Tourist food. Cooking food on a hike: simple recipes. Calculation of products per person. Tourist layout

If you take a pack of pickled cheese such as feta, cheese, fetax, etc., on a hike, you can cook a very simple but very tasty salad (or appetizer) from tomatoes! Pickled cheese in vacuum packaging is well stored, but how it can be used to diversify your camping table - this recipe will tell.

I cooked this cabbage pie on an alloy, and baked it in an oven made of stones. If very briefly, this camping pastry is prepared as follows: we start the yeast dough, stew cabbage with carrots and onions in a cauldron. We heat our stone oven well with wood. We form a pie from dough and cabbage, after which we bake it until golden brown.

I cooked this pizza with sausage on an alloy. The value of this recipe is that pastries are prepared in just one pan without the use of ovens and other benefits of civilization. If very briefly, then we need to knead unleavened dough, make a sauce from ketchup and mayonnaise, use thinly sliced ​​​​tomatoes and sausage for the filling.

Rather than a recipe written here, it’s just the very idea of ​​​​serving pancakes cooked on a hike on the water. As it turned out, pancakes with blueberry jam and condensed milk on the 7th day of the hike are so delicious that I decided to just tell everyone about it!

When hiking, I very often try to cook cabbage soup, because this is a very homemade soup. And if there are no problems with this soup on rafting, then for a hiking trip, cabbage soup from fresh cabbage is a whole event, since, as a rule, cabbage is worn exclusively in a dried state on a hiking trip. Here I propose to get acquainted with the recipe for cabbage soup cooked from fresh cabbage, dressing for sour cabbage soup and stew.

For those who like to get out on the alloy, I want to tell a recipe for cabbage soup, from fresh cabbage. To do this, I took the best, the freshest cabbage, dried herbs, dried bell peppers, which I boiled in a large camping cauldron and, after cooking, mixed with fresh tomatoes, carrots, onions and a can of stew. It was delicious and very satisfying, which is a big plus for any camping soup.

When you are not the first (and not even the second or third) day on a hike, you begin to understand that you want something that is usually not cooked on a hike, for example, fatty (in a good way) and rich mutton stew shurpa. Well, if the boys wanted shurpa, then it needs to be cooked, but since you are on a hike, then you need to cook shurpa from the products available.

When going on a hike, you can take a couple of packages of semi-finished mashed potatoes with you, and after modifying it a little, you can get a very tasty and interesting side dish. In a nutshell, for such a transformation of an ordinary mashed potato diluted with water, it is enough to add a little powdered milk when diluting the powder, beat the mashed potatoes well, and then flavor the whole thing with onions fried in a small amount of oil.

I cooked this soup with mushrooms on a hike when we were lucky enough to find some oil in the taiga. Before preparing the soup, the mushrooms were boiled to get rid of bitterness. Prepared boletus were thrown into a cauldron, where one of the most "camping" soups available to almost every tourist was prepared from them, potatoes and frying (made from onions and carrots).

It’s not often possible to make a salad on a hike, but if you took a small fork of fresh cabbage with you on a hike and you managed to collect flasks, you can make this salad. To prepare it, you need to finely chop the cabbage and wild garlic (this is another name for the flask), mash them with a little salt, season with mayonnaise and serve the salad to the table.

The simplest camping flask salad that any tourist knows. The flask needs to be cleaned, cut, salted, poured with a small amount of vegetable oil and served at the camp table!

A simple camping salad of peas and cabbage that can be prepared both at home and on a camping trip. In order to prepare a fresh cabbage salad, we need a tomato, a can of green peas, an onion and, of course, cabbage. Also, you can add any vegetables that you have on hand with you on a hike to the salad. This salad is very nutritious and contains a huge amount of vitamins. It will be a wonderful addition to any travel table. I also want to note that the number of vegetables is taken based on the number of people.

Eggplant stew recipe. Like any camping dish, it is very simple to prepare: we clean and chop the vegetables, fry onions in a small amount of vegetable oil, add eggplants to the onions, then carrots, herbs, garlic and simmer until everything is ready.

If on the rafting you have an abundance of vegetables and have a pack of feta cheese and a jar of olives with you, you can please your comrades on the hike with such a Greek salad. The salad is full of vitamins, but the whole unusualness of this dish is the place of its preparation. Go not every time on a hike you can find such a salad !?

Tomatoes with cheese and garlic - a simple camping snack that cooks very quickly. The basis of this dish is smoked sausage cheese (which is well stored in field conditions), and, of course, tomatoes. To cook tomatoes with cheese, you just need to grate the cheese with garlic, season them with mayonnaise, and spread the resulting cheese mass over the circles of tomatoes. In this form, tomatoes with cheese and garlic are served at the camp table.

The need for food is one of the most basic human needs.
No matter how you study trendy diets in your city life - and on a hike, life very quickly puts everything in its place: in order to have the strength to go (row, pedal, etc.) - you need to eat enough high-calorie and, if possible, balanced every day for weather and altitude conditions food.

