Can a child have a watermelon. What to do if a child swallowed a watermelon seed. Watermelon in baby food

From the second half of August, gourds appear in the cities, announcing the opening of a new watermelon season. Watermelon will generously share its useful composition on condition right choice and adherence to age guidelines.

Despite the fact that watermelon contains more than 90% of water, during the growth period it diligently stores beneficial substances. The tender pulp contains minerals, vitamins, fiber, carotene, sugars that have a beneficial effect on the child's body:

  • normalize the work of the muscular and nervous system;
  • strengthen the heart;
  • free from toxins and slags;
  • stimulate intestinal peristalsis;
  • relieve emotional stress;
  • participate in the construction of new cells;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • support water-salt metabolism;
  • positively affect the health of the skin, bones and eyes;
  • contribute to weight loss in obesity;
  • quench thirst and hunger.

All useful properties will manifest themselves in a berry grown under open sky, without artificial stimulation of growth and acceleration of maturation.

Since January 2017, strict interstate standards have been introduced in Russia to control the quality of food watermelons. In cities, they are organizing sites for sale that meet the new requirements for the storage of gourds.

At what age do you start?

For children of the first year of life, watermelon is dangerous. A small organism is defenseless against "chemistry" and harmful microbes potentially present in a sweet berry. Weak immunity causes allergic reaction, and the immaturity of the digestive and urinary systems is a source of gastrointestinal upset and an unbearable burden on the kidneys.

Dr. Komarovsky assures that watermelon - adult food, acquaintance with which should not begin earlier than 2 years. Carefully, in small portions, it must be introduced into the baby's diet in a softened form, and if loose stools appear, immediately stop taking it.

Possible harm and contraindications

Watermelon is no exception in the list of foods that can cause allergies. Its manifestations may be limited to local symptoms:

  • rashes
  • itching
  • runny nose
  • lacrimation,
  • vomiting,
  • diarrhea.

Reactions are a serious danger general type with signs of difficulty breathing, edema, anaphylactic shock.

Therefore, the introduction of berries into baby food requires caution: half a teaspoon of pulp for the first acquaintance and monitoring the baby's condition for 2-3 days.

The reason for the appearance of allergies is also nitrogenous top dressing, which is treated with gourds for rapid growth.

Nutritionist Svetlana Titova compared buying a watermelon with a lottery - nitrates cannot be tasted and smelled. But following her advice, it's easy to minimize the risk:

  • do not buy early berries that appeared on the shelves out of season;
  • refuse watermelon with a glossy pulp of bright red color with a purple tint, the presence of hard whitish or yellow veins.

Advice. Calculate at home nitrate watermelon can in a simple way: place a piece of pulp in water. Cloudy water after 15 minutes will indicate the safety of the berry, and staining red with a purple tint will give out the presence of nitrates.

  • diseases of the pancreas and urinary system;
  • tendency to flatulence and indigestion;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Children with impaired urine flow and congenital anomalies urinary system watermelon is contraindicated.

We give correctly

You can only cut a watermelon, carefully washed under running water with soap. Otherwise, pathogenic microbes that have settled on the peel will penetrate into the berry.

Given that the pulp near the crust accumulates more nitrates, only the core is offered to children, carefully selecting all the seeds from it.

Traditionally, watermelon is served as a dessert at the end of a meal. But nutritionists recommend setting aside time for berries between meals. Given the pronounced diuretic effect, it is wiser to choose an afternoon snack for this purpose.

Age norms

  1. Child after a year you can offer watermelon pulp, pounded to a pulp, but only at the height of the season. This should only be done very rarely, minimum quantities(1-2 tsp) and with absolute confidence in the purchased watermelon.
  2. For children under 2 years old, pounded pulp is given no more than 50 g per day.
  3. At the age of 2 to 3 years, the serving increases to 100 g, and from 3 to 6 years - up to 150 g per day in the form of finely chopped pieces.

Is it possible to watermelon at a temperature?

