Why bee venom is a cure. Methods for obtaining bee venom. In what cases can bee venom be harmful?

It's probably not a secret how many benefits beekeeping products have for a person. For several centuries in a row, the population of the earth has been using them to improve their health. One of the useful products of beekeeping is poison (apitoxin). It contains only natural and environmentally friendly components, so it cannot cause any harm (with the exception of individual intolerance).

In the glands of bees, a specific substance is produced - apitoxin. In the case when the insect feels threatened, it releases a sting, where the poison is located. It has a transparent yellowish color, viscous texture, a pungent smell of honey and a bitter taste.

If we talk about the chemical composition of bee venom, then it is impossible to find more rich in vitamins and microelements substance. This set has not yet been thoroughly studied, many scientists are still struggling to reveal the secret. healing properties its mineral structure.

Apitoxin is based on protein components and compounds. They contain non-toxic protein, melitin, phospholipase A, hyaluronidase.

The chemical composition includes eighteen of the twenty known amino acids, inorganic acids (formic, hydrochloric, orthophosphoric), glucose, fructose, carbohydrates, polypeptides and almost half of the periodic table (calcium, nitrogen, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, sulfur, chlorine, hydrogen ).

Beneficial features

Bee venom has long been used in traditional medicine. It is one of the constituent substances of drugs, gels, ointments. Due to its composition, it has useful properties:

  • Affects the body's immune system, can strengthen or weaken its functions.
  • Used as an anesthetic. The action of pure bee venom is many times stronger than drug analgesics.
  • AT a small amount can be antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. Promotes the destruction of pathogens (streptococcus, E. coli).
  • Stimulates the work of all body systems.
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels, increases hemoglobin and red blood cell count.
  • Has a vasodilating effect.
  • Increases the metabolic rate.
  • Reduces arterial pressure.
  • Improves the general condition of the body: normalizes sleep, performance, appetite, nervous system.

How bee venom is obtained

The sting of young bees contains little poison, the largest number produced by the age of two weeks of the insect. The amount also depends on the time of its extraction, in autumn and winter it is much less than in spring and summer. To extract it in the apiary, protective clothing and a collection device are needed.

Experts use several methods of extraction.

  1. Manually. To get poison, the bee is clamped between the legs of the tweezers and sits on a window pane or mirror. The insect releases poison, leaving it on the glass surface, but remains alive, since the sting does not release. After a few days, the procedure can be repeated. Another way is to place the bees in glass jar and lulling them into ether. Its vapors irritate the insect, so it secretes poison and falls asleep. When using this method, some of the bees die.
  2. With the help of a device. In the middle of the last century, a beekeeping specialist invented a device that, with the help of a weak discharge of current, has an irritating effect on bees, and they give off poison without releasing a sting and staying alive. Using this method of bee "milking", you can get about 0.3 mg of poison at a time. After some time, the glands of the bees will again develop a valuable product, and it will be possible to receive it again. The device is constantly being modified, so the extraction process becomes easier.

Why bee venom is a cure

The trace elements included in it have a beneficial effect on all body systems. Treatment bee venom called apitherapy. The product is used in the treatment of various diseases.

  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Hypertension. Due to the vasodilating property, blood flow to the brain is accelerated, which helps to lower blood pressure. The most effective treatment of the disease at an early stage, this helps to further reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.
  • Joint diseases (arthritis and arthrosis). Since bee venom has an anesthetic, manufacturers of gels and ointments often include it in their preparations. It can relieve inflammation and "disperse" the blood.
  • Diseases of the spine.
  • Varicose veins.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Narrowing or dilation of blood vessels.
  • Adnexitis.
  • Multiple sclerosis. In the treatment of this disease, the destruction stops nerve cells. And amino acids contribute to the formation of new nerve endings. Therefore, on early stages the disease can be cured.
  • Cholesterol plaques.

In addition to treating various diseases, bee venom can have a rejuvenating effect on the skin of the face. Anti-wrinkle products, in which it is included, have long established themselves in cosmetology with positive side. Thanks to the natural and ecological pure composition, it is more and more popular among women.

Ways to introduce bee venom into the body

For a long time, people have been treated with bee venom. It can enter the body not only with a bee sting, there are other ways.

  1. The use of gels and ointments, in which it is included.
  2. Introduction of injections under the skin.
  3. Steam inhalation.

The impact of bee venom on the human body

When ingested, bee venom stimulates all systems and processes occurring in it. He possesses unique composition and properties. Someone can easily endure a lot of bee stings, and someone gets sick from a single bee sting. In small doses, apitoxin can not harm health. It has the most beneficial effect on the immune system of the body. An exception may be intolerance to bee products, because despite all its usefulness, bee venom is a strong allergen, and an allergic reaction to it can be the most unpredictable, even fatal. Therefore, its use for the treatment of a disease must be approved by the attending physician.

Bee venom is an ancient remedy. Even in ancient times, it was used in many countries of Europe and Asia. Bee venom is a secretory product of a special gland in the body of the worker bee. It is a colorless, very thick liquid that quickly hardens in air. It has high surface activity. The use of bee venom for medicinal purposes is based on its anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. Bees in medicine (bee venom).

