The cat burps food. The cat vomits after eating undigested food - the causes of the disease and how to treat it. Why early diagnosis is important

One of the symptoms that accompanies diseases of various organs in cats is vomiting. This is a protective mechanism that protects the animal's body from the ingress of various toxic substances into it. Vomiting is preceded by nausea, which leads to the fact that the cat becomes restless, frightened.

Causes of vomiting

Vomiting is the involuntary ejection of the contents of the stomach, which is caused by any irritant - a foreign solid object, a large amount of food or toxic substances. In addition, vomiting can cause:

  1. Wool.
  2. Worms.
  3. Various infectious diseases.
  4. Pressure or swelling, encephalitis.
  5. Food poisoning.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. "Hungry" vomiting that occurs with rare feeding of a pet.
  8. During transportation - from stress or motion sickness.
  9. Diabetes.
  10. An abundance of food.
  11. Gastric ulcer.
  12. Kidney or liver disease.
  13. Diseases of the gallbladder and more.

Vomiting in cats can be acute or chronic. Acute vomiting lasting no more than 2-3 days can be eliminated by simple methods of treatment. When it continues for a long time - for one day or repeats 2-3 times in 12 hours, then we are talking about its chronic form.

This form is dangerous because the animal's body is dehydrated, the water-electrolyte balance is disturbed. The content of ions, which are responsible for the transmission of a nerve impulse, decreases, as a result, the work of the cardiovascular, nervous and other organ systems is disrupted.

The body becomes dehydrated very quickly, as the cat does not drink and loses a significant amount of water. You can determine how significant the loss of water is as follows - the skin at the withers must be lifted, clamped between 2 fingers and released. If after releasing the skin does not tend to return to its original position, “sticks”, and the coat has ceased to shine, faded and become dry, then the body has lost a lot of water. Continuous vomiting for a long time can lead to the death of a cat.

For a correct diagnosis, you must first exclude physiological processes that, in terms of symptoms, resemble vomiting. This is a burp when food comes out completely undigested in the form of strands that follow the shape of the esophagus.

Professional diagnostics can only be carried out by a veterinarian, who, in addition to examining the animal, must conduct the necessary tests. One of them is the analysis of vomit. There are several types of vomiting that are characteristic of certain diseases:

Hairballs in the vomit

This type is a physiologically normal process and occurs 1-2 times a month. Thus, the cat's body is freed from the villi that enter the stomach when licked. Several reflex contractions occur and the oval hairball comes off. Woolen balls can be removed from the animal's stomach with feces.

However, hair in the stomach can lead to obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, which can only be eliminated by operable intervention using a medical probe. To prevent this from happening, cats eat grass, which irritates the walls of the stomach and causes a gag reflex. For pets, this grass can be grown in a flower pot.


In addition to underdevelopment of the pylorus, in kittens this vomiting can be caused by obstruction of the digestive tract if it contains foreign objects, neoplasms of various etiologies. There may also be an increase in intracranial pressure with cerebral vascular thrombosis, meningoencephalitis, and brain tumors. With these disorders, in addition to vomiting, other disorders in the activity of the nervous system will be observed. They can only be diagnosed by a veterinarian.

The cat vomits whole, almost undigested food

Occurs 15-30 minutes after eating. This can happen when, after fasting, the animal eats a large amount of excess food. Sometimes this happens if, after eating, the animal starts to run and play. Food is not digested. It is necessary to determine the optimal amount of food and not overfeed the animal.

Vomit with bile

Bile is located in the gallbladder and should not be in the vomit from the stomach. Its appearance indicates diseases of the gallbladder and liver. With prolonged vomiting, the stomach is completely emptied and its contents are replaced by bile. When the walls of the stomach come into contact with bile, they can become inflamed, since bile is a very aggressive environment.

It is necessary to determine the color of the vomit very accurately. If they contain bile - the color is bright yellow, if the color is given by the components of the feed - the color is grayish yellow. If the vomit is stained with bile, it is necessary to show the cat to the veterinarian.

Cat vomiting liquid or foam

This is a sign of the cat's "distemper". The process of vomiting is preceded by 5-8 reflex contractions, the animal tenses up and experiences discomfort. This disease is also characterized by other signs: the cat stops licking, tends to constantly hide in a secluded dark corner, does not pay attention to the environment.

Sometimes with very intense urge to vomit, it does not occur. This causes pain. The cat refuses food, water, their appearance causes her constant vomiting, she constantly licks her lips.