At elevated temperature the child's body loses fluid. Watermelon (in the absence of contraindications) will cope with a number of accompanying symptoms of the disease: eliminate thirst, compensate for fluid deficiency and minerals, relieve intoxication and remove toxins.

Combination with other products

Nutritionists do not recommend combining watermelon intake with other foods. fruit sugar in the presence of undigested products in the gastrointestinal tract, it begins to ferment, nullifying the beneficial properties of the striped berry. There is a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, rumbling, flatulence.

It will not do any good to eat watermelon with bread, a bun, cookies, which compassionate grandmothers often insist on. The gourd berry refuses to "be friends" with milk, which is manifested by a violation of digestion.

Storage Issues

Sliced ​​watermelon is capricious in storage: after 2 hours at room temperature its sweet pulp is colonized by microorganisms, including those causing intestinal infections. In the refrigerator, the berry is stored for no more than a day.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, buy watermelon is better than the size that the family will eat in one day.

How to choose?

The right choice depends taste qualities watermelon, but the main thing is its safety for the child. Under no circumstances should you purchase:

  • in places not intended for food trade: on roadsides, spontaneous markets, from the ground;
  • with broken integrity: punctures, cracks, cut pieces to determine maturity, cut and packed in cling film in supermarkets;
  • before the start of the season of mass maturation ( high probability that the watermelon is “overfed” with nitrate fertilizers).

In the "striped season" offers are not limited to familiar varieties from the Saratov, Astrakhan, Rostov regions, Dagestan and Krasnodar. You can buy berries from Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, China. Today, pitted watermelons, outlandish shapes, and even yellow color. Which berry do you prefer?

The products of Russian farmers have advantages: control of fertilizer application, short time transportation to the consumer. For example, when growing the famous Rivne watermelons, no chemicals are used at all.

Choose mature, which means juicy and sweet watermelon possible by the following signs:

  • shiny and dense crust, difficult to scratch with a fingernail;
  • bright contrasting stripes;
  • dry tail;
  • slight crackling when squeezed;
  • dull sound when tapped;
  • the presence of a yellow (earth) spot on the side as evidence of natural maturation in the open field.

Increases the chances of acquiring a sweeter berry of its "gender" affiliation. Connoisseurs unmistakably choose “girls”, which are distinguished by a wide side opposite the ponytail, leaving “boys” with a convex “ass” to amateurs.

Watermelon seed - what to do?

A cause for concern for parents is often a watermelon seed that a child accidentally swallowed. In this situation, nothing terrible will happen - after a few hours, it will safely leave the intestines along with the feces.

Attention! the entry of seeds into Airways may represent real threat. Therefore, you need to heed the advice of pediatricians and offer children only the crushed pulp of watermelon, in which not a single seed is hidden.

Do you want to see how American children eat watermelons? Watch the video!

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, which pleases us not only with warmth, sea and flowers. Right now there is a great opportunity to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, stocking up on vitamins for the winter. And special place among them are watermelons: fragrant, tasty, inexpensive and very healthy. Many mothers, wishing well, try to feed their baby with this yummy during the season. But, like any product, even this berry has its contraindications. And before feeding them to a child, it is worth knowing at what age a child can be given watermelon and under what state of health.

Why should you include watermelon in your diet?

Watermelon is not only a delicacy that both children and adults like. It is also a cure for many diseases without any serious harm to health.

  1. Excellent diuretic.
  2. May be used as a laxative.
  3. Removes toxins from the body.
  4. The fiber included in the composition gently cleanses the intestines.
  5. The magnesium and potassium found in watermelon are good for heart health. vascular system.
  6. A very nutritious berry, which at the same time contains a minimum of calories. Thanks to these qualities, watermelon is shown to people with overweight.
  7. Strengthens immunity.
  8. Good for eyesight.
  9. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  10. Contains folic acid, B vitamins, iron, manganese and many other beneficial elements for the body.

