How to understand that a guy is impotent. Checking and adjusting potency. Blog of the modern man

In modern society, you can hardly meet a man who would not be afraid of impotence and would not even consider a temporary bed fiasco as a tragedy on a planetary scale. Any impotence is depressing, and sexuality is also perceived as shameful, since it imposes a taboo on the holy of holies - manhood. Such or approximately such an attitude is perverse and creates the preconditions for the formation of psychological oppression, and even mental trauma about one's male incompetence.

How to understand if a man has become impotent? How to know if it's impotence?

Still, it is necessary to talk about impotence as a disease only when there are clear signs of sexual impotence.

It should be noted that such a diagnosis is made only by a doctor, and then only after careful analyzes and a comprehensive examination.

When the symptoms of sexual impotence appear haphazardly - perhaps under the influence of temporary phenomena - then it is more correct to speak only about dysfunction of the erectile organ, that is, about what can be corrected.

It is worth noting that even at a very advanced age, when the vital processes in the body are no longer so active, and the blood supply, including the penis, slows down, many men still retain such a desirable ability for a full-fledged sexual intercourse. So talking about impotence as an age-related phenomenon is also incorrect: it all depends on the presence or absence of certain diseases, lifestyle and nutrition.

So, the causes that provoke sexual weakening may be different, but the symptoms of impotence are always the same. They can manifest themselves from time to time and not only by "failures" during the act of copulation, but simply by an incomplete erection before it begins. In any case, it is advisable to contact medical specialists for advice, and if pathologies are detected, treat or prevent impotence. Remember that even if at first its symptoms are not noticeable, then without professional support and recommendations from a sexologist, they may well lead to big trouble.

How to identify the symptoms of impotence

The causes of impotence are very different - from overweight or physical overload of the body of a man, in connection with which the level of testosterone decreases, to a depressive state due to the resulting stress. Impotence as a disease can occur at any age, but usually it is associated with the aging of the body, when a man not only has a reduced choice of partners for sex, but he himself becomes less in demand as a sexual object. An addition to such a state can be the psychological oppression of a man, which also greatly reduces the level of arousal. The most dangerous enemy for a man's potency is drug use, alcohol and smoking. Their toxic effect on the endocrine glands poisons and destroys the body, bringing its condition to deplorable.

Male power for the representatives of the stronger sex is very important and its loss leads to moral decline and can cause serious self-doubt. Often the term is used simply in an offensive form, but one should understand who an impotent is, especially if a woman loves her man and wants to help her husband. There are different types of disease, and some of them are treated even without medication or surgery.

The meaning of the word impotent

Some people use this term simply to insult a man, without good reason. What does an impotent mean in medical terms - a patient who suffers from a lack of erection (erectile dysfunction), which leads to the inability to carry out a full sexual intercourse. It was previously believed that impotence is a disease of men of mature age, but there are cases of early development of pathology.

How to become impotent

In most cases, the development of dysfunction is influenced by several factors at once. As a rule, the disease develops gradually, the erection weakens and a man can miss the first signs without attaching importance to them. The following factors influence male power:

  • obesity - the detrimental effect of excess weight on potency has been proven;
  • constant stressful, neurotic conditions;
  • lack of activity in lifestyle, a small amount of physical activity;
  • unbalanced diet, a lot of fried, fatty foods, protein deficiency;
  • mental pathologies;
  • abuse of tobacco products, alcohol;
  • a man can become impotent as a result of the development of diabetes;
  • diseases of the urinary system, for example, prostatitis;
  • long-term use of drugs: antidepressants, psychotropic drugs, drugs with a high content of estrogen;
  • scientists have tracked the relationship between caries, other diseases of the oral cavity and erectile dysfunction.

How to understand that a man is impotent

Few women are willing to date an impotent man because sex is an integral part of a healthy relationship. Another question is if your husband has acquired potency disorders. Girls should be able to recognize the impotent, so as not to be in an awkward situation. There are some signs that will help to suspect the problem in advance. Only a specialist urologist can confirm the diagnosis of who an impotent is, but the following behavioral signs sometimes give out a man’s sexual impotence:

  • he refuses sexual intercourse, citing workload, fatigue and poor health;
  • the frequency of sex has decreased by 2 times or more;
  • no morning erection;
  • a man does not respond to sexual signals from a woman, direct stimulation (kissing, stroking, erotic lingerie);
  • the guy does not want to discuss the problem, does not recognize it, referring to the woman's suspiciousness.

