The meaning of the name is vibration. Numerical vibration of my name, surname. Number of true traits: "0"

Each sound carries a certain vibration, which affects both your physical condition and the world around you. In addition, sounds attract the corresponding vibrations from the spiritual realms.

Soul Choice

Before a person is born, his soul meets with spirit guides and a guardian angel. If the soul has reached a sufficiently high level of development, one of the Ascended Masters or archangels may be present at this meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the lessons that the soul wants to learn on Earth. In addition, Lightworkers are explained what knowledge they need to pass on to people in this incarnation and what path to choose for service.

During this meeting, the future name of a person is chosen very carefully, since the vibration of the name must correspond to the earthly mission of the soul. When a name is chosen, it is telepathically given to the parents to name their child as required by their mission.

Due to the fact that people are often called by nicknames or nicknames, especially in childhood, they can only cope with part of their lessons. But already in adulthood, a person is usually called by his full name, and in this way he gets the opportunity to fulfill his mission in its entirety. The surname also suggests a certain experience. Every time you change your first or last name, your life changes.

Whenever someone mentally or aloud pronounces your name, the specifics of your mission and destiny are reflected in their vibrations. In addition, these vibrations attract to you the lessons chosen by your soul. That is why it is so important to pronounce the name of a person with love. If your name is spoken in annoyance or anger, you may feel discouraged for seemingly no reason. Thus, you are made to feel that your destiny is full of obstacles and difficulties. That is why it is imperative to pronounce the names of children with love. The best way to improve your well-being and uplift your spirits is to ask your friends to sing your name with love and tenderness.

Below you will find the meanings of the sounds expressed by certain letters. Vowels and consonants that are pronounced softly emit certain vibrations to a lesser extent. To understand what lessons your name brings to you, decompose it into sounds.

name sound code

Qualities of the soul, lessons

a (a) - purity; find spiritual purity

aye (ah) - spiritual purity; transform all base thoughts and feelings into positive ones

ah (ah) - generosity; find spiritual openness

b (b) - practicality; learn to make informed, informed decisions

c (si) - vitality; learn to take care of your health

d (d) - generosity; learn to give easily

e (e) - sincerity in relationships; learn sincerity by communicating with a variety of people

her (long and) - love; learn to build harmonious, loving relationships

f (f) - strength and wisdom; learn how to use your power

g (g) - support; learn to support others physically, emotionally and spiritually

h (x) - care; learn to take care of yourself and others

i (i) - awareness; know yourself

iye (s) - spirituality; explore worlds beyond the physical reality j (j) - fortitude; learn to exercise your power

k (k) - wisdom; share spiritual knowledge as befits a sage

1 (l) - the power of the mind; develop intellect

m (m) - foresight; learn to consider all situations from the point of view of higher wisdom

n (n) - concentration; learn how to calmly swim along the river of life and maintain inner balance

o (o) - integrity; become purposeful

oh (ox) - fidelity; be true to yourself, your true nature

oo (long y) - connection with the divine plan; gain a strong connection with the Source

p (p) - thoroughness; learn to get things done

q (soft to) - openness; learn to be open with yourself and others

g (p) - sincerity; learn to speak the truth

s (c) - credulity; learn to trust yourself and others

t (t) - satisfaction; learn to enjoy life

ewe (yu) - directness and honesty; learn to stand up for your beliefs

uh (uh) - vulnerability; become less receptive

v (c) - true power; learn to use your power carefully

w (ui) - mercy and compassion; learn to radiate the pure light of kindness

x (ks) - a wise teacher; teach sacred knowledge

u (i) - lightness v purity; learn to manifest angelic qualities

z (h) - deep wisdom; learn to protect your inner knowledge

ch (h) - protection; protect and honor yourself and others

sh (w, w) - spiritual beauty; learn to express your spiritual beauty

th (soft s) - perseverance; learn to focus on what matters most

Sing or chant your full name lovingly. Sing your own name as loudly as possible, putting in as much positive emotion as possible.

