Natrium muriaticum (Natrium muriaticum) - sodium chloride

There are no names in homeopathic practice.

Most often they are confusing and sometimes frightening, like natrium muriaticum. Although this “terrible” Latin hides ordinary table salt.

Do not be surprised, but Hahnemann recognized table salt as worthy enough to be called a medicine.

The founder of homeopathy researched it, introduced it into his first edition of Chronic Diseases.

Since then, natrium muriaticum has been used in homeopathy.

How does natrium muriaticum affect the body?

It has been established that the use of fairly large doses of table salt quickly leads to severe headaches, a feeling of sand in the eyes and nausea. Many patients report "crackling in the ears" while eating, breathing problems, even mouth ulcers.

Complementing such a frightening symptomatic picture of back pain, constant heaviness in the legs. It is not uncommon when excessive use of the usual product leads to skin rashes, the appearance of herpes, abscesses and even warts.

Who is natrium muriaticum intended for?

The constitutional type natrium muriaticum has been established - this is a constantly freezing thin person. Most often they are fair-faced women, with a thin neck and weak muscles. They constantly complain of fatigue after physical or mental labor. Their skin looks oily and even dirty, covered with blackheads.

Their appetite is good, they constantly want “salty” and water. A distinctive feature of this type, which shows the drug natrium muriaticum - plump upper lip, with a groove in the middle.

Indications for the appointment of sodium chloratum (muriaticum) are as follows:

  1. Treatment of anemia, which is recognized as the main scope of the drug, which is prescribed regardless of the nature of the disease.
  2. Chronic headaches are also common indications for homeopathic doses of common salt. The drug helps both with migraines and with headaches that occur in the postmenstrual period.

Natrum muriaticum in homeopathy helps well with:

  • chronic liver disorder;
  • problems with digestion, called in everyday life "biliousness";
  • diabetes, some stool problems;
  • chronic diarrhea in children and even childhood cholera.

It has been established that the main symptom for the appointment of this drug is a sharp loss in weight, constant thirst.

An experienced physician will prescribe natrium chloratum (muriaticum) for uterine pain, fever, general weakness caused by a difficult mental state. Even with lichen, some types of eczema, homeopathic doses of table salt help.

Sea salt. The first three dilutions are prepared in rubbing. The pathogenesis is found in Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases. Type of The subject is natrum depressed and tearful melancholic. Consolation, instead of relief, as in Pulsatilla, makes his condition more severe. Constipation also aggravates his hypochondria. Physically: with a pale face, colorless and mucous membranes, greasy, oily skin, covered with small blackheads. The upper lip is often swollen, with a furrow in the middle of the mucous membrane. Despite a good appetite, he is losing weight, especially in the neck. The muscles are weak, he always feels tired, he is afraid of any, even mental, work that tires him. There is asthenopia and sudden weakness of vision when reading, due to weakness of the ciliary muscles. Painful swelling along nerves. Due to the weakness of the abdominal muscles, women feel better when wearing a bandage. Uterus prolapsed from weakness of ligaments and muscles, urine difficult to keep in bladder from weakness of the sphincter, watery stools uncontrollable, from the same condition of the anus, pain in the back that seems to need support. Desire to lie on back on something hard that brings relief. Characteristic 1. Weakness and anemia, and despite great appetite, emaciation, especially in the neck. 2. Heaviness and pressure on the bottom in the morning, on waking the patient feels she must sit to prevent the prolapse. At the same time, there is painful twitching in the lumbosacral region, which is better when lying on the back. 3. Deep, painful crack in the middle of the upper lip (can also be observed in the middle of the lower). 4. Lichen eruptions on dry, cracked, ulcerated lips, as well as in the corners of the mouth. 5. Eruptions with scabs in the folds of the limbs, along the edge of the scalp, behind the ears. 6. Dryness of the mucous membranes or, conversely, moisture with copious discharge. The characteristic discharge is watery or like egg white, but generally acrid and corrosive. 7. Great thirst. 8. Great aversion to bread and fatty foods. 9. Profuse sweat on face while eating. 10. Pain along the spine, better - leaning on something hard and stretching out on the back. 11. Some diseases - intensify and weaken along with the movement of the sun. 12. Sensation of coldness in the region of the heart, during mental work or overwork. Pain. Mainly in joints and muscles; jerking, shooting, as from a bruise, aggravated by motion. Chair. Diarrhoea, with rumbling and pain in the umbilical region, relieved by uncontrollable, watery, copious and painless stools. Often very early in the morning, on the first movement after sleep. Constipation. Insufficient secretion in the colon and abnormal dryness in the rectum. There is a feeling of constriction in the anus and the stool is hard, dry, like sheep's feces. Frequent urge ineffective or with little discharge. The stool is difficult, often painful, with a feeling as if the anus were torn, and sometimes with blood. In chronic constipation, hemorrhoids often occur. Menses. May be premature, profuse and watery, but usually late and scanty. Before, during and after them, the characteristic headache is natrum muriaticum, sadness and oppression. These late and scanty menses are usually one of the symptoms of anemia, and in such cases, when other symptoms are present, natrum muriaticum will be the most effective remedy. There may be copious leucorrhoea, consisting of thick, white, clear mucus, or abnormal dryness of the vagina, with burning and pain during intercourse. Summary A powerful remedy, which is not always given a real price, apparently because it can be found in every kitchen, but it should be noted that it works only in high dilutions. It is "tonic" above all, and we have seen that it corresponds to the tired, emaciated, and anemic. Emaciation, despite the large amount of food absorbed, brings it closer to iodium, but the special thinness of the neck serves as a difference for them. Many diseases for which it is useful, and especially headache, increase and decrease with the movement of the sun.

