The meaning of the name Snezhana is compatibility with other names, fate and character. Snezhana has the least chance of a strong relationship. Origin and meaning

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Origin and meaning

The female name Snezhana has Slavic roots. Its origin is associated with the word "snow". It means "snow", sometimes it is given the meaning "snow maiden".

Name astrology

Character traits

The secret of the name Snezhan hides a vulnerable, sensitive nature, with a fine mental organization. She is very receptive and sensitive to the opinions and actions of the people around her. She is also characterized by spontaneity. The girl is easy to get out of balance, she often gets upset, cries. Since childhood, praise, manifestations of love and care from other people are very important to her. She is offended by comments and criticism.

Snezhana loves friendly companies, and gatherings often happen at her place. The girl has many acquaintances, but the best friend is one. A lot can be done for him. It is important for her to feel needed, so she always helps others in any way she can, tries to be useful to them. He rarely lets anyone into his subtle, but unusually rich inner world.

The meaning of the name Snezhana reveals such a trait as impulsiveness, due to which a woman sometimes commits rash acts. It may seem that this is a weak personality, but this view is fundamentally wrong. She is well aware of the sense of duty, she is naturally gifted with extraordinary patience, adheres to the principle of honesty in everything. She is not interested in receiving immediate benefits. Prefers long-term and in terms of personal relationships, and with regard to work.

In general, Snezhana is a sociable, kind, very tactful person, it is easy to communicate with her. The coldness, indifference and injustice of other people really hurt her tender soul. Life's difficulties and great responsibility do not frighten the owner of the name. Overcoming problems and obstacles along the way helps her raise her self-esteem. She knows how to set goals and achieve them. Independant and non-confrontational. Likes variety in life. For her, meeting new people is a great pleasure.

Interests and hobbies

Traveling is Snezhana's real passion. She has a broad outlook and many interests. Since childhood, she has been fond of needlework: she is a craftswoman to weave, embroider or knit something.

Profession and business

A representative of this name can try herself as a cosmetologist, hairdresser, model, masseur, journalist. Excellent logical thinking and intuition allow her to achieve great success in the scientific field. She can become a good engineer, designer and economist.


Such a mobile nervous system (emotionality) causes stress, even depression. In general, Snezhana's health is rather weak.

Sex and love

Relationships with the stronger sex are not easy for her. She expects that her beloved will comprehend her complex inner world, while not initiating him into her secrets and experiences. The man doesn't understand. Because of this, there is coldness and alienation in relationships. Sex for her often turns into a way to raise her self-esteem.

Family and marriage

Snezhana chooses a mature man as her husband - just such a person can give her the fatherly care that she needs. She marries for love. As a true loving wife, she shares all the hardships and sorrows with her husband, strives to support her chosen one in everything. The owner of this name is an excellent hostess, skillfully arranges life, creates comfort in the house. He cooks well, although he does not really like this business. Very hospitable, loves children. She may have many godchildren.

When choosing a name for their unborn child, parents dream that it will make him happy. After all, it is not in vain that there is a proverb: "As you call a ship, so it will sail." When we hear the name Snezhana, the imagination will immediately draw a strict, cold girl who is indifferent to others and their problems. But is it? What is the actual meaning of the name Snezhana and what character does its bearer have? Let's start in order.

Name origin

There are two versions explaining the history of the appearance of the name. According to the first, the origin of the name Snezhana has Slavic roots and goes back into the deep past. Unfortunately, the history of its origin has not been preserved to this day, so no one knows exactly where it originates from. The only thing known is that the meaning of the name Snezhana comes from the word "snow", "Snow Maiden".

The next version assumes the Bulgarian origin of the name. In etymological translation, the meaning of the name Snezhana is "snow". It is explained very simply - that was the name of the babies born in winter, in heavy snowfall.

Snezhana's childhood

If the girl's name is Snezhana, then a kind of cold doll immediately appears, which cannot be penetrated by anything. However, the first impression, as always, is deceptive. The baby grows very sensitive, it is hard to bear the insult, she can burst into tears because of any nonsense. The girl is incredibly vulnerable, emotional, reacts very hard to criticism. By nature, Snezhana is a person of mood, so it is very difficult to predict exactly how she will behave in a difficult situation. The little young lady is hard to bear not only the lack of attention, but also the lack of tact, therefore, when communicating with her, it is advisable for the interlocutor to control her words and actions so as not to even indirectly hurt her feelings.

The meaning of the name Snezhana is not too reflected in the character of the baby. Since childhood, she has shown a sincere desire to help people and be good for everyone. The baby is very upset when she hears the discontent of others in her address. Despite the increased emotionality, the girl is incredibly secretive, she will not share her experiences with anyone, preferring to act at the level of intuition. As a result of this, and because of her impulsiveness, Snezhana quite often does stupid things, which she later regrets very much. The young lady is incredibly charming and has a special charm, thanks to which she rarely remains alone. The girl has a lot of friends, they appreciate her and love to spend time with her at quiet home gatherings.


Despite the fact that the exact sciences are difficult for Snezhana, she studies well. She is most successful in those disciplines that she is actually interested in, while the rest she will simply memorize in order to keep up with others. The girl is hardworking enough, but she does not always have enough patience.


The health of the young lady is pretty good, which makes her parents very happy. She very rarely gets sick, and if she catches an infection or a cold, she easily tolerates it. The weak point in Snezhana's body can be called the digestive system. However, if you follow a diet and eat regularly, you can avoid serious violations. The main thing in her case is to undergo an examination on time and not self-medicate.