Every tourist who has been on a more or less serious hike, high mountains, knows the feeling when the body simply refuses to move quickly and with tension without fuel, and in conditions of hunger turns on the “economy mode”, reducing the range of muscle contractions to a minimum.

Therefore, there will be no talk of dietary nutrition here. Let's take it as an axiom that food is good. And the more high-calorie and richer it is in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and mineral salts, the better.

I will share with you the experience of a camp cook who is constantly in the following conditions:

  • It takes a week to get to the nearest civilization;
  • All food for this week must be carried on your backs (at best, carried in a bicycle backpack). Vodniks - too, because no one canceled the run-outs and approaches;
  • The strongest and most useful participants in the campaign frankly and constantly want to eat, sweep away all the unaccounted for in the first days and strive to scoop the dinner left for two minutes unattended from the boiler half-baked, under the pretext of “try it, is it already ready?”.
  • The female part of the marching population at first eats modestly, but on the third day everything that has an organic basis begins to take revenge;
  • Soluble porridge on water is enough for the body for 30 minutes of active movement, soluble soup - for twenty.

What food to take with you on a multi-day hike?

First, find out if there will be any possibility of some kind of foraging along the route. So, in the Black Sea region, for example, in the forests there are a lot of blackberries and nuts - you are provided with vitamins. In the middle lane and in the north in the summer there are a lot of not only berries, but also mushrooms, and mushrooms are a very high-calorie food and, in this case, the layout of meat products can be almost halved. There is an abundance of fish in the taiga rivers - and a good half of the diet will consist of fish dishes.

Secondly, will there be an opportunity to replenish supplies on the route?
It is foolish to drag with you, for example, cereals for the entire trip, when on the third day there will be a village with a general store on your way, where you can replenish supplies. If the return will take place partly along the trail of entry to the route, it would be wise to make bookmarks with food under heavy stones or in hollows of trees so that the animals do not devastate.

If the answer to both questions is negative, or civilization is a few days away, it would be wise to bet on the lightest products. That is, we cross out all canned food from the layout, including stew (yes, yes!), For an iron can with fat and water is an unaffordable luxury for us.
We cross out all raw vegetables, this is also water with a peel, which there is absolutely no need to drag on a poor draft tourist. We cross out the bread - it can be replaced with crackers and tortillas.
And we cross out the vegetable oil - it has little fat we need so much. It is better to take melted butter or melted lard.

So what's left, you ask? Empty pasta? Oatmeal on the water?

Nooooo. Almost no one likes her. As well as semolina (forgive me, mom, I could not love this dull food). And tourists love pilaf, chanakhi, casseroles, pancakes and major soups-puree with smoked meats and crackers. And all this, I assure you, can be prepared on a hike without dragging kilograms of exotic products.

Sublimated (i.e. dehydrated) products are gaining more and more popularity, which weigh ten times less than their water ancestors, while retaining all their properties. We will focus on them.

Of course, today you can buy ready-made bags with sublimates already mixed into any dish. But this is a lottery - the portions are small there, and the taste is unpredictable. At the tourist forums, polls were conducted for each individual dish from the collection of ready-made sublimates. Ratings ranged from "impossible to eat" to "quite edible". Only a few products deserved the “tasty” rating, and none of them “very tasty”.

And everything will be delicious. But you will have to prepare in advance and spend several evenings before a long trip preparing for it. Divide duties and dry several types of vegetables and meats. And also take a walk to the market and buy spices.

How to dry vegetables and meat on a hike?

You can dry vegetables, fruits and meat in different ways. The ideal option is an electric dryer. It dries at a low temperature initially, preserving the taste of fresh vegetables.

However, if you absolutely do not want to start this inexpensive device, both the oven and the grill on legs, on which your grandmother dries mushrooms, will do. The only thing is that the process will be more laborious, since the oven temperature is higher, and ventilation (if there is no air grill) is worse. Plus - you need to monitor the products and turn them over every 20 minutes so that they do not dry out into powder. Our Kulibins put a fan to the open door of the oven - and it turns out quite a sublime.

Drying vegetables and fruits is easy - cut thinner and dry. It dries meat more difficult, there are many recipes for drying it. I recommend making preparations in two types 50/50. Dry half in the form of salted minced meat (it will be easier to boil, but will be less tasty), and half in the form of jerky (pre-marinated with spices and dried slices of lean meat). They are less boiled soft, but retain the rich taste of dried meat.


The storage and distribution of jerky and dried tomatoes must be entrusted to the most stingy and stern person in the team. Otherwise, they will eat. They are very tasty not only in the boiler, but also in dry form.

Traditionally used in dried form, you can not dry it yourself, but buy it on the market. Dried fruits, candied fruits, mushrooms, if you're lucky - eggplant, tomatoes and sweet peppers. God forbid you buy vegetables, ground into powder - they will give only a smell, but not a taste! Vegetables should be dried in strips or rings.