Along with many amazing abilities, nature endowed the bee with a "weapon" with which it protects its nest - a poisonous liquid produced in its body by large and small poisonous glands. When meeting with the enemy, the bee pierces the cover with its sharp sting and injects burning poison into the resulting wound. Moreover, the notches at the end of the sting do not allow it to be removed freely, and the poison continues to flow from a special reservoir for several seconds. Then the sting comes off with a piece internal organs, and some time later the bee dies. But the smell of poison quickly spreads and, as if on alarm, mobilizes other bees to protect their home.

bee venom is clear liquid with a pungent smell, somewhat reminiscent of the smell of honey, with a bitter and burning taste. Despite the fact that beekeeping is an ancient industry, the chemical composition of bee venom has been studied relatively recently and has not yet been fully studied. It has been established that the composition of the poison includes 9 protein substances, various peptides, 18 amino acids, histamine, fatty substances and stearins, carbohydrates, more than ten minerals, etc. A number of substances that are very active in their effect on the body (acetylcholine and histamine), as well as inorganic acids, hydrochloric, orthophosphoric) have been isolated from bee venom, which cause a burning sensation when stung by a bee.

As a product of beekeeping, bee venom is widely used by medicine in the treatment of radiculitis, rheumatism, migraine, hypertension, thrombophlebitis, limb vessels, peripheral nervous system, a number of other diseases. In not large doses bee venom has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the human body, strengthens the nervous system, improves sleep and appetite. When studying methods of protection against radiation (California, USA), it was found that bee venom can also be effectively used to protect against radiation.

Depending on the nature of the disease and individual features of the patient's body, treatment with bee venom is carried out in one of the following ways: natural bee stings in sore spot; the introduction of poison through the skin using electricity (electrophoresis); rubbing into the skin of ointments containing poison; by injection finished products bee venom produced in ampoules; inhalation.


Affects the central nervous system. The venom peptides have an aspirin-like analgesic effect, stronger narcotic analgesics 10-50 times, the threshold of irritation decreases. The anti-shock effect of the poison has been established.

Affects the cardiovascular system. Small doses of poison reduce blood pressure, local hyperemia occurs, which reduces inflammation. Increased volumetric velocity coronary circulation, the vessels of the brain expand, the volume of blood increases, an anticoagulant effect is manifested. Stimulates the activity of the heart muscle, reduces the amount of cholesterol and the level of ESR, includes an anti-stress mechanism. Poison in large doses causes EEG depression, melittin depresses the higher parts of the central nervous system.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect. affect the function gastrointestinal tract. It was found that at high doses of bee venom (poisoning) in dogs, cholesterol and bilirubin in bile increased significantly, as well as its hypersecretion.

A radioprotective effect has been established. Stimulates Bone marrow, improves bone fusion, small doses of poison contribute to the survival of irradiated animals. Indicated for the treatment of sick victims during the Chernobyl disaster: improves blood composition, increases immune defense.

Affects embryogenesis and reproductive function. Large doses of poison reduced the fertility of rats, and small ones stimulated.

It has immunological properties. Beekeepers develop antibodies against bee venom. The blood serum of beekeepers counteracts the hemolysis of red blood cells by bee venom. The content of five allergens in the poison was established - phospholipase A, hyaluronidase, melittin, factors B and C.

Influences metabolic functions, accelerates protein metabolism and replaces missing peptides and enzymes.

Affects the endocrine system, reduces the release of hormones thyroid gland, enhances the activity of the adrenal cortex - pituitary - hypothalamus system.

In small doses, bee venom improves blood microcirculation in tissues. Melittin poison has a heparin effect.

Bee venom has an antibiotic effect.

Melittin of bee venom prevents convulsive phenomena.

Bee venom stimulates the activity of the heart, increases the volume of blood passing through the heart, has an antiarrhythmic effect.

In small doses, it enhances the immune system.

Allergy to bee venom manifests itself in the form of a decrease ascorbic acid in the adrenal glands. Allergy removal is carried out with heparin 50 IU/kg.

Improves motor and secretory functions gastrointestinal tract.

Bee venom has an anti-shock effect.

Modern medicine has developed a method of apitherapy and established the main indications for the use of bee venom as remedy. Contraindications to apitherapy have also been identified, that is, a group of diseases is currently known in which the introduction of bee venom worsens the course of the disease.

The use of bee venom is contraindicated in patients with tuberculosis, suffering from infectious and mental disorders, diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas in the acute stage, diabetes, as well as people with hypersensitivity to bee venom or its intolerance. Therefore, persons who do not have special medical education, according to the current legislation, it is forbidden to treat a patient with bee stings.

The sensitivity of people to bee venom is different. In persons with hypersensitivity to it, the sting of even one bee can cause a severe general reaction. The most painful reactions to apitoxin are women (especially pregnant women), children and the elderly. However, with frequent, regular stinging, as happens with beekeepers, sensitivity to bee venom decreases.

The lethal dose for an adult is 500 simultaneous stings; 200-300 stings cause severe poisoning.

Attention. If you or your friend has been stung by a bee, you need to remove the sting as soon as possible, grease the bite site with purified alcohol (rectified alcohol 96% or 70%) or a solution of potassium permanganate (1: 1000), ammonia, tincture of iodine or vodka.