And all these benefits can be obtained from the usual watermelon that we eat every summer. However, many pediatricians still recommend limiting the consumption of this berry by children until they reach one year. But why, if it is so useful?

From what age can you?

There are doctors who do not recommend giving watermelon to a child under the fifth year of life. Most experts are inclined to believe that it is not worth depriving children of such a healthy treat. But still, there is no need to rush to feed the child with watermelon. It is better to wait until the age of 11-12 months, when the child's body is ready to accept it. This should be done for two main reasons.

  1. Often early fruits contain chemical substances with which the baby's body is simply not able to cope. If an adult can simply get by with indigestion, then a child can be much worse off.
  2. The well-known diuretic effect, which we usually joke about, for small organism can be quite heavy. The child's kidneys may simply not be able to cope with such a load, and then they will have to undergo long-term treatment.

In any case, even if the child has already reached one year, it is necessary to follow some recommendations of specialists in order to get only pleasure and benefit.

  • A one-year-old baby can be given no more than 50 grams of pulp per day. Naturally, the watermelon must be de-seeded. And it's better if you mash it into a pulp. For starters, you can even just wrap the pulp in gauze and let the baby suck the juice. After reaching two years of age you can already give about 100 grams of pulp, after three years you can already increase to 150.
  • Naturally, if a child has some problems from urethra, you should first consult with a specialist about the advisability of introducing this berry into the diet.
  • Before giving a child a watermelon, you should try it yourself. If nothing bad happened within an hour and a half, you can safely give the berry to the child.
  • It may also happen that the child simply does not like the taste of watermelon and refuses to eat it. In this case, do not force him to eat up, leave attempts until next year. Maybe the baby will then be able to appreciate the fragrant and tasty berry.
  • And be sure to watch the reaction of a small organism to a berry. It may just be individual immunity.

Allergies to watermelon are extremely rare, but still happen sometimes. This is mostly due to the use of various chemicals during cultivation. If you notice that after eating the child has itching, watery eyes, dry mouth or breathing problems, then you should stop consuming watermelon for a while. As soon as you show the baby to a specialist, undergo an examination and get permission from the doctor, you can again introduce watermelon into the diet. Naturally, infrequently, little by little, and be sure to monitor the reaction of the body.

How to eat?

Having figured out from what year you can start giving watermelon to children, you should also think about how they will eat it. Pieces - get dirty, in the form of mashed potatoes - boring. You can make juice, but this way the child will not receive those substances that are in the pulp: fiber and pectin, which are so beneficial for the intestines.

A good option to use watermelon - fruit salad. This dish should generally be included in the diet of babies, and with the addition of watermelon, it becomes even more useful.

An interesting option is watermelon ice cream. Children generally love this delicacy, but what is sold in stores is not entirely healthy. Therefore, you can chop the watermelon and simply freeze it in special molds. Children will be happy. Naturally, you should not get involved in ice cream, so as not to get a sore throat instead of benefit.

Perhaps these are the most simple options children's dishes that demonstrate all the advantages of watermelon and are sure to please kids.

After all, watermelon is useful not only for children, everyone can eat it if there are no contraindications. But in order for this berry not to cause harm, it is worth following the recommendations of experts. Doctors talk about this tirelessly every year, but for some reason we constantly forget about them.

  • Do not buy berries before the end of August, because in more early period she is in in large numbers contains nitrates used for rapid maturation.
  • Watermelon is known for its ability to accumulate various harmful substances so don't shop near the road.
  • The best place to buy watermelons is the market, where all products undergo strict pre-sale checks.
  • Do not agree to cut the fruit and do not take cracked ones, because microbes instantly penetrate inside.
  • Wash the watermelon well before eating, preferably with soap.
  • Do not leave the fruit in the sun, as the rotting process begins quickly enough.
  • Also, do not store it for a long time, the very next day in a watermelon more harm than good.
  • Do not eat the fruit if you are not sure of its freshness, and even more so do not give it to children.

