What is a glucometer and how to use it. Which glucometer is better, type and principle of operation

If an endocrinologist suspects or has already diagnosed you with diabetes, you should consider purchasing a glucometer.

Glucometers are modern devices for self-monitoring of blood sugar levels. But how to choose such a device, because today the market is represented a large number of models that differ not only in their appearance, but also in functional characteristics? Let's try to understand in more detail.

Depending on the principle of operation, all models of glucometers can be classified into two types:

Photometric- determination of the amount of glucose is carried out using indicator test strips, which, when blood comes into contact with the reagents applied to them, change their color.

Electrochemical- the principle of determining the concentration of sugar in whole blood is to determine the value electric current. This current occurs during chemical reaction blood and the enzyme glucose oxidase. This group of glucometers is today considered a more modern option.

In addition, the advantage of electrochemical glucometers is the smaller amount of blood that is needed to perform the analysis. There is also no subjective factor for assessing the indicator, which is available when measuring with photometric devices (there is a need to compare the color of the test strip with the scale). However, such glucometers cost an order of magnitude higher than photometric ones.

The accuracy of both types of devices is approximately the same, and to determine the level of glucose, it is necessary to pierce your finger with a special needle.

Basic parameters of glucometers

When choosing one or another glucometer for monitoring glucose levels, it is necessary to take into account the functional features of the selected device.


High accuracy is guaranteed by quality manufacturers from countries such as Germany, Japan and America. Despite this, even with such devices, an error of up to 20% is allowed. The accuracy of the measurement can also be affected by incorrect handling of the device or the use of medicines.

Expendable materials

The main consumables are test strips, which must be from the same manufacturer. It is important that the price for them is affordable for you, because this is the material without which it will be impossible to measure. It is important that in your city you can easily buy them if necessary. You should not take them in excessive quantities in order to stock up for the future, because. test strips have a certain expiration date.

Calculation speed

Usually the measurement takes place within 4-10 seconds. You will be notified when work is completed. sound signal. The faster the meter makes the necessary calculations, the better.


For residents of Russia and other CIS countries, the usual unit of measurement is expressed in mmol / l. It is in such units of measurement that the result is obtained during laboratory testing on an outpatient or inpatient basis. There are glucometers with other units of mg/dL. Although it is possible through simple calculations to convert one unit to another, it would still be better to purchase a glucometer with the usual unit of measurement. This is especially true for the elderly, for whom extra calculations will be burdensome.

Volume of blood required

Pay attention to how much blood you need to take for one test. Most often, these values ​​range from 0.6 to 2 µl.

Memory function

The number of memory cells can vary from 10 to 500 measurements. Decide in advance how many results you need to save.

Calculation of the average result

Highly useful feature, which will help you draw the main conclusions from the results of your analyzes not at once, but over several days, for example, for a week, 14 days, 1 and 3 months. You can also track your sugar levels before or after a meal.

Compactness and weight

The device should not take up much space and weigh a lot, because. it should always be with you, especially for patients with confirmed diabetes.


If you purchased a glucometer that calculates glucose concentration in blood plasma, and not in whole blood, then you will need to subtract 11% from the result, because. All norms are developed specifically for indicators in whole blood.


It is better to choose models with automatic coding. Coding is necessary when buying test strips from different batches. In other cases, it is performed manually or with the help of special chips.

Additional functions

The choice of glucometer depending on the category of the patient

All people for whom it became necessary to choose a glucometer can be divided into several groups:

  • young patients with diabetes;
  • elderly patients with diabetes;
  • children;
  • people who do not have diabetes.

For young patients with diabetes

For young people, there will be no difficulty in mastering new technology, so the more functional it is, the better. Important Features when choosing a glucometer for young people:

  • high accuracy
  • measurement speed;
  • small size and weight;
  • the ability to keep a diary of diabetes, thanks to the presence of a memory function and measurements of average values;
  • availability of additional functions for more complete disease control (for example, data output to a mobile phone application or computer).

For elderly patients with diabetes

When choosing a portable glucose monitor, it is important that the meter has the following features:

  • high reliability and measurement accuracy;
  • ease of use;
  • large screen with large digital values;
  • the presence of illumination;
  • voice guidance;
  • lack of encoding;
  • minimal amount moving parts in the device;
  • the minimum amount of whole blood to perform one measurement.
  • low cost Supplies.

For kids

Since any analysis always causes fear in the child, you need to make this procedure as inconspicuous and painless as possible. In this regard, the very first thing you need to focus on is the depth of the finger puncture.

Glucometers for people without diabetes

This category of people may also be interested in buying a glucometer, because after 45 years the risk of developing diabetes increases significantly, especially in the presence of risk factors. So, people without diabetes, but in the presence of a burdened family history, high body weight, arterial hypertension, it is worth buying a glucometer with preventive purpose to react quickly when fluctuations in blood sugar occur.

It is best for such people to choose devices with minimum set functions, simple operation and high measurement accuracy to control the smallest deviations. It is also worth purchasing models whose test strips have the longest shelf life due to the fact that there is no need for daily analysis.