In case of severe general symptoms, the victim should be put to bed, 40% alcohol (25-50 g) or alcohol mixed with honey (20 g of honey per 200 g of alcohol) should be administered orally, 25-50 g per reception. It is also good to give the patient a honey-vitamin drink: in 1 liter boiled water dissolves 100 g of honey and 500 mg of vitamin C. At the same time, it is recommended to prescribe the so-called antihistamines(for example, diphenhydramine), removing toxic effect histamine found in bee venom.

In cases of severe apitoxin poisoning, a doctor should be called. If the victim has stopped breathing and heartbeat, then before the arrival of the doctor, it is necessary to do artificial respiration and external heart massage.

It's no secret that bee stings are always painful. During a bite, the tip of the sting digs into the skin. The bee flies away, but the sting remains in the skin and continues its action. The stinging apparatus of a bee consists of:

  1. Poison Pouch
  2. Two poison glands

Due to the fact that the muscles contract, the sting penetrates deeper into the wound, gradually injecting poison into the skin. Just the right time to talk about the benefits and dangers of bee venom.

If you have an allergy, it is advisable to get rid of the sting as soon as possible. But if you are a supporter therapeutic effect bee venom, you can wait up to 10 minutes. During this time, the poison will completely enter your body - approximately 0.2-0.3 ml.

First, let's focus on the positive. Why is bee venom considered a cure? What is the benefit of poison? How does bee venom affect the body as a whole?

The benefits of bee venom and its effect on the body:

  • Increased hemoglobin level;
  • Normalization of blood clotting;
  • Improving metabolism;
  • Lowers blood pressure;
  • Expands capillaries and small arteries;
  • Increases the tone of the body;
  • performance;
  • Improves appetite/sleep.

In addition, the benefits of bee venom will be much greater if combined with wellness treatments such as sun / air baths, swimming. The fact is that during these wellness procedures, the effect of bee venom is enhanced, the benefits of which affect the metabolic processes of the body. Moreover, thanks to additional procedures, infiltrates quickly resolve after a healing bee sting.

The composition of bee venom is truly unique. In spite of ongoing research scientists, the poison and its effect on humans has not yet been fully studied. There is so much more to discover! To date, we know that the poison contains protein compounds - polypeptides, protein hydrochloride, acid lipoids, toxins, amino acids (18 of which are considered essential), biogenic amines, enzymes (phospholipase A2, hyaluronidase, acid phosphatase, lysophospholipase, a- glucosidase), aromatic and aliphatic compounds and bases. We should not forget about carbohydrates, fructose, glucose, magnesium, calcium, hydrogen, nitrogen, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, iodine, hydrogen, chlorine and many other elements.

If we consider the composition in terms of inorganic acids, then the poison contains: formic, hydrochloric, orthophosphoric, and also acetylcholine. They are the ones responsible for severe burning with an insect bite.

The entire chemical composition of bee venom is a consequence of the formation of compounds with pronounced biological properties, each of which has its own specialization, but act as a whole, reinforcing and complementing each other.

Bee venom - contraindications

But, as you know, everything useful has not only pluses, but also its minuses, which you should also be aware of. Otherwise, the consequences can be very sad. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what harm can be from bee venom. Therefore, let's take a closer look at what harm bee stings can cause and for whom poison is contraindicated.

  • People with hypersensitivity to poison (apitoxin)
  • Tuberculosis
  • Venereal diseases
  • Psychical deviations
  • Infectious diseases
  • pancreatitis
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract
  • Addison's disease
  • Hematopoietic disorders, blood disease
  • Oncology
  • Nephrolithiasis (kidney stone disease), nephrosis, pyelitis, nephritis
  • Individual intolerance (idiosyncrasy)
  • Heart failure
  • Pregnancy
  • period of menstruation

As you can see from the list, there are enough contraindications to consult a doctor before you start using bee venom as a medicine.

Be that as it may, the use of poison must be preceded by a bioassay for the presence of allergies. It should also be borne in mind that bee venom during pregnancy, lactation, as well as its use by children can cause increased sensitivity to the poison and its medicines. Self-treatment with bee venom can harm your health!

Now let's focus on how you can harm your health with bee venom. Let's start with the fact that each organism perceives poison very differently. The reaction to bee venom depends on many factors. First of all, this is the number of bites and the place of the bite. Simply put, if a person is completely healthy, then up to 10 bees can sting him at the same time, and, as they say, nothing will happen to him. But if the body is weakened and needs to be treated for any disease, the outcome of the bite may not be so useful. And in the case of a severe allergic reaction, even death is possible.

Interesting Facts:

  • The lethal dose for humans is a simultaneous sting by 500 bees.
  • Poisoning with bee venom - 200-300 stings (causes severe poisoning: vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, lowering blood pressure, convulsions).

First aid for a bee sting

If an unpleasant story happened to you and you were bitten by bees, you need to act quickly and competently! What needs to be done?

  1. Remove all stings with tweezers.
  2. Lubricate the bite sites liberally with ammonia, vodka, iodine, onion juice, wormwood, garlic, honey, parsley juice (the poison is destroyed to some extent).
  3. Take inside antihistamines(diphenhydramine, suprastin). If you do not have the necessary medicines at hand, let the victim drink milk or kefir.
  4. Apply ice to the bite. If there is no ice, a towel soaked in cold water will do. The cold will relieve pain and swelling. If a bee stings you oral cavity ice cream is just what you need!

