How men get up. Morning riser pathology or norm. Why do men stand in the morning

Many women, watching a morning erection from a man sleeping next to them, believe that they are the cause of it. Are such thoughts true? Morning erection does not at all demonstrate the arousal of a man and his readiness for sex. Doctors believe that an erection in the morning is a reflection hormonal background male body, which is gaining its maximum in the morning hours.

The mechanism of the appearance of a morning erection

Despite the fact that representatives of the stronger sex remember sex at least 15-20 times during the day, morning episodes are not at all noted as explicit sexual arousal. Erection before awakening is more prosaic.

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The concept of erection includes natural process, during which the penis, consisting of spongy and cavernous bodies, is filled with arterial blood with the help of paired deep arteries. At the same time, the sciatic-cavernous muscles, which are located at the base of the penis, are connected to this process. They contract and prevent the outflow of blood from the penis. This is how male arousal occurs.

What does morning erection mean?

Why do men get erections in the morning? Such a phenomenon does not at all speak of promiscuity, or the concern of the representative of the stronger sex. In addition to the fact that in the morning the concentration of important hormones in the body of a man reaches a peak, there are several other versions of why an erection occurs during awakening:

  • With big share probabilities for the manifestation of arousal affect brain processes phases REM sleep which increases brain activity;
  • during the night bladder The male fills with fluid that requires an outlet. Concerning, nerve endings vertebrae receive the corresponding signal from the brain, which causes a reflex erection;
  • some sexologists believe that the morning filling of the penis with blood checks the normal functioning of the entire reproductive system and the readiness of a man to sexual relations during the day;
  • blood vessels transport blood to the penis for prevention purposes. Sexologists suggest the following: in calm state the cavernous and spongy bodies of the penis are not filled with blood. The penis is supplied with blood only during an erection, it is precisely such morning moments that serve as a factor in the renewal of blood in the penis;
  • calm deep dream relaxes a man who is unable to control all the functions of his body. Because of this, the morning begins with an involuntary erection;
  • Perhaps an erection in guys in the morning is due to the accumulation of testosterone. In the morning, the male body accumulates the largest amount of the main hormone - testosterone, which causes an erection.

Any of the reasons for the manifestation of a persistent erection is an excellent reason to take advantage of the situation and start the day with such a pleasant and positive action, that is, to have sex with the woman you love.

Erection in the morning

Excitation at dawn, which is not accompanied by sexual intercourse, does not threaten the health of a man at all and practically does not cause him inconvenience and discomfort. They talk about how getting out of bed in the morning with an erection fills them with a sense of victory, gives them vital energy and strength.

Urologists call morning excitement an excellent exercise for the male body and an indicator of body health. At what age do such morning surprises begin? The phenomenon of swelling of the penis with blood occurs even in boys who are still in the womb. Snapshots ultrasound research women who are expecting the birth of a son often show such sweet surprises.

The peak of involuntary morning excitement is experienced daily by adolescents aged 14-16 years. It is considered normal if such a phenomenon as an erection in the morning continues regularly until the age of 50. After the age of 50, the frequency of penis arousal gradually begins to decrease in most men. And over the years, these parameters continue to decline. However, if the representative of the stronger sex conducts regular sexual life and keeps himself in a healthy sports form, morning moments of excitement are observed even after 70 years.

normal physiology

A normal erection, including the morning one, is considered the main indicator of male physical and mental health. Morning or night (spontaneous) erection occurs during sleep, or in the morning at the moment of awakening, in all healthy men from early childhood. At night, during sleep, the representative of the stronger sex has up to 3-5 erections.

Night and morning swelling of the penis sometimes disturbs adolescents and their parents, who consider this process deviation from the norm. Do not worry - this is the correct physiological reaction of the male body. It is considered normal if a guy or a man experiences this condition several times during the night and morning hours. But regular absence morning (night) erection often indicates problems with potency.

Also, this process is not observed in men suffering from psychological erectile dysfunction. Sexopathologists warn that if morning or night excitement suddenly began to disappear periodically, you should look for the cause of this phenomenon. Most probable cause is a violation psycho-emotional state, hormonal diseases or inadequate vascular function.

Main Factors

Single irregular cases of disappearance of an erection in morning time shouldn't bother a man too much. The reason is stressful conditions, neuropsychological stress, poor rest or a short time sleep. If the excitement at dawn disappeared seriously and for a long time, it is necessary to think about the factors of such a situation.

Possible reasons for the disappearance morning erection in addition to the age category:

In addition, a regular erection in the morning disappears in those men who take antidepressants, tranquilizers, or drugs that affect the condition. genitourinary system.

