to learn how to choose a culture according to external indicators:

  • when tapped, a ringing sound is made;
  • squeeze in your hands - the berry should crunch a little, and not be soft;
  • when cut, the pulp of a “good” product is of a non-uniform color;
  • perfect smoothness on the cut - the watermelon is poisoned;
  • yellow streaks speak of "chemicals", they should be white.

To be completely convinced of the “non-toxicity” of a watermelon, you need to cut off a piece of pulp and throw it into a glass with clean water. If the liquid turns into pink color- Throw away the watermelon.

Never buy sliced ​​or sliced ​​berries, only whole berries. On hot days, you can not store the culture for more than a few hours and then in the refrigerator.

Best Watermelon Recipes

Someone will smile and say - well, what can be recipes with watermelon. All we can try is fresh, pickled, dried product and candied fruits. We are in a hurry to pleasantly disappoint, thanks to the melon berry, you can cook amazing desserts and lose 10 kilograms in 10 days. Let's start with a unique diet, thanks to which one feels light, thins the waist, improves skin color, hair and nails.

Watermelon diet - 10 kilograms in 10 days

Doctors advise taking a blood test for sugar before a diet, if the indicators are exceeded, the diet is prohibited.

The essence of the diet is that within two weeks you need to drink clean water and eat watermelon - nothing more. Also, you can not drink tea, coffee, compotes.

Important: a watermelon diet is categorically contraindicated in the presence of urolithiasis.

Watermelon honey "Nardek"

This recipe is directly indicated for those who are allergic to bee products. Watermelon honey is a delicious delicacy, delicate in taste and not defiant. allergic reaction. To prepare nectar we need:

  • ripe watermelons;
  • sieve;
  • gauze for filtering;
  • wooden spoon or pusher.

Wash the berries thoroughly under running water and wipe dry with a paper towel. Cut each fruit into four parts and separate the pulp with a wooden spatula. Grind through a sieve and at the same time get rid of the seeds. Strain the resulting thick mass through a gauze napkin and drain the juice into a cooking container. Put the liquid on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly and remove from heat. For the transparency of honey, you need to constantly remove the foam and filter through gauze. Then put back on the fire and again bring to a boil over low heat. So repeat until the composition decreases by 6-7 times.

To check the density - drop honey on a plate and pay attention - when tilted, it should not spread.

Pour the finished honey into pre-sterilized jars and roll up the lids, store in a cool and dark place. So tasty and tender nardek will be stored for up to several months.

Salad recipe with watermelon, cheese and mint

Has anyone tried fried watermelon? You can't even imagine how delicious and delicious it is. We offer to cook together an amazing dish with the smell of smoke and a delicate crispy crust. So, we need:

  • 8 brackets (slices) of fresh watermelon measuring 7 by 20 cm;
  • 10 grams of lime juice (5 teaspoons);
  • 30 grams of olive oil (2 tablespoons);
  • 120 grams of cheese (Feta);
  • roasted pumpkin seeds - 10 grams;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

As soon as the watermelon slices are ready, heat the grill, blot the watermelon with a paper towel and fry on a hot surface. Hold each side for about two minutes and turn over. Separately, tear off the mint leaves with your hands and mix with lime juice, salt and olive oil. Put the lettuce leaves on a dish, spread the fried pieces of watermelon on top, sprinkle with pepper, mint leaves, pumpkin seeds and grated or diced feta cheese.

We have listed a few properties and recipes using watermelon, thanks to which you can enrich your diet and improve your health. There are a huge number of delicacies that bring not only bright and refreshing colors to dishes, but also amazing taste and sophistication. No less important are prescriptions for treatment various diseases for the prevention of inflammatory oncological processes. The main thing is to ask and follow valuable advice specialists, and everything will be in order!

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

It's watermelon season. Almost everyone eats watermelon. And "not for self-interest", but because it's delicious! And let's figure out how useful watermelon is except for a pleasant taste, what useful properties watermelon has and whether it is possible to treat any diseases with the help of watermelon.

To begin with, keep in mind that if you plan to buy a watermelon and eat plenty of watermelon pulp, try not to eat foods containing a lot of salt for 2-3 hours before that.
About the same time you will need to do without chips, salted fish and nuts and at the end of the watermelon meal.
As you know, salt makes it difficult to remove fluid from the body. A watermelon that contains a lot of juice can add stress to the body for those suffering from hypertension, heart disease, or simply cause swelling. Be careful when consuming watermelon if you suffer from chronic bowel disease - watermelon can cause bloating. Doctors do not recommend the use of watermelon for those suffering from diabetes, edema, pregnant women in the last trimester.