So that you do not have to deal with the consequences, you need to know the rules of behavior in the habitats of bees. First, don't swing your arms violently to drive away the bees. Do not move too vigorously around the apiary. Be calm, let all your movements be monotonous and not too abrupt. Secondly, do not enter the apiary with alcoholic drinks or even drunk.

Bees cannot stand the smell of alcohol, oil products, garlic and the smell of the poison of dead insects.

Bee venom - biologically active substance With a wide range action on the human body. Its effect is usually expressed in units of action (ED). In our country, for 1 unit, the amount of bee venom obtained by stinging by one bee, equal to 0.1 mg, is taken. Although bee venom in large doses can cause a severe general reaction, anaphylactic shock, up to death (which will be discussed later), in selected therapeutic doses, it is valuable medicine in the treatment of patients with various diseases. The mechanism of the effect of bee venom on the body is complex and is the result of a complex effect of many components of the venom on various organs and systems.

First of all, this happens due to the stabilization of the immune system, as well as the impact on two critical systems: nervous and vascular. In addition, bee venom activates the adrenal glands to produce anti-inflammatory hormones that suppress pathological, in particular rheumatoid, processes in the body. Finally, bee venom increases the overall tone and activates the work of all vital organs.

Currently, the list of diseases in which bee venom is used is very wide. These are diseases of the peripheral nervous system (radiculitis, plexitis, neuralgia), neuritis of the facial, auditory and trigeminal nerves, post-stroke paralysis, traumatic lesions peripheral and central nervous system, myositis (muscle diseases), chronic rheumatic and non-specific polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, deforming spondylarthrosis (diseases of the intervertebral joints), stage I-II hypertension, thrombophlebitis, chronic inflammation lung, bronchial mild asthma and medium degree(although bee venom does not relieve bronchospasm, it still alleviates the condition of patients), psoriasis, prostatitis, subacute and chronic diseases uterus and its appendages, migraines, poorly healing trophic ulcers and wounds, some eye diseases(iritis - inflammation of the iris and iridocyclitis - inflammation of the ciliary body and iris), thyrotoxicosis stage I - II, etc.

Evidence of the successful use of bee venom in various diseases is found in Hippocrates, Paracelsus (I century BC), Galen (131-201). Reliable facts are known effective treatment bee venom gout of the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible and the Swedish King Charlemagne. In folk medicine, bee venom has long been used to treat injuries, for pain caused by morphological changes in the muscles and kidneys.

The effect of bee venom on warm-blooded animals and humans depends on the dose and site of venom administration, the routes of its distribution, and the individual sensitivity of the organism. In therapeutic doses, bee venom stimulates the pituitary and adrenal glands, expanding small arteries and capillaries, increases blood circulation in tissues, and activates metabolism.

In folk medicine, bee stings are successfully used to treat rheumatic diseases, diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and in the treatment of inflammatory processes. Bee venom stimulates the activity of the adrenal glands, hematopoiesis, heart function, dilates small arteries and capillaries, improves tissue blood supply, normalizes metabolism, reduces blood circulation, improves appetite, normalizes sleep, and increases efficiency. By activating the metabolism, bee venom is effective in such diseases as atherosclerosis. Even with brief treatment apitoxin reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood, gives positive results.

Treatment is carried out by direct stings (classical method), as well as preparations containing bee venom, rubbing into the skin in the form of an ointment, in the form of tablets, by electrophoresis, aerosol and steam inhalations, ingestion, etc.

When using direct bites, first check the sensitivity of patients to apitoxin. To do this, they are subjected to a short-term (15-10 s) sting of one bee. The next day, the test is repeated, but the sting is left for 4 minutes. After each sample, a urine test is done for sugar and protein. If the composition of the urine and the patient's well-being have not changed, treatment with bee sting can be started.

Bees for a bite are taken by the back with fingers or special tweezers. The sting site is thoroughly washed with warm water and soap, after a bite, after 5-10 minutes, the sting is removed, and the place is covered with boron vaseline. After the procedure, it is advisable for the patient to rest lying down for 20-30 minutes.

The reaction of the body to bee venom

The fact that people who have been stung by bees react differently to bee venom has long been known. Some develop violent general reaction with severe complications when stung by even one bee. Others without any serious consequences tolerate multiple stings. The same phenomena are observed when applied with therapeutic purpose bee venom and its dosage forms.

This can be explained by the fact that the nature of the reaction of the organism is largely determined by multicomponent composition bee venom. The chemical composition of the poison is extremely heterogeneous. The action on the body of each of its constituent substances forms a response to the poison.

Wherein importance have sex, age, human constitution and reactive state his body.

During life, the reactivity of the body changes. So, children are more difficult to tolerate bee stings than adults. And in the elderly and old people it is noted significant reduction reactivity.

The study of the reactivity of the organism formed the basis for the study of an extensive group of diseases caused in connection with hypersensitivity to a particular substance. These are the so-called allergic diseases. Substances capable of causing allergic reactions are called allergens. When they enter the body, they become antigens for it. When introduced into the body, antigens cause the formation of antibodies, that is, special protein substances.