The last one is spices. They weigh almost nothing, and the taste of dishes is saturated with different colors. Plus, spicy and hot food is a very good prevention of altitude sickness and all kinds of colds. You can, of course, buy ready-made mixes. But it's better to take five or six different seasonings (be sure to red and black pepper plus herbs to taste, dried ginger for tea, dried garlic) - and combine them at your discretion! And you will not get dull carcass food, but healthy, tasty and joyful food for body and soul every day!

Camp kitchen recipes

These are examples of what can be easily and quickly prepared from a negligible weight layout. Products are given based on products for a 3-4-liter boiler (4-5 people). Naturally, no one will have measuring cups on a hike, so a "handful" is considered quite a measure of volume. Create!


A simple, tasty and very satisfying dish. With broth, which is important for a dehydrated tourist during the day.


  • Ghee - a tablespoon with a slide or two spoons

  • Dried carrots - a handful

  • Dried potato slices - a handful

  • Dried onion - a handful

  • Dried eggplant - a handful

  • Dried sweet peppers - a handful

  • Dried tomatoes - a handful

  • Dried garlic - 10 grams

  • Flat noodles - 200 grams

  • Salt and spices: zira, pepper, herbs to taste

How to cook lagman on a hike?

As soon as we arrived at the parking lot, the first thing we do is soak slices of meat and dried carrots for 15-20 minutes (while setting up tents, etc.). If there is a jetboil, it is better in hot water. If not, you can in the cold, it's better than nothing. But we still set the water to boil in a separate teapot or saucepan, we will need it soon.

Melt a spoon or two of ghee or lard in a pot or saucepan. We fall asleep dry minced meat and lay slices of dried meat (about 100 ml of minced meat and a large handful of meat will be fine). A pinch or two of zira. After mixing, immediately add the soaked carrots, without squeezing it.
Do not pour out the broth from under the soaked meat and carrots - it will come in handy.
Next, we fall asleep in turn a handful of dried onions, a handful of dried potatoes, dried eggplant, a handful of dried sweet pepper - mix each time. And immediately pour the broth left over from soaking the meat-carrots into it and let it heat up and stew in a small amount of water for about 10 minutes.

Dried vegetables already have the taste of frying, so you don’t need to heat them much, it’s enough that they just soak in oil. Pour in the rest of the water. Salt, add the rest of the spices. When it boils, we throw a handful of dried tomatoes (not earlier, because the potato does not like their acid, it needs to be boiled without them) and fall asleep any noodles or long pasta. Cover with a lid - and on a quiet fire for 15 minutes. At this time, we warm ourselves for the evening and drive away the curious from the deliciously smelling pot with a ladle or a stirrer stick.

We try carrots and noodles for readiness, if everything is ok, then we knock on the plate with a spoon, calling everyone, and we observe smacking and blissful satiety of grateful comrades.


A simple but festive dish, perfect for a day out. It takes about 40 minutes to prepare, if you cook a large cauldron, it’s not a shame to invite comrades from a neighboring camp to visit to diversify their pasta with stew.


  • Melted butter - tablespoon

  • Dried carrots - three handfuls

  • Dried onions - a handful and a little more

  • Rice - 500 grams

  • Prunes - a few pieces

  • Raisins - a handful

  • Dried garlic - 10 grams

  • Salt and spices: zira, red pepper, herbs to taste, barberry

Soak the carrots for 20 minutes. Do not pour out the water, as before. In a pot, heat up two or three tablespoons of oil over medium heat, throw a piece of finely chopped lard or a spoonful of fat tail fat, which is. Sprinkle with cumin immediately. And put our carrots in the sizzling fat. Lots of carrots! Top with a handful of dried meat. At this stage, foxes, raccoons, marmots and tourists will immediately start running to the smell, nervously swallowing saliva. But still ahead.

After frying the carrots with meat, sprinkle it all with dry onions, a handful somewhere, and mix. The oil has probably already been absorbed, so it’s not time to slow down - you need to bookmark the rice. We level our vegetable-meat mixture and carefully pour 500-600 grams of rice on top. From this moment until ready, nothing can interfere! All further ingredients are poured on top of the rice.
Raisins - a handful. It will give a sweetish oriental flavor.
Prunes - 6-10 pieces, for sourness

Salt - to taste, half a tablespoon, even less - our meat is salty, do not forget!

Pepper is a must. Dried garlic is a must. Dried herbs - according to your mood, you can saffron. If barberry grew on the sides of your paths, feel free to throw it from above! You can add some dried tomatoes, they will decorate.

Now, carefully, so as not to ruin the rice layer, fill all this beauty with water. We use the rest of the carrots (what good to waste) and hot, preheated on a jetboil or in a teapot. The water should be about two centimeters above the rice.

That's it, now we close our dish with a lid, reduce the burner fire to a minimum and go for a walk for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, carefully open it, pierce the rice with a knife or a stick. If there is almost no water at the bottom, then we try rice. Soft, steamed - ready. If not, add more water without stirring and wait another 5 minutes.