Watermelon for hypertension:

Only 150 gr. watermelon provide a person with a daily amount of such a chemical element as magnesium. In short, there is a lot of magnesium in watermelon. Magnesium is important for those who suffer from hypertension. In addition, watermelon helps to remove cholesterol from the body, which is also important for vascular and heart diseases.

Among the properties of watermelon, it should be noted its ability to expand blood vessels. These fruits help reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes, as well as the transition early stage hypertension at an early stage in the complicated.

Watermelon for the kidneys:

Watermelon has useful properties, or rather, it has a unique property - it practically does not contain acids and salts. But watermelon is rich in alkali. This is the reason for the beneficial properties of watermelon for the urinary system.

Why watermelon is useful Nephrologists often recommend watermelon treatment for those who are prone to the formation of urate or oxalate kidney stones. Watermelon will also be useful during an exacerbation of nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis. Doctors recommend consuming watermelon up to 2 kilograms per day. You can try watermelon juice - for 2 glasses of juice, 1 teaspoon of honey.

Watermelon has beneficial properties that can be described as strong diuretics. Moreover, these properties are stronger than those of any other plant products. I must say - this applies not only to the pulp, but also to the crust. Watermelon rind is good for making a diuretic decoction.

If the rind of watermelon is dried in the oven, it can be stored for a very long time. The broth is prepared as follows: dry watermelon peel is poured with water in a ratio of 1:10 and boiled for about 5 minutes. The finished broth is cooled and filtered. It should be taken half a glass 3-4 times a day. A decoction of watermelon will also be useful for those suffering from gout and rheumatism.

Benefits of watermelon for the liver:

Watermelon, or rather watermelon juice, is able to remove toxins from our natural filter - the liver. This should be remembered in case of food poisoning and those who suffer chronic diseases liver. The beneficial properties of watermelon can come in handy after a course of strong medications (antibiotics, for example). Sometimes watermelon is recommended after prolonged anesthesia - this helps the body to clear itself of drugs faster.

Watermelon for diabetes:

Can diabetics eat watermelon? As a rule, doctors advise diabetics to eat about ½ kilogram of watermelon per day. The fact is that the fruits of this plant contain fructose, which our body absorbs without the extra cost of insulin. This should be done only in order to get all the vitamins we need during the season. If a person has type 1 diabetes, then for the duration of such a diet, it is worth giving up some carbohydrate-rich foods. If you are afraid of provoking a change in blood sugar levels, then you need to consume watermelon in parts - no more than two hundred grams 3 times a day.

Watermelon for gout:

The use of watermelon for gout is not only acceptable, but also desirable. This is explained by the fact that watermelon juice well cleanses the body of toxic substances resulting from violation purine metabolism. In addition, in order to stop an attack of gout that has begun, you can “sit on a watermelon” for a couple of days. That is, eat 200-250 grams of pulp every 2 hours.

Watermelon for anemia:

Only lettuce and spinach can compete with watermelon in terms of iron content. Iron from striped berries is easily absorbed by the body. That makes the watermelon cure indispensable assistant in the treatment of anemia (anemia).

Watermelon seeds, useful properties:

Watermelon seeds also have a number of health benefits that compare them to pumpkin seeds. Watermelon seeds are used for cooking medicinal decoctions, they are added as an ingredient in some dishes.

Watermelon seeds contain fatty oil, similar in composition to almond. In some regions of Africa, watermelon seeds are included in soup recipes. The Chinese eat them fried. Watermelon seeds are also used in cosmetology - they are used to make the skin of the face soft and smooth.

Watermelon seeds can be consumed in a toasted form - like the usual sunflower seeds. Oil included in watermelon seeds, is a rich source of useful substances, among which are trace elements such as zinc and selenium, which play an essential role in maintaining men's health. These elements help prevent the development of prostatitis and prostate adenoma, have a beneficial effect on spermatogenesis.

Watermelon seeds are a proven antihelminthic. They may well compete with pumpkin seeds. Use them like this: dried sunflower seeds watermelon is ground in a meat grinder or coffee grinder and mixed with milk in a ratio of 1:10 - this will be our medicine. Take 2 glasses twice a day (but not with meals).