By following these simple rules for buying and consuming watermelon, you do not risk your health at all. Enjoy your meal!

Young mothers do not know at what age a watermelon can be given to a child. Many have heard that melon is dangerous in some way, but they don’t know what exactly. How to pamper a child with the juicy fruits of summer and at the same time prevent him from getting poisoned? Many farmers add chemicals that speed up the growth of watermelon: all this can negatively affect the well-being of the baby at 11 months and even cause poisoning.

The most useful property of watermelon is the presence of fiber, which cleanses the intestines well. Fiber is especially useful for children who have frequent constipation. The fruit also contains:

  • easily digestible sugars;
  • folic acid;
  • iron compounds;
  • pectins and magnesium;
  • fructose.

From what age and from how many months can you feed watermelon to children? Doctors allow the use of watermelon from 11-12 months. However, some nutritionists recommend giving watermelon when the child is five years old.

Who is right?

Pediatricians are sure that depriving the baby of useful food product should not, and one year old baby you can give watermelon as an additional complementary food.

For every age there is a certain measure allowable reception sweet berry - watermelon. So, children under two years old can be given no more than 50 grams of the product per day, children at three years old - 150 grams. At the same time, do not rush to feed the baby with the first fruits: wait until natural ripening occurs.

Early fruits should not be given to adolescents under 11 years of age, and they should not be consumed by pregnant and lactating women.

The benefits and harms of melon

Melon contains:

  • folic acid;
  • beta carotene;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • pectins and fiber;
  • easily digestible sugars;
  • potassium.

Melon has a calming effect on nervous system, promotes growth and proper development metabolism. The pulp of the fruit improves intestinal motility and eliminates constipation.

At what age can melon be introduced into the diet? Not before age one year!

Melon is not dangerous to health, but it is difficult to digest. A child's body up to a year cannot cope with the full assimilation of the product, therefore it is strictly forbidden to give a melon up to a year.

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Allergic reaction to gourds

How does an allergy to gourds manifest itself? Allergies to melon and watermelon can occur in people of any age who cannot tolerate ragweed blooms. Such a reaction of the body to an allergen is possible in two cases:

  1. with reduced immunity;
  2. in violation of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

In case of violation of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract (dysbacteriosis, inflammatory processes) incompletely split food elements enter the bloodstream, which causes disorder and imbalance of the entire system.

Symptoms of an allergy to gourds include:

  • itching and swelling of tissues in the lips and throat;
  • cough and nasal congestion;
  • contact urticaria.

After eating melon, an allergy can also have such a manifestation:

  • dizziness and headache;
  • vomiting, diarrhea and nausea;
  • bouts of suffocation.

Allergy in its extreme manifestation can cause anaphylactic shock, which can lead to critical condition. In this case, there should be no self-treatment: you should urgently call an ambulance team.

What to do if after eating melons (especially melons) the child swears? Does this indicate that he was poisoned? If you gave melons to a child after a year, and he had diarrhea without other manifestations of an allergic reaction, then the gastrointestinal tract simply could not cope with the processing of the product.

Why is this happening? Melons are digested by the intestines, not the stomach. If you fed the baby melon immediately after eating, the allergy has nothing to do with it: the product could not get into the intestines in a timely manner. The result was diarrhea due to undigested product.

What to do with toxicosis?

Early watermelons often cause toxicosis in children. How to understand that the baby was poisoned, and what to do? Allergy is somewhat similar to the symptoms of gourd poisoning. How not to confuse? A sign of toxicosis, in addition to the indicated allergy symptoms, may be:

  1. rapid breathing;
  2. change in heart rate;
  3. lethargy and diarrhea;
  4. sometimes fever.

Also characteristic pain in the stomach and liver region. A child under one year old will not be able to really explain anything, so you should check the pulse rate and temperature. It is important to note at what time the onset of symptoms began. If such a condition appeared after the use of melons, you should immediately call an ambulance.