And - voila! Remove from the burner, mix gently and the main dish is ready!

Lentil stew in Janissaries

This is a thick, protein-rich and delicious soup that will be a treat after a hard transition. It is prepared simply and effortlessly. The cook has time to meditate on sunset rocks and green valleys.


  • Ghee - a handful

  • Dried carrots - a handful

  • Dried potato slices - a handful (you can use instant mashed potatoes, but then lay it 10 minutes before readiness, and not as in the recipe)

  • Dried onions - a handful

  • Dried tomatoes - a handful

  • Dried garlic - 10 grams

  • Lentils - about 500 grams

  • Kumquat - 10 pieces

  • Salt and spices: pepper, herbs to taste, if available - bay leaf

So, the beginning is standard: soak the carrots and dried potatoes for 15-20 minutes, then dissolve two tablespoons of ghee in a saucepan or pot. Pour and quickly mix carrots, dried onions, potatoes, dried garlic and dried tomatoes. When the oil is absorbed, fill it with water and add about 500 g of washed lentils. Remember that lentils are very soft, so you need a lot of water! We pour all the seasonings we like into the water.

As a matter of fact, everything. Then the stew cooks itself until the lentils are boiled, this is about 20 minutes. As soon as the lentils are boiled, pour into bowls and add dried lemon - kumquat, cut into two halves or four circles, into each bowl. It will give the soup a zest, and vitamin C, with which it is filled, is very useful for the body after the transition!


The name of this dish is associated with the weekend at the grandmother. But on a long standalone hike, pancakes are the easiest bread substitute! Making them is very easy.

The lids on modern pots can often be used as frying pans. This is the option we will use.


  • we need flour (mug)

  • egg powder (if any) - a tablespoon

  • water (cup)

  • melted butter - a tablespoon.

  • a little salt and sugar - to taste.

  • raisins - if you want something sweet

    You can pick up pancake flour in advance, which includes egg powder, milk powder, and often salt and sugar. Knead from all of the above rather liquid dough.

    We heat the pan on the burner, grease with melted butter and pour our dough into the pan with a spoon! Turn over, lay out a pea and grease with oil. And remember the blissful grandmother's weekend!

    Life hack::

    If half-eaten porridge remains after breakfast, you don’t need to choke and even more so throw out precious calories. Pour the rest of the porridge into the pancake batter and fry quickly. They will be thicker, and everything will be swept away right there and with a bang! And even if not, you can take them with you for a snack.

    buckwheat casserole

    Another seemingly unthinkable dish - however, it is wonderful and easy to prepare in field conditions.


    • Buckwheat - 400 grams

    • Dried onion - a handful

    • Dried sweet pepper - a handful

    • Dried tomatoes - a handful

    • Hard cheese - 100 grams

    • Egg powder - a tablespoon with a slide

    • Melted butter - a heaping tablespoon

    • Seasonings to taste, salt.

    We put a pot on a low fire and dissolve the oil at the bottom. Just dissolve, no need to boil it. We mix dried onions, peppers and tomatoes with oil, warm up and cover with buckwheat, salt, pour water (two fingers higher than buckwheat), leave for 10-15 minutes under the lid. While the buckwheat swells, prepare the sauce: dilute the egg powder with warm water to get the consistency of batter, finely chop the cheese and mix with the egg sauce. Add all desired seasonings.

    And when our buckwheat is ready, remove it from the fire for a second, mix the buckwheat with vegetables and pour the egg-cheese mixture with herbs and garlic. And on top we sprinkle nuts crushed in a cup, any, except for walnuts - he does not like heat! And for a few more minutes on a quiet fire under the lid (and you can also cover with an additional frying pan on top so that the heat is uniform). Once the cheese is melted and the egg sauce thickens, you're done! Social event can begin.

    Warm and hearty evenings at the bivouac!

    What dish to cook in?

    At any. Today, the choice of tourist dishes is very, very large. The kettle should also be as light and heat-intensive as possible - pulling heavy cans on your back is a waste of energy, today tourist cookware production technologies provide the widest choice of boilers, saucepans, jetboils and other thermal dishes.

    They are produced by several well-known companies. Let us dwell on the three main types of utensils that are used in multi-day trips today and are suitable for our tasks, which - do not forget - are that everyone is full of strength for exploits, full and satisfied, and an hour before setting up camp they increase their pace, as horses that, anticipating a warm and satisfying stall, run faster.

    Pots and pans of standard design

    This cookware is made of stainless steel or aluminum. Lightweight, with a wide bottom and comfortable handles. Often the lid can be used as a frying pan.

    Pros: convenience in packing and cooking, low price

    Minuses: long cooking time, strong dependence on weather conditions.

    Radiator pans

    These pots have a ribbed heat sink underneath to protect the flame of the burner and maximize the use of its heat. Indispensable in the highlands, where the combustion temperature is very low.