How many calories in watermelon:

The calorie content of watermelon is low. 100 grams of watermelon contain only 38 calories. It could be useful to those who wish reset excess weight. Watermelon well reduces appetite, gives a feeling of fullness, without adding extra pounds. In addition, watermelon contains folic acid, which is necessary for normal fat metabolism.

Watermelon for weight loss:

Watermelon can help you lose weight, but this method of losing weight is not for everyone. Contraindications for it are congenital anomalies urinary tract, serious renal disorders, peptic ulcer and urolithiasis, intestinal adhesions. This method is contraindicated for those suffering from diabetes.

Including watermelon in our diet in certain quantities, we can get rid of a couple of extra pounds. It is required to exclude food as much as possible within 2 days and eat watermelon pulp (at a ratio of 2 kg of pulp per 10 kg of weight). You can also include a couple of slices of black bread in your diet. In the course of such nutrition, among other things, our kidneys are cleansed. By the way, this kind of diet cannot be called a hunger strike, since the daily amount of watermelon is quite large.

A strict diet using watermelon requires the complete exclusion of food, but such unloading for the body should be carried out for no more than 3 days. No matter how rich watermelon is in vitamins and other useful substances, vitamins, it cannot completely replace food.

Watermelon for the face:

The pulp and juice of watermelon fruits can be used as ingredients for cosmetic face masks. watermelon like cosmetic product Suitable for all skin types. If you have dry facial skin, then before applying watermelon masks, you should lubricate it with olive or corn oil. Rubbing dry, devoid of elasticity skin of the face cotton swab moistened with watermelon juice (you can also use just a piece of pulp for this), you tone it up well.

Watermelon face mask. watermelon pulp cut, squeeze the juice out of it (through gauze). Moisten a gauze napkin (5-6 layers) with the resulting product and put it on the face. Hold for 15-20 minutes. After that, the face is rinsed with water room temperature, dry and apply on it nutritious cream. Watermelon remarkably tones the skin of the face, cleanses and prevents its sagging.

Watermelon, contraindications:

One of the properties of watermelon, like other melons, is its ability to accumulate chemicals that are used to fertilize the soil, so it is better to buy watermelons from those who grow them in small quantities without the use of "chemistry" and from sellers who can be trusted. To understand if there are nitrates in a watermelon, it is enough to cut it and examine the pulp: if it has seals or threads yellow color, which means that it can harm - cause diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea. Such a watermelon is especially dangerous for lactating women, children and those who suffer from nephritis, pyelonephritis, nephrosis. For safety, it is better to buy watermelons not earlier than mid-August, pay attention to berries with a striped, rather than plain skin, do not take soft and sluggish watermelons.

Watermelon is contraindicated in patients with diabetes and those who have a diseased spleen.

Due to the fact that the berry contains a lot of cellulose, which is digested for a long time, it can cause fermentation, so it should be borne in mind that it is not the pulp that is useful for patients with typhus, but strained watermelon juice: the accumulation of gases provoked by the pulp can be dangerous for damaged intestines.

The same property of watermelon can cause colic in newborns, which should be taken into account when breastfeeding and introducing watermelon into the mother's diet.

  • Calorie content: 30 kcal (2%).
  • Carbohydrates: 7.5 g (3%).
  • Fats: 0.2 g (0%).
  • Protein: 0.6 g (1%).
  • Fiber: 0.4 g (2%).
  • Vitamin A: 569 IU (11%).
  • Vitamin C: 8.1 mg (13%).
  • Choline: 4.1 mg.
  • Betaine: 0.3 mg.
  • : 50 mg.

Benefits of watermelon for human health

Eating watermelon helps keep the body hydrated, helps prevent cancer, reduces inflammation and oxidative stress, promotes heart health, and more. Here are the benefits of watermelon for human health:

1. Keeps the body hydrated

Water consumption - important way keep your body hydrated.

However, eating foods high in water content can also help.

Interestingly, watermelon is 92% water ().

The high water content is one of the reasons why fruits and vegetables help you feel full for a long time after eating them.

In addition, cucurbitacin E has been investigated for its ability to inhibit tumor growth ( , ).


Several compounds in watermelon, including cucurbitacin E and lycopene, have been studied for their potential in cancer prevention.

4. Promotes Improved Heart Health

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide ().

Lifestyle factors, including diet, can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Several nutrients in watermelon are especially beneficial for heart health.

Studies show that lycopene can help with blood pressure as well. It can also help prevent cholesterol oxidation ().