Checking the Meter for Accuracy

To ensure that your meter is always showing you true results, you need to know how to check your meter for accuracy.

It is quite simple to do this: take 3 measurements in a row and compare the results. Fluctuations should not exceed 5-10%.

The second option is to compare the glucometer data with laboratory results. With a sugar concentration of less than 4.2 mmol / l, the difference should not be more than 0.8 mmol / l, with more high values the error can increase up to a maximum of 20%.

The best modern glucometers

In conclusion, we present you a list of the most reliable and modern glucometers:

  • Gamma Mini is a compact electrochemical glucometer according to affordable price with memory for 20 measurements.
  • Accu-Chek Active is a fast, low cost photometric blood glucose meter that calculates 7, 14 and 30 day averages.
  • OneTouch Select is a large screen electrochemical glucometer with large memory capacity (350 measurements) and fast glucose measurement (5 seconds).
  • Bionime Rightest GM 550 is an accurate electrochemical glucometer from a domestic manufacturer with a large display and memory for 500 measurements.
  • Wellion Calla Mini is an Austrian glucometer with an electrochemical principle of operation, which has a large screen with large numerical values and the ability to calculate averages. In addition, about pathological measurements glucose alerts with an audible signal.

Having become acquainted with the varieties and features of different glucometers, now you can decide for yourself which glucometer is best and purchase a device according to your individual preferences.

Diabetes - serious illness that destroys the entire body. It affects the organs of vision, kidneys, the cardiovascular system, the work of many organs and systems is disrupted. At the same time, it is very important to control the amount of sugar in the blood, but constantly going to clinics is not very convenient, especially if the analysis needs to be done several times a day. The way out is to purchase a glucometer, a miniature home laboratory with which you can easily, quickly and without any queues measure blood sugar. So, how to choose a glucometer What features to pay attention to when buying?

AT this moment developments are underway new generation glucometers. These are non-contact non-invasive glucometers, which are called "Raman glucometer", developments are carried out on the basis of Raman spectroscopy. According to scientists, this glucometer of the future will be able to scan the patient's palms and analyze all the biochemical processes that occur in the body.

Choosing a glucometer pay attention to its convenience and reliability. It is better to choose models of well-established manufacturers from Germany, America, Japan. It is also worth remembering that each device will require its own test strips, which are usually produced by the same company. In the future, the strips will be the main consumable item that you will constantly have to spend money on.

How does a glucometer work?

Now let's figure it out how does a glucometer work? Before you start measuring, you need to insert special test strips into the device, they contain reagents that react. Now your blood is needed: for this you need to pierce your finger and put some blood on the strip, after which the device will analyze and display the result.

Some models of glucometers, when using special strips, additionally determine the level of cholesterol and the amount of triglycerides in the blood, and this is very important. This information will be especially useful for people with type 2 diabetes, since this disease is most often associated with overweight, and hence with a metabolic disorder in the body, which leads to an increased content of glucose in the blood. Such additional features make the device much more expensive.

Functionality of the glucometer

All models of glucometers differ from each other not only in appearance, size, but also in functionality. How to choose a glucometer the most suitable for you? It is necessary to evaluate the device according to such parameters.

  1. Expendable materials.
    First of all, determine how affordable the test strips are, because you will have to buy them often. Test strips have a limited expiration date, so don't stock up on them years in advance. Stripes are the cheapest. domestic production, American ones of the same series will cost you twice as much. The regional factor should also be taken into account: strips of certain manufacturers may not be available in local pharmacies.
  2. Accuracy. Now check how accurate measurements device. Here it is better to trust foreign manufacturers, but even they have an error of up to 20%, but this is considered acceptable. The accuracy of readings is also affected misuse device, taking certain drugs, as well as improper storage of the strips.
  3. Calculation speed. You should pay attention to how quickly the device calculates the result. The faster he does, the better. On average, the calculation time in different devices is from 4 to 7 seconds. At the end of the calculation, the meter beeps.
  4. unit of measurement. Next, pay attention to what units of measurement the result will be shown in. In the CIS countries, this unit is mmol/l, for USA and Israel relevant mg/dl. These indicators are easily converted, for example, in order to get the usual mmol / l from mg / dl, or vice versa, you need to multiply or divide the result by 18, respectively. But for some, this will seem like a rather complicated procedure, it will be especially difficult for older people. Therefore, purchase glucometers with a measurement scale that is familiar to your consciousness.
  5. The amount of blood. It is also important to pay attention to how much blood is needed to measure in this model. Basically, glucometers "require" from 0.6 to 2 µl of blood per measurement.
  6. Memory. Depending on the model, the device can store from 10 to 500 measurements. Decide how many results you need to save. Usually 10-20 measurements are sufficient.
  7. Average result. Notice if the instrument automatically calculates averages. This function will allow you to better assess and monitor the state of the body, because some devices can display averages for the last 7, 14, 30, 90 days, as well as before and after meals.
  8. Dimensions and weight should be minimal if you have to take the glucometer with you everywhere.
  9. Coding. When using different batches of strips, before you start using them, you will have to set up the glucometer on them, insert the chip and enter a certain code, this is often difficult for older people. Therefore, look for models with automatic coding for them.
  10. Calibration. All blood sugar levels listed refer to whole blood. If the glucometer measures blood sugar, then 11-12% must be subtracted from the obtained value.
  11. Additional functions. It can be an alarm clock, backlight, data transfer to a computer, and many others, which makes using the device more comfortable.