Sing or chant your full name lovingly while looking into the eyes of your reflection in the mirror.

Stand face to face with a loved one or friend. Have this person lovingly sing or sing your full name. Look into each other's eyes while remaining as open as possible.

based on materials from the book: Diane Cooper. "New Ascension Light"

Radiation is a transmutation in the process of completion. Since transmutation is the liberation of the essence in order for it to find a new center, this process can be considered radioactivity in the technical sense and in relation to all atomic bodies without exception.

That science has only recently learned about radium (which is an example of the transmutation process) is the fault of science itself. As this becomes more understood, it will be found that any radiation such as magnetism or psychic waves is just a transmuting process taking place on a larger scale. Here we must understand that the transmuting process, when it proceeds effectively, is, at first glance, the result of only external factors. Basically, it is the result of the inner positive core of force or life reaching such a colossal rate of vibration that it eventually begins to throw the electrons, or negative points that form its sphere of influence, to such a distance that the Law of Repulsion begins to dominate. . Then they are no longer attracted to their original center, but seek another. The atomic sphere, so to speak, dissipates, the Law of Repulsion begins to act on the electrons, and the central entity moves away and seeks a new sphere in the occult sense.

It must always be remembered that everything in the solar system is dual and in itself both positive and negative: positive in relation to its own form, but negative in relation to its larger sphere. Therefore, every atom is both positive and negative; it is both an electron and an atom.

Therefore, the process of transmutation is dual and requires a preparatory stage of application of external factors, kindling, maintenance and development of the internal positive nucleus, a period of incubation, or systematic nourishment of the internal flame, and an increase in tension. Then comes the second stage, in which external factors do not play such a great role, and the internal center of energy, or atom, can be left to do its own thing.

Radiation is an external effect produced by all forms in all kingdoms when their inner activity reaches such a stage of vibratory activity that the confining surface of the form is no longer a prison, but allows the release of the subjective essence. Radiation marks a particular point of achievement in the evolutionary process, and this is just as true of the atom of substance with which chemists and physicists deal with the elements, as it is of the forms of the vegetable kingdom, the forms of the animal kingdom, the forms of the human kingdom, and also the divine kingdom.

Under certain viewing angles, radiation can be considered a "true form" (which should be understood occultly as an ethereal form of energy), manifesting its presence in such a way that it becomes obvious even to a scientist.<...>

It may be very briefly noted that when a form becomes radioactive, certain conditions must be met and certain results achieved, which can be summarized as follows:

A radioactive form is that form that has passed through its intended cycles, through its large or small wheel of life, rotating at the right frequency, and now the flying life-entity is ready to leave this form and merge into a larger one, in relation to which the smaller one was just part. In this connection it must be remembered that radiation occurs when the ethereal or true form becomes responsive to certain types of force. Radiation, in the occult sense, is not an outcome from a physical or dense form, but a certain period in the life of any living being (atomic, human or divine), when the etheric or pranic body passes into such a state that it is no longer capable of limit or hold back the life that is in it.

Radiation occurs when the inner, self-sufficient life of any atom is forced out by a stronger call or attraction from the side of the greater existence that embraces it, of which this atom can be an integral part of the body. However, this is true only when the radiation is due to attraction acting on the essential life from the essential life of the greater form; radiation does not arise because of the attractive force of the form aspect of this greater life. A very definite distinction must be made here. It is the failure to recognize this distinction that has led so many students of alchemy and scientific investigators to lose the right path and to fruitless research for many years. They have confused the impulsive response of the atom to the vibratory magnetic attraction of the more powerful and embracing form with the true esoteric attraction of the central essential life of the form within which the element in question may reside; but it is only the attraction of the central life that produces the "occult radiation." It is necessary to bring clarity to this issue from the very beginning. Perhaps the whole subject will become clearer if we consider it in the following way.

In form, the atom rotates on its own axis, follows its own circulation, and lives its own inner life. It refers to his primary awareness. In time he becomes magnetically aware of the attractive nature of that which surrounds him on all sides, and becomes conscious of the form that envelops him. Such is his secondary awareness, but it still refers to what we, for lack of a better term, may call matter. An atom, therefore, interacts with other atoms.