In obese postmenopausal women and men, studies have shown that lycopene can also help reduce the stiffness and thickness of artery walls ( , ).

Watermelon also contains citrulline, an amino acid that can increase nitric oxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide helps dilate blood vessels, which helps lower blood pressure ().

Other vitamins and minerals in watermelon are also good for your heart. These include vitamins A, B6, C, magnesium and potassium ().


Watermelon contains several heart-healthy compounds, including lycopene, citrulline, and certain vitamins and minerals.

5. May Reduce Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

Inflammation is a key factor in the development of many chronic diseases.

Watermelon can help reduce inflammation and oxidative damage as it is rich in the anti-inflammatory antioxidants lycopene and vitamin C ().

In a 2015 study, lab rats were given a powdered watermelon supplement along with an unhealthy diet. Compared to the control group, they had lower levels C-reactive protein(a marker of inflammation) and reduced oxidative stress ().

In an earlier study, people were given lycopene-rich tomato juice with the addition of vitamin C. Overall, their inflammatory markers went down and their antioxidant levels went up. Watermelon contains both lycopene and vitamin C ().

As an antioxidant, lycopene may also promote brain health. For example, it can help delay the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease ().


Lycopene and vitamin C are anti-inflammatory antioxidants found in watermelon. Inflammation is associated with the development of many chronic diseases.

6. May Help Prevent Macular Degeneration

Found in several parts of the eye, lycopene helps protect against oxidative damage and inflammation.

It can also help prevent age-related degeneration yellow spot(macular degeneration). This is a common eye problem that can cause blindness in the elderly ().

The role of lycopene as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound may help prevent the development and deterioration of macular degeneration in the disease.


Lycopene may help maintain eye health and protect against macular degeneration due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory functions.

7. May Help Relieve Muscle Pain

An amino acid present in watermelon called citrulline can reduce muscle pain.

Interestingly, watermelon juice appears to increase the bioavailability of citrulline.

In one small study, athletes were given pure watermelon juice, watermelon juice mixed with citrulline, or a citrulline drink. Both watermelon drinks resulted in a decrease muscle pain and more quick recovery heart rate compared to citrulline itself ().

The researchers also conducted an experiment investigating the degree of absorption of citrulline. Their results show that citrulline absorption is most efficient when it is consumed as a component of watermelon juice.

Other studies have also looked at the potential of citrulline to improve physical endurance and exercise performance. So far, citrulline has not improved exercise performance in the amounts studied, but it is still an area of ​​research interest ().


Watermelon juice has some potential as a post-workout recovery drink. Citrulline may be partially responsible for the effect of reducing muscle pain.

8. Watermelon is good for skin and hair

Vitamins A and C in watermelon are very important for skin and hair health.

Vitamin C helps your body produce collagen, the protein that keeps your skin supple and gives your hair its strength.


Several nutrients in watermelon are good for your hair and skin. Some help keep skin supple while others protect against sunburn.

9. May Help Improve Digestion

Watermelon contains a lot of water and a small amount of fiber, which are important for proper digestion.

Fiber can provide volume stool, while water helps move food efficiently through the digestive tract.

Eating water- and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, including watermelon, can be very helpful in normalizing bowel function.


Fiber and water are important for healthy digestion. Watermelon contains both of these components.

The harm of watermelon to human health

If you consume watermelons in reasonable quantities, they should not cause serious side effects. However, if you consume large amounts of fruit daily, you may have problems with excessive amounts of lycopene or potassium.

According to American Cancer Society, consumption of more than 30 mg of lycopene per day can cause nausea, diarrhea, indigestion and bloating.

People with severe hyperkalemia (too much potassium in the blood) should probably not consume more than 150 grams of watermelon per day, which contains more than 170 mg of potassium.

According to National Institutes of Health, hyperkalemia can lead to cardiac arrhythmia and other problems with the cardiovascular system, as well as decreased muscle control ().

Including plenty of water-rich foods, such as watermelon, in your diet can be tempting for those looking to lose weight because it helps you feel full in your stomach, which allows you to naturally reduce calorie intake.

We know that people who eat more fruits and vegetables tend to have healthier body weights. However, nutrition experts do not recommend eating only watermelon. You will reduce body weight, but this mass will be mostly muscle. In other words, you will be able to lose weight by splitting your own muscle mass.