If you can’t decide which glucometer to choose, the best option for you is to consult a specialist doctor. He will advise with medical point vision, which device is better, taking into account your individual characteristics.

Choosing a glucometer depending on age

All glucometers can divided into four conditional categories:

  1. Glucometers for the elderly with diabetes.
  2. Glucometers for young people with diabetes.
  3. Glucometers for people without diabetes.
  4. Glucometers for animals.

Glucometer for the elderly

This category of glucometers is the most popular, because it is in old age that this disease most often develops. dangerous disease. The body must be strong, big screen, with large and clear numbers, measurements are accurate and human intervention in the measurement is minimal. In case of erroneous measurements, it is desirable that sound signal, and not only an inscription appeared.

Test strip coding should be carried out with the help of a chip, preferably automatically, but not by entering numbers with buttons, because it is difficult for the elderly. Since measurements for this group of people will have to be done frequently, pay attention to the low cost of test strips.

Older people, as a rule, find it difficult to understand the latest technology, so you should not buy a device for them, equipped with many additional and completely unnecessary functions such as communication with a computer, average, huge memory capacity, high sampling rate, etc. In addition, additional features significantly increase the cost. It is also worth paying attention to the minimum number of moving mechanisms in the device which can break quickly.

Another important indicatoramount of blood necessary for measurement, because the smaller the puncture, the better, since measurements will sometimes have to be made several times a day. In some polyclinics, test strips are issued free of charge for patients with diabetes. Therefore, it is necessary to find out which models of glucometers they are suitable for, because this will help save a lot.

Glucometer for a young man

For this group of people, after accuracy and reliability, the first place is high measurement speed, compactness, functionality and appearance .

It is easy and interesting for young people to master the latest technology, so the device can be with many additional functions, especially since many of them will be very useful. There are features to help you diabetic diary, you can also easily program the device, and it will mark when the analysis is done, before meals or after, some glucometers are capable of save measurement statistics long time , also data can be transferred to a computer etc.

Glucometers for people without diabetes

Usually, the need to purchase a glucometer arises in people over 40-45 years old who want to monitor their health, as well as people from the group: people who had this disease in their family, as well as people with overweight and metabolic disorders.

This category is best suited for easy-to-use devices with minimal extras, no code for testers, and test strips with a long shelf life and a small number of strips, as measurements will be performed infrequently.

pet blood glucose meter

Our smaller brothers are also susceptible to diabetes, but, unlike people, they are not able to complain about their ailments. Therefore, you will have to monitor your pet's blood sugar levels. First of all, this applies to older cats and dogs, as well as overweight animals. But there are many other factors that lead to diabetes in animals. If the doctor made such a serious diagnosis for your beloved pet, then the issue of acquiring a glucometer becomes simply vital.

Animals need a device that requires a minimum amount of blood for analysis, because in order to calculate correct dosage insulin, you will have to take measurements at least 3-4 times a day.

Additional functions of glucometers

Many devices are equipped additional features which extend the functionality of the glucometer.

However, all these functions significantly increase the cost of devices, and in practice they are not used so often.

How to check the glucometer for accuracy?

When choosing a glucometer, it is advisable to check it for accuracy. How to check? To do this, you will need to quickly measure your blood sugar with the device three times in a row. If the device is accurate, then the measurement results should differ from each other by no more than 5-10%.

You can also compare the analysis done in the lab with the data from your instrument. Do not be lazy, go to the hospital, and then you will definitely be sure of the accuracy of the glucometer you purchased. A small error between laboratory data and a home glucometer is acceptable, but it should not exceed 0.8 mmol / l, provided that your sugar is not more than 4.2 mmol / l, if this figure is higher than 4.2 mmol / l , then the margin of error can be 20%.

Also, you need to learn and remember the norms of blood sugar.

To be 99.9% sure of your own choice and accuracy of the glucometer, it is better to give preference to eminent manufacturers who will not risk their name and sell low-quality goods. So, Gamma, Bionime, OneTouch, Wellion, Bayer, Accu-Chek have proven themselves well.

The best blood glucose meters 2016

Let's move from selection tips to specific models and consider what are the best glucometers on the market today.

An excellent portable and functional glucometer, moreover, it is quite affordable. It comes with a case, lancet device, 10 lancets and 10 test strips. Extra features not here. A good option for those who need to control their health at home, at work, and while traveling.