To return the morning erection, which disappeared not as a result of diseases and pathologies, will help good rest, mood for positive, the ability to relax. Doctors also recommend men systematic sports training, yoga classes, hiking on the fresh air and regular sex.

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Morning erection is a delicate issue. They don't usually talk about him, but they joke about him. And the surprising thing is that even men do not know the reasons why their boyfriend wakes up with them in the morning. Even scientists who have been dealing with this issue for several decades find it difficult to answer the question of morning erection. However, many theories have been put forward during this time. Let's talk about the most common of them.

Why do men get up in the morning?: Even the men themselves cannot answer this question with certainty.

Theories about why men get erections in the morning:

Explosion of testosterone

One theory says that morning erections result from an increase in the amount of testosterone in the blood. The male hormone reaches its maximum concentration between 5 and 9 am, causing the member to get up.

full bladder

Very often in the morning men are faced with the problem of bladder overflow overnight. In the filled state, its walls send an impulse to the spinal center of urination. Strongly excited, this center transfers the impulse to another area located in the neighborhood, which is responsible for the erection.

Although some scientists argue that a full bladder begins to put pressure on the walls of the prostate gland, stimulating an erection.

Blood renewal

According to the third theory, the penis simply needs arterial blood, which enters it only when an erection occurs. Being in a calm state for a long time, the member begins to experience a lack of oxygen, or hypoxia. If morning and night erections did not take place, then a man could easily become impotent. This is especially important for men who different reasons do not have an active sex life.

Systems testing

Waking up in the morning, our body begins to check whether everything is working in it. And of course, that it comes to a member. Urologists confirm the importance of morning erections. In their absence, they begin to sound the alarm.


The assumption about why men have a penis in the morning is also associated with brain activity during REM sleep. During this phase, a storm begins in the pons (section of the brain). brain activity. The body begins to react to it, including tension in the penis.

Erotic dreams

In fact, this theory is last place by importance. What girls should know. Member erogirovat several times during the night and during the day. But this does not always mean that the man is excited. It happens on its own.

Whatever the explanation for why men get erections on the tour, know that this is completely normal, because nature planned it that way. It is worth worrying if the erection disappears. Scientists have calculated that healthy man 4-6 spontaneous erections occur per night, lasting an average of 12 minutes. Its causes are by no means connected with any dreams, including erotic ones.

An erection in men is a normal and natural phenomenon associated with the structure of the body and work. reproductive system. It usually occurs at the time of sexual arousal. But why do men often have their penis erect in the morning?

What is an erection, why does it occur?

An erection is an enlargement of the penis due to sexual arousal.

The volume of the penis can increase 3-4 times, it becomes hot and hard. But why is this happening? Excited nerve impulses lead to the fact that the walls of the arteries of the penis expand and relax, they receive blood that fills the cavernous bodies. Muscles also take part in this process. And the spasm of some of them leads to compression of the root of the penis. Because of this, the blood remains in the penis, its outflow is difficult and slows down, due to which the hardness of this organ increases and its volume increases.

But in men, an erection is not always associated with arousal. If it is spontaneous and involuntary, then it is associated either with irritation individual groups muscles (those that cause compression of the root of the penis), or with the activity of the brain centers responsible for excitation.

Why does an erection occur in the morning?

Why do men have a member in an erect state in the morning? After all, all systems and organs must rest during sleep. There are several reasons for a morning erection:

  1. According to one version, the cause of the morning erection is hormonal activity. So, in the period from 5 to 9 o'clock in the morning, the level of testosterone in the blood reaches its maximum. And this one male hormone plays important role in the process of sexual arousal and causes blood to actively flow to the penis. This is quite normal and is a sign of normal male health.
  2. A full bladder is a common and frequent occurrence. First, when it overflows, signals are sent to certain parts of the brain. And the areas in which such signals arrive are located near the center responsible for excitation. Secondly, a full and enlarged bladder puts pressure on the nearby bladder. prostate. The muscles of the prostate contract, causing an erection. That is why the penis is in an erect state in the morning.
  3. There is also an opinion that when waking up after sleep, the body tests all systems and organs, evaluating their functioning. And such testing also affects the reproductive system, in particular, the penis. This assumption has scientific justification, so doctors often consider the lack of morning excitement as a deviation or violation.
  4. Blood renewal. Arterial blood normally must be constantly updated, such is the structure of the body. And this blood can flow into the penis only if it is erect. If the update does not occur, then hypoxia will occur ( oxygen starvation), which in the future can lead to impotence. Morning excitement is especially important if a man, for some reason, is on this moment does not lead a full and regular sex life.
  5. Dreams of an erotic nature. If the representative of the stronger sex saw erotic dream, then his body will certainly react to this with excitement. This assumption has a rationale, but not everyone and far from always dreams of similar dreams, although most men get a member in the morning, and this happens often.
  6. Too tight underwear or active movements during sleep. If the sensitivity of the penis is increased, then it can respond to any mechanical impact, even minor ones. In a dream, it is impossible to control your movements, and some people actively toss and turn. And if in the process of coups from one side to another, the impact will be on the penis, then it is quite possible that it will become excited and increase in size. Approximately the same thing can happen if the underwear is very tight.
  7. brain activity. According to this theory, an erection occurs not only in the morning, but also at night, and several times a night. This is due to the fact that there are several phases of sleep. At fast phase active movements can be observed eyeballs, muscle contractions. At such moments, the activity of certain areas of the brain (for example, the pons varolii) increases, and this activity triggers several chains various reactions and affects the penis, bringing it into an erect state.