The identification and study of allergic reactions to bee venom is complicated by the fact that it has a complex composition. The main carriers of both therapeutic and toxic properties of bee venom are apamin and melittin (low molecular weight proteins), and allergenic activity is also determined by other components.

The study of allergenic activity and the dynamics of antibody formation is necessary for the development of practical measures aimed at preventing people from being poisoned by bee and wasp venom. Many scientists and doctors believe that the only effective tool The treatment of patients who have undergone a general allergic reaction to hymenoptera stings (bees, wasps) is the prophylactic specific immunization of people with the poison of these insects in order to increase the body's resistance.

According to scientists, the number of people susceptible to allergic reactions to wasp and bee stings will continue to increase, attracting the attention of doctors of various specialties. This is due to a distinct change in human reactivity.


Bee venom has hemorrhagic, hemolytic, neurotoxic and histamine-like effects. With single removals (no more than 8-10), local skin reactions usually develop;

200-400 simultaneous stings lead to the development of a severe toxic reaction; and 500 or more stings are usually fatal.

At the site of sting occurs burning pain, there is blanching of the skin in a radius of 1-3 mm. After 1-3 minutes, hyperemia and acute inflammatory edema. The maximum severity is observed after 15-20 minutes, and then a pale pink papule forms at the site of the lesion. Often, regional lymphadenitis is determined on the affected side. With single stings, all symptoms disappear after 24-48 hours.

With damage to the cornea of ​​​​the eye, there is a rapid deterioration in vision, clouding of the cornea, pupil dilation and hyperemia of the sclera. Blepharitis usually develops after damage to the cornea. These phenomena can persist for a week or more, and then visual acuity is gradually restored. However, in some cases, after stinging the eye, cataracts and glaucoma occur.

Simultaneously with the local reaction, general symptoms of poisoning may also occur: weakness, dizziness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, itching of the body with elements of urticaria, less often - twitching of the muscles of the face and limbs. These phenomena can occur 5-15 minutes after the sting and persist for two to three days, and sometimes for a week.

Numerous stings are accompanied by severe intoxication that occurs with nausea, headache, profuse sweating, an increase in temperature. In some cases, vomiting and diarrhea occur, a short-term loss of consciousness may occur, signs of erythrocyte hemolysis and hemoglobinuria are observed.

The lethal dose of bee venom for humans is 1.4 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Fatal outcome usually comes from paralysis respiratory center. There are cases when a person dies from a sting from only one bee. When stinging in the tongue, palate or pharynx, swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx develops, which can lead to asphyxia.


To provide first aid, the beekeeper's first aid kit should contain the following tools and preparations:

  • tweezers to remove the sting;
  • sterile bandage and cotton wool;
  • rubber band;
  • 10-12% solution ammonia;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula;
  • tablets of diphenhydramine, suprastin, pipolfen, diazolin, ephedrine, prednisolone;
  • analgesics (pyramidone, analgin);
  • heart drops (valocordin, cordiamine, Zelenin drops);
  • medical syringes (sterile) for 1, 2, 5, 10 or 20 g;
  • diphenhydramine, prednisolone and adrenaline (in ampoules);
  • an ointment consisting of a 10% solution of calendula (5 g), rectified alcohol (100 ml), petroleum jelly or lanolin (10-15 g);
  • solution of lime water (200 ml) apply moistened gauze pads.
  • Remove the sting with tweezers, lubricate the wound with a 10-12% solution of ammonia or alcohol tincture calendula.
  • After removing the sting, an ointment consisting of a 10% solution of calendula, rectified alcohol and a vaseline (lanolin) base can be applied to the wound.
  • If the localization of the sting allows, you can apply a rubber tourniquet for 30-40 minutes above the affected area, apply cold. This will significantly limit the spread of the inflammatory process.
  • With a general toxic reaction, it is recommended plentiful drink; from medicines - diphenhydramine, analgin, cardiac drugs (valocordin, Zelenin drops).

In case of a severe general toxic reaction, the patient must be immediately taken to a hospital, where he will be provided with complex symptomatic therapy.

In the event of an allergic reaction (anaphylactic shock to a single insect sting), diphenhydramine, prednisolone or ephedrine should be taken immediately. If after this the reaction intensifies, it is necessary to inject 1.0 ml of diphenhydramine and 1.0 ml of prednisolone intramuscularly and 0.3 ml of epinephrine subcutaneously. A patient with an allergic reaction should also be hospitalized.

  • When working with bees, it is recommended to wear clothes made of light fabric, while the neck, arms and legs should be covered as much as possible. You can not use perfume, cologne, hairspray: their aroma can irritate the bees.

Bee stings must be picked off with a fingernail, and not squeezed with your fingers, since in this case the poison in the tank passes into the wound.

The faster the sting is removed, the less poison will enter the body. Many beekeepers have noticed that with frequent stings, sensitivity to them decreases, the body seems to get used to the poison. It is also known that, thanks to bee stings, beekeepers, as a rule, do not suffer from rheumatism.

Some researchers make an erroneous conclusion about the development of the so-called "beekeeper's immunity", that is, the production of antibodies in human blood - special protective proteins that can neutralize the toxic components of the poison. In this regard, many beekeepers generally stopped paying attention to stings and extracting stings, believing that the more there are, the stronger the immunity.