A good glucometer for the elderly: large screen, large numbers, all test strips are encoded with one code. In addition, you can display the average blood sugar values ​​for 7, 14 or 30 days. You can also measure the sugar level before and after meals, and then reset all values ​​​​to the computer. The glucometer is convenient for an elderly person to use independently, and its additional functions will allow the patient's children to keep all indicators under control.

This glucometer is called one of the most accurate among those on the domestic market. Convenient, compact, stylish, with a large screen and large numbers. Includes lancet device, 10 lancets and 10 test strips.

A cheap glucometer from a German manufacturer that allows you to measure whole blood. In addition, the device allows you to display the average sugar value for 7, 14 and 30 days, keep track of the sugar content before and after meals.

The Austrian company offers an excellent value for money glucometer with a large screen, light weight and weight. additional properties. So, it can determine the average values ​​for a week, two, three and a month, notify both hypo- and hyperglycemia with sound signals.

A glucometer is a device for home self-monitoring of blood sugar levels. If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you definitely need to buy a glucometer and learn how to use it. To lower blood sugar to normal, it has to be measured very often, sometimes 5-6 times a day. If there were no home portable analyzers, then this would have to be in the hospital.

Nowadays, you can buy a convenient and accurate portable glucometer. Use it at home and when traveling. Now patients can easily measure blood glucose levels painlessly, and then, depending on the results, “correct” their diet, physical exercise, dosage of insulin and medications. This is a real revolution in the treatment of diabetes.

In today's article, we will discuss how to choose and buy the right glucometer for you without being too expensive. You can compare existing models in online stores, and then buy at a pharmacy or order with delivery. You'll learn what to look for when choosing a blood glucose meter and how to check its accuracy before buying.

How to choose and where to buy a glucometer

How to buy good glucometer- three main features:

  1. it must be accurate;
  2. it must show the exact result;
  3. it must accurately measure blood sugar.

The glucometer must accurately measure blood sugar - this is the main and absolutely necessary requirement. If you use a glucometer that "lies", then the treatment of diabetes will be 100% unsuccessful, despite all the efforts and expenses. And you will have to "get acquainted" with a rich list of acute and chronic complications diabetes. And you don't want this worst enemy. Therefore, make every effort to buy a device that will be accurate.

Later in this article, we'll show you how to check your glucometer for accuracy. Before buying, additionally find out how much the test strips cost and what kind of guarantee the manufacturer gives for your product. Ideally, the warranty should be indefinite.

Additional functions of glucometers:

  • built-in memory for the results of past measurements;
  • an audible warning about hypoglycemia or the output of blood sugar values ​​beyond the upper limits of the norm;
  • the ability to communicate with a computer to transfer data from memory to it;
  • glucometer combined with a tonometer;
  • "talking" devices - for visually impaired people (SensoCard Plus, CleverCheck TD-4227A);
  • a device that can measure not only blood sugar, but also cholesterol and triglycerides (AccuTrend Plus, CardioCheck).

All the additional features listed above significantly increase their price, but are rarely used in practice. We recommend that you carefully check the “three main features” before buying a meter, and then choose a model that is easy to use and inexpensive, with a minimum of additional features.

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  • Type 1 diabetes in a child is treated without insulin with proper diet. Family interview.
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How to check the glucometer for accuracy

Ideally, the seller should let you test the meter's accuracy before you buy it. To do this test, you need to quickly measure your blood sugar with a glucometer three times in a row. The results of these measurements should differ from each other by no more than 5-10%.

You can also have your blood sugar tested at the lab and check your glucometer at the same time. Do not be too lazy to go to the laboratory and do it! Find out what blood sugar levels are. If a laboratory analysis shows your blood glucose level is less than 4.2 mmol/L, then the portable analyzer's acceptable error is no more than 0.8 mmol/L in either direction. If your blood sugar is higher than 4.2 mmol/l, then the acceptable deviation in the glucometer readings is up to 20%.

Important! How to find out if your glucometer is accurate:

  1. Check your blood sugar three times in a row quickly with a glucometer. The results should differ from each other by no more than 5-10%
  2. Take a blood test for sugar in the laboratory. And at the same time, measure your blood sugar with a glucometer. The results should differ by no more than 20%. This test can be done on an empty stomach or after a meal.
  3. Carry out both a test as described in point 1. and a test using a laboratory blood test. Don't limit yourself to just one. Using an accurate home blood sugar analyzer is absolutely essential! Otherwise, all measures for the treatment of diabetes will be useless, and you will have to "get to know" its complications.

Built-in memory for measurement results

Almost all modern glucometers have built-in memory for several hundred measurements. The device “remembers” the result of measuring blood sugar, as well as the date and time. Then these data can be transferred to a computer, their average values ​​can be calculated, trends can be viewed, etc.

But if you really want to lower your blood sugar and keep it close to normal, then the meter's built-in memory is useless. Because it does not register the accompanying circumstances:

  • What and when did you eat? How many grams of carbohydrates or bread units ate?
  • What dosage of insulin or diabetes pills did you receive and when?
  • Have you experienced severe stress? Cold or other infectious disease?