What to do before the ambulance arrives:

  • give salted water to drink;
  • induce vomiting;
  • put an enema.

Do not give any medicine and do not self-medicate: this can aggravate the condition of the baby.

Prevention measures

From how many years you can feed the baby melons, we found out. Now it is important to determine how to properly prepare the fruits for eating.

  1. Buy fruits only when they are fully ripe.
  2. Do not feed spoiled or dented foods to babies.
  3. After cutting, the fruits are allowed to be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Do not give your baby too much melon or watermelon: overeating can cause diarrhea. Moderation in nutrition is the key child health. Teach your baby to these products not earlier than 11-12 months of age.

Remember that an 11-month-old baby with poor bowel function should not eat gourds. Wait until five or six years: by this age digestive functions are normalized.

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On the eve of the summer season, parents are looking forward to treating their children with healthy berries and fruits. It is no secret that due to its properties and low cost, watermelon becomes a guest on the daily table of almost every family. Today we will talk about the benefits of berries for the child's body and its contraindications. How to give watermelon to children, and at what age can this be done? How to choose it correctly and make sure there are no chemicals inside?

The sweetish taste is very popular with fidgets. But is it worth it to follow the lead of the little “wants” and give watermelons to children under one year old? Why not buy berries before mid-August? Why shouldn't children be given watermelon juice? What are the guidelines for use by pediatricians? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

5 reasons to feed your child this berry

Before you tell when a child can be given watermelons, you need to tell about his favorable influence on the body.

  1. The use of sweet pulp helps to maintain water balance. The product contains 92% water, which protects the child's body from dehydration during the hot season. The electrolyte content of the berry has been proven to reduce the risk of sunstroke.
  2. High-quality watermelon contains lycopene in large quantities. The substance is necessary for development of cardio-vascular system baby, saves him from the development of asthma. The pulp also contains other carotenoids (for example, beta-carotene, which prevents visual impairment).
  3. Its use stimulates immune system(due to the content of the "shock" dose of vitamin C).
  4. Contains calcium and manganese, which contribute to the development bone tissue which is especially important for little fidgets. Calcium is also needed for the secretion of hormones. The presence of magnesium accelerates the growth of muscle mass.
  5. Thanks to fiber, the product is useful for children with irregular stools.

Dispelling the myth: It is believed that because of the sugar, watermelon is not recommended for use with increased body weight. Pediatricians say the opposite: an overweight child can eat a berry. After all, it contains no more than 6% sugar.

First acquaintance: when to feed and in what quantities

The question of whether it is possible to give a watermelon to a one-year-old child is not easy to answer. Some doctors believe that the first piece of pulp should be offered to a daughter or son no earlier than the age of five. Foreign experts believe that at the age of 8-10 months, you can feed the crumbs with a quality product.

Domestic pediatricians believe that you should not give a berry to a child under one year old. They consider the period from one and a half to two years to be the most suitable age for dating. This is explained by the fact that at a tender age, the gastrointestinal tract is not yet able to fully digest the fiber contained in the berry.

And, of course, remember that for the first acquaintance you need to give a small piece - no more than 25 g. During this period, observe the baby for 3-4 days, try not to give new products to track the reaction.

Remember that watermelon is a seasonal berry, so it should not be given to children before mid-August.

How to give treats to babies

Many mothers try to make the process of getting to know new tastes unforgettable for the baby. Therefore, non-traditional options for serving watermelon are often used (for example, they prepare refreshing soups based on store-bought juice). It is better to forget about creative ideas for a while and let your child enjoy natural sugar pulp. The fact is that the use of berry juice leads to the development of caries.

Also remember that nitrates are always closer to the peel, so give your baby only the part that is in the middle. Do not forget to remove the seeds, and it is advisable to be near the child while eating the juicy pulp. Such measures are necessary to avoid getting the seeds into the respiratory tract.