It has been established that the term "beekeeper's immunity" is conditional. In this case, it is more appropriate to speak of adaptation, that is, adaptability. There is an opinion that allergic reactions to bee venom are more common in families of beekeepers, intoxication develops extremely rapidly. Of course, when working in the apiary, it is difficult to avoid stings. For those who have a hard time with bee stings, it is best to avoid beekeeping (although this does not guarantee protection against accidental stings). And for those who easily endure stings, reasonable caution when dealing with bees will not hurt.

The old way treatment of rheumatism with bee stings.

Russian healers from ancient times treated patients with bee stings. official medicine began to apply this method in severe forms of rheumatism. The treatment technique is extremely simple. Catch bees; take one bee by the wings, put it on a sore spot. Almost always, the bee bites immediately. A day later, the next bite is made 4-8 cm from the first. Every day - one bite more, and so they bring it up to 5. After that, they give the patient two days to rest and begin to reduce the number of bites, one every day. If the pain does not go away, the course of treatment is repeated after a week. Then - 2 weeks of rest and a third course if necessary, but this happens very rarely.

Hypertensive disease (stages 1 and 2) In this disease, the bees sit down in collar zone no more than 4 per procedure 2 times a week (daily procedures are not recommended). And with severe headaches - additionally in the occipital region (4 - 8 bees at once). Angina Bees sit on the shoulder of the left hand, in the area of ​​the heart (more often on the place of its projection on the back, at the same time 2 - 5 pcs.). With course treatment - 60 - 120 bees. In patients with general sclerosis complicated by hypertension and chronic heart failure, at the end of treatment, the general condition improves, blood pressure decreases to normal, headaches disappear or weaken, as well as pain in the heart area. During treatment cardiovascular disease an important role is played by the microclimate of the apiary, its air filled with aromas of balms and phytoncides. No less important is the complete distraction of the patient from everyday affairs. The use of poison is combined with the intake of honey and royal jelly. Atherosclerotic lesions of the vessels of the extremities With this disease, bees are planted along the vessels of the diseased limb and on the lumbosacral region. The number of stings is 8 - 12 per procedure. Thrombophlebitis With thrombophlebitis, stings are made over thrombosed veins, their number should not exceed 8-12 per procedure. Polyarthritis (infectious, non-specific, rheumatoid, metabolic) The course of treatment of polyarthritis includes from 40 to 200 stings. Bees sit down on the area of ​​diseased joints from up to 10 pieces at once, but not more than 4 stings per 1 joint. Each joint separately must be prepared for treatment, gradually increasing the number of bees and the time the sting stays in the skin. Good results are obtained in the treatment of patients with exchange polyarthritis of gouty origin. During the period of treatment, gouty joints soften, but their volume decreases markedly already 1-2 weeks after the end of the introduction of bee venom. Trophic ulcers With trophic ulcers and sluggishly granulating wounds, bees are placed 5 cm from the wound or ulcer, as well as along the main sensitive branch of the nerve in this area. The number of stings is not more than 5 - 8 per procedure. Bronchial asthma The bees sit down on the collar zone with the increasing addition of one bee. Depending on the local reaction their number is brought to 4 - 8 at once, on average, 50 - 120 bees are required for a course of treatment. In the case when patients have leukocytosis and high ESR indicators, indicating that non-specific inflammatory processes, it is recommended to take a 20% propolis tincture (20-30 drops 2-3 times a day after meals, in water or milk). The use of bee stinging during an attack brings relief, and sometimes quickly eliminates it. In the course of treatment, blood pressure in most cases normalizes, irritability is removed, shortness of breath decreases, asthma attacks become less frequent. Therapeutic effect in most patients it lasts for a long time. Enuresis (bedwetting) Patients aged 6 to 20 years are prescribed complex treatment. Bee sting in the lumbar points and along the meridians of the kidneys and Bladder. The course of treatment requires 30 - 40 bees. At the same time, enemas with a 30% solution of honey are used and pollen is given 1 teaspoon daily. The course of treatment is 1 month. The stinging area is the abdomen (2.5 cm below the navel and 2.5 cm from the midline of the abdomen).

Treatment of neuritis and neuralgia.

On the initiative of Academician M. B. Krol and under his direct supervision in 1938, X. I. Yerusalimchik used bee venom in clinical setting with diseases of the nerves (sciatic, femoral and others) ( X. I. Yerusalimchik. Treatment of sciatic neuritis and neuralgia with bee venom. "Neuropathology and Psychiatry", vol. VIII, no. 5, 1939). Most patients had rheumatism in the past. Almost all patients before the course of treatment with bee venom had already been treated with conventional medical and physiotherapeutic methods to no avail.

bee venom was injected subcutaneously at the most painful points. After 1-2 injections, a decrease in pain was noted. After 3-4 injections, a significant improvement, both subjective and objective, was observed. After 8 injections of bee venom there was a complete recovery.

However, given that Kh. I. Yerusalimchik did not observe and did not describe the long-term results of apitoxin therapy for neuritis and neuralgia, it cannot be argued that a stable and long-term recovery has come. There are examples when patients with neuritis, especially with inflammation trigeminal nerve, having undergone a course of treatment with bee stings, they considered themselves completely healthy, and after a while (2-3 months) relapses of the disease were observed, and repeated courses of apitoxin therapy did not give a therapeutic effect.