The nature of the name Snezhana

Adult Snezhana is very sociable and energetic. The girl tries to look like a strict young lady who boldly goes through life. However, she does not succeed very well, and after the first meeting, each person can understand that her seriousness and severity are a mask under which a tender and vulnerable nature is hidden. Snezhana cannot sit idle, charging those around her with her enthusiasm. The girl cannot stand boredom and monotony, she loves traveling, easily meets new people. To diversify her life, Snezhana often does stupid things, which she eventually begins to regret. Another not very good quality of a girl is that she often invents problems for herself, however, then she solves them on her own. The character of the girl is not very easy, emotionality and impulsiveness affect. However, there is more good in it. The girl is not vindictive, has an objective self-esteem, is not envious, never weaves intrigues and does not start quarrels.


Snezhana is a great worker who can be entrusted with even the most difficult task. The chosen field of activity should bring pleasure, if this is not the case, then the girl will refuse it, despite the high salary, although the material side is no less important for Snezhana. The girl can be called a workaholic, because she almost never sits idle. Snezhana is self-confident, prone to narcissism, therefore, among many professions, she most often stops at a fashion designer, cosmetologist, hairdresser, massage therapist, and can also try herself in journalism.

A family

The family life of a girl, as a rule, is going well. As a life partner, she chooses a responsible, purposeful man who can support her in difficult times. Snezhana will be a great hostess, on which the whole house rests. In addition, the girl is a loving and caring wife and mother. She treats her children wonderfully, devoting most of her time to them. Snezhana is hospitable and hospitable, but she does not like to visit and always tries to refuse the invitation.

The secret of the name Snezhana

The secret of the girl is her vulnerable and sensitive soul, which she tries to hide from everyone, preferring to seem self-confident, prudent and cold to everyone. Moreover, the older she gets, the more deeply she hides these qualities.

  • Named planet - Moon.
  • The stone is alexandrite.
  • Zodiac sign - Cancer.
  • The lucky color is white.
  • The plant is a water lily.
  • The animal is an owl.
  • Lucky day is Monday.

Name Snezhana: name compatibility

Snezhana will have a good marriage with Gennady, Gavril, Sergey, Korney, Peter, Viktor, Igor, Artem, Ilya.

Less successful - with Eugene, Mikhail, Zakhar, Stanislav, Boris, Vasily, Artur, Fedor.

Snezhana and Sergei are not well suited to each other as partners for a love relationship. Often such couples break up after several dates, when both realize the fallacy of their choice. A woman wants everything at once. The partner hostilely perceives her desire to rush things, because he is used to measuredness and thoughtfulness. He reaches out to such a bright and outwardly irresistible partner, but her selfishness becomes an obstacle to their happiness. In order for the relationship to develop further, a man must give in.

The marriage of these people is built on the inequality of partners. The leader is the wife, whose temper does not allow her husband to show his individuality. A man in whose upbringing his father did not take proper part or grew up in a family where the mother was the leader easily gets along with such a woman. Otherwise, the family is accompanied by conflicts.

Compatibility in friendship 95%

Snezhana and Sergey strike up a strong friendship. They know how to keep secrets and are ready to stand up for each other in difficult times. An emotional and active woman supports a sensual and trusting man in disputes and, unnoticed by others, helps him establish his own rules. She can pour out her soul to this man who is direct and open to the feelings of other people and hear good advice from him. Their friendship has a healing effect, as it helps each of them fight their bad habits.

Compatibility in work 74%

Snezhana and Sergey become good business partners. A strong and strong-willed woman has "punching" qualities that help to withstand competition and pave the way for their tandem. A man adapts better to changing circumstances and can quickly change plans to suit the situation.

If a man is subordinate to such a woman, the union ceases to be harmonious. The imperious and capricious boss dictates her conditions to him, which he, due to his complaisance, impeccably fulfills. Such cooperation can become long-term if a woman pacifies her character and ceases to seek to subdue a man.

There are two versions explaining the history of the appearance of the name. According to the first, the origin of the name Snezhana has Slavic roots and goes back into the deep past. Unfortunately, the history of its origin has not been preserved to this day, so no one knows exactly where it originates from. The only thing known is that the meaning of the name Snezhana comes from the word "snow", "Snow Maiden". The next version assumes the Bulgarian origin of the name. In etymological translation, the meaning of the name Snezhana is “snowy”, “blonde”. It is explained very simply - that was the name of the babies born in winter, in heavy snowfall. The name is found in many Slavic countries, most often in Bulgaria, Ukraine, Serbia. Related names are Snezha and Snezhina, Snezhko (male name). In the Ukrainian version, the name sounds like Snizhana. The diminutive address Zhanna is also an independent name. And so there is a spelling of the name Snezhan with a doubling of the letter "n" - Snezhanna.

An unusually tender, affectionate, and at the same time cold and impregnable female name Snezhana, endows its owner with the softness of winter snow and the unpredictability of a cold storm. The nature of Snezhana largely depends on the environment of her upbringing, but usually she is an energetic woman who prefers to appear strict and correct, but at the same time often acts impulsively. In childhood, the owner of this name is a fragile, sensitive and vulnerable girl. She always depends on her mood, so she can manifest herself in a completely unexpected way. Snezhana studies, as a rule, well, but it is very important for her that the learning process is not boring, because the owner of this name is terribly burdened by monotony. The same feeling in relation to life and adult Snezhana. She is a responsible, “correct”, fair and hardworking nature who loves to overcome various difficulties, solve complex everyday problems, be on the move and eternal employment. Snezhana has many friends, usually she herself strives to be friends with as many people as possible, as she likes to be in the center of attention, communicate and help others.

Characteristics of the name Snezhana

Corresponding zodiac sign: Leo ♌.

patron planet: Mercury ☿.

The dominant element of Feng Shui: Water 水.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Alexandrite, Silver.

Talisman-color: White, Silver.

Mascot Tree: Olive 🍁.

Mascot Plant: Water lily, Lily.

Animal Mascot: Owl.

most successful day: Monday ☽.

happy season: Summer ☀.

Character features: Susceptibility, Stealth, Obligation, Nobility.