indications for use

Main indications scrofula and tuberculosis. Enlargement of the glands, chronic inflammation of the eyelids, coughing fits with vomiting, hemoptysis, mild diarrhoea, emaciation and loss of strength indicate natrum muriaticum in the treatment of scrofula and tuberculosis. CHLOROSIS. Very chronic cases with stomach troubles, loss of appetite, aversion to bread and meat, nausea, vomiting of food, obstinate constipation or diarrhea, usually with scanty and late menses. MIGRAINE. The attack begins in the morning, in bed, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain is better on standing up, returns again from rapid motion. HEART BEALING, caused by any excitement; the patient often describes them as "the fluttering of a bird's wing." They are worse when lying down, on the left side. The palpitations are so strong that the whole body sometimes trembles from them (spigelia). Intermittent palpitations when lying down. DISEASES OF THE EYES, after abuse of lapis. STRONG PARTS OF SNEEZING early in the morning, as soon as the patient moves or opens (sabadilla, rumex crispus). COUGH. Dry, excited by tickling in the throat or in the pit of the stomach, causing pain in the forehead with every attack, and there may also be an abnormal excretion of urine (causticum). The tickling cough is worse in the evening, when lying down, and is better when sitting, as in Pulsatilla. The cough is sometimes spasmodic, with vomiting and profuse lachrymation. HEADACHE. Especially the forehead and temples; may be on both sides. In general, it is of a congestive nature, with a feeling of fullness in the head and as if "the brain is pressing on the eyes." Strikes like small hammers, better at rest and lying down. Pain in head begins chiefly in the morning, often on waking, tending to improve in the evening. Pain in the forehead and temples is often intermittent and may be accompanied by loss of vision, nausea and vomiting: they tend to appear during the menstrual period - before, during and immediately after menstruation. Another natrum muriaticum headache is occipital and may extend to the back of the neck and shoulders. Headaches that accompany tension or spasm of the ciliary muscles, especially with hyperopic astigmatism. FEVER. “Natrum muriaticum should be thought of when its characteristic chill begins between 10 and 11 o'clock in the morning. Chills begin in the lower back or legs. It is accompanied by thirst and pains all over the body; sometimes complicated by urticaria. The fever is usually severe; thirst increases with heat. The pulsation in the head grows stronger; sometimes this rush to the brain is so strong that the patient becomes delirious. Slowly, profuse sweat develops, relieving headache and other symptoms” (Farrington).