Vomit with blood

Inclusions of scarlet color indicate mechanical damage to the digestive organs in the gap between the oral cavity and the upper part of the small intestine. Perhaps these are wounds in the oral cavity, damage to the pharynx or esophagus. They can occur when foreign objects with sharp edges are swallowed or when they get stuck in the walls of organs. Bone, wood chips or other sharp particles can get in with food or if the cat chews on objects that are not intended for food.

Saturated red color - a signal of damage to the lower organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Bleeding may be in the stomach, where the blood turns dark (sometimes to the color of coffee grounds) by reacting chemically with hydrochloric acid.

It is caused by gastritis, swallowed sharp objects, malignant neoplasms. Sometimes damage to the esophagus can be the cause, when blood is swallowed, enters the stomach, and is excreted in the vomit. This condition can lead to a decrease in vitality, complete dehydration and death. With such vomiting, contacting a doctor should be immediate.

The vomit is green

This is typical for diseases of the liver and gallbladder or intestinal obstruction. With these pathologies, there is too much bile secretion, or the contents from the intestine are thrown back into the stomach. Green color can occur when even a small amount of fresh or dried herb is consumed. If the staining is caused by this, then there is no reason to worry.

Feces are present in the vomit

This is caused by very dangerous pathologies - peritonitis or blockage of the intestines, or abdominal trauma. The operation is almost always inevitable, the cat must be urgently shown to the veterinarian.

To prevent vomiting in cats, you must follow some elementary rules:

  • Feeding should be frequent and not too plentiful;
  • The diet should be balanced - healthy food, fortified supplements and the absence of products from the human table;
  • Prevention of worms should be carried out 2 times a year;
  • Refrain from feeding while transporting in transport;
  • Do not allow the cat to play with small objects that she can swallow. If they enter the digestive organs, they can cause injury to the membranes;
  • Brush regularly and, if necessary, give the cat a paste to dissolve the hair and remove it from the digestive tract.

Reasons for a mandatory visit to the veterinarian are the following symptoms:

  1. elevated temperature;
  2. The cat is constantly sick (she sticks out her tongue at the same time);
  3. The animal is lethargic and inactive. The condition causes discomfort and worries the pet;
  4. Repeated and profuse vomiting, repeated up to 3 times in 12 hours.

Do not try to treat the animal yourself, only a doctor can correctly assess its condition and prescribe adequate treatment.

For diagnosis, the veterinarian will conduct a number of studies:

  1. Inspection of the animal;
  2. Assessment of the general condition of the body and coat;
  3. Measure weight, pulse, temperature. Listen to the breath;
  4. Palpation of the abdomen to determine muscle tone and the presence of possible hardening;
  5. General and biochemical blood test;
  6. Abdominal ultrasound.

First aid for a cat

Severe clinical cases can only be diagnosed by a veterinarian, who will also write out the treatment regimen. You can only alleviate the condition of your pet on your own. To do this, you need to resort to the following tips:

  • Pay attention to his vomit and the frequency of rejection of food. If the gag reflex is triggered 1-2 times, and the vomit does not have blood or foam, then most likely wool, grass, or an abundance of food has entered the stomach. It is enough not to give the cat food, but to leave only a bowl of water. This must be done without fail, as dehydration of the animal's body occurs;
  • "Put" your furry friend on a strict diet. Remove fatty foods, do not give dry food or canned food. You can give an egg, cottage cheese or broth. Give food in small portions and often, be sure to monitor the condition of the cat. If vomiting does not recur, then a small piece of boiled chicken can be introduced into the diet.
  • With more serious symptoms - vomiting with blood, foam, bile with an unpleasant odor, seek professional help immediately. You are not a doctor, you do not know how to treat animals seriously. And it’s easy to harm with your inaction or experiments.


You can alleviate the suffering of a cat before visiting a veterinarian on your own. If there are preparations in the home medicine cabinet - sorbents (atoxil, rehydron), dilute them with water and give the cat to drink up to 4 times a day. You can also inject No-shpy at the rate of 0.1 mg per 1 kg of a cat. Further actions are only for a professional; visits to the veterinary clinic should not be delayed. A dehydrated body needs a dropper and injections.

If there are no necessary drugs in the home medicine cabinet, then you can solder the cat with tincture of flax or chamomile. Three to four times a day, one tablespoon. Provided that the cause of vomiting is not a serious disease of the stomach or kidneys.