Later, the form atom becomes aware that it not only rotates on its own axis, but also orbits around a larger center of force within a larger form. it third kind awareness, which is caused by a magnetic attraction felt from the greater center and causes in the atom that pull that makes it move, participating in certain special cycles. This awareness, in the esoteric sense, refers to the substance or true form within the objective form.

Finally, the attraction of the greater center becomes so powerful that the positive life within the atom (whatever type of atom and whatever kingdom it may be) feels the force of the central energy, which causes the atom, together with other atoms, to perform its function. This energy penetrates the ring-pass-not without evoking a response from the so-called electronic or negative lives of the atomic periphery, but evokes a response from the essential, positive nucleus of the atom. This is explained by the fact that the essential life of any atom, its highest positive aspect, is always of the same nature as the larger life that attracts it to itself. When this pull begins to be felt strongly enough, the atomic cycle is completed, the dense form disintegrates, the true form dissipates, and the central life is released to find its greater magnetic focus.

Through this process (occurring everywhere in the solar system, in all its departments), each atom, in turn, becomes an electron. The positive life of any atom, as it evolves, becomes negative in relation to the greater life towards which it is pushed or drawn, and the process of evolution invariably carries each life through the four stages above. In the three lower kingdoms of nature this process proceeds unconsciously - according to the human understanding of the term; in the human realm it proceeds consciously, and in the higher realms of existence with such an encompassing consciousness that can only be hinted at by the vague term "self-conscious group realization."

Your life should be filled more and more with this kind of service. It will lead to the establishment of connections or relationships, and these, in later lives, will become less subtle and it will become obvious to you that they are the core of the group that each student begins to gather around him, preparing to form his own Ashram in a still later life. life. In this way, the science of radiation and magnetism underlies the hierarchical method of working. The disciple becomes spiritually magnetic, and his radiation becomes palpable. This must inevitably happen when the connection between the head and the heart is consciously established. Gradually, magnetism and radiation make their presence felt in the environment of the student and awaken a response from others. Not only in this way, but the magnetic-radiant vibration attracts the attention of the Master, and the disciple finds his way to the Ashram in the direction or along the ray of his own radiant activity, akin to the activity of the Ashram. The intense training he receives there makes him even more spiritually efficient and "esoterically attractive" in the human world. He continues his task of gathering around him those whom he can help and who recognize him as their chosen helper and guide. This is how an Ashram is formed, each Ashram being on its own ray vibration and requiring a long time and many lifetimes of selection and radiation.

The quality found in fourth kingdom, it is that aspect of synthetic love or understanding which is intuition. Intuition is the quality of mental matter, "chitta" or mental stuff. Man too must become radioactive, and then the ascending incense or fragrance of his life will attract the attention of the initiatory factors waiting to lead him to liberation. Such factors are fire and representatives of the fifth kingdom in nature. The increasing purposefulness of his animal form must give way to the dynamic will of the spiritual essence, freed from the limitations of the form by the fire of life and initiation. Thus, he harmonizes in himself all methods of approach and deliverance, all achievements, and synthesizes in his life the aspirations of the other three kingdoms.

The aspirant must work on the opening of the fifth and sixth petals, or the last two in the second row, and must achieve two results in his threefold lower nature:

  • a) He must align his three bodies so that there is direct contact between the ego and the physical brain;
  • b) He should strive to stabilize both the astral body and the mind in order to achieve that emotional balance that is achieved by conscious "balancing of forces."