action on the body

Physiological action In a toxic dose, natrum muriaticum causes severe inflammation of the stomach and intestines: vomiting, diarrhea, severe pain and death. Animals experienced convulsions, profuse sweat that fell in drops, loss of sensation and mobility, petechial hemorrhages, cardiac paralysis and death. Virchow, in his pathology, speaks of a tester who gave natrum muriaticum to dogs and caused them to cloud their lenses. Kunde observed the formation of cataracts under the same circumstances. Table salt in large quantities produces a profound change in human metabolism and causes not only symptoms of retention of chloride salts, dropsy and edema, but also changes in the blood, resulting in anemia and leukocytosis. There is probably still a delay in the tissues of substances that give the symptoms described as gout or gouty rheumatism. Pathogenesis is full of various pain symptoms in muscles and joints. Another symptom of the influence of natrum muriaticum on nutrition is progressive emaciation, despite a good appetite, emaciation is especially noticeable in the neck. Natrum muriaticum has a marked effect on the secretion of mucous membranes: either the secretion is too watery, or the mucous membranes are dry due to lack of secretion. There is an incorrect distribution of fluids in other tissues; there is an excess and a shortage of water, and it is difficult to say which is more characteristic; there may be an excess of water in the secretions of one mucous membrane and a deficiency in other tissues. The nutrition of the skin is disturbed. The secretion of the sebaceous glands becomes oily, oily, or, conversely, the secretion is insufficient. Rashes appear, often dry, mainly on the border of the scalp and in the folds of the joints. Salt can cause albuminuria, as a result of the physical action of excessive concentration, which forms a hypertonic solution, harmful to the epithelium of the convoluted tubules. Changes in the urine are probably a secondary phenomenon, due to changes in the molecular structure of the tissues, and not the result of an action on the kidneys themselves. The excretion of urine is sometimes very copious, sometimes rare with a sediment in the form of crushed bricks. Peculiarities Worse: from any physical or mental work, after menstruation, from warmth, at the seaside, at rest, about 10 o'clock. morning. Better lying down, especially on back or right side; from profuse sweat when empty stomach. Notice that there is also an improvement on the seashore. Periodicity. Some symptoms increase and decrease with the movement of the sun.

One of the common homeopathic medicines is Natrium muriaticum (Natrium muriaticum), also called Natrium Chloratum. The drug is made on the basis of sodium chloride, or table salt.
Indications for the use of natrium mureaticum, modern instructions for its use in classical homeopathy is the topic of this article.

Natrium mureaticum (natrium chloratum) in homeopathy. Main indications for use or key symptoms of natrium chloratum

In the homeopathic materia medica there are about eight hundred key symptoms of the remedy.
Consider the main ones, those that make up the essence of the drug, essence (essence - the essence).
“Everything is medicine, and everything is poison - it’s all about the dose” - the phrase is attributed either to Paracelsus or to Hippocrates, this is not too important. It is important that you are not confused by the substrate for this remedy. Table salt, which you use daily, and the potentized preparation natrium mureaticum are two very big differences. The drug is very effective in a number of conditions and is very often used with success.
And if you have symptoms of natrum mureaticum, there is nothing to replace it with.

Closed Fear of seeming ridiculous, of being rejected, hides their emotions behind logic. Consequences of psycho-emotional trauma. Desire for salt, unwillingness for fat. Herpes, crack on the lower lip.

These are patients whose motto is: "do not offend and not be offended." They are very emotionally vulnerable, so they close. In grief - crying into the pillow.
Consequences of the transferred psycho-emotional trauma.
Willingly support with advice, but cannot openly show emotions.
If they feel safe, they can be very talkative and emotional.
They are worse from consolation. They can't stop crying if they're pitied.
They are afraid to seem ridiculous and funny.
If someone attracts them, they pretend not to pay attention.
Reliable, responsible.
He does not like company, is especially shy when urinating, willingly is alone.

Nosologies in which Natrium mureaticum (Natrium chloratum) is most often used

Inflammation of the ENT organs and organs of the broncho-pulmonary system.
Hay allergy and bronchial asthma.
Hypertension and ischemic heart disease.
Neurotic conditions and diseases due to psycho-emotional trauma.
Inflammation of synovial bags and joints.
Kidney disease and edematous syndrome.

Natrum mureaticum can be successfully used in other diseases. The main thing is the presence of at least a few key symptoms.

Natrum mureaticum (natrium chloratum). Instructions for use

Natrum mureaticum can be used in different potencies, from C-3 to C-100,000. There are also LM potencies.
What potency to treat and how often to use the drug - the homeopath decides, depending on the initial state of the patient and his response to treatment.
As a general rule, low potencies can be used more frequently, up to several times a day.
High potencies - less often, up to once every few months.