To really bring your blood sugar back to normal, you will have to keep a diary in which you carefully record all these nuances, analyze them and calculate your coefficients. For example, “1 gram of carbohydrates eaten at lunch raises my blood sugar by so many mmol/l.”

The memory for measurement results, which is built into the meter, does not make it possible to record all the necessary related information. You need to keep a diary in a paper notebook or in a modern mobile phone (smartphone). Using a smartphone for this is very convenient, because it is always with you.

We recommend that you purchase and master a smartphone at least in order to keep your “diary of a diabetic” in it. A modern phone for 140-200 dollars is quite suitable for this, it is not necessary to buy too expensive. As for the glucometer, then choose a simple and inexpensive model, having previously checked the “three main features”.

Test strips: the main item of expenditure

Buying blood sugar test strips will be your main expense. The “starting” cost of a glucometer is a trifle compared to the solid amount that you will have to pay regularly for test strips. Therefore, before you buy a device, compare the prices of test strips for it and for other models.

At the same time, cheap test strips should not tempt you to buy a bad glucometer with poor measurement accuracy. You measure blood sugar not “for show”, but for your health, preventing the complications of diabetes and prolonging life. Nobody will control you. Because no one needs it but you.

For some meters, the test strips are sold in individual packs, while for others they are sold in “collective” packs, such as 25 strips. So, buying test strips in individual packages is not advisable, although it seems more convenient. .

When you opened the “collective” package with test strips, they all need to be used quickly within a certain period of time. Otherwise, test strips that are not used on time will deteriorate. This psychologically encourages you to measure your blood sugar regularly. And the more often you do this, the better you will be able to control your diabetes.

Test strip costs are on the rise, of course. But you will save many times over on the treatment of complications of diabetes, which you will not have. Spending $50-$70 a month on test strips is no fun. But this is a small amount compared to the damage that visual impairment, foot problems or kidney failure can cause.

Conclusions. To successfully buy a glucometer, compare models in online stores, and then go to a pharmacy or order with delivery. Most likely, a simple inexpensive device without unnecessary “bells and whistles” will suit you. It must be imported, from one of the well-known world manufacturers. It is advisable to negotiate with the seller in order to check the accuracy of the glucometer before buying. Also pay attention to the price of test strips.

OneTouch Select Meter Test Results

First, I took 4 measurements in a row with an interval of 2-3 minutes, in the morning on an empty stomach. Blood was taken from different fingers of the left hand. You can see the results in the picture:

At the beginning of January 2014, he took laboratory tests, including fasting plasma glucose. 3 minutes before taking blood from a vein, I measured my sugar with a glucometer, so that later I could compare it with the laboratory result.

Conclusion: OneTouch Select glucometer is very accurate, it can be recommended for use. General impression from using this glucometer is good. A small drop of blood is needed. The cover is very comfortable. The price of test strips is reasonable.

Found the following feature of OneTouch Select. Do not drip blood onto the test strip from above! Otherwise, the meter will write “Error 5: Not enough blood” and the test strip will be damaged. It is necessary to carefully bring the “charged” device so that the test strip sucks blood through the tip. This is done exactly as written and shown in the instructions. At first I ruined 6 test strips before I got the hang of it. But then the measurement of blood sugar every time is performed quickly and conveniently.

P.S. Dear producers! If you provide me with samples of your glucometers, then I will thoroughly test them in the same way and describe them here. I won't take money for it. You can contact me at the "About the Author" link in the "footer" of this page.

Features and cost of the One touch select plus glucometer

Profile stores of portable medical equipment offer customers goods for various purposes and, as a rule, a wide price range. Among the products presented, there are almost always glucometers - devices that allow you to quickly determine the level of sugar in the blood.

Today, every diabetic should have such a device, it allows you to objectively monitor the condition by biochemical markers. Without a home glucometer, it is impossible to fully monitor the dynamics of therapy, draw conclusions about its success or failure, recognize exacerbations and be able to properly respond to them.

Glucometer One touch select plus

Glucometer Select plus is a device equipped with a Russian-language menu, and this already makes the device more attractive to the buyer (not all bioanalyzers can boast of such a function). It favorably distinguishes it from other models and the fact that you will know the result almost immediately - literally 4-5 seconds is enough for the “brain” of an electrical appliance to determine the concentration of sugar in the blood.

What is included with the Van Touch Select Plus Glucometer?

  1. Memo for the user (it contains concise information about the dangers of hyper- and hypoglycemia);
  2. the device itself;
  3. A set of indicator strips;
  4. Replaceable needles;
  5. 10 lancets;
  6. Small piercing pen
  7. Instructions for use;
  8. Case for storage and transfer.

The manufacturer of this device is the American company LifeScan, which belongs to the well-known holding Johnson & Johnson. At the same time, this glucometer, one might say, has a Russian interface, the first in the entire market of analogues.