In order for the cat not to get sick, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • food must be fresh;
  • raw fish and meat should not be present in the diet;
  • limit access to the bin and places where threads, needles and other small items are stored as much as possible;
  • be sure to visit a veterinarian and examine the animal once a year.

The cat is sick - the favorite of the whole family. Lethargy, vomiting, refusal to eat. The owner of the animal is at a loss and does not know what to do. The first thing to find out is the reason that caused the pet to vomit. It is not always possible to understand on your own what happened to the animal. Perhaps these are symptoms of some disease. Therefore, a timely visit to the veterinary clinic will save your pet from suffering and possible illness.

Animal health is the concern of all family members. Carefully selected nutrition, fresh water, fighting fleas and worms, combing out the animal's hair are important points in caring for a pet. Compliance with simple rules and tips is the key to the health and life of your pet.


Vomiting is a protective mechanism of the body for the presence of a toxic or mechanical irritant in the body. In cats, this phenomenon is quite common.

The gag reflex begins with rapid breathing, deep swallowing, and copious salivation.

The reasons are different, from completely harmless, such as getting small hairs on the oral mucosa or overeating, to the development of serious pathological processes in the animal's body. If the gag reflex was observed in a single manifestation and was not accompanied by any accompanying symptoms, this most likely indicates swallowed wool, blades of grass.

It's not worth worrying too much. Irritants will come out and the cat will not be disturbed anymore.

Causes of frequent vomiting

There are many reasons for vomiting immediately after eating. But you have to work hard to get to the truth.

If the urge is frequent, prolonged, at first glance, not associated with meals - see a doctor immediately . The reasons may be the following factors:

  • uremia;
  • ketosis;
  • helminthic infection;
  • individual intolerance;
  • inflammatory processes in the digestive system;
  • binge eating;
  • ingress of foreign objects;
  • stress.

Most of the listed list cannot be diagnosed independently, at home, so contacting a specialist is considered a mandatory measure.

Types of vomiting and symptoms

Excessive licking leads to hairy vomiting. You have to brush your cat.

When licking themselves, cats often swallow hairs of their own fur, or even whole lumps, during molting. This leads to, sometimes clogs the intestinal lumen, which is guaranteed to cause spasms.

What to do if the cat burps foam?

Vomiting white foam.

The so-called "hungry vomiting" occurs most often in the morning, before the pet has eaten.

Mucus that has come under the influence of gastric juice is excreted outside, forming a discharge in the form of white foam. As a rule, there is no pathology with this type, but if the morning reflex continues throughout the day, has a long character, you should consult a doctor.

Vomiting blood after eating

When vomit has blood impurities, you should immediately resort to the help of a veterinarian. This is always a sign of serious damage to the stomach or intestines.

The cat vomited up blood almost immediately after eating.

There are two types of blood impurities and a rough diagnosis that explains this phenomenon. Availability thick brown mass indicates a process in which gastric juice interacts with blood. This phenomenon indicates the suspicion of a tumor, ulcer, the presence of foreign objects, liver damage,.

Bleeding in the mouth or esophagus accompanied by vomiting with impurities of light red blood .

Cat burps after eating

Spasms after each meal will indicate signs of intestinal obstruction of the animal, diseases of the digestive system, intoxication of the body.

Intestinal obstruction on ultrasound.

Usually, the presence of such diseases is accompanied by other symptoms: fever, lethargy, depression, loss of appetite.

Outgoing yellow masses indicate diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Outgoing yellow or green masses they talk about the presence of bile in the stomach or intestines, which are signs of diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Outgoing undigested pieces of food are a sign of serious progressive pathologies.

Viral lesions, erosion, gastritis, helminthic invasion are accompanied by the release of mucus. In this case, it is necessary to examine the pet's feces for the presence of worms and mucus in the excrement.

My cat burps after every meal, what should I do?

First aid for a sick cat at home is fasting.

It is recommended to maintain a starvation diet for about a day. If the symptom has stopped, you can help your pet on your own. If the urge continues, in addition, there are accompanying symptoms - diarrhea, fever, depression - it is necessary urgently go to the clinic .

Self-help includes activities designed to alleviate the suffering of a pet. After a sustained daily diet, the cat is given some water with an electrolyte solution. Further, low-fat meat products are gradually introduced into the menu.