Psychology of an impotent man

A guy with sexual dysfunction is characterized by some features in psychological behavior. Unconsciously, he will in every possible way delay the moment when you need to move on to sex. These are just general signs that may not indicate anything, but in 80% of cases the guess is confirmed in bed:

  • the admirer does not try to move on to intimacy, does not push the girl to this;
  • tries to talk more and touch the woman less;
  • dating, as a rule, passing in crowded places, does not want to create an intimate atmosphere;
  • he reacts sharply and nervously to attempts at bodily contact.


Remember that these are only possible signs of a guy’s sexual weakness, it’s better to bring him to a frank conversation, but this must be done carefully so as not to offend him. The behavior of an impotent man in a relationship with a woman may look like this:

  1. It's easier to find out everything in bed, but you can observe a person's behavior. If a guy constantly talks about sex, makes vulgar hints, praises himself, then there may be problems with potency.
  2. Male representatives can realize their sexual dissatisfaction through pets. This is expressed in a hypertrophied reverent attitude towards the animal. It is worth noting if the guy likes to fawn on his little animal.

How to deal with an impotent

More often, the problem of lack of erection is already encountered in family life, so the girl has to deal with this problem together with the guy. In the case when it was possible to determine impotence, it is necessary to behave correctly so as not to aggravate the situation and not provoke a worsening of the condition. In some cases, an erection does not occur for psychological reasons, and not physiological. The following actions will help with this type of impotence:

  1. The partner must take the sexual part of life into her own hands, be active.
  2. At this time, it is worth abandoning moral standards, feeling confident and sexy, liberated in bed.
  3. Such behavior helps to break the psychological block and revive the partner's interest, to become even more desirable for him.

If the cause of weakness was not a decrease in the level of testosterone (a male sex hormone), then the cause should be sought in stress and everyday routine. A person gets used to everything, sex is no exception: postures, sounds, sensations. Here, a lot depends on the partner, who has more tools to diversify the intimate process:

  • intimate, erotic lingerie;
  • furnishings: candles, music;
  • relaxing massage;
  • exuberance and activity.

How to live with an impotent husband

Treatment of impotence is carried out with the help of drug therapy, a visit to a psychologist, but domestic internal relationships are also an important part of therapy. In addition to the normalization of physical activity, nutrition, it is necessary to establish the most trusting, tender relationships, not to focus on the problem. Partners can use additional "means":

  • buy exciting toys, lubricants in a special store;
  • jointly view videos of erotic content;
  • try taking medications, for example, Viagra;
  • be sure to persuade your partner to go to a urologist, a psychologist;
  • do not use the word impotent, do not aggravate his condition, a reminder of male impotence can cause additional trauma.

Is it possible to get pregnant from an impotent

When a family or couple is faced with this problem, the question of the possibility of conception becomes one of the most important. Doctors say that the duration of sexual intercourse, the strength of erection does not affect the possibility of fertilization. An impotent person can have children, but there are additional factors that can affect the quality of sperm: nutrition, infections, temperature.

How to live with impotence

The partner must be aware of the problem, acknowledge it and not brush it off. You can start treatment only at your own request. There are different directions for the treatment of pathology, which depend on the factors that made the man impotent. The doctor may prescribe the following areas of therapy:

  1. A course of stimulants (Cialis, Viagra, etc.). Necessary for quick recovery of potency.
  2. Hormonal medicines. Necessary to restore the normal background in the body, the amount of testosterone. Such funds must be taken strictly according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor, the duration of the course is also determined by him.
  3. Severe situations that are caused by physiological problems require surgical intervention.
  4. It is necessary to begin treatment of the underlying disease that caused the development of erectile dysfunction, for example, the pathology of the genitourinary system.
  5. With emotional stress, it is recommended to take herbal preparations to reduce nervousness and anxiety.
  6. Complex conflicts should help eliminate the psychotherapist.

How not to become impotent

This pathology can develop in any man, so it is important to take preventive measures and prevent the development of impotence. To prevent sexual impotence, it is recommended:

  • engage in regular sports that would improve blood circulation (running, basketball, volleyball, football), but not cycling;
  • nutrition should be balanced, more protein and less fried, fatty foods;
  • it is necessary to stop smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • do not abuse antidepressants and other medicines;
  • with increased pressure, frequent headaches, you should consult a doctor.