How the machine works

The principle of operation of this device is somewhat reminiscent of using mobile phone. In any case, after doing this a couple of times, you will learn how to handle Van Touch Select Plus just as easily as you do it now with a smartphone. Each measurement can be accompanied by a record of the result, while the gadget is able to issue a report for each type of measurement, calculate the average value. Calibration is carried out by plasma, the technique works on the electrochemical method of measurement.

One drop of blood is enough for the device to carry out the analysis, the test strip instantly absorbs biological fluid. Between the glucose present in the blood and the special enzymes of the indicator, an electrochemical reaction and a weak electric current occur, its strength is affected by the concentration of glucose. The device detects the strength of the current, and thereby it calculates the level of sugar.

5 seconds pass, and the user sees the result on the screen, it is stored in the gadget's memory. After you remove the strip from the analyzer, it turns off automatically. The last 350 measurements can be stored in memory.

Advantages and disadvantages of the gadget

The One touch select plus glucometer is a technically understandable object, quite easy to use. Suitable for patients different ages, the category of older users will also quickly deal with the device.

The undeniable advantages of this glucometer:

  • Big screen;
  • Menu and instructions in Russian;
  • Ability to calculate average indicators;
  • Optimal size and weight;
  • Only three control buttons (you will not be confused);
  • Ability to record measurements before meals / after meals;
  • Convenient navigation;
  • A working service system (if it breaks down, they will quickly take it in for repairs);
  • Loyal price;
  • Housing equipped with a rubber gasket with anti-slip effect.

We can say that there are practically no minuses in the device. But it will be fair to note the fact that this model does not have a backlight. Also, the glucometer is not equipped with a sound notification of the results. But not for all users, these additional features are important.

Glucometer price

This electrochemical analyzer can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialized store. The device is inexpensive - from 1500 rubles to 2500 rubles. Separately, you will have to buy One touch select plus test strips, a set of which costs up to 1000 rubles.

If you buy the device during promotions and discounts, you can save a lot.

If you want to buy a more functional device that measures not only blood glucose, but also cholesterol levels, uric acid, hemoglobin, get ready to pay for such an analyzer in the region of 8000-10000 rubles.

How to use

The instructions are simple, but before use, read the information on the insert that comes with the device. This will avoid mistakes that take time and nerves.

How to conduct a home analysis:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water, dry them with a paper towel, or even better, dry them with a hair dryer;
  2. Insert the test strip along the white arrow into a special hole on the glucometer;
  3. Insert a disposable sterile lancet into the lancing device;
  4. Prick your finger with a lancet;
  5. Remove the first drop of blood with a cotton pad, do not use alcohol;
  6. Bring the second drop to the indicator strip;
  7. After you see the result of the analysis on the screen, remove the strip from the device, it will turn off.

Please note that there is always an element of error. And it is about 10%. To check the gadget for accuracy, take a blood test for glucose levels, and then, in just a couple of minutes, take a test on a glucometer. Compare your results. Laboratory analysis is always more accurate, and if the difference between the two values ​​is insignificant, there is nothing to worry about.

Why you need a glucometer for prediabetes

In endocrinology, there is such a thing as prediabetes. This is not a disease yet, but a borderline state between the norm and pathology. In which direction this pendulum of health will swing depends, to a greater extent, on the patient himself. If he has already been diagnosed with a violation of glucose tolerance, then he should go to the endocrinologist so that he draws up a specific lifestyle correction scheme.

It makes no sense to drink medicines right away; with prediabetes, this is almost never required. What is changing drastically is the diet. Many eating habits are likely to have to be abandoned. And so that it is clear to the person himself how what he eats affects the glucose levels, this category of patients is recommended to purchase a glucometer.

He doesn't just walk scheduled checkups and taking tests, he himself, as often as necessary, does a blood test using such a home mini-laboratory. And this good scheme: the person himself sees how the biochemical mechanisms of his body react to a particular food, the time of eating, stress, etc.

The patient is included in the therapy process, he is no longer just an executor of the doctor's instructions, but a controller of his condition, he can make predictions about the success of his actions, etc. In a word, a glucometer is needed not only for diabetics, but also for those who assess the risk of the onset of the disease and want to avoid it.

What other glucometers are

Today on sale you can find a lot of devices that work like glucometers, and at the same time are equipped with additional functions. different models based on different principles information recognition.

What technologies do glucometers work on:

  1. Photometric devices mix the blood on the indicator with a special reagent, it is stained in Blue colour, the intensity of the hue is determined by the concentration of glucose in the blood;
  2. Devices for optical system color is analyzed, and on the basis of this, a conclusion is made about the level of sugar in the blood;
  3. The photochemical apparatus is fragile and not the most reliable device, the result is not always objective;
  4. Electrochemical gadgets are the most accurate: upon contact with the strip, an electric current is generated, and the device fixes its strength.

The last type of analyzer is the most preferable for the user. As a rule, the warranty period of the device is 5 years. But at caring attitude to technology, it will last longer. Do not forget about the timely replacement of the battery.