What to do if you have a morning erection?

Sexologists count the morning best time for sexual intimacy, and this is due precisely to the fact that the penis is in an erect state.

The partner does not need to do anything, because the member is ready for intimacy. Therefore, you can take advantage of the situation and have sexual contact.

If the partner is not around, then you can do nothing.

The erection will pass on its own in about 15-20 minutes.

What if there is no erection in the morning?

Excitation in the morning is normal. But why doesn't a penis get up, why doesn't an erection come? In some cases, this is normal and is due to the influence of a number of factors. Main reasons:

  • fatigue is huge pressure on the body, so constant fatigue some systems may malfunction;
  • lack of sleep. They also provide negative impact to the work of the body;
  • stress can provoke some changes and even disturbances in the functioning of the organs and systems of the body;
  • illness can also cause in the morning.

If there is no morning excitement, subject to the influence of one of negative factors and for a short time, then there is no need to panic. But its long absence should be the reason for going to the doctor. The specialist will find out why the member does not get up and determine if there are any problems with men's health. This may be due to certain diseases, disorders or characteristics of the body. But if the penis does not get up in the morning, then it gets up at night, and this is quite normal.

One can only add that an erect penis in the morning is not a cause for worry, but completely normal phenomenon. And the lack of arousal may be the result of certain pathologies or diseases. Health to all representatives strong half humanity!

Morning erections are often joked about. But why men stand in the morning is not known to everyone. The question has been studied for decades. During this time, several theories have been put forward.

Why do men stand in the morning?

There are several common theories:

  • hormonal activity. Sharp increase testosterone levels can cause morning erections. The maximum concentration of the hormone is reached from 5 to 8 in the morning. The hormone is responsible for potency, ejaculation, increases blood flow to the genitals. That's why in the morning men stand.
  • Full bladder. Its walls send a signal to the spinal center responsible for urination. When excited, this center sends an impulse to the neighboring area responsible for erection. There is another explanation why it is worth it in the morning. When overfull, the bladder irritates the structures of the prostate, causing hardening of the penis.

Morning erections are common and normal.

  • Blood renewal. According to this theory, during an erection, the penis is filled with arterial blood. She is important for normal functioning penis. Being at rest for a long time, the member does not receive enough oxygen. An erection during the night and in the morning helps prevent hypoxia and congestion.
  • Checking all systems. During waking up, the body checks the operation of all systems. Erection in the morning is a symptom normal operation reproductive system. If it is missing, then there is cause for concern.
  • brain activity. During REM sleep, the brain begins to work actively. Why do guys get up in the morning? This is a reaction to such activity in a dream. The person sees dreams. Visually, it is even noticeable how the eyes move behind closed eyelids. All internal systems organisms during this period work more actively. The blood flow accelerates, the venous walls contract. This leads to hardening of the penis.
  • Erotic dreams. This is the most insignificant theory why men get up in the morning. During the night, hardening of the penis occurs from 3 to 5 times with different duration. But this condition does not always indicate the arousal of a man. Not the dreams themselves affect the erection, but the physiological processes that occur in the phase of "REM" sleep.
  • Tight underwear. At high sensitivity glans penis turning from side to side in a dream can affect the penis, provoking its increase.

Regardless of why the riser in the morning, it is important to understand that this is not a pathology. You need to worry if for a long time.

Scientists explain this phenomenon and a sharp flash of the testosterone hormone at night.

Why not have sex?

Why do guys have standing in the morning, there are many reasons. But what to do about it?