Also, do not forget about the presence of sugar in watermelons. Although this sugar is natural, watermelon contains quite a lot of it.

5 side effects of eating watermelon

Eating watermelon can cause a number of side effects. Here is how watermelon is harmful to human health:

1. Can Cause Diarrhea and Other Digestive Problems

Watermelon is an excellent source of water and good source dietary fiber. However, consumption in large quantities can cause digestive problems such as diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, gas, etc.

Another common cause of these problems is the content of lycopene, which is the carotenoid pigment that gives watermelon its bright red color.

2. May Raise Glucose Levels

If you have diabetes, your risk is higher allowable rate Glucose consumption also increases with watermelon. Eating large amounts of watermelon can increase blood sugar levels.

Even though watermelon is a healthy fruit, it has a high of 72. If you have diabetes, you should consult your doctor before consuming it on a daily basis.

3. May Increase Your Risk of Liver Inflammation

People who regularly drink alcohol should avoid consuming large amounts of watermelon, as high level lycopene can interact with alcohol, which also causes liver inflammation. Excessive oxidative stress in the liver can be harmful.

4. May Cause Overhydration or Water Intoxication

Water intoxication, or overhydration, is a condition where your body receives excess water, resulting in hyponatremia ( low level sodium in the blood).

Consuming a lot of watermelon can increase the water level in our body.

If a excess amount water is not excreted from the body, this can lead to an increase in blood volume, which additionally causes swelling in the legs, emaciation, weakening of kidney function, etc.

5. Can Cause Cardiovascular Problems

Watermelon is known to contain a good amount of potassium, which is a vital nutrient that plays numerous roles in maintaining a healthy body.

It keeps our heart healthy and strengthens our bones and muscles. However, too much potassium can lead to cardiovascular problems such as cardiac arrhythmia, low heart rate, etc.

How much watermelon can you eat per day?

According to professional nutritionists, 100 grams of watermelon contains about 30 calories.

Considering it's mostly water, it's easy to eat even 500 grams, which means you just ate 150 calories.

Considering that watermelon is easy on the stomach, you can consume it in large quantities.

In addition, it contains 6 grams of sugar per 100 grams, 500 grams of watermelon will contain as much as 30 grams of sugar. Ideally, most people should get between 100 and 150 grams of sugar per day from their daily food intake.

Eating watermelon is good for your health, but drinking too much of it can be unhealthy.


  • Watermelon is a surprisingly healthy fruit. It has a high water content and also provides the body with many other important nutrients, including lycopene and vitamin C.
  • The presence of these nutrients in watermelon means that it is not only a tasty low-calorie treat, but also a very healthy food.
  • However, as with other foods, you should eat it in moderation, as excessive consumption can lead to a number of the side effects mentioned above.

There are no people who would not love benefit and harm to the human body, which are described in this article. Huge, sweet and juicy every year at the end of summer pleases both children and adults. It has excellent taste qualities. In addition, due to its low calorie content, it is often used for weight loss and special therapeutic diets.

Calorie content and composition

Experts thoroughly studied this culture and came to the conclusion that watermelon is a berry and it belongs to the melon family. It contains a large amount of B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, iron, ascorbic acid and many other useful substances.

In addition, watermelon contains trace elements that can saturate the body with a low energy value.

  • Fructose, glucose, sucrose - 13 mg.
  • Carbohydrates - 13 g.
  • Proteins - 0.7 g.
  • Pectin - 1 g.
  • Fiber - 0.5 g.

One piece of delicacy weighing 100 g contains only 24 kcal. Besides, most of The berry itself is made up of water. Compared to others herbal products, watermelon is the most diuretic. Due to the low calorie content of the berry, it is included in the menu of many diets.

With regular use of watermelon, a person's weight begins to decrease rapidly, as a lot of water leaves the body. At the same time, the amount of fat remains practically unchanged. Most often, watermelon is used to treat the urinary system, cleanse the kidneys, or in case of edema.

Watermelon for weight loss

Today, some nutritionists have even come up with innovative method weight loss with watermelon. With its use, experts say, you can lose weight in just a few days. The diet plan is as follows:

  • for every 10 kg of body weight;
  • 1 kg of berries is needed.

With such a diet, a person can lose almost 6 kg in a week.

Important! During the day, you can eat only 2.5 kg of juicy berries. If this rate is exceeded, then both harmful and useful substances will begin to be washed out of the body.