Spring Snezhana- a sensitive, stubborn girl. The family life of this charming, tactful lady is rarely cloudless, the husband most often cannot understand her spiritual aspirations, relations with her mother-in-law are complex.

Summer Snezhana- has a very changeable character. Able to cry and get upset over trifles, blaming others for her grief. He can make a lot of mistakes, and because of his lack of assembly, he often finds himself in unpleasant situations. Windiness often pushes a woman to sexual experiments, which she later regrets greatly.

Autumn Snezhana- a little reserved, but sympathetic and kind. It is believed that a girl with that name is rather cold outwardly, but inside she is quite sensitive. She often lacks the stamina and poise as at work. as well as in personal life.

Winter Snezhana- very purposeful and practically not amenable to other people's influence, preferring to act independently, attach importance to their own reasoning. For such women, their own spiritual world is surrounded by thick armor, through which it is very difficult to get through.

The nature of the name Snezhana

The secret of the name Snezhan hides a vulnerable, sensitive nature, with a fine mental organization. She is very receptive and sensitive to the opinions and actions of the people around her. She is also characterized by spontaneity. The girl is easy to get out of balance, she often gets upset, cries. Since childhood, praise, manifestations of love and care from other people are very important to her. She is offended by comments and criticism. Snezhana loves friendly companies, and gatherings often happen at her place. The girl has many acquaintances, but the best friend is one. A lot can be done for him. It is important for her to feel needed, so she always helps others in any way she can, tries to be useful to them. He rarely lets anyone into his subtle, but unusually rich inner world.

The meaning of the name Snezhana reveals such a trait as impulsiveness, due to which a woman sometimes commits rash acts. It may seem that this is a weak personality, but this view is fundamentally wrong. She is well aware of the sense of duty, she is naturally gifted with extraordinary patience, adheres to the principle of honesty in everything. She is not interested in receiving immediate benefits. Prefers long-term and in terms of personal relationships, and with regard to work. In general, Snezhana is a sociable, kind, very tactful person, it is easy to communicate with her. The coldness, indifference and injustice of other people really hurt her tender soul. Life's difficulties and great responsibility do not frighten the owner of the name. Overcoming problems and obstacles along the way helps her raise her self-esteem. She knows how to set goals and achieve them. Independant and non-confrontational. Likes variety in life. For her, meeting new people is a great pleasure.

Positive traits of the name Snezhana: responsive, attentive, fair - this woman will never allow anyone to be offended nearby. She will do everything possible to help the weak, the offended. Differs in benevolence, politeness, communicates well with every person. If necessary, she is ready to sacrifice something for loved ones, but she will think well - she will not become a hero without a serious reason. It's fun in company with Snezhana: she is a well-read interlocutor, a bright storyteller. For all his emotionality, he experiences difficult situations with dignity, does not fall into hysterics for every reason.

Negative traits of the name Snezhana: it is difficult for her to control emotions, so she can burst into tears at any moment. In rare cases, she is able to be rude, but she quickly apologizes, feels guilty. In an effort to avoid loneliness, he may make not quite the right acquaintances. Easily falls under the influence of stronger and more stable personalities, is fond of crazy ideas that are on the verge. She is able to completely adjust her life to a new hobby and try to attract others to her side.

Interests and hobbies

Traveling is Snezhana's real passion. She has a broad outlook and many interests. Since childhood, she has been fond of needlework: she is a craftswoman to weave, embroider or knit something. She can participate in an amateur theater - an excellent actress will come out of the owner of this name. Charity of various types is also suitable, but here you should carefully consider the choice of direction.

Profession and business

He will build a successful career in an area where you have to communicate a lot with people. A representative of this name can try herself as a cosmetologist, hairdresser, model, masseur, journalist. Excellent logical thinking and intuition allow her to achieve great success in the scientific field. She can become a good engineer, lawyer, economist, administrator, musician, designer or physician.

Snezhana can achieve a lot, but is unlikely to want to aim at her own business. If he decides to start his own business, it will be associated with some kind of female direction, where you need to sensitively feel the mood and desire of clients. The owner of this name rarely earns a lot, from time to time she needs financial support from outside. With a failed family life, the girl directs all her efforts to achieve success in the career field, however, all achievements and career ambitions lose their power as soon as the young lady meets a suitable applicant for her hand and heart on her way.

Psyche and health

Snezhana always has a fine nervous organization. And besides, she is very susceptible and incredibly vulnerable. Snezhana is not balanced and overly emotional, so the slightest sideways glance, or a rude word can knock her out of her usual rut for a very long time and often even bring her to tears. And of course, callousness, injustice and constant indifference hurt Snezhana extremely painfully. She also very acutely feels a certain lack of love, or attention, and simply care. However, with all this, Snezhana can never be called weak-willed. So duty, extraordinary patience, maximum honesty and, of course, kindness are the most basic life principles and criteria for her. She is not at all afraid of difficulties and serious responsibility. And solving the most difficult problems often helps her raise her self-esteem and somehow fulfill herself.

Snezhana's health is quite strong. Perhaps, because of her thinness, she will look somewhat sickly, but all this is just an external deception, since she is usually a hardy, energetic, physically developed woman who still needs to pay more attention to the gastrointestinal tract. A "snowy" girl should avoid everything that is associated with the cold. Her time is the days when it is warm and dry. Be sure to monitor hormones and the stability of the nervous system. It is necessary to exclude factors that contribute to overwork, otherwise a nervous breakdown is inevitable.

Love and sex

Relationships with the stronger sex are not easy for her. A woman who pays great attention to her own inner world does not understand her husband's cold aloofness. For his part, the man is simply unable to understand Snezhana, since she does not talk about her experiences. This means the presence of frequent conflicts in the family.

A girl's sexuality wakes up quite early, and very often is a way to raise her own self-esteem and sense of worth. Often they marry mature men who could envelop the young lady with paternal care and love.

Family and marriage

Snezhana chooses a mature man as her husband - just such a person can give her the fatherly care that she needs. She marries for love. As a true loving wife, she shares all the hardships and sorrows with her husband, strives to support her chosen one in everything. The owner of this name does not show demands on her family, loves them for who they are, allows children to form freely.

The owner of this name is an excellent hostess, skillfully arranges life, creates comfort in the house. He cooks well, although he does not really like this business. Very hospitable, loves children. She may have many godchildren. It is very difficult for a young lady to have a relationship with her mother-in-law, ranging from daily scandals to complete cold alienation. This greatly depresses not only the woman, but also her husband, who defends the position of his mother in disputes.

Horoscope named after Snezhan

Snezhana-Aries ♈- An energetic, cheerful and cheerful girl. She hates boredom and routine, cherishes her friends, of whom she has many. Unpredictable and always in search of adventure. She is inquisitive and hardworking, but for the sake of new experiences she is ready for many rash acts.

Snezhana-Taurus ♉- quite naive in assessing people, which is why she is often disappointed in them. Too trusts new acquaintances, considering them true friends. She does not learn from her mistakes, she needs to learn to understand people. It is not easy for her to go through life, but in love she will be lucky. She will certainly find a prince ready for anything.

Snezhana-Gemini ♊– beautiful, elegant, loves fashionable clothes and shoes. Guided by mood and emotions, he skillfully charms men and uses them for his own good. Selfish and looking for benefits in everything without exception. He can deceive and betray if he sees a real gain in this.

Snezhana-Rak ♋- sincere and kind-hearted, but naive, constantly hovers in the clouds and builds castles in the air, always looks at the world through rose-colored glasses and feeds on illusions. Shy and indecisive, she needs constant approval and support.

Snezhana-Lev ♌- a straightforward and open, honest and fair girl. Always says what he thinks. It is difficult to perceive criticism, even if it is constructive. She is ready to defend her point of view to the end, she will never admit she was wrong. Cavaliers with her can not stand it for a long time.

Snezhana-Virgo ♍- endowed with a complex character and quick temper. Often superficial in assessing others and their actions, uncompromising and principled, makes many mistakes and misconduct, but believes that she is worthy of universal forgiveness. Getting along with her is not easy and not everyone can do it.

Snezhana-Libra ♎- a dreamer and idealist who sees the world through rose-colored glasses. She trusts unfamiliar people, not fully recognizing them, therefore she often turns out to be disappointed in them. She is saved only by kindness and the ability to forgive. She will give herself entirely to the man she loves.

Snezhana-Scorpio ♏- sharp, quick-tempered, wayward, can not stand when she is criticized. She has few friends, and they all accept her for who she is. It's pretty hard for new people. A friend who offended her will become an enemy, and she herself may also begin to take revenge. Don't mess with her...

Snezhana Sagittarius ♐- a versatile person who shows interest in many things and has many hobbies. There is no hard work and dedication in her, so she does not always bring what she started to the end. She'd better choose one thing to make progress.

Snezhana-Capricorn ♑- a vulnerable, sentimental and vulnerable woman, tries to hide her weaknesses from others. Painfully reacts to criticism and any remarks, trying not to show that it offends her. She lacks a companion with an iron grip, a knight with whom she could feel completely safe.

Snezhana Aquarius ♒- the representative of this sign has excellent compatibility with all the zodiacs, and all thanks to super charm, conflict-free, and positive thinking. He knows how to divert troubles from himself by turning the conflict into a joke. Easily compromises, not seeing it as a sign of weakness.

Snezhana Pisces ♓- a romantic nature, dreaming of ideal love and true friendship. Excessively idealizes the people around him, which often leads to trouble. Not vindictive, not able to betray or deceive. Adheres to strict moral principles.

Compatibility of the name Snezhana with male names

Snezhana and Andrey- "happiness". Here, however, it will be special for everyone. The fact is that in any relationship, it is common values ​​that come to the fore. For example, both halves of the same union can be distinguished by an irrepressible craving for self-development, travel, raising children, an active lifestyle, and much more. Perhaps Snezhana generates an idea, and Andrey happily takes on its implementation (other combinations are not excluded). And, most importantly, such a commonality of interests helps them to easily survive any domestic conflicts. And in terms of intimate life, their interests are also likely to converge in many ways. In a word, it is love and friendship rolled into one.

Snezhana and Boris- the owners of these names are bright natures and strong personalities, while the fair sex, as a rule, is hardly able to appreciate the charm of permanent family ties. The man in this union, on the contrary, is serious and expects fidelity and constancy from his soulmate. Under such conditions, their home can turn into a real battlefield, where jealousy, reproaches, and a flurry of mutual insults rage. This can only be avoided when Snezhana and Boris both sides try to soften their independent temper and learn patience and compromise.

Snezhana and Vladimir- the passion that has firmly settled in this couple will not always protect this union from quarrels and quarrels. They are terribly afraid of losing each other, all the time on their nerves - who would like such a life! Vladimir, who is usually not in the mood for a serious relationship, can suddenly feel good next to the owner of such a beautiful name as Snezhana. Vladimir is an ideal lover for her, because, as a romantic nature, she always needs uncertainty, and he will provide it in abundance. Only this man is able to save a girl named Snezhana from her inner tension, with which she lives all her life. Of course, every man wants his girlfriend to be an easy-going optimist with a great sense of humor, so Vladimir will prefer her.

Snezhana and George- one of the most reasonable unions. It can be characterized by such words as "cooperation", "friendship" and "partnership", love itself is also given enough space here. There is just one interesting nuance here: Snezhana and Georgy prefer mutual understanding and unity of souls to careless sighs under the moon. They are comfortable with each other also because they are completely satisfied with each other both sexually and psychologically. At the same time, this barrel of honey was also not without a fly in the ointment. The fact is that in their personal lives they often strive to win the palm, which in some cases leads to rather noisy showdowns. But this is not a problem. The expression “darlings scold - they only amuse themselves” - this is just about them.

Snezhana and Demid- these people are attracted to each other like opposite poles of a magnet. It is important to know that if Demid completely determined for himself that Snezhana must definitely become his soulmate, then he will stop at nothing. Yes, to win the heart of a beauty he likes, he is able to do even the most incredible feats. A man, for the sake of the happiness of his chosen one, is ready (though often reluctantly) to put up with this whim of hers. It is possible that in order for his soulmate to feel the carelessness and fullness of life she needs so much, this man is even able to get an additional job. She, like a princess, is capable of bestowing mercy on him for such a demonstration of loyalty and allowing her to continue to improve the material component of her life.

Snezhana and Evgeny- such an alliance is particularly disinterested. These relationships are very strong. And all because here the focus is not on momentary passion and love, which many people mistakenly take for true love, but on inner peace and endless confidence in their own partner. Snezhana sincerely believes that you will not find more true and reliable than Evgeny in any corner of the world. And, what is most wonderful, a man holds a similar opinion regarding his chosen one. But Snezhana and Evgeny succumb to the influence of true passion when no one is around. These are very temperamental lovers who do not approve of the popularization of private issues.

Snezhana and Zakhar- they put spiritual unity at the head of relations, the influence of which extends to all other spheres of life. However, one should not assume that the material component of life together is completely unimportant for them. No, they love comfort and prosperity. But at the same time, both a man and a woman are fully aware that without spiritual warmth, no external attributes of wealth are able to give true happiness and peace. There is such an expression: "A beloved person is not the one with whom you can live, but the one without whom you cannot live." The fact is that Snezhana and Zakhar perceive it only as a guide to action, as well as a motto that must be followed in any life situation.

Snezhana and Ivan- they value their reputation very much. Therefore, in no case will they try to humiliate their partner or put them in an awkward position. Both the man and the woman here are fully aware that from a negative attitude towards the second half, one can only expect a similar reaction in relation to oneself. Therefore, in relations with Ivan Snezhana, trepidation reigns both during official receptions, at which they simply love to be present, and in bed. In a word, each here recognizes in the other a value that requires a corresponding treatment.

Snezhana and Kirill- perhaps someone will say that their temperaments do not correlate with each other at all. Cyril is a man of very hot morals, prone to leadership and intolerant of disobedience. Snezhana, on the contrary, is a refined nature and does not tolerate any rudeness at all. However, these people, to be honest, really have something to offer each other. Kirill takes full responsibility for making decisions and thereby frees her from additional headaches about this. Snezhana, in turn, does everything to ensure such a favorable environment, where the spirit of confidence in the future reigns permanently, does not skimp on affection and care for her beloved. As you can see, each of them brings into the life of the other that which, for quite objective reasons, is clearly lacking.

Snezhana and Leo- such an alliance has many chances in order to eventually become successful. Both of them are alien to calm and even more so loneliness. Instead, they choose for themselves the atmosphere of the holiday, loud laughter and unbridled fun. And, what is most interesting, they are constantly trying to bring all these moments into their own life together, which they succeed with considerable success. This couple simply loves attending club parties, theatrical performances together, being in the spotlight and going on vacation to various parts of the world. In terms of finances, there is also complete harmony here, since Leo is inclined not to spare money for the chosen one, and Snezhana, in turn, fully approves such behavior of her lover. And they are also such lovers, who can safely be rated "five".

Snezhana and Mikhail- such an alliance is more likely to save the equality and independence of partners than dictatorship and mutual reproaches. Both of them are cautious people, and before they rush into the pool with their heads, they will carefully weigh and think over everything, so it can be argued that they definitely will not make mistakes. Of course, Mikhail is more solid and serious than the emotional and direct Snezhana, but this couple is good because they harmoniously complement each other. Surprisingly, this couple looks like a royal couple. The desire for a luxurious life, of course, makes them related, but, unfortunately, none of them has the ability to financially provide for the family. Having provided her husband with comfort, Snezhana can count on the fact that he will not go anywhere from her.

Snezhana and Nikolai- they never delimit their powers within relationships, and even more so they do not make sure that one of them, God forbid, does not take on too much responsibility. Here, on the contrary, all processes take place as a matter of course, which absolutely suits both partners in a joint life. If Snezhana is offended by something or upset due to some circumstances, then Nikolai will definitely find the right words in order to bring her state of mind into balance. Yes, just such a feature in her chosen one is truly appreciated by a woman who is in such a union. In exchange for this, Snezhana gives her lover affection, care and tenderness. If we dig a little deeper, then here we are dealing with the energy exchange that occurs between members of opposite sexes.

Snezhana and Ostap- the strength of their union is largely ensured by passionate sexual relations in a couple. As for the topic of capitalization, both lovers (and most often subsequently the spouse) strive to ensure that their union has reliable material support. In a word, ideally there should be just enough money so as not to worry about their absence. Snezhana and Ostap are very independent and have a great depth of feelings, and therefore it is not difficult for them to understand each other. In addition, they are inquisitive, they always have a lot of common interests. Together they can travel, communicate, seek new experiences.

Snezhana and Plato- these man and woman do not have a soul in each other, and even more than that - they tend to infect the surrounding couples with this feature, who enviously observe their happiness. By the way, Snezhana and Plato did not learn to hide their contentment with each other. And, to be honest, they do not even try to comprehend this science, which seems to them completely useless. The only thing they prefer not to talk about is their own intimate life, as well as the bank account number. Yes, the topic of sex and finance represents something for them that does not concern anyone else but the two of them.

Snezhana and Roman- approach the issue of building a personal life with special responsibility. Yes, it is not surprising, because, perhaps, today the moment will come when the person with whom they are destined to live all their lives will appear in their lives. This circumstance characterizes both a man and a woman from the most attractive side. The fact is that in the future marriage, Roman and Snezhana do not abuse egoism, but, on the contrary, completely concentrate on their partner. This state of affairs inside not only gives the desired idyll, but also allows you to timely diagnose relationships, identify weaknesses and quickly change the situation for the better. And, most importantly, such a principle of regulating relationships is for them one of the most striking manifestations of the ideal.

Snezhana and Semyon- it is possible that such a union is based on the law of mutual attraction, which has reigned in the universe since its creation. The bottom line here is this: everyone attracts into their personal life the person they think about the most. And in this regard, the desires of both partners completely coincide. Semyon takes the first step, and Snezhana reciprocates completely. On a subconscious level, she is looking for a protector for herself and in most cases finds him in a man whose name is Semyon. If we talk about this representative of the stronger sex, then, on the contrary, he is distinguished by special determination and the absence of excessive modesty.

Snezhana and Timofey- the union of two bright personalities, each of which is distinguished by a strongly pronounced individuality and exactingness in observing personal interests. This position is characteristic of both Snezhana and Timofey. And to the question: “How do they manage to get along together in this state of affairs?”, Oddly enough, there is a very clear and intelligible answer. The thing is that these people, as a rule, have not only high self-esteem, but a considerable degree of intelligence. They understand their partner as well as possible precisely because they themselves have approximately the same organization of their own personality.

Snezhana and Fedor- both partners have common interests, which in the rhythm of modern life matters, frankly, not unimportant. Secondly, together, as a rule, they strive to improve their own financial situation. For these purposes, they choose self-development. And this, in turn, ensures that there is no gap between them. Thirdly, in bed they show special attention to each other, and they succeed with considerable success. If we give some general description to the relationship that Snezhana and Fedor are endowed with, then the closeness here will turn out to be multiple.

Snezhana and Eduard- match each other almost one hundred percent. And there are more than enough reasons for such a conclusion. Snezhana and Eduard have quite a lot in common on a mental, psychological and physical level. Even in bed, they show special attention to each other and try to deliver real pleasure to their partner in intimate life. By the way, they succeed with considerable success. And therefore, they have very impressive chances for a long and happy life together. In addition, they tend to feel that there is only one person in the world prepared for them. And he's right there.

Snezhana and Yuri- are able to so immerse themselves in each other that at certain moments it begins to seem to them that in the whole world there is nothing and no one but them. They subconsciously look for each other, and when they finally meet, they try to spend as much time together as possible. Curiously, this feature extends not only to the well-known "flower-candy" period, but also to all subsequent stages. Even in marriage, Snezhana and Yuri do not have a soul in each other. And after they have children, all the caress and care that parents are overwhelmed with begins to spread to the child. No wonder, because this is a joint project, and therefore everyone brought a piece of himself into it. As for intimate life, here Snezhan and Yuri often have something that is called complete enthusiasm for the process.

Snezhana and Yaroslav- for such an alliance, duration is more characteristic than strength in relationships. Often in this situation, a woman dominates, accustomed to exerting considerable pressure on her lover. Reproaches on her part can relate to anything. For example, the lack of cleanliness and order in the house, financial difficulties, lack of ambition and a great many other issues. And here, as a rule, there is a discrepancy of interests. Although in terms of sexual relations, no "knots and hitches" are foreseen for Yaroslav and Snezhana. However, this is clearly not enough for the reign of real harmony. It is also necessary, at a minimum, to take into account the feelings and value system of your partner.

Snezhana is a tender and fragile girl, with a deep inner world and a rich imagination. Despite the fact that this name evokes coldness, its owner is very good-natured, peaceful and naive. Like the Snow Maiden, she is smiling and soft-hearted, which often attracts mercenary people to her. Very receptive and touchy, very worried about problems that do not really exist.

Name origin

The name Snezhana is of Slavic origin. It means "snowy", "frozen". So often called girls with light hair color.

This name has many related words:

  • Snowball;
  • Snow Maiden;
  • Snowflake.

There are also male forms of the name - Snezhko, Snezha.

In ancient times, girls with blond hair were often called Snezhany.

Forms of the name Snezhana

Short forms of the name:

  • Snowball;
  • Nezhka;
  • Snowball;
  • Snezha;
  • Zhanna.

The abbreviated form is also used as an independent name.

Diminutive forms:

  • Snezhanka;
  • Snezhanochka;
  • Snow Maiden.

When writing poems about a girl named Snezhana, you can use the following rhymes: talisman, ocean, screen, volcano, ikebana.

Photo gallery: name forms

Snezhana - the full form of the name Zhanna - one of the short forms of the name Snezhana
Snezhanochka - a popular variant of affectionate appeal to Snezhana

The church correspondence of the name is Khionia (translated as "snowy"). Nevertheless, Snezhan is often also baptized with Annas or Stephanies. They also use the name of a saint who is revered on the girl's birthday.

Transliteration of the name for the international passport - SNEZHANA.

Table: name variations in different languages

Patronymics that are combined with the name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Snezhana:

  • Alekseevna;
  • Valerievna;
  • Vyacheslavovna;
  • Ilyinichna;
  • Leonidovna.

Nickname options for social networks

  • snowman;
  • snezha;
  • snowball;
  • snezhka;
  • snezhinka.

Patron saints of Snezhana, name day dates

The name of Snezhan in the Orthodox calendar corresponds to Chionia, therefore, the girls who are so called correspond to such saints:

  • Martyr Chionia of Aquileia;
  • Confessor Chionia of Arkhangelsk;
  • Martyr Chionia of Caesarea (Palestinian).

Saint Chionia, together with her brother and sister in faith Paul and Alevtina, lived at the beginning of the 4th century. During the persecution, they preached Christianity in Caesarea in Palestine. Because of their religion, they were brutally tortured and then executed.

Martyr Chionia (right) - the patron saint of girls named Snezhana

Snezhany celebrate name day:

  • February 4;
  • April 29;
  • July 29.

On Saint Chionia, on April 29, they planted cabbage and whitewashed tree trunks. They monitored how the young growth "drinks moisture" during watering. Fast and greedy - the harvest will take place on sunny days.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits:

  • diligence;
  • sociability;
  • unselfishness;
  • kindness;
  • friendliness.

Negative Traits:

  • vulnerability;
  • emotional instability;
  • fear of loneliness.

Snezhana in childhood

Snezhana grows up as a rather restless, impressionable and vulnerable child. Parents should be as delicate and lenient as possible in raising a baby. Any criticism or small remark can bring the girl to tears.

The little owner of this name is changeable in mood, her emotional state can change several times a day. From deep despondency to unbridled fun and vice versa, a girly girl can switch in just a few minutes. Snezhana does not like to be alone for a long time, she prefers outdoor games in the yard with her friends.

As a child, Snezhana is sociable and mobile.

This is a very persistent and purposeful little girl. If she wants to succeed in any business, she will definitely achieve the desired result. Snezhana is inquisitive, constantly striving to learn something new for herself. True, the study of the exact sciences is not easy for her. Therefore, parents should work hard with their daughter or enroll her in additional classes in mathematics and physics.

How the name affects the character and fate of an adult woman

According to Boris Khigir, Snezhana is very vulnerable and impressionable. She reacts strongly to manifestations of cruelty and injustice. Such a girl often lacks the attention and care of loved ones. When dealing with her, patience and delicacy should be exercised. She takes even constructive criticism very close to her heart and worries for a long time.

According to Khigir, Snezhana is vulnerable and touchy

Snezhana is very secretive, does not like to talk about her personal life even to close people. She is more immersed in herself, prefers to experience all the difficulties alone. The owner of this name is very economic, likes to receive guests and spend weekends with friends. This is a very understanding interlocutor, the girl is always ready to listen and offer her help.

Snezhana's career and business

Snezhana is a strong-willed and purposeful woman, work always comes first in her life. Such a girl does not pursue fame and recognition, the result is important for her. She can realize herself in such professions:

  • lawyer;
  • administrator;
  • teacher;
  • musician;
  • designer;
  • journalist;
  • beautician;
  • doctor.

The owner of this name does not like change, she appreciates stability. Having found her calling, she devotes her whole life to one cause. This is a serious, responsible and punctual worker, Snezhana can achieve great success.

Snezhana can become a successful cosmetologist


Despite the fragility, Snezhana has a fairly strong immunity. Throughout her life, she does not have any serious illnesses. She is very active and tries to lead a healthy lifestyle. However, such a girl needs to monitor nutrition. The presence of junk food in the diet can provoke problems with the digestive system.

Snezhana in love and marriage

Snezhana takes marriage seriously and consciously. She looks closely and studies the habits of her partner for a long time. However, her family life is far from perfect. The spouse of such a girl does not always have the patience to perceive all the emotional outbursts of her beloved. Often it is very difficult for him to understand his wife. In relations with the mother-in-law, too, not everything is smooth. Despite this, she strives to be delicate and good-natured towards all relatives and family members.

In love, Snezhana is caring, but sometimes too emotional.

The owner of this name is economic, she loves cleanliness and order. At the same time, Snezhana does not devote herself entirely to her family. She also manages to build a career, devote time to her hobbies. This is a loving wife and caring mother who always supports all the undertakings of children. She treats her relatives condescendingly, forgives all shortcomings. Snezhanochka's husband should be patient, calm, but with a strong character. It is important for him to be able to provide for both his wife and children.

Table: compatibility with male names

The meaning of each letter of the name

C - prudence, self-sufficiency, the desire to realize oneself as a person. Willfulness, capriciousness and exactingness. The girl seeks to find her destiny.

Women with a name with the letter "C" always want to achieve the recognition of others, and it does not matter at all at what cost. Some seek to attract attention with their charming appearance, others try to get the favor of other people with the help of money. There are also those who try to stand out from the crowd with defiant and somewhat vulgar behavior.

N - extremely intractable. Always true to their beliefs and principles, it is very difficult for them to accept someone else's opinion, even the correct one. Possess analytical thinking and excellent memory. Always take good care of your health. They are very responsible employees, they perfectly cope with their duties, do their work conscientiously, they do not like to take on the same thing twice.

E - the desire to be useful to society, the desire to make connections with the right people. An urgent need for like-minded people. She has a very sensitive intuition, with the help of which she is able to bypass all obstacles and achieve success in life. Can't keep secrets.

F - strong-willed, self-sufficient, very secretive. They prefer not to talk about their plans. Strive to be successful in everything.

A is a symbol of beginnings and cardinal changes, the desire for self-improvement.

Seven letters in the name indicate integrity and discipline. Such a girl tends to adhere to strict moral principles and demand the same from others. Because of this, she has difficulty in communicating with others. Not everyone understands the motives of the actions of this lady.

Table: name matches

StoneBerylA symbol of stability and strong feelings, happiness, prosperity and prosperity. It is believed that beryl improves thinking and brain activity, develops attention and memory.
ColorWhiteSuch people are always on the side of justice, in any circumstances they firmly keep their word. Very talented and diversified. Finances and material values ​​are not as important for them as the opportunity to realize themselves in society.
Number2 Strong-willed, purposeful and sociable people. Show courtesy and patience to everyone. Responsible employees who deserve the respect of colleagues and superiors. They perform their duties in a timely and conscientious manner. They are able to make a brilliant career and achieve everything they wish.
PlanetMoonThey have a very deep inner world and even certain extrasensory abilities. During the full moon, they become more receptive and irritable.
ElementWaterThey always trust their inner instinct, which helps to bypass all obstacles on the way to the desired goal. Very talented and communicative. Interesting interlocutors. Sometimes they show violent emotions, they are sharp and irritable.
AnimalOwlHas a double meaning. On the one hand, this bird personifies knowledge and wisdom, on the other hand, it is a symbol of darkness.
Zodiac signCrayfishPrudent, always try to be one step ahead, not allowing circumstances to take over the situation. These people need praise, as the approval of others motivates them to new accomplishments. They do not like fuss, they prefer silence, comfort and harmony. Loyal friends are always ready to support and offer their help.
PlantLilyA symbol of fertility, prosperity, purity, longevity, nobility, mercy, and peace. In Orthodoxy, this flower is compared with the image of the Virgin Mary, pure and immaculate. Among the Romans, the lily personified power, impeccability, abundance and prosperity.
MetalSilverIt acts as a symbol of success, prosperity, prudence, disinterestedness and sincerity. Also, this metal is the personification of generosity and peace. A silver talisman is able to improve the brain activity of its owner, as well as absorb negative energy from both the outside world and the anger that its owner generates.
auspicious dayMonday

When was Snezhana born?

Spring Snezhana is cheerful, gentle, sensual and very vulnerable. She tends to idealize those around her and think of them better than they really are. Because of this, such a girl is often disappointed in people. It is difficult to tolerate betrayal.

Snezhana, born in summer, is fickle and quick-tempered. Often in business she gives in to feelings, leaving all common sense. But after that he takes up reasoning, wanting to find a way to rectify the situation.

Snezhana, born in summer, hot-tempered and emotional

Autumn Snezhana is used to stability. Changes frighten her, any deviation from the plan can unbalance her for a long time. In business, he does not tolerate haste, carefully plans his actions, does not like improvisation.

Snezhana, whose birthday falls in the winter, is serious and reasonable. She tends to follow her own beliefs and rules, so she does not succumb to other people's influence. Subject to frequent doubts, when making important decisions, she thinks for a long time about whether she is doing the right thing.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesA temperamental and restless woman, accustomed to an active lifestyle. She is always on the move, constantly striving to discover new horizons for herself, striving for self-realization. She has many like-minded people who understand the girl and support her interests, perceiving Snezhana-Aries for who she is.
TaurusCharming, sympathetic, sociable and cheerful woman. She treats everything with extraordinary ease, this helps her not to dwell on the past and quickly forget the unpleasant moments of her life. Easily makes new acquaintances, as her good nature and optimism attract people.
TwinsHonest, kind. It may seem frivolous and unreliable, but if you manage to make friends with this woman, this impression dissipates. She is distinguished by prudence and prudence, with the help of which the girl finds a solution to any problem.
CrayfishAn active, talented and enterprising woman, constantly longs for new discoveries. She just has an inexhaustible supply of energy and a lot of new ideas that she seeks to implement. However, Snezhana-Rak does not tolerate loneliness, because of this, the girl very early decides to tie the knot.
a lionCreative and active nature, always striving to improve their skills. Stubborn, always true to her convictions, ready to defend her opinion to the last. Having married, Snezhana-Lev seeks to take a leadership position, taking everything under his control.
VirgoA secretive and shy woman, rarely needs to communicate with other people. She is able to enjoy being alone. Snezhana-Virgo is dreamy, loves to imagine herself as the heroine of romance novels, in which justice always triumphs, and light conquers darkness.
ScalesAn open, sociable and friendly woman, she easily finds an approach to any person. He does not like disputes and clarification of relations. If she sees that his opinion is too important for the interlocutor, Snezhana-Libra will prefer to delicately end the conversation.
ScorpionIt is difficult for the wayward and power-hungry Snezhana-Scorpio to find a common language with other people. She seeks to completely control the situation, leaving no opportunity for others to express their opinion or proposal.
SagittariusThe openness and sociability of this woman attracts people to her. Creative, always in a good mood. Ready to join in any business. However, the naivete and gullibility of the girl are very harmful to her, as many people take advantage of her kindness.
CapricornSociable and versatile personality. This is the type of people who are able to easily support any conversation. Curious and competent in many matters, which makes them interesting interlocutors.
AquariusAn optimistic and good-natured woman who is able to quickly adapt to any circumstances. Snezhane-Aquarius does not tend to brag about his achievements. She always longs for justice, if she notices a violation of human rights, she will certainly stand up for him.
FishThe closed and silent Snezhana-Pisces strives for self-improvement. She does not build empty hopes, her goals are realized over time, you just have to wait a little and make a sufficient amount of effort. This woman is not so easy to persuade to her opinion, she is very stubborn, ready to defend her interests to the end.

Notable women

Notable women with this name:

  • Snejana Beric - Serbian singer, performed for Yugoslavia at the Eurovision Song Contest in 1992 under the pseudonym Extra Nena;
  • Snejana Paikic - Serbian track and field athlete;
  • Snezhana Perich - sportswoman, karateka;
  • Snezhana Egorova - Ukrainian actress and TV presenter;
  • Snezhana Malovich - Minister of Justice of Serbia;
  • Snezhana Samardzic-Markovic - Minister of Youth and Sports of Serbia;
  • Snezhana Babkina - Ukrainian actress, wife of musician Sergei Babkin;
  • Snezhana Onopko is a Ukrainian supermodel.

Songs with this name: "Snezhana" by Anna German, "Snezhana" by the group "Nesmeyana".

Photo gallery: famous Snezhany

Snejana Beric - Serbian singer Snejana Egorova - Ukrainian actress and TV presenter Snejana Babkina - Ukrainian actress Snejana Malovich - Serbian politician Snejana Onopko - Ukrainian supermodel Snejana Samardzic-Markovic - Serbian politician

Snezhana is a receptive and touchy person who needs the constant support of her loved ones. It is easy to offend her, therefore, in dealing with such a girl, it is worth showing delicacy and patience. Too closely perceives criticism in his address.

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