The main task of the homeopath is to maintain the activity of the body's defenses (homeopaths call this the life force) at a level sufficient to successfully fight the disease. Therefore, the frequency of taking the drug and the potency in which it is used, the homeopath determines individually for each patient.

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from sunrise to sunset. Migraines accompanying the menstrual period, accompanied by temporary blindness, nausea, vomiting. Feeling enlarged

heads in size. Anemia-related headache in schoolchildren, nervous, self-confident, broken. Chronic headache, with flushing,

from sunrise to sunset, with pale complexion, nausea, vomiting, intermittent; visual impairment, menstruation, etc. Before the attack - numbness and

tingling in lips, tongue and nose, relieved by sleep. Inflammation of the frontal sinuses.

Thin, dull hair. Hair loss.

Vertigo with roaring in ears. Mountain sickness.

Greasy, elk, as if greased. Earthy complexion. Simple herpes. Facial neuralgia, increased pain from 11 am to 2 pm, at noon, during menstruation.

Sensation as if bruised, with headache in schoolchildren. Heaviness in the eyelids. Eyelids swollen. Weakness and feeling of rigidity (numbness)

stiffness of the muscles of the eye. When reading, the letters merge. Sparks in the eyes. The eyes are very tired when reading or writing. Narrowing of the tear ducts

with suppuration. Mucopurulent discharge with pressure on the area of ​​the lacrimal sac. Burning and irritating lachrymation. Eyes look wet with tears.

Tears stream down face when coughing. Weakening of vision caused by weakness of the internal rectus muscles of the eye. Pain in the eyes when looking down.

Incipient cataract. Good for myopia. "Veil" before the eyes. Ulceration of the cornea. Blepharospasm.

Pain in left ear. Noise in the ears roaring and ringing.

Foamy coating on the tongue with blisters around the edges. geographical language. Sensation of a hair on the tongue. Burning tongue. Cracks deep lips, cracks in the mouth.

Fissure in the middle of the lower lip. Zaedy. Gum disease in scurvy. Numbness, tingling in the tongue, lips, nose. Large blister on lower lip

burning. Blisters on the tongue, burning, sensation of a hair on the tongue. Eruptions and vesicles on the lips, resembling small pearls. Dry lips and corners of the mouth

with ulcers and cracks. Loss of taste. Strong thirst.

Dental caries. Demineralization of teeth.

Neuralgia. Senile dementia.

Asthma in children. Tuberculosis of the lungs. Seasonal diseases (influenza, SARS) with pouring sweat, redness. Whooping-cough, with lachrymation on coughing. Dryness of the larynx.

Tickling in the throat. Shortness of breath, especially when going up stairs.

Dryness of the nasal mucosa. Hypersecretion with profuse coryza. Sudden violent coryza on rising early in the morning, with attacks of sneezing, after

leaving nasal congestion. Tickling in the nose. adenoid growths. Runny nose for several days, then nasal congestion for several weeks before

loss of smell. Frequent sneezing. A reliable remedy for colds that start with sneezing (use in the 30th dilution). Nasal discharge like egg

protein (also stretches, transparent). With exacerbation of herpes or cracks on the lips. Chronic headache with adenoids. Loss of smell. Dry to

soreness in the nose. Soreness inside the nose.

Cough from a tickling sensation in the pit of the stomach, accompanied by tingling in the liver and involuntary urination.

Cough, accompanied by bursting pain in the head, "as if the head is about to burst."

Tachycardia. Rhythm disturbance. Feeling cold in the heart. Sensation of constriction of the heart and chest. Violation of the heart rhythm. Arrhythmia, increasing

when moving and in a position on the left side. Palpitation with any movement. Heart flutter, palpitations. Sensation of a bird beating in the chest.

The pulsation of the heart causes a concussion of the whole body. Anemia up to a year. Feeling cold in the heart. Feeling cold in the heart. Hypertension. blockade hypertension

more Na salts than K. The body is very thrifty with Na and wasteful with K). Avicenna was the first to point out the connection between a large amount of salt and a hard pulse.

Water-salt hypertensive crises.

At a young age perfectly treats thyrotoxicosis.