The benefits of watermelon

Interesting! It is worth noting that it is the white layer of the berry, which is closer to the peel, that has the strongest diuretic effect.

  1. A herbal product is able to cleanse the intestines from long-standing stagnation, due to which constipation or any disease often appears. The pulp of the berry increases the absorption of nutrients into the blood.
  2. Magnesium helps eliminate fatigue, anxiety, irritability and indifference. Also, this element is involved in the normalization of mental and emotional state person.
  3. Delicious berry is an excellent antidepressant. It is useful to take it after stress or other psychological illnesses. The person calms down and does not give in to external stimuli. If you eat at least 2 slices of watermelon a day, then defensive reaction body increases significantly.
  4. The pulp of the berry contains a large amount of coarse fibers involved in the proper formation intestinal microflora. Thanks to watermelon, cholesterol in the blood decreases. It is useful to eat for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Important! At diabetes patients can take watermelon, as it has an average glycemic index, therefore, the use within reasonable limits, does not exceed sugar levels.

  1. Lycopene, which is part of the watermelon, is useful in cancer. This element is used for the manufacture of drugs from malignant tumors organs of the gastrointestinal tract, prostate, mammary glands, lungs. For the purpose of prevention similar ailments you can use watermelon.
  2. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers, it is recommended permanent reception this berry. In this case, any wounds on the mucous membranes heal and go away. unpleasant symptoms. Also, watermelon is good. for the liver.
  3. Watermelon is consumed in older patients who are at risk of developing Pakinson's disease. The properties of a useful product can prevent the likelihood of losing your mind in old age.
  4. There is still yellow watermelon, which is rich in vitamin A. It is recommended for vision problems.
  5. Magnesium is involved in improving the functioning of the heart muscle, as well as the central nervous system. The intake of sweet berries helps to increase Have a good mood. Watermelon prevents diseases such as stroke, heart attack, coronary artery disease and tachycardia.

Watch the video! What happens if you eat watermelon all summer?

watermelon seeds

  1. Properties watermelon seeds similar to pumpkin. They are used to treat jaundice, relieve various inflammations, and also to eliminate bleeding. To prepare the drug take watermelon seeds, pre-ground, and pour warm milk(proportion 1:10). Drink daily in the morning before breakfast.
  2. At high temperature during a fever, watermelon milk can be prepared. Prepare it like this: grind the seed well and add pure water in a ratio of 1: 10. Then sweeten the drink and consume 30 g every 2 hours.
  3. For cosmetic procedures dry pits of the berry are used, from which the powder is prepared. Mix kefir with this powder until a slurry is obtained. Apply it on the face and wait 15 minutes, then wash off warm water. At the same time, the skin becomes elastic, smooth, and small wrinkles are smoothed out.

watermelon rinds

Most people don't even know that watermelon skin contains useful elements, which are no less useful than the pulp. Prepared from watermelon rinds various tinctures and decoctions. They are used as:

  • choleretic,
  • diuretic,
  • expectorant
  • cleansing,
  • painkiller.

The peel contains proteins, fiber, pectin, amino acids and other bioactive substances and minerals. It contains less water and sucrose, so it is even healthier than the pulp itself. Thanks to such properties of watermelon the use of the peel brings great benefits to the body.

In the treatment of colitis, you can use the following recipe:

  • 100 g of peel cut into cubes and put in a thermos;
  • pour 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • let it brew for 3-4 hours;
  • use up to 5 times a day.

With urolithiasis, watermelon peels in powder form are an excellent tool for preparing medicine. The elements present in them perfectly cleanse the kidneys, ureter and bladder from infections. This is especially true when chronic cystitis and jade.

For men

  • Circullin was found in watermelon. This substance in the body turns into arginine, which benefits men's health by dilating blood vessels.
  • With impotence, doctors prescribe watermelon along with the main treatment. As it turns out, it may be superior to some drugs for the treatment male problems. The berry relieves the symptoms of the disease and actively affects the stimulation of the genital organs. At correct application medicinal fruit, sex life men are getting better.

For pregnant

During pregnancy juicy watermelon useful, but in the amounts recommended by the doctor. Folic acid, which is contained in the product in a large dose, has a beneficial effect on the development of the child. In the early stages of pregnancy, doctors often prescribe this vitamin.

You should not buy early watermelons, so as not to harm yourself and the fetus. The peak of berry ripening without chemicals occurs in August and September.

Harm and contraindications

The composition of watermelon activates the cleansing processes of the body, so taking it for some patients is contraindicated.