He must study the laws of transmutation and that divine alchemy which will give him the knowledge of how to transmute the lower force into the higher, how to transfer his consciousness into the higher vehicles, and how to manipulate the currents of energy so that his own nature may be transformed. Then he will become a channel for the light of the Ego, so that the luminosity of buddhi will flow through him for the salvation of the race and the enlightenment of those who stumble in the darkness. He must demonstrate the laws of radioactivity in his own life on the physical plane. His life must begin to radiate and have a magnetic effect on others. By this I mean that he will act upon that which is imprisoned in others, as he - through his own mighty vibrations - will reach the hidden center in everyone. I do not mean the physical or magnetic effect that many very undeveloped souls have on others. I mean that spiritual radiation to which only those who themselves begin to open the spiritual center inside the heart respond and become aware. At this stage the person is recognized by those who can speak occultly "from heart to heart." He becomes a stimulator of the heart center in his brother, one who awakens people to activity for the benefit of others.

The second hint is that as the radioactivity of the aspirant progressively increases and the energy of the inner God is more and more manifested through the lower personality, the "thermal radiations" become so powerful that very definite results are achieved both in the personality nature and in the nature of its environment. Some of them can be specified.

The ethereal web, or partition separating the lower physical consciousness of the brain from the astral plane, begins to undergo a long process of destruction, and the first "breaks" appear in it. It is thanks to them that the student begins to perceive the inner planes, to be aware of inner events with the physical brain and can (if he is a student) make contacts with his Ego and (through the Ego) with his Guru. This marks a very important achievement.

The higher head center intensifies its activity and becomes able to receive flashes of enlightenment from the higher planes. It only happens occasionally at first, but it happens more and more as the years go by and as the number of "breaks" increases...


HISTORY AND MEANING OF THE NAME EVGENIY- The name Eugene (colloquial Evgen, simple Evdeniy and Vedenei) comes from the Greek word "eugenes" - noble.

Reliable, hot, gentle and beautiful name. Popularity - in the top ten. In the countryside, it is more common than in cities (about thirty years ago it was the other way around). The male name is much more common than the female one.

At his mention, Eugene Onegin immediately comes to mind - an example of everything that is most indecisive, cynical, impassive - and refined, charming that is in a man. Thanks to A. S. Pushkin, this name often owns the hearts of young maidens.


Eugene of Antioch, Mauritanian, presbyter, hieromartyr, March 4 (February 19). For denouncing the godlessness of the emperor Julian the Apostate, after torment, he was exiled to Mauritania from Antioch, where he died,
Eugene of Vifinsky, reverend, February 25 (12).
Eugene Melitinsky, martyr, November 20 (7).
Eugene of Sebaste, martyr, December 26 (13). Warrior, during the persecution of Christians in the III century. declared himself a follower of Christ and died a martyr in the name of faith.
Eugene of Trebizond, martyr, February 3 (January 21).
Eugene of Chersonesos, Bishop, Hieromartyr, March 20 (7).



COLOR NAMED EVGENIY- Blue, pale blue, bluish green.




PLANT EUGENIA- Linden, foxglove, forget-me-not.

ANIMAL EUGENIA- Seahorse, barley.


TYPE EVGENY- Sometimes he is nervous and sentimental, reminiscent of his totem - a seahorse, which seems to be sleeping in the water, and then suddenly wakes up.

CHARACTER OF THE NAME OF EUGENE- Like all men, whose name also has a feminine form, Eugene sometimes has a contradictory combination of strength and weakness. Moreover, as a rule, strength went to his appearance, and weakness - to his character. Stubbornness is especially expressed in him - the driving force of his character, and this trait will allow this mental lump to sometimes reach considerable heights in life. Eugene is hardworking, but in the depths of his soul he is only waiting for the work to end as soon as possible. Any obstacles in achieving the goal unsettle him. He does not know how to concentrate and overcome them. Now, if you get very angry, then everything will be mastered!

Eugene is sensitive to the suffering of loved ones, but he will not rush to help - he will sympathize, and nothing more. He is very amorous, which is why he suffers a lot of troubles. That woman will keep him near her, the mystery of the attractiveness of which he will never be able to solve (most of all he appreciates mystery in women). In addition, the wife must be a good analyst, because do not feed Eugene with bread - let someone open his misunderstood soul. In general, this is a nice, kind, pleasant person.