Feeding a cat with vomiting.

next two days it is supposed to feed up to about six times a day, in small portions, carefully monitoring changes in the state of the animal, its reaction to the food consumed.

On the third day you can enter into the diet rice porridge, potatoes, chicken breast, fat-free cottage cheese. Portions should be small, avoid overeating.

Continue eating like this next two days . Starting from about the sixth day after the cessation of vomiting, gradually introduce the usual food into the menu. First, adding it a little to the diet, then gradually reduce the diet and increase the usual food. Care must be taken to ensure that the output of white foam is no longer repeated.

Gastric lavage

Give your cat saline to induce vomiting

If the cat cannot swallow on its own, contact the clinic for washing with a probe. You can call the urge yourself by pressing on the root of the tongue. It is necessary to drink to induce vomiting with a saline solution: dissolve one tablespoon of table salt in a glass of warm water. Drink until the cat vomits.


For preventive purposes, it is necessary to vaccinate the cat in a timely manner, and regularly undergo a complete clinical examination.

Domestic fluffy balls are prone to a range of diseases and problems. The owner can only monitor the behavior all the time in order to see deviations in time and start treatment. But it is simply impossible not to notice some diseases, and these include vomiting in a cat with undigested food. Some owners ignore the symptom, believing that the pet is simply going through hard times, everything will soon pass by itself - and completely in vain! The cat needs to be shown to specialists, because the reasons can be very serious and lead to death.

Why does a cat vomit after eating? The reasons

There may be many of them, some of them should not cause concern, especially if they appear once. When the symptom recurs regularly, the problem is deeper, diagnosis is needed.

It is interesting! Vomiting can be caused by a change in diet. Even high-quality food after natural products must be introduced gradually. Don't put your cat on a vegetarian diet - she needs plenty of protein.

Diagnosis of the disease

So, you do not know why the cat is sick after eating food, in this case, consult a doctor. The veterinarian will examine the pet, it is very important to tell about all the symptoms and the nature of the vomit, because this will allow you to better see the clinical picture. It will be a mistake to take antipyretic and other drugs before visiting the clinic. In this case, the doctor may mistakenly diagnose the cause, so it is worth reporting the medications you have taken.

The animal will have to take tests: blood and feces. It is often possible to obtain the vomit itself, which is examined for the presence of mucus and blood. It is important to start the diagnosis on time, since every day counts: some diseases accompanied by vomiting can lead to death in a couple of days, others even earlier.

Cat treatment

You do not need to give your pet any drugs, because vomiting is not a disease itself, but only a symptom of a dozen problems. It is impossible to determine the cause at home, if you yourself prescribe the wrong drug, your health condition can only worsen. You can’t ignore vomiting, thinking that the poisoning will pass on its own: this will be a mistake, because poor-quality food is not always the cause, stomach troubles can be more threatening.

The whole process should be accompanied by the intake of healthy food, products that restore the water-salt balance, and vitamins. It will also be useful to have a sparing daily routine, excluding contact with other animals, being in the cold.

Note! The most correct food is mice, as their wool contains sulfur, which is necessary for fluffy fur. You can not give the cat dog food, it is not able to fill the need for proteins.

Some owners ignore the symptom, believing that the pet is simply going through hard times, everything will soon pass by itself - and completely in vain.

Every owner of a domestic cat has at least once encountered ailments in their pet, and it is not uncommon to visit a clinic with symptoms such as nausea or vomiting. However, the situation when a cat vomits after eating undigested food can be especially dangerous: in addition to problems with nutrition or ingestion of wool, it can indicate serious problems with digestion and the functioning of internal organs.

Let's try to figure out why such a nuisance happened to your cat, and what to do in this difficult situation?

  1. Symptoms that should see a doctor
  2. Symptoms
  3. How to help a cat with vomiting?
  4. Prevention of vomiting after eating

Why can a cat feel sick after eating?

In fact, there are many reasons why your pet may have vomiting after eating. Often the problem lies in the food itself: the cat eats too much or too quickly, chews food poorly. As a result, all the food that is difficult for her stomach to digest returns to the outside in the form of vomiting: if the cat is sick immediately after eating in large, unchewed pieces, this is most likely your case.

Especially often such a nuisance occurs with wet cat food in bags, which the cat can be too lazy to chew properly because of its softness. It is not difficult to deal with such nausea: just feed your pet a little, but more often, and the problem will disappear by itself.