User Reviews

Today the most different categories patients resort to the help of glucometers. Moreover, many families prefer to have this gadget in home first aid kit, as well as a thermometer or a tonometer usually lies there. Therefore, when choosing a device, people often turn to the reviews of glucometer users, which are many on forums and thematic Internet sites.

In addition to the reviews, be sure to consult your doctor, he may not say which brand is worth buying, but will guide you according to the characteristics of the device.

How to choose a glucometer for home use?

As an introduction, a little about existing devices and their purpose. A dosimeter measures the level of radiation, a hydrometer - the density of a liquid, an avometer - current strength, voltage or resistance. What is a glucometer used for and what does it measure?

A glucometer is a device that measures the concentration of sugar (glucose) in the blood. According to deviations from the norm, it reveals malfunctions in the substance that ensures the vital activity of all human organs.

Modern meters - what are they?

It just so happened, or rather, life has developed, that a sick person needs a tool that allows him to control his health or prevent the aggravation of his illness. With the flu - a thermometer, with hypertension - a tonometer, and for a diabetic, God himself ordered, nowhere without a glucometer.

What device to buy, so that, as they say, for all occasions? Let's say right away that such an approach is the argument of an amateur who, be sure, is being “sucked in” by some stale goods in a pharmacy.

Just as there are no universal pills for the head and for indigestion at the same time, so there are no glucometers - "for everyone and forever." Let's sort it out in order, because the article was written just for this.

The main differences are in the principles of measurement.

There are two types:

  1. Photometric. Let's make a reservation right away - this is the "Stone" age and its becoming obsolete. It uses the principle of comparing test strips with applied patient blood samples with control samples.
  2. Electrochemical. This principle is embedded in the work of almost all modern devices. Here, the current strength is measured at the tips of the microelectrodes of the test strip. The current is generated by the chemical reaction of blood samples with a reagent applied to the strip. It is worth noting that the accuracy of measurements is much higher than that of the previous type, although here there is an error in the region of 20%, but this is considered the norm. But more on that below.

Selection Options

Knowing the selection criteria, you can choose best option most suitable for home use.


This is perhaps the basic setting. After all, based on the data taken from the device, decisions are made on further actions.

The accuracy of measurements is influenced by both the build quality of the device and the element base, as well as subjective factors:

  • term and conditions of storage of test strips;
  • violations during the operation of the device;
  • non-compliance with the algorithm for conducting a blood test.

Imported devices have a minimum error. Although it is far from ideal, somewhere from 5 to 20%.

Memory capacity and efficiency of calculation

Internal memory, as in any digital device, is used for long-term storage necessary information. AT this case are measurement results that can be retrieved at any time and used for analysis and statistics.

Speaking about the amount of memory, it is worth noting right away that it directly depends on the price, or vice versa, the price depends on the volume, as it suits you. Today there are devices on the market that store from 10 to 500 measurements or more.

The efficiency of the calculation in principle does not affect the quality and accuracy of the measurement. Perhaps it refers more to the convenience of working with the device.

The efficiency of the calculation is the speed or, more simply, the time after which you will receive the results of the analysis on the monitor. Modern devices give the result with a delay of 4 to 7 seconds.


It is worth paying special attention to this parameter.

To make it clear for perception, let's take a little thought aside. Remember the advice that experienced drivers give to those who want to buy a car: this brand is expensive to maintain, this gasoline “eats” a lot, these spare parts are expensive, but they are affordable for this one and fit from other models.

All this one to one can be repeated about glucometers.

Test strips - cost, availability, interchangeability - do not be lazy, ask the seller or the manager of the trading company all the nuances regarding these indicators.

Lancets are plastic containers that contain disposable sterile needles designed to pierce the skin. It would seem that they are not so expensive anymore. However, their need for regular use is so great that the financial side takes on a clear outline.

Batteries (batteries). The glucometer is an economical device in terms of energy consumption. Some models allow you to make up to 1.5 thousand analyzes. But if the device uses "sluggish" power sources, then not only time is spent to find them when replacing them, but also money (minibus, public transport, taxi).

Additional options

Speaking about additional functions, it is worth noting their importance, but their usefulness and convenience. When choosing a model with advanced features, decide how much you need them. Behind all this "tricks" is the rise in price of the device, and often very, very significant.

Additional options include:

  1. Voice notification. At elevated content blood sugar alert sounds.
  2. Built-in tonometer. Separate types devices are equipped with integrated (built-in) mini-tonometers - this is a very good and useful feature. It allows, along with measuring the concentration of sugar in the blood, to simultaneously control blood pressure.
  3. Computer adapter. This option allows you to transfer the measurement results to a computer for further accumulation, generalization and analysis of the processes occurring in the blood.
  4. Voice repeater (understudy). This functional addition will be very useful for the elderly and patients with poor eyesight, because each manipulation is duplicated by a voice repeater. The risk of incorrect interpretation of the results during the measurement is virtually eliminated.
  5. Statistics. For more detailed and objective monitoring of blood sugar levels, some models are equipped with a device for summarizing measurement data - from two to 90 days. The usefulness of this option is obvious.
  6. Cholesterol analyzer. More advanced models, such as SensoCard Plus and CleverCheck TD-4227A, are able to determine cholesterol levels in parallel with measuring sugar concentration.