As a rule, independent and strong-willed. Maximalist, inclined to streamline life. Such people are cursed, but they cannot leave. With his mother, he is soft, affectionate, gentle.

PSYCHE OF EVGENY- Active, persistent in everything. Psychopathic, although he hides it. prone to masochism.

INTUITION EVGENIYA- Highly developed.

EVGENY'S THINKING- More interested in small things than significant events. Too demanding of himself and others.

THE MORALITY OF EUGENE- The scale of his moral values ​​is unclear and indistinct. He knows how to adapt to circumstances.

HEALTH EVGENIY- He gets tired quickly, although his health is decent. Susceptible to infectious diseases. Weak bronchi and eyes. Prolonged sleep and a calm, measured lifestyle are needed.

SEX AND LOVE EVGENIA- He is very picky in choosing a partner. His wife, not getting fully what she expects, feels constantly unsatisfied. A variety of sexual partners can stimulate it. And he does not consider it shameful - he looks at things simply. Victoria, Anna, Vera, Daria, Polina, Nelly, Rosa and Valentina are suitable for Evgeny. Evgeny Borisovich has increased sexuality.

MARRIAGE AND FAMILY OF EVGENY- Most of all in a woman appreciates spiritual purity. Exemplary family man. Avoids quarrels. The issue of leadership in the family does not interest him. Successful marriage with Anna, Valentina, Valeria, Vera, Daria, Xenia, Lilia, Lyudmila, Natalia, Nina, Raisa. Less successful with Varvara, Elena, Zoya, Claudia and Marina.

HOBBIES AND HOBBY EVGENIYA- He likes to mess with children - not only with his own, but also with strangers. He is fond of sports, can compose poetry.

IMPLEMENTATION IN THE SOCIETY OF EVGENIY- The greatest success can be achieved in technology and the exact sciences. In work that requires a high concentration of strength and attention, it will reach average performance. Among the Eugenes there are electronics engineers, writers, pilots.

CAREER AND BUSINESS OF EVGENIY- Hardworking, shows great promise, able to achieve a lot. Prone to risk. Moreover, he himself creates the problems because of which he risks. Often acts simply irresponsibly, not thinking about the consequences of their actions. At the same time, he is brave to the point of recklessness, often unnecessarily hot.

Can offend a person for no reason, even his friend. He does not get along very well with people, but he is not vindictive and is completely sincerely surprised at the reaction to his behavior. Successful businessmen can be those Eugenes whose fathers are named like this: Alexander, Anatoly, Eugene, Ivan, Isaac, Pavel, Sergey and Fedor.

The name "Eugene" in different languages ​​- in the interpretation of "noble".

direct name















Hungarian (folk form)


Eugene, Eugene


The number of interaction with the world is the result of the "natural addition" of the numerical equivalents of both vowels and consonants of the first and last names. You should not approach this procedure formally: remember that the name that you are used to using and calling yourself is more important than what is written in the passport. Some names have variations (Ekaterina-Katerina, Natalya - Natalia, etc.) - in this case, each of them should be calculated, but special attention should be paid to the form that is more often "in use".

The number of interaction with the world affects not only the character traits of a person, his talents and abilities, but also how his relationships with others are built; in addition, it can indicate areas of life to which special attention should be paid, or areas in which one can best realize oneself.

The number of spiritual aspirations, obtained as a result of the "natural addition" of numbers corresponding to all the vowels of the name, reveals to the connoisseur of numerology such properties of a person's character that are sometimes hidden from his loved ones. In some cases, the calculation of the number of aspirations of the soul can help a person to understand what he really is, to see the true properties of his character and desire.

To know the number of spiritual aspirations of a person means to have unique information about him; this is an extremely important key not only to mutual understanding, but also to constructive interaction. Of course, someone may try to use this information for manipulation, but we hope that among those interested in numerology there will be many more of those whose goals are noble and whose thoughts are lofty.