If you've changed your cat's diet and the nausea persists, the food may be the problem. Sometimes pets have an allergic reaction to the products of a certain manufacturer or even to a specific taste: if this food was purchased not so long ago, and the cat began to vomit just after it appeared, perhaps this is precisely the point.

Another important food-related reason is its expiration date. Sometimes the owners inattentively follow the numbers on the package, or put food in the pet's bowl for the whole day and change it only after a day. This is normal when handling dry food - however, wet food will inevitably spoil after twelve hours out of the refrigerator! Be careful in everything that concerns the nutrition of your cat, and feed it at least twice a day - then this trouble will not happen.

In addition, your cat may start to vomit after eating. during pregnancy. This is due to several changes in the body of the future cat-mother: with hormonal changes, with the phenomenon of toxicosis and with the pressure of the kittens on the internal organs. The most common feeding problem in a cat's pregnancy is the decrease in available space in the cat's stomach; feed her small meals and the vomiting will go away. However, it is worth noting that such problems cannot begin before the third week of pregnancy.

Cats may vomit after sterilization or any other surgical intervention. The veterinarian always gives strict instructions about feeding the pet after coming out of anesthesia: during the first twelve hours it is undesirable to give her any food, because the internal organs are in "hibernation". If you don't follow this advice, your cat may vomit - but there's nothing to worry about! Just give her water to drink, and give her food again a little later.

There are other specific causes for cat vomiting: these include motion sickness in transport, stress when moving, cleaning the stomach of hair in long-haired animals. However, none of these causes is in any way related to nutrition, and the appearance of such vomiting after eating is nothing more than a coincidence. Isolated cases of vomiting after feeding may be associated with any of these phenomena.

However, if the cat vomits after eating not for the first time, and changing her diet and diet did not help, you should contact a specialist. It is possible that your pet is seriously ill.

Symptoms that should see a doctor

In addition to the harmless and natural phenomena listed above that can cause a cat to vomit after eating, the cause may also be in some kind of disease.

Try to define what type of vomiting does your pet have. Some of them are not dangerous and in the absence of other symptoms are not a reason to go to the veterinary clinic. However, others are a clear signal that something is wrong with the health of the cat:

  1. Vomiting white foam. This type of vomiting in cats is not considered something dangerous if there are no other symptoms of illness. Such vomiting can be observed with severe overeating, with getting rid of hairballs, with heartburn or hunger - all these problems are easily solved and are not a cause for concern;
  2. Vomiting with blood. There are several reasons for the appearance of blood clots in the vomit: it can be a minor injury in the oral cavity received while eating or playing, and a serious illness in which you need to urgently go to the clinic. Examine the cat's mouth, paying special attention to the sky - if you do not find scratches and bleeding, it is better to play it safe and go to the veterinarian;
  3. Vomiting yellow or green. These types of vomiting already clearly indicate that the animal is unhealthy. The yellow color of the vomit is most likely bile, and the green color more often indicates diseases of the intestines and stomach. In any of these cases, do not hesitate to go to the veterinary clinic - this condition can be very dangerous for your cat.

It is also worth noting that if vomiting is observed not in an adult pet, but in a kitten, you need to immediately see a veterinarian. Even foamy vomiting in small kittens can be a sign of a serious illness that his body cannot cope with.


Also look out for other symptoms that can tell you a lot about your cat's condition. In addition to frequent and profuse vomiting, observed constantly for several days, The wake-up calls will be:

If you experience one or more of these symptoms, please see a specialist. It is important that your animal is examined and treated on time.

How to help a cat with vomiting?

When your cat is constantly throwing up or throwing up, stop feeding her for some time, it is advisable to wait at least four or five hours. However, make sure that a bowl of fresh water is always in sight of the animal: when vomiting occurs, severe dehydration occurs, which must be prevented. Do not force a cat to drink if she does not feel like it - she understands the needs of her body better and will definitely drink all the water when she needs it.

Measure the cat's temperature to exclude any inflammatory process or, on the contrary, to confirm its presence, and if blood is found in the vomit, inspect the oral cavity for scratches and wounds. If nothing of the kind is found, and the blood clots are dark in color, it is most likely a serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, even in the case when, in addition to vomiting, there are no warning symptoms, you can play it safe and take your pet to a vet. After a professional examination, the veterinarian will make a final verdict - and if everything is in order with the cat, you will be sent home, giving recommendations for further care. If something is not right, your pet will be prescribed the appropriate treatment for his case, and you will only have to follow the doctor's instructions so that your cat recovers as soon as possible.