The effect of bee venom on blood cholesterol.

Cholesterol deposited on the inner side of the artery wall, according to Academician N. N. Anichkov, is one of the main causes of atherosclerosis - the “disease of old age”. In this regard, the observations of Kh. I. Yerusalimchik, who established that as a result of treatment with bee venom in some patients, the cholesterol content in the blood decreased, are very interesting. In cases where bee venom did not have a beneficial effect, hypercholesterolemia was observed, i.e. increase in cholesterol. These observations are very valuable, since they warn against the use of bee venom in all cases without examining the individual properties of the patient.

K. Dirr and G. Graeber in 1936 reported that in almost all patients with joint diseases under the influence of apitoxin therapy (forapin ointment), they noted an increase in the amount of cholesterol, and in patients with neuritis, treatment with bee venom had no effect on blood cholesterol levels. KA Forster pointed out that bee venom even increases the cholesterol content in the blood of patients. E. M. Alesker reported that in 100 patients rheumatoid arthritis and neuritis treated with apitoxin therapy, she failed to establish the effect of bee venom on changes in blood cholesterol levels.

Effect of bee venom on blood pressure.

Bee venom is known to lower blood pressure. Studies in dogs have shown that intravenous administration the venom of a single bee causes a slight drop in blood pressure; the introduction of poison from several dozen bees causes sharp drop blood pressure. The fall in blood pressure is due to expansion of the peripheral blood vessels under the influence of histamine contained in bee venom. The experiments of pharmacologists have shown that histamine in dilutions of 1: 250,000,000 (I.E. Mozgov ( I. E. Mozgov. Pharmacology. M., Selkhozgiz, 1959)) and even 1:500000000 (M. I. Gramenitsky ( M. I. Gramenitsky. Textbook of pharmacology for medical schools. Ed. 2. L., Medgiz, 1938)) has a vasodilating effect.

Doctor Fang Zhu used bee venom for treatment hypertension(stages 11 and 111 according to A. L. Myasnikov) in 12 patients and noted recovery in one patient, a significant improvement in four, improvement in three, no change in three, and stopped treatment in one patient. Many cases can be cited when patients with hypertension began to be treated with bee venom or went to work in apiaries, where they were subjected to bee stings. The condition of the patients soon improved markedly: headaches disappeared, efficiency increased, pressure decreased almost to normal.

It should be pointed out that, in addition to the action of bee venom itself, a calm environment has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients. countryside and the healing air of the apiary.

Treatment of thyrotoxicosis.

AT medical literature and in the literature devoted to the issues of beekeeping, there is no description of cases of treatment with bee venom of patients suffering from thyrotoxicosis (Graves' disease). Therefore, the following observations successful treatment Graves' disease with bee venom in practice traditional medicine are of undoubted interest.

Patient G. suffered from Graves' disease since 1932. Until 1948, she was treated with medication and physiotherapy to no avail. On the advice of the famous beekeeper I. M. Ermolaeva began to be treated with bee stings. After several stings, she felt a significant improvement: the tumor began to dissolve quickly and soon completely disappeared.

Patient Ch. was operated on for Graves' disease; four years after the operation, the disease recurred. Soon the patient noticed that in the summer, while working in the apiary, where she was repeatedly stung by bees, she felt much better than in winter: restful sleep, the excitability of the nervous system is significantly reduced, heartbeats disappear, etc.

Among beekeepers, thyrotoxicosis is very rare, and we are inclined to attribute this to the action of bee venom and beneficial influence external environment - work in the apiary.

Since I. M. Ermolaev first informed the author of the book about the beneficial therapeutic effect bee venom in thyrotoxicosis, we wanted to strengthen the priority of this treatment method behind it.

We consider it necessary to warn patients that it is life-threatening to apply bees to sting in the neck area.

Treatment of certain eye diseases.

In folk medicine, bee venom has long been used in the treatment of certain eye diseases. Here is one example: patient V. suffered from kerato-conjunctivitis (inflammation of the cornea and mucous membranes) for about two years. Once, after an accidental sting of a bee, the patient felt better. After treatment with bee stings, all the phenomena of kerato-conjunctivitis disappeared.

AT modern medicine in the treatment of eye diseases - iritis (inflammation of the iris) and iridocyclitis (inflammation of the ciliary body and iris), bee venom is widely and successfully used. Associate Professor O. I. Shershevskaya ( O. I. Shershevskaya. Treatment of rheumatic iritis with bee venom. "Bulletin of ophthalmodogy", 1949, No. 3) in the Novosibirsk Eye Clinic was treated with bee venom in the form of bee stings and observed good therapeutic results. In the case of severe iritis with a drop in vision up to 0.001, the use of bee venom had a striking effect: inflammatory phenomena subsided and after three or four days there was a complete recovery with the restoration of visual acuity.

However, it should always be remembered that the application of bees even to an eye closed by eyelids is a great danger. Often, in order to pull a piece of sting out of the eyeball, several operations are required. Even in those cases when only the eyelid is damaged by the sting of the bee, the sting rubs the cornea with its protruding end and causes superficial keratitis. In some cases, there are serious illnesses the whole eye.