    Pros: fast heating, good heat retention, light weight, lower fuel consumption.
    Minuses: higher price, usually small volume.

    This also includes jetboils - this is a set of a cup with a burner. Boils, I answer, almost instantly even above 4000 meters! Indispensable for quickly boiling tea and heating water for soup, if you have a group pot without a radiator.

    Folding pots

    This is the latest invention of the tireless technical thought of the tourist. A collapsible pot with an aluminum bottom and a heat-resistant silicone top. Such a saucepan of the volume we need (3 liters) will, when folded, be a flat disk, which you will not immediately find in a backpack!

    Pros: compactness, low price, light weight, possibility of use on radial exits.

    Minuses: heats up longer than radiator boilers, but less than standard stainless steel ones.

    Due to the small length of its existence, there are still few reviews of such dishes, but those that are are enthusiastic! I think that light silicone saucepans will soon conquer the tourist world!

The need for food is one of the most basic human needs. No matter how you study trendy diets in your city life, but on a hike, life very quickly puts everything in its place: in order to have the strength to go (row, pedal, etc.) - you need to eat enough high-calorie and, if possible, balanced every day for weather and altitude conditions food. Every tourist who has been on a more or less serious hike, in the highlands, knows the feeling when the body simply refuses to move quickly and with tension without fuel, and in conditions of hunger turns on the “economy mode”, reducing the range of muscle contractions to a minimum.

Therefore, dietary nutrition is out of the question here. Let's take it as an axiom that food is good. And the more high-calorie and richer it is in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and mineral salts, the better. I will share with you the experience of a camp cook who is constantly in the following conditions:

    a week to go to the nearest civilization; all food for this week must be carried on your backs (at best, carried in a bicycle backpack). Vodnikov - too, because no one canceled the run-outs and approaches; the strongest and most useful participants of the campaign frankly and constantly want to eat, sweep away all the unaccounted for in the first days and strive to scoop the dinner left for two minutes unattended from the boiler half-baked, under the pretext of “try it, is it already ready?”; the female part of the marching population at first eats modestly, but on the third day everything that has an organic basis begins to take revenge; soluble porridge on water is enough for the body for 30 minutes of active movement, soluble soup - for twenty.

What food to take with you on a multi-day hike?

First, find out if there will be a possibility of some kind of foraging along the route. So, in the Black Sea region, for example, in the forests there are many blackberries and nuts- vitamins are provided to you. In the middle lane and in the north in the summer there are many not only berries, but also mushrooms, and mushrooms are a very high-calorie food and, in this case, the layout of meat products can be reduced by almost half. There is an abundance of fish in the taiga rivers - and a good half of the diet will consist of fish dishes.

Secondly, will there be an opportunity to replenish supplies on the route? It is foolish to drag with you, for example, cereals for the entire trip, when on the third day there will be a village with a general store on your way, where you can replenish supplies. If the return will pass partly along the path of entering the route, it would be wise to make bookmarks with food under heavy stones or in hollows of trees so that animals do not devastate.

If the answer to both questions is negative, or civilization is a few days away, it would be wise to bet on the lightest products. That is, we delete all canned food from the layout, including stew (yes, yes!), Because an iron can with fat and water is an unaffordable luxury for us. We cross out all raw vegetables, this is also water with a peel, which there is absolutely no need to drag on a poor draft tourist. We cross out the bread - it can be replaced with crackers and tortillas. And we cross out vegetable oil - it has little fat that we need so much. It is better to take ghee or ghee.

So what's left, you ask? Empty pasta? Oatmeal on the water?

Nooooo. Almost nobody likes her. As well as semolina (forgive me, mom, I could not love this dull food). And tourists love pilafs, chanakhs, casseroles, pancakes and major soups-puree with smoked meats and crackers. And all this, I assure you, can be prepared on a hike without dragging kilograms of exotic products.

More and more popular are sublimated (i.e. dehydrated) products that weigh ten times less than their water ancestors, while retaining all their properties. We will focus on them.

Of course, today you can buy ready-made bags with sublimates already mixed into any dish. But this is a lottery - the portions are small there, and the taste is unpredictable. At the tourist forums, polls were conducted for each individual dish from the collection of ready-made sublimates. Ratings ranged from "impossible to eat" to "quite edible". Only a few products deserved the “tasty” rating, and none of them “very tasty”.

And everything will be delicious. But you will have to prepare in advance and spend several evenings before a long trip preparing for it. Divide duties and dry several types of vegetables and meats. And also take a walk to the market and buy spices.

How to dry vegetables and meat on a hike?

You can dry vegetables, fruits and meat in different ways. The ideal option is an electric dryer. It dries at a low temperature initially, preserving the taste of fresh vegetables.

However, if you categorically do not want to start this inexpensive device, both the oven and the grill on legs, on which your grandmother dries mushrooms, will do. The only thing is that the process will be more time consuming, since the oven temperature is higher, and ventilation (if there is no air grill) is worse. Plus - you need to monitor the products and turn them over every 20 minutes so that they do not dry out into powder. Our Kulibins put a fan to the open door of the oven - and it turns out quite a sublime.