  • Malfunctions of the urinary system.
  • Large stones in the kidneys and gallbladder.
  • Colitis and frequent stools.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • In diabetes, watermelon is allowed in limited quantities.

Poisoning with the product may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. It can also cause headaches and even diarrhea. In this case, you should see a doctor so as not to miss the disease of appendicitis.

Storage and conservation

A delicious delicacy is obtained by salting watermelons. They are laid whole in brine and allowed to brew for some time. In large containers, watermelons are sour with cabbage or cucumbers. From this product you can cook jam, which has an unusual taste.

Also, there is a recipe for making watermelon honey. To give the dishes a special taste, honey is added to them. Some people like to fry ham and cheese on it.

Watch the video! Watermelon benefits for the body beneficial properties

In contact with

Watermelon is a juicy berry with a unique taste, loved by adults and children. The benefits and harms of watermelon for the human body depend not only on the available medical contraindications, but also on the growing conditions of melons.

Origin, calorie content and composition

The berry is of African origin, now cultivated on almost all continents in fairly warm regions. Through the efforts of breeders, about 1200 varieties have been bred. Watermelons can be round or oval. Especially for convenient transportation, the fruits are sometimes grown in boxes to give the berries a cubic shape.

The flesh is mostly pinkish red, although yellow varieties are becoming more popular. The peel is dense, uniform green color or with light green stripes.

Fruits are well stored at a temperature of about 0 degrees, retaining all the useful properties.

Watermelon is most often eaten raw. Also suitable for pickling, salting, drying, cooking.

The berry belongs to dietary products- calorie content is 39 kcal per 100 g. The pulp is 92% structured water, and also contains many substances that determine the benefits of watermelon:

  • folic acid plays important role in many biochemical processes in the human body; among plant products, watermelon holds the record for the content of this compound;
  • trace elements - iron, magnesium, cobalt, fluorine, selenium, etc.;
  • natural sugars - glucose, fructose,
  • vitamins C, PP, A, group B;
  • cellulose;
  • pectin.

What is the benefit of watermelon?

First of all, the fruit is known for its diuretic and choleretic properties due to a large number structured water in the composition. Together with the liquid, dissolved toxins and toxins are removed from the body. The pectin contained in the pulp actively binds and removes uric acid, which prevents the deposition of salts, the formation of kidney stones and bladder. Berry is recommended as prophylactic against gout, arthritis, rheumatic diseases.

Watermelon contains a rich complex of vitamins and microelements. It is useful for adults and children to include the fruit in their diet for general strengthening body, increase immunity and prevent beriberi.

  • Vitamin C is necessary for wound healing, has anti-aging and immunostimulating properties, promotes rapid regeneration of skin cells, improves the condition and complexion.
  • Vitamin A is important for eye health.
  • Magnesium and B vitamins strengthen nerve cells and muscle fibers. With high psychoemotional and physical activity the pulp of watermelon will help to cope with stress and improve mood.
  • Potassium removes sand from the ureter, promotes a quick cure for cystitis.
  • Zinc and selenium prevent the development of inflammatory processes and degeneration benign tumors into a malignant form.
  • Iron prevents anemia and diseases of the circulatory system.

Coarse fiber fibers gently cleanse the intestines, heal the microflora, remove cholesterol and prevent the development of atherosclerosis and other diseases. of cardio-vascular system. Phenylalanine amino acids have the ability to prevent the development of Parkinson's disease, so older people are advised to include watermelon in their diet.

Not only the pulp, but also the seeds of watermelon have useful properties:

  • in Asian countries they are harvested and eaten fried in the same way as sunflower or pumpkin;
  • seed oil is not inferior in its nutritional and palatability olive and almond;
  • seeds are used to produce dosage form pectin, which is used in medicine for intensive care patients in the postoperative period.

Watermelon seeds are an effective preventive and remedy against worms of all kinds. To prepare a drink, 10 grams of dry seeds are ground in a coffee grinder and infused in 100 ml of hot boiled milk. Drink in the morning before meals and at bedtime for 7 days.

Why is watermelon bad?

The striped berry has a few contraindications for use. Watermelon is prohibited chronic diseases urinary system, the presence of stones in the organs and channels (when the cleansing process is activated, the stones can move into the duct, which will cause great suffering to the patient). You should also refrain from watermelon snacks for colitis and indigestion. In case of pancreatitis, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, it is possible to introduce the product into the diet only after consulting with your doctor.