Allergy Risk

An allergy in young children to watermelon can develop due to excess consumption. To avoid this, remember that for a child under the age of two, it is enough to eat 80-100 g of sweet pulp. At the age of two to three - no more than 300 g (optimally 200-250 g).

Signs of an allergy include:

  • stomach upset;
  • skin rash;
  • runny nose.

Why poisoning occurs

Offering the baby a piece of pulp, parents do not realize that it is often the "culprit" of watermelon poisoning, the symptoms of which in children are more pronounced than in adults. In babies, the process is more difficult due to the small volume of blood, underdeveloped gastrointestinal tract and detoxification mechanisms.

Usually, if a child is severely poisoned by a watermelon, then signs of illness will appear within the first two days. In some cases it is also possible fatal outcome when poisoned, but usually the symptoms in children are as follows:

  • frequent and liquid stool;
  • dizziness associated with falling blood pressure;
  • change in heart rate;
  • rapid breathing;
  • drowsiness and lethargy.

AT rare cases in children, lips and nails turn blue, cardiopulmonary insufficiency occurs.

What measures should be taken

If loving parents notice signs of watermelon poisoning in a child, then the following must be done:

  • Induce vomiting. To do this, we recommend that you give your baby ¼ tbsp. potassium permanganate solution. Large amounts of salted water are also acceptable.
  • Give an enema with warm water or infusion of chamomile.
  • summon ambulance. Before the arrival of a specialist, you do not need to give any drugs. In case of poisoning, only a doctor should prescribe them. There are recommendations that the baby should be given "Rehydron" in small portions. We still believe that self-treatment in case of poisoning a child is unacceptable. Before the doctor arrives, you can give your daughter or son mineral water without gas.

Parent's Guide to Choosing

  1. Do you think that The best way choose a quality fruit - knock on it? Alas, experts say that folk way passed down from generation to generation doesn't work. First of all, pay attention to the watermelon. The product must have an oval oblong shape, and there should be no cracks on its surface.
  2. Take the fruit and "weigh" it in your hand. quality fruit must appear heavier than its weight.
  3. Never buy a cut watermelon! There is a possibility of infection in the organisms of households in the form of salmonella and E. coli.

Checking for suitability: life hacks for parents

  • After cutting the watermelon, pay attention to the veins. They should be white and soft. If they are yellow and hard, then this indicates the content of nitrates. Also inspect the product carefully: if it has a uniform bright red color, this is a bad fruit. A good one has an uneven color inside and the same cut.
  • Take a glass of water and put a piece in it watermelon pulp. If the liquid has not lost its color, you can safely eat the fruit with the whole family. If it is stained - in front of you is a product poisoned with chemicals. Throw it away without regret.

It is advisable to try a piece of watermelon for the parent himself before giving the child a treat. If within 1-2 hours backlash did not arise, you can feed the baby with a delicacy.

Storage rules

  • If you want to treat your child with sweet pulp, you should know that you can store the cut fruit for no more than 24 hours in a cool place.
  • If the product is not eaten immediately, it must be placed in the refrigerator. It is especially important to comply right conditions summer storage. The hotter the room, the faster pathogens settle in the watermelon.
  • Before sending the watermelon to the refrigerator, wrap it with cling film.

Now you know about the beneficial properties of the product, about whether it is possible to give a watermelon to a 6-month-old baby, about the symptoms of poisoning and first aid in such a situation. Remember that watermelon poisoning in a child can occur not only because of the nitrates with which these berries are generously “seasoned”. The baby can also be poisoned through the fault of the parents themselves.

Do not forget to carefully inspect the berry when buying, store it correctly, and then you can give the product to the baby without a twinge of conscience. At what age can a child be given a watermelon - from a year old or from a year and a half? This question can only be answered by parents and a pediatrician who are familiar with the health characteristics of the crumbs.