Drying vegetables and fruits is easy - cut thinner and dry. Drying meat is more difficult, there are many recipes for drying it. I recommend making blanks in two types 50/50. Dry half in the form of salted minced meat (it will be easier to boil, but will be less tasty), and half in the form of jerky (pre-marinated with spices and dried slices of lean meat). They are less boiled soft, but retain the rich taste of dried meat.

Traditionally used in dried form, you can not dry it yourself, but buy it on the market. Dried fruits, candied fruits, mushrooms, if you're lucky - eggplant, tomatoes and sweet peppers. God forbid you buy vegetables, ground into powder - they will give only a smell, but not a taste! Vegetables should be dried in strips or rings.

Last thing - spices. They weigh almost nothing, and the taste of dishes is saturated with different colors. Plus, spicy and hot food is a very good prevention of altitude sickness and all kinds of colds. You can, of course, buy ready-made mixes. But it's better to take five or six different seasonings (be sure to red and black pepper plus herbs to taste, dried ginger for tea, dried garlic) - and combine them at your discretion! And you will not get dull carcass food, but healthy, tasty and joyful food for body and soul every day!

Camp kitchen recipes

These are examples of what can be easily and quickly prepared from a negligible weight layout. Products are given based on products for a 3-4-liter boiler (4-5 people). Naturally, no one will have measuring cups on a hike, so a “handful” is considered quite a measure of volume. Create!

Camping lagman

A simple, tasty and very satisfying dish. With broth, which is important for a dehydrated tourist during the day.


    ghee - a heaping tablespoon or two tablespoons; dried carrots - a handful; dried potato slices - a handful; dried onion - handful; dried eggplant - a handful; dried sweet peppers - a handful; dried tomatoes - a handful; dried garlic - 10 grams; flat noodles - 200 grams; salt and spices: zira, pepper, herbs to taste.

How to cook lagman on a hike?

As soon as we arrived at the parking lot, the first thing we do is soak the slices of meat and dried carrots for 15-20 minutes (while setting up tents, etc.). If there is a jetboil, it is better in hot water. If not - you can in the cold, it's better than nothing. But we still set the water to boil in a separate teapot or saucepan, we will need it soon.

Melt a spoon or two of ghee or lard in a pot or saucepan. We fall asleep dry minced meat and lay slices of dried meat (about 100 ml of minced meat and a large handful of meat will be fine). A pinch or two of zira. After mixing, immediately add the soaked carrots, without squeezing it. Do not pour out the broth from under the soaked meat and carrots - it will come in handy.

Next, we fall asleep in turn a handful of dried onions, a handful of dried potatoes, dried eggplant, a handful of dried sweet pepper - mix each time. And immediately pour the broth left over from soaking the meat-carrots into it and let it heat up and stew in a small amount of water for about 10 minutes.

Dried vegetables already have the taste of frying, so you don’t need to heat them much, it’s enough that they just soak in oil. Pour in the rest of the water. Salt, add the rest of the spices. When it boils, we throw a handful of dried tomatoes (not earlier, because the potato does not like their acid, it needs to be boiled without them) and we fall asleep any noodles or long pasta. Cover with a lid - and on a quiet fire for 15 minutes. At this time, we warm ourselves for the evening and drive away the curious from the deliciously smelling cauldron with a ladle or a stirrer stick.

We try carrots and noodles for readiness, if everything is ok, then we knock on the plate with a spoon, calling everyone, and we observe smacking and blissful satiety of grateful comrades.

Hiking pilaf

A simple, but festive-looking dish, ideal for a day out. It takes about 40 minutes to prepare, if you cook a large cauldron, it’s not a shame to invite comrades from a neighboring camp to visit to diversify their pasta with stew.


    melted butter - tablespoon; dried carrots - three handfuls; dried onion - a handful and a little more; rice - 500 grams; prunes - a few pieces; raisins - handful; dried garlic - 10 grams; salt and spices: zira, red pepper, herbs to taste, barberry.

Soak the carrots for 20 minutes. Do not pour out the water, as before. In a pot, heat up two or three tablespoons of oil over medium heat, throw a piece of finely chopped lard or a spoonful of fat tail fat, which is. Sprinkle with cumin immediately. And we put our carrots in the sizzling fat. Lots of carrots! Top with a handful of dried meat. At this stage, foxes, raccoons, marmots and tourists will immediately start running to the smell, nervously swallowing saliva. But still ahead.

After frying the carrots with meat, sprinkle it all with dry onions, a handful somewhere, and mix. The oil has probably already been absorbed, so it’s not time to slow down - you need to bookmark the rice. We level our vegetable-meat mixture and carefully pour 500-600 grams of rice on top. From this moment until ready, nothing can interfere! All further ingredients are poured on top of the rice.

Raisins - a handful. It will give a sweetish oriental flavor.