If your cat is throwing up because of overeating or because she eats too fast, feed her often in small portions. Change food if your pet is allergic and keep a close eye on its expiration date and how long it has been in the bowl. If your cat has been diagnosed with chronic vomiting, she will be prescribed a special diet: you can forget about purchased food for the duration of treatment, during this period the cat can only be fed chicken meat, cottage cheese and boiled eggs. Of course, not every cat will like such a diet - but health is more expensive.

For severe vomiting Cerucal and No-Shpu are usually prescribed, which are administered intramuscularly. Sorbents such as Atoxil or Enterosgel are also often prescribed. However, any of these remedies should be prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian, and any improvisation can only make your pet worse.

Herbal remedy for cat nausea

If you find yourself in a situation where it is not possible to get to the veterinary clinic in the next day or two, and you need to help your pet right now, you can resort to folk remedies. Unlike over-the-counter medications, they won't cause an allergy in your cat, and they certainly won't make things worse: and despite the fact that they only address the symptoms and do little to combat the root cause, it's still better than doing nothing at all.

The best folk remedy for nausea in a cat, time-tested and really able to help, decoctions are considered chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort and flax seeds. These herbs can be purchased at any pharmacy and brewed individually or all together: one bag of herbs is poured with a liter of water, and then infused for several hours. Water your cat with this decoction three to four times a day, a spoonful for every two kilograms of weight: most likely, vomiting will stop.

However, it is worth noting that the use of folk remedies is possible only for one or two days, no more. After you still need to see a veterinarian. It may seem that the pet is already in order, since the nausea has passed - but this is just the effect of herbs; the cause of the vomiting has not been eliminated, and this should be dealt with by a specialist.

Prevention of vomiting after eating

For the prevention of cat vomiting It is important to take good care of your pet. First of all, to prevent the occurrence of infections and diseases, regular examinations by a veterinarian and vaccination are necessary. This will help to stop any disease in the bud, at the very moment of its appearance! In addition, during molting, long-haired animals should be carefully combed out to reduce the amount of vomiting due to woolen balls.

Not less important closely monitor your pet's diet, the way he reacts to this or that food, feed him often and not in very large portions, avoiding overeating. A cat's bowl should always be filled with water - nausea due to dehydration in animals is also not uncommon.

If you properly monitor and care for your cat, chances are you won't have problems vomiting after eating. And if any disease still appears, you can contact the veterinary clinic in time and cure the animal as quickly as possible.

Vomiting in a cat is a common defensive reaction of the body if a foreign body enters the esophagus. The muscles of the abdomen and diaphragm contract, and under pressure, the food eaten is expelled through the esophagus. If this is an isolated case, no big deal. But often repeated vomiting is a signal of a malfunction in the body.

Why does a cat vomit after eating

If a cat vomits after eating, it is possible that a ball of his own fur is stuck in his stomach.

Causes of vomiting:

  1. Violation of the diet. The owner must ensure that the pet eats on time, and avoid long breaks between meals. When a cat is hungry, she overeats and then vomits excess food.
  2. The presence of a lump of hair in the digestive tract. Since cats constantly lick their fur, the hairs gradually accumulate in the stomach. They are not digested, because of this, a lump forms, which prevents food from passing further.
  3. Poisoning. When the body is trying to get rid of toxins, the key is to stay hydrated.
  4. Stress. Some cats react this way to moving to new owners or to another place of residence.
  5. Pregnancy. Due to squeezing of the growing uterus of the digestive tract, the cat vomits.

Establishing a diet is easy. In case of pregnancy or stress, you need to wait a bit. Everything is much more complicated if vomiting occurs due to intestinal pathologies or stomach ulcers.

What to do if the cat vomits after eating

If you have adopted a stray cat, feed it often in small portions. Let her adjust to the new diet.

Monitor feed quality and daily rations. In the first case, you will prevent poisoning, in the second, you will avoid overfeeding.

Cats with thick coats can be given special foods that help remove stuck hairs from the stomach. Pay more attention to combing the animal's coat, removing loose hairs

When walking with your pet, carefully observe that the animal does not eat garbage and waste, does not take foreign objects into its mouth. Do not forget about regular cleaning from parasites. The digestive system of cats is well influenced by green stalks of wheat and barley. They can be grown on the site or planted in a tray in the apartment.

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