A woman, considering a man as a potential partner for a relationship, tries to evaluate his advantages and disadvantages in advance. The "hidden" disadvantage of the candidate may be impotence, which can ruin the most harmonious union. This ailment is characteristic of representatives of mature age, but in recent years it has rapidly become younger. Is it possible to avoid an unpleasant surprise and recognize an impotent in time?

What are the signs of impotence?

The easiest way to identify an impotent man is to sleep with him. Or try to do it (if he really has violations in the sexual sphere, then the event will not be successful).

The main symptoms of approaching impotence:

  • decreased sexual desire;
  • lack of erection in the morning;
  • softening of the penis during intimacy;
  • prolonged intercourse.

But how do you know he's impotent without going all the way to sex? Sexual failure is a difficult test for every man. If he is familiar with this problem firsthand, it often leaves an imprint on the psychological state. Observing the behavior of a man, you can notice alarming bells:

  1. Talking about sex in an impotent often causes an ambiguous reaction. Some men, trying to hide their illness in front of a woman, begin to talk about their past relationships, praising themselves. Others, on the contrary, try to avoid sensitive topics. An impotent man avoids an intimate setting: for a long time he does not invite a woman home.
  2. Allusions to sex or innocuous jokes about intimacy can cause irritability. Or the man will pretend that he simply did not hear them.
  3. Insecurity with women. The reason for avoiding direct looks, touching, and casual communication is often because the partner is afraid of being discovered.

Of course, these are only indirect signs by which an impotent person can be recognized. Such behavior is sometimes just peculiar personality traits, and not a sign of sexual incompetence.

How to understand: a man does not want you or is he impotent?

Sexual coldness on the part of a man will certainly cause torment in a woman: what if something is wrong with me? But the reason for this attitude may lie in the impotence of the partner. To stop torturing yourself with assumptions, you should pay attention to how a man behaves.

If he continues to show signs of attention, shows care and takes care of the woman in every possible way, but tries to avoid intimate relationships, then most likely he really has problems with potency. A man desires a woman, but is unable to realize this. In such a situation, he torments himself no less, which can manifest itself in irritability and some coldness.

When a partner tries to completely stop a warm relationship, looks in or communicates with other women, then one can draw disappointing conclusions and talk with him about the meaning of further communication.

Should I talk to a man about his potency?

The easiest way to find out the truth is to talk directly. But this option is suitable for couples who already have a long and trusting relationship. At the very beginning of the development of a relationship, an impotent man is unlikely to want to show himself in front of a lady in such an unattractive light. The fact of having sexual dysfunction is viewed by most as something shameful. Therefore, he will either simply lie, or even stop communicating, fearing to be exposed (after all, the woman began to guess already)

If the union can be called strong, then a heart-to-heart talk will help put everything in its place. It must take place in a calm environment. If a woman delicately asks if a man is experiencing difficulties in the sexual sphere, he can talk about his experiences.

Is it worth learning about his past experiences with women to understand his level of libido?

One of the most unfortunate ways to recognize an impotent is to ask him about how his sexual relationships with previous partners developed. Representatives of both sexes in general often distort information about their "former". The impotent will not even tell the truth. Unless his reaction may arouse suspicion: most likely, he will either talk about his "exploits" or become irritated.

What means will raise a man's potency without his knowledge?

Deciding to secretly help her man cope with impotence by adding special preparations to his food or drinks, a woman is at great risk. Not only the relationship, which will deteriorate if the trick is revealed, but also the health of the partner. Supplements and folk recipes often have many contraindications and side effects.

It is better to create a romantic and calm environment, look sexy, and never accuse your man of impotence. Erotic massage, candles and aphrodisiacs will come to the rescue. You can always suggest trying something new.

Whether or not to refuse a relationship with an impotent man is up to the woman to decide. But we must remember that very often sexual dysfunction is caused by psychological problems that can be eliminated. Yes, and impotence is not a sentence, and modern methods of treatment can achieve a positive result.

Video about impotence in general - criteria and causes

Every girl does not want to become the bride of an impotent woman. Sexual problems repel girls. As a rule, at the same time they offend men. To prevent this from happening, you need to recognize the impotent before intimacy.