Prunes - 6-10 pieces, for sourness

Salt - to taste, half a tablespoon, even less - our meat is salty, do not forget!

Pepper is a must. Dried garlic is a must. Dried herbs - according to your mood, you can saffron. If barberry grew on the sides of your paths, feel free to throw it from above! You can add some dried tomatoes, they will decorate.

Now, carefully, so as not to ruin the rice layer, fill all this beauty with water. We use the rest of the carrots (what good to waste) and hot, preheated on a jetboil or in a teapot. The water should be about two centimeters above the rice.

That's it, now we close our dish with a lid, reduce the burner fire to a minimum and go for a walk for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, carefully open it, pierce the rice with a knife or a stick. If there is almost no water at the bottom, then we try rice. Soft, steamed - ready. If not, add more water without stirring, and wait another 5 minutes.

And - voila! Remove from the burner, mix gently and the main dish is ready!

Janissary lentil stew

This thick, rich in proteins and proteins and very tasty soup will become a holiday after a hard transition. It is prepared simply and effortlessly. The cook has time to meditate on sunset rocks and green valleys.


    melted butter - a handful; dried carrots - a handful; dried potato slices - a handful (you can use instant mashed potatoes, but then lay it 10 minutes before readiness, and not as in the recipe); dried onion - handful; dried tomatoes - a handful; dried garlic - 10 grams; lentils - about 500 grams; kumquat - 10 pieces; salt and spices: pepper, herbs to taste, if any - bay leaf.

So, the beginning is standard: soak carrots and dried potatoes for 15-20 minutes, then dissolve two tablespoons of ghee in a saucepan or pot. Pour and quickly mix carrots, dried onions, potatoes, dried garlic and dried tomatoes. When the oil is absorbed, fill it with water and add about 500 g of washed lentils. Remember that lentils are very soft, so you need a lot of water! We pour all the seasonings we like into the water.

As a matter of fact, everything. Then the stew is cooked by itself until the lentils are boiled, this is about 20 minutes. As soon as the lentils are boiled, pour into bowls and add dried lemon - kumquat, cut into two halves or four circles, into each bowl. It will give the soup a zest, and vitamin C, with which it is filled, is very useful for the body after the transition!

Hiking is a real adventure! Many people want to go to the mountains, forests, to the lake or lay a difficult tourist route. This allows you to get to know nature better, get a charge of good mood, escape from the hustle and bustle, work, ordinary everyday days.
One of the main tasks is to think over food on a hike. Not a single person should remain hungry in the company. There are no stores in the wild, so it is better to take the entire diet with you.
A 2-3 day hike is short, so on the one hand, you can afford some gastronomic excesses, and on the other hand, you don’t have to carry a heavy backpack with provisions.

Hiking is an energy-intensive activity. To restore the spent energy, hot food is indispensable.

Hot food options:

  • Kashi.
  • Soups.
  • Various second courses.

Products needed for cooking:

  • Stew, 2-3 cans. The product keeps well, can be used for seasoning soups, cereals and as an independent dish.
  • Cereals. To calculate the amount of cereal, you need to determine the maximum number of such meals. Cereals in the campaign, as a rule, are consumed twice a day.
    Flakes, such as oatmeal, rice or buckwheat, can serve as a wonderful alternative to ordinary cereals. Their main advantage is light weight and quick preparation.
  • The main vegetables for dressing second courses or soup are carrots, onions, potatoes. Such products, as a rule, are not light in weight. Therefore, vegetables are a secondary ingredient in a campaign, their task is to complement the taste of cereals and soups, and not to act as a separate dish.
  • Dry soups or noodles.

If it is not planned to overcome a long distance on the first day of the trip, then tourists can be allowed to cook barbecue. In this case, the meat must be taken in a minimum amount and pre-marinated. This option is most suitable for those who are going to take a cooler bag with them.

Important. When planning the preparation of barbecue, you need to take care of the necessary equipment. Lattice - a suitable option for hiking conditions. It can be placed on the log cabins of trees or stones.

Water and drinks

Going on a hike, you need to decide how things are with springs and springs along the route. This depends on the amount of water needed.
An approximate calculation of the liquid consumed during the campaign, not counting soups, is 2 liters per person.
The best option is to take 1 liter of water in a twist bottle. Further, water from drinking springs or rivers is collected in this container.

Important. In case of doubts about the drinking characteristics of water, it must first be boiled on a fire, and only then used to quench thirst.

Hot meals are also prepared using local water.
In addition to ordinary water, hot drinks should be present in the diet of a tourist: tea, coffee, compotes.
Compotes are an excellent drink if the area through which the hike passes is rich in various berries. In this case, the tourist will only need a bowler hat and sugar.

cold food

In addition to a full lunch, dinner, breakfast, no tourist can do without snacks.
Cold food, dry rations are also necessary in cases where weather conditions or lack of firewood do not allow preparing a full meal.