The main harm of watermelon for healthy people associated with the property of the pulp to quickly accumulate nitrates and other substances hazardous to health used in the cultivation of melons. An increased concentration of nitrogen-containing dressings can cause poisoning, which is accompanied typical symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, fever. The chance to buy a poisoned fruit is especially high out of season or on spontaneous wounds.

The use of watermelon should be discarded if there are signs of overfeeding the fetus with chemical fertilizers:

  • too bright red;
  • yellow streaks are clearly visible on the pulp;
  • glossy smooth skin.

Exists effective method determine the quality of the watermelon. Dip a piece of pulp into a bowl of water. If the liquid has turned pink or red, it is clear sign the fact that the berry contains foreign coloring matter.

Watermelon diet - benefits and harms

low calorie and unique properties watermelon allow you to effectively use the fruit as part of diets for weight loss. Thanks to high content natural sugars, the pulp of the fruit for a long time cause a feeling of satiety. Spend fasting days on watermelon is much easier than on vegetables or cereals. The essence of a strict watermelon diet is to consume only fruit pulp and water for 10 days - during this time you can lose up to 10 kg of extra pounds.

Unlike other products, nutritionists are allowed to eat watermelon at night. But due to the high diuretic effect, this should be done 2-3 hours before bedtime, otherwise nightly going to the toilet will negatively affect the quality of rest.

The use of watermelon in large quantities is categorically contraindicated in urolithiasis and elevated level blood sugar.

Watermelons are useful not only for women seeking to get rid of extra pounds. Seasonal melon diet will help men lose weight excess fat, remove decay products and toxins. Fat deposits in the abdomen are extremely harmful to the male body. They provoke stagnant processes in the prostate gland and other organs of the genitourinary system, which leads to a deterioration in potency and the development of an adenoma, which over time can turn into a malignant tumor.

Watermelon and pancreatic diseases

Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) is a disease in which special attention must be paid to the correct and balanced diet. Indigestible plant fibers can cause increased gas formation, bloating and intense colic. Therefore, when acute stage you should refrain from eating raw any vegetables, fruits and berries, including watermelon. Even a small slice eaten during an exacerbation of the pathology will increase inflammatory processes in the pancreas, provoke pain syndrome and flatulence, will increase the duration of the recovery period.

At chronic form during the period of remission, it is allowed, and in some cases it is recommended to include watermelon in your diet to strengthen immunity and stabilize the digestive tract. You must first consult with your doctor and observe the following conditions:

  • introduce the product in small quantities, first in the form of watermelon juice;
  • monitor the reaction of the body; with absence negative consequences, you can use the pulp in small portions - 100-150 grams 3-4 times a day.
  • don't eat watermelon on an empty stomach.

Cleansing diet: watermelon with brown bread

AT recent times became popular various diets aimed at cleansing the body. The attitude of doctors towards them is very ambiguous. Course diet on watermelon with brown bread suggests complete failure from all other products for 5-7 days. During this time you can eat:

  • watermelon pulp in unlimited quantities, ideally 1 kg for every 10 kg of weight;
  • no more than 250 grams of black bread per day in several doses.

At the end of the cleansing, it is recommended to take hot baths to dilate the ureters from 2 to 3 am - at this time the kidneys are most active. You can repeat course cleaning in 2-3 weeks. It is permissible to use this method in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. The combination of components not only cleanses the intestines, but can also provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The benefits and harms of watermelon during pregnancy

Balanced and healthy diet especially important during pregnancy. The berry is recommended for the diet of the expectant mother because of the general benefits for the human body and special properties:

  • due to the powerful diuretic effect, watermelon relieves swelling that many women suffer from;
  • folic acid plays a huge role in the development of the baby's nervous system in the womb - a sufficient intake of the substance is necessary to minimize the risk of developing pathologies;
  • fiber stimulates the digestive tract, eliminates constipation;
  • a complex of vitamins, magnesium and potassium compounds have a calming effect on the nervous system, prevent irritability and sharp drops sentiments;
  • the high content of iron makes the berry especially useful for pregnant women, since during this period there is high risk development of anemia.

The benefits of watermelon for the human body correct use invaluable. A lighter version of the watermelon diet during the ripening season - from August to October - will help cleanse urinary system and gastrointestinal tract from toxins and waste. In the presence of medical indicators you can enter the berry in the menu only after consulting with your doctor.

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