Always hungry and losing weight. Heartburn with palpitations. Unquenchable thirst. Sweats while eating. Omission of the stomach. Gastritis, gastroduodenitis with

burning sensation, numbness of the tongue, "hair" on the tongue. Pulsation in the epigastric region.

He really wants salt. Eating disorder. Uneven appetite, often increased. Loss of appetite, or vice versa, increased. The patient eats when he is full.

They eat anything: herring with jam, soup with cake, etc.
. addictions. Salty food. Sweet. Fish.

. disgust. Aversion to bread and everything slippery, like oysters, fatty foods. They do not tolerate fish in any form.

Cutting pain in the abdomen. Bloating. Pain in inguinal rings when coughing. Dyspepsia. Cutting pains in the abdominal wall, colic.

Burning pain and tingling after stool. Anus compressed, wounded, bleeding. Prolapse of the rectum. Anus fissures. Haemorrhoids. Diarrhea with rumbling and pain in

stomach or constipation ("sheep" feces). Constipation, aggravated during menstruation, which greatly dehydrates the body. Constipation: dry, crumbling stools.

Pain immediately after urination. The amount of urine is increased. Involuntary discharge of it when coughing, walking, etc.

For a long time forced to wait for the beginning of urination, if strangers are present.

Female sterility: dilutions 9 and 5 3-4 days before the onset of menstruation. Pulling downward pain; worse in the morning. Hypersecretion with

profuse irritating leucorrhoea. The discharge resembles egg white. Leucorrhoea acrid, watery. Prolapse of uterus, with cutting pain in urethra. Prolapse of the uterus.

Dryness of the vagina. Endometritis with watery or egg-white discharge, very acrid and with pain in the sacral region. Colpitis.


Menstruation irregular, usually profuse. Heat during menstruation. Lose weight after menstruation. Menses profuse or scanty with delays.

. Arms. Palms hot and sweaty. Burrs. Dryness and cracking of the tissues around the nail bed. Numbness and tingling in the fingers.
. Legs. Numbness and tingling in the lower limbs. Sensation of coldness in the legs, with congestion of blood to the head, chest and stomach.

. Worse. In the morning. On the sea. Overheating. Heat. Cold. Physical and mental work. Starvation. On the left side. Noise, music. In a warm room.

Around 10 am. At consolation. When talking.
. Better. Outdoors. From swimming in cold water. When he misses regular meals. In the supine position on the right side.

From pressure along the back. From tight clothes. Lying on your back. Profuse sweat, after sweating.

The retention of secretions and decay products also manifests itself on the emotional plane: the impressions of a person of this constitutional type are very deep and stored for a long time. On the one hand, this feature makes Sodium muriaticum a sensitive person, on the other hand, negative emotions and sad experiences accumulate. Sodium mur does not express his anger, he suppresses it, never forgets the mental trauma inflicted on him and does not forgive injustice. Others have long forgotten the unpleasant events of their lives, Sodium muriaticum cultivates traumatic memories again and again.

He has chronic sadness. For him, time is not a healer. As others accumulate their gold, so sodium muriaticum accumulates its sad experiences.

Sodium muriaticum- this is the second drug after Ignatia, affecting the state after suffering grief, loss, parting. True, like Ignatia, he will only soften the process of adaptation itself, but will not be able to solve everything in an instant. All life processes must go on as usual.

Touchiness of Natrium mura should be sought in deep childhood. He more often than other constitutional types does not establish proper emotional contact with one of the parents. Resentments grow like a snowball. Parents are not able to correctly assess the emotional needs of the maturing Natria muriaticum, and the scars on the heart remain for life.

For other representatives of this constitutional type, emotional problems begin when the mother begins to work, there is less attention, more resentment ...

Sodium mur hates being touched, offered help, or comforted. He acts in such a way that everyone will leave him alone. And when this happens, he is offended that they do not like him, do not pay attention to him. And again insults ...

This is a complex, ambiguous character. Rejecting attention, Sodium mur suffers greatly from this. A gloomy, wayward creature with sharp outbursts of anger, unwilling to look into the eyes, answer questions, few will like it. The bad character of Natria Mura can be born already when another child is set as an example to him in childhood, when he is encouraged to compete, which he cannot stand.

Sodium muriaticum- an over-conscientious, vulnerable, anxious, executive child who avoids causing trouble to others.