Snack options:

  • Cereal bars are a healthy stand-alone snack or addition to tea.
  • Nuts, dried fruits - will provide replenishment of the spent energy.
  • Cookie. For a trip, it is better to choose biscuits or other strong cookies, this will allow you to eat it whole, and not be content with crumbs.
  • Sweets to taste.

This block of products includes sausages for making sandwiches. It is better to choose dry varieties of sausages, they are well stored even at high temperatures.
Those who like fruity snacks should choose strong apples or citrus fruits.

Related products

This block includes products and spices, the main purpose of which is to improve the taste of cooked dishes.
1. Salt - in addition to taste properties, salt is a kind of disinfectant.
2. Sugar - an addition to tea, coffee or compote.
3. Pepper and other spices as desired

By the way, instead of regular sugar, you can take a small package of refined sugar. In this case, it can be considered not only an additive to tea, but also a separate sweet snack for everyone.

The listed products are the basis of camping provisions. Everything else is optional.

When thinking through the grocery program of the trip, you should follow a few rules:

1. Products must not be perishable and must not require special storage conditions.
2. The number of products must strictly correspond to the number of meals. Excess food is additional weight that makes the road heavier.
3. If you want to try the gifts of the forest during the hike, you need to do this only if you are completely sure of their safety.

You can go a week without food, but who likes it, so we'll figure it out now, what kind of food to take on a hike. By the end of this article, you will eat right on the go and not eat anything!

If the first question is asked, then the second is exactly: “ What will we eat?". A hiker without food is not a hiker at all! Food and water are the first things a hiker should think about, and especially a leader or guide. You need to think carefully about food, and the one who says that on a hike everything is delicious to horror, even water and bread, is wrong.

This is very important, especially if you.

In this article, I will focus on a multi-day hike, 5-9 people. But it is universal for any hike.
First of all, this is an analysis of the hikers themselves. There will be all the food in one cauldron, or full autonomy of all participants in the campaign, or part of it will separate during the campaign. This is especially important when distributing food. It is better to eat on your own, but it is more difficult. For you yourself need to rely on your own strength, but you can eat whatever your heart desires, or rather, what you take on a hike. If the group eats, then it's not about tastes, eat that and that's it.

Count in advance for all days, if there is an opportunity to go to the store on the way - the task will be a little easier.

Classification of food by time of consumption:

  1. Breakfast

Tourist breakfast- as a rule, various cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, cereals, muesli). Eat as many calories and glucose as possible in the morning! The morning should be high in calories so that you have a full supply of energy.
Food: various cereals, food left over from dinner, pasta, milk porridge, chocolate and condensed milk.

Dinner Dinner is usually prepared quickly. In the course are canned food (fish, pate) and made sandwiches + tea or coffee. Lunch is more of a snack, you need to eat well so that you can walk a certain distance normally and with a reserve of strength before sunset, after which you can have dinner.
Food: sausage, sandwiches, various canned food, chocolate and condensed milk.

Dinner- The main meal is for dinner. They usually dine in an already equipped camp, so you should already have a fire pit and time to cook a great dinner. It should be the most delicious and rich. If you go to sleep without eating, you will be cold at night, because you will not have the energy to generate heat, so you can forget about good sleep.
It is at this time that you can show off your culinary skills and cook various soups or the same cereals with meat.
Food: various soups, canned food, stew, chicken meat or barbecue, rice, pilaf, jacket potatoes, fried sausages, lard.

P.S. Must be hot and delicious! Don't forget tea.

No need to take

With that figured out, now I'll say that no need to take, or not desirable.

  • Perishable products- almost all dairy: kefir, milk, fermented baked milk, cheese. Boiled sausage, boiled eggs, smoked fish, fried chicken, ready-made salads and, of course, cakes (especially soft ones). P.S. You can take all this with the expectation that you will eat on the first day.
  • heavy foods- potatoes for frying (take a little for soup, 2-3 per person is enough, if you have a lot of them - make them into jacket potatoes).
  • Alcohol to be more precise - a lot of alcohol. You can leave vodka, cognac, beer and other drinks at home, you do not need them. Getting drunk is not the goal of the trip, if you can't live without it, take a little so that you don't have unpleasant moments on the trip. It is acceptable (I often take) a little red wine. It can be heated or made into mulled wine!
  • heavy packing- do not carry iron and especially glass jars, this is extra weight! Pour alcohol into plastic bottles.

The quantity and choice of the products themselves depends on the needs of the end consumer - the tourists themselves. You can calculate its quantity and quality by the following factors:

  • Availability of a store on a hike- if you pass near settlements, then this will lighten your burden, because you can buy additional products at the nearest store.
  • people's tastes- everyone has different tastes, someone loves the carcass, and someone hates it. Discuss the main food in advance so that there are no troubles along the way.
  • Vegetarians- you yourself understand that they do not eat meat, you adapt to them. But often they themselves know what they can eat, ask them.
  • Number of people- no comment.

For dessert: a great video about the best moments that are worth living for! Extreme selection on my blog, look:

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