How to choose a device based on the age of the patient?

Of course, there are no glucometers on which the age of patients is written like on a box with puzzles, for example, it is recommended for children under the age of 12 years. But there is a certain analogy. True, there is an inversely proportional relationship here, namely: older patient, the easier the device should be to use.

Devices for the elderly

What properties should have a device that will be used by people of age? Perhaps, main principle, which is desirable for implementation is to ensure a minimum participation of a person in the conduct of research, i.e. the condition is that the glucometer will do everything by itself!

When choosing a model, you need to pay attention to the following elements:

  1. The device must be enclosed in a strong and reliable case.
  2. Large and bright numbers should be displayed on a large and bright screen.
  3. The device must be equipped with an audio duplicator and an informer.
  4. into the device, into without fail, the function of automatic coding of test strips must be “hardwired”.
  5. Availability of power supplies. The necessary "Krona" or "tablet" batteries are not always available in nearby stores.

Other auxiliary options are at the request of patients, based on their financial capabilities.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that an elderly person will often have to use the device, respectively, the consumption of test strips will be large. From here important criterion- the cost of these consumables. Also, the device must require a minimum amount of blood for analysis.

An example of models for the elderly:

Young Models

Where can we go - youth is youth. The creativity of the glucometer, its attractive appearance, they will put in the first place. And there is nowhere to go from this.

Next in order: compactness, measurement speed, accuracy, reliability. An important requirement for the “filling” of the device is the auxiliary options: communication with a computer, a large amount of memory, autostatistics, an integrated tonometer and a cholesterol “meter”.

Of course, if you fully take into account and implement the above wishes and recommendations, then it will be difficult to call such a glucometer a budget one.

Rating of the best glucometers

From the variety of medical gadgets, taking the above recommendations as the basis for choosing, as well as patient reviews, you can build some gradation among glucometers, which will help you make the right choice.

Van Touch Ultra Easy (ONE TOUCH ULTRA EASY)

Pros: It's reliable and precision instrument, with an electrochemical measuring principle and a fairly high speed (5 seconds).

Compact and easy to handle. Weight is only 35 grams. Equipped with a special nozzle for taking blood from alternative places and ten sterile lancets.

Price: 2000 r.

I always take it on the road. He gives me confidence. It does not interfere at all in my bag and is always at hand, if necessary.

Nikolai, 42 years old

Pros: of all existing models, is the smallest.

The analysis requires a minimum amount of blood (0.5 µl). The result is ready in 4 seconds. Blood sampling from other places is possible.

Disadvantages: Strict requirements for environment. Temperature from 10 to 40 degrees.

Price: 1500 r.

Pleased with inexpensive consumables and especially battery capacity. I have had the device for almost 2 years, but I have never changed it yet.

Vladimir, 52 years old

Advantages: recommended for people with reduced visual acuity.

Cons: No volume control.

Price: from 700 to 1.5 thousand rubles, depending on the number of test strips in the package.

I heard a lot about its merits, when I saw it in a pharmacy, I just pulled it out of the hands of the seller. And I still don't regret it. Particularly pleased with the "voice" and the screen.

Valentina, 55 years old

Advantages: high measurement accuracy. The speed of analysis is no more than 5 seconds.

There is a function of statistics (generalization of data) and a memory for 350 measurements.

Disadvantages: not noted.

Price: 1200 r.

With my severe diabetes better than a helper not find. I am especially pleased that I can compare measurements before and after eating. And all results are stored in memory.

Egor, 65 years old


Advantages: a reliable device, proven by many years of practice. A small amount of blood is needed (6 µl).

Automatic code installation. Battery life - 1 thousand measurements.

Disadvantages: low efficiency of the analysis - 8 seconds. High price test strips.

Price: 950 rubles.

Bought for mom as a gift - everyone was satisfied, although the price of the strips "bites". It’s good that my mother, as a diabetic, is registered at the clinic and they are given to her either free of charge or at half price. And so - in everything he suits us - both in accuracy and in the durability of the battery. Anyone can learn to use it.

Irina, 33 years old

Comparison table (glucometer + test strip):

Price (thousand rubles)

Price of test strips (50 pcs/r)

MultiCare in 4,3 750
blue care 2 660
ONE TOUCH Select 1,8 800
Optium Omega 2,2 980
free style 1,5 970

Video from Dr. Malysheva on the principles of choosing a device for measuring blood glucose:

The glucometers presented on the domestic market fully meet the needs of the time. When choosing a suitable model, consider the recommendations outlined in the article, then all your wishes - the quality of analysis, accuracy, speed, time savings and Money, will be implemented.

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