If Natrium Muriaticum never had problems in his family as a child, then resentment and injustice will hurt him in his school years and “get stuck” in him for a long time.

He is not able to overcome the numerous difficulties of life, he "gets stuck" in them. His peculiarity - "dislike of consolation" - exacerbates the whole matter. Sodium mur cannot or does not want to let go of the burden of past grievances.

All constitutional types sooner or later go through life's problems, only Natrium muriaticum will be full of tragedy.

Falling into depression, Natriy muriaticum evaluates the surrounding reality through the prism of his experiences.

In the spring, physical symptoms worsen, the sun and heat worsen one’s well-being, it is difficult to start work in the morning, fears come in the evening, cold or salty water causes an itchy rash, smells of flowers cause allergic conditions, he experiences from height, claustrophobia occurs in an isolated space, on sea ​​coast - allergies, asthma, constipation, skin rashes (herpes), hair loss. He loves pets more than other constitutional types, but ... Sodium mura is allergic to them.

He is a connoisseur of art, but poetry, literature, cinema can evoke sad memories.

Joy, fun - a big rarity for sodium mura. For this reason, he avoids companies, he wants to remain unnoticed.

Incessant thoughts about duty and obligations do not allow Natrium Muriaticum to relax and experience a sense of peace, happiness, and joy. From a long chain of events, he will remember only the sad. Of the many statements, attention will focus on a critical remark. Sodium muriaticum always expects the worst. He is afraid of his emotions, afraid that fate will take away independence, prosperity, good luck.

Sodium muriaticum smiles, but through tears. No constitutional type has such amazing, transforming, radiant smiles!

This is a very vulnerable and very romantic creature, extremely vulnerable in love. This is a moth flying to the flame of a candle… It takes a very long time to treat a burnt soul before Natrium muriaticum learns to break off painful relationships and free itself from the burden of past memories.

This constitutional type has a peculiar sense of reality.

This is a kind of individual who has thrown off the collective and is looking for his “I”, his spiritual path of development, his true destiny. Between a rejected past and a hazy future lies an inevitable period of loneliness. This is Sodium muriaticum, a commonly prescribed drug these days: we live in an era of great change, rethinking and searching.

Sodium muriaticum he does not tolerate consolations and sympathy, he understands perfectly well that no one can help him, he must overcome all obstacles himself.

It is difficult to treat it: habits have long been rooted, and the view of the world around is too bleak. Sodium mur clings to his despondency and pessimism. He wants communication, contacts with people, but they quickly exhaust him. Vulnerable, sensitive personalities erect impregnable walls around themselves. In their opinion, it is better to stay away from others so that they cannot bring new suffering.

Sodium mur most often does not see or does not remember dreams, in the mornings feeling unpleasant fatigue and depression. And there are sleepwalking or talking in a dream. All suffering is aggravated at night.

Sodium muriaticum can spend hours in a secluded place, often he has a desire to run away to a forest lodge or to the seashore, away from people. Even if this happens, he still returns to the people, because he cannot do without society at all. The fear of loneliness weighs on him.

In youth, sodium muriaticum suffers in isolation because of the condemnation of others, because of the unwillingness to go along with the crowd. He has higher moral principles, stricter rules of conduct, so among his peers he is known as a black sheep. Sodium Moore is interesting and attractive, he clings to his constitutional oddities in every possible way, not wanting to lose his individuality.

Sodium muriaticum adheres to a habitual way of life as a source of security in an unstable world.

The paradox lies in the fact that sodium mura neurosis is nothing more than a defensive reaction to hostile environmental conditions, if the protective wall is destroyed, then a vulnerable soul will be exposed. Will Sodium Muriaticum be able to survive then?

He keeps his exclusivity and at the same time is afraid of not being recognized by society. Many representatives of this constitutional type will confirm that life is a continuous struggle, a battle for a place under the sun. At the same time, Natriy muriaticum feels that these difficulties are his destiny, they must be overcome with honor.

Everyone goes through trials and disappointments. Sodium muriaticum differs in stubborn unrealistic dreams, he probably gets more satisfaction from the desire itself than from its actual implementation. He tends to idealize relations between people, he dreams of a "golden age", hopes for a change in people's consciousness.