Summer pleases us with the opportunity to compensate for the lack of vitamins for the long winter months. This is the sun, which provides vitamin D, without which the absorption of calcium is impossible, and the long-awaited fruits and berries, rich in useful components. And when the first watermelons appear, the festive season of enjoying this tasty and healthy melon culture begins. But, given the widespread use of fertilizers that are far from always safe, many mothers are wondering if watermelon can be given to a child from what age so as not to harm his health. The topic is relevant enough to understand it thoroughly.

Watermelon, like the melon you read about, is delicious and very useful berry. It is very low in calories and fat. Carbohydrates in watermelon are found in the form of glucose and fructose, easily digestible monosaccharides. The content of more than 75% water makes it an excellent source of thirst quenching.
In addition, watermelon contains a lot of pectins, which actively remove toxins and other harmful components from the body. Lycopene has a positive effect on the state of the vascular system. BUT high content folic acid, beta-carotene, vitamin A and others important acids puts the watermelon on a par with
Nutritionists recommend watermelon as:

  • diuretic and choleretic agent;
  • mild laxative;
  • effective detoxifier;
  • effective product for diet food in order to reduce weight after pregnancy;
  • sedative;
  • an agent that increases hemoglobin.

But, why do pediatricians, when talking about watermelon to children, warn about caution, and strictly stipulate at what age you can start giving watermelon to a child?


All of the above useful properties have watermelons grown in an ecologically clean conditions without the use of nitrates and pesticides. And today it is very difficult to find such a product, except to grow it yourself. The bulk of watermelons comes from unscrupulous producers, with violations of the rules for growing, storing and selling.
Accelerating the growth process, gourds are fed with nitrates, which are rightly considered low-toxic fertilizers. But! Growing watermelon in conditions of lack of sun and excessive soil moisture, producers contribute to the fact that nitrates accumulate in its pulp. Getting into digestive system, under the influence of microflora are transformed into nitrites dangerous to health. And during long-term storage, the transformation occurs in the vegetable itself.
Nitrites negatively affect the function of blood transport, which causes oxygen starvation fabrics. This is especially hard on the fragile children's body, weighed down vascular problems or diseases of the excretory and respiratory systems.
Easily digestible monosaccharides, when consumed excessively, can cause obesity, which is not very beneficial for the child's body.
The high content of fiber in watermelon also makes a negative contribution. A feature of these insoluble plant fibers is that they often cause fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines.
However, not everything is as gloomy as it might seem at first glance. Watermelon has a negative effect only with excessive enthusiasm for this delicacy. If you give watermelon to a child in limited portions, and according to the age recommended by pediatricians, then there will be no negative consequences other than benefit and pleasure.

Age and regulatory restrictions

Never give watermelon to an infant. The digestive system of babies is not yet fully formed, and against the backdrop of a weak immune system in best case he will call eating disorder, and at worst it will cause an allergic reaction, dangerous not only for health, but also for life.
How long can a watermelon be given to a child fearlessly? First introduction to diet this delicacy should be no earlier than 1.5, or even 2 years. Stabilized by this age normal microflora intestines, and the baby's body acquires the ability to fully digest and assimilate plant fiber.

Feeding rules

For the first time, it is better to give a watermelon to the crumbs, having cut off the crust first, taking out all the bones, and mashing it to a puree state. In the green layer under the skin, all the harmful components of fertilizers accumulate, and the baby is not yet able to confine itself to only red pulp, and can capture unnecessary greens. A child can choke on bones, so they are prudently removed.

Now that we have found out at what age children are given watermelon, we need to specify its amount at one time. The first portion should not exceed 50 grams, and after that a break of 2-3 hours is necessary. Still, watermelon belongs to allergenic products, and poisoning with this product is very common.
If everything went well, you can let the baby eat more, but total per day should not exceed 150 gr. By 2.5 years daily allowance can be increased up to 300 gr. After 3 years, it is allowed to increase the dosage to half a kilogram, but at the same time give no more than 150 grams at a time.

Watch a video about what Dr. Komarovsky thinks about sweets for children under 3 years old

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