Applying the "method of natural addition" is not difficult. For example, if our task is to establish the number of aspirations of the soul of a person whose name is Dmitry Egorov, you need to do the following calculations: 1 (the number of the letter I) + 1 (the number of the letter I again, there are two of them in the name) + 6 (the number of the letter E) + 7 (the number of the letter O) + 7 (the number of the letter O, there are two of them in the surname) = 22. After that, we add 2 and 2 and get 4. It remains only to find out what properties of character Dmitry Egorov endowed with the vibrations of the four.

It should be borne in mind, however, that we do not always use the names that are recorded in the documents, and variations are not excluded. In this case, calculations should be made based on the variant of the name that the person himself prefers to use.

The modern world is based on interaction between people, and interaction is impossible without compromises both in solving issues and in behavior. Often we give up our habits or acquire new ones under the influence of our environment. Sometimes this happens consciously, sometimes not, but the result is the same - alas, it becomes more and more difficult to judge the character of a person by behavior.

He who is serious in the company of the serious does not necessarily remain the same when he is alone; in the same way, not everyone who bursts into laughter and jokes among merry people will show a sense of humor surrounded by people who are silent and strict. Add to this the fact that many tend to be cunning, or even simply lie, in order to make a good impression on others, and you will understand why it is so important to be able to calculate the number of true personality traits.

The number of true features is the sum of the numbers corresponding to the consonants of the first and last names. In order to calculate it, you need to resort to the method of "natural addition". For example, if we are interested in Natalya Zaitseva, we need to make the following calculations: 6 (the number corresponding to the letter H) + 2 (the number corresponding to the letter T), + 4 (the number corresponding to the letter L) + 9 (the number corresponding to the letter Z) + 2 (the number corresponding to the letter Y) + 6 (the number corresponding to the letter C) + 3 (the number corresponding to the letter B) \u003d 31. Now add 3 and 1, and you can begin to get acquainted with a person whose number of true features is 4.


Life is a movement and, therefore, it has an inherent vibration. Long-term observations allow us to put forward and substantiate the hypothesis that the lower vibration threshold for a person is 35,000 vibrations per second, and the upper threshold is 130,000 vibrations per second. In other words, all possible forms of mutual understanding, interactions between people are within 95,000 vibrations per second.
Example. The girl, whose vibration coefficient is usually 75,000 vibrations/s, became seriously ill and took medicine, as a result of which her vibration coefficient decreased to 55,000 vibrations/s. She goes to the mountains for treatment and meets a young man there. Its vibration coefficient is 45,000 vibrations / s, however, under the influence of healing mountain air, it rises to 55,000 vibrations / s. So both are at the same wavelength. Upon returning to the city, the young man looks forward to the arrival of his beloved, who is still at the resort. The long-awaited train finally arrives, from which a tanned, fully recovered girl gets off, whose vibration coefficient has returned to its range and is again 75,000 vibrations / s. On the platform, her lover is waiting for her, who, in a noisy and dusty city, has returned to his vibration coefficient. Young people are now separated by a difference of 30,000 oscillations / s, and the girl, looking at the young man whom she loved so recently, is surprised: "What did this come to my mind? What did I find in him?"
Thus, much in our life depends on the vibration coefficient of each of us. Since the name most often corresponds to the character of a person, it is also responsible for the level of vibration, and different names with close parameters are in good contact, converge, as if the names "recognize" each other.
People with a high vibration coefficient are resistant to infections, so they can approach the sick without fear and apprehension. It has been noted that the coefficient increases with a high level of moral attitudes and, conversely, decreases in selfish, cowardly people, with drug use, alcohol abuse and sex.
People with a very high level of vibration not only do not get infected from the sick, but can also transfer their excess of their vibrations to them, helping to overcome the disease. This is what a mother does: during pregnancy and the first months of a baby's life, she has a higher vibration coefficient than usual, and this mysterious connection allows her to transmit her own vibrations to the child and thus protect him from disease. Mother's love is the best medicine, so the mother should not be separated from the child, at least at an early age. This vibrational connection between them, this spiritual umbilical cord, never completely breaks, and the mother always remains the mother for her child - perhaps even beyond life.

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