Sodium muriaticum is focused on the future, because in the past there are only experiences. This is a serious person who does not perceive humor well, but he easily responds to laughter. Natria mura's smile is adorable! Laughter unblocks his senses, connects the inner self with the outside world.

This constitutional type is silent and reserved. He may seem cheerful, open, trusting, but this is deceptive. You never know for sure what's going on inside.

He does not put himself on public display, so you will not expect any special complaints or manifestations of feelings from him. Sodium muriaticum so enslaved that it is impossible to see his tears. At times, he does not know how to express his sympathy and compassion. Happy emotions or sadness make him speechless. Behind the facade of a strong person lies a vulnerable, vulnerable person. This is due to the instinct of self-defense and the fear of being a burden to others.

When something hurts in the soul, a representative of any other constitutional type will cry or speak out, and the soul will feel better. With sodium muriaticum, the opposite is true. These events only make it worse for him, so this psychological type is not worth it to persistently “get into the soul”. At Sodium mura emotional “inflexibility”, he focuses on one thing, one-sided approaches to the problem that has arisen. Troubles and disappointments cause a hurricane of anger, hatred, a desire to break all ties immediately. It takes many months of treatment before Natrium Moore begins to understand that not everything is so bad, that there are, of course, intellectual and emotional differences between him and the rest of the world, but in general, the relationship deserves to be preserved. This constitutional type, with its multiple emotional traumas, was sent down to the homeopathic doctor to test his professional strength. As a result, Natrium muriaticum becomes the best patient, he will strictly follow the prescriptions, endure pain rather than turn to a pill.

Despite their depression, Sodium muriaticum- a very attractive personality. He has a mature character, strong convictions and generosity. He will defend his positions, but at the same time try not to cause problems to others.

Sometimes he wants others to perceive him for who he is, without considering the fact that we all live in society. Sometimes he is ruthlessly uncompromising, will fight to the last breath, even if he does not win anything. In life, he would have received much more if he had allowed more compromises and flexibility in relations with others.

Sodium muriaticum suffers from his oversensitive pride, he finds it humiliating to ask for forgiveness for his mistakes.

This constitutional type can argue to the point of hoarseness, but, unlike other psychotypes, it is deeply depleted from this. Sodium Moore at all costs must prove that he has always been, is and will be right in relation to a particular issue.

If you perceive him as he is, over time he will like him more and more. This is the family member who will sacrifice his own interests for the sake of others and may turn out to be an unrecognized sufferer.

This is not a bouncer, he would rather underestimate his achievements than exaggerate.

“Inflexible” in every way, Sodium muriaticum experiences everything in its own skin, not looking for easy ways in life.

He has his own style, his own thoughts, his own demeanor, his own life values, different from those that prevail in the world around him.

He goes through life in his own way, different from others. Sodium muriaticum is instinctively drawn to what is the opposite of official doctrine, even if it is not prestigious and there is no great financial benefit from it. He will not be very pleased with material wealth, he has other values ​​\u200b\u200bin life. Sodium Mur's clothes are comfortable for himself and far from the latest fashion, the shades are mostly muted, gray-blue. He considers it at least unreasonable to spend energy and money on the appearance or decoration of his home if there are more global problems in the world.

A person of this type has a pronounced sense of beauty. His soul sincerely responds to everything noble and sublime.

In unfamiliar surroundings, he is shy and clumsy. It seems to Natrium Mur that everyone around him is looking at him and condemning him. He does not have spontaneity in communication, so he seems insincere.

Sodium muriaticum does not know how to dissemble, he would make a bad diplomat. Even if he tries to hide something, his feelings will be written on his face.

Failing to pretend delivers Sodium mura Many problems.

This constitutional type is rarely completely relaxed and satisfied, even when things are going well and steadily. Full of superstition, he fears the twists of fate.

This is a reliable person in all respects, a purposeful person, completely immersed in his activities. From an early age, Natrium Muriaticum is not able to agree with the unjust structure of the world, he is a reformer by nature: first he tries to remake his parents, their tastes, values, attitudes, then he moves on to teachers, friends, acquaintances.

Sodium mur like table salt, from which it is made, it is the "salt of the earth." The life of others is greatly improved by the help of this person. This is Don Quixote with his idealism. And this is the overwhelming majority of the soul of a Russian.

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