It would seem that this is impossible. This is not true at all. My friend never thought that her fiancé might be impotent. She had different guys, but none of them had problems with potency. She never thought about it because she believed that sex is not the main thing in a relationship. The fact that her boyfriend is impotent was immediately understood by her friends. They told her about it, but she didn't want to listen to anyone.

He told her that he was a romantic in love. He said that all his women were lustful and constantly thought only about sex. My friend was very pleased to hear this because she was very tired of arrogant males who only need one thing - her body. This guy is romantic. Takes to the cinema, gives flowers, escorts home.

For example, I don’t remember the last time I was escorted home. Probably ten years ago. If you have a car, they bring you, of course, but they don’t see you home. He saw her off, despite the criminal situation in her area. They saw each other every day, and he was not too lazy to do it.

The girlfriend was sure that he was head over heels in love with her. For some reason it seemed to me that there was a hidden meaning in his behavior, that he did it for a reason, but earned points so that she considered him the best.

They dated for several months, and never once did they even talk about sex. She really liked it, she believed that he respected her, and therefore did not think about debauchery. I thought there was something wrong with him. They are adults, they are thirty years old, and they behave like teenage virgins who are fourteen years old. This is very strange, I thought.

I hinted to my friend that her boyfriend did not have sexual power, and my friend didn’t even want to hear anything about it. She believed that he was a kind, pure, good person. I didn't doubt it, I just thought he was impotent. Well, it's not scary, the main thing is that the person be good.

They met for a long time, at least six months. Their sex was planned. They decided to do it on a holiday, the eighth of March. They were supposed to get to know each other in his apartment. A friend called me and said that he gave her roses, and now they are going to his house.

Our women's company was close-knit. We all didn't have boyfriends and we were very curious to know what our girlfriend's long-awaited sex would be like. However, I already knew about it. If a man for a long time didn't even stutter about sex, that means he has a problem.

A few hours later, a friend texted me saying he was impotent. He admitted to her that he had problems, but he wanted to date her. She couldn't make up her mind, didn't know if she should stay with him. She so hoped that they would have good sex, but, alas, he is not capable of it. She doesn't know what to do about it and asks for advice. I don't know what advice to give her.

Male power for the representatives of the stronger sex is very important and its loss leads to moral decline and can cause serious self-doubt. Often the term is used simply in an offensive form, but one should understand who an impotent is, especially if a woman loves her man and wants to help her husband. There are different types of disease, and some of them are treated even without medication or surgery.

The meaning of the word impotent

Some people use this term simply to insult a man, without good reason. What does an impotent mean in medical terms - a patient who suffers from a lack of erection (erectile dysfunction), which leads to the inability to carry out a full sexual intercourse. It was previously believed that impotence is a disease of men of mature age, but there are cases of early development of pathology.

How to become impotent

In most cases, the development of dysfunction is influenced by several factors at once. As a rule, the disease develops gradually, the erection weakens and a man can miss the first signs without attaching importance to them. The following factors influence male power:

  • obesity - the detrimental effect of excess weight on potency has been proven;
  • constant stressful, neurotic conditions;
  • lack of activity in lifestyle, a small amount of physical activity;
  • unbalanced diet, a lot of fried, fatty foods, protein deficiency;
  • mental pathologies;
  • abuse of tobacco products, alcohol;
  • a man can become impotent as a result of the development of diabetes;
  • diseases of the urinary system, for example, prostatitis;
  • long-term use of drugs: antidepressants, psychotropic drugs, drugs with a high content of estrogen;
  • scientists have tracked the relationship between caries, other diseases of the oral cavity and erectile dysfunction.

How to understand that a man is impotent

Few women are willing to date an impotent man because sex is an integral part of a healthy relationship. Another question is if your husband has acquired potency disorders. Girls should be able to recognize the impotent, so as not to be in an awkward situation. There are some signs that will help to suspect the problem in advance. Only a specialist urologist can confirm the diagnosis of who an impotent is, but the following behavioral signs sometimes give out a man’s sexual impotence:

  • he refuses sexual intercourse, citing workload, fatigue and poor health;
  • the frequency of sex has decreased by 2 times or more;
  • no morning erection;
  • a man does not respond to sexual signals from a woman, direct stimulation (kissing, stroking, erotic lingerie);
  • the guy does not want to discuss the problem, does not recognize it, referring to the woman's suspiciousness.