In the clinic of eye diseases of Gorkovsky medical institute named after S. M. Kirov, bee venom in the form of Virapin ointment is successfully used to treat patients with keratitis, rheumatic iritis, rheumatic scleritis, episcleritis ( N. L. Malanova. Apitoxin and honey in the treatment of eye diseases. Collection of works of the clinic of eye diseases of the Gorky State. honey. in-ta im. S. M. Kirov. Gorky, 1960, pp. 176-182). On the first day, the ointment is rubbed into the skin of the left shoulder, on the second day - into the skin of the right shoulder, then into the skin of the left thigh, then into the skin of the right thigh. Treatment of skin diseases. Bee venom is widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of various skin diseases.

G. Kovalev reported that his son had suffered from tuberculosis of the skin of the face (lupus) for five years. One day in the apiary, a bee accidentally stung the boy on the affected cheek; soon the skin at the site of the bite became paler. They decided to treat the boy with bee stings. A few days after the start of treatment, the cheek began to acquire color healthy skin, and after 1 1/2 months the boy recovered ( G. Kovalev. A case of curing a skin disease by bee stings. "Experimental apiary", 1927, No. 2). Unfortunately, after G. Kovalev's note, published in 1927, we were unable to find out about future fate boy. Dermatologists should subject clinical trial bee venom with numerous skin diseases, especially those for which there are currently no effective therapeutic agents.

Indications and contraindications for the use of bee venom.

Some beekeepers and even medical workers believe that bee venom cures all diseases. On this basis, they use it for gynecological, childhood and even venereal diseases. However, in a number of diseases, the use of bee venom is contraindicated. Under Soviet law, persons who do not have a medical education are forbidden to engage in medical practice. Treatment with bee venom can only be carried out by a doctor.

Observations of traditional medicine, modern clinics and our personal data confirm that bee venom has certain healing properties. Good healing effect it is obtained mainly in rheumatic diseases of the joints and muscles, in chorea, inflammation of the sciatic, facial and other nerves, in hypertension of stages I and II, migraine, Graves' disease, and also in some other diseases ( "Temporary instructions for the use of apitherapy (treatment with bee venom) by stinging with a live bee for certain diseases", approved by the Bureau of the Presidium of the Academic Medical Council of the USSR Ministry of Health on May 10, 1957 (Minutes No. 17)). However, caution should be exercised when using bee venom, especially for children and the elderly, who are very sensitive to it.

With certain diseases - tuberculosis, heart defects, diabetes, vascular sclerosis, venereal diseases- bee venom is contraindicated.

If the patient after the first bee sting appears general malaise, heat, headache, feverish state, severe weakness, urticaria-type rash, tinnitus, intestinal upset, etc., treatment should be stopped immediately.

The bee is a flying insect belonging to the superfamily of stinging hymenoptera. Its closest relatives are wasps and ants.
The coloring of the bee consists of a black background with yellow spots. The size of the bee can range from 3 mm to 45 mm.
In the structure of the body of an insect, three main parts can be distinguished:
1. The head, which is crowned with paired antennae, as well as simple and compound eyes, which have a facet structure. Bees have the ability to distinguish all colors except for red shades, smells and patterns. of varying complexity. Bees collect nectar with a long proboscis. In addition to it, the oral apparatus has cutting mandibles.
2. Chest with two paired wings of different sizes and three pairs of legs. Between themselves, the wings of the bee are connected with the help of small hooks. The legs, covered with hairs, serve several functions: cleaning the antennae, removing wax plates, and so on.
3. The abdomen of the bee, in which the digestive and reproductive system, stinging apparatus and wax glands. The lower part of the abdomen is covered with long hairs serving to hold pollen.
Bees have a distinction depending on their behavior. These insects can live alone and form communities called swarms. In loners, only female bees are observed, performing all the work, from reproduction, building a nest to preparing provisions for offspring.
Insects living in a swarm are divided into semi-social and social. Labor in this society is clearly divided, everyone does their job. In the first type of organization, there is no distinction between worker bees and a queen bee. The second type of organization is the highest, the uterus here serves only to produce offspring.
Adults and larvae of bees feed on pollen and flower nectar. Due to the structure of the oral apparatus, the collected nectar through the proboscis enters the goiter, where it is processed into honey. Mixing it with flower pollen, receive nutritious food for larvae. In search of food, they can fly up to 10 km. By collecting pollen, bees pollinate plants.
In medicine, all the waste products of bees are widely used: poison, propolis, wax, honey and pollen. Single bites do not bring big problems except pain, itching and redness. If a person has an individual intolerance to bee venom, you need to urgently consult a doctor, if the bees swarm in a swarm and bite hard, the person may die.
The main component of bee venom is melittin, which has antiarrhythmic action and normalizes heart rate.
Medicinal properties
To the main healing properties bee venom include the following:
- bee venom affects functions of cardio-vascular system. In particular, there is a short-term decrease in blood pressure.
- preparations of bee venom are able to expand the vessels of the brain.
- bee venom has a stimulating effect on the activity of the pituitary-adrenal system.
- melittin significantly reduces blood clotting; thus, preparations based on bee venom can be used to treat diseases associated with the risk of blood clots.
- a substance with high anti-inflammatory activity was isolated from bee venom.
- the poison has a proven radioprotective effect, that is, it protects a person from the negative effects of penetrating radiation.

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