  1. Have sex. This is the most pleasant way to get rid of an erection. This is one of the advantages of a permanent partner. After morning sex, it has been proven that efficiency increases for the whole day.
  2. Ask a partner for help. There are days or moments when a girl won't or can't have sex. In this case, you can resort to oral sex or eliminate the erect state with your hands. Petting is also able to bring relaxation.
  3. Masturbation. AT adolescence erection in the morning also occurs. But at the age of 13-14 there may not be a permanent partner. Most teenagers resort to masturbation.
  4. Empty your bladder. Going to the toilet, you can reduce the hardening of the penis.
  5. Take a cold shower.

The choice of method is individual.

Why do men get up in the morning? - It's normal physiological process which should not be feared. Involuntary excitation of the penis can even be observed or. During this period, it is important to explain to the child what is happening to him, and not to start chastising for indecent behavior.

As a rule, in order for a man to have a penis, it is necessary external stimulus, manifested in a visual, auditory or tactile form. However, there are times when arousal appears involuntarily. Such cases include the so-called morning riser, which occurs regularly in men.

Many women are interested in the question - why do men get up in the morning. In general, such a phenomenon is the norm and suggests that the erectile function of a man in in perfect order. Is it worth worrying if a man has no involuntary arousal in the morning.

Why do men stand in the morning?

In general, a morning erection is rather a conventional name, since an involuntary erection in men can appear at night, and more than once. This phenomenon is absolutely normal for men, sometimes an erection can appear in boys. As a rule, such involuntary excitement passes after 20-30 minutes. In sexually mature men, an erection regularly appears both at night and in the morning. With age, or in the presence of diseases or other problems in the reproductive system, the morning erection begins to disappear periodically.

There are many reasons why in the morning men have:

Morning involuntary erection is a normal phenomenon for a healthy sexually mature man. Moreover, this process is very useful for the reproductive system, because during arousal, a man is updated. arterial blood in the vessels of the pelvic organs. The blood circulation of all organs of the genitourinary system during an erection increases. This process is a good prevention against congestion, prostate diseases and impotence.

Do men always have standing in the morning?

Since morning erections in men occur regularly, most representatives of the stronger half are accustomed to considering this process a mandatory phenomenon, which shows that everything is in order in the body. That is why many start to panic if they notice the absence of an erection within one or two days. You need to understand that an erection may not always occur.. To pay attention this violation should only be if there is no erection longer than one and a half to two weeks. If there is no erection for a week, do not worry.

The temporary absence of morning involuntary arousal can be provoked by the following factors:

  • Overwork of the body due to heavy physical exertion.
  • Overwork caused by increased brain activity.
  • Stress and constant tension.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Starvation.

If the reason for the lack of a morning erection is one of the listed factors, then you don’t have to worry. It is enough for a man to return his lifestyle to its usual course, restore sleep and nutrition, get rid of worries and leave hard work for a while, and the morning riser will not be long in coming.

You should be worried if a man does not have an erection, despite the fact that obvious reasons no violation. Then it is advisable to contact a urologist or andrologist and undergo an examination. Erectile function can be affected by many factors, including infections and inflammation in the body.

Sometimes timely appeal to a specialist allows you to get rid of diseases, as well as prevent the development of prostatitis, and other unpleasant disorders.

Many men are seriously concerned about the lack of erection in the morning. If the usual morning riser has not been observed for several days, you should pay attention to your lifestyle and nutrition. It is unlikely that an erection will appear if a man is not going through the best period in his life, he is nervous and worried a lot. In addition, the lack of excitation can also be caused by physical overwork, for example, in the presence of heavy loads. It could be competition or just physical labor associated with gravity.

Sometimes an erection disappears as a result of mental overstrain. As a rule, blockages at work or passing exams at the university become the cause. Also common reasons for the lack of morning excitement are illnesses, injuries, general serious condition organism. As a rule, in such cases, the erection returns as soon as the violations of the habitual way of life, which are unusual for the body, are eliminated.

If an erection does not appear for a long time, while objective reasons for the absence of no, it is necessary to determine whether this phenomenon really becomes a problem for a man. In the presence of sexual arousal and a normal erection before intercourse, in most cases it turns out that the morning erection simply goes unnoticed.

If, even in the presence of natural stimuli that should cause sexual arousal, there is no erection, the problem probably lies in the pathology of the organs of the genitourinary system. In this case, do not postpone the problem in long box. Sometimes men note that there is an erection and arousal, but there is no previous stamina, and the arousal lasts less in time. Such a phenomenon may be a signal for the beginning of the development male impotence. That is why it is important when detecting the first signs of a violation erectile function contact a urologist.

As a rule, in the absence of obvious causes of violations, the doctor prescribes a series of procedures that will help diagnose the disease. In general, it is recommended to visit a specialist at least once a year for a routine examination in order to diagnose pathologies in time and take measures to eliminate them.

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