Psychology of an impotent man

A guy with sexual dysfunction is characterized by some features in psychological behavior. Unconsciously, he will in every possible way delay the moment when you need to move on to sex. These are just general signs that may not indicate anything, but in 80% of cases the guess is confirmed in bed:

  • the admirer does not try to move on to intimacy, does not push the girl to this;
  • tries to talk more and touch the woman less;
  • dating, as a rule, passing in crowded places, does not want to create an intimate atmosphere;
  • he reacts sharply and nervously to attempts at bodily contact.


Remember that these are only possible signs of a guy’s sexual weakness, it’s better to bring him to a frank conversation, but this must be done carefully so as not to offend him. The behavior of an impotent man in a relationship with a woman may look like this:

  1. It's easier to find out everything in bed, but you can observe a person's behavior. If a guy constantly talks about sex, makes vulgar hints, praises himself, then there may be problems with potency.
  2. Male representatives can realize their sexual dissatisfaction through pets. This is expressed in a hypertrophied reverent attitude towards the animal. It is worth noting if the guy likes to fawn on his little animal.

How to deal with an impotent

More often, the problem of lack of erection is already encountered in family life, so the girl has to deal with this problem together with the guy. In the case when it was possible to determine impotence, it is necessary to behave correctly so as not to aggravate the situation and not provoke a worsening of the condition. In some cases, an erection does not occur for psychological reasons, and not physiological. The following actions will help with this type of impotence:

  1. The partner must take the sexual part of life into her own hands, be active.
  2. At this time, it is worth abandoning moral standards, feeling confident and sexy, liberated in bed.
  3. Such behavior helps to break the psychological block and revive the partner's interest, to become even more desirable for him.

If the cause of weakness was not a decrease in the level of testosterone (a male sex hormone), then the cause should be sought in stress and everyday routine. A person gets used to everything, sex is no exception: postures, sounds, sensations. Here, a lot depends on the partner, who has more tools to diversify the intimate process:

  • intimate, erotic lingerie;
  • furnishings: candles, music;
  • relaxing massage;
  • exuberance and activity.

How to live with an impotent husband

Treatment of impotence is carried out with the help of drug therapy, a visit to a psychologist, but domestic internal relationships are also an important part of therapy. In addition to the normalization of physical activity, nutrition, it is necessary to establish the most trusting, tender relationships, not to focus on the problem. Partners can use additional "means":

  • buy exciting toys, lubricants in a special store;
  • jointly view videos of erotic content;
  • try taking medications, for example, Viagra;
  • be sure to persuade your partner to go to a urologist, a psychologist;
  • do not use the word impotent, do not aggravate his condition, a reminder of male impotence can cause additional trauma.

Is it possible to get pregnant from an impotent

When a family or couple is faced with this problem, the question of the possibility of conception becomes one of the most important. Doctors say that the duration of sexual intercourse, the strength of erection does not affect the possibility of fertilization. An impotent person can have children, but there are additional factors that can affect the quality of sperm: nutrition, infections, temperature.

How to live with impotence

The partner must be aware of the problem, acknowledge it and not brush it off. You can start treatment only at your own request. There are different directions for the treatment of pathology, which depend on the factors that made the man impotent. The doctor may prescribe the following areas of therapy:

  1. A course of stimulants (Cialis, Viagra, etc.). Necessary for quick recovery of potency.
  2. Hormonal medicines. Necessary to restore the normal background in the body, the amount of testosterone. Such funds must be taken strictly according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor, the duration of the course is also determined by him.
  3. Severe situations that are caused by physiological problems require surgical intervention.
  4. It is necessary to begin treatment of the underlying disease that caused the development of erectile dysfunction, for example, the pathology of the genitourinary system.
  5. With emotional stress, it is recommended to take herbal preparations to reduce nervousness and anxiety.
  6. Complex conflicts should help eliminate the psychotherapist.

How not to become impotent

This pathology can develop in any man, so it is important to take preventive measures and prevent the development of impotence. To prevent sexual impotence, it is recommended:

  • engage in regular sports that would improve blood circulation (running, basketball, volleyball, football), but not cycling;
  • nutrition should be balanced, more protein and less fried, fatty foods;
  • it is necessary to stop smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • do not abuse antidepressants and other medicines;
  • with increased pressure, frequent headaches, you